j .' . ' 1 " "" - - "- .t?",,"v ".. J-y- - , . lift, , , - 1 Stc'---'- r f c ; V 1 V, W J- K i tm , ii 1: r f-1 ! i Hid i If! r. " "I it 1- I ' 1 ' " ' ' " ' ' ' . - . .... . . i i .,..!.. . - , . i ,, , , ii ' -i . . . 1 I - ! : i I -- -. : : r- ! : : 1- 1 . tzjrr.r wrrr. ;..iTABI.ISEI STEW SERIES, ROBERT M. 1 OODGLAS, A I' LAW, OJtTIl CAROLINA. f -I ' r;', P-u-tii'e in tbc .State ar. J Federal Courts U A tyhVc,-nntio liuUIbrJ. Randolph and ! Vj,":rl.tr Porter Jfc. DaltonV drug store. ,-1 AMES WFoRBIS, It X Ii Y A "4" A AV, l: j .r .JUKKN'StORO. N C. J-lpcrA.nal "-'"i I'roiapt aUtr.iion given to all IT j J jK. (jREGORY, M D., r IA ncl Nl'UKEO.ir, ,f . ite i-Vabt'W ilou?e. Orec'rboro. U. C V.I.BEALL,M.D., itiijsician and Mirgcon. , i r!iisMiT9 cf porter Jk Tato Reridenr "" ' , n AjhtboMiftreet. - 4 8-ly Dr. W. HJ Wakefield, iriAN, RUGEOX AXD OCCULIST. . ! ' . Jrr.i:boro, N. C. '.r. fnit.n l eity and country call?. Office oyer : f rtor .V-1 ato' drug store. Kcsiden3o on Artie Dr. J. W. SI i. iigeon Dentist, . ;.utU Klui Street, opposite Eotlow House EtlmrUttS Terlh wttbout Pin i - 1o-2l-"m ', A ypecmlty. U. W. TATE, ; l-it tt'THiXO PHTSICIAff, hKKtk-fcOKO. NORTH CAROLINA. f j i':Ti. r? his Professional Services to tWcHii-: - Greensboro and eurronnd'mg country. s . - ' - I . : i s tt-i$x at Porter Jt Dal ton's drug store. When MrT Mt !' f ri- ran be found at his residence on Asheboro 1 Unit l l-usite Col- T. B. Keogh junll-tf . ' Tin: Gove House, i' "V WALNUT COVE. X. C. n for the receptirn of guests, with first L la .ir.n-.Hiatiun. irorvants polite anu at pifiii5 large and well ventilated. ly J. W. LEW4S, Proprietor. ma: T T - " T T r iVIARTIN riOUBE, DOBSON, N 0 T.-J.-itir. fi.i r? ..jl. r. fi.r the reception of guests with first -Class 1 ..iaimi.lations. Servants polite and attentive. V.tm-xsii Innre and well furnished. ...ijimi.Miatmns. ncrrana poi HENRY SNOW. Prop'r. TfiK Central Hotel, r MT. A1HV, N. c, 1 L i- iK.Wiho leiiding hotel in town. Fare first- III S lt-ri.retnoilelIel and newly furnished and ria; I lite si:rvj.nL at a moment s call, Also has a br-t-rj.if.- Mimi.ie room tor drummers. - tl J. V. ITCUELL. Prop'r. ; , i). II. IIAT.3L,, Ijl iiij- and Ornamental Plasterers, ;,' GREEXSEORO. N. C ' ! t w'uTi tu.ry ytars experience warrapt their work i i. i:ie'-:itikietKh. Can furnish designs tor centre lin . i s ai;'l.iiiouMin?s at . rnccs taat win ueiy cora litl !;!';!., tJive them a trial. maviU-ly J. I.. OAKLEY, .rtiIUTKUT mid BUILDER, ir ti.Iro, X. C. Li- j.iirt.l t. furn'.-h drawing and pecUica ti'.i.t !'-r dwuliiiie houses, business houses and rail n.ii'i ikjxJts. at sht.rt notice. All work intrusted te tneircare will rweivejirou:!)! attention, with ratia facli'iu guaranteed. jalyl To the Merchants, ji J-: K 1 H Xii -TIN-ATARE, '.' -t-t'tlio c.ime at Richmond prices. ; t ". ' by caliiqs en j Greensboro, N. C C. S. LINDLIT. I C.(Liiidlev& Bro., NURSERYMEN, cca.sboro, nXT . IhiM'lrcj: ar. I Thousands of . ri-t-. I! tint n 'ln: nml PlnntH for rale ij; tlip vcar. nurseries iur "nies wes-.ui Hl.C Vitjf in nmcc on couin r.im sireei. rerr j iu!15-tf l.,.r h. AV. "WOODS, IISIIIO VI II L.E BARBEB, I i .'llAVIXi and SHAMPOOXIXG. ;h ih Kti-Ti;Hn C'lir-ner. Cuts l..ur dillerent, lengths, with satisiaclion guaranteed. sua? ii mm mkl. imimi i. c Issis M arios Stephens, of FayetteVii'.e. We.si.av DaTj ol" Louisville. Ky , j STINTS !-tat-tf , . 4; - THOMAS, REEGS & CO, JOB PRINTERS, it'i: i: iv t?i itf o it o, iv. RiOOD WO UK. LOW PRICES. SATISFACTION guaranteed. NSURANCE AGENCY 1 I IFK. LIFE FIRE, TOP K ADO. LIFE. LIFE. TOKNAOO. INSURE WITH-"- 0. W. CaiT k CO.1, AgClltS J HltEEXiBORO. X. C : .; firct-clics I!ur.ipcan :.:v Amcrienn Companies represented.' CuiuuiiiuJ assets over i w j) I iir.5ni:i mii.i.ioxs. i. AV. CAlUt, Aacnt, r.i: t;' College. X. andr llich Point. X.C i TlSNEUSj Steam and Gas Fitters, 1SD nilLKhS IN Ei jihe Supplies, Lead i'il'c, &. l.ra- and Ir..n Fittii-.p-- for tteain. Gas and Water. !'io.lh..l. ,,r retail, cut and fitted to order. Amnts l..r Llwrnmii -r. Ileal Feeder known. All w,rk at L,ret Kiltie. t I 't IJIII'l.'VKIimin ! v v. . . . tove Tipe aiwlTobacco Flues tiialty.- - may 13 Gin j U.0ULL1 j IX SO. k,OSH Greensboro! Patriot., FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 4, 187. liDITORIAI, IJ KIEFS ASU POINTS POLITICAL.. Cleveland for j President and Yrrheea for Vice-President. How does that striko you! Register Causey's latest com- maud to Editor Keogh: "The court Louse riug to the rear ! Billy Mahoxe and John Sheb- man just; cost the (colored Indus trial Fait of tbia State au ! assign ment. . ' j: : II North' Carolina Las too many educated fools now adays to keep every tLing quiet aloDg the Po tomac - i I Fairs, Industrial and otLerwise, like the Republican iarty in North Carolina, have had a poor bhowing this year.! ' - f T - IT; begins to look now as if the Government don't own the tele graph, the telegraph ' w ill own the Government. TilE Wilmington Star thinks Shakespeare is "the ! greatest master of expression this world has ever seen." ' .1 JTakiff reform has at last struck bottom in manufacturing Rhode island. The Republican: barbed wire fence-argument is fast falling through. 5 i The Court house ring to the rear! Correct, Mr. Causey. Let the peoplorule and bury bossism in the same grave with, the Boss for all time to come. L "Ir is said that taxes in North Caiolina are lower than iu any other State, according to wealth and population." The result of Democratic supremacy. "If a' man can't get to be Presi dent of the United States nowadays tho next best thing is to bo a prize base ball player." Does Blaine of Maine tumble to the racket? The Democratic party believes in taxing luxuries, such as the wealthy can afford, and placing on the free list the necessaries of life, such as the poor man must have. Thk resolution adopted at Ral eigh by the State Democratic Exe cutive Committee during the Fair week will doubtless form one plank in the platform fcr tho canvass in Old HI An Allen G. Tittjrman thjnks if vthe governmentCoesnot quit piling, np, money at the rate of 8100,000KKper year, we will soon have to be trading coon skins to get ouKTtfead.r Let Virginia take warning. If tho RatLt gain a victorv over them t " " i in -the a'nproachinrr election it mcinstliat the btato lia piaea itselfin tho Republican column an that the solid South has been broken. 'jJv President Cleveland siionhl get out o Lin present job lie might get employment" writing guides for future Presidents, so ; for Lis wiso " i Undoubtedly itdmiuistration f publit. affairs in an ex;i:nplo well worthy' the iraulation of any of his successors. - I . ! 'THE Colored Fair- Association at Raleigh in ado au j assignment last week.' Wbat better could have been expected after inviting such scapa goats as BILLY Ma HOXE, the Virginia- out-cast and JonN SUMRMAN, ths3outh hatri to be the chief exh'biti?. H Radical leaders who Lave bee it howling like lost dogs in the wil derness over. tlin internal revenuw i system j since they were given th grand bounce, will do well to read th resolution adopted by tbe Statw Democratic Executive Committee, at Raleigh n few days ago.. "Onto Democrats Lave discarded one of the candidates on their Stat- ticket on account of tho discovery that ho ouco received a hot in the neck while in the act of blowing open a safe." That speaks well for Ohio Democracy. The Repnb Leans would never hare allowed o "little thing" like that to disar range their ticket, in the slightest. No, no. ! I ' -- . ' The Presbyterian synod at Fay etteville was orgauized by electing Rev. R.J. Johnston, of Lincoln ton, moderator The My nod is composed otj all the ordf iued Presbyterian ministers in the state nod one nil ing elder from :u!U church. There are lie -ministers, L'54 churches, 034 ruling elders. L'1,4S( :ommuui cauts - uml 12,25'.) S .bb.it h schoo. schollars. It contributed for be nevolent objects the pastyear $18, 908. Tho average salarj of the ministers is somewhere between $500 and J5l,(KHi. DEMOCRATIC SUFREMACYtFCR THE CSQD CF ALL, AKD A 0SM3CRATIC AEM'NISTkATIQN AO MINUTE RED BY DEMOCRATS. ON TfiElMG. WHAT! R E POKTERSEESAHKIKS t ne Travemcs stokes and Rockingham and Tell the Reader of the Patriot The Thlag? lie Saw and Vt ha? t lie Talked About C. Y. Mobley & C. i ( . Alighting from the iron horse at the thriving little town of Waluut Cove and partaking of a sumptuous dinner with an old friend. I was soon Leading at a J. I. C. speed for Danbury in one of Messrs: tlighull & Parrish's turnouts. About one mile north of the Cove I waked up to find niyeelf in the midst of an exciting fox chase, which is the chief amusementof the mountaineer at this; season of the year. I learn too that foxes are quiio plentiful in this section.. As I passed along the mountain ridges the temptation was so great I could not but yield and occasionally fill my pockets with chestnuts. The wind . was blowing and at times they would shower down some wbat like a hail storm, j ' I was very much amused at the mountaineers having " no stock law in this section. It was nip and tack who should get the ! chestnuts, man or hog, there being from two to one dozen watchiujr eacb tree. I think if an election was held in chestnut time (as theae ; people call it) on the question of no fence it would poll a la mo ma jority, leaving the chestnuts be hind for the boys and hogs to fight over. I passed on taking in the bsautiful mountain scenerj- and rugged cliffs and after climbing hills and pitching off iojiollows I landed at the TAYLOR HOUSE, j headquarters of the Piedmont Springs, I was kindly received by mine host Capt. Taylor, and treat ed to a first class supper served up under the chief supervision of Mrs. Taylor, who knows just how to get up a good meal, and the reader can imagine a tired and hungry travel er Low. quick he will make friends with such a table asthis, so I need 'not describe the facti It -seems that a storm has just passed over and all is calm and quiet here, the great throng of health and pleas-, ure, seekers having returned to their several homes, giving Capt. Taylor time to read the newspapers. After a pleasant chat with friends and a double schedule time, rest, I resumed my journey northward two miles crossing the Dan at a point called Seven Island Ford, this being the spot where old Uncle Drury ) Smith, the father of tho well-known Smith family of Stokes county, lost his life. There is a wonderful history connected with this old gentleman and his large family which will perhaps bo told to future generations. Leaving this lonely spot where nothing was heard but the rolling stream and the songs tf birds, I wondered on, thinking whether or not the sound of the whistle and hammer would ever be heard at this lonely place. I still continued my journey north ward near the Virginia line and af ter wondering around over this wild mountainous section, breath ing the pure air and drinking the iron water for a few days. I find myself very much refreshed. Traveling East Irorn this point I next pulled up at Esq. P. D. Wat kins, one of the leading planters of Stokes, who lives at home and boards at the same placeJ Mr. V. iVa man of perhaps GO Isummers, and has held some office in the county or government for 15 or 20 years. I After partaking of a good old-fashioned country dinner. I continued my journey in tho direc tion of Rockingham. By hard pushing, with bud roails and deep mud. 1 was' able to reach I AYERSVILLE, a small village on the lino dividing Rockingham iiud Stokesf ui time to add several nwv readers to tho Patriot. Hen with a Mr. Marti ably the; 'worst, ever saw iu all j I spenf the nigh4; n. This is prob athicte(jl family I my travels, j The father ;is in the last stage ot con sumption, just Waiting te bid fjre well to1 the trials and troubles ot this life. The sou was a victim of rheumatism, almost unable to walk. The daughter hiving but one eye, and a young lady living with the family, who, l.y accident, lost a foot. Tho family however seemed to be cheerful, tho son, though sad ly afflicted U :J manufacturer and dealer in plug tobacco, and does anile a successiui ousmess. I -Leaving thisf stricken family I passed on trave of LeaksvilL. that attracted ing in the direction j . The next object my attvutioii was the iron bridge 'across Mayo River, 3 miles west M Stoncville, (whiie standing on this beautiful structure I could not help thinking what a contrast there i was in the 'appro iriation of the peoples money iu vockingham county and the ad oining county Stokes, the jlatter iavinsr no bridges or anv liublio imtiroveiuents Whatever visible, it M vey unfortunate for the county. Gotl made this! world at one time, pile made each! county productive ja some way, but He did not make had men to rule it, leaving this 'matter for the people themselves to consider. I jiassed on traveling jfor eme distance through the bo- tom lands of tho river, where lsaw as fioo corn as I ever looked at. I then entered tho little village of STONEVILLE, ' ' .. . if tuis is a very quiet placeJ every bodj-:bnsj-. j Being very anxious to reach Leaksville before night I jmslied on. 1 1 had gone but a short distance when.mv attention was attracted b i nonce sMCKing on th? side of 1 tree and read as fob lows;: 'Notes, ijsotes. v iiuolu-.: sai L9the of Octobei ' ScvP Continuing my journey! I ver took! a, wagon that stneiled like whisky aud I judged from the ap pearance that it wan loaded 'with that article the owners two in until- ber kept vepy closo,ro t ic front GREENSBORO, 1ST. C.1, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER end of the wagon. Whether it was 8 tamped or not I am unable to 6ay it being no part of my business to ascertain the fact. After a few questions as to the direction of my journey and I was treated to a genteel cussing, and was accused of being a revenue officer. I talked very nice, literly denied the charge and past on leaving j my newly mado friends to console themselves that I was in better business. At last I landed in LEAKSVILLE, : a prosperous and growing little place, now and then aroused by the shrill whistle of the' locomotive. The people of Leaksvilje are noted for hospitality, and are all busy trying to clinch the ladder of for tune. .Leaksville is the terminus of a Rail Road leading from Dan ville, Ya., and is fast growing into a first class tobacco market. After spending two or three days with these kind people 1 boarded the Lack for Rcidsville. I was struck by the Gandsome country - resi deuces on this road shooing the energy aud prosperity of the fJTm ers. Alter leaving .Leaksvulo for Reulsvil'c wo next come to . BEERY. I Mere we- find Messrs C. TV. Mo- btey & Co., who bus'ness merchandis'mg. They Ciirr.y everything from a Jcwshlarp i .. v: vir I n.i . . i iu i,.iseii agnn.s xoeirsioro is tvvo stories 30x00 and would do c-edit ton, larger place. They carry a tuuu scocu and do a business ot $50,000 a year. They also oWn a large steam saw and grist mill jiod handle a large quantity of gfaia and lumber. We bespeak success for tit's riruvnnd wish there ere moe men of the same energy in business. John II. Moore is with this house ami will be pleased to nave nus menus call. ; AR GIVING AT RLIDSVILLeJ where a double bundle of Patriot's go every week, I was almost d;s founded to bvholrt the wondrous rrowth of that flourishing place. Only a few years ago Rcidsville was a mere station -on tho R. & D. R. R. with a few stores and ji to bacco factory or two. Today it has between fifty aud one hundred stores, quite a number of mammoth brick tobacco factories, five- tobjacco warehouses, fiue :hrrehe3, good schools, wideawake people, 'two military companies, a good liri? d partment, aud many other .things too numerous t- mention. 11 E Porter. A PROCLAMATION. hy thk I!!! !!I2 NT' Ol Till: I?MTKI STATES. Sets Apart; Thursday, November SI, as a 1)47 of Thanksgiving an 1 I'rayer. Calls Upon ail the I'copleot ttir Laud Ij observe tbc Day. President Cleveland i mmediately upon ui. rt'turi! to wasntngtou in- sued tne lonowiug tnatitsgi vm proclamation: , ' T The go'idneKS and mercy of God which have followed tho American people during all tho days of tbe past year claim their gratefuj rec ognition and burn bio acknowledge ment. By Uis omnipotent Power lie has rjtec ed us from war and pestilence and from every national calamity; by His gracious favor the earth Las yielded a generous re turn to the Libor of. the husband man, and every p:tth of honest toil has .led to comfort and 'content merit; by His loving kindness the hearts of our peoj,lj have been re plenished with fraternal sentiment and 'patriotic endeavor, and by His line! ring guidance wu have been directed in the way of national prosperity. . " i j To this end that we way, with one occord testify our gratitude for all lhesc blessings. I, Grovtr Cleve land, , Prenid.etft ot the United S'ates, d. hereby designate and set apart Thursday, the rwenty fnnrih day of November next, as a day of thanksgiving and prayer to ,'be observed by aM people of the 'land. Oil that 1h.v let all work and employment bo suspended; and ler our people assemble in tbeir 'uec us mined places of worship ami with prayer arid songs of praise give thanks to our Heavenly Fa ther for all that He has done for ns, whit!'! we Lmnbl; implore for giveness of ur si'is and continu anee of His mercy. Let families ami kindred be united on that day, and their hearts, tilled' with k'ndly cheer and affectionate reminiscence, be turned in thankfulness to the source of aM their pleasures and the Giver of all that makes the day gliid and joyous. And iu tho midst of our worship and our happiness, let us remember the poor, needy and nufortnnate ; and by ur gifts of charity and ready benvolenoo let us increase the nnmberlof those who, with grateful hearts, shall join in our thanksgiving, j In witness whereof, I have set mv hand and caused the seal of the United hdatcs to be hereunto affix ed. I Done at iho. city of Washington, : this, the -25th ili'v of October, in i the vear of our Lcrd, 1837, and of Independence ot the united States 112th. Bv the President:' G rover Cleveland. Thomas F. Bay and, - Secretary ot State Tea Useful Mapdois. 1. Never put off till to morrow what vou can do to day. !i. Never i - . . . . , trouble otners a. iNever spenu your money before you have it. 4 Never buy what you do not want because it is cheap. 5. Recollect than pride is more irksome to 1m? borne than either hunger, thirst, or eold. 11. Never feast 'so that you willl be obliged to fast after it. 7 Nothing is felt, troublesome that is done willingly. I 8. Never antici nate evil an imagined calamity !- always more painful ;han the real one. 9. Always take hold of things bv their smooth handle. 10. Al ways count 10 before you speak, ontrrvtf greatly so, count iuu.s? SUNDAY READING. PREPARED SPECIALLY FOR THE -PATRIOT? READERS. Why is it, that so many worthy clergymen disregard a great law of nature, and expand their seimons as the weatlier . grows colder T Chicago Tribune. The malice that is eager to ascribe a selfish motive for a good act h tbe blacks$ thing 1 in unre generate human nature. It is akin to I hat which ascribed i Christ's mirailes to the Devil. Nashville Adtzctte. When John Wesley had 30,-he lived on 23 andj gave away 2. The next year receiving C0, he still lived on 23; and gave away 32. The third year he received 90, and gave 62. The fourth he received 120, still livingas before on 28, and gave to tbe por all the rest.s"wr- I Ilavo yon seen those: matches that won't light any where bnt the boxf They remind ns of Some peo ple's religion ; it jonly lights when they are at the meetings.: The bar racks or Church is the; box, and when they are a;ay from the box you might Ecrrtch them against some religious topic till their nose bled, but yon couldn't get a spare. Floating Item. A shuddering j- rumor I went out from the bed of the impending death, whisperinjr in bat(d . breath how a man in high set-1, of match less might and guarded conduct. in piivate life, had a horror; of great darkness. The oil was gone. God iii mercy 'gave him. place for 10 pentance and eplemishing his lamp. Aud when called, he was ready. Men racist 'stir up the gift" that is in them. Barracks life breeds evils. Health is in the tented field. Ease iu Zion brings on the gout. Dyspeptic theology uever annoys the camp of the mounted ministry. It is in "An dovers" heresy and .heartburnings are hatched. Richmond Advocate. 1 A. A geueral conference of all evangelical Christians iu ' the United States, under toe auspices and direction of the Evangelical Alliance of tho United States, is called, to be held in Washington, LDecember 7th, 8th and 9th. The object of tho Conference is to study the following questions: 1. What are the present perils and oppor tunities of the Christian Church aud of the conotry? 2. Can any of them be met best by a hearty co operation of all evangelical Chris liana, which, without detriment to any denominational interests, wfll serve tho welfare ot the whole Church? 3. What are the best menus to secure such co operation aud ttt waken' the whole Church to its responsibility? The Bible teaches us that true religion is love to God -and love to man, and that there can be no true love to God where there is not love toman. Do we not .-xpect more from those professing entire purity of motive, a holy, natictified life, than from those making no pre tensions to this superlative grace? We look . for consistency in the everv day w-alk audcumwrsutiou j a spirit, of meek, modest, lamb like humility; a benevolence, disinter- j ested, exalted. Christ like that looks not merely on its own things, but also on the things of others ; a cheerful, smiling, complacent yield ing to the rights of others where duty calls Wo expect ! a meek, retiring self renunciation, gospel like, in those testifying publicly the assurance of faith, great peace of mind, joy unspeakable. Living Epixtle. ' i TIIURMAN ON CLEVELAND. Ex Cenator Allen G. !Tliurman, the old war horse of Ohio Demo cracy, addressed a large assem blage of his citizens in Hardin county the other day, arousing the greatest enthusiasm. "The vener able statesman was iu excellent condition, aud spoke, with rt-a;.eu- vigor on the political issues ot I lie day for one of his years Ho paid a warm tribute. !to tlie Hon. Thomas E. Powell the Dem ocralic nominee for Governor, who was present. He sahl he had nev er known Mr. Powell to do a dis honest act in his iife, ud. had al ways regarded him "as an upngut, spotless man." In discusing na tioual issues JUr rnurman rsim : "I tell you one thing. If the gov ernment does not quit piliug up money at the rate of 31W,ooo,oou per year, we will soon nave to ie trading coon skins to get our bread. And there is nothing more corrupt ing than this condition of affairs. It leads to all sorts ol Fciiemes in Congress for its expenditure.77 in referring to l'resident c-ievciatm, Mr. Thurman said, ''ow, my friends, I have seen a great many Presidents in my day and have read the history of all of them, and on mv honor as a man. bound ts tell i the I truth, a mora honest, brave, truer man never hlletl the Pr .int ui ehair. it was sani that if he was elected the country would bo ruiued, lut ey n Joi.n liorm:m must sav tliatFtlie sun still shines, the rain still ;falls and the corn still grrws.; lie has poven himself to be a man ot more ability than inaiiyH' usi Supposed. He possesses in a inartel tlegree that superior faculty e-r commoir sense. Preserre Tr lijes. . . . ..... ii. ,1 . rJLI" "J: "CLirZZiZA thruu.h. cpecicii u t-'jv . T f m ,1, out the unitea cuaies ; lutry . . t .. . . . . . I . 1, n mmt n Imm lh. Atlantic to the racinc. ana tnwir rrpui-.ii"" built upon real merit. Testimonial from tbe most eminent men of the country are; given, who bare if had their wgut improved by tneir use- I en gu.iniiitee.1 at tli Drug ) st- re 1 4 Callum Bros, k Co. 4, 188T. BILI. YE WRITES THE PR ESI. DENT'S ASUEVILLE SPEECH ; FORUIH. Something Rich, Bare and Racy from trie ; Pen of the Inimitable JiilL . -Bill Nye wrote the following speech for the President to deliver to Asheville : -I j . , ' Fellow-Citizens of Asieville and Bun combe County, and Brother Tar hcelt from Atcay Back ."j If I were a faithful Mohammedan and believed that 1 1 could never enter heaven but once ! would look npon Buncombe! county and de spair ever afterwards. Four min utes for applaase to die away.) Asheville is 2,330 feet above tide water. She is thoj hotbed of the invalid and the physical wreck who cannot live elsewhere, bat who comes here) and lives till Le gets plum sick of it. Your moun tain breezes and yonrj fried- bear strength and healing1 in f heir wings. (Hold valve open t o minutes and a half to'give Ianghter j fnll scope.) Your altitude and your butter are both high,' and the man who can not get all the fresh air he wants on your mountains will do well to rent one of your cottages and allow the wind to meander jthrough his whiskers, j Asheville i a beautiful spot, where a peri could put in a highly enjoyable summer, picnic ing alongj the Swannanoa through tho day and conversing with Plum Levy at his blood curding barber shop in the gloaming.- Nothing can possibly be thrillinger than to hear Plum tell of the hair breadth escapes his customers have had in his cosy little shop, , j The annual rainfall here is 4.02 inches, while smoking (tobacco and horned cattle both 'do well.' Teu miles away stretches Alexander's You are only thirty tivk' miles from Buck Forest. Pisgah Mountain is only twenty miles frotn here and Tahkeeaste Farm is pnly a mile awaj-, witu its name extending on bejond as far as! tho e I he French Broad your feet on the right e can rt-acn. iver bathes ind the sun- kissed Swannanoa, with its beanti ful borders of lhododeudrons, sloshes up againvt you on the other side: Mount MitchelS'jwith an all i tude of G,711 feet and an annual rainfall of 53.8 inches, 'is but twen ty miles distant, while) Lower Hour iuy is near, and HeU's) Half Acre, Sandy Much and Bice Ruin are within your grasp. j Tho sun never lit uji a cuter lit tie town .than AsheiiUei Nature just seemetl to wear herself out on Buncombe county aud then she took what she had j left over to make tlui rest of the country. Your air is ; full ot vigor. Your farces get-up and bump themselves in the middle or oil one suieL se that you middle or oil one suieL se that yo hae to wear a pair pf telegrapl pole cliinbers when you dig jon h our potatce. Here you ponica, j the jonquil at Here you will see the ja il thejaudice n the spring, growing side by s.de aud at the cheese foundry you can hear tlfe skipp r ("killing to its mate. . i . "Here' is the home Clingman, who first of Gen Tom originated the idea of using tobacco) externally lor burns, scalds, ringworm, spavin. pneumonia, urignt's desei poll ear evil, pip, garget, h art burn. ache and linacial stringency. Here Randolph & Huntclu do your job urintini: for you. mid the Citizen and the Adviitjcc wil give ypu the news. You are on a good ine of railroad and I like your a r very much, aside your Ifom the air j Lome baud. list played by Certainly you :ig of a great re air enough haveheru the1 maki city." fx on have pii here, fdr a city four t ines your pres. cut MSe. ami although I have seen most all theSwitzettandsof Amer ica I tjhink that this is in every way preferably. -People whot- are in search of a Switzerland of Amer iea thiH ean be reljed upon will do well tf And try your totvm .low -everything of national .imp that I can think of, 1 will c HO I llfg r-F - v portance lose by telling you a Iittlt' anecdote whieb wi'.l perhaps illust bettei than I com other way. (Hen rate mv position I do ic in any he inserts a hu which j has no nioro s anccooie I bcoriMg on specM the po'itiical nit nation, and tluriiig lhH ensuing langhur the train pull s .OUt. I jivtiitloris of tls IOMi Cciitury. The Fteamb-iat. flu' reader, tho rewick maohine. 'nri runninir l ciaht land by day. lloiiffj lishted by gis a d heated iiy ttuam. AuJ blight tiectr-.eiry ' Jay. The ti-leirmpli click r cuds like lightning re- Then the telephone eoj IlilSP.l. tnes to excel it,; And. to put on tlitj finish, tlie liu"t but not !ast. Is ll Lak la ihe famed Irttlc Pi'. ;ativo rciuJt. st is Dr. Pierce's t but not lei Pleasant Purgative Pellet, beoauso I. . I. .:.... .,.1.1 j It reiieVi S l.um-lfl Miumnj;, .him of hufmau comfort, and to the. sum enables the relie i.iy ill I the blessi ei suuerer to eii- , ...... gs and luxuries of the ace we Ii v in. x A IKTINti MA f'S EXPERIESt'K. A CI apter from lh Life nt'T. 4. M'Mul. Ian. ..t O rliitli, IUs. - MrJ MtMulIaa is one .f the. tt known chicken nnd dl xnfifrs in the South. l!i. ipaiid ken- ncls iwo tilleil rith tho rritio.-'t f(e;'iinens ol game chiike s and well-hred fc.rn..inv rears of hi; liio no i.a.i a serious mu whicUa'lsn tells what Wa$ the nn!u..ky ertiu ni in tne loihtwing letter. man's real Macot : I v I. -,;u n.r. nn mn fcir addressing you on a suo- ioctonwhicn 1 Know pun iuu.-i kcl i.u...c. wu-. .. not innumoeiw.v. ii-nic..-, . me to tell you about wfhat 1 reganl my most re markable cure of rhoumati.iaby yourS.s.&. l or ten years I suffered with rheumatism. 1 had about atuued, my entire body. 1 had paius "J every partTof it. ! My lot iFs was tho worst affocted Even to-dny. tbough I am entirely well, my lelt left U-g is a little smallfr than the right, i-iinvelotl from rheumatism. Fol- 6 e years I may say that I was in danger oi urvuon at my trade on oceoiir.t of this terrible disoas When 1 came to C ritu from Alabama I was on crutches for two year Uf course during all ot these sad years I was intended by good physnnacs They gave uio powerfdl il'ises of potash and sarsar -5." u i:.l .n K.m. I..r avhl but got no pennaneut ribcf until, by a triend s r- ..in. 1 usca o berefit I received fron a thi.rongh cuurse ol about one uoten of tnkiiiv the medicine i the first lew bottles t take Ttttxr nieuicine. and I took. :he Sr-ccihc. v hen I began weighed V.iJ proum's. and hen l nnisuwi iu thirteenth battle 1 weighed I SJ7 pounds, and I weigh that yet. . ,' I regard your meiliL-ine as the poor man s best ' ' friend, if Ue will ouiy take :t n time, and thus save t d.t-if's bills and preserve him from extravagail his hi-alth. W ith gr. ititude and with bctt wishes. 1 resuain. Your obe iont Si-rvant. T. J- McMULUX. Corint'j. Mus. Fell. 17tb. 1SST. Treat'.soon blood m l skin diseases mailed free. The ?wikt SrgriKK Oi., Drawer X Atlanta, (la. a Use Tar Heel ijninent FOR ALL -ACHEd and PAINS. GETWELL,niiHAVPY. IARS, GIVE ATTENTION: Toe CAN SAVE HONEY BT DEALING (WITH US. I - - -' - We, want to buy for Cash : 100,000 IbsL Berries. 100,000 lbs. "Cherries 100,000 IBs! Wool, 100,000 lbsl Bones. AU tbe Dry and Green . HIDES, SHEEP SKINS, KAGS and BEESWAX, . You can bring us. Will also buy FLOUR, COR MEAL, OATS, ONIO.NS, PEAS. FLAXSEED, Cliic kens, Eggs, Butter, For sharp cashj Auy lime you are iu iieed of GR0CEEIES 'ill large or j mall quantities, Sugar, Coffee, Syrup, TEA, MOLASSES, BACON, LARD, SODA, CHEESE, i J CRACKERS, CORN, i' SHIP-STUFF, Bran, Klour, Meal, Or lUhing else iu. our line, we will take pleasure in selling yon In pur til teen years experience in the business We. Lave lea rued hue. trttii.iid front, whom to buy. I lav ing the cash to buy with we pick up many bargains -that cannot be touched 'by merchants who boy on tune.1 lhese jbargains we divide with our customers. Ccme and see us we are headquarters.- Houston k Bro. ; j Greensboro,.N. C. Prior fish A: (jibbt Cignrn ar thv Bent. TRY THEM. For Ulleuraati'in. FwelKnirs. Pain in the Stomach and UowbIo. cura!tm. laiuo or utitl back, bruwef, fl.rHia. cut?, .ve ush . t ' - ' " Tar Heel Liniment PiHs oOv.'' Sold by Druggists and Dealer. Try it. lILlckpLF. Or Clack Levreyi u adifease which i3conider- eil inenrable. but it has.yieldoJ td the curative pro pertied of .Swikt'4 SrKCinc now known all over Iho-norld m H. S. Si, Airs. IJailey. of est feoaier- vtlle. Mass.. near Boton, was attac-V.l overal years ago with thii hideous black crui!ion, and was treated by the be.-t ino-iical talent, who eoald only say that the disease wai ii ppocics of LlEPItOSY and coaseuuently incuraUe, . It m impofsihlo to de Ecribo her suffering?. 'Her body from tho crown of her head to tho solos of her feet was a mass of de- cnjvma&'e ol Utffn rotting ou aim leaving gram cavities. Her Cugors festered atid three or four nails dropped off at one tiuio. licr limbs contract ed by the fearTul "lu'ctration, and lor several year she did not leave.Wr bed. lior weight was reduc ed from 12"i to 60 lbs. Perhaps some faint idea of her condition cm be gleaned from the fact that three proutids of jCosmolina or ointment wore ud per week in dres-siug her sores. Finally, tho physi cians acknowledged their defeat by this Mack Wolf, andi commcndcl tho sufferer to her wLo Creator., I ' ..' ! ' llor husoau 1 hearing wonderful reporis of tho ue of cwit's Speciuo (S.-S. prevailed, on her to try it as a i lat resort. Sho began its uc under protest, but soonl 'found that h relieved of tbe rbi-Jon, as the i system ri being res assumed a red and healtliy color, although tht) blood wus becoin- S,c mno and active. Mrs. Ba !cy wntinued tho S.S.S. until lait February ery soro was ucai- ed : tli tho fir hT5 dirdod chair and crutches, and was for 1 rst tioe in twelve years a iWell woman. Her hulKuid, Mr. Cj A. Rauey. is jin business al KIackstoncitrn.it. Boston, and will Uke pleasure in giving ihe. details of this wonderful cure. Send to uc for Treatise on C"ood and Skin I)i?oso?. mailed free. TlJ irt Spec Ulc Co.. . Drawer 3, Atlanta, tia. aprl" No lore Eye -Glasses I so IVrnk MOUl EYES. Mi chelFs Eye-Salve, dl A Certain, Safe nnd 1 ffeetive llemody, for 1 Weak anil Inflamed Eyes, Hi Pradut-iiiS Lons-Sightednc ss. iin.l ltestorms theMgat ot tne ui- r...'TMr IimusL Oranulation. Stye Tuiaors. Bed Eyes. Matted Eye Lashes, and prlu-ing relief and permanent cure. ,. I.. Annallv .(li.-:u-it us when used in otner m; la- Ma. snhh jis 1 1 leers. Fever .Sores. TuiiMri, .-alt KhLuml-4.urhs. I'ifcs, or wherever inflammation cxUts, MI l,;HfcI.L d Mu. e. may ueusej to u- vantagf . , , -. - HoUl by Ml! brnggMi t 2in junV T. L. KELLY!S FINE L- TAILORING - ESTABLISHMENT. GREENSBbBO, N. C. A FULL and bomplete ct-ck of Fine Imported Goods for my Fall and Wii ter Trade, cwnsist- !nv r l ianc i. Ilu.-Iisti and sj-loii suitings. :i an colors. I I i .I An nn.uri.isn.! line lit 1 ro'l-'t-rill. . All mr n.nli-iltv invitn! to cal! and examine my i.wW ml Ihev will see at o ee that I keep "The - est"j in the market. ! c-M "'J he Best" of w.rl.maiisuip an pcrfeeltnt jru;irajitecd. I. . i . Mrt uoor soiiin u cr.iran u v i nirai nmm. I : T ' - I I ! I ! 251 v. . (TEagi Per Tear, FAR! f I - Ji mnim. mm Wholesale Uerchants, GREENSBORO, N. C, Are now Receiving their Spring STOCK 6f - AND . . . And abiiost'daily milling lo their large toek if (ill III' Ell I II -' M EHCIIAN TS - . aro in vitetl to call jn person or send - . their order--by mail. . The Register Books show fur the six months ending Ja:i. It-t, S7, that our pnichases were greater than any other two houses in the city. AM Inner know that this fact uives us decided advantages both in buying and in nelling. Very Respectful-, J. W. SCOTT & CO. fe'ii'i DIKE BOOK COMPANY, Opposite National pank-1 ; - - GREENSBOllO, N. C. faeiaet-nl Hook :i!id wtohi: Malic iirrj BCOIvS, BOOKS, BOOK:-, Improved stock of airkiudsol ginjds iu our line. HISTORY.- BIOGRAPHY, POETItY, FICTION; liOOKM IX NETS. HtMuilnrd Aullior. LETTER-COPY IXO BOOKS. - ; Writing Paper, note and letter size, Legal Cap, Foolscap, Bill l'aper. 13111 Paper Pitds, Writing Pads, o:t 1.,.1a .,11 .trionu nnl nnnlitiPH Pencil Pads, all prices and qualities SEA SIDE NO ELS, Monroe's, Lovell S, Household Library, ete. Maga- tines, Kewspnpcrs and Periodicals tar ew ntanrt. Everything fresh. - Titsv ivi1 Eletraiit IIII1oh. Bae Balls and Cits, Croquet Sets and Ilam- ipocks. Lot of Paper Bags for sale at cost. BIRTH-DAY CARDS always in stock. and Transparencies very beautiful "Inks, differ kinds, flood copying Inks. - S- Come and see our stock at tha , DIKE BOOK STORE. - niar2 C. P. VANSTORY, L.TVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLES, ORFESSBOP.O. X. C Ceeps On haul Buggies, Buggies, le. from the Columbus Fuzgy Company, k INK IIOKNEH aaa VEHICLE" m prepared to send parties to and from all point.- by private eonveyam-e. C. P. VAXSTOrY, : - jnl2-ly Davie Hrect T TT7 OflA - r ,i J-'-j "V . -- : ! j