f Ant i i i 4 l i a ; - ii rig rig i .. f i m t a - ii--aA--: .a a i i m i Ay - . w - i i -a . i mil ii .... t . uiated Newspaper in Piedmont olinfi Embracing the Entire k,, ik-it. Advoitjsers Must Appre ;i't aliio of Such a, Medium for !ht. !r J3n inesa before a Prosper- ADVER1I INC. RATES 0 ABLE au t. BASED ON AC- TI"AIj CtUCJliATION. RU3ERT M IIOUGLAS, ATTOKSK j A r LAW, ; . ' - CAROLINA. ' !!. i'r.i- ti' ' ii. thy Stiitoa ilFeJoral Courts t . u:itiw i t GuilfrJ. Kanlnlh and -.Mf Tarter IjiltnV drag Ftoro. j.VMKS V. l(;RinS, i t; ISi I : V A 'l' L,AW,j :..;!. kk-I i rlmil .ittii.i.u given to all ! r- t in hy hands- :.:ce oioito the . juU-tf :J : , ' nARTI.KT sHipr & Shipp, 1 .u.l fi.l NSKLLOKS A . LAW. . ic i kVsbo VO, X. V. j i r.i ;: o in ?tats and Federal Courts. Br. G. W. Wytsett, i : ' i i : rs t i (- t, iiKKI'N-'Ii"K". X. j'K . Gkkc.or v, A I D., .1 - ' t . i P.BEALL,M.D. ; -: ' f. i ;' . f j'isi ian aiul Surjifou. j .! I'-rtcr i Tate r Ptrcct. . I Itesideace r. W. H. Wakefieldj ,s. (tf;ox axd Irri i iiskoro, N. ('., OCCULIST. I niuntry rail?. Office over st"re. - KvM'lence on Ashe- lb I. w Grim-hh, sr i;t;i:(ix dentist, - .; . f;.m Mrcet.oj posite Bocbow Iloyse iirmlin liilii witliut I'Hin ;:t A 5rf ialty )K. It. iW. TATE, U ll( lU lMITSiriAN. K-. V NORTH CAROLINA. hi- i'r.ffi-.-ioiial ServU-ce to- i 'iri'iTi'b'.rnand surrtjunding oountry. . .. i r l' TtiT A I:iltonV dru rtore. When i . t..und't hi ni"idvnc on A.htkro . .'. ! J'j 1J. Kegti. junli-tf 1' T Covk House, Vf AI.Xl'T COVE. N. C. . - i ! r the rei t ti n of jruct.-. with first ..m.l:rti'in. Servants i-ulite and at - iargy ;inl well vout ilatd. J. W. LKWlS, 1'roirietor. 'I Martin House, HI ' J ' 1 i; C li"U f jrueti with tirst-ela? irrvaiity'i-ilueinii attentive. n k.n ny s.uiv, i-rop r C I.NTRAL H OTEL, II '. AH:V, . C; ! l.-'.'-l :nid.nwly furnished and I'-.-idms hotel in town. Fare first- 'J- .!l .i tui'tnent 'sVall, Alwluui- r -'Til t'T lil lltllTMITS. .1. : I I t'll l-.l.!., I'rop'i-. 1 1. :i i all, r 5! - dnianu'tital IMastoivrs, .i;i.KNSi:MR0. N: C i . :ir.-1 j ii ni,e warrant their work foil. V :iit turni.-h doiens t,,r centre i " il s iit price that will defy m .: t;..-iu k trial. - m:iyjij-ly L. OAKLEY, 1: IllTF.yT and liUILDi:!-, .;" - i !uru..-'a drawings and spcciSoa .: b.iuses. Im-inoss lu-UM and kail rt not tee. .All work intru-ted t ,c .rii.t atti-nti'in. viitii sstis- jull To the Mercliants, i -tix-v'ai:k, Ii - sa'uie at Riohtu nd prkei. -l.j; i-allittK on . "ifAA'-US. tiieenboro. N. C i C. S. I.INDIKY. J. CI Lindley & Bro., ii;usi:uvMi:x, ii s b o x o 1ST. Tliou-'and.' of 1.-.. ii--- and Ilintx lbr sale i ."urscrii - t vur i iles ot n ti .outh Kim street. tJree-s-i ' . iull.Vtf - T -1.. y. woods,; !(ty t,i: it t;iiii:u. SilAMroOXIXO. i Ktvoiitm Cl'pi-er. Cuts ;h -uti.-tactii.ti guaranteed. :W iLOUSE. EREES5B0BQ. H. E. -.h F.,yettcvilta A8, l.'tui.-i ule. Ky . ! ) THQMS, REECE & CO., . I . .. -- : j HUNTERS, .10 it o it , rs. c. i K. LOW PHICES. 'ION GUARANTEED. INSURANCE AGENCY ! Lit'!,! 1. I I 1? TORXAD0. TOR X A1)0, ()- M . ( ;i it ( )., Agents, '! :ex B'lRO. N. C f.-r in an iiriti Aminlar1..nannua ill M)HI1 ..ioS. U -VIt U, Auvnt, ; N f - and ;lligh Point, N.C - : j . r; J. . ! . ; ! L . 1 '. "V-- ' . "I -'" I i - i -' I i i. . ', 'J vtt.t.tr h i;, ESTABUSHKn ijr XKW NERIEH,Ko.f,091 Written P r the Patiot. - SHADOWED LIVES. BY MRS. cnAS. D. VEBNON. EMMIC ROI1IKTSON. (CONTINUED.) Hie Jong sinning silver strari xvbich KtretclieU out before him erlisteniuff with the riceles8 jewels ot a Uiilliitnt future, now lay brok en in; the . ilnst before bi in, as ho looked on with au anguished filled soul. The great- llush verdant meadows, now lay before him, brown and sear; no fresh uess no beauty, could his brave young strength ever gather, flowers from this barren soil ; or. would only thorns prick his fingers and shade ian across liiS; pathway. j Leaving now the beautiful pic ture to which Since 'a tinv bdbv bdv with his shapely limbs and yellow curls had gi vein, its greatest purest beauty : the dear old homo where 1. 1 - .: ... tit. 1115 jojons laugnter would never again echo thfough the grand old corridors. We left it slowly as the deep darkness of night fell and wrapted and folded it up from our gaze. , i ; ". .j i Together with rojuI sicki-niit sorrow we slowly left the grand old place .lying in state in the si lence. His briave young heart was bruised to tbecoro : but-one lattri- bute sustained him : and lifted him i' ,1 via I m ' from the dep hs, of despondency Hope ! I "hopel tver embellisnHiir with bright visions tho dim future; iuu tiutcKcuiuy. io pursuit. un ondowed with this emotion what would have been the character and condition of man ? ilow blank and unbenencent would rife have! been as a mere rouid of passionless in tellectuality. Where would jhave been all its charms that under in even amid the gathering darkness of death still dear ! Where would have been $he exquisite pro duction of literature and art with out passion tol portray, interest to kindle or taste to admire." Where had been the qnderments of home, and communion of lriends without the sweet bonds of svnipjithv and love F . ' - All his life he had been quick to see the beauties of life which charm with its satisfying depth. All his ideas anil aims: had been ofty and h? Jiad an almost idolatrous .'lore for the beautiful "whether in Na ture's vast domain humanity's' var' led phases the nrtist s canivas crea tion, the many mad musi tloatinff from a wizards touch or the wild weird rythm 1 oriinatiod in the ptets brain." Always eager to promotkj the ad vancemcut ot the beautiful, always ea'ruest to enlarge the resources of progress, always aiding 1 various wavs in cultivating the faculties to the attainments of all ttiat was hich had a tendency to e!eva:ing alul exalt ing life, generous and lisrhteniiiir thelburdvns of unselfish many a weary traveler, hartLships is lil . "The begi inning of ;e the first; taste of moment nothing we take bitter f'od, it seems for aJ luilwafable ; yet if there is else t i satisfy nr hunger another bite and find it rdssible to go on Xow ami then I would hear a deep drawn; sigh wrung from my mas ters bleeding heart. All t te bright promised life of brilliant achieve inentsJ and satisfied been snatched fnni ambition had him iand now only ajshadow fell sLutiugj out all thaf had tilled "the noble iure jouiiglnii t lint in his reflect ion even mow in the darkness wns a :line of gleam of a bright sweet 1oy; i ibesuKittil i see : a bright vigorojusj cultured mind, a tk-ue ten- der'loyiiig heart that had g iven its lite to mm.- Ves nu-mory y hisper ed to l im that somewhere on life bllldws was one a tossed woman the de he had who had given to him all votion of her nature that taken her love ami enclose I it for ever in his heart ; and his soul idol izttl her with all -the del; th and strength which mortal can ifet-1 ami to himishe would always bt sacred! and changeless love. held in Me in ory Vould-always bring hei to him is his owji : hfs own JbeantiFul Eva due, And somewhere, soiuo day le would find heH waiting and watchiug for him. This Ivas tiie ordy gleam in the gloom ; the only glimmer in the shade ; the only ight in tho darkness. And all bought to him by the indomitable pride of his mother. 'I ritle either hmU a d ssert or makes ones. ' : - j(Tft BE CONTINUED mmmMmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ; - Cure l'or I.ove. . A letter has been receive ) A ll at this office-asking' if there ds a love, anil if so that a receipt for the remeuv ne sent me write of the epistle. es, there is ?. cure at least itT is said to" be a. cure by those who have been there. An afflicted in dividual has spent years Qf studv fn finding out a remedy bad has published the following: lake rJ ounces of Dislike, 1 pound of Resolution, 2 grains of Common Sense, 2 ounces of Kx perieuce, a large sprig tof Time, and 3 quarts of the Cooliug Water of Consideration Set them over -the gentle fire of Love, sweeten it with the Sugar of Forgetful ness, skim it w ith the Spoon of Melancholy, put itjfn the bottom of your heart, cor itiwith the Cork of Clear Conscience, rind let it remain, and you wil quickly find ease, and be restored to your sense again These things can be had of the Apothecary at tho House of In derstandig, next door tq Reason, on Prudent Street, of Conteuiment. in the Village Don't, hawk, and blow, and spit, but iiso Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. IMPROVEMENTS Made in Xartti Carolina During the Pat Al eek as Reported by the Haltimore Ianulacrurers' Record. Asheville Work has been com the Second Baptist mencea on Church. j Asheville. Mr. (larrett is build ing a hotel. j j Cabarrus County. Machinery is being purchased to reopen 'l the Fur mine. Smithdeal & Ritchie, Salisbury, can probably give infor mation. Charlotte. Carson Bros, con template adding a wagon factory td their spoke and handle factory. " j Denton. Frank Bros, are erect iog a new grist mill. j Dunn. A 40 room hotel is to be ejected soon. j I Durham. The Durham Wood & Iron Manufacturing & Builders Supply Co,, capital stock $100, 000, has been ! incorporated to operate tho machine shops, of Goodwin & Co., and the sash, door and blind factory of J. W. Black well, which are to be consolidated. i Durham. The contract to build tho 12 miles of the Durham & Northern Railroad beginning at Durham and the TO miles begin ning at Henderson, previously re ported, has been awarded to! P. Linehan & Co., of Raleigh. They have commenced work. I f j Goldsboro. N. OUJerry! &po.t will incorporate as the Enterprise Lumber Co. and increase t leir capital". They will erect a new building for their flouring mill, (Jrlenburnie Ettley & Muvtaugh are developing gold and silver mines. . j (High Point. James "Bolejack has started the-manufacturing of mattresses. - ' (Little River. Uuske & Son are adding a plaining mill to their saw mill.-! ! ij Mooresville. Godfrey & Co. of Providence, IV. I., will erect a cot ton factory.' j Nash County. It is stated that the Mann-Arrington Mining Co., lately reported, liave purchased about 850,000 of machinery to de velop their gold mine. Pantego. The Albemarle & Pantego Railroad Co., are survey ing their road from Roper, to Pan tego." -- - , ! I Pomona. The Pomona Terra Cotta Co.. are prenaring : to! add more machinery and build addi tional dry kilns and shed room. j Prosperity. W. K. Jackson has purchased gold lauds which he will probably develop. j j hRaleigh. The Gamewell Fire Alarm Co., of New York, dre. neg otiating to put in a fire alajroi sys tem. ;! ! (Raleigh. The Thompson-Hous ton Electrie Light Co.! havlB put in anew 80 horsepower engine land will put in another d' uamo. - Randolph Coiiutv. A 10 stamp mill is to be erected at tho Rand olph mine. j Salisbury Subscriptions are be ing received toward forming a company to build the cotton tae- tory-previously reported. jTbo capital stock will be not less than .0,000 nor more than $100,000. u . L. Klnttz can givo information. Shelby. H. G. Hull, mill engi neer, is preparing plans and esti mates for a 50-loom plaid mill and a small cotton factory, lie wants to' buy new machinery for the first and second-hand machinery for the alter. ! ' Spruce Sine. Tho Garrett Land & Ijive Stock Co., will develop several mica mines and one or two iron mines. The company-has a capital stock of $500,000 and Jason Stone, of Providence, R.J1., is president. ' - 1 j - adesboro. It is stated that Messrs. Singleton, Rose and Mur ray, ot L'atersou, N. J., nave tie .turn inutrui itit-Mihi,ii;u-i Ui:. , - .i : t .......... t T 'r la 1 I T t ' can-givi- lutormation. i i Washington. It is rumored I'nar. i the -Scotland Neck Railroad wi'l be extended to Washington.- Wilmington. The Choraw Iron t Works, previously reported, Thar been Organized with II. It. Lonch Hit as! president, and W. A. Hin sliawj superintendent. Work on. buildings will be couwnencejd at. once. I . -. ' ' ' Wilmington. Edward S. Ten-' nput is erecting a knitting msll ti nianufactuie underware. He ban purchased machinery. v inston. Licero Tisp has pur. additional machinery in his fiipm- -t ii re factory. Praise Your Wife. Columbus Tclegrain.l 1'raise jvour wife, man; forjiity'a sake give lier a little encourage ment; it won't hurt lier. She loesir't exiect it: it will make her eyes open wider than thty have for the last ten years ; but it will An ! or Vond for sill tbaf. ;nil von fin Tliprft an nianv women to cure forjjy thirsting for a word of praisei auu encouragement. ion Know that, if the floor is clean labor has beetf performed to make it so. You know that if yoa can take from your drawer a. clean shirt when ever j on want it so uiebod y"s fin gers h: ve toiled. Why don't; you Come out with it hearty. "VVhy how pleasantly you make thiugs look, wife,'' or "I am obliged to you for taking so much pains.!' If ycu gave a hundred aud sixtieth part of the compliments yon al most choked them with before (they rere married, if yon would stop tho badinage about whom you are go ing to have when nnmber oiie is dead, (such things wives j imay Jaugh at, but they sink deep some flimes,) fewer women would seek for other sources of happiness! j Master Tommy is sick aud, also indisposed to take the prescribed remedy. Come; my precious, says his mother1, you must swallow our medicine. I "I can't." . "One always can when orre wants to." ! .. ; ( ' "But I don't want f " DEMOCRATICI SUPREMACY FOR THE GOOD GREENSBORO, PREPARED SPECIALLY FOR THE i-PATRIOT" READERS. Three of the Northern Met ho ist Episcopal Bishops have died since the last General Conference 4 Bishop Matthew Simpson, Bish op Wiley and Bishop Harris. The; Christian schools' are open agaiui The Christian schools do these ;words truly describe all that bear the name! Respectfully sub mitted to all concerned.4 Nashville Adrocatc. ! i ! ! ! A rich j Baptist, who has put ualt a million dollars into Baptist enterprises, says to us: "I have gone back 1300,000 of late, ami if I had not given those amounts when I did! it might not be possi ble for me to give tnem now. i am glad I did it then' Richmond Re- ligioui Ilerabh Froih a pastors ii York ci.ty, list I of the Protestant active service in New drawn up by the secre tary of the City Mission, it appears that the Protestant Episcopalians lead, with 72 ;jthe Presbyterians come next with G2 ; the Methodists have 51 : the Baptists 31 : the Re formed, (Dutch) 23; the Lutherans, 21 : the Independents, 12: the Con gregatioiialists, 7, and the Reform ed .Episcopalians and the Morav ians, 2 each. This makes a total of 2S6. Rev.. S. Taylor Martin made an appeal to Dr. M. D. Hoge's congre gation in bjehalf of the endowment of TJuioti .ueological Seminary, by referring to ., Dr. He began Hoge's grandfather, the first presi dent of the Seminary, and said : "The forty years' cf the pastorate of his grandson, whose work.. is seen all around us to day, andwill cpntinue'toj be reproduced in Rich mond and in Yirginia, ought tp be sufficient to awaken profound! in terest in tljis venerable school of me propueis, so intimately, kou uected wipi tie progress of the Master's kingdom in this c ty." Then he proceeded to tell that ver 700 ministers ol the gospel had re ceived a free education at Union Theological Seminary, and gradu ally won the heart aud then the money of his hearers. Tact tells in a business like that. Richmond II e raid. Rev, J. ty. Ilufham, D.D., if the man that made -Dr. J. L. M. C irry cry until he was ashamed of iim self. Here is one of the things Dr. Ilufham said that made Dr. C irry cry: ("Brethren, thirty ono yi-ars Lof hard work for Christ and spuls lie behind mej. I have n ver learned to rest have never sought to spre myself. My only ambi tion is to go where there is most to be done and suffered for lim who died. for me. Daring these thirty one years of toil, I have not laid up enough; to bury me, if I were to die to-day. Yes, the brethren have (given me a section in the graveyaii where my dear boy sleeps. I aju worth that in icli. The doctors gave me up ami said I must die. As I was lying there on what all thought was to b3 my dying bed, waiting for death to: comej I asked myself: 'What 1 ave I made of lifer) The fact thrit I had lived for Chrisf, and not for self, made mei supremely! happy. Instead of dying, God raised me to on, and now Ijwisli to testify you that nothing pays so well as iivingl for Cnrij-t,"' But you must hear l)r. llufhaai to know how to appreciate what he says. His voice is sweeter than that of a woman. ,,- , ,, ITnhl illl UlU'lU-Jff ill. - UlMt i Ev t.v man h:ct to has soaie schedule of COIi guide him. In bio- (graphics ive find rules of life set down one by one as buoys for the keel. wa s Is it, nolle. isier to order our by ;ieting;at home as if Jesus lwa."iin i!ie guest chamber? was a Not the JeMi of the Polemic Theol! gy, n cold doctrinal cadavor, for dissecting mid del mnstrating His "peif i.-tiorts," but the gracious noble! . tender j personage seen in the saeied memorabilia. How 1 considerate in (.'ana t prevent a domestic humiliation He supple ments the cxhiUised wiiejar! Hw charming the. face that wins toa stranger's arms babes from the bosom of their mothers! Peter's child sits on His knet a serniou in Itself without the previous words uttered then. ( Martha, must not be auxious about the meal one dish only is needful foi Him. John leaned back on His breast in lov ing familiarity. Women, saluted by touching His person, as Mary let u see when she ittemptsjto embrace His feet, yet gone , j above the clouds. And so, often aud often it-is told hov He touched the jsick, earressingly and to cure. Creeds, Confessions, Comment aries, Moses, Elias aU fade be fore; the faith thai seems all in Jesus. The saint, aged or child, dying, catches v sious ! ot Linn ami leaves a whisi)eri or joy on tbe air "Jesus." Rev Dr. Lajjcrty. Wadesboro 'Intelligencer : A fw days ago, while Mr. Dennis Tap ton land his littlti'boy were at work in a field, a parts ' of partridge hunters, passing! that way, fired (at a covey of partridges, but missed tho (birds and struck the men. Mr. Tarlton received 13 of the sbot(, a part in his face. The boy was struck in the legs by a number! of shot. Fortunately the wounds weile not seriotfs. -From every point comes loud ttnd prolonged conjplaint, about the general de moralization .of1 the. mail service. Great Scott ! was there ever any thirirj go provoking! Every week, every day," almost every hour in Cay!, some subscriber comes to us wit i the complaint 'I can't get OF All, AND A DEMOCRATIC ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTERED BY DEMOCRATS. X. C, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1887. NORTH CAROEISA NEWS. ! New Notes lof People ami Thin 51 Culled Proa tbe State Papers. - Mr. Rily;Yearby accidentally fell into a dry well at Raleigh thirty feet deep. J No damage. New Bern Journal . A road from New Bern j to Wilmington would help both places, instead of de stroying one to baild aip the other. Davidson Dispafcfc.-jAn unknown white man, supposed to be a tramp, was killed !by a train; on the Yad kin river bridge last Saturday. The i 'mow " Hill Enterprise has completed (its second year. Under the editorship of Rev; W. J. Ful ford it promises to be a useful, elevated weekly visitor. Charlotte phrtyiicle : A rich strike has been mada at tho Dunn gold mine.) Mr. Ilovey, the super intendent, has just uncovered four new and appntly rich gold bear ing veins., j i ! I Wilson lirror : Mr. Haywood Edmundson, of Greene county, a very prominent, higbljr useful and most honorable old!" gentleman, died ou Saturday night after a short illness, j ;. Carthagci Blade Tike sale of the effects of the Millstone Company, which was (advertised (to take place on Thursday last was stopped by an injunction sworn;! out before Judge Dick by some ;0f the cred itors. j ' !-'!'". ' , .Reidsville Democrat : We learn of a serious cutting affray between two negroes at Rice's Store, in Caswell! county, Saturday night One of the in was fatally cut by having his throat cat "from ear to oar. He will die. I i - 1 ' ' I (H llsborp Record ; I The North Carolina and Virginia Conference oft the Christian Church is holding its annual sessions at New Elam church, about nine milts south cast of this place. Tlio session! be gan on Tuesday and will close to morrow. ; j ;" j (Payetteville Neicsrr.Au Ameri can gray agle was caught on (Lit tle River, IIS miles west of Fay etteville, by Mr. W.i-M. Gatldle. The eaglej measured over eight feet from tip to tip, anil was caught in a steel trap bated with the sheep head he had Just killed. Asheville Citizen: Mr. Freil A. Brown, of Kew York city, (son of a member of the firm of Brown Bros., prominent (bankers of that City, who recently bought the beautiful Strawberry Hill farm .near Ashe ville, is having built an elegant residence dn his property, Mr. J. A. Wagner, contractor. His build ing is to be Of) native gradate, of elaborate tlesigu and finish, Tarbory Southerner : On the 4th the constable, and posse of No. G township (went to the liouse of Henry Hamper, colored, twb miles from Whitaker's, with a Warrant charging h(iui with stealing a hog. Harper skipped out the back door aud when pursued by thej officers ran into White Oak swamp, w! ich at "that time was very fiill, and eluded his( pursurers. Si(x days after, aud not far from here he had euteied the swamp, his body was founjd floating in tho canal. The Washington correspondent of the Tobacco Plant says: "Friends ot Ir. Walter Page, who live in this city, trll me that be has left his recent positions in the offices of the Evening Post and ''Harper Bros, and (have accepted a posi 1011 on tbe editorial: start ot the Forum. Mr. Pago is expected to visit Washington this wiuter for a week or so He is one of the brightest ami most promising meu our State has produced, and every promotion he receives is a matter of gi atitication."x - Kinithfietd Herald: The Selma Xeics has suspended, after a brief existence -j-Mr. Allen Jernigau died of typhoid fever at Benson's last Saturday. He was a young man. iBurns, the colored barber at Selma, was seriously shot in his shop Saturday night last by Thos. Luavistep Burns was in his Bhop at work when Lavister, who was under the influence of liquor, drop p d intollie siop and soon became involved' in a tussel with some one; be was ask(ed to stop, whereupon he drew his revolver and deliber ately slujt barns in tho forehead, ami then walked out. lie was siibsequen Lly arrested and tried be fore CaptJ A. M. Noble, and we suppose bound over, but we learn that having been given the oppor tunity'to jL-scape, he took" advan tage of it nd sloped. Bums is 111 a critical cjondition aud may not recover. I . ' Raleigh Neicx Obxercer : Peni tentiary bpartl ot turectors was in session yesterday but had no. special business of public import' ance to transact. Twenty-live ad ditional convicts were assigned to work on the Plymouth turnpike road. in tbe -A gentleman who arrived citv I from Vance county yesterday told of a horrible occur tat city last week which reuce in t points to foul play on the part of gome one.! A small shanty was discovered to be on fue by some passers-by, who proceeded to ex tinguish the (flames, not knowing that any one was iii it. When they bad put the fire out they found ly ing on th0 floor the dead body of a colored woman chared and still burning She lived in the house and it seems that some one had dealt foully with her and set fire to the bouse to conceal the crime. Both the Iwoinau's arms were bro ken. Henderson dots: A few days ago it was announced that the R. & pi R. It. I Co., had pur chased a valuable (lot upon which it would fcrect a handsome freight denot and nassenger station, ami the work is already begun. dav ground was begun on To the Durham & Northenj Railroad. Maj. Scott, the chiei engineer, who besides being skilled iu his pro fession is1 a cultured ge.utlemau of pleasant address, presided grace fully as! master of ceremonies. r ,i.: ' THE PDBL1CCB00L PROBLEM. A LECTURE BY MAJ. S. M. PI X G E K. Saperinteudent Public Instruction Be fore tbe Teachrrs Seminary UnU i verslty ot: N. C, Nov.: IS. (Reported for Patriot by W. T. WhiUett) - By special invitation Maj. Finger delivered a lecture before the Teachers' Seminary and ian audi ence composed of the students and villagers, upon, onr public school problem. Dr Battle introduced him in a few very appropriate re marks retering to his labor in be half of tho University in ItfSO The Superintendent begau his talk by noticing that the helping hand of all intelligent .people, is needed in our educational system. The" system of public schools was fixed in our constitution in 1840 under the administration of Gov. Dudley and eyen if it were desir able there is no way of abolishing it except by the masses, hence the importance of a proper study and regard to the importance of our school system. ( ; 'In enterprise and inventive genius our people excel. 45 of the world's railways j are found in the -United States, and everywhere our rapir" growth and prosperity are illustnated. We are tho hap; piest, most prosperous, and most inventive people in the world. The teachers are the true found ers of a republic. We fear there is a decadence of civi liberty, but what and religious can be more natural, if no efforts are made against this! Our teachers should teach the principles of the Decla ration of Independence and etn phasize tho events that gave birth to it. The j speaker referred to the words of wisdom uttered by Wash ington Jeflersou, and others of our early fathers in regard to educa tion. Congress well made the pro vision that J of public laud be ap-' propriated lor usje of the schools. Tbe Superintendent here paid a glowing tribute to the University aud the recommendation 'for its foundation in 1T7C. Showed how the' recommendations of Gov. Tur ner in 1804, of Gov. Stonoih 1809, of Govi Miller in 1815, lof Judge Murphy in 1S1G, &c, all leatLup to the adoption of a system of schools in 1840. These men all ad vauce "national education to per petuate the liberties of the people," and 111 addition tp the words of our most distinguished sires', reasons and ananoly both plead for the highest usefulness possible for the public schools, Those wiio protest agtaiust uni- versal education should lie answer ed in the words of Sir. Wm. Ham ilton. "Those who oppose universal education are iiot worth of an answer." Broa! christian charity! patriotism and both argue for universal education. This idea is largely growing n North Carolina and our public schools are here to Jav. The State Bias to deal chiefly with secular education; jbut tnor als and religion to some extent, but never se -fa should be taught rianism. The tt3ible should be generally used 111 our schpols Our lpropri -iit ion does present school a not meet anything likt .the! -Jieeds of our people. 1.25 is ;vtpaltry sum, and it 1 schools are held iit wonder our in such little es- teem. Education should so f ir as possible, bo given free, iui all our colleges. 1 'TTbe speaker ablv discussed I he education of the negro! various points 111 our present system :a pable t improvement, and ylto get her gave a clear ami ! practical account of our real school problem and offered valuable suggestions in regard to the same. The lecture was highly appreciated, and thinking the Patriot readers would appreciate a sketch of same, the above hasty notes we sent. Rules for Family Peace. First We may be quite sure that our will is likely to be crossed to day ; so prepare for it. Second Everybody in the house has an evil nature as well; as our selves; and, therefore, we' are not to expect too much Third To temprr of ear! earn the ainerenc individual. 1 1 Fourth Wl en-any goon nap- liens to anyoae to rejoice at it Fifth When inclined to give in angry answep to e.ouiit ten. Sixth If from sickness, pain or infirmity, we feel irritable, to keep a very strict watch over ourselves.. Seventh To observe when others are so suffering, and drop a word of kindness and sympathy suited to their wants." i Eighth To watch for little op portunities of pleasing, and to put lil tie annoyances oat ot xne wa. Ninth To take a cheerful view of everything. Tenth In. i all little pleasures which may occur, to put self last. Eleventh To try for the soft au fiwer that ' turneth away wrath. Twelfth When we have been pained by an unkind word or deed, to 'ask ourselves; "Have I . not of ten done the same and been for given f Thirt'tMith In conversation, not to exalt ourselves, but to bring others forward. Fourteenth To be very gentle with the younger ones ami treat them with respect. Vfftntfi Never to iudge one unntltor but to attribute a gool motive when we can. SiXteenth-To compare our man ifokl blessings -with the trifling an noyances "f tne-Vi Wife In the rivalry between MrsJ Langtrv! ami Mrs. Potter for liitrionie honors, John, which lady do von think is leading? I Husband Why 'I understand that Mrs. k Langtry is still two bra.ldsof so.ip aheml. i L : - ; Ill Kl.i:.M, AK.MCA MAI.VE. The Bobt Salve in the world for euU. bruise;', ores, ulcer, fait rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapp ed hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions. ..iiiriiiv miiwi nili. or no ny required. It i k guarantee.i to give perfect satisfaction, or mony . refunde.1. Price 25 eeats W box. 1-w l" f 1 re. 1ESXSi SOMEBODV'S DAttLIXG. Into a ward of tho whitewashed walls. W hero the dead and dy in lay. i Wounded by bayonets, sheila ais ball. oomeoody f muling was borne bne day. Somebody ' darling so young andiso brave V earing yet on hu Dale. wett fawi. Soon to be hid by the dust of the irrare. The liagerinc light ol hu boyhood craco. Matted and damp are the curiei of gxild Kiaiins the mot of that fair ydun brow. Fale are the lips of delicate mould Somebody ' darling it dying now, ; ! 1 J ' ' Back from hU fceautiful blue-Teised brow Brush all the wandering waves t.t gold ; Croat hi hands on hi boiora now. - Somebody '1 darling is stiff and old, V " "- 1 ' I- I 1 ' Kis him once for somebody's salte. Murmur a prayer eoft and low i One bright curl trora its fair mate) take They were somebody' prido. yqu know. Somebody's hand had reJted there p Was it a mother's, soft a nd w h Ue ? And have the lips ot a sLer fair I ! Been baptized in the wave of jijfht j? God knows beet. He wal sotlieliody's love. Somebody's heart enihcined him there ; Somebody wafted his name abote, 1 Ji ight and Boon, on thej wings tf prayer. Somebody wept when he manthit away. Looking so handsome, bravq and grand. Someboljr's kus on his forehead- lay, (Somebody etnng to his parting hand. ': Somebody's waiting and watcDiJu for him, learning to hold hitn aRuin tu-Cheir heart. And there he lies, with h s bliio yes dim. And the smiling, child-like lipsiapirt. Tenderly bury the fair young lleal. ' ' ' Pausing to drop on hi grave i tear: j : Carve on the wooden elati at hi Head. I "Somebody's darling slituborS here." 4 PUHI. t BT. A Very Rapid Increase Uiwer Decrease ling Circu stances. The assumed rapu tlecrease of the Uuited the public debt of tetates, as shown in the; statements published, has seemed very" mar yeious t.o foreigners. The experi ence ot othep nations with their public debts leads them to doubt !. . .1,1) J. iuo HLuieiueuis o tbM oountry Most of them hav coil tji 11 u ally in dedreasiiig na creasing instead o tional debts II I ; How then, the askl, can the United States diminish iits debt so rapidly f v ; if .The prosperity of tbcf people dur ing'all these 'j-ears h&& been un abated. In fact the; country lias never seen such an era! of general prosperity. The two conditions appeAr to be contradictory. . Are the statements! trie! In one sense they are-iindoubted-ly correct, but the (public debt has largely increased sincie (tlie war. It has accumulated to tlit great in ventor and discoverers I vhose sue ces,8ful efforts have easqd the bur dens of labor. and! made pleasant the pathways of toil ( A grateful public should also acknowledge ts" indels xnlness to those who have promdh I'd health and happinessJ The proprietors of Warner's safe cure b!ati given to the public a specific for all kidney di$orders anil the iii uimerable triMn of frightful diseases "that are caused by them. The! late public teacher, Dr. Dio Lewis, ! ho seldom prescribed . mediciues 4' an' sort, gave to this renowned specific his wiirtn colnmenuatioiiL ai;l said it he found himself sufferiiil; from any kidney disorder he shh dd use it. Kidney disorders are till e cause of 93!per t-eut. says tho-pre prietors of thjit remedy, jot" all d(i' eases. If yoh keep the kidneysjj in health, you have! the greatest ijsuraiice of freetlom Irotn all disejas jel)rejtiie tliscoyep' p!f this rem ed, , bright's disease ns 4leimed incnrauie.- uw iue uuinber of victims ot the dreatl iKiidney dis the dread eases, ant all others caused bv such tlisitases. wlio an? by it snateli ed, from death -constant! increases, ami as thv efficacy !f he femedy beeomes ;more widely kUowji those who hav'e reason to l' '-tlevoutly thankful ' tl at this - worijleiful spe cific has been made kiibwn to the world, multiply J with'' iapidly in creasing ratio. j Sanford Eritrea : AlMr. Brady of this t:oiinty, while 1 digging" a 4riiekf a vei v rich well in his yard Mri vein t gold. Air. . K. .J.i :Uson of ProMperity, had tjije oie x ami ned bv an expert aiiid iaifio-di ately purchasMf the 4 11 and the laiul around 'about by i v 1 1 1 g - UUP. it I is bonanza. said to b a: regular i '. - i .- First Tramp T ie (lit! lanchol v days baye come. Second Tramp Tli iddt of the vear!. "Yes.! eyeryb.t;d hH wood to saw." (Jmaha World.. Nice Sugar cheap it li. M. my 13 Cahleleugli & IJro's. Cakes, Cracker, Rice, atE. M. Caldcle ees and gli & In's. i i A 'PORTIXCJ MAX'S E5fPl Htr:xtl' AC Iiapttr from the I.ilc ol 4. l'iul Ian, of Corinth, pi 1st Mr. Mc'Mullas is one of the lii-jt knoWn chioken and dog .nncicrs in the South.. Ills coop anj ken nels aro lilled witli tho tinest ?t'ontieiO ol game chioke'S and wcll-brel spcrting llog.1 i..r niiinv vpum tit' his tifo he rliad a sctrtous im- fortune, which ho explains in the following letter.. which also tells what was tho: uniucKy sporting man's real Mascot: i . i j Vou will pardon mo for addroHing yotl on a sub ject ou which 1 know you imutj get ntjiuor-ous. il' not innumberable. letters, but;:ratitu if irtup.s mo to tell you about what I rtgaril ni-ui-ist re narkable Cure of rheumatism by four S.jS. S. For ten ears I suflerwl with rheum.ttbOii. U. had a!at "saturated" luy entire body. 1 (bad paias in every part of it. My left leg was oi worsjt atlecteil. Even to-day. though 1 am eitirely will, my lett lull lv U & little smaller than tlie r it'll tl shrivelixi from rheumatism. For frre ye I mafs:iy that I I was in danger of starvation Irotli inaoiiKy- to work at my traJe in account of thH ternlije diswise w linn I fiiuiA tt C rinth l'rotn 1 Alabali&i I w;i oi crutches for two years- Of course dift-ifte-all of ihiun en.l venrs I was attendwl ftjl g.xid hysu-ians. They gave me powerful U'vos o jp-itashjand sarsa- itarilla, wuicn uiii reneo mo svim1: .jw:iuy, ul got no permanent relief until. by a friend's pcr- Kiiasion. 1 useu -. . r. 1 ui-mruuiieii iroiu iue Iwrefit I teceivt-1 from the firstH'ew botjlos to tako . iki.nink o,,im it vmir niroiii-ilic. liiiii I tooll aliout one dozen of tho -et-iiic. V .u I U-gan taking the wedicino 1 weighelli 1 1 pituui!s. and when I finished the thirteentil 0.ttl r.7 Mtiit I weieh that Ircganiyour medicine as the poor ;n:in's bust frionit. if ne will only take it mitliiie. anil thus ava In in lrom extravagant dinftor it tiilis aat preserve bis health. With gratitude aiiHiwith icstiMios. 1 remain. Your obodient serv4i)t T. v .McMILLiN. Corinth, Mis.. Feb. lTth. lfJ Treatise on blood ani fkin diNasos ijiaileil free. Th S-4 IF-T Specific Cd.. Pratr 3, Atlantu, tja 1 Xctv Enterprise Mr. N. A. McUuf: EN, .f lit?! ily our Soriiio-s. N. C. cai sup reatlels with all kind Pine" Linn- berl -ami we km ' one "to wboih :we would iMllifcl r our onlersi Th.is yoifng gentl 111;: a is and we a son Of Sheriff .McQIh en consider him perlff My h ilable When on want t lild write l Mr. N( A: McQuukn Red Splint:?-, VHITEHCAD, EdlUf A Prr!t l . 81.SO Prr Year, at itnpf. Use Tar Heel Iiiniment FOR ALL ACHES and PAINS. GET WETU-llE IlAl'fV VOr CAN SAVE MOXKV BY DEALING WITH US. - . . .i . We want to buy for Cash : 100,000 lbs Berries. 100,000 lbs. 11 Cherries 100,000 lbs, Wool, 100,000 lbs. Bones: All tbe Dry and Green HIDES, SHEEP SKINS, It AGS and BEESWAX, You can bring us. . Will also buy FLOUR, CORN, PEAS. MEAL, OATS, ONIONS, FLAXSEED, Chickens, Eggs, Butter, &C, &C, &C, 1 For sharp cash. Any time you are in need of v - ' GROCERIES j in large or small quantities, Sugar, Coffee, Syrup, TEA, MOLASSES, BACON, LAUD, SODA, CHEESE, . CRACKEIiS, CORN, SIJ IP- STUFF, : . " Bran, Flour, Meal, i Or anything else in will take pleasure in our line, we selling you. . .. - In our fifteen years experience in the business we have learned how. tchen and from ichom t o buy. Hav ing the cash to buy with we pick up many bargains that cannot be touched by. merchants who buy on time. These bargains we divide with our customers. Ci me and see us we are headquarters. Houston & Bro. ' Greensboro, N. C. elrli.h A ahlH' lsiir arc lltr IIohI. , TKY..THOI. Far Rheumatism. Swellings. I'iiin in the Stoiu h and lJowels, Neuralgia, l.nuo or vtill tj.-v-k, bruises, spratns, cut-1, .Vc, use ' Tar Heel Liniment Pri -e ;'iO-.. Sold by Druggists and Iiealers. Try it. BLACK WOLF. ( Or Klai-k Lei-rosy, is a disease which is eonsiiler-i. ed mcuniolo, but it has yieldeil to thecurativo pro perties of S'ift's SfKv.inc now known all over the world as S. S. S. Mrs. Bailey, of West Somer vi!!e. Mass.. near Uoston. was attacked several years :ip. with this hideous black erup:ion. ana was treated by the best medical talent, who could ouly -a that the diseases was a scios of . i.i:ih!-v-- and c.rtiscuuetitly ini-jra')!o. . Itisfmip-issible to dc scribe her rut'mi iogs; Her tio ly from the crown of her l.i a 1 to tue'suics of her fuet Was a mass of de cay. Jiiiu-si!- ' : ,Co.-b rotting off an.l leaving great cavities. Her finders festered and three or four nails' dropped H' at one time. Her limits contract ed ly the fear, ul ulceration, aud for several yeafl s!ie did not leave lier bed. Her weight was reduc ed from 1i"i to fill lbs. Ivei!iais" some faint idea .of her conditon can hi gleaned from the fact that three prounus ol t'osinoiincor ointment were used 1t week in dressing her sores. Finally, the ihsi ci.iiis lickuowli-ilgcl their defeat by this Illack Wolf, and coihmcnded the sufferer to her wise Creator. - llcr husband hciiring wonderful, reports-of the use of Swift's Specilic (S. S. S ), prevailed on her to try it as a last resort. She begau its use Under! protest, but soon found that h r system was being relieved of the (oison, as the sores assumed a red and healthy color, as though the blood was becom ing tmre and active. Mrs. Bailey continued tho S. S. S. until last February ;ev'e,ry sore was lical-4- od ; she discarded chair and eriitohcs, and was for tho first time in twelve years a well woman. HeT husband, Mr. C A. Bailey, is in business at 17? Blackstono street. Boston, and will tako pleasure in giving4he details of this wonderful cure. Send to us for Treatise bn Blood and Skin Diseases, mailed free. Th slfT Spec I He C o.. aprli Prawer 3, Atlanta. Oa. Xo 3Iore Eye Glasses i XO Weak MOKK EVES Mitchell's Eye-Salve, f A Cottain. Safe and ) I Effective Remedy, for Sore, Weak anil Inflamed EyesJ f Producing Long-Sightelnoss, and ( ReeUi'ring the Sight of tho Old- Pun.. Tear Iroi,s. Granulation. Stye Tumors. Rol Kyes. Matted Eye Lashes, and producing relief and permanent enre. Also, equally etti'-aci. us when usel in other mt la dies, sue h as l iners. Fever Sores. Tumors, Salt iiki.,.i livms l'ili-. or wherever intluiiimation exists. M I It'll tLL'S SALVK may be used to ad vantage. , a (Iriy nil Drugghli at ill rculH. funlf FINE -TAILORING -ESTHBLISHMEKT G R E E N S BORO, N. C. A FULL and com lete stock of Fine Imprtel Goods for my Fall and Wilder Trade, consist ing of French. English and Scotch Suitings of all colors. , . -c- An unsurpissel line of Trousering. All are cordially invited to call and examine my stock, and they will see at o ce that I keep 'the est" in the market. . -me "'1 he Bos:" of workmanship an . perfect fit guaranteed. . .1.. 0rr.-r'(). f, crrt-.' ?-,-- FARMARSGIYEATTENTLON. OUrLFOHD. VILLE, CAS MANCE, C BASTDOT i Pittsy HESS. t i lif Stir tw, ' Am now li -s And" almost A ko'ti la " . Ml - -'(-;'. ! :. ' '.'.-! '''-' are invited ft their ' It- The liegis the six mont! that our pu than any otjt: eiiv. All f. ract yivi-s ii bttth iii7tn.ui.tn Verv'Ue 1 fe!.i"i DIKE Bl fj if G'L'EE (Cllt'l.tl li t ; t " liCO KS. Inqirov il tl - 1 Jiisroirv. i5io(i! II v r t ' 1' M' i-'Mv IKIOKN I V N it, -.ii.ii."t-A . i LETTK. Writing Pap Iegal Cap, Bill j Paper Pencil Pads, ; -..1 SEA h Monroe's, I.ovi-11 V . xiues, NewsiaJcrs , iland. Everyth .. . New iiiKl ? . . - Base Balls alTd ' mocks, lit of fa l.IR'l I - . n and Transparcm it 7 - . ' kinds - Cvino and 1)1 miir2'. I c. v, FEED A i '' -I . OK - - .- .' ; j, Keei on hand M i t.' " - I V I ' 1 c ! .1 Bugc . le, from it : ink no ire at short am prepared to -- ( ' '' ' ) - raatkia, I I; iii ,'i r, lesr'v A- - - '" 1 GUEE ; ' ':: . " , . 4-'l m ;! 7t t 71' r t -'if i'f' . -1 'il' a r-ii

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