i - if:' tt' !' "1 fever or f rose cold, you may wager w h. Lu von c;in lay your hands oil; that - I J- IV 111 J III.1'" . i . 1 1 i - - I 11 V uafrt..rc: liiinmeeaiue as w ipuow nam . jj- ft pOQr. man COUIti MMBKIM . 1 . "I keensboro Patriot. isticd cvtTyj Friday Morning at fcight o'clock. c. Mi -iijiti:iii:m. r . ! Ktlilor md lroprilor. F ICK In IVtiU.w Haft IJuiMinr. ever n,.s.,,i-oa as soon as a man aciiwv wealth, he becomes afflicted With new-mown hay fever or a tuberose cold. j ; w'ijpii ioti sec a mau with hay " " ! . -.i ' . 1 . , . Ulailies. it ,UI, Wt ,f,e in'GwnsWo, X- C. as , acquire cuuer ut uicov p set ...,.- I; ,-- mail matter. , , iwvf ,,a ,ps:irv for llM tO H Ulllti IIVI . .vl.TiH" 1'rii-r, SI.50 n Vi-ar. -' j !i tttiav in AnvA:ri- ' i uiHtam-d mu.-t be ma.lc by cheek, draft. l"S" i , v ir.b-r. - press. r in rcgistcrc'l ':,fer--!V. -uih remit tam e-' Will be t the n.-K nt Uf man. i iU: .PATRIOT if devoted to tlie gr-i aou -ii.t l.u-ints-i iwere-isui rVVlir . Vu. T.,nimua!ly in iriu, iii'iuiriai ami 4lhhi ; j dre.sTwcll.or be at 'all fastidious Sav what .you will, poverty is a great blessing; it it were not, it would not bo the common lot of : -!- ei t.uiilinl county, me riuwu-j I i:-trut ar.dtae Uett. .1) Klw-ii t- :i:.i!.nyif.ufi c. r. --j.n-r.j,.; :.Hi v mimiuic-nti".!' n(.t r?turncI - n.-raire L- .'fiit f.r 'hat uri--. . ' !,! !!:! :iti..n.o:i l.x-.-il t. .pi- -rirt.rt . 1 J ! ;-(! in tin? r utii I's-inn- . iii-:im-:xoknce ok farm mkk. Tlie CI arlotte UoMt-Dtmtcrat irives some good advice to the far-. x.-T l- in iso wi-'? rc''ii-n .-.(.rrr-j-'nilrriN. t tu'cvu-jrcx-hi,er in thei following-; "Kvery , . rriJ ireo. f mer should aim to raise all , , .it-... .i.... :"iiv -niiii- c. it inrfsnuipie in:nvi- ' t - U Isi.i:.-- t'i,--r--:."' h . , -r ; -. ! m;: -uiiiri.t- .mu r,Miiii..'im.i.i' n .;.' i!I lc . h.ir-'t:M .i!" n-sular far the . - . i - - I.,. :.-rnti.- t.. the farm nrfxlQCtS I1CCUIUI lot '"""h""" :.v li.iwi. i.i. J kih j -.1--- " ;. ur a', t:it trc'i'les av U, il'f r-n. AU- t -':J,rl Ki .. J.-.,, ,1. !... '!,.i;i.:im.jr!"i . .', t!..j,-.irrvv.-t..f I i!,i h.r;nivil!e: riM-ylvant:i. .i .t .i ' -, 1 I! '"iry r. ni . ;ti. V irtrinn- J. i-i; ' r . . 'J i-'.-'di 1.1. " iM-.n'- t V 1 ... " 1 ill, i'A 1 i:.l ' I . 'ri-ni .'.n. . ijjjl first.; The independence' of farm Hfe j lies right there. Lie "tWs every supply for his table, so far as his soil and climate! per- mils, unuer nis ou t-c. m- .tIi'rli',iiieiiJ i .'i i'- r.rc th't timi--i.iitr.u t'-i 1 -r lui.-Mr i i ; i.i. i.it- ! i.;.i ii' i i ' (Iei)emieut on no one ior me iitrc-co- . . . ' int. 1UA 1 r ;.- J'iiii i i I'm- larsot. o 1Ic-kI mil i .,s i tiini. ir r nrrulaHU m-m P"l-r L !' tiironi orlli t arliua-rmbrnr" hr i nliir 3 oliarra ril. jrrii' v(! v pit-'C-c:i1r lh- lu- of uc h -.t- Uit.iti lor iJ:i(ini; llirir biiiin""-'"-rr Lril - prrvfii rl. . -- t. V, XOVEMIiKj: 1 : . sities of life, fr even for the. unes t his' table. Every variety fruit suited to his locr lity should produced for his own use, let n live near or -remote from the CILV. llieil-iei Ullll lUCieu.c: mo acreage of every variety that pays in uie maiKet io ins auimj ivnau die it without loss his losses will often over balance his profits. It isliiot wise forthe grower to put himself at the:nercy of others. If he does, he will often iind their ten der mercy cruel, j They will let his perishable : property go to waste unless they cui secure the lion's share of tlie-profits. . "besides grain crops and stock irii i- man ii.s 01 'ivi:ut. ."iin-Jv k one bas belter" opp"Tr-iii-s f.n- realizing the beauties ) vcrty tiiau the-editorial; fra nirt Xt;r!h Carolina ; there e wiUjiiot- be likelj' to be ae .:.! !ij ilieu.s;ii:g a subject the i.i',s th-merits of - xyhicl wcjgrowiug as a branch of farmiug, .rv !i;i:: -o!. .No matter how everv" tarm adapted to (it siiouiu inasf -tlft-iie wealth, com J have growing on it an orchard of every variety of fruit demanded by Do iiasj -t. UlIMt- Oil e should always kelves o:i tlie.fict . . Now tliis may oiiiit, soiiint ludicrous :r rjM'lers, but indeed i iv iter uiessing i i nan Vou know' how" to t a r f .. .. m: .sen io -ii. ii ou m" irouoie 10 make the inarket at pacing prices. n6t run so ...much toone kind ot fruit that you would suiter heavy embarrassment if it flails. All kind of fruit "seldom fail in one year." MISREPRK3GTATIOX OF FACS. Whois it that says Winston lis not 'a better tobacco market than Greensboro ?i If there i one who thinks it is iiot let him look at the followijg figures and figures do not He. Iielow we give a schedule of prices on different lots sold at lue riedmoal arenouse, uioin. irice in Greensboro; in Winston Alex Wiser. St-.Ve.-' .. l(i.l li W S7.CK) 22.1 12.UI i'lllj n ntir snrnrise that 1 i i 1 -m- f . I. " LEX. JVIGEU, OI OlOkfh, one will i is uiinai)- A lti;i HOT ANARI'IIIST, i Hf:uu Most evidently has blood in his eyes.'- 1 he rtheit a news paper which ' he i.-vthe editor and proprietor of the date of Nov. liUh has the entire first pagejn mourn ing rules, devoted to the review of the. hanging f - the Anarchists. ! The article is headed, "It is finish" ; ed Most, w"1u is presumbly the author of thi article, begin. with these words, which is a specimen of his" line of thought: ''That which ve deemed imp'Ossi- u'; " bleJiy multitudes of men a few ;iJ- IMmvr, wlio.has no tlifticul-lvs hgo has happened. The. pre- in s'ilir; ;- everything-. he-paints j meditatcu, eohl-blooded, assassin itiun, you will learn to s iii-;i:.u'; iiku nineiv nine i; lit- i l 1 Ik.' Iiappy j people in ii ! v, h .v.l'l v. "ii rd are poor.- How Iv.'e I.iidiv Tthisr some Kl c.ii!.-e no oon mail - ! 1-11 iHil- j i:e row s - rieu ; ani:to c 'niA it is onlv necessary to A J Danly. Sum This, advance was gained, top, r.a 4 Ik a wAii rr titei iiiu uiijj," o , to unpacking tnl repacking t reensboro. The above s tho substance of a u editorial ia Bast, week's Winston Sentinel and eut to the Charlotte CJtronidc of ihe 21 st, which does the Greensbro maiket great in jiistice, aswi have visited all the warehouses i in tiiis city ahd liml very much neither, or A. J. Danly of Surry, have ever sold a single pound of tobacco on the Greensbo :o market. Therefore justice to tbijs market coiniefs us to say that somebody has grossly aiid maliciously misrepresented the facts in the c ise, for no other pur pose than to mislead the farmers, we suppose.simply because Greens rboro'i selling the Stokes and Surry county tobacco heretofore sol 1 on the Winston market.; Now we have no quarrel to make with our neighbor of the Sentinel over the sale of leaf t obi-Jc: in Win ston, for we have already conceded more to Winston than we have evef claimeil for Greensboro, bjit ! we must insist upon honesty and fair ness iu quotations hereafter. Again the .SVaiHcJsavs that "Mr. SJL. Tuttle of Stokes, sold at the Farmers Warehouse 1 in Winston one lot of tobacco for 611 23 that Greensboro only offered 67.00 fpr.y Now we have examined all the sales made at;all the warehouses in this city for: Mr.-Tuttle and fail to find where he sold or took in a single lot of tobacco at 7.00. On the con! trary we iind wjiere he took iu same which sold for l 1.00 and some for ! . : ... -. : I I0.00 at the r aimers warehouse in this city. And si on the mis takes run too numerous to mention Let the farmers bear in mind what w iirevious v stated, that, whild ' Greensboro doift sell so 'many nonnds as 'Winston, yet she gets there all the same on high prices i i i r.DiTor.m. coiii:xt. u, we;u t ny man alhulin i; !ir il'v to the-deai- old days of x' h , :;go vhen he only ! got four week and ft.-mid him ? Willie L-sr win ,go into rap-! ling yoii.oi' the julity I r like butchery ot our Chicago Com ades has taken place." Further on he savs : i js vj niggling- days,-.w hen lie t "Woe, a thousand times woe. to ii'j.'tl ;tirt raits on' political ban- j the community whose king is the' is. mrs.'e !it- morn'in" collee over i hangniati, whose morality is mur der, whose right is njight kind whose understanding is foolishness. On the graves of this tallen iwill nis tlay to Jigliten j the laurel! spring whoso sprays are j i.u:.v:i .-rketcin-'s. ' If the. art i destined soon to adorn the brows i l.reu. riel, then, h'J would j of s"' aolC4 A c-oiuinn is tlnvoted tt an en bev .nr au... l in t o day, for rt has.0f LINiUj; the suicide At the end vi ti u. hliilly sahl that nothiug Most writes as follows : Editor lvEtuiii to llegister Cau sey : I am sorry I done it. I take- it all back, Jot. The court house ring is up in arms against Register Causey for1 his antagonism to the shisters.i ' Anarchy in America has been strangled in its infancy, and now sleeps the sleep that knows no waking. - t'n-iul-', ami hungrily ic- I h !.rtrul he hafl used poverty makes' an 'artist . pr a i "Ve men of the people never lor- ai.d trHs -being' 4 he case, it Ktwhat LlNG has done tor yjou ! . ,, , . , iot.-t.-K ui fimiMic uiui : oecouie w mil liot ners. thinkn g i)'.oile 1 1. ...... ? i n i 1 - 1 ' J he was! I'a'lv around the banner M:, l wii we are notWi-n nf Hip. vaninunl ,.f tli srtcial ni-n. I lirre I vvi tteratiin 1 1 a;e to da.v in pic-! lution ! Thus, and onlj" thus, can you show yourselves worthy ot Secretary Lamar illuminated the close of his career in the. In terior Department ly making the Sparks tly. Nina V ay Zaxdt is said to be starving. herself to death, no footl having passed her lips since the execution of SriES. ' I man ei'eate.s'envv in the ! ,,i:n ! Thus, and only thus, can yon MYlMlirii II 1 Til 1 is poorer neighbor when j Another column discusses the l iloine iiithe spring, j ijuestion whether anarchy is -dead, . aith only enables him to j ad these words are doubie leaded : io 'die of Roman fever I "'"S-of strangling anarchy on - . . the gallows, the hangman at Chi r.n.iu tays in tins couii C.,K uiaye,i the part of a. man midf Iiyi-s t! Koman punch. ! wife for anarchy. Continuing, .'iv.Mt is bettcVt'i Ij ve ! Most says : : i MUK'l! than to'.lie ot Ko-! "As tl,e c,',ss' te symbol of " i , ' i i Chiistianity, so will the gallows be l.e rich young lady j Ul0 t.mbIe;n' of lf we ne-prancing -palfrey, is; should stigmatize" as giiiltv those The Philadelphia Prexs asks: "Who is this ''man Foil aker of Ohiol". AVhy iti that little fool who happened toj be elected Gov ernor. ' .- I-. i -Col. John UJ Fellows, who was elected ' district attorney for New York, is a sas and was a co federate army. . native of Arkan onel in the Con- it a !i. gladyjets into a breezy" iiiiock.. and, with a dain i and breaks Iu-r 'neck ; the have begun to commit gallows murders in Chicago, we should not stop with Gkixnell, ItIlmer! and their aeeoiiinli-o.i Yo mud Tirinf l'leneh .sli!ipersr mal es j first to Ll'OWDERLY. It is iraser-!y believe that.al- well known "how he has vented his living. The i ra"1' aa anarchy iu geiieral ea shor and ! CI,,,LC?SQ?nar,istS ir,J:,r iihkh. tit- iias Lurueii awav Trom i wortl a iie i : the poor-man stays' at the people 'and seeks to bea'politi ;ii i ,g t lever and ague. jcian. The blood of our iinvrdeieu Uel es to.tlie 'laiist. lit' ".' aii Iii;; lie .,.u'l I I l.i .ill,.,..., t.: . r. , f . - 11111 111 1 A .M ;i I II, II IW Il'lllll J T . IPl.l-il p awake uud ; . . . " , , V . . . VWW j - . . -vim iue goui wuicu lie undoubted .t, wondering.; iv u.cvivwl from the mononolists ?e worth in the j for his treachery leaves a blot nev- tiu- iiirpokerished h,Ml .1 'r to be-hidden.' ' ! I rnn T . : . t t t eieiis the s of lluv ;,,.,. u t ies 11K.MU uIlEUR Most j was arrested for shooting oii' his in'outh.'? If he had shot oil' Ids mouth in the right way as LiNNu shot bX his, for exain plee no one would have objected. ' " "Mli. 1LA1NE in ly irow saj- with perfect truth thatjm is out of: poli tics.'1 1 Jut he would .have been placed in -a less humi!i:iting light, however, if he - had ' not stayed in until i nit out. . "Possibly Forakkr expects to come in next year as a presidential candidate and bring his 1S1 issue with him." We hope he ill. Oat side of Ohio there is a good deal of i enlightenmeut in tho country. i-i v, ...i ! in! 'in- Jirs ii.iil at tai,e iill!i:e . n.t..r..vr .i"iw. ...... i . . ---vv.v.-iviuju i FiTi iiii". itiiti ;ttiiis : the appointed j "In the list of murderers is every j t Stft 1 . lailil II !S lilt 1 I sl.ipp'llj. oRtii: ajU- for forgotting "the People in New York who hold j the special-tax bonds, which aggre- re mt ktruek with aiworkman who remained at home I gaU' auout twenty millions of dol lars, wish to reduce the amount to live millions and then' induce tho State to recognize the debt. o-.e.i-; ' j t i inio; t lroiu a poor man's ' in cowardh fear when the. Hm ;W rich nrau 'tL' VT Let us think of the future." he asan't to see a i says. "The dead have left us their around like a last will and testament nn.l ' lllllt-. iivnnntA , I:.. a . veavni ' or i litt!.: - J-lY"LC ,l' uvmiure ro- iT "l mams which will win to t!. a.o -.pun tnuit s;.ee, while the evangel hundreds of thousands of r "- wirli numlA'r four feet, is the young. Then comes organiza- -,: pair til' nfuinber tliteen 1 .- ,T UiUl wo bee" better organ ! iris o; i ae-'t in n t ,li hj-out X 1 ,en mlfbt not tbo "angmau . . V s,uour. have been able to accomplish his :'' petyn,- ;ue ttt the oiiinioti wurt Tlio au;nl .tJ.: i The Galvestob LYfr., thinks "the Onio constitution should he amend ed to give Forakei: a life tenure as tiovemor.' He is tho only man known to the public who is suilici ently small to exactly lit the place. "A western organ' of Anarch- t.i:e;g..,1(s of tis " worh, ars-;11'1-piypeily .nvidell..' This is a ! Wlluti" iil,S tiieoi V. I f'i; iiiis wtald that 1 . . v i i t ! f i ; t ? t 1 . , .,. that -.LI-' !''' n i-aW i.Z i Woe unto us if;weare found 1Sm ,ec,aris -that the Anarchists on the critical, dav. It sir gaiiiing ground." We are will- s the pover- i E .a " i 1M' u,ilt ,lie Anarchists should .- Kjnuum nun suiicuut'l U lUBlMlelllr. is not . proper, We must get by cunning what we anee. we our- j can't get in any other way. The ota.- th in we want cr ' b:,ttle shall be fought not by half I ll . ' tnMit m . i :r ! L a. . 1 W.would like ; VJVrVr ,n 11 lempieti ii to Meld tliroufh riAt.'iiou luf (.., - . ci - ' " v - J III. 111.' or inst ' ' 1 1'' "S ' ' . -,. 8-3man e.ni t f I U an-.i very t j - 1 -UIliCSs ,-. J tame. !Thei ' 41 bv n .'lira i u m o; vv. a::!iy t did ; but ia Hiave I Iran ire mai in bii is not t gain grouud, but will never likely exceed six leet in this country. i g4 eat others : . , remember the gallows ofi Chicago dtsil ! Never foet November l'lth, 1887, ami , There is is an interesting case before the Court of Appeals of Vir ginia, which is probably the first of the kind in the country, a col- ' iirril iii-iii ,i-mn.t i, . in Kepnblf-! sentenced to State prison for as IHlaine wiltisaulting a colofed woman, on tii 7 v u v verdict ot a jury of twelve colored men. His attorney appealed tho ;5en. Call laughs at the state ment of Chairman Jones, of Ihe ltepnblican national committee, that Florida will likely go Repub lican next year. The New Orleans States says: "The alligators ill wear stovepipe hats when Florida goes Republican." Register Causey to Editor Keogk: "I called you in tujmy office and showed you those ac count, vouchers, &c, thinking that you could make a little politi-! cal capital of j them, but instead, vou went before the board of com misioners and give the whole thing away. Now, go ! go!! go !! ! TJin Chairman of the board of directors of .the penitentiry has made a report to the commissioner of labor statistics in which he states that the amount paid out for the erection and general expenses ot the institution since its com menceinent in 1870 is about 1, S00,000 in round numbers. Sell t! sell it!! : ! t -i I I- ! I The Montezuma (Iowa) Jhimr irat, referring to .the election in that State last week, said : iue have met thi eneniy and we are snowetl under ouce more. We will see the boys ater next year and the year after." It is this spirit in the Iowa Democrats, this uncon o.-e to "see the boys as reduced Iowa's Re publican majority from 70,000 down to that poin ; where it is a fairly doubtful State.1 Mr. Jas. A. RobInson-who has presided over the editorial depart ment of the Charlotte Chronic -e with such marked ability and satis faction has severed I his connection with that paper to b'e succeeded by the Rev. P. R. LAW of Monroe. Last Monday evening the composi tors of the. paper called on Brother Robinson in a body; and presented him with a gold pen and pencil, who requested him io accept 'them as a slight token of the respect and esteem in which he was held fey the . - I employees of the Chronicle oOiee. Mr. G. O. AndReavs, who has recently . resigned iis.. position as city editor of the Anniston Daily querable pur later." that hj Hot lllqpt and retnr informs us that Mr. led to this city, Oldham, who The p. F. & If. V. R. II. Editor pAtriot ! The.wcsij.'rn half i-f- this -oad, leading frtiin Greensboro to Pilot, Mountain, jSi astiinisbiiivr its iu i sanguine liopea of (riends liy the amount of freight uimI travel' l hat is now daily passing over it.. A sure proph'eey of what is y t t come whe-.ij'the road reaches Mr. Airy, and better still when it shall be extended to Wilmington and the Virginia line, ami there con nect with the Western & Noifolk Railroad that is now completed-to-Pulask City, that bids fair to eclipse IJii mingham, Ala., at no distant d iyi The ! reader wilt do' injustice tri himself ami the great interests herein alluded to if lie is from any r uisa led to suppose that what is hesty saitl is" mere bluster or a paid bir puff. : The C. F. & Y. V. road aiid the mineral interests and comuidrcial facilities that will be opened ip along its lint him! at its eastern and western terminus, will soon begin, and continue for all time to (orae, to tell with power on every interest and enterprise of the State. And if Greensboro does not reap her due share of the com ing prosperity that will certainly soon b-j; brought about by the com pletion of the. roai! referred to and the ininerajl and other interests that will uriquestioirably be quick ened ami cillcd into life by the ex tension 1 and completion of this hue of improvement, be ti.e ( ult of her pei Observer. u'.tk-.-, fliinul.ite the ciroulattoi,. I y tu'iiis .AyerV Saruartila. 1 that Captain S. .II. jof Mecklenburg county, orward !v the faraw-rs nomination great Stan then will It pie. j j Arvaso ttio !'.: I.urify jtho ! 1 !. Tt is sa Alexander, will I'm put as their-favoi ite ior the Dcinocratir: for (Joveriior. The Jarmers1 organ says, very plainly : "Ho. will be siibstaiued by such nn enthusiasm and such a vote as -have not been se'Ji;in this State in many a day, proeioetl the farmers and businessmen of the State can have a voice ia the matter." That is quite a sign flant utterance. (;oo Ki:siri-TM i r:vi;iiv cask. I). A. IVailiorili wt).lci!ffTiapfr tk-alor of Chut- taiiixia. ie:in.. nrires uiui :i wa.- t-.-rniu. iy itniu-i- eil with u fevtre i"li that settled on hi' lunc : trioil many rt-me'iK's witli.mt henelit. hail lli ine lii- du'fl to try lr. Kins . jevr Discovi-ry lur Coti fiiinj'tion, lil ? iinJ was entirily eurcd hy u?a of a ft-.v liiittles'. Simjo which time lie has used it in his family tw-r a!! Ooiih.-i and CM with best ri-nlt--. This is tin- eaa leme nf thousands whoso lives have otM u s;ivcd this wiiiiilcrful discovery. Trial bottle !it lit Uuntcr A; ilichnux's ilru; ttore. LurKo botjk-I. . j , Itt niiai Uatile l-'srajic. .lohn Kuhn. of jLafayt ttv. jnd.. ha t - veryn ir row t-scaj u from ik-ath. Ihis is hi-' own story: "One yeur a'-o 1 wi.s in t e last stages of cousuiirl--liu i. Our best ( hy.-icia:i.s care my t- ise ui. 1 fir ally put so !ow (that oil' doctor lid I could not live twenty -four jmurs. My frirnJ then purchased a bottle td' Ir Wp Hall's U ilim ifor tho I.hsks. whk-h iK-netittcd inc. 1 enr.tiiiued until I am now in I'erfett hea!tl!-,h:ivi!i useii other meilici c.'.' Messrs. Oldham thti Uof Jlhtst has resigned his position as managing editor of the same is working up a stock company for the purchase of the Daily Watchman. Hv the resignations of and Andrews lost two capital newspaper men, whose places will be hard to fill. We wish brot her Oldham the sue cess his talents so richly merit, as he is a born journalist and is- tie stiued to make his naik. . Tills is the way the Wilmington Star puts jt: "The fundamental postulate of Free liade is this : "That it is the night of' every man to sell where he can sell high est,! and buy where he can buy cheapest. ; "Is that a wrong principle f Is it not really a just and righteous principle? No mail would lessen its application last between the- btates pt the I nion. Not even "Piu iron Kelly or Sam Ran dale. "Free. Trade, pure ami simple; exists in no cou itry. Engliind comes nearest'. It taxis only twelve or fourteen classes of goods. The others enter English ports free of duty. It raises its. great revenue far greater it ia:i our own by taxing heavily twelve or. fourteen classes of foreign' goods, by taxing incomes,' by direct taxation (Inter naj or Excise) at hu nt. It j raises its vast revenues ;by taxing the riches and not the poverty of the country. It does not tax the com modifies of life the absolute neces saries. Hut this country ! does. England is the richest am most prosperous aim the world.' Gift's r. o o- j J- o ' t pecific Cankers ' : - - i ' -- - - ! Are co corrosive in their tnturr, .imWhvir cause so deep scatctl iu tbc ytem, tbnt a powerful altemtivc U needed to cr.ulicatc them. For this punpow, Aytfr's Sarsaia rilla Is the most effective medicine that ean be procured. , No other remedy can com pare wilh it as a curt for all JiMeasst-s originating iu vitiated blood. I suffered greatly, for month, from two running Ulcers . Besides Uic ulcers I also li:id a glandular swelling on my liet-k. which was gather ing, .mil seemed nbout to break. I consulted skillful pbrsdcianp, hud took various remedies, but failed to iind relief until I commenced using Aver' Narsapa rilla. A few tjottles f Ibis" remedy com pletely cured me, and I am now in perfect health. Mr. Jane K. i Hopkins, Cam lb ridgeiiort, 31 ass. j : j For what appeared to be n Cancer ta lay lip, 1 used Ayej'.s Sarsaparilta with "exl-elleut ut-eets.s". J be!ii-e tlio lisea.se to be- perfectly cured. -4 Amiierst Wln'tmore, Brunswick, Maine. About three years ago, I was troubled : with Canker Himioriii my mouth, throat, and stomach. ; Food of auy kind t-aaed the most extreme suffering. After trying a number of remedies, without, receiving any lieneht, I was Jnially Eruptions 11887. p.- Of tho skin, whether iu theofm of Ery sipelas, rimples, or Boils, in cte that tho blood has become vitiated, ahd Ithe system diseased, and that Rronspt trjpatment Is indisiiensable. Ayer SarsaWilla purges the' blood: of alt impurities uld speedily restores : health ami strength to me system. For nearly three y covcretl With Scrofulous , i Sores! -erv Jnnensive. ex- I h.-uljno appetite. Cured by sonic of which were'ver b:iustinr. and tiainfulJ was emaciated; and so redutiHl In strength ns to lie unable to attend trt iny business. 1 tried many remedies, ami Was treated by a liumlier of phvsacians but receivetl no relief. I With little hope '6i recovery, I coimiK'tu-dd taking Ayer'di fefrsapan'lla, aiid, uudejr its healing lufliipuep, soon be- irtirt to improve. After using less than half a dozen bottles pi thi( preparation, 1 was restored toj perfect health. I.eonanl ISraekett, est iiavqu, conu. .i 1' 15 1: - For forty -years I Jiave wfn troubled with a hu'uiOr- hi tujc - blol, : appearinj in painful ' eruptions! on i skin, anu causing J-.rvsnielas at limes. a great sufferer. I have tru remedies for. my complaint, relief until I cojuiueliced ?:a-sap:irilla. IJy " i- bars I was I Taking taking Ayer's SarsaparillaJ I can now eat any kind of food, and am vigorous, active, and t nlirelv free from all humors. J. W. Cotnpton, blooiningioii, II). t'lilil wilhin few iinonths L have suf fered terribly, all mv life, with what inV phyicia called Red Canker, i At time's my mouth, tongue, and throat have been nearly raw with t liesoj canker fores, and any effort to swallow; food caused the most intense pain, ii was emaciated, wcirlr, and pale, and always more or less under the tloeterV care, riiysicmns failed ! help me. and none of the luaitr reme dies I tried jruve mcacv relief "ujjtil I Commenced taking -' Ayerjs Sar s:iiariila. . This medicine has restored ine ' health, and lias eradicated every tract? of Canker from mv svstem. Mrs. Ijavid :ii y; Norlh Salt iii, Mass. l'rcpiired by Ir. .T. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. i Sold by oil druggists. Trice $1; 4 I have been d kill kinds of uiit found no using Ayer'a i i I ten liottles; of this medicin I ani com- Idetely ctiretl. and inv sklti U now as smooth and fair as ever. Mary C. Ames- imry, Kot-Kporr, jue. ; I have liicen taking Uyer'U Mrsaparilla no .in iiiHui u oi imi iiiootlj, ATI.1IC11 mani fested itself in troublesome Roils and I.ruptions, iintl can truly say I Ihave never found any; medicine o prtijujit aud ccr- lam lit curative eiiects. It nils none me great good. ! 1". I. Coggesli:dli,IJookseller, ii JicrrimiH-x St., iowei:, 31US- For the radical cur' of Pnftples. Boils, . aymiu-lesj juni all tliseases oeiginatin m vitiated blood. I know, of no W-metlv that can t'oiupasv with Aye); s Sar- sapanlla ng aptK-tite iiiis nn-tii- As :i promoter of - heaBli.- gi.v and 'renewing wasted -'icncryrv cine li:is mi equal. J; If. TiVies, Court su. i-awtucKeivuie, l.oWell, JJla 2,000,000 Yellow Pine Shingles f Sale. I 'Write to! PROPST RROS., Rridgewat6rj NT. O. ' -.!, ! i ! ' ; t Mannlacttirers of and ilealers in ROUGH LUMBER, 1 DtESSED; ml MATCHED sentD-iOw n.nnRiwn rnirwri Brvptrrn siniMa i ath-j ,. t- OREEN'SP.ORO W. E. BEVIL & t Tha tobacco Grower f ' 1 i- -i. . " i T .1 . Ij : 1 - rt GO., Proprietors. Will find the ''Fanners' Warehouse ithe . get the highest ii arket price.4 for All Grades of Leaf Tobacco. TliVre is no better must have a large d much lor it as it will marker in the State, and antity of leaf tobacco and are willing to pay as bring on any other market IKPALLI2LS KEHEDY FOS ' BLOOD POISOHS SKII AND ALL KINDS OF- BJ3I DISEASES n indral alafial Koi'SOn'S: erctnalab . Scrofula, a a Eczema,1 Catarra, Rheumatism, tin; weed, and knows) hold on till the top I gootl. lOL'l Of (inillonl. ItOffUiiiiiliitiii. Frrii, iiswell. A laiit.t ncei I ltailtilh. tiiitlixiii. Iotce. lnilson. For- -l!i. MoKet mid ftuilr)- 'ointict. t icti Ut i f f i I - t i our buyer want and I Mr. W.J. Lyon, hte of Durham. X. C, is with tlie FARMERS. He is one cf the best, auctioneers in tin? State, and is, also, a fyio judge of wlnr. it is worth and v ill ca'ch e?J ..reached, (live us a trial ami wi- Respectfully; - -W. E. 1J,3VII eryibid anl ' v.- i 1 1 io yn LIS CO. - Ulce And. pui"is: e. tt. 5, t5'jres nuniuib, tho system as mgically. in? dispels miasma I For rkLS Br ai l Ditueeisrs. . i - Send fur Bock on Jiiuod roions and piea.-cs of j tbc Skt), mailed s-nas. Address THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. pravver 3, Atlajsta, Geoi:uu lotice. widest country in he troil hie eoines in. j 'tfilK latest gossin et-lich Kvi'thwn! work. ! K ' i -.vj J t. tl l L .ill . few ntn jan leinain j be nominated tor the pr?sideuev ICY Stop . Wofklll!'. ill nml tliil tntiv Uirim,,... '. -T " v.ii.v " "U.l UUblb.UU Wilt tig y men swamp- induced to accept the keeoml place .M.t. uaiy on tha ticket." Kit be. Sheeman tiou of t(.iv.. . hiov- fh U iif..'f ; vr. i. . !' . 5Jwa uii account; oi -1 f"Y "J 4 i.AiaE, would be as ietniihony is con-'anv linnpm o..,fi.....! , - uuiiiuci 111 jtue; liecanseVonscientionsIy swallow Itetter than a ller... "What a coward that Major Smith is,? saitl ! Jones to Robinson, "why, tin? very sight of gun -powder would make, him ill. How did he ever manage' to become an ofii cer in the army'' I "Don't say any thing against i Smith," answered Robinson, "he once sat ed my life." "Saved your live! ;Nansense, im possible! What' do you m.oa:i" f "I mean, that I was 'in tho first stages of consumption ; I was los ing strength and vitality every day with the terrible disease, when Smith advised me to take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. I had tried all kinds of medicines without success, and my physician had given me no hope; yet here I am.iis well as ever ii man was, and I owe my life to Smith, aud to the wonderful remedy ho recommend ed.". ( -':. : I TwtUe Years Aflliclcd. ' ! t!i.--Kix, In ii., Feb. , KS7. I liaip been afllieted with Wood Poi?..n f..r 12 years. Have used jrr.erititn from i.hsieians of- .ft-re.liiio durir.it tliat ri-.J. Thn.ugh the druK- A t.uteli s. I .rcurcj onobnttfc nj B. B. B and since have used tbre b.ttle. tnil am ?at isti l it ha done mo inre cuoj than anythinic I ever ufil. I am almost well, and am sure, within two or three weeks I will bo i-erfet tly well, after twelve years suffering- ietensely- Wri'e or a.Uress : . JOSKI H FEIST, Well's t-ounty, Ind. Buker and Confectioner. Tho North Carolini Furniture Go. (Factory) Salem, N. O., liave oueof the best equipped Furniture ractoriesin the South, they do good work, and sell (at low prices. It your, furniture) dealers do not I wi!! -'ii 1 -r !e:i.-h t tins e.iurt hmiso ilm-r in Oroo s')i.ro. .n jVioiri3yv"V, tile 12th. cly pf33cccmbcr, XOO V, tho jt illjiwini; dt-.-rilvoil real estate. t- satisfy sun dry Slat timL County T.ixes ae.-tiii.-t eai.-h of t'ue j'lli'-.v'in' itir.oil l arties,: One truet of l.iiid aeres in .Tanvr-town U vn- t li r Martin, known as th lin's loirs, a l.itiinin? the l:ml hers lnr tho years N4. "s.",, .m.. -Iniv. tuo .r--ii.:rjt.v proM-rtv 'l W if ;Kv of 1 II Hudson aiid i Oiu traet oi lau I. 11 I : -res. m Jaiiuistawn t.rtvn- shil'. the r.,oeily nj' K 1 Cull ni l. ktmwa as the roie-rty ot t tt S..-.rf Ian I. :s 1;,.-iiiiii t!if lands ot : :' l- : ' - ,v i J- iv ... I. :,- jNEW Sj?YIrKS. p- 'IIM a i o nin nfUliK . . ' . ": j' ij. j - Fancy GoodS, Etc j j LAD! :$ ti fc'HEIi FliEL A SELECT SToL vOF IIOSlEltv! i f l - vxnv V, is Xhornti n an 1 . f r .it- ve irs si. SI. Onol 't in Metelio.i 1 towt(5:ai. tli-j propprty of Alfred Albinism iid.iniilir. (lie j..p'-rty (if tene;ul Barriliicvr and otjierS, lnr the joi.rs S" an 1 ,.. One lut in M irehv i 1 town-hip, .the pr purty of Joseph J Alston. id.iiin'uii: tho property of .lames Hall ail 1 others, f : r tho ye.irs "S a:l 1 ' j. j One lot in Mnrfhe.tl t iwn'ai,it'a property of Henry Bnit.in. a ljuinin tho pr p-rty oi ' W j .K- -Aloo and other, for tho yours fs and ';. 1 Ono tnu-t of land. .VI aeres. in Oak ltiIsc:town-' 'Hip. th ) property nt m llesttrr. a lioiinl;!; t!i lands of B CtMik una others, for the veari'-ii- ! I On? trai t of l irnl. i; Hi res, in Oak Itidiro itiiwn Fhip. the property of K Jt II l!ul!-k, mifioiniiiK the lands ot U t r.u:or and otuerv, tor the J'e LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S 1888 Auction Bargains ALLand WINTEl With its Perfect Equipment for the Season THE TRADE PALACE, : - - - Ryttenberg Brothers, GRAY CLOCK, XrTXST() N. C. -llESi'F.CI Ft I.LY CAtLs - YOTJXl ATTEPJTIOHJ TO ITS F.CILITIKS' For meeting your evt r want, and places herewith its--'different-Departments, all stocked with their relative. lines, 'before: Fibxt The DRESS GOODS Do r p irtmenf, containing all of i the latent styles and inj portatious. ; r - K t)ND Gentlemen's FURNISH- INGS and. SUIT PATTERNS. Tlliui) Tiie HAT and SHOE De partments,, in wincji eauJ very best lie .found the values in the cityv FouiiTII The - Department for DOMESTICS, 'SHEET INGS, tSic. Everything complete here, and at the right prices. Fikjii The CARPET and CUR ' TAINS Department. Our Carpets are the pick of the marker, and low prices provoke comment The lUCE CURTAINS, too. ' are beauties, ami go off glibly. Sixth The CLOAK Dvpartmeutv wl:ere can be found Jer seys,- Street Jackets, New Maikets, Ragconds, Vic tories. Plush Wraps, Are, tSe. Look', at. these Goods and iiii will appn ci;ite them. SF.VK.vrn The MILLINEIiV De -piirlinent. Here the ladies . are always ino-o than pleased, and our j rodue turns are consitlered "just the thing." Ertmrii The NOTION Depatt , meiijt, containing Gloves, j : Handkerchiefs, .iiery, and ilots of necessarS" aiti clcsjtoo iiiimeroiis to men tion Ninth The NECK-WEAR De paitinent, in which can be .seen all the latest stles of TIES, SCARFS, Ac. NOW IN CONCLUSION, rrslli nr HtB York Iii,,, n: t I'rerKriv the fcamlT'S m oii Our (tmnio. -- . f i "rnntiwnj- trst: V EX T Airn, Memorandum books, adamantine r a iiarer of hair pins. Williuuinnti,. . .''T'Ur, yiinK stone sot nnus. tape rull. ,.rr; a V 1 !.. ipkmI iwnholdcru, Z env..,,r r w.V" uoeii uukunia, iict iv 1 1 iiiiKe t-fi.L and h mlreds of othcrtaple items ' - T W VK VI- A It fit M s Oilt. ruff button- FImmiI cotton, born mob sheet of note paper, novel-, dre.i.. I " ?-arf inufi, yari rttrh-f ti,. , nW" roitiDft t..;t H K ill;' I'll ' MY STOK SHOES. One traet of Iaa l, ;1 aeres, in Oak 11 ship, tho property ot An lrewr lien siw .f Jo!m Holt an I others, for ir Ni, il0 iIWII- dei-crsed. have their goods for them for prices. Uale," write case ou the grouud that the selec f i One srootl deeil tnrx' more than their color was unconstitutional. ?hen U8e Warner's Ijog jUabin Rose h man could ) CoLEMANwill probably et a new I :aui. for Ui,tarr, U yen will f trial. get what you deserve! get well. tnce .jo ers. per bottle.. adjoining tli l.-m l : the year . . One traet of land. !7l) neros. in .I.-fVi-rt-nii l..w,i chip, the property of S ItiiHiiio. Win Mils. silent, adjo nin? the land- of A Li (iihuirr and lithers. for the year '--- . ! One tra -i of land, 1 o ire-, jn Madis-m town hlp. tho pr.irty of Milton Weatherly's heirs. l joiniiiKtho lands of Martin Wyriek, John Smith and others, fii-th years '" and 'v;. ! . n. i i One traet of ill arres, in Morebeid tiwn-lii. -the property of M I. lltl.ind. adjoining tho lands of V II Joyner and oth-.ri, lor tho year 'viand 'Mi. tine lot in M'liebead township, the property if Anna ilad.-on, .adjoining tho property of A A liin ton un ( otheis, lnr tho year ' au l "Mi. j . I One lut in M ir. lie;: j tnwnslrip. tho iiropji t-of Win Iliatt, j.l.ioiniriSf the property of Jad-o Scbent-k and ' tiiers, fur the years X") and 'vi. j Ono lot in Miire'iieiid lov. nsliip, the prop itv of Jaiiie, Unwell. a,ijoii:fnK the roert.v of W 1 Me AUh and others tor tho years 's." and ';. ; 1 One lot in Moreliel township, the property i f W urren Morehoad. asljoiuinirthe ,r-j-rty of Abra ham Clark and others.' for the. seat 'si and Mi. res, m Mcreliead town- -irtin l!i,oilJ .,lt,.ini,Mi the lands ot lie rtf, ,no an,i ,,t)'.S jr tho ye: rs -iM.nsl 1. - - - j jOne'b't in Morelieid township, tlie r.icrty ol Ntuiutl Thutias, adjoiniiij; the pr.iorty of Harriet Uucstoa andloihers frnt the year V and 'Ni. .I0n. "l Horehi-ail i iwnsliip. tlie pro erty of lew is 1 hoiiip.-oa. adjoiH'rnie tho pn-jarty of James llowt-ll u4 others, for ithe year V jmd 'Si;. One "tit 4ii Murehe.it1 t iwnsliip. the proterfyof erty ot . ind "in !0n traot of land in! Ocin l'iver'itownsh'D. the pr.K-rty civen in by Mrs- II S Foy. leontaininv '' af-res. ailinliilll'' tU nr. i.rlv of Amir I, I,. I. .1 A Uavis aad others for the veurs "N.S iuid Onetraetof Hn l. tlno prvperty c.fiW S Brittain, ieep niver township, eontaiinrit i aere. ad niDK Eri Atkins, for tie; teiir J j. ii uii.vt i-.i:. Kx-siw-r ir !U. L. n UKEI.KH. Sheriff. w l'er 11. C- Ijimh, U-&. ovcinntr inn, issti. jonc traet oi' land. I:- a-r "pi. tiio I'r-ILrty ...f Marti Jacob W oni.iek. adjoining slir property of Abraham .Mines an J otii-r. tor tho years V It Fresh, New andi styMsli 7 I ' i 4 1 I il l, LV'-ASSOllTMEN Tt ) r 1 GALL AND SEE 5 WHAT IS TO BE HAD, AND THE i'hkjks yoi- 'A x r.uv at. IF I DO NOT SAVE YOU MONEY, I WILL MAKE SOME ON w, ELSE UV.Lli YOU GOODS LOW WE HAV THE-GOODS, We are willing to -sell them at a LIVING -PROFIT: WE CAN AND 00 COMPETE WITH NORTHERN HOUSES. WE are YQUfl i HOME- MERCHANTS, ami as such, are entithd tt. YOTm. TItAPE, Then do us the 'fairness TO LOOK AT OUR GOODS .before you fend yotii money tor Northein Houses, andj PAY MORE FOR GOODS ! i " than we olfer to sell thein for Uight lit-re in -Winston. RYTTENBERG BROS' , TRADE PALACE. I. S. Samples sent on applica tion. All orders by mail promptly attended to. oct28 wood eigat holder', eommnn scn-e h-i'r military ehavinK oap. milk pan. rattler ..l.itn nniui, ai.la ,tli,.,j ..I. . . ' I6f . with every sale, to-day nmtcr the t,, " i morrow Under one cent. : -v,1j tHI'.r.K CEXT AKIM l.Ks - . . - " X- Ladies' and ifent--! poeket hanilkem biof, rd hamlkerehiufs, Ulshirt button ly i-eiluiiiod soa.i, ' Rood white vjut, ' shet-U note pttper, ehililren'ii and iiiij.,'- dressing eoiubs, ladii-s' lutkeb, ladiei.' .y -H bariiins, pearl ear-iirops, a pair M .-ii-r-ofkiittini: cotton, shaving- lra?!res.,a yti !.' j-iblxin. p:o plate, wash bowl,, pt tin,, ' combs, tea straiuer. tack hamiuer. a .1 Iwttuna a diizen of the best, pens in tLc books, 1hmiI silk,, ladies1 arid mi-es' ikhu'' bnekles, story -book, n liottleof mj -il it-e, j .i," lino buttons, laces, ribbon. -scarts; riil.iJr(.' et and children's round combs, h .rn u',. cotiibri tonth brushoj. safety fiins p r ,1, .-,.. ,i .' needles per paper, pcneilj plyer-aii I ;.u.' other novelties. KII'H t'KXT AlttlT-'l .;t. Pi.-Li.! Univea. iiMilh bruslo. i... I' ..!. niirrors, slaiiiiie.1 dip rs, 2 it milk t.an, piayuiK carus. it sneeu y io noio luper, tn i snenrs, nair pins, oo piiis in a mix, ruiiN-r .j- eoiiin. eeie purses, mih nair ne;s, ,.i, charm knife. :l ineh taper saw tile, nuii sale, mid long lines of other bi;; value.- m t,,ur : FIVK E. T AKTIt I.KS.- t!ents', ladies' and. children's hosiei.v. 4 b.. ra k. a splendid Imp of cents' iiows. b.i,. collars, vegetable Krater, lamp burner. Z ,ig envelopes, io t snoe uiiu-kinir, toy -book?, t s, rules, handsome ribbon, 'lit cent novel',;,, cuff buttons, 'lit cent jewelry, iweks, -hi, handkerchiefs, hairbrushes, nail bni'lun, I o Dome, nine icauer uuiei oai .lniKw m applewool pi'ics, rubbtj- MH-kt-t eouM." n, ehina-liead and limbdolts, 7 phi hat ra--kl, 7, rule, combination gla?s (cutter, lar.-e j..fc large milk pan, paiiloek-jand hundn'il .! 5 cent values. . ' ' SIX E'T AKTII I CN. Men 't fuspenders, imiUition-sill; han lkt. ; dress goods, stair, and shoe brushes, lari-ej.' inch deep jelly, plate,. 10 inch Mt i-,Ct hk spring top match Bale all the ten cent ,t,la. other stores wo run at ti cents-Land d, i-iii: .Jf. sk tal iteu s, Si:V t'li.M ARTItlK -- - ' . s - Large wash bowl, japan -waiter, 'It -in. it- -, paper, 24 nhccts legal can, 2'i cent tin.w.inj.'t ful laeos, 2i cent hammers and kriive and ware. ,rxl cent jewelry, box paper. Iirir-lns. ,,,, straps, leather belts, tooth powder, bar'.iiw kirit inch shears: Ac. . . ' . ' - ' - ,? KIUHT CE.XT A It I It I KS. ' Two fimt Ixiswool rulo, coin hulder, riii-ktij,1,-id match bos, 21 lb. spring balance, ' in, h t, kiiife, stamped sau-e pan, 2 tit Cover. I lui, kti narinspail, whis. Ml cent Mfr. hiii,T, J , collars, silk saris, work basJtejs. cent-' m.-,. supiorters, eomliHiiition plaso letter KnJ f French plate gilt "irame mirror-Hand ! 'L-! u. bargains at S cents. 1 XIXK l'E.T AKTHI.I S. Ladies', gents' and-t-Lildren'- hi?-. wvrj ets, albums, 2-Vecnt tin ware. iVeet stafnj. cent hardware, 2" cent novelties, s -ra n ,J s :i liowdor, bristle shoe brushes, Imr-o liru-iic-boy's knife. inch X P shear. 2 key -nrihsii., tdozen heavy tea sikioiis-, t iuch.gilt ir.ime fra plate mirror, lailies. Hhsissors. ' -' TEN CE.V1 AliTII I.IX i v Polished adxe-cyo hammer. 1 nt r ,tr, e (, , bums, ladies' and ger.ts" ioeket lio-'li-, I t..riii ter 4oz bfittles, wnlps. 2 key jaif Jim-K. -im-b.t;.t moiuetcr, knife And fork, I sidit 'rajnr 'strsji, V mitk pan, colander, toy sad-iron.'anil' stand tW blade inineing knife, mill saw liio- ( This Trice List is simply a Ciretu-te i.f coming, t lur prices' will change ctery iav.. V will besetting in new goods direct fruju tiit siS- house every uay. - It will bq imt'o?siblo for s,to print eonet-te ing prices. The fill of the hammer t:tlit am u oer will change these quotations d.-.y alter -hy.n we mean that ; every item that pa.-ses mers counter will be a thunderbolt from the i liar -kj. W-hall run the business upon a-.-ach lx-i.a: propose to drive the infernal credit sys-eiu with ; uiercilcs robbery of tho pts'pieout ul t-:-tw Call at the- 1 RACKET STOltK, Xest door to Express Otfiee. South- blni Sirwi." scptW-ly ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cos of any proposed line advertising in America: papers by - addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co. Newspaper Advortising Bureau, IO Spruce St., iew York? Send lOcts. for lOO-Fae amphleU GEO. LAMPMAX -' PKACTIfAI. . ' - ' . - .' . - Wiitt-li'MKkcr, Jewyter. nntl l.iirutce Hit t :. ' V-v -r V Gm Reiiairinir .Chronoirriiiihers aiid i-,',nit 'rs- Wa'eb'-s a specialty. 1'eals exte'nsivelv w "'' iioiialt. t lnr WiilrlK'D, Ar. Oni.i-itr I ' court house, Kast Market street. Ureeiijlmi", N apr-5-ly - . i . Einar Kamieworif, lalij. -Will Digging hi Blasting a Sr.e: 5. All work promptly cxeeirtc.l and titi-!V''. gUHntiitee-.l. Kefert-uees given if dt sire I. iii-2My tillEKNSlio-rU")." X-"c ' ESSENTIAL OILS . SA.VS.ll lt lS I'K'kxi'KOVA I.. TF.lt atl;K, SI'EABJIIMi.Ar. i ' Hought for-tiel cash, oh receipt and aippntal.-."- out charge tor comimssionv brokenige, et i)oix;i: v oi, Vi r. ' Sti ;md 8:S '.Villiatu stret-i. New York, . - ' ,:- Notice of Administration HATX( gii.ilille.1 us ai1miii'iJti.'itrA cstato of J.tseiih S. ArmtiehL -U- 1 hereby notify all persons having claim- atfor.-t-'"? Tntestato to inhibit the same to mi" r V -. .Morehead. my attornev. on or b lore tin- M-tn of October, ISSH.-mr this notice will bar 'H- "' ttuvery. And all persns indeb.tel to m inl,k,f are notiQed to , make iminetiiate patiuA.t DC-' Tbts.'ith tbiy ol October. Ivt7. ., JIATTIfc L. Ali mI If-i-t'-H-t7 . Adm'xof .1 S Ariutiil.'i, d".-eu-ei-. Tanner t.Dejaner Engine! s Comnany, KICHMOND VIKCilMA llusiness 'e.-tiibli..be,I l..V ThuSiie-t ' '' 3Ijiebineshois n tlr-Snuth: krigtoo-. "rr"' Saw-in ills and Machinery, Light 'ir'"' Iteoinotives I'ole road Li-enmutives n .- i.i- fi-l.orrestoiideiiee 'solicited. ."eil ''' logue liRANt ll Ol VH-K (trcell.-is.ro. . Si - vt . u- j;i LADIES !i Dtiyour own DYEIXii, at 11 lie. !il X J333X1 T iESS ID VES- Ttwy will dye i-voij thing. They an. -where. Trice I tit- a package l' col"t--no nai for strength, brightness, atli 'i ages or for fastness of color, or uon l.iiu, Thrv do not crock fir smut. ' fi-r s i e h' i 1'AUC. liruggisls, tireenslsr.). -V. '.' :. eur 1- ) i'- i-i'A';'v i'..i;lM; 67 T.2I1-I... r.lve Wl-lil- M"'"- -from a little child in Stokes i- : -N' i:y tw o nti.-k- i , Dr. lloMnrd-n Worm Itt-m"'- AGENTS We - . rt i ! it t!i- . , I., prt.-t A ' ! ' j gr.lph !.M'-""4 iii.-li.rcrit, .i.l... i.l ..l.- ll, -lu H-' - I'" " met and Curd pi' tu!'s- "I f-i f"; ' '. ''. f I ' ,M i' i.miifitsc.i i-.i.iii' -i . : ,1 tlasp. holiltn a i . ell-- seiil for " W ' 1 wmmm ,. - . ' . .. I ' rntt t. .1- ! 1 , tiii- i-'t--ii - -tlHfi ri u .r ' '; : :-!':'-:-!' rii.' ''N'i'Ij' . -! ", !''' '- r- - .. i i -: -..- ; - i ' ! -' I . : . 1 i; h' : ;'i;' -