III GREENSBORO PATRIOT -fr THE-' Largeot, Oldest and Moat f xten- -r,,iiAl Newininer in Piedmont CIRCULATE , 'yjrt5, Carolina Embracing tb Entire Tobacvo Belt, Adveitiaeft Mut Appre- j, the ValUtf of Sujcb a Medium for j QUIIiFOS juicing, their Bu iness dus People. ' before a Proar- HANOI EAST ". ETT ; ADVERlltlNG RATES ML, AHD A DEMOCRATIC ACMINISTRATION ADMINISTERED BY DEMOCRATS. 1 "yf-"":- it'll ..Micjyeega mm mtna?. ml .. ... , if i 4 V; : . , DEtfOCRATiS SUrREM&&':FCR THE COG; BA3ST ;:,5,-fr, f-q-jsitr, toi. - ;-: al : ,,' i ' : i i : I' . ' '- Ur. L I TUAIj CI HCiJIiATION, i KEW No. 1,04 ROBERT M. DOUGLAS, ATTOKNlvV r -r it :s i : v ukkkvdorO. N c. perianal and pKnpt latteiiiion, given to all li-placed in bis hands' fiifce nppt'rtjU the urt ! - r LAW, JOKTH CAKOLIXA. "II-L rractiec in the State and Federal Courts in the counties ol" Guilford. lUndolph and rfV.'fice over Porter i Dulton drug store. . James W .' Bynum & KXF.VS and CoI n'S ity' HAUTI.tt SHIPP- i Shipp, ELLURS A : LAW, li ;KKESItVVO, X. C". tc' u ii! pr l 'an EES! i;ei. State nd Federal Court. Dr. 6. W. WMtsett, i u i i: o x i iz t ist Lm.Isay Corner. ".. (IREEN'SBORO. N. U R. K. Gregory, M. D., NIl'l AX mm Nl ltli EO.-y, e. Mi' I p..."ite Uenbvw House, Greensboro, N. C. W. P. BE ALUM. D., I'liyoU iiin and Surgeon. - T. -v j! In 'g Store of Porter & Tate Residence . n A-utboro street. 4-8-ly Dr. W. H. Wakefield, l4 V-l I AN. sr'RGEOS AXD OCCULIST re-nHtMro, N. CM Greensboro Patriot. FRIDAY,. DECEMBER 1C-1SS7 -itJLliii :STSBOEO? K.' G;, FKIDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1887. T F1DITORI4L. COMMENT. r:EMi)E.x.rLKVELV.i w?fnirt to liave hi opinion of tbew Spw-ia Trust (?) Coni- ill "atten-f city and country eall. Office over rtvr A- Tate's drug store. Residence on Ashe r .-!r-.'t.' ' - - . I II. W. TATE, l'K Tl IX PIIYSICIAPT, i;!:i:.v-lf''Ro. ; - XOF.TII CAROLINA. : Offer? his Professional Services to , : . tin-itii'-n of lireensboro and surrounding country. o2ice at Porter S Dalton drug store. When t th. re ran be found at his residence on Asheboro jnit. i i-yite Col- T..B. Keogh's. junll-tf Tin-: CoveHouse, WAL2JUT COVE. K. C. n. w f.jien for the reception of (rueU. with first rD- arcuitiiodatiuns. Servant polite and at- (r.'.ivi noins large and well ventilatel. u,.i l i-ly J- . Lt is. Proprietor. f he Martin' House, i)orsoN, sr. i i ij.,-n l'T tne reception 01 paesis wiin nrsi-eiass ..mnnxiutions. fervants polite ana attentive. lar)fc and well furnished ,.i:-ly 11EXRY SXOW. Prop'r. MeCkntral Hotel, it. airy, c, J-; KAj hetn remodelled and newly famished and ii.iw the leadme hotel in town. -Far. firet- cjL-", lajTite MTvanf at a moment's call. Also has lir-f-iasii sample room tor arummer!".. Lrj i- J.V. ITCllELtvProp'r.-' JOI IX JAMES, teSUa' anl Decoratire Paialin?, SMu K A LS( (MINING, iil I'aintiiijf A l'ip-r llanirins. Irefnslr. N.C i. ii. liAilt," Plain ami Ornamental Plasterers, I . JREEX.BORO.X." C. ' . fcW ith H.anv years exierience warrant their work - v u' -:iii.-!a.-i n. Crfn furnish designs for cntre jiio ai,.l nii'uMiugs at prices that will defy torn At iti'. n. -One tiiem a trial. maa-ly . iL. OAKLEY, A ITEUT ami BUILDER, I- i rn .ire l to furnish drawings and specifica-i'- t"r nvi'Uu.i: houses, business houses and rail aj Jcp.it-; at rtiort notice. AH woik intrusted to tir care will receive prompt attention, with satis- ti"ii i"U.ir;i;itccd. ,' , julyl To the Merchants, -TIN-WWRE, ( a i t the .-anient Kichinmi i fcxas. by ealliug on- - PYATES.-tiaensboro, X. C r. : .. ;. - J. C. Lindley & Bro., 'nurserymen. Hundreds and Thoiuahds'of I "... - - , . , b . A r i uo n ana lor nia f 1 liuniic !' rar' Xurserii-s four iriles wetof " " . .Marti oitice ou Soutu him street. t,reers f r iullo-tf L. W. WOODS, y s o A U L. U 11 Aril It ER, r -II l.V.- ai.O- nAXPOXIXO. ' 1 '-ittina with the 'Extent'it Ctm'cr. Cuts ur 'ticrcnt lcii;ths,,with satistaction giuranteed. It Tiik lMinotrats think it is time for liKhtw tax and frwr trade, and not fit-e trad. "Thk war tariff forever" the Hlosauof tlie Ilepublicau party to-day. Where are you working-men? "Caulislk and Hand am, have ;had n talk, but uo result." Give h Ijkh talk and more work, gentleman. Let our Democratic C'ongreHMinen stand polidly by President Cleveland and liis tariff reform iolicy of redueinj? taxation. Forakeh,1 that little foo"l who hapiened to Selected Governor of Ohio, has organ ized a club to boom him for the Presi dency. V ' . It i now n, wttleil fact that if the oner ous and oppressive war taxes are not re duced it wilFnot be in the fault of the Peniocrats. "I'he Evening Wisconsin, of Milwaukee, says that "natural gas is giving out." Just wait brother, until Johx Smeumax gets the floor. ''Chicago has lx--n wlw-ted as the place for holding the next Ilopubli-4in National Convention." We would like to le there justtp ses the animals. "Ax now science rises Holeninlyand as serts that dlseaw is disseminated by books, Tliis will in no way effect the poptttarity of the check book. "BfcAiXEWM"' m'uis to le on the wane, and it is authoratatively stuted that the Plumed Knight Is not very iKpnlar with the better class of Republicans. The New York "World ias uthoi ity for Baying thtt trainj on the New York Cen tral RrR. run so fast that passeng"rs ou board can't count the towns as they puss them by.' The President; lias sent to the Senate the nomination of Hon. L. C. Lawau. to be Associatt Justice of the Supreme Court, and also the nominations of. sever al Cabinet officers and' assistants. , Now that the Republicans are still In-nt UHu perietuatiiig the war taxes and spending the resultant surplus, we trust thutlhe "issue lstwen parties," as drawn by the President, will Is- jiipted by all DoriKx-rats. At lust but by no mea(is least Cicsidcnt Ci.eVelaxu "urges that some of the ueed lss war slitickles be removed and this not upon any theoretical or philosophical ground, but ns an incident of stopping the sni"jlti!M-eveiiue." (Jex- Johx It. IIexdehsox. of the Na tional Republican Cou'ut011 of 1SS4 "h.-ts t an idcor-hat I 'resident President Ci.evelaxu's messjige will help Rlaixe n great deal." No doubt it will, but it will help trim to get beat. '. I . ' - P.laxtaxt Republican organs do not welcome the issue of Tariff Reform forced to the front by the President with half the hilaritv that we should have supposed they would, judging from the tone of their voices before Congress usseinbleI. Ei.la Whkki.ek Wiuiix sings: "The s4-sistns tire liuidt' by the heart, 1 hold. ami not bv outdoor heat or cold." And it yet we advise Ella not to venture out on such streets as we have iir Greenslioro such weather as we had last' week. The Boston. Herald calls Prince Ferdi nand of Bulgaria a "cry baby. If Ferdi nand does not like the expression lie caii obtain satisfaction by applying to John L. SpLlivax. Westminster Aquarium. Iaiu don, England. . ! "Axn now it is announced that ILalax will row Tkk-kett iu Australia." With out wishing to cast any; reflection on the latter it must Is said that in the light of recent events Tiui'KETT is a most- nppro uiate name for a professional oarsman'. Piiess 'conuiient on! the President's Message can Is very briefly summed up." Indeed it can." The Democrats warmly indorse it. and rcjoue that an issue has at last been made. The.Republieaii organs denounce- it as si liold, wicked, outrageous FrTmde proclamatirm. h!ox SiT j-hkvs. ofTayettevillo.1 AmTTa : av 1av. ot Louisville, Ky . JAsaiSTairfa THOMAS, REECE & CO., 1011 PRINTERS, it i: i:ns no "no-. o. UOOU ".tUK. LOW PKICE8 SAI'lsi-ACTION GUARANTEED. INSURANCE AGENCY " ,'.--,- i n1' f v1IFK-TTTT? TORNADO. Lit LIFE. I1 IlvJli, , TORNADO. ' - , --IXSI EK WITH -,. 0. W. Ciiir k Co., Agents, ' '-iT.EXSB0R0. X: C. Only rir-t-i-;ass Kuropean and A m'crican Coiupanie - ii.'n'iii.Nj. oiuiinei assets over TWO III XDREI) !tIII,TLIO.S. o. V.-CA.Itlt, Arxent, """5-1 ."1,W.N,C and High lVint.N.C OFFICIAL EXIIllilT i - j " i. oi' THi: uoiRi) or tarz-ix : cii5usrzcvi:ng : rr-r'r- ; 1 IT. Xt. WJIlTPEIItLin, EdKor&I'reir!: l l Kn tii.aw rer xenr, BAamnTO j (X C. jiVLcucr, Jailer, vie., '.V. ile.ba::e Apple, Guard, "fuss, if 5.0-20.: T I 7-' i ."'i ii ..i: VS. J. Ulackburu, Shoes, -J. L. Kc-elin, (Joous (irtciiscro Gas L''q,-itCt..- l.. . Carl, D. lay, Repairs,1 D. Aydelett, "V r-- v.. 1.1:3 : 1 o 13 i Li 1 orCutilord C.'Vint.v, IJtct j;ler 3 til, No. 405,327 acres of land. $20,700.93 valuation there of, L'G'y' cents o:i every 100, X"'' t tf A. 1 A k .-V . A I . Illll III i II I'K J 'I 'i'llil I . aiuai,iouiiierc'oirorjCl34 jj) oa every 100, 2,171.;:h No. 35.10 horses, 1729G3 , ' valuation thereof k2(j'- "cents ou every 100, No. 132G raules, 715S0 val uation thereof, 2G!- cents on every 100, J No. 13 j Jacks, 735 valua-j tion I thereof, 2Gv; ents on every 100, j No. 7 Jennies, 140 valua tion thereof,2C'rjjcents on every 100, No. 54 Ooats, 43 va'uatiou -thereof, 12G cents on every 100, No. 11017 Cattle, 77537 val uation thereof, 2Gfs cents on cjery 100, No. 14150 hogs, 23522 val uation thereof, 2tJrJ cents on every 100, No. 8029 sheep, S022 valua tion (hereof, 2G-J cents oh every 100, Farming Utensils, c,c. &e., 23SG5S valuation there of, -2G- cents on every 100, ( Money jou huml or on de posits 101423 valuation thereof, 2Gv; cent3 on every 100, Sol ven Cretl its, 132G27, va I -uatian thereof, 2G;1, cents ou every 100, ' Stock in corpcirated com panies, 11510 valuation thereof, 2G;; cts en evcry 100, j.' Other personal property, 5Q 1 G 25 v a 1 u a t i o a t h c r e o f , 2Gj cents on every 100, Kailrpad franchise, S053G vauaticn thereof, 20'r' centi on every 100. Dank stock, lOlSOO valua- - tiou i tlii rcof, '2G cents ou every 100, Unlisted 'property, DS920 valuation thereof, 33;cts ou every 100, Schedule ' IV &c. A. i . Inspecting, LVitchctt, " "i i tory, Livery, 9'-' --dware Co., taails, uuii Y. Cook, Lurnber, lesso L. 3Iay,i Notices, J. L!::iitb i " . t - 'rite.yt t & Plllips," " S;:ow Daitcn, Lumber cc Love. 3.00 32.50 2.00 97.90 2.00 2.00 3.00 40 S.00 4.05 2.12 5! 70 3.0G 2.37 1531.80 TO :;d assessing taxes 'S7. 200.39 ; 153.53 ; M - !' 2LJJ9'- i i v. .l. . , ; jj .i ., - , , : -To'.ii'.; .. , 'r'! ,U.h A. I'.-itt Fr.:::k :-: 'Lew is v l';r-:y;h C)ti:i -1 v ':' 1 1 is C W. Gr-.y, (7.:; A. Tickle, d W. Gerrinicrer. ( h. A. Cannon, 1 ( I). I. Foast, ' . 3 y L Ai Barnhardt, ( rk-hn Carrnon, mir!r . . .. v.. Armcif, ; .i. u. oous, G: o.-Iu :i'Ai; , : 1 . . ? . 1.153 0(5 30.0f b.;na Apple, K. DcTkuy, '.' W. Lemons,- P. Wbartou, ias M.iDick, - C Lipiy .Btet-art, 11. i miitcr, O. Gotey, J. Ector, . . . Troxler, v .". EI:nore, . i j .Ci, s:: Ti. Jleudrix, .:i A. li'ritebett, : L Ward, P Haiidin, 15 vc v.'..: o. c Lv,- '.stcrs, stct, , ...(.ill -: '-b Mrrkman,- 21 1 .! ; I'"-' 1 ! . 1 i v - - i -S man, :i, hie, IcMicha if Cook, '.mitb,- ii 10.121; nl : .) i' a . Jfotal Sheriff's Com. Tota Martin l-i;SQ&02; 1140.35 j 2.j Ai-mneld, 'm-'U incouit root: iiorE. Donncll, Labor, 2.t-'v. 5 .:: J. llt-rt 0 ('J "The Itads dared the Democrats to n ontest over the reduction of the tariff." And yet wheu the President lioldly tu cepts the logic and duty of the situation the Rnds. themselves find fault with him for devoting his Message "exclusively to an issue between parties." The New York World switches its" tail two or three times and says: "The Pern oeratic-Party, now that it has a genuine Issue-, looks a radiant ns a school-boy in a new pair of red-top boots." Pi ltizeis has evidently found out that the Demo crats are on top. "Venezuela has offered a prize of ?4,- OOO for a process by which locusts may lie 11 rued into grease or some other use- Tul -article." Some ingenious man will probably win the prize with ease, and cry us he proudly gazes uj.oii the results of his irenius: "Tis Srensj, but living (.reuse no more." Andy llehdrix, William Scott, W ash Forbis. llo. Paislev, Uegwobd iiiid, W. Poenix, corn, Mr. Wagoner, II. J. Williams, Harris .K: Flippen. WT. J. Blackburn, IV: v.cco, Su ga r, Colle, & c. , " Moses Straus--, floods, J.' L. Keeling, Sbipstuli', llour, iSze., , Fleming Ji Co., Tobacc.', II. naiis, &c Wharton cN: Stratfbrd, Tomliuson 3Iiranfactu; ing Co., Shot-?, Lindsay & SeliCiu-k, drus, Dr. Ed. L:;ids:s:.-, Tbyi cian, Houston liro, Pac.r,;. &C, ; Minnie Coltratu', Sowing, Asa Cl.-.pp. Peei, Sample S, llrowu. Good?, J. M. Apple, Livery, Nelson Vb;:i tc::, u A. lit 1:11, C-i John Jtew.trt, W. D. .1 MeAd j. r.-. V, John IJeesou, v J. X . Liiiiiei', llobert Stewi.ijr, " Philips, -Ales..Camplji!, Joseph Gilmer, " Mrs. Lewey, Alfred l!ell,beei';uid pork, Urooks Love, .Lumber, W. I). MeAdoo, 2 b.'.uvb:, "W. IL Murray, Kub!ur , shoes, vvc. Albert McAdoo, coi a, Wharton, Hunt v: CV, Shingles, Adam Uankin, Livery, Groome IJros, Tobacco, Sergeant M a'nafae taring ' Co., Hardware, William W. Vouug, lveep- er, &.c, Alford vS: Michaux, I) nigs, Porter & Tate," 1 ' . A. L. Bell, Livery, James W. Lamlretl;, Cab bage plants, Newton Wilson, Livery, W S. Forbis & Co., La con, ' . James D. Donnell, Corn, C. P. Vnnstory, Livery, WT. E. Bcvill, " Mr. Starr, - " James Shaw, Moving, LRichard Smith, " Greensboro S. J. .Co.,. Lumber, John Coble, Livery, Julius Dick, Oats, J. Henry Gilmer, Coin, J. C. uilbreathr Livery, R. V. Smith, Corn, J. H. Hutson, W heat, O. C. W heeler, Iavery, .- Total, -?0I.;::i : ' 1 9 i.r.u 1 3.62 I . .... 2.,-)' j T , 2..;si-'--- OS CO' J 2.30-(;- V . I i .. -.4, : -T:i::v l.',l 57 -Ti : . i i i ; r. li, 3u ,: ' : : -19.97 'J; ,'v IbO:;:); ; .i; 1 1 ... . 53.2:- '. ; 1.50- A1 1 ' uiiell, logins, L-lilli-.k, :;:aiies Jbrdan i III 14.00 G.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 8.00 1G.00 14.00 ,14.00 14.00 10.00 1200 1S.00 14.00 12.00 18.00 10.00 1G.00 14.00 G.0.0 10.00 52.00 3S.00 33.00 3S.00 10.00 14.00 14.00 12.00 S.00 S.00 52.00 33.00 33.00 3S.00 is.oo 10.00 13.00 10.00 14.00 13.00 20.00 10.00 G.00 20.00 24.00 10.00 14.00 S.00 12.00 1S.0O 14.00 14.00 30.00 30.00 22.00 John Garrett, 1 . Lydia W'harton, Susan Kankin, Geo W Richardson, Allen Massey, Jerry Sloan, Amos and Sally Parks, Geo Lane, 1 Besty Jones, Venia Matthews, John Cousins and wife, Polly Tarrish, Jesse Brown, Nannie Holt, I Ellis Bevils, . . Martha Bishop, Sally Hughes, Thomas Graves, Elipable, Nancy Melvin, Martha Miller, ' Parrish family, Hagar Watlington, Eliza Gibson, LDairy Rankin, Eliza Forbis, James Terrell and family, Benj. Self, i Sarah Little, . Isaac Lilly j Eliz Benson, liz Ilulder, Patsey Mirigo, Eliz Forbid, Celia Leonard, Eliz Little, Rosa Gerriugcr, 1 Ailsey Summers, , Jordan Colo, II C Willis. 7.50 1.50 1.50 4.0 5.25 15.45 1G.95 17.00 9.45 6.75 14.70 G.50 7.50 18.00 12.00 10.95 9.75 14.40 4.25 19.95 G.00 46.50 7.59 3.00 7.25 23.00 0,00 1(5.20 mf " " "- " ' --.um w "vj wa v iiiviv X aI farther advanced in their studies 10.50 10.50 10.50 16.50 15.75 1125 13.50 10.95 9.75 24.00 Total, ALT. 1,390.G5 OTHER EXPENSES. & Dillardr 1,02: .00 LDi I'OOR. i J .. s -: 'h and wife,' .5.-;;' 25.2 57.'' 13 i I 15.. 12 lLIT 15.1 2 11.2 ' :int-t'i ikh', T --!!, ;id family, -1 1 -! : in. "t'L. Mtl'HRE of the Philadelphis Times thinks the Prwsideut has committed a blunder iu calling for tariff revision in stead of a fuvorttlily Lretlttctiou of the internal revenue tiaxesi" The great trou ble with Col. McCm;ke js, that he is prone to look at public questions througl Pennsylvania sixi-tacles; with -pig-iron rims. 1 3. L0;r, 2" ; 93.9 i .37.10: !o;s issued for pro i lowing persons : r-ott, ' . $23.70 13.93, 7;5 15.0( 15.45 GOO . ' 8.75 1095 17.25 G.15 12.4r ii.O.'l 5.00 13.95 10.95 9.75 9.75 4.50 G.00 JG.50 7.3 0.45 i 2.00 3.00 4.50 9.75 9.75 4.50 17.40 2.00 7.50 3.00 7.95 13.95 3.00 12 45 10.95 2.00 0.25 20.25 7.95 12.15 13.0(1 24.00 1.00 S.(K) Dillard, King Attorneys, , W F W'hittingtou, Labor, Wr H Wakefield, Goods, W Donnell;, Provisions, W II McCormick' & Co., Notices. I C F Thomas, Fire Com pany, Y J' Weatuerly, J MT Browb, : Greensboro Gas Light Co. Court room, , Grand Jjiry room, ' Reg. room, Globes, I . Thomas, Recce & Co., County, Sheriff, c s c, J W Scott! & Co., eoods. Mrs W C Doub, Nov SG, S. OCWheeer, Dike Book Co., Station ery, I A Alloltoii, Desk 5tc, Edwards (5t Broughton, Tax Books and Kecords, iner, Clerk and Will U Ste Taxes, J N-Nelsoi Greensboro Exhibit, Tax notibe, S & E., Express, , Patriot, Co., Stationery, , and Williams, case. 1 Holt, S L F, lleitzel, Stock J A Harre Irs Pay no Bastard I'atram & Eeitzel & Law Fence; i E M Uzzelp, Greensboro Book Store, Odell Hardware Co., W E Bevil e, R R assessor, C A Boon, II 11 assessor, W II McCbruiick, Jr., .T P II Adams, Wake, II C FisheK Cumberland, D P Mast, Forsyth, C K Judsoln, Wakefield & Co., S., J W CanseK-, Ckn-k to Board, .1 W Causey, Becording Bonds, Lxpress, Post age, NotjiceSjOrdcrd, &c. Ellizabeth Dick, bastard case,fine paid to-'Board" -20.00. -To 2 mos. Hoard, $9.00. To coflin for child, 2.00. Dal. duo L Dick, 9.00. 1 Order given for balance due, J Van Lindley, provisions, Henry Levis, . . J W ScottJ & Co. ' . S Wr Scarborough " John Barker, ; " Irvin&Weatherly " Houston Bro.. " Aaron Mehdenhall Marv Donnel, J M Burton, Gdo W Ri 50.00 4.75 3.58J 4.50 7.00 25.00 4.80 3.40 12.50 21.00 2.25 4.40 5G.75 15.25 7.33 1.95 8.45 44.75 14.33 38.25 4S.50 410.79 2.41 15.02 3.00 22.10 5.00 7.30 3.00 r.s.00 1.70 4.SQ 13.40 34.23 30.00 2.00 3.00 2.00 41.20 75 10,00 139.72 It 11 tickets, chardson, et al. J W Jone p, provisions, I Lizzie Wqoden, " -i . Mouev reifunded in bas- '- tardv c 1 so through ef i forts of J. A. Fritchett, L. t and ;ter, 50 21.00 1G ( rs, and formation any item G.O.r r 1.25 j V: l.(H) - ' l.i- 1.50 i Dav 'i 1.19 1.50; . ;. S.On : il. L, ( !, -17.30; j. v. 2.00 5.00: Uc.ibt 10.00' Mol;,:!' ' 50-:- i!!'.' .ei 1 wife, 6 lose JAIL I'.XI'KyflLV . - J. Henry Gilmer, Jailer, C. A. Shnltz, Guard B. Voltz, Scavenger, J. M. May, Moses Strausj Diy Goo-ls, Peters & Tatnm, Coal, F. Fishblate, Dry tloods, E. A. Fleming vS: Co., Goods, B. C. Phillips, Guard, T. A. (Bud) White, 4i ' L. I), lli'.v, ! WiHi.'tm A. Li'-ek.' 1 j? jBnra.UIati;;, ; -, H:;rrl.!. :' . ; : . $470.50 i jpvciir.g, 273.751 Winch est or !i -i " 1 59.00"! AdaMi'LiSimu. linage. l.OO: Jesse J;h:i:t'i:,,..n"f- 54.00: IV. ).:-. '-.. . r9 51 J. C. F.ai't.-::. In pert,! 4,25 : (5. V. Winlne, lld-i- J. S. la j.-'tiaic. 4.05 II. A. .Bulr.iitit. X.-Ai It. !!. Ilauipwe", ll'V 3.11,00! A . P-'-o"-, l!i-pv.''fi'- 1 iu'.ne ivil- ': "field, 14il0 24.00 22.50 12.00 22.50 1S.00 00.00 8.10 12.15 1.25 8.75 12.00 G.00 10.95 -a z- lU.'JJ 15.75 0.75 11.40 S.00 GOO 0.00 10.95 13.95 1590 0 75 17.40 13.95 13.95 9.75 13.95 made for Income w solvents. Resp 9.00 19.50 2.00 4.00 1.50 '4.50 1.50 G.25 - 1.50 1.00 1.00 G.15 LOO . 1.00 Tr-f WHY IS 1T Why so Many Defalcations f.-Why Such Injustice t 'A good conscience and Divine grace may do mncb, but if the key to a man's body! be bad, the man's life will be a failure. If the foun dation of a building is weak, tho ptuueut owner promptly repairs ic. is there not some reason why prominent men who inspirO the ut most conhdenceL become criminals. and seek foreign asylums T' The professed Christian, the de voted father, ihe most honored men, after filling positions of trust for years, fall. We see this daily, and have found no solution to the mystery.' ' ij : ' If the medical profession gave this matter their atteutionould it not be better than wasting their time grinding over their 'ism's or, worso still, declaiming against im provements that benefit mankind, out do not happen to come from their i highly-respected schools ! They are being taunted ; by the scientists that they are but little than they were years ago, while a wonderful advancement of benefit to suffering ; humanity, has been made by scientists outside the pro- iession. -1 1 - v years ago; the medical profession pioclaimed to the world that bngut's disease was incurable. They are unable slightest degree to explain in the its causes. It is only within two or three years that it has become known that such a disease is only an advanced kidney trouble, which j was! treated with indifference at first, as of no conse quences. Within a lew years the trujth has become established tnat most --diseases, arise trom derange ment of the kidneys i that, it these organs are in a healthy condition, these -diseases and when Corrected, the would not exist, disease ceases s For years this has jbeen the key note of the great remedy known as Warner's saf0 cure, and from the best obtainable infomatiou, the fame of -the remedy comes from outside the medical code. Never theless, the popularity of WarucrAs safe cure continues to increase, re. gardless of its place bf birth. The liberal branches of the medical pro fession are fast recognizing its merits, and we expedtthey will ere long bo proclaimed in medical halls and conventions. P6rhaps'its pro-, prietors and perfector may never see it, but the time will surely. come, as it has come with other valuable discoveries Perhaps a hundred years from now, the dis coverer of this valuable remedy may receive some honorable title for the benefit he :has conferred upon mankind. , i ! - 'Just Hear That Child Scream:' said Mrs. Smith to her sister, Mrs. Davis, as the sound of a child's shrieks came across the garden from a neighbor's house. 'What kind of a woman have you for a neighbor? Does she abuse her children" f 'Xoiudeed," replied Mrs. Davis. She is one of the most tender mothers; in existence. But vou see, she believes in the old fashioned styles! of doetoriug. W hen a child needs physic, sue fills a spoon with seme nauseous dose, lays the little j victim fiat on her lap, holds his nOse till ho is forced to open his mouth for breath when down goes the dread ful mess. Then co iu tho yells."' "No wouder," said j MrsA Smith, "Why doesn't she use Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets? Tisey are effective without being harsh, and are as easy to take as sugar plums. I always give them to my children." "And so do I," said Mrs. Davis. The cleansing, antiseptic and healinir onalities ' of Dr. rSage's Catarrh ltemedy are unequalled. WondcrTul Hcstoration of !is;ht. 1 , J Bkkxh aM, Tesa-. Mr A K llawkoK Hear Sir Tho Hectae!es I procured from you eift'tt" years aeo entirely restor ed my sight, and.' until two years iinc-e. have been able to read the fiiwtft print without glasses-. 1 :j W B Lock ETT, M. O. All eye: fitted and the fit guaranteed at tho Drug gtoro of Cullum line & Co II. J. EL AM, Job Printer, dfe2 S. S. Mitchell Bro., West Market SLr GreensDort, N, G - DEALSKS IN DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, HATS CAfS, BOOTS. SH01S. Tin Ware, Wood and 1 Andevcrything Ufualiy fi.uud ii a ieaul .Tirn nanuisenioie. To our i: and aequaintunccii in eountiof we a?k a call- AGENTS WANTED! TO SELL THE OXIiY any old tric-nitl iluilford asiil fiirrounJini: ectllj'iii "" j ltsjiVftni '. .-;-:- 'r,: i t .T. t- v .l I 1 -. j uKi :-;.- ' -r, - - Ui f ? ; K- t A'. .:n . . j . ; ; : A i ",- . '.. '-.. f Tin ' ... . . fl .' ' -s. I WilOIfUir i f vVC UUiUJ, "'A: 'A . " - ' A-r-' -. GlilA -'I""' ;' ''.-' ; A . ' - ; --' a - - u- r .-- ' ' ':'-':v'!:."4 1 ! i i A:, .. . -. ( ''A r . ! : A- . ow Ware, MANUFACTURED X BY. Dr. J. Menter Howard, aidri:ss. WINSTON, N. septltJ-ly The GreensWoro Company, w. . m iTiar.ws, i i in Full l!!iit. liiakihpr 11 lit VOOl, MiucU, CftttOii it lit Straw, and Cotton adtt .straw Solt-lop "iiattia It) uiiul-ter real ruljstaiitiul eo:nl'. flesh nn.l weary bones. They l'vi e.riial in every respeet to those ot third the cost. 1 ou can have yoi louucc made to bo bettor than tl new. iive tboiu a trial, and yuii Will Fay they are Jain IrP. niay'i ti HOUGH. HOUGH: -i PHOTOGRAPH Ut. 'rop r, Sscr-i it t.ijiur tired i:h a niatti" ,iir. ami at nno oM s.t!iy nn.l v.-ero vli--ii M. ain Street, WIXSTOXj -MAKES ft! THE BEST WORK V A Ami ti an ran tie It A'. j l) .1 PICTURE FROM HIM MAKERS ' - - A 1'INK . xji Holiday Present. rp CAM. ar.,1 SKK HIM W'JKX Vr ri aki: irv wixvrAx. i ii--oiioii 'iioaou lS-jvll-ly BLACK WOtF. A POKTIN 'SI AX'S MX PERI l-l X V I-I. 1,310.12 .00 1,335.12 .1. W. Cause y, Clerk of Board. I, J W (Causey, Register of Deeds l'(V)!of Guilford, make this exhibit tor '(( tlio Board of County Commission ouitl .state luai-au) i" that may be desired oh nay b. had at my office. I simply give the bills audited and allowed and the allowances the outside poor, and the ith no deductions tor in- -.letllous c .died "ti e fond injustice of au un satisfied cold, a cl tunatelyr neither -The ctlullv submitted, . W. Causey, C. of B. lv, which somebody has 7 heart." is a very real thins-, anil scarcely auy gain could Un n KhfiU'ipnt rewartl ior maaius annua ntitnce with its loriures. . , . j, i Love ought to De exaueu auoo these iains. yes, just as the human I " ' "' . . I a. constitution ought to ue strong enough t6 secure it from a sudden anco indigestion, unior as a matter of fact, inind nor body is proot o fT.ji n ct disease: ami it a manor ii" . . ... woman ldves truly and nobly, ne or she will avail the iemotest pos- sihilitv.ot inflicting the kfe n anil cruel tortures ' of jealousy on the one who vntimi of heart and lifo Louise Chandh-rlMoidtoH, benartment of Agricul ture is informed of extensive dam- ... i . . ,t, to sweet potatoes ny me hum. A C lia.ter frum'tbe Idle of 1V4. M'.Mul- lau, of Corintli, Miss. Mr. McMullaa b ono of tho Lost known chic-ken and iW inneiers in the South. His cooiu aud ken nels aro tilled with tho finest specimen of game chickens and well-bred spnrtins doff. For many years ot nis Hie lie nan apenou.- mis fortune, which ho explains in the following -letter, which also tells what was the uuiucky sporting man's real Mascot : il 7 You will pardon mo for addressing you on a sub ject on which I -know you must get numerous, if not tnnumtjcrauie. letters, out Bramuue priiuipu) me to tell you about what I regurd my most re markable euro ot rueiumatism Dy youre. c. n. tr ten years I sutl'erel with rheumatism. I had about "saturated" my entire body. I had pains in every part of it. My left leg was tho worst affected. Even to-day, though I am entirely well, my lelt left leg is a little siuallor than the right, shriveled from rheumatism. For fire years I may say that I was in danger of starvation from inability to work ., . nn ii.,.iint of t'.is terrible (li-ca.-o When I caino to C. rinth from Alabama I was on crutches lor two yours. eourso uunng an 01 these sail years I was attended by good physicians. Th cruvn ma noweriul d-ses of potash and sarsa- r.irllliL. which did relieve me some for awhile, but T out tin nnrmanent relief until, by a friend's per suasion. I used H. g. S. I determined from tho benefit I received! frtim the first few pottles to take a thorough course of your medicine, and I took about one dozen; of! the Specific. 'V hen I began i.kivtha molii-inpi I weurhed 1 a nrouhds. and when I finished: tbo thirteenth bottlb I weighed Ti tiounds, and weigh that yet. , , . I regard your medicine as tue poor mans.lje.-t friend, if ha will only take it in time, and thus save him from extravagant doCtor' bills and preserve his health. Witfc gratitude and with best wishes 1 remain.- lour jubedient ecrvant. ,.,... ! j T. J- M Ml LL N. Corinth. MUs.. . Fob. 17tb, Treatise on blood knd skin discasas mailet free, Tho Svrit'T SrKCIfiff Co.. lrawer .. Atlaiila. ia. niCKI.K.X'J AIIXIC A MIUK. Tho Cost Salve in tiie world for euts i.rvi:.-es, gores, ulcers, ialt rheum, fever sores, tetter. 'chapp ed hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruption, and positively euTeaipiles. or n$ r y required. It is guarantee.! to give erfeet sati-taction. or money rotunded. Pricei Vi cents per box. tor sale l.y Hunter Michaux LEOPOIjUOX A S1A.CIIIM-- One hundred ywrs ago our daJ - llal grand and nooie views. IJut dressed in common homo spur, clothes. Wore hand mside hats an ! shoe. - Tho wheat was Itea'ped with icklcs dull. And thresheil with hickory frail. And for electriollighti their wives Had tallow candlei jmall and palo. 'The world has changed, machines have come At first they ran by cranks ' Cut now the "Cranks' cuss out machines, Instead of giving than is. 9-Itpaytoke1t eved with the time?. :nd s kp Leopold's llavanas. .iiilf.sT.lolo to 1!' the crown ;-.is a :r..i-s (.' :i'i-!'.- i.l tl r iim" tit itra.-t- une Xai.-it iii'"-' !o::i i:-..; l...-t v. lltllK'UL V. l'l J 11- in-.nji.t'.etV ; by V.ut- l!!.i r',r !" 'h r : and oiist'iiiioiitly iii'.-ui-able. It ii gcrihe her sufi't ring, Ik'r body licrliead to tho solia of hi-feet. masses of fl. ssh rolt:n-t.ff. cavities. Her fingenj loStere t a nails. dropped oii' at one time. II eil bv tho fear. ul ulconuiort. and lor several years she did not leave her bcoT Jlcr woUla w.u-' rciln cd from 125 to ') il.s. Tcrlia; s 1 -1 her -,iiiit;(i:i i-jq bo rlcamjl j three pmundsof Vosiuuline oroi Ii'r week ih-drcssing her sore.. cians ackuowled-l their . dele. WolC-ah 1 coiii'iieii'Ii'd the ?u Creator. Her hu.-ba:i l hearing -'wonderful r-ii;a ,! the use of Swift's Si-ceific (S. S. p: evailed 011 .her to try it as a last resrt. She beg: a its uso under protest, but soon found that h r ;y?tcm was being relieved of "the foison, as tho sorjs assumed a red and healthy eoW. as though the Mood was becom ing pure and active. Mra. Bailey eontiiiued tne S.S..S. until last February : every f no w.u im-.i!-ed :'she discarded chair and cru hc-s, and v. as tor tho first time in twelve years a v ell woman. II' T husband, Mr. C. A. Bailey, is in business at 2 tt..no tr.-.t Iioston. and vi 1 1 take plc:furo in civinir the details of this wonderful Clin. Seli(H tUi! for Treatise on lllorI ail Skiii hiast mailed tree. The ill Nd--ili- t o.. Drawei 3. Aliai.Ui, (la." .ui.i.jr.i- Or I.lack Lc-pro.-y, Is a di.-x-ase ed incurable, but it has yielded f.Mtr.e . pevties of Swikt'h Spkcotc n w kn-.n-mn over tho world as S. S. S. Mr?. Uailuf, of c.t S-m-.-r-.! ville, Mass.. nc:ft" ISuston, w.as alta. ke I sieera) years ago with this-hidcous black eruplion, :i:id v.".if treated by tho be-t meab-al taleijt. wj:o waM only j-ay that tho iiise;ises w;is fl, specie of - , 'him 1 And aim f ') '' ' Wa . I ill aro in viu - tb T!: 11 thejaixtvp that A-;A thr.-H any i.iiy. AI f;u-t: giVi-. IO I II it! h'. - X: DIKE G!I 1,. aprl Xo 3orc Eye I ;.'.',.! i:'. v . liiA'iOi A V, V isoosi. : ' A -i AViiiiiig Legal V BilF V: IV! Mil r xo MOItK - Glasses . " A DlilcheU's Eyd-Salve, A Ceiuiin, fca!e a i p'il'ectiva Kcinedy Sore, Weak - and Inl lamed - Eyirs, , I'radui-ing Long-Sighte. t Kestoring the Sight of ,,ayb.M!s,.lMad-Uq.vju Cures Tear Drops, Granulation Eyes, Matted Eye La-hes, am ,i,l innarAnliiin). I Also' pouallv enica.-:i- 11s when ii-.ed in other mr la dim. such us I'leers. Fever Sore. Tnin-ir', .salt Rheum. Iinms. I'iles. or wh'-rdver iiiflaiiiiuation exists. MIICIJi:bL'.S .SALVt vanUige. Molfl 1- nil Iriitfi4t junlT T. L. KKLIA"S FINE - TAILORING - ESTABLISHMENT KYIS. -A 1 for i ss. aid--' kho Old- J Stye Tiniif.rs. pnxliichig-rel: mri.eV.'I. s ;:!!. L" . is-,.. I'.:' BL I and Trmt-fj- T . t , c. 1 " t t 'i 'i A! l:it ar '-utH. eel ' GHEENSBOlia A C. of Fine IniHrted ter Trade: Si.nsist- h Suiting, of all a FPt.T. n,t Mlnt.1i.tn toeU V -Goods for my Fail and Winter Trade; onist- ing of French, English and Sen ooiors. js An unsurpafsod line ot Trourmg. All are oordfally invited to stock, and they will see at once t t" in thn market. "Iho lies:" of work-Ban" guaranteed. Fir-t door soo'h 'f entr-a- ill and examine, my that 1 keep lhe hip an A perfect fit Ortnl Hotel. sep illy. le.i IX ; ire a am prep by priiflt . iijl'-I.v, -J. I . A 1 !A

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