-i ' ' 14 Vt ; ' ' ..., k la '. J av j . :iM - I- fiM-j It l-sp i: k .: u- - 4' i& ' M few him i a- t 0 m ' " ... i - . , ' j " j ' j ; - : x ' ' j , ; j I ti 43Vmi3UTS r.3 - 8 I inc t r ,9 t KtAaJXAJlLt I 8AIW OI AC TUAL CN liU.i LATIOJI. 1 i ll ttit . 4- W .P. hliALIi;M.D .""."wiSSS Hi-- : .! I 4 - - - GKEENSK0nOiK.p., IIUDAY. JA.NUA'RViO, It; Itijr Ian and rnrsroa. A :tm ax it rolin UCAL. : t ; - Sre l Ina Htur of porUr A Tal EJJM fiivmii ia.V Mt nucoiv, 1 wll-lT j uoit Jloaae. GrMDsbor. N. j i' " ! 4. Dr. G. W. WWtsett, j n i: it I Lin jaai Gtrner, GRgENSaORO. N. w TCK tobacco tz will cot Judge Joux A. Oilmkb wouM not make had Governor. 1 . i , ;. 'Tuebe yboald be an extr uition treaty with CHuada.w What for, to hare reciprocity fn rascaU? ' h I 4SEifXToB Blackburn, of Kea tucky, is confident a Tariff bill rill pass." Tne people are certaiuly hopeful,, Ehat it will. i;-. t V ro- .SHADOWED LIVES. - r UT JKS. CIIA8. D. VKUNON. ""(. ., ; ... ., . . ,' . , . . ".(''.' : : f f r t 7 . , h A t-1. - - - ' t a Mil ftOHITOOS. j r are . added to a OFflCUL EXEIEIT Or THE DOifiD OP COt XTT cosmissioxcns. i (CON'TlkuSD.) I Of Guilford Connty, December fttb. 1SST. No. 40527 acres of land. $20,700.93 rAlaation there- .of, 20 cents on every tt a Wit! r, J:ier, LtfMltay & i?d ack, dr ja, Ir. i:iiiQo:i, lVatit. Ci. Wi!!Aro3:: 1J, Uoo4. J j W. 8cott & Co, . 4 W. J.Ulatktum, SWt J.!li Keelinjr.ljood. M Greensboro Ua4 Light Co., UU ' !-. : Mi Dj W. Ca?l, Kepalr,! ! J.BO'Samvan And yet many ttnnecessanr trials aeir manuaiaing KUSKIN saya ; "Man should - semble a river." 100T . U. IUWI1 IOIS, U4VXU I i I aJuaf oii thereof,2G3 cts. 4. - Hirtpatntk, lirick, on every iuu, ; 2,474,00 1 : ; L y v J horses. 172963 U Total J J -i . I CONYEYINO. ISSAinB : TO 1317X4 13&.00 13.00 I ceo 1J3 1 5.00 10.17 20,61 5J27 Some men drii in 1 Jlv. !. . y . JL Hi, I ono respect at least. The biggest pk.h tm iso PHvsiciAif. .1 s I part ot tneni is tueir mouth. ..i;EK-N.-U0R0. - I NORTH CAROLINA; I'ITlt.-i hid rrofMiaionaJ Service to S.nm....? uu. ri! i 1 I.. uuioco, " uuiau o mo. i uiieu uiKra i. irrnar. i . ? . . - wrtt of wiHin,r0 V, 7." V; .vamauou luereor, 20$ . I CONVEYING INSANB those Tmoe fSrta&ST on 'aid ?, !75 46L23 A. M. Idol. them in their struggles : by efforts r"f1ZXSJZ:' Viel OsboriM ; to promote the 'advancement and . X.X 3 . McNwryand Welker. - 1111 vfrv iini. ' iuii vmii . - ri tion thereof, 262 cents oa every 100, t?J2lJ SIS 4 iel58DrtiD Uo. 13 Jacks, 735 valaa women., livery woru ot encourage-1 , :on t.iierinK 2H2 "The decoration of the Legiod of nient gives new strength to many t.ecltJofGriu,boroindnn,etJ onor was boDgltt by a blacking ?S I i?S?-?StW S ' No- 7 Jeanies, 140 valua ....',ir. manufacturer.- It is well that til fZgl Sil tion thereof cents on ,nrT? Zt& oai decoration fell into the hands 6t a welcomed as crysl dropi ; into a Nm5, 48 valuation 1 r-i 1 itmiI sni.ii rf an mn.l. ..T;I. S M dark GTIllf of , f tnnhlAlI na(ir If I . I -ZU Tnll LM Sill B. J. Sapp, yo rrrtt 20490 ASYLUSL 16.95 22.00 25.55 14.10 36.00 1'HYtICIAN. i PAUJEE COFFINS, AiPritchett, $114.00 Dr. W. H. Wakefield, . t-RGEON requires a great (Jeal of? patient! AND 0CCTLIST Will'atHrJ rity Trnd-wiuBtry icall. Ot&ci over IVrtw A Tatv iu stora. KoBidimc on Asbe- more than possible that heroism to live J :to battlef against w luninlttl 77iQ7 irai homas SETTLE ; will be tfe ny stumbling blocksto over- -tiS tt. ni on every 100, come the many obstacles present ROBERT M. : ATTOKNMS GREEXSDORO. Ml, , IVa. -l:re It' IV iii the cunt is ul Guilfrj. liandolpll tad Jl-kiii.-aaiiir . ( ) urn' jineo ovor rurier j jjaiiDn ir urug store. , Jamks ATTOUN , r. bv'-i ji OOUGLAS, LAAY, A 1 It is Judge Thomas Settle wt.uuWU cituuiuaie lor gov-1 lD thflmselvi sit :rrr VW.- tn. I " . . iJ. . ernor of this State. We see ho r i,- liX 7' .S8. va- be de ble barriers.thatrisTe up beforrion "JLBe,?S? r' 060X3 In t he self supporting woiid .there Ur w,'Caooi SthlZi! ,T,b0rnraff teaF ' tion thereof,26 cents on ! ii?. ranll8e of ""ryj every 100, ' :." Bu.c.ucti suU3b vvery rougii . winu Farming Utensils', &c.&c, ed. But time With its tioraincr reason why he should not teated as well as any other Bad 200.39 63.53 John Lewis Washburn, Forsyth County,! Jesse D. ; Hockett, V. Gray: (7.00 John Ward & Son, liooert Uullcte, i. H bhaw, M. O. Henley, The riiiladelpbi Inquirer says : ktii Carolina. IjV Wm.-MAiiqne is ot to return to n OK'StMe n j 'Federal Court oenate." liut the little rene gade need not despair; the dime i brought changes; human illusion museums are constantly on theu,e' i-Anotner cloud that hofen lAntnt rr frat- !i around and hangslow over tlie self 1 ' .j ' jsupporting woman, is the isolated . i r ' t . ! i iiid ouc ij, aiiuuan uevvusariiv cum 238658 valuation there of, 26 cents on every 100, w. r ORBIS, .. 1 .L. !l. I I AW, lUilMuor.L Money on hand or ou de posit, 101423 valuation thereof, 26 cents on 2U9 636.42 (JREliS'SDORO. N C, y i i i ' if 1t.v :r.J and: pruupt attct.iioa given to all ba.'incr' j.lji-oa in but TianJ 02 c oppesita the iourt bue. " I 1 ju!2-tf -- BAI ..BYN.UTf & SHIPP, ATTOSXiiYS and COUNSELLORS A " " .KFEtSBOYO, X. C. Cj" Wil! rai-iiix fc State and Tederal Coatta. but I ':a thinks . that the crcat mission' Of LnHH Q ir,rn ..Ji. I J I " va aa a . Va VUVU U t VF f Ctrl C theKepublican party now is to db fnto their "set" Woman who! by l a. .i i f - . . - i ,11 . n : l .... .i t m r . -1 1 siroy me wuisKey saloons. 1C can I i" icuutrs ueiiseu juuepen certainly do a great deal in that direction by withdrawing its pat ronage." " r i every 100, Sol ven Credits, 432627 val nation thereof, 26 cents ' on every 100, Stock in corpcrated com panies, 11540 valuation thereof, 26 cts on every 100, ToialJ 30.00 LAW. Thk MaIrtin House,; DOB 1 S for the reoeltion of rueota with first -clfce 1 t- a,iulations. rtrvantsii K,,ir.- larse and well lurni-hol. .MT. A rvants polite and attentive. libNKY SNOW. PropV. f 'A New York doctor 'hasdis covered 500,000 living bacteria in i nint nf mulfnil ' inn V It is In. I t"MV v u....,.. 11, 19 I.W UO I I, . 1 hoped that wheu th ico men Learn boiiorabUMursuit of of this they will not, put up the Does it lessen her inite reQuemeait price bf their frozen eroods to cover OT motlesty T The the value of the live stock. ; and almost unlimited y yii men mai sue wn IK la dent, ; A riffid observance rtf eou veutionalities engeijder sofmdny restrictions that they hardly dare t riilS! Slai JSffe'fef Other personal property, " . . ; ui. C04G25 valuation thereof. .ueu ion, a woman me pomes 203 cents on every 100, 1,345.67 Scents IWuroaa anil dIia i u t immn k lli 1 . . 7 ' I . . VV X", "M ' Kailroad franchise, S053G dwn resources does it detract from valn-iti.v.. thmAr. to engage in I ,. v.rv wui employiieut f 3auk 8toct 1018OO Talua Lte reunemeait I .: .1 . -.. ... be not afraid Total, ' R. A. Fleming & Co. nails, Wharton 1 & Stratford, Lime and Ipmber, J L Oakley, carpenter, Peter Golden Pitinter -W. H. j Turner, Plasterer, BroOks & Love. 1 Lumber. 27a4fl ii Whattbii,! Uu4it& Go., ' vaKeneia os vo, i aints, : O. C. Wheeler, For Oakley j and others, j .j W. E. Bevill, So!pt , $70.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 200 2.00 2100 Jrf I l!y. KtS, J. T. Hsiitlt, j ''. Pritrhttt & inMipe, l$9w & luttott, Laiahef ana ttsti. 4 05 Crooks TtMKoj 1 traits. . 221 1 till l.4il, j liJl.Mllartb4 M.IIrf; ' 11'arrUb famiit. . LI8TINO AND A&SESjSINa TAXES '87. lU2r W.tliurton. C. A. Tickle. John W, Gerringer, L. A. Carmoa, IK 1. Foustv Levi Barnhardt, John Cannon, Sa. u. Amtck, J. R.' Woods. . J.F. Coble, . Mebane. Apple, . 4-? R. K. Denny, (Geo. W. Lemons! ( W. P. Wharton, 5 Julius M. Dick,' 1 ( Asa Clapp, js ( L. JL Stewart. 6 iJ)..nf Hunter, -r - ( W, J Ector,! 8900 EEPAIRS. ! $455 1,15a CG j t ! 4101 36.7 127.49 226.03 60.27 54.14 '101.90 25.29 25.00 1665.47 COUNTY C03IMISSIONEE8 David Jordan, 3 days at $2.00, and S6, C. A j Boon, 24 L.2.00, and 280 214.C0 Scents, miles) at days Lmlles at a on every 100, ITiilitttcul nrnimrfi- OSOWl eef inrntlge vulnaiinn tliArnof. 531r.ts true wmaii .... iiui I .fit KTS V A Wat 271.47 C. WincheMier; 23 davrf at 200, and 286 miles at a f' .1 a. -1 ft J in:' Central HoteL RY, N. C, HAS lrn rmixxVllp.) and newly furnished and 1- niw the leadinir hotol in town. Fare fifot- kia. ,!:t, r:mlj'al a moment' call. AUohaa fiM-ciaw fainplo ro4n for drammers. N t;-tf J; V. irtUfcULH r'rop'r. WLNTW The Wentworth Hotel," I a a . dolpft 9MtWnrtl, loii vnnngy K wow Schedule B" &c. - ner own spuere, sue: uesires m.o re 000r ticsideM a collection ot pictures tain her dignity and self tnteem valued ' at 'O.OOO." American ufader all: circumstances, aud she journalists willT)egin to look long can not expect to do b or to inspire at.- ..l....t;- -i respect; if she allows uertfrff. to ,HV -"--"fe"5'" 7l,T,,sos i deviate from the path i lite a a prace wnere true genius is appref loted her. , -We are! told toittin ally that life is a ' warfare, cutis queniiy we want nruineH8 xn oravery lo'mcet met jcounicti w Total, Sheriff's Com. Total income. POOR HOUSE. Martin DonnelL Labor, 527J57 1,410.26 914,806.92 740.35 $14,066.57 1 W. E. Bevil, 24, Z il. 'Fouir, 20 days at -2.00, and 432 miles at 5 ceutsj I ' I .'I i i" " J. Henry Millw, 17 days at 2.00, and 390 miles ut Scents, Total, -always good au Andy Hendrix, pRTir; N- C. T a first hiteJl LI ry tKt of ?tltjr, I. If Ai tirt h.iiic. - RK,m furnL-ho-1 in the he tih!o ialw3 supplied ith itie Iki thff cunty aburd.: Servants poiita rxi kt iitiv. I-" Uicatod near ani ennvemont to . W: l UA.Nt Ot K. ' i s ;- Proprietor. Thk Cove House, WAL.MT fuVE. N. r.o ,-n Cr the rtwciti a of quests with 6rst rb? at-i-nrnmMlxti:n. rervnnta polite and at ii r iiu large and well ventilated. ., u?r.-Iy J. M. LEWl. Proprietor.; ciated. "THEY 6HV f f. thori-, you know that the Blaib anj told that life hasjgolden oipor- William' Sctitt, 1" bill will meet with j tniuities wuich if neglected Imai Wash Forbis, nefer occtrr acaiu; eonsequntl V IRo. Paisley. we want the ha hit ;of doing light Hegwood Bird, consistently aittl 011; principle hi order that we-may bel ready atauv mdmeut to ; seize these opporui:i ties and turn themio best account. We are told we must iexpect dsap pointmept and trouble to atteilU on AVrv.KtarrH nf nup onfflilv ndlraaii hie.tgo Herald i? ot the auJ Vor ive 'want'tUtieiuaiid 1 1 t . t T-V . I ' . . . w . J "ii mo iJetnocraiiu I lorriiuiie. ua me oilier w:tnf we "educationa another isrnoiuious death in the Xatiomtl Hou?e this anno domlni. That brat has' been killed twice be fore. LofcD, bless us! it must be X cat ! Has the New York, Sun's rf-litio stra3;ed away. ,. .a 4 . : Mot Houritain Hotel, iauiaX n. Swt,.urir t'o travelihir pubu' and espeiiIiy 4 -nri'ctk'cT. txjiait near -the famous Pilot titai:. iiiCn.1 fare.arml first rl.wsi roouis. Con w to .tad front theinunt.tin at any and all tr 4 1 The opinion Khat party 11 ni 1:anUal aud hi. "Deiuocatic,, friends fxr the frc, trade" lie 1 - ... - .'. publicans, of the 'vj'cst, it will be. just as well for Randall and a heap better for the Democratic party." anage to swa'u Sam know' that in life we shall alsoflnd moscu 10 enjoy, couseqaemiya we waut self-govenitoent aud motfera tfoS; we know that a seeming nap piness will often present itself as real ; or a real happiness whidli is hot; for us, an-- for ibis as indeed for all things; we waat the power of self denial with a well !disciiIiaaed' w. loeius,coTn, Mr. Wagoner," II. J. Williams, Harris & Flippenv . W. J. Blackburn, Tobacco. Sugar, Coffe, &cV Moses Strauss, goods, J. L. Keeling, ShipstuiL. flour, &c, Fleming & Co., Tobacco H. nails &c, . Wharton & Stratford, Tomlinson Manufacturing Co., Shoes, Lindsay & Schenck, drugs-. "i C0UET EXPENSED. J. X. Nelson. C.tS. C. $94.60 F. N. Strddwlcki Bolicitur, . 'J4.0U O.C.Whteler. Summonses. -82 Daniel Oa born, Oaard, c. 11. Willsoii, 2.4S JamesE. Boyd, Act. Soliei- yaw tor. 2.30 Thomas.Reeee&Co.,priiiti -'.w ing, 11 J9 Thos. Kenan. C. Si 6.00 27.71 Jofin w!.DiHk,Cuai tCrir, r 75.20 Tit SA I -. .. k . - - 1- :-l .' .:-. !' I i ! lit 1G125 145 00 I 210 1,84S.85 70 50 20 57 4 ICO. 1 6 $7.80 62.30 60.31) 48.00 .60 53!.8t $29180 priinvC, feeling 1 1 1: D alton Hotel, PA.LT03?, N.;C., Is nw-nen for the re,-tion jf Ufstii. A 'Bui will mwt the train a livtry -t;i!ile is k pt in " : r.i. .1.- 1 iiwutiu wiifi la. iiolci 10 cnrr)-4iruiiinierj anu aroM the country. opti-Iy l. DAL OX. . Proprietor. The Arlington Hotel, DANVILLE, VA. I: ! TNIiLli Xrtr niRREmirnt. ,Tborup;h!y , reiiov atcit una reuiK'd witn an iuKivro iin piiiftiU. Table 'su m ied with. -the bet' the rket .ttlbrdH- Ouinibim anj ijiirito wair n meet train.- M'yil lAUVta. I np r. ' K HfxirrTT. SI.IDHg-r. . . j -A -." , i i. . - , .. , V he Merchants ! Hotel. ' I ' - - o-'ati, In the !n-ir. h,jrt" ,f tr.wn. i cow "ln f,r th i)uhiio i-iitho '.elding; hou-'a in t"n with isn't -la.- faiic. Rooms well farn- . d k.I ramble rooui for drummer- Don t st"p at the Mcrehay. t . . M- JiCtifclltr,. ''..- I :-. j Propriotor. . 1 i The idea, of 'allowing- a Demo cratand u Southern Rrigadier Democrat at that to sit on the Bentli of 6e United States Sn pjeme Courtj sends rrrVous chills ahnj; the npine-of little JOHN SHERMAN sjiid his right bower, FoBAKEE, that little f.ial wbohap-fiicd-to be (fleeted Gov. of Ohio. 1 dUDOE LLAIiK, some or '-tir eon t siiMuaries teem to think, has the a resoluteness of will : we know that life. has duties to be dischargetlre quiring kinlnes, loroeaiauce ini brotherly love.deqniriugj'tIKtii)ng IH11B, earnestness 01 piirpose, am devtwl lies tf soul"; we; know that the highest and noblest i tain nitwits of life, and f.tr reaching in theirfiii flaeace and that to livejn the true Kense of livitii' is to tlifftise life f to impart vitality and strength of the lives of others." . ' j t I i;x.fid froin this woman's i life, mt nltiHl think that. these subject- tjihe luiuuiade the study of: her life; ccriuic. gnbernatiorial W ff.Vo ot thectotoonplapj r and cultiatmg all thdtlwhich was ; spat. LIEUT. Gov. pure gold. As I stand' here n&w I 1- - t inside t racket -thht writing, for cas'b'fr nt from hernatq the 1)eiiiccrti 1 . nomination STEADMAN is still on his legs and has. a record fo long distance run ning. if our own Gilmer should enter the race! '-some chain light' ning would have to bo used by the nag that beat him. r re all tSat land thhik f it all she! isteals out through the shadows ofi the tiig git, as the starlight kisses goldf.hair tailing from iiinder long iher tlei! the fall round white cai: her apron almost amine ironi view raie pale blue lr ess ; she comes npto me putting ner arms .about my ' Kuni.NrS ' , the Congressional House gallery . cygs ere raised to mino uj KALsoMisixcr, " .i-v A . ?4Wnus I am tending him aabtist v,;,,:;Kt.Hia ts'.CL 'tiling strafe about icanlmayGodsavehini.?' I 1 -i r w - 1 1 m I:. O A K L ii Y, urctrn ur JT am 'n-fiiviiiiro BUILDER, "afi.,; st -1,I t,!.- il!l ,rlr in-rnt-ii tm f' ' "'ve t roa.pl Httention.-wito aatu- July I ' mill Ornaim iilsil Phisterers. . 1 i 7 'down .'iKKISX.-UOR.l X. iCti I! 3','. t:. m at ' t',-iu a I, ti. . i viar-i exi eiipr., warrant their work ! nras that a ill eel mayo-y that. But pretty soon he was both heard and secu ; to sniff the air, somewhat after the manner ot that ancient war horse:. 'He sniffed so loud and lie sniffed so often that the! peplein liisioirnejiliAte vicinity became alarmed. The c;ia.se of his uneasiness was finally enquired into, whereupon lie xclaimed : "I smell a nigger t I do smell a nigger there 11" -But it was not even so. He had only got a north (TO BE .CONTINUED.) r centre by.uorth'-west breeie of tlie arorna, ,aM" of 5liERS XlcnOLS and- Beoweb ! 8.. LIS DLKT. iiudley & Bro., 0MV O. 1 OL V I T!..kr!;iii of f ItrT't f.ir rale tour tie of 1.1m tre-t, tjn 9 ; iu!lj-if j . For Rent. ) ' ith'tSrevi . i .'' ""Itx'd wtrilot wat . 1 ,- -r. .. rt.u H LfcU-i 1. . it. ins in Youi U3- water. I. r.L:50ru. X. C 51 : ALL our Badk. -' v-.tt. lpia and Kidney ri ir !. ; 3 l'!rt-tfn ivrt:ti4.ol KK KoWAhO. Fellow citizens, could they 1 been "hugging niggers 1" V have "I ij wjary of lirinr." moanod poor 'Mrs. Blaalt, "for I'm fairly worn out with the ache in my baofc ; :. mt nerrea are acnain II I Of weakness and pain. - II ? Ami my poor head i aching at if it would eneb" "Now, don't oe d iaoou raged, "eried goad Mrs. White, "It ii never so dark t-ot there's pronaae of Uf ht . I ean tell yon. in brief. .11 L u What will sire you relief I f Pierce's Farorite Prescription will, soon sot ya i ruU" j . . ,! j j - It is the only remedy fof'jwomaaiTS peculiar weaknesses nnd ailinentSi, sold by druggists, under a! positive guarantee from the. manufacturers, that it will give satisfaction in every case or money will bk refunL ed.-j See guarantee on bottle wraii- per Large bottles (100 dses) $h biz. tor 9a. , Cli.tr lot to Hornet News reached the cit to day of ho nearly fatal stubbing of Spcnqer B." Adams, Cleik of the Siieriur Court of Cas well county, u thel27th inst. Mr. Adams. Wi.8 in Yancey villi", when hi: was boldiv knocked down by a Asbeville Citizen r Yesterday ar- ternoun Mrs J V. Sevier,! living in North r Asbeville, was iiainfulh' wounded by a shot from at pistol ijn ! the hands of one of her little boyi. - i- Rockingham j-Spirit: A man, by tue nameot.lieuoc white ter, cut negro.aiid cut so badly as to make a colored woman's throat in the vi cinity of Undo,, this conntj', a lew daj r ago. The woman is SiVid to be 8 truste i are ml his recovery doubtful. Charlotte Chronicle: Am expe rience1 architect whtlhaMexjatiued the plans for the Rie.Iu110.1d & Dan ville's new. depot in Charlotte says that the building will cost every cent ! $35,000. -Thirty car loads of rock will be usel j 1 the f-uti:!.i tion. i ' LetllMitter'n ctneubiue. Pitt si kmi Record: The of the academy at Liberty h! cured ;the servives of Mr, J. M Weatherlyas the principal of thai institution? vaud the next! n-ssiog) will Jx-giri on the 16th of jatmaiy Br', Bacoir, Dr. ; Ed. Lindsay, Physi- Uonstoi n cce., Minnie Col t ra n e, Se w i :ig, Asa Ijiapjr, Beef, . Sair ye S Brown. Goods, IJ. M. Apple, Livery, rtoh, " Corn, Joha Jtewart, 4 r. MeAiloo, IVrt, j 011 11 Beeson, J. F. Lanier, bert htew.irt. " - .... - - r i - Niisou Why 1 (A. xiiim,- jtobe Philips. 4 tt tt tt tt. Alex. CainptN.-!!, Joseph Gilmer. Mrs. Lewey Alfred Bell,ti ef and pwfi Brooks & Jvej Lorn tier, W D MeAtloo, 2 brtrielr W. R Murray, Ra;bber I shoes, &c. Albert McAdoo, exrn,- Wharton, Hunt 5c Co. I Shingles, fltdaiu Rankiu, Livery, Grootue Bros, Tobacco, . oerseant 3Januiaciurunr Co., Hardware,, ; ; William W. Yiiuug, Keep- ter, &c, Aiford & Michaux, Drugs, Porter & Tate. " At L. Bell, Li very James W. Laudreth, Cab- base plants. Newton Wilson, Livery, , W. S. Forbis & Co., Ba con. James D. Doauell Corn, C.j P. Yaustory, Livery. W. E. Bevill, " Mr. Starr, " James Shaw, Moving, Richard Smithy Greensboro S. & ' B. Co.. Lumber, ' John Coble, Livery, .J Julius Dick, Oats, ' J. llenry Gilmer, Corn, J. C. Gilbreatb, Livery. R. lA. Smith, Corn, J. II. Untsou, Wheat, . O. p. Wheeler, Livery, I- - Total, 37.70 9.30 19.97 71.65 100.00 53.20 4.50 . ,4.S6 5.3S 50 l.WY 30.50 25.20 57.60 1311 15.30 1230 13.98 11.16 15.12 11.28 15.36 arrests. -1 feeding rests, John 11.: Rankiitl iurorS.- J. R. Strahoru, Solictor, Juo. a. uernnger, -Juiorp, i i- -;' 1 ; Robert ? Harris, i jurorsL lit , I IL R. Cannon, arc e'.son Gorrell, sweeping, E. B. Whepler, prisoner tlfPeii,; ! I; 'ri Sheriff Of Cravenl county. Capias,! , i i I '. . ii . Witness' State vs Beck, j W. E. Black; Cajias, ! i W. IL Wakefield & Co., bucket; 1 j " ' i J Ellis Chin Hall, water ?ooler,f 1 .1 i " ! R. M. ClackJ capUs. j R. M. lieece;iarretsits, i ,1 F. liufi'uiiti, arriists Total, 7 1 Geo. W. Troxler, ' ( J. w. tiimore, f A. P. Eckel, 1 1 - J John L. Hendrix, John A. Pritchett, james m. vvaru, v u riaruiu, j eel ley, McMasters, ( J V Winchester, 10 : II C Brown, ! . (jvvi Wharton; f W llSteiner, 1 tiaisley, 1 ! Kirkman. f UUU1CO J ( W D D jDG Nc ( W R M ( J WW J WiWi rwusti Ll J BliaL 4ii W LlKii . Ab 0 Wray, j I ( A Q Murrow, : 12 W M Kirkman.! ( W B Lay ton, j ( J C Buuch, 13 J G Gamhle, i ( John M McMichael, I I 4.UUUJilS vuuat thJ- Ml 14 S W H Smith f J M Blavlock ( J Leei Arrafield 15 1 P U Hodson, i(nOtamb, f Charles Case. 16! W O Dquiiell, ( J R D wiggius, l(,J A Davis, 17TO tarhuck, Geo W Charles Samuel Jordan, j 18kS O Meudeuhpl'i (EC Farabev, Total,-! llllO Ililpa I .... L t .. f.Ut I ' J IMHSIH, 10.00 Eliza Ftrrbist. ! 10.00Jns Tvrretl and family. 10.00 "J r, i .... IWMft. VS.. I.. O.UU I senile. ia.00liaae Lilly. 14.00 Elix BeBson. lt.00liix u older. 14.00 Patsey Mincro, 10.00 i sliz f orbis. to AA 1 1 :ll IdAnmvl a... w ' - ".vum. 18.00 Eliz Little, i 14j00 I R" Gerringer. 12.00 AUsey Sammers, lStOO Jruan Uole, . 1C.00LU U Willis 1GL00 14.00 Total, 600 10.00 ALL OTHKtt EXPENSES. 52.00 J DilIard, King & DiKard, Attorneys, r 1 W F Whittinittou. Labor. vv u wakeUe W Dohnell, Pkivisious, W H aicCormick & i Co.. .Notices, C P Thomas; pany, W J Weathvrly, J 31. lirQwni Greenslioro Gas Light Co. Court room, I . . Grand Jury room, ueg. roui Glolies, Thomas, Reece & Cci, County, Sheriff, u s c, J W Scott & Cb Mrs W CDoubJ Nov 86, S. -v ... . v r. j v ivueeicr, Dike Book Co erv, 1 A A Holtoti, Di hd wards & ;i .. . t : v 4 It I t l'l !l CM) 7JU ' 3.UI T2.1 23.0U (S OU 10.2O 1050 :. 10.50 10.50 ,10.50 10.50 15.75 1125 13.50 . 10.95 V 9.75 24.00 wti4 tr tt t imr m . 38.00 38.00 33100 16.00 14.00 14.00 12.00 8.00 . 8.00 52.00 33,00 38.00 38.00 18.00 16.00 18.00 16.00 14.00 13 00 20.00 10.00 6.00 20.00 24.00 16.00 14.00 8.00 12.00 18.0 14.00 14.00 30.00 30.00 22.00 Fire Corn- goods, Station- $1,390.05 "$50.00 ! 4.75 y3.58 i-SO -7.00 25.00 4.80 . 3 40 12.50 21.00 2.25 - 4.40 56,75 15.25 7;35 1.95 8.45 44.75 OUT SIDE POOR. I . ri " ;li Allowance orders issued for pro visions for the following persons : Naney Aua Swiggett, 175 3J4( 1,33S3() 15 5 L00 24,05 23.33 EEOISTEES op voteus, Jr., Gil W. H.McCormick, iner. ' f i '' ' ' I ' 1 : W. W. Ellihfftonl More- head, . ! , j: - A.'T. Millis, Sumner, . 4 30 j0hn W. Paisley, Jefferson, .ovi ilebane APDie, Maxlison, : P ' I'ii W. J. Ector. Monroe 1.25 iv 1.50 10.50 0.30 10.50 84,332 26 $1 2.35 72 00 3.77 1.50 342 251.36 1.00 7.05 50i 50 .25 98.94 37.10 i 6.00 1.23 1.00 4.75 1.50 1.19 1.50 8.00 .17.50 2.00 5 00 1600 Dl Dav . M. Mc field, Total, -t- Deep ichaeI,Si ! : - Liiver, i miner- 37 11.89 3.32 1.00 40 ' 40 3 40 ;2! 28! . COUONEES JHQUESTS. ; i V U - Unknown negro near Mo- LeAnsville. 1 L. Gertrude i Smith, near McLean$viIIe, Eugene Hairston, lynched, E. Starbuck, Juror A. S. Davis, if Total, I. IDGES. $40 $54 27. 06 00 S5 39 30 .1.50 1.50 $124.15 Geo. B. ates, 'JIau H. L. Claptf, Bridge Jh p. Andrew,; j Gamble & Burton, fication8, 111 IT - "Sit- I Mebane A ppii. li E. D. Hine, T Marsh &Kirkm William A. Flack, Rufus Hams, ' JAIL EXPANSES. Henry Gilmer, Jailer, : $476.50 C. A, Shultz, Guard, B. Voltz, Scavenger, M. May, - .-,- Moses Strausa, DrvGoiJ-'s, Peters & Tatuiu, Coal,' : F. Fishblate,Dry Goods, R. A. Fleming y Co., , a Phillips, Guard, 1. A. (Bad) White, " ui,Bidae, F Harris & Wiuchestdr; Ira- IT specting, t Winchester & . -, Idam Loimin; Briilgcl 50 Jesse Johnson, Spec., anI 1 t 1 5 t aaaBBBBWMBiaKBBBBB. I' II1B1IUI 1 m. I a J m-J V. V m I : I $1686.76 J. C. Burton. Irispecklne, G. F. Yviuiree, Briage, J. S. Ragsdale, ! " Page' ButinrMt, 59.00 1.00 34 00 79 5 425 4.65 -L50 111,00 N.A, S. II. iLi!i:p!ou, IiJjii-s,' Q.. A. Boon, j i lisped ing, Jesse L. May, Repairs; T-v ' I a. a ' ! t 1 i . if. m. a. 1 out; ni, ; " G. M. ShoflWr, " LfD. Avdelett. " J. M. Wolfe,' InspeclSug,. JrA. Pntchett, j! " rt t r:. ........... r.suil.-1 J. X . T illisioij , . , Od-ll .II anl war John. W. tJtHik, Co., nails,: f ;Lun:lter. j $2 25 130 00 J32.00H 1' Vl " 2.00 1 j ' "I I 2.43 ! j.oo 34S.00 1S300 130.00 - ' ' "2.00 I 2 00 rTS-00 3.00 100 49.50 300.00 i 25 00 ! 4 5$ 1.00 3(50 32 60 200 1)7 od 2.00 2.00 .3.00 !, I 1 ' $390 25 Lydia Cliappell, 14,00 Barbara APP' UUith Williams, 223.70 LaviuiaRumley, 3,11 Bat bara Apple, 42,00 W g Wheeler, tichard Qtiate, 3250 Jaiues Otwell, Jos.Mitcrhill, Wiley- Sheppanl, SuIIihiger G.weii, Mary Tatiiin, osliiua Burns, Lewis Sim;soii and wife, Joshua Walker, reston Beiuett, Jordan lonlkes,' Williani; Parrish, Frauk R ed! and fani .W Mitchell Martha Lonig, Elizabeth Carico, LinviHeiWtKHl,. Nathan- G ray, 1 Esther MelKiiijS Meli nil a 'Benson, Eliza iSoiith'Ird, Jesse Ivirkman, Culiiu V'ood, Wm Qaate, f Polly .Grecson, J Susan: O'Brian, . Allen !Whit4 Bestey Jones, Keziah Dixon, David! Revels, Charlotte Lcjmax, Henryi W tliugton , Wm. MtiiitRttmery, t Patsy Morehptl, . Dicey Low Wm. J, Pickett, Pn.ioor! W1ilTf nil - Nancy iMyres, Mary A Clark, i Harris,! 4Doceiti GrisHoiii, . - iMin'.beirouesi Elizabeth i Garrett and family," W Linobery and sister Jean OSwelU. - li t W Petty, 1 Kellie Jarre! 1 MillikinlFrazier, Eli Ozmi-nt; 1 Rcna Mqsa, Edward.4familjf, Lliz. Stef bensOn, Aaron DOiinejl, A u gel i nelThacker, Rebecca Orell, Cathaiiiiis Fruit, Jile-s Pleasant and wife, Lewis Cobb, j Frances Meredith, Besty SisoOn, Mary Scot , James Joiflail, Clerk and : I ' & E.; sr, Williams, S L P, Broughtbn, Tax Books and Kecords, U':ii it u. I m... 1. ...wi .it yj uiriurid Taxes, J N Nelson, Express, I I Greenslioro Patriot,' Co,, Hxluuit. ' Tax notice, 8 J A Harrel.. Stationery, lira I 'sir 111. wiri 1.023.00 Bajitard case. 1'atram uoit. Reitzel i & ilteitzel, Stock Law Fence, . , E M Uzzell,f- (ri-itnsliirit Itttiik Store. $23.70 o.tell llartlwareiCo.. I 13.95 V E Beville R R assessor. t-ya C A Bool). R R assessor.! lo.uupv II M. Connick. Jr. 15.45 J P tl-Ailaras. Wuke. 6-OP H C Fisher, Ciuaticrlaml. u 1' aiast. 'l'orsv 10.93 n K Judson. 17.23 VVakeflehl & Co. 0-4 j y Cansev. Clerk to Board. 12 93 .1 W" Cansev.' ReconiiiiS' " . mj T - r " - - - - -a on. Is, Express, 135 38.25 43 50 th, S., I ,410.79 15.02 3.00 2! 10 R.Wi ( 730 i ' - : 300 , 68.00 1.70 4 80 15 40 34 23 30 00 2.00 3.00 2.00 41.20 ,.73 40.00 a s 1 a. - m - I "sx ' a . . , . I a ..- f m im w 4; i im imMtvh) 9mh A A M . t. . 4 t WM, k. X mh tu Wa. .1. a. , m i4 Mar a 4 iv -. w it iii,, . e4 s- M arwea. iMM rear mr sms) e-wa ea. - j WS Wiiee lal a4 ttet swms Wrta ft- U su an I riha tA ataa . 'h mfokn) htm IAa4 ar hard aad irf j wosks la a swaaM aa.a. 1 he eU sear Uys hiss aViwe to das. 0h.ayadal1tl Oh. bsmsw sad sail . Ob, wild, as liasj aasaasi rs I Ow.UaSBiredaaat O. a4ti4 saaa I tlLnkiuU.I 1fh ira.l li . t Shall ail Ihiaa-a sww thai draw kfa's WwaUl Ue reeliac eaward still ta death T ebaU ait tears laf thesa dews le sue T Whs rWsofr'U eat Mailt see. . With .hilar ,,f aim mlnAm mm ki.k - With sparkle efsaow e tha stronf brvwa tree, W ith wlnls that sins and birds that fly 1 . WiUi hells that peal by twoa, bZ threes. . . Aeross the Bead and down the leas, 1 he new year euotes earves the h. With ail glad thinrs that smile aad herkow. With all sweet things that lire and die With all good thinss that men eanreekoa.' ' . W ith all strona- thns that strea rth eaa try j W 1 th bape and lore and a ndr am ed a-raees. With wmspera low aad warm embraaaa. The aew year cotasa anrvaj the iky. 0b. deathless lore, eUrnal yoath I Oh, dad, triampoant haman ery I Now Uod be praised for this one truth'. 1 boach all else ae a (ilded lie t When eld thinss fade and old bonus fair. And old years, dead, lie stark and pale. 1 he new yean coins across the sky. i - LHOIHILIJ ON Jj MACHINE. One hundred years aco oar dads ' . Had grand and noble views.' - ' But dremed ia common home span clothes. Were band made hats and shosr. . ' The wheat was renpod with sickle dull. And threshed, wrirrt hickory frail. Ana tor electric lights tueir wires I tallow candles mall and pular L ill 4 - 4 . - - ' sj l Gl Are to Uadi ' The world has dianged. machines hare corns I - At nrst they ran by cranks But now the -'Cranks' caw oat machines. Instead of givmavthati Is. . , -It pays to keep ereo with the times, oke Leopold's-JUranaa. I THOMAS, REEGB & CO., JOB PRINTERS, And alttio aooD u 2s w 11 i 11 . iv. c. tt'OBK. LOW PBICXS. SATIS r ACTIO W OUASANTEEO, iunv (j II: i are invitotl No More Eyo Glasses t 1 Vr-i Weftfa EYES. MM I Hitchell's Eye-Salve. Sore, 1 $9.00. o rji , a,..v. 9.00, j balance tl 4. 4. age. Not iees,Oidei s, &r, 189 72 I Eilizabeth DickJ bastan case,Gne paid to" Board? 20.00. To 2 mos. Board, To'cotlin for chilt Bal. due E Dick, Order iriven for due, '. van Llinlley, prjovisioiis,; Henry Lewis, - J V Scott & C. S W Scarboron:h John Barker. Irrin & Weather! v ' Houston & ri. Aaien Mt ;tidenhal3 Mary Donm I, J M Burton. Geo v Richartlsoii, et al RR tickets,, ! !J W Jones, pnviii"nH, Lizzie Wootlen, "i 1 ' -f . !: .'!'' , . - 1 i . - 1 . . - r 1 1 tjjonev riMiintieti tartly Cast' foils T J. A. ITIK Post 1 I A Ceitnih. rWe an.l . I ClToetivs Kcuietly,, for j cak .and InflamecJ Eyes, t f rrsJuHng Lons5irhtl.iess, anil j; I Kjwtoring the .Sijrht of the Old- The' Uik'i ! lll iX lUOIll : ' that our 'pi." . than an.v ot ' " it: Ail! I i' fad jiive.i 1 both iu butfiny i Very lb- foii-- i 1 in through has f hetr, 0.00 P.K50 2.00 4.(MI 4.50 1.50 6.25 1.50 I.IK) 1.00 6.15 1.00 -1.00 Te-ir Props, nraiiuljtion. ste Vuinors, lied iMutMd ;ye. Lsshes and; prtJurum raliuf Cin-i tyi, Lml iwrinaneiit rure. -i 1 Aim. equnilly lli-.-i. 11. wlien md in other nu la die such I k-ars. fewer xre. Lutii,,r. halt Khuum, ,i:irn... Tilo. or whumvnr .mUaiumntioi exk-tn. Ml rriiKLL.'S S.V1.V raiilajo. !( It.t all Oruxnlhl p 1 t nraooKs. Br WM. LOVE ooks & Love. Uadufacturra and dealers Hum )il!;! Mai KimI . ( -j, . IMIn J nud 11 in hll kinds Hrt-SM.Nl Lumbrr . - i L41 dm. ti, iToorw t)rl.-ill,: solirilt'l and filled primiply llvUiTi -340.12 .00 tie Kel- anoy niui Carolii I S Inm- ' I' - Eveline Udidwick, Ro Jou s aiiujwife. Franklin Lewi, Maria Stewitrr, Fannie Culbertsora, Annice GreWon, I lutiis A itilrii A' J Salbe Cook; j Sallie A IVrpb-s, James Ledlnetter, Manrai ett Sattei field, ' John Garret, j Lydia Vhai ton, Susan Rankini Geo W Bichardsoii!, Allen Massey; Jerry Sloan, Amos antl Srflly l'arks, (J'to Lam-, 1 Best.V 'J tinea. Veni t Malthttw John Consiuiiml Wife,k lollv P.trri.ii 1,335.12 J. W. CAUSEY, Clerk of Board. I. J W-0ausey, liecister of1 Deei of Guilford, make jthi exhibit for the Boanl tif County Comhiision rsraiitl would-state that aby iu formation!' that may lie desiietl 0:1 ny item may o wau at toy; onicv. I Klmtilr eive the bills audit il jnd allowed and j the allowanced matle for the outside poor, and the" Income with no deductions for in Rjolveii'Js. - ' 1 ' P .-, I Respectful I v submitted,! L J. W. Causey, C. of B. r ii i'ojv a ii n; u 1 nucit, iAl'lAVINU and SliAiirOONINO. Ilsir i'ntting oununereul mm e ....)i!i,r with the Eitm?ion Clipper. Cuts ei;gth, with satntiictjoa guarauteed. SBOW HOUSE. EfiELISBDEI. I. C. ..... ,r f... . :ti 1 - Ul I4VwUM1Ii Vs., t .4.. T. L. KKLLY'S FIHtt TAfLORlXG - ESTABLISHMEHT Duu'l Vou Kn.iT l9ltjiatyou cannot alToitl to neglect that catarrUT uon't you ikiiow that it may lead to consumption, to insanity, tt death t Dou't you'know that it can be easily cared f Dou't yon kuow that- while the thousand and one nostrums you I have; tried have utterly failed that Dr. Saie' Catarrh Remedy is a certain cure f It has stood the test of y;ar4, and there arc hundreds of thousand of j-rateful meii aud women 111 a4l .4J.00 l,ai fS of Hie country who 0:111 kesti fy to itsi-'filcacy AH druggists. ,k 1 ' . jiStalesville Landmark : The holi day sensation in Statesville; was the finding: f a dead baby iu a well at that place- . -Southern Pines Vine Knot : The Carthage Ua'.lroad, fioia CauV roil to Carthaye, is nearly grath-d .uii: the Comp tny exi-cts to have trains i-iiiiiiiiigliy the middle of February. GREENSBORO, C. AltU.nl complete Vtnok of rioe Imported liitroht f.irnny Kail mid IVii tor Trk-. n,nvt- li'if of icnch. tngl:!-li and Hc ti h MitiiiK. uf all colors, i . I ' , t An uaii-jri) isro-l !ii,e of 1 rouarin.! ' All wru eorili4lly inviiml torall an.les.imi.io my stock, ain'd thcylwill ieo at o -ee tb.U I kevp 'lbe i est" In the ir-irket. i . -S'J fco l,iw: ' of wsrl.a.ii!ii' ah ptrrtt-t at gn.traiitiM-u. Kirstloor th of er.tia:ii tt Veftral llel scp ZA1. W. 11. FARRA.R, WATC1I .itnl C141CK: MAKER, i I- -!'..: ' j' Jerwtler, ;trln A KvsirMVr. j '-'' - ' ! i Under A;Iaio. Itnil li-i?. . i-4-ito tba ointy eoart I I.' UmI, on Wert iik' MrtKeL I I I I? vi. J f::i! Give lit in a xn get your wmrk don right trial M'.i'ii fti i 6atit7.'eiiiiii are sure -StM Jesse ftrown, r . I I: - f f tie kt-; sli l;iiaL,.ol (I xi riia-Uuto to to found in a Jt:!,i r tore. . 'pecs fut old aixl iHir-g. GlIliAr' COFFEE. HOME ROASTED COFFEE at 19 CEMTS i . - POUND. FACKAOE3 i Newberii Journal: ?Tli h"tt: etop Of cottoil ill thlS M'ClKMl te tlnrtiitjr 10 b felt by I he biines mei.. There werethree ai-iiuiit nis matle in this city yesterday. I ! PUT UH ' i .--! i. 1 :pound rash! 'Ml lurevnr hillniiHitti,io III4-: ' ! -i'U May U Mat to ad- J fj Mil" M r.-i ?l vs ' .(M91rfs, 1 IfJ "! ! - (Z a FiCTUR Y Holid - i!!' CALl. tu i ' ! UK; norll-Jy West Marii DRY POODS Ati, Tin Ware, Ifir:; I. : ' A iij erery thing i .McrrlinsMtUe sl aad ace,aiinti.m eountie we ark a tray tu TO ,fit.t MAN Clyde Heglater ; Tbe--growii. -X I ' ; rry I'o-.-U 'vnlrtlu lsasil. 1st Vila.- Ikru 3 tesifM is SS.OO. g 14 !!' town bt Civile is situated on tl; CJ Uailroad, twenty are miles west f Asheville, iu thtfi pia tursniic vallev of Pizwm river. It fans five stora TK DE SCTl'LIXr BY limit 1 I Jl it liolt t "i.orTiv mww rn a : . - - . J To uiini-ter rI sul tnrh ami weary no ciaal in errry rt, third the ent. V' 4 ,4ingsw mado to be t ow. li ive tUeia a t Dr. J. I win; sep6-ly The t MalirassMah W. A. MATH , IilaF 11 ue Wool. :j Struw, ami i ; riol(-loi OrccnsUoi PLAIN A3D. And wholesale thai- t r.JAR. r . ' i-r..-. S I ) . t i - fVswa - f - i 4m . rl pi- LSI Jill J a-UL , ' . . a ,t i I 1 1 .Ju 1 1 ;! t ' 1: li i i. 1.1 1 ' . 1' li'li.f . -x.iM' HOUGH, ri (;'(' PH0TH;KAi'mK I J i ' x ' r1 f t OT':' l.t. ir.ii . ... i- I' i 1 K ; ' 4'1-ViV Hilt SXJt v ' ,' .M'iVtlCw,. - ' i - ;i .w " i V1 .. , 1 ' -'M ' ' i ' ' ; - i ' t ; i i - ! " - . a- --

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