V' 11 ewW 1111 HE GREENSBORO PATRIOT Oldest (And Moat Exten di Circulated Ne3Pr in Piedmont V, C.rollna. EmtrcinK tbW Entire 01 T a.iv-tt?ara Ifiint A ro- N lei. "- - . he Valu -of Such a Medium for Lies their B v ines. toefore a yroer- People- . - . - . ADVER1I-INC RATES N J.SONAB-.B i I PASED ON AC- . - fT .. - 1 ' j! T : : r . t - . . : . ' ' - - i ; It. 1 , ! - " ' ., rw4.gytwytoOTT ! MM'''-'?'m!" H Is I? KSTABLISHED 19 1935 SIEW KEKIE,N0.1,7. DEMOCRATIC XUPREMACT FOR THE COOS OF ALL, AND A DEILTCC.tATIS ADMINISTRATION ADM1NIJTUE0 BY .DEMOCRATS. ! t - GREENSBOHO, X. qFBjmapCa: VP. BEALL.-M.D., Il,i,Uiaii mid Surscon. Mora of Porter k Tata RedMoBoe Le ! r URIEFS AND POINTS POLITICAL. t . i s 4-8-ir ItoEE areuineteeu native Kortb IIow jabout IL3 Blakw bill ! Written iLrtbq Ptiot. . I ' i,. S SHADOWED LIVES. BY K. Gregory, MD., i , - ? - I Carenians ia Congress rii ; 1 i Uoe. Oreaastoro. N. C Down with the iuternal re venae. Iiorrfe Toot and dragoou ! OFFICIAL EXHIBIT : , v f . j 1 . - r- rft W. WHlTtneiD.E4Uar Prpritt. TEKJK 4m rr 1 ear. m M.m ra(. t -' t. MRS..! CHA8. D. VEKNOX. I IEKUIS B0lIO.J (CONTINUE I.) i . n.' $ (..- . HV OF THE HOARD OF COUUTT COSIN58IOarEILi ' O. C. Wbeeieri Jailer &c 134760 . Mebane Apple, Goard. dj2S,0b 1 J4ndaaT & Schenck. drags' j 40.45 . Will Ana field, Goods; ;i8pj el. W . OCOW CSC .; 1-13.00 Dr. G. . Whitsett, I(rti;oN ii:ntiht, a r ;RKKN- T.tri'iy Corfu;''. IJOR0. N. v. V rr. i...w. rlti:TM t PKYSICIAN, Ni'P.TH CAROLINA. - orcullford Vnntr, December r v. .j. isuicDuro. Doqes, JNeed I tell you reader mini that . 5tli.l8SY. j. aj. iveenng, ixooaa At Iast nly master had fouhd Era- No. 40537 dcr of laad, Oreensboro Gas Us The Democrats 'of Kentahky I Herl soaUpeatlng eyea! caught! of, 26 cents on every ".: . : ID. W. Carl, Eepairs;' have by acclamation renominSted tL,1ilt;bf tbf 8mUluff atars, and $100, , : - i $5,520.25 K-V J1 on every 100, : i 2,474,60 Ko. 3535. horses. 172963 : valaatiou thereof, 26 and foaod words iu which to naint 'Kepublican advocacy of the "i'.uett co i" a,D.ce a, . I . . .- . "v.nvi ivu.ua vivrutu uau UVUUU reneal of IliH tnliaifr . far ia!ath.l t . . T . n H D. N. Kirkpatrick, Brick1, -4- 6.60 15 10 J7 ,26.61 bed repentance." TATE, her brow with laurel and mad hnr . i ... -: i, i . . : - a guou uu, in is. j name as immortal as lus own." ; Daily"! watched all about me: aimoati uuy;iuoy urovo me out, to - vents on every 1.00, No. 1326 mules, 71589 val uation thereof, 26 cents . on every loo, t A. ,,f ij-wn.-'-'rDiD.C-TjrroumjiDg eoBtr7. 4 rii ce it I'.rter it IH dm te. Wheal -tran b. (..aail at bis K-i.loDoeon A.he)oira f Dr; W. H. Wakefield il-r "l ' f.T.IV L r 11 1 it- trVt. i :rT 4r I nail AND OCCLLIST callv 0(5 r orer Kesi-lcnce a A.'he- Wjiat a pity. Our Bueu Beow eb has been dabbed by Washing tonians as the "pea nut politician." &v? Pleasure to some poor invalid, No. 13 Jacks, 735 valuai " ' - t ana at tunes J'vadue would accom- tion thereof, 26 cents 'Somebody will I be elected Pres- P,an' thero, making them comforta on every 100, j ident of thA TTnifArt qfatM rhi b'o wfta cushions, bathing their No. 7 Jennies, 140 valua ident of the United States this faceg jad ia soothing com- tioa thereof,26 cents on year." You bet, and Grotee fortingj words of hope o cheer the every 100, ! Cleveland is his name. " frail fading away of some suffering No. 54 Goats. 48 valuation weary Leart 1 i . i. thereof. 26? cents ori "The liepublican party need notl H iThus the days wore oo,- until every 100. i crow over Uemocratic. discord."! ecKg.uim nireu auu meo since we iK0.iiui7Uatue,773U7 val uation thereof, 26 cents every 100, , ! 14459-hofrs. 23822 val- tery ior a sun Dam, and JSvadue nation thereof, 263 cents Total, . ' "Ji ,263K36 CONTEYINO INSANE jTOl ASYLtJM, 4613 a xt -rf : i av a way v - f-i-i. W ,. Daniel O&born, t'i'i ; Hfn'Ve.iFV ortrl Weltap. 1 i" 190,90 Mrrshotv ';Jr . B.j?saPP, 1.96 rrnt:r : v.-.., f PAUPEE COFFINS. .fnTin A . "Prifmhatt ; t -v i 7A Aft Frank Neece, . , e -2.00 16.95 22.00 2&55 14.10 36.00 1114.60 (! Lewis 'Washburn, -rt i4- 2.00 13 It." vvgoo jut AAUvawv crow over Democratic, discord." weekg baa lited and died since we No. 11 No; for all is not quiet along the effi M"!?? .jrsit. , uati T tiog up, daily they would bring one Potomac in the Republican camp, him out;" ouUhe broad south gal- No. 14 General Master "Workman Pow- derly is lying at the point of lift other hemorrago will carry him off. iookooion; to see him jagain, what every 100, I James -AV. hi j' it r i: v nivi! in liU hamls- ft lr u: i DBERT 13. DOUGLAS, death, and his physicians say an TTIiNK . I LAW, 7r I (iu:U'ivl. HanJulfh and i - i hiC-.K'. QilTII CAROLINA. rill. I'r M '' ,!' :f---UHati.I eanl Coarts fr "Hb.xj-ver l"rtcr A Diiitua'r Jmg rtoro with linenog hands and i love lit on every 100, ' I eyes wbuld arrange his pillows as No. 8629 sheep,8022 valua-! lie reclined on an invalid ctiair. I tion thereof, 26? cents on - - m -L - - ' f.fi' a a . W. Gray, (7.00) .Tnlm Ward Xr. ftnn 20C39 Robert Gullett, J.F.Shaw, enough IT.ORBIS, A." I' u kens Bonn. N c. Bynum & ,-u KKV-S an.l CVil XSELLORS A" LAW, .KKKMM1 t, X. C. - V il! i ra. tiv in Mate and FederalCourts. t ''Ul Congressmen Rowland, IIen T-k y oifxr . 1 t . . 1. S...n. Ifetrnn.r laced bills in tho House for the 1 0f me repeal of the tobacco and brandy lover tte 'low raarblo tax. " ' Ispoke to jme,' i ! jf " Venu$, beauty, God; joy. II would stand thre and look Farming Utensils, &c &c., up at him and drink of the pleasure I , 238658 .valuation there it afforded. ! At i first ho was not! of. 26$ cents on everv 21-39 2.00 2.00 '2.00 t 2.00 Weisst rf WJyf 5ftiav -P J.tTSiiith, h Pritclfett&HltiDS.l t pSabw DaTton,'lAirb-r jranu-ftaiis," - :.-4. Brooke &Love. 15316 LIBTlNCf AND ASSESSINO TAXES 87i "If- 4.05 ,2.12 5.70 r 3.06 2.37 . -'14.00 Jotn W. Gernngcr?- f 6.00 J if Ii A rrnni . T 1 "In d.p. roust.. 2Levi5arihardtJ IS .a j ( Jonn uarmon. A. G. Amick 3 J. R. Woods, f ;j!J,'T. C6bier?r s Mfibane Apple," r4 MI.K-, Beflny;f r r - -V - . .1! ( Geo. W. LewonsLT Itr W7ii wuvrtoaJ i I ywcMp.-! 1 (CMv Stewart, 6 D. HI Hflnter Hw n ni - i. i l WJ.fEetor'; iGeofrrroxtef, i 8 9 r.c ""' Nantle UoU,.i. ll r n Martba.Bkhop, . SaUf Hughest t Thomas Graves, -Eli Cable; f J Nancy 5IelvlK,! , t m a a -.. 7 oiarina iiuier, Parrish fa mil v. v.. liagnr Watlington, . -biiza uioson, Dairy Rankin "10.00 1 Eliza Forbis, '' 10.00 James Terrell 10.00 -BeoJ Self, 1 P 8.00 -8mU Little, 16.00 Isaac LUly, s -14.00 1 Ejiz Benson, - 14.00 iyiz Unlder, r -14.00 Patwy Mingo, -'lO.OO Eliz'Forbi, - 14 nV ! TMinrl LI W I - yr. U - 18.00 1 Eliz Little, jii 14.00 Roa Oerriagcr. J3iK) j Ailsey Summers, -&00 Jordan Jole, -16.00 H'O Willis, 16.00 - - i a..vrf I -y.n, mil iiLir.u I Mr.iut raCCLATES'liir ouiLroBD. nc ? VILLB.CASWf Kf HANCB, OR..:, t HANDOLr; t. , i SYTK.DUiv'' i - - r ANi-(i- r., PUUylranla,rti 1 ; in n ADVERTISERS A'l r i and family, 4- s 1 to tasa any but : yesterday he rain has been sal Avorv 10A. . . r . , ' . j ; - j 1 rv av. -john oujb4an- nas oee.u jre-1 merciful : lie has spared tni life." Solven Credits. 432627 val J paring a Tariff speech, otherwise a II look on his pale face and listen ' nation thereof, 26 cents notice 100. t leaned I Money on hand oron e- ng and! posit, 101423 valuation thereof, 26 cents on A. P. Eckel. Jobu L.EIendrlZi John A; Pf ilchettl James u.. ard. D G Kkellev. i i,X"n XT i 'j'W Wfucheser, n C Brown. , t ( J W Wharton, I i; V! U Steiner, 52.00 10 bati.t sHirr T l " .1 r. . l l.i: .: l virh an itti art am it r i I onH' r. t I a -..- . fkA II. f.1 o!!Ve oItita thafMore likely the lattec than the tUD v"u UUJU fw osiw corpuraieu wu. JUU-II n. n. T , . 1 T". X " U.W.VMB"1' I UIW L-.w;v . UIUUI.1U1I f times tpat Evadue moves slightly I thereof, 26 j cts on every ', Ttte itAnnhiinnnnrir a.,. firing behind Ihim, while the'tear istream 100, 1 , T ; 30.00 . . . t. 7 from her: eyes; for she realizes, Other personal property, their mnd guns at James Russell though;he does not knbw, that life 504625 val nation thereof, i I-OWELL apd styling him the "mug- has onlybeeh given hirn for ja little 26 cents ou every 100,! 1,345.67 ian ass" because he endorsed the tithe. Wbenyshe iis. iij;ar him he Railroad franchise, 80536 ; PdamMah -Vi If naan va !' lofteii s peaks so softly to beij that I valuation thereof, 26 iwnreufco mco-asc. i.ui.. 1 T i... t. i l I :.. . r r . .r uitu mul utar.uut iiuuw iuo worus i cents ou every xw, : i.uu Total, 1 t8p.0O . COURT HOSSE REPAIRS.! ) R. A. Fleming & Co. nails;,1 I H&5 Wharton & Stratford, Lime and lumber. ii 4.10 636.42 carpenter, oo.4y. i rR mia,AV.' r-eier uoiqen, 1'amter, . izt.vj .-T -Tvv W. IT. TnrnpV Tia,tAr.i wfl oi . 1 ! T L Kirkman, - A . . urooK8 cc Love. Linmber. 70 ar I Wharton, Hunt & Co., " Wakefield & Co., Paints. u. u. wneeier, For Uatley and others, W. E. Bevill, Supt. 226.03 607 54.14 25.29 25.00 13 Ship?; Total, COUNTY COMMISSIONERS; David Jordan, 3, .days at 1665.47 ,1 r - I ruck looks upon tho disgraceful arf PPted from his lote filled Bank stock, 101800 valua a 4. r r ti- c Jeart. ) . j, i 4 i tion thereof, 262 cents vail ocuaiurs l T rl-., XT' -,? ' A AnJ . I ... ..wmm 1 - w j .u.auwv i U U. VV UIC UU CI Ul J JLVW, - , , c T T I " l IK ilARTIN rlOUSE. conduct of Reoubli j - .i . - DOliSON. N U. ' -i wno oppose tneconnrmatiou oi .ur. iaa sue pas done daily,! and; T IT .... , t: YTT 1. . " I. ni.l.l 'it " li S thPM mnrtaUt, . ' Venus to-day at sunset 1 1 will Ih a Sir the rffi-i-Hon of ue5t with first -claae .Hum- -I -.turn?. Hrvaiii pome ana errenuve. . riv .mi well famihl. -!'. - - i HEN KY SNOW. Trop'r 271.47 wins Unlisted property, 98920 valuation thereof, 53J cts on every 100. i 527.57 bonade His kifei j Ah : Venus can Schedule B" &c r 1.416.26 ik:Ci:ntral Hotel, MT. AIRY, N. C, A U-ca n iuiJ Il.-lanrl prwly furnibed anj i- i;w iIjo IfiMliu hotel in town. Fare first l'iiiserv.nnt at a nioiB''iit c;Ul. Also ba -ct.i-f faiiiplo aui lor il rummer. 2ti ' "' J. V. IIClltLL.Trop'r. i.nnvnpvrp ' tim rn!A nt i a happiness, that ; savors of heaven ni . .i. I itself and an anguisb that depicts i Total .ruu. iu., aLcuuul8 4Ur heH. fill the i samfl breast kt the TShPrifT fom the I same timo 1 iYa for in mv fipart I ' I are closetedtbotb of these emotions j ' Total income. accoun lack of reason displayed by Republicans they have no con science to begin with. i- $14,S06.92 i 740.35 fie Wentworth WKNTiVOI.TII. X- C rt rlaj H'iU-L Rixii.s fun Hotel, jniL-hc! in the ry4-t -I ftylo. The tnljfc i. alw.iyx Supplied I t th 4-duaty allrL. ant.. jlite n-nti,. Is f ate.J ne.-ir-an l ronvnityt to iH h .u ... ' -:' S'iT. 11 A Nt JCK. .1" f I 1'roiirietor. Y. CoVK IHOUSE, V WA1.NI T TOVK X. c. 4-n Cr the recpiti a of articsU. with rt k, i-.iiiiumI.'I:t)s. rrr anu polite ami at- iiu.-lrr nl well tentiUitetl. i if . J. W. L5W IS. Proprietor. uBy and by some genius Will want to organize a 'trust' to run the earth." No need Jay Gould has made that direction already. POOR HOUSE. ti il (i (( Senator Vance in a speech be fore the Ilar'em Democratic Club of New York last week said . "You will find in me t man who shirks no lespousibility and shrinks from norf,efrc8hinents.n 1 The Philadelphia IVc says: ".Seuator Sherman has indicated i the line of battle for 1SS3." But old man Groter will spike his gnn ilot Mountain Hotel, Lvur. i.,r-.- h,i,.c near the famuu PUot and knock the "stufUn" out of bim where I was ; and as I ! look upon fe:. rfir.t or Blaine of Maine on the' first them, my thoughU wonder back ; 1 ".; D.vMLjjAKiAS.iWr.- , i his mother, would sh Buffer :n her iTf ' - i sl ! - ;. i . ' a ; lUUlillt j to day. I To be his wife "is happi ness in truth : bnt to know that God only gives him to me! for a lit Martin Donnell, Labor, tie time is suffering that words can not corivev. ?J hnoie that death I Andy Ilendril, r .1. 1 i J." J - ... . . MAt iur nun, us lertbrcr iw,and will soon tafeo him uiiam ocoit, a step iu from mp. t But for that jlittle time, Wash Forbis, I will be bis wife . ' i o. j. aisiey. She leaves me then. f Ilegwood Bird, And I too at tho- same time feel W. Poenix, corn, joy and'sadnqss ; itcould have been Mr. Wagoner, so ilifferetot- life could have been U. J- Williams, - so beautiful, i j i If : Harris -& Flippen, , . Still they have each otjier and J. Blackburn, Tobacco. lov as only few; knowf how to Sugar, Coffe, &c., lov. fTbis i would lighten tbe Moses Strauss, goods, heaVy crosses ; even that of pover J- L. Keeling, Shipstuff, ty. j Tlie day passes on ; thej after - flour, &c, , ! nooh roils slowly away th6unlight Fleming & Co., Tobacco, . grows fliiiiter aud a great crimson II. nails, &c.,r j glow falls over. all. j And these two Wharton & Stratford, j young lives sire j joined together Tomlinson Maunfactnnn and in tlia ifter crldw. thev walk to Co.,Shoes, J-i illicit J uuvucuv.iuuggt $14,066.57 . 82.00, and 30 miles at 4 5 cents, j! C. A.. Boon, 24 days 'sit L2.00, and 26.Tmiles -at 5jent8, " " - , I C Winchester, 23 days' at 2.00, and 2S6 miles at - 5 cents, . ; W. E.. Bevil, 24 days at 2.00, Z. M. Foust, 20 days t 2.00. and 432 miles at 5 cents, , ! . 61.60 J. Henry Millie 17 days at 2.00, and 396 miles at 5 cents, 1 ATT t iTITVn Otf eiffn " "V- 38.00 DillatdiF-isfH & -Diltardf. I 1 38.00 Attorneys; -i T 50.00 4.75 3.58 4.50 18.00 V. 12.00 tt 10.95 A -9,75 14.40 19.95 i 6.00J : AQJiQ . 7.50 3.00 1-75 . lo.4 ! 23,00 I 6.00 i 10i20 '1. 1050 10.50 j 10.60 i 10.50 . 16.50 115.75 1125 13.50 i 10.95 9.75 .24.00 $1,390.65 iAb G Wray, ( A.C Mucraw. w1 SSST' - rj aj xjaj iuii, ( J (Tiianch; -IJ G Gamble-.. ( John M McMichael, (il nomas E Cook, S W H Smith, ( r-M BjaJ-lock, ( J Lee Afmfield, JPU Dodson, . ( U C Lamb, ( Charles Case, lCj.WO Donnell, j( J'R Dwiggins, r .1 ('-J A--Davis, 17pJ.T O Starbuck, ( Geo W Charles, Fire ' Com. I -r $780 T t - r i 4 62.30 4 - 60.30 -If- ISLJ-a XfpnflAiiIiAU. Li t( Otf'ifrabee. -1 i ka SiCsSlDr? POOR. IK. D.VI.TON Hotel, 1)i;ion, n. c, j. r-nT .r tho rc.-i.ti..rt of cut.. rA 'Bas 1 mivv lnHi!--:i! livery tihle l k pt in tii.ii wirti th. llsi'l t' r-itry ilruuiims anU ly 1 rnpn.ti. w Icold proud waj' any more to day , i Dr. Ed. . Lindsay, . Physi & Bir, Bacoi cian, Iloustoi - f f - f . fhe Arlington Hotel, 1)ANV1LLI; VA. SM'K yt annr mrn t. "Tli.nugh!y rn ..'it, ,1 ar..l ri-littcl :tti all iii.-fc rn lui-a--ij'. Tal.lp -ii plit;l 1 with the bwa the ' aiiiilMis :tut ite -niTt' w.iipn meet ..u vcjt f , AKTKH. l-rt.p'r. - R Hi st i rr. Manager. j- ho Mert liants Hotel. 1 - MADKSON, s. C, ! i' iii -I'm l uetic!" pat of town..u row 111 fur rh.' r. n Mi.. i- i- l i, lm. luuiw in t'i t.r.-l . jr 'K..un m,A frn- fc. it t -4iii( k r.-.in-f.r druiuuiori- Don't Mt..rat tfa? .Vebant. t. - . X. M- MHJEHEE. ; . j Frorrietor. i:i ecoratiie !paitim, Glaimi I: , KALM1XIS, - ' i't-av.t.z x 1 por IUncini Creenslxn. X.C. li.; O AVK L EY, MIIITKIT nn.l 1JUILDK1E, rfnbro, C, , K!4r) i., taru'sh ir:iwlnc ami fpecifica ' "T I ...... . I....;.. . v. ,.... ..a. f vL-. at .i,.,rt .,n,.. All worV i1n.teti to ":.! r.. T.n.pt attention, wiln at- u.t.r.1.. ,ulyl I. Ila HALL, i! ;in,i Oru anient il Plasterers, ; j ULExVlJMKO. X. C. . tL r i : L . -1 ii, n mriiifii utTitn? mr rcuuv 3 rir at .. mili dmfr -rttn li -U It trial. a 3-ljr C. ft. USDLET. j.C.Iindlev&Bro., MUSKUYMEN, f II ir.il.- i..l Tb.-aarUof 1 i .... . ... ... - , a..-. " " riiiniH ior Ate ..t. v Nurxri- four ilM ww.of iuI15-tf - For Rent 'I.Mr houw! in e.uh Gn Ha. V 1 " ' " W. M 11ITK1HTAD, reena- water, D. i(ir i t.ro. C! rains in Your. Back. -rI. ' V Ii . r, -ifcitfta mrrl Kilfwv M instoa. r. C. 'On tho first seal Of thStKto of fH 7L?!r?L!. i 1 1 w k wk 1 m l. ii -. r L II Kentucky the two figures are hug- th rooi ot a i,08pital ; here among Minuic Coltrane, Sewing,! gmg. Cn the present seal tney are tn? dregs r humanity ; surrounded '-""I'l'r -i.. i..i ;- i,fi r a tin rtU bv: theTsciimt had taken the most Sau Kle S. Browu, Goods,1 -icrna f H, timo solemu jof all vows : or wonld she J- M. Apple, Livery, according to the signs of the times re Pf e,jke coM jook 0Q Ntisoni Wjxyton, 4 these two worthy geutlemen will him to day and seethe great black .A. Brim,. Gorn,' ftnoii 1 mprelv bowinsr to'i each wlrif sd nparfrhini. that iti nlreadv Johil 'Jtewart, 44 other. . 1 ! cast itslshaidciws over hini makirtg VJ McAdop," Pork, all bo dark cVen in his new hanoi Juou lieesou, asks; nps, if jshe could see in those dear J. F. Lsinier, publS eyes the unnatural -light that told Robert Stewart, too plajnly of the nearness of; lire's A 'i'i'. end and yet he did not kntowt He Alex, uampocii, The Philadelphia Times "IIow would it do for the Rei caii City Conunittfe t - select a chairman lor once who has never set up an a party boss I'' Show us such a man in the Republican ranks and we will show you a patch of har" iu the palm of his 'hand. t tt u -. u tt . Total, COURT EXPENSE J. N. Nelson, C. S. C. $94.60 F. N. Strudwick, Solicitor, .ou o.C. Wheeler, Summpnses; : 6.00 &c, 3.82 Daniel Osborn, Guard, 27.55 C. n. Willson, ' 2.48 James E.Boyd, Act. Solicr 300 tor. " (J ,2.30 Thomas, Reece&Co.,prine- :.ou 11.29 Thos. Kenan, C. Supreme C; John W.Cook. Court Crier, 76.50 John H. Rankin, "feeding 20 57 . lirors. J. R. Strayhoru, Solicitorl 160.1 G I jn0. S. Gerrinirer. arrestsi Jurors. ' f 37.70 Robert Harris, feeding 9.30 inrnra. J; 11. R. Carraon. arrests. 19.97 .State costs. ! elson Gorrell, sweeping, 71.65 E. B. Wheeler, prisoners to Pen, - I 100.00 Sheriff of Craven couuty. Capias, 53.20 Witness, State vs. Beck, 4.u w. E. Black, Capias, 4.86 W. H.. Wakefield, & Co.;? 5.38 bucket. ! 50 Ellis China Hall, water 1.00 cooler,. 30-.501R. M. Clack, capias, 25.20 R. M. llteece. arrests, 53-80 $29.85 .-'it 39025 38.00 W F-Whrttlngton, Labor, . 16.00 -W H Wakefie, Goods, .14.00 WDobnell, Provisionjs,'" 14(10 W-II McCorniicki& Co., 1& Notices,! 1 i 8.0b C F -Thomas, . 800 party, J 52!0 WJ Weatherl "SS.OO J M. Brown,- - 38.00 GxeensrOcro ss Light Co. 38.00. L Court room, i 18.Q0 Grarfd Jifry room, 16.00 ! Reg. room, 18.00 1 Globes: :16.00 Thomas, Reeee Cbi - -14.00 County, 13.00 ! Sheriff, 26.01 ICSC.-,. mnn J.W Scott & Co.. crooda. COO MrsW CDoub, Nov 86,!S. 20.00 G C Wheeler, -) ' A 24.00 Dike Book Co., Station 10,00 ry;- I - I 14.00 AvV Hottdn, Desk &c, , 8.00 EdwardS & Brough ton, 12.00 aTax "Books and Records, 18.0 Will U Sfeiner," Clerk and .,14.00 Taxes, j .14JX) J N "Nelson, Express, - ! '30.00 ureensiwro; ljainor,; io., 36.00 Exhibit, I ?, 9 & E., j ' ! : ne CdnfCoici. . It is fancied by a grateful patron that the next comet will apper in the form of a huge bottle, having uoiden Medical Uiscovery" in scribed upon it iu bold characters.: Whether this conceit and high com pliments will be verified, I remain! to teeu. but Dr. Pierce will cootin ue : to scud, forth that wonderful vegetable compound, and potent eradicator of disease. It has no equal In medicinal and health giv ing properties, for imparting vigor and tone to the liver and kidneys. in purifying the blood, and thrOngh it cleansiosr and renewlnc" the whole system. For scrofulous hu mors, j and consumption, or long scrofula, iu its early stage, it in a positive specific. : Uruggiats. The which Wholesale -. j i . GREI2N Are: dow Heci -1STC IV- The ( blu a nrrj berty ..'of the ; China tree. as so plentiful la . this vicini ty, is .a preventive of the ides trac tion of the young plants pt cabbage and coIards by the cut worm in spring; ; The method of using the T 7.00 I 35.00 ! 4.80 A 3 40 f 12.50 1 21.00 4.40 .22.00 ..Tax notice, JA'Harrel, Stationery, 'JrVsiPayne and Williams, i . - .1. i Nancy Afin Bwiggett, Lvdra Cbap)ell, 14.00 BartevfaYpple, i Hul Williams. 223.70 Lavinia I-uinley, . 3.75 BjirfaApple, 42.00 AY S -Wheeler, ! ! I Richard Quate, . 55.50 James Otwell, (Lj JosMitc-iel'l, ttOQ JYiSheppard, 2Ii7JL Su1llnefXiowen, 73;?0 Mry;TatMm, I.H I Joshua' Burns,. " 16.25 Low isSTm!8o.ivahd w 145 00 JosfitiaCWklkcry . ? 2;4b Preston Bennett, ' 1,84.85 Jordap Epull il 1 William Parrish, 1,75 Frank R ed and family, Sm W;,Mitchelf, l,338ir6 Martha Long, ; i 15 Elizabeth Carico," l U LihvilWoed, 27J0O N4U-,Gj-iiy, . , i Esther Mebarie, ' '-blJ0O' Mclinda Benson,. 24J05 EIfa SouthaVd, ' 235 "Jesse.Kitkuiau, , jl Cuinn.Woojl, ,! i.25 Wm ffate,A' 1 Polly Gree-on, J ' 1:50 Suisatt O'Brian, 10.50 Allen White, . . i5.36 Beste v Jones. 10.50 Keziah D.xbri, David Revelgfj-: 1.025.00 jjuiaru i-,;t?e. - Patrah'i & Flolt, S L F, !AltnwMrvIr Uaned for ro LlleitzeF & - Keirzel, Stock vis ws fo.cU fpltewirig persons : -.Law 1 ence, $23.70 Greensboro Book Store, a3.95 Odell Hardware Coj, jStJM -W I2BLMIIe, R R assessor, i5-00 C'A Bodn," R R assessor, j lo.io w H MtiCorraick, Jr.; .ou jj-pii Adams 56.75 A15.25 735 1.90 8.45 44.75 14.35 33.25 48.50 410.79 1 2.4 L I t r. o 3.00 22.10 berry is to insert one of them ipthe earth-by the side of the plant, at tbe timo of traonplantiug. The cut worm,' which is such a jpest to a vegetable gardeu, will i not come near enough to the berry to reach the plant. This is tho experience of one who has repeatedly! tried it. 'I . : LEOPOLD ON A MACtlKI One hajntlreil een ao ear dadi I Jlad trand and noble new. clotiie. But drweed in eoomea homa rpaa i ore liana made naU and abof.j Tbe wheat waa reaped with -irkloa dalL Aad tnreebed with hickory frail. ! And for electric lnrhti thoir wire Had tallow candle i mail aad I i lhe world baa changed, machine Kara eoiue- At nnt tber ran by crank. i : li-t now the "Crauki" cum out nac Instead of eiTtnf than a. t.lt Mra to keen eran with f f uke- LoojKld i llarainaa. it mi 4 chine. limae' and THOtlAS, REECE & CO.. i And nlmoHt largi JOB PRINTERS, II K lii NHUOIK - OOOD WORK. SATIS r 1 LOW PRICES. . i i ' CTION aUAKANTEED. ISo More Eye Glasses I mi:i: are hivited to their or fe, fe was so i happy. And be i never Joseph Gilmer, frpampd that tke ionrnev was al Mrs. Lewey, T - i . - " - I ' I a 1 1- . i most finished j ' that daily , he drew -a-nreu en,o.i uii pw.f nearer the end y that step by step Brooks & Love, Lumber, be camfe closer to the grave : which W. D McAdoo, 2 barrels, litlngl-fbrr him. : 31y poor ' urraj, ivuuuer The Chester (Pa.)"2w saysj: 'The Democratic Senators watch Senator Chandler -as a mother watches an jrrespressible small boy, nondering 'what on earth that jouug'un 711 do next.'" Not ex actlv. The small boy is, seldom maliirnant or -actuated by imia cussed ness. - concluded "that it is high time iras wait in tr rfor" him: : Mv noor tnasteri-all your brilliant future shoes, ccc. - tri 1 rriimbtfl in nabM for tlift trr Albert MoAdoO, COril, vour ndbli self, will bo but'fooil for Wharton, Hunt . & . Co., the worms; your; true pureheart' Shingles,. will belbut a clod restine- undir tbe Adam Rakiu;Li veTy, li.l ot tbfi easket. I i i I . Groomo.Bros, Tobacco, A few idays lived and passed Sergeant Manufacturing- atrar nf tWn lmnaA.nliFBiAian nr. Co.. Hardware. i dered h chancre for my master William W. Young, Keep- rv I . .t-.. , v. . . a . I . . . . " thongu they entertained nttie nope ? -.,.. j tel knowinc that it was'onlv a'aues- LAlford & Mtchaux, Drugs, tion of time"." "Life was! too far Porter Bs late, v . " spent ; the ebbing flow was growing A. L. Bell, Li very, ( - tt, t5rr;rrfi..,i tim. 7?n7iiVl cold, the riuWatinff hesiTt was slow- mcs ..iuutu, vu- .. . v , , J... -. ,.-. r.. i. hacro nlanf . . ... . ' i iv ii ii'kfmiir iiiii iv. 1 1 1. uh iiiii - v has after rrtature delioeratipn , a.. ui VtfwtnnVTIaon. Liverv. ' I UUtaUUW.i -UO uajf unci IUO J UJ - I -12 -v -7 - "JL lr I o;J na nnlar n : nnmmanrai1 nnr I W. &. t J-OrbtS &L CO., lJS- 57.60 J. F. Huffman, arrest, 1311 15-JO Total. 4.332.26 Cla-Uitte.-Loni&x, 12.30 begisterX op voters. ' Heqry Wtyngtop, 11 na iir tt ir.n.;. I fail ! 11.16 nier, J 15.12 W.' W: IlintOn. Morel 1 m - c - j 1L28 head,- :. 15.36 A. T. Millis, Sumner; i5G John W. PaiBley, Jefferson,. 2.00 ilebane Apple, Madison, W. J. Ector, Monroe, . . 25 j. n. Davi... Deep River, 72 00 J. M. McMicfhael, Summer'- . . - VIJ- ! . .I , . 8.75 H C Fisher. Cnmbelrlahd, 1 A Av -. . . I . . a I ' li xu.uy jj i' juast. rorsytn IT.25 c K Jndson, j V 6.45 Wakefield & Co.. S.. 12.95 j j W Causey, Clerk to Board, 6.00J J V Canaev J 'Recordinfir .- Bonds,-- Kxpress, I'ost I.95 '(age, N"otiees,Order, &c. 10.95 Ellrzaheth Dick, bastard ' . 9.75. - .Casi?,fin-kpaidto4Boirdn 9.75, 20.00. !! I j .;4.50 Xo 2Jmoa; :'Bdnrd;' $9.00. (T.-0 Tacoffin for chlldj- 2.00. 16".5"0 IJal. tliiH Dick, 9.00j 7j03 "Order' gtren for balhnce : 9-45 due, ' "I J ' 2?00 j Van Litnilleyj provisions, , i-i-VVl Henry Levrtsr J V bcottrcc V"-- 73 WScarborough 44 Job n'Barker, j 44 Iri'iu & Weatlierly JIon-ton Bro. - A uTnvpfmdenhnil 4H- 7J0 3.00 08.00 1.70 4.80 15.40 34 25 30.00 2.00 3.00 HO MOKK ! ' - ii KYKK. McheU's Eye-Salve, r A Cettiln. Safe and I I Efieetive KeuieJy, for ' tZ Sore, Weak and Inflamed -Eyes, 41.20 : 1 U J - 1 .j 40.00 iS9.72 tt it. 3.77 1.50 3 42 fieia, Total, 4.50 9,i 0.75 17 40 2.WTi " '?:5o-l - 'f:Z.Qii V:'fOeo W-Richardon, it al i.:i "3.0(T Vim Maf-v Dpnnel.f - -4t MBtirt4i,?- ' 4f 57 CORONERS INQUESf-." Leansville, 'I -i I TTT ifv.if . 4 f I I HiUJlUHtUVUlUiM $137 Pat-y M6r eh'ef d, . Dfcey Lbw,I - 11.S0 1 WhT.J.Piwkett,- 3.32 Ceasar7hajft.Q0i! 100 NanqMsjes.,.. .. DoetMfiat-rlSspin, Ph .be Joiie-t-' Ei .zabeth Garott pand f&T1v? $4000 V Xinebery aiidisterj" JeattiUtweu - 3.40 I: X .2 231 ,13,00 ' I no ;v.. .U1J .-t- A T.ftr f .-750 l I tr7ftsJ- m. f'.-r-. ii , i J W-Joues-, provrwonK,! : Kfzzw .Wlodeii,' 1 ' ! -' y - y.oo 119.50 U2.00 i 4.00 M.50 ! 4.50 j 1.50 (i.25 i lJiO, l 1.00 f .1.00. 6.15 l.(K) 1.00 . f Pmduciivt Lons-SihteiinoMi, and I ( Re-torias tbe ibt of the UM- Curd" Te..r Dnin'(rnnullion StveTunoir. RJ Eyef. Matted: Eve Laslien. and' iirod win rlu-f Bin permanent care. t , Ao. eaually ettitdtcii n when awl In i linr mi U. die web an I'lcor. Fevor Sore. Talnor. halt Kliciiin. I5urn. l'flr, or wliirovt-r iiiH;iinmati.n exUtu, Ml I'CliKLli'.S A LVE may be ae-l to ad- vantage. . . i . Maid Ity all Iru;i't nl 21 rrnta. junTT .; R. V. BUOOKS VM. LtlVK Brooks & Love, T1m UegiAnn lhe hi x mouths t.'iat on pnrit liiaii any other; . city.. All bn.vtji l.lft gives IIS . : .) il '. !' both in buying i . in , Very Ites'i (.; . " " . .1. V . j Jt t. L c: ' ' : jy , ; hough, irorcn r MMain Stn-vt. t rhTHEBI S t . .u I (.u . 1 Manufacturers end Uealora fo :i kinds Honxil mid Ilr-Nar! I. timber SliiiisrlfM, I.hIIiki, , Sttili, I)iorN j and IIIIndM. . ! OrJer wilic-itcl and CIlol promjily uiarlS-Iini i . ... . . . L. W. WOODS, ! - r v s ii i o x a tt 1. 1: it iiiitiin, Si! AVIXtl ar.d KIIAMP00M jfO( t 1 1. pAPICTUBEf o Holiday . i1 CAI.L a-.l SKI; - - . i -.tut: tf ii on o i noyH-l - ' Mr'i.t, rtfnHliul in- ibas. f0.!5r ' tsiiril' cstt hrooh- cf y7mV', Arts of-J. A. PriteheU, ?. . ... ' - i If.: riiOm.. fh itiA 1't..ni..fi llitit.r fuf. ' 1,340. 1 2 Tour diflcrout lorijrtln'. with rat- lotion (uaranlveL t 5.00 SHOP II JEHBQW HOUSE. EREEKSBDR6, 1. C. '1,335.12 ,L W. CAUSER Qlerk of Board. Mikjuoii STrx, of Fayettoviile, 1 . WkHLtr Day, of Louuville, Ky . ojt30-tf . ! : i. T HtfltfTAKT S.S.Mitcji I Ml .. ' West Mart:; S OK a . 1 ! i't "i li. Lt: tS' V.:. Unknown negro . near Met- vM lf ellrdrreJi. , . . TAnnvilli.. ! I $54.00 Milltkin Fraxisiv "-14 ! - J1WS T. Har'tinila irWitK' .'s' !!."jt Elii Ozmeiltl 'ts'M ;s, 1.00 'McLpau9vilI,., . v.. .jMM$ 7.00 Enene Ho rston. IyncUed, I .fiuwarasww-j., l - rn I -Sr. -i- . vL.oqa- r i ! TTi; Nf arrhAhflnn. . ui-. l uu n; rrnncK. durur ioou. .. : -i una. vij...- , , r t i " .... aAMnir....- ,v 'j , r '1 ADgelineTackeVf Totar.-i','-- 4ri2i itepecca we...-. '50 t tlm Knulli In 81V that the l)istOl I t rat-old tliotr fcaHT nnlv a Fa rlnllara Jafnes D. Donnell. Corn. . .- ., . -.i ;i ed a licht convevauce and drova G P.Vantory, Livery, lorcevue oruer. .c .a , a jf- --.. --j-,,- yMter J. E. Bevill, high time for the North .tt sav the Pnrnrnrtn n saihl and Mr. SUrr. - kuife anl slingshot mut g thus we started off Evadue tak- ames Shaw, Moving, ..-f . ..,. .,1- ino- tlik rolrifnr h waa too feebleiRichard Smith, , to sit np long, and iyet so hopeful Greensboro. & B. Co., ,. ,Tir Tr,i' of gaining bis strength aftefa little Lumber, ' ; The grand jury at Tarra Haute, Ul ftankf thaGod had John Coble, Wvery. v T...1 - t.ia in.linteil iVArill fttrikrS t i.: ll:f. a A U .Tnlina Tllft. IIAtl. " .uv u-.w.x.. giveuf u iui I ii it'. viy ih tic r ------- " 7, at the car works law huicm uru meo a uuo . I ----r - r TT . !. t - .:.!. r- r.viiir iiijw iiHwiiuiii nnw iih xr.nin? t enough to sustain them by liisi"canJ .J H. Hutson, Wheat, va8 creations." and seemed ko hona ful ; in the mirror that hope held to his eyes, e saw reflected $ liappy home full of JoveTVbat if they had LU BLlltO Wi lli nUUIll IV Uksy w t. . v.-.n-0 ...... r it- . . ...-ia r - ... Jii- riwjao. i uijuui i xMyntttvan, mjo; -(aub iue weeier wnen j aisaineu f - xae ' . -vil War made nothing right that saw only ; happiness pictured :1ie J. Henry Gilmer, Jailer, . .1. I aa r r. him Pv.ilri.'l In VA I Ii- Ai Stintlf. tilllr I': J : 93.94 GeoVK Yates. Hffujting, , ; 25-ies PleasteauduVt j 31.10 H. LCl-pp, Bridge, - l.OOO Xewis Cobb, -vJ f . ; L25. Gamble & Burton, Speci- i !i. LBesty Spoon, 1.00 fiMfinna- . : . 2.00 Mary. Scott,: , , ..& I irhn Annla'' .jtsnieetp I'll Jamdi ordan; noT? -" s 'v :. !: ilU-,:3 Nkiicy4duir -Gafolihd ceeding $loo. - and imprisonment not exceeding . six persons, pre ven tine work by threats or intimidation. months ior . - IT-: others from O. C. Wheeler, Livery, ToXSC 5.00 Winchester & 16-00 Adam Lonjan, Bridger j . 50 Jesse Johnson, spec an Inspec Civ This is one of the few instances in which a.Republicau told the truth, whether jt was by accident or not we are unable to say. $1686.76 J. C. Burton, Inspectingj G. F. -Win free, Bridge, j J. S. Ragsdale, f.- , k JN. V. 1'age, iJiumeiii-,: i $4760 S. H. Hamptoir, Repws, ; 273.73 1C. A Boonr Inspecting, 59.00 Jesse L. May, Repairs, i 1.00 D. E. Albright, " 34 00 G. M. Shoffner, - - ' "7 j 9 51 L. D.-Aydelett, , V i! as she listened; saw'inMt all ohly.a F. Fi-hblate, DryJoods, - 4 25 J. M. Wolfe, Iuspcytmg, grave ; a casket ; a Shroud j 16r him I R. A.L; Fleming . $z Co,, - .. .24.00 j2J50 27lp 18.0. 6000 '8.40 45 425 .:&75 "12:00 o:do : 1095 tT75 i WOO 00 00 95 95 90 5 .40 3.00 Sallio A ?e??les, T htfl 1.00 1 J a mes Ln 11 iw, I. J V Causey, Register of Deeds 6t Gailftrta,-makuthis .exhibit for 'the Board !of County Commission, , 1 ers, and would; state that any in fnrmitrion tliat-inav le tleeiieo 011 an item. may b. had ut ny olfice. i slBiidv siviv.the. bills audited and allowed-; and .the- ullowauces ... a . 1 mad. for the outside: poor, ami cue Iiic6rne:wit,h no deductions tor in. sotv-euta: I Resiectfuly submitted, jaf-" m . 7. iri'.iL rtJ .'..tm-s-aA r.fliiip.ardwickJ , U6 . ml .TT. . . t,,Ti. ... t . : i 1 RA iaiir LTiiiiua.'anfi witei . t" t -uou winam -V. nac-,' - 1 1?wr '""i" r:. T i w 'l --' i..io 3.00 RufusHarrisV - : "Kvt.lW kt 1 -' ,: v; S" 17.50 Harris & Winchester In4 j i! Maha Stewart r;- : v M aw specung, - - - i i - trr .v-:?;zxrr 1 J t--.v- . .f 1 f ' j fin 1 . n !... rpwiui. t. 1 -' j . it era rl T - V m1 ? .i" ' h) '.' la ti. .' mm4. ti-.. ... 'ij . , I DlJIC,yn. tl. i - . . n .ot n ml fiAllnni on ft. 1. 1 A . Ullll 1 1 ft. V. ft. J T . - ... . . ! .. her Dresence t her never failine ten- 1. Voltz, Scavenger, wrong that was right Deiorej d ;Aw Jllnahinl. ! hot he J. M. May. i - simply settled the quest ioji of Baw Ino storms -of darkness Le saw Moses JSjtrfUisff,.DrrGooIs, ! liit RrArInPiTPeter8 & Tatnm. Coal.' ' v 7 i for herself fa death-gloom heart 1 f ; t (T0 BCONTINUEIX) filled r Goods.. B. C. Phillips. Guard,! T A Trffffliurf 4.651 C. PrVanstory, Livery, F- 49.5Q 300.00 25.00 ;4.58l !i.oo 300 32.50 i;i:oo ;9Ji)0 2.00 3.00 10 Odell Hardware Co.;nails s It 40 1 : A. (Bud) White, tt 111 ,00 Job n W. Cook, Lumber,! S.00 vj.50 TJ.50 Urf Sil.50 Jerry Sloan I . . $.f Amos ansai lyv ;t Geo Lane, j W i ? Besty Jones, N'.; f ' ' , . 0-a ?i.;..i Mnttl.fWK.' ' . o.io w , - 7 . T . k- a . . MargarttrSatt-clteld Jonn rartei.r, Twlla VVliartnfl' ' SiisAii K'ankin. I Geo W pfrfiartfSopi Allen Mfissey, ;M J; W Causef, C of B. X Cuerel. Tle-np T. L. KELLY'S FINE - TAILORING - ESTABLISHMENT, GltEI-NSBOKO, N. C. .4 I FULL and coinlfte .twit of Fine Imiiorted GiHx'.r for my Kail and Wit ter Tra-liu.mtwt-iiiKof 1'reneh, Knicl'.iih nud Scoti-b 'uitiiiar, of aU color. . I i . A unfiirpixM line ot Trou.enn. .) All nr (Mr.li illv invito.! to call and examine my tK.'k.and thejr-will ree at o ee that I keep 'Tbe est" in the market. j "1 ho Ho :V of workinmtbii' an jtcrfert fit tuaranterd. ! ! t ml u-kt wiutn oi entisnsa u Lrrir u 11. i : aep Zlly. IV. II. FARRAR, k WATCH and CLOCK ' M AKKR, - i 1 ! Jenrlrr, l)pll-inn l Kncraver. DRY GOODS ANl ("aim. l; TiiTWarei Vqa And eVerytbits uu MrrrhaadLr Ml. and anuainUnre in eountie we ak a rail- AGENTS TO .SIX we ni w MANUFi of all the ineans of pablic coiivey anfcKiaa large city, even for si few KnrK:duTi-Ma strike of thti era nlotes., means. a general.'. parlyzin g of 4rade and .industry for, the tune .' . betnv and- is-i-attendod wiiu an ohrkltNlAnai -rTte iMHtO,' tllC coHimsnttv; i . How.- much moie se iftta ;th4 .individual .'.is; the gefleial' tie np of hissystem.kiiown as oitiprft-tts, -amlMlue toj the ;.i.;,kf f.t W inrtat 5 m lirvrf Ilt OT aii8 fbr-BTOfe-prsdeat .treatin.nt; and QI IE A 1 COFFKE. b-tterat.:ir too longrjgircieji, - ; i. Under. Adam. Uuililing. opix-ck.' the civinty court house, on a-t .Mnikot street. riQLO'Woa?'c. S?C-0lt3r. i I If you fail to get your work done right . . ... i Give him a trial-r-thn. you ahe sure i of tsaffefaction. lie k,oci all kinds of iJoo ItMtare l U found In a Jeulry More. V.-ii f.r old and n. rciti-tl . a I r.-i: WIN S i. K-ptlo-.ly The pi Matties Maiiu A POUND. -t T :.i - lr. .mli li-r trill: uro : iot kidney and Hf)MT fi(lTFIl TflFPFF1 at 19 . I ... i ... -ii win 1 1 ft 1 1 w i - - , liver tliseasesj ma;anai iTuuiauu dfrouic IdysiuMkSia.' Dr. Pierce's PirTgativ retlets uraa pn yeauve a4caT o5'41'ese disorders. Ttiey siw.ioni?t. -lisure aud effective, pleasalrtr.-take and ositiVell: 'Ita.mHws.t-y- . t - tiib.WtJLirneiti secure a good imp pls--',ii thV are yery ainhl ta rue. in 'the, orchard. ClieTai:te.grK)d,.Jd'Hlyia a rTnCrit or ufapes: '.'Save thee, al CEMTS W. 4. MATi I in Fa) i V :i -.I II Dr. J. Haatev Howard, N. V. . ill III. .Illl. --WW.' W'VWS v.. JonnjVeJ:iV.. rX:rT fVr Yhe Iiiue in-ay be said tot " I: I 1 t:rry I'rkee ( -lain i Ti-renf. la Vnlnr from 3 iraN la S3.SO. IMnc Wool, S Straw, and Ml TRADE SUPPLIED BY soy TIICDV lllLll LI CHEMICAL . ! - (MIAIJLOTTE. N. CJ Menti..n Hii , ef . I nH To minister real i fleeh and weary h..a equal in every rwpe. thirUhe.yt. 1 loaii". maJn to be b nw. them a tri Jam f."- v Grccnsbor - MArt PLAIN' AND I And wbolrtale J.alu CIGARS. kr il l" born. N. C. ; i i i- i'V ;..!!' n 'Or r. 15 ' in, hat M. i i m . ... . WANTED! r f?F. la .(., tus.i U-V ..! ill d i. .. i'o.; ''', ';u'i j l'ol iv 1 arrisn, l Zr rw? . i 1 r. rtui. a. r j,a. . ,5 . ie- iff. v, ' ; I .-t ' t r " ' t"---i '' - -. - i.- I i ..' ' . ..v -isH ',': ... --r ; U ' ' I - ,, i -.-..rrV v.: ' ' ! - .1 ':-;-''' r.W. (...:.,.-. i-.ij - - - - 1 ;t ' 4

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