tFT GREENSBORO PATRIOT THE WEti- i'MfiiOT CISCULATEB LilCELT II TEE CCUKTILT Largt, CHdeai nJ Iot Exlen- t. Kioaor in Piedmont . ' V I . ; v t 3 " f - . - ; -'--..- k i - K : . -. - -; - - . ; i- I t ... . i v Hfl h i (T : liri-TM WTW:1 LOA MKHP people I .. .i i - " 1 I - i : " , 1 , ; , .-J. 'I i..' 1 : 1 . . J J ; I j t- vi ; i ; t I DEMOCRATIC SUPREMACY FCR THE GOOD OF ALL, AND A DE1.1QSBATIC aCMIMISTRATIQH AnMIHlSTrRFH!Y nTMricRATs K: i 1 T ! i I ; - I I . - ' Al ' i ' - ' -' ?- , ' - j TP" -""V""77i"'?""" "VJ ... . i ' ' j 1 1 : .. , , r , i - m - , . j i - I ' ; -1 BY AND STOKES, -SKWaiKWgaR :j , ! . I I GRBENSi50liO, 2T. C. EKIDAjYi JtJIiY 20;! 1888; ! ' I - ' -: .... - -,ffaas--t SBBBJBSSlMSBBMSBBSa MMMSMSSSSSSSSBSSSSWIiiMiSMMiSSSSSSBSMSJMSJSMIIMHSJ . . 1 - , ' iVWitW W A A Wik 1 I '' : : " 111 in 9 ; ; ; 1 1 ' : 1 ' - - mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwMmmmmwmmmummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ceo He'.'. A.vivilir jaaai tj Vaiiu- of Bach J4eiium for f-.eir 12: ine bIare s rrompvr- J : ADYER1ISINS RATES 7 tiSixABLE kI BASED.OS AC TUAL ClBCiJLAnON. j VY DA'JChTER. OUILFOBD. BOCX1VOHAM. OH AX VILLE, CA8W1LL.P XBBO K , AIA XAIVCX, OBASOX. CUATUAK. BAKDOLPn. MOORE, rOB BTTH, DAVIDSOW. SUB- i ' ,, jt i-h of tiirlrinir on .kM. lnkf.l. jiikI lnughotL -m- blameless for ttye frequency of these I era on tho national great catastropbeti and, the impnni-1 nomination: the Xsi ty with which Jtliey are TeieatedfaM inJependent, II riant m hi.w jhhii . :. I'll. IIIV li'lUL,ilt4rI Democratic York j IJer l with1 Ke f 1 year after year.j It sayN ia effect, publiqaii leaniugs-lgves Cieve & Vi"' 0 Ivlnarket these" uoble valleys were iricher nearly tu naan.. in Lewistou. ami asked if la wu. iuruiijr .owuiea Dort.iiui !iiifH-! 'n.iitfPV na ollh l.iruri,ini- tha r Vrfrl; TiniMi I AiiAtrH Smit h wan in. Th .Tntlff-e I tnOUSand.f Of blares ' r - v f i" T-..., rr- r? a lavish i Intanaitm t!. lii.rifto- was jiuiDS iu nit? uuua. uiiice ioih.-i , r ; . T e."& unbroken botica and uncra-ked I erstwhile the most luCueutial or- . . in i ,...,Uiii-r. ;iiil t.iini' (KHW, tK ,6.s;h- :vt tt niMn . . -.'!! vnrMtl m1' i' j-'..ib ami ""iKton V. )- , -t ..- uum?: riiipt in tin- ijrix'! .:t 'uiik and wut-r!j : . ',' ' ln fi'i'l 1IIW-" world." lem.rt.biyPri-tty vd4iuff. j darinfir the first quarter of this ?t;An w iJ. IFroin the LowUtoa Joumai.i r century when It annual orodno- whA ri t, iTr,Df i..;Z About l:3U Saturday yonng "V'"vr"'" vvww" ner wrath. Uhicago A meriea. LOCAL NEWS. -i From the Daily Tatriot of Saturday.' couple entered the grain store of .hen -n y that the planters of THE TLRRIIJLC CIlASi t.i So .!, ti , T,tti- I wealth, splendor and proflicracy : are supposed t4js wrtU to; the the seourity of the ' pftfo' rights I ton's oldest .and one of her most tTillJorelr min D"-qualed iu vf and the preservation .lof :- i i 1-' r. oi. itiy i;in-jcl1er! ::;a , M H K' 1 i Y P ATHIOT. I . JULY 20, -1883. ' i ' - -t r- --1. 'ft j .. ia meat country,! full of . .i-iuiiitt'S, flendid oppor . . ' openiiigsjfur bus- ui iiiufactuiin a lid other 3 :u.:r:.ii'euterpries, and, in faet, s j.aiii vCopnieiit in every di- rcct;;i. ; j: i . It is 4 iaii'i-Mit fact that there jn-c-'inparativeiy lVw young men 4iit f' .s-izi thi'M-, )pjrtunitieH put tuenist'lves nbreait of the Irt, -it s of the day. We iieak. not Last week's calamity was worthy vital ii teres ts, excep more, than ' newspaper para- J contihdaiice of a pi micratio ad- i j.l'- t-Mles- diones ia ev ry com lines and a wholo column the hoi- men aril; newspapers Hardly Jet a ocaust engulfed tnorejtha,!! the qsu prominent. al namber of victims, 'balled" fort What of the party in moresighK and fears,' and draued lolina! : IQn which side more homes in "mourn inr: therein telligencei character ,!n lies the onlv difference. T . . of the Vkople rancedl i God's mechanism of the universe those of the Littlelielil at is without Haw, aiid the operation of and pjlgrim Ashley his ilaws goes on, withoOt' hall or I stick to-the organizatio:i: jar; but human agencies are at U-st J there isai streak of fat in weak and fallible and oA the oc. pots of X-gi'pt;" but SiSrh iieu as he. urjt!e blmhing acaiu - . I . I . 1 I I - currence of such-fatal itiesj as that I late IIoh.J V ui. A. Smith pud of last Thursday inornirig public j Barriuget j have seM tQe "hayd opinion should bsevery chary of ex- j writing Pan! the walk" pressiou; hasty judginent might do come outffcm among the 1 4 .. .1.1" .J I I - iJj J t ful evil. Beyonll all, it is their rtiost respected justices. iroairlithe "We want to get married,? was c 1 ofWs mule, j Wis-injuries are high. A Patriot reporter inter viewed a . Mr. Sprinkle, pf Divid the strightforward response.' eaniidered dangerous if not -fatal 1 . Five Additional Charges, county, one of the passengers irt -: . ,l . I . r -.... skull-, if roue. 1: but mo.- d or the IonblifeD iMrtfS,. from thfcir unihnt ,hiM) I. . T. mmwufli leu Washington Li fH"raore u. 9:30 ea- kitb a,fu,, .Wj Jm u,oui their mo,t UlM,, "i o c odpuT , uS eai thbugbt of ta gffl V W Wcdncy nigi,. south boW, dr andifoukil mdd nr farmliM norter: the New Yok Kveninn Judcre SmitLT7 was the ooestiou of r iuri iu - T-.-----,. -f wictwunaierriDieacciaent iwursr vniinir man scrnxii whilst farfl us somnolence by the sen, was tike miles, from Greensbofo. was the Hav mh rr',U,f vvu,i.' 1..L the Virmr?f--Ai;r11:nrl , VVn. auuituuuiusirAmriiBDxii nnvH naicirusi -xroreseuiiiiir iuc nureou mm 1 - . 1 nn.:. .. n:t.i. 1. 1 . 1 y "r-"- o ul-'"-i "-s 1 - o r t , , of your dividend and k jury shall healthiest Republioal sentiment t tJhM 8WCP 8Ufp,C PaHs orS, Antilles; whose W!a SenUf enti. day Orange Cburt House. Va., by feoi; MP at ?:24 Everything wcnt "orn.ngt ,c Oudford Grays, the.. as-ssourliveHatabouL what we the 'orth-sees no eniranteer for ' ' n,, .u- J wealthy splendor and profltffaev .?r T0. smce cau?ea y tfte-una- injr through a trestle sixtv keei" on smoothly until the trestle at r?rsn lwo companies which the terrible accident oc- ,ru,u ciusv uc, one irom sne- curred Was reiched. fin VIUC an? Pne rotn V ayncivillc. o'cloclc yesterday mdming. ; fie j1?? W namcdt,,cft ai was tAiA .fAlMLnJ,.,. unum uy ,111c wrorcarct xaa- alarmed bV the crashihrr timiwr. kin Valley iR R.; the others wen and on looking but of the window via Rale!S CharCc h t0 homc tf.', t,- ,J- Ju-..:- . partiality, f you wijl, but In our opinion no one 01 me commanas ASTOTJHDENO lGNORANC?E.i-.On . " . S At ihinarrrt train ohAiit rm.ln,, h. U I M . . ' . i 1 1 s ... J 1 , . The vouuir lauv. who was re- r -.' wne erand mrv of Wake Saner- wrecjq, yesteruay upon ms art graph, with a small cap side-head; ministmtion. S Did spate permit , markably bright pretty, blush! found additional in.jthe dtj. who says, the? it demanded, gfeat staring bead- we mignt g,v otners us lances o, a bonnets of erar larVir ru'e billJ of !d,Vtm.t flln,r cries and groans bf the wounar oriI iisirlngnori Hanllf um 'iw") ucmu i.j ui uujuiiu. , ... ' 1 t I l , .' ... U- . . '. A , Judge Smith looked up quickly coioreu ausiers, go? into a Cross and White, as follows: One ana "atressed battled description at. tUsxequest, cleared his throat '"?T,?rV two cases of !ibr- Utter darkness Prevailed at the - : I . - 1. ! " I . time, and , up to the time of, his departure' several hours later, all the killed and wiunded had nUr n . .f - 1 l) i j .t r 1 1 . 1 1 ii i " . 4 .. t- rp prrra m rr r n a i i niatrninceutiv ! Lassiter nevolpnt Fmile. said that he wonM ulIt yan? an-ame at a ran i ... I .... . . .. i I ilnwn thfi nifila ripe will oe pleased to do it. , r ; I , . ... . ,c M When do vou want to be mar- v 8 PV?&' ,aa allif ue c.ti un . , na'CI mlth not- ft ned? 7 he asked. a..,o.jr. Art). cMr-i u.J i v. v:- Isomethiuff thev had seen from! t!w 4i-e tho I in- Docket and nnlled out h is haudker- " w;iufui t-ujieu iuo "; " integrity rchiff uis e e8 asked for aml S.' T . , 8e """.i f P' ,nIefiry examined thq attested publication fhe official ruler df the car-who J: ' i i'pii (jiii urin ii ii'.ii i v uiiii .ft u mi r tbe'Slsh Kow was' the response, the 'ook out oHhe window, here, ;.7 i.i' i.:.... i ud the old lady draired down the and (Jen. "Where!'' asked the Judge "Here, was the reply. I xnc jjiniu Binir, mini its lu'si 1 floors aud cobwebbed windows, unisjui j seemed n strange place for such an the jwp- ators wh'oj are about to gull down event. The brightness of thle bride a news the temp'lej Cite usf if you can, to was the happiest pieturojn t. The nalir'tiiA' a uiniA iLlronanur tiL"' if.!, rain was patterii)r. down just out n-.i.. .lnfv .Inanl zalnnslv thft a uinrrlA iLwanaiu'r rin tlL Konnh ra,!l wa1 pattering.. UOWU JUSt -y j --"L -I"- fVT!"r 1 " r ' . sideM.pWn ilm,r and trPiinff jiMiy, UU.i.f tiio.uho- are eji uothin i,ed with ihtelligeiice, 4ener t .- . ! . - - ..,..1 I ,a, tlM tllUCIl .Sfll MTj'rVl, "'to soiniiit ratieutiy lit'an ex i,t. ii'o of a Uriies.H and dependence. The ;u-a'Jdr.iAbacks to their sue fM'n lifi ai"e inordinate desire?, interests of the public, but to utter licau side in North Carol iua wiiieh - i g to anuecia-.o lnvesngauon can lay rf yalid claim to leveu vXtr;iv,t: mt ideas and the ambl : ti.iit fe the great prizes of 'W-i 'h u "without the teuacitj of ' Linii"". ri'isb-ness of aim aud sta. S k;!nv '" eharacter which can alone jilfctl ;ny guarantee of .temporal I fvr-s. They will learn by an exr JM iuvi which may prove -very j : :;?cr i:i after ye;:rs,. that there is ipmore a f-ro;. al. road" to! wealth !.! honors than to learning; thai e good things of this world c).st ys of toil and the wastrng of the Midnight Ji!; that by the "sweatoi he tacv" Wrf gain even thcbreid of j ifiily life." They are content with; Lkhiriglestha:i comuu.-ucing their niwr At a uoint. whieh tli',ir fa thers attained only after unremit :.iiig labor, riid frugality and as iduous ai Jention'to business. At jbe-present day young men undis lllldet but 1-ll'tTiMl bv or forestall the tjruth. But wherever a patient I. examin ability ation of the causes of such an acci- j ston llepablican. dent as that on the Virginia Mid cmsscriftp ilnvn tho winrlnwsJ Piled Je- high around were bags of mealaud .leaving shorts and cottonseed. Shotels, hb Win- hoes, raises, corn baskets and j ap : ole-narer wer on everv side. isl true, as k ' :-,... .... "U.La will be seen from our colitnns else I in the store. Three or' four nieal- cency, in inch less out the 4orth State land It laud developslhp fact of negligence j where, tLe Farmer and Mechanic, bedecked drivers sttod by j the uoorway4 .v truce team oaoKeu up io the door, snd a man camo bustline i ia out f the rain. The banner" couple followed Judge Smith into and iudifiereuc, severe punish- at Walndt Cove, , announces that it meut hou!d follow, and the jlaw will hereafter bo found should cinohasize the fact by heavy inn- nnHir itfm Ronnblir'ai?! penalties that nc corporation is jrich but, theiij this is Is a bfird, Lai d euough or stroul- enough to trifle worfd. adi we cait ha4e every- with thelives offhuudieds of peo thing just 'as we want it pie. wjorld j There are Home in the who can't convert their criet into a bank uote and pUt it in theiruiock-et-book; who can't be paiuj forloir loved ones in dollars and cents. . i 'workirjg Oil, Ylis,:llE'LI. .MJHUI.1 5 1' I), Levi Pf Morton, the l uomiuee foTjVice Preside iug-for thiol electoral ote i -ol.imckHkv letter. The letter of tCol. Oliver Dock- recom 1 . Carolina,! and he 'coiiies:1 GET ITS publican r,.is itsli hi' Xui th into the ust such litl natu- reeeivo nun jtffsedly, sneer at th wtain .n-atiuiMTation iiieMj in "Old Norta Stated with Jus meiidatious us wo ery, the Republican nominee far rally make our people Governor, accefiting'the houors, la with "wild enthusiasm bors aud responsibilities of that po The blankest piece of legislation her throat. sitlon. is a reularkable document; in the history of anya common- The gro; ' i ...-'..!... I 1. . ! .i L. and, aud commg even tuougn it weaitn otjali; this gveat dtH'8 from a tical opponent, oe Union is thai -f the Sp th6 little ioflice. 1 The -door was not shut because there is no door to the olliee. r . The couple stood before the fen erable juitice, who pronounced; the marriage-ceremony and tied a knot as linn and as good as ever was tied, between as honest looking a couple as ever stood any wlilere in the world, i before any pardon, priest or bishop. When the ceremony was over: the bride wais blushing like a peony nnder the eyes of the -witnesses, and her cheeks were brighter than than the extra tibbon-tied aibint eusions us pointrnent. botli surprise and disap- j Uondsi''hey were the cial Tax ruits of a ! systematic jattehipt to ijob uu al: It i a tissufe of misre-preseuta ready deietcJ trasury,j tiou and, to ay the least, very in an already liupcven retklesn rvtatenfci'ut from peginningjdistressedr jpeople; they ni saul: "Al! right, my Americ'iii dear, eorae" and out they went to gether. Uarriug a smirch of nieal iipim the (wrdditig frock, thetje was no sign of thy grain store as they stepped out. "As pre.ttv a wed ding as I ever saw," said one of tho witnesses. , hed wen- ra- and hv-: yi.iispun.ui-. wouldbav. t ) mJ with Regard to the liuanc- hwlhecate by irresponsible " me?, i-i-.-rly aeo-j.I.u ii.inyo: ur j 4.8-COIlCerl,in which a man of Col. and were gobbledlup bvl Wall i nix t , :t?h! which wnuld i . r ear ago as fimlepeildenr i'foMuetl the nucleus f subse bntallluenee and riehes. y.ttiiingvnrain !i're truth than homely Mage laat ."you! can't iu your rnke and eat" it, too." . Jum? is noth)yg"giIt e;lgePalout : th viitnt-s It self 'denial kim! econ pnv. i.ut t:n- i very serviceable Holies, for. al. t!; to generous, liia-lo-vrteil. iiiipulsiveyoutli there U mmi. thiiii; mean ami sordid in the a tu ui ,i M;.enee, but'just ice. ;h In-tTii tl,.m r nerosit everv - . - f n 1 the waste of money i-J!:iii5ii',-. pnro and simple. We e.'H j-y n;; :.'.- with youtiiv Hall t t brei.i! .'i.-i.i wine,v .which sees in th is earth so ninth of Ireaii tr and brightness, but' none the n-it.ttse that e who; gives V-If iijr'feii the xorhip fdeas -r a r eyed, god.less,- ddwer f t!(1-is gui!f ;f physieal,Tii t:,-t':.: aiid mt.ral ;,h rand, : a.ike jf tjie o.jiLKtiiiilg of lUfcl aid the patiipeiing of his aPKt,;, j,, tliti i1,.llv.0f d;iy8, NireiM:i:i-; for his tiJ, a lis a'rle. r , tree ami a cheerless -.Per.;;., j .a l ;ti,.e al'iotihl e0!t,u '" '-'U lift!.- at a timejof life 'hr.h 11 st. inline, liousid- fioK .ijs r ri..v.4rj i8: to be WMiinl re.j;..,.., hi;ilion uha inde hlrf8 V men.' Ki.t-:wj;:s(iK m n in Tirm-ht ',Ji.saster on the Vir- ' -,';K..rt. li. l:. is only orteout 'fy aeeidents that are occurring i'"'vTtliet:c)antrv. at all times : "i every conceivable form, j Jtf'er tutn insist upon anuibil 1 t "'iie-ail distanee at'Jigbt- ""i vl, pi ughittg the waste of I :: one half the space in i journey was dreamed of i14' J'earsngtV, or plungiugSnto .r'-eU ij' tl' earth, or burrow ' 2 '"' ! :tiV ii.js of rivers, or bo- ' j J - . - - " j.. . n. Dockery's position and prominence J sharpers; in whatsoever should be especially careful he is ortiou of ,tlieni may e.o'. misleading aud snaraeinny uniair are the result; ol reci.V.- throughout, dlis friends cannot tiou aud greed -and yet) nl' be. any thev stk eula- Morton is olead for him iguorance, for that be Uneing this State for naVment r.fa a" sfiuiesj and smartness iu ,.r 'iiw roiJiift liKttPf i.. :LL .! . .-Li !:..:..:. the liostiiiaster received his - i m 1 1 1 1 . in i . l. l u v vj .. ..v .-.fc.. i i-ii n i.ii ill 1 1 i lit i . ii.'x.' i ' . . - j I i I r informed inu in- North) Carolina, bonds! Levij VI Mor miin:tMus on North the Vice The old nroverb. "All is fair in love Carolina's candidate for and 'war," is a much quoted pro- Presidency;! Well'j've d declare! 1 . a. 1 I 1 M ' vero; we navep i iiojc iu;uciti im t A fot-Oflicr Kobbcry. A ;.istfOtlk'e inpector says:-4-'I went into Minnesota to mveti gate a robbery. The postmaster was a well -to do German merchant whose greatest ambition is to bi postmaster. lie has a son, 'Niek,' a round-faced little bov. who Was V Ije.i com- s!e uer -4 ' iri the eniiniiling moan- r iauning dizzy heights f t) :'ri.ges, r packing "f p,oplc in ticket' dnirihe one tlious l that the motit reckless, "Tlly ;., .1 l,jKt..rr nf tli ;Td ciiiiht be expected" to do. fl.Ur r- .... . . 1 t i j.x ... - i . . ii.. ... a . In ' s: :th and valleys of the South raves, aud begot a "Hf ..r il.-uth and an iudif- i-Muirt,.,!, life fxon, 'which ,4Ve ;:,it vct recoverrd. - Th -t aer.-t'.re by. no' means 1)EAK Siit-4Yi)ur letter' i f, July Oth was receivtkl as If was 6n Tlie . . j i Th.'j.i..i r.iii. the tender passion just in thiscon P s t r uectioii-b'ut here are some things ; Judge I-Owle has aibre88od the condemned , fall cii hzed warfare, KALeIg July 11, hSSS. aud it isless ttaruarons to siay wun hoN. o. II. DockerV d chain shot than to attempt slaugh- I t'i 1 .. - .. V.l 1 4.,pt orr rtnPB with I . -r. I'J -J" of lepiirture,frop t .e city. ,nd weaiH.ii uii-u j""'" I askeil thei chairman bf the i)em- ntt forhiildeinin "polite sassiety" ocratic Executive Conijuittee, 5pier we would cha?a3terize by one vig- Whitaker,;Esq tto reply to it. orous Saxon ilonosyllable. . Mr. Weaker on daily 4ih had i , ; - -vti. invited the chairman o the Uf pub Our contepiporary :the North .. BxccUtivt) Committee to make State, has mqre than once depre j0jt appointments for yourself and cated the disingenuous and uu- myself. is , worthv methods o'f wag ngpolitica! On July 'fTth; Mr Whitaker in t . I ' . ' J Z'oa vitt-d your chairman to make joint campaigns aopted by press and viJtnieiltg. speakers, denouncing- personal On July 9;h (Mr. W&itaker again abuse, vituperation and miscon invited yoii to meet nie at tny ap- structiou all of wbichlwe endorse, po1utmentS already announced, or, , . . . f , u Ko. -rtK if vou did lirOt like them, at other and in check ng which the North ap-.)oiutIlient8 ;to be agreed on, State shall hve our sincere if fee- wLicIl letter! find published o the ble co-operatfon. Jhat paper is, in 11th inst. t - l our estimation, the best if not the . Uion jnyi return In re this alter i .',.1 mroi f it. rprv noon, I li ltd that no reply as yet most inuuenrial journal oi us very i t . , , . - 81 j i has leen receivedXo liisletter, anl bad party; a-nd we call upon It to that Mr Wbit;iker has been called brnig its Qubernatorial nominee out of the State by ti e sickness of "upstanding" in its own dignified his mother'where hej may bo de- aud euphetiistic manner; at the Jained sone time, ft invite you, - 1 7. ; ' therefore, on W ednesday or Thurs very outset f the canvass please day Rnbh boi ycn may let him knof that his letter is un- consider convenient, ftp meet me at worthy of a ftfew Yorjc ward poli- t le parlor-f the Yaruoro House in ticiau, used io devious and tortu- this city to agree on Joint appoint ,it n,,t iLromiMKT ments fordisctission between you ous ways, add that there is inner- fi ,f or . J ent ia the North Carolina breast have designat. d is not conveniejit the old English love of lair play to yoi I th)l meet ydtt at any place which will iiot patieiitly tolerate or lime ypd may indicate. ucb dubious methods. " No apiKiiiitmeiits heretofore made ; y - , - for me shall stand id the way of a THE IHIEBIAI.OFTIlEPARTIES.tJOfl ww ueiee .1, !, ' . I j IVery Reipectfuliy, f "A man ii known jby the com ; DanieiI G. Fowl p any he keejis," and Oue need vant no letter means of making np a At The Seaside At the iuvi- : judgment ol the two! parties than tation ot gentlenu-6 ot the city, to note the jollowiug'of the tickets. Cardinal Gibbons Bishop llaul ? - . and Northrop and j other visiting Far wiser, liiore farseeing, riper in clergv Went dpwnfto the Sound judgment than the masses, Greely, yesterday afteriiooii on a special Schurz. j Sumner, ami, later ou, car over lie iScafcoast railroad. Conkling, Eow and other Northern Among he party jere the Rever , . , end Fathers Hill, Felix, DuCombe men of consp cuous ability aud un am Hdv Col; F w. Kerehner, sallietl integrity long since appre Mr. 1): O'Oonnor, jCsii't. Jno. II. ii:it-d the! absolute necessity of Sharp, Mr.uM. J Corbett and Mr. wiflidrawiit'o- from the Reoublican LU'' rricf. 1,10 old Iadydfagged down the conductor's hestd and, directing his gaze toward a large white house Ijstaudiug alone on' the prairie, con- tinnM- 'L Wllf. linns in tkot Ur.-.cT! . - ' uu i " 'V. p III tuni IIUTU.C I "I really don?t iknow " replied ,ine conductor, iiohtely. -vveii, i declare to gracious Hnd you air the eondne.tor. air youi lou don t know who lives in jlhat house that big white hoase with a rei barn, and the rail fence all around it! And Vou air the conductor, air youi; My, my, but it's astonisLiu' how tittle some does knowi ; The old ladies thought they rec ognisedinthe white "farm house tlie abode of a i cousin of theirs "who lives iu Iqdiaha somewheres in a white house with a red barn and a rail fence around it!" i. ' : j t . i: r ' 'A Poet's Present -It is related of the Germanirpoelt Chland that the King oncfi-oflered him the Or tjer Pour ie Merite, jwith flattering expressions of thie j royal ; regard. Uhland, howevrr,? declined to ac cept it While hts"as explaining ip nis wiie tne reason wmch i mov ed him to) refuse the distinction. ISPICIOUS.-3A. telegram tothe at: (he door. J from the mission lie called Nick to one eonhdentiau v: ick. 1 ani bostmaster;1 vou are der asststaut bastmasteir- Ier governnientltrjiist us with broperty, und I dou'd feel nghd a bond it. I must go down to St. Haul and puy a sale.l So the old man went and bought a new safe that cost 12.. They ,;Ot ir in j)laeej put all the stamps und other government property inito it, and two weeks later' burglars fil tered the building and the s-ife as opened' and robbed.- When I got 011 the ground the postmaster lirst wanted to read his political .-iin-eches iiii the last campaign ! and tell me how much he thought -of the administration, but we got to business finally. lie showed me iior tne ourgiars got into 1 ,ne building juite an easy trick -arid then showetl the safe. 'Und dese (loors was upeii just as dey ,are now!' he siiid. 1 looked over the safe; it was brand new not a mark of violence on it anywhere, ijor locks jdisturbed I told the postmaster that Nick must have forgotten tli lock it the night of the burglary. This brought Njek to his feet m a paroxysm. All at once something caught my eye on the wall. It was: 'Turn to the right three times, stop at to tht left twice, stopping at 91: to the right once to 84 open.' I " 'Whatlis that?' I asked. ! " Oh! tb?t is der gombination Yon seo, when I get this new safe iii they sent a card up from St liaul with that on, but I forget him, and Nick he lose 1 im, so 1 just write dot up on der wall where we can see him.7 f 'And you can't imagine how the thieves got into your 8afefj " 'I haf buzzled my brain lover it two mouths!' . "'Don'tjyou think the thieves might have found the combination on the wall!' y ! ! ''A great light seemed to break in -upon the honest German 'bost master' 1 He opened his e'es wide, looked again at the safe and the eombhiatiou on the wall, and then with a bigisigh, remarked: 'Well, now, maybe dot was so.'" there was a knock A working-class ; girl neighborhood eii tiered, : and, "pro Renting I bland with a: bunch of violets, said: "Tbis fs an offering from my mother."; j"Your ,niothe child!" replied thpOet; "i thought sue died last autumn."; "Xhat is true, Ilerr UhlaEidi,"i8aid the girl, "and 1 begged yon at the time ! to make a little verse ifo her grate, ami you sent me a. beautiful poem 'iliese are the first violets which have blcomedon mother's grave. Lliave ffucked them', and I like to tiliriK that she sends! them to you vSth her greetiugi" Tlie poet's eys moistened as he! toot the; posy, aad putting it in j his,, battoh-hole he said to his wife:) "There,; dear woman, is not that an order more valuable than auy:k5ng can give?" the Island ilVach ( hotel, and re Bechnni'g of West India Coffee. According to De Tour, the original stock of all West India cotlVe was a eoOee tree pre sehted by the magistrates of An -stordam to'Louis XIV" in 1715, and ir took dinner at thence introduced into LTayti and JiAKE Erie's IJotness; 'Is it ever hot out ou the lake!"! queried ouV reporter yesterday of an old captain who was fanning!' himself in r'iu kill o 1 1 th d-kt'a nrki 1' nila! f'Hotf Is it? Weill youiare fresh; Vliy, youug man. it 1 should tell vou how high 1 havi seen the naer- eiirv no down on Lake Erie vou'd ealL me a liar!" ! !The reporter hinted that no man i sense would everj think of-ques tioning a. mariner's sword, aud the captain continued: i j tI remember tlie summer of liS. I sailed tlie .Orphan j Girl 'that season. On the LStb oil July w were becalmed" with a! fleet aooiit uiidlake. ilotf :Oh, no! By 10 o'clock in the morning the ;.mer- cuy marked 125 i idegs. in: tho shade, and we were -loaded (with ieejr.t that!" 'f Is it possible 'fliv udoii we had limit out sevm or eight Spontaneous! lires, and the anfuors were tnen so not we uao tc drop 'em over to cool 'em. There wejf-e eight vessels bf us, and ,we dropped about the same time." 4Yes." : j " ' 'W?ll, sir, the resoilt was boiling hotj water all avoundj us for half an hoar. We captured! over one hun dreid Gsu,; which were nicely boiled. It Was very lucky jjfor us, as the heiit of the sun had melted! bur cook stove and we! should have goiie hungry. Is it hot out ou the lakie? Wei', you just stay 011 land during a hot spell I it you know what's good for you!l Hid you say lenionadi for two i-Dctroit Free Press. 1 1 ... $EXAS liAlLUOADyj. A Nbltl eru man who receaitly : returned frojn 5!exas tells iome amusing stories of rail ay- service in jtle LoteStar State. 'Oiie. road run niug out of Houston posse8sed joue locomotive and a sijngle train of cars. The train wuld go to lloiiston one day, and would go to the other end off the lino the liest day. The trains would run off the: track occasionally, and then thej passengers would have to board wiih the nearest planter; for a oiw days while theicars were lift ed back on the rails.) The coudnc torjeonsidered it a matter of only ordinary politeness ( to stop the tra hi- w'heu a lady desired to gath er wa Richmond Dispatch from Danville, Va.,jbearing date of the nth says: A man calling himself John Cun ningham, of Greensboro. N. C. came here to-day and entered a store', asking the clerk if his, sfe was in good condition. He rep resented himself ai agent of a safe company.and authorized to ex- .11 , - . ' ; amine sales to see if they were burgiar-proof. His actions were susp; over, madi cious, 'and he was turned to-the police; To them he i several conflicting state ments', and was carried before ia justice, who ordered him from town. ! ' ' ie Democrat in Emr-k.yo.-4- Last Wednesday evening a West Market street boy bounded into thie front passage, with his ha'ir a ivet mop. while he smelt of tad pohjs and water-lilies from the solas of his bare feet up. . 'Tohn Henry," said his mother, meeting him with a dangerous glitter in her eye, and taking a grif on his dripping locks, "you've been in jswimming aain !" ?- 1 I flNot j a bit of it! mother; I've peejji to'the Democratic Congres sional Convention,' and it's the sweat oozing outer me. ' Don't tell me ! This is regular Rd'ck Creek sand all over your . '!. .. - scalp. : Why, ma, that's hay-seed in my hairand 1 m the farmers canr didate e'll float thr olil hnndantia, bovn, ! j We'll float the old liaiiilaiina ! " " i j'Loofc here, young man, I want nolfooling" and, unbuttoning his jacket, sne tnrust a vigorous nana down his back "here's rreck sand rttfged all along your back-bone!'' Pshaw! ma, don't you know lat that is ? It's the 'sand in gizzard' breaking out. I'm e of the 'unwashed.' 'unterrinpd' Democracy ; ' VrU H'oat the oiii ; hainlaaua. Iio.vh, - We'll-float theoM hiiiulanna . 'Well, you are not 'unwashed' tliijs time, for a wonder, and as for' Peing unternnea, 1 11 see wi:ac (eftcjet a No. 4 slipper can have'V aid for about five Greensbopo ml: notes the air was' full of slipper. sarid, dirt, gyrating arms and legs id blood-curdling Jj ells: But, after alj, in' the words! of .Maurice TJhpmpson, "a boy's ways are the wjilnd's ways, and the thoughts of 1 1 - 1 i i been extricated from the ruins. Other passengers jon the' specia tfain which brought Mr. Sprinkjle confirm his stateihcnts, and si the affair was simflly horrible arid beyond description It scemfe that th trestle was the time (undergoing repairs, and the onrdhcer had reduced his him, and all changed into wreckea train as thfcy Arrived in you let that man be plunged In m. -"o.grr iiuu aiaii .Tpuwiiac city, ana we give our rcaaers trouble and have a grievous afnic- "5t- m o ifesu-nciiOH. the beneht of the r storv. t ..:,f;.i .' Tlirougrl. a Trestle SUtyreetJ oi. xt. t it rrL..' t. ...t. . . V i IIlrh-Tfie Killed and Wond-1 L ' nara ice ings arc ed. ! i L.-.- I at Hamilton, i-oudoun compass OnJ The fast mail and bassern?er county Va., said he boarded the r-i at Q lo Wed- UA1 HtKIM OF THE A1IIJTARY evening and Connectedl 1VC iLv'in' 91 mc taie south-bounci tr4in over Guard CaV lp and, animation to our streets for an hour or two thi I speed on (approaching it, accord ing toi the requirements, and was running at; the rati; oft five milejs an hoir 1 -whelp the trestle was reached. ; All at oiice theengin i:ih uuvyn, ca,rrying wun it Ulf mail and express,! the first and second class ,Cars, all of which were crushed to splinters, splitting the smoker' and i ! I ide (open. The two sleeper? vere jlett standingon : the track unharjmed. The people from faf and nbal- heard the! terrible crash and a ojneef hastened to the scene to give Assistance tc the helpless The IJJnited Press report of the! acciden, sent fronj Alexandria v a.,say.: "Thp Soutpcrn Express No. 52, in charge bf Conductor Taylor and drfiwn by Engine No. 694,! which . la&t nidr'nt for r left Washington at 11:20 Danville and the South, (over the Ricljmond & Dan ville Railroad, Midland Division, met wi miles ' 1 " at 2o this morning. The train cjonsistqd of seven cars, in eluding mails cat1, three Pullman w 1 my cars, Ljaggagclcar and two p'asscn- ctnd Engidcer Watkins, r , - - - - th a terrible accident two Soutli of Orange tCourt . . 1 overhanging mighty precipice. He 6ot out as 1 V . ! Z quickly as possible, ana made his f" P" waybelowtoaskistin ji , - recovering; those who had gone "Ox-Fames ETERNAL CAMP- clown and removing thread and I iXG-GROUN.njX-Far back n the injuredl 'Tha ' tirain, he said, was I past are-Wsh fined the dceds'of" moving very slowly over the trcs- the brave men of one hundred tie, slow enough for. thb flagman years ago; dim ire the pictures of to get on the moving engine. ! their long-suffering patriotism, 'Did you examine the trestle their heroic en durante and tli;r asked the unselfish devotion. Almost at our doors thlcy marched and toil ed and fougitlor the rich heritage of a free republic bequeathed to us; and onlthe other day the , eloquent tojnguc pf the, orator , wrought their .vindication, and and note its condition ?" reporter. " Yes sir 1 1 t'and asi an - I did;" was the reply, impartial main to both ompany and killed and injured, I think the railroad company should be made to pay all damages and Held to a strict accountability for the killings Why, sir.f and he spoke with animation, '.'there were runen timocrs in tne trcstieand I 1 the rotten wood bulged out where the timbers broke.) I made a care ful examination of the structure. and am 'willing to make oath as to its condition Several other passengers were intervjewed, and from them it was earned that a freight tram had just passed over the trestlejind the engineer saw a burnirirr trestle head.' He stopped to! out out . -:. ---- gcr cab- ; "At .i trestle known as Fancy's trcstlci, a strpefiure sixty feet high, the rri5iil carMiri. son e mysterious way bpcame: derailed and left the the trestle nnnh if fhp hnfrfrirri track, ibrcakincr idown 1 .. anu pnlnn car and engine, safely Jcr&sscd. p.-issepger cars also pon the which- had already The rear car, the And cars making a completd and fearful wreck,- Lucki! catcbJ alnd fire. ,-Th the accident treated 1 consternation. passengers were rcctions in thie cr escaped without ajbby are long, long thoughts:" as T6hn Henry passed out on the xxck piazza he reached down and drew- -out an old saddle-blanket whlch he had padded in under his cjothes; at a convenient place,' tbsscd it into an empty closet, a'nd went out toward the barn 1 . i whistling: "f)li, jriyc me hark my .fifteen -eent, llnl give me hack my moiify ! " tt'b'Ilmans fell and engine, the train did not e sutldenness of the greatest the helpless thrown jp alTdi- ''ew, indeed, rs. hnjuijics of a more or.le,s:s serious n. Uire Those not seriously hurt inlmcci iafeiy began 1 1 e Broken Bank. Receiver Dowd, ; of the -State National iank, states that the aggregated claims against the bank amonnt o $46ojooo, and- that $300,000 of the:! amount have been proved. Tl4 total assets are not yct ac Jcurately computed, as it is really not known what certain real es state; of the assets will bring when Isold. The amounts and notes dud the bank are being collected easily for debtors. The receiver say?; he will not push collection bcfre September, at which time . 1 1 .1 ...... . - r . . pe nopes uiai paruts dnLi.-Hci to-pass assistance tney t was-pitch ttle effective Word was House and ispatch.- was sent wricking; train the m'ean- to render what could, but as the nicrl dark, thpyxoulq do I work before dayjlightj sent to Orange fCoirH from a there a I 1 . . ' ! left here at ''5:3b. In) tinie the people! in tae neighbor hood, and frpiin Oriange Court House and Gordons Ville, hurried to the scene and rendered all the assistance in thqirrpojverr As far ns can be asccr aint-c the killed plumber 'seven! and tl e wounded forty. I 1 ;. "The killed are:--Hunter, of Scotland; Cornelius Cox, A'ex andria.'Va., Civ 1 engineer ;Pied mont Air Line R. R.; jH. T. Whit tington, Greensboro, NT. C. pos tal clerk; 11. C. Urightwell, Pros pect. Prince Kd-ard ( ounty; Va., postal clcrk; i unknow n woman, white ;two unknown rien, white. " I njur ed : pc nd uc t mr Taylor-, internally; -Engineer Watkins, scalded; Firema,n Kelly, sicaldcd whom claims are held can pay I ) ! - them without inconvenience. E ikeCTORS. Governor Scales has appointed as State directors for the I North Carolina railroad; party a duty which they owed rrniut at r..,- Iwl- Wilmini. ! t ens. Its rnr duction here was .Jit tn HllT-rPKiwttt I eritod citizen- t..,. x.r. ! ' i j 1 ! fiom Hayti. Its chief I stimulus .i ( . r 1 - . . r . i" ship aud patriotism? -"What ot the Noitheru 1.1 ii.l-i-v. ua ti-nni the constant revo iresl1nn;frt 1 .iartnerihin with the tea lutions iu llayti and Sau Domingo The best representatives ot clean ,n'e trnstHi dt is a waste of and probably coffee culture reached .....11 ..!; ...-.. .i;J. .,..,.- I .nat i ! 'its greatest nrosperity in Cuba AllO. flUIICAM illl llfill'llll ir PUtilivil c us wimv ..w.,. o . - him to stop the tram small station, where frit-Jills whom she waiited to visit The conductor told jher that! he w mld wait long enough to let her; go aud dine with her friends, but; as it was already iour nours oc came through hundreds of i ich hind time she would have 1 to take' . .. ' .it. n rmwc n ill nn writ hi 101- nuvu itij . w ...v": 1 f t r r I - j few wild tiowefs along the j for a period of one year the lol i. Oue day a .'lady requested Rowing gentlemen: John L. Mores San Domingo by the French Hay all night at ai) ji ,'rU ArmHad Rnrwell. of she had someii u. i . i - . ', i-.--, .',.' Charlotte ; i. vv. ; uranam, 01 HilhTborp;' W the fire and sent a flagnian back tj flag the passemger trlin. He did stop the passenger train, arded the engine and Went down with the wreck. The Midland Hrcck jOrange Court House, July 1J.-1 "fie debris in the wrect which occurred at Fat Nancy trestle yes telay is being jrapidly cleared away, aid on Monday night the company anticipates . having the trestle rebuilt, and ready trains over. ' J uMajor J. C II ill, raflrdad com missioner, js here inspecting the weck and closing looking into aud inquiring the eause ot same. V- Stanard Chapman,! A. O. Apen, II.C. Newman, G. S. Win loiv, W. 8. Gryones, and F.I1. Per ry corouers jury,! dejiverjs'd their vep-uici mis morning, to tno etiect that the accident occurred jromde festive timbers used in the trestle, one juror, F.- B. Perry, not beng satisfied jthat the jaceidetUp might not havoj biappenUl fronj other catises. " ";' ' . The list o'f the Ulead up to the Spresent Inbur are: ! Ii P. (Cortes, iSHw une?ii8j aiieo irowp, I'liil jjadelphia ;j H. T." Whittirigton, mail jagpnt : Lddie Scmitt, iiewshov : K. G.-?Cox, Alexandria ; Charles Fran feisjf; Kngland; R.l N. Terrence, Nonth Carolina; 1J.I C. IJ.idhtweli; Inittl agent, aud oneUnaii unknown. turoiu tliel)ail.v I'aM-fot of ri.-silu.v. A QCKF-irCANrNE. Tjie fine New Foundland dog of Mr-. Mayo ivafe stirrejtl in his j martial spirit ihi morning by the marcli of the Guilford Grays, and after regard - their gratcfu posterity sent their acclamations of rejoicing toward heaven. . 'jj -',!" I The cchoc-s; have died away, . and the grapd pld grove that shel ters the Guilford Battle Ground is, voiceless once more. Hut while j the dead sleep, history gathers its i treasures everywhere, and goes j back even through the centuries ji to complete its annal ,r : . ) A few days' ago Mr. Dennis, ! who lives adjjoining the Guilford Battle Grounkl.Tound, in a gully washed out by the rains, the bonci consisting of skulls and teeth I of two Continental soldiers,; to I gcthcr with the brass button! I showing their command, j For) over a "century there i has been.' their silent resting-place: "Tiiko the WHiti of morniiiir. Aim! Un ltnntui il-M-i-t pM-ro, , ' Or lorn thvwlf hi tlieeouliilUoilH won. In W hero roll- the ( In-jron . , Yet tin- deiv) are therV' . i flng, tnc drum with, grave interest, iccsampanied the command to the depot with every manifestajtion of qehght. 1, The Ei'D. News has been rx- 1 t ! qcifed here that Potts, the mur derer of Linckc, in Bcaulbrt coun ty, jwho was to have been execu tpdat 2:00 to-day, died at 12 m.. 30m the effects of poison taken at 130 last hight. -Potts had been respited, and this was his tccond attempt at suicide, j . i TflON.- Tme WoriId Jogs O.v, Just the Same. Horace Grceiy once met a very ifritc gentleman on' Chambers strcjt, N. Y., who, with marks of much excitement, said: jj Mr. Greclyvl have Must been to your office anddiad your papef r tnornmg s issUe I stopped. After the article in this 4 not do cou anvthintr clse.4! r"Good Lord! mv friend!", cxi claimed the pld philosppher,l"you surely haven t Ucfnc that! "f j "Yes, sir fit jhasn't been half an hour since I was at your office." j "Well, 1 must say. rejoined Mr. Grceiy (anjd ourrcadcrs must understand that the old gentle man's remarks were profusely em bellished with pig d-r-ds "shaking hands across tnc bloody chasm"), "I think you mjiht have given me a little warning" and turning on his heel he hurried away. ; A- few hours afterwards Mr. Grccly met hii quondam patron and saidsmili(igly: "Well, well, youjjavc me a fright this morn ing, but I thought you were cer tainly joking v hen you said you had stopped m paper." "And so I dil, sir."- ( ' ' "Well, then the hands must have tlisobeycd your orders as soon-as your back was turned, for. when Preached tier? I found the presses whirling ilong, the, com positors setting type, and every thing at work as usual." i 'I , meant, n the other passengers ito dine withs hers, in order to keep tnem irom making complaint to, the superinj tendentof the roau. 9 xnis tpropo and otherwise hiirt; IMggagje; mas ter James Gopdinan, crushed and wiU probably die; J. L. Walthall, of Washington! D C, postal clerk, both leg! brolcn; W. N. Parrott, " Alberrfarle c sunty, Va., postal clerk, Cljiest crushed, may die; J. j Q. Wesjt, Washington;,, D. C, postal clerki crushed, will die; Louis Jenkins, $f Lynchburg, Va., postal clerk, seriously injured; Z. F. Kornegay, otj Jennings, LynlrhburgJ Va., pas- dsboro; R.. VV. f Thomas, di-l se.ngcr,-d3adlyf.feurt; H 1'ptter- Thomasville; M. -A.j Angler, of j field, Express! ajgent.b idly crush DuriamJ General R F. Hoke, ofj cd." , j; , ' f. -. I j 1-4 ij htt?o Wr. Thf lora! sfrtbe of the Danville mnJ anu ljuuaii ".ivov., - rn j . 1 , 1 . 1 K ; ; - . -1 1 .ii:- - : i I ( 1 1 - 1 I " I. 1 i .1' - I Rale , Wilmington. Q. M Busbee was j Register at onct sought an inter appointed State proxy. ' view with the Hon. M. Finger and Rev. Geo dt-rjin delivered speeches 1 . o W. assengers on the Ayetteville's Joi.ijii ICA- wrL 1 ),, uJ 1 town of Fayettcvillje was all alive v it Ji political enthusiasm last i. 1 t L - ! i1? 1 J r: nigni. lion. u. o. rowiq, .iaj. San wit h hWs, and there was a very large tendance. i Hi: has Jim: i) !Em. X Ii Landreth, editor of the ''Farm- R J y I t I - rii d M ech a n ic ." r t cc n 1 1 y rc mo v - e! froiir Orcensbofo to Walpyt Cayej formally anriouuees' in his ist! issue tKat he "bill in the fu- ti rework strictly - under t ic Re publican banner." We never had any use lor the R iiublicar party in j North Caxo linabut it would not taki: much nowto Make us feci a deep sym pi t ly for tkosc peopje- Perhaps scne of our readers! may halve had a ltighborj who' by- his repeated acts of , trespass, UpfricnclliiTCss; & :1 has excited a feeling of real eririity again strtiimself; and yet Grccly, that I had. stopped my subscription to Now I feel your paper. "Oh! that indeed! i relieved. My dear sir," said old Horace, laying other's shouldct cvolcntly into ft a T . nis nana upon me and gazing ben- . lis face, ("let me tell you that the biggest man irt all this world might jump up in the air and clan his heels together three times, anil whcnilhc came down again ha wouldn't jar the" earth one particle. It is1 made up of too many people for anyone individual to sc the ears." In the word.4 Cap'n Cuttle, above remarks cation of them ;P but they convey . i . J, ! i ' ! a lesson to ijnosc people .who spend their time on the margin of all the others by I , ' I 1 i of the immortal the bearing of the' lies in the appli- the pool, throw water to watch ng stones into the r the ripples which they make never reflecting that the stone straightway sinks to the forgotten, while away even as the bottom and is the waves pass evanescent breath on thcpolLhc mirror. ' I I ; ' ! J ;S I j ' i? ' ! jj ' jj I ' ! - i j' 1 -::... " ; : ! . ; ' '.' . '-. ' 'i ' ' " ' - - .1 - I ' f F I 11 ! : . t 1 I t II'' ! . 1 I I 1 ? I - I '. 1 I r: -L I! It 1 i . .1 1 . - II. i l I I