1 ft" . -w I " I i l l - J -T i! I7! I T . I . nriTT,l",T TT" : - ; : - - ; . . ,,..,; I . . , ..... t .-. n 1 - . -.1. i;" liiiM t. , 77Y7. 1 i r? - ; J f : rTi, I T. T H T- ; -T Y ' : irrn77TT f JTTTTA - - n-s. Hrr-rv :ttt tt- n-v -rr- r -ttts 'aT -TT .-p n1 II II I I I I - .V'-'r ! I I 1 f I II Vk II 1 M 1 I XXI i : M-. I I t.-. I I W ;,:., J I . V II III XX ! II VI II I . ? ' ""V'T """-""MUM ' 1 i I ' : - i. 4 nrunCRATIR tllDBrilARV rOB THE fifiQD OF, ILL. AMD A DElZZCRATIC ADulXISTRATIDII ADUINIXTERED BY DEllDCRlTt.' - !! I. t ! ' " " i .. i - i I "w : T . " . 7. .. "... j r, ; i ' T- " ' ! - i' ! . ii I I '! I . 1 i . ' I : ' f ' " . : j . - a lz , , i ii, ' i 1 r: - i ; -1 1 : ; . :! . -r , ..... ., . . , , ,i .. , ..... . ,,- - , ,, , . i- ' . :rHEEHSB0R0 PATRIOT t " ....j Nwapar la Piedmont V ol Buch a Medium for Bu iAM bfor Proapr .jYERUSINQ IATEX 4i.Bl.Bf- 1 OJT AC Vcai. cibojiJltioh. LOVgwy QUARREL. , lov to-oiKht; ENTABI.MHKD IM 1S5 VEW HKKIKN, NO. 1,124 . j.,. GREENSBORO, N. 1 0., FRIDAY, JUXY 127, 1888. Mtllll, THE VEt.:.: f-JRIOT you. hare you jnrt ne , iur your jcmnow unxni. houI'm oVIijflit; nn; thii I know l... .r liu. til V turn froiii . i ...... t.iiirlit ' jvtorronrUite; ' nl.l uevw JurmineTiiy tn-iu.ore.1 oe, read aright? tiou to1 the bWtii -tiiiill ife on luiitr. iIULeHrtfrnne lesson of tliei utter incapacity f self governuient. Tberu in no more discouraging fea ture iu their woful lack of ailvaneo woe, vll n H HO HI you. Ivk to-niKht. Lii I huvewinieu inyour mgui r..,niY. JLTLV Of N. C. 27, 1888. rRTv: ' i ectcle is irt- i m iArU'uuiicau pariy iu 'v . i.i twisting nuu iseiu tlx p.Hit; "jcfolluwersf! lffiiW,i"-lU rinoiigaJe all diguity, tj.8!ging in coarse hjtuj uhw jiP (Julirrnatonai nominee " .at" political organization i - ., ltd ff n .tip lild Uinl fI.,;t the aduHrable qualitie mauship, but be iscoutent tLe Suiart Aleck" of tbe U ijn, if we may be allowed tbe l,iifeimiou lur tbwconueciioii; ia an.l ankArs resortiaiT I jaiugly to I unfair secia! Ljj)eJiog nJ tbe distortion Lumd figured for the uccoraj Lneut of tbeir nds; every body .j everjtUing opnnected, witn rtU CaruUua Railicalisiu appar: :h Jrireo ouvard headlong by a rii nf iltration to recover that trr wLkb tbej paity once, ao tfliffally abused! lnd tlie Tbird ijarty! We speak Lt af that portion of i t w b icb baa .jto affiliated with tbe Uepub tt-lbere is Utile wonder that ywliibitio : voters should By artJ.l and embrace any politl JUrtiiue as j.rjrferable- to that I tlrt-y have been forced to ea- but tbe Deuio Fisk and Walk -have tbey counted tbe cot aud :an-Jj considered tbe inevitable it Qf tbeir action! Ita most adbereuts do not claim pel- a for tbe Democratic party nit, we ask in bare decency, t-old ruui party," the "saloti r, tbe "barkwerV part f" I ,ir. irobibition Democrats, to u tbese clap trap cries of tbe l.Uwtu, alia luus Migmaiize ctrstles in 'many anipaigii8 I ears, during tbe dart la s AMtiuctiouJ when it was a ijf r life and death to rid the cormptiou and party deserving which in national a record as tbe At and able administration of wtlciit Clt-vel.nul, with tbe yreat (k of retrenchment accomplished a Democratic House of Uepre tatives, and n tbe State baa fl&itt Hace and the preserva aw and order; to all tbe people b couiiiionwealtbl Su probibitioiiiat hopes to- fleet miie mail on tbe tLird p.irty Ut;4titl we ioiie and Ulieve rrolTbitiou Ueiuocrats will a AWi realization of tbe fact, - t ' tbe electkm, that tbeir votes V'alker' etc., will aiuouut '.- much assistance toward ( the success of tbe Uepub jrt which success can no Ha a return: to the eruicious ia of Little field, Abbott, Ea ud all tbat tribe, with tbe bor f begro giirernuieut over tbeir 'Jrtii m tie eastern couutie. total anisconcep ijObkti llietu iu tbe scbolas- but tbe xe of Uadica faleT la tin' cb desertion Un offers sucb Uivnt.thau tbeij tiou uf Lbe grew t!alruA jf education: li elevate li)e scale of citizenship, aud render tbeiu more useful members of the human family., bike .their brethren in' Liberia, tbey Regard a smatter iug of rudimentary Kuglisb to be vaiuauie ouiy aaa prepuraiion ror uuiiiing inn "omce; anu, alter ai tendauce on the iwurse at tbe Col ored Norma! School or some other educational iustrjutiou, their mis sion is 8A-compliahed if tbey pro care a certificate? to teach a jmblk school or take charge of a atrag gling church. Tley becojne thence forward consnmeVs instead ot pro uocers. and "manual labor" is ex ponged from tbefr lexicou. It gives as no pleasure to feel that these thingsare true. No man who has arrived at middle'age, and baa passed hu7tft uuutiinate rela tions with them4C4 flarisli augbt oat irienQiineas, a seyerauu sym pathy for thecrtlfrr , Sle of the South. We aat - ,ate aminrinii m 11 ii 11 n tic or literary. toS?. E.xe . I in it. negro will never . ..any sub stautial progtukiKi8?fong as he en- tei tains the del naive idea that tbe ability tp read aud Iwrite does away with the necCSSttTPf earning his bread by. the awet ofhia brow. And yet and ef deny it or dis guise it aa thrTiuay, the Re publican party m'Telged, sbouhl tbey be restored 4y ibis election; to wer in NortLLTilfaliJia, to negro snpreniacj in certain parts of the State! Tbey fn jledgetl ' to a change ' of coupty goVf riuiient, which means tbe Jrule of the negro iu such counties a New Hanover, Craven, Edgeconjbe, Halifax etc. and not the educated negro only,: but, iu many instances, the igno rant, iuceudiary,;dan&erous negro! Most grievous fof all, a class of eur citizens good,- honest, patriot J ic men iu tbeirizeal for prohibi tion, are about tj cast their votes iu such a way that they will only strengthen tbe hands of the Radi cals in iuiposingfthese'iutolerahlH evils npon Ewstefn North Carolina.. We do not beUeD this of prohibi tion Democrats we willnever be lieve it until the Cruel factis forced ujkou as -at the balot box! i - - 1 i MOKAUTV UV IOBKCIOI. I ! He who o,uestiqrns the extent aial Sunday," and, indeed, be withdrawn from other teiaptations. Wouk yfMi like such yes,'aid be, two parties,1 it 4ias now hiUJiforJ 1 tli riff, red an arraugementTl "that1 is a more perfecaytetn f law tbau I sup poaed could le nnade. I then re tplied: I will show you just snch a systenf in operation. If, yon wil gn dovB to Sinr Siriir prison, I wi show you hundred' of I men living utldr Exactly t3iat system,; Tbey Caiiiiol ii'dulgeJ in bther : vices, in evil, oiiiiversatiou or communica tion hre delighted to have tbe cuapljtjn talk with them, are teg mar itf; habits, eo to church twice on Suadaj; bus the .whole system is owe (Oi coercion. sow, u your bouse vas robbed, and you knew thata?man was in the neigbbor- bood vbo halj been living uuder your iileal system, be would be the ttrst m&n whom you would arrest." j lllGi JUB JOI N Ell than alcoutrasO of tbe platform and declaration of the principles of the been faru tbe Mills uction m the i i - IIouMei ami tbe vote! thereon by tlie two parties. Stripped of ver bi'age.'it means si m pit an earnest. orgauijed effort ou tbj part of the Democratic! party to (bring about economy in j tbiu administration of the guvernmeat. n reduction of treasury surplus, tartft for revenue only, ami such n decrease of duties as will, give; the tbiliog masses of tbe American jpvopl($ cheap food and.,; cheap clothing. Arrayed squarely agaiast the accomplish meiit oi t beko .irreat ends the Ro mulican party) stamja, occupying precisely the position; which it held veuty) ivei years i ago having earned nothing, haying accomp ished jnthin. having advanced i not one step forward. 'Ibe lin ineuse expeijilituresj required in the prosecution of the war of four ears, ifrom 18fil to 18C., Drought into existence he 1iigh tariff, with its animal revenue iif hundreds of millions. . i The j sword j is now the plougi-!hare, the fiirled tlags are unldrned and dropping awav pi-ce bideoas'iess of tbe great evil lot in temperance is eitbercndowed witlt ruf. limited faculties of observation, or bis is an obtURt', blunted moral. nature. Not evefi does the wretch held in this fetter! of .this all consu ming apetite b!os tbe chains that bind him.a Tbe eloquence of the rostrum is not needed ' here hnW i man experience tt I Is tbe story daily with all the forceof tragedy. The iuscrntablf wisdom of the Creator has niadt the ' pbyBicaj as well as moral uature of man a coin t 3 plex study. All J.be , races of the earth, without exception, so: far a se onen by piece, the: stacked musketry aud parked! cannon ate piled with j - j rust aiid dust di the armories here and threl ; Rut peacyn has brought . ' . i : no victories to Republicanism: the necessities f the government re quire no longer the lingo expendi tures of the Tar period but the money-inubt bo ground out of the people all the sauie; year after year tho leort uf .lhe Secretary of-the Treasury shows-an jaccuranlatioti of from OO.wil.CKMJ to 15(I,000,(KK) ot doflars bat the j revenue ofli cials uAist'add to the ilnwieldlv pie- REBUKE TO THE MURMURER. ; The world is old and the world is cold, . And never a day is fair, I said. " I ' Out of the heavens the rnnlfght rolled, The green leaves rustled above my head, And theses was a sea of gold. ; j. The world is eroel, I said again; , tier voice is barsh to my shrinking ear, And tbe nights are full of pain. Out of the darkness, sweet and clear, There rippled a tender strain : Itinpled tbe song of a bird asleep. Tbatsanginadreaminabndding wood; i n shining nelus where the reapers reap, STATE NEWS. TJwdeb THE Cawtas. If the en- many of the large 'Proprietors kill tbeir own meat and j brew tbeir own beer. Each servant is allow !" r"!S UTL tirState of orthj Carolina bad ur iw " ouijiw4 -.r . I tieen searched from aa tn giaaae., wr Bou.eW-?- , ....y ta,tt gnitahle nl, for an I encampment for tbe military of the I I State could bave been tnnnl ihtn AN UGLY UlTT.ean Francisco I Seaside Park, on LOGAt NEWS. C11CUUTI3" LASSELT II THE COUXTIES OUILTORD. BOCXIVOn AM. OH AH Tixxx,ca.awci.PEBsoiir. Alva KAWCK. OBAHOX. CHATHAM. - BA. VIX ItT H. MOO BE, rOK- 8TTH.-DAVIDSON. BUB. XT AJID BTOX.X8 PlUaylTwaU, Patrick nd Haary CouatiM la VlrgiAts, i ADVERTISERS STICK A PIN HERE . ITnm the Daily Patriot rf BaUrdaJ w i 1 HE KATIEICATION MEETING, trvmen. arr o Y We are not a prophet rior the scion of a prophetic-iirc, but as sure as you arc born, "my couiji winning FotU Cheats tns GaUwa. I I Washington, r N. I 0., Jnrj ; 17 After all Potts cheats the gallows. Another sensation swept! over the city last night. A. Potts, Jr., 7,1, 5? KJOTLXH W$ at 8 o'clock, pur, Ude this time e second .ttopt to kiflThimself suant ? W cvitus announcement, p A . t . MQ i i.i..l Una Tlmup4li tritlttr vv. I Tt . K. n . . T... ... .. TT I auu RUWOMWt . AUUUV O I U ViUCK I "V f V I IVAriULI LLVLL.OI l.U . T A IK II n flllHtl . . . .: I. . . is probably the ngliestj city iu tLie Sound. The Park linclndes about ,eT5nlBf ne elndea "Jf0 r???" Wfth mottoes, ban- hardly realize the oi groumi, a part of i ,, "1 "A - ners and transparencies, ana es-1 ubstanstUl develonment M thU North Carolina, which is through the western batou her lace UUeldelorminfif beautiful grove the tents. &. .ar "'"W ABe.re "ucu lP00.60 sduare. under command of Chief. : r ,u.- ' ... f. band of man has left heavy, hid. stretched. The drilline and dres. ? anareeimg tpac the . n. , i . ... !.. ' l.:''" eons marks Her architecture is a narades will tt fu " mauer ana pnMio censure is naeiy T yaaicin vaiiey Kai way. , quick nightmare of gray wooden horrors; field, fwMch affords ample space pT1,8 1? - w 2 jPtnVef; i ?nl I1 down route to a choice of" markets must ner nouses lacKDotn paint auu dig-1 for Handling tbe trooDs. Within i street to tne railway depot. i. e . . i - ' I lindfllMl tiMrilh0 laicrht-. nf tha Park iafkl n'VC CO" reAdy lor DOnai, ap4 IWW lt. l.!, .A. .... t J. "cnci au ci-asca wic larmcr. . " I - " w ijai.u-i j j!- w I iuc-aiTiv oi i ne iwo trains Union, despite her- beautiful snr-j fifteen acres rounumgs, ner meat Biiuauon, ravishing water view.. Nature VJ-'rtSJ UnDplied her with charms galore, --. lit. i hnt mt hot- tana' tlia ilulnrminnr .na ioe gnuw wnera me oernes puep. i " " . v. mui ms. The world is false, though the world be fair, And never a heart is pure, I said, l And lo! the clinging of white arms bare. 1 he mnoceat gold of my baby's bead, And the lisp of a childish prayer. We gratifying and nity, and are all separated by the, omuipresent, hoases have been) built on the a T?,p . n5 v,e'f ine kj,. if i.ii ii !...! i I ai'jt uo mams: Almost tha entirn i conntv 1 bean uiun-uEir, bu urvvnuiuK ueuw. awuu Dear gidid ior ina ummnA. . .. t rr. 7"" . ;rL. i . . - - - -r . : . r i luiiA. A tali, wooden fence A Romantic Story Twelve years ago l Maurice Johnson, the son of .Lowell's wealthiest citizen, oaf n8e n rural was sent to Harvard to complete protects thewnnoV jindi gardens tbe fine hotel near tbe beach, boilt ing the nvitcd guests, .the - . L. rnJtU r - t ' U.1 i.ii r.i-,... . a viuiuiw I 1 1 AT Ml thA t.rAftTAiiv VflrillT A fail I nAraaMAN tati ar4 I f boob uas us ooyi uauon or me encampment. Just " rr--- --T " the flourishing villages and towns districts, where it across the Sound one mile Is r M i 'nafmac?t marched back up Elm street, the . . ... i.... A. mnilunH ! MrdU 1th fln bnt.i n.ihA Kk ZZ KJ t the first attempt, to de- L.-t..a..J . . ' Li between this point and Mt. Airy his education. On entering col- 0f tha resid-nta from tha "nnwl- hv!tih RAuf ltilTn-"" Btroy blmself. It was hoped that P''K? T" v""' is but the evidence 6( a sub.tanti.il -!fT- a.m! ? er incursions of roying cattjej ny phich is now open to the MZ,JVK? 135? .3 ?Ciacn5! JM?e,m prosperity destined to abUe with nuvu piawu uiui at vun ueiw oi uis i nut t is many a year since klne and I licJ . , ;mo. DUi u inenceaown ceue meaaewenue, :. - i .. i . set. An E unexDected financial ..ins h.VAin.mi ain : a 1 that the law would be la.lvenged.kt. UL La .t... ' J we people ol all that section. . - a m i o n iiiv uuf u wcu ifvi aaa a j Kcaaaa- I w cats irocu uia imer neany peoot-1 (jot in tbe 8a i r m m a iiiir naiin u a. iiiii'm iriavaa i . ab- a : a .7 is.w w - m . a-V auu mere is neuuer seuse uor ,ue usuat ceremonies. Ane read- K .j.i C-j .i.I -i.-i'fiL . Jl.i. .-'V ij.i nuan unci urou wuuuvk nuu IUOI WHCfC i inf SPCaKCrS Stand HaU . jr.. . . r i.i .. ... i the lawha clearlv showed in ! th hprinn !l W u" Kmh erwted. -l r ll , i r. I . . 1 FT I 7. 77 r ! . I ,""u6 IhA lit n Mii. hnrrillo tr I . rii ii iivmii v. m i ii 1 1 itMi iiHni. nun Hiirr ani . AaMA wm I -. a-p. . d ; w w ia uwtasvaKs v , : ! i fi? 'J: : - TlC tT. r . i . I. u fhi f j , aninuu iu iua yu;a wwaj hw w uyb r,f. i. AA k "Honi JJAniel O. iowle was in ,rj,e.."i"i. 1 -L hoU8n ? Francisco. J tern froHcor picnic This calling to- r-, r;-. - fiWnttt- trLlurJd tU tht erowd M h uiasn. ma juuiiK uiou w as v cities Have lonfl- sinen abandoned tretnep tlie troons tneana hnunan , f. . . . -ri cepted lover of Miss Nellie Chace. fences' except In some cases, where as it should Why ! call men from .not ,8af,?flea:. w"jWiat the cred cri t he square byMr. BJC. v nen JOIinson'S nnanctai COnoi alow, lace-like, iron railing is srJb store and farm and shon and nffi I '"'! w"ou auu hmum ; .o ea-i tf;.f ,V.V.Pr.Jrlnt of m! . . I J : a I - j i 4 ar w t. i i ' I ftMsa a, a .isaa : w ivi7 a iv(a wa i ion cuanged, me ratner ueciareu gtituted .and one can ride miles fori a dozen days at large expense u c"31' r L- Lw- VI.. ' Hie rv: Jati engagement Off, A dlBerent thronph the beantifnl i houlevanls nn ess some real .rood is to ml n n..ll m.. " . r . r 7 j i ;l u I-....P . . V7 . .7 1 , F ... T 1 uuuiobiiiwo iuwjuvui. iuo fIK ..U-y-V.n.n nH fifUnrr I ucooiieo muiD nuu iuc tin, , uut OI tjnicafro. uincinnatu lietroit. oriiroin ill i.;o..o, u i "'?J"W,M - : I : el. .u the penniless student was proud, Boston without seeing a fencefof i Through the courtesy of the 5 InoKfinlirf "d impas "V? . T Yf"""? ' . 1 lf 1 l uspvi iwi -a uav 3U1 9a , f J and he answered neither the letter My description. There vour officers iu command vour corres- f Wm I p- w ti.u i. jte.t &f Uim I Irtidarl vh KeP of tbe father nor the loving mes- Urronnda are aenarafixl from votir nondent obtained th official . I i. .:i : . jtA- I , . i - .L . . . if I One of the nronnVtor. rf 1n With the oiKKM .i h- -ii ;,;r.fh.:mJ. ?."V'.l'. .." ." JT . Pfopicjoi Axuiiiora inar. even, as af-i... it...-i ai.i ... .i.:- . , i uvajuw.o vwij vfj c , i" n jiuitui nuu wuiB. uici nas not yet oeen rendered, i ..: . - mi , l i-viiivm-ivv ivm i tmi coping, and tbe lovely ezpause of nyji as ! follows: The First Kegi- The evidence in brief as jthns far aoccsiors, over one nunorcu week that if all the j visitors to sage of the daughter. utmost determination he bent him seir to the task: or completing nis green and flowers stretches awaylmciit, Col. Cotteti commanding, given in, is to tbe effect thAt Bud yPars ago.had battled on this hisll whom Tic had promised roojns course. Tbe one who loved him so indefinitely, unmarred j by the bA? iu camp seven companies, Anderson J who is tin' custody for tone soil athiinst the evils I of should come in at lonce that he ruly he never saw until his gradu painted excrescences which render nutnberinir two hundred and eierh-Uh rrima .a. r.,.H iiit k . 7 .. A J mold not unn!v h-m! hit M,. lugubrious as tAe. ty x men. Mr. Porter tor some barbecue, nisr.T " . . I must remember that a summer re- . ii.. i. I . Tk. l : . lit I . . . I it' rkliii nlilarlv IawIiv acrain.r a ........ He studied medi ctue aud went to Jiew rork. out 1 tifnl lawna was far from realiziug the success I aced backs no nopeu i 10 aiutiu. Lie woraeu with a will, but at last became I Mexico thoroughly disheartened, lie took Do we want Summer visitors, 'too, havcturn ed their faces I this! way in large numbers this season. 1 U, Airy, with the contiguous White Sul phur Springs, has enjoyed-a steady influx of gueSts jfor jthe past month, a&d the hotels and boarding-houses, in the aggregate, can count their arrivals by the hun- his" the drcd. -Stokes county Post say atiug day. and then, remembering Lnr rriMtjt t only that her family bad. scorned Uhadow of convent walls, which The Second Kegiment, Col. W. wherenhort Anderson abrisad him nloUd plilartxi- to-day against him in his misfortune, he did uoi I neither adorn nor defend, but sue IC. Jones commamlincr. has five in iann anA i .till mnr wofiil vil theKenu! . ...t. i n .:i . . . 7 . it i . . " . 1'" "-'"g, -"f..v, "nr " r i., wr. no Bwuicu mcui oesstaiir conceal tbe really beau couinauies. numbering two bun- t.nmH with iaH iinnn in hi. i: ...t.u i. -,i:. ... . I - " I - .... v. I wnakw I " w.w 1ILAII I H. 1 .V. .1111 11. BUI LU1IE Mil .5i. i: 1..1. .1 iji. i ..n.i ..in..tn An i. . . . . . ; j . i : r , uiuu no ucuiuu wifir mm uu uiuwccu uicu. nana ano wnen a pooo ontortnni. i t i- i.. The Third Begiraent, Col. J. D. ty afforded itself-whild jPorter n?COU7 TtU misruic, seven was bowed over bisLtray clittingi a travagance ana corrupuon. j n piece of barbecue struck b3m and this view of the two; parties Judg cially earnest an rapidly ran away to the fcojrneriof Ur'nivUfurai w... . nf . t . .1 ' . .1 -i " s " -T - joon ana wain uc f streets, j wnere txL -uii 'La he changed nats with a friend of ''O'f' carried his audienc i.i i his nametl Tjonc and af terwarda re. with htm in Unabated interest t i. . . J ' e ..J ?J..l.i ine ciose oi juogc rowici tnrnprf t.n thn scpiip' of. thv killiiic I .1... to . i . t ' .1 f r i ri " rr Mc viusc 4-ioui bucso ugurcsyou see mere as iiorawn tuere witn me crowd sort hotel is like an omnibus or street car, it never gets so full but . another can get in.) We expect a large crowd here; the ; latter part . of this month ant) through Au gust; other places! arc easier to get to,, but when iyoujget there you do not find the same delight ful nights and days,' beautiful . scenery and health! giving waters that we have here. I " Glenn commanding, has Good Neighbor. I companies, numbering two hun Mexico! i'erhaua it dretri and thirty iiiiih. to unuK, anu nnaiiy orougnt up m would lie bard to make the man i'ourth; Kegiment. Col. J. T. An ft 1. I (V 1 a. h.xbma. f jlnli mt m I ft ft . I . t h . . m uusjjiuii uu vi tjteno m uDium ji i wuo Uas ever oeen mere under- momy i commanding, nas seven reuieus. Ibere be met a pnyi I stand that we do not It is a rich cobanauies. nnmberiucr two hun cian in wuom ue recognized au oiu country, and will develop yet great- dred and nine men classmate, aud by his aid he was er wealth. It erows every fruit ou resioreu w ueauu. rimi, a- nd croo crrown on the izldbe. arei nine bund red and fifTv-thraelthat nhaKui n vail iimmaHi new with ambUion and courage, he portions of it grow four crop atmen. This does not include all of Utely recognized by severil wbo address, Mr. W. RJ Land, Corref I VALLEY AND, Its 0fHci:ks A Wfiit tit a Npw Knirlann ritv. Hh I ...... ' nr ' Ar iJn hti.Affinon .wi i l . ? ni i .iiL a I .- i .7X1 l .. ... I . .. ..... . ---- - m . i i wii i j ui w u i ui" it u i 1. 1 1 v uuibci o auu uiuoibiaus. i an v mm arri an rnrrflp h rill r-n ri nn 1 M . n w..i..i...d Mr .w VA..nri ....nAni.nf ai vma iiim mtAn Ugah,d,l1repceHeutrp. ; oi. , beD. or pei.p.,- (! trge crd, irtMri tta .S-K 2T utatiou as a puysician i anu weuc continues to do so. too. vear after dress narade this afternoon, and nial nma rr T. Am'rar 1 fhia la aciiut-iativ. mu, jhoshit i..mWVi, - .v,..,, v-w.. jack to Lowell. One day, ou en- U-ear for centuries. Bv Ivine so! far I exbressed themselves as beinir rh AvidpnnW in hrif nf otlUf thA ed to ithe eloauent sneaker, in a I visiting this section of; the State termg nis omce, ue iounu a sum- outh it will never, no matter un proud of our State Guard, and most nrinrovoked and brutal mnr fr4r rmartr. of vrrllrnt titl and the cnuntrv west of u. nava The Cape I Fear & Yadkin iiioiis io aireuu a iauy, wuoae case, ijer wuat rule or circumstances, th note said, was very urgeut. become like the Unitedl Statesiin lie hastened to the bouse aud habits, customs or wavss of think- there fouud tbe woman whom be in?. Mexico will, howei a i - . a? TT I i - : . j nati toveu in earner years, ue make a irood neichbor. l'resid( well tbey may be, tor finer look- better ilnlled soldiers would be hard to find. I ders of; the several that have of , m,ffn:i;n frtilrtwinfr wli:drv..l nm. been perpetrated in I f 1 J L.u.TrJ. JLlimr to .h. mrrit. of ritSn i and i uuuucl, uciii,ii vi tuc uuio mi j..!....... - with' i in of stimulants aud: narcotics in or tbe other forma 'b 'wLTch' they tfaHLIe:' lK KKLK-taiVlCRS : Mi:xr. - lnr tin. inliireil MUiatrr to tlij i public ot Libe rives a gU.iiv liicture of tbe "liiMof affairs in that unhappy With a total valuatiou of 'ta proper ofouly A 1,000,000, wreruiueiiti carries a bonded (aaiooutiDg to twice as much; M"J uo mbers less than 500 rk a bo ii 80 H-r cent, are ofli "M;ot tbeeounties there are t utitM t jlH all tbe ofHces, 1,f others there are just about t u gu around; there are two j uf the legislature, the an " u.o lasjing two weeks, and --"-Vll UIIIU HUVHkWJICC "apt.l, et pag rii.ljLr uiinl. ""'riiiueut i si Tbe republic is m e of iucoaipetencyi aud wortblessiieas u I'art of both tbe rulers and lwi.e. uapp,.!, 0 UjTe Very tKHj hJa for Urlieviug that Taylor Uherii "uujlvr a cloud," aud 7ao-aeaus in;rlormed well bis du . . the represeutalive of the WaJ Sutea i iu relatious with t Las bwn paleut for years "llL Irtihlic of Liberia is a UUe faijure-anj, alas! the from the day of emauciM we know, are addicted (to the u are known to medicine , and com m tnerce. Indian hebip, tbe letel niit, epper'rort, oojn, alooliol, etc, are are all brougljt into service -to atlsly tbe craviags of a strange bodily appetite-J-and alcohol, in some shape, moskof mil, Weds not say that, bec4tosetbi is in aecoril ance with the delnands of an'im Ierfect physical nature,, is right. j Some men win commit Uieftunder tbe pressure of jternptatioo, and others will do in order under the' im pulse of bad pbssons but none the less should the law mete out their proper punisbnwnt to these crimes." ISut so long as mu are weaji wuu "the carnal mindJenmity tbTGxxlVl no party anu uo J set or nieii can legislate poor falQble bamanity in to perfection. 1 ; What sort ot virtue that would - . . i .... -be which is suMtaiiiel under- coer- cion making me ft mere negative" machines, not doing iUbecnnse they have lost the powferof frea ageucy was once very forcibly' illustra ted by the late loratk- Seymour, the Governor of:iew A'ork. and .diiiaii J' i a A a a w X . , afterwards Democratic candidate for therPresideuey, which we'(WiIl repeat in his owufwords: ' " During roy first administration, Mr Delavan 'who built tke'-Dela vau House iu Albany), the great ajxistle of temperance in -his day, came to me to ex pi-ess his dissatis faction with .the existing statutes which punished ;iueu tor . selling liquor uuder cerf;aiii circnmstaii ces, making them amenable, and to urge morp positive legislation I said to him: 5w1 ynpjiose you could be satisfied, audi thai you could get a perfectly effective tem perance law that ctuld be executed, aud thal by way (if supplemeutingj or adding to its efficiency you eonld 1 put the man wboihad been lutein I angaisit-on nu ioe): vvvuais tue Derate under circu.uistaiM.-rs- .whare mattef, old fellowT bomebody be would labor; iiidustrinusly 'ity d dead!' Iibinson (crnsbiug tele- regular', engagejiu uo evil con j grain In both hands) some- veHun, go .to ebun-li twice on body's alive; l- thunder;, jTwinis V every quarterly return; disputable ! facts ami figures de monstrate the onerous burdens en dured W "tbe lieople ni the tribute pai(J oh all thet necessaries of life but. that tribute inut remain on the iMbr inafTs' comforts, his sugar and coffee,; tbe toolaOf his daily labor, the iiery savor -of his coarse food, ilevertjiel'ess. And for what end ? Is there one single argument iu favJr of all this which appeals to the judgment of the people? Do justice fairness, consideration tor the rights of the labofing man de maud it t Not so. ('all the roll of the pioiiiinent politicians who have been chiefly inatruuieutal in placing the national Keoublicau ticket in the uVid; read! the list 4f the news pypeis which are strong in itsadvo- jac.i ; 'linmber the monopolists, : tbe 'trustj and 'combine!" mauagers -who are coutributiug tbeir money i ,71 ! . to it8.Humortr and it bears on its face the stamp of its patronage It is the rich man's ticket, the off- . . t : i '. I. -i lf '"1 overbearing ovt rgrowu eapital;.lt;isthepet Ofthe Motie'- Devil j sent forth tot ppiess jaud destroy, and.;its head quarters are ituiauu-.i j ; . J- Tiiii Occupations av Woxen. Of the 2.047.000 wonien iu occu rmtiofw in the United rStates, 505, IKHI are engaged in agriculture moat Of them colored women in the Southern States; GJ,000 are in mauufactorieit, of whonl about one half are in Nw York,! Massachu setts and; Pennsylvania; 382,000 are ruiliiiiers: etc., and'50,000 are tailors. r(Of tbe forty four occu pa tiou a recorded. ,;iAS "iHrsonal ser yice,''forty have Jwouieu on their rolls. ' The o'25 females surgeons of 1870 have; increased to -,743, sed his best skill to restore her to ealtb, aud, after bis professional services were uo longer needed, be continued his visits as tbe lady's accepted lover. Tbey were mar ried a few, weeks ago. ii ftijly 6rcsentleito his audiencl bestowed, ap'd no one who has Bkingimo Up a Peince. The late Emperor of Germany was al ways a very sensible man iu the several late years WavtiH ennntv hv whit ntn. Mexico will, however, in fiine I Brevet Lieutenant Col. Carl A. thus far. every, single villain of Greensboro Mi 5 I of Greensboro whom wc-all know a good neighbor. iPresident vVpodruff, 2d Artillery, ofUhe those who peruetrated thd dee-la It vir x? 'ur. .u JJ to be well worthv of the nralsc 11ia !la frii.n.llir In rhia nntlrtii TTniitfd SfntPM Amir ilmoilpil : tA l.. ;i.lflU -lLw -1 Si111' J' i V Y "l"15" S"v,-T . i. f .' . .. . ! .i!-.' .. . .l . wnicn, undei a good deal. There should still further increase of the ican population there, who. and customs, will make money. ft j r. - ft J f .' f , ' " n1" significant facts, which placec American bouses have started and failedj but tbey failed because jthe managers insisted that tuings endly to this nation, I United States Army, detailed to has gone unwhipt r Mexican rnle. means I visit and insnect ! onr troons. is I thinrh:th lanr h aoAmlntVlv w i I . : I I .u.. vu.,u m . j v i ' I I . . . . . . . iu pea uepe, me, guest ot neau quarters, tied the question or then: guiic jvuj. a. linger, dupcrintenaeni wsuiuu1;.iifiVUMi1i.in,,i, Anier- Uis expressed-himself as highly Argulj I ; jj; j i of Public Instituction. whose speech them will decline to endorse the ', when pleased iwith our military. Cor. H. M ' " r: d " l- , ' 1. j i ' I .Ammnt,AJ m.nt; r i,:- Ihaflts ofitheWetc Observer. - UA Hm"r P"! was replete with strong argument commendatory mention j of. his Til. Riirampine.it. subordinates. ! As to tiic road, it tv:i.:..nn xr r r r..i in I Kate tjroanv. coiortMl. at this nlaiA . i 1 1 in i ii i; ii'ii , uuit I ... T. 7 ; ' I the North Carolina State Guard on the ?lst or May j last, a6d wai r' ;3 Ins children came to bim aud said: I bad not failed Vour Highness. I must complain of the little Prince: be refuses to I The Night Life have bis face washed in tbo mom MEN. One mgbt often destroys a is in ing. 1 I whole1 life. Tbe leakage of 'Does het" answered tbe Crowu night keeps tbe day forever em Prince. Ve'll rem-dy that. Af Night is sin's harvest time. ter this let bim go unwashed. sin and crime are committed iu "It will Im ilnne." aaid the i?ov- nitrht'than in all the davs of ernor. i weekj This is more 'empba ically Now. the sentries bave to sa true of the city than of the cp lute every member of tbe royal tn . The street lamps, like a fa in i I v-children and all whenever I of soldiers with .torch I in b; they pass.! Tbe day after, tbe lit stretch away in long lines ou ei administration of accomplished and; has' yet to ac- aind Sute affairs complish a great workf.ir tlic gifted with ajfine people of the State; we rejoice in i - . . . .'.I;. :..'i I ,.r ' i . . . ..a a . n m am .... 9 m w wnmm a l. aaa l v aat i v. a. a. . ua .... ar.v the State is present. Thousands Uieernor bavjog respited him -.-"M . " - Vr ' ' , that mtr iiiiin iuis inue. xue uanirinir was i wtu uuuer uuuiiui, auu is r j"v, ,vi r . .:in....,i kd. L; ....i. M i . . I . 1 II . s.i-.:c.i t..:i. iu..:.. a lartre crowd ol cs arc lucniiucu wuu nvii I a :. . . . : . a. J . - I . . w - a manaffemeiit if hi bousehold. aul should be doue tbe Americau why is low ill annual eucampmeut an convictea tne sameweekc pj Jodge I both national s was ably seconded uy ui wife, and not the Mexican way. Ilj It On one occasion the gurernor of I would have been a. miracle if they 1 . d a ia.ftft-:iaia m -m- o m n m i . aa - i . i. - a. 'it n a . t i i arr m iui nan rrnt innai rha mw m m: ue was HOiy seconded uy uis wiie. and not the Mexican iway. it riguivuie oouihi, eignt mites - "bv-uu u aiaj. ringer is sy iroim mis city. Kvery company in uuf f: L luXiri 'an a walK' wuu ins governor.! as parencies are aoiaze wilu aitiii-ioein oeupie io me ther nassed a seutrv box. where a I tiousi the saloon and billiard halls j the Hammocks. The 1 . " . ' - I ' . a ... . ' . i - 1 a- . . a the 7 lawyers! to 75, and the 65 clergymen to 10.. Of the 122,000 laundries 108100 are managed by women. I - CtTt7rSh?EAKiNO.-t4My son, yon's&iMiM be more careful in your speech. It is just as easy : to be right as to be wrong. And you eliould be mere studious. While you were runaing about' town last night I was burning the midnight dit-i- i j j i . .'pfo yen wasn't." . , AxthhC dci you meauff i "I liitjan that you .-should be more dprrt-ct in yonr speech, father. You were burning gas, liot oiL It is jus' 'as easy to be right." ( Bro.wu .(to., Bi'binsoil, who is reading a teleirraiu with a look of irrim soldier stood, the mau stood are brilliantly illuminated; music riirid without oresentinu arms. I sends forth its enchantment; the The litrlH tirince accustomed to I irav comnaiiv beizius to gather! at universal deference looked i dis pleased, but said nothing. Pres ently another sentry was passed guard! Tihey refused to salute me wheu I passed!" i i "Ah! my soil," said the Crown pnuce." j After that the boy took a show er bath every morning. the haunts and bouses of pleasure: tbe theatres are wide open; the mills Of destruction are grinding Neither did this one crive a sicru o health, honor, happiness; hope, out recognition. The little prince an of a thousand lives. Tbe cityuu grily spoke of it to bis old governor der tbe gaslight is u t the same as and thev nassed ou. And when under Uod's suuiignt. lneauure fh. wnllr was tiniMheil. unit tlifv I mpnti and Deri Is and nitfalls of had met many soldiers, who none I night are a hundred fold deeper of them saluted tbe prince, tbe lit- aud darker aud more destructive, tie fellow dashed in to bis father. Nr'gbt life in oar cities is a dark exclaiming: "Papa papa you problem, whose depths and ab.ysses m-nst. whip every man in jyour and wntripoois maae ns start uacit with horror. i Aa lplum KmuKgler'aXtap. 1r llnmn Mi.h .tlllv 10 Prince, "they do rightly, for clean rBMt -)lt TTllif., s,t- n-outv soldiers never salute a dirty little MorKol s,j,, .abin T.iln the opium smuggler, back to Indi anapolis, and about 8 o'clock, when the traiu was near Utjon rnnniiitr about twentv-five miles an muusu liiiuni. iu a Krefci,nP i.ahiift wont to the water house thirty or forty in-door; ser- tnkj to et a drink. Me oneWd vauts is a common number, and ot the amj ieaped from the train, ten there are as many more in tbe Xbe marahal followed. lA horse stables, and still as many others aud jonggy were waiting alobg in the garden, or the 'glass," as aide t the track for Labelle, Wio 1 .A... ,ll.l .fBa a . iue couservaiories are caneu. uug iumpHl In. and although MtUd nobleman tbat 1 knew waa master cnffed to-tbe river bank, 4-l.n L.r.nv.la rwtA IrAvvt a a v fart f-wr I . ' ... a' t h Ll ui luc uuuuuo .uu tiv """'j two miles distant, at a ureaaneca horses, and for every two horses a 8peej George Geel, wbb liveH" mau. At an entertainment in the tbe veT i)antf rowed bim to fjart country a sort of pageant or play adaM The marH,al got to I the I heanl some one say that a hnn- riverain time to see the boat land on the Canadian shore, j j Young Geel is under urrestj for aiding a prisoner to escae, sbut claims he is innoceut. The ofli ijiers dred of the servants came into the great hall and sUkxI behind; tbe guests; the remaiuder were ou du ty elsewhere. Several times," in Urge establishments, I asked! per cession to visit the offices; and tbe kitchens and still rooms and scul leries, the larders and laundries, think tbe whole scheme arranged. was How a Dahkev Dodged Tiik bre- the guu rooms and plate rooms Issue. -'Deed, Miss," said and brushing rooms, the uouse- (addressing tbe daughter, j "yon jis keeper's rooms, tbe pantries! and I look ui miirhtv oeart. you is, ap' the servant's hall, made a labyrinth -j trrowHl a hii? 'oomau. too. since ! I of labor difficult to explore. Iu fnat kiiowd vi. An' dar's yo m'iid makiug the rounds I was taken to der. too. La'wd! Lawd! 'stonisbih the nurseries and the school rooms, I bow swart she looks. 1 aiu't g wine for tutors and governesses are ! ou Iter say datyou look's 'a old's) yo Iv a bieher sort of servant in ring- m udder, but 1 'ciar it am a cert land. Tbey live and eat apart I fack yo in udder looks 'a youn from tbe gentry, and often get less MM(?'j waces than valets and ladies' And the courtlv old coon chuck mails. I saw, too, tbe bedrooms Jed softly as he resumed bis shovel. and tbe linen rooms and tbe rooms j ! i where the maids were makiug up Gen 'William C. Wickbam.jpfres clothes, all rising when their mis- ident of tbe Chesapeake and upio tress entered. I visited the sta railroad died suddeuly yesterday l.le . and the carpenter shop, even morning of apoplexy in his j office excursion coach of the road was filled with the Wilmington Light lulantryi in which v. II OJ L-acy,ho forth, road oarade uniform, under command accompanieu uim, reau iuq ouriajiuiic uwiL t (.wihuviijii. are gentlemen ol lug" cuuorc ana of Cant Daniel, this being the first ii, wuwu.mI;ivu TWpra painting anu rnciont. cits tnorougn-goingorinaroinu.iiii. , 1 . I rtMiatrin tvhan aatrnii if tin hail I 1 ' ' '. . . . . ..It.- I . i ......I con pany iu camp, ; ' .TT? " A i r. r7.. r Lcr.I.M arguments aite incisive, his points 11 p i vn .w. , - .1 i . I i - ...:. . . . .11. and to nave Business wuu m ni- jfjCapt Dauiel,'tbis beiirg the first service, concludiui iwith pfayer. 4wjrd paiutirig :o, panyLiu camp, f!jf feJ irgument t aJe Jtt tner rontano rnncess streets i jj !"e---j r fii,!1i uIii i-,i..n h; ancrdntM ana 10 nave dushicm wmi u- mh deU there was ; a great gather- "anted every oue to tak0 framing Always wf;en, his ceri and agent. No chilling for '..r . . I m v n An Ivalliiti an ft tn tnOilf I I -.t ...t.?V. Ul-I V. .... kI. ia lull I ftrm I ... - - 1 of i-iviliahs and sohliers tlironc the QF loUNO camp aud vicinity. Wilmington -wuuesseu u uc i-uumuu sitwyiv tstronff before a: large crowd ol a flutter of bunting, the wff- ! ; f 1 .. ' Uiool M , ' A word as to President Gray. the buildings being handsomely dec-1 yj" ?UKOUaJ. , . f .i op- - j ... Li.. , J lit only requires ' frropcr inform.v y. orated.! The Sea Coast Railroad was administered wj tne con- . ... -f th: history of this same : ia . ' : ! a. a. a. i namnwi man nv inn ruir. i it i i M - k vkfA aa.tA niatant i . w ore company is runuing iweuiy iwo .i; w..ulu.i v. f -'-"-f Iroad. of the almost insurmount- que trims per day to carry the visit r1'1?5"" wis handsoiiiely introduced b able difficulties hcThas overcome ; rf IO ?? - e"Cam,-m enl 1 He tn frim me ah about Iarringer. His speech in his heroic and patriotic efforts. H H .umioar nf Thnru ar Thn lillICO UUWIUO Ul VOW II, wuert lUBIacm Tin VftifC i.i ... a a vi I 1. n Icmllnwa had Iwfr flToil. Aflor .! .! .. ' .. .1 j to nnisn up mis iiiai -.,.-:.nMrnin on me or acoast xv. iv. --- 1 7: ? J. , iDleasiQt? fbonhommie. . COmoineu I l .uj l-.k.u.-.ih-J . il i . t ; i-. .... 1 r i mnniiEirifr in seiiiiTnio. sriium nn r . 1 1 uuiiuiiil: nic.iuctui, i r i . uei i vMHien ii aiLeruoon carrieu louri .n ? t t- i .l, l i lli. 7 i. . r .- .. .... li : . . i iu. .1... ....... i ...i ,r.ko.i r..ii f :... nai iu u wilu lup uliuubi uuuiiiutuic.uii - r o ot ihi - - rie vear oiu prince weut'ouv ior i eiucwaia, iuo kjt uuhmcu hio- ji,iiri nm ui nonius anu icoi i ... ii. i 1 r tf i i ,l' '. ' lr i j f L. I kt i r :iJ. i V :,ii. rOUDU aiKl lO I 11VVJ tV bUtV l V U JWIUICH I llfciaill IHIi iMIIIUVlllll VIIJIMIllfc I H.vi.wii v. ... ... friends and I asked tnem to prav u' u- a l Carolina. And nis siiooriiinaicH for him. which) tbey aid. after ,J . . . i.. 1 and assistants, who have U-orkcd inr of admirers whilst on reaching na "7 to ? oewer auoi to meet tot wnicn Jill later arrivals was D,L?r"P- Jl.. i I k - 1 J . haversack is full ... a . 1 m m mt 4 I P - I I I , the Sound the first symptoms of nim m a uetier lauu, iee...? o-sur frrtsistibly ludicrous, without the great excitement which char Hf f .par.oa.eu .or ; , . j , hc M Wills, with them. No repulsive airs arc ! f i ' ,, . ! ... .1 It.... -II acterized tbe mAnifestJ The drop lell at i:20 ofcljock this he cafriel the delighted listener put on by thembut they, arc a I ; , Baggage wagons and convey- .fternoon. Atl:the pu at be wth him in a! burst of mofing r'od Xient f lees of "every description mean- I FLrTnr eloquence tie will be a power ,y and ef5f! . L . i ne flitted to and fro bei ween tbe . P0e t H.1 P$ hoart Uljc L-L I nu Tnn rrri kfv -VVM.ivc beat. At 1:27 be died without, a " mcww .aii.a. v ... . ances time flitted to and fro beiweeu tbe cainps and station. Interest and expectation ran high aud at every toot of a whistle there was a gen eral break towards tbe station. Soj tbe afternoon waned, while in nu.nnfi all ar aa Imatltf- rl Old a fairly fluttered in responding to,on aBd the demands made nxn bim. I ! TIih urriral anil installation of the I freely officers in command was the chief I wre single struggle, and at 1:40 jwas cut down, i The arrangement for car rymgouttne law all its details. On tbe 21st of 1 1 last cratic nominee Ilous mj a very with great entl)ust4 for so many years amid countless i U J obstructions and d scoufagemcnts. e.mj manner in a to finish this cjigaritic work of , . malities of red tape ceremonies o" have to be overcome in dealing t. Morehead, Demo- met many excellent people ih our r f - ...... I ainnil trlr avt-ct nf ( .rcrn i- f f j then called hpon, and responded boro. and especia ly we have been Mai. strong speech. More pleased with the acquaintance! Kate Crosby kojt on a 1;, more are we convinced every made of many farmers in ;Stolcrv,T ",K"UC1' ih"" Pdavthat the Fifth district has the surry, occ. ongraiuiaun ; in -Mountain and ?V hJt VP" fC the iospcrity and rapid increase ; in a room where sortie men nian in tne neiu to acnicvc . -f .. ,t ft; nH. ; of Teuts. I Thb feature pfibe afternoon; whilst the were playing cards, and lloaston dijmption, artd relegate Browcr to bor0t a Surry county tobacco , isauancebf camp supplies gave a pointed bis pistol at one fof the ihe deilghtful shades of private planter informed tis the other day, lusiuess like appearanceto the City ,n fl,s tlmn 'amV it lfe- I Ml 1 ! that hc found no fnarkct in North ; A!fwjr rr ted with bim for so dhisg. lie !" ! - ! . . i. 1 i-.i.. I t (caned ber .nil t5'?..j'! L fi l!r1 T. . f KSStata irdtooS i"hUi MlLITABT TN,-Th. W , K2 'i'-f-p". than th thclbuyc i ii rr aiinani rnn n nmn " - i - ir.enAntAiuht-h rvirirarn lnr rrru-wi l . companies escaped, but was arrested by po- Hrw "T" 7" " " -7 ne said, are ac today and licemau Maroney and Stewart that sense anc accurate political judg- pleasant in ma instou acd evening and lodged injal.i Hons- imentiwhich is always to bd ex- satisfactory in i.nd Greensboro military companies .escaped, but was arrived here at 12 m and file,! each about thirty men. The F I iL I carried about forty men. Out of five commissioned of ficers, tbey carried but one, Maj penitentiary. The Preiw Conventlun rs, a m. rwn.ni rw anri i rwp.iiiiiv nuu iuukcu a aa laaa.t mm. u aa b - i ii.c.il j left at xue iuswu auu - ---- - - - IF . . . L . i.,.,. .i,..l...l ...w... Ornshoro eomnanies bad rank I" uau serveu one tei. .u vue rjCCtcd WOtll this Old and tried T ... "T" " leadef Atlantic Hotel, Morehead City, Womisini? tb lend nis efforts In r r"' l"f JT. ,VV inlv in -The following jWere ! to- !. i 7.-' J . J j ! Uampoeii, toe tour captaiuo weiug - ' 7'" 7 " : r as -ki',,.. line apprpacning campaign, unavoidably detained at borne, -so aayiecieufomcers oi wie a oriu . j j . thi 3rlCrnrr - ... , I'jnA ina pniflB a aanc'.iar larir ithju . ... iHni ikuv rrn rut, nail i v mrarKfi. i " - r the butchery and the brewery for iu Richmond, Va. i . i - i . Z'JLXSTZ .r;;r.:aJ dents. J A Thomas. C f Donde- Ta'niW t field in J W W.; McDiandid; sec: ranK r r " 1 mnrv and treasurer. J 11 iSherrill Rand at carryings inner uu ,.. nf H.l iPnnL Tim Ut .1.7.- The Winston and ureensooro v r"'r"-T TIV TiT- l!ine parwcipauon oi smmi- Iiovs looked well in their handsome ."L .""."il tion. n . - . a . h insrnn b raaa a rpaa: btiisi ai ii saaB w j w blue uniforms, but leaving patriot niicr, prompt anil their transactions. cased himself on. ac- f. c tount of the lateness of the hour, the very highest' market Kwin.l all bot two7 Maand Went, Tbad. i Bj Manning, of the 'large inumbfcr or the members of orderly sergeant. i Xbis is deeply to "euoersou ,,o. i'"- the Dcmocrktic Club, now in the its people, saying: I t ra t ' . 4 S . i . r. . . 1 i ine democratic convention oi Kinston Free Press; chaplain, Pvev4tlon. n a paay. in tne procession. thc Jth Congressional District -a.a 'Wft B a. l 1. II Z ia.k.Aa.. fc. 1 Jam arftr any a LT w a a a I V 1 W " . ft . . . I . r r. 7 . .K '.,,i' orun thn 1 1 K Jaw, or tne tijnarioiie jviironr-1 mc raumiaiiuii. ,wi "b" i neia at orcensooro iasi wcck B7M 'nrofoir the 17iaV TUO f I'L I I u,cl "'"J-"' '"! !'"- - -", I was lildlllVIII m -r.inwia4 I iivuiiiiaivu xvri. . .1.1 i. Hr.ii lot the? ntisuuro. rwcoru, urawr, ;. -t-i.-..j . r..n rjt nead ior concrrcss. in we "Tlu'r V WLonff.ofthe Winstoi Senti- T. T J i V . 7 . "T T think the convention iaitid wise- v - I. S"ia' -ft.r W I S0fl WnVV r"- ITT : "V till rfl 7.1. ... '..a . a u,h i "'i - i .17 q y wnuc wc wouiu navq ciucr- 'a. l...aHa.i I , ml A. I.-. 1.' . A I a I I .. I . . ' - . a. I 4 .1 iit anticipation of a glorious time. YTr;;' ..' . ul.J Wr..tll r v i t v y muy supponeu cimcr oi ,ifi ;ui vv.-.viii .TnunaL " v t -puj '"r'S I we noted the fact I that our i best rent emen whose names w ere J -- I Y T I T II aJ II..I. iltlfl w : IX t, I , ... r- j i iHcibee. u n uiau i failed la Make Ilia Appearance. Burkhead. ! l-'l f1. :t i on o..Mi Tha u nn uu I oration was deliver Shelhv. N. C. July 20. Several hnn.lred of the best citizens were ed to-ui present here to-dsy to bear W. T. tbe Durb Walker, the third party canuuiaie for Governor. He failed to come. people were most refined and prominent of a to give prices. TiiEv Pkoplk's Ciioick. The Danbury Reporter-Tost, j one of the best-balanced and well-furnished newspapers in thc State, H well satisfied with the Democrats Congressional nomination in the l: t aa. !-1 fat . - . I . ranks, ol tne urays ana tne cornet - . t i, . AV ightsville. prevented ""1 ?n? P" v? there,! including the mentioned. CoM Morehead was md prominent ladies, choice, of tbelneoplc r Stokes; .iuuiwm...v...... i il.:.!. ..l.l, . Uttlll t li" lli I I , .IL !J -11.. -V.1 u.a I .l. -u . . ii. n.Arh. aiong tne iuewi, " est man in tne isinn Sng for Washington viaGrensboro. seated in tah-iages hcjrc and there i i ; : : H I - i ! I' I- - , I f f I 'man to beat Hrowcr." and thc ..1 i'-. H ' r ; '1 I'l. ;;-'i ! "I I 1 '. ; v !"j '! ' -'i'l '"'' '..-f"!' ! : - ' I J I "i I . . ! . t 7 . -. - . . i .: ; - .. -i ..!:..-. : - i: - . i . 1 : i -. " 1 . f ' L ' '- - ' : ' ' ' ' MM m

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