0 . a. . .1 m Kr ,' J-Smrcin,T the EntiPB l S'joii Meaium I or ,ac- temre a Proaper- A- ' ! . .- --f VI I d - I I .1 - i a " M a. . 1 ill' Ii ijJL- ai -J 1 1 ' I nil 1 1 u - ,,,k-, t; If :!?! iuly !-: 1 v i',', -! s ii:n"-s .-at It" I : Yf I - ! i IT 4 I i i i" i i - -i l " ri ; r . . . t - - . . i. a. T- - t s", '. : , ''""'f' . . . ' . . ' ' l i u ? I - " - -. ' :1 . r" i i ' : : : : ' " ; : "7 ' ! ' ' ' 71 ; I i It : r . rr - : i . 1 ! : : DEMOCRATIC SUPREMACY FOR THE GOOD OF ALL, AND A DEMOCRATIC ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTERED BY DEMOCRATS. GREENSBORO, N. C, FRIDAT, ATJGUS 10, .1888. i- ITJ W. WHITtHUD, Edltir rHtv TERM 9lJi0 rr Tmt, UBIOT THE CCUXTIEJ Oil) .-! H-r I ! at-l-i- i.;ii.i'v i ii-: ' i"4.h-:u t ri ; i-i ! ; . t viT t hriaHW fur a pippin; i.iu-T- tor n n.-iiiit-. .J;.'AT1MC)T. 1 GCJST Ilk. 1.SX8. hk;i:tiii:i!." A. ;. ,,.'". :i time wbrf tbf tuur cJocly for tin- 'rv;it ',poiiO!uic iif day, ami :lpljmff t:ljxment to tlie to thcai. i!.jthi HUtii;i;!. ' .in mi-'ii mrlv it iiuarter I .Vvun; i iHar elapse, tin - v..iiTlK-i ji.'arly every i.- titiif- of-thiH Ij'i ana f it-;! !t-.f'' t iower, ;;in oe jl. up it : ;;m mvvi HowiiiR t.tiMVmi l projMir- i ! tin iroveni- p.iiit(-m nt It--l-5.lt HI1 wIiM-h s v n s i-rii's nf 'rnonopoly, ! - 1- til.- jionuml itinu of enormous iiin tli- IiumIs of u few men, .ie lr is !isrontented, ojw i. .T.I Wi. .in -it' nil T i1-" "l'r silence the nu- ,,-t a"'i ' i 1,1 omission and i u-. 'i! i hr national Ilepuli- ibfity Millie in inwei! 4 kA.H.' n-iice to the !eutunus of j-.ie lor relief from the Imr j..f taxation, seetional legisla- t out. Jiut when the democrats prowise iich Mligb f lntj I miorta nt reil actions on thc-poor nit's oV.ls a'j.l necessaries the err goea up trotn. the Money Djvil,' tie Pluto craU, the Monoo iliHr.-, tljeir news laiH?r orffiirts ami-toot.rt "Free Trai!e." Hut people are j net nuch ikI as the pr'jtectiMfli.its ive them credit for lieing which time wilfprove. I , S : The WinHton Union publican, a" republican oran from heaU to footi denounces Iirowei editorially this week- for voting : with the Democrats ou the Mills lull. .Con tinuing it says : - j "Hon. John M. Urofr, nomi nated and elected to th Iloaso of representatives by the Ittibublicnns of' die oth listrjct, !i.-nreffanling the l oitivo declaration, of the-convention, has arrsyeil himsfclf -with the democrats and has' voted for the passage of the-Mill trill. ""With Mr Grower's njotives we have nothing to do: nttf caa we 1 . ISP l - prtHiici wuat eneci uis course may have upon the election We be lieve he will gain but fw if; any Democratic votes, aud ye are as Kiirwl he will lose ivepubjican ;snp port. Mr. IJrower cannot expect -Kepubtican-i to abandon! principle for the sake of electing jhlm. ' lie cannot supjKwe that eqitors and speakers and tub rEopii wili dis regard consistency and abandon party jnriicy and upturn their par ty platform simply for hi personal aggrandizement. Withj all : the nower the administration could ex ert, the Mills bill couM hardly be passed, and at this juncture Mr'. BroK-er denerted from hit comradex and jointlc the forces of Vse.eneniy. Does such a course etken a far seeing man, worthy to befelected to Congress aud to have in thargv the .dearest interests iri the people;!' To add tire to fury KepuMi can t;oi. tin ues lltt-iJlOit- ia hardly worthy of notice. The cry comes naturally from Samnel Small a Democratic renegade, of whom there is not a part or a be longing that is ; not for saleor from Northern emissaries, -who are here, really to advance the interests of the Republican party, whatever le their-calling; orj vocation; but no true Southern man, "no, true North Carolinian, will accept any such statement without protest. Radicalismwith its $38,000,000 of Iraudulent tax londs, negro rule in 23 per cent, of the counties of the State, aud its record of bound less extravagance, monstrous cor ruption and stupendous ignorance as good as Democracy in North Carolina? The Radical party com m it ted to the war tariff, protection to capital and monopoly and unne cessary taxation of the people publication. Several of the mem bers gave individual epiuiona on the situation. Mr. Hiram Adkins, of Vermont, said the situation in New England was very encourag ing, and although Vermont could not be placed in Democratic col umn, large g&ins would le made among the new voters. lie con sidered New Hampshire debatable ground; Massachusetts too. j Ow ing to the increase of the foreign born oters, the Democrats are making heavy gains. Mr. J. J. Richard, of Iowa; baid: "I think more than one of the Western States will be found in the Demo cratic: column next November. We claim Indiana, and I think at least one other. State will cast its electoral vote for the Democratic candidates. The situation in Towa is good. The people are becoming mere edu cated to a true appreciation of the question of protection ; and the tariff. This , is true, not only of Iowa, but of all the Western and Northwestern .', States. 'I, think lUo ivr .oriuj TOWa. Illinois and Michigan are in Oliver Dockery a safe man to place the unsteady listlthis year." Ers in the Gubernatorial chair! ! kine M Phelps, of Illinois, said: We makd no menace to the lro . 2fot only is there a good fighting! cnance in Illinois and lowa, out in THE VELLt CIECIIUTES UI3ELT - a ! i or 1 !-. ourLroHD, BocncuroHAK. obajt; Vimt,CABWXLLJUPXH80Dr. JLLX. X.A.HCX. OBASQ A..CHATKAM, BXVDO'LPH. XOOBK. rOS BTTH. BAVXSSOir, SUJU r" i BT JJID STOXXS. I ntUxlTMl, PatHfk and Hnry CooaU ADVERTISERS STICK A PIN HERE. LOCAL NEWS! Oxk-FouRTH IiGHiR.-Among A College for Mill Toikt. otheJ things done by . the tlaid At z meeting of du'rens of MAI From the Daily Patriot of rhureday. Manlfacturers Association Inj ses- Point, Alamance conty,reccntlyV I Overseers of Roads. The sion lier;c the other day" wis to $2oo was raised towardvsecur- ' meetings nf nvr. ' i tAa. raise, the price oi tnetr manuiac- k uo ior axoucce oi mo kkes place in the different town- tur S00 a quarter of "a cept on Christian (QTCellyije) . denbmina- Ships this month, if we mistake I the y?rtL, not, the law providing for semii- AJGOOD WORKING FOR annual meetings. . ! . " 1 ! i Teachers' Institute In! his Ition at Tea!c that, place. Teachers lNSTiTUTE.-Vast Already) ne hundred land sixty- opened this mornjntf with sipging, five fcands are at work oij the reading and prayer. The i work i snore )no. J. lecture, this morning Prof. Blair Wilmington extensioni of the C for the day then began; analyzed and explained the word. F- &T-!V- R- R at Fayetteville, talks by Profs..; W. A. & 1'Educationr its derivaU'oni scone, with .equally as many! mord near Blair, on the Improved method etc? and the teachers present were Wilmington. ! of teaching, whic were highly called upon to read out the deriv- Si "Thousand SQUARE FEET apprectated byl jthe audience; ations pT the word which they had of ORE. During the last few among the lectures! were several;. hibition whit Democrats.) ' They are men, an T have a vital inter- vVisconsin and Michigan also." In I iuiu isut Biat-cuicut t:ciiuii est it the preservation of good gov-1 joined, and said: "In Michigan 1 enWnent But the time may come we JsepuDiicans are in a minority. . !:J. -ii i u and we have found m tann reform i . IthAIinlr to nmtn tliH nntinsitinii to us the darkness, the suffering, Senator Kenna promised at least tue missrovernment of 103 and IIO.IKX) maiontv in West i Virtrinia. 1S70: and, in theinidsi of their own Republican talk about the State and the woea of their fellow citi- ur""ne way irom me uemocrauc Hon. T3 ATTIETJ. G-. W JJE, -i - I t t r . , i ; of tlxo Dcniocratio i Iwrtv for IGroveriior of UoxtJi.! Oarolliin. Tlio . JTom Iti eoj written. Theextfrcise was both weeks a surface bf six- thousand aumorous selections, and , laugh entertaining and instructive. square feet of iron ore has been after l4ueh sounded through the j Singing in concert, and a hu- made bare at tie Danbury iron 'building. Mr. WilH. Wills of morousjecitation by Miss Ball, of minci, and the beauty of it is, the thisctywas Introduced, and he Greensboro, much enjoyed by all, ore is pronounced ofi excellent ltured for about ad minutes oa followed, after which the institute quality J: I - I theillistory of England, which, wasddressed by Prof. J. J.Blair, pTfaBWv Tjju int was admired by all! who heard it.- The interest is increasing, there ;faf 0-' Al - it A recess of t minutes was taken. ing icH teachers and m visi- rt,J beit.'iLi JX- i!-.L-Li -i ' After this Dr. J. tlenry zens. they cannot say to the vie- tims ot tneir persistent lolly: column, be said, was sheer non sense. New York Cor. Baltimore Sun. J "hne nut your ifory Thou eanMlnot fxy. I lok nt me- did it." vh "The people do" not wj stui.i- Hiprj.t.,! uun, whocitlieri M d nA un derstand grand pri!icipljs orhae so little self respect a4 to vote against their party in its emergen fv- fir tli fnrttirTi -rf?tliiir nwn .-..iiuption and xtravu ,tty ambitjon(. iJv hiJ actiin he " the appropriation nt the h,a8 embarrassed the, 15put4ic:ii ,: Punts ana content our campaign in worrit Carolina. vej . ..i '.i . . i. ... l, lia r tin wixh Iti a I isrrtiit m ; i. ii mir :ti r;i i r 11 mt'UL 1 11 .1 1 1 pleasure ana msappi-iiu uieui, iipu it would le foolish to try io uhtdd Mr. Brower's action amhtu recon-s- cile u with the ju'dicy jf the Re publican party. - I "If he were h niau ripable of The Republican Collapse. And so the Republican Senators have unanimously agreed to reiort and vote for a revenue reduction bill contemplating a reduction of sixty or eighty millions mostly in the tariff! No wonder the Tribune is struck dumb ; no wonder there is consternation far and wide in the party camp, or that voters are if protection the broad plank ; jii- UeubiicaiK platform is .'ir !.nt iitt engine of. cruel op rJ' and injustice .to the tfil f'"f .men of pjtiall means, oyer si- ruined fortnties tionrish - ntid tiiibinatioti which con the prirt-s of neatly all the ne tis of lili-. - . .i; tif HingU' I5'rl to check to redtu-e from ti.- jh-o- extravagauo llllll Cl llMlS i-eotioiitiz' iti the ai minis i : tilt- Lrov-riii(ieiit. anl to v "tin- pixit ami laUr;ng che.tp I . ti food ami clothi'isr, has ? mailf , which is not to be Ir.'inlto lite Democrat it- House j.'-pr v'iitati s and the jKilicy i tMUid s tl"..r:s i.t Mr. Cleve KrpubUcau Cneek. Wmchincton Cor." Baltiraora Son. In the Senate the Republicans bold as to propose to erovrtl the direct: tax bill, appro priating $20,000,000,? on to the sundry civil apropriation bill. "To do the thing- handsomely" re was also proposed to add to the same '"" . J - ' bili something over 39,000,000; for "bbing their eyes and demauduig pubi c build ngs throughout the V T ; . "P v 1 . . i . 6 . lof nolie.v. What is the meatitntr various states, m auuttion to wnat I i 1 r, rs. . . , , , - , iiiia rtiicaiy rou aiiiuuiuiaicu iui I i - r :ii ! ,..,!!;,. K.,;i.t;..o 1 t I cauiiuj. . c n in ic-ii i-uiriij. unci ! s i I I xr nna mAtifna arnAitoitPA urn cosl Senator Spoouer was selected to T . pilot thesrt gigantic schemes uVolc,BU 'V"""0" V " through. - He nfsf gave notice of heZ. .lu. "i,?"; .the dinet tax ameudment, and i""t " proceedtMl to intrciduce: daily sever-J"'T J ","?! . ..J ' i ... .i:.. i.i tut tii!lir lini Id n tr iimonrlmpiifa I " - j - - "r "O IU IU.--UI-W- I'UI 111.-'- I 1 - "- I nor.t. UTmnmonl MtiL- mnru time he won deal them up injthe m " t.neldce ot A" Vt i Senate for uetionJ 11 wtmld have wa8 8lu,P tbe th"'S ,eC t0 and after' a hurried council ot war at the well furnished tent of Mr. M ;'h' i i i.ti t-r t .v-v! r.- insf ration. The Intel- p:trti:s are io.il' i-s facts; seeing in what a shape hi vot has left him. and how it has tr)i?r?icted. his party in the district, jtitiot the State, he would surely resign into the Lands of the DistricjComm.t tce the iiotniuatitt ini:yiim6usly tcmlereil him by the convention, so that a better choice could be made. "Referring to the language of the resolution, Mr. Brow.er i nei thtr,,cohsistent, nor 'patriotic.'' While the Republican - has the manhood to uphold its principles, the North State lies iu ant-bush and savs sic himrdosleu. 1 . ! THE T HI 1111 I'AUTV lit I' i; ill in. i .i in Z Tin- leatlers have iv ji chosen for the campaign of ihe fhtnl paj- f iv sti (ritilfor-l t :H; ! v. i in.'. ' v euate for action.,- lie- would have been successful so far as the Sen ate is concerned bad jnot special " T'L , . . to the enor- varu. iney ueciuwi to g.e iue or ntf nntwn Ivnnn -l n rn mitv ot th,. i,rnnoitio hr nemo: der and take the chance J. 1 . I Una tlir luwn m tli i.i!itii":i cratu; Senators.! The nrst test , . ' 1 t .Jt. ii.t.ii..iu' . resordsof our nation a more com 1 1 public building amend the Senators, at least: rvf tlkiim k-o tv of d rt rA f 1 1 7 - I itMKliiir titer t Ina nr iiti tvill riArritn never do To bpeu4the doors of the I. . v '.t .i.J ki: u;mi historical in American politics. . if. i lie iiuuiiu uuuuiui: T THE FAR3tEES, IntEe-Statb CONVENTION.-It is plain to see that Raleigh is on her mettle and proposes to do the thing in style on the occasion of the! Farmers Iner-State Convention which wil be held the latter part of this month. .vShe f is to have distin guished guests from all sections of the South and she will rejeeive and entertain them with that grand old North Carolina hospi tality which always characterizes her and which will be femiriently niting ior tni great occasion. The general committee I have secured Metropolitan Hall for the sessions of the convention and have made, arrangements to have it furnished with a telegraph and telephone line and will have pacres and messengers constantly at the service ot the visitors. A special postoffice will also be located at the hall ! for j their convenience. Among the features which have been arranged for the pleasure and diversion? of the visitors is an excursion toUDiirhams in order that they may see the mammoth tobaccb industries there, I A programme is being prepared which will make the sojourn of the visitors thoroughly; enjoyable from beginning to end and cause them to carry, home with -them the most pleasant impressions and recollections of North Carolina j and her hospitality. News, j iiiSon (Kansas) 7 "u.4 """""." -' sndment, and Pfte and abject collapse of a par st!a maioritv ty 8 pol'cyat the very threshold of that it would mpaiBul We doubt it; and we treasurv promoters, so the amendment was voted down. Senator' SjKiouer saw that he w,as prbbably go iug too far, so he gave notid tlnit he would not - press . the other a mend ments under his qare. The tight . on! "the: direct tax amendment was brief, but decisive As soon as it had been read for in formation, Senator Harris raised a fAiiut of order against it on the ground that it was general legis latiou. The: Jiresideut; ,: pro tern Hre, Mr. Iugalls, promptly sus 1". dm. Adv., Ind. Republican. V.IiuH. .i C.nCll lH- k tlv -.ip ;!:;tcd ri ul-1 nit II! f ln.t)-- t t-oiitiiist wvh tati rht-tii !! the I will j-ooii be ht-i' iri tin- discussion o:' niiUIu- i-wiitlili-tM-e j.nl t and working , t ,;, tiuning ! dis !,,., 51M, , hich thev lmii ! t.,i ;,n.l itm.. the broad tacts f The tu-L(-r -s ti:ai1e iti. ot m On Tariff Reform Links. A Philadelphia special to the New York -Times says: The Democracy ot Philadelphia and the surround ing country is making a bold tight on tbe Hues lam down oy Uie President's message and :he Mills bill, and the. results already ap-iover.to enjoy the delights f the Talbot Smith's Boss Bruns wick StkwJ The Wilmington Messenger says: "Col. Fred A. Olds has been the recipient of so 'many gracious attentions from; his inime diate neighbors on the sound, that he determined to retaliate. Ac cordingly J yesterday afternoon he had proposed a barbecued pig and Brunswick stew, which was, 'serv ed in the cam j pavilion, i ft takes an) , up country man to prepare such jvrauds, and Mr. J. L. Smith," caterer for thti Durham l ight Infantry, who ha remained I...: -i. . - - r ...i . llrr- in : lrt"et tJ I'UIUt OI OJUCr, MHO IIUW . friends of the direct tax bill in the t neir . parent show, that the party uas nothiug to fear in such a course if the issue is plainly put oetore the people. Among the 80,(O0 lietti ocrats of Philadelphia,, some of Suand, volunteered to perform the service for th?. Colonel. The Brunswick stew was so: much en joyed that receipts were asked for and given the ladies for its prep whom, it would naturally be expect i aration; and it is probable1 that fiiiiUs ... i .i. ;.. ...... led wiiiihl ! he itirlnentied tv I ii I Krin.Kt-i-k sfou- will hecetiie a verv - .oeiiaic iiim tut; uuiuciuur inieivi i . . r : ti.e .as-Tj attorney in the galleries were poncy oi itanuaii, ,1101 a smg.e no ; popular uisn on me oouihi. i the .as--j,i attorney in the gall to tint.? g"'vern j so surprised 1 at the rapidity with jitatni'J t which the subject was disposed of ' that they duj not recover troni the (.shock .iu season rto enter an lap i 4i-.tn tliA . tkM k.-n .if flu. flkiair '! !" -.; few l il.iil. nsl v rich ' viu I'lie eXIn ltM- of ;ii.ilc that! . 7 fl'r etit. rf th. ir fellow citizens '""'r .il:it.i jMverty.- r fa n ;iij::,t any t h i tig rat h fli-iu fij ,-u.i, r ii,v part, of our 'Y'l,t,, 'ive :aii!Vsvtetn." says h llvn'-f t hi i .or 10 ailopted fi,:' hiae !.. 'SS. To nro- t r . '-iitiMM' ;"l!:-tiaint: of the North 'iiojMiti.ts who arc almost f-t:ti.t. iitist. at the ex- "frlte w.r.U:tig men of"thts r-r. 4 ha 1h--ii tlcclarcd unjust '" If'-aim-ratic par cv in Nation- issettihh'ii at St. IV . X-!. If:-1 it!-- will ott Take! Yiu k . ,r v,,'' as on pease t-r tin- lictmiilicaii iart i , '"""'?!"i. h;gii takes, while a ' "f.'Me l?eniratic party is a f .txes. Above all ;--e. t;,e Democratic -party i I'-'l .! ,, .,r, ,v ,.,.. .rttt- -i nil the 1 - 1 . 1 . . a reniiciipa 111 1 lit-; ior iustautt', Tr Mt ..- , the to 'ax n tei I trails from -S .1. .7 1. - t u;,.. reduce the tax-on -:!"- tr..!ii 1 t lt't.H'r cent; on cent: o;i Vu per, cent;' to "' Tiif t i ;; "mi 10 ,,er I Item . ' T ft.. ( , . : I . ...... . '"'oli mi from 4; t 4o cents: IJf'oluce tax 011 lo u..rtt, 11 i . Ml ... ! . ... , tiirt - " . v ' l" ""uuce norse sliofstrom 70 per ier cent; to abolish the J 'U M-i-er and cotton Mt s the kf '"0 c.u;s .,u the ?1. and weighed at the faei: that I Unown to the- "i'.iajoiy '? .our ! I l w as supposed that a i protracted rstii-tiuri d.i-s t,t a.ixance wageh; r,i,!r whos onalilicaiiot ior ! fiht would occur over the proi)b- f i rorection.i. ut increase the j oiticv cau aIHi t,e estiipar.-l and S1U' -'U1 tlie ameudnieuts would il raw it..4tet!,!; tliat pro "' dots ,,i.t give.fiversity to V.;if.u-Uirmg bet that protection -uikt' Atf.ern-a one t the most .'reniMitri-s on the globe in -vi..c'oihin. and tlmt through ''i:e alut to ni;ike a nation tinallv- he snSfstiiiedfln a nnmlter 'allot Mix, antl we , ol ,,cr8uns who are'deebly inter- caititrust to, this decisive triounai esU'tf in the matter were on hand r.. - r.ir in.irm.M.t il'it ufslifil to wuTcu the iroErres! and 1 rh wu . .ft - . f result ot this debate. The revised bean cry not pass i in socne ...,lu,i. .. OVi,rIlAnled. the rales clearly shown to them which seemeil to pervati uie pm ! ,.( , 1... Senate were enrefnllv neanj form : clubs are ! being tormetl ceeiiings of. that convention r ihent., by Senators, but no attempt throughout the city, and it is a sig. override the ruling 1,1 "caut, tact, iuwl iu mu mm ms- incis a cousmei auie inuinri ui nr 1 I DuDIieans nave uecome memoers. 1 . i I r t. z ...1 .lu:l.. - Pr.hlM.i.u I;rtv ...W W..M. Vif. in IU6 COL 11 tltS l lug HOOU L I Ulia - - -- : i-" I . . . . . . i i f Irage. ; aeipnia inexeiuocrai8 nave ooiuty theUclilerationsof the convention f We are infonned that it is de. urown uowu cuaueuKw tuiue n i ll that tliei prohibition rtartr is DUDilcaus 10 ueoate mo w"" iro in fwnr .r fumalfl RnrTrape. V I Hon with them before the peoiiie, prcssion of sentimenrs jUii flutter j j.re sav some ofthe adherents of and the Republicans show consider iii.n-nrthv niiii.vuifiirc 1 1 ..ort.-.-.mi.i vir- nhiH tn i anie reincrance in meeiini: uie, is ieciion is repot iei4 inueeti, a mini- i -1 . ber of inverts have been made I'ATAL BoiLeb Kxplosion In- from among the Repubiicau textile : tclligeuce wa received here yester workers, and the indications aioi"a.v 01 a no uer exptostou iocti that President Cleveland's vote j occurred I uesday afternoon at will tut eniisi.leral.tv. latter than it i I' orestvillo, on the Raleigh & Uas- ... .-.... ..n-,, ! ton;RaiIroad.! thirteen n.iles from This unbroken Democratic front i tuIS city, killing one man outright may be almost eutirely attributed aml severely tnthe'otersgaininga better insight ers- intrt th tariff one.sfion atut h'- A portabh ) the absurdity of the Repub runniiig a inresnmg macnine on cry of free trade has been ! !-U;Hrm ot Mr' 11 j Ma,,S'; t.. .;. jl r.. Man mi 111 anu Mr. treo. all ini iu k . M J ! i ' A CHAPTER OK lllApT m DESTS. ACCI. A Rrakem 1 nil Ki ' comotiv I a - being 194 tors present 1 HE)CAMPAIGN SLOGAN. Sen- ceremonv was i oerformed In the ator Vance passed through New Episdopal Church of that place. TJ t-l,- J I I U.t- I ..Mill" 1 I I w.w stay, .m as .wtc WiTfcRMFI.nvt Tht lit, nf : j . , ; 4.1 rn t- . t -.-t- r TPP I P watermelons thit haW passed Northern ten! days form the crowd were clamorous throuLh thfs city for for a speech fof course!. Of course TJ I .... . i j - for a speech (of course). Of course L, ifJ -.i-- nan Seriously 1 1t.jurrdKlre- d J r K - ' ,i , T markets Within lied.iraip. trMhedA is. Senator Vance was equal to the ilj"1' . tExniodes. i - : ' j j l- I has never befor T"v,oaes i occasion, and closed with a oarrinf . l rtf XT . ', " ' occasion, and closed with aparting 7 Iu" .1 7 1 9iln Pi-onlr An 1 A i . ' . r , O I Inc. thin t ri irtirawn rt t n a boutid INickel-PIate freight train '"Jction which a good Demo- ed J. L melons hl - 1 tM i it . gi - T; U , sincere 22nd of July, and this place shortly after midnight, the campaign slogan for theniext -ff, f Eight Uir- fell twenty-fiye feetr three m0nths:-"Mindyou w ires, M smashinir them into snhntcrs and T. wi-JJL... scattering their contents in all di- say your Payers rectionsi Brakeman William Phil-1 Democratic ticket.' lips sustained serious injuries and hg! a "BenedictJ and knows that Iott is in lcHtical condition. The tres- the first .lause lf t. .- since ClavS Piiis led to the hm,n1 at. f" ln,s J' f lcnry Sm'b tar iMis Alice Remfry. The ?f Greensboro, ascended the plat- ioiiu 10 ucuvcr .mis icciurc on "Little Things." VVcj will not at- i tempt to describe the eloquence , in which the doctor acquitted j . himself; we will iorily say' that ! the pleased attention in which the audience listcnedfti the'addrcss 1 speaks for itself. The Normal opens again Monday morning at 9 o'clock. AlUnvited. ii 1 1 -. lit - I-! j . ITnm 1U VMf IVriot lof 8aUr.Ua. Marriage IiickivsE. During" the month of luly Rem'ster " the past before been known. No load' here they come and jjd. and vote the RETURNING FiRESn-Mr. Hiram The Senator Breighton, residirt ;near f har was startledl a' night or two Causey Issued ispirriage licenses A Large Increase. We learnV tk. jrl,. -,t..: 1. -ii I since I hv twn. fnrlr r rra ch in tr tie ia badly damaged and wreckage "fi 'T ",c rill' U f. ' ' kr r Ti 7u traink are at work eJearin.r awav be obeyed perforce, as to the sec- againkthis door. He opened the ! thedebris. I I ond, we are in doubt, but all good door, to ascertain the; caus6, and to-day that the sBig Falls Cotton Tyrasa, Ark., Aug. 1 The west white men will of course obey the was greeted with two pistol-khots. Mills, lately reported as nuttintr uouna nassencrer rrain on rue lvan- i,. ...:.u... . . ... . . iasi niiuuui uucsiiuu railroad ran ove a cow near here Hefftk gun and fired from the in 7,000 spindles, Mortuary yesterday and was thrown from the jatries DulTy keeper of Green Hill tmnir fKiroman .Inhn Maria liarl I . -zjt.tr t both! legs cut off and died within a fev hours. No one else was sen ousiy injureti, aitnougn tne passen the year 1887 and up to April; 10. gersjwere consiuerauiy suaicen up. rlnni and nnnthpr vnlV t I ' -1 . V, o I A 1 IS 1 f J. O I 1 LLE J was if clui ncu ! will add ;,oco intended, and of shots I more than at firr 1 1 1 1 will increase the capital stock of J I v a I a.1 rf . i" X Cemererv. we are indebted for the LARGE SHIPMENTS The Win- inc company rom 5,00,000 10 TJ T i I 1 , . - . I I A. . . J I I rll : r r Ufrtn Onilv rnfl tn .1. ,IJI?0,00O. 1 h i iwiiw w -wa iiiiwiUaViiv-i! iui 1 j : f ; y I I the year 1887 and up to April 1888, as follows: j WHITE. 2 May, 1887, 1 1888, 5 7 4 3 o 3 o o I o 2 27 Tiffin, O., Aug. Ii A Baltimore and Ohio freight was wrecked near Ten bafs were detached, and three jun? trantos who were steal in o- a rtnalJuiyt werri bad v hurt one fatallv. The -"2-. railroad company's loss is heavy. Sept., rntilcwlnlr.tii'i Inir 1 Tha hrtil M-'Ct., r ff- Irwinmntii-ia nn H fhilalAt. I "Ov .v..v.. T- nhia anil Read in tr railroad attach-1 L-'cS- ed to the (hpstntit. n ill aeeommn- I Jai-, flat-irifii train ornlul ui UBt niirtit Feb.. shortly after 11 o'clock, at Ninth Matfch, and Columbia avenue station, kill April, inrr tht i pnirinepr n.nd ttrnman. and I h r i p - 1 i ' : injuring five passengers. j jTotal f , 1 . , iThe report shows a morta l t m a am Kim tB Rap. 1 I Atirnra III . Ancrnaf. 1 ThM of 045 per c Revi J. J.- Cooper attempted to the 1 whites, tin a population, !in- ! 1 . ... i - . . .- ... I i "I " - " i commit . suici.ie yesterday by onv- cluding Souta Greensboro, of 6, IULL tm LUldCl LULU UUtll L. L'UU LUC 1 i ,4 ,rr..U.,. - V;m it- ooo: or,- expressed m another cpurM by a rib. lie theu cut his form, about 2 whites per month throati from ear toe ear with a draw durmir the time embraced in the COLORED. O 1 2 ' O 2 I 2 l O t I o 10 with; ithe following: ;Therd were Thief N a b b e d Th is morn- shipped; from the! depot here on ing Chief of Police 'Recce ree'eiv- yestdday, 143.87S pounds of ed a telegram Iron Pilot Moun freinWtJ over 70 tons. U This'is no tain directint? the krrest ofAVill small jbusiness when you consider Fryf a colored boy who had stpl the principal of it was manufac- en a coat, and inj twenty minutes .:, tured and leaf tobacco. the vigilance of the police had cf r COi. Waddell!. Co. A. M. rfctfd fhe capture pfthe thief. VVadciell, Democratic; candidate I Refreshing Season. A mac for Presidential electdr- at (arge, Lificent' rain a fall, accordingto wui- -address the people of this the hydrometricLmeasurcment at county in this city, on Wejdnes- the Benbow House; of VA inches I a 1 ! a. 1 (I i-J t 1. . ' 1. day August 15th. FR E Kb rvnc' Vpabi v llf wrrHC lJy The! Yearlv MeLfn oi tinuing for hourS I . , lt. . r 71 I . ' !: T P I "I Imn!. l. u.M.i . . . . u v . .ivi b.. n ill ! V.t was vouchsafedj us yesterday, commencing at j5 pi m.; and con-' . J It was accom panied by violent wind and severe thunder and lightning, but we convejne at High Point this year . . . T. 1 . ' 11 his head with a wounds were showing the vital importance injuring several -oth steam engine was feedings ot that conveiifioii r iii4HUd by Senators, bul pirit in which the w.oi k k-as fr.tm-j was mavle tci overrit id, completed and givjtt lo the j the chair, j. : I . ' - J - with prayer o.v a Th christiag Church, j s ei worltl. - Ojiened minister ot the were brought to a close y the ex nes frota the same servant 5f (iol, of whom bowed with age and near that end which cuts shot t all that is both goxl ami bad of'th:s life we shall only say that it is pitiful for the ear to catch the jus of ha tred from trembliug lijps, "foul ness of mouth" from tie tongue that has proclaimed tie gospel ot purity and peace, all uncharitable ness, anger and abusel springing from a heart which sluftild be full of the love cf his Mailer. Those of us uho'have heeu - uuib!e .to en dorse the principles am jthe course of the Third Party haj e consoled ourselves with the reflection that it was composetl of our tj'4 u n ople, whwse aim see meal to l to elevate the moralsaud the virtues of hu manity. Did aught ofj this noble ain! assert itself along with the abuse and thw niisreiireseatatiou of .the.tirad.e of last Saturday! A few words jiisf here' upon a no ther view of this subject: ThifcDem. o-rats of 'the Third Pjirty ttay be '.sowing the wiud to rt4p the w hirl wind." In answer to he warning that their votes cau have no other ellect than to elect t'rni ciindidatcs of the Republican prtj," certain of their speakers avow that to this thev are iiiuiilcrent. ftr one party is as .ad u the other tuch stntl" ilevwieiice 1 that party would be very glad to able reluctance in meeting be 1 ul of it 0:1 account ot its j nn popularity. But tbeyj cannot j get rid of it by denying that it 18 in their national platform. In order that the matter may be set at rest we publish iti The seventh plank of the platform is as follows, j "That the Tigh t of suffrage rests on no mere circumstances of race, color, sex or nationality,! and that where, from any eause, it has been withheld from citizens who are of suitable age l and mentally and morally qualified for the exercise of ami intelligent ballot,! it should he stored by tbej people to the Legislatures of the; several States 011 such educational basis as they may deem wise." ! j ; j Let this plank be carefully pon dered. Every man who encour ages the third party movements encourages troni the nature of tbe case female suffrage. - J ! The dodge about the absence of this plank from the State platform will not holdf water. The party organization is claimed to be com plete and therefore embraces all of every State, " j I For install, Capt. T.J L. Vail is a Presidential elector of the party for the! district embracing Meckleuburg i county. r-Charlolte Chronicle. sue. The Campaign Committee. The Democratic National Cam paign Committee met at.'4 o'clock, but the proceedings could not; be given, to the public. They will meet airaiu at noon tomorrow,! and tea - then they promise: some news for An Interesting ak Time Relic. A Raleigh gentleman has collected and preserved an inter esting souvenir of war times down South, in the shape of a scrap book filled with samples ot home made cloth, of every description. The sight of these goods forcibly carries one back to the days when tbe old time spinning wheel and loom were to be. heard in every4 house. Every grade and color of fabric is represented, from the . coarsest copperas check to the finest "silk mixed" which was made by card ine minute bits of any kind, with " a . a . cotton, about halt ana nan, anu ' . .a - then weaving the ciotn as nne as possible on a rough hand locm. It now looks strange that persons of wealth, taste and culture could ever have worn such clothing, but there was no help for it. We did wear it and were proud ol our inde pendence. Most of these specimens have a family histoty of their own, having been preserved by his sis ters,' cousins and aunts and pre sented to the gentleman who placed them in the scrap book for future generations to see. New-Observer. had just ridden up to the spot on horse back -and bad halted about six feet aparlf and near the boiler, when the explosion took place. Half of the boiler and j the truck upon which it rested were hurled forward withfearful force, passing .. ' a.' a. a- ar: a tirectly between Mr. Manguin anu Wall. f ' - j - I An aged colored man named Toby Mauguin, who was near the boiler when pt exploded, was in stantly killed. j j Mr. Manguin was struck in, the breast by a j heavy fragment of iron and was knocked ; violently from his i horse and- stunned, re ceiling injuries which it is feared will prove fatal. ; ' Mr. Wall's! horse took fright and rap, throwing him to the ground arid bruising him severely. J , Several other men who were en gaged in the threshing were more or less injured by the explosion. . e irs-Observer. i shave: but Hid not sever thejugu- ar reihJ . lie tbeu commenced hacking 'away at hand nxe. ! Fully fiftv seal ntiietHl before a neighbor rushed h arid disarmed 11 im. Cooper is still ialive, but is not expected to reeover. 110 is a pasior 01 a jieiu- odistl ichurch at Newark, but re ides ihere. lie is over sixty years of affd. "!and was undoubtedly in sane lit the time of his attempt at of June, July an self destruction. . report. Only a small proportion -say one-half of . the . colored dead arc buried in the Cemetery. It is a very significant fact-4as Friends will . Prohibition Convention. Sunday1 in August meet there at the time above men- p.,:....-. J rinX,.nmn tt, -I 2 1 i A 1 I WIliMHIIII W lMIIVUIIVIIIVII tioned from every Stated iti the Third I Party ProhibitionNti of T 1 Ii la . a TJ ' I . 1 a " t . . i union, besides others from ifcng land Guilford county met in the court-' house to-diy atb2 o'clock; for the Presiding Elder 'Cunning- purpose of nominating candidates gim Idxi the Third PARTV.4The I for the legislature and! county of-. ; unremitting sanitary .precautions Germkriton Times report P-esid- fices. (The convention wa$ called during that season that more inS f fer unninggim as saying to order by chairman Iovc, and r 1 - a t Taa - aj i by kcv. 1 ii. gust. of 16 ofceurred di Suffolk Ilurned. Norfolk. Va.. Aug: 1. At hah pastlteii o'clock thfs morning, a de sfruciive fire began iu Suffolk, Va., whicli was not controlled until 4 o'clock this afternoon. It origina ted i(i tht oil warehouse of James P than one half the white deaths that ' he th,nks the Thifdipdrty is prayer wasofTered by ,Rev. I uring tlie months the mbst impudent organization on j Buie, of this city ! J id Aufritst ! ! top of the earth." Mr. Cumnine-I ' On motion. J. S. Ragsdale O I B l' ! w 1 I t gimjik the proud knowpetge ofj made Ipcrmancnt chairman and Knowing mat mere arc mousanos 1 o. l. irogdpn permanent sccrc who think as he does. Stale' Assoclallon of T. 91. D. CIubM. I GREENSBORO.N.C.JulySOSS. Messrs. Editors: We most was 'Jl'l 'EtfdHTY-l Ground. 1 five Feet Above the The Cleveland and sior . .....1 J. iruuo heartily endorse the movement for a State Association of Demo cratic Clubs, and believe that Fowle pole raised at Summcrfield tv .i.vi, ctA, i., the KTCfil. much good win result in awaicen- the Othier day bv the Younir Men s r . .... . r .!.-i 1. - . r 1 laDDO ntea. Block. The burnt district ex- mg tne. young me., o. iwc otatc to Democratic Club, of that place, is ' "l" n from Main to! Bank street on activity m pomicai worK, onng- , i w a lJutiful 1 w .1. -.---r.Jii :.i nr...,i..n nir nM nrit rp mvirifT thm 95 lchi fong ana waves a DCautllUI I p w tary. The roll of township wa then called, responded-to by 12 out of the ion of On motion committee on j I"V I HnKrtuf a nomination', wa appointed, as follows: . j rore,T. Busick;Dcep and nilesd lauy families i i rendered pen Terrlfcle Kttr. August l.f A vesterday I be on one side, That was a very tender-hearted young man who, on being told that his wife, who had left the house an hour before, was drown ed, and that her bodf. was found only a mile or so below, said, "She must have floated down quite lively." Harrison is; "wrong on the Chi nese questioii,: and every: working man iu the country knows it. In 1877 be was against the railroad strikers. When he was iu the Senate we pnt bills in j his care, lie referred (them to committee, and that was; the last ever heard of them. At the time of the Senato rial canvass f.here was not a labor organization that did not denounce him. Andreic x. Wilson, ex Mas ter WorLnianK. of Indianapo lis. How SheTJot Her Revenge. Pittsburg, Miss., battle took place tween Bob Reagan, and E. N. Enoch, James Enoch and Charles Cochrane, on the other. The men had a dispute over a busi ness patter, and Reagan was as saulted by the other three. He drewj his pocket knife and used it with such effect that in less man five mi'iutes Cochrane lay dead on the grotmdand the Enoch broth ers were mortally hurt. Regan re ceived ja blow with a bar that broke three of his ribs. ill A Deteraaiaea IHb shville, Tenn., August 1. A mob lof fifty armed men visited the jail it Carthage, Smith county, late last ttight, and Uking W. H. Hand ley lpm his cell, hanged him to a treei j The Sheriff refused to sur render Handley, and about thirty shots were exchanged between the officers and the mob. Handley . ' -rx I llnlCDlH OUU l-UW . www- - Miss Clara (Wasmngji vo you. r. deDntr heriff Warman last know,EtheIthatyouugJir aamp- mbr hi,e trying;to son proposed to me last jnight and I accepted himr7 I Miss Ethel (heartily): I "con gratulate you sincerely, ; Clara. Mr. Sampsoth is a coble young man." . j i Miss Clara: "Do you know him very welll" -''' ' Miss Ethel: "Oh, yes;; It was on- lv. a few moctbs ago that I promis ed to be a sister to him.r . ; i.- ! Kpnfpmhpr while trying; to rescue a prisoner ftomT the officers " Maratered hj m itVlhiliat. Vienna, Aug. 2.-fOn the death of General Dentrain, military gov emor; of the Kieff district in Rus sia, it was announced that his death was due to apoplexy. Tbe Weiner Algenine Zeitung now says it has learned that Drentein was murder ed by a Nihilist at Kieff. ..' ; .rXVV; rvw,ft iir wtm UnJ ihem into. notice, dvintr them 5 icet ong, ana waves a oeautnui p. M-Cude: Green. Dr. Coble: Railroad depot ob the south. duties to perform and causing flag ite feet above the levei of pcntriss j ,y-.Weatherly; Friend-. sion- thegijound, un one side t bears i. W. Woody; GilracnAV. igent the "ilmc of Clevland represent- p. Steele; Jamestown, J. S. ags ieve? "g National ticket and cm the dale; IjefTerson, Robcrt-rhillips; Madison, Robert Kankin; m ore head, J.C. Wrayj Summer field, F.. From1 Ballard & Smith's corner on Washington snuare ! west, to the Suffolk Lumber Company's railroad on tbp east, nearly the entire busi ness nart ot the town, is destroyed The loss is roughly! estimated from .tt0,000 to $400,(MK, with insu- ranc lar oeiow tne, toss, a mi go number of dwellings were burned them to feel that the responsibil ity of a Democratic success de pends largely upon their dili work and prompt action whenever called upon. We wrote; to Mr. other s ow!e, representing the Madison Robert Rankin; Morc- Koberts at Kaieign ior some ot btate ticket i 1 -i . j U i ll .." ' inei purposes nuu an uumuc iajii !i : . r P n, , . - c.l i wnrk tnV nursued bv the oran- First New ToBACC0.4-From s- Bla,r; Sumner, i Isaac Stanley, ization of such an association and the Winston Republican we learn Washington, L. U Kcrnodlc; i i i ': . .. ii.j I ji ! i 1 ,- nis repiy su.l5 us w.uf that the first tobacco of the 1888 is wnat ne says: vur greatest i . . ... - aim! is to do the most good all crop was sold at PiedmontjVyare- over the State in moulding Dem- housd August 1st. I It was prim- ocratic Views; to create a large mgs and grown by P. E. Lbggens force oiyoung men, actuauy en- and M. W. Moserp living- near gaged m tne party worK, eacn . j lifu sme verified dutv devolVJLeWlSK1,C"ythqounty- -. X J. I P ! .' . m . I.. a total ot some too lbs A motion was made and c'arricd to adjourn until 2 o'clock, with ihc request that the 'members of the nominating committee remain in the court-room after the adjourn-. i ii ; There ' ' L ' : .! I - I a iVi n aa A a aa, am m aAM Kllfl V which! r v' t ifi."""iM i u :ll r-l I ivn i ing upon mm, woo win icci tuai T7 I. J " " I r 1 4l . a restSnsibility restsoh his shoul- brougjit from $i.oo tok per of thc ""r0"1;0"' tl? eoinin,!lce- ders, which it diligentty jworked cwt j Messrs. E. M. Griffin I reported the following nomina I tions; For the iSchatc, J. ! Van A!Nit:..l";- nil AiU.... fons; 1'or the Senate, J. ! Van jjif y H- j I Lindley; for thc House, W. P. In Hot Pursuit. Wej learn McLean and W. G.Maton; Shcr- for will result in great good to the party ; to more Closely draw every neighborhood into frequent ! 4.!.. ...I-Va -V A ! ?JrZXZZr r roM RMter o to- iff,R.S.rhiPPs; Register of Deeds, day that Jed Fritchett. thefiieero T. C. Hodgin; Treasurer, Isaac WliaW-VU. aVa-- f I ar , w I , -. I speakers may at all times know whoi outraged the little daughter Stanly Coronor' vv. C. Coe. if.) Pollok more than a month After ' the nominations were was seen in Milton, jlNL C, pver Rev. Mr. Howie' was called before yesterday and being I on for a few remarks, who was Lni-.i i rmurA 'AAn fkm. I fnllAtvMl 'Vtxr tko ;lnf?wlitH with just what is going on all over the 0f btate .ami wnat is Demg oone. This worb must be done by the vnnrirr men. whose only i reward day looked for must be a knowledge recognized, a crowd! soon askem-1 followed by the 'candidates' with of helping on to a great Demo- bled tq, capture him. Heflcd into speeches, favoring thc Third par cratic victory, good government prLy rm,ntv and ts stillibeinfr tv. and acceotintr the nomination I- la : I tit ' 1 ,. T - I ' , . . . ana an nonesi aumiu.3i.iai.ioii. , i-,- n. - m TrtAfj LmmrnArA tUm L -r--- llmrnfiDliro UUlJUtU. lllll-v. tiiVM KH VIWJ- I -""vivm j i enough to him Vesterday td hail At the close of thc meeting L. I i - 1 1 - ..I - I . ... r From ttie Daily Patriot of Friday.) him, but heran likd a deer and r "crry, a colored lawyer, . .01 . Revenue Collections. In- succeeded in reaching the ternal revenue collections in this in which he hid district for the month of July were We j hope the good $74.$i40i. j Store-Keeper. The I Secre tary of the Tieasury has appoint ed D. J. Hill, at Uermanton, store keeper for this district. woods Hillsboro. was called out and rc- sponded, urgingthe negrocsdown citizens I here to "vote the -Third party everywhere will unite in their ef- ticket; that the neTOCs up North forts j to capture the villain J and could take care of themselves and dealtjutto him that sort of ius- would carry New York, ! elect tice t'he nature of iiis! brutal! Crime Harrison, and then have a few deserves. ' votes to spare. J - 1 I I 1 j 1 ;;r'fc t 0-V J'

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