t j mBM PATRIOT I ' ! 1 pi-' i I - - - r : 1 - 1 1 r 1 r . . ! - h ' i H . , , - ' 1 v : --.in,- , - . . i ! IV . ! I r ; k DEMDCRATfC SUPREMACY OR THE GOOD OF ALL. AnD ' k CEMGERATIG AnaiWliTCiTinw Af!JL!Ml5TrDcn v nciinpDiTt I J ! ' pn - ? . '. IS - f I r . : : ii ' ' , r -- it.iii.wui WKIWWWIlAICi i ; - li j Mi ' : : i ; : : . . ! :. l : L: L ; ' 1 L i ; ' U Li - i - . '. - i i I I 'J l- . . ' L . ' . .s ii 1 1 i i ii - . 1 . r Uklci and Most Exten- j i'M ?.wpapr ia PiedmcTst t-... i.r-i-' nibrcin the ntire j i. Adveitior Mar.t Appre ..r ol Such Medium for t ii i n-i before I'rowper- ,r". ' iCVtRll.ING RATES iN APt F. .i i 11A8ED OJf AC- . I. -jkt- qi HC.TLATIOK. ; DEMOCRATIC SUPREMACY FOR THE GOOD OF All, AHD k DEMOCRATIC AO&iMSfTRATIOH ADMINISTERED BY DEMOCRATS. "TABI.ftII CD IH 1S KEW KKlM,9IO. 1.12M GREENSBORO, 17, 1888. 7i X. W. WniTKIIKAl,,l?4l lrnprff lr. ir i !! ;..it tli- lumr. .V s it. I t ! . 4-iir t m. .'1 tin- ni;rhf, .- x j, XUll f Oilll -f' - I. ' ;;i!;:Hy gUvx. i -!n' : inir rnv: r m. ir f.H j .,..,:. ; l.vs JJH tll'V, ; . l ii if.vjiy. ' .1. The United, Ijabor Party of Indi. j ana has declared for Cleveland and j itir.rtnan. Uonrer the tiewi down tho linKr 1 r 1 1KUI OP, POLITIC. ,1 TIIK t;TI.OK IX RVII.FORD. f . .. . . i 1 V . . til remarw that be m pe.tnrtg tircu ot Doliiicn; that it -matters little with him'who is elected; 'that neither From centre to circumference the Democrats of O nil ford are bestir- Lr!n themselves in a way hitherto ronkown in our political history. put ! !rva.l and meat in More interest i mauifested in the ll." !x-rl intn th vnnltn nt iha I "18 m a v millionaires. firitfPcl irtti nilifif'H flirt IVipfci.ta party will . ' .11 V . l 4 . t t ( moaiu; oue h nuum s j .sc!ction ot good men tor every or- another; don't care whtlier 1k (?c.j bv every precinct than blstprv i ivoiea or not, auu an mini unn: rw. unv nrnvions timp. fcn- . i . ' ....... ..- I i i . J i . r . ; . 1 t : imiu .lacKHHKM jncau tniuKa "a- nense. 2fow-it 'any man wbr:- ,,I1Hu RWMns tn rrv evrv L I 11 l ' - . ... I .. f I '-. - .. . . - . I : moug an lue men on me iC4-pnDii- gmrtv pi dealing in Roch gush us nook ana corner, and through the on uv. i, lucic IB IJUU BIIIKIC I llie IDOVc WQUIU pause IUr a m U',H.-iI nnmnorutio nlnl rf thia KLY I'ATHIOT. ' i . . ... J 1 leader.- The campaign of argument and fhe work of organization should go hand in haud and be pushed vig- ously to success. Harrison' tpeechea to the rial. ment and compare hin c4iulition andi the general condition of the country to day with the condition of xJorth ; Carolina nnderj Republ cauf rtgimt and the Canby system of county government, bo would 'realize the folly of all! such torn ting delegntions are positive proof foolery, hang bis head lrtshanirT that Sarah Bernhardt isn't the thin est thing alivew city a movement has been inaugu rated for the purpose of perfecting a thoroogb organization of- the party at every precinct in. the connty j by the organization' of a Clevelaml and Fowle clnb. .Only two years ul -Republican misrnle in' on lyialfe w 6t i!ie Cou tityofttces f andnni this time henco "snreaa has served to illustrate what would himself for the Ruceet of the hnevitablv follow the ele?tioJi of an '"W k In '82 Dockery was the anti pro- state and nation Democratic ticket in our County, entire 'Republican ticket in Goil-j hibition candidate,. Will "the pro- hibitionists elect hira in by-vot ing for Walkt? i A ccne i:. j:iMi-.iu piimary election n t i- l;.i t li 'iise lu re lat Situr- i. . .is jtU('v'f"r'!,i,i "I'.v 'A .;., reirter. ;iuiZ l-r Jow:i Jaj tlould V;!; str et. I! iiTTCiiii h.v- an awkwaid "n-conl in ! IV euriency q nest ions. j i,.- v ,.i means clieajKT cloth K, ; in paity. ;!id the 'I't-v ii-nTiin art solid against li uii ':! , '. 1 " " . i i:!.in-.v ami pauper lalKir must the )e'uioeratU4'purt34 ll:-!i ta.V"S for wai; f.n jw'.ir.- L- 1 Vmoer.iev. taxes i: not 1 iiiocrats. i-r not it.i is :.-i:itnsrus. He The big reception to be given Rlaiue on j his return . from Europe can now be put down as the "biggest bnstof the campaign As the, Charlotte Democrat says it is; "very silly to near 'sensible business; men, or sensible men of any -sort,' say they are tired of pol itics, that they do not intend again to tike an active part in elections, and! that they don't care who is elected.- i Don't they know that Will Don White Dlease rise and I their business nrosneritvJ the com a r a f r tell the ubli what be thought of j monf welfare of their families, and the Republican primary in the I the interests of the State general court house Saturday lastf Jly, depend upon having good gov . . I . lemment and gocsl officers? Sup "1 wonld not advise a repeal of , J A . n ... . IivmA tliov nn nor. Iika a man mill .i rr-i s . i 1 " 1 mi) nuistev mil . mere is it mor al side to It." ifaines G. Blaine in 'S3. uuinese uauison nas written a letter and accepted the nomination on the Free Whiskey and Higher Are they willing, to jeopardize the vidually, j is that any reason wby they shoald refuse to vole for him? Witq the experience they once had of Republican rule in this State, are they willing to try jt again? Taxation plank. iTotecteu Millionaires organ ize "Trusts" t6 Gght organized la bir. RemembeV this,' workiugman, when vou vot . I - - . Steady, boyi, steady. We have them on the run, but keep your success of the Democratic candi L . - i dates by throwing their votes away on some visionary scheme or some impracticable candidate, or by ne glecting: to votelj If white radical negro rulers should., again get pos session of the State government! the k)eople who now profess not to take much interest in elections sues dressed, and your laborers to I i.. .. - . ' . ., .. , . , . would be the first to exhibit lament the. front, next Saturday. m-ti ft L rr -j u Li U"ird-probibition4iarty is eipial to The Chicago Tribune chuckles 1 . , . .' ..- ations and fear.' A vote for the It irtis'Mj ii.Mt't. tl the ;.voiking s.-n .in 1 Si 7 I- t I hem T.'sent it tM'W. " j 'XXiU-U wii! u "nke, 1 In a r.t r I h i-i wl and ami the over its discovery that not a single baby born in, that city has been christened O rover. Mr. Cleve land is to be congratulated. Congressman Rrower is at pres ent in about as comfortable a posi tion as the boy on the orchard fence with a dog on one side and the farmer on the other. - "j.nHi's erij !l : ! eepii'n'seenis t'Sivr Ihiitun :it:.:lM r wrt blnnk- I !.-.? i ii:?:5 e io;' ii? tiiTiean kingnieii demaud t;..! iiw material; Mouoi"lists I'Mi-r fiH'raw lalr. ...mi ica is Jt I'lllf flOIII : ' .". Vit... ii 'fii-lil I lor taritl' reform, let source it whatever tribes with o bt-s lien H it t i-.in W !.: j ! Js lov. r. t.iVor. a! 1 r - t.itn st lalnir Hpeak mneh c! i. It! a vote for Col. Dockery' aud negto party. A vote for the pro; hibition party is a vote against thf Derocratic party, and against gool government. People who give such vots deserve to bo ruled by negro government, and they will nnd that they have injured themselves and' their children and their neigh- (onj to au' irreparable extent. Let sensible white men actlikv sensible The people pr-vyilmiugton are peri.. ! i making elaborate ; arrangements "People generally have' as m-ieh for the FireraeyiV Touruainent, a fnteTest tn! the welfare of the St a'e and in having good goverrmont, is ihave newspaper editors and what are i called politicians, and they should not exjoct a few to do all4he work for the party. We can stand a bad government alout as well as any one, but it is onr duty to. warn the ypnblio agjiiust Corioratiou8 and trnsts came out thelrisk of having urp. : - i fj.rd, and Imi it said to the honor ami glory of the- intelligent, law abiding and -independent voters of j- lui i.o.itii, iutj ai c euiuiiui s-al of condemnation on such mal administration of public affairs as will sooner or later command the admiration of the world and rele gate to the shelves of Oblivion the last vestige of Republicanism with 'ts attendant corruptions. Vt e therefore appeal to the Dem- ii ocrats of Guilford in this hour of peril to stand by their colors and nominate on the. lSth inst. such men as will be acceptable to our people men who rwgard public of nee. as a public trust men whoso integrity! is beyond question and whose honesty of purpose is beyond suspicion, for it there was ever a time since the firing of the last cun at Apuomattox when tho Dem ocrats cf Guilford needed a leader with "principles untarnished and zeal p u flagging,' it is the campaign v e are just about to enter. While m inyot .our own .flock wandered astray alter false gods in-lSSO, yet we have proof positive that they, like "the wandering sheep from the scattered fold," will return to their first love in November. Place,- then, onr banner in the hands of "good men and true," and the verdict of the firstf Tuesday in November will herald to the four corners ot me civiuzeu worm a riiunphant D mu ocracy. I .-1 1 !Ter; 1 j 1 1 . : . . ; I Honl THOMAS -M- TTnT.rn - 1 li" j - - ' 1 ' ! - . ; jl' ! ., -- ,- ' ' 'I no - m m , . t. : 1 -. li , :ii fi(jrj .ill ti fK ;r 4 !-.e ! f' ! (.v v..:!,-;; j tin I iJllMtMfi,- ufl; THtl VELKLY PATRIOT CUCUUTd! lASSEtT.DT TBS COLLET auiLroarj.tnocKiKanAM. ouan . MANCE. OKANOK. CUATHAM. -BAJJpOLPH. MOQBJC. rOH- 8YTH. DAVIDSON. SUIV- PitUjlrl. PtH-k nt Unry Gtin ADVERTl$EftS STICX A PIN H?X t 1 : New j Developments. -Col Fred. A. Olds telegraphed ti Richmond Dispatch yesterday "There iare not a few peopile who now belScvc that there wtl 1 ' . I . i! . f. I- I! be another sensation im connCG- tioh with the'Slate National Rank smash. .It is whispered here and there that there will be some Sn dictracnts in the Federal Court here growing tnit of this peculiar ly sensational case. There is talk ... . . 1 A - ail over tne btatc about the malt ter and much jof it is very harsh indeed. There' is no telling ivhat will result, jj The Treasury 1 De partment expert, whose nanfc lis Lrummotna, is sun. nere maKing-a fresh investigation. As vet rJoth- lesson that G refnaboro might fol low with profit; , : .5 . It is said that Judge RnsselPs letter terming (he negroes savages has created considerable indigna tion among tbet colored people of the Capo Fear section Till: M IIOI.R SIU I5KT IOI. I I Notj long since we ovei heard a conversation letwren three or tour gentlemen on the street, when one of them remarked to the other, ''the tariff don't a fleet North! Carolina one way or another, as the nianu lactnating, in this , State is no where.' To all snel: H'Ople we wish to whispeV just a few words for their own benefit. Under this taritT that some, junk pie think "don't affect North Csir blina" the farmer, for instance, rises in the moruing, puts on his common rlanuel shirt taxed !K ier cent.; his coat taxed o7 per yent.; slrnes per cent.; and hat taxed Im the arti'u Pratt was d:-?: his jleatb, tlii i.-i life lis irelstrd;: 4 ill - V iau .ioi xtt iz. n , for the diflV'TiMif CinciiinatHab-.r:t on horseback bv t! road to deliver to Hi ties! interested the leered. As i w branch barik, i tbnn ' lished, on tlio rno?ti partjnte. the cashi r orongnx onr. sora? ;ir bill.4 .folded or:, nut awar in my sfi!,! ed foe U tt. r? t 'r the i:iekagc r lie tnunt'il amoiintcd t" moraent, a , ii,'.r. one,! wkci.i 1 oi 1 first best at Ceicago, but the peo- 4e kuby whereof we speak when j $ per cent.; takes the water from a November with Cleveland's re eleo tion. 4 Tl .ii iifan . it St- l i V" i(-. - . j " in. ChincM in ust s tys Jie, must Vlevejand is out a.'x! out ojtRs pauper labor. Rehieralier rV, working men. - '!.- -l is ii uslvd b all the iarr r. tin- business man. the - pie will come, out "first best" in we i say there are just such ; people- l- L .' ..... s teferred to above ami they ilon.t live a thousand miles from Greens bom either, and a- brother Yates says, it is; just as mueh their dafy Us t is that of the editois;. to work for;gool government, and they will soornei orj later find it out. JIark out prediction. . j J The fraudulent -tax bonds issue by the Republican party in North Carolina duringthe dark days of re construction laniountcd to tens of millions of doflars.f i DocLery favqrs the collection from tho ieople'of North Carolina the special tax bond issued by the Republicans to the amount of sev eral millions. man d. vote a dollar's . i'i't:i-..r tin..- -igain.-t, Harrison V t;,!x-r i. t in What has become of that vol s.vd i r That Harrison's home ClOelah.l 1,'tMM) ... a - Mi ic : lu ll rattle. fiend is lor Harrison." i hv-iji to kill him. ( In Hi: ti.'.,: 1 irt'i.u-i ats i.f the -tn st dis hi- .na. mated -I'oiu Skinner c;,. -i-a Uis ."Vdei iifs and two la" ai en. .ugh for any Ma in. j i. ..l Suilolk, Va . was vidimus, entailing a loss a ' a!f million dollars. , 1 ": ....tL!cte has beat 'the i '.ii'iiui' somersaults." . in- 1 1; rross loads puliti- j :. i::iiu woiaun Las esfab- iisital in New !i..;.;ta!s are dolor uerable vampire blackguard Sam "boodle' pretty soon. must hare and .Georgia Small? The exhausted It said that Harrisou's eloquence is a good ileal like picnic lemo nade. It is cooling, diluted, a bundant with nothing to affect the morals or the health of the most innocent. I After the Parts Exposition Sa rah Bernhardt wjll goJ to India and Australia. Siberia is the only in habited portion Of the globe which has not helpedf-to pay Sarah's debts. ! f i Um .Mr. ' ' "'' ke to sti n down au '"- I; at .'.!. ii ii u's reply is: Fe B rower tod w And Mr. Battle's office is to be moved toRaleigh Well, until it can be run by simon-pure Democrats, we have no objection to the remov al of the United States Marshal's office to Raleigh brsoxnewhere else. i Protection, such as we have now, does not benefit the working man. It beuefit the "capitalist who, by means of protection, has a monopoly of the; manufacture of some article. j resign. '.i.ti.r aMc le eorted to "v said: -N civil service re When 1 figfct a man li:s ucalp is mine. : "i what the lein think, i.hk j t..r m j " i.'-K' .' t" f. .,! 111. "A sea sereutlias been discov ered off the Rhode Island beach twice as long as! a tug." Again the question arises does prohibi tion prohibit? ; "Mrs. II. V. Brpuaon. of Penin sola, O., has raitserl for ' the. pres ent campaign the largest flag. used in that part of the country for William Henry! Harfison iu 1840.' 'But William isn't running. WELL AIIK bucket! taxed 35 , per cent.; ;lnd washos his face and bands in a tin howl taxed 3.7 per cent ; dries them on a eiieap cotton tower taxed '4a per cent. Hit$ down to his bumble meal and eats from a plate taxed 50 er cent ; jwith a knife an-l fork taxed 3o pericent.; drinks his coffee with sugar taxed pendtr ud bills' hi;?;, ::- wheh a;:p'i--:':-iaf 1 from the r:. '! . wasMi'-i .cre-d .' at that :l ly, i of dSis?:'."!-!;:- it's - hat a g;!r s;f-' i flasliifg Ir eovcjrcd vr-' i.'t'-i witb gay .'a iitncr-; .. descending, ntu . passi'iigi'i.' in; in h i Gulfj ot .Mevico. Uit part'of tlie iiiM. sell jiiy horrc inese.wiui n:y arras suit. Tiiere wt c thenj, Slashing: i.ii agency tnoie subtle; i: far )utriniiiiTif it j treaties reqiiiiinr 't uipiiis to ietiiT:i ti world was In; to re fe age orte-'i;. eoniH'i'Mii lie.; ' hint'!, I was in' ;...'-- tuuej for i f'O. i j the fact i. x' j. .. ; , '. tenant-in .. only I . . O- i. . ! pitablt i.i.rit; i:;' :..y what riiiaTk ' is. weit tl. ' .U- - .-. i came to ::. rr I'if.s ai.-i mileK tliotaa , .; Kous on a !.f---realiag to lier ! . Jli-..: in fG OS per cent.; seasons j This is the way the Raleigh State Chronicle puts it; Dockery has de nounced ProhitHin and Prohibi tionists bitterly, but it does not make the Third party leaders mad. Dockery was the candidate of the Liquor Dealers' Association, but they never mention it. i The Pro hibitionists have every reason to fear Dockery 'a success aud do fear ahd fight against it, the leaders of the-Third tarty have no quarrel with htm. ! They pass over his sin in the chanty of silence, i Why do they keep j their hands over their months? j ijllas Dockery changed or pretended to change? Has he announced any public profecfion of their faith?, No. The truth of the matter is that the Radical Ben bow and Social Equality Steele, who ate at the head of the Third party, are more.Radical than Prohibition 's p i. . isUt They would not object to Prohibition if, -like Russell, they cart get it mixed with Radicalism, and they, do the mixing. Beubow does not feel any ill will to Dock -i .... i . - eryf lie nas never lett imrt when Dockery f denounced Prohibition ists. Dockery has never said any thing against the Third party and the! Third Prt3 has never said any. thiag against Dockery. (Benbow understands Dockery and Dockery understands Benbow. There is po cause fori quarrel and no quarrel lietween them. Tbey have stood ft . .V4 Dyjeach other in many a campaign before. When Russell seriously proposed an alliance between the Radicals and the-Third party,iit i no revelation to the Thiid pTty meii.i They panted for it like J a hart for the) water brookj his food with salt taxed 69 per cent.; pepper taxed 01 per ceut i He looks around on his wife and children, all taxed iu the same way; takes a chew of tobacco taxed 199 per cent., or lights a cigar tax ed 118 per cent. And, even the suuTiglit from heaven that ponrs into his humble-dwelling must come through wiudow glass taxed 5J per,1 cent., and yet he thiuks he lives in the freest government under heaven. i Thep he starts to work; puts a bridle I taxed 35 ' per cent, on his horse that has been shod the nails ued in shoeing being taxed 52 per cent., driven by a hammer taxed Q per ceut. and hitches him to a plow taxed 45 per cent., with chains taxed 58 per cfint., and after the day's labor is closed and his family are all gathered around, he reads a chapter from his Bible taxed 25 per cent., and kneels to God on an humble carpet taxed 51 per cent., aud then be rests his weary limbs on a sheet taxed 45per cnt , and covers himself with a blanket that has paid 104 per cent. Even the broom, with which his good wife sweeps the, floor is-taxed 35 per cent., and the cooking ves sels used I in preparing the bus- band's frngal meals are taxed 42 ler i cent.. lighten his bread taxed 59 per d. : rial Canvass, there w and the soda used to !W,,z.t lyn . i,( Tn K My ' rt;v oi man fell so :! the tifs sel t- f! . av.-..i!j:e re ?' v stroke '?-'.. T ;c ' the inf'M -vfi -d :!;! t .1 comnutted a in tu " '' ? siltrrj f!ve year. J- '' denized; the s5oc m '! ;. ::i.! haltr.Jir'.issd h: - jii-'-k ; ' to consciousness, ! m r t i-.f eredtbt all fifv"1'"-: h " penejd in an -jnnn:t''ni'.i!l'i'.i of time.; 4sohm'-d. ! slj illnstrate the von it r- ' ' ' howja etTt.uiii "mat:, laii a . found hiinpelf, for his ?; ;..)', poor fishennai;; -thsif !:' iiv one for.: six years, briuuf : family and working h:i:'!Jin, upon waking up! i'r m ! 1- dream, so short a t;ise i:al ht w -it! asleen that the narrow-n; ckerg'U:rl bottle, filled with water, kimtf he overt nnied" asleep, had not time to :eiiity- ......ir 11, ru f.ior II. li.I1 II! in K l'Sei. llti' i.i.l uir "v when the b ady its ;5s! rj'! ' Q when we wake slri k( tf ing back in'o tlii uv:l ioti'?;!t j RorkH.1 iex isteiif-c. t ei; :' ;vr. i nleaSiinfer life df dreamb.ndl If. is it that so'sctih.-.es v hs-if viv ii a stftinjre iIaei "we laiicy fl;i? ' J have seen it ' !' that when one h j? j sonlHias fit-a'l teen place, and '-ha the n.eniory whitih so sun-t'se i.!-.' In st v how f'ar-ln-! ) t ' how far not ? vi!: iir HtSleep ess e r! nlji'r. Harrison is nesejquestiou, man' 18771 wroli : : mi e es v iu the country ' he was h ; uift la-Hs He referred th iii ; and (Unit s .t!:e 1.' theut. At the tiVe - strikers. Wli Senate we out i .o'iiiig . :.e ni! V itS 'I! :;i "i i'ti; ! U:V It n't Si..' .1';0!k tn'-Dnity 1'iitrkn of Thursday. 4 ! " -. r 1 .i Ljts r Day o the Institute --there was a good attendance thi-t morning, with the weather i'-'t:iieti improvement, Jupiter Plu in jhavinu climbed the thermo'm ictcr and cooled its brain. Prof. tiic! Hen received the enthusiastic praj-p of a!l the teachers gave an exceedingly interesting talk on p::nHanship, yith examples of his .pririrjplcs'sind mode of writing. ! Pf-of. McNTciM followed on the f .i jl jor's preparation, emphasiz ,::ot M.ly general but special prep ' ''' f-in to meet 'his classes.' Books f S ! arc bhh- tools,:, and the teacher t -ppv er behind them for effici-c:-.t r-iork. the ouDil 'should be Kclx'i ktaJ)- of the teacher, tnt minds requiring different her anditrcatment. ' . i'-uiri !oi,iou-eci on the lm- i Faisjeet of physiology, vl.icih ..iiouki be taueht in an at tractive xv nf to children, who Id know something of their odies. .' .'si r a bm;l recess rrol. Atktn ".'c a nnet tau on; some In geography not clearly in the text-books. ( oj y was the next topic, and McNeill made; it interesting. : Uo;jtion was: unanimously :u ccinmtnding the -uscof c harts, niul especially for y work- ir; the county rair m.':t'c a ; "farewell talk, criiiing the tciichers- to hard Jiitl greater success, and at bck tlie institntc was close.d. injr tu-it the two weieks had i .;it. "1 he clock strikes U"e tuke no ? note of time, its loss.;" But there is an- pore inspiring stanza: , , erc's not in thisJife pJeas- Th table .to.' cat, wlicii it is crowce intie rare . t ne nil s s of life be there ! " ; more sweet jiHtj sitting do.vn to the ied w 1 'i. I. Jl t J ' l-J- J1"! siarijing nas Deen acveiopec. i ir r Tlie Radical Cliallenpo. Editors of the Patriot Dear Sir: I see thej editois' p( the North State: continue to pare the Democratic press of the State to publifn tne Kcpubncan and Democratic plcftfprms n their pi pers until after Hie day of clcctioiV. Bullyfor ifessr.'fjKeogh and Bdyt; their proposition is both chival rous and 1 brave and the,Dcmo- cratic editors of, the State need not shrink back with fear and trcm bling from publishing the Demoi cratic and Republican platforms in their papers,! for every one of ordinary intelligence who knows i J ; r li; ' anyining ,oi .-.in?, ivcpuuntan iwair iorrrsrlor the last 30 years or more knovVUbat they all are as is the present one, infamous for lies, and the party that put them' forth and was elected while standing on them, could, if the criminal laiy was rigidly enforced against them. be indictjed and convicted ind sent to the penitentiary fori at least "O years fqr obtaining pejwer upon false pretences. This being the case editors of the INorth challenging the editors of the Democratic Dress to publish the platform, it is hoped that sime one or more of them will take tne trouble to review their "present platform and contrast .it with the platform they have had before ind show how inconsistent they are and how little jegard they have paid to the promises they Have made. 1 E ALAMANCE dis- -'!'" 'tn gets cold th which this paper U will find much to saiden an hearten ; bn ake the world as a printed wwf w u, .1 k.u-.b -This wd'ebim is rcallv a letter II ,, , in to see one or. two men better than ours that there s no starting kuch wheels of prp-rcss, real, progress! and that candor, foe it TsHows conclusively that, not truth, self-respect ajrd equity are on',y LL hcads and h art, declining. Iuis nolt true. The r. Hi world is steadily advancing. . arf injircpicu m nc success ci , Our . contemporary indulges in ,1PSC enterprises out it tfiowaorf action ambnb our own citizen essential to the. prob and the State are rather too rmic.lv of generalization. but there is truth in the above cx tract, nevertheless. regret over thti "good old time? come in many instances frpm those wlip do not know what the "good old times1 were. Tie light falls softly and beautifully through the lorir vista of years arid centuries. bdt the laurcl-crow'nt-u pbet en shrined in thelduity niches of the past; the heroes full-panoplied, whose "flaslung swoijds won bat tles for the free;" the statesman, patriot and satc, filling history's. pages "with the lustre of nbblc deeds are .dwarfed demigod, in truth, to-the naked eye, and those proud statues all along the brpad way of antiquity arc jery common clay. ,: j ' 'i-- In the savagery, of crime, .the world of to-day can look w ith hor ror on the fear The sichs of ne thin ",: penty ofbnvi tovtn 1 UIU I 1 ! 1 1 1 N I ' -1 I With t?ic early completion of the Madison liranch K K andtlic cx- lensiono tbe Cj $ V.:', H, R tojwilmir j;torioK the South Eat, giving us ;i sea coast outlet; and across ,hb Blue ilidrcto tlie Nor folk and Vvcstcriii on the North. what towriiW thinL the broail do- "Old! North btate' ghtcr outlook; or a main of It presents ai ic br more rnvilting! tlcKl to caiitaliu seeking a saii2 and remunerative invcsttncnlt of their money. 1 ' f' -f-r-1- ' i! ' KtUlRO Sltkemacv in (I; t;. KORt)C(?l :'TV.-rMirchcadTmwn-5h!p held a meeting in the Court House 01 I Saturday at 12 o'clock to elect ilclcgatc to the County .1. h.j ' Tl.- i-n...: t iiv lung iii,- arful piciurcs: of the Convention, s and before-when wc V,c H'11 c:-.J.i A,t - Chairman l.ilbrocalli Di..i: tt c-:. - J.i 1.:.. I - Chairman Bi.brocallcd the (1011 i 11, Ul OUrtlll dllU lll IUUI I . . II , J 1 . ., .w..f,i 1a .i,L u- .t.v,l rvenljon tb order and presided With o 1 w U t. It. . vt Jt IU nilttfc 111 . vritA aI-J.. fHf ff-t-r-tr' i: r ii . n.. frcai iiiiiiiity, unu oir. 11 . -01- :u L 11c 1)1 iu nildl Ills. . Inu L 1 - ,. , 1 tit- of human nature could be; FrCat Mty.!aH Mr. J.W. when the beautiful 'Beatrice Ccnci410?. c raT' I stained her fairand. With a fath- inr- arose, aim .1 IIIV ihll wniiui iiitinivi ujn.4iv.ti ui , . ..t t i : er s diqou 10 escape inioicraoie mo-1. r. , 1. , . ral degradatiort; when Louis XL of tl J ,lcf ?,"r1 aruu u hrancc built cages for his victims, ; -r"" ,T 1 ,7 ,1 .V and remorselessly consigned bdth ,rT caci cn' 1' I l"c " '"I. prince and peasant to thc.4iang- ' -vir" y, 7' "' , : man's noose of Pet t Jean and 1 1 U i1 T Trois Eschelles. Infte Wdeow-T- J; - fckra worthy white nJfrtfcIn ,lrrn f Io,,,. nU. HOBl IHC COUIl ry i nilllg vanced w Lours ,...,.ir.,r..ii.. U.i I vote was caKcii,! w lieu mt. niacK i.ivj nui,H.uuiiy. . IW.ll Mini . , , .. . . , ith the days of Chi lies IX and V?rK'nVWMhi?-n,J,,,t? ours XIII. ofVranedand the first c llrUUlcaclifig:of Mr Hmto.i. ith for a chap :i.V 11MKS I.N DANHURV. rv is at aglow witn entnus- upcrt.or Court convened Monday, and j at noon Col. j T.Morchead and Dobson made two cracking good speeches. icsildy C. B. Watson followed v.ii, nnI on Wednesday Mr. S. M. Holtbn. (Rep.;,) of hurry county, ?prc;E(d himself against the Mills bill .tin. J John Brower. There are 1 between 200 and 300 peopje at , . r r r tiic .T ririr.'js, and tne year. 1 000 has thus far painted the brightest p.'i'cliiT the historv of Piedmont - ? T" " - l ..l." ii3. 1 lie iwo noicis are taxcti .to their' utmost capacity, '.villi jic' recruits corning in daily. Var ;!ia'b string band. of Winston, one of the best in the State, has jeen employed by the Taylor HtH'c to furnish music for that resort, whose :popular proprietor.! Capt. r. rs. layior,, and matiawr. J.'S. Taylor, delight ceut. She sits down to her sewing ; le with a needle taxed 2,i" .s 1 ' t 1 ; iV i l:iT ll'-i' him.l Attfbeir if. V-.nv" . tJ irr Wnrlman K of .X JwK'iwt. maehin per cpnt., 1 and a spool of thread taxed 74 percent., to make a calico dress tiixel 58 per ceut.; or if. she wishes to knit a warm pair of socks to protect her husband and jchil dreu from the bitter, cold she uses v arn taxed 120 percent. j j Now this is the whole secret of the tariff in a nut shell. You are a free man: act as you .wish. If yori eau stanu sucu iaxc, Hreij uic 4 t editor of this paper can. Wm. II. Sewaid. . i'-r s uer and Henry Wilsaii vo vi the jtariiy-of J"!S.7,I whUh r- the Unties on. duliab!ij j:upoi an average of li' p' " ct-i: u er rte th;:iv;aii.v iuce, JSOf'V the organs of tnrnf monopoly nonnce the Mills bill asaj'Br free jtraib'" iHiair' they I 'i the patrintSsm ind flandf i;.t tnories of the fuCiiiderH of iUt I publican party.--Fhila. Icuoru to I?1 pee to in caser nitrfMis Tik p. iter eat to the wants. of" their MSTOL IN DanbuRV. An on! occured in Danbury c-tcti!.iy evening between Mr. J. fjiylor and a Colored man, whic'4 resulted in Mr. ,T.f firing '. !. J. ,-.'' irt LJ i- -.1. tv-. rr.ojts trom a 30 caiiDre omiin revolver at his iidver of 'which took etTect, ic hand, and the other in above the 1 knee 1 i - however, only f , -r-. 1 L I Dunus. i ne irouDie, we Wesson sary, botn one in t Froni the Daily Tutriot if Frjilat t GRATfFYiNG.-Paying us a ball k 1 this morning prior to his depart urc from 'the city. Prof. W. A Blair w as ! pleased to express him self in Jughly commendatjor terms of the general interest man ifested bv both iteachers and t!i0 public in the success of ihe Couhty :i-. . . . . ... :H nstitute, which :has been holding its sessions in this city since Mbn-I 1 r f dav.' oth tilt. - tr'of.-Ulair. thiiilb ours a remarkable people, .in tlie attention which 4hey crive to Hat ; - . , " I ! ters educational, and tft&r eagtor ncss in thej support of every mens ure which may promote the inter ests of their schpols and colleges he attendance at last year 1 teachers' institute was to The full j as'lartre as that at the State N6H mal, and this year it has hardl) been less, j Mr. Wharton, Courjt)i Superintendent bf Public Instriic tion. states that there are not nun dozen teaichers In the county wij have not been pitesent during tin sessions of the pst two weeks. In gratefully aclknpwlcdging thd kind sentiments -'expressed )f Prof. Blairj we hive to thank hinj and his assisant for that fidcl t jn their services, coupled with th hearty and unflaging'epoperati jr of! Mr. 'Wharton j which has mad the work this yjcar scj pleasa iti instructive and sjjiccessfuL ' 4. From tho Daily ptri.t of atarJay. Chinch BugI Chinch bdgf are reported in some sections of this countv to bel destrbvintr crops., ' - j j ' : j Broke iAiL.--iartics on the two Georges of England when the royal purple Vvas stained with revolting vicejafid the laborer's hovel was a sye-of moral lepro sy; when woman's ""beauty, "grace and wit were the baleful lures to lascivious excess: when virtue was for a scoff, and "honot and truth the by-words of a, play; when the soldier hired his sword for the midnight work of tllic assassin, and the divine in the Pulpit tlmn dered blasphemies against God. Hut we doubi much whether t tic world is better in nronorti'on to it s chances! Civilization has pushed t,0V uon tKo licl wcli(T nf Irirhiricm ,lr"' SCCIT c - v .'vwwi wi t-'iA wa v, rv riicii Irrrv Gr.i-siMc. , cl., arose and nomiuatc-nl J Burrcll Grcttcr, col. He was elected, Mr. Ilinton rrot vottn, ut siilking.'; Then Buirrcll Ikcttcr nominated Jerry Graspie, and h'c.vas elected, Ilin ton not vdtinirland his face grow ing longci all, the! thnct and hi haif rising higher and higher instil it stood; -straight ion 'end.,' Tl en Mr; J. Iii Masoii. White, was r o n inatcd, by Burrcll Grcttcr, second etljliv Jerrj Gr-nib. Mr. Ilinton had by this timS so fir recovered as Jo rist and vote,1 but on rflc- hc situation he was in nj Barrcll Grcttcr rcad- into the shadoWs of the past,, and the startling crimes -strewn like wrecks all through ihe world's 1 1 . n m . 1 . niscory ure iviassacre 01 rL Bar tholomew, the Sicilian Vespcrs.thc Spanish Incpn'iition, the French Revolution arc never! again pok ing the nhmci ol ;thc dclcgatci and altetn itcs frbm a r.lip ol jn n;r: which hadi been fix!cI nj ftr him in ad ancb.1 he collapsed and rose no nv re, Iju a(j.ircntly fc nr in that hl not vottii woXitU be correctly ijitcrrirctcd bg'the motly ,!T" I i-lr.n 1:- -I ,...i si'We. But ha the progress of yT" i " ; ", v Christianity kept pace with the im- r r cvcr . 1 . J. . J .'V r.... .... .. !. provement of moralitjj? l)oeswo man's piety go hand in hand with woman's puritj, and are- honest men careful torpc also godly men? It is to be fearcil thatour livcjsare clean and decent with .no better ground-work than the love of re finement with which .. enlighten aftrwardsS by fraising high over , ins. neat ui4vaiKing cane, - Wasley IIJUcol., was then nom- . n - , . 1 a mated by Graspic.aH GrcUeri, seconded by an alternate, and elect ed; of course; then John Moore,, col, wa-i placed in nomination by Graspie. seconded by Grettcr amt J i I t. . If,.. merit. lias inspired iis. for certainly c,t . Wr"? ' . , " ."- ' , u- -i t 1 . 1 per Ilodgin, white, was nomifiattu this is not an atje of deep-seated . J Lui 1 . . i- - i f 1 ir J f, .-. ... bp Grcttcr, seconded-by (irapic. rejigioilis fecknt'. If scenci: 1 . ,v , k V. i.., J - ' and laxity ot belief are not on the ,. J ' .- :i 1, . . t . , , . , ' Nj tlra two negroes absolutely increase, it cannot be claimed, on m - .4.' ,,a. ., 1 1 , ,,1, ... .11 f. run the CKnvetitioii made every tint other hand that the world ii .. LJjt 1 1 ....1 i:, . Ht i- 1 t 1 -.1 ' 1 iiiouoii, arjui 110H1111411 u .urn ttv..i- building churches and other rcr I jj,.L,,U(, 1 t,n,i, .sitrrnitc. aiouiandhennIentmM.tutm in proportion o its magnificent..,. !t. . t , f ' ith thrlitre.s. olen:iire. resorts . r.i - X. i ,i f"v . . . ' .J! :-...i.L them. .M M f - I L . ' t . . - - . . il The concnti on wa inm nt; 1 onrtii. 1 i 1 , t , 1 dor hu manity is ready,fbr the Mil Ivjnjnium, o. , meniai imp mc.mcui. ". "Uof four or five shamf.ice.1 look rie.i'musi pass yci uciorc iwr 11 u , !Ll : t t ...i.. ... r.i... - iii'irr,...'!.,. iimi .111. 1 11 1 v .11 1 1 1 1 1 ... . ..... ...... - - j . -. t 1 . .1 i i . t . - 1 1. . irr.i... h., n.iiv e.,i.a,.r .Vi.i.i..i.i kc puouians , nave 4i-crir4 vu.n. DlLD,-Mr. T. S. Shcltqn left tllcydM irpi icar nr-rocs rm.ng , -no negro couiu run. Mr. Hitjiton will not sa)f so' any more, for ; ooked like he feared somcththg b.uMvas going to hap penfear Kvith him was based on reality, fbr he was absolutely ruled I I.'.". out by nefcrbe , lie; Ipokcu as n f i,:J (A, ii.,ri;n-r.n n,,l ll,ls couniny inviiiiiii; wuiii..hi..i.i " .-I : . WM1 swtr toa telcgramannouncing tne j)C ici 0 . i. j i .i: Jri.-r.i t.'c' . . 4 suancn ucaiu 01 nis i.uner, j . n i j,c certainly SheJton, Sr., near that place- W extend our sympathy, loathe bc-j rcaved ones. To Bk i UNVt;iTi p. Wc leant he thoujjhjt thc jnegrbek had rin that the Ladies iXcmoritl VVssoci- I . n t io n I ' V 1 ation of this city will unveil the It seenis the convention wa Confedjerate monument in Green ,ja(:t-cd in khci iiltcrist of a ccrtaiii . ing the Kirc-lLeinlc n.n fol she tiff, and it wai Tf.ll rmli.r,fi. rlnr.r, man's Tournament here on the not Don White I !T i,r. w"n b-th.nfh. The sbeakcr's name Gii MEit TiiWNMtt Ir i held her C. F. & Y. V. trim .today 'nfort - . fj annbuncetl. i mcctintr at onctli'clo.lk, J. V, In ., .-. tx.I... It.Z -V- J ' I i i . .. . I ill I . r . 1 iv ! .e'l. Chairhiart.prcSKliiU'; unancj. yANOTHER.Cf.fH A n oth e r Moore, col., wjij ejected secretary Clp-veland 'ind Fnwb C.lnh waul It was rtini much HI the Kamc way organized at ' McLcansville last and rcsultbd in !a WaIcHoo defeat Saturday evening viththirty or forty me.mbers. Gilmer Wilson was elected itresident and John Stewart first vice President with John Summers Secretary. iSs that John Dayisj llehry NJa and George Buchanan! broke jai at Wadesboro rticht before last hld made good.tSieir escape. Local Ministers'! -Confer ENCE. The TabiernacieMeetifig and Local I Ministers' Conferenjci will open at Rulherford College r ii 1 on the i8th,of this month, embrac ing two Sundays. All inforrrta tion concerning tent's arid accorhif modations can b had by address ing Brof. Abernethy at Ruthcrfoccl College. j 1 ' " . One HuNDREb and Sixteip Pairs a Da v. J-The j Patriot glad to learn jjthat the Tota Broke CanIi. The- Friends' yearly meeting at High ; Point fothr- I Jo. Wliitrt delegates. It" was coTOTpscdi of keventy-five or one huxtelrbd ncgrbs and not more than three, oi i four white 'men. none of Whofh took any active, . i i i i ..j - part execk MtjWii B. Steele, he and Mr j.ir. jarrc i racing ibc on ly twoiv.liitc men allowed any broke camp tb-day. Thc crow'dJ pcivcle th ; litter! the ! only was unusually large and variously estimated at .from five to eight j! thousand' people. Nearly every State i in the. -Unfon was repre sented. - 1 - ;: ' I ''''" ' .. Moving JtoRvvAkn. T h a t Grqcnslorois making ra)id strides tlie thigh just j 5! lit, flcsii w iitiitting. learn, giewxiutof the negro's per sistent cdorts to insult Mr. iay- ior; when the latter turned fire and) the! "fathers fly.' The ere pressed by Dr.Ic and in default of bail the committed to jail to mad wobnds negro; .was, ! await trial J : li I j i r,j o linson Manufacturing jCornpari -m her, material! grwth and jpros at ArcHdale, Randolph County is ncrity'noonc will" question for a now turning out 8 16 pajirs of shcjeis I m6ment who talks w ith oyr, busi a day. They majke a capital shoe, I ncss men, or. familiarizes himself and North Carolinians should pal ! u ith' what is gbing on in our midst i , ' ' . .ii . i Ijj ; Dunng the past month a month tronuchomeindustDes. (' j reCognid by all as being the ' The World Imiroving, TJir,j dullest -month in the year two New Berne Journal furnishes to jitp i joipf stock companies w ere organ- h' f Wng reflect 1 in the following i tram jof moraltsi-, j.1(ustrjes 0f the city. Tb-day wc j ' j Mlcarn that stiB another mbye is on thosle whb claim that foot to.'organiae the thirtl one for There are there is a declin of morality fih I the manufacture of another article society. We dofnot lelievethi$. of home consumption, whiclVbids In certain places!! or persons y-ou 1 fair to be consumated ere the ink ."- T ' "'' . v : I f ,1 :l '' " lit' '!; T i.i - f ; .;'--. ' j ' white deldate and jthe former the only whiti alternate i ! ill . - 4 i 4 T I . . .... . . 4 . f . ,.. A 4 IKUIKALIIII .l I r- I l.'Mi- ' - 1 -. ..... protracted mcctn g will begin at Hincs 'Chkpcl in the i?jth. liMin;: several dak s. Pi r.i.tc (lenn. f,of Forsyt thcVoujig Club in jthis uight. August invited to Died. about do 3 cit bfr of the church. Kfi;.--1 fon.lt. B. i, will aJdrcH s Democratic. on Tuesday 2ist l.vcrybody C'nc.'.j; v Mrs. Sam Apple.; ngijV carsj Uit at ncr. iiome, near Hinqs'ChTap.uly ?;4 The deceased jwas jovid and admired by all jfc hc rrjiany exemplary traits of tharactct tnd christian habits, as well as a devout tnem t : 1 - i ' i - - 4 II- I . ' L ' ! i; r ;-r i.f.

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