- h rv iM i i jLliLi i 4 . .... . 1 ' , 1 ; . " '.' ' ! ' -. - - -jj - i - . s . , " i i DEMQCKATIC' SUPREMACY FCX THE GCOD OF ALL, ARO ACE?2CRATIC AOUISISTEATIC AOUISISTERED BY DEMCCRATS ' " I i !T ' ! ' - 1 jj GREENSBORO, X. C., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1888. j ) 1 ,,!'! I .... j Mkyj....- j ,rm.ifSEi'ix !! GREEKSBQROi PATRIOT i Oldest .-in 4 Most Extcn ; ivw(pfr in Piedmont -Uus brae iLr tha Entire . i.-i;iser 2&ut Appre i.f Sui h fe ilc.iiuci for . ,s hciirc Prosper- i I . " m . 9 m J ...... . . - V 1 ' ' MMIM.M.M. i.iIiL.ji.A'TlOJf .uiDiiiiL in: HATES KD- ON AC- u -.i.::i.Uto!j .V;r-.t!i!iiks that 1 1 .i p-Mise :s alaxit cooked. 1. 1 'i .i v i.le of t.silie sUtiws DOCKERYVH HTELLISG POINT." Mr. Dvwkery' telling K)int iu his spet cu uere was that before the war cotton a kiux, and all other in !ustriv8 were brought to its feet. iut 8inc the war, under a protec tive tarifl', the .eopIe have disen thro:.ed it, even hay and poultry running ahead'of it. This is done by the home markets bnilt" up by the uianulactures and diversihed industries of the couutry. tille Weekly. - 1A very "telling point," indeed a Hmt "tohPwithout any facts to sustain it. Col. Dockerv has beeu chargel with an unscrupulous teu bead with f WAKSiarosL W I toe field in aid or lilaine'a rrefll-lr "uu near through the medium Suppose WU. Morton t Bhould be I dential candidacy. Mr. Conkliag . e waoie "xwj- Ulose or band. T f . ; - Vice President and Mr. Har- should bare said that he was nbtlfrt.l .":-:.."':!: . """Jt i . i w President I of these United then on the criminal side of the SansJ Pe 13 the name of a new come riijon States, who knows how soon the I docket." SunremA flnnrr. .r thai TTnitw1 1 Thank God! th Rnnfh (m frea ; r-1 - j States wBI be "watered" to carry the stigma attaching to inch men: V UDai8l?otBnn! WELCOME. The and scenerv. will sinniv omcc Just t micalJy appear. Stop the iiears eve I county. LOCAL EiWS. se and goats drowried during mc nign water, as tuey cannot swim enougn to save tneir lives, warns other stock of the accroach mis i oi danger. It is stated that it i l I common to see ;an old sow swim p.J JL. Jnaing the river to the high sidef I uacK, just Deiore a iresnet Air: ffrey thfs suit in favor! ot Mr. Morton t four skirt are clear, and with an jdited signalizinff warning annarlj eadIy welcomes to bur The millions he would make out of onaeared conscience we can say: I j t"ns to closed eyes, and the clair; I A. B. Frey, of Ohio. ir nnll (. hiV 1iinr tn imhnH. "Let th itaHM iaA wino I laudient nerves . have rprtAatfll J I i, it . ! A PPR FCT A TFn Ancnrl.Tti hi!, for his present campaign ex 11: ' I s!! Thornton's jewelrvlmsi- Mtor of the FayettevUle ObserJ .iia 1.a fn f xwecwveu wim ioroioaine irowns irr-rrv ""'"K wurus. ad i . j l ' 1: 1,: u:u "r..ij 1V; . y and covert sneer- dnhbd "RahAl na conditiou both eyes "u 13 wen rccopmenaetn r'V"s w""1 naimi inmiit top tn icaiiipjii narrv. I r ina asm hiraaun nt k.. xc .win hoc 110 to Bar LoaL i uaaicai 1 0 "t't'""'" 1 """ouio iuiucs. ijoru urnnirhnin 1 i : : j " - - t I i. - ... . . . .. . . ( 1 I r . f . . -r-0- : "WH Presidents I will not "water" the 0 1 lin wmcn lonal b0' onn vviey ad their experi- and ears have! seen and heard re and prepared for his chosen voca-ff n's duties and responsibilities j r j jx ; as a journalist, b unflagging in his zealous efforts for the advance- SUMNER TowNsmr.-ln com pany with Mr. T. W. Forhi w. enjoyed i very pleasant ride last Saturday! to Revno!H' rh hojisfe, in Sumner township, where wemet aj considerable gathering it" Sooa. people of that section l.t!Iifi-or the 1 - -I'..! !aniV Ticket .tfi ! Mortoa. j Tuo tiirt-e ' ! .l!iV JUIUJHji.S- I U.c ftiniJauiaiui dency to misrepresentation, bnt L A 1 - . m Ulity conld brand them; mistrnst- ?$ce8 and ?ctor, the astronomer, 1 DANGEROUSLY ILL.- The many many h statements are so wild, .5 s ... t.inr . . ed and doubted in their loyalty "&aVe? uJ!a ch mar- fronds of wrt iili ihla v.f . .n 1 I . 1 mf o ' I " r I " " , lw , . , fio - t?:i r .-. : s Col. W, Snyw 1 mcnt and I promotion of j the best rut. w .1 t Jt: . . . UuLiom-m s and natriotismthe twentv tm4' SB!; 7VM;: ;T .t- tms city, will regret to learn that 1.1. r "7 r r . Vw tlwt wean, mtiior in..iinMr t i f . .comcuium iu i . . . . . - - '.t ttt'ZV'JZV&r" li.i.j- a n. ' - ' v by tne pusnmcr and ejiteroristnp . w Therefore we sav it is time the I 01 i -t ru r 1 hevmnch against ?ourirevicUsMXS without blot or blemish, approaching a.dock tois room dence on Church street J and that s frit m .fM of tl. m.,ik.f l. Jo r 1 --t ; . - ... . I Which h Ad anddanlv .lnn .1 i I ' lft I ! . . J a ig- rr.T f1?! whatever h -.wiih-. ' 2 51 heartthe voiceJhii recowrv. I I i I y Chamber of Commerce, and takes r" of industry ' should open wide their whatever may be their abilities, at of his brother at Grand !EapiS hIf recoveryj eyes Of t ;u' re ifi "It- vx-i..!id'.s atic party. ia juiubt e election he was' in be accused rather of deplorable lioratice. Cotton "diseuthroued, is it! lit 18.0 the State of-North Carolina produced 73,000 bales of PAn c tims in your iiatJ jou cotton wi!! Col. Dockery tell his hearer.s how many counties just NCR easing. Prof. iTbmlinson Lu -v riT- 1 j ymiov4 the citizens of his own town, in his JIVBROWER. an; admixture in I about, caual P4 of Pcmocrats and Rcpubli-" carisJ flavored Yno, that won't do. fof flavoring imolies 1 which they take, none "in thcirn") ""P'f'1 (no. thafs 1 too piquant fori he mild. temper that pervades their politi cal : creed) watered with the prohibition element. I - Atr4ittle beforevi 'o'clock Mi.' Frank Glenn,, chairman of the tOWnshln evrilfrtr rrkr-rtinif. . i Tj 1 T "" vmuiinkk) (11- troduced Ma R. A. Kennett, Democratic candidate for the Icfr- islattii'e, whose speech of about thred-quaif ers bf an hour was rc- 1 1 Lcde, jf (rurdons ntiibyU'd I'.jin aid of ilh l!oW l'evt r uf nt;tiv-.-f iiiihtary t.s ol, nun '!i'-Jashioi:til Mn- trrow that much, and morel Where t -J. u I I .Ml. ' Mease tuey love their people and Mich., utter the words: "Pitt irone. t I - : -I.. . . .. . i. Tl i ... ; i " . I .. . .iwi. tyuimiauil l they love integrity; they go there ne next oay he receiv- ;nrma ... -ia.. Jo uLi ! 1 w- poor, and they return hooeDoori F1 Ulegram that his brother died , . s . TT-8V"i 1 issue of yesterday, as follows i i . in ... . ! i a that t n ei. . j. iars navr rn inrn h h.i i rr.A t reeeived n. Ittr taring tiU iu-hit. nrAA i, Lf iu: x ne People OI ureenSDOro, t i f . . i i ja Ai w i i ii' i ri r inroun rneir uiamoer o Lorn ja lue caujpaiu progresses xve- . - im t Iwll.T.u lwlu scrai oincrs to come, ims merce, are determined 'to take rL!iL J, . - an iui.rca-c aircaari over last auvantagc oi tneir rauroau iatui- . i i r s. 0 i - l i '-i.il..' ! ? ... . . . I:tinr-l lt U J A'. - f . 1 1 lies. 1 ney nave waited long, and . "f r, urav-U55-on 01 l"C qucs- " " '""-"o"-"" l i j j,. pcit. .rii,.., 1- wrth r ,i 1 ul gwue j. m gouts - xne ruisn I & Weldou It. II. are renuired to fJu,cauo .ouohiw ,,J-" ';":T Psychical Society narrates the cases " iu mu oi-icis uvtug miies apart, lvr ! i land who at nierht met in their car. I i t . . . ..J. J M I fiacPH on the man tn oa t hair I i pi e tie (Special to tb Patriot are the flour mills' 1 13 1 T v uvuoc vi ,. "-. " onj ieei an(i Representatives to reduceorabolish Haw, and xadkin rivers, the' cease ii i f , Ealeigh, N. C, Sept. 21. A co jw-tth .sound sense, excellent argument and fortible reasoning less clack of who.-o mill-wheels I .eutauves.oreuucoranoiisn 8Uitation ot Eepublican bosses was taother after next Monday the; regular gres-hat is pervading the entire U"Z. ue i touacco taxi tuereiore every heJ(1 here ten dayg ag0 .Q the jng. wsh to gee them and wbich the passenger and mail trains over the South, that they must help them- L f. I 'J now realize-that if they expect to lonj of taxation", Mr. Kennett Un and keep step to the march! of pro- evinced His careful reading an,l of the subject, and conclud- . i j j. m .scI- now to b " . . in Met, itf conijuiri- -t i y riiisi;!( scattered I' V. f : I ; Luc J !:Vase which . . -irvclopJd to adu it - the latty'deyenera- ' ' I It.. bftttr luck 4 i j-!.vgamx' law than H io keep th 8e!iate tnc Mm! .in; the Chin- I iiitftxiuced in vi,: 1m ).!K) for dis- i-t 'f yclnv It vcr, 'y.nt t)i i-ilVctiiig its I . . ;. i ails ffv brick 'building stood on Person street in Kayetteville, (aud stands there now empty and dismantled) which was devoted to the storage and iiis.ectioii of North Carolina Hour; and to day a-bag of it-is 'as rare in that market as a barrel of Northern Hour was 35 Uemocrat should be armed with theL. o 1 daughters had heard at ni-?htLiTh r- t? v ir t v selves, and to this end the Cham. congressional district. Two yea ago there were two Republics rjtndfdateR both nefrmpR. Tfii prftences and had, faith of the Re- antagonized each other bitter! made music : along those picturesque fo,i jwing fact8J.facts that wholly P "? streams! Prior to the war a lanre i i f f. Ux.- -J congressional L,-1i . -J r .. . .. I ago there were two Republican ine to the transference of sounds of I city with the nbrth-bound Dassen- nrize warehouse, toharro farfor LIT i " "?i 7 7r t candidates-both negroes. They consolation to living persons. Jes ger trains on the main line of the ieS: and to build up heir wast nrf tences arul nau. faith of the lie-1 nnfnn;VA AnnK lam nmvn artiiiA i rni;.. i yaai lt - i Li; . . -i- i v: i : ? i : i I HV IB I MIII'U IB ffn mn I 1 T" 1 WT- MA BIBA I J i district. Two years h ,n,iat!M t, MiiJ.i-,lU make close connection gsa.w a olu. rw wiAJtiitjr . uuuu lean party. Speaker Carlisle On March 3d I and F. M. Simmons'fDemocratl cot recoffuized Col. in being the first Democrat electee sie urown, wnue in xnaia. neara I vf sir r -o t o i i i : i -,'! .- . I : v. xv. trcuicu pipers oi uenerai uaveiocK 1 1 marching to the rescue of Lncknow when no one else heard a sound. aste places. It is manifesting the true spirit and presenting an example The gross wbfethy of imitation. Greensboro brief review of State d ivith i politics. Mrijf. IMyrover having made few remarks when Mr. Kennett ad closed. Mr. T. W: l?nrh; of n y an -able speech of. oncMdedljthc exercises of the fternoon j; rom Gross Receipts o tt..i ' At.: i oi.-- i to reDresenc mat aisiricc xne same i ""cu uu une eise uearu a sounu. i i- . o 'u a ..,.n u.,.- i- m . - . -uuuo.auuSrT,ui uus otaie, . There The ouick eareof aome Edttbnrirh KCCP P, m S" nmtas VV" " fomninopr and a quarter to an wuo onerea nis resolution relieving are two Rcabiican candidates-! people are said to have heard the minstrels in Benbow Hall last "ut " 'i. Ti"l t " . hourmnd a half, civintr the historv i : . .1.. . j . .-. ,. . . i '. . j . . r . i iu.iz.cii5 is aruubcu: lacv nave a u . . n - uiv wui;w truwer w me lax on rintn colored, 'rneir names are Yoices in me air wnicn roia tnar inio-ht ?mn.,nM fA tmrm ' . .. iit thH c hrn..c .f . i. vears ai?o. ,LJU. :i .T . , V'.m.I.-". TrJ w I irin,, Tuma i- aJa r""" . "" w w, pnae m tne OId t0Wn, and that r TvTr"""- atcl's "X wnicn Wo are now livinir nnder the hen..", i. ; M- r" hee er- in en eetfe Field ' ivith manv a kniirKt and ,clcu .wior me Muuiora pnaeis stirred up. liiey intendJH vwuu can. party, m national - -- Rirnrmna mwoi t ia mannfsiptnra nt "vv" vUtl6v.. v...v v.mm,iT-:-- - -y , -- or- - i - . . . . I l i j i .u r 1 1 t- . i i i . ' . . eficeut provisions of the hi-h war TO; 7 " - -T I 7 . J , while Simmons, who is again . thd fWble around him.' The Indians TYY5- -"-notner entertainment is - "gKu. m mc idtc u. cbauon nau demonetized sil . .: Z . ... .. ... uisiiiiea;: spirits ana . iron pranay Temnertie e..nd.dre. Ha otnni have aente ears and aver thak thev hilled for the fire ntM. f ' n I Pdiic improvement, ana tney w yiade hnd ha everv ren of rrmnev I f I I i .1 ' & ' j ----- i-nt Anlt & Kl usly expended in manufac-J J i Tr industries will be returned! "f1 coiini and, then in gold, and fin- interest. .That the popula- jilly plhcidiupon them a premium oe increasea, mat taxes m 28 pfer cclnt. when call In l,. ' .I1" . . lunMa rigid. i ;Wbe the resolution earnest work. Several days aed hear voices constantly by! jwhichj x.L, -.U i;.ii, P.?w- u u .u v,onKre. in io:;-whemis a 8nbmitted to the House two Spier Whitaker, chairman of the they' are guided. The emotion are t - CZl ' T- - T Jud10 'honre market" which has been ea- r .i.i nemnerafle Ri-ate TSireenHve Hnml mvsterious. but we know that thev I Tuv Titren Timp tiIp nem-1 turing tabhshed under its fostering tegis LftLtjM 1 1,: ! i mittee, learned that the plan of tbef quicken preternaturally the senses, ocr.dc cmint,l convention hf Tth r..v V... .1. .,.!; . 1 ' -i 1 , Pannhi mna roa n hnw ofT nit Hai I ana esDeciailv tne sense or bearing. I l tion will t.., vy....u. .rtWn, uuuer, rnoninr nttmnv ... T . t rru 1 " Stores ha a era in Wn liay Mtfd all other farm products! I)embcrat I Ask the merchants of this city Kepijblican! where thev suiumv themselr- with i i . . .. 4gainst;tuk nour, minis, suouuiers, etc.; spend i)eiEOcratB 1 au hour or two at the freicrht dc L..'m: 1 postponed WH1 be lower, that more I houses 1 1 I . ;n4 u;n.nna ..llllir rAAtatana iFhan nfhara urn HaofI m..t in Mnnkn.it Tn..Ji.i t. nHiktf.rnn-.i ha nhhmsH thitl I -7 spend money also to defeat the lati uem as posts, xnere are nearts nA dav ftr Orinher PrUfnone. the value ot every loot oi ground 1 1 Tl i r? . it-- UESOLTTTION. re maturity; he succinctlyand ;. . i :is . ; ;m' tree j ''j ! is the fny trade! pots in Wilmington, -New Heme, Fayctteville, Raleigh and Char lotte, where' one sees immense sup plies of Northern Hour, hay, bacon, coin, butter, etc., filling the Ware bouses of tl e merchants aud then boast of til '"home market" ibtTilt up by protection ! ; Iu truth., when Col. Dockerv r ter. Itannears that all arranere-f that; feel the approach of; loved manfa iiea Wn nerfected mid I ones. New York Mercnrv. I Mehfl ne haa been boncht off- It is I ? 107 gaid that the Protective Leaguel I GttEMoNTr AT the CAPiTAL.--Uection of the county tributary to I eflect," and are determihed io r-eei ir ii wn i ii i i mvm iieiiiuiin i mm tiii iy w. - - . i - t grow. Would that we had here Republicans. iVroong those voting for the re- famished the funds. Thia same or-i orein ministers aemana tne most th county seat i I i - I m-. j i .1 : . I Rcrnnnlotianhservflnee nf theRteroo I i ; KentTach hTs bJeio wi.rb. increased, and prperity fff "y the Mi.., bill ,o . . . . ... ' 1 !. will brighten every home; they tfie great! mass of the .people; the high water which cuts off a large kn0w the meaning fof "cause aid hWst arid strenuous ' cHbrts t i ii . . ...;..fiA. i- ntan onriinrr mnnnir i scru Duious ODservancc oi tne stereo solution were such tanti reiormers w.rf f nd mi-ofHnn nd v.t,i, as Morrison, Tucker, Mills and the two Ireckiriridge8. Two thirds of formtd part of the record ganization w also senamg moneys luu""2"". t I ! Ithe same eo-ahead spirit, and we f u democratic party in ton to this State for ceneral Kennblic I tjl"? ruieo vi etiquette, auu watcu i ; SUNDAY SCHOOL. L.ONVENTION. I v ! ;,t tU- ,ui- Chairman Whitaker aavs with scrutiny every attention and c..-.. d.t.LrJL.ir ". i.rL... C T ,1 '1 1 ?f V""" 1 he has information that the Re" inattention to them, A failure to Tlr; u. Tf.""- nn& s?'..TSmm cm, and the rc- the whole vote that is. 103 being publicans are receiving I money in merauer or me corps or uip f '"-'liZ V ' " '"11 ' , tu " " 1 CI ltfpiWJotlie Mills bill. i i s i i I . . f nrit-A in r ha' nraetda ooa r rutinnffinn I Kie.riLf r Ki.ek 2M u;A a.a. i s i wc v laii lu liccti &Jav.c vv ilii uui i t kv . iieeessarv f.ir the snccess of the re. ample quantities, ana mat mey arei - r?rrA", r-- v-"u t" ""3 1 fT ;u :f J ,.rl!u in wn cni a iJemocratie 11 ti t - i u: io or ner raiiK at tdh jtadim i j i c . i. o.t . j j ...i. i uwuuuuia, it v. jw n. i i i L t on.! the reso ution waa! lost. I r ir. iir-" . iIT I fnn f d nrnhah r .iMtm- the ! T7lai . Af!'"m .raay, ocn ana . draIned. we must have infused issed 11 IU At i.ft in the Ik-hioeratiei w..t vuvij ,."!..; tin- .Mills l.uJ,ttT Mr.-t f i''"i. v-ituci L; '-!: tn . 1 j knew nothing of what he was, talk h: I i irf abo,,t or te took il for S.ra"t cafrvfthe resoindoni h 'vt ti:t!V" Ci,J-e!ai,djthnt his aud.ieace were densely 20 more Republicans, ; - -1 .. law., -KhoaH be igtraiit. We know that it is not T?.ennlnian in ii 'J . ... i iLi.iis. 'J i .... o.ut on, , iue , resoiuuou waS lost. f :thi ataz. VVord hat been won II V C JeU10CraiH WUO VOLeU I that Arnvth llaml na oir. haiure i :t I iiaoocu buav v l ui w mi v.auw vuu w i t- -t . I . . ... . . I fnwt emocratie ITouse hadi- amJi ltohich now slept the his or her rank at the Itable yjand Saturday, 2Sth aiidj 29th 5 l7n? tiS .Id nnK..t.l. .lAatvAw tta niAna I i V . i I oe nrainpfl we TYiiKf nave tntiierx IU 1'IUUOUM UCSliUJ lUO inOOlJ I. I , n. . ... . I. 1 i I " 1 -' - " r I i I . !i, el. msts. ; lnis Will be a Very jmport- fnroius some of this same-nublic sleen of :flX.Ti In a Ren..M.Wn lua can oe I . "-" w. . : i . - i ,- -i t i - -. . ------ . - i n ,t - -"i against the resolution had changed pot ioto the itepoblican eolnmu by trom tne Host . or nostess ant assemoiage, irom wnicn tne progressive spirit mat ns laKen iSenatei cdiitrasting the two par tner r I votes, i et 1 the 136 votes the free use of money, and it will -"ri,r.if Kit mosf Dene5ccnt moral an? !rei,&1 . Clr?' t.he showed the manliness and ,i. i !, . . . certainty be spent nere. wmtaaerit"-" i Mich J1 t rvilt ... i-( (j 'i .1 b A :-! ii cfass to l.th.fr." t i -S- i -r- 1. i.i. (. tec, -i Jhe 8;h i i-'n.-t, li-.ix been Ainoin- 1. ;.:..i:!t:.t: ni tonstittieiscv. 1 , .... - - i.si i.j it win ih th ii 1 1 tl i . :.i 1 f ().i!is. ( exactly fuir, but we have an irrc- Lfrtii a oh 1 i . - u-i . -; i niir anvanrafTpc arp nprfpr a wp -m . 1 . 1 1 1 uiuv 1 r-?iui iim v 1 ir- 1 iiiiiiiiriii iv 1 . v . m a.i rnncicranrn. .ri ..u -1. . w . sava he is told that the ReDublie Pacing ot aipiomata m line fto oe ------ . ;tt. 7 require is one to lead and push PT- "tv-"V r" luc "C".V But hadonly cang rive nn the idea of carrvine presented on occasions of ceremony qxptrctca, ana a large aiinuane the bali and make others keed it otratic leaders and statesmen ia-an, and will devote their must oe aone ia strict ooseryance qi teacners, especially, is desireq. moving until we make our town hhd opposed the en . . i.lAf rant anil imntrtanna ff: jaanh I i . ' 1 : I - . i . i . I '? . ; i ' f i sonnsr lortn irom us present state supineness. Who' wall npflnlv litrt.ir, ' . .i- - . .. . . I !i Aev..u t. noom tnlof rank and imDortance of each, i I i seven i.epuoicans in yotea lor - - Thia inform I Ueuce, persons dining or entei tain- SETTING THE HOUSE iN Or- Lf ?er the resolution. It WOUld have beei ...r . . . i .liiio- thpdi)rnitarimnt first, nnsL U r .. -Ju L i J I. r-, ...'... !.;hf ilr tiMiwitttion to n th rj ' - . . i. . anon ougut, to put mo wcwwibib -ro o rrZ uur mcrcnanis arc prepay- i ieaa r,-. i flat is me question. frtMiuTLjimpraiion to nse the argu- K;1e..oi1afiil sThni we see how hoi I of.. j ihm' I themselves accuratel von the status I. ! . ... . F 1 t minium ad hcmincm on Col. Dock- hJn. A. i... t . vvuitnuA. -nb- V4,-, i i- .. I ,i . , I... . . i . nniimnn itv if thus mvnAnt nripA I feu da ve their rnmmr,riinne ef orec I evrecciwelv mortest niir WC ven mat ac- .,i.!iea,a that thev wih ti relieve thla alteruooii or mis new element r?i"v " "- i i ,r T r-- -r 7T T. T- U ' " ' : r . f ery, by reminding him cording to the certificate of his the planters of Virginia and North of danger, neigh ljr farmers in Richipond Carolina of any part of tho burdens county, pui.ii.shcd iu the newspa- of tuI iDternai revenue. Of those The most o peis;a few days siuce-be doesn't Lt more! tiiaiod ber cent. o'f the "e know much about hav. ionltr- or . . ' . , L. .-jIWHICO tne . 7 ijemocrais votea ior me renei, auu i s ii e tuuu iJ per vcuu uu iua ivo-1 many OI l 1 '. .;t . .!!.. It .1 . publicans votea i against n it. iet are aiway their guests pleasure and to avoid ni he ,rt full of choice jrodds that Hire to take a little of the above ! 1 1 1 I I . i " ' : I ;T - i 1 a scene hucu as nas euarautenzeu i-. i . , .... i. . ... t-' . .- ,u Mabbikd. but Not Mated. occasions where 'second-class South 1 1C i 3 uu sc "Ufc i . ' "'.T"" . I T rvod n-noata at the I Am;ne.a' naR-oecnmea nosirions a nerioaieuc uoiiticai orators enu- outers ui uui tuueus. 1.3 en n : rF. .r T-i- .r i i . i i- l .. . . - . J married Couples in few paces above nrst ciass jiorope', sack! with campaign literature, honest if feeble factor in the qe i,ri vf r ha ba. n u nora nrria ti.npfinnsiri nrnvmppfl 1 .1 . ... auu bug w 1 v t u.s v i v AJvjvMu : I W lth t farmer lie is a dead failure." 1 r ' 1.1 11 the run j burs. ; .- n. iu'j -r of Le ! 1 I- ! !.(t. decided to ' - I - ii! t-l'Ml !U:tll ; " ' "" . .':: w: its inti u-1 ioki. m tiii: n:ciAi. ' r.x ? " j ' j UOMH TIMU TO OPIJX . I and nrettv tr m. K . A t r mJ ' WUU I 1 .11 ueaiij oci jf iu b-ter fpl.U'ruiC lit tikd.ty, i I '.-.y hr':uc yt :; i:i v cans ii.ni Kp - Jratii.; .This 'ifiakes l.-ii'I c:i s ani "! ; :i i "i .!' tl-i-vam tut 1 m r V. !.:rr : 1 aiiu-'s v ilt every have seen tie Carolina has a spt-ciaj in ttNtst iu defeating tho Republican ticket It r President and Vice Pre sident at t he coming election. Whv i this so? llecause Levi P.-Iorton, of the iinn i;f 31otton, Bliss & Co e v'tjryfiDemocrat ! keep these figures a50 wif(low in readiness for Republicans 1 1 . i . ii 1 1 i i . howl about j internal revenue hurl the truth back into their when! they try to deceive the peo pie by telling them that the Repnb- internal C 1 h 1 i k am encroachments and demands of the monopolists, standing forward as the steadfast lends of the people, while the Republican party bowed in servile . subiection; to the behests of cam-' Fotbis held the undivid- trfl. Mr ed attention ofit his excellent speech, relieved as it was bv pith and humor, with . ? r- ;i; I i ' .r i.. i -..-- .iJ "1 iieir niiEinecG i jriniiHK hii vfai r m n r ni i n n fii i i a a . . re are always have been given more conspicuous " "4f """" ? """T Tl 7" .-7: . Vi rT! T ntre; anct there the real eloquence w. i a. i i ' i rrrxr nnrt w grrrrrACcmA rnrprnncf crnpmp wn rn tttictiie c i in t i in - a ,w.f. o : r- ratoga. They Uj aces than greater kingdoms.-! kj-gy and 'aggressive enterprise combination marries a poor ney will buy earth, and a j .uuerican Magazine. they ioffer one of the best markets our prosperity, the PATRIOT rest- ! J-' .' f L . I - to buyers in the State, and we ed not until, by persistent efibrt Kikd WORDS. a very touching j .f' . ... I . 4. -u u u -I time wit I pf the'. crowd through- i of earntst'and deep feelinji.- t .- - Mr. Forbis had oflered to divide i . Murrow, a promi- and I handsome wife is not one of the ex face ceptions. A married pair sit on licuusr vraut to repeal the revenue cystemJ j of "iii:u:ti; your st. will, find Vou OUT." Villi street, and the Radical There has recently been candidate nr Vice President ftho to liirht a letter from; tholato Ros the veranda in sight from my win dow as I write, lie is CO, and there isn't a romantic hair among the irra v of hi J head or whiskers. He has a capacious paunch. lie can see his legs now. for they are laid comfortably ont in a chair, but he couldn't cet a fnll view ot mem standing.. lie has to nse spectacles in read i no- his newspaper. His en- brought tire aspect ia one of plethoric of L old age. 1 Scales, L the owner of the Coe Conklfng, of New York, dated and she is an embodiment of She is twenty years old, he Puiiei l i ii i.J itit ni Clk'i.M tl t;r Kfm I rt. -f.l. 1 L'(? ln,1l.n,Arl n 1 " f 4 ; ; V iuaj.Mm, .ov, uiokm working girl in a millinery store, at .ca!W?, issued by Ihe carpet bag- Mri Peter-Crandon, of Ithaca, N. Ufi a week, until two veara ago. b. i v rlie could,' Prer gej, and is t-utking to'foico as to Y.,Snjwhich'the follpwing leztraor- Then the portly old sexagenarian .: ufl if his biNt t$ieiel!.p.V them tL rough the Federal dinary statement is made: I ! offered marriage to her, and so she ;1 ! Pifvc! Mor ri'- 1,. j Cin:tt. me than buylock of j i 1 old, he eiavi-s the penalty" and : ! f.-rle't" of fah-e bonds, t ven though tlu'v rost i.s imr heail iSjuost uhkxi. Loi.ct'.vt .1 iu fin anu orougut a'.i is r -Mr. tlaine is said to be too near 18 ""a"T5?rT"vZ .se. 1 he-recruiting busiaess at Augusta, 8aiTe8terday lo a crony of his Mei hnrn in liven, antl where I " w '. . ... . 2 i ft ji t tr ' own age. "one nas luxury in me theto was another Haddock affair " 7 n,.. .L b.ve in crime, qut not, iu eou ictiou auu f Vn" . - . -1 .Must' - ouuvai i these points is 1 100 wen kbuwu io .iuchijuub. "'"i"" -aa vuu- -. . won't I n le.snbhey netHlVepeating 'here. Suffice it to jFf Jf n scandal. Now, John, r peried.iij h,sa,: The people of North Carolina, SSftJrJiuSi, ? evel r'SSs1 v. r .- i lauehing to Fcoin tbe claim of the atront?' flavor about the whole to buy a young, nanus 1 :) Ht .1-. i".l!ll!"l ut uuu in uuuuuivu ;nuu , v.-.nt lQa.,nt.ln ernman. nuiiishment.! He (Blaine) has end c WT' "rr.." t- ciso amlj forth .in. iniquity, the history of Uenlyfgrown rich out ofigovern- way. ' I" His brother was con- T . .LIT. "i -V gCV 1UW BUJ you're a rich sincerely advise yon i set. - jTeri . . i . s. o I ,?W.8 .,. tte Cain, of Ih W. W about wk J.J3WC r iriia t biL'L'eis to ideilce the faith thing. If where you and 1 have r . V.r i - it.in I rn . . .. . I . r i i . I UB8 UiMl IU WWk UWAI IVl """Si ii veu, anyone can oe rounu to; ue- . . f ;M .,iy,;a.0 i,v Vh to,J imnntation nht nnon od who, therefore, will appreciate ot to be enforced by ;;: ' l SlirZZW-.Z good fortune. . Won't make love to .skclsaid, i aiid credit of the State to auythiug i;..,, .i:!,,U,J:, ..Jj,,. ,s ,!ut to enrore., MWhSTS tl.v - they ehct tpUv j Federal bayonets, repealed the thisf I -!f . uer ' f '"" 111 .1 .. i . .1.1 I .Ul !' I il.Mlli !. t . ...l i jiu m! cj.- .1 ; r'i .ii;!ina flioiiUl .:-! l ;.iv n;oi! laws, so called, authorizing tLe is Asl lx isenator and ex Secretarv A Nrw York Nabob. William yiie of the bonds, and by a formal of gtae of one of the most p0wer- Howell, of New York; at 39 has ... . . ....... . I : .' i I . ,1 I n t ti a an. t.r.unr.r.ce, aury ratmea at tne pons fu, Jjoternmtnts on the globe ac- TJiXw of umi in..rtmrate.l into tho Constitn- - L ' .Lt-Z e,i.t kuowledged powera of Wall street. , 7 tUSvll VI "Ul ' I 1 1 - I i.'.ki n !.e i I t v : :-i.d. :. y tiitie !."t.k.at , c.tVkf t: tion of the State, forbade them to be paid. In spite of this, however, l he afoit Haiil Levi P. Morton, Rad ical candidate., for Vice-President l ; :ir thM-.kft: ; of the. L uitetl Mates, is nooning :i:tYi.ilis.g iiir.M- ef .h is State with his"ill gotten gains" P:! 't v'' t i";l int f"iT the itirposc of restoring the s. l.:bii acuL Republican party" to power. As it . was the Republicans, who issued -! these fiautluleiit bonds as a mattei lu. bounty jumping'' frauds! Mr. Howell was s poor but very the I former candidate of a great ambitious boy. He entered Phillips parlv for the highest position in Exeter academy some years ago. the gift of tlie people nneqnivocaL Per the first month he lived on 1G . i . . i cents a day, his tood being oatmeal ly charged with having an "itching and cornaI witb the toughest palm"-j-a vijlgar "itching palm" t jnti cf beefsteak once a week as a for petty pelt! The "plumed knight" rare treat. The second month he he Mh..,,i .Wrath; utterances succeeded in getting fairly good ' 4t i " ty . , dav board in return for the care of wtietl.vlM, ,!:,, h,r,M .beiHNtth "V t thl end of thia month the titi:'s. i-Mrs !vr th. gni.l.tuc-e ,. ,a Kottr off for he fonnd f i. t.. it. t-: , t I ;jH i.e!bciii j of course the restoration of tiwbek fi i i.o r.i's triitiiM-tei .t li.e obtiuc- Rept bligan party Jo power . is Mr. i Uepu lil u-an Morton's only Lope for their etrliec !. . : I I!- s-a.i'.i uo Io::; er s tion. t nerjries I t;.. "i in;. n,.t!i IhinK it jifina i.t oil the :ait f Notth '.sr-i!i .laus to. pnt thN t ral ii y tj : .us tn-. -k f'ir i Pmlt-r lhe.vt iiciii'.i t ees does I l.! pait f Notth 1 nioie p.ivver !; Levi P. Moii.!i o ses I Is :t v. -Th bauds of Mr. '.. n he it-r j"s .a ..iik i ii ;n ii s ? i!iiiit he $ i. i magnetic ot victory ue tue savmr pf hh eotiiitry "suddenly growing rich'oil government jobs!" I . Xb fonder that a man so cousti tuted juds himself in keen and ea ger sympathy with "trusts," "com bineslitud all the other adjuncts of heartless monopoly and over itiasUiiug avarice; no wonder that 1:1 :-.:ti: --a" :. !! S'i";: iMMnl and lodging fordoing all tbe oiid el res around the house, and thus , i:ported himself through E. t. r A i Yale he earned his way b. miming am! writing for papers. An I'.. i int. wc.ihI standing says the Phil.l-i lii i Timet, it is only nec essary to way tliat he is aj member of the Skull aud Rouen societ the right to wear tbe badge -f which is one of the most desired honors in college. Hia wealth to-ihiy is estimated at 110,000,000. mill ii 1 1 1 1 in v iillic ijijtiuat iiu oaiut "vhat is your name!" As he spoke lodge, now in i session at; Los h laid his reverend band upon tne Angeles, Cal., had conferred upon little fellow's head. The boy told Charles M. Busbee Gf Raleigh! The "Manufacturers Record,, his name, and the gentleman said? J f lAJ Baltimore, Md., deals wisely wi "ih, 1 am so giaa to see you i J"4V' "-"' ""-f" hqpel to meet yon; 1 have been sire, being the second highest lookiug for you. 1 know your dear ofce! wjthin the gift of the order mo'uer, wuu uv m uramu. r -.j t u '. i. r u- The child ran home, and entering Bsbee 13 one of the mos the room, almost breathlessly ex- distinguished members of this no claimed, "Oh, anntie, dear, met De order, not only in North Caro an argel irom ueaven, uuj uy ana, neK.t ft, n ond hi ad Itnows my aear mamma up vueie, ' - . , . , ' larrre- interests in arid stopped me on the street to vancement to so nonoraoie a pot r. - ,-r. rn . motherless child. Gkeat Chicago. The census of Chicago shows a Mr. inci.leutcameto my knowledge a nope -ro see meir renumerativ ,n conjunction wuu uw w nint Republican of that section, few days ago, and to show tb4 and! ever-widening patronage similar -views, the Chamber of .1 in-irUDii Vcrv nleasantlv re JivoRairnml man or woman tnav i.L..:.t-. - t.:.t'.L r L . i J!1"' ltl(THn4' vtr pitasantiy re v t, r s -rf I nrnnirnr un to i iicil.' 11 L UUlIUIlCii- I L.OIIlIIiert-C v da iHi;aui".i w !CTJS"tS!lra 4r.ti with tfcdr'riU. I ! provelone of the mocUtjot ill i.i.i.. ihiidron t win roiatn iri fiereU L. .. !. our institutions and the half of its " Andl P M-BUSBEEuch grjtihca, , Ufc .g not yet done 1 ofajre, who nad spent mty years oi h As to Greensboro not . bcirig uis me iu a pansu ut new ugmuu, iraternuy ana our peopte generatf , . . Tjttir.-llJ." i.,. nn th ctroot. fori. . I ! ' , P'as well located as b ayettevdle uiu dJinio vWj vu .Mvv,..-y jy on an announcement maae ,.ij nnw rpnv reallv Iirother hid never seen him before. "Good I ' -i . . . . i r-well, now, really, reany, isrptner yfsietuy tuat iiicsuititijjuioiiM 1 jaigh! ' tuVned rl is tliknks for the courtesy, of which he Kvould nofavail him4 self onaccouint of the limited time! ' bit stated tllat he had taken some ntes diiuingjthe meeting, and cx pected ijc Ispjeak at that placcon the first! Saturday in! next month. be pr jCOMPtPIEKTARY. Supporting Local Papers - Recofd.-bf with the matter of local journalism sn the followinsr paragraph: nrrte himiness men seem to be incapable of appreciating the fact I Dprh am ; ek pbsi tion iu Oct ober that every good local paperaoes ; f ; i j ilita wlien lie extended to us an invi taition tq be present. Li, Col. J. 1). Glenn, of Jtbi city, has been invited to! bo i resent and take command of Jl ; - ' b! . " ry at the opening of the its town ten times as much feoid SMALL.-The following tele Iiecjji received at tho Pro- lieatjqaarters in this city ia., aept. '.V. as itis ever paid for. Men having gram has s J" I . i . a town ana hibitiou 1 1 J r "nAoi-noH -ac. tn lt5 nrn- UJ j foil n,e!V.J The Ion f eilverv hair oiTle.tann aa a rmnlimPnt of vhich ucc u i-VJT loiuiV : - '"f e, ... w " ...r.f - --t i crre; orren irv to see l ow diitici .t..... fhi. nirm miuonmir nr ticui ami Ilia I iJ 1 , ! ' ' .. I. ,1 r iiuomrt. 6vr.v-6v -T our people may dc wen proua. thev can do lor tneir own aoqai ii.i, mt. i,uat,t, MnntorinH.n saintly j race, wim mose tttuuiy . - , ' .i ti,. f the oiAh . ... r. QrI.T. rv wOrdssDOken. made this beautiful JjA , ' r.U F-'f, - "r: u B wmpa uie to iem..iu. : ' .. !.. ! I UtMKUUVIi i' JVCOllI. I . T a re trt-flaV (lOinf tar more IOr HIC Will ,ma In trrm n I lot ll u.r impression npon the mina i me , j -ino- tt,. r,n. wMi Jsw Tonnrrv than th v 1'" T7 w r J , j J ti I a-eive-7redit fnr Dav after dav I 1 !4J j river nave sunereu verv hiuuh i .-'- - j -rs 1 t- . l t-, , t , school " irA. ,u ;1 and week after week they arete 1- iukai tviu.-rin urnam StS drn uSJifliS be otvataesf soil, cl- Dily Recorder has been recently qocnccoi uicu..F. w.u - . m:nerais and of its orb- i,.!IU ;e .It.nt tKipulation of 802,051, an increase W"jZZe "-rZ ate and minerals and of its prb in the last two years of 98,334. "T ' T " J ;iIargedi years ot p,oor n . - . j gress. inciacis wmui u g..C r nnncr Tt' advertising i a AKfrhii n v v - n i i v i i-vi bt a r-1 w nn riii i i i i - i x - a . f r r- - - rm Tne average yeany lncreime ui tuo aw.iwafc t are-widely puDiisnea in omer pa- i , i r I , . . citv is 60.000. The total for Cook attendant heavy loss of stock kers. and thus the trood work is Patronage prbves that the people county is 1,071, 982, an increase in p om( a private ietter Vom I Mr carried far beyond their immedi- of its community siiow their ap- lwo iT" W rJAWver of the IJ. S. En4 ate circle ot readers, ine atiu- pieciatioh of its merits by sub years oi 4w,wi. tuia tuo u,. . ... . - - i facturers' Record has often notjed stantai SUDnbrt f eaeo suburbs contain about; loy,- mneer Service on the u,ape r ear,1 r... aA mi'ntiAn the rrreat WrirH i: I t ' 000 people, raising tuicago reau? wl extract the following para4 that Southern papers are doing, . -1 t tf ul fwlfl am. lo I I II i LIT ... . Ir f and regretted to see-how pootly jUS in ma.ny cases they are supported t-n' nma 1 OOO OHO Bfinll. . i i I I . . nr. , ri.trc rttiA Afl A ! nnr heaw frehet i thfmost remarkable caveslohi the subsiding in thd Cape Fear, and by the people whose interests continent is situated at the foot of the amount of damage done inthej they are serving. Mount Wheeler, 6,630 feet abotfe bottoms below here is almost in- , If the merchants and other; bus- the . level of the sea and not lar calculable. The corn and cotton ;ness men Qf a community could from the Utah line. The extent pf w!thin its reach have been totally n , . d the Dublisiiers. of the care is not kuowu,but ifscofe Gn my way up the rW P"ly kn . , P, T. I r immense rooms have been explor- icf 'dav we were continualh ed. Nearly all these are nileuVwiin ssins fields , containing hundreds their local papers were advertis beautiful stalactites aud wonderful acres of wjiat WOuld have beerj Jng their town abroad and kd- magnificcnj cprn ,1 flat upoj vertising it to great advantarf- attractio ' 1 Fl ZZ'WuZ' a f,from taking credit fo thtm- TheFishebies. During the last it uv the water The farmi halves in tbe patronage which . KV" J i I. I . . - ? . five years 423 lives nave oeen lost - :n tuat section are very blue they extend as it they were max at sea among the Jngiu iierring v their prospects: They say ing a donation, they would gUdly ed. The number of boats is 35,135 lL . ? VJfLi .1 assured that in all cases theycre K. of L. AbPttESJ. There will baa public address in the court house, ou Friday night, Sept. 2Sth, e: ot J4hn O'Keefe, of Rhode Island. A cordial invitation is extended by tlie order to all citizens to be pres. bis address. .t .1.- j.t .-nootd lUm puruusca svc tuat ui icsuiue h .,d i.. their net- and lines exceeds hogs, as it kills all other stpek. 8.500.000. i j inere were aiso a great, inauyi prettinc a handsome equivalent ? .. AA H i ior tne money csjwuutu. ; t : ;Xplauattry f the aims and objects the linigbts of Labor, by MrL ent and hear Loo Cabins have become a thing bf the past. From them have comegreat generals, statesmen, lawyers and divines, equals in every way of I those who were born inlthe purple of European, courts. No better remedy for purifyiupr the bipod Was ever matle, than War n aVa Loir Cabin Sarsaparil la. Try VVarner's "Tippecanoe" to day. I U f: 1 t -' r: ii." V. ',4. I if ' : ..V. . I l.i !

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