t . , j 1 ; ' M " - 1 ! . . . jt - ' i . !"'.' " ." ' """ " ! i I i t ( J 1rmmy '. " y.- ' ' j h-' i- ..'IN, : i i ("-tAv t1 - f ,-,..:-;,;.. if . ft,. I : i ' ; : - ; ' , ) in ni i ; i " i , ilL :-. : . ; : - 1 i " :: "" " ; TiVti r t o his. I.I f t HI 1 - i ; ' 4 ? . i 'It n !,. r. I r - :. ' I ; . !." . .i t kit. H. ''it . . t.jlii t r 1 " ' , i C' i t i h i: ). - f . . 1.1:1 . ! t,.,,p a ! I . : 1 a Ii'. 1 : . J, 1 -i 1; . v . - . . . 1 !. - t.t - ! b e r it -.4 i 'if - ll ri : r a l V : s i . '" l ; t ". : ar: I. ti- l t f I i . I) - f S t." 1 ft,. n : a ; r- v .1: . 1 . - 1. ; tl ; ; ' I f - r!! 1 - 1 . i 1 e : f -t - ,1! i:-..-i 1 .1- .M ! I s ; 1 j Vi I I. I: i y i t i". i.e I.,. i1 J ; -1 t : ; i " 1 :: 1 1 i . t a- . I . ' 4 . i. '. r' A 1 - v t. 1 1 ; -. . J f. V t :rar, t ; -.1.1 t r.e ;c;t ; ; f JOHN 11. XU'MKEt'. Kdllor lropr!tl. I I ITEKMS tUO Pfr Y-r,ln Aihnff.i ...... i Ml . I I ... i t ' 1 1 t : - . uiertiuff netx. t i; 11 m in- nib huik. ; A 0oa llegli.nli.c:. Paralyzed' by Chewlwr Suoi. . . ' ; 1 N r - - - - , i i v. . ! ! a i i I - ;. r y . M : y GKEEXSBORO, X. C, TIIlkSDAY MARCH l4, 1889 1 5 Yii ' I .! 1 -v l-lr Mat kt l. '.r:i'.:c! Mi!, r av in t!ic A'nr.t r,-:, t.it.: .v hTTc t!' low price of .t v.s ' irt!)' v. t the . . . r . .k.-inr ir.-j I lie -tHij.m ol ;;.:-f .-.i1 ,t tr.:xh" poorly put up, i i - tr .! nitli low prices tii t; art overstock. He knows tv . xx..n living u it'tin a mile of s --I--. -titt r v. h shipped tlieir aj I c .t i '.ulytlie Same time. One .c;.i n.iivel twenty-hve cents t r I I r I.i-i crop, while the r r.-st tvcti jio lcs- U;an two .iiN n.cc prices sjjoucd the i ::. 'r t AciU hasty anl u 11 tt"ik, ami tloin every- . mm ; ii . u.e tct manner., lie t'. ti c l';st N'eivtcnvn Tip- 1 at- 1 ! the tk.t autumn in t m a a" . No ilcubt many are deterred from putting up uindmilU, think ing perhaps they do not amount to much, and arc a constant source of vexation and expense, at least I shouIJ juJe such to be the ex perience of several correspondents of the Country (ttntlcuutn during the p..st year. On the other hand, I for one must decide in favor of the windmill, as far as its. use" for raising water ' is concerned, for with mc. should I be obliged to do v.ithout the windmill, 1 also should be obliged to do without water. . Let mc sav that a i?ood wind mill am! pump, after once beinj 1 i r m d . liars a barrel, f lut ' K0,,d working order, docs re f.:.w selected spcci-i not rcuirc mt:ch if any care, ex cept the occasional oiling. There are no doubt many imperfect mills in u-c which are a constant source i of trouble and care, and their use . t.u- srnic c is- as a ior rather the attempt to use them, :: '.! p-t.ttv produc- h, ts caused the w indmill to be con- iltmncil f r the purpose for which y; MrorpcJ' as ;t ;4 intended: whilcon the other 'y. :l.f crop would become j h.md. if a good mill is properly It!,: leading f oJ. crops fur erected an 1 a gooa pump attach-.yiir.-iU If the more j Cl;. the same will perform a great V '.!.. C Coaul make S'.UCt inninint of v.nrL- .-mil t!w nnsfior t , ; .m easily a-, we of the ) , ,f siuh a mill need never be with- u:!. !:- w, .! ! fatten Lis ho ;i-)TU wat.r, at the same time the id l u', iced his horses and expense to keep it in repair will i.-s i.iule and sl.cep. l.i be but a tri.'le. i- ' and r.: wives and cl.ii- j l mv ou n cac, I have a wind- liiierrlluc Item Tli: i; OK Till; 1IOUK. llJCrc IS IlttIC ObjCCt in plant- iilte.Mau NeCr--latioilieai.d liar- for .j '.. rifotw . ! . y f t- IU.-l.iaond I)i.M'JiUb. ! :'ng large growing corn, even -Decide now whether vou willi. -1 Cofernor Lee has received!, build a silo next year or not. If jfnjatmumber of letters commend- not, prepare for a crop of roots. nS his New ork speech, arid !' i.:. I I. nrp t . , . a ; s a . i n 1 1 1 IV'! . t p t.t c r j couhl Lc snuff ijfiKon tncmtne tonowing, written and'r 0-rte tlic recognized leaders cold ? political thought -in a sister 5 want to express to you my rhrtnks for vour SDeech at .the bedding or sows with 'p.gs. tliem Society. Theie is more They will not tangle the feet like. v-;t. . nrTnrjfJ ,nr, starMmaii. If a pig or a lamb gets chilled . pub!ic man mersion in warm water; then wrap? S'X --For ticks on sheep use or tobacco smoke. Dips washes are not fit to use in water. --Dry leaves make the beddinir for sows with little raprj r,, nrcscnt j-m f T ; i in a liannel till it is dry. KjScanization of any utterance of . can recollect for C CC' I 4 t..t he iij.sue of the six States. Will Src th.it nil the f.irm nnJm.Tl; fiiZr white r.icc North st.irwl it? Von have water, exercise and frequent IfiZl I know that! the whites in the! changes of food, l'igs want water "tntcs affected will not. They to drink even when they are fejl ij.1 Vi5k in Congress and else on slops. ! i ? terc how arp vou going to If the crops that you raised?' "-cnt it. When Congress s- last 'ear vielded well continue with them, and do not be thrown iCJ.-nies fair elections how are yon Hi'ng to prevent the rule of. the A CooU He irfiinliic. Durham Plant. I When President Harrison finish ed delivering his inaugural ad , Paralyzed by Chewluff Gum. Mrs. -'Isaac: Kaufman pf Mor- nstown, Indi, shewed io much I . . .i . l . . i 1 ! , I C J --" "UJ' V"- Lilt IUU3V.1C5 i, i i -1 : Z ? lllolusanas of her face becameparalyzed, and w ho had gathered before tlje east she was compelled to sehd for a ,c ,riui, .iUHu u,e physician before she could open clanninfr of mvriad nf h.Vhd; he - li-l fV. k:i:.. f i L When a i 5Ian Is a IJar. "" iiwuiuiy ui near. ;iu luru I TT . . . . . . t around to where his - wife and unis yoii know that a man is daughter sat and imprintia kiss fn hab'tualjiar you have no right unon tl,,. rhopi- nf B1 i tu to call him a liar of anv sort. f -aw waawwr VI V.U,1. 1 11V, I o-r . . . ; . , . Plant 'is froinrr tn nnnm W ims 1S a decision handed down wort iv act o t ip nrpfnt AHm n- vuun.f :n iiidii wnu . ... t - - l- r . ' J. istrat on. and s ptPrminPrl tnl ICW . is no more a liar crive the President '.-irq;rriii,nrP " than the man who drinks now and So. with nleasni-p. ?t rnmmpn n IS a i 'drunkard. CVriw Act No. i. Love vour wife and r e serve the Lord, Mr. President,' and give; the South a chance, and we will say "well done.' off the track bv the wild stories fVJPrit' 1 answer: "J5y the about novelties. I rfiSs,of nature, which override -Use your corn fodder andstiut;ons .ad la " l' doI't vegetables now before thev iosCfn:v and can t foretell the means, -tu. i kmow jjli. i or lour nips grow soft and 'corky! thcyf V7uanJ'"rs 'l uf rcco!rdcJ 'M: are not worth much. Parsnip.s4 V1 (act has been that when ,r, ut t t ;r fr rm.r fA.&v'tr the black man held anything ing. x ' a v a a aaauwaa m m .miiw . . keep for spring fecd-&'.vjr l.h.e bla.( 1 1 i :y: w hite m: man wanted he took it rfr-r mm inc turnip nas oeen caueur, -t too. th;i American cont , r . ..... , ., i ... '. .... i i - r f.t. . t. r i. r ... -! w .. u.iim !mui w nicn nas been in use ior j me micci anuior oi iiruisu taj4-'it from the Indian. He took i i : t tlic S ui';vrn cities. The several years, and while it has culture, and without the silo ourjrj. nnj jt"s millions from tlie ' 7'1 '':i;yAi Jtoc; been the only means of my water farmers would do well to ipllowj pco:)lc He is now takin'g . kV .r, :ct " "r:i!.l,ct;l'ca ffMipply. and has been in usecon- Lnglands example. Hut j theyj ,or hi.v possession. Tlje ' 1:1 I i-';ryor ..larch usual- ,tantly. except when we had a cannot grow corn as wc cart, and ics aiu, law s aruI faith amJ !y i.-f.tr. .s t..e area pointed, w ith - surplus, when the mill -would be their climate is better forUrnipsjj. an(i xvholc power of tlie pri - --rvitig -nctt potatoes 'ur- conditions, or has proved so thus .. : i'-. ! :- Ml t, f rj t ; a :.:er i. and a 1 spring, wm j i.ir and i would not want to, in . .. ,i;::n j monument io . rou'd no?, tin w ithout it under a-id the everlasting I anv circumstances. r tt ! farmers. Hut I- mill does more work than i tneted ta the u-e of thet wouhl be required of most mills, i: its titsi state, it will re-as it forces the water more than .x i 1 ! more attention than ;o tods at an elevation of 12$ feet. iui;u- I. j f'jrni'diing water for househohl nd stock use beside supplying a i a- a ti. uirt:.r. j builer which use truin IO to 15 t veek some I .i..mii - . ; .erv apt t seek some 1 ' I"" 1 cure f.r our bodily; the year ..nd to ovcrh..- the! 1 w""ld furthc r t: tt: n 1 . r i:n 3:1 ::v I:c. j- :te as effective v-Ii."c!i are to b' fount! c l:um!dt-t housch.old., is one ol the 1; :; Any van us ilieascs. ! -e th-. bc::e:"t t ( :re n : aware of its l..r -ir. V. Hi ed cvc, wash 'ill.. !uti:n f salt and r r ter. This is als useful t rcr.iov tiie i:T:li:nm it ion caused by c!-are...is substances in the cv:. f I r ; thr it and a hacking 1. asp. ;;oJ:et r :.-ra!).o'. t...e io; salt-spioniul of jnfuls of vinegar. of cold water tl.is . i t'y .:.; urlief will be felt at "I I : same pre parati-:t will vt- and settle the . : t i--;u!i. It isalsobene- 1 ..!: k;! nf colic. N" :!.;: , is more useful in sick - t!: .:; .. -n:ali ilannel bag filled : :t '.' . I'fr toithache, colic. a?:y s,' icrjuinn.: warm .tp-j ;t is invaiu ab.e, as it re- 1 1 er say that, al- itnou.'n some condemn the use of the wimlmill.it is a comparatively cheap and clucient means of i!e have the advantage of them. 'upp.cmental ' thrown out of "car. it has been of than ours: and uies. I he man wiid no expense except the occasional ,r a cheap and cl.ee- j oiling, always ready for work. ;-aays reliable method pCrfcct!v storm-proof under all States have for two genera- better for, turn ipsj3rm-; with the silo v.'c't -ijjjL'j n rp of thpin. ' ,f. 1 1 1 I 11 1 1 ' ! 1 w-tioiis Dccn maue anu pieageu anu 'll4vi to protect the Indians jn sa3 lii. -. 1 r . f Dry Touu. Hev.JH.T. Vann, The mant that dies! a swearer in this world, will be. la swearer in To., c.ooa to Keep. ; . the other wiorliJ. and the man who The Danbury Reporters says dies a drunkard in this world-will that the bill amending the;charter have the same aDOetitd in hell.- of Winston passed both branches but let metell vou thatTvou need 01 me legislature and, was a law not want to go to hell, for I can Deiore senator idgar LincDack assure you that hell is a dry town knew anything about it. Shortly ' -H f . -,rtfr ,c n-.ee, ATr- T .,K,i. ne IJiellriuiu Irlmmhiffs. 'Ws.l UJ lLAJOCAwV, i'l I 11L Ud V. tV met a orominent citizen of Wins- and said to him. 'M don't ton fSan FraiiC'i3 News letter. " What the deuce does Mrs.- uii uiiu .iuiu KJ iii.il!, x UUU tl - - ";' t , 1. think you Winston people have bVeaf soL raan fPJ thin treated me right. -You havt ," , 7 ?. .- " V"- oenroeuer oau lasi weeK. Why," wis the" reply, she has indulged so much in fashion able dissipation that shfer has de lirium trimmings Xtt Too Old to iucceel. A Western man, ; 65 years old, I hr i hllil Hid l l.iiur surkrl. ' ,1 1 -r . t , . .4 session 01 incu ianu 111 mc ,v Connecticut cniiu oucn says5 jrilin Tcrritory; and at thisej-y somein.nginai isungiu.. ncrc isurc, white race the neonle a case in point. Little Johnny tU blue cycs Uj light.' st,ai ght ran into the house one day recent ju rare prcpring to take that ly and asked his mother with grealfjfrm the Indians. IThc higlier eagerness, "Ma, what is a gonqu, -u., u tuni th,. Lnrti 'chnii hlorr sucker ?" ?ltijthose w ho will improve it, and ,,W.h- . J.h.nn'' v.hat .do ''iliany man or 'race possess any mean." said his astonisncd parent;!;, oi,;n .! .,iw imnm' . f . " . riw4ivilamvi.v.' A-JviWfc.aiaj-avjK " ieii pic. ma. quiCK. wnat is itnalI go to those wo do .ne sucker? persisted the youmf fThcrcforc j iay tjiat 1 livcring a supply of water at night he was tired and crosi, an-?-hijn house or barn, or at any point when his bedtime came he "cu1jpt)US need on farm. i:p" after the manner of you;igstc'ri5,vbe. - . 1 who are bound, to be Tnischicvoiii-.--."i, ", ' l:ie I'li-lit ul a ;r.r;l 1uoian. A pretty married woman living in an adjoining county owns a cow that she thinks the world of. She milks the cow herself, as she docs not want her spoiled by end less . attention. Since tlic crops have been gathered the cow has been running in the fields, and the brush of her tail got fdled with cockle burrs. One morning last week the lady went "nto the pen to milk, and. while she was per il gonesucKcr. persisted uie youm j Therefore 1 by tj,at I do .riot seeker alter light. . j JJkV,w. nor can I predict, the 'how' '.Well, it is a very" bad man.0g thc .vvhcn';thc white pc0ple was the best answer Jus 'mothc(2.i riA ,m,f;,n P,r,. dnf could give on the spur of the mof,an( on Jt; but the tcachingsj of mcnt. It satisfied the lad and history prove to me that they ran out and continued Ins play. Al- f:t u'1v!,i,L. ;t, h. .1,; Qu'incv Adams said in the use that the negroes would-be Thrre w:is then nendinf an bound, to be Tnischicvou.-tl-n . ct - nAminfTOi or A little mild correction was ai-Jg ramaica jej by a negro called ministered, he was undressed. anv..utlj0 H. j A. Wise aslied told to say his prayers. t!ams how they could be freed; i can 1. saiu jonuuy. o-fb? what law; against the Constitu iui yi Johnnj correction -t.l l-nni-Inrf tK-if rsKsll"-n U'nn I C .. . . i I . . . . . IT be useless, dropped down on a t knees and saiu: . -iitbe whites will rule, but I know vy,i.u.u1iumaijUH(. ,ul.nw- . ,r will rulcbv Ludio law or pers n. miu jumiii). UbZ what law; against the Lonstitu- ou must, said his mother. n &c &c AJams replictl:! "I y. bearing in mind thftdgn-t know how-it bc do'ne. n already administcrcCbSt l know jt bc donC( ana 1 , xkow it will be done by Cudjo 'lllv". So I sav I don't know h'ow His parents arc of the McthodisJiljj av'e troubIc. i She tics Hie :rsuasion, and Johnny s j testii, nf ,,,r Annrr'sor nc to her rming the duty, thc cow switch- j mony was shorthand to thc Inpfj domestic and foreign policy. We d her tail into the neatly done up ; as toe old-f issnoncd aiciiiocis? , s thousands-ears ahead of the air on tlic ladys Head. 1 ne usea 10 require in uie iy V ',M,f; Ifish' io intelligent I PaSt - - Uj passed this measure-without, even consulting me as your represent ative. "Consult you, thej devil, said the Winstonian, you repre sent nobody but a set of Id ned negroes and the most "of them are in bouth Carolina. "The oeoole of Winston," he continued, f'have went to Louisiana' a'yeaf ago, says come ue sugar ibozvl, and ora 35. acres their of -land, with the help of only a 9-' year-end bay, raised 9 bales of cot ton and 300 barrels of corn; also, aided by a large garden, support tng.a fa mil v of live at a cost of in a government M the $c8. Next season he Will work so people it is tne tneory, ana in tne' acres and aim for 15 bales beginning it was the practice. - m 4 I tlmt tl fitt-zsct clinl ml, Wln "onion and tlie ltolll..s-l?jii Ahead. Lbranklm Keiisitort. A Western woman recently no representative, and they down here and look after! own business." Tlie Color Line. Xcw York World. I5ut Governor Lee said of the Southern govern he probably referred less ed a-trarnp withja rolling-pin. to color than to character. He 1 he tramps nephew sued the ... i.,f--.i, :n: f. wqman. juam,ages, were awaraea :..l -,A Un ,k!i;t ic .ruiiiiy-um. sine ucuucw li UllltU .cl 1 uuu liii. auiiu i. W 1 . 1 ' i,l X "1 govern wiselv should control pub- "l,UCI 1 "J V11" r-rr,: . , - 1. thewomanj. 1 he nephew s funeral l iv. tiuau -o. a iiv,awvpjuiiii,j iiuu Hrv' I r 1 tc be possessed incomparably ""'I.f . the larger degree by the- white race at the South. And there is no Northern man settled in that section to live and to conduct Undertakers lift' their hats to the wiman when they ir.eet.lhef on tlier sitreet.' - -if h- Wliat Sliall He Do With Women. 4 ' ! "j - . That popular writer, JcJseph a- . . a . 1 - ii - 1 business wno does not agree witn Howard, Jr., savs:?i Governor Lee. He may think JOne, ol the .;rnost that governing white mert should problems since the day,. 'of Mother be republicans, but he stands on Eve has been, and sti interesting THE WEST END KING'S DAUGHTERS AND . I ' "'. ' s THEIR HOSPITAL SCHEME. f In November, 1S87, the following youag Indies orgnnizeil a "Ten" oindertlie plan' stiggested by Edward Everett Hale, fr tueir improvement, ana in. niuing as lar rut they could the destitute, and; visiting tlio 4ick: Bettie Caldwell, Clara Albright, Hii- fiie Wilson, Nannie Caldwell, Myri Aldor-. man, Daisy Caldwell, Addie Donnftjl, Jlaify Newlin, Pattie Caldwell, LinaNevlin. (. Their plan was to give parlor; entertain ments and distribute the proceeds among the poor. I Their first distribution of this kind was made on Thanksgiving Day, 1SS7. In a short while they -selected a wider field upon which to expend 4hfr. energies, and conceived tlie idea of founding a City ! IIogrrTAL, wherein' might be properly cared ! ior and treated, su'k or disabled citizens of . 1 he city or the strangers,, in our midsj, vhether they bad money orwere dependent oponxharity. They then resolved to jin he noble band of ''King'sJlXiughters," jR-ho were doing so innch good; "In His Name;", all over the world. j i j About this time Lina Newlin, Treaufer, narried, and removing to Kouth Carolina,"" resigned, and Hiss Sue Gregory was elected ;ofill herjaace. : 1 . ' . Sevewl public entertainments wer given, ind the citizens of the city generally , be came enlisted in the enterprise, and a- con summation of their fondest hopes seemsj soon to be-realized. . ; t ! They have now cash in Savings 15ank of this city $221.44 all of which is the result of their efforts save $35. -it contributed by Messrs, Hogart Si Griffith, and $13.' by Mr. Thos. W'oodroffe, $7 from North End Club, and -some five or six dollars frcJm other parties. j Besides this, a partial canvass bf the city has been made and a subscription. amount ing to-.SG'il.Si) hasbeen obtained, in nuiiis of from SI. to Sit Kt. r ; ; This gives a total of cash, ! $221 iii By subscription, I '621rf(.l . the color line with all the intelli gent, just and patriotic natives of tlie boutn. i is, 'What C JeCeljndN Last Hours ol Duty. . President Cleveland worked 'm his office at the White Hpuse un til within a few minutes 01 4 o'clock in the morning,1 March 4th. When the church bells in the town rancr out the hour that was but just six away from the shall be done with, woman? In answer to thai it may be said, off iiand, marry her, cherish her, make her happy by, not1 demanding everything and conicqding rioth- ing. ; Alien sac win oe xrneerrui and contented, apd this world will become the abode of bliss. h burrs caught, and tlie lady drop ped her pail of milk and began to untangle' her hair. The occupa tion disturbed the cow and she began to prance. The !ad grab bed the tail with both hands and V t r I . . . J - -1 I :' ?1 ' f I ..I . f , I I ' .rv- .:! t i be preferred to hot. i 1U': . . ... ':...... k;.-i, j tr.e -1 , . . , 4, , ,1 t -i I t,,,, ,,,,r UUi.ii 1.1 . inn .n v'uiivi uiw jv. i. .. 1 h in'' sTirr iM in iionri.oui :i :v .1 on a tin tun and . "7 : . " l 111.1 I. HMU l Iw-IV .V. .... New l-ittrrri)r. vmong tne new ciucrpriscs Red Springs, is a rcsawmg an So wench! so wench!" wench not liking thc grip Is and planing establishment just startcf-i !" but ui, by Messrs. R. W. Hrooks s . r:r.s le tag and i pan and the men; but it is bct- rip a s::i ul hole in the big '. -.- t.:c titc s alt out into the . After it is hot it can ; with a large spoon. . sen i i up in a mo- ran to her rescue, but had to re turn to the hoi.se for a pair of scisit.rs-. Thc cow was driven into a stall, her tail trimmed off and ! fr iVL-irv 1 tin- l.lil'i hr.Ti!. .......j S!ie went to the house, and wc arc 'informed th .t it took her husbanJ, s .1. . 1 c c ;r fiiends while thev 1 l,Ic.rr" , , .7 . V . - 7 I : II II ill I -J l v UI.U II 1, ii IV Jil. v boardin forms of or Ionization, in ;capacity for self- Icrifice and self-control, and will sikow such . a, resistance, peaceful aS3J constitutional, as the hoiiie rfjlers never dreamed of. Har rfion's inaugural conceals 'his 'it'i'juglit ami intention. "He pro- iin- air cried. re rs, Hro., late of Greensboro, j Thci-fJ jses that Congress ; shall not j arc principally engaged in mantrf trcre in States which have j" facturinj German siding. weathejit-K-rtion laws fairlv administer.: ing.ccilmgs, laths and noorljTHi,crefGre Congress will intc.tt They have about $5,000 iif G j the opposite condition of affair 1 1 -.,ut:..'.v"i -... , ; -n , c 1 , .iuu iuii 111V.-K tMauiiMij ij ,-v:ju negro rule; win dc iortcu on with a forty horse pwcjf o.u jth all.' the; power of the Fed- nninit . " I i ex iiiiMlin1niiii..;.l -".... 1 Wc'iiave rtconimcnded this toi -.;"vcral were su ferin severe pain vested mcnt inc. incygivcempioyyjcS.il Government. mcnt to twenty-live hands, and 1. 1 had a, talk with one of ala- hbnc s mtifnatcs. He says he and lus leaders will never consent to steam engine V. c Isave : tr.e satisfaction ol v. i:t ; that tiiej' cxpericnccil j 1 nr.Ku'i itr relief from it " 1 it prc-crilje! years ago 1 t j-: J sevrre colic. 1 lie ' t .- the burrs from her head. ui u k r antt iiouN at the of IIO Vrir. A well known resident of the connection with their establish; mcnt have a steam kiln for tlryin lumber. ; Another new industry just start ed in operation is a door, sash ant; blind factory, adjoining the estaK lishmcnt of the Hrooks Hrother:? Messrs. Mcndenhali cc Kcynold arc at the head of this cnte -a e 1 :l : :;: i.'t.al: an.: cvtr since 4 h is, held an honored :;i .! ;ne-tic f!;armacv rf ice and salt, in little town of Calera, thirty miles ianj xx l employ twenty-five hahdij south of lhrmingl;am. Alabama, or m0re. They were lately if i Mrs. Triscilla croggm. Mrs. j Greensboro and for sixteen ycar Scroggins is noycirsold. having 1 jiavc been cn-acd in manufacture ifcgro rule, arid if j the issuej is forced b,y Harrison on Virginia se will give 50,000 majority this fill for the Democracy. Mahtpne evidently intends a new departure ynoldltgi the race issue and proposes to uprise Klvc Cameron. Wise, and the kickers at the head of thej negro It i V-i 1 " li v s Shc m arricJ whcn 20 city- The machinery which the; r r-f VV.V-" Icv1' twelve children wcrchiate just erected is entirely nevv .a... r ii. I jro.u a i-i.lc iu ai.acuc. 1. . 1 it.. .1 .:i 1 -n' . J . . In M , . . , .11 oorn .0 iicr. !: .. : le tiei! up in a small, . . , ..tt-. 1 11 1 1 - dead now, bv . :i c. -:h. hse a pad, and heul , , , i .1 -number hund r .r as ;.. .N;be to the scat of . I:.-- l )--onti I Icr children are all but her descendants !red, if not thou sands. .Mrs. Scro""ins learned , , ,. , , to smoke a pipe when she was il of salt, dissolved; r ,.i i, l, l 1 1 v. i Xoth- njoyment 1 1 vears 01 a . I 'lit... i ..lii. ui-.iui.u , r . 1 . . 1 only ,,1 v.aur. .;;it; i ikcti cverv nour or tv. ! . I , ;.n r.ing ix or 1 u,t -l . "Stt-n her nine, and she can smoke -! r r 1 1 t r 1 v.- n ri v n n r . . . . . . . . ' " . . . - r t... . . . . . . 1. .., . - . . ni.trt". t ; ior an nour .u a nine, usiu- nt . i wui . . M ..... ... v; 'tht iiCrort neA cr given up the habit. r-:;en rrcvcr.i 11. 1 : i . . ; ; c , : f and cost from $7,000 to $S.cxxtj They will manufacture- door- sash, blinds, mouldings, brackets and all kinds of scroll work an fancy sawing. I -U lootfd luetIo... Vou s vorce statistics say you arc gathering IdK itistics. Mr. Tox? 'lu h i. lever. n rntingent with Langstbn. I won't sec where he is goingj bui he ctrtainly M g6ing against; negro (uie: Witness' his interview in Charleston and iU formation of a K'u'tr club irji Petersburg. jWe iall see trying times in the next 'fan ycars unless the Republicans reak up over the (spoils, which is fcxy likely. I , ; . . 1- 4- -i - h . Alt lioiior Io the Ior -M.tii. I 'i The "man with money" did'not Sive the kvay for thc settlement tit east and central Texas, and 6ie "man w ith mbnev" is not how oinf out into the west to en T- O A Stronjj Mptlie. 1 j Just expectations are valuable things, -Many peopld are toned time when he would retire from up to' their best;! endeavors by thc office the lights were turned knowing that much is expected of nut nnd-'the home of Presidents them, - The desire is Strong with- Mr. Cleveland had in them that tlie; grtod opinion I - - - f r Ionij. Piled up in front of. him them should oe upheld, and they . t 1 n t 1 11 1 r t : 1 n 1 . v-w ai e oitAf t r r mc pnn were tne 0111s w nicn caucu ior ms hwm; iciuiuu3 .mmi-j m.o v.i.. nttpntimi and which he examined -Whoever has-had rnuch to do witn- . . v . 1. I 1 a. a so. minutelv. and he was very children knows h6w powerfully nnviniu tn rrn a; mn nd nf them this 'motive'- will influence them; as possible!. Col. Lambnt was added years seldom decreases its just a ferv feet awav, and'some of force. -Tj preserve the influence; thc Cabinet officers dropped in however, it is essentikl that only diirintr the evening to assist him that'snould be expected wnicn can in Arriving at a comprehensible be rendered - rt - i j understanding of some! of the more intricate clauses in; some of the bills Tlie .oinif and Coui!ii. fUotion OKbe.l 1 ' Comparisons are sometimes odi ous but thev are often inevitable. Mr. Cleveland goes o.ut con scious that he was re-clected-by the people. ! : Mr. Harrison comes in; the frujt e . .1. t t... .1 : ous politicians. Piatt, Klkins and h?lf ounc,- JecP?4 " X . , - - vinegar, and to drtnk it down . ; , , . j:ff every time the liquor thirst came Mr. Cleveland goes outreiterat- TJ, t--c!u . . . . . ,. ,j .cr - on,I found it satisfied the cravings, mcr his convictions at the last. . . c ,. r tt 11 and it also crave a feehner of stim- Mr. Harrison comes in manacled tl , ) -. ? How to Kill a Craving For Alcohol. We reproduce ip jthc rescued person s own worasi: . - . "1 wasj one ot tnpse unioriu- nates;". triven to i strong drink'. When ! left it off I felt , a horrid want of something I must have or go distracted. I could neither eat, work or ,'sleep. 'Explaining my affliction to a man Dfi much expe rience"?, he advised me to make a decoction of ground quassia, aj of between his political creators. -Mr. Cleveland goes out leaving cleaa robes of office behind him. --Mr: Harrison comes in v.;ith a bargain (or o(ncc for patronage to fulfil at the start. j i Mr. Cleveland goes out as he came'in, calling no man .master. Mr. Harrison comes j in with Blaine riding on his shoulders, yoked in between Plati and Kl kins. j Mr.' Cleveland retires; saying: "Had" certain conditions been eliminated wc would have won a . 1 'i ......- ..l..-.- en di; "Simn if tn c .1 little CltleR I tc uccc;ti Villa ir.h Sim- , . i:. l,..i..n m wifa am myAi? rlonntrr !nrivations. 1 his OOOf . 1 . lias ueeii a .ucuiuuisi. kj jiuis, tuvi u.vn i; ...... ,1 - f - , lv in an obstinate case. , ..... ... ,. ... ' ..if . J Aiu i th n nnpcr. and the "man . . . t 11 ana expect to uie suouini". sen. L - . . i. ti cc 1' 1 u! :u.. u.ure .;uminc. ;.ren!C. and-all, f mnnVi ..An.l wh.it is that, nrav ?" & 4ith the vallcr dog" and covered ! tions, bluff, boodle and bribery. the riaUrv means failed. 1 -I decisive victory. Mr; Harrison comes in as the Presidential result of those condi- . ..' -in.i rvivtt to die shoutinf. self. i .Mrs. OCri'L:i:iii lias iui uia.i) 1 iiuu ., 1 i j r - - - ..-t-. . ' ; .t 1 ! .11-.,. t . ..vvi,.. i. m:.;nMin trrnf thrrt i.irnn nn.l tow-headed ch ldrcn - "1 here s more true joy Marcel vcirt en : j eva t.wtiitia nt.11111, ; .nj, - .r v , 1 . , ii -i 1 ri , k r.i.,, .;tU 1 r.,..t.: : mnr.. mrn rti.ir.it 1 iloiii inorb for Texas than he lus exiled feels, than C.xsar with a re.ainiii'; .i.i iivj iu.uiti.s uunu- imt. u...i ....w ...... , - . --- - - . . . . . . ..... .1 . . t - i r.i 1 1 K r . . tl, .unrnoit frrSjFi ISc frir.n frptVxt for hi tllOSe WllO OenatC at HIS lieeiS. 1 .;:. ic 1 i h mo n is ine strong- pairca. wniy a icw ui auu sue uum - -j , ;d from an extended visit men, and 1 maintain 10 uie t.ow4- Are ciamunug iui, iuf"-; 1 Sicti.r iri tattiri" down anv returned evil, and h is made up of private to her grandchildren at Gains-; trary, so I am getting at the a d: mi -n, openly expressed and j ville, Ga., making a railway jour- solute fact in order to settle t h'-artily followed. j ncy of 250 miles alone. I dispute." rm oti on the "plains and do rfi-ilhnnt rtinrf lf; ntll SOCieTV Hi r . ht.vv.w j Border to develop west Texas ulus and strength. If or two years I have not tasteci hqUor and have no-desire for it. r VViniiiiis: a widow. He gazed around the cheerfu been dead A new census of jCharlotte gives that city a population ofj about 13,000 souls. and comfortable-Iodkint' apart ment. Then addressing the widf oSv, heaid: i" Your! husband's over a year now ? I " Yes," she answered,, with a o-pntle sifrh. "over a vear. j " I remember reading his obitl uary," he said, "jahd I thought that it contained a of facts:" I "A misstatement I "Yes,4t said thdt to a better home it would ! be impossible to find a more cheerful, a m6rje comfortable, and. with you in it, i more charm inT ind desirable home than this." I ' - k . '!' The widow smiled sweetly, then misstatement kf facts? he had gone In mv opinion he popped and waf accepted. Gran total; , f The present officers lire: Clani AlbriL.t, rresident; Uettie CnliHell, Secretary; Mury Newlin, Treasurer. Tlio present leL'ilature Las jnst passed the following liberal 1 .1 ' ACT OF INe)KP01!ATION: J-L Aji Act to incopornte- "Tb ' West (End Caroiina. , - ...I i The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: j li Section I. That Clara Albrirbt, Hettio D. Caldwell, 'Mj-ra Alderman, Putty CnldWell, Addie Donnell, Daisy Caldwell, ilnsie Wil son, Nannie Caldwell, Se Giegorj', Mary: L. Newlin, their associates anirisiiccesiiorH, be. and they are hereby? made, constituted and declared a corporation and a bod j'j pol- j itic and corporate under the ninne and htylef of "The West i.nd King s Janpliters .jihui bj- that namp and style they shall liave perpetual succession aiid a common jheul, and shall be capable in law to sue arid be sued, plend and be impleaded iri alii tbo Courts of this State. 4' ' ' Sec. IL That said corporation shall hrfve nower to letise. purchase, ftake and receive by gift or devise, anil hoi j in fee sipipjleon lesser estate, or estates, all manner or lanis, tenements, rents, annuities, and otheWhe- reditiments; and shall further be abhnnd capable in htw to take j-eccivo and possess,! all moneys, books, eoods and t-unttels,; which may have been, or may hereafter be,l j given; sold, released or bequeathed,. b any j person or persons, or incorporated i'om panv, for the use' of "The West End Khig'rt Daughters." " ' . I Sc HI. That all Bmh Winds, moflM fj arid , other property mentioned in the lestjpro-j f ceding section, owned ot held by Itljisjcor j poration, shall be beld in special irjist for) ; the benevolent purpose of establish i 11 arid properly conducting a 'city hospital atj I be cared foad provided, sick, or injany-i wise disabled, persons who may seeK en-, trance to the saniCi . . i - Sec. IV. That the corporation shiiial bo able and capable in law, to bargain! sell f rf.. 11 f nml frn vc fr iit rill r.-'htlVt'l" fiHTiliri diaseis, i such lands, tenements, and ithej; hfeieditaments aforesaid, f which it i( thfl ow'rief, when the conditi?nof the r.-ijit tn it or; the 'will of the devisor doeH not ft.rbid it- I ., 1 1, !'-' - lr- Sec. V. That the corporation aforesaid,; . and all hiembers and -officers of the corj J poration, slmll not be individually Diablo for its debts: . ; ! '-.!.; 1 . f Sec. VI. The corjuiratbrs nauied in tha first section of this act thall be thej lirsi boiird of directors of the jcorportioii, and shall hoM oftice for due .year -froia th first1 Mondav in Ar.ril after the Tatification 'of Ithis act. On each succeeding first Monday! in Aprd a board of directors to const ojf ten members, shall be etlected-by the cor poration. - i . .h , ' M ' j ' !'' Sec. VII The officers of the corporiitioi shall be a President, one Vice 1'residfnt, i -corresponding! and recording Seertary. and a Treasurer, WLith such other officers as the corporation may deem necessary tb provide; for in it by-laws. Tie officers may be feele'eted from the directors oc;th r ! members of the corporation, aud BhlU b(? : elected at the annual . nief tinK Ifi thb event of a failure to so elects -; the incum bent officers shall hold over until their suet . cessors are elected aiid consent to ficl". Sec. VIII. This 'corporation is hereby authorized and empowered to make-, or-' dain, and. establish bj--laws, ordiuhnces, and regulations, for itii government and the management qf its affairs; it shallTTav'e. power tcrjlect in such manner as i may adopt, such persons as it desires to become meuAiers of the corporation, and prescribje the re(iuirem,ents for uiepubership; lind iu aeneral said corporation shall have Jpowejr ft make and adopt Kuchj by-laws, iregulii tions and ordinances, foj ;the'i government and management of jts its affairs as it maj' deem necessary and expedient, and lx.st calculated and adapted to carry put the obi jects of the corporation. ;j 4 Sec. IX.. That the real; and personal es- ( state of this corporation) shall rait exceed in value one hundred thbusandlolUrs. Sec. X.a. That snch real and persoiiat es tate to the limit above prescribed, shall bo exempt from alLrtaxes whether city town ship, county or State. )' . ij : Sec. XI. That thin act shall be in. foree from and after its ratification. : j J Itatified 2oth day of Feb'y, A. D. IHH'J. ; The subscription list is stiU open, iind anj 01 tne- members or oincers win ue glad to hear from any Inend, who is willing "In His Kftaie" to aid so no- 1.1a an nT-;lfl,tnlinrr ! - k .' H f .4. lU UUUI..UAlUg 1 I -1 1. i- I -y

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