t - ; i-v - 1 i 1 i V 1 - - - -j - - - . - . j- -i j l.v::kkk;; l- V . i!-, 1 .;i he Greensboro ! Patriot afi - &i , - . . . 1 1 :rrt h -U : i L . 1 , . f - - ' " i . ! .H . -j -t GREENSBORO, N. C, JHIURSDAY, JANUARY S, 1891, ,f7 f lly the IMlriol Publish lug ompaiiy, I i T Kit MS i.ao ler lenr, in ,1 vane. j -y V('. Vakelielfl, n I V , JUGHARUS05', : iTjurxiiiij J k 'VTIST i Tt . LcclbeUer, - : influt. I t i i i ; 1 4 I k -ii r'i ! !.... j iiHiu'anct). 1 t i t t USEENTtO; IOiinAMnnf,Ef- i-JUHrtnUL. 1 a ii. ...... ' t v. . I I :. , 'I t o I f. . '1 I II I OI 11 Oil iii 4, .' o i 4 w-: o i t I: I.. i pr Its f r I r Western Insane Asylum. "I Li ml 4 il ir i-fr-i f t! '-tvrn Nrtl ".m4b.t In- a.. .: i at M..r,;.ntt'.:i i. I 1 it I;i-t i. r t! c.ir at in.ntu- -(.fit r( . iiti it r '-ri i inr (till tlif th n ill !. a1!c to ! tven lutterto romluct the "ten JiLnc than thi. ami the legislature will . Asylum in the future with th it.ne akt l to HKTi !v continue the j measure of rlliciency tliat nt appropriation of '.tO,0H) ! marked its operation in the c? -T ear. Thi i- -flMt.oo p r rear I Av .it,s,;rfe I. t ,, 4r"- mt capita for .. in:nat("S. anil it i - Jr lioi:.i lie un.hrMoo.l that this' BIG FOOT SURRENDElis; ;" . amount nt onlv ft-nU and clothes' . . " . ! the patients, hut provides skilled ! worn .B ' ' " P- 'I i j ti ' i"'- treatment, p ivs all sj .- rt:-r. l.e ! I.im t r..:.-r. H : 1 f,,r ,jru,rc, fs!,.J, Unfits, r.il A- i.ii.iv. All I .f : ;r fr l" rar repair, and n.n I- all expenses of eerv sort whatsoever. The jailer i-f Iredell I jnvcs details of Children. ClIKMOo, 111., Die. 2i).A salarie te.vs ' v.nnaren. ??Qf patch from Wounded Knee, ..?')., tlu purrei - . ; :.s .1 t! .i-l::!u. and it I- ,.,,,,r;tv j, nts per day for j 1' Foot's lmtuU as follow s Hj i .;.rv :.,.:i!r :" t !.. , j ,iXu. h,- pri. .i.t r- iti t he conn- ! l;y morning .dawned lrit;rt -' ii .r. f ...: ,. a-., ail.Ie f y jajJl!ltf a!l concede that the 'warm a a Summer day. K$;. tt tI tit e it , fi;i;i . lt' U HTV ( tin- count U'S i t he soldiers JkmI his .e H :,.T.tt A-t jal.Jv at ir la-t ut ... nts nod i.t Fu rs as hi 'h a I 'df. and was tiilkinu woathc! tl :ippr-pri.ti d i'-r tU- i: -'i:!.ti : It .a- r t:-r;.M :;! j li.e sUp.! all-! it t'i ; ii 1. id I i n ' :Vt d to I'i. t.i tl.c Lifrinhl period i. iv i' "t in ana otners a nin n- ..' cents. Tin. -2:, c nts p. da.v tiiaki s th' 1-oanl of a pri;-'ner rt.i .'I.-" in a ear. lint l id clothe ! I.o'iizht'to cover him. if Le M con i naki d clothinu mut lc J.ouht t.r him. if he rets iek a f.. !-.. .n'.d ti e t- t u . - Um ; phvsiciali mu-t 1-c Jaid and .imut 1 ' -r 1. l . t . N v i:k tl.. dn:' hill, and all this is extra. u i r - t m i ?i t !: i a 1. . . k -i Ih. it and ; r the f : 4i.d a ; t; - is ;i :. carried i - a : pa id. ' r t:,i- si.ri-I i that d upon , 1 1 ;.! f i r 1 x ". " ' ! Tie When the State cjm provide every -tlii:i in the way of comfort, care and skillful treatment for its unj f..rt!;i. ate in-ahe at les than l-ulle witat it 4-o-t to feeil a prisoner in .: common jail, it will he admitted that it i doiri.it humane work at a ry ma!l co-t. One hundred and eighty d Hars pr capita is ir: ,1. d J.i'.'h l. low the average of tin rui.itii;i' cxtwfi-e of the a-Wiim J, - - it-.l . . I'tiiti.l sit t.iit l In- liinli- the Wt stern North X t. . i a r - a f ( i I d. i pi .. -1 A It : I " . ; i ei i r 1 1 ; i ; - is ,g I- i j . r -- v 1 !--v. r i:.-:i!::U- t.-. i . I 1 1 i . 1 i " " . a - "' r -. -..- 1 i-" ' I i!4 LiJ' .'i' i'. . ,. i-i w hi-di , ia- : ! t :,r. - e;, r- Ti - t a !st a s. . -:: d ot SJa ;. :. . r.t of t f' i i :; i I n-a re -v ! ' t 4'.e jo pto id'- for ii t: e !. t t-o ears, .it a:, i ! . . i o . ,- w i.'t. if retain it 41 u- ifcetat oir. and ua tidkinr weathc r-f Fifteen Indian scout. ha5len iT'iiic two dav. and there jjs'J'no word from them. Little J little stattcd. out at da hreak, jj at 10:a he was peen dashin"re the rhliie for the camp waving ti ;at. In a few minutes, he va 'paj. Whiteside' quarters, with t(it;od news that Iiir Foot wa onlv ' viht miles away. . r fx- IJoot and Saddle!-'' was5-ond-eil. and if ever a lot of men Irl-out of camp in a hurry, it wa tj''.V t erans of . the 7tff I nfant rIj 1 a few moments thev were lfM rrdjng over the rnlge eastward toward or eupinc Ilutte, passing tht-hey turned north and enst tile slop wher to Porcupine mkiii liig I oot oaid-;Vas drien up in line, like soldi r.-CMjid j i...- 1.- r.. i. ,f 1.,' - r imwiii i:i:iicr-"riM" ... o. ...,1.. -t ; 1 lure was over l.iD Vi:aki' Lucks heaily arnjed facluii;1 1 he cavalry that thev nut in f.7? ! on !e for - r : 1 1 ; 1 to t ia r i . .r I !u t 'a I i:;iii a this ligur'c. a ! !o 1 d to -a 1 i !!'-. intdei'take. hv m 1 a 1 'tiiciil, t J ai's add-s.iinir-. to construct. I. ' tno year-, apart tin i mi iii!..'. a corire- Litt!.- Iliir Horn. One sli1,:! i roin aiiv source and a tragedy uf.l go om t the wire's, hut lig U't; Rad ius side, a nit :a.'iior r4 r.t ' from tin- lines r.dlle. .. fa- l:,aiu I'll Hi!, a -.nuic- , V f W ... , ' ., dining room, w hid, w ill cnahle Z Foot Marted m f.,rf: I.ng .mt, Kan., Dec .,(..-1 he .r, toconxerfthc pre-eut dining 'talk 0:4 l.ow weary he was-K -jfun- following! inteCview with 1 rcnUiit o, i:, t!.e l.uilding int- I,-.! : tiix,- aroumlf.and aid he ited MH.rat.ijl pul, ihed, today, would o,. th.;s makin- n-m for r.r. to open hi heart to , he ,C h uf .nd.eate that, thej alliance has, lor re 1 1 i i t - " : tht- soldi r-. & jthe prcMjnt. decided ; to drop the The Y;:;Vr.il A -seiuhlv will he White-id, s was t lore. !cr. ! t iiird parjiy nuaeinent. j He says : vaticeH lroni Ultc.le i EN AT OR VANCE. He-is a JJan of the People in Every J Sense of the Word. Senator Vance ; today: spoke for a little tSver an! hour I to the most attentive Senate of tho present de bate. A usual, hi. ' speech was replete hvith j wit philosophy and poesy. His analysis of the" Force bill wa brief, hut complete mi pofnted'. Inifaet it va thb best description of the bill that has vet been rendered. le h a member of tin committee fin privileges and .-.1 i t " eiectUoilP, and coni unusual study to nes of -the bill, and in. doing' so sequently devoted the .true i n ward lie jlaid it bare: dismissed all its phases jin. a mariner that will be understood by the people. There is no nire attracjtive 'sp'eaker than Vance Ui he; Seiuite of jthe United States, and no man wih more gen eral influence, lie is a' man of the people hi' every sense of the word. There is no man in Congress who ha more5, sympathy with the farm ers and - laborers! of the country. The Republican side of the Senate was deserted as usual when Sena tor Vanct) took the llor, but grad ually tire Republicans began sneak ing back When the word was passed around that; Vance was speaking. Tl.'e Republican, while pursuing a policy' of obscurantism and dodg ing dehat ih discussion, are still iLot inen-ibte to a literary treat, and consequently the North (,'aror lina Seiiafor w a domf ,the honor of their rt'tijrnjto the jtdiamber and hearing him. Sf. Hcjnih'h'r. WILL! COME TO NAUGHT. The Farmers: Will Drop the Third : 1 f Tarty Scheme. - 1 1 1 I !..:::.; are . a a!... :. ; 1 and Ln. i f e.i ! t d w i ! cnsi.lei a- .1 - A . :-.': t :. : 1 1 1 , .N "i r I : . ,r. I':.'" pa t'-r t!a I i i:i-ar.e i a n. 1 . ; ,...! .Hm,!;, :!.!- all" 1 ! 2 1- r A e a"!. - a 1 . 1:.-: a ! 1 :; at;d ".irl-r ate d 1 - ;d for s,,-,:.- J, i-latio-i ri'ard .'t!.e in-titutio:, which iil in He 1 expense, but whie-i will i-r .: -e i t 'i:-ef iilto's. and to this ttjoij it is j, .,,, -d there will 1.0 !.oetio;i from atv ouarter ( I. It w ill be aski d that the T:au.e, ' The Wc-?ern N'-rth Car", liria Ins.u.e A"!'li.i." be changed to The Mate Hospital at Mor-.ih to..;." The words ir.sane a-y lum" a t. rror f. r t !;e pe..p!. and l.;.i':v n:ii!i! ful that a stigma attaeh- s to theiu a inmates i,f an institution . ea'ii d. Hospital" i p! as.iMer I" t;i' tar and i uf b t rri' -igti iiii' tiice to the mind. It is believed t!iat this el, i:s.- of 1. an.e will hae a good ilN'-t upon t f i - patients; al-eady tl. re is rcjoieing in the wanl- in j.ro-p.-c: 1. 1 it. lYrtam ro .iu" f the in-ti tution twehe .u the male and an'. . .psa! numb, r" n the jVmab.-; vin." ,i re eo:;-tr; eti d as prhate ti n where p. ; tit s w h. m i 2 1, t pay i . 1 1 . . 1 : i r ''' ! I ' X J ' .. -1 s a le l i.a l ne 1 1 !i attt ia!:: eoii.d le enrol I'T for buincs". nt talk, and he must surrender ligh. magic, up w cut the tlag ikj and Rig Foot i-n rrendered hi of o r I ."' warriors and g-" X" that 1 -Th agitation in the south over d.ike'the Lmlgfr bill 'precludes the posid tClnS'. ! bilit v of! jaiiv independent move- Kaiid j nient at this;tiine. While in Oeala h x ... I invest l'ited the cohditions men and children The prisoners marched 8v V the old camp on Wounicd KnJ-, The battallion ha .surrounded Jt t In dian camp and will keep .y: jtant guard iter them until more ;K.ops . thorouslflv as mv liinited" -tav sP t t would pi'rmit, and L j'ame to the conclusion 'that more time was Heeded! It will come about in time, but the timed not this year." A delegation juf Kansas editors arric The prioucrs incflircSit-j which has. returned frj.m a tour ting Ruir-' gang, that t!- ftvr- through St he sput'-i. havjing made a their iiief's death. , 5 I ' thorough investigation of the farm- Scout just m report and hi brave on their w.Vj ,!j: Wie majority j agency, a if I arc" in t he at hoiie uiissio.!i aw a v. 300 "GOOD INDIANS.' That'j the Number SUin in! the Eat-1 tie jMo'nday. ! ; WashinutonJ -bee. ;!0. Commis sioner of Indian all'airs -this morn ing received tljd folyving dispatch from -agent I )L F. Royer, Hated at Pine Ridge Agency, l)eeember.21h 40u Woundejl- Knee Creek tins morning, whil? the soldiers were disarming Righ'Foot -and his band after their si; r render-, a light took place which resulted in the killing of about, three hundred ' Indian? and several of the soldiers, inelud ing Captain Wallace, with a num ber, wounded. ' - : 'Two Strike and hi -party' who! were campedoh White Clay Creek, j'ust below Red Cloud's house, open ed lire-on the' Agency from a hill I.1 : opposite the hoarding j school wounding two soldiers. The r.olici . M. returned the tire,, killing . two o Two Strike's Indians and wound ing two others. " - j; -Two Strike and his band havf retreated in a northwesterly direej tion from the Agency, and it if supposed, is trying' to iiiake'dii? way hack to IJai "Thus far thb dian have taken tlie war, but Iii Kicking ' Rear l 1 1 1 ! . , oanusnae oeeiiL ami: an Indians' Lands l'ine liidge Ink no active part in Foot, Slow Bear;. :ud Two Strikes aetiv A Story of the lohnstown Flood. i . . .OTP l- '.h" -. . ; atsfEurnisMhg Good For til! Fall and 1 Winter of In May, 18sl. a young man named! John A Little who worked for thi L. A. Smitli 'Wooden Warp Company of l'ittsburg. left for a sht.rt vacation, ami as he was go mg iie saui to 1. iiristian iclvee, a fellow: workman anything ot 'If 1 t . - happens to me ! take care oi mv family," McKele promised that he would, and Little went away. lle was lost in the .Johnstown Hood. A 'wife and eigljr children weft left without support, and McKeje set about redeejuing. his promis. He sent out moife than a thou?aial letters to relatiivcs near and db ud of the family. responded with small sums of money. The nnuniMt tant, and to frit and nearly a I collected was Mr. McKee-i 31 J . ... 1 I - ,.1 . .1 .1 i lm ni ('. I 11 , 1 f lilt ! I t-(n iV't,!Uie j majority j of j (southern farmers be- camii?!t ?4 at heve in working; for their retorm . only Etiile I within jt lie democrati 1 f' 'j Louisiana for ejcample - - !V: IouikI tew; ainocates oi ine mini; THE GREAT GROWING fcdtrTII. ! part v moi e. j ! . i J X y' 1 h president of the allian-c"in No Booming or Abnormal !piplop-; t hat tatey TJi.oma S. Adams. 7-1 -laent A-Year of ActiptH" ntarv of )thc state board of agri i;u rtM.i:i:. Iec. 2't. Tifl-' f culture, in. a conversation with a f...-..,-..- .'..'..,; publish.Jjill.i eorif-pondent ;who np-ou.panied . ; J... 1 r?.-;ri.-..r.thc Kaiisas delegation, 1-aidv thelndurialprogr,4softjaiuth' " 1 ?" VP" 4 - . has purchased house with part ot the money w hich has been1 deeded to Mrs. Lit tle, and the rest has been placed t!o her credit in a jbank. Two of th'e children have l-pen provided! -with employ mem. FIRE IN TARLORO. party. In j The Oldest Academy-.-Arij'Old Histor the editors! Mark-In Tarboro 35 urn cel. IS OF MORE THAN USUAL INTER I And the'mospim ' 'had BES T ortaht it has ever been '.fur', pleasuri I. uk jvii iui iu (i nuv.nig pome o r Si 1890 hi to iii' the al, AND LAT!-8T STY kC, I'i From the Factor es? fou much less thanVth' "regular' factory Mrti ahii- this will enaHile lis to sell'goods- to our -customers ainfos as our competitors can "buy them. . We -have Ji'ad ah ex buyer in-Neiv Yorli .for' three months, who has CREAM! OIMETROPOLrTAN OFFERINGS We are prepared customer. - want to buy 1 J ls. i r '' I i " I ' . ; . i 1 1 ' 4 I im 11 tl.e ..... .. ..... 'I 1 r.-l f..r f,.r IsO.I w ,..r ' r. , t ... 1 1 V ' 1 ' 1 " i'" i ... - ... . .. . r : an. . -in im ioetii ent move at mis nine. v" " r" "" 1 ii.tttutio!i. t,..w, cr, baving and prosperity I nr ugn.j.!! r,t nat ; . , , , . WL, - pr.d.ablv th.' .MIl ,nt ;,,! Wig supported bv section. The total ;U,.,1 f.:;ilue :t!l " U ,,:,F"( ,or wlu d:.r.d .r.,ioit. ,,d tUl.:u.v,.r tb.- people. -it of property f..r i.MMi ...i. ri. -ljrrfna.;t1 E71!1;1 ;l"ytu?'"ll l.,-:...u ,,.d. l-tHoi, n... .;.Slvv ,.f ,he dilee.ry to'.M;oo!MMM,. againofTK.bH 1 J j'1'' 1 ' - ' r.irroid r, Jiuu. ;,.;,.. .i;!.itr.-at"at,.l over !!. and of Sl.f.o.". p.t.calpMll m.t tindTavon . .. ,..,"..; r,.- - i -l i , - ' !' . I he edit brs lound that -Alr. Ad- ' 1 ' 5 .-are j..r r- without charge, omt I'. - . , ) i i . ...I.,.; .a,- II it i U' i ! T.kj;oko. X. Female Acadeiiiv : , g .. w. w I irg. --..rd : t:v l a ! ' I . i r i ; a?.-l :;!v tl.e . d hat. d light- p! e -S. tit i A: i:.s 1 r the ;IatI .it ; i a.! V. " The f I, i- i . ti J. s l.f ti of the everv Jen.lt.nefiU inf'l they, f COllcllUietl . . , -f ... . , -.1 1. . i, J - rja.. , "If 7 " I'I TI I11J:1I1 III": III I II 1- I'll I' .1 . i i.. .....i .....i ...... ...i ..i..-,-i..". . oi ii m tjii ii to i ill i ir i.ai es i i i a ii 1 1 ruiiiiiii'iuiii m i ii- . . ... , . r tivitv ih v,n i ailable for the general pur i. i., of the institution and' it i pr p' "ii and ietiftt- .j the ..pium habit -to in the South the i" i f tleof caell M'X. It i- proj Of this, ri. .....t... i fc ... an lii- iii i i iii''u..7i.i. - i i ,- .. 7 j L Jji . 1 .'rnera y held by southerners, and e n a period ot n n precede.? t't .',. -." j ".' ,' . , . - sttile to I lo ! . i :ii . i . 1 1 : ...o Everv faetorSilibusi- ;ainu..ng vf .. i ...o,.- .... ... Tie relit ct . .J tocharge the patients The railroads hae been d-r(Awled cla--e an amount for with freight beyond (heir rujVity, r.Verv aetof niusi- .- . j i , thA general idiyitv. th, n,n I 1 r. .t . - ! pr t - e. f.. . r por. t ; t::.t i ; i I Mr, , , I r.t tile a- d a: - ..r J r d . d i . ' i. lirt ar to I ;rii , iv i. w a: I oU tl.e vxhi.-h .I .ring I rge pi- :;p- ii i- b aid t onal t the t pen-c of car ing for and treating them, and it i that in thi- av a good work ::.av ! done in rei-laiming hum, and I.ae ! eolae dls.iUall- U-efi.ll i -s throUgil the d opi.iiii habits, and this pnc t tic Mate and . euiiig in-ane u rsons W i . ! ; ::. d i r : . . w i I j n w for . ;. tit nt the banks have transnctctrCii.ffnor. mously increased volume wof Jfiutd l.ess and have eaflietl lipome return upon their capit.-yj. j Agri cultural and mair.ifactiu'.f pro" duets have been pu t ' f 'r 1 1 ;i l ?i'rca t WILLIAM, EWART; GLADSTONE. Anniversary He Celebrates His 8lst of His Birth and His Golden London. the Si st a of William Prof. I). C. G was der-t roved 1 past one o'clock All oiforts ti. ' were inelfectual consumed by t he number oft he ci building in time aving nifich of t The building w when the muiates; and4 nctitied of ) I)c..' pi. The of thi '.-place. llespie principal. y (inv about half liii morning, "il ave t he building and it was soiim lames. Quite j a iy.ens reached t In to render ait ie furniture burning rapid y . 1 it. were t heir d pi .awakened imminent peril. -.. ; ... j i The origin of the lite is unknown; but there is everyjreason to. believe that it was the work of. an inceinlb arv. The building w as insured for nit ti re for -faUO. . 2,000 and the fur! FIGHTING THE ROBBERS. The. Cashier Stunned by a Blow One of the Robbers Wounded. w a et rry . r j'. " g ll.e f I' a! ... d might othcrui-e ! admitted. : Thi-. then, i- t!;. .tatemfiit of ll.e ea-i to tl.e Legislature for tile Wi -! rn North t'aroliii.n Insane AmI iiu, a:i institution which i upon solid foundation. Tv.c M.utli O .,iig a giorjot: work ill ;tiii-Jlorat ha-been put to severe tcsj- Qrmg iWedding. j )0,.t g'.i,4-To-da.y occurs liitiversary to me on ui I", :J i,ltiaie wlio is JlT" I I I llllillll I.ll I . 1 . I 1. . .. .. ijtiantity and there lia j t-? tre- j spending the day in tne mul-: ot mention lltnv of capital U;c very i jjj family i and urround. d ; by direetion to the Soiitli. stlig in- fri(.d at'f fau ardeti, V , ....... 'i l .. ..... - I, il , .a , ...i i .- t j : 1 1 . ' : .. 1 . , 1 UMimai. I lie l'.i-l urn- HIT "'o j I 111' ClSil V,,li; - 1 o ....... , barn one of booming nor $bar'rmal w it h isitoV wlm hive emue from uet loj.ment : but it hasil't-ii' -! far and near to pay their ie-ctv sentiaily a i.eriod of ste.ob -w t h , - - ( "iik Aoo. Dec. entered the touth al bank about 1 o noon. Two of t ! cashier s attention slipped through the door. and. coin ing up him a behind t ;o. 1 hree men Chicago Xatio'h- iclock this after- em engaged the v. hile the third ie cashier,, deak Plow wlJich knocketl him eiise'ess.' Then rilled the batik'a'J the past year, but it ha s!ij i-y In ill all without strain or in ;h ff and f:iiul flu-ni iii tho eves. world better than e r befr- the An dl-y a- . in, d. i ; ;- the t v- ubundance .f every t hingJ .t ht the lie Id, the forests, or the f-.e.n't-s. i : i .. - i i , i : .. ; v e i . - - . a- t !. ... I fatia of r.i r ; i; g and the ,1 I I r. . ! i 5 s ! s ; , . it i' ! -''fl'Si i fi.l! ""! n . . M ! l e t v, t o . ..r a ' : : T ! . d a : . d . 11 . e'.r " .-i : . !. I-Mt .b:r!'i ot, applicant - it is 1 1 i : i - are. . r. i:i , a -r il i! i e Jr. Sp t h i u t he ll.e .s is. Iii co i r t he :. - " l" ' t I.e bii f- : -.a al. , !t full. ": rc;s.-d to -a's. II, d . fa e- "uo W it h -. I he in-t ii ut ion d to it- e.ipa. The j.iil J. le Ii! .1 ess.- i.r s(jj,. - !.ae b. i n r -t he . ;s;j jr;g vt-ar ''S of t hre Will !..e t- be . r :.ate i.ari- lo i ot Wi -tern the North aro- ii. g ine unnippy conMiiioti i a great many of our felb.w-cit iet,s. It i- an hoi. -r to "North Carolina and no North arolinian can regard it otherwi-e than wit!, pride. Dr. I. L. M urp!. . it a!!e stiperintt nd i nt. i- eniinently lltfed in every particular for the inij-ortant trti't V!.eh he I eci- s With slleh wj- d -ia a!cl i-oncit nt iotisnt-ss ; pr. lyy and I ayb.r. the .-Mant Uq Saperintonds Uis Own Ctf:4Mak- ph -iei.i;s, are at :n pi islH-d medl - i ' cal nun, fond of their specialty ; . IL. .Jjlv atol ambition in it : the positinfis (leorge-W. IMper, of Vviicn a, ..f steward and matron could not ; Michigan, formerly a meHjMiopt, i I.e inure acei iital.lv .r more worth- ! iK i'ior of eotisuiarttion. JArAVcek . . - . - -. - and tender ! their congratulation .. the vier.o ou i.Id slatesiuali. ... , .. .......... , . . Anion" tla"( thronir: who vi-ip- Hawardciiidastle. t4hi. were many of Mr, Ciailst'one's1 American ;ul- . . ' ' . . . I i.i.. .... mirers. it; wa-- ihm o . ...n , o -. political etiei.iiesj ' as well as number v. h 'saluted the tlisting- f in -their buggy, 'seven miles, the ; two of .the rohl quickly he, thret id dashed away i ter a clue ;ot police captum-d eis at 1-iiteentu Ft )ieked UJ) 91 wing as PCI t for to please in TASTE and FURSF t'he f;,ncy Our stock is large" and eompIeU? in eyery CLOTHING and HATS all we ask ii see our stock and learn tnir prTees, and you will! biiv """ :' '-' I Very RespcctfulK;' '..' ; . ;-J '. ;-4 H' me.; just eoji rt-mt us. The Lcadiiiir Clotliier anil Ilaller of c. m.;.vanstqrpmanK firoeiis liea p nci'd : I lis Ihc every K..o--;,ai id Com .-on-; ( and; H)V0 e A Sunniiil; The -Time is X.MATS. E DorCt 'ilx-l.-ivT Send Mi A nler STRE'E r CARS. ict on tire new ' street-'. enr -line ami go at onee to 1 . ' - ' . ' I . 1 j street and recoxeted all the .moiijev . 4,.XL " Sever; ehaligid betw.ee! ifot welt4 t lie -police ex-' ajulii the lieeing rotibt is. and ofie of the i-!d ha given the So.ijji mjilc resources x ith which io i il all strains and t me Inch 2i tan an et all tler.ut Sd. . that polltl allies werje ! most cordially uished host.! Later in th4 drove in ail; .' latter was sen the tlligh.' The a rge. u-lv won n leu third robber in is ; w. n. Jewclery and get a new pn lliihainl or he-l gi latest designs in di and chains, seeeta tat .let seLs Pi glil ling silver enliec and tea spoons in riiple plat ed w a re. tit'iil tlesijMis in T AVafer Sets, ' :,K r.oxes, SnioUiiig S tilings that yon wi are low" as ea n he root s that I earrxl x it e "you to e, 1 1 at i ( hristmas .01 s day Mr. (Jladstone en carriage to at- tiil at A Bloody Encounter With Indiana. O.M.VIUX, Neb. tTi peoj le of il V f.lle.l than they M. Serogg and Mn 1 V ire by Mr. F. !.r,, M took'a laborer wftlhrri iu- C. A. Marh, ; to a swampy piece of xvoodj.iir,, cut and all the subordinates are c'n.sin down a lot of red cedars, ijht,h.h to their litne-s 'ami bail sawed into board nr UlUVh.he it 'tikeil tend the iitivfi!ing .fj a. beautiful , - , ' ' ' . 4 t-. i i r ii.. -.-- - fountain xvliudi irrcsjH Cted; I II... t t oi.loil' C'lt wartien, irresj.eei,e ,,M 1""' 1 ; ' ; a(p L; 1;ls w ..n-eieil in coin memo i ,i i e . i - BKm:. nee Irom i : ( ho ah haxe Men 'xviildihi:. ami which' is 6ut-ile of ihe chief en morning nnnounct! desperate coiillict t Porcupine 'reek 'O olaccd iust .1.. ..i. i.i- -i..,.h i trance u iii.v easue, . "I . I t, ,l Slates tro.J accepting the gilt a m inanKii g ; -. );in(, j the donor'Mr. Clidstone said; that after. .0 ytarf of repose in! their midst lie had become so Ulg I oot s ham ed by the troops I i inner were bein i' i , . i . a ., f . . i , ,i xvarmlv attaclutl tr: unwai oen ....n , t in. in i k XMtll years of hi I i 1 1 1 ri ! i - ri' fi e take a ju-t pride in their work.; to the bet ca1.inetmakt?r; There. The iu-titution i controlbil l,y a He sljrpri.ed the xvorkma ii i l.C or- he hoped to continut board of eight directors, whose ; derinir him to buihl a -.)I4 to , during the remaining traxi ling cpi n-e to and f.ora t he ' incaure. "Wlm for," ase$ the! life. I . af.-t --. a:.i . ! meetings are pai.l ami win, Hcrve carpenter. "tr m sen, jr ... r-lpveland to SDeak in Chicago without compensation. As citizen j Piper, and he insisted ,rj j vtng . i)ef. In the course ami tax-payers tney mm- just tne his orders carr.eu on . . ;( j ... hlivx xvns inaugurated -ame intere-t in the institution that ; dK md propose to have f th.v un- 1 . J i ,f f Kilt OI I " -V - . - ; f. , i Col. Forsyth, a b ! -i . ( ";i of K of : xvas kl It l. Lt. tra : amc regiment, w Several ice. mantling c o. other patriotic and citizen- should haxe. . .. 1 :..i. . .... M I i .....L-i. -.rn-fli in eiili.aiii.il ueiiaKeis num .... , ...... Thev deire his dying, and has made aj-oi tract to see it reach the highe-t "measure ' xvith the village expressman car .f usefulnr- and at the same time rv . that Imx . to -the gravfJ 'per .a A- Sum. th- La-t.rn A-vlnm have the same inten-t that all-watehc that cabinetmakerjT ami d tie I- af and Dumb and HSiml otht r tax-pavefs havethat it should ' see to it that the job i nfit slight-- . f ami. :.p.d a lu-t. i i -Oitl 2'.K A sp.-- I'ine Ridge f - . i diners irom ine rived here this 1 a, bloody and his morning joh etxveen the L ni- nd the- ho-tiles:. 1 bi:en surround'-' and 'when the g c'ri-al nied- by Mi'dy eneoHiiter Wallace, co'ni- I he 7th cavalry. iij.'gton. of the shot in t he ers- xvere -killdl Jarrar s; . Emporium sent- for xa.uV xvTTe, rl. You x ill Jiipl f he inn-nd rings xvaP-hcs t-les, I Job! . pensL and ind si h er. I- nnf .-t cr- pt.oiis. muter Knives hi.-h ease, in liiad- eariy. liny nnu' I ' ' ' P Buy arly and hen earlv inir i-has r- A '.l.arjre si--k tisi-;,r jU.-..;ti.t 1 y 4 . lii.iiMii sTj U K" I A " lti.tKitiill..'Kni-.SI I! 1jI);i uf till (.' ' 3aj:.'i.i'r,"l.wis; 7' 1 iO- I in-i !i A Kl.- lUl.ilfl I 1 1 X 1 5 I ";i i- I ,i i.-ii.'i. s "- 2.'. i . - 1...I n l1 sTl- hu i..iol iXl- ettinrSjiortM r HANI) in. w l lYinii- ta.ll I NOV.. riW CI . -X Kl.- .oi i:i ."j i K- j uy ofu ii ; - L oh I. s a re- A I N N X ? !- .-i I ...1 1 M't- e - ... - " "': - i K.i. . 0NC ; xni!N'i.k'( . j-- ;p ie is. -1 - , I n ah:, t'fi f;rri .m.- :n In .iit... ... ..i i . . . i . . i as l nax e i neMarirtfsi a mi ne-si seieeteo stork ever h rough i to this eity. Respeell'nllx-, EAKIL1 S siij-ai". J oll'i'i-. ...M'.-la-f t lour, at. I o.-iij. i ui ii.'i; jri-ii t inn j W i' ha i-vt In- i r'in"-. : u'I a i Von will lirnlheau- naK.; .-.-loaai-wv .m-.-: :if:n,4 '"'"i ' i i" iii.im- ,,ii i;.ijijr ( HH KK -(' ao' .!;,,!i--;fl, ViK-kle neiVrta.tfc.- t ... ti,,.; I'i'i- iiHi h.-.. omt i;iciui..,i'i, lilt i.l i. ra. - w ith 2 i)i" i- i-i-n t i.l" tri xci." j i-i-I more uki- -a-i ; i ii i.Hi"t t "jirs tun ni.-jin.lei-. I -i in i out inal i- ! l.ulir icifnrii . ii i -." all aloii an-liMilruiir for j .. siorsi OV tV III XX l.uli .-ale I Sets, nihon ot her i Sets, rullr, r.askets-. n s and niany 11 like and the priec fr the ona nt ,1 x of I rt speetfnlU" in- oin-e ami seieerj x onr nd Ilridal Presents, -.4 i.;:. ': t-, ' xsnx. pre.ii oil ir."l;.H.-in. .' 1 1 1 I Vii;:i IH.1-it loll Vt t i xnip K IM.-- win IIM1: , e- - rail n ii.;;. number of ijndian tit the ' Big Fire in a Prison r 1 " ..to-. . A x I - us. a ! a - !:.. l i e We-t- th utmost be conducttd xith b -I irj it i ciiij. tn- consistent xxith" good will ili-r.fi.re a-k the"rxicc. Neither ujmu, thi nor -'tare f.r lo.'hing in the way uje-n any other point of manage eet -p'irig f'-r t!.- i;pp.rt tuent tb tlo-v fear to meet the lag- e! it nr.-. at d I la- lao-t they hac to a-k of this honorable b..dy i a rigid inxe-tigation of their manage ment in the past, fieiing confident that the i h-i r the in p'iry5 the l.i. .re ready tie Ii. in-r.il As-inb!y will i.e to ai-eept what lloV now ( Imvc to say ;i l.i what i nece-sarv ;- It. Ii. !!''- and i.t ep U i rx fepa i r-. T'w o ir ;. d :. a: !' i-riato :. . ... p.-r capita of i ". -inia.iti ; . i aij f t ha , :, I ..? d it - t- -p . . t ;e.? 11..T1 -s. .. - . j. ra! nd . and dirc-l.r that durin the i cy! two o tf ig ii ...! I. i II . ...... I.,, r-vri' III. IIC I" giouiu; .i)j...j .l-.v nfiil cannot totter. to tJK ."OTK- ...... ... . liop to superinio once r twice mo Crazed by Drink, i under the aupicef Pi tue frt Cluli of Chicago, the hext addreMsj IM. x risi.ri:... N. xvill probably be given' by ex-l'res- jire hroke' out in ident Cleveland. iMr. 'feveland ;s,,out -midniglit told the tinatu-ial secretary that hewiH.a discovered it ,ni r.wi,o..v ..r to nr ran ere his ai-ii,. ,.h..f.L- the tames, ami at fair so a t enable 111 m to accept . o'clock this morning the new por ition late in rehru-ition of the prison, the kitchen., the; li;e ,-iaii" Y.; dan. I. A ; Clfnfoii prison-! t-t niii'ht and wa-. impf.ssible totter to tJa-.orK- t .,..'. i end-the fi,.nly I the club's invitation a , 5 i ! nry or earlyjin 3Iarch. r t: . . i - : . , i - ! .... .... i .. I 1 i s 7 . tim were not seriously ir.'jrll pital. the store-re.. ioii, autCthc- nia-;i!iie shop, were The Kichmond papers state that in ruins. The m-y." p'-rt n-n ot tne ontnined n prisoner auio le a re".r;jhir stanipedej.to i 1 " nit the p.iiiie was -..n md the prisor.ers were t-d to i up "... j.. .-'a j r. The J.".- I- .esf'imafetl Camp, Confederate Veterans. , ! at f :loo.0no . i . V., ., a:v, rtwir Kilwle ha been asked to i.riswti c ...r m mi.hlle i.-m-I C. e rn. ;f . h i Ie be the oratdrof the day at the eele- t hey mat , .i : ..i.l. A r-.., i.r-.tloii of the birthday of General , scape I crazv iirunK im i t ui . ..; - -j--. . , ,. nmuck.on ::;.th street ami! Mvibed Kobt. Ih Lee; The date of this eele-: checked four in-.i-r.-ltv w itli a I her bration i .lanuary and the rti tranfent l-..lf lia xv.-.s ,,r rest eth 3 '!" vie- ' rangeineiit H will be ifi charge of Li e good or.k & fiQ o 1 IE J FrT ! 9 fi z 't i i - -- . v "1 Wi I 1 1 ."li.f. jn l-pi i-U at ; -H in M ;i'iil ! ; I'!'.. '' ' i-: I. '- h ! iii j i" j -."ih-e.w .ji j i !';n- -IiHi ji ; i i ' Ii i to.. ; If-... ?v , ! i v.- ' ! ' i iStockholders Heeiing.- The Annua 1 1 Meeting of if, holders of the National J!ank o horo, will-he i held at. their honsf i.n "ednesday, .railnary at II oi lo. k, A.M. Nd:ii. i;ijjx; j deed Kit.- j - c : t 'lireeris-Ihuiking p h, 3 -td. ii.-;iiji;f. .. Tfre union LaM Go GJ&EfcN'SIiOKO, N Capital 8t(K!k,$25 Shares at 0 elu J. Van Lim'I.kv.. . iii:o. S. Skuokant.; " lb nruGKss, . . '. ". :s. -I. S. II r. i Ki;, . . ; . JI.M. DoiToi.As, . . . . , . ' ' !' ii i: r: j i, jVW.-Kky., II. J.. Fnv,i O. j:. Cox, W. M. lIorsioN, V j."'. . . . V ice- e'y a ni.ral S : W. .IJ w. A . T; u. i: ),()00 si. fen t 'resident id tTrv.is. Jtti linger Atileriiey The 1 oiupHiiv litis VHhiaijIc fuiMiii! "ili'iii-e letvj.,1- Hitlviitii tln fiiiK ij cilv. rii luihiiLf-S".uit h Klfn nii'l A .X iiniUeU liii.i.utit ef ir. I i. u f Inn! Uiiii ii i(1 i-:i 1 1 u to lit- l rca?.iil'( :t if iiiitb'l'l 1,11 the iiuaiitiiiii'. linv 17 oili.-c, fc:hi Notice! rSab Farm for All. lleiidrix nlaie, .'J'. mil cinieiishoro.My f w ant to go YVeijt ,,4'C. I I-I in. known as the es Kast of I reason' Tor selling is . IF. MCFlIfAV. A Ifl', ad i. l.l;.o-.sV K.N HOW. H "'t'li'i rt'n !. 4 H reeJVi.f tin;' ii" - 'ici'1-.i it-Mi ma v. I DivideDfl Notice ! ! At a recent meeting of- thV bMhe Hank if fiin'ord, i mial Diviiknd o( I kt cent elared. paynTTTiK on and afii-r ThurstlaxHn Jlrmiary, ;.'- i W.M. iClIOfi! : de-27-:!t -"..' - ! 'i roe torn r "emi-an- : 'I w as -h- " t he lirs; AliT. shb r. ' : ;..;;'' ,;;.: - i i s i 7 5