; 1 ," y .- U. I ' ."If I- i i ; i ' :' ' " ; ! ' H: : J ''-'H;ji 7 : ! - ;y ; . ; . r :. .,., ';. j - -: r -h ,; ! THE GREENSpQRO: PATRIOT.,;;:;1 i I' 1 ;; ! I : 1 ; ! ! " J : : - -i-i Ji 'l'- ' '' - GREENSBORO, X. C., fcttlUTlSDAY, JANUARY 22, 1801 By Ibe la!riol Pnhlislilns 4'oninanr. i ! i TEKMJ il.su For Venr. in Advance. a -- i i . . . -- . a .pjjtopW. il. Wakefield; v i I l 2;. vr.il. .'RICHARDSON,-r'i: 1 nil. 5; W. GRIFFITH, I if I ; .Viihiir E. LecHieiter, D - I - t jOiiar Wrifjlit, !.AV, :;. RDBiiR'i: III. DOUGLAS, I Scales, . I . ... lire' insurance. . , . . 1 : -. .- - "j : t . , . . - t ....... ! T- iMSURANGE ! f IRE. ir.ii r f 1 if C3MPANS : 1 1 : ! 1 '".1.- i it 1 1( t: .1 i:. ( i IJ lXlX'S 1 j I ! v I 1 3 Ml I .1 111 Mil 1 jttii'f ' f ' 11 I I . SI taud ta j -i ! ; ? - ' ! l ;.j:i:. . v r. 11.' ULIDAY GOOD it 0 lery" 5 Store, w J 1 1 C - i, i ii:t v i: i. i s i .1 M. r v i V. A A BILL INDIAUS' DAY OF CARNAGE. To be Entitled an Act Protect All Signs Point to a Eloody Battle Before thi Morrow. Ri -hx ille. Neb.. Jan. Hi. What i now expected t be the bloodiest of a!! modern battles fought in the Indian country is scheduled for to morrow. Preparations for it are about complete, arol in ncticipation of it the whes and families of olU cers nt Pine Ri dgc i re sent East la-l niht. What make this bat tle !;nw appear to be inevitable is the HolhIciI fact that friendly Sheep Husbandry. At the State Arriciiftural t v tit:u'. Iat -toN r. a roiuiaittn- m aiij.int i t aU t!.. pri -nt - I.' -ihttirf t t i. ii t a l.iw for pro ti.-ti:;- u. hnn-lry. Tr:I thr f !" in U i o;i- frano l. which ri'i-ntt-il tth:i h-ti'r.i!!- !v : f,. t 1 THE ARMY NOT TO BLAMEv Father Craft Says Interested jWTiUes Stirred up the Present Inj an Troubles. . The following telejiram hsf-Mron rtctivtil from the Uev. Taller Craft from Pint- I;id-c, S.il) Austin I. Ford, editor (if tlivKi w 1 11 iv r 1 ' t in it 11 m i tnriiiif , 5 tZ' 7- li ..1 . I. That :t!iV ! t, or u 1 I;-t t!.- ,u.!- 1 :u Mat" f r taxation a ittun or t r 1.. ay ! !.-! d. Mi. II. I I;.it ' - 1) r.-af- Indian well ju.tr till". t-atup. aid tM-r.rral Mil must fro!:i tho ho-- t-ftrday that t i t her irei rc M f I...-:. 1 la I all t!:u taxi- 1.: ! r.4! "t d from tlu- - . srr- !s ;!I I--hi !d I.y tin- ('i.unty lr :-ur r, f .r !. tar aftir ! !-- "f . i.ty. i'h-l t !. ow .-r of -"n-h ti vi.ii! L'ivi- t the -aid Trrn. !.r, r - t i-f,o-t.rv -r d that hi 1 t d in paVIUi nt 1 n I.y d 'j within the 1 i t. '.-, : . r h ti. .1 ii iii.il 1 J !:! i Kio. -l ! ! ,'-. -n,! drawing in t r i-em i:o r' tliall alto'1 at wh:a f .2ih 1 i for tat . , d furl !. r that M;.di f n.iij I. ! ,i::.d i.v tiu s 1 a. 1 tu . IV. That tl.i -1 i '. ! . l t !. j 'l .. p IV I'M I : M-i-. V. . Kr hi :i :. i f t " i iJiU.t 1 v t y Tri o r.sti-a of 10 iii'ino - h fri'i.i - u -art'' r.'.v -':.. I ft:r;d. Thai ,i!iy r failing . d '..r .i -ha!! he 1 f .1 : :;j iir- htfv i.r and :in d I ! '. !a r- r 1:1) - 1. : 1 oinir i I. r I 1 t f-rlit at n!UT or id m" p't oil' tho I rt -ervatioji. and that the Ci iu ral lau-'t do tht xcry thin- or the havr all hi" outlyini: forces tcrri Idy mi aki ni d ly rontinuoiH expo sure to Mcre cold and other hard ship. I ; r. r.d .Mi! it is said, has rivi a tfii" Inili in-; until to-niht t -tirri iuh r, and if they do not come in hv that tiin.' he will c"hs in up on them. The -ituati n i- already ehinzinir rajddly. , Mvtry line is The mini la are mov- imr north. !ouie iroin-' further !i.rtli than the au'enrv. 1 lie reu-J I irs on this side,, ulto wi re from I -i toi i,'ht mii'es from the ho-tiles Jare m ixing o nithin half the dis s ta ?!. Metnhi rs -f Company C. N hra-ka mil; . ,' were in thi ; larain-r. The eoiapaiiy is nine 1. ti!i fri't;: Knot hud Ajjeney, ami 1 they n p -ri that l io it i lilt t they io,w hre ari-e atul -iirnal lights. ;wlii.-h were e..int:itinieat ions he- jtuitii ririe Ki'i.-- ami iot-j.mi h.-si:. o. EMMA ABBOTT S WILL. That t!.lo a.-! -'. :'. I- i'i foree "in atj.l alter it- ra! il; a! Suo Liberally Provides for Her Par ents and Other Relatives. Ni Yii:k. Jan. IX The will of 1 1mm a Ahoott Wttiurell. the opi-r-.t i tar. w as admitted to prohato l. day. hearing tlate of May I's, II v.v a Eirtcen-year I Pj?;1 Cele- , i v'.hi.. he direets that her h .dv waiutid fvtls c-onsiCh kivlv hetter, ami I may rerovr; JftitJry hopeful. I nuthorize you tojin-, tradirt for me, in my name, tr'vV;h Ho pres, the report in rirVftijn that Mamo the army for tp.O Jatl ttjjdy at Woundeti Knee ; (j.- k. Tio7y-i' ports do j-rap iiiji-tur--to our hIdicr? ami are instii'tf ly thoM adverM" to an honorable jtt tleiuent of the jreseat trouJj jnd luistilo to the desire of evejrv trlie friend of the Indiau that tSujyT.e' permanently transfijrrcd frm4he charge of the Indian Unreal t'ot he War Department. It is otiIy?hy such a transfer that the frililis e.Tii expect just treatment. The whole troulde .oriif.-jli'd through interesLed white-, yfhrhitd j-one ahout mot intltitrioti"y hd mioreitresentetl the armv .1uwits movements upon all ajienchy! J'JieJ Indian were in eonseuence:i.pi'rIu ed and suspicions. They b$dj li tl t helieve that th true iiifirJtif the military was thiir cxttrhijrJ&i tion. The troops acted wlj the greatest kindness and prud'gw' i -In the Wounded Kn've lijjijttjfe Indians tiretl tirst. Tlie troop-j i;Td otdy when eoiupelleil t. I vfi.,lj" f.vn n ht.th, saw all, and Kii'Jwj foln an ahoolute knowledge' oT tli'Wflle atfair whereof I say. The jndf-a.hs state the eae just as I do. ljV,:e ... .. 1 i ...l.i.J l I ,11 II.IIIX .11.11 111.11 I'lflt.- vki!l forward full tatemiif fiijcl dn-NlUll FREED FROM HER "FAKIR" HUS i BAlvJD. SCOTLAND'S BIG STRIKE. ELOI'ZD fro:: a woman s COLLEGE. faculty io rry i" . 1 -.Mio o ) . : ! l.e erelt.ated . . . . ti -! I .i etri-M! v.-to aocertain lij 1 1 i". i- 1 i ir. ft : itn. iih o for an in - ! e.-lae of parent s ; Pied- I Wc there!!. her late pro f p. r month for her srveo .flu.tioo to Mrs. huhand'f three siott r bratcd h'c.v Years Eve II W I1M"K! ..la!;. ! Tie at th- WoT.nrr I j- :;::: !; worktd up ovi r t !. m. :.! of o-j,- of t!,- p. .pi! Katie 1 ;il?.(-rt. w ! lif ir; W. V.. with Arthur e. wlm mother; -,..,-d each to her i. ...... ,.f ,i:i!oit 'lie ....'!..- hroiher-: ?-.. (' to her r - at. v.-rv -tri. t. and a i-an f ul ( M r-. I.izie Ahhtt lark ) ; f.i.ono , '., j j 1 ,,"t j vou:;ef i' h to the childrt n of her brothers I . ! '-. Notult:;-: .;. dir.,' ihio Mi.o i:id a d a-, d -i-tt r of her late 1. t.t.iri...'o t .o. e her -nilor ; h ioh.md : Va Houghton, an exec- i,..n from ja,- no r. n ne- ? ...o. . , , v !..-:. H- it. td-" on Thank-- !"!en;i tt v ,1 ! ntarv i videnre. J ... i I , AGREED TO TRADE WTUE: t A Sensational Bargain Thatjj Hrts Fire in Indiana. Coi l Mi-.i s. Intl., Jan. 1 l.-i-'j ijjilik aftir a t horortrh j "ii-dms of iliirin!.ur- atlLn- r lei Mull li. ii l arios i nv. a pr ci :to The f-eport U Vhit Josephine DeMott, the Circus Rider, i3 Released from Geo. H. Hines. PiiiLAnEi.ru ia, Jan. 14. In Com mon Pleas Court to-day Josephine De Mott Ilinos, a well known, cir cus rider, was granted a divorce from her husband, George II. Hines, her marriage with whom had been consummated, it is alleged, by "fraud, force and coercion." The marriage of . the couple, which took place September 30, ISM", at Sclma, N. C, attracted considerable attention "at the time. Josephine De Mott was then a handsome girl ubout" twentv-one i years old. Hines was a 'fakir." The lihellant alleged that Dines rntervd. into a conspiracy' with a Mr. ant). Mrs.' Allen for the pur pose ofjgaining her consent to a marriage. She-testified that at the time the marriage took place she felt although 'in a dream, and that Ml-s. Allenjstood at her side and prompted her us to the replies she shojuld make to the magistrate's questions. During the trial of the case, ifhich lasted several days, "hypnotic influence" was frequent ly hinted at. The jury, after being out an ihour, returned with a ver dict in jfavor of ithe; libellant. IlUSEANDAND WIFE. No Hope of Settlement and a Pro longed Struggle Deemed' Inevitable. (Ji.Asr.ow, Jan. la. The strike continues to drag along wearily. AH etl'orts to bring about a settle ment of the trouble by mediation have failed and an exhaustive, in definite struggle seems ' to be the prospect for the future. j The English Amalgamated So ciety of Railway Servants has sent another subsei iption of .1,000 for the benefit of the Scotch 'railwnv strikers. , - i iie situation as regards. the strike is unchanged. The Provost, after a futile at tempt to persuade, he manager of Ihe North IlritislxTlailway Compa ny to relax his position, advised the men to resume 'work an d re ly upon the public to force the company to make an honorable concession. The men met and de cided not to surrender. The direc tors of the Caledonian Railway Company also declined the Pro vost's request that they "meet the lnen's demands, declaring that they Were receiving plenty of applica tions, for' all vacancies'. We have dbeided to close out the balance of our stoc OTLO.A and" have marked llown from the original sellin, Brutal Treatment of an Unfortunate Woman in Ireland. PEACE AT. LAST. It Kow Really Looks as if the Hos ; tiles Would Surrender, j" , Vv'asiiixotox, Jan. 15th. A dis- Dlhliv. Jan. la. A terrible tale ! Pat was received at the War De of cruelty or attfmpted murder comes Colera counts farmer) hail ni his wi XV ap wive Ifcte' Je- the Helms ware diseon: I'.uiv they had no childrij, !id the Smiths because, they Werfcie- favoretl with t(o ma', jiv trade 'Smith s w ife, foifc-J Jil tS'- to V t. . ir. t- -1 t . Mr eaiu i-it aoi. .ra: 1 iv, ar o ar iM.i d. t pei J l.'efl! a!.-. af.e !.e j r. ii ! r. t. !,! .io ;;' - .dine, ti.t teot:,trix's M-runty. .. i hi ; .f.'.niiii i-i gieli totaehof nir:e e.hurehi . ti - ... r nr an oiduc of the eotate i to 1 equally among ix char in New- York 1 !.. r. I div id' . t 1 1 t. - l : a . ki i in in k i ifv and Mr... S. V. Wh te. oft ",4t '' PP' "I .- ---- , . r . ..t . and her fri. nd. Mr-. '""'ng lerm or i ourijou, vie . .t. ) S tr.h l'.ird. All of Mi- Aldiott ' -r""u"" "1 , ru, t ;,,m inuu.aii - O. - o - - ,., h.r-. lf ith 1 Kr- oklyn. ni; the tlren and a small farm are Helms, while Mlt .JU-tlee KU-ll. o 1 -trij on wfiom they ilepemleil to . i i i. . fill I :i IV lllfl ITtTl o.;irfm - - - -- u - , . theniot lres. could ni linti in.Jl.he books authority for tlivor-9 vfifcl remarriage under sueh t:ireCiu:n-ee-, and the swap llanos lit. 'i r I, i-s said tliat tin contract ing Jpa'ics Helm's farm 3 arf fc a dl town property go to pfh; Ju-tiee Ku-h. of C-trllVity, letl toist2ff3 ere saUf. ng a til Vl'TerJ ;t ! t d p'o-t ' e r f ri v. f Jt r $r ... on. : N--v adsn. Mi- at; .: .1 CjI1 ir a . .. ", ,1 pie,-.- bv ; p iper-s an t ! . f 1 ! t. l : . 1. r.-ce - e:.,i til wao jewt Ir.1e.Mi of I r i r . rt .. t M r. . .-. :.t Pied::. lit. ar.d t.. , . ... :.. . . i treatment ami tiieu reniarrf.-'H' b, qUt athi-1 v are t A j;,.,. ; cortiti.g to n;e original ag, err-'Mii. V i CALLED DOWN BY IDS 8TI$tVlfE. t ey ( lly. w ho iil-'i I ler diarnoinK ant! 1 .. . i 1 . 1. . . '""""i ' " I . T a. cL v.. irom lagiieraieJt, near ne. From the various ac receiveil it seems that a of that; neighborhood, who t been" on gootl terms with e for some time past, yester day attempted either to kill her or to subject thel Unfortunate woman to nnjot cruel punishment. He broke a .holt in(the ioe which "cov ered the stream Ilowing near his farm, j"and dragging the woman down t.o the spot plunged her head forenn st into the, icy water, her feet alone being visible, and keep ing litjr submerged until she was almostj drowned. When rescued by some farm hands J of the ! neighborhood this unfortunate victim f a husban,d's crutlt was insensible ami still' with cold. After being taken to her home, under skilful l treatment she was. restored to lifej A short time ajfter regaining consciousness, however, she gave Lurthito a still born ;hild. The woman is critical condition. Her brutal husband has been placed undejr ar resrafter narrow ly escaping death at the hamlo of his enragetl neigh bors, j partiijent late last night from-Gen. Miles, recommending that he; be al lowed.to send a dclegation'of the hostile Sioux chiefs to Washington to consult with the higher authori ties there about terms of peace. To-day Secretary Proctor,) after conferring with, the - President and Secretary Nobk wired Gen. Miles his approval of the plan.1 Gen. iMiles, it is expected, will at once send to Washington a delegation of 'eight or ten of the hostile chiefs accompanied by. an armv olllcer and an Indian agent. The Indian war is now regarded by the War Department oliicials as virtually over. .I'..- "Dont's" to Remember. HILL WON'T TAKE IT. The c til- to form a part of the A POISONING SENSATION. r v-, Cities, but was Found Out riL-it- v ? 5-'. 1 t-iii ii- 11 li. .1 : -. lu re a in in 1 i w ie t...ir.-0'd t!.em. T; v ;.:r. d to Pie ar.d Governor Can Name the Next Senator, but Doesn't Do it. Ai.iiANV, N. Y.. Jan. I:. The ap pointment of a I'nited States Sen ator to succeed Mr. Tlvarts has not yet been made. When it is the Democrats of the I.egi-dature will know it for the li rt time and will rat ifv; it. There has been no change on of the I . P I!; ( iih ai.o. 111., Jan 11. .1 . m m ..1 :.. ; ... .. . , '-,t n tt. a votimr Scandmavin i.u 10 ' ifti.in 1, ia cx sner::: umt i;?ccrs. 01 uranvuie. r. 1 . , j ratify; it. 1 nere nas nee; t.ri ibil M .i S,rivu CLir. ue,. . im- , .,:,..,. "'5 :.. State couo-tituti I.rfi. ir' 11 -irritid lure from1 i- 11 1 l ' , Democratic partV. 1 artle- w..o .irnuu m ri r",u ijortv-two years o!d and n.rjed ; .... 1 , . . . . , .. . Uranxilie county yesterday bro.i-ht 1, ,ia "r.r.t 'ir,. ; s-. dcU I &Mvet. 1 .raor. inarx s.u.au . ... u - . r -. - ....i.H...i .'i..-... .-...iiiti .-tilt I- Jl'H illicit tl. UlMl lUUI lllli run has the power to name the Senator, and when he makes up hfs mind the continuation of his wisTies will follow. Not one of the Democratic legislators pretends to know who he will vote foiv' two years hence. Tildeti may hate been a spinx but Hill is two of them. On one point only lie sheds a little retlex light. I gather from men who have'talked with him within twenty-four hours that he has 'decided not to go to the Senate himself. The place is 1 not to his tate nor does' he think j himself exactly! fitted for. SenatiV rial work. j . .t, ,......,! r , .l.ratixiliecimntyyesierii.iyiiro.t-ii: .hisJ ,irM wifl. in Swi denl iMve . r, : "7 - i',.'. ... ;--w"f -ooational poisoning v,.ar deerting;lu-r slriUT- V:,- .. 1. : " , ;:, ..V..1 I ;Il,-ri:1 K that county itB,.nlv.thirtl ,,irth(i),v ho iuaSed -, ,' ',.:." .."..I.- ' .X't'' .rn-t.-d ami jai.nl n as ,,.IK,n j vt.- Yirk and JeiVier wi ; m ; . .. ' ; rh:,r ,,f f:,!, v-r a v-Un , children had &n. ' 1. inan named Parker. It is stated- u.nm.u tu.tl wt.r ! to .that Kog. rs. who was teriii-oi hia ;ini, ni.irril.t, . iUXu,;li;f.,n r . t : : . . . : . i . 11...1 .. . r.. . . . . i . i ilauiliiaiii it.io 1 -ii n 1 "n, ' went to the hou-e a few nights GOVERNOR HILL IN THE SOUTH. The W.iy Hi? C.inUdacy Strikes a Southerner. :,1 .. 1, 1- l:. r Ilili i-I. r..-x. I" 11 11 11 i.'.di -ite- ti, ear.ditl.ite f- ri tl .1 ; 1 i: r :. t f . . 1 v. I D Force ?!.:. 11 nd. it;- n il. it S-v. Y ik I.'-'!-Satt;rt !.ioo a ' .-. .! r" tl r of. it -j k :i I :'t: to s., him r Hill i- gr-.'A in the of hi- parly. ' a": d i be a b: ; r in. ill in the 1 ... .ill -:i ; lie i'..!.tic 1.1 -rally lf"t i e foriua'Ix II - t rv .. ?;.. j:.di.-.ii - that ' 1! !.- o.i- l.e i a 1 mo- 1 . : j r ti nlio-,i4 working If. , ., .rs Jh.oc a- bc- 1. t e b.-t ti r t ban t he d -n't -quint at 3Iug- I! girl, whom he deserted wfuMshe oreo.oited bim witli twins, tlrr-ltal- since. and left a bottle of f.r.mdy ,jM,,,n. u. married'a foiithSMnd eontainin- -trychnine. Tin- r.ext'.-r.. if ..... ilf(t.rw.r.nent me of the ! t) -N-t.w 0rj,.an an,i mar(icd;his sixth and seventh. J .One year i.'o He;niett to Chicago and ifi h s than r ek had w..n F.lrza I. Iryideii. 4 f H''lV vooti" ( o-rinati woiiian. Sjif fbon n:.n;ir:'4 Parker dfank s ! .r.....l,- -.t,.t ,.1 r ,.. ,r.. 1 t - 1. . also gae a tirniK 10 a t : . . . in- To hat.il. v.n v.a- wornin on 1 hi- j I . I.oth tltctl in a few min uie-. aftir drinking the brandy. , an an.ilv-i- re d d that it eon t. -lined a ! ir"- ipiantify of- stryc!i isir.e. Parker's wife, it i- Mated. 5t.rr.ed Slat'-"- evidence and M Veal ol t :. v. l.o!.- t !ot. and Kogt rs tas arri-tid. and i- now in tlranvilh county jail. .'''( i'.iI, n',s, r r, Don't go to bed with cold feetr ' Don't stand over hot-air registers. ' Don't lie on the left side too much. ..-Don't inhale hot air or fumes of any acid. ' Don't die on the back jto keep from snoring. Don't cat what you -don't want, just to save it. Don't cat in less than two hours after bathing. . - , : Don't bathe in less'' than two hours after eating. K Don't sleep in a room thaflis not well ventilated. ' 1 Don't expect a medicine to cure you if you put it away on the shelf and only look at it occasionally. Don't eat the smallest morsel un less hungry, if well: Don't start a day's wor.k without eating a good breakfast. Don't eat anythinir but well-cook-ed and nutritious food. 2 New Markets, original price !, IS 00, 10 00, ; 8 50, 1 ! " Wraps, 1 Jacket, 1 1. 1 ' 1 1 I " . ... 5 Knit Jackets, 2 ! Overcoat, - Km allord it, but it-i yq'U have to do i d goods, and i we fet yqu ever inade. 1 avoid carrying plain figures, and bargains are- gone. frbm 37A j to 75c cqnsGquently they r fol' -KIS HSTJD JAGKHTS and as follows price just 0NK-IALl I! ;ii:i Reduced nojw to size 4 years, 10 00, ' 7 00, 8 00, 0 00, - 5 00, 1 ti, -1 50, 4 00, 3 10, 3 '50, "3 00, 2 50, 4 nS too 00 00 ; 50 ; o(V ; j . 00 ; I 50 i l ::'s '; ' ".0 .. i 2 00 ! ; 1 ss-H 1 50. 1 25 we cannot dhis frreat rediletion septiiis iriiticnlriii !uirl riiotur 11-Ml- .-.., cr. -.--.-.. w . . v. w v .... v, 1 i.iiy rmi il l .tillti.l' ,,. i.. s. .i ... .i . . , 1 . . j ir- . .1.. ... 1 -- 1 - 11 owi -vjutri ia iiiuii-iit itwu ia' ueiray ine expenses ; si t ail to come and pay-to 11s ' ONF.-1IALF 1K('K for the sure that vou will sav it is Inn e of tli'o h$.it bririiiiw Our object in closing these gods 'out at (his t)ricej is ; uiem over ine summer season. All arejj market l in .,. one- price Mo everybody, pome ert rly -lieli)rf t !)? iest--;..;i . 100 corsets at 15 to 25 cent each ; thesdeorsets cos t ; each. 1 1 1 r 1hc lto-ve n.n-i lipcon-ocnili(l mnil 1if(.l.-.ii. must IO. 'K O have a trrenft m nnv rlrivoa of t li I j ivihim j i - m.' - I 7 " k o. V f ' V ' ' . ..1 li llil VI 1 aruns stock-takitiff season at our: 1)11 Y- GOODS ARC ADR (' H rf trtyl lU 1 1 1 1 a. i'. - .. . : - h - ' ) iu it-i incej upjioriunnies passr jJan. Tk Raymond & PowelL . . w u i r- - t . s VOU TONAL RANK HLTLDING, ( JKKI;NSP0U0N. c'. . i - - .;.r v - . I ' OM13THINC N OTIIUNG. i-i A Earm and Stock Papr 0 EVERY S ECHOES FROM McKINLEY. BSCRIBER ,0 r "U- Wo are pleased to announce that we have inade arj-angeniejit i'itlj. the,j publishers ol The Breeder's Guide and PRACTICAL FARMER w hereby we can Free to ever For Sb Jrive that .excellent stock, farm and liousel subscriber of Tlii: Patriot upon trie c nameil below. The arrangement is 5TTo all who ' -- " i i i Li. ;"t-i!'i.r'" - -. r (U- liduriiiil milt nun Y V. and will be o He red by no other paper in .the country, iav all arrearages and one year in advahcie Xriini th date! of oai-ment in this month we will give the BRFK . - 1 - 1 U 1 1 . GUIDE AND PRACTICAL FARMER, iree for one year Sheffield Houses Reducing Wages Business Curtailed One Half. Lonimix, Jan. 15. -The Tw.Oui nounces that the Shellield houses enra,red : in American trade are sull'ering greatly from, the opera tion of tiie new TariiT law. The large lirms oj WtiStenTiolm, Rodgers ami others are contemplating a re ducing in the wages of 'their em ployes. The Rodgers firm say thej-believe-that business has been cur tailed one-half since the new Amer ican tariff went into elleet. Perry Belmont Mayjbe. Senator. . J"To all new payment mi AND PR ACT I v ; ' i. 7Tw all win lisbscribers whd'Oiiv oneVctar in 'advance from 1 ".-' - ' 1 . .? . ..- .I L .. -. , ;!. this month 'we will give the-. HKKDKK p pi L I ARM DK frt e for one yey.r. one year. 0"To alfwhosi became Mrs. lit niiett No? hrl' nd ; TnE NEBRASKA GOVER was the cause of I'.enne.tt' jil st, j . ; j for she' didn't likejthe id.:'L'e-, . . pr1irf RPf in" nllicd to a Mormon. t'tt ' ! does not deny his crimes. Jj.has ; had childrt n by ejeVy Av',, f A DRIVE WITH A DEAD LOVER. SENATOR HEARST IS DYDiO. , f i - ... t. a : . - - uarric xxisncrs u.hou iiiiuii;. m the Eucy Beside Her. Doiii-rows, Pa.. Jan. 11. The; ! . a 1 ; .i. If! ,l!i . lb i Ti X 1 mo t -ingular eircum-tance id JameJ S. Raker's d ath 011 Friday fii-dit of la-t wn k are l'u-t di-e'os- The Physicians Decide Thataii ase is Hopeless. ;! J WasiiinotoN. D. t, da., 4.-r j Senator Hearst, oC Calif-irn -i '.Kin ' A consultation hi1 tiMsi- i.ir... ..J?Lti It ..iiti- u-u o.-iil Tins Ilior :i 1 1, "r. u 1 .- 1 .. . I. I ..1. ... . nl 'i. i - ' nt. me 'in.ii oi'.in- 1 .i...t l,..r.. i' C.i An c . . . . , ... A.ll III 1 '1 lllill i"' " " JL- ' I . ilriving Home irom a panx . , . t , ii-biuv N0RSIHP The Supremo Court Recognizes a - j Democrat. Livc-oi.N. Nel., Jan. It.; J he su preme court allowed; ex-Governor 'J'hayt-r to file ii i-uo-warranta pe titionjthis morning, citing Govern or Royd to show causes why he should not vacate bis ollice. . Ilvever," thc court continueo, we recognize .James E. Royd as the l legal-governor of Nebraska, ami idl the state departments do likewise. 'We would 'advise theex r 1 r..u.v imiPi-nrir to mile V atul leaceiuo 1. 1- i.'i ti .11 ui-'iiii t wa- , b.- in:.. i!..thi-k-s with Mi-siartie Wi-mer, of Sol.-;' ' ' ' ; ,:,;,., Th .H''a-Tsul,,u,lt to the guvcrnor, as jt win ,::.ir,;,aridn: ,kc-histb..rv. Mr. Raker Suddenly ex- J- ' ' , ;,H I do hiln no good to -further resist., W.'reth.. .N-ci-.n." 'claimed. -Carrie, dear, I believe l r nf ' "! a " I i 1 st - I" H'i,e "f TlmVt'r a ,,:,-id.a man. not the'am going to .Ho." and in a few mo-j 1 ; n !to vafate his ollice. The board of ,fa L..lbv. He is aimers Mr. Rakerlav dead in 1 1..- J "l' .V;,' -? Vo" H i " 4irifnViI- I P"--- " land-. ud . l.uil.lin-s jay !S ,I.V la, stands;iril of his lady -friend. rrie n T H e- itor of 4 itSan I they vill remove Thayer from the -.r-.tc phitform und,-ei.l the lines and dr.,M" with one ! '; "j- "' ; . ,r 1 !;1 hU governor's room by force it neces- f . 1 ! 1 1... :---v'--- Tt-r i ! !l. i- n-.r ch.it. .p;..:j . . .1 t!.. I I pre.ic!. - the p 1 r : y docirir.e. If D.ivid lb -Mil t! Hill . r gi t t. ! . Pre-ide..t t!.. i- i.'h- thin hand, while with her other arm she; w.ll hi Am Uupi-rtf.I the dead form of h4T;Woll.nfc! wj1( lias chargx- VC'the i low r. Tin- ,lrie to the resitU ncc ,u.,.in and nttr.ests . . . . . . . 1 .-i lil l t I'- " - j i . rt.iin r. ona ti.e t. r.olve nt uri" of of J-1 1-4 i-iner occutieil nail an ; . ..... -f ..A.i rr ; in t Minaiiiiua. !- a '; it w 1:1 be a Democrat ic ad- j hour. Young Rakers death was due to he art di-easc. in t hihauhua, .Mexico, au K. Mort, who has charo-e Senator s mining properiy I ! i- ri the sarv. That Ai.n vNV, Ni Y.,- ; Jan. 15. The Democrats Avill be ori ha ink next Monday" afternoon to earn' out Gov. Hill's Senatorial programme. In this connection word comes from Washington that Gov.-Hill, Col. l.amont and Mayor ( liapin have made overtures to Perry lielmont assuring him of their support for the Senatorship. New York's Rent King Dead, one year. various farmers'; reader o& Tin: 1 best paper publi with it. 1:rs 1 late of i UIDE ;t' one year in advaijce from January 1st Iwc will; feiye I ... . - - . -..- . V . 1 . t t-i r -' - y ' ' i 1 A '.! the PRE EIDER'S GUIDE AND PRACTICAL FARMER ubwrintion is pa id. '"5" pnrWof the ",'Vea'f ; : ..." - 4 who will n:Jv'ehougrh to make it a whole year in adv.liiice, -ive thv RREElfER'S GUIDE AND PRACTICAL FARMER ret) for 111 jiulvanee We' will f rtiC for What : !', is the Guide and Farmer 1 . . ' ii THE GUIDE ANi) FARMER is a' 40-columii ftock and jfarnii p.aper-, 1 issued twice eacli month-and chuclc lull ol practical yali!anie,ini(rmu-ij tion for thefarmer and stock raiser. It is a fearless-expiientj ofhthe ! organizations aim snouio oe jh me uonsenoiii Hiiejei , ATRloT.- ' i i',,mn ntnl -sulilcribe now. Get your friends to come m--nnd f lied in Guilford county and an. excellent if arm COME IN AT ONCE. ': ire ihe-; iJK-r i NOTICE. Nmv Yonu, Jan. 14'. Old blind Tt.on Mnriilsv. known to. all New York as the -Rent King of Cherryy Hill," died yesterday, aged S lij years, leaving a fortune of half aj million. For twelve years he has had standing in a crematory a mar hie shaft bearintr the inscription" "This monument will outlast the' itr'iti-h Tiionarchv.'v- Hi- tenants! numbered over 5.000. Hovinff niialitied as Ailimnistrix on the estate bf Jos. Albright, deceasetl. I hereby 'notify ! all persons having claims against tie.' deceased to, present, them to JL R. 3Icl? night, my ngenh for ri-ivnient and 'settlemeist on -or be tore the lr.th dav of January, ls!., or tln.s notice will be ple:iAl in bar of their re covery. All "persons ilidebted to the said estate are her-hv notified to setrle at once with Joliln E. McKuightj,. my !!"G,,t VKf.I. 1: Abl5!lGHT; Adm'rx ot ,W. F. Albrighht. Jan. 13th; lsfl. 22 . T,:- r ft' .Long Lost Money Returned. WE ALL REJOICE Cancastkk. Pa.; Jan. 14 Roger. North Carolina can Furnish a 1 Dougherty, of this city, lost .40 ori j a 'this ' Leader to the Democratic Hosts. the street thirty-live years as.oi i r v . i'dioiriii 1 : l-t ter contain- 1.. i.l... .l...o ,.n of Senattu- ance : a o-tia im iw...i.... , . . - - a .1 u.:.1 oeuii. vov. t ..... j. -1 . ...;,n i!, ,.vi. rnoition that; ..... ., Am invoice oJ I His & 1 11 n i . , , , ;i. v.t i I i ro II n a -1 11LT ni"' "' " k on in , . ... - fk! . t ne woe oeooie ui .hmiu v. , - , , . , l i r..-.-r..iii- - . Thev may .: .. .1- ...I. .... i -i n;i..l;ruU':i n.r"wii aou ii.rouu. . i Another lliing in Gut rnor Dili's . -- r... t .? I,., u i.iiriiLiti-. :.i ' VT:tioI REJECTS Tllli JiUiUXW. - . i i t w .. . . . .' enaior s oroi--n ':,.. re dice n . . He l- t - p o ar in liic piv.-i ii . n,. n irr. fr Tndi-' n.l it is said to foot up t ? - g- ! :. -:.Jti i, t,.to li such a son ! his f .-... -, . i if,i,...,.,1..AB"ivi.4i.wi.-w..a--- ----- -" w -Vi Hirr uiai u .. , .Ni' I f K . I' L.O lltltr . i- ., i.OO OOO 1 ' I . . ... ' til!. Tiauat ieueui. . iiitaiv " - r . . . ... crve licr am Senator Hearst s term witui " ' i r I now his succt re-1 the writer was I on. 'his death-bed. : .r. fail. d to carry t !. w a t !. p irty r. -1- I r: - e mmand anv ojll. c !.. t! j; .. .. 1.1 v. I- of th. -.1 ... Ik. i vw-.. ii V v -r..v ll I .Im 11 To ami ne can .-. . ., " - . , , Sci j ...r'M..r- Xf.rro.L ,.r,.l At,,rc. wild lllrt' March I, I- ' ee .e m IV Hi -iir . " " " ! i.: - ,,- 11 conscience ' troubled- him, and t 1 that the State of' that he desired to return the money 1 i ri 1 interest, that he nau so many years .ago. ; $I0.C00 fir a Crushed Elbovr V i. .. J .1 indom to-day wrote that he ap pr..ed of the refu-aN hich.tlic N i iv M. i:.-x u -id . rs.-'.' -1 l "i T..:. .; . I.- : R liln-.id. ti ui... !!.e k f i.jifillt ik.Lnd n t'llh I i h il.'lVf II .etv lUfK l'e- . 1 '' " 1 ; " - .. Iler i ! .Il,,-- .Mixer ith-k eoineti mio n.iuo.n.. - ' '. I..!'.r- f..r their oriv-.te l.enelil :,t John I. .Miller, a hi . ....... l ,r... ttm i,rnirt nk n3 (the P.hila.blphia Mint, Secretary -l" "l '" 4 f Tin. t . - r y Virrinii Hif-lrxaynian Shct D?!ad. S:;: rmt. n lent atol Director ot the v Mint hv.l r--p. i-t fully gai n, to tin ir i'emaiir. The Secretary of the Tre.-ury says he base- his eour-e upon the tib-eeti-e' of any f sil- f.' l North Carolina can furnish such a j with a I . . ' eader to the Jiemocrauc moms ui ; . I. if I M nil It. ! T . .1 i- !7 . this Union. The Soutn nasj.ee,, : , Snowbound. tf tT'I'l VIIIMI f . - . 1 1... .nw.tnt , 1 ! represented in the senaie I,,:1,I,SW1,1. I brilliant and useful states i t1 HIS : - 1 : 1 r.d I 1 1. William 1 had i ' ' -a" 1 sn'.i. w hllc at 'l .' f t he I Kan.-"- u v i r II. Km ia; 1 j-.d -meM i'f law aut!o.ri.ing th- reci ipt of sd Ir i,..,.r- i r bitliion nt the mints of thelJni .d in th - mi' tetl tati s for coinage for the ben Pi TKK-iu 1:0, Ya., Jan. 1 -?!ght before last, while Mr. Herjrj ter, who resides in the upper.; eit of Luenburg county, w as mnj, hivway home, a highwayman apVujff hcil bim and demantletl his fctS'V r his life. Mr. Jeter shot tR Senate by many j unen, biit ! nonejin tnese iaun , . Henchman ...lokved eoeb a name as .eoulon . . , . . . X- II I --- - - -- It. Yance. lie reflects honor tte ! ml hoiior upon "the The Statu ofNorth Carolina does well to return him to the seat which he so highly adorns. i:hjiih nh- north, Carolina, ' - Gl'ltKOKlV Col N'TV. ; Tn ; rU'-hi it ".-": i Ci'itc.nir My wife having hereto fore left my house and home'without mvk-onsent and against mv will and without eaiis.ej. and still remaining away Miiuoui my tn.-t.u by the jiuroper aiid meddlesome indif ference and advic - of those who are not friendlv towards! me I hereby give notice "that all persons are forbidden under penalty of Ithe law to harbor r entertain her, anil, 1 further p-rve notu-ei that I will not be responsible lor any of the debts contrlaeted by herTo? aiiy purpose whatsoever, while she still re mains absent f ron my home and chil dren. I ' ' i' S. IR SMITH. Dee. 17tli lsW-w-pd. ; . 1 -hber f kr, Salisbury will keep poking about iii American affairs until he bound in ir up the IVrmerK' Alliance. PAUKEKsiami, W. Ya., Jan. 15.-r- a mail carrier ! V,n his; Randolph cauhty, failed to pt Sou(il.iinhis regular apiearance i at w of his ollices on tue ua ..., terrible snow storm in the; mouijr tains about three weeks 'ago. A search was made for him when the snow began to melt-a few days ago ;.nd he was fou'n.i :tliV hut snoy- . wnrsi shantv in u e Notice! mountains. - X.nice is herebV given, that applica tion will be madof to the next General x'-seniblv of North Carolina,; whn h -m.-ets in : the citk- of lialeigh 011 the jir.t WeilnesdavAfter the first Monday in January, ls'.l,ko amend the Charter or Ihe City of (ifjeen shorn, X,C. r.y order of th uoaru 01 .iueiuo.-i. f the City of GneensboiovX. C J .X S. $ 1 I M i O I , .laOM. John X. Wn.sov, Clerk. i : .lecL lSjlW. - -I ';.-; h ' i ' of G 0 H o5 '.-.S.s: t in ..HH. n ' ,l5.r I 11 rS X -f Fl 0 ,c -I1 S I r . k . !f- tsi rd ; ' v. ,s--. lit: j. RheumatisTii Cured f. 1 " M vstie Cure" fo Neural irhl radiiiallv ct;r Its action upon the able and my.oierious. f once the cause ami the jil ately disappears. The ii henelits.- cents. ,i ton, Druggist, Green-bo Inn Wfrtl 5 r iim v jut in k; l).iv. fur i:iieuinaiit! atd 3- 'i i ...... n c- . s in 1 lo:; ilavs. si. !ni is! rthiiaf k oa 1 u- ai.n jlf re.tft.j'3- :;kt' jiseaseiiniiicdi-- il o 1 III--. : . 1 v . . j I by .CI E. 1 101 ;'.'.Uii i! 1 ; i i 1 1 i i- , ' i i : I'M AN. Ue pr. n;' efit of the ilepositt.rs. in liiu trncks.. n & ( o'lrt t il iv. it, .... ... . - - .A i. S , ' . . 1 .-. v.r I A ft- V7

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