; c- V; i .1 ' ! : ; . -' U - '......' '. ' V- 1 : '...!. J ; -L '' -V ! ! f M ' : '. ; ' : - 4 - : -. ": 1 1 .-r ;.. ;'.' P " ! i ' - " '.u .j '": - . .! j' ' , -j; : ; - ' i ; ' J - ' r . . ' ; i-;. 'i- i ' ' ' ' ' ' 1 ' ' ' r I . : ."'. j . :'' ' jf j j 1 '- J,. -' ; . ' , ' ; : . -x " ' " ! : "." : " T 'I ":; j I I i .'' ' f Gre: ENSI I' f. GKEEXSBORO, N.. JTHUKSDA, JANUARY 20, 1801 M 1 M Itll 1.15 I Ky the l'ali-jot PHblUliinc f'omnntiv I -i TEBJI.S J1.5U l'r Veir, In Aihaiif.' Doctor W. IL Wakefield, , I j , ... '"in mmv I, . pr. vr. J. .RICHARDSON, I .BSl J.W. GRIFFITH, !M ni;;;o:i dkNtist. 1 1. - Dr.uiiiuri:. Leflbelter, t I 1 j r j , : pilnier & Wrifjlit, -t ! i I . K DOLIBLAS, i o fiVfJpC I t - I i i t t . It. HlrKESEENTf D v. J I im p.!oinflMpnr,:i?' r ' y I". tv . is::;.v t . il. i . .V .4 -d X : i I , i. . i ' 5 mi i r, i. - a i III t '" ( till 'K-4tJV.' If 4 ii I i 1: i i I. .; .!:. :.ni.Tn ki:k. . ( I ' n I '.Nt ' Holiday goods Jewelery Store, t -!!' i t n::ivi: t I - K V. i.l'I'IM. !.:.- .' i . b rv 1 1. ate I f; rt i. i .Mv - ' .i i i , r, . - -. i- J r .i: I Si A ! ia! I - f t . xt i'.. ...ix; i . :.-c DKEW STRATUS FOP. THE WIFE., CROSS AND WHITE rARDONED. WHAT LEE SAID TO SIA'JEPTON. 5 i A TJcdcra Er.cch Ardca Story. With ! Governor Fowla Grants the Petitions -Had You Been Herq wi pur Cav- r i . an j a iii a n uiuu litt i;ivtc a Decidedly MedcrtircJ Chraax. In I.''. William Ilvari anil Mair Winiaiii- -rc Ti i'i u of 1 aliia'jua. S'hit SkiU fu!ity. I'a. l "i.i y ft U ir l.' af.l hi rc i.i irri l. !:: Lv in-, n !,. iri-Tii'u"1y wckrkvtl ii ll.v i.iit. Irnl - i r I a littlr li.oriry, ' an. I ufh r Ihf inarria.- tart-t! a , mu ill rrantil.- Lr I i I i."t -iHTittl cry '!. ai:l !.-. mi. ir: i!;--.njram .1 J.l .it and nt t 'fl(rad. '!'. rliildrt n l n l"rn l 1 1 !. :!. I.rtT.i vir.r- lla:. v((rkl in ' !'. ral mint at;. I :it ir.nry to ! i wifi- ntl.lv. Ti.. n !.r ft ll -:rk. takt i t a l;o-j;ta!. ahl t!..it nat tl.i- 1 . ! Ill- v. if ht ard of l.:n (.'.til ..tu" ti;--?; J ifr wfiftl rr-itila t.'-v. - j i. r intain- : a t, t sr.- Mr-, i:an ! irr. ! ki ji ar.d l. re in tl a tiiarri,;.l t .! . Jenkins wli t I In- child w a- !'rn 'harltH K. ("r.- and Satnutl C. Wldtf art tlii- morning frt ine-n. ( ;.v. Fow lo latt n( k rrantt d par dun to l.tli f .t !n in, and tin tid inj tri' ui' kly carried to them and they" were M-t free. The work of petting n the J.eti tioti. ' Ii it'll were anion the most ntniH-ri'iisv inlll ever presented to the ;.iertior, wa mostly ihne Ilappened. The anniversary of rivjirthday f ('.en. Ilohert E. I.celiad is. most c nthuiafctie et 'ehriKi;i itj I5alti more Monday niht in !ie!arroll ton Hotel, under the lU-ii-f s of the Maryland Society ? J Army and Navy of the cuederate States, Ctji. Wmlp IItinjtt(ii was the lion of the eveniti".! t In the course of hW narks, to the ;..vernor, wa mostly thme J In tlie course of I.WOnnrks !!.y Mr-. I'm- and Mrs. White whol Senator Hamilton sail j ! hae Let n lahorin unceasingly for "The regime of tlieittepiijiogue tl.n'r hu-l-anu-, and r. dio. necom j.a- ! may. have relegated n:t trprivate nied l.y a numl.er friend-, pre ilife", hut my old State KasTt warm -etitedthe petitions in pejon to j a j'lace in my heart as f ver- did. TROOPS TO THE FRONT. t tOV. 1 OW Ji The petitions were f I.er !u;-!..ind's d. ath. y. n i s d to Wilkes !. .!.. f"T a!l uncle, -j.r,:. of 1'J she 1- vi 11 ! (:; 1 rid iV ! . ..rd i-t .Mr-. .it-nKin a k:.. k .it i r frofit d .or. . I.er - Id. -t :rl to i.j.cn 1. A v,i 11 dr d t s in w !.. ! !, ! ...rr, a V -;i I " t In I- -'if i ; mv.'.. I in ;-:. II v. M r-. .! n ;::- i. iu ;.' h-T t".r! f .i ; - I, 'd Mr-. .1. nk:: as d he v .t!k d in. at i:;ee f "" !i I j nalcver may ootitte i.rlill, my H-ntd hy last prayer slmll he fr lfii South numerous prominent men; Slate and South Carolina, z Vya 11 the i f!l t'rs. Senators Vance and JIan-jwar was ended and VvejiH ft'lt soni, latiahir- ot" t lie (General A--Jeruslied to earth. CJen. Li e; boldest -eriihly, the .Tude. Solicitor and j man and the .greatest cfiSiiiandtT juror, and many citizens in several jof the Knirlish-speakifld Kfjld, gent counti. s of the St-ite. i for me and said: 'H.-al. u Jteen Cov. Fowlc granted the pardon- lu re with all the !) ()'Fry tliis ycMerday tiu.rninj.'. and 'ave the would not have hapjftid4h Th fo llowini; statement of rea-ons; cavalA- of the Army T JOrthern In the-e ca-e- there was nie-prc- Virginia wa worthy t profit t the coneeiTed purpose to ih-fraud or to i ji rt illery and sujport kheir'iifantry ol.tain pr-'nal advantage, hut it jf that ;rand army.'" f Ha an attempt to Mi-tain a sinking , ('onirressman Ilookerf. p(Missis f.ink unwarraiitid meati- and'sippi, Tol. Ilenrv K 4. 1 Douglas,, 1 unlawful pr.tetici -. Private James 11. Wluret Col. J. - v -In a H: of d-p' ration and fail-jThomas Scharf. Gvnt J.Jeph L hire th. y uecumhed to the tenpta- J p.rt nt, ami Maj. Wigf.'V'!, vrre th ti-.:: a!: carrvmu money wmi little ! !: m ! t !.: t.. tl. r-. ah: i . . I w. if, i a afterM-ards ur- j. 1 T a! it ! V ixp.n I ". a w . I -he ? M.l I r-T:!.' r-d !'V t!.'iii i T .f. f . . r 1 1 i r r-ha raeter tn n a;d tht ir act in- 1 ti..-t:i- 1 a r: - ..leiik ittrt : t ".. y .! - n . . i and. Wi ti .!. r.ki:.'-' f! talk' d t! til.ittt . ;;d :i- Mr-. I . I r. t .::i ti t! r- :, :i a I. r i m - r- i " . t t : w ... II-.-!-;,:. I N... p f ..! I i; : J f. i - ! " ! ?n t;;..vd I ! ! L - . ! - '. : . n '. i . "i - p"-. - -chil.l w i:U hi- ;:;-:.!. t l. !. - w i !;;- f.im.ly t" I ' mr. ,tir t.'irt er-,;.! i ti.' r. t !. f. The part J.-- :, II. 1 -T. . t. , , w i r- e. - mm it ted I . . . . T . . ,. I.. . r t . . I il.' .1" of these ifter the how that i z t' t :: critr Ilia 1 o: d ; is ., rv : t i ! at iofi the principal speaker n'er jenator llaiiipton. -m ;f; The president of gl.r society, Ccri. Uradley T. .Iohnsu. :yas pre--etitt d with a massivr yoljt tbadge of the society. Prof. f RjjNichols Ciu'ieli. author of "K ci !i.fi n Ma- ..f the Una. and !. -i-I. ri:: the p :rr.-!i!:e(.f already sulf'ereil, and 1. hit ion of mi many of of !...ih f the co. a ! Ft..!- F arlv t . .i! ; . j t j "mT-. :i of 1 rc , Tl.r Itl.e -tACItC- t it re- t!ie reeotli Die ti '..rs Ira: w ell a- mv a--"iati :;t i I ' partment. a lid o o;:rn.en," wore the giaV oviform in which he fought a t mfulher of th.- Ki.'htnond How ii.'r I. ''Mv Maryland, " v How ii.T. I)iic." 'd':4 Tlofinie I',!-;.' Fl il'" 'awaked tA . ieiiiories SAVED KV HIS BRETHREN. iir.a!.- HI F.':;tlc I ' partment. a !ii 1 of 1 9 !i! a' rv ece.,etit fit ien-. 1 ti.;"ik it riL'Sit ti order the pardon . ; - -::e. lhu t C. I i.U I I . C.erur. I'r..-- and White were c.ni.'ted nl f.Tu'ery at the duly term of Wake '.iperir C ourt i:i 1SVN, and :.. .1 to tern- on the Wake .-..;;!: I . : 1 1 . 1 i . road-. Cro-- to -een i a r. a fa I White t fi e. TeV w t re i nt ly t rn ! at otlur term- d were f livelie-t i. e! i d. W h lie times W r) loMtuliv The St fitl Kin-led ' llanin r" and "Ya?'.ke' '!ie" r .1 I . . . 1 1 eelela lianhv le- aifrloli-jjvleilge- liielit. tl.i I lie 3. If Ma; land . 'tv'4. of the L. A f. :r::al Opcraticn . 1 1 .n .1 :. i-t' d in .ee.'l C.-t Army and Navy of The Ctift ale rate State- !'o ha- 1FJ llieijj YCi Ceil. lohnsori w;ti "isi wlectod SUNG t v Pisr Kt'.t.i:. .Ian. I'n.r?! Miles thi- a f ter:n "il -umimn I 're-eoin-mandt r- of the -ever;i Bri'ii'tisp to a council, after which t ht 6tty'er re- . .i 9 l. r . . : . . North Carolina and Virginia Military Ordered to the Eastern Oys- ter Grounds. Thej oyster bill was yesterda ratified iy the House, and Gov. Fowlefat oiice issued orders to Company fivof the First Regiment, to proceed to Pamlico Sound to take prompt action to expel the oyster pirates. It is learned that the company " left Elizabeth City on the; steamer Vesper, which has been chartered and held there sev eral davs for that purpose. If the pirate? do not now make themselves scarce they will very soon be made to do ko before the hot shot of the State iGuard of North Carolina. There 'is not going to be any fur ther dallying, .and the trespassers will find that they will have to face powder and lead if they persist in intruding upon the oyster grounds of North Carolina. ; . The Norfolk Lnndmard of yes terday says; There were war preparation going on at the ar mory of the Norfolk Light Artil lery Blue last night, orders having been received from military head quarters at Richmond directing that; a detatchment of the Iilues proceed to Elizabeth City, and re port to Col.-Wood, jof the North Carolina State Troops, for duty in suppressing the oyster pirates from the sounds of that Sjate. The sending of this detatchment was in respon-e to a request of the Governor of North Carolina, upon the Governor of Virginia. Gov. Fowle telegraphed Gov. Tillmdn : " . ' (.'an you let me have the use of twoj breech-loading rille cannon and a hundred loaded shells to be Urted in cas.e of an emergency '(" Governor Tillman 5 telegraphed baek : ; 'Have me rilled cannon. Am F.r idlev 'I ple-idi n. IlILES CALLS A C I : i I i . i ' V. . .1 r,. r""!- -$ i , r : -1 1 I..-- w a- t r :. !: .. r- ' ' I ' kl d :e i:. ' untol;- . - r r 1 v. a-.;-...' M .! v. T. :..T lir. a' . mil'" sur Ni:v Oim.faxs, danj HOth. The IiTrie-Court has deeided agiiins't tlie J.ojiisiana Stiite Lottery Com pany and in favor of the State of Louisiatiit in the mandamus suit brought by the lottery company against! the Secretary of State. The;-ut wa to -compel the Secre tary: of State to promulgate the lottery i amendment to'; the ('onsti-J tution, passed by the li-t I.egisla-.i ture in 1 onler that tho people may ; you- on ii- ai inejiiexi eieciion. He refustil to do thi on tht ground . a . i.i . . i i . i to tin:?. Irriaeel ive ; tnaif t no ,: u nicmiiiiciir was never properly pasi-vatoy tiit'iegisiature. A Strar.se Mystery. I.: t!: T!a r p..r!i 1 1. ath in ;m Ari.ona ..f !).. Wil-.n. of Rhode it.d - a . t t r f -a ' 1, r l:: eh r i! r- in be .. r nii!.t f I-latid. ri ill- an ! ha- p;:! d New Utur-. ! Wil-..:i livid in Id n.vtery that Et:-;lanil many a . , 1 . T! e.;r iii- t!s:-:!i ..n ad tin;e .. " ti't i:. -i-: :V-h tl.it t- t ri P"f f t he d !. r. d th. .: ;';'.. . v, li'.'h : 1- . : .!.. I I . . r . 1 1 t . Ii w r moi .1 deep I t' be lu ole in , i ! ;;n- w a i; !. j nil f I.. il:r:;r oi r the I! I en ed iJ.j.et inanho pov t"rt v d. He "i rnt w.- i rv igrn r..:it. a!nl wa- appar- et.tlv help!. a ;.l f rie;. l!e--i. lld b nlv h b. g :i to. iiona!!y i-it Philip M"i 1:. a wealthy manufae tiirerof Wori e-t. r. Ma--. He ob- j t ii:;ed large -";m- f r. -i.i Mo.-n. and j spi nt m.nvy jlavi-ldy. building f.ne hotel, and marrying a b. aut Pair..! again commands, the new-; nft iliiurdcr of Few Tails and four fiji band, and the wa'.ilnding of hM: !Tf ha greatly inflamed the Jttlriln. It wa- di-cu-e in ye-ter.Jx, coun cil and denounced by V fictions. The Indian have roun'dip their ponie- and !;erded t Ih i t.5r their village, while th In.;if; them-sr-he-' hang around thevtorje, tli--eu--ii!g the question he tlay and sib-nr! v watching iihel'Hgencv. Gen. Mill - y greatly nJjored. and ha put el! tnd linitely llttSdate of hi departure from t!i:' J?-v. The situation Jia (ilca ir.e so i complicated that tlie q'if trmasti-r i- ' ha- ordered twenty davs-iJiitional THE NEW YORK CONFEDERATES, The Presence cf Miss Winnie Davis at the Gathering. - New Yokk, Jan. 21i The .first annual dinner of the Confederate Veterans' Camp of New York was a great success. The hall was tastefully decorated with the stars and stripes, and in the center there hung a portrait of General Robert E. Lee. Music during the dinner was rendered by the" Confederate Veterans' Camp' quartette. The vnenu was engraved oivsatin paper and bound by love knots of red, white and blue in ribbon. I Colonel A. G. 'Dickinson acted as master of ceremonies. When the dessert was announced he appeared with Miss Winnie- Davhv "The Daughter of the. 'Confederacy." Miss Davis was simply attired in black tulle over silk. She was ac companied by the Duchess D'Auxy, a relative of Justice Lamar, of-the Supreme Court. Miss Davis, was greeted with ringing cheers thrice repeated. Covess were laid for JGO guests. ' - - 1 i ' Excitement at Atlanta. Ati.axta, Ga.. Jan, 21. The ex citement among the negroes over the. scheme of the United States and .Congo National Emigration Steamship Company fl(-esnot abate. It is estimated that p,f,000 negroes have come to Atlantla from Texas and Mississippi to wait for the proposed ship to'taktfthem, as they expect, from Savannah to Africa, and the cold weather of the past few days found them in-such desti tution that the city has in many instances been compelled to 'aid them. The disclosures through the press have created no little ex citement among the homeless ne grues from a distance and those of Atlanta who have put their money into the company. There; is some talk of bringing the matter before thecourts. ! . -., . World's Fair Bill Laid on the Table. Jan; 21. In iodav it bill, to AT HAT LF We haveKlecided to close out the balance of our stock -4 JACKETS CLOAKS ADSTIE) and have marked down Troni the original Felling price just ONE-IIALI and as follows : - ' ; of 2 New Markets, origiiialrice $18 00, 2 .").; 44 i .. " .c ' 10 00, it - V Reduced now to Wrap. 1 o 1 Jacket, 1 1 1 o O 1 1 5 Knit Jackets, -- J' 1 Roy's Overcoat, size ! years, 8 50, 10 OOr 7 00, s oo, G 00, 0 00, 1 75, 1 50, 4 00, . 4 0, X 50, r oo, 2 50 ; u 1 v. t :i ja I. -t r u ! : I. and nianyAvil say This treat reduction seems ridiculous. afford it, but. it is our entertainment and we defray the' exnesi you have to do is to come and pay to us ONE-ILALF PRIC goods, -ana we feel sure that you will say-it1 is on,e of t.he litis you ever made. Our object m closing thesei goods outsat th to avoid earning ' them over the summer seasoiCr Al are i plain figures, arid one price 'to everybody. Come: earUf be4irtah best oargains are gone. 100 corsets at la to 2.j cent each ; these!c.rsets est from oj7i to 75c. eich, but the box'es havi JJecpine soiled )iid brokenV consequently they must go. ; c. have a great many drives o.fj tliis nature at this stock-taking season at our DRY GOODS ARCADE; Can Voii altord tp let these opportunities pass"? t s po . 'ii 2.1 5 00 -: It 50 ' ; F)() oo ; - - ;' 21 50- .HN.-' . ! 2;j5b - 2li0 1 S4- :.i;7.V. ' v Il !25 ve t!aiiif?t es ; so all E for the. , bargain s prico, i larked j in Jan. 1 Eajmiond & Powell, NATIONAL RANK BUILDING, (;REENS;IiOR(X N; J A s -. r OMETIIING BoR NoTIIIXC. Farm and Stock FREE TO VERY SUB SCR BER 0 r a p a lia ing been v nor. i The4 suit therefore was to 'de cide! whether a right tt vo charter of t weiity-livr ye trict Judge Nicholls and etoed by thif Gover- k he people sj;ill have te on lexter.ding the he ; lotte.ry Company; ar-or not. i he Ijs lias ; si(ed with : (i(iv. t he Secret ary of -State f the tiultter, and're- The com-ijut'-stion iit Court. If in their view tused tJie manuainU; pa ny will carry the on -e: to the ISuprcme; the Supreme ( 'ourt.f arfirms the de- -ision of the Jlower -tribunal it will prevent an oxteiisiij.n j of I the lot pi-rim nt !e lived like :-r ift:'. ' J :. in o , rations, and tie troop tl;Tt.t were) ! e!iecti-il to come to til- t'CV 1 r .im.t!-. but i J: I ;.-k r- i! v - . I t - T : ;; "'. ;'.:: -.:! : . sr. -.. -r n..- ' r - rv. ar.d. d 5 . - .:" - s r ." !-'- .., sr .. .!!!!. -m'- - a:;i . i- brethren - k : U . Id be i .- ia ;:!' probability. "- life, and ir;-:iri ful woman. For M ar a ri-di man. Whenevr I: :.: '. v l.e drew on Aloen. a .'rand review, have i:."..o.. m . . . : ..,,,1 W . ;.. I I w. l I .'i'" il ni' n' 'i. iiii'i ..n-.-n , (l ii iii.iiii in (.iiui'. I -ui-d lit'm. elaiiuing that he wa hi ration- i a I. raw as'nVhat has ar;tl the r:g!:tfu! owner of hi l.e n i-utd since the xixA i-cgan. m- n 1 ill!' jtiirdered - is i'luer lor -.;ery. w a s, !. i to ! t ' -i I. t' eoi r III i l'l ti. Tl.. c n tt I;t barbed w ire fence. WiJ-n i.-t the -'lit. :i Titl hi-.wife obtained, a divorce from him. After 1 li I the f 1! 1 . eall.e It W l!.ibTer. UUtil lit died of cold -tar at i rt in Arima. a lew tveeK ago. The mv-terv wtll pro!.ab!v re main om- forever. Thi common If NO USE TOR THE NVilEN. r t j i . ? t! ''fi'ht !-",!':i ss ''" "! oh a millionaire iu 1 5' ,' " , '. . i.i- bidding for e.-ir. and -up!v Iii-' 1 e- t' t e j , . i r . him with -meral fortun.-. must Citizens of Iowa Towr-sl L'tiva St. Paul Railroad Official Cfit of Stations. J H u R rn. Jan. iJ.UjSt. Ran 1 ollicia!-, w ho are goijV; 'fer the road w ith number of jhipiitoi to take the I.IaeeS of the StriT and lie i'lff t e k li'i .i rt tile . r v checking up the Ktatioi-i fift with -eep't ot .nc - . . . 1 . I 1 Jm , , , . . , ! un ooked tor ieeep:io:: nRa hum. a!.u-or rrimiual .. , . 1 , ? v - r :o C . . i ii d 1; fe of a rv sea r d .. -i .i it i ber o - at ion-: In ar ii ry 4 - fi.-i!:ire. II.- wa evidently a black. ... . (: i ' ., . i At SpnngviIIe. iUtM?d'y nan r' ;V;-; ,- Vv? 'll:;1 -biegaUon ..r citizen rJ, i.iiie.n out . if i . tl.e trutii l!i I.i -Hit. I hat wa a . "T . i -T. 'iStf sit.t. in t ... . H ::: p'i- . , ... . . , , i ami barred the d:ors, it.-rtt ?toho , ' i i. iik re b!t;il, and the real secret wa i ttu -i ? d iv t in.'igh tl ii. . '.. i e , l I V a rope w.as stlef!b f aci o-s , . . j h Id b ot, wnh the hoie of extort-1 . , ' ,:; iw.n.li-f? . 1 e.v'ii:- on. r-. a . . '. ., , . tlbe ireek and a car'l r WtJ' nu a . , . ., i . ill-' more m-.tiey. i;ul tne I act , , , . . 4v ... :s l...t i' ', ti a I! iw e..-:r:tv -ti-! .7. . ..... , . I therefrom saving. ".''5if but ,. , . ., - - x"- .i .Will lieir come out. Wilson , , , it , 1 r';, ,Vl,rL- '? .! t: -o'lirmg m N'.rtli-A . ,. ,( on-tock will be nllovao wmk .. ... . Ji.i ml. M.t n will not talk. At- .. . . . j. a r-i K.i.-f.i . t i.ung. r and . , , hi re. i oiistock is nt ol opcra- , , , ' ( .i t,i"h.,i. ' 2 . : w. - . r a, r t ...m had b- -ri re j tur. ? . fc rtd. - :. 1 t !. it immediate ? a- b ' t r. n-: -r a--i- - !:. --a- .i-!t eo 1 a- !. -.Id I. a-tily drawn up . the -rge I.i gi-Ia! ure, a-y bill bv t Tui.n trttirnnrin T-ii-iT T T TTT T ilo .v the Ecputlicans cf tho Stat3 cf; Washington do Eusincss. (Hmii, Wa-!i.. Jan. 22. lu-r All along the line $.!' Marion to Snbula Junction-fJuxUtizenr, have boycotted the t:T !U and 1.: 2I.hr- op. and :it 3ti.r ') elalin . -I.ipjed at the 'after Speaker Ska .f the Hou-e, :i!-''.c.i'- fn-iii th-' co-il mini - a r L a n or a . M.ivv of t'.--t!'.. r- in Rawlin" v t -'.erd.iv afternoon. i--ued the call for nomination for United Stated -cnator. Representative John 11. i. t ir f umi-i Metcalf aro-e, and said: M..re t .an twelve inchesof: -t.etit of ;tl:e legi-Iature id w . ..v. - ti. :r ::nd. j W'a-hington.I hold in my hand .f.Vto " !.. b:I v. Ill . drawn up a nd t w hieh w a handed to me by ILirrr ..i--ed a! t'I.e r.i-.rning - --i..u iJ A. ( lark, of Spokane Fall, with lie -gi-lAture. Tia- Warden of f the rxpres understanding that I l", nii. ntiarv. v.h . ha- charge ca-t-mv vote for C. H. C;ilkin for f tl.. LI t . i ...... I i . . . : '......" co ii suppiy. ii i oe ii nou- j ft iiaior. h.i- ft;. I in roadine- fr Several seends of profound si- immi di ! -.iiptiient. Perished ir. the FlaraPs. ; li ne.-- pn :u.ed throughout ine jhall. Mttciilf sent the money to the speaker, and resumed hi seat. Senator Squire's supporter then I began cheering, and it wa Mime ' moment- before the sneaker could u motion l..,-t... (.a.. .iali. . : ! . .1 I .. i - . , , f . t restore order, rinallv "tn Ii !' Hi! - "U l..e lalia il .. .; . , . 7. , . . i . , wa carried, appointing a commit- a:.al n. . nt t. on aching, leav-j , .' 1 , . our ehlidrt li Joeki d m e . ., .t r f i , . . i of bribery, and the hou-e adjourned - . I . 9 r. . f . ! r f . Ill : . , ,1 1,1 "ll IIIUM . the S.sepl e-e. Tl.e m quel i- the -.Hue -tr . The l.oil-e wa bur:. .d liter in the night with. -ill' ing their 1. . i: - ! ..1! the children per- i-tilag i ! t!." When di-cov- , d ih. r.-of ; fdlitlg ill. 4k Cclora b s Cboica for Senator. till o clo.'K p. m. . Lati.u The legislature in joint eioi to-day elected Watson C. Sonire Unittd Stiites senator. The vo:e wa; j S'juire, 5s ; W. II. C.'il-in-, .'. : Thomas Carroll, demo crat 2 l'l ! will not er;it or- that t!. ell them men sere nun ai situ;itio:i lo.,ki-brighter Tlie for thi in than at any t i-nf'i lice inauguration of the strike: -iff""1 j i-f " Chief Thurston is StilJ-Cojndcnt. -v i ; Wati kioo, Iowa, .Ia'.l'2f A. D. Thrrston, Grand C!Ke!if the Rrotherhoodof Railwa'Tegrap!i tr, was in the city tolay; When ;i-ked in regard to the -t"ri&ff of op erator on the Chicagoi Ilwaukee .... -a. 1 .l f :ina him operattT th 1 te weeks. He claims .tht; t.ere are .125 operators out arfil h"t 100 more will 'go out certir( and, if necessary, eery tpcilto qn the Iowa and Minnesota and- i?'lTa Hm Diikota divisions will .vi'- -Vi-lv-i Ex-Governor Thayer' Cc5;dition. Cov. St. Raul Railroad fcu pressed -elf a very sanguine li.ht the att r would be i i (i'cessiui, hough , he admitted ira iie ex .ected it would be a s!ibljjtn con est and might last ?fca several Jait i terv s eliiirteri ,! 'I 1 i A RICH OIL REGION. ! j i . Capitalists Make a Good Strike in j Lawrence County, Ala. 3lj.ri.rox, Ala., Jan. 21. L;ist Saturd: y he R. L. Goyer Oil Corn pan v, o ie rat ing in Lawrence coun ty, struck' the third sand and oil. After drilling ten feet, in this sand they; put in the sand pump, and with it brought up a good show of oil. Dr. McReay, the county geol ogist, who wii the first to call the attrition f the present operators to the indications of oil in thi re gion says the strike gives promise of being a fifty barrel well. The Goyer Oil. Company t-onti"ls about :iO,i)00 acres by lease and purchase. Tlie company is conipoedof Mem--phis (Tenh.) business nun mainly, and they will develop ::!1 their .ter ritory. "They and other land spec ulators are taking options on land at .f 25 per. acre .that up to Satur day could havelK t ii pucchnsed for from 50 -cents to 5 an' acre. Dr. McReav i'' sati-tied that the valley in which Law rence is situa ted is rich' in -oil." Tlie fanners and land holder are jubilant at the news', a the crop have been scant, almost a failure for the past three years, and the excitement already "is putting money injcircuhition. Suicide After a Loyers' Quarrel. WiiKi-siiAKKK, Fji., Jan. ,. Jennie White, a domestic for the family of J. ,R. Miljer. committed suicide thi morning by swallow ing two ounces of jaudanu.m and : an ounce-of carbolic ;'cid. .She had had a quarrel with her lover, Fred Korii. Thinking a reconcilliation inii)0sil!e she took! her life. She wa ; found in the ceihir of .the house. ' A piece of yellow paper was fast ened in a button hole of her dress. On it was written: "Goodby, dear love.; Clasp me in your lrms; 1 love you still. Good by all."' The girl was but eighteen years ild. Korn j almost distracted." MoXTOtiMEKY, Ala the State Se'nate',,t make an iipproj)ciaHo.n for -an ex hibit of Alabama's resources and industries iit the' World's! Fair in Chicago, was, on motionj of Mr. Milner, of Rirmingham, laid on the table-to await the fate of the elec tions bill. The senator- took the j Ve are pleasid to announce t ha we"hy.vi; made arraugemeiH per PA10 losition that if the force' bill he-j came a law it would so injure ; the j Stiite that it would-be useless to! spend money to. try to. imtuco im migration. The vote wa4 ,' unani mous. ' j publishers of A Hermit Who Had $7,000. IIAiuia.m, Conn., Jan."- 21. One d;iy last, week the body of William MunSon w;i. found' in a hut a few rods from Arnold's Station on the Connecticut Yilley R;tilro;ul. He had occupied thehuf for twelve yeiirs, living as a ' hermit. ,IIun--on's relatives removed the body, but did -not . trouble thenisetves to examine -the hut, supposing it con tained nothing of vjiluei On Fri day a p;trty of young men visited the shanty, and after a shortinves tigation turned up bank books and railroad bonds valued at ? 7,000. The Indians Vill Sec It. evi nin M fAbrtsseti irorty-nine Children Hurt. LoMiox, Jan. 20. While a large number of children were playing i 1 ... X l. ,.-?. fii- 111 a scnoeu groiu;n i .iiuio.." " ilav 'an -infuriated cow upon- them, tosing some m tne air Pine Ridof, Jan.' 21. A great military review was this evening ordered by General Miles to take phice tomorrow. . l'ractij'ally '. alj the troops at the "agency jvill parj ticipate. There is a belief that this dispfay will be the la sit feature of the campaign-against the ghost dancers. ' It is expected that the!" jwigeant will be witnessed by ihe Indiiinsen niiisse, and that they will j W duly impressed -with the number'-of soldier-. - ! Earthquako Sliocks. - Ik Breeder's Guide and PRACTICAL whereby we. can. give that 'excellent stock, farm njjd Freel to every subscriher of The I'atkioT; iipVm - naiiu'd lielow. 1 he arrangement- j li irs'eh'f th - ..-colli Ti wit I Hi X ! 5 fl.O d- jounmlj iit ion IFh-jo a Xjznci.i3ecL Tim, e O irxly dace ' of payment '.in this "month we twill '"give jh GUIDE AND PRACTICAL FARMER iree lorone y AND PI I the one year wh give the one year Geneva," Jan. 211 Slight shocks of earthquake were felt here today. Three person wa re drowned soon after while skating on the ice . in the harbor, and it is believed that the" earthquake shocks sodisturbed the ice as to cause the drowning of the three persons referred., to. A despatch from Iielfort has been received in Paris which says that three shocks oi aaunpiairt- were flit there today. . ! Will Import Hungarians Pirrsiuno. Pa., Jan Monoiieahela River coiil hav who.se 7,000 miner strike itliree week- for an advance 20. The operiutors, e been oil ii .. ....... i .. ii.iv 111 v.'ii-'ges, iiem n iuo.iij. ii.-M.i, after which individual .-operators sa ill if had been decided to break the strike by import jng Hungarians to take the lilace ol. striker: If this threat is carrifl out there will be serious trouble. : '! I Last Dividend of the State National I3an. Thi final dividend dqe to the de imit,irs of the State National Rank is ready fur pa'ymen.t at the .ivinf I tank, and those titled to it w ill call , on J r. T. Puilen for' it The :: ner cent., and. make 1 ' Ral- en- Joh-n dividend! is a total of. 53 per cent., ambvinting ro HOS.NL. Thisjs f He 'Urp payment eharge.11 that will be made jnitl,.- mote ui.ta !,. - ..ir I ir was at rst n-ll.ivetr ii.a. ueposir tors would recover. its l.xuiniaini' L::wer- D. Jumped Din. IP. Jan. 2". The Donso . ea:;e.i l ave agreed t . i it -u Jud : CabUi ll Yeoman . in the n wspap rbus f j' .! d St Senator. ;, .. draft?" Candidate "Well, I . will apparently be n should siv so. 1 wa three ear health after a few days' rhst of calling! -Cincinnati, Jan. 2i Lincoln, N rt I I . i naver j im miiir v. , , ,,,i.?. r . .. . ; 'm . l... ,..,.1 tr.-uiio ni'r titiiers unui.r grtat lntlignatiou. overuai "l' """!" in.., received U-rmetl false and malio& h -ff- Tu . i -1 i 1 ,..iare nr b'SS StrlOUS IniUrK's. o you i sent out concerning yueuwn ; - . know -iiivlhing ai.i.:.t protering i condition. He is a try.ecuK ihu; ! w. .iiinl II 1.11 13 I . l-JS USll'll - i-'cf If is the hanging of -a man the liit. ten ( neann .iiii-i . -i v.-v . . h.-ciiuehe wiigTn Kentm-KV to;:.;;, ;,H.s,."- e .niiul ... not W:..r ?, led tn . , ; ',C7 , j pr,, ,,1 was .Im-'t the slightest degree, t :!.. "nU' ulVuri'i " . ; d ' ' . -''- I tion lor various f. reader of ' Come best pap- Avith it and will be oiiered ly no other, piper in t he H ' untr Tl. all who nay all arrearage 'and iino ve.'ir in ddiancH from J-t , ; . i . - ' . '-: . . i. e, 1U r..: jail new subscribers who ay one year in ajlai.we fr menr in this month twe will give the JiKhJI ACTR'AL FARM DR free for oiie year. ! who pay one year in ;ulvance from Januarv RR ELDER'S G Li D E AND PRACTH AR FA til whose'subseriptitjn is paid a- part! ol 1 lie Vf-ar 1 0 willsuav enough to make it a whole year; lu-a rvanr RREEDERS GLIDE AND 1MCAC1 JCAU 1'AKxVii What is the! Guide and Farmer? ELDER-S ni date of 1) KUlS GUIDE 1st V M KI e Will give fl !C I'Or i advance; ;y We will R free fj.r THE GLIDE AND FARMER is! A 10-columu stock! ii isued twice e;ich month and chinjk full of '. practicalj v ihrabjri' infojrma extxUK-nt ot t he ' . -hi - ; A the farmer -and stock raiser.' It is a fearless iirmers' organizations:. -and should J.e in t lie ho hsehild of. eye i'uE ' -Patk'iot. ; '-; r'!.:f i' mil subscribe now. Get your friends 'to? couK r nulilisJied in Guillon.l County ami an exeeue COME IN1 AT OXGE. j;! ! il lid Liri-'i pa p( 111 Ml1- get - t nt farm , paper ie. ; Having i he est at ( I hereby elaiins ag. it heiii to . pu vnient the lath ( not ice w i (.very, said estat nt once v iigent. A .Jan.-i:;tli, Wl having h iiOIll!-'. w it inv will a Veinainin U. qiialitied as Aihninistrtv on! of Jos. 1-V Albright, deceased. . tiotif? all persons having linst the ileceaseil to present ! . K. Mclynight, my agerrt, for md 'settlement on or before Liv of- Januart', 1'2, or, this ; 1 be plead in bar ot theuvj-e--; Ml persons indehtil tf tlie are hereby iiotilied to settle . itli John K. MeKnight; my nkllik Ai,i.''K;irr, bii'rx of Jo-. V. A Ibrigljlib NWirTILt'AROLIXA, i Cl II.KOKI' CdlM V. ! ) ;,'. L'o'n -'in: Mv'wife retofore left my hou-e ami unit my. consent .alio ygai'ist n:l without, cause, and: st ill ir away wiiumu inv ponsnu bv thelnifliroper and im'ildlesoiuc indif ference ahdv ice of those 'who are not friendly tt.ovards me. I hereby ' give j notice thht alljpirson are torbidden under penalty of tlie law to liarbor or ; lier, ana i i urinergi ve nonce entertain i .f t!m il.-. iiurpo.-e mains ab.f dren. Dec. 17 that I w ill not be responsible for any jts contrack-d by her foe. any ivliHtsoeverj while she stilt re- lijv honic and chil W. II. .SMITH. ih, l-!'0-tw-pl. . ' Notice! reby riven, tion vvill be made to rhe next ," - - -":' I j - . j '..'i'.OQ ;'.: :.;-r 2.;: -,-f M H . : :-Si i' : ') :d 'Jci -' m- "is-'.rV.! i''r:'Ol;:!Sp:S ''S- IX. ' A fmi i I V ': '- '.' ' ' " n. a TOirirKijh .; v.. : I "3" ' r1 : :J -r m j--. 1 ! 1 , I i :. I . I ! I . Notice is hereby given, that apphca- j i K II P II HI fl 1 1 "N III II hM lilLU HIV. General' itnv.uiiiu.uk.iii miyi- m TV t f 1 i f - I -. . " foi Rlieuiiiut istn ;si,nd hjly ciji cs iii I fo ; davs. , il lie ' stsK iiif is i i mai k- .-trHiu-i. : ' it fcuiiuvs at work of sell jumpe.'t KelltUCKV t ViriL r,trc't-.'! Assembly of North 'rf, "'"V'M - Mystic Curl tr. ti ,- . f.IH.(.ts in the c ty of R.tleigli.on the U. -Aisiu'o " - I , :; I rst WliLdav after the 111 Monday. Jseuralgni radij I OS6 Feet , in January, Jf-, to ainend the Charter 1 -'f - . - - flit llietiivui uuniMimi!, J .....r i,. -,, .i; J.- K Rus- i liv order of the board Of Uder.iien - - - ; - y? - mm a btidgef' Llt or. ben.s. .ceit, : Sold h C.kllol. . i .r.n- i , x- V- ' i i rL ton, Ilrugg: st. ( reeisbtro. j f dee. lS-4w. i i V -1-' a 4 . i - -

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