; : : - ' i '. i ' . - . . . " . .. :i . ' : - I -: . . t" : ' , . ;;!': I ; A v r : r t j J 1 ! r Gre E H GliEENSBORO, X.fq,' THURSDAY, FEBRUARY o, 1891. f tiy the Patriot Publishing ( ompnnT, - ! T : v -" " . , in AXtnUCt'k n - - - t-i-.-rr--r - 1 : " izrr - ' ' 1 ' ;- ! . , . . .- ' ' I". ' :r.;-. i. i : ij - ',-j.-, i I. i t i i i ; ! v i I I aCW Doctor W. H. Wakefield, I . I t -. - I . . N . . . ! ... Dr. V. J. RICHARDSON ? I N. t . 1 s- DR. J. W. GRIFFITH, I- Dr. Arthur E. Ledbetter, r. Pilmcr fi.'Vrifjlit, i t t .. i I H. DOUGLAS, .:: :.' l ::: . v t r I f i : v : :. t s. i Scales- & Scales,. i i Fire Insurance. i C-V.nhlE; REPRESEESTCD t i '.' i - -. i . nr. ISSURflHCE Ti f CHU riRSl-ClASS CGV?AN!S -1 :. n . Mill . ( o. I " : t f i 1 . 3 .HI Mi 4e.n PM 1 .it ., r I .. ' 1 1 p it ii.ii t . 1 t t A. - ; j ?:v us.. r r.!:i:. t v. i v i ;- . N. C. HOLIDAY- GOODS A t SSfore, ".'f i r ii;ivr. , , j J. - i S s t s . r t - r. i r- . A I ' bv- c Addressed to the Tattle Ground Oik." ! I . t I J I I: l i ft l:r not r. "! viiirh r I'm f ill a,,i'"iu! hi. 1 f the c iituri ! 'I h v w hip"ring. mv - j r 1 1 gr.ive I ii dcepe-l rVirrb , j riu aft. r rifi Ii.i- l.Tfiila t !tj. tii An. fall I r :i 'I it . r: V t L r iu ln!s I rt jm Iv rai;-l I A i:i ll.t" - i f -rt-. ! ; ri n I rin i !. rvi ' A n l r ah !... tv f.!. I r -t : j Ar. l l..:fi r whit -rur-ly will , A 'i:!irii'T' uri -r uiiiti r !tll 1 1 f. i f ri tt it r- ir. 1 W if hi ii rif i'f In Hilif, "1 ht ..-tn, of h in. nr-. ; Kin-.. ti!v. I.Vj.uI.Ji.--. Matt" ' II n .f-ru :n.! -rn r ti j- i r, Af.'l i ft I !i- . ! n. it h t li v jy H it. I t!,! ir liM!- li-ur. Y" : . 1 1. '. i t :i f K'- rf t . In :i fr . -I- sn ni .'n ir.I ! ! i' Tlf 3". riHM-! .i-s sfh Jiff- ll.UiH' I ! i j r u.t". isti.-'.tt . .!. !. V.. i . w u it!. In H..-..--U . .ttirt Wil l." An inf.ii'.t i.ati..n". I irtli. An I t .U !i. .J i: r-.n t!iru-!j 1.1 uir i f It r - 'I i.r i. ''! t i ii url !i. rit U L. :i l.nf ..ir:". t.i .r !'ru. luil.t 1 ).. .r ! r:!i-.f. :i: 1 t 1 . t rv -w i- I t itu ti ar i prone in the dust before her' t ne . j? jmi s. or preM-nt her from rising ,,r " ' j triumphantlv from her a-lirs So l":r.ri.i- !. i:t: ".".! .!.hS-. LfI.Mi.!i.!.; Yf .r .r -ir. :.:t-l n hs ri N i r t U- t ) m ir-tt i.rn. t i r y 1 1 r. ; H i. . i :, v .", i ? i V t -; r. .i 1 ; A i I fir "r. i hi . . .. r ! r --.r. l s'.il! ; .-j I.i. -r",,. J- -!. Itl 'M-D. e b-r " ti'it:.trt-d e..r. ,V"i'u i. r-1- 1 t 1 51 t!I. : - f. i ; r i a -r.it. of : r ! .-?i l'.. " .'i iv.--, I u i : : tl. f t !i. -. t ' It tl loli-tj... i'.i:n' , rv '.t " h.Aine, r . ti.I ' r-. - . 1 1 : i . 1 ,C.lli.ll Thi. ! r-1 1 I i' t ! r-.W. t p-i'i.-. At"! u r.e in I r i-s :t I !(. w.r by of t ii!- m .h"l J l M. loj.J III . FIGHTING THE FOHCE BILL. No Help for the Worlds Fair if the; ! E;2I rssca. j !.t iv. Neb.. Jan. 'IT. A re s.. l i:t-.i was adopted in both branches r t:.e r-o. i- -:-!atiire tl.ss ii;.,rni!!- ap- .1 : i r t t! Fnited : itc S-i;.itr i:i I.vir- a-id.- the j sure rub-. AI. t the Independ-j with thr. e ivr. pt-ons, vote ! iih t::.- l. r. -rat-. V:.i i.s; i.... W. Va.. Ia:i.27.--1 ;.- lb. ,,f D,e'i'e t o-d a V s... 1 a r- s..;Mji ,o ! v a ..te of fit! to 2 that in e i.e t!,e pa.-a-e .f I iti e p. d. r.d Eh etion- bili by ( 'on-! t Wir-iril.i v. .. ;I inakfj ri..:i : 1 r the World's I t f. .1 ' ' li.i- artirr; s;:.n,.i ri - !:! i -a j. i-.. d the Senate, Thi- a S tho-e w ork- ; lor a I.r.-e apprvpnatlon. a - 4oo.i...f J,..,, .. a.ked from the i :.--:.! ur.-. - apprvpri at Ion. a - ' j IM'l W oJ J. ' Ti.e d r i ..-rat I ml.. Jan. 2". t.. ij -rity in the ! I.. itur.- er. .it. d a .er...,tion ' t he haft of "a-' ThiJ Mk'.m.iii. Id.iv bv anr:o;:m-ing it- int. nthm V I'teb-r the head -The M..n-..Ii;t i hy T.rtii.- tlJ li'e j.m 'o,V. r. ...I-;n u. .-:.rit .g that rt i- E'urse th- following curious arti- n WJ ,(t (irt rnvj(.(a ,f ,.Tl,rv itm- se...... ! i:;?.ntior .f theh'Jr api"-'- !' a!if..rnia Fruit ; 1U.U wJjo W.S jn h,. .t -J.,, :u?.r- of ! i - l. gi-lature that j Grower : , time vas kille.U eith i iii.? falling . . .... .!.,- i i,.. ......i t,.1 Gradually the hi-atheti hlm-e.., r,..,;'. j d a -!: -at in I ..- ..r:i- Fair at t aieag . ; --the I... Election bid iiowi' ling in the . 'tiatr of the F ni. t. d ta!. - 1- itl.rr d.featid ,,.:!- : . . . . . . ' a ;;--ti..:i 1. tiki U upon j"'..- "I n.e .-an I i anei- - ..n.. :!d t. ike i; , i,,.,.,. jm. i u ho for some ears has been aug V " " :.- .!.. I. ri,. ; M n t m. E! Jan 27. In j ti. II :;.' t. hiv the rt .olitf io-i in-. tir.g t!.-. S'i;.i!'.r. from 1 1 1 1 - ' fi d. r i! ;v , .M. II. ri w . iat i 1. f 77 t.. 7-. ti t I it ii.- ..-r.i if th- ::.!nr .11 .. f -r t t?..- i). f: o.-r. A. ! I., ;.:". hi i.n ga" t . fr-m HSi- f- I ra! in the . ..t(- a I. Id a:d " !:. World's r.,ir. "i i.i . tr,it.ehe N. . .1.111. . 1 ; !i th- la gi-!ature nu-t s '. Mr. M .i: :.e. m the A- :r red a resolution d.- g t'.- i'orc- bj'I in Con- i t o. and h " v . . t . ,' .if . . r;:.g t V shall Kit the Mate withhold it World's Fair law. It was for Tio s.d iv a; - ?ropri t! for the if that bill bee, .me., a mad. - a s'- ,-i.d order v. rrsnr - tt Oi.Ao n.O.1 JIE SxOIU-I.( achusctt SiiTcrei Quito a3 ! ..IS! York. l'.. -i. . Jan. '1 f I ar lo:; il.d i-'at rw England i ,, . r w i tl.e stofni of SlMl. iv: t i . , . ,,. . 'i " :..-.r:.;: g .o unuuadv M-u-nv At . t i . t i i i , ,Tn..u lie. ii ii ti.tii: . it;i lu'-i'ii . niio . i to t... f . gr.ii mu ti'epJione tw n New Ila- H in -. CP' ej;i' jy b ! i n and New York The l.:;g Di-tancr Ti !. pli .nr" t !.. i?i- had m mmuuie.it ion i I with New York lat night, for t h :'. r -: time i:..-e t!t. c mj. any beg.in to do b s.inew. ; I'all h'i r Ma--aehu-etts reports a i ry may -aw arm r.un Morm ur.t i! .'. o'el-.e!. x.ter lay afu moon ' I r! l that the storm Ialel nine h."-ir. and that tlflr ti inhes of f, II. i;et il g trilel i:.d pro-' r.ii::g v. ir N eh'i.i. N. II.. rep .ft- the Wors :::( of I'..- f.i-.!j. Ti Ive inch- i.f , r 111, i.S-fruetil g e ir traveling nil -I delaying trains. H iv rail". M I--. w entirely it :r Yioi.i i-oa.uiunie.it ion w it h t!ie .tlti!e Hond. ; 1 lie s j m I I -at i;.oi a very nam non umu .nay i uiai ine wornirs friemt ot Airs. .jeirvrsri i i j ;,nen j.,., ncs across t he lace ami j,- (H,0 rdd.r than h!ii was ia iewj '' time iron!;.! Point Jade.,h, but ar- will not feel like striking for"dght returned to this- city aj-J" evening . ' tr.e: abdomeu. Lee Eanes1 sla.t b ft is .,1! aware that ! ri- l.M lad hm r Mf Iy.although laoir-. In keep Hum as p ...r as fri,m t.w York cityi wierc sue .lUCW!j in tlie arm . anil in tne jri milli ui for tat amount, j. , lite. p...,i!.lc in the Lackawanna and ,ad left her. In upcatiijsT :f Mrs. j ' i - Mattliews and Harden j t .vorL-s ttt telegraphy in win- AtMamhesfr. N. II., it is re- Wyoming alleys i-, beluveu hy D.lVis she said that s;ij was in a; F.inn4 has' iust completed a six j ' , r,rostccts in the sumiiur. The Worlds Fair and tlie South. Whili- tlif legislatures of Ala- ltauia. Arkansas ami ' nn cce may have poi-ibly actnl tmewliat prr rijutately in rtfclvin not to at tempt to makf an exhibit at the Columbian. Exposition in "ca?e tlu I'orof bill bt-i linos a law, they have unJ.ubteil!y s-t an example whiclj, if niloptfil by t!ie entire South, will t riou-ly eripple th Fair. It was in truth the wonderful natural athaiitatres ami reeiiperative powers f the 'ith which primarily in ft ir.itI the Forre bill infamy. St:th-haters of the Hoar, Kvarts, LoiJe, IJcctl an. I Harrison s-tripe, eouhl not patiently ftaml by ami fre this favored Mrtin of the emitry eat oif the abomination of !. latioii into which it was thrown by the warTaml rushed for ward .o rapidly in wealth and com mercial importance to the front Kinks of the American States. Ke con.truet ion ineaMtre-, military rule, the army of carpet-baprrs and-Northern harpies turned loo-c upon us and maintained in place by bayotn'ts to rob. steal and batten upon the little that was left, -after the disastrous ami devatatin coit tlief. all failed t keep the .South la,.,r . .-drastic measures had to j j!- tri.d. and after. all schemes lob art. marv JlU j,,,, a con. Jt! it -ml had !n:i duly consider, d tylt-u,n tliat tju.;. ,uavidi'Uat any and di-c:ssi-d. t he 1 rce lull tt a ei'Iv.d. Ib-re !,i.f. tii"U,'iit t! W.S a measure IlM.f ,1,,. .!...1 r?..ftrtff.,l nr,. ' ""' haters, suf- ileal to i Jlectually licit lit! v cri;-!! on; MmmTii pn-pt rny arm ' .-stl,ern cit i!iat ion. and t tl:e Force bill lau-t 1 m' a law. Thb i- wii lio i", t-. aris ami cojo-aui 1 t- .1 M l.ati- fo:;g!it s,i .ifl r d IV, Week persi-teiitly after week. d.tv ami itif!it;i 1. ..fl..r IX..TI I !l t.t r,.t tt their' sc?.'.!.l- through. l:e!ectin' If:.' "' i regular uuti. s ! ongrcs.. ami.i t , . . ... i ir duties if l ontrrcs.. a c.iu-ing all legitimate bislatiou !: the id the coiuttrv to I , !. ' I in abi-vanec and left t! f ti;:nre. i his an-1 the hope -i i.e. - ;.'-. Ur.ug!i l e.ier.u tenor.. ;s,tl.(i 4.miri. (.kt. rii,. rFo-night to maintain Radicalism in power ! t, ,, ,ir,..i . f .:.,, .r. r.. iri.-'-io u, in .ii iiam-f o, ti.e puiirrc are un it lie at the bottom of tl- present Fore-bill stru-gle. The South, therefore, will ha ve but little inducement to make v. biiut-oi her resources, nianutac. tun cap o-it ies ;,fl.i ni-iu--. i,i.-nt to capitalists arid m-M.its at.ue "r.d s l air. ami n Mie tietertaines t take no urt in i: the eilects of .her utci-ion i.e "Ti ; ; ty. They arc almost jMniiiless, a In lh.it ca:c the Exposition will;t,u, ..,,,; j.a?: n,lt beeturirfyiing ful leg. 1. 1 r 1 1 1U e T e y 1 U t O aSfClloI.at Fair at which the majnifo-ent di- play s , f .uthem cotton, tobacco, grain, iron and steel ores, and man- llfactures, and her other varied and a!:ia?.!e products ill be, mi-.ing. , and f heir ah wiiifuo.t a--ur div in. ik- a l;oticcab!i 4' u tJ di - p. iv. Ar:d what is more, if tu ; the .rt ti-r;i . -!ioa oi tt.e country ; ttlli.ulv ttUy to Jiml V!'ocating Iran stand it.. ih.vSimth "" ' v;,,m,o r,f Miiuke and gushing jmo - t a-u redly. .,, """".therefrom, and at otic'Jf t:iV wha7 the N'Ttlorn seetion of the country The Chines; as Florists. ating hi- way into a!! branches - i" trade on th.- l'aci;!,- eo.,.;. thi! rat to te IlOa'lol Oeltigltie l.oral bu.i;.. .-. During th- past t-n . . .i . w ... t.- ; . j:... 1""" h' '-'row ing Movers for the j markf t, s, t a hinamati up in nus. i''1'' at San ..Mateo. The ; venture ; proved a perfect - lcce--, three i.rj J. . L. .,.r .!. .,' ..:. ,Ir.,,.H- h,v;. !c.l. Wtr Son M !!" ,!i eh ar.d by ti..- iMe-tia!. .s uf III I atnji , ; a i.atural .ju. no oth-r hin 1- 11. .m i; ' V t.-!k i engaging i:i cut , i!over gr-w ing. Our Jlri-t s " hcl; :wii!i d.sa. i upon th- prpect of I ij!i c m o. t it ion andt hine- I .wer s., v. lii'di n.av now at at y t ! -labli- pri:. ;:..! : - ts .f S. Io d on the t Ti I'l ancis'co. This would sjuiply, meat) ruin to a io.v pr-'-perou e!a-s of merchants ami grow t r-. It isbut v. ith shame that mc ac knowledge the fact that then- are t !;-- among u-, boasting of wealth and intelligence, who would, thus : start the id otu- of de-t ruct i.ui roll ( ing. which, unless topped by those - ,....r.. ,..il.li.. wi.irit...! lull .i.nll ilr'i'' 'Vl l'M' 1,1 5 r' ,,IU ,,f ,!k' ,:,,,,!,,t " a s not t here, but hisjfd'Sv ear-old ..j.,..,...;.,,,. iind business of CaJi.;M.v; Harold, was up t?.e occa- frni - . It hitiameu ar,- allowed t enter this e!d of" industry, it ; win si.,. i pi- i;ni io .n .M.i !. .I .m. t..r -.!I ...! I.fk I. H.'-.r . , , . . a ro-c upon thnr breast which may 1 . ..." ti"t liae Ih cii grow n or ii imiieti oy , , . . ? , t the Jeproiis haml of a thinauiau. . . Any one laminar with ti.e in piora- n,,t here to listen to-itj? iitt-. l .Know blecondition of the Chinese-infe-t- j j10 WOuld like to hearyii. He has id vegetable growing budii(ss of ijrone jM tu, capitol,-..'jd -a? thank the coast will readily comprehend ! you for htm. and say $f. night." the impending evil. ; The members of theficl&h recog- ! nized the little man, .iit; hi re A Shut Dowa to Stop a Strike. llViTk B respectful attei$ii-v; ami at ' . .i. ..i i ..' i....i',1 .f no. Sen ANT..N- Pa.. Jan. Miners ! in this r gion say they beliee the general Miuuing iiown jui oruejeu at tlie mines U inaugurated so as t ki i it the iiroduction s-o low frfm , some oi iia men in oe uic pro- gramme of the operators. Tm nty- Lo kawalUia coal-train crews .a re I lid r on Friday ami atur urd.iv. and otlu r.ci.al li:ie arc fd lo.v ir. g suit. A Terribl j Avalanche Romi , Jan. '27. An avalanche at Flore-ta to-day destroyed eleven hou-es and killed nineteen persons. . EIGHTY LIEN SMtlflCUED Terrible Disaster in a i Iiltuminous Coal Mine weepus vfiaows and Fatherless ClV dren Prayinjfor- ; "el?, t 1 i 1'iTT.m i:i, I'a., Jan. ;;. A ca amitv much worse thvi lic deadly explosion in the Ilillj Fm Iine near Dunbar, in the Xeot region, last summer, occurred Itilay near JVIouiit l'leasant, anotT ojie'man jiufacturin section, llyyan explo sion of lire damp in tyo f-tnmmoth Shaft of the II. C. Frilc Cjfcc Com iany'.s( Mount 1'leasat )T :ial mines to-day eighty miner wt killed and a lar;:-? number fliers sc. riously injured. t . Earlier dispatches -prted the iiceident as one of moA-;' jiastrous dimensions even thaii31ti the bul letins showinir that 1 F, to 100 miners were killed iruL:ihat oO boilies had been recoek It is ti rrible enough at he. The explosion oe'urtid this morniii shortly after jti'Iock. It is supposed that it w; istised ly the igniting tf a mim-f 'ul lamp. Then the after-damfi j Allocated nearly every workma:-:few men, realizing their awful tuition, fell to the ground, therebj jeventing the. ras from reachisi.j -Tthem in tlead'lv volume. S i t The territled and m-Se tan half- . si:!!,-.!!,.,? miners w H vere nor loment : while the eiiiitt' M bodies s isv.it a jj.,. Mim.f what : . v.-rin he l.roilL'ht. iiu.of the k. 0 of death and intt b li-'ht. The lire whi;h brotc'! ut after tlu- cxolosum was soov; eTinuisn. ed bv the immen: fanw Weh were put in operation. iipe.as has, therefore, aboitt all 0 i-ti driven ... . ' r- ii .. i u. .r ! I rom the pit, ami tnv m . . . i, ..t.f.v III.. i.lt.iili.Jt. i 1 1 t T .2 ll'ft IIIV ,11. .ill." M; iHii ..-. 1 i,...,,... (Jelierjil iMa!ia2:cr j vli(.n tj!( t. f : .r : . 1 1 ine i rivii r opaiit, is on the sc jie devising5l':as tores. ! cue tile Vict nil- j T. aiajr cat U jrfton ion. over the s.-clic of the disasfk . -tid b tier ing :i'-istanee. Ilorrfr i spiled on horror, t 'oilins have jlrofedv 1 been j .r,i,.m from pittsbtir hrl Mount i .j,.a4.int f,,r eighty p.Jsofes. The , , c-scaivSlL vniniured i f fat. miuv -w;i Katon. t. , j ftimat-l -'t.Sat there i.ts , Jrt. ixU. wj.i(iws l,i du'Viies that . j(.f w,f)u v depend; n'tjn chari- for snie time, and w,,! i'as been exceedingly scarce siit: 'jc drll- r.ess in. John Hale-, who i p 1 brother in the fatal shaft, rel&csj'the fol bnvim sj,,rv: Aboir i- o'clock thi nmrfiiti ' we he.ir.f fillolld re - port in the direction te -shaft. We imimdiately sta- to ,UJ was w rong. We begar!) m or -llbduing the Maims C:drlea Mork of ring the fhaft of g a-. ThiS w timbers or by the-afterl-aj3ip." t ' Exrl.i:: Urn- huml df. J'ul ten men were killed in tl,-. 1 elplo-ioti. Sixty bodies have betjtken out so Tar. I t r- . The mine is on lire ;jWd'; is fear ed the b.-lies of the ott: will be cremated. ' : HE S PAPA'S a Call f I u:i:!s:a t;... I'.... .lif -5;.TI ie meiabers of the .-r.vi .... I . . 1 ' . - i 1 1 o - cratic (!ub, is t in f Il?xrisburg 7 ! :n "rfi. sudd illy. 401 dcd, on Mondav niglit, uioa '.S"? arrival in the citv. that a vi "" -at cm-- pliment Wolliil I"' i p , i mu 10 , tb Ileniihlic.-in now I.x litetu' lit pliment would be to p.i-v, q visit to!kc married Lil-o:i in La?icas,niie, Governor, w h i 1 . c 1 . ho is al-o-Tiof-J Scrail- ,,n The atfair was i!jttyiy spon- tatieous, and "it :i-t'f late to no life !.!.. pel Wntre--i i't-he (dub Vntre-5 r''a' s'd'ib Egle's fx:i'f c, w here i hiei.-lnnt Gov- marched t Dr. E the family of tin erier were stoppinyi their pp:ni: r.'ill their hand rende red several Excellent ajr-. Rut the Lieuten.iit ''-vernor . I 1. 1 ... .. r- ' ,il wit S h( -ion, ami stepping ou4 fthe ,.nv of tlie jiou.e. lie s.i;' f a clear, loii'i voice: si . r Gentlemen of Democratic. ( lub : th5 I Operant on Ith'viik you ! vcrv tnncli for vour i?fishi. which iwchav greatly enioyfi. ;:Papa is ' '"- '."" V'-'f " P'aie. ' Mrs. Jeflerson Davi Itiness. v.ri- iTiti.-.-il slfitP of lll'.litll. She .earcelv ever leaves b. ;.vtrtmeiit at the iiotel where she' Joarding. and receives her guesfsj yclining, Heart trouble is said f'V ier phys icians to be the Mii-clVic. cause of her illness. Her dai&htTr, Miss hot isvii.i.i:. Kv.. JaliUfJfy lv. ,i.l mol ... fi.rlif Matthew's cut i. -f,...,t, il,.,-na Olont.. is The Costs of the Force Bill. The people of this country have figured out for themselves the. probable cost of the force bill, jand various estimates have been made. IJut probably a more accurate jidea of the, tax which this bill will' im pose upon the county can be gath ered from Senator Morgan's recent speech, than has vet been obtained In this speech it is shown in. the; United States there are that 07,- 000 voting precincts and 70 judir eial tltstnets. To all of these law will applv, and just in the this connection the working of the force bill will be; seeii : Three .supervisors to each pre cinct at the cost of this bill . . 201,000 Three ileputj" marshals to each I'OlMKt tne chief supervisor to each ... i -70 I nited States board of canvass ers, three members each, -17 hoards 1.. ., in One clerk; to eaeli board ! 47 One deputy marshal to each. . . . 47 - Total (the lowest number of I i.tlicers provided for). ..... .402,30,1 201,1100 .supervisors, average of j seven days" services each, at 1 $" per day, $ 7,0.5,1, 00 201,ooo deputy marshals, eight f . days services allowed to ' eaehj $1j per day. . . J. ... . : . . s,04o,0h' i.xpcnsestanu leis of 7i chief supervisors, estimated on Davenpiirt's accounts for H years ,.!..; .'.! 2,10tio III meinhersor I nited States eanvas.slnq: hoards,; say 10 davs service each, at 20 per day.!.. .: . i J 47clerks of canvassing hoards, at.12 per day, Mdayseach. 47 deputy marshals to serve ' canvassers, at ." each per 2s, 2O0 ',510 uav,; io davs ...... is.:;. Total :. . . t . . . .$l7,2lr.,o!M These are ( 11 ures to whi?h we have alluded beford ; they show to what extent the advocates of this infamous, measi re propose to jben-t-ti t this country. Xo wonder thou sands of .hungry republicans, who have had nothing to do since the era 0.1' godd - government in the south'are clamoring for the pas sage of the! bill! Itopens up to tliem j avenues of revenue which Jiiive been! closed , for some time piist. j They need no longer starve in idleness but are here offered an opportunity to better their condi tions and to' render valuable ser vjee to thejparty they represcut. 'These are facts and figures which should be remembered. Tlie par tisan legislation with ' which the republicans are seeking to deluge tlie country,. forms the issue Svith whicli thevj will have to light the battle; of lSOih -Wushnnit,,,, Jst. , :. j.,--;:- -J- ' THE LI AD STONE DIDN'T WORK. It Clung Nicely, tut the Victim Died j in Terrible Agony. 'MKMrnis, Tehn., January iS. Ilobert Edwards died in awful ngonof hydropiudda tolay. He " - 1 tl'1 the fo'urteen-vear-old son ot Edwards, colored, living six miles ;from;Memphis on the Her- ,, imimld road, ana was omen oy a iuint. roau. anu war, omen n j dog December Ipth, I'1 h(t dog wa not mad, buthav io" been once bitten by a mad dog fvars I were cntertarrred and the . i madstone ap)lijh It clung ninety Ili:,,l,l.m' .T",f'- ll' IU"H "-'. ntintifes Saturday, three hours ! Sunday find refused to adhere Monday iuld tin patient was pro- j nj"" ,ed riired. j ; I , East W ednesi ay-his arm became . : i i i.'.;.'t.L- i... i,";i.;t.i , . . . P V . . signs; (.1 - iiyuropuooia. ue n. bought in for hnedical attention, but on Sunday had convulsions at th. U'gllt ni wafer,! and was tied in his chair and brought to tlie city This morning h died at the doc tor's ottice iii aw I ul paroxysms. The phy.siciao thinks prompt at tention, i-'insti-ail of fooling with the. madsbine till the poison hail pcriiieated his entire system, would have saed his life. i Lova's Dream Over. Ia)til Klliow. of ( 'arthagc. 111., has tiled a bill U-v divorce again-t t..tf!r.xJ I-'! I io:L She -recites: that iK' .iiu . in semciniier,' 1 ;.', anu that the- came to Ellison's tarni, ' r - i ' i in I?..eK- iCreek iow nhil, Hancock county, ;where i-ver since Ellison has treated her with khe utmost cruelty, j On one occasion he drove her out of bed at i midnight, coin pcllinr her t re'aiain ill a ornlleld all nighj in her night j-obes. An other :night he attempted to murder lier by I setting lire, to the bed clothes.; She asks the court to re st ytiu; h'iin i from disposing 'of her property. :j Ellison is nearly eighty rears i of d: and a wealthy farmer, "lie went to Europe in 1S'.0, and while on the ocean his wife died. He learned of theievent in Liver dooI. . He returned to this country in a fevr weeks witli ins new orwe, in a levir wcck who is ouiio v oung. A Serious Cutting Afiray. DAxyu r t:, Va., Jan. Ls. At Cas cade, on the Danville Western Railroad, i5 miles west of here, Harden Eanes,! Lee Eanes, Loth brothers, : and ; Thomas Mathews, met at I Tom Seymour's whiskey distillery. I They were drinking. and .about; iiiid"i-Tht Kot lnto a immths term in jail for cutting a man in a similar row.' . ' . .v-rr" i ' r Shot HisWifc Dead. ! ! . M.UK'O. Texas, Jan. Z t H. -'snvder, one r .k George Oi UIC mill- A BATTLE TO THE i)EATH Terrible Fight Between a Horse and Jack. Result of a Mad Dog Bite Lexixgtox, Kv., Jan battle to the death: took 27. A place in Mercer county f to-day between a valuable saddle stallion and a' ja-ck oeionging to William Thomas, a stock raiser. A fewdaivs ago a mad dog bit Thomas' littfe boy and the horse. Yesterday the horse went mad, and,! kicking j down the door to the jack's stable began biting him. The jack Retaliated, and for fifteen minutes they fought using their tectji, heels: and fore leer. iMiially the jack! tore the stallion's left -ar loose with Jiis teeth, and the h6rse then bit a piece from the jack's Ineek: If This seemed jto makej the jack more ferociousl than ever, and grabbing the lower part of' the horse's neck injhi-s teeth, he tore, out his windpipe, but the. high-, mettled stallion did 'nor give up, and before falling he kicked the jack on the left hind-leg; breaking it just below the hock- Th lorse then fell dead. The.jaik uttered a. long, loud brav and rshed into his stable. Hefwas covered with blood and wounded unti death, so that his owner killed him to put him out of his' misery. - . . The boy was t;tken to a madstone, the stone stuck 'three times, and he shows no signs of rahiesl rover, j It is he- lieved he Will re IIow Plate Glass is Made. The casting t tble in a plate glass factory is about twenty j'feet" long, fifteen feet widq, and seven inches thick. Strips. ojf iron, on 'each 'side Of. the table ailprd a hearing for the roller's and determine the thick ness of the platdof glass! to be east. The rough platd is commonly nine- sixteenths of a pi inch thick, ; hut after -polishing or seven-sixtee it is reduced t6 six nths. . The casting tables are moun'ted on wheels hand run on a truck that 'reaches every furnace and aniealing oven iii the building. The been poured on iron roller then Jnolten glass having khe talilejthe heavy passes from. end to lie glass jto .a. J'uni- Tti wiiithi't kvlth end, spreading i rforni . thicknessJ the cold mejal oi If the tal!lp tlie glass cools rapidly, annealing oven I' hen the dotn-' of fis opened andj' t he plate of glass lloor of the ovt introduced.;.:! The n is on ' It he same level as the casjing table, so that the transfe r caif be matl.ej quisckly. When, after sev oral days, the glass is taken out of is very rough;) he oveii its surface a n d u n i ve n. ' Ft is used in this con dition I'br skylights and t)ther purposes w.hdre strength is desired rather than transparency. The greater par ever, is ground, t of the glass, how- smOothed and pol- lSUed. J.u'HHCQ I'in'i ''ifi.i'jii'J. 1 . DIVORCED ON MONDAY And Took Out License tcf Marry One Past Three Nelson Shoe, harms, applied wife, -who is in of her unfaith Score and Ten! f southeasternR'a or divorce f roiii' his Texas.' on -"acetjunt ulness:,! The i 4a se was heard oh 3Ionday and N"eson was declared a mad ,, of single carried, his po'int! after the decision blessedness he Inunediateiy of the case, 2s e son Shoe went. djwn to Reiiister :ratterson'is oilice and applied for .papers to ieniitle Jiim ill. I . JNeison j gae ujis arc as 41. aim inai oi; ins -ueueu at til, though parties who knewther well, atlirm that the would-be ldve- 1 T I I - - - 1 I , .1. . , . 1 ly bride is not less than SO year? of -j age. They pug lit to kiiow but jt he S fa ml a rd get from the book: this J information : . This. is not tin oi i man's -dar- ; ling" cac. Ait Nelson, will -,ie Sine . . 1 . . . -i r. 1 j old w'oman'sTdaiiing.f s- to speas ! Outsi'lc o tne ages t he - StatH-h- j arjl is struck w tit the jeharacte is It ; tics ol this matrinrona i .1.... i seems to be a g -in-line eaSe ot gyn- nine hue. L and his bride. g life to 31 r. loe S'l'K.ltril Mcord Arrestee" Fay Err i:vn. if. Jan.' -(h Abnut afternoon F.f F. six 'thi 'M.oore ex-Pie dent of the broken al Rank was arrf-st-' 'conn Natioa I on a warrank sworn' . (jut Leore e a l nneu Mates Lk-unnussiorner charging ' hini f lUO.OUO of tin with km.be? zeii n g funds if said ba.uk. The defendant! s attorney as"ked;for until l o'clock; in a conunuaiue the morning, add Moore, was jdaj-ed i. n.W bond of! one thoi sand dob .. . - . ., , irs lor ins . api'caiaiiv- auc- States District Attorney L . i A. Cook and United Statejs Mars,)ial J. 1J. Hill arc both'ihfre.' It? is thought to-night ' that) Moore jvill iv.-.iv"p -cvnmination and give bond for his annearhnce at ;t he Federal j Court to be held at Wilmingtoiv in May. Win. G. LedUfiJof Michi gan, has been appointed receiver and will arrivi tomoi rjw : f Sold $15,000,000 for $100,000 s Loul. ja. 2ii.-E. A. Sfi-yet. I teleoraoh ooefator. acf -rding to a S().,e tiuR. ' he ioCU.t d a placer ;clam in Lenihi count.f, Jilaiio, ami bought up a. joining olifs- until ne ; had LbO. fie repurtcil his liml to ; v "... '..i..r w'iiiiise-nt exm-rls , ex-ei.a - .- 4. . i(T tr. ..vmiiiiih' ft ml oil luen '".-' ; l' v........ y AT HALF We, have decided to close out r GLOAKS anu iiiave marKeu down lroni the original selling; price just ONE-HALFj 1 (1 1 y . ?i and as 2 New Markets, original price .f IS 2 i ' jo 8 10 7 8 0 5 1 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 Wraps, 2 " 1 Jacket, 1 1 " , - 3 ' 1 1 f- " . -:. 44 5 Knit Jackets,! ! 2 " . ! 14 44 1 Boy's Overcoat, sie I 3'ears, This great reduction seems ridiculous,': and many Jwill say we canftof alTord it, but it is our entertainment and we defrayt'he expenVs; so all you have to do is to come and pay to us ONE-HALF TI fcTFi fpr , the goods,-and we feel sure that you will sa' it is one ot the best i'lrgiiins you evex made. Our object in closing these goods'! out at f.hi pvicK-is to avoid carrying them over the summer season. All are marlrt-!;! in plain figures, and one price 'to everybody. ComeT"early befor thefbest bargains are gone. TOO corsets at 13'tf 25 cent eacli ; tljese 'etirsetsj cost from-3 7 to 75c. each, but theboxeS havejliecbrnje soiled jiind broken, consequently ,they must go. - Are have a great many drivels of this nature' at this stock-taking 'season at oui DRY GOODS ARCADE. SCan! you ail'ord to let these opportunities pass? aymond JffflOXAL liAXIi Jan. 15. R Something For Nothing.: A Farm and TO EVERY SUBSCRIBER OF We arelpleased to announce that we pill The Breeder's Guide wherein' we can give that excellent stock, farm ami Free to every subscriberl)f The Patiuot upori named below, f For a Lx-jco-itjecL Time Only. and will lie oirered by no To all who pay all arrearages andne years in! adv-aiice' jf rm the date of oavment in this .month we will gjve the. lilUKDHU'S GUIDE AND PRACTICAL. KARAlh.lv liree lor oiie year. ;0 all new subscribers wdio pay bike year ih advancoJroln date of layment in this month we will gave the RREKDKH'S OlllDK 57T AND PRACTICAL FAR3IDR free for One yeaf. . I TV ''" - ' " ' . ' ' i : - -. '''.ri ' g0To all w ho pa-oiie year in ad ance from January 1st we will; give the BREEDER'S GUIDE AND PRACTICAL, FARMER freej jfor oheivear.. -z ! !? 1 ' !( -.1 $') '. " i- , ' : i :'.-H ' 3TTo ajll whose subscription is-paid-a- part ofl'Uie year juj advajicer- " ' who! w ill uav enough to make it a wTiole year 311 atlyancH, we ; will. give the BREEDER'S GUIDE AND one 3-ear. J , ; What is the Guide and THE GUIDE AND FARMER is a . : . ..,?,a f ;.o -.r. h tnmit h Jirni chuck: tioW for the farmer and stock raiser.' It is a ir ess expon; .",I'ii- f'.niiprs1 firirjiFll-y izations and reader of The Patriot. ! ': j . j- : cuTTcnrilic now. Get vour friends to come, in am best paper published in GujiTord county and anxeellent fahn ;pper with it. i ! COME IN SAM'LL. Life and Fire Office xi. Sai G-BEBITSBOKO, 2V. Ci Agents Vanted In every town to sell Henry M. Stan lev's greatest bjc.k, "In Darkest Af rica.'' For an agency apply to J. K. -I'D DINS, . Charlotte, N. C. NOTICE. Ilaving oualilied as .Administpwc on the estate of Jos. F. Albright, deceased. I hereby notify all persons having claims- against the deceased to present them to J. E.MeKnight my agent, for payment and .settlement on or ljefore 1 i-.ti, riav of January, 11)2, or this ! not ice will be plead in bar of t heir re-1..,.,,.- All oersons lndcbteu to the sail estate arc hereby notilled to settle atjrmce with John K. Mc Knight, my a"tr sELI IK ALBRIGHT, n'rxof Jos.iF. Albrighht. Jan. 13th', 1801. 1 i --IV T :--:-:jm- . ' : : ; i 1 ' - I the balance ojf our stock of jnSTTD JACKETS . . ' J : V" follows : i 00, oo, Reduced now to ?8 !00 i 35 5.ot): '13150 Koo 1.100 50, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00; 75, 50, 00, 75, 50; 00, 50, . t A- 2I3S 2i50 2 00 liSS- 3 :-i 1175 150' 1 25 , & Epwell, BUILDING, GUKEXSI'.OI!.), N. 1 Stock ' ' : ' i- 4-'' : Pper : ii 'f-, . 1 -s! . S u : n . ;-; ik iii ' : .' I' - HE! "I DDl1T,, miiiui.: have made: r'arrangemehtil Vjtlh tho Ushers of. and PRACTICAL FARMER liouschol'.l . journal the cono, ijlitiin The arrangement is otherjpaper in the country the PRACTICj Ah FARMER frrJfor Farmer? 10-Cortimn Motjfk ' anl farm jiper, . i . n- .J j. i .. . i .. . i r. lu l oi . nraciicai, aiuaoo in lorina- nt of i the cry should be in) th liouselioi of ev get the i AT ONCE. t. h- 'i r - N7 - - T3.gS Rheumatism Cured in 44 Mystic (Jure'f for llhciiiiiatisia ami Neuralgia radically cures iiit'l toil days. Its action upon the systmis r mark able and mysterious.. It : tf. iuovgs, at once the catise and the ilis- a-e in)i(li ately disappears The first dose gfeat ly benefits. ,j. cents. iu ow . r.ti ni ton, Druggist (ireensbon.; , Jan. .S-ikflj. " 1 $500 ! 1 1 . 1! i WK wVll .ny tlio rew'aW f-r.'? Wt. tlw staJ... n ..r C-.u ! 'S' ' Mt "ivU-l-.l.IeHv.rN'J-. li-l th.bl.n-. iij iw rf i'Vy .-..'.' e"--"' rn-ir- ; kunil im l.iti.ini. ! IliK JoiiS t. ' ' .V.S V.itUH :rjv. IW.. ; i Soil l.v II-i e I ia r h I -s. . J ' Farrjpi,' ' i j- Se4 Tri t- )V. C I'ofter, .reMiU'ff'i .... J.,.. . i;.n -l. . ! TROGDO Insurance 1 'i' ( ; I5- 3 .4 I A'd MAN. 1 !. .-..I. -.v.J.-r. i writin;; i killed his wife yesterday. la,uuu,uw. .,, J ! i .. r --- c-

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