- . ... f : j - ?.4 ' , ' : : i . I ; f . I " ; U-.: -. : : .; ' -in-' L: -Kr- : Vii; 1 . :".,- The Grrenbrq PATMte:! W$ I 1 t i t I J t:! -II M.W M.UII.h. I.ls-J Doctor Y..U. Wakefield,: i;i:i:i:Ni;o!:ir. n. r.. in I It' I t I I "' " - ,!, i . Dr. W. J. RICHARDSON, i m . ; n i: i. v r.o po. y . .- i ; - I Dill J. W. GRIFFITH, sntWiox' di:tist. : Dr. Arthur E. Ledbstter, t ,1 K t t - , Gilmer & Wright rri:N!;vs - 1 ri- i..v. I i i r '' !ii:i:::Nsi:o!if: c. I ROBERT LI. DOUGLAS,';; : . . " ( ; i I . i I 1 i . i - f k . v. . 'it' 'IV.' M' Your Attention Please! .1 ., XrTp.E?,ISri,X,XTIE3l3, i .i 1 i , t ! J It I McBoffie fi Co, I I MFC. : fiNSURAHCE F!R. i:ut nRsvciASS companies N I 1 I o. 4 . u. (;. (;n:.vxs i j n ii 't lie, f ' . .- r I - : ! : s 1 I"!. i . I- the r.t . i t. i ; t m ,ini i i Ml I II III o 1, ;:;;. a m : . i. In or at l .i i. I " ! r- A. f.- i: I ' tu 'V T r ' - I; v km, ! p e. HOLIDAY GOODS t j, H i . i It. i ;:t i: - . s ; v. : i i i t : r. l ! I ! . i ' i i : : p t . - ' r, i: r- V I i. . . -I - I .- .- p. s:- I. AM I'M AN. 'Flo- Jt . l.-r. j . - 'bill I"-1. i r h r no .' x.ti in i i irr i j r f i tn t o i n ii. :ii mi n lie i r if iitks i tu l:i u- i iP' 'iu- i i. ... ,.. rtn Tin fir. it' " 1 w , ' ' i . iij.?m4 i - sfir ' : in tiu- ! ' A'l' int rf. re to.- and uper i-in " u hat the nei-hbors arrived they found it ! cration, until by a lgrV?tt battle . ; , lf i t'o be" in with sueeess his. ,,-,..,.;..,;-., three -.tiiotivj'tiid dollar.: j I ' f , if !- b.-!. .... it-., i,. ...' .'.t" t I :.. .....,". Tl,.. ..I. -. rn.i r t-111 i i ti 1 1 f f . . . . 1. 1 i n .1 e r t h e Wa 1 ti Cf Nltnna. i 1 ', , ,.. .e..e-. .. , r. J P.- ..... Pit.-r-:l-f-e The Im- I :DCtXXl.TXrxa.XLS an.i !,,, i-c .ntituti..n-lly tu. t,rtv were found later. it he tlo.d of the Mohn&ledan in- j . - . ; -It. n hrtily -aj.plaud this i . t . .1 , -. . I.e.v toward' . J. BPtrnmApnT i 1 - , ?i. ....! ..!, . Ji 4 . , - -"-'i,i "i i" it.i;. - . - i . vasiou . tt" a j xax oAUUixu Drij;.i""-i-'. i acti'.n Pr i uey m-jiaioi.v. - , t V. ! T,..1,, ' mi noil u;i: AMis-r it. ! Death for Rufusal to Dance. Asia .Yc o,7. I.t ; - ' W with tfc'-viow-- evorered ..by .Mr.-; liDV JeVelerV I btOre. I I..-!;... .!.., ,;. ..,..rb.-l,i,,.r.' -- r- i She Arrives With Her Dogs and; Anlrev i:;-hi, nmarkK It is not I'ATII.nII.VS FIRST VETO. hot shot rour.ED i:;to the hanks or ror.ee eill ADVOCATES. TL2 JoiLt Ecsclutian cf Implied Con jure of Senator Caracron Kill-" cJLy tbe OoTcixor. I! y.t l-l.t i;... Pa. p. I.. Cov- rr. r P;ilti !i j. ur 1 hot -hot in- ! ??. r.i of the. Fore- bill, .!- -.. - j:, .' !.-''i-!.it in- thi-j i t- t r r. - : t; r - lo t!." jint r -!u-fi ! t i.iij .!! u -' j r .f S.-nator :.; it a ;i!!)Aol to lie mi. -:i t: ' it h''t an :I.rt -n t; if! f t! 1. 1 ji'il'Iiali to pa t t-.. !! r r -m. i,:,.i ip.iic.it.- le a , t : do r.' t infend ' Th i.ic - lAITl-eN Mls.i.r. "!" lite ;s.ite of tJ;e C.'otamon f wa!'J 'f Penrisvlvania CentJe- ... --i I . r itLi return without , n.y ap- r.a! t!.- concurrent reo j I'.ti'.a f t!.'- S. riate. adopted Jan- r L'Ti'i. 1'.I, as f !Iovr r, to wit : i ! '..!. T.M.'it our I Ftatt'-s Srmtor 1 cirnr li e e Te ill'' v honorable t rt i j d. -ra! 1 p ae f t lie ! etj. ri bill I i .;-! r.M.:.u. sectioir or .r- . t - -: 1 1, tU ! HI. of tl. i- Constitution of the :IKio;in .i - ;! ti t hh o : every ord.-r. reolu-; "- t- wnieij t!i concur- e o t t.i JIot:es mny be --irv. i iv;! on th Uition lj I'Hiii'r;. !: i! be nTed r: --. . U ..: !t ..-to i Jo. ed bv :! '!. i ' o -..t - .i ti i'3-.-( (url l) rf,:u,. here and show c3Ue s.-i.i-i ef Jilrii-,:i.r.,lnhvtcwril nf prohibition should r.Ii:;;! to tlu- ruir, and limila-j nft ii' should be made returna- tif-r; prertH-'.l'n ttir cae . T a , I hi- Mvilua i th .r t !.e jT' ntat i'-n on y warrant to n;e of tlsc :t j- he ( itii returned. -i f ... In t f.e i" T :ti io;e; n.tl. ,4!it.j -.f ;, j;y .:.,re !c :I -! i n than is cor.taineil 'I.. of the resolution I as. t fhi i..r. rv it is intend-! e l pi fav. r i t!;c bill no landing ! i:i th- I'nited " States s nate to j :i l an i - ip;., ra -nt ti e t.et tJon i ,.! O IrnUd tr;tes. i.qni-;,4,..ir tj. ,aft t ; o'clock this . t !;e - - rc f-iil." P m.irnin.f wli.-n n woninii named .'? yi'.VayZ b; uive myneftt to ' -:-, .o -,.ir ;i in : i .ri oi in.ii lie:ii:re. f r" ' It 1 r I.cl-f-S i n tU' r .:; '.-.if .,Tt r- .t',j -h J t . - - I o . r J r n.tr. lit. Pi d n.. i w . --iP m p!.i t i"?i of t w ie , O: OO St I the F dt r i! ( 'on! i- implied.'y and epr. -Iy r rI t' -tlif peojt.e of tl - -v r.I St t! " p ; r P p' r.tat i in ( (ti'T. .r !. r i -!. ? ? r - are ntir !y . pr -r iNe ! ?.e t I I . I - .(!.! i. i.mner of l..'. ling !e" tor (!it h"'"ir--!i! at iu'-'. i - i : r p ;'. i. -ce-ity r ; r . ill t! d l"T n gi. it - to t?;i.iii thi ri'ht of as.d to lra!!f. r the their II jr it h . - p. Fe-.b r.! rcg-ilailfi. '.:i-u t i:: th- P I .lodt'-i il brar-.eht .f I b t ri.l.H lit w it O the I,: i -;::t :;t to eontrol f ti e I. ri-latii- t!:o? i.,-rtiiM.e: a'ol .o't tj It i- a r :i s i - ' . : : i i r i l:i.'t'-i r po. to thi !.d, u hie, :i aporoi ino'e I... ep.-n.jtt:re t.f m:u millions' .: d I! ir r.::d the ereatio'i of er.or- ;ii.; . :';.ia jatror;:i-e; it pro- ';.b- f- - eir:a-r- uth.rd at r. .;;.!.?:. fr. m th- i bet ion . h-Ti-t in nhh-h their jm.w.ts are 'p. b.- t.rri-I; it degrade the ; l I V lil .l..llg It a political IO la t: to rp- tliale tl.e power lit; it : the i i ; s-d ; t io.i i r t he !. i-t ion t ate, . :;nt a?.d d:-! ri"t by, ri.in li-T r it stip-r iors to! t v p a i!,!i !. rt i-.n w hic!i. :!. ir j;:dgn; t:t. may be u holly i'i p rt '..-.' ctic. and inite ;.! jr .. ;.e a ei.Ili-ioa of State Fe.b r: J at.it horit v. A cum i!.e. iniitorial and evp.-n-a- if :- i::ineec;irv ami im- ...'..If;;! ...:-;.:. p :.d t- -ure ueii a p. an w ui not Irte and untram- ! .. O -K will b r.ig-. (a th e eoairarv. ! .!nr th," ncritv .-mil iii. i - - - . 1 . to I di-tro-t ai.d . nd i: -'. r bu-i- ; h. - b the tr..i.q;ility of lection; .,.-lUi,. hc was aImot destitute. ; will awakn ..-?;. ml di.ord. : Tiu- far of starvation so nreved on i t-, pro-p. nr . ounI m-ral. ma- j h r children and herst If, rl he oUl ti ri il a:: I political considerations i . fct. a boy of twt Ive. escaped from .. ::ia: o i ii ii -uca a m a-ure . d b.- reprobated and n ! en-. lie. . I :iej,.-d as the Gen r d A- a'.lv f Pt :my i ani i i ter- of Mate :-!':-" prop et the cn-i-b-r la fti . t. 1 to ; tL.'Iit of it s cit i.-n. I can ee no . rt Hi t l.e approval tpproval ol a inea- - -. .... m I..U1U i ... i ii... n .. - i iiiui.. ........ - jr lniiSKaieaje.-i. . . - ;t i jot . i - ........ - . I - - - ... .... ... . . - i I... I . . - . . ........ -v i. I . r i urn. , , . r - i . , i- .-v-- i Tl - .ri.i'. u . sn . he : . . t . I . , mat ru V. ! er.iv t t!;c Pcooie ol i ; ... - . -M-.ihin- 1. it of ..-ir ..,. I-..T.1. ni.:iwr.dtli are !.. artilv ..m,.,.,,1 te, the featurr- n coii I - .i-: ,; i ' M ;;; I .1 - a o -t :on f "eiier-il p :.: w .'I'-ei :;. tlore is neither t i.i-at ion m the rigiu of the nor any wh'.le..me rlf. ct tit be ofthi-bill. It is of'as.anlt pretty Lena .Mark while Franco-Italian billet Sir ot i nt ; j h u.r ths Afternoon, j old -.oldt.-irs. ; e.iu. n,v, in ua uov. wiiat ..- ... ... . ........ . '" . . ;: .. i,." bringing aran wernn.-nop "... , i n-r.- vi.-tim P'.do. J.,-..- b..:, mad- bv any j'onmg their residence, in tin from Urury i.ane, ti'Vfv-"- - t.(,n)pi4nv f;f :u.p,rs, a huge Engli-h , - !. , p,r-ie.:;.r -!iti.-d la -tior,; in.:. He then dragged her out- struck and delayed n;.rniance co.C-h-.a;v a Yorkshire terrier, no j I,; i in i;hl:. Pa.. Tel.. 2. A lad iu'.cI, i: f..r.ta...t ha -ide and cut her throat from ear rather than submit tf-,'0 a wet k tln a iare sized rat. and ! nal:H-d C.!.mmodorej at Hatteiuh-. .:.-:,t. d that it i a Pirtis.,,, ,,,:,.. toear. Sincr the doctors have re- reduction in wages Jev have, t ...i.,.. There is oheiu riou-jly ilhandfthe d...c4or, .t ai.v iu it .n-tporting it i..rcl Iht to coneiounts she therefore, bee n notltltti Uat on aim . j ejokes about Sarah Uvtl a-l lie iu.-inl.fr of the family. - V ...1!.., ,1, f uli-a th tf r.-.too.r ..r,.., r.-PriiMrc 7 tM Vrillld their lo.ii ; . j . . , .. . ! , .. I ' ., .1. -ielrlie-S . ! II l it. ' ,.-.-' - ....... ...... . . - - . ...T. II.-.BnHn.i IV I HI l, T ' I 1(111.1 '... ..I I II I I 1 l ' . M' - - Nor has! it gained in popular confidence in lh attempt to nact it I3 suppress- : .1 i f i i . in- tin- freedom o( U!,atc winch is nipri intly iui)rtant to j "the perfection of le'i-lation, tliciligni t f the Senate nw to civil li!crty itself." I cannot, therefore J con 'it ntiou-ly join in a reiuet to tin- Senators of Pennsylvania to favor fiich an enactment. j Horn nr K. Patthon. A BERING SEA DECISION. The Supreme Court Has Jurisdic tion in tho Caso. - WiiiN;Tt, I. (".. Feb. ."I.- The Supreme Court today1 handed down a numher of ih ei-ion-!. Chief Jus-tire- Fuller announced that the Court had decided to grant the pe tition of th Priti!it Government f"r kave nle an ni,-, f,,r a r. tit of prohibition to prevent the District Court of Alaska pro- ct cdin;; to carry out its decree of forfeiture made in the case of the sehooner SaywarT libeled for un lawfully taking mu!s within the waters of lit ring Sea. The Chief Justice said that argument hal ta ken a much wider range than! was necessary, and that the court! was of opinion that it had jurisdiction I cured bv it passage. L nitrti ulV WIlV tlf prohibition, under Sec--t!y re- tf,,n ,;;s p, Ti.(,i Statutes, t re- view the proceedings of the Alaska Court. i This settles merely the prelirni- ...... ..;, ,n ,,f the ri'ht to hrinir , I,. ... ., int..- t'...,rt nml III., tn-.t. ter i ( t to be -etth d is whether or not t!i4. i (KlTt wju decide tliat'the writ of proLibith There ullPllK-n be ..r ,.r..i ti...n!.i isf ue. an argument on th- merit of the Ik ring Sea con troversy. ! I ;irt a-k ! counsel at what ,4.4, .. fi.t r :'..r. quiring the Al.tka jtjt A FIGHT FOR LIFE. Wife of a Dead Miner Charges the Superintendent "With Kill ing Her Husband. ' PiTTi:rio;. Pa.. Feb. :!. Fred- ! crick Keidilev. the superintendent ,,f fl... M.,mini,ih Mine, tmrrnwlv e scaped serious injury at the hands (lf H,me f ,ie sutferers from last Wl, ,liastcr. He was standing I(.jnr, iclapproache.l and'demand- i ....... i.-.t iin.l i..-..m.. i.r l:, r Im ,!. . rot. !.:;d. l.Ki'iala. said the kilhd in -upi rifltt fldelit ; "he Was the mine." You lie!" exclaimed Mrs. Hein reieh ; ' you have kil! l him." With "that she sprang at Mr. Kei-hley like a tigress and seized him with both hand around the throat. Mr. Keighley attmptcd t'i shak- o'f thi frenzied Wi.nian, but hhe !uld on. and he was a!tnot htran- -led.. Then, with a roner ellort.j l.e trar.e-i m r i r.-m ,ir;;Umi;;lt tie ,vicc ofii-mls. lio H. n.reieh next miuI a number of j .lvi0 . ho- to tele-raH 'i. C(dum- .'..,... :i!.d tlirew 1 belli at tin Ml per. . . . .. I mP-roie.-it. "'tie rriKmg (ilia on tne head and ii.itietir.g u slight wound. Mr. Keighb-y walked away ami went to breakfa-t, thinking that !ic would sooji be calmer. When he returned, however, she was still at the mine, ami accompanying her w.i a Huii-rari.in woman. They had anne'l thetntlves with stones, and when Mr. Keighley appeared he was struck and painfully bruised At the ame time four Hungarian men appeared and evinced a dispn- to help the women. l ncy t icidatt 1 w ildly ind surrounded M r. Keighley. who w ould doubtles ha e been seriously injured had not a number of miners hastened t' !is altaiee and induced them l!ioe itv.n . . j INSANE MOTHER'S AWFUL DEED. InSicts Injuries. on Herself and Chil dren, k ires uer iiouse, ana , i three Perish. Ioi;ros. Kan.. Feb. 2. News i dren. Tires Her House, and eaeh.d here this evening of the ; ,..rri!.'.. -...f i.f nil III -.'I'll Wliniilll. i who has been living on a farm set- io i - - - - " - - - - - I en mile wet of here. Mrs. Henry Wvsong was left a widow tv.o year ago, with three children, the youn'ist four years . . ' ----- - .- , i - . . oiI. Mie has Peen Having a very ti,.. -.n.I looi ilo ivititt-r ...... I: ...... .... ... - r mind that he attempted to kill ! . . . . . . ,, r aDcr die had cut His mroai with a knife, and he then ran t a iifiL ibor s. iriving the alarm !.,rn. it.. was almo.t exliausted from los t.f blood. The woman had the remaining two children with her, and after in- form helped a brutal stranger evening to overcome and criminally "'i'i i ucr.-o io.li i.e a- ! saitl to Iot. to stiow mat lie wa an obtruixc Mlow with whom she once refund t dance at party, j OUicers are on hi track. J . . ,1,.. ..... i., Pt f .1 ,..r ,,Um- m . in th ootl Pill U"i h- u : . , ,, V ; .i. i : - GREENSBORO, X.Kh, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY HE HAS TWOxWVBS. 5: -pni,i, -o-v. j . I Kalph Richardson Deserts His if , nuu.J.I,,,.. nvh k, ;a., lili.Jrl. When Florinda Hichftrdso. X.r Viol a !iOJ," A.tf Deignau reaches CoRinia, S. C, she may create homeofip. She has left here n fjie trail of a treacherous husbaftd.tnd when she reaches that cit y a jjvely time U anticipated, as sli iicertained within the past few laf that 6he was married tf a laist; that her hu!and was uiaiiel also to a wrmian at that placoj tat he was the father of two chi!f remand that he had returned to thrfiii!urinor the week The Prunswick (ells the stor as follows : -: She is nlK)iit-twentij-rlv.V years of age, and resided in'At&usta for some years past, wlrttnhc mar - nage took place. SLr piet Ralph Richardson eeveml !inis during the past- two years in-Augusta, where he represented ; hunseif as a epmraereial traveler f.f l house in Columbia, S. C. They Utcame in timate and the resuljr rs that he proposed and she acejUed him, and the marriage tok place in Augusta last November. Since then she acc(fcu pitied him on his travels to Atl:fntn Chatta nooga, Nashville, Svanah a'nd this city, where hcppf-ed to re main a short while, nihi took pri vate rooms at a houses o'GIouces ter near Norwich street. - Tuesday last, he tofcl 1-r he was called suddenly away 4o 'olumbia on business, and told er o remain here until his return, t lftz left by the IJrunswick and NyesPrrn train mat nigut. . ? Wednesday she waiidtjting Hie inantlepiece in her r'iuand dis covered a letter and jjeKram be hind a -small picture, hCrn reveal ed to her the fact thafjushusband of a few months was j) bigamist. The following is t'-iirtter and telegram s Columbia, S. C, .Ifn.iJ, 1SIH My Den' I! unhand : Your long absence i. explain able. Jennie and Ralph -aill 'papa' daily, and the little Jlaljings ask me, "When will pap-u? eirre home, mama?" Your letter iout com ing home are becon-jn:.' monoto nous, and I wisli yfi Vould s;iy when you surely will ij"u po that I may answersthe ch'kn'ti's question-. Your present eejjived. It is a darling, or, ns in v friends say, a daisy. Such hats 'ebecoming f.ihional)ie here now Ijood bye. Jennie and Ralph 'h,l kisses. AIo accept lots" f rotiyo?ir loving wife. A : Viol.A. The following is th-ftr'igrani re ferred to: j-. i: C..I.I miua, S. Jaft. :'," 1MH. Jennie and Ralph 2 at' very ill. ( on:e at once. Viol . v b'i uSi:po.. TIu, W(miau was ,h,i'oi4ided and . i . :r lua and ascertain if t.-p' icts were such as they appeareoi t.if c. She telegraphed immediately and received no reply unti&slf received a letter con tinning hef.rs. Mrs. Richardson immeili ately made arrangemtint; and left for Columbia, and tlj oytlook for Ralph Richardson 'is" that he will tind himself $).elind the bars in a few tlays, iwdfs he gcjts wind of the matter atft sips. The Blue Daul;:i; 4 - - ; Among themst imjorSant rivers in Europe is the - Darij: jv; in fact, it is the second rir. It has a length of one thousarl -ven hun dred miles; it ami iS? tributaries drain a valley having nr area of over three hundred thtilolid square miles. Manyjiatioiisjjlvif along its banks and thrse of thJriW rs which flow into it, and nea.rlf Tis? irty dia- urc Hp0ken fromitource to its mouth. It rises & iiv Plack Forest the nort'.i of JHV-erland, ;t -"-source to and almost in sight it r reneh frnntiiT 'I'll Tf 11 r ll i a Ul T 'l .'111(1 Austria is its course. fj.J'Aigli nun '. - r .. r . m ui - jgary, past Roumania Servia apt Situgaria. and Roujfila, while j tributaries t.ew in 1 roi.i -y'snia arm .Macedonia on the soufjiatjil l'hand m r i - . . . : J- n. .1. ,,n the nortn, so inai p.o-i ..Hv of t lie Danube Auiorises the most important porti;i -o,i' Eastern KuroPe. It runs thro'i ik -.the bat- ,.,., , ..- , 1" tle - L - round of civil izaJor;. ana sav- ...... r- agery. Here the RouiJincontend ed with the Scythijniland the Huns; here the Greekm;:re strove to maintain its supreuJ.ovS over the hordes of savage, tribes Qieh came - . down from the steppe-i' o, Jiussia, liere, after the cinpiri4f1he East faded away. v iiari"iii;.uc con- tended with savage tr'beof semi- Ballet Girls Strike? anil Lqsc. ... .- : t Xiw YoiiK. 1-eh. i, .( tio.eu manager be yarpjer manager mi. . . grange land that tWj lU he out . of & situation The Vrghix goe to Jioston with the enjt ,it. la-t ! 'A A ...:.J x'. l.v.1. Th.. ..v-er.hie fr. ..). nr s-i: 'oo'-t i The English Girl and the American j REV. SAM JONES THRASHED , !;.. I Girl. : i ii , t - ' . ! i j The Llayor of Palestine, Texas. Ap- In "jOvcr ilie Tea-Cup-."; that ! plies a Cane Vith Visor. remarkahle product of an oeiogen- PAi.rriM , Tex., Feb. I. The arian brain. Doctor Holmes intro- unbridlei;! to?i;t:e of Ilex. Snin duces two yotinjf women, the one . Tones, tl'o ev'.1nV'elitJ has .kindled an English and the'otlier an Ameri-'j a ment;i conilasrration in J'aJ.-s'-enn girl, and jcontrasts tliem in a j tine. Th-.- Kev. Sam. in of Ul lively anil instructive way. He de 6cribes the English girl as the rosier and the heartier of the two; the American girl a? more delicate in features, more mobile and ex-, citable but suggesting the thought that she would tire out before the oUier. ; He points out. also." 4hat although both of the young women are very inqusjtive, very fond of asking questions, there is this curi ous ditference between them : The English; girl settles down into her answers and is quiet; the Ameri can girt is never satisfield with Yesterday's conclusions, but is al- J" -rays reopening old questions in l W ; n I : ibe light of some new fact or novel idea. . ; -, . j It is interesting to note the view of the same topic taken by another American, Mr. W, (W. Story, who has, perhaps, hadj larger oppor tunities of comparing' the two types. Mr. Stor- says that if you put an English girl beside an American girl whose ancestry is pure English, you 'will perceive a : striking 'difference in shape, nature and color. The American, us a' rule, is slenderer, paler, slighter-limbed, thinner-featured and more vivacious and excited in man ner. The English girl is fuller, rosier in color, heavier in build and calmer.; iFrom the view-point of complexion, the one suggests a li'.v and the other a rose. The voice of the' American is thin arid sharp, that of the English girl is' rich and low. Put according to Mr. Story, the greatest difference is in the feet and hands. The American's foot is'small, thin, high-arched and tetulohous in the ankle. The Eng lish girl's is plump, Hat and full in the ankle. There is the same con trast iii the hands. Theli, again, although an Englishwoman's voice is more pleasant to hear in conver sation American girls sing better, for the English can never fully utter their voice and throw it out. A'cie- Y.'iih- I.efni QUAY TALKS OF 1892. He Thinks Cleveland Easy to Beat if I Nominated. i i : Wasiiixoton, D. C, Eeb. 1. Senator. luay was interviewed today.-and is (luoteii as follows: J have not been feeling welj, "'he an-s-Aerc in response to an inijuiry concerning his health, "and as soon as I aiii sure tha no 'contingency will again bring up political' legis lation in the Senate I will pack my. tra"ps jand start ' for Florida. I want .ii cjiange, and I feel that Florida j climate and excitement of tarpon: Jishing is the oiih' reme dy -for my worn-out condition." -Have you been watching the pro gress of the various rTeniocratic Presidential candidates?" "Why, ye: Id some extent. I think that even tl-day Cleveland is the choice of tie '-rank and file of the Demo cratic j party for the nomination. Notwithstanding his popula rity fwitli tjiei masses he .would be the easiest man whipped of all 'hat have llceii suggested. The enemies he made while in oitiee among the hustlers would work his ruin. Hill could earn New York. I don't think anything could prevent his doing 'so." ; "What do you think of the Cor manjbbom?! "is. there anything in it? Iio you think Mr. Gorman is a strong; man? Do you think a Southern man could be elected to the presidency?" 'T don't know, but I believe a Southern Democrat would! be more acceptable to all n.-irties th'an one from the North.! The Southern Democrats are clean er cut and more liberal' minded than their Northern brethren, and I believe that in the 'unfortunate event of a Democratic being elect ed in 1M2 we would fare much better! ut the hands of a Southerner than we would with a Northern DennTcrat."' ; A Wonderful Memory. The follow ing anecdote of 3Io.art shows that he must have been a born musician : - - When fourteen years old he heard in Rome the Miserere of Al le-ri ;i and knowing that it was for bidden to take or give a copy of this famous piece, he p:iid such attention to the music that when he reached home he noted down the entire piece. He was enabled a few days afterward to check the copy,: when he found th'at he had not made a single mistake. The ...!- Io- oroduecd such a sen sation in Rome by singing the! 1. ..,.,,nrt tlint 1'nllC i .Miserere iu .ouv.i, i..... - i -, Clement XIV, requested that he i should be'presented to hint- . Thus. ; ; A;,iAr S.-.rn h is very near to : . ; f j Jer f.iCe is full and her U ; f i l. v i i t o. rv . t . i. m. . . - - s ......... , . ii ........ l, To rlifimivi crno .. tn w c :r' : ali'i. o:niM il iir I.I'IIIIJ.IHU inline - - ui'- . - i . - , 12, 1891. addressep. dealt plainly,, harshly. with some thing- that-had been re ported jt.bout certain' relation's . of the 3bWor of Palestine relations that thej Mayor, ht-ld dear as the apple ofjhis eye. As a';rtsult the flavor to-dav thrahed the e van e- ' lUt with! m In the' struggle the cane changed hand and the Mnvor received blows before the bystanders .could part therngry combatants. Heavy onuses jwere- milicted. and both bled profusely. In a few minutes the traij puljed out of the station with Sajn. Jones on. Hoard. Mayor Word ivas subsequently arrested and placed under bonds for ajrgra-. v.neu ufsauu ami ior carrvinir a pistol. I After U hasty meetangof citizens handbill were issueij ealHng for a meeting for the purpose 'of eon-demning-the attack jof the. Mayor. Pelow telefjram we give a characteristic from Sanp Jones. ?ivin' his version of the afl'air The onje "gall-us .Mayor"! of I'al- . : .1 . i . i estine trjed to cafce your Uncle Jones this morning at the; .depot. I wrenched the cane; from him and wore liim out. I a In a little- dis- figured b criticised ;it still in tne rinsr. the r rinLr. I his . It o 1 1 i c ild -jc a re.e.r 1 a s i needed criticising. S.lt. P.'Jo'xes. Novembeit WANTED TO SELL HIS WIFE. Oscar Holnnan Sorry he Can't Accept i a $100 Oiler. LkhaxOn, Pa.. Feb. j. bast Fri tlay Osc-ar K. Hotrman. a cigarma- ker of this citv, received the fol-4 lowing lctjk-r from jiam'1 A: Moore, a laborer at Light's, -rolling mill: Lkuaxox 'City-, Jan. ;!0, 1S11. " - i - Usc'ir '. II tf)', , kid ': ' Dkau Sik: I hereby ask you wether you will sejl me Mary for f 100 cash. If you! agree, meet me at any oiise you call for., Y'ou sed you did not want her no 'more, and he sed she don't want to live with you. She wcuild socmen elie than go back To you. If so,1 let me know at once. J will give .you the money at the ofisc. . J Sai i fiJvFJ l. . Mooni:.. P. S. At ajjiiy time'1 y o.u wish -to meet . us we. wifl be there. ; Iloii'mau immediately proceeded to the o'jlice of City- 'ont roller R. L. Miller, where, he has a case of wife desertion pemhtn'g against him, am asked the Controller if -it would ii'it ;b' jiossible for him to accept tje oiferVits was badly, in need of rnoney, stating that if he could dispose of her in that way he would be Willing to;take .f ."0 or less providing she would withdraw the charge against him, ; a-nd'- would then settle; the costs:! The Con troller told him that Tie cotild not negotiate the mattec fr him',' upon which Hoifman -went ! away much disappointed. f Anccdo Michael e 'of Michael Angelo. ngeo. at a time-when Italy paidjso much attention to ancient art; that modern , had no chance of Tjeing judged fairly, had, it is said, resort tola stratagem to teaeli the critics the fallacy of shaping their judgments by fashion or reputat ion. He sculptured a statue representing a sleeping beauty, abd breaking-Olf am arm, but-jed it in a place, where excavation were being made: .It was soon -found, and'., lauded 1y critics and-the. public as a valuable relic of antiquity, far superior to anything doiie'for centuries.. When Angel though t -k; .had gone far enough- he produced the broken arm, and, to the great morf ilicat ion of the critics, reveled himself -'a tlio t.-lllnfor. A'i'" !', h' 'f'l i - - i .1 - I.--.'- i A DISASTROUS FIRE. The Heel a Iron Works at WTilliams burs, Pennsylvania, Destroyed. Nkw '..u;k' Felty ; 1. The Hecla Iron W-rks im Williamsburg, were burned ha an early hour this morn ing, causing a loss which is estinup ted at f'0H. j The iron works were one-story buildings, but covered an entire block, iirennan's dc Collings'-Coop--erage, situated opposite the Tfecja Iron Works. Davis k Go's. 'varnish factory, adjoining 'the cooperage, the six story building occupied by the J. S. Nugent, Paper Company, land thei Eureka Incandescent Elec: trie Lighting Company, caught lire and weTf partially' destroyed. The damage to the-e Jir.ms and build-iri'-s i-: estimated at; . 1 0.0,000. ! , i' . The Soldiers" Home Association. i The Senate ykstentay-unanimous-- y (af (l the lull .incorporating the it '. l.i -P .:e e I l.e .-iai'- U of inuil'erence i , reet v ( uelto ciganuie ruc.xv- inK Heismokef tvo pack of ci .ttes a day, f ! ; . : - ' I . - r j nr I t-H- J . f. . - I - - i , i. -. ! . i fBy Ihe Fnlriot AT We have decided to -close and have marked - ' -1 . fli - hi !! T ' . !! . lown from the original sel .i and as follows : 2 New 31arkets, original price "."f IS 10 S 10. 7 s tl : .1 i i 3 2 Wraps, 1 Jacket, . 1 1 -1 1 ' 1 " . 5 Knit Jackets'. 1 Roy's Overcoat, size I years, This great redui-t ion, seems ridiculous, an VA : : J. ..... . . . . " . - . all'ord it, -hut it is; ,ur entertainment you have to do is )to come and" payto us ONK-1I ALFJp!liI( -ll fof the i-goods-, 'and we feelsure that you will say it-js oncjtf !t hie best . bariraiiis 'i you ever made. Our object in closing these goods out ni Uiis; pi-ice, is !;; I io avoid carrying them over the summer "sd plain figures, and one price Jto everybody. bargains are gone, loo corsets at from :7i to 7."c. each, but the boxes' ha consequently they must go. We have .u inis stock-taking season at our alt ortl-to let these opportunities pa NATH)NAL PANIC Jan. b". Rcxymond & Powell, SoMimiiNc; l:dit A Farm and B We are plea.set t announce that we 0 EVERYS C ublisher The 1 seder's Guide wherebywe can give 'lhat cxeellenPstoek, ( Free to every wibsVriber of Thk. named below. Th 2Tox a it jmtjecL and will be (ill'ered by.no gXFTo all who j)ay alT'rCr rearages date of payment i n f this month GUIDE AND PRA(STP;AL FARMER Jr. "X3TTo all Hew subscribers who jiav payment in this month we will AND PRACTICAL FARMDR freejor uiii g&hTn ail who pay one.ytar iii-.'advance from j,Ianuary!ist ve the BREEDER'S GUIDE AND one year. jfOT"Tb all whose subscription isiaid a plirt M' the ;year ! in who will piiyenough to make it give! the BREEDER one year. S bt'im: AND What is the Guide M TII GUIDE AND FARMER is a issued twice each month -and! chuck tioni for the farmer and stock raiser. various farmers' orga nizat ions "and er of I in: 1' atciot. Lome and subscribe. now. Get your besti pa pcy. published in. Guilford cniity-apd ah e!cf- with it. . :..-!-: . ! ! (-OME IN ;: ''' SAM'L L. TROG UON life -and Fire Office zcl QBEEITSBOKO, IST:; O Agents Wanted Vt-rv towii .to -H Ilenrv .M.,tuii- gre.an t honk, ' I ti I trk-t Al- I'V.r !(!! Ug'.-fte " :qI'ly ,0, .1. ll.i 1.1)1)1 , l leirlntte, . ( '. NOT! BE. : Il!aiii.g ..i:ililie. :4 .laiiailrix nna th.. itateol" -Jo-. t'VlUrigUt,..-j-eae.l. t )ii refiv notily all Oeix.ir- jiiiutig ; -j -;.j.,li,i, agin !'"'''."'" d--e kse.l: to iire-ent ; tlt.-rn p.'.J. i:. McKuikl'f, '" agent, b-r i.avm-nt:-anl settlfin.elilt nil or heh.re ! VTv ih,.,i:,tli dav of .latoiafT, or t his ;c..,)ir. ..,.!...,. ;n .n t.h-iiT in tr.-ir if t heir re-i c.ver'v- All per.ro, buIe.l.tei.L-t-o the - liU estate are hereby imtiiie.l t settle at onee with John E. Mcknight, my aKnt' '" XKbblK Abr.'tK;nT, Adm'rx of Jos. F. Alhrihbt. Jan. i:h, is'.n. 4 ! - - ! ' : Si Ml i ' - .. FllUhlBVoniniivV I1 ililt'aure. ing price 6$ MlALl? 1 t- - i-' ii Oo, Re-jduee'd' n'ov HI 00. i S-O'r) ! i 2i a' Of) ! :t'$0. 1 Tm) 'o i 2 i) a( "(M), 00, 00, 00, oo, ".", :o. oo, 7.7, cm i. ! ! tin ii 1 75 1-50 I. 23 'i ! : niafiy vi.lP,4iiyUv,j OAniibt out-the bahi nc-e hf our ?'i "l I : land wt-.TbrrU- tbi.' L. ViU.- " pison, All aire i marked in : K'ona early 1 fefore the best r j ' 1 la tt S.Tei: nt eaeh ; lth -e cor u am: sets cos. behime i -broken; a great nukv v of thi-? nature DRY GOODS AUCA h Can; VOU i RUILPIN QiiEKKsiiobM;) -N.iC j rfi-'i OTltlX StbfJk lujye iji'aTW-iiarriiingiiiieiJit iwjtiY tho and PRACTICAL FARMER i rill 1 a lid or i i pon fe.ho'h id u i n a 1 , Pati: th ! eoiid if i i 1 1 ; arrahgeirtent i' .'-"4 ;':;. ! : 1 T me O oth r p: per iii tbej efpiiit rv aiul Ollfl' year; iii advance rom t ho W( wjll I give !lhe 15KI CEiiEirsi e or lone car. ! i 1 '--: tine ear fitx adVance! front; djrtii of L- gl'V k thf RIiEliDER rUlIDE ! ! yelrT M -ri I i i'T if 'i will free give, for PRACTICAL FARMER ad.Va.ncir. we will i a whb ypar in -advance PRACTICAL FARMER fro- fori 1 I ... , Farmer? I: I 10-co unpi -toe k a Kl i iii a pa per. ; full o prajct ical, v ua Ole XPOlK -- f Jiifopua t It is a fearh;-s ' nt ofnhe ' s.houhlibe ii the ho iii sc tub - I ol ;every 1 ' 4 fri. ikIm o j-ome a a1 I'a I get, t he m paper AT ONCE II --vtlr: T-.f r4 Sa-vxxrps j "!3sLxiZfc:, A- I ilicuiiia Kill ilavJ III vIytic 'are b-r :II botj urn i-iii ami TXf:ii.raii'a a:! lie a !ly riipi 5 n lt.sae.tton. able arid nt fi6ik f he- -yst- i.'i yiit J-ri.as.-f:: -!f.t : .fi reniia-k- lipi es " ft I !iliiliieili- (iin-c-1 Io- c i-e iOHl I Ii'- Ol -e'.i- ; ate I V hsaj !ir. I Ii'- l.;1I ! gp;itly r !enels , ( ir7 nt. x.ht i'Vi 'i i:. iioi ton, hlrugj; IreetP'ioro. .1 all s-tiili 500 ... I V i.irpt - r.t ...'I I'ORi I'.'.'in- '.V,tsf.. i.e.. 1.1- ( .-1.1. I - I .4 1,4. rirfc ilir'..HJl Mi'.lti. -n"" 1-1 l.i' Ol'? -t M i h.-11 tl .- .i,r.-'JT krt- l-n-t-'i .ft.-. 1. ' " 'M l . .thi . -j e.V.t.' f k-i t,iil.t.. I. iv tTi'l-i! 1-1 ..-.- ft:-H-U nirii It Tl;. I .-. iitkI iiev.-.- I 1 1...X. .: . Vit.-rf.lt in' A oalf by r, i-U. i '-.-.in t. . tillll I Hi--. . 1 iiiiitlilu-nt. T! Till: Ji-h.V C.jV-'t-i . .-.-i;ii.rl.. tMriniu.li fin--v.s ..,,1 .ii te.. lt liy lOHiar.Si.ii A l yi-r-r-, m- (.. l'erlr i-, i.n. r.t. ( 'i' '-'-I Paper i-'-Ti-1 -m ', i . -4- ' - ! I'- i . -'-i i, i : : . ERiORTHf Insurance 1 -! 4 f i '5i I - i -,i . (5