- ' " - ; , tj- f "I - ' : . - .'t . i ' ; :" '-.-i' fi.-. i ' i---::. ,"t , ; i ' - -i n i-X ( : ; i ! : 1 : - ' J " i . '; i ! '. --j r ) .. :.-f " , , :'. ' : . i ' - " ' ' l I :- - i -i .-. ' - . ' 1 ' . . . i : r. , ' " IS ' i j '. . ... I:-.--- ' : .: -V .. ' - ;. "" J .' " '.I," ' ;: - : . I -i -:: ; - n . - A... - -- v-"- : -.-.l- ; i ; i The' GmeenIbgr : ': EiiidSil" sY ' I I U' .-:v! 1 GREENSBORO, N. C, trHURSD AY, FEBRUARY 11), 1.801. I Kirn, o. 1.1 By the Patriot Pablimliing onipan J In A(lTnr. Doribr W; II. Wakefield, j . ",,-- I . . m n ; H ''if. i ' , i - ( f s ... RICHARDSON : i: . Xs. i;. TV Ill GRIFFITH, ii:x:nsT. i':(;i:o. iuliiur E. Ledbetter, V, liib;cr u Wright. I - !.W, ? r. DOUGLAS,! 'I i I.. . t f " ; Scales, iJpillUO -i Auontioii Please! 2 w r V IX I I'M 1 M .lb rr:ts-cu3S cc.vpahies i t ::t: a i. ( I.KN.N'S 4 ! ; i i! C t f l illnii 4 v n a p n uM Miami ' . v.l. v.. ..... j,.. GOODS ' 1 "I ' " i i:n.aix s Store, -1. Ml. - ' V I . i I I U S'I. I I t: I. . tl 'l With My Album. THE INDIAN AGENT I Vr-. !. tl- wilh mi all-mil. 'I Lin Vlnx f 't!i r mk i . My h irt i w an 1 !..im Iv. A i. I in v i vt . sr- f ill r t. rr. , . fi.rn r it . , tuitiy n tin. !. v . r ar In i?)..-' j ii4ii.-i!t i!, :, r, w t n.-Min I - l;-. l.i ft.r- lav fi; .1. a ii . i "i ii!-ii!ii.' . nr. Ail in My aHrjM Ji,- ili l urif A ! ft li'r n . . t itim. hi i i.r. i A 111 'ti :ir I Thinks $300,000 a Heap of Money to ; Waste on a Lot of Indians. ( ! "You people nre talking so ranch i al ut Indian atfairs mw," $nhl Wil ' ?.n L. Jones f Washington Citj, i at the Hotd Vt nlom, "tliat I am rc-mindiMl of a ttorv I hoard recent ; lr alnitit a jwculiar Indian agent. -It Mem that 'me years ago 1 f !u re va a certain politician w!io l had I iien proniicd n 'gooil tiling' y a I!-puMiean Senator whm he had hrlpfd to ileM. Shortly after the S -nator went to Washington ! the politician was appointed as In dian Asent. lie was crazv with wrath and, taking the traip. htir Iricd t Washington to have it out 'with the Senator. When he arriv ! in Washington he drove at once to the Senator hotel and told him i in s-trong terms that $.J,00 a year in the wild West was n poor return -for his t-erviees to the Senator, lie was going to decline the oilice and the Senator could look out. The Senator was startled, hut anxiously inquired if lie hail al ready se'nt hi- letter declining the appointment. 'No,' said the angry politician, hut, showing a letter which h took from his pocket, I'm g"ing to mail it as soon is l leave here. .The Senator felt better and. went on to tell the henchman what a good thing the herth of an Indian agut is. The politician sat with open i..uth and shining eyes while the Senator showed that the appro- ; pr iation for his particular reerva-h-? was not Teruatlcd to Talk Pol-i, ;.. w..- ..i....i!.in.r..vi-r l.fMiMMH. the Indians did not know how much t !i y v re to get, the people to he -i :. were few and ly giving, say, :: ,n wort!, of supplies to the Ir.'li.ins t!ie agent could pocket the di:: r nee. After the Senator had .inched he ftnih d as the agent i led tore up the letter of declina tion, hut was rather taken ahack hit: pupil said : -Senator, don't you think -f ;!.- ii(mi a heap of money to wate on a lot of worthies- Indians?'" Very Smart Old People. V Bismarck "Eats Dr." h CLEVELAND ON !SILVEE. II re t.ji t his . .4f ... j.ur- atel while, j- n V I a or.-iyi r f-r in A prayvt th.-.t --r tiring a f far. Il:il it I t I. I iie. r i.f.r.- -Iiall i- Ikt f . . In tlo- ef.J-IjH erl l i.f f.ure, I'-ri'n a r..!,I Autumn il !:iy, '. .!r ! away with !' i-r-. r.ut iuth.r Iftn, tin! limine atioie. I !;; - li- r f.i e t. . V -. J. nni- i!- .ir v-.c'll n.ol a.iin, t. . t in !!i.--;ri it ! I :.-. I if r-- w i n; talk i.ijr .!. ool-diy oYr, I" i. f t li.- ! t o f .rt ! Il'-n '. t , i! nr .! t.iii . w ill it . . . t j.i rf m i i-.r ! ! ir.'-' ..r.-.. N. SENATOR VANCE. At luncheon I ohver.ed; that Prince ltismarck dranl- nothing with his food, and asked hn Wheth er ' eating dry" was a hait Hiis own choice or an nrthyVj tbe ifit f't ceilUio drawn for hm iy his famous Lcihartz," Dr. Seiniger. "The latter," he replie, Ml am fnly allowed to drink thr-e da a quarter of an hour sitef'each meal and each time not rorPtthan half a Lottie of red, taTklimg JIselle of a very I!ghtrai4f lry character. Ilurgundv nntf ber, of both of which I am extrenyk-lv-oiul, ! are siricuy ioroitiuen I fife; so are all strongTJhenish anySfni?-h w ines, and even claret. Jtrjoiue years past 1 have heen a jj't;'3; ab stainer from all thet-e em-rous lijuirs. much o the advatafe of my health and my condijibij' in the sporting sense of the ri j Formerly I used to wi Vhover seventeen stone The Ex-President Writes to the Re j form Club Meeting, i 1 I Xkav Yum?, Feb. 12.1 About 700 people to-night attended anjanii siverjmass meeting at Cooper Un ion, under the aupiees of the -lie-form, Club, over which its; Presi dent, jK. Kilery Anderson, presided. Ringing resolutions of pj-otest against free coinage was adopted. When the President announced a letter from Ex-President '(j' leve land there was a deafening shout of applause. He wrote asfoljows: o, Mb Madison Avknuk. I Feb'. When the Union Jackras Hauled Down. t Kingston, Ont.. Feb'.-1 1 . -I u 1S47 the light over the annexation of Canada to the United States was threshed 'out. W. KoMnson, e member of Parliament, relates that in, a conservative provincial "con vention, here annexation . was; in dorsed and the Union Jack take-it oil' the city building and the Stars and Stripes substituted.. They lloated frr twelve hours.- In view, of this he sees no disloyalty'in lib erals advocating reciprocity. : AT t - 1 1- f We liave decided to-close out the balance-of our Ltock'of CJliOKZS -AJSTX) JACKETS 10, IS91. K. Kilery Anderson Mv AWidow Sweetheart s Credit Used. DearjSir: I have this afternoon '- ' h indeed, wthain. weight is ' !i3w;n IhVt i'.icj he tohl Several Jokes. J.'.n.l all fr -tutor V.u in- I i.- liiisi to in. ike a fev reiimrks. lie. iid: "Whi-n I r i d your -'i.ti:;-ns t nttftid on t !i i tnt-rer- M -rt tarv t- .o I -i uii';! I all be .. :i:.-l add d that tio poli e V. ..litl d. I aecepted the i:o.i:ior-. Alter i nan goi Uo W I V, . Uv obseiii'injthis regimen I brought myself Hlon t under fourteen, and witlSutlanv loss of strength Iv normal '. . . w- pounds. l am weighed ore verv day by my doctor's ordersuut any excess of that figure I at ncfc set to work to get rid of bv exfrcise and special regimen, I rie'XK00 deal, as well as walk. CigSf PAiok- ing I have given up altogythr, of course, under advice. It ocbil itating and bad for the nee An inveterate smoker, such aC I.iised to be. probably gets through 00,' 0(i cigars in his life, if h reaches a fair average age. Hut hj tbuld live longer and feel lette af- his time if lie did without thenS Jfow a-days I am restricted t(ij a:Hong I nt to a r in in v friend, ! ki'i. e.une i:-, an-l -aid. le- r, :. p'!iti - to-night. I !)-. i :i'"ol i. sore than one it tl.l- tal when our ho'i- l j re-i-h ri! -aid : are w . ti t 1 Jf.l'n ?! a! Votj know here. i ti i. I a ill tt !! o.i a :rv Si i:amo, Feb. 11. frs. La ura v otht r mbjeet, Ktynolds'.f Factory villc is a bright land aetie woman of nearly SO Down in I years .r age. During ij.u irs. !.!. ;! iin- of North Carolina i llcvnobls woe I,0(h. yards ot rag ; an ,.:. :;.!:. v.r.tn w, nt to, i-it his carpet, pieced six bed quilts, and !' . r-i:. ! .". f inulv. After a did h. r housework besides. s n: !;! - -:. ; and b. f- re bnakfa-t! 31 r. Hurgs Smith of Cliilord .s iiso tie ha una count v. i r at swing- he ..nv of:.- of hi nephew making township, MisiUeIiann: me inti-rio:ige-:res lie fol- can beat Mr. Clad-tone U'V t"I hi! to the he phe V b"l(k drew e n n w y l l k "U v, ere 5 . I iji-ta f ! . o., r pri ate t; e t i . i i u h t r in t l.xl' i: i' .i driak I ! id t ;.fu! pit, from the axe. He is a year or wi a bottle of older than the Craml Old Man, , ..i !..., . 1 f. .ntl i Ik. ulinnLlars lil pjn W a Coril I aim in-'jui .iin rii-.Mi-ivi.- N..w. Unele Jim.axe, marches'to the woods and ill temperance and chops ,lown and piles up two cords but 1 keen a little I of maple wood in a day. He has a ..and. think- "ood'-lioppers appetite, and lie the habit of '-ietps as roundly as a healthy baby. Uncle Charley Fordham, wiio lives with his Mm William in Wind ham township, is a pretty h-ng-winded t" ietrian for a man in his ef.-rc bre.ikfa-t, I !. Ie o: j i;e II1C. oi.iet. J..r they're !..e. Un-!e Jim hi- w a v i.t r; I . - Ji to I : i id V, 1 Limv, !f .....1 , the I . j f I ... p. reiied hi- .'M'!h year. :, day this winter lie i.iakirs ' t!:e msih' I i.'"t It into In- head that he wanted . .ti;:,'.. lie followed f to s e hi Mill Walter, . mi!., fr.ir.i which twentv-olie miles !!d another b-.ttle of p! o-e."and. w ithout say inganything I s.ii-1 : Nov, uncle to r I" a ?.l who live from William' pipe, happily with a deep Jewf7one after each meal, and I smoe t bth- ing in it but Dutch Karuvtejc to; bacco, wliich is light, tiddaxd soothing Xeir i'urA St'.n'.g J . Judges' Salaries. if v Ml . it is not the nurnosej i awomiii- i i --- -. tierst.md the matter, of thj l yrm-; er Alliance, to dole out nrgtdly salaries to public servant. I'he; Alliance demands the select ioh of the very best talent for the?- prices of honor and trust which1 society; has created fr its own pr,teOion. If the very beet talent fot? jw.blic ollices is to be secured, it gef vith-J out argument that good rtfidvvuf-; licient salaries must be pa3fd We think this position is priVc;r?ted,' not by patriotism alone, lu' by simple just ice and eommw jnse as well. How can the Stale a, k a. man to take an oilice for the 5, ell-" being and protection of itspntK'st, at a clear loss to him sVy-rill thousand dollars per yea?jr ;nd yet this is just what is Adn is. didng in North Carolina tilav There is not, we suppose, anhfS on the bench in North Caroling L-iV the ... k i cut time who did not Anon iWATTERSON TO HILL. I ' L j - I A Letter Alleged to Have Been. Sent by the Editor to the Qovemor. j A i. n any, Feb. li'. Gov. Hill this afternoon, when shown the letter purporting to be from Henry Wat-j tersonj published in t lie UaltiTuore Sun this morning, said t ' 'I nC'Ver received any such letter It is the first I have heard of it. It must be a forgery. M Watterson is a good Democrat and a gentle-! manvahd Ubelieve him incapable! of addressing such an insulting and impertinent communication to me." r Witterson's alleged letter was dated Washington, . Nov! 12, 1M0. It advises Hill, inthe. interest of T r. niAiiei t in lidrnmni- !tnl ciU'CeKS. It at a cH-ar Joss to Inmr LtandJ 4 .... , . )...,..i l ...o , ., . , . , r Jin inaixe .peace nun v nivi.iini, r-i.t- family. Now, ,s this ngl.H it j,. eV(.n Xow york jii.t ami fair? I- it goo p?icy. I - ? ! ;1,fii.,rsit:i;i: t( v;t. e are not in lavoroi exi t-a ViVani salaries otli su received your note inviting'ine to attend to-morrow evening a meet ing called for the purpose of jvoic ing the opposition of. the business men of our city to -the "free coin age of silver in the Unjted States." I shall not be able to 1 attend and address the meeting as'yoii request, but I am glad that the business in terests of New York are at least to be heard on the subject. It siirelv cannot be necessary forme to make a formal expression of my agree ment .with those who believp ithat the greatest perils would be intima ted by, the adoption of the scheme embraced in the measure' now pending in Congress for an unlim ited coinage of silver at our mints. If we have developed an unexpect ed capacity for the assimilation of a largely increased volume ofi the currency, and even If we have de monstrated the usefulness of such an increase, these conditions fall far short of .insuring j us against disaster; if in the present situation we enter upon the dangerous and reckless experiment of free, un limited and . independent silvei- coinage. Yours very truly, ; Gkovku Ci,kvei..xi. The! Hoard of Trade and Trans portation this afternoon "adopted resolutions protesting . most earn estlv against, anv legislation look ing to! the free coinage of silver until the co-operation of other com mercial nations can be secured. .MV louK, Ft.h. 11. P, messages vibrate iover the wires from this city asking'-: "Where, is Ilarman Miller, who went toNHi olsou village, oif'the Laekjvvyu.n Kallroad, wooed and won .u-h yoilg Widow Randall, used .;;; name to get crejlit! on the store, borrowed several hundred dollars more and her gold watch of her, and left without a wedding?" There is no -answer to the mes sages, except from the widow. She says; ,'Tm glad that such a thief went away so soon."' and have marked down from the original selling" price just ONK and as 'follows : 2 New Markets, original price .$18 00, r i- iu oo, - " 1 8 .30, 10 00, 7 00, Reduced' how I Wrap, ft, .a 1 1 1 . .. -1 . I :1 . 1 ' ' 1 " " . i Knit Jackets, HIBERNIA.NS AGAINST MOLLIES. . f M 00,. OOo, hJo, 1 73. . I 30, 1 00, 15 73, 30, :i oo, ! )(alinot. all the The Popular Irish Society Would Im prison Desperadoes". Asiilanik, Pa., Feb. .12. The County Poard of the Ancient' Or der of Hibernians has met at Pott s ville and repudiated the unauthor ized use of its initials, "A. O. JI.,' in the new Mollie Maguire threat ening letters; has promised its best elforts to bring the j-misereants to justice, and oilers a standing re-' ward of .fU'iOO for the convinetion of the guilty ones, past, present -or to, come. , The lioaid calls on l'ost mastor Kbcrle. of (.irafdville, and Postmaster General Wanamaker for co-operation in its detective work. St. Andrew's Brotherhood . Convention. pre e are not ,n lavor.d ext aiii , ti(n;l c)nvention in , lanes for any class tS i?jbli- clcvclaI1(I tllt. 1alance x u-ers but we are in fav of wmlM be f(,r ,lin ch salaries as are just ;ul fair t..j. lu.renre l)f.inoCrats i i. .t kr.on ur art i! --. att-i prdtibit iori . pa lit tie hid lr nty pec William's folks about it. he i - r . 1 1 , .r all tt taper- ; siarten on; on iooi aim jiaeeu o.i .-re, , but I I the tli-lanee in a little over idx ial use, hour-. I'd be clad jf vou'l..takf a lit- :" with me. - i e don't tell t ! re ,,-. i rf ul :.'" He $500 IN- ASHES. Rut for the lord's the .-Id f.-iks for lp , . Mrt. in tho Stovo and i i ti e aiae e ri it!t the od l:;an. who had mnti-:::. a!:! th Then Built a Fire. Sr. !. is, Feb. 11. .lames Gail- i ie v, living w ith his family at No. s an indus- i i trious iri-uman, ami nas tacu i - t cats i ' I war i.. th,- . , I v .'ii ti I !. ' ; ra ! f i an-l pains in the j Rroadway. is an Indus i W'li.-M h.. ".if to hre.'iL. wa. ,-rettv fid!. Now that U-'.n-idcrable money, lie had about .f.siii,. n iiirii in jiiiiioi in ruii woo. b n bx and concc lied it in an unused parlor stove. i.at Sunday afternoon he tarted a lire in the stove, lit a few minutes his wife thought of the money, and a fran ti struggle be-all to rescue it from the tire. About 3oo was entirely w ti a te in spite of rr :t. I must s.iv a lit Z ab t J!iti-s. I t re I I pra I . wj.i,. in J attoj e J. d a r, I i i . -, i r J l.-e - : .. t: " . - t.e until '. 4 !,., v. i l.!; : i i rr .1 ' l titotl I W .is i leetl '1 :, v ,.f iuy anty !--ri "1 taati before 1 of lilavin' i i' (.. ' . Lad t i e r. : I . !" s ! . ! t i ii'- mi. I ru bber j droned tie b :-.-. t- I talki l to j poor culprit destroyed, ah' mutilated. I the balance badlv sen t Pou-dcrly on That Third Party. . 1 - is-!. 1 !.. t I"-. 'e i r. ft re o n i r e d In-:. .1 i id he: ve l h. p . Moimis, I,,wa, Feb. II. The s across fu!r convention of the Knights of ,u!ie." 1 hat i I.ahor began its sesi.ns here to : I must tiraw ,j.lV . 1'owderly spoke. He to si e if the ' tf-.i 1 the inili!trbil clas.e will thiir demands ellectuallv 1 will make s li I make be to I heard. The trial elas-cs farmer? f cities and indus. were prac I i i . d. P. i , 1 1 i , I We Wi rou.i a j,.av agreed i ti what they wanted, appoint- at;d he beiieed. wuld work to. in app'dnteiJ 1.- ; r ab-iii to ir friend 'ether. Whether or not these clas., will unite and form a third party for ls'.2 depends upon the position taken by the other parties. If tlu-y agree to give the farmers of the West and factory hands of i. ... . f..,. ..f .i .:.. .i i the Ka-t what thev require there . l'"""lMt l I . - lf'.. . I.., o i-.i s'i.n !! I .'.;. i-: h:is n v.al. d ti- t..et thit smoking t id party i rv fashionable among women. L.vdit,5 Lcvc Tcbacco. JT t'fl eiallv a!ii"!jg ti-o-e of the up. We are i;sd to being ..-kril lor ladses cigarette- here, -iid a -..tle-man at :.e of the big s. -. -We cro- ladies with . ;.-tfi!! in a- I i.nti r of. fact a w.v as we do gi-ntlt m n. Not only I Indie -moke 'cigarette-.' he w. nt on. s.-u.o of thriu smoke c'g.r. Oi.eJiolv cons' - in fre-pjet-. f.-r ; of c;g ir. hc "inokes a !;.s.'t t h ce-tih -t bratid We kel." will be n need for a separate poli- DIED TO SAVE CHILDREN. Eaten by Wolves. Viiwi, b. 11 II. te Simon Joseph s Heroism Brings Him to His Grave. Ni w- YoitK, Feb. 11. An act of heroism co-t the life of Simon Jo-i-ph, who died on Sunday. Two little girls were cros-ing Hroadway in front of the Herald building on la-t Thur-day and ran directly be fore a team attached to a carriage. Mr. .Io-cph . ru-hol through the maze of ehicfes and grasping the reins of the houses stopped them ju-t in time to prevent the chil dren being run ivcr. In Mopping the h Tses he strained a valve of tional convention in 1 81)2 - against of the coun- He uid : i n pvnrv lia rt both toollicers and to tl'pple, of thcUnited states! who believe wi- uunK tnesaiariesoi t ,h . V-ics., v(m (h;fe.lXvd the nntinal ticket in in .ortn a roll mi shouhi pv in- f-. s s t know tjat t6 be false. 1 creasmi, ami micii a mneai t-f.uiiu le given them as will eovrj ijueir nec sary expenses while ti.-jvAling in discharge f their dutje.j- and then they ought to be forlddun to accept of passes or favors ofany kind from corporations are liable at any time to becrje j uit ors in their courts. In plciAiate pay to public ollicials s iAer' poor economy indeed. rrti?C, i'lufi'. - f ..... z r i have steadily defended you in pub lie aml ih prfte. These a're tiu wprd, ami I have no rela tions wjth you 'whichj give me the right to olfer you counsel. They may bei disagreeable (words, and I h'ave ni) desire to obtrude upon privacyl Hut they are true words, and I claim the right of a; Demo crat who lias 'some knowledge of the country ht large, and has given some proof; of intelligent devotion to partv'interests, to; ignore cere- ! moiiv and semi them to you. Toronto, Out., Feb. 11. Thp convention of St. Andrew's brother hood lias" adopted resolutions adopting SF. Andrew's Cross, the organ of the American lirother hotid. as the indorsing the action of the Canadian delegates: to the Philadelphia convention and the concordat formed there between the American and- Canadian brotherhoods. Canon Dumlin was appointed as the Canadian repre sentative oir the joint committee. His Body Riddled ; With Bullets Ei.k I Iokn, '. 'a., Fef. II. -The liody of James Wilson, was found at camp No. 2 on the exten sion of the Norfolk, and Western railroad .Monday. There were seven bo11' holes in the body and two knife cuts. A gold watch, f 73,. and a revolver were 'missing.. No arrests have been nxade. Guns aro Dangerous Toys- i.ISpy's Overcoat, size-! rears ' - "- ; " This great, reduction seeais ridiculous. uu mimv wilLsav we afford it. but it is (ur entertainment and, we defray the expanses ;v you -have do U to come and :pav Io'ik ONE-HALF lMiK-ll fhr goods, and'we fuel sure -that vou willsayit is one of rheiiiiesf bargains yon ever' made.,. Our object in closing these goods out at tins jirit loiavoid carrying them over the summer season. - All .are maj plain .figures, and one price tb everybody. Come -early before bargains are-gone, 100 corsets at 13' to 25 cent .each: these cors. Irom At to toe. each, but. the bo.-?s have become-siilih.l -and 1 consequently they must go. ; We have a great many drives!. this at this stock-taking season at our- DRY GOODS afford to let tliese opportimitiej pass? HALF r-M'o 8 Oo a 00 :i 3o 1 00 ;j bo.. 2- ho' 2 i;s - 2 3o. 2 00 1 ss : I 73 li3o I 2a Ket, ts KM MlCADI'Ji' C; ti Raymond Jan. 15. NATIONAL PANKdUMJ)ING,; HKKNSLORO, x; -is I in best ctst ken, m turn N OTIMtN( . SoMHTIIINC; l7OR and Stock taper A Far VOU FREE TO EVERY SUBSCRIBER-DF; FHE " PATRIOT." We are pleased to announce that we haye made hrrangeinent ' 'publishers of '.- ; ; : Ths Breeder's Guide and PRACTICAL FARMER pviijh wliereby we can give that excellent Stock, IVfrm .and hoHs hree to every .i ndifiim sul)seriler of 'Tin:, Paticiot -ijpou the. ;-( named below. The arrangejiieTTt 'rs- i ': o-r a Xjxrx-tecL T:me Oxi-X;v, and will heTilheied by ho other paper iii'the coiiift Hie iiirna I A The Tramp Could Fiddle.?? hwn town music ror in; . I i... nWn,rU Lew iston was surprised on r rjlay j ( ai uie enirance i)i a irmii i-.m,i-. i..1.n.J. :r.rit! ged, vetran'tramp, who d uU ace ..Frying 0ut ThJ rat.V Two Hearts That Didn't Beat as One. he was not vicious, but onl jiifor- j t V'! w i I i U What made vC r?.mc Montiikai., rci. 1-. r ri.?'nienei -.. r .iass.. i- eo. ii. i-.ii. Camden, S. C, Feb.T 1. K. Wat son, seeing two colored j hoys aged six- and . four yesrs respectfully, playing with a parlor ritle yesterday,- attempted to take it awa from the children. In doing so the ritle was discharged, 'and the ball passing through the head of the youngest bo lorn j Ilnshane, kill ing him instantly. ;i " Wives off on a Jaunt. Nkwakk, O., Feb. 11. The heads of the Lucas and Ford house holds returned from work the other evening to find no w ives and no fnrnitiTre left in their houses. .'Jennie and Do"'.- had sold out and j gone to Indian.-e lis during' the ilav. Their husbands have sent ! for t heni. - ' - tunate. ... , , . i ? .. . .1. 1 . . . I : I !... , I i, e iv.O r !! I'l I ll UT I I into a mlisic More.' a-vi Jv'he lino ine ocuci in.n i u'vf. . y r-p. - i ' ... r.i, proprietor. The thin clicks of reciprosjty will, the United- State, ! fair and 40 M,ss "jL, (-. " he tramp Hushed as ae sai 4l'm shall be brought about by he re--j In I has ,ued Lumber leak-, L nj. -a musician." f the pending IJarliathentary f mm 1 Sargent Jot J .re ac f Having said that he plafedthe election the Canadmn nianutactur- j promise She ,,s Cs. t, tl c da a t vi.din thev handed him J.n he ers will be nni out of hnsips-by wrought upon he a. . W. ; laid a loving cheek 1,.1.0 1110 competition fro.n thf other andl.as attaencd ? r fold!,- and drew a bow of, 5JM,e.L side, the home inanufactuivrs ar e that amoun ' ' ( .re e power across , he treinblin4rS. li .V MfcdonaM fac-, pay it tl.o ji ii y -1 For half an hour he la?S 6 a turn to the. tune of 2$o ,0on; for an ;,.. lonate letteis p "itrod,!. cd L lit' u rn yTo"nll who pay. all arrearages and one year ni advaii lloin date of oavinent in this mouth Sve will gi.ve the- )UHFJ)K, GUIDE AND PRACTICAL FAKMKtt free H.r one year; ; g&To all new.s'ub'scribes who pay one year jn j ah aneij Iron jiayment.in this: month we will give the 4'.IJEEDFI'S AND PKACTICAL FAKMDK free .for one yejir.j . i fT (hit ot i u i i i gXSTo all whb pay one year in advance from- Jatiuary.I. 'e. u t ip I!kK )EK S HIDE AM) l'K A( TI! AL I A 1 y I'-K I ree one year. . 7" . I ' ". - 1 ' " r gF"Vo all whose subscript-ion is pa nil a part- -of the yejif in who will nay enough to make n a wnoie yean in u PKACTICAL. FA I a'dvi ! knee-ave jiMEK fr' give the lil'EEDEU'S (J UIDE AND one year. ; - . - . ! What is the Guide, and Tarme - - :--. if-i i- J- I--"1-". I'' THE GUIDE AND FARMER is u 10 eoliiiTin stock and :i - - i i 11 t i ! . l ' t i . issued twice each month and chuck iuu , -oi . practical,- atii tion for the farmer and stock raiserl It i a f;arb-ss vv 'pi jient of , I 111! . I I . . i I II I" fa mi t hb i:-s i' l vr for lice will .fHr 1 taper, various farmers' orLOtin.at ions and. should he in the house-hold ot ey V r . - reader of Tin: Patkiot. ! ! ; Come and subscribe now. ; Gu your friends to etune best paper published in GiiilfordcOnnty and an excel! with it. : ! . , . COME IN AT ONCE. i ible in form a th.-: cry i nd get i rm I'; the per. FIRE H A a I B U R C ; r B R IIER: 1 - . ' 1 i . i " .- r : ' OF '" ' 1 - 00 and 1'ROMl' w f . i . r : . . . . - i , r r to in i ' ri.r Linlicnris. i.reludin- w!ftht ie election luml, whicn n is pro.r-yo ; , ... --, sskill f the improvisator anj ;iv- I to swell by contributions from the ing the theme into many ?u Kiry tCanadian Pacific and other rail fancy of the strings. Sortet&ies 'roal corporations, ; j. j he inarched up and down tcio-or , On the :other hand U is said that i i..n,;., a rl, I, t the Liberals. . not so conlident ot 1 , i - ,.Vt. it Ow.ir ,.l,;iite fo win without the-Ihufsdav 3Il was oorne in iui eve. ii'.s ?l" . i . . - . -r .ttl.e f-jmier were forgotten by alf who ,Jr fcifu. '-sinews of war." are p.lmjr up a the daughter o a al hy faruitr His cluAs were Hushed Ind his fund of $1,230,000 from Atf ncan Un ing south th c oped gray hair was tssed- back? l.vf? an brewers and mining .peculators. Nvath J L McC hn k n d ( inu, r ...,. . I .....; it ; t o.t the 'orincioal ( ovin?tn. lvv.. wlieie lh( wcie impetuous vrave oi nis ,uMi.. mi Vl" " ' ,i . . Thev returned home the imagery oi the string v-e v.. tacbnieiit. Refused to Forgive Their Daughter Finoi-av. Ohio, Feb. lL-rLast Denmne Mennct,- li 81. 1 7.1' 1 i ::io.2i it . E' iiiof.rnit palaces oi ueiigit and ,t trnge s gieai .ol.v-v --- , ... , . , j .. . nifrlt'J)c e Ti , w T, in the strii"-" e and -practical ; forgive licr, and a-t nigiu -ne visions of wasted hopes and vtfirs. in mc struie, i L i 1 ;,ii t-.l nr nriison 1 .- ,t . . ' ...:u 1 i n i Ii i I ..mill 1 1 tC( I S 1 1 flue I ' laivlilg I)0101I. (Vrta n it is t hat t he -pruici -f:.-i l th i v,... to emu 1 lie ! married. u . . i . .. i ..n.i i,i ti 1 1 iirr-ir ; sum -iv our iiei ) i nn; i i u i- -'rrrt.r "inriTi'M itiiiain iuii.. ; . ..... 4 Old, Strong, Ijibeial Adjustments. Cash Assets In the United Stales Dec. Ml, IM. Surplus, . - -: . ! ' J leposited with Insurance Departmenti. Losses paid in liie United States over SAM'L L. TE,OC3-r)OZSr, L4g3; . Office xx Savings IBii GREENSBORO, X. C. ; j 1, 030.1s 7.o)o.0ob.Ou J in :.07 'Is In the pleading voice of one heard a voice of lon'r Can, a mother's tone, and a babyVrnfl " shall ttjiumpu. vfAlin ooliticians will have mucn n"ffa4 aiwith tjie result, whicheve to do! connn'ittcd suk-ideby taking poison. parte !; Ai : CUPID SIDE-TRACKED. rOR "That's all right," said fi4 aj he laid it down, and a silence frjjl irjon I all around broken by the (iu'ruiTus il, ir.., .....;? . li:MIi AM. (.OHM.. J eo.. j Miss Alice Woo.lward has eptireh . ; J,..,!, ! recovered from her protracted at zr 9 ' ....!- liioi'iimr i n" and nigni jr , lili l "i iin. '".p - - j Cured of Hiccoughing. r eo., 12. : t t ,r , rT ! s ept we 1 without opiates or This Important Measure PjseE ate"1,1 , . , , t x-i-v.- e i I of anv kind and was much XJ 1. illUba ktT331SI' Rami. in, Feb. 12. LasT Love Flew in the V7incow aad Passed " Out the"0or. ' ,' 1 Coi.r.Mi;rs, Knn...-ib.TL I.ichr! aid Ilaslev. -of I'f..ljter .Springs,.! ' . " ..... l.J ...,,1 ..i n- l.i.:' over veU-ioa .nio -.. : Hon?- PURE DRUGS AND CH EMICAUS;. AM came irght r dru rested is. parted wife at t he: Empire .Mouse: . -rillOhot her, then;, killed himself,. LAN DRETII'S (.ARDEN SKU'iS. Triksics and . Bracks Cark vut.m : Fer ri- this morning. 31 iss oonwaru i ;t ill confined to her bed. however. at PJ.r.orhe House passed he ;.;ail-1 pjt. Verv weak, ow ing t the road commission bill. It Uj heiU, j ' t 0U)i;ir attack and lack of n .ur- ;!! .-e.-ovi-r: but until sue does , o in so the cause of th.- tragedy will be a invsterv. j From our Large Stoi-k we 'can , s'ljijily I iiv.sieians Country at ;S.ho'rt noto-e. iU"t Sioies;- Ui i.r. iiJy nil I iv c I i .r 1 1 r ii ti om I vti 'Wf -C; i T ' T . . i t ' , , I 1 1 i t . ,v. b.o I:-.: .r-b.. th.-luart andd.edon M.nday. ,,a.(, tjlt. Senate. It pn-wdeffor. ! . ruUrlt 0ll the hiccoughing. r Hoe-.-.v. (h b.r.:. ..L...nr- j tjirt.t. oomiusionerH -to behted I M 'At0one' time her pulse ran iq, to f; , -rat-..' .r e !.. mi p. :.-.,nt- l.ao-. Passase of a Secret Ballot Measure. ,y t he General Assembly, iyidiey j 1To an,i then her friends began toi a J.,.u devoured by the rav.n.usj I nre given the power to Hx fcidjreg-! of iier rc.CoTerv. I blasts. The g.v.n.meut authori-i Limoi n, Ne!.. Feb. 11. In the ulate frci-ht and nassen-r iVtes. I Ie P 0.V.il.:. Ex-Gov. CordcE Tyahl .1 Orders ahd PRES(TPTION by Mail lilted and lorwarled ji.y neft ,t rjra,. r Ni.v V' v.k. ernor Jordon, ties ae oi gaUUin l"t!V of ter . w Inch v. ill i.i.b : V'ke t!.( tcri-iinatioii of ilie n-ho. .U!l 1 hou-e today Porter's Australian ? to re.MiIate ttb-.'nndi nmlVVj-.s (ballot bill was passed without a companies, and to prevent 11 drs I single di-scnting tote. 'crimination. f. ' mf "" w Uismarck savs the abolition oi corn duties would ruin German farmer, j ieli. IE ExJ'ov if (b:i-igia, was ruli- bed of his ticket and ? H Willie crossing the ferry t.Uday to. Jersey it. He borrowed jii'diey of . age nl Wiiliains, of the Pullman Car Com pany and went" on to Washington. Richardson tft Farias Opposite lienbow House, feb. 12, I Successors to S'.. ( ' irte'. OREEXM5OR0, N, XI: C. r ! ' i -. i i. . ,'e 4 ,-f--

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