; k ' . i - !...,. - :.!' t- ?0 ' - . x .' ' j. . . i-- - '-'i'-i v-":---' " m IO nf : ; - j ., . ' .. . Wi - ' ! I 1 -r ' ; ' " !' ' : : ' ! ' - A S: i I Gr ATT TT iBORO - J .,t EENS I II It A JJL ' ' m n M nil ,u. I.if Doclof W.H. Wakefield,! . -Ri: . N. Dr. WVJ. RICHARDSON ml ,). W. GRIFFITH. Nl KlillON -IM-'XTIST. Dr. Arthur E. Ledbetter, i Gil r tIT I, ier a vnnm, : m:o. n. i Scales & Scales, t 1 ! , NJ.McDiifile&Co. t tire -INSURANCE' our nr.si-cuss COMPANIES -li. (..(;i.KNNS l II I'll t v I 1 1 t 1 1 'i i.i am not a!' t ,i:i:i:ns;oi:o. V f Yvl.; ..V. T.VJSTID. ; i.OLIDAY GOODS t : at Nov; -. i 1 t , GREENSBORO, N. C.HURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, L801" fBj (be Pntrim P-bliftlilng ( omnanr, V . TKKJtJ Sl.oo l'or lriir, In; On the Ice. MET AND MADE A DEAL. 1 1 , . ..! l M i . !' . . . .,-,.1 r.o !:. N. t ! : i ;;ir. . -AT - I.AAV, i U e ri.i i.r nttiM , ur l Mj-I arul I T rut h.-art aroiml U.i t:w Try:" I rut I J..- h. art atl tin n a rin. An. tit rlh ..-i,tt in-t. I f r-rf--. Ili.tiUH'. U hat fun! Anl noetic LfM.W .. 15 it all tin- H.rM a r ! . A liK.i?rt1y r aI ur 'r t th rs A i -I trihtuay ra!!l u turtl J". ' Mau-I lJanw in f.ut I ran ? II ",.'., , . hf - 1. , V ' THE INTEREST BILL TABLEE. Hot Time in The Senite. Aft r a h-;itil U!,i-uiori l.it Thur-l.iy morning th MI! to tv ! ti.y r.t- f int r -t fn-in b r t ", va i fx 1 fl i i t -I v ' !'!. Mr. A rv,if Iturkr -ouri-t. ht nin i.f t?.- I'i'l he v.i afr.ii-1 if hi rititu nry at !':ti- a ln l. li I i n rv ntlu r d ii'.r That it wouM hurt .'i' 'it:i!y. tfiat hr Hi.tihl ! for it if I.'irk- fnuntv wa-. left out. I i ! v.l th- l.iw woul'I ruin the ruuntrv. ilr tjin ! hfu l the t tnption of ' rtajn ri.iiutii -i heimr uneirtitu t i ?.-!. l.iit If 1 1 1 nt put it on "ri it ut i-ri il rours'N. ail in In -1 i r j in'.rii v muM tmt v ll.ti! j w at j" r rif., that it wa not ?). p r ei nt t!jat'!ial ruinl the !aru-r in hi- -.; r.ty. hut it wa th- V -l h.i: !it. oJi time at l' f I- r nt. Mr. William, on l.chalf of tin s rti.i I S ft itl. T..I. TTTIll Bun OTer the PeansylvanU to Jersey City and Et ery One is Happy. It lookn a if the Kiclimontl Ter minal Company has treed the IVnnylTania Kailroad coon! The latter for many years has iven tlie Terminal verj jKior pa9 cenper and freight connections. It tf.tahlis.hes through passenger trains from New York to the South with the Atlantic Coat line of railroads as well as quick freight lines, hut fteadilv omitted to oiler anv Mich t-ervice to the Kiehmom and Danville, the northeastern link of the Terminal chain. The little Wizard and John II. Inman put their heads together a few weeks ap and told the IVnnsy 1 vai:ia peo ple that if thev didn't cure to trade with the Terminal they rue-s;ed the Baltimore and Ohio would. ..... . m . I IIih opened the eves oi me rtnnpvlvania ftdkn, anil they paw llittiiifr acr! the lundcaie the awful phantom of the Baltimore and Ohio road and tlie Terminal ytem welded into one. KANK'TlloMN OS TIIK ALL RT, Vice l'resiilent Frank Thojn An, of the Pennsylvania, at once had a conference with The Little Wizard and John H. Inman, at which he learned what the Termi nal wanted. The "Wizard" iloe9 not generally hesitate to reach out " ' ilbarand ,id I,- introduced- f!'f t"er is in ,.-htf and on tlusM. .-..:,r.. in th- S, n ate f.a.r th.s oceasmn he was not a hlt mod- N . r ,, I II,." ...,,.. et in ilehnm Ins wishes. I r a:'", th hill w.i put-in mo. f . i i t , ,, , , , ' , .ii. I he lertuinal. these gentleman III :i t n n and it ha n nJiin , , , , A, , , tit. . , -tt : : . . i dee ared. must have a thorough lii. JJU UuLiii), ! ; !. V.u may t.ml h re in the ' r t f town and eapltall-t out I iff d.iy w ill rome nh-it the hill ji'.l I 1 1. - ji law. Said our fr" : i.i!. r- htl It id '. i" r e nt int ret ;'r .'' tar. 1) ! ilare ay :r!;..it I I.i attal t.!,i, r at mi-n of J N'-r: ' if!jria did n t:t' f thi- l"ni- ;:itTi -t i Y-:. V :sn !a:;i ; .1 -! Virginia. ; " Tl. fi rt am ttdiaent 1 elarel. inii-t have a thorough service froiu Jersey City to tlie i;iehmond and Danville tracks in Washington, i as to run its tton Pullman vetihule trains right thrmigh from here to Atlanta and New Orleans. This right is given to the Atlantic I'oast line, ami the Mi W w jJ t j Terminal would not accept any- demanded fast , .,..1 .1. .t thing U-f -i ... 1 he 1 erminal i OKI .1 I" ... . Il I vania in conru-etion with its own ' 'i.Ki! ' ill Ul j 1!) .1. . j ! red might le taken through from the 1 u i- th !!! r d l- Air. A rv e- i ;..j.!;r:g rtain c"unti . t "pn ta t iti f Mr. Willi ims the :i and t;o'S u r ea!! d upm the P .f thi- ami ndiiH-nt. Tin' fsictiou which its roads cover to the Kas-t. Thie trains are now j run over t he Atlantic Coast line and the Terminal was going to have ! them too. r - i!t ! if,g' in the al!in;iatii ? I -o in l!.e r. ati-. l'r i 1 nt ! in the Mr. King th-n iumM-I to ind t ' f . I : ran iv i!i;ie. i I i n t'u iti Your Attention Please) ::!,::.:;' ;,!;.,l:,i;M,h f il!.ria i! in . Mr. All oiiu klm es aiji ti:i. Vice l're.-ident Thomson, of the Pennsylvania llailroad. had an im I.rtant conference with l'reident John II." Inman, f the Terminal, yesterday. They met hv appoint- William nu nt at the roims of the Trunk V au h g.lhf a i : :i fall d f r t;.- ave an 1 n I . r i t FIRE, i; 0. 1 . I t It I .1 t . ; Line As-ociation, No. .110 IJroai!- n -iii! d ! ing ay s !.. n i-. ' way, where M.r. Thomson w in at M r. !'.. M.miv .sf rid an amend 'tending the trunk line president no nt f t mpt New Hanover and Convention. The discussion was P nd r emts . I"p.n thi nm- not lengthy, hut it was underettod ti fj Mr. Tur:. r m.v d to lay it ' that the upshot of it was n com : :i t!. t ah!-. He o.iid he knew plete reeoncillialion of the dilfer that thi- n,.u!d kill the hill, htj t ! ctiei s hit n cell t he two great rail that a-rtain e. unties -were ev- roads, and the ruthless slaughter r. d !. f. It it wa- !. tt r nt to (of the exelusive-eontraet-w ith-the- a erii't'I d hill. ! Baltimore and-Ohjo tugatoo. Mr. a t! lnird Stat 'government ! fr the running d the vetihule i id r..-t of N'-r:h taro!ir:;i h i. i t a:d. d the hr"oer l'. ! : I hw !,. N.iui lurelsuit Mr. Inman ju-t as ijuiekly as .ir.d -: - .i''at!;-t hi hi!! an. I that the manager of the roads rail get !. .-did n! r pr - nt t h- farmer of down to detail4 hi- ditri-t. Mr. B !! a:iv interrupted Mr. Wil li ARM UM AT BRIDOElfpRj'. i t 1 1, Two Doctors, a CloW Babg$,'fcnd Baby Lions-All Contribuii to His Cheerful Life. P . In a sunny room of a hjiiW)me country residence at Bridgeport, overlooking a broad park tt'pdthe Sound beyond, P. T. Barikii re clined in an invalid chair yvt rlay and cracked jokes and talked feljout the wonders of his greai Jniiral show with half a dozen NilYork newspaper men, who wanted (otsee what the circus looked likttrt vin- ter iuarters. '1- Barnum it Bailer will orwijtieir reason the 3Iadi Alvarp. j WHY THE SOUTH WILL LEAD. - Labor is Cheaper and Her Fields j Inexhaustible.. The immense iron industries of the north are in trouble, and their only way out is to shift their base of operations to the south. , In the, southern fields the supply of iron and coal is inexhaustible. It is easily mined. Then, the la bor situation is highly advanta geous, j northern correspondent who recently Visited North Alabama and East Tennessee, when asked the cause of, the i stoppage of twenty the latter part of MirWJ at !"n Wrnaces n Pennsylvania am ilison Square GardeiA i A V.hJ f aiV that 11 wfts caused by th. Vctive preparation has Shreddy THE DEVIL S KINDLING WOOD Is What Eev. C. M. Southgate Calls the Cipafette. . you want to know" where a : - i .- - i i I -I lo ,vr iii t rr xx - - J- i I t-1 M t-i I - li- f 02 cis. Per yard oy the Bolt knee and .o- j j - k ' - : .v j f ; " j 52: Cents Per Yard Out. t : bold step iri begun, and, although Mr. fturirum is Si years old, he takes a$.srng an interest in all the deMl as does the Bridgeport gamltil vho hangs around the entrance Tfgtt a peep at the animals. For three weeks he has ron- fined to his room with a sevrold anu iwo uociors nave oeen par,ifcno incr him. . t ? ? "The doctors are here tov(pthe funnr stories from this -bo?.1 ihat - ...!. my wife lrought to rut fro Eng land," h paid, with a smiU,ifnd while I can laugh I am" mif er- Then M.r. Barnum told on 4 fit ter disappointment that I; o ,iad just experienced. He hsa; told M-rs. Barnum one of hisMietCest and best jokes and she' coulfii'trSee the point. j & $ Tlie winter uuarters whf e the menagerie, cars, wagon?, avtVk shops are is about two miltJfrVim Marina, the great showmattlH rsi- Jence. TJiere are about if, aojen ong, low brick buildings wL'hliiinn enclosure to which otitsidr ire not aamitteit. 5 No switch engine is used? inive . A'-.Ta trains on the network ol,.cacks. taby, the big elephant, uiHtvVjthe direction of Trainer NewniLu Kas usy yesterday pushing ttonnd vi ral cars loaded with h:o; 5 H ou se William aain tk the; Arrangement will go into-cllcct H.r, " 1 v it:g tiioii y ua a er ature J a om as they can be perfected Tint train from Jersey City, and the of Mr. freight .service will b- auiimled to -V 1 : 11 1 y i I: in avif:g that if he -aid 1 1 ; 1 i Mr. Thomson returned tolPhila delphia with a great load otr his mind. Mr. Inman seemed 1 rfect- t'i it he did nt repn-entlhe farm-1 ly -ati-fied, atnl every one ip con 1 r- of hi i etion. lie said that that j eerned was greatly interested in 1- t.-.f true. Mr. Williams then j the. thought that Richmond and : tatu' d. -aving th-re wa some-1 Danville trains are to invade this Ifing higher thatijhat f money j territory and make their appear svirtue and hoiie-ty and the day anee fr the first time in the his Mu!d fom wht n it vti'uld triumph, j tory of either line upon Pennsyl The vte wa thin taken ujwn ! v ania Railroad tracks just, across the ruMtJorj I tab!, which re-ulted iriav- no,- I . Which wa :)! klll.l'l IIUI) ti e !e ah k:; II of the interest bill. II i . . i t Y.J i ! it the North River. X. Y.lltntht. EUFFALO BILL'S DAUGHTER. 1 ...r .... 1... -..,.... 1:. ...... j t -. I" ! I 111 .'1 II III" ill IJ" U I II - I d. tiator Williams ir.ade the :.!.. eouiir.etit reilietug upon v !:S!"r Bellamy whieh aruedthe indignation of that g. nth man. Soiij'- har-h uoril were indulged i'i. but a- -o..i a h- had a moment i .r r-;!-et ion. go..d-hi art t Sena tor i.a.iiu- ar- arj.i inaae an i ? "logy f'-r the hot word u- d in I !:: fr.ifik. manly and irie re. f;itor Bellamy aeeepted the npoj- gv tt!i the i.;at.!iin - of a manly l.ir:. V. i.. t Store, 1 1 t. I 1: 1 1 1 1- K U t: I I M. i w :t. an ..-. I- - 1- t : ' ' f: - .- H U r.:t M A Chip of the Old Block A Woman of Pluck. But.ab. Bill's eldest daughter, Mis Arta Cody, appears to be "a clap of tlie old block." She is de seriht d as a magnitieent, queenly looking young woman, says the New York Tribune, and credited with hav ing as much courage and -1 Ifeoiitiib-nee as her father. Among the stories told of her pluck i the following : Some years ago, Cody had in his stable a large, hand-ome. highpiritcd horse, who THOUGHT HE HAD KILLED HER. was particularly viciousso mueh - so. in fact, that Cody . himself did not eare about riding him. One day Arta concluded that she would ride thi horse, although the stable men sought to dissuade her. She was determined, however, and suc ceeded in getting a bridle on him, and then leaped nimbly, onto his back. The horse reared and plung ed, but the girl kept her seat. Finally the animal threw her. She w.is up again in an instant, and once more on his back. This time the animal threw her over his head, scratching her face to a consider able degree. With blood stream ing down her face, her eyes tilled with tears, and her rage so great that she looked like a young tigress, sdie sprang to her feet, crying: "The brute, I'll ride him now if he kills me," and, suiting the action to the word, gave the horse the most ter rible beating he had ever received, ami when she had completed, the animal was as docile as the pro verbial -Old Dobbin." and Miss Arta rode oil triumphantly, while her father and the stablemen looked on in a-tonishmcnt. One More Unfortunate. ' ; : i , 1 1 ; I ! i J-.-hn Shay Sail to Have Ecca About ti Eury : Unconscious Wife. 1.1 I.Wk. i '. p. i. ;-:t hav. i lie- at 1 artoutnuu, went ilr ir.k v-!riliv afternoon. ar;f. afti r - me i ii-under-tantting j willi hi- a if . Nora, beat her until .he thought -he wa dead. He then Iraggtd her out into the backyard ; a d. it i repotted, wa evidently ' g' ing to bury h r. when some ; igohor- appeared. Th y got a s.f;tt and urapjxd it about the los.ian and took her into the :.u-c. About thi- time the woman -honed signs of life. !iay. who w a- watching ' her. sprang at her. and in spite of the iilorts i.f the neighbor, -uceeeded in kicking !. r and jumping n her. It is feared he fractured her -kull. He hr' k -'Viral rth. John Wilson, of Oceanic, finally subdued him. An ! r and a doctor were sent for. and were on hand in ct-ur-e of half an hour, and the wound were drts-ed. iv wa brought to thi plae ;a,d locked up. Mr-. ii.iv wa riot , 4 - j ep cli o to live, 1. in in May -!!e l I much bitter. There have been several o3di- tions t the menagerie, th?jiKost notable being four young lia that were born a month ago. TT cJ kiok ft 1 tr . -v- e 1- .11 2 1 iKe nan-grown .vc louiiuiai IUI- ues. Across irom tneir tlge jare two large lions that are serving as models for Mr. Alexander IJ'iWs itcture, lhe Uladiators.' 7 Twice a day the elephant .Care marched into the ring r,nuput through a thorough drill, ijrj ftar- . -5 1 . nion ! pet tins year is k cjgwn ia)oon, which William Cor rahas taught to ride bareback on j nalF donkey. The boboon wilj" ilinic in a small ring all 'the yHMult eats of the skilled liarebacj ucrs. 3Iost of the old riders Ari fret ting in training for the se;iii As each one returns he goes urmign his performance for tlie fitf; Keek with a belt and tackle attx to a swinging bar. L;Jb' I If his feet have become Unsteady from lack of practice thtj,4Kckle permits him to swing eaU;fnto the sawdust. Willie 0'L,Vf(fwas using it yesterday, and sevij wo men in long gray ulsttH'vere watching him and waitings of iheir turns. . .si I ! In another part of the f )iling illiam Duerow is t railing 2;rses. The time is shorj now, anj5n, few days the finishing touches-rfjllriiave been put on the brightfy f atrited cars and the greatest show oH rarth will start out ngain to p''" the small and the big boyy S' ySut. the dilFerence of" wages in northern and southern furnaces. He fount in .mrnnngiiam that the average wages was $1.00 per day. j The best raenj received 1,3, while the un skilled negroes received' 50 'cents per day. I trillions of negroes, usoi to haril labor, are willing to; work for the same wages in the furnaces that thev-) get in the 'fields. In the northern jfurnaces 3,000 of Carne gie's workmen average $3 per! day, puadlers rf 5, while unskilled Hun garians get $1.50. With thisfdis- crepancyj in wages the northern furnace pwnerns cannot compete with those in the south, and they will havejto shift their plants. In the matter-of charcoal iron, 1 too, this correspondent makes the point that in tlie north ironmakcrs have to pay 00; cents per cord for cutting wood, whjle in Tennessee, Georgia and Alabama wood is "chopped at from Jo to bO cents per cord. But other large industries in'the north are! also having trouble with labor. Northern labor is discon tented, always ready to strike, and at times it threatens violence. Southern labor is contented, oppos ed to strikes, and its relations with capital tire always amicable. One does not have to ponder very lonjif overUhe situation to como to the; conclusion that the presence in the south of millions of negroes will have an important bearing up on the rapid building up of our; in dustries. 1 In the course of time they, will! be eniployed in certain lines of labor, w hile -the whites will, be found in others. There will be no competition between the races, and no friction. What is really needed in this section is not fewer blacks, but more whites. In the course of;a few years, with a large ly preponderant white population, the, blacks will be no more of a dis turbing element here than they are now in the northern states. . ; From ejery possible poinfof view the south; is the most inviting field under the sun for capital, immigra tion and enterprise:. The facts speak for them selves.- A thtutiCun xtitutioH. " 1 A WOMAN & THREE CIiltt)REN Of 6 : Perish in a Crowded New YjrivTene ment House, Ni;w Yokk, Feb. IS. fVJ?x fire in a Brooklyn tenement ljM this morning five persons lisf -tlieir lives, and one man wii s's5ilwrely burned that he will pro0aljy die. The fire. started at 4 o'tloW. It was caused by a pot of fht filing over in the basement!. whVf1?! witfl the ground iloor store, vf juwncd by Fred Baldfus, a bake. inhere vvas a verj- thick smoke atl; in a few moments the flames hv jftaeh ed up through the hallway, the inmates of the double i?nflme pouring down the slair?, iThere were nine families ; all oyhese escaped with the exceptio f.? Mrs. John Henry, a widow, livfrjyi the iniru story, who mjh'ci (i'fy"i THEY FIGHT FIVE HOURS. her three children. 4" She staved too long, a'ad fcvllCTl r- ! . i. . h 1 . t t. I jV .. J SliI) vear jigo t ..1 r- w .1- on bra- barn! I he - U at i : aruiy. It wa e d of a f. ai.tr and his son-. ince then .5."0 other bands hav e 1m en formed. she finally attempted; to eflown the stairs, she was overcoii fy the smoke. When the fire wti 1 ting uished, it iras found thatjhrioth er and three of her'i chl had been burned to death. ; -t ... .7 'i A PRINCELY WEDISC;. ! Li s ?i Marriage of John'Jacob ;istAr and Miss Ava WiUing The'rnts Worth $2,000,000; j'j ' The marriage of John jlaf b As tor, of New York, and JlK Ava Lowle Willing, of this ij took place yesterday afternoepjjt the Willing 'mansion, No. aitiouth Broad street. I !f It wap a striking evetHu the world of fashion, and tLekaders of society on this contijjU-b were represented by its fairest Hfntin gent. The ceremonv- ,vv solem nized according to the riClil pt the Church of England 'arair th per fume of flowers that costprjnee's ransom, i : H f The wealth f the fofiiitU was ileenly interested in th;Hvnt, as was evideiicetl by the p.;i-ice f Hum Vi-r.v, O., Fib. lg. Min-' gifts that cost upwards ff ,000, nie Taylor was found hanging dead ; 000. In point of detailf tb m'ag in a s ithdidiOue b loiv town t his j nifi?ence ; displayed hasjjA-Nyr be morning. Ou her breast was a ! fore been equaled in jJjsM ..social card reading: -Cool.bv. I am in (event held in this countri.k-.ZA7i- The Greatest Slugging Match, on Record Ryan the Victor- MiNNK.U or.i, Minn., Feb.' IS. Half past two "o'clock this morning, Ryan and Needham had fought 73 rounds, and the 'men' were simply walking around each other, letting flow blows occasionally. Needham forced the fight in the 71th round but did little damage. He got a sma.h ui Ryan's face and Ryan returned it, almost scoring li knock down. In the 7.1th round the light ing was hot and fast,! the men do ing considerable in fighting, and going at 'each other like demons, Ryan securing the firsT blood.; A perfect jj pandemonium reigned among the spectators. Suddenly Ryan gave Needham an awful blow in the neck ami both mengot ex cited, clinching savagely. Cries of foul were raised and not allowed. Desperate fighting followed in which both men struck a number of foul blows. With roujid 7J each man came up for the blood, Ryan landing eHectiveiy with his left and knocked Needham down. They clinched and Needham was knock ed down again. j Ryan upper cut right and lelt, knocking Needham down repeated ly, and the call of time only saved him from being knocked out. As it was he was carried to his corner in a daied condition, and before time vvas called his seconds threw up the sponge. The light is universally consiuer ed thi rule t t- .. .a.w.L.i' li.rht hCll!"" nam maoe . 'i'" ' '., knocked down repeatedly, in the last rounil and coming lip but only to go down by another vicious upper cut. The exact time of the light was five hours and five minutes. Need ham vvas badly punished, especially about the face. Ryan escaped without any marks. The Chicago delegation went wild over the re sult of the fight and shouted them selves hoarse, hugging Ryan again and again in the ring. HENS CAN TAKE A REST. rr ;iorfiincl- it- & " ..... . . smoke- says, schools." It makes them Knock at military in Do !0y usually begins With a cigarette. It stepTin bravado, resist bef morality, and disobedience: Just ' nk take the matter on the scientific side. To bacco blights a boy's finest power wit, mu?cle, conseience, , wiH Nations aie legislatin Germany, with all her "No toliacco in "the spoils their brains ani: too small for. soldiers; the door of the rrrt.at! stitutions of France: MNo tobacco,'" is-, the response. TrvJ West Point and Annapolis ; "Drop that cigar-' ette," is the word. : Indeed smoki ing boys are notlikehf to get so 'far as, that. Major Houston, of the marine corps, who is charge of the ashington navy-yard bar racks, says that onec-fifth of all the! boys examined are jrejected for heart disease, of which nrnety-nine caes in one hundred come from cigarettes. II is first "JJo you smoke V "No invariable reply. But the record is tamped on the very body of thei iau, and out lie goes. position in a bank, tobacco, beer, -cards, no use for you. Business life demands finebrainj steady nerve and fine conscience Watch the boys.; .Scb one sixteen' vears in age, twelve in size, twenty in sin, and he smokes, probably; chews and drinks. Babcs"of seven; and eight years are at lit. The vice; increases. I could pile up statis tics by the hour, testimony from.; the highest medical Authority, of: the misery preparing and already- come, lhe use ot cigarettes in creases cnormouslv, but only in-. We have just receiveil a Bale of this Sheeting and haVe'i, closest at this, very LOW PRICK, it-is 'full yard 'wide, not question is sir," is the Apply for a If you use the bank has creases the use of. In iAugust, ISSiK l0.i?o:j,tU0 more cigars were made in lias country than in the year befr'c, and the. firm that made this statement cred its the increase to the Cigarette, and the fault of careless pjurents. Tobacco is murdering many a ad. Where they do 1 ot fairly kill. cigarettes are the .-Devil's kindling wood. I t;rer toliacco. The Coinage Bill to Be Reported. Washington, Feb. IS coinage commit teerto-j a resolution to close at 12 o'ektek Friday, the silver bill in committee at 1 The House, day adopted: 1 he hearings aid vote on e resolution ong wrangle o'clock that day-. T was adopted after a I y unanimous consent, the silver; men agreeing to it as the best so-: ution of these questions. If the programme here outlined is carri-i ed out, it will make it - impossible to pass that bill the second time, if; the; President declined to approve; or disapprove it. T time lietween 10 o"elo noon March 1th, is ju ess than the period xclusive of Sunday vyhich the President to retain the tiill befc. it to ( 'ongress. 10 . period xf; k Fr.idav" and t luie' hour hi ten days. throughout, is permitted re retiirnrng. quite so coarse as Randolph a. a. nnisn, ami we helieve just r but much smoothe as god valiu. JUST -RECEIVE!) direct froni the FACTORY"'.; a h ecidctl to Lad les arge 10 cent Cotton HOSE in Browns and Black, which we believe to be ft We are eel 1 i n g a FI F i- -4' the BEST 10 cent HOSE olIWc,! : iii CUr. ;av. . : 1 - .i II c-l . lY'CENT CORSET atTHI irrvilVt' ( ' pvt . 1 -.1 -v ... , . i ;-""1 " ' auo nen you see it you will say so. If you cannot come ourseii, senu.ior one anil if it don't suit you -send tt bhckl and we ;vi ill refund the price paid 'i7Tr.it. We Carry, a full linj? DRESS GOODS, of, CALICO'S, G ine of ; WORSTED : STYLES that will p The only way Me can! NGIIAMS,. a in land have just received a qiuaitityiof iNKW ease you. ,r 1 IS it'll m l Iv I induce -you to natronize n PRICES lower than our competitors, and that is juit What we nave done and Have; the -courage to put thent in PLAIN FIGURES. Don't wait, these goJds! will; hot last long at these prices Rayrp ond & Powell, Jan. !" NATIONAL BANK BUII J)ING, ( J R E K N S 1 0 H ( ), X- ". OUR 'i;.i - . - f- - ' ! : ' "j j ' HAMBUR(;"lkiAIHN;; FIRE MSHRANCE :of CO. Old, Strongr Liberal and PRO MI? Adjustments. i 1 1 isyo; ..... '1,C; Cash Assets in the United States Dec. :il, Surplus, j ' -, . - "; Deposited with Insurance Department. Losses paid in the United-States i-iver- ' , S--jv:'i croc3-dc5t 7.)0( LA. oil icy Office hl Savings 3a..lkii GUEEXSJ30KO, X. C1. , in Li 1.1.07 J-li .on lSl.-a 1 . i '( 100.00 FOR I - i -.-1 j. . PURE DRUGS AND CH EM ICfVLS. Pi-bex-b 3VteCLcxo, VLxoxfxi "WntorH Silver is the Thing. The West and the South .are to gether for free coinagje. The Demo cratic party has settle 1 its position; The Presidential nominee must conform to Democracy on not onl one but both the greajt issues. .'-Mrj Cleveland's place'in lst2 will be atj the head or 'in the ranks, according to his decision to yjeld or not tq the oartv's iudmelit on ' silver,' From the tone of his letterthough the party will see the event with; regret, it seems more than possible, that he ean'iiot'stan l ron the plat-! "form that will inevitf Assuredly the 1 change tl Thin ..... I .- . d ' TI 1C paiiv. r- 1 nil MAD MAN ON PULLMAN CAR. ; bly be adopt-; tter will not Kills the Conductor jand a Fellow Passengc;:. : '. '-. : Skakcy, Ark., Feb. I St li J. W.! Greater, of Vineennep. Ind,.. a pas-; seriger m the southbound limited express on the Iron Mountain 'Rail-; road, suddenly beeanip insane ye Pile hght is tai.veranv eon. n-, t.omlIH.Iu.l tl sh()llting at: one of the ureatest ever fought in : .is,t.n.rj t hc VuU s country, the lighting being "Vj A H.h-t and killed e in almost every round. Need- ( . Mf.Vl.K, :lj drummer and as Piillman Coiidue-tor Leach rushed .... he slu.t himl through thei head, killing hiui in m LAN I )RETI r.S ( i A IvI jEN HE EI )S, FrUSSIvS and From our Large Stocl L AMI Bracks Carkfully ' Iii i we can supjdy Phyili!.tns ( 'ountrv u( short iiol ice. . aid Stole Ti-n. in tin- Orders and PRESCIPTIpNS by Mail'filh d ami forward! by riet train PRICES TlXJCr.XlXJ, ; I Hj ; 7 Ribharflson & Fariss Opposite Behbow Hoiise, feh. 12. - j Successors to W. I'oi GREENSB0 Those Sailed and Cracked Wa NICK WyVIJ. T er j! N. C vit.n Istantly. The aniac vvas finally overpowered by over, to the 1 trainmen and lianae authorities here. , Pay Up An exchange says : man should or ever d .ocause a newspapi in" to fur monev. A tl impeachment of a su tegrity, but is simpiv nin"- of the pubasner s neee.-?uies t ... . - mil men ie four dollars For instance, a :tnous a man from '-.one to ;...ch; He has to dull order to pay 111s exp of getting made. and nater, beca-iise the him for what' i- hoinf -ubfTiber -i;ould th; f.r wait iii'' on" him A Kansas Genius Invents a'Macliine to Lay a Carload of Eggs a Day. -The American hen , needs no prgtection" was a stock : phrase of the recent campaign, ; referring then to the provisions of the Mc Kinley bill putting a tarilf on eggs. But the campaign speaker did not figure on the inventive genius of a jana pay up like a m;i Kansas farmer. I t : t w .-r.'f Parson. Kan., r . ' a Shocking x tl ilUiCH J , ' ' ... has just receivil letters patent; from Washington lorins 1 r r of an artificial egg. The artifieia ;lhomas a e. d ... ...vt, .1.. ..i.r:1 ti rnb le dcatw t:a- 1 e"lSiiaHI l I CM luoie iuv SZi i in oarticulars, - union dejiot I""' l,v ' 1 1 The inventor sav No sensible es .get angry r man iuns in is not aii iscriber's -in- au-.outcrop- them all in nsc's. Instead stopping the .ublisher ''asks stly lue the ink the editor so patiently. !). :fl l SOUTd 'EDM-ST.J (iU'EENSBORO, N. !(; V, .,.ww, ..wit w a, .i.Lk And ns ui-mcIi nuke on tin- road. 1 Also ;is .jmiiw . L , 1 r o .... e ; fiirni-li c i ti 1 1 line of samples, at rriee o .. . -- ; - - .. men t hang fiiLr paper- hoI n ' " i n tt ' 1 . , feh. h'-';in. , . '- THE GREESBORO MUSIC SCHOOL, . - ' 1. " ODD FELLOWS lirll.lH.S (,, . ! " MISS LAURA L. BROCKMANN, Principal. i" PIANO, VOICE, Vi6lIN,; A;C.j Iv. a t . H e,.iii iK-rc ti ilt work- Feb. 17. 11 that he U-an: guillotined a ivl.wl rvmg a Jid. Her, met a ; rnitor .-a thei I n-t ruiiHiit s can wa- "actually 1 pupils. Small Viol inr. t he . , , " . . t u 1 t ii" K- i a ' V - 1 juir1. iiiivviw-""".'! ichin Hi- lieai manufacture at least one can-. ; ; j - at ,(,lu,. ,li-- of three cents , 1 1 v'1" hi-. ew,.r jI-.v ;it a cost per dozen, with machinery that will tance. .ueiecuves was murdered igedy. -f Jeo.' Miss LAURA L. 15JiO hi Mrs. M. HILIiKsiiKIMER, Mit. CBAS. Hiaoi KM AN N i he riirni-lied M A X I -.vvas serv ed night think he Business iManager. . . . . f. h. . . 1 1 - . 1 1 - "VI 1 . 1 - : ' .-I--!'-. ! f . f 7 1- j ' - j j y ;r.. ::-:' j ri " : r "'i ''.'': '4 H bJ'' ' :'7 j: O' M '77- i htll.M cost foOO. : 7 r : Jiia l- v, ..--4rj !:!-:' :rii -il

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