i . ' ' . . . 4 '-' ' j ' : - ; ' ..:; . ' ! ' , ' 1 ' . i 1 , 4 '... : . . - - : 1-j-f'- i: , ' ' ! " - i ' ' - ' '' ; - r --" ' ' " 4 1 ' ' .!-T. i- -" ; . ' BB 1 ' """- jj j GREENfBgRO' : .MTRlinf f) r tt it i - r i u 4 1 n. . i.in t N I . i GllEENSBORO, y.iC, THURSDAY, .AIARCI1 i, 1801. : ; V". ' - ' I - j I lit' Hullihli;; 'iiinn.T( j : " TKR.n f AO l'r Voir, in lvajhr. R Ecclc-r y. ii. Wakefield, j .lW l'LK DIK1). 1 'What? thatr" t xrlaimcil Sump-; son, f-t!H n his knees piljtin the HILL HITS THE iAL BARGAINS A BARGAIN. t . ! ' I 1 - spun. Asa i)D0W3 in at ue is a.f ,oqwire-vjux T?.UE STORY OF HIS KILLING ! Captain Leonard toM'liim tliu Democrat-Refuses tC TJtog- NOW FIRST MADE PUBLIC. new-. j Fir a moment Sampson's heail nize Balkele Dr I. J- p.ICHARDSON, !. i;oi;i), VI (5 Thnlline Narrative From the Pen of : .Ir.n-. forwan! ami hi hand, ' ..... , ' ' Firing of the Fatal Shell at Pice Mountain. 'l 'u- l!rr.klvn fay that ipt iin.I. K. 1. I.!v lil 'K,if t in; a ii. left n..ri' hi- un- Then looking up hp remarked : "Thunk Cod! They killed my hrothor the other day only a Lieutenant. I have killed a Lieu- tenant- I neral.' ri governor-elect of "(Anri-cticut. a hii? hoast in liis fiJit or the pulnrnatorial cbafr, ! nc&r field ly Governor Morgan G.; lUlki ey. reoquifeition, ninetj '! Hulke !!. f..I!.iw. I Th. tliird shot uu not DK. J. t tr .r. t W.-GRIFFITH, nhdo.w DM.VI'IST. 11' p . i:r 3. Lcdbslter, . (ley a governor rf Contjicj-ut, for itr iff ifiii .!;... .. ,.r..-.t ' Samnson rising and remount inir his i ... ,- , ... X . I t .ri.. ;,!ue,a- it i- 1'r-t a,.. h'TM. A.I f our parly were v.M-, jU ,a rv C(inimilteil; in Haven th.ntk. ttr,.Uit m.,?. p!.Iif),of.hly atfeeted t.y the incident, no one , pountv ;n jMllUMrv i2,g How a Frekled-Faced Yankee. Boy Got Even With His Grandsire. A farmer of the. olden time in Washington County, says the Lewiston (Me.) .nunof, who -had a good many dollars and was much attached to them, had also a lively, freckled-faced grandson, as agile as a squirrel and as sharp as the old man himself. The old gentleman's barn became . infested . with rats, and he told the bov he would srive Death of Tvro Old Lidies. him tifty cents I more I than General Howard, who. !'. wri: r at vari-u- timt s has i niter recovering- Irom tlie clients 1 i i iinv alii d a.rurate narra- toe news, solemnly remarked: J.i-hop polk killed ! Then we have kilNd a Chri-tian gentleman." Sl.ortly after the signal ollicer reported that the enemy was evacu- :: ..t at'a!! appr"aeh-d t 1 1 n t lie mountain, ami an advance f.r.t.. ,t. si I)r. l.o--inrr. in ' jva "rdi red. I went up the moun- ;i w.. ;.. r,.- v., . tain with the iirst troorw to the r of th" inann. r in whi-h !.; it :;.iritC :n r ! arid Jli-hqi k t.. : hi ! -:!) :i 1'iv.v Mom- i. ;. ' r 'i.t. .1 ::. . r''t. nui tr f"t-note, Ht here the fonlederate group u:... III. o.i 'e 111, in a 1 1 j t l.!k, .bhntn and l had been stationed, and there fount! It .f , , i re nr.-,:, t Mituiult of a lalien tree, aootu miriy leei jon-, Mountain wh'-n the cannonade TIT right, LA W 'ijimt Ti-i-i r '-otiiioit.-riiig. S . ing t!.- group. G. ru ral T!.-ma-. it is - it.L or.b rtd a U l l;rd at them iir-m K t: !!?'- b.itt rv. Tlii-cau--d hi-- i ? r tr f to a p. or il. ty .... ti re.iM'ared, - when an before which l!ihop l'olk and his aoei.ites had stood, and upon which th ir stair ollicers had been -eated. On the fallen timber I found what colored guides told us was t!.. blood of General l'olk. Thus did General lVlk fall at r II w.i- !.rt d ulii.-h evp'od- j 1'ifi'' Mountain. Neither Thomas . ,r I.im a!;d kiK. d him in-tant-: hor Ler:nan a- hear us at the 1 !.. tr.. w re tired bv a ' time, a- thev did not reach tin v..au u .:;: t Willi am Ate!I. fr-'nt until later. '!i.iti Citv. V nn., attac!:d K: ..ipp I !.: it ! r !l. DOUGLAS, t.'tHT.iIlv foui.d. I r. I."- !, t of military opera i i i! c in.f !;:,'! r mv i r"!iai i-.i. mrr t. t. iii tin- lao-; e. rtainlv been l Ruirn Win in Virminn- a Well as Manufacture. ,o-i-i If i with muelt wonder that I recollect mv earlv life I i.rnii iio t Yrnr Attention Please! i ' m isi xo?xjke, ; ' ) i:. j.filcDufne&'Co., i! v i of ! !! '. : .. i ?.-! fi t j :-t a it oeeurretl. I I l-rii.-.- it aeeiir.iey w iii Hot j -! t--rn d l-v bi :. ral O. . ..'d. ..r an : i.t r w itt.t living , l!, it m r :. i t r forin d a rouj 1 was at t hat headquarters w .rd. then i-omia w Ijere all the neighbors were cry afH to think that a small berrv was n Li- ! I u . ':. . at! i !. 1 t tl the l.., re-rardless of any other j qualities; where a miserable knur fly wihl apple was praised as a 'great eider apple, regardless of the l.ict that the tree's yield was erv. k.n-.I! full of worms hard tol'"' ! it her. Anv kind of cattle having hoof. .,i land hair counted -alle same . t n. i matter how much or how .ithe milk produeed. or the quality.! and ho care was r;. rai 11 t!"- I..?:rt!i i 'ori-s. On the of the lltli th-- e.n" bhoit .1 tuo mi:., m-fth ,,f a cow was a c.w. , , .,itlf .in with Grr , ra! Stan. xercie,l in breeding. Any crop, unbr order to had j w l'1'1 a !r' 't acre. i i -rrow. About a I.w.h.e.1 upon with li-gust, ana ' e.nider d a a fancy luxury, ami The governor declinddj"ii honor the recquisition, on yur-y ground that he dil not rfcogni julkeley as governor oi the !tat' ,: vvnen seen tonight ; i.overnor Hill was very emphati instating his reasons for acting ip'ie did. He said: : r ; I see no rc-oson; Mtiver for recognizing Mr. Rulkckv lis gov ernor of Connecticut Kpovemor Morris has taken the oti-df ollice, and has been recognif. as the chief executive of the Hatr by the senate. That is all te, v.vidence that I want. The acAM(iK of the house, and the attempt.jf x-Gov-ernor IJulkele to usurtj jt;;o ollice to which Mr. MoFri jftas been elected, is an outrage. 1' tipn't be- liev.e in declaring a mnji n'isurper . ...... . . i ... . imc minuir, anu recogi.H mm in the ollice he is attempt;) jr to usurp the next. The people fjl'onneeti icut want the body Ufis man Fardon. They can ha Jtns soon as I receive the proper j4 rsiisition, a requisition signed" b ;(Jovernor Morris." j i "Hut is not Hulkeleyy acting irovernor!'" was asked. : j -Well." said Govt rm -Jljll, "he's kinder, sloshing arouu-Lt-i He is holding on the ollice titvi lot of lMnkerton men, but whui he do Nothing,-o far is knos. He should be utter V gnored." This cuH- is simply an ?iutroppinr , i of the autocrat Keed siTrii-tlie old e, aiiu . . . . l , v . - i ;,,!. handler spirit, and itrJisvtime it was crusuen. i uere j?tiioj io-ia rats he would catch alive, and show him. After two and asked him to barn. He did ducted to a bis apiece for all the or three days lit tle Henjamin came to old Benjamin step out into the so, and was ,con disused molasses oir a farm, worse minority-ridden State in ilhc country than ;is (qiftccticut. One sixth if the peoph't JiCre elect the legislature, and the .li tSocratic majority has no redres,"V . f i ... 1 1. -... r i ! I f , w . r.l with hi ,'.r I.. fr... u - foHtut i nut the h a-t care was exercised to j LITTLE Bl L IIOWARt) CAUGHT. Hi ," , v had broken eamp. aud "'' J"- t,t h rr"l f,,r an' ZWtn 1.,,::,,,:;.U,r,-:,ili:in,nt!i.-!!:''1. l;tle tlfort was : INSURANCE ' r tire; ft .! I w I ! f. . h . i r..! t.i:i! v -t r !:. f r-. k. d arm for orders V i; n we i dtsed Gen- i and hi -t t:4 at :.!. iu r the u-imI in a sort of cv:f f.ns-CUSS CQV.PAHIES f - 1 ' t ' i . ; i -; 1 1 : . , x i ina-le to rotate crop haphazard manner. .- . i i ..... . i i lu-e i iiougm s occur ov com rasi ;wh n n-iting the farm ami dairy jof I)r. Iletibow. of Greensboro, North Carolina, where all the stock was lull .i.ioo.jen anu nearly an t,, rei-tered, the butter mad" on the , .;., ,...:..;- with hi, : "o-t a .proved meuio.i.noi loucuen :t. ml I .... I - t , I ;. i if w nil i lit ii.tnii iiiu iiii i i.i-i, i eh !)' .f !.:::.!! j salutation. Ie . U t' .- tno tiiura!-. Mafiley j r. !.; irU I to C. nr.il I low aril : I fi t direct our la-s that !.. -.. ..r.l !,. it- i!.i:!llt and See . e...in iu.ii.i- '.I I u T group. !. th. re i " wi,ijpdo.:: our ' iii ,4 t.i inrnt . - d d at the l IS.'h'Mlo!. uie"etoujh t!. re ..r..iTt. of t,t twenty i m , t 11! p. Ta n ce f..!! w.w lu the fore were three!'"-' U p. r- :i-.-t in lin up. thone in thej e. : ! in j dre. d in i r i r ' V, I a t lie arid I he M o hied wiiu ensiiage , t T, t summer of the murder 3 lhn Koss, every s ason. ; . , ;n ,.r t Ki i'oiintrv Tlds farm i- a hobby of the Doc-I " . ' ,7 Z . tor, w hoM aNo tl staved with him ill h - veil one nihf, before day neto " ihorning ila gej Alter Defying the Officers for Two Years He is Safely -Iou?ed. Coi.t MHIA, S. C., Feb.a.-A spe cial frm Greenville, 5r$itli Caroli na to the state says: herllf Gif reath early this morniriptured Little Hill Howard, a n furesque mountain character, w:nj '-scaped jail here last November & his wife's clothes. t I ;i 4 Howard was convicted d;cre last iin February 1S. anil t-assientene is a n t ie proprietor d i , , . x. . ... :r ' i .1 t.. li.in.r mi iki'iniliin. Illj u-lhk , , : 1 i HI ItitilL ill til.llliM u ' . ...... the Hen bow House, in Greenboro , .7. .. ,r is a thoroughly enjoyable w hich tt.d ''. if. Ti! I to b :otel, and one of the t paying houses in the state. This f.mcy farm is said to be a ur:c of profit, and when the tine tid w!;at ai- ,".. ..f .r..'it t .. . . 1 . . : . 1, ....... . r .. .... ; : nwiiifs a m aim sirii' e 11. w u irvey tf.ro-: ti m m m n m I it o 1 .111 iii.rviti-4B.t (i ti 1 . . 1 iiii 1 i Mail t" nil !. !:. a i r. r ore--! n' -i f'l II !U t.i'f It. .1 Alt.r a careful !' 5 management are considered. . i :. : ... '11... t,..ct .1... s ' (;, .,, . , II I" no "ouMt-i. 1 ue ii'iin o iih .' . .. 1 . . 1 ..... . .nard said: " It doe, look like j wav.-gi is tne oesi o, us produce . . iwl.ieii t4 of coii re a "ootl innrket aan. Let., rai. I lUHtK pron ; , T t , i! i hi!i..!i Folk. He is ,;, S l-r tu- i.irni, an.i ucKieii. u.e ,.a. ti. h i.it n w. an: u a m-rnitii -own s,.:u. times. '1 ht y ate evi .1. :;ti th- re to r cn:iti r." I w 1 1 ; 1 1 1 1 1 Hi-hop ! t r two -ml r.i :, r t . .!?'. r!. t j. , we ' i e 1 i.i !. fore we advance." S I ae SH!.!. V. " ju-t hi- laorning t::edita- ate of the weary pilgrim. IUtn Beds of Slate ia Stanly County. 1. t t ra I It..", .r.l If f. Min.l 1 In : 1 :.! v t h. n t urto d to i .1 -it ! r i ;, S il:!l !.is e-ii. f of j if. - II. Ip a -ect i:i. n;-h. pt .. I . and reiu-if-k. 1 . : b r uj at. I -.ir i.p t! at 1 ?i 1:. v !;':! II -.w ird and apt. I. i::-rf. on. nii- At the rd. the : '-i.i I:. t . J -a: apV.tr t: 1! :h i"t:-. I ! aft a! W .la.. .M.IU ICS "II f s , A deposit of slate exists in Stan jlv county which recent examina jtion and partial ilevelopment show I to he of great 1 xtent, w ith t he slate : of line quality. A bill has just pi-..l the General As-embly for the formation of the "North Caro lina Slate Company." toworkthee 'beds, of which the Montgomery I.;, ,"r say-: I ... 00 irrt I -l 1 itiiLn f ri tit m ttwuni.. . . 1 . . ... . , , ; r pre rir in ianiy county ; n mih s from Swift I-land Ferry. . . r . t...t L vt.wn . Skti.til !; iaptatn.t.. . ., . ., . . - Ii.MI)T. tl ' Ik .. . IIII I TUT I Til.. I .- OH..H. . . 1 ...... - .... .Yadkin Haiiro.id; ii miles from ! N'Twood, and the same distance ifrom Alb. ni.irlc ; II miles from Troy and 27 miles from Wadeshoro. ! We' h ie seen samples of the s!,;te. whieli has been mentioned in .1 ...... ... .1 1 ... .. I ... r ..I fi . r. hut until a iii.. t. i "iiiiiiii .t..'.'.. ..... ,..... !i-;i itel.i - ! ., , .. .. . e ...... . rect-niiy we, i.avc nm o-eri iuiiv in- m tunJ.n:.- were , 1 1. t , 1 1 .. i formed as to it-i real extent. It has trans, 1 1 d I v the , , , . , . , , .. , : oi 1 :t s lar neveioiit-u us in snow . e. rp-. Frc-cnth , - 1.1 1 , . , it. (.d ards or more in width several irrivi d ;t! I.e.. I p;i , t s , ., . . . , , , .t i- i liUiMn 1 mite- ju exit in. iv iiiz par- . . , aii , 1 wiiu me river and at me iow- r a !.;-' o r. a U!. In un w a . , , , . I jM'iili I " "O III I OI III O I T- ,I"U "oil ft 'It rati. , i -i ''I I o'tr p-irtv lb v. i!e. ( 'aptalti Tav l"T. M -- ': r and th r -i- r- d ;ri::'4 the winter pre we lay in g..rri-ii a: had interpreted tS.i V. 1! C! hi r C de of the I during tin c :;t it e 1 it a ri !.d t 'i 'a a . ; v r t . ' 1 , 1 la p t t ; i He ft- !. .,?.!. aft. rj" t! on t!..- ri hl of r I.- 1 rs ird, and about d;-!a::.:. The I.'eitten . !!':n v i'b d. took :.- the i;n v,as fw'i d a .1 1. v j: i d. .; 1 la a - We rol.ld fV' I'V t-lir feld gj. I ,,. ;i iiitb- to th rear, i.v.-r at d on t!s- I . f (I. ..r. . I . - t . tatM. imj slljiii o; iii -no... a i..e liiV'.n Whe on tl tin- fiti w..- reloaded r'-'.- hini- ! fr- m the- : : HDL -.old. Of 'li- .Ij. rc. w jjo. - 1-. l GOODS ! l h" , f ' 'p!a I un ard's " .. f hor-c and rif-iiin t the o,i;i TiV A I water level atid extending up on the sid' of Stony Mountain. It has been examined by experienced ex perts aad pronounced t' he of su perior quality, suitalje f for tine roofing slate, schools slates, furni ture slabs for sideboards, centre table-, -tairway step-, counter tops, billiard table, mantles and tiling. ASYLUM FOR MOTHER'IN LAWS. larkt d : it 4 !. t me sight her. I.ieuti-natit. U think I im:i do better than that." Jcwelery Store l,-wn n hi-kf !'- mi. d the g in. it was disi-horged. and ' '' ' . . . las t o- -hell b :r5t on the mountain we l.oticed a - ;ii.b !i si'attering .of I i I t I I; 1 t: the group. ! ,11 I t. I.I.IV. "'I l l .. . ! . ,. . . .. .... ;, r j eh.irgi d. and imj ? r - t; ; kt-.ees ptgHt irg'i! fof JIM The gun had I , n re- n w.i- on hi a third tiles. ' ? '! , reng r of d. a! h W hi l igl. ll I Ig'.c.-r ! - ? : 1 . - , 1 t . j -xclaiiut d : 'That slid several. 11 j . r. I:. 0 r- - . 1 r " kio.d thru r al Folk !" What !" 1 ivi nut d Hi-!i.j Folk killed? " ' Y " was Leonard's answer ; .thev are signaling it' over the mountains." A Safe Harbor for Ladies Whose Daughters are Wed. A wealthy Austrian woman has ju-t founded in Vienna an asylum for mother-in-la s. The building, not vet completed, is to lie big enough to accommodate 500 guest, and the institution will serve as a pleasant refuge for- ladies whose company is not agreeable to the ungrateful nun who have walked oil with their daughters. More than one-half of the number of apartments in the asylum have al ready been bespoken. A German professor has written a brochure showing that inability to agree with one's mother-in ! aw i a certain proof of intellectual progress.- t 'hirnyu AV .. Howard, who was beariftc- attired himself in his wife's edhs, -and taking his young baby KaUis arms walked out, the jailer li5vi-j doubt ing but it was Hovvard.iwrfe. The ruse was mv.ii h'.overed, but Howafd had made 'ivvay to his mountain home rj't. sur rounded by friends,, hcde;ied the sherilL '.lie went evergwMii re hut the sherilF was unable t- -apture him until last night; wlijJjj l? found where Howard was sleei?i. Koss was killed lrV' he threatened to expose iUV fellow moonshiner. Howard maintains that "Hig Hill" Ibiwardj hif cousin who was ki!Iel not- lonago, was the murderer. . " i"1 Drinking a Fine Ai Ya i ' In a letter recently r?Vved here from one of Kng!a!ijj;-J wittiest men. i ns laraLrratn m ,e;yreu ie- i .. ... r 1','u vl 5al lalltig to a lately iu'itiu 'IVriiiLintr i M fill!' : ft-ju- filCt he did not know or gro-dy misun derstood: thus it led t'Tj ruin, then his death. Driiv' when bme artistically and wlj tste atid discrimination is a jno .attract ive pa-time. Never attcnC o com bine it with any thing j--v :it is in ils nature a thing apart. jlriiiking and business are a mi-tV;i;y Drink ing and married life :f fatal to happiness. Drinking att f.mblhng are suicidal. So you sW,tiic secret is neve to attempt it r -onjiinc tion with any other ca ryou may have in view. If you prjP("ie to make it your whole e.xtjti--ce. it i wonderful how short :ai)u useless v.iiir life in. iv be at :iKi V small expense." 1 One Brute Slus Anotht.'rt Death. : j CoM Mld s, ()., Feb. "A There was a prize light at Nt-r ille last night, between Dave Soild' f this city, and Anthor MajVy.-.f Tole do" When time was cHe for the l'.'lh round Majesty, 4 'et" ting the wort of it, caie ( for ward saying: "I can't see longer, hit me if you want to.V ij hereup on Seviilesmashed li lite fa. the. jaw breaking his neck. Tii j'i'ternoon Seville and Tom Macv n.e f his second"!, were placed . iy!r arrest here. ' 4 Gould Eating" CoUe We believe Mr. GoulfUi one of the mat.y philosopher-vii make a habit of eating cold pt, v - He says he would have beerl pik.l to meet the governor of GeorgpJ iind that he was just as well pliusiTp not to meet him. There is rlteided Km ersoniaii twang about ini' remark. and Mr. Kmerson w hole pie for brcakfjr-t - ( tltsflflttlOII. tfj.t'lbto eat-a If la urn barrel that stood in the middle of the barn lloorjand asked to look into it. Anddliere on the bottom vras a wriggling mass of. rats, three or four deep, ! struggling vainly to get out Of the barrel. "My glory!' exclaimed "the old ' gentleman. "Where'd you get all these rats?" "Caught 'em here in tjie barn, gran'sire." "How many be they?'' "Eighty. That's just forty dollars, grandsire." f'Forty dollars 1 Why, I ain't go in' to ; pay you all. that monevi" "Ain't you? Didn't vou agree to, gran sire. "Hell, yes; but I had no idea when I did that you'd catch such a tarnation lot." "Over it goes, then," said the bo'. Waiting to give the old gentleman a chance to retract, which he failed to improve, he upset the barrel ami the rats poured put around the old man's feet. With a howl of terror he climbed up a! haymow, and the rats resumed possesion of the barn. 1 i r a SOCKLESS 'SIMPSON'S" v ISDOM. Mr??. Mary M:trtha Morris! Vidow of Col. Zebulon Morris, a1ed atki home in this courity at J .7 .oY-lbck this morning, at the age t'uo years and . djiys. She was ithe daughter of .?ohh LVae, 4h'ci repre sented Mecklenburg" in the Legis lature. She leaves sixdiildrprWU grand-children,;! 4Sj great- grand children and 10 gre.it, grat grand children, making US living descend ants. !- r. Mrs Ha una Shairer, nged' 80' years, a neighbor of Mrs. Morn's. died yesterdaKy.-t-f ''htrh,4.U Xc: 1 MndUOki A. - v t-f; A '-'-"' '. . .--! ' I I SI : ' " : i M. l' . .. RnitjjNi WUII i, u' -i-rs' k (Stir !' ;-:- If.!', f jGtsi Per yari by liie 5.?' Cents Per, Y'ard We The A. & M. Collese Located. ! Raleigh, N. t:, f?1h .23. There has been 'long contest between several places fpr t jio location of the jiiew agrictilljurai and mec-hani-cal college, and Uhe! committees on education have luul jta'any meetings. This evening five cojinm-ittee' decid ed to a'eeept h(J: proposition to lo cate the eo)egeaf Loui-burg, with a proviso, t hat, ithe! proposition is bonaQde. Loisbur oilers JfG.aOO itetl to ' c worth .cess'ary biiild- ee u'.--iues- the t S;uiw vr occupancy Direct Taic j Ba . ad- etave" just; received a l.i Jo of this Sheeting rand- have deciidec! 1 flose it at tip very LOWPRICE, it is lull yard wide. jjot; --quite so coarse as Kandolph a. a. but mneli smoot rin.ishrnnd we beliere just as good ynlticf." i(r JUST RECEIVED direct from the FCTORY a large Lad les 10 in cash and lamH.st; 10.000 and; tViU n ihgs. The cc college is to re versity here un':' Louisburg are reiol; .1 Uni- : Washin;tox The direct tax the house vesterd;;v J, mildings- at bill! in to li he' ot Gn avs, cdntj Cotton HOS I: Browns ;and Black, which we ueiieve to ue the w ceut.no.vK oncred ti l rfo.tl,nr, 3Ve are selling a HfTY CEN 1 CORSET at THlUTY-NlNiK pTSJ and when yotf-secHr-yoir will nay 1 1 y ou-cannot f.'-emk-! - you rseM, veil lor one and if it don't suityou send ihljac w , ' .fti tr ucj wih, refund the price paid for , it. We Carry a full C. Feb. 25. which passed bv a vote of He Believes the Mission of the;Re j publican Party Ended. .Representative-elect Jerry Sitifp son, of Knnsas, in the course, of an interview is (pioted as saying: "The third party .movement is growing in strength every day, and it will be considerable of a factor in the next presidential campaign. Thl Uepublican party has had its day. Iti'sdead. The Rejniblicans have no reforms tM ll'er the; peo ple,! aild they are so honeycombed with corruption and have given the pciiphi s much dass legislation that the time hjis- arrived to infuse new blood into! the Government. The Democratic party has existed since the-foundation of the Gov ernment and will always live.' "I'm in favnrj of abolishing the Senate. The Senators do not rep resent the people, Alexander Ham ilton was an aristocrat, and he said thepeople couldn't be trusted. . He wanted the power, how ever, to hold the people in check, and-the Sen ate represents that power. I re gard the movement inaugurated in Illinois, to"" elect the Senators by the popular voice, as the beginning of what is to follow." - ( ' THE FIGHT OF CLE VEL AD S LIFE He Will Be Deeper in the Next Cam I paign Than Ever. - ' Concerning the statement-; that Mr. Cleveland is not a. candidate for the 18'.2 nomination, ex-Secre-tarv William C. Whitney tefis a New York 'rnoV reporter: "Mr. Cleveland js not a candidate in mv opinion, except this -far. He' is committf d; to the light. He' will ncTer be satisfied until t a rill' reform wins. He will do everything he can to aid the tarill reform-light, and it naturally keeps him j to the front. He, is a 'candidate for, the fight a got al deal more, than he is for the Presidency. When a Pres ident takes hij seat as the result of a tariil' reform victory ,Mr. Cleveland will le satisfied whoever it i. Meairwliilche isn't talking about declining, and I am- not in the business of 'pulling .other can didates out or oi .Httin' myself in the race for the Presidency.!. " ' Some Old People. kansas, $15 1,701 0S2 ; Kentucky, ana, .f;585,8SG; 101 : North ( South Carolina see, ,.,'.2,001 172 to 101, appropriates about .$17,- 000.000. The Southern states tin ier the bill wulj rceifivc the follow ing sums: Alahacia, '.22,o20: Ar- Georgia, ,$'117,- 0,011; Louisi- Mississippi, $113,-' line7of CALICO',. GINGHAMS and-W()l DRESS GOODS, and have just; received a quantity of . STYLES that will please you. ' - ! The only 'way- we N s can duee you to. patronize lis, is to make iOI'R 1 KICKS lo,er tfei'u our competitors, and that isf justi wlliia we, nave lo:.t and have the courage to put them io! l'LAIN FIGITRKS. f Don't wiiit th m.U i ! ! . . . ' will not last! -long at- these, prices. i . - ! Jan. l."i. Raymond & Powel 1 - . - - - r . .. - - ni t- NATIONAL HANK BUILDING, (iREKNSHOKO. aToIina. $77,452 $222 -li'Mi; Tennes-l :n. $112,108: Vir: West Virginia, $11. Heati. Hostile to Bright's Disease. ; Jna Tecent uotliVle article 'on Bright's diseasj-, b -1. Piirdy, of Chicago, the ia'ct is stated that the ihortality from the disease is great est in New Yorh-'New .ler'sey, Con necticut, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire, and j that it is smallest in .Tennessee, j North Carolina, Georgia, Arkansas and Nebraska The South furnish -s about one (uarter of the' Vie uy-in this ;ind an epiital ie ountrv. !l( at, dryness ! temperature- are i-c-a'-e. hostile to t I : M- j More Hangings Needed tuns 1 1. I Everyfew Hys a hanging by. a tnob is rejiortedj -We are tiot sUr prised. With j 10.C hangings in 4,000 murderer's in! lsfM),' it is nor surprising at that the people enraged take tiie law in their own hands and deal death to scoundrels. The papers may denouhce lynching 'and good -men inay: depredate such murders, but murderers, house burners and ravlidiers ofJ women will be hanged courts have to II 1 1 lit 1 li 'it ,,( JI (ii.C UC i bv ' mobs xintil . the lo' the .hanging. 1.1 -t;- Tired of Lazy Drones. I he great mas- id' the people we mean the work 112 bees ot the drives get t i re li oil seeing thelazy jdr.mcs, who doj nothing but eatrthe. .honey, It becoiiics .monotonous !for these drones to be eternally in ithe way. The great voic.e.of na ture and the jK-ople is for work-and improvement.-- 'hurloitr (,'roiu'clc. - ' - ! - 1- . . ' ' i ' The W. C T-'U- Champion. ; They claim- extraordinary long lives for natives of Monterey ci.un tv, Califorii: . Recently The Sali nas Index gave an account oijt!V life of old Gabriel, w ho was reputed to be one hundred and liftyfone years old when In- die'd on the r,th of March la-t. -Old Gabriel's Hn. Zachariah. by his third wife, j If v.-. I one hundred and' fourteen years. Then there was Cashmo. who did a few years ago, aged.ne hundie.l and thirty-six. Another .Indian named Lailriaiia died at the coiinty hospital some four years ago at the age of one hundred and ten. These'are well-authenticated eases. Now come? an old native, knowti as Mrs. Olaria, who claims tnat, sue vv:is twelve years of age at the time j of the building of the Carim l Mi- . . .,iil,l i.i'iLri 111 III'. VOIR M ""i , . The ladies of tire W. C. T. U. last night sent from the gallery 'a beautiful boipiet of Honors .with their compliments ; to Mr. Gilmer, of Haywood, iji- appreciation "..for his valiant advocacy of the bill which he championed in their lie half and whi-ii was so successfully pa'sed.--,o'.'ji7 it'jsnyoi'. , V , ; .. ; , " - - A Complete Wreck. . li. ..i;.!iiin Harri.-on s dis-tributiyir of patiotiage !has . vvro'ught . havoc, among the Uejpublicans of .North Caroluia, and the party ' organiza- ilete? wreck. . 1 . FIRE I I AMIU'RC" B REfEN T 111 : . OF . r I GO Old. Strono-, Lihcial and PROMPT iiv , Adjustments. Cash M ase'ts in the United States Dec. :S1, bslio Surplus, t- '- ' . Deposited with Insurance Departnient, Lossesjpaid inthe United States over '' J $1 'jii:i.'07i t ! j j i $0.21 I.0S .oM;i.s.25 $7,0b0iOOi )ft Office nL Savings Banlfc GUEENSIOIK), X. G.r J FOIt i PURE DRUGS AND CI I KM ICALS. ' - " : , ' - ' ' ') ' ' ' - J- j' T ' : ; - .-; .&' ; - -Ci- II AM ih 'LAXDRETIIS(iAKI:EN SEEI)S, Trusses and Bracks- Carefully From our Large Stock jwe can supply - . Gountrv a't short -- ' ' -. ' " ''' ''"!-- Orders and PRESCIPTIONS by Mail lilb and Physicians- not ii-c; , -4- .' d aind I'm wanh d rHIC33 IlEAQOIvTATlTiE, Richardson a inivi). I, Id 11 train. m 1 mm s ucce Opposite lh-nbovv House, feb. 12. ors to W. C. IN 1 GREENSJII1 the .rter'.' 'ti tl " 0BO. N. (1 GO'VER, TJIP Tliosc Soiled ""ajifl CMkrWailijiitlt N ICE WALBP tion is Sun. a com Fremont's Heirs to Silo Uncle Sam. JMrrsiU no. Pa., Feb. 2 It is stated that Gfli. Freniout's' heirs will sue. the Government for-their interest in Bird Island, which is. l the- intlisperisa.ble key to ?an r ran I cisco Harbor.. j One hundred thou I sand dollars is involved. . ' . Wolves Devour ClergJ!men. 1 . 1 1 - 1.-1 E R. 1 . i ! . i ' ' . :;ll S.OL'THf ELM ST., (iljEENSBORO, , Nr ( n.U'iann tiai mm in stoek'.-nii'l a- rioie 1 10 ore 1.9 the rotuJ. 'A ;,,r. r.i Lqmo.I.w fit Price- I ruin " cent - i.i-r nrll 11 u.' Wirfiirilbh ! rnen to hang our (iaj.i r bi.tli iri tou ii anil c.i iitryj' - ; fell. ltMim. 1 - n. !. Ifl't 'f iifiil f e tt:lit Mori. - gion I her one hundred ami thirty iyear old at the present time. ; ! V 11. NX a. Feb. 2a. Two clergy- .. 1 ..... .1 1.,. .T-f.li-fic -tiili ! nu n w ere ueiuuu-u oy , . . . .. .... I sleidi riding near Imesvar on 3Ion- lav.' Two night watenmen 01 mat eaten bv wolves. "It Used to lie i-roper nu -,,.ilv wcruaIsO Don't Go Now" is a bright reflex ol 1 a popular, "gag" on the tendency ot , insurrection-ir. Chili the times compared with wuat inev j ,i,l.l l,, ns' well 'as a satire! on; vnv Yomk-: IFebi 25 The.insur New Firm and Newlfeck just;received a big lot of All kinds of STOVES, SEWING PAINTS,. OILS, BRL'S MACHINES, I I TINjWRE, ,WILL()V s over nearH all the serious lighting has . . 1 t . . I . Puritanical principles. ji.s uiuji-m, , rt.cti(,n c.xtenc Mr. J. W. Kelley, is a welb known j (.1UntrV, and actor and vocalist, who has really , ,H,en done done some clever work in songs, and who first became popular through his base ball parody of ..." 11.. t;.t. "Throw- Ilim "Mine, Jxeuv, 0.00 - - - ,..!.,, 1, A V: another 01 ijurks. 01 l ii'iiu- t A Great Liar. The New York (, say 'll'u- ' claims to have ;ons i for one sitting. ,11 e t a ten T..n McCloskev 1 . 1. ,.,'itii. writers recent e 01 01111' - - - of the rea Mr ' K el lev's declaration in ! his eater or a great liar latent ell'ort are as Tollows : Joe -' is; a 1S great eggs 'at I (tflf. i A I n.f tor How do along with your husband now, Mrs. Maguire: . : ' i . . . . ! I ; Mrs. Maguire-Yery nicely, thank V. -.1 V U'rrL-1,1 . ) ve lie F lie.tu. ... " See if-the. gt-ntleme.n in the; finished dioOitssing; ! ' rn rlnr luiVC V Oil i r. - : 1 . . . I ! . K,. i,.KTi. I if i or v . r-.uu 10.0. o o All Kinds of 1" armixc; ' j I . ,' '- - : '' -. ' ' .' ' '. - j-- ' ! - Such, 'as Hoes, -Shovels, Mattocks, Rakes,! V eed . Uit tei -. 'I , Also Cutlery PistolsGjins,' etc. i -i- ': -i " ! ":' - RICK ARD'S WIRI-: I-' FN we have iust received a stock ol liickaru s (.aivenieu o . - m . . . l"lt .Wt 11' .. I , ,' . . , CHEAPEST "and MOS 1 U 1 I.Mj wire reioe im JDoxl'I: Forget llxe PI T.S. BOW LS their dinr.e tor of the ii";! t-M he gaiter. - D,y am fru kam' boss, dev, aiVi't donf cuUin' it yk." but At H. W. DIXON'S. fe 2b Old. Stand. The Saw jowngs a u tlie, MofftX No. 22.1 South Klin Street. Green djejro, X. C.";v3, 1 -'i ! IV- -L ! !; i . "I" 1 (tLASS. ' !'!:K.' i-wA nn Ll: i.i.! r 1 i : s, jv'i.irni- bell. . ' .. " -ia- ire Fenci"!' th"o -ii-iiince. - hi' l.t i.i!-- !i i w , i ape. : - in. -f. iM Ji I'?- ' ? i'i- r s ! I I' . r'i'i " h "- - ii v- i r V