y - ------------- ' L L. L ' i r J 1 f i : - GREENSBORO, N.'C) THURSDAY, .MARCH 12. 1801. ! f Rr the Patriot PnhlUIiinir ('mnmir. M KM . - ' r -1 aW JT -) I ft 1 v - r ' - I t : It I . ,'F f ! . i "i 'i III I I . . II 11 I I . I I . KX I A V ri II ft TV I I TV M U -A I? II I X "TT -fr IT ri M . i 3 i! I 1 HJt jrititLJii SJpUKU ii A I KIO JL t: . i i : ' ' t . 1 I if.': I I- i . I. i r-i . ' ii : - " i .ijR. jjW. GRIFFITH. rn ;ex dkxtist. Dior,V;, II. Wakefield,:,: M ! - ! i ! t f.. ii i:, n Dr Or. V. I RICHARDSON, Arthur E. Ledbetter.i.-V.mi.,r ..V ..r 'r1 I j i . A. R. i WILSON, i t M: t ! r, ..." .r 1 Gixiher & Wright, - i.AW. t :.m-. i c. ROB KRT DOU ILAS, i, ;..i..N.H.ii;t.i :. t j.A . i X MI N K r ".. ! UFt, !0!!nflr!nrnRE, IWUnHllUi:::::: ctit nnsi-clAss companies- i:i j i;i r I KI. J ; i :. .: i: ; r ' . t ;u a c o. .. v (.it i 1 1 i ' t: i i t i i i 1 i -i : t t - i"- t ..l ... J I . ' . . , I . i j I a mi ; iati mm sM.t 1 iti i i iitt Am i u ii m mi" &uuu V hi r.(::i:NS!;o!:. I i 3 : vf- ' V 1 1. I. I i. J. .v. i 3 t -.1 a r i Tin ! i t&EESBORO uilUSIC 1 , . ;-V- -1 1 . h"" . -t ; 7 j a-ked in surprise. . ! i - I ! mean exactly w "It t I , i 1 f - , :-. L. EuCikMm Ffi:cihl vl; j ? M "I " r. VIoLIN. - 1 ' I I'iV: ! i r U !; v ! . I.r.... rxM . Mi h. nil li;-iii:nii.i:. , t - ( '.. ft s !;i:m KM ANN, f.,rr.;-!i.-d -. . ii.MANN. - .1. i;;: clotlict), roitjr to school have seen my wife restcl anl cheerful, and c-pc cially haw we een that I am r: lfn-r a j;ool riiitfiner f When Ilo'lnc v r;imc int . the club l Tfif filer. -A GOOD CUSTOMER OF OURS." The Tea Kettle IIcxr:cd It. the Dc E-rked It and tte Wind Hisstd It. th t!i-r rvenir.;:, n f the ) reru.irked :. "Ah. you're hw.Lin pretty t "us ana I am ftelin prt-tty -k. a ym t ria it. My eye tcth L;i' -i.na- t!iru!i sinrt' tin- la-t tiiii- I .irt;nl h rt-, line even- in j. t..t I.m' a i, I I r p 1 in a! 1 l'r.-k' to 2 t n ffw lwN? ami li i I fitting at a t ;!. ilritik.- in. Ilrark, afttr ihakin hatul- with ral eonrhial rinuN and I'i'hlir: them tuMl-hye, rhane-d to tv.jr. firar my t.u!e. ' The old f I : !- that ,n waiting on me the ;' we rail itimarck thought tf a '. j.iy m- a hik'h compliment ly iv riri n.r an introduction t hi- iua- t r. and. 1 1: r n i rj r 1 1 llrark, !-ajl: Thi- i Mr. IJ dn v. a jo.d "GO WORK FOR YOUR LIBIN BLUE AND GRAY EXHIBIT Proposed World's Fair Re-iwioi of the Survivors. f 1 Moxticki.i.o. 111., March i.ihc ( 'onfederate veterans of Vu Ljilirg, Mi?e., have pent to an aide-tfCVjmp of the commander-in-chielT ofthe (Irand Army of the Kepubl ii an9 for the propood re-union 'pfthe blue and pray at Chicago titling the World'" Fair. The marJ. as j "I'.rark at dwn and onleretl the 4dririk-. llr wai rx tdinly jet " ft;l. an d I-iuhtd immodrrattly at -"uir iltti- p!ra-antrv uttered lv iitm If. ar! I attnuitid t ! of an i.r. rl.ct r. hut if I rmi!ol at all it mst-t Inire 1 n in a cntrainrtl n:.. f.-r rtrtain oril lay with !tiIdrr:i: r!mmin' ujMn my mind: "Mr. ll"dr:-v i" u od PUftmucr f flit.' -Many a tiim had I at at that '!e. tudir?: th fact-t of th .!:: r'':; it"i a!'ii:t me., and in !iv an ii! I fit do'J.ir had 1 left had it f n piekc d De Debi! Tempted Ebe, and Eb Gin Adam a Bite. Mv text, hruderen and cistern. will !,f fi.nnd in de fuV c hanter ob' outlined bv Cd. E. O. Carf.ill "and c;inei-. and de twenty-eben vere : ; Major Lamar Fountaine,! J the So do I.f.r mak mar. jus' like He-1 Confederate army, h to illir?e a Now, mv bruderen, vou see : pavillion erected at Chieajfd, be in de bejjinnin ob de world de ; called the blue and the pMyf for j thev have no money and tliere' i ' mak Adam. I tole you how j the old veterans of both arnilf, in no work for them tn ih tl.Av which the flHjrs, swords riband! in a deplorable ; condition. "Thev other relics will be etoWt the are at starvation's door, with not a veterans to camp in tents, f lifti h '.friend in a thousand mile? mTn- . j... ' - - eu iv tue ar iepartmenr i k t i tf, b;.t t.i r b fo.-i -e'f. I. or he mak him: He mak Mm out ob elay an he ot Mm on a board, an' he 'look at him, an he say 'Firs' rate;' and when he get dry, he breathe in Mm de breir of life. lie put htm in th garden ob Kden, and he sot Mm in one comer ob de lot, an' he tole him to eat all de ap ple, 'eeptin' tlera in de middle ob de orchard; dem he wanted for de winter apple. Hyme-by Adam he got lonesome. So de Lor make F.bc. I tole you how he make her. lie gib Adam lodlum, till he git found Vlecp; de he gouge a rib out he side and mak F.be; and he et F.be in de corner of de garden, an he tole' her to t at all de apple, 'eeptin' dem in de middle ob de orchard; dem he winter apples. Wun dnvde Lor' go out a visitin'. de tli bit come along; he dress his-' elf in de kin ob tie snake, and he' find Kbej an he tole'" her: 'Kbc,; SUFFERING NEGROES. They Went to Oklahoma, and are Now in Terrible Destitution. Oklahoma City, March 3. A de plorable state ! of alfairs exists among the negroes who have latelv emigrated to this Territory. They have come to the! number "of sever al thousand, with the understand ing that the Government feed tlfemphen expect ai "gool bahv" ; and give them a piece of land, and they are now opening their eves to the fact that thejland is taken bv the white men land that the Gov ernment will not 'fee4them,and, as I DONT S FOR! YOUNG MOTHERS. Little "Beware" Eits About the New ly Arrived. Darling. Don't do' everything for the baby that everybody recommends. Don't does it with! soothing sirup. Don't give pepperment' teas for its nerves. ; j , j : Don't worryland fret yourself ill, A of any kind. The . various States will bo K'iked to furnish transportation $ fn the old soldiers within their'Orlers, and the Government will (?;ked to furnish rations. The hfu and grey building to be built Iqr u$. the States combined. The goerrtr of the dillerent States will ?apv(dnt committees to carry out pro gramme. The re-uniin ieJcct td t( last from ten to thirtyiays. The Confederates have wfrftu-n to the President asking his ujgslance to carry out their plans,: ff the re-union, and the SouthejhuVSena tors and Congressmen 1kiv3 also been called on to aid in tlJh i"rk. of them are from Louisiana, Mis sissippi, and Arkansas A JEALOUS YOUTH NOW FOR f. jj. THE COTTON VX. -t r .) m- that I had bt ' otit a-, a go..d fiit-;uer of nurs. 1 t nt "tit, ititli the wonN ringing t mv t ar. and ia -ditat i vcly ftroll ' rd ah. tig Michigan avenue. Ilun- dr N f r rub lit tuuipages w JiirU d l-a-t. A man gavlv waved 5 H r aiude; an Siii. hand at l ie. lie wa driving a haTid-oii.r pnn of hores. I recog. niI Ilraek. A gMl r;iM"T ( our-. G od eutojr.ers of tuirs had provided him with that striking turn out. Hut where wu my team I whv for vo,i no eat de apples in de j wny not Keruna it as wja xne j middle oh de orchard:' Kbc say, j Direct Tax? sr V i Iem ib I.or's winter apples.' Hut j Congress , having done0 ight dedebilsav: I tole vou for lo rous act of refunding the-direct Of, Four Years Bites Off His Baby Sis ter's Toe. Akkox, Ohio,!- March ii. Four weeks ago Mrsi (Frank Hauer be came the mother of a baby girl. For that babj- her 4-year-old son took the most intense dislike. Yes terday the mother left her children together. She! was gone only a few minutes. When she returned the baby was crying piteously. Continual crying led to an exami nation of the little thing's body. The mother was Jiorrilied to dis cover that the great toe of the right foot had been bitten off near the first joint. The boy admitted that he had done it. rat dem, ca-e tlev s tie best apples; tax levied during I lie wariipMi me in de orchard. SoF.be eat tie ap- j different States, contrary tj! the pie an gib Adam a bite: an' de direct prohibition of the r'&titu debil go awav. Uvme-bv de Lor i tion of the United States, tbV next come home, an he misM-d tie win- thing that justice demand? the e call: 'Adam ! ! refunding of the cotton tjxlvhich tm he lav low; so;wut equally unctttistitut n and de Lor call again: 'You, Adam !' j much more onerous, beeae-jt was Adam say: 'Ilea, Lor!' an tie; levied upon'only a . portfonf the Lor' av: 'Who stole tie winter j country. Its burden, so ffaJ from apj !e? Adam tole him he don't went home 31 v if e a know F.be he ex pec. b called: - 'Kbe! Kbc she law low So dc Lor' low ; You, -a in uen tie i.or can a r. . . k i r M.'pJ't r. Wr could not af- J Kbe ! F.be say : 'Ilea, Lor'. De for.L to ktep a servant. My w ife ! .r ay: 'Who stole de winter had f.iid . and I had agreed w it h a ppb- ';' Kbe tole him she don't her. !i- had often declared t hat j know Adam she cxpec'. So tie I working t" hard, and that i Knr cotch "cm boil, ami he frow if no more than right that shej,it.m 0r de fence, an he tole em, ...i I attempt t cut tIon ex-. (;,-, work for your lilun' !" peue. I had aT-td to all this f.r I knew that 1 did vtork hard, j ROEBED IN HER MUSIC ROOM. aid J rided lu If that I had never J b. . n i:.fovi, a"t,d. nn-l vet I wa- A Youne Woman Attacked By a a g..od eii-tomrr of ours We sat j Masked Man, Probably of t.r-t . supper. My wife andj Her Own Set. how wi ary she did look sat with Kana City, Mo., March if. A arm-ri tii:g on the table. 'Art n't i sensational ro!bery, which in y i '.ir g to rat anything? I ak-; volvt s the names of two well known rd. jjM-rsoiis, is stirring local society to Not now. she an-wcrtd : "I'm jits tlepths. it tccurrel tn la-t - tired that haven't any appetite.' j Thursday night, but was not made .-'Mr llodnev is a good customer ! know n until to-day. of our-. tia k tti- hi;miniil ; and a ! Mis Clara Mabel Moore, n inc ut.' purring at the ! g of mv chair, ! teen years old, i- a daughter of Mr. repeat the word. A j t . vv . .vi. .ore, oi .mi. i.iu .uauisou avenue. Mie is well known in so ciety ami is a leader in amateur theatricals. The story that is given out is that Miss Moore was alone in the music room of her home when a ma-ktd man crept up behind her, clasped her in his arms am; at tempted to remove the rings which she wore. The young woman fought desper- afely, and in the struggle her hands were terribly lacerated. The thief ' i f " i - . r ,.,,r- f bad forced one hraceiet irom .uus Moore's arm ami "was struggling for the other when she managed to -.rrr.ed t eh.!i crept tiVer l!H Whit hate you harried at school 't -lav r I aske.I my little blU-lder. - didn! L"o to sehool to. dav, -!. a:.- fed. Why ! -Mv wife lookl up wearily ami i ' (s,!d: Hi r shoe- are worn out. Mie'H ! h e t wait until we can get her a ; r. w pair. -Great Jo.l ! A good cu-tomer J of our-. i -I went into the ittir.: room and lay ri t!..- - fa. -A tr.p of rc-proa-'hful thoughts -kurried thro , my brain. And t h n. Id, v iilain- . i-'hnman nature tried to soothe " V u hi re never drunk, it said j v "U !i ive a! wav - been kind to your fa:,! i',, . Vou ilrink of an evening it your work i- done, but you i i.erd "i:n- -..rt of recreation. You i -pi nI u.oni-y. it i- true, but w liy j , a man care to live 11. he cati- unhose herself and reach the hall, when she cried out for help. The robber rscaped and Miss Moore has been only semi-conscious ever since. In her delirium she mentions the name of a young man as her assail ant who is a member of her own social set. Until Miss Moore be comes conscious ami can make a charge against him he .will not: be arre-ted. EMMA ABBOTT CREMATED. I. t enjov biiu-i If occa-i 'nallvV j ! "Ah. how i-a-v it won J have been , 1 1.. v i. i I. but truth, in a ad tone of j The shes of the Dead Actress to Be jr.-pr..v.,.. wav I a-ide the tempting j Deposited In a Boston Vault. -.- ur..lr.) and said: ; n im. 0 lll-ltll.o, 1 Ii .. Ill The n.or.ey v.hi spend for bet r j ri m:lius f Kmma Abbott, the well lid make o !r home a rt-t-in-?kfltlWll -.itl!-er ml itotrrs wlip lietl :l U irt'V t'.aee, 1 oil sa V ' mils: have recreation. o w i ft -pin:: z a; that Vou What le.-n at i:i has your W!.o.. go. 'Mi-toiner i" she? "Mv wife came into the room and it dow n l.i a r Inc. Are yon vry tired?" she a-ked in a oiee low and sweet witli svm- itiiv's music. j ": I ri.tiMl not la ip hut rx U laiu.. ! am not tired, but a good cu-totr.er "l l mean that I am a brute. it last .January, were cremated in this city on the 17th of February last. The fact was kept quiet at the re quest of the mother of the deceas ed, and become publicly known to day. The incineration took place in Samson's Crematory. On the morning of the 17th an elegant casket addressed to Mr. Samson, arrived from the west on the lim ited express, and was taken direct ly to the crematory on Oth avenue. I The remains were immediately mean? she! placed in the retort, and in exactly lone hour and 13 minutes the incin- t I mean exactly what I -av i.-r-.tirtn .im nli-tid At 1-Hl that 1 am -imply a f rute. I have ! . i . - i" 1 1 . i. . i wa-Itil in a o,y a nu.ir niai i sa-ium hate brought home; my sehi-hne-s o'clock that evening the ashes were placed in an ordinary urn. and shipped on the Philadelphia ex- ha- kept you hard at work when 1 press to New York Citv, where thev i ..til. i i: . i . . . , . - . v .n siioual nave hern reading some t ntertaining book. If. truth. I am a g.w.d cu-tomer at a beer hall, and you arc a -lave ! ' Oil. don't -av that, dear, she imi'Ior i f. r f gently sm othing back my b nr. i am sure that your; posit ion demand the spending of some money. You must not be made t' apptur selti-h. Oh, no, 1 replied bitterly, 'I mu-t throw mom y away I must 'e a t hotighth -- brute at home sa that I may r."t -appt ar ihoughtful ly s i 1 1 1 i i auioSig iitt down foa a--so.-i.iii -. W.-'ii not li-ca- it, but we -h.iii -ee." -V- ba 'i-i !)." Ibsli.ey colli in ud after a -!ioft pm-e. vWr have -. en a irirl in the kit wire ulacetl in u vault of the safe depository company, to await final interment in the" family burial ground in Massachusetts. When the body was placed in the furnace, it was robed in an ele gant tlress made in Paris at the cost of fa.ooo. It was the singer's favorite costume and was made of heavy cream satin with lavender stripes nnd hand embroidery in "old. Ml-- Abbott had expressed being even approximately .Ajvenly distributed, was laid entiVelupon the six cotton raising St l6;, and the balance of the States' jd the Union were exempted fnrm paying one dime of the tax. ; TRel Raised no cotton, consequentlyi-lri none to be taxed. It was wrutJg rom a few States already imjrV$ished by war, and in no , conUjton to stand such a burden. $t .vas a downright, barefaced rrhf&y, in tleliance of the supreme tawpf the land, and now that ; tho' iiional conscience is awakened, rtjjution wtiuld be in order. It 'ld be only an act of common iLjasty to restore it, and a great couhty like ours certainly ought' to f-e Jonest. .V. if, (.'. - jjj THE POLICE OF LoifDtiN. : -f' rc Orcat Indignation Expressed Their Inefficiency, t ' Lono, March -I. lrpuir in dignation against tire filtie. au thorities runs very liigltf :nd; the feeling is not confined t.MC 'ow er classes. Sir F.dwarU Phigford's failure to detect the WjSltO-hapd as-assiu has had a disojgaging influence as to the publitri pinion of his capacity." Much wis Expect ed of him at the time o; jJs jip pointment and the revuM,io' from the former high estimate's prions. The failure tf the policjvSso to arrest the men who robbed bank clerk in broad tlaylight ftiearh 13,000 arouses apprelwuion in the breasts not aflectHLy the J Moody, short Whitechapel murders. IX s If said ' hree of the A FAITHLESS LOVERS FATE. t i , ; .- i i His Victim Ends His Career With a Coupls of Bullets. Nkvv York, March 3. Nerved by an injured woman's wrong, Paulina Kobertice, an Italian seamstress, this morning ; .fatally wounded Nicola Piero, who had been her lover, but had betrayed her, give her a revolver and told her to shoot him if he should fail to keep his word and marry her. Having learned that ho was about to take all his earnings and sail at. once for Italy, leaving her to become! a mother but no .wife, Paulina took Nicola at his word this, morning. One bullet entered his stomach, the other his back. The physicians say he will'die. j Dashed Out His Son's Brains, j - . V , i I : ' " i Clkyki.ano, O., March I. Delos Roswell, a farmer, seventy years1 of age, wdio lives in Cogley township. Summit county, went insane early this morning,.and grabbing an axe dashed his son's brains out before the , youngj man could raise Ian alarm. The old man then rushed at his aged i wife and dealt her a terrible blow,'after which he tried'j to cut his tlrroat. Neighbors bur ried in befori; he could puCan end to his life and it is hoped both he nndT" his wife '. may ' recover. Ilis troubles are the result of financial diHiculties. Only Three Will be Missed. Twelve members retire from the United States. Senate tomorrow for good. They'aro Hrown, of Geor gia; Ingalls,fof Kansas; Kvarts; of New York ; Spooner, of Wisconsin ; Farwell, of Illinois; Kustis, of Lou isiana; Hlair, of New Hampshire; Payne, of Ohio; Hampton, of South Carolina: McConnell, Pierce and Moody, short term senators from ..' .... i new states. ltli . Don't: give jtapioc'a cornstarch or potatoes. j j Don't give meat oon t tail to rorm, . early : in its little life, a habit 'of-regularity in nursing. j . 'j ' ;. ' Don't oirer nature's fount every time the baby cries. A too full stomach is doubtless the cause ol its puin. ' j . Don't bind too tightly ; ; nature will keep the babv ' from i falling: apart. L '. Don't dosejvvith for constipation gently rub the ab domen. Ladies' Home TovrnaL 3 We have -A ' S!H BE T IMG, 51 cts. Per yard by the Ce NTS just received a 11 closest at this very L0W uite so coarse as Ran Pi:r Yard tie of. this Sheeting-'and casfrr ol: but V A Pretty Thing. ; , The prettiest thing that has ever been nm in the way of a railroad train is the special limited 'vesti bule which . the Iliehmond k 'Dan ville is now running from j Wash ington to Atlanta daily., The whole train is a solid vestibule with din ing car, library, etc., all complete and it goes like a ball out of a Gat ling gun. It only makes eight stops between Washington and At lanta. It stops in this state at Greensboro, Salisbury and Char lotte. llnlenih Ohscrccr. ; A Regular Zoo. j ' : Saturday Mr. Moses Ford, who lives near ForestvSUe, this county, On the farm of his father,' (Mr. D. F. Ford, cut' down a large hickory tree in which he fjound twenty-four live opossums, two gray squirrels, two owls and fouij ! w i Iiii!cif( ( hro nii fe. quirrels. Invited, to "Winston. . The'Wilmingtort Messenger makes this announcement : Dr. Kings- bur-, of our stalFi has beeii invited to'take the chair Jof English in one of. the most nourishing institutions of learning in North Carolina, ihe Davis Military Sehool, at Winston An Affecting Sight. One of the most! intensely absorb ing sights to be sc-cn in this monoto nous, work-a day! world is that of a young man with arms . four feat long,tcnderly embracing -a .maiden, with a; waist ! fourteen' inches around. ! I i - ' - - : ii ". " A Watch for the Blind. I- r I : ; ! Bolt- t Cut : i . . -I. ; hale' decii d to I'KiCl-M it is lull vanl Nvule, nht olph a. a. but much smoother Jaro lmisli, and we believe just as good yrelue. : I. .:--:' '..- V ' JUl Khthlh direct from the FACTORY' ; Ladies' 10 cent Cotton HOSE Browns and Black, - ' - V ! i j - "-r which we believe to be the REST 10 cent HOSE offered -l; i -'I i , - i- . . - - We are selling a FIFTY CENT CORSET at TIIIRTYf NTNE C and when you see it Vou kill say so. If vou cinnot coi r ourseu, sentl lor one and if it tlon t suit vou seudit line of in ( recti sboro; f Vand we will Carry va .full line of DRESS GOODS, and refujnd the price; jmid for ; it. CALICO'S. GINGHAMS,1 have just received a ipiant STYLES that vyill please you The only way we can induce ,'vou - to patrolnTzo PRICES lower than lour (competitors, and that is! we have done aiiid hiive the courage to put tlnjjii in PLAIN FIGURES will not! las -: 'J nze- us, il nd WORSTED tV of jtist w hat' come; . .ii neK! 1 'NTS, -NEW aC Don't, wait, these good long at these prices Jan. !..! Raymond & Powell VG, GREFNSUORO, N NATIONAL IIANK KUILDINC our:! H A I B IJ R ( i " 1 R KM 1 N INSURANCE FIRE OF GO Oldj Strong, ILibeial and PRO MP I Adjustments. l HULK Cash Assets in the Surplus, United! in 1 1,1 7k 13.07 ;- ;!S .ti',o:, An invention bv a Swiss watch maker is very ingenious;. . It is a watch for the blind. A small peg is set in the middle of each figure. The peg drops out .when! the hour is reached and the owner counts back to twelve, and so. finds what hour it isi. Not Suspended. t!,at tlr urn r:,ncTs i.n I London - ihe except ion of itrovvn, Uampton n r " ; : i . . ii mt . i ;ii . who make a business to Feene in timately acquainted witltft!; inner workings of every bnk ndmore ment tf every clerk whoUjn the habit of handling' large i"7nr-jnts in coin or notes. Why r these gangs not broken up? t'rje. 'people are asking, and conipaijss are drawn with Paris and f'.ir. York very unfavorable to the t'ut&n po- ! VI " CUT HIS THR6AT F(?R J300. A 2-Year-01d Murder Confessed by a Colored Woman;.- u . Kansas Citv, !Mo., Marli 4. The Chief of Police of toHify re ceived a message yestefii.'i from the Chief of Politfeof Dilvr, Col., stating that a negress ii'Vo 1):.v ton had confessed the fmuide.r of. .lames Wade, in ; this cityj about two years ago. Wade ;s m driver and collcctor forj the- .(.iicb Doltl Packing House, and at thejlime of his mysterious djsappeSr'i-ice was known to have had sj-vejal IjJ"1 dred dollars in his posst'5-yn. The Dayton woman chnfessc( liat she killed him by cutting ::liiv throat, and then threw his body- Jnto the river. She secured abou):500 in cash from his' body .1 c; t . - - '. '; TOWN LOTS FOR A DOLLAR EACH 4 Texas Negroes on'their Vf V to Okla homa. I , ; , C.aim svili.k, Tex., Mrch 1. During the past ten iliy-UOO ne groes passed through (hlv city en route to Oklahoma' r-eVle there. Nearly all fome from c$sIjrnTexhS, and are a most distressed, and hard looking cet, destitute fif money, clothing, provisions, fat.ning iniH plements and every tiuns necessa ry to prevent starvation iid suffer in in thf new fountrv.'c, A white ... ... - - - - z m m an from Oklahoma 1 1 . jt h a sQu-en at fiev'c rep- could lit- and Ingalls, tin y will not be missed. .il(tnfil ( 'oitXfilll Hon. ... CARELESS PARENTS. Two Fools Lock Their Children Up and go to the Theatre. Chicago, March H Mr. and Mrs Jacobson, tf ;1 17 West Huron st., went to the theatre last; night, lock ing'their tvvoVhihlren, Canea; agenl years, and iMercy, aged 1 years:, inthe house.! During the parent's absence a lamp, which had boon left burning 'dimly, exploded and when they came home the children were dead, having been- sulloeatcd by the smoke. ; Whipped all thefSame. The Uillville, Ga., Banner has not suspended, esteemed, contem poraries, j Take I the -editor's own words for;it: "We said; that we were herelto stay, and we meant it. The sheriff has us locked up in the o'flice, and we crjn't help; it. The Banner will be oiit as usual,- how ever, as ;we ar4 working away-. Conies .will be delivered ! from the roof, as soon worked o'H'." as -the edition is A Sno-w Squall living in father a A man named Snow, the suburbs, was made a few days ago, and he sent this an nouncement to th)?' local paper: "A little Snow drifted into "my house last niht." Philidcl ihit llc-rtl. States Ik-c. 151. : L"' Deposited with InsuraneejJDepartment. Losses paid in theilnitetll States over '; - i " .$7,001 KoiMt.o')- . Office in Sa-vings Balilci (aiEEXSlK)RO, N. C, .1 1 ' i TV-' i ii .1 'i I i ANI" 4; LANDRHTII'S (JAHDKX 1 RUSSES JAND liKACES 1 UAUKKUB PURE DRUGS AND GHHMICJ From our Large :Stock we LY can supply Physiciaii'!.'ahd SEEI)S,i H I'll 1'TKI). Country at short notice Ordersand PRSCIPTIONS hy Mail filled and forwanle, 3E2FttIO-E:'-4; TlJE-VQ-Xr.A.TiTiI3 Stores"; Hi , t he by ifie if i J.t; tniin. ; Richardson i& Fariss Opposite BePibow House,- fob. 12. uccessofs to Wj ( i : T If 1 Pt.fteh : f ! GRI:;Nfl'(jfi:0. Ni c. is The Tio :that Binds. The North andjouth will enter tain for each other this -year kind lier and more fricii.dly feelings than ever. That is to say,' it is prophe sied thatfthe watcymehm crop; will le unusually large!. - '. Broke Two Ribs at a Single Hug. Boston newspapers refuse to 1k--lieve that Sullivan wxis whipjied by a Georgia1 train-hand. They hold that he was merely "subjected to a slight chastisement while he j was in somnolent state." But tliis means "whipped"' in Georgia.- .1' btnt't f'fntt '' "" ' . Reaching Out for Republican Heads. I- ; i'li Gov. David Bennett Hill is a very busy man, but he can always find time ti take a whack at a Republi can head, even though he has to reach over into the State of Con- j necticut for n victim. H Wo-'vW'j W. - ! " j' j White Men Selected. ! j -A Tennessee gifl met her father at the depot tjie j otlicrj day- and broke two ribs at , a single hug.". Her name is suppiiessect; for fear that young men will givf' her house a wide berth. ; i They'll Be There. The three Georgia "eJitors v4io are opposed to free passes, will be present at the Albany Chjautauqua. Thev started out last week,' with ten days' provisions, 'and will ar rive in'Albany: March i.nh. Af- Inntii ' hist j . j His Cheek Saved Him: Thosd Soiled and Cracked W 1 Bpps 311 line of samiilf." NICE WALL VA V IER lis. I1 w SOUTH ELM ST., ' GREENSljORU i N lias 3000 ItOII.S in stork and as min li ncre mii i lie nt Prices from .1. cents per roll uj.. W i men to hang our paper both in town and counlry. feb. l!t-;riK furiiij-li ATTELrTIO-N - " ' . " - :' i 1 '., h,o-r'orilf Ullplf . enf: work - T JUST RECEIVED A BIG i I ;..,!- New Firm and JFewi! StoclL A lionk a-ent tooK reiliilG unuer ivn .kwhis u .t a .h '-, w i tlninderl i ' TIN-WARI it lid v r !.. iv ' - ' storm! and the lightening struck him on the 'cheek'., glanced oil" and killed W mule two hundred yards .away.' i . i '-j All Kinds of I;ar.mi.(;: At Some Other Mark. I Such as Hoel B. K. Bruce, colored, register of deeIs for tiie District of Columbia, i.j .i iniri-; 1-irce army of clerks iu his department." The honorable J Aunt Mary ( with horror ) Char chief is allowed by the government idie. is; itipossible I (heard you swear, .i it.ianii,l i-WL-c- no 'to I imi wicked boy? Don't vou know l ii ree riiinnisun". - - ? . - . , this time all are white men. " the angels are . listening to every .'-.!.; . word you say.' i - -n we have uist .OT OF PAINTS. OILS. Hakes, Shovels, Mattocks, Also Cutlery, Pistol ; Guln ;ri SHE Wl LL(M l'Yi-.l ,i.J RICKARD'S WIRE Soon Forgotten. 1 1... .t. rir.. i.. I.. . r. tunt. .1 in t Lis 1 resentiiiLT to tiieai tn i-..j ! secure m 'oi.d fa'rill for n't VCTV "1.1 . ' . smi i. - . ' -1.-1. tie cost, and lias also f(H . neanv every one of these minting ne- The Illinois Chestnut. rhrirlie i e:tlmlv:--Wel!, wliat if; thev are-' 1 ain't ' swearing at them, i Mr.Jormans Platform. - i ; . i Gorman is not baling received a stock of Iiickurd's f.a'lvenizTfd CI IE A II Senator Sri:iM;nn.i. March ."I One vote was taken by the skeleton of the Inn; we have ' joint as-emblv to-day, resulting: -ten my daughter, bright and well- Palmer 7; Slreeter f ; Oglesby . groes town lots for HVae'tJ. I hese lots were represented i'C-c bleated in the heart of large to tvs and to lie worth $100. j Every ;Vgro had h deed to some iinnginftj town lot. ! i r.xa t fit niliriciMns are soon I forgetten. Ifut. for his notorious! bill, McKinley wnuhj'not be .heard. of. now. Ingalls is uniting .iiiio . ..hlirion: Heed will soon be an tin already dead, "though the funeral Like Hi!I, he ,s a ,i emocrat and be v - . ,.a ,.tin iinv-.. n i)Uttin2 the rascals m services nave oeen posip'jueM .mi.. - r --- ? ! - whenever nossiblo. II n tti,t l post I:i. . ti- I Presidential on any pretend-! is ed fondness for civil reform ideas. T. At II. W. feb. 2ft. I LA. '-1VARF r:t-.? ;u titers. OOLS, ir((Hbej.-, ICHNCK, EST and MOST LASTING Wire Fenei J3QCL'i3 jrJ-b-ri-getj "tlxe Place.: SB OWLES elice Wire; I i ex iisfii n ;. t!0 1 :f ' - T c n ... .... r . I.. UXON'S Old Stand. The Savy -swiAgfc No. 223 South VJ m. S t ree ti, CO:, ovi'r the j JreenslioJ-iC'N. C . door. V!. J y t X j 1 k i r

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