IBQRO l'J- 1 I I . at ! I - i ' - ! A . I i A Patriot, "lit. VjtKIM, t I - - i ? ' - . i : rr-.-- I.V m UIM.Xo. I.IS5 GREENSBORO, KC., THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 1891. rt Illy the Filrlot'PnblifthInB C'mpnny,S DR. J. V; GRIFFITH, To Tin: Kimtor or I'atuiot; Dkau Sin: In obedience to your T PI I'll V IlPVTI VJ'P dtire unlocked the secret vault Oil IiUi.U.t lirj.lJ.10X. 0f cy memory and a lest I could. t . f f L---kJ I;ave tried to reproduce the C Iirist- iV ' ' '-V. il4:: ma addrc of the Patkiot Devil MAFIA WARNS HIM. TERMS 9l.su Per Y--r, In Alvnnrf. w. If t -If. i Doctor V. H. Wakefield, it ;i:!:kn1;oi:o. n. i. vil t il V t I t N IV t l I.' J fr 1 1 1. I am orry the paper which contained it H not m tile. Such an address cminating from uch a source should he filed in the Archive of Gravity" for the l-nrfit of devil of future genera tion. I know not who lore that honorable title in the I'atuiot of fer nt that time, but I do know i ' .J ' i t iT,", j that 3ur hnoralile predecessor, i a '--.I I.vnil'.n Swaim, wan on of the i f i n.r; ana I Miirrt I2i.nl ; Satanic Majesty w.ih very intimate - s I t S. PAEKTESON TOLD THAT HE IS TO BE POISONED. Dr.W. J. RICHARDSON a written. f iff 19 Youri trulv, J. ,M. W.lii: reproduction at this applicable Dr. ArthtnE. Ledbetter, 4 ! . ! i ! r 1 VJ III- J " IV $ i :.-:' - J ( - . f I ' ' . f . r -, . r . f r: II . l ... : .... . D. :A. R. VrtLSPN, ! . : . ii t f.. t!. . rr Vi s ll t M, .!i, ':.. 4 .n t it-? it I 1. S. The tiiiM-. I nt a applicable to the I i h a ir wouitl Iiave leen a lew vt-ar- ai. J. M. W. A si i !. !. r-itir annual Mf-a;f. !i !i-"if I il rti!i rc J-l li. ur U I'lf ' r. !. ; t r IN, -i ! I T' !t -r . fivr M-irt hra-I. i .'. n. t.t i-ti n.-u i - all firrrmtii'ii. t 1 :. ! I !.. jrr h inrnr-1 "r awl icr ; ; ! ttf l.l-l ... ; ! ir. -. U .l . i J i :., r t !.r I t I l.l-l. I l.i 1 1 lie I , li- I t 1KViUT. ,ua Gilmer & Wright, . M jii:Ni:vs - AT - i.jwv,'. Ii ,J4 t.. i i:r.i:N.s!:o:n, ! f J X. ROBERT H. DOUGLAS, 4 i:i:t:N.si:oi:(i, N. ).. : 'G:-;r;Ev at lAv.i I t o i KTJ IN f si O I ! r f f i 1 t -m 1 .' i i-r r ! t il a!, i' a I i-n, . 3. .it li I (. r If r .T41. ! f.iril'.t. tat j ktut, I Hi- i-i.r-n tan- ji l ! u tn itio I r-t rtcr. j l i ! i as i tit . II r tif-t rtu .u j. -t, j V j. , r a. V-i t t;,,- .t,ai.tat- in Iirtii tiat .in i .'sfii..u r. f tti'-n. I -r , I :. f. r a. a-l aimt-Mt ion, Nii.; ... t -.n.-t an ! r. ; I.jI-i. W it It M rnt. f' t.IV.rTit-- I a.l ailat'-, V iih it 1: .;- I-r it rni l."ff. .-tv, I tut r; t'.',r t r f in fa. -f r.!l.rr . I ifH 1. ,i f -ii -!- !,- I n It In , - 'lot f I I r I ilk' I I ! . U t..t nt uu I snl STr "t t I it r inn : j An I i.i.r f an. art- t l.ai..t . t. a (nr. ral tuut- t -r i ' ' i I, a in iir ! n I "U r l--i. -!; I r. n. Jt-I at I I. it. n U.. !.-. . f ll- ttat:.t, i : t . t 1. i m tn t. r t:.. i .'H--tati.n .(... ;.. i i r r I If. mi mf jttul-lrr r, I a I ! N-; !i l ft tlif tit t r ( I "in I! if r. ! I.t a'n . I t itn . t ., a'r 1 1, rt aim. i ;!tiil war if . I i t Ir. t- lra-- ai.-l . i t i- fir lar X, i A I ' 1 T- it I I. ,t f r i . it. i i wi.l U Il t I -t 1(1, Insurance i FIRE, O.HLTiFIRSI-CUSS COMPANIES i: ft; I -km i n. , i -1 !;.!(-. (i LHXN s A ii-I ttt af i'i.- I - m.rrn.1 i-al ..ar k i i Z ul. U r....-!- aj ; , T In ft! -is t .. r u. II I : : I a; I t at.- . t. I a ir. atr an-l v n it 1 1 a s ; - I a i l n kr I in t i . I a I h ! n- '" I I ' : niit-i-m ( , ! at. n. .ti . m 'U,-t , atk'i a f i.ke a can Ix'U - fr-l f I.uHi. ! Mi- Vi- a lsati-. r i ! '. l -i... r f !. a i,r a t !. v .i i n inf.'Cmt ! f I r3- !. Ifc-tr, r- ar.- -., .( I! f ;h-!- l-Ian I ar. t... t I I T ... f. I I V. H , ' - f K r . X i.v tkt? o At Hoy, f 1 M t '-i ' I '-f if in 1: ' " i mi nil ill W 1 1 i i i' i ,i ; i 1 1 - ! - JLJ i l ball: i'D ir unit w i til r..- I -Im i' r ! ! I! ii I im .-it I 't-rf . f IU : I t rt ... i If: I -i . , r '( 'i .... i ,,.,. et t : t r .. l-j. f t it. '1 IN-TK M . : c n.j. a; t 1 1 i t i - i t-tr'".v.l II. II. V- M;IL i VI. I. I I .L f-. i- I . i V . I J. - t . . t r j i t. J A. r. i i-T. J. A. .'. t i i iff I ! . f. ir. ' i . I . i ! fcfi.'f'.t, '4 3 I . i ... a: t :-- O"! ti. IsTEESB,' ; (. . ' V ... ... ' ' - I I ll I K A i: nr. a:-.. I Italian Marble. t i I - ll.fi.t V . ti . . ! -.- i r V i - . . ' t.. .lvi a ... T - - - II ! , t . f r Ti. T j ri i.i It II I..t fr. fr 11 !. 1. ; t m f in it rmit flm't'il lt.jrtc t r r i u rt . . f. s at tis,- .a;:- t u. .(-. kt. I i -i I t . I.- f -r ,1. ar J iniiii- I '-ii. X fM.;. 4.1 I t ar;". W.lt t.-rm- ar. I I.i.-li a! f-. a f . t i t-. f am 1 1.- an-1 l 1 rr mail matt, r- I'i (H (! 1:1 t J' aii-1 t I' I ! t' ll II t ! ii. llair i.i.n.i I tiit !! I t lit la.i.l fi - t a- li 1. aff j "f alt. it l. 4i. i t'"!"-n utr Ma-lam. i'r i.ari m tra-ic i T- t tn. a-tifitf)i. an I f'.ttsf lalsr-; l ..r i I. ir r: a lnuir. t-r lt iH i. ! matd r. 1 1.--1..-U ti.tiiW a- ' a-'. "ii -itiH ii.-t l.t ar iV.tttr. ' T.- v r. itiin jii lri.'1 II" in "1'irf -ft ai. nl iti .i. I f j.Hir ff-rtt ir I ti - n f a-ln.-n I i-i !,.! i..i f cl iiin-oi.ir (harm )!l t la .'- i. 1 im a- --.r cl.'t .( ti-ur U-autv l I !."! tesi. M ti tt-.f Irt-art t( ti.t- I an ! re tt riiiin. ! la -I tin -i !..i- t- ,.f f-T'f t- rat i" J.miT ! fm. t n . Ui: r U t r tn .jrN-r !. n't r !! - m-i ! W i r t . - tlial 1 1..- i-r!- lia r inl.t a 1-u-tlV, A t t ..-i ! . it. a-l l-ii-t Imrf I ln-y .. r- tiling v-u I -!... 1 . t. I!.,- art. i l.--n f - mrtmliK Itaii. I. at - tin - l.a it nt- alt-! aula Lark ! UUii a r 1 :. . t - a l"M r -I.--1 Tu- !iiin In i t.i W 'T- j' , 'I i iu..ii-lri-. (ar n at utr tram tin I i. I a ! I f . -i. r I L Willi .-i l.iunj. likt- a t -a tn, I. I r . t ! - lint I.i -If I i.t - . I i. at i. ral ffjef. 1 ! t . i I in .-nr i r - an I :' - ui .! .-f . r (- :it t!'f "srtn ( IW-t!r. ttii-.Ut!i i.. luv ta-tt- I i. t a .i : . tt i- kt-. I ( t ii- 1 1..- N.4 --, a. t ., in. an a- a "tr t..ull.-il w . . !. a' . t i- .i i . r an I in i r ! ruf it. lii t ! i ,u. r I.t. I t-art I ii . Ii-. h .r I I l, tl fi.!...Mi imiTit I. (mi lua ti iw r n ,'iijf I. I r - ir . a n I . ar til I I tin. lit- ! .iv l -!l..t ; . I .. - .i. r i "i j . t -it-tlf' aid l-.nt v. It ix, inn. r m r . .'ti a I it'ii 41-111 1 1 1 .'. It. t --ii Iiir ...r , j.'t.r -r m r tttt t!.r - It I." I -. r.- ' 1 I .!.--: i- 1.. a .It ii.- it.- M a . . . 1 t i' f i ..ti r hiuii i- .,f u t In- '-i Ilia Family to be Killed Indemnity to be Asked For -War Threat ened by Excited Men. New Oki.caxs La.. March 17. If the jjnod people who imagine that Mich a society as the Mafia doc not exHt could only be given opportunity to look deeply into the matter they would change their mind. This aluo applies to Ameri can citizens who aro countrymen of the victims of the mob's wrath While they are not flow to criticise the people of New Orleans for the action taken, they apparentlj' over look the provocation. A New Yorker who is now in business here paid to-day : This whole movement was nec essary and 9 the culmination of n deep peated penfe of indignation at the flow and imbecile methods practised in the law court!- here and difgutft nt the kind of men that are admitted on juries and the growing distrust of the jurv system." The Mafia is not dead. IV. S. larkeron, Chairman of the Com mittee of Safety, received to-day the following note, purporting to conn irom a member ot tne Mnnu Societ v : ' , i JI.Ali.V WAKNINt;. t You a 'domed man and Clod Amitv cant t-ave you.. We have it (worn. Our comrades you mur dered ami we kill you and vou family. You will be poUen. The stvicio win iio or I ip wresr. Neither Mr. lirkeron nor his friends are nt all concerned about the threats of the anonymous writer; on the other hand, the tele graph ami mail are bringing matiy congratulatorv message! to the leader of the citizens. Mr. l'arker gon said to-day he was proud of one tiling ami tnat was mat no violence was visited upon the in nocent Italian residents of the city. Saturday he was the best friend the Italians had in this city, He had prevented them from being abused or maltreated. One word from him would have been sullicient to in augurate ii war upon the race, so intense was the feeling. He re garded what had been done as a solemn duty, distasteful to all good . . . . citi.cns but a duty, nevertheless, which the dire necessity of the situ ation required to be performed. .t.AI THE EM IS NEAR. The better element of the Italians are irlaU that there is nop inai thU is an end of the Mafia, as they have been in dread for years. It is those that) have recently come here, or the bad element, that de nounce the action taken Saturday. A TEIPLE DOSE Olj pATH. Confessions Wrunr From CMiel Ken tucky Poisoner it Moi'xt Steklixg, K,;fcarch 17. -The whole miserable? tVry'of as diabolical a crime as waiver com mitted in Kentucky hs. jist been extorted from the agedhnther of the perpetrators. OrJ j hurs4ay morning, March 5, Wilfiai'k Fergu son, IS. U. Watts and tflfss IJoyd were mysteriously pofbrAd, and Ferguson and Watts duntj Inves tigation showed arsen? fn - large quantities'in the stoiijacs of the A MINER'S WIFE AN HEIRESS. Poverty in the Morning and! $165, ' 000 in Sight by Night. .: Siumokiv, March 18.--From the poverty of' a miner, earning 11.50 ner day, yesterday morning to thd prospective possession in the evening of $lG5,000,'was the finan cial stride ! enjoyed by Charles Dimmick, of this "place. When he returned, tired ami dust-begrimed, from the mine to his; humble home in the evening his jwife thrust a letter exultingly under his- eyes and exclaimed : 1 " THE TRIAL A FARCE, ttU 1- . ' t two mm. Hn. n fn tbY '.:rftr..nr. .vf ani.-!, -arc ricn. e are from which thevwere Sksi. I ow l"0!1 33,000. f Read it!" - a. W I il. Z a. . 1 il'.rnttliarnBf.nhati.nii'i'r . l WCHl'l ; woman SanK it Un.n tut Jiiii ir; seeping to' the lloor. ; Dimmick --m. .'.... taitfc riu i i la ftjiil t . . . rrintnn inrl ininrritl til i..7r'i "viiv.wintMn.au Ul.tl Ills W lie Hill , . mf .uunwiiii iiuj ii aits, i f.ii. i ; . .,. , r i i liiueii neirtfss 10 a Liiiro inrrrPKT in an English estate valued at .t'100, 000, and that 'she should start for England at once. ; Mn. Dimmick's grandfather be- Slight suspicions were a,riSieil, and Wiggington and his tv sons, Frank and Charier, wtti Arrested. They had their .exhminitlrial on Sinttirrlar Incf nil K n' : &fiUnAA appeared strong enough lipoid the Vat.hed e l?ropert-vV her fath.er boys, but the old' mait! vTaa d,. P" unar,ie to take possession t (.iV owing to a contested will, In 1855 The" nnnln l,PH,rJ 4f f l" httving secured a clear title n'im,i..n. - ...iHlJ.i'.A her father iwas about to claim the " vi . c tuiiii,- aim uu 1 1 , , , Saturday night a mob ;.tto their "tance, ;when he was drowned hnmn tra inrnctirro In IflH WS- 111 lMe XWlgllbU CUUnnei. . 1113 ginton had disSppearcJtl lut the 'aI-61"' l1?? ? ?ear at!r m.ar wifivnnd mother Vna rti Shu edplmm,ck and came to America, . -r..- .i.rf.;.-a.-i . scttliBff in ; the coal; regions of i ctusvu iu bv oujuinii!4iuui aha...i : I ir i rope was placed around ir;r neck, ir . .! . , . " i " .i t, iirs. iJimmictreceiven a communi- umi phi- tas iiireaiciieo.wi,!;! ueaui.i t J r ! . v i i Then she told all she kntf of the " ,l"K a: . S , dreadful story. ; ? thf ?t .that the estate would Mr Wirrrrinroeoi.ltliWflrl M,U UU "fUVereil IniOAlHir liailUS, ' . . . . . tttttv. tt.. tlt..t 1. 1 A J anJ last inight a message frbm across the sea; settled the fact, as she believes,; beyond doubt. I'he twV sisters'. and a brother are the heirs - ; j j 2D0 ITALIANS DROWNED A Terrible Calamity on the Ocean Near Gibraltar Over 700 Lives I ; in Peril. ; GfisKALT.iu, March ! IS. The Wijrsrirtgton came frojiV;.lVilliam Ferguson's house on Inesday I : 1 if evening very man ui nitr? pecause he would not give him sbfji-4 money. and that Charley sfld noi "6uld fix . . m -a him. Charley hadla ftldl pack- I L . I a,ge Avhicn he showeil njt OJie old man, and said to him: fipjs is the stun to do it with. rlm.ld man told Charley to put thdjisori in . . . - r .l .... . . :. the conee pot. ana thn; wUM not ItritisJi ; steamship Utopia, from Italian ports, i bound to New York, with "00 Italian emigrants aboard, collided to-day with i the ' British iron-clad liodney, anchored in Gi braltar ltay, and sank soon after ward toll Knsrged Stall. A southwest gale was blowing at the time of the collision, and many women and children were drowned A large number, clinging to the riffirinz, have oeen rescueu - by old woman had made 4"jihan con- boats from the channel squadron stoutlv demej care if he burned the hpfe.i' Frank and GharlevJ If Vcted for I Ferguson's house. J fc1 Y carne back about 1 or 2 . o'eJ'c.k ; said i to Ferc't '.'itn'f thev had been put t .t.l rt n tn I.I tltut W O a mi lliuil ruin uint una t ly best leavt 's and ! nut the stuff in the coifrc"tv:ot. The . . ... ... . it it. l he had old man told them -that Jtiey countrv.vUad they were fixing to do so whyn" crested. When Charley was txidihat the the fession he stoutly ucniej every thing till he was brjiifit to the jail in his presence. TheiVe. final ly made the same conft-ss' f i as she NEW OKI.EAXS WHAT THE MAYOU OK AVs. Mayor Shakespeare, whom Italian counsul, as well as country at larire. is disposed mf hohi responsilik the the to for the violation I t I! , :-t!.. Tamer and Holden. A curious cafe the pub! i' here. TIIK GRSSSBORO HUSIC f HOOL, - - i ; : ! HISS LAIHI L tRCCKKASS. Fn:::;:!. 11A.M V ViUCl. YHH.INi A-C. r.l t m y Mi., bit i: I. i:i;ni KMAN'N, iti... .m. !iu.tim:iMKi:. ft- 1 1 siA-. rrrnt k maw. -u iU vs. l-t f.r; in-, A i. .1 f r !JA..!. IUHhKMANX i ugaiti before Many prominent m nun are oeing t-anun-tt be I ore the luii-tr.ite fur the purje of aeer t.iining w he t her e-llierncr W. W. Ib'Men ha any property in his own name. Twenty -one year ng, Hol d. n. then Co rnr. hatl the well known .It.-i.ih Turner arrestetl ,nt Hill-boro, on the ground that he was a Kit Klux, etc. That arret and Mme others came near causing a civil war in North Carolina. Nine cars later Turner sued Hoi den for faUe arrest and imprison ment, in the SujK-rior court of Chatham county he got judgment for !sroo. This was not satisfied, a- the law ol!icers made return that Holden Lad no property. Turner atfairs went into a receiv er's hands, ami this, judgment againit Holden wa among t lie as t ts which were taken in charge by L receiver (lustave Koenthal, of Kal- eigh. Now Turner sues the latter alleging that he was negligent in not collecting the jmlgment, on the ground that he has di-covered Hol n's pi--e-ion if projierty in his i. nil name. The case comes up regularly in tin Superior court at Hill-bopi ::ext Welneday. .'. ' hi-, ll"7. JI i if ' r. of municipal law, makes no bones about his own feeling in the mat ter. He declares bluntly that I'arkcrson ami his associates di right. Did vou take any measures to prevent the tragedy V No." "Don't you regret it?" No ir," cried the mayor bel ligerentlv. "I ' am an American citezen and am not afraid of the , ., .i ... . i .i l. devil. l iiee men ut-M-mu iiitii- ing. We expected a disagreement and had made arrangements for a new trial." Couldn't vou have punished them by lawful means?" They were punished by lawful means. the men who uiu u were all law abiding. The Italians had taken the law into their own hands, and we had to do the same. It was what they did in Italy." Did you anticipate any new up- nsingr No, sir, but if I or my secretary were touched or anybody belonging to us our people would take it up and no telling where it would stop." "Did you approve of the work." "Certainly. I think that fifteen . .i i. !: .. ...... month j rom now me iiauan popu lation will be thanking us heartily fwr what we have done." Ills honor concluded by refer- ring to the Italian .cousin s com plaint against him, saying, ."the consul is himself in pretty bad company," meaning the Italian priejt referred to by l'rovenzano. Shot Down as They Ran. Hi.sinrss Manager. fib. 5.1 Senator- lee t too old now to ib-ncv. Fa liner says he' think tf the l'resi- Kami. .ii. N. C, March H. Three convicts attempted toescupe todav from tlie brick yard near this . i city. 1 he guards began a nea fire upon them, and shot down all three. Thomas Mitchell colored, of Warren county-, is mortally wounded, being shot through the abdomen and thigh, and his death is hourly expected. He is serving -t . . r , a iniriy-year icrui mr uij;iitt. John Metllin, a young white man sentenced from Union county, but a native of South Carolina's shot through the thigh and is badly hurt. James llrooks, white, from Martin county, was slightly wound ed in the thigh. All the men are desperate and had planned to es cape. They- boldly dashed away in the presence of four guards but the latter were prompt and accurate in firing. Twenty-four other convicts in the gang made no attempt to es cape. HAS INTO TWO 1JOATS On entering the bav the Utopia, before colliding with the Rodney, ran into the' British iron-clad An- son. une Utopia sank within few minutes, j Boats were imniedi atelyilowered from the British iron clad and also from the Swedish J. 1t.i man-bf-war lrea Lllttr' r.:.a,r. V. nXr '' 1 Tlicse boats rescued 1180 persons, will uv tnsptcu ouui- had' made, and said tiitTthe old man had given him l(j'Hits, and tohl him to buy the piju::. Men are scouring the counfrV ' for the old man, and if be isMorjnd, he, woman marilv ITALIANS BENT ON iVENQE. Talk of a Chicago Oang!Th t Passed 1 1 . . 11TT Through Pittsbirai. sin kg. Fa., : Marcf 17. A committee of twelve Ct,o Ital ians passed through PitKhurg to- day en route to WushiifgfMi to see Secretary Blaine, Frcpujit Har rison and the Italian Minuter, and to demand of them tb;;ul :-teps be taken immediately in thc'A'ew Or- who are now on boaril jthe various vessels. Many others who were rescued are lodged in government buildings on shore. r It is reported that tlie crew of the Utopia : were saved, but that over JUU assengers perisnea. working in raking some be raised in a few dayi ajund $500,000 to aid the wotk'"& sec HER CLOTHING CAUGHT FIRE. : 1 A Prominent Lady of Steele Creek ,Narrowly Escapes jpeatn. A serious, .and what might have proved a fatal accident,, but for prompt-action, befell Mrs. James (Jarrison. of Steel Creek yesterday leans all air. J'asuuej Ifilte, wn was spokesman lor wit? phviv , aiv.i. (jarrison was . t, , i : i . . . very mucii in earjiest. iiivai(i: her carden and after If the Italians in xMr cities Ursish' into a" Inile. set it on fire. will follow our example ttjere will gj,e turned around to go on with lo r work, when the wind blew her . 1 . , secur- ,1-c- into the fire, and in an in 'W. ma I - - - ing justice or revenzK believe ptnt she was in flames the killing at New Oriijunvwill re- t jjpr presence of mind prompted suit in war, he continie "but it i,cr to run to! a branch near by, the Italian GovernmeH es not I hich slie did, and threw herself force to a complete aur aiisiac- ;n ,r water ro Urns over and over tory issue the reparatioJUncessary to extinguish the flames'. I will say now-that ;m'.,lnny of ijer screnms attracted the at Italians will assemble T.vw Or- tention of her ! husband and Kev; leans which will fully ijii't ulicctu- Wharton,; w.ho were passing; ally avenge the milftb,uf our countrymen. lou believe .t i... ;' i ii e ti'iitictiiii ; i "I believe in revengO.;!jtalians geful when jvnft"d. We in T e the'iftfia and t will you denyi'i of this jurjc! being caused entf" " measure bv sttam. cA are j-evenge are terribly angry "What Government r "That those concern' in Lillitor of Italian prjvCcrs .......... - i . r . . l'-..-. jusiice, an to If such demands faiLViat r "We shall demand of itytItnlian Government that it compvlt." "What. would that au:Mini u lint I' r.tiat- the be full and they. ran to the branch, finding her, as.stated,!rolling in the water; Thej-.quickly rendered her assis-i tance, and took lier home. It vas found on examination . . i that Mrs. Garrison was badly hum-. ed, especially 'on one side, the in-i ih a largo PARNELL S VISIT TO '-KITTY." ; By the 'Knowledge That a Juryman's Life Was Not Worth Purchasing. London, March I IS. -The Times to-dayjstrongly defends the New Orleans citizens for the action ta ken injthe'ease of the Mafia con spirators. The-Times says that the blame should be placed on the chronic, abiding lawlessness toler ated by American usage. A ' jury trial of Sicilians had been reduced to a farce by the knowledge that the life of any juryman convicting a Matate was not worth a week's purchase. "Let lawless violence be abandoned by all means," con tinues the Times, '-but let the mid nighfassassians not begin." All the victims being Mafiates, it is im possible to feel acii.te distress. The fact, that they were naturalized Americans will probably saVe the United States from serious inter national and federal complications. Italy lias too much of the MaliaLat home j to feel -seriously outraged, aad will prolmbly not dream of g6ing j beyond diplomatic : representations. '-- am-aaB ' 1 !t A A S HEE WlM it ! . : ' 5 51 cts. Per yard by the Cents Per Coif, Yard We hkve just received a Bale of this Sheeting anA hve decided "to Close It at. this vprxr T nV tTI?Tri7' :. ; r..n -Ji- iii' f, r ! , A LADY TAKES MORPHINE. Within Three Minutes She Was Un- conscious, and Died an Hour : Later. ' Ciiaklotte, N. C.,.. March IS. A ver- sad death occurred here this afternoon. Mrs. J. C. Clark, wife of a railroad man! and mother' of four children, while. sulTeririg with severe 'pains in her; head, sent her little (laughter to a drug store for ten cents worth of morphine. The child paid the money to the drug gist ahd received six grains of the fatal medicine. ."When she delivered it to her mother she swallowed, it all, and within three minutes she was unconscious, and died an hour later. I ".;. ii ul mis verr .ow vikii k t i f it .m quite so coarse as Randolph a. a. but muchj'smjotheri finish, and we believe just as good value., jj: j ; j JUST RECEIVED direct Ladies' 10 from ther FACTORY cent Cotton HOSE Browns and Black, which wi? believe to be the BEST 10 cent HOSE offered We are sellin? a 4 r largo not li ho ot 1 ! in tircpnsbord ptvtv f ' I'vi' vvecT7"it . '.....iw.Lr J...Li. L.J , m.x. a. a. viitll V. J k 1 at 1 I I I l I h: h and when vou see if von " trill it i ....L. 1 ii - . - j v ..... viit xl uu eauuo yourself, send for one and.if it don't suit you cnd it ami we will relundthe price paid fl.r Wf uid W0R SPED Uarry a full line of CALICO'S. GlxmrAMs DRESS GOODS, and have just received a quantity off NEW zsxijutjS tnat will please you. The only wiiy Jc carT induce, yof to patronize mis, PRICES lower than our competitors, and that eonie hai-k'N' we have done and have the courage to put i iaAiaN lUUIM-.?. Don't wait, thes -will not last long -at these se ! i is to likal is just vth'ii't ihehv.iii'; i.i OUR prices.: ' 'j1 - !j il;- Rajrmond & Powell;; : Jan. !". NATIONAL BANIwBUILDING, GREENS HIS PRAYER ANSWERED. The Preacher Asked for a Shower, and He Got Two Bucketsful. Huntington, Fa., Marck 11. Just as Key. J. L. Eberly, a United Brethren preacher conducting a re vival meeting at the Brush Ridsre school-house, had reached his fa- t-y,.iln! tli i.iiii . . " X yl (lirtiT.A. downjTh' blessings , upon "us," in his opening prayer last night, the audience was startled by a. drench ing downpour of water from the trap-door immediately ; over the kneeling clerg-man, saturating him through and through. A tempor ary check was givCn to the. services bv this sudden fulfilment of the preacher's invocation, until it was discovered that the downpour was occasioned by mischievous John L. Smith, a 15-year-old boy, who had secreted himself in the attic before the meeting with! Jwo buckets of water, . j Scranton's Bonanza. ; i '.-fi';-' j-- New. Yokk, March 14. As apart of the terms of the- agreement by which Congressman Joseph Scran ton agreed to merge his concern, the Scranton Steel I Company, with the Lackawana Company,-it is said that he is to receive .$200,000 as a )onus not to enter into the ron wsiness for two years. - The story also goes that Scranton. "Iras' botind limself not to engage ih the iron business north of a certain, line, say Washington, D. C, for a period of ten years. - i 10 RO, Ger ERMAN" Aim ERICAl Insurance Company of Nei7 Capital Stock Net Surplus, Total Assets, N. C. .fjnio,ioo.0(i $,2'3.7;55.si; S,l7l.bj tj,5 Two Presidential Pardons. 1 Office jol SaiT7-m.s Baxx3s:- GREEXSBbKO, X. 4 FOR PURE DRUGS AND CM EMICALS, M -I AM) IiANDKETH'S GAlKDENl Trusses and Braces .CarefuiJ.y From our Large Stock we can supply; PJo'sicians! and ' : - Counf ry at short notice. Orders and PRESCIPTIONS by.Mail filled and forWardeld b next traiiil i - -! J ; T -.if;- ' : I' ' I : I. I Fitted; ; . Sit Arc- in tlx) " . ; : "" ' "I 1 , " ' v : , -li J ' '. i. !Ci .X - wi ll complete reparatihCe made t!ie families of the d$ed." His even if Italy should seek I-ompel acouicscence to her dentals?" Why, sir, Italy has f jifju navy t if she so choose jsht; could ion her vessels Lourcts irom cities. sels of and Italy war. your or co, more, ..4 ami ruin has 1M You see what she?-fld do. The Fayetteville Indepenldn Light Infantry. The Fayetteville Irjdrjcndent Light Infantry, which oCJ.r uoes ..nt-ihirifr i,v halves. ras$tU'ii reso- Neglect of Ireland Will Ruin t j His Cause. ; , ; London, -March U.f Mr. Parr nell's-absence -from the House 01 Commons on Thursday, during Mr. Balfour's graphic narration of the distress in Ireland and the relief measures adopted by the Govern ment; has caused intense surprise in Ireland. ; Mr. Parnell myster ously vanished on Wednesday. Ijt transpires that he traveled to Brigh ton and i stayed at Walsinghaiji Terrace with Mrs. O'Shea. He re mained secreted until. 0 o'clock tj- nihUiwhcn he apj)eared in tlie House of Commons, and, after rtf- hours, returned to AV.tsHiXGTOx. - March 14. The President has pardoned.Robert Lit tleiplin, of South Carolina,' con ieted of violation of the. interna revenue laws. , I. In the case, of John W. Brown, of North Carolina.! sentenced to three -ear's'impriso:nmeht for vio lation of the postal Jaws, the Pres ident has commuted the sentence to eight months actual imprison ment'. ; FOUR BABES AT A BIRTH- 1 The Good Mothers of Penfield Sur- prise Their Husbands. .; 'Tlie good mothers of Penfield, Pa., hire happy. Within a week past iMrs. Jerry Copelin, of Deca tur township, has given birth, to four i children at once, and, Mrs. Snyder, of New ' Washington, to triplets. Both fathers are as well as might be expected. . Feeding a Child on Lye. maining Brighton. two Dikiiam, N. March 17. A colored girl named Ella Thompson, who was a servant in the home of Mr. Leon Kirkland,; of this city, gave his youngest child concentra ted lve in its food -and was confined in jail to await trial. It is feared the child will die. JKilrdm Fights in San Francisco. A messenger ution a few nights ngo.fi-jrVjting a . t . r 1 ... . liff. K" tr nav 1 T j the I sinkinir fund with . wl1tv3.jo.paj :o year. and tii rnmnanvB expense! W -. w m ', t - jf World's Fair in Chicago,ir:a A tecial car will be chaftetid, the company win go inrwliie. JUilci'ih Vbfert er. ) " z T Worst on Recor&. v V vounc- lady in a Newpctfschool compared ill in this manner:; nom inative, ill; comparand; orse. superlative, dead." th bo has called i(t the House of jCommons daily tr Mr. Pa rn ell's letters. Ih reply to the official's inquiries the boy de clared that" Mrs. O'Shea, had sent him.' Even' the friends of Mr.Patj nell jdeclare I that his continuefl neglect of Ireland for "Kitty" will completebrruin his cause, j : j i Meeting of Plaid Men. ;j The whole class lookup very city yesterday There w as an important business meeting of tlie executive commij t nl.-itd manufacturers: in the Vt v 1 7 "T Tho" newa from New Orleans seems to have completely upset the United States Navv. Among those who - A. a I, . . s-. 1 1 r n rt a surprised, and the ! faster, were present -ai in. -. ". in "I j. ' : 1 l-rt.t. T Cn.i.U nf TJnriL-incrham. Air. 1VUUU aj. ci'. - v , v .. 0 ,--- Baltimore, Col. 1 nomas Holt and W. E. Holt; , and C. E. Graham, .sheville.-CA"i Chronicle: Kilrain is still the; favorite in to night s battle with j Godfrey. . He will fight at about one hundreihand ninety pounds. Godfrey is -ten-pounds lighter. ..Both in excellent condition. Doing the Handsome Thing. . ' . 1 . - . - . Roanoke, Va., March 17. The freeholders of the city to-day voted to bond the city 'for $421,000, to be expended for public improve ments. !'' Wedded Seventy-five Years. Richardson Opposite Benbow House, feb. 12. Successors tojW GRE . - 1M & Fariss; " -in Mj A rs toiWVC. VUxX) lv.rtcr: ! i . ! : nsboro, n. c. Those Soiled and Cracked Wal - , - - f i . ; - : - ! NICE WALL PA ri! 311 SOUTH ELM. ST., GREENSBORO, N -; - I ' : - II Has 3000 ROLLS in stock and as much iniore on tlie rkulJi line -of ..samples, at Prices from 5 centH per roll up. We furiiii-h ihii'elont men to narrg our jiaper rmn in town ana coanrry. J ! 11 leh. rJ-tJrn. - witlv !-i4 El 3 tectjs,1 VI.-o a eoiajilk4, worL il I New Firm and New Stock JUST RECEIVED A BIG LOT OF V T PAINTS, OILS, iBRUS I " - - '4:1 - All kinds of STOVES, SEWING MACHINES, .li il . - TIN-WA RKv WILLO'W All Kinds of Farmiivg Such as Hoes, Shovels, Mattocks; Rakes, Feed fCutterjf, " Also Cutlery, Pistols, Guns, eta. RICKARD'S WIRE FEN we have just received a stock of Rickard's Galvehwed .Wiire I X . I '- 1 OOLS GLASS, WARBj i'arm-belle much itb un effort to controllt r-e-sau- . 1. : i. tt -oVt 1 said: Cone, of DM iir un, w.-s-y.-s 1 ... i.c.liJa.. nnn hLf Xif tetf ilPlt,' i. I, i 1 .i TC"..,.-I nf 4lamance. minutes ior me iunerai.-r-i'o"' y -... '!' Uf . Pi:ovirKNCE, 11.' ll, March 19,---Mr. and Mrs.' Lawton A, Sherman, acred Oo and 91. celebrated the seventv-fijth anniversan- of their marriage yesterday, daughter aged 74. They have a CHEAPEST and MUST LASTliNCir Wire I ence jn exist ante.) T. S. BOWLES & ence At Ut W. feb. 26. DIXON'S Old Stand. The Saw swings thp 'door No. 223 South Elm! Street GreenshoW! c i S - , - I : : - ' ! I 1. i oycrJ ri. I , , , , . 1 t - j ! . trYi ' ' i - I . 2. x . v . - -p: I XL A