- - j - t .' The Gr GREENSBORO, XC THURSDAY, APRIL 9, L891. 1 By the Patriot PHbllnhlns Couinanr. . I j TERMS l.ao lr Ver, In AdTinr. EENSBQK' FATRIQT. ; ; , : i J . 1 " - i i f" -i! i ' : - i J . t-l ' , j i st . . i . i ; i i i : : : ; ' ; z : - . nr -h--; . -- DR. J. W. GRIFFITH; ; 4 t ; Daalor V. H. VakefieWi 4 : 1 I Dr. Vi. 'j. RICHARDSON, i . N. I Dr.; i'u-'ilmr E. Ledbslteif, YILSON, i t & . 4 ' I: ' i " I . r . t " r i: Giiiucr Wright, AT 1 1 ". LAW ROBERT kL J30UGLAS, i. tire, r nnr, 1 L 1 1 I :su Hi si -class COMPANIES t !A!1 1 1. f I ll.o'.Cl.KXN'S i t i v si ii A:e ni' i b' 4 I j ,1 k n m f mi ktH put ?: i Mil fei. tf tJH.i" Mill (j tlitttlltl I ii i s.j. I l i ! t1 i : i V a a in: t ifPtUESBQRO- IiIUSIC j ? "I - 1 :SOHOOL, i ;i -I I :V'1 L E,::C?.,:A;ki::7:! .1 . -I : 5 I ' t I ; t , r.iii m k ii .a . m nit P.-in:iM.i:. n - k r an . a 11 i.::mu MANN. 1 1 , i M. in n Rin i 1 i a Act to Eitahlish a I.'ornal and Industrial School for WLito Girls. tl. 'ttj I ii rl i fi el voter- upn " sub-i -rint in or " no fulTintion i ;of a tli finite ?um to l.e paiu in j Two Urews of JLife bavers Ayc ' . 1 1 . ' i ft i ,;lor)(.v f,r loniN. Ami if a majority ' of tli- voter- fhall vote for sub-j t 1 .. .. 1. 1 1.. .r If ;..a w li 1 1 m vi Son Strained to His KaeVrt, ft l .1.4.-. I, ..t....... ...v - r..!i t t . ,r,.,t iIa Kiih. "The Cautain a Wife-i i , i uii i " ' v i ""t - i-mw-i r i : r fci . . . rt a. a i t c r ; iimticv or jn imnnii . owepi Away, i i ;j- -r THE INCOME TAX MUDDLE LIFE LINES SAVED ElGftT I' ji'M M;t. fdr?; ite- roically The Captain Sttifii., to the Leach, but Loses His JLjiy k ! ti'.ri 1. Tii.it thr- -!. ill b- ?.i?'Iil. 1 an i:jiit?jti'iM for the wiiHi- rue' n :::!: of Ti : 1 r t !. rirorate Nortiial ai.l Iniiw-- -!. tie- b ..ml of Wirt "tor- ( v. hi-is. !. r ii.aft. r j.roi.. cl for, ill !: a bly eorjiorate anil J-o- UUC,tU tl.e hnwrr i:-;iii.V .roj-rty. -tr f..r .;! a'.lirii t i.i i ! i r f-fix.-, ! r :- f anl aril iii-U ti. i- trp'.rat ! j.-: tiiir.' for in ateil. t . 2. TL .t t!i ir;!iti;ti.n -f u i.i i i. i an.t t! 1'V ?. .t .,: i aT l l.v t I- arl of i i r i t r - !! I i M.-r.i ral A--emblv r!; 'irt!iii.i at - i.i- -nit.il.!-t !,. i-ifi.-fi- t r of irr.i-!. ti.- -iry !::ill r !:: ( v .;;!!. -j. -rit t tn t frirtion i: which they may -iuo. anl for, Nokkoi.k, Va., March jti-','.lic who-c j. axment. principal ami i"-, Norwegian bark Dictator 1 tert t, t!iey fliall iroviile. j Jorj;enfen, from Pen5acoIaSrt Sec. lo. When an Inftitute i fiartlenool. Kn-Maml. ! aire ft -n lth " i: ; i pine lumber, with a crew f tc.en ami the Captain" wtfe araiyy"of I! year, came ahore in i -jtri easterly ixale tlil mom rjyl;i r miles Miuth of (.'ape IIenry!ji i! t o miles north of Virginia; Ji?i.h I lot el. I-lirnt lives were Jot- ni Mir hcM in a i: v county, under the di rcf ion of tin- board of directors of the Normal ami Indu-trial School ftab!i-!ieil by thi- act, it t-Ii.ill be t!i- duty of th- county supcrin-temlt-nt to a-it in the exercises, ami it shall b.- the duty of the tachcrs t attend. TJie County Hoard of Education shall provide a" -i.i!a!.!- lmilditi;: and defray all ep.-n except -alary and travel ing i p-n- s of the Institute conductor-. Sec. II. I hat it shall he the uuty I h at th in-tit!;'i..n -hall :,,f the faculty of the Normal and .1 i... . i ... .i;-. inou-iriai ri'noi.j u i-.ieim us I il 1"! i "I "III" l"t -i I inr.ii' nee ami u-ej ulno-.. as lar D..--U. to iN-rsoiis w ho are mi a!.:.- to avail them-elves of its at vafs"n' s as resident students, hav- r. .il.rt.rm of ..:!.- -h..!i ' 't"i'1,-v the Mate. lo this fiul -iK v. fr .., tin :ir-t d.v of :fr -hall atran-e a course of . " . r. '..Ii.i.r ..ii. I din f -liili n 'i f lio i -vf i!t. r th. ir ! M j..ri. t . l: ,r 1 : I! Iis-ati..ri P'irsueu u ouh -rs man ih-.m-i.-m COL. V7. L. SAUNDEP.S. Death of the Secretary of State of North Carolina A Sketch of His Life. Col. William Lawrence Saunders, Secretary of State, died in Ka!eih at 1.30 o'ebek yesterday mornin-r oeitiea Dy a Decision of State Treas- - urer Bain. State Treasurer, Donald jWBiain, hit come to the front in' reearll to me, legislative blunder oh the in- come tax. lie has issued intfue- m t r t !ard . ? ! I ct d (;:. ral A--f:n!'!y of North :. i. .s I !... ,rd of directors :.-!-! of nii..- j-,. r-'-n-. one i . . Oi-i !'., .- shall Hill -f tllfl.' i r :!, i!ir-ctir- -h. into ib lit at the iti-titution. Upon ap- eluding the Captain's wife i:l -n. I he weather was so thy;lj ua,t the vessel was not ceervtfcn 0 0 o'clock. She was then in thi'l -vk ers broadside on, and vf JtliC a quarter of a mile of the shojtn tVnll crews from the lifesaving KtitLo'tis those of Cape Henry and K:t k nnilr tOTiifn"and of ( n nt 2 .D Trlk- , - ...... . . J , water, were promptly on htfndf and "- began firing lines to the jlljj f jti c! I- bark. The guns could nouTvvor the line though repeatedly ;fijT-L;; The crew finally succi5 i getting a line ashore. It w4v'tied to a barrel, whiilh the surf Sed to the life savers. . The Itfevlleg buoy was quicklj rigged ai(Ltrnt to the vessel, uniortunafe iv ,ine i - s -1 . i. i Hi. !. ria of ! 'plii-atioii of any white person frlcrtit were ignorant of it iml lhd h ill I..- l,j-:iui:iuoii upon mis cour-e m tJu. rescue was delayed untj 1in. ! r-' d a of M:ir.-il "'"umuj;. i iov "o PrilHifflltlT (11 Uie Ult-liaviiijM'jyw - !...: ;.r..,i f. iiiL- ..i I . . ? . i. .5 .. . : n in !? .,r tin- ;1 1 " r " o.-! ". i wrote insiruciions, pui uiyci if f. ur .-ar-: ..f ti:.- t!urI. ; -amination shall be held, and j ,ottiP nJU n-nt it to the IcrYitvli I 1 Sta'.- U..ir l ,.f if - !di examination proves satis-hv tju. Hue connecting thf:fil lac-torv the regular ccruucaie i with the sliort. I !!. . t I II I'l :.d w t !. r.f th." t- ;. nt i v o -cur ' t lit 1 i.i . "ir ! -v a b.-1.; I !. i 1 . oy : :; .. AS! v t1.. vpir.i't :i , t 'ipii.n- Hi., ri-i.! ;ir I'pri i ii-:it i i ... .1. 1 it.ji'fci aivic . ..,. - Willi llie-UHH. I ill J i .'i : tl..- m-titution -hall be granted. !,,. Inen on board broke tj oOt "-! . . ... , . . c 11. 1 J.e Ki-titution shall ie 1- it. d at a ni.icc where low rates a:-.;, . 1 ncjes The men on board broke th e I. . 'Masses irom tue . -5 f.r t ! uf.i x : it- I'.'. trd of d;r !"!"- shall : tie at once, as could be fetfly shore, ainl f(i- re w ho may Ui -ire to arall tneiuseives t : ,:ilf ,,,imiti. nm seven: 4-Urs II lnt.. 1 r ,4 f o it. a .Matron s 1 lull shall - :i it !i f.iirhf'illy to p. r form !?, ir dutW's a- rt'qttir.-d in thi- tit. ta-ir V.o-iti.-ii ,,f bo.,rd can be secured in fami- eeeded to carry out the dircJCls -I. lU ..r r -i ! ll' -''.d f'T tin- be it elit of t hose Tht. lirKt 'was brought jh-rrt ii uiem-eives : t.i,T,t minutes, ami seven; JUTs shall be es- j Wl.rt. rescueil before sunset, jTit k'f ard shall be ' i.om came in ii lifeboat, K? j fi:rr:i-!.ed at actual cost, not to ex- was .capsized, but the mentd 1 en d eight dollars per month. In ei jn reaching the shore intKjdf - it impracticable to st-cure a ' ,jt.;id cndition, one man havi.''nis I : M l!. l:,-trt:- :n! !,.. m!-- . 1. r. .it .-t.T-. ir. i - 1 ! ' . ird I'll! t t f I. - i i i -: d and ,:; riat l.d :i -!; ill ! .,rd r .-f t!. - ! ( 1 1 b it- pre-i-4s r ?!"- -hall -and In- d ii"i..ir- Hall ot!;erwise..such part .rm i(rlvt.n. . Uii'' During the entire day tl(ej iilp ri?r. M it r- !i a- may he neces-ary of the !ir-t year's appropriation of six thou- ii I Xi ti.- -. fr t he m. t - ral A-- rati mJ'Iy. to n- of the m.nle i.y th act may for t.'t.it purpo-e, not to exceed thief t!ioil-and dollars. Sic. LI. That this act ..-hall be in V:fect from and after its ratitica t iN. e n ei e l5.V-an 1 n. 1 !..;! -' all i: i 1 . r --!"r- - i . . i'i.i tor-, wl. - r,' 1 ; :i t ; .r- -'; all :.. i.-it t!.- j. a a- t !. in- lu i-.-i 1 ati d ;j-:a: d. tin- j a no tin ; of j 'ill laake r - j rovi.b' for t ! : :" :!. ia :!..:: !..-arl nlled and pit?hed terrib made the work of rescu sailors ditlicult and slow. linit uonl.l tighten and sla' response to the motion of :-- t .d Once the line J.roke, SCV.U? a i man midway to the shore hml he In th.- General A-sembly read j was iallled back to the batWelf thrt-.- times, and ratified tliis thc!llf,a,i 'plt. ymv Was inemlrif, jd lt h of I'i bruarv, 1 ".!. ! t he same - man was safely jivl. ..iivi 4ujiS ji-.ir ol suiiering irom rheumatic affections. ' Tor six or more years past, Col. Saunders Jiad been an invalid and ; the w heeled chair had been his home. He was rived from salaries and ffcei u aivai. Muerer, -nut ne never ne- allowing the tax-nayer tb dek: glected the interests of his olliee. lone thousand dollars as rieceii xnrougnout all Nns weary time he expenses for conducting his J" i;" inc tate in a i.ouhle ness or for supporting hii fain'ily, n the of one thousand dollars , . . . . J uie .".uachinery. Act,' section 17, eub-ilivisjon 8, requires thetux payer to list .'net income." ' It is necessary, therefore, to define Ihe language "net income." The trens- THE INCOME TAX. The beach wa lined with lie.'j'le who had come from the 'pp .i . i .. . a i ; -: line Says That Treasurer nt . the holuI ncar h 'M ...th Prn,rnntrr- the fpectator-4 th . tWif painful. Th ..t i rg i- a- Z a t. , r ; p-tp I j , i a U I -ii-fl; ' . : 1. 1 v -:. i .:. ir i: i r .id:ni-ioi of t di-'-riiainatf nty a- t. t!.i- ;'i:a ;.u. d it in c.i-" all :i,'t hr a- ::;s::-- j", .- r. t Ii it i n-!i a r i ' :ita' !: in :. ! it - w hi.- -'.! popu i: -ir - i". and '-h-uhl t f it! t avail it-. If of :'.-:. at. t.un.b. r t!.. board "rs a t. '-.ni- appli- - i Senator Y Eaia Tut the Proper Construe tioa Upon the Act. Mr. .John L. King, a leading to ii ..i i . ey couui luaiuiv.'-fi'e c.i i ' t. i . I . .... .... . I . . . ,i4r. iine peonie oa un- m.uh vj r j " I ili..ir ..ri. e f.ir lu ln. At nier.Utll bacco manufacturer of C.reen-bor.. . t,u rt. wt n. njm. person.jioH tJie and State S. nator from ""If"1. ark, among the number b.f:nie wa- in th.- city ye-terday, and his (- uint wift. an,i child.!; r.'Hie many friend- iv.-rfr glad M greet j ( -. t;in urj:e)l list wife al(Lv5 him. He has ..fun b.-eh in the - , , . 'I I. . . I w I. . OUI MIC reiuseu. .ui l.i-! a!". a ! -j'-rl ?:a! Ii-- 'I i .'i d . i t i ri i . r t a -ill ; i": : y' ' .rr..j. 3. 'y at.d si; i t- of t;,. I - ::;ti- ht in- w i t ii.- :: :: rt! :!. d r i w dt !; r indu-trial n itabl- Jo k-ir - I. it ure ainl is alrtaivs irf a cardial gie. ting in IJaleigh. (V:: ring with lttn about the in.-otai- lax, he told the ' 7i that t!i- interpretation of the law m.i'b- by State Trea-un-r l'.ain was substantially what he int-mbitby his a::-.' :iiii! nt. He I.ol !i-er . d thai niore than sixty counties paid inr.iae tax at all; ami that N w llaii'in r,, Meek-nburg and Wake pai I the bulk of? He-did n- t b. li. ve in a lawJTTha'V("niM lled a I'rw count ies to pay all tilt taxes. and which is con-trued differently by t ax-payers. In some roimties, p.ople thought they had a right to W Olfef i't li;.vi lu r hu-band and chiM;' j!id onlv one could take the t t i - a the lufiif aia er a .! tliae. l) Al To-ni:ht the work of resiju'-jo continued, ond the Cap1ai(. :t r vainly" be-eeching his wife tJuiHo'ie an attempt for life, took hUifl d ad chilil and strapped hiuVt bl- Irack. The father said farWio the wife and leaped into ij 4 .... .1 . I 1 .1 I. 'l l nt Si fk ,'l. I,.' -WA.. . ... . 1 iur'" "j . j '"ii i'ui r , ami a compiler of her Colonial Kecords. Thi? latter work is one of exceed ing valuV.; .' ' s - Col. Saunders' body was buhied at Tarhoro to-day. , Dowd s Sketches s.nys that Col. Saunders was.' born in Ilaleih, July th, l,s:j5, graduated from . I. .. T . . .. . .1 .. uie L. ni vers it y oi rorttr Carolina in 1S,")1; studied law umler Judge Hattlc; was admitted fo the bar in lN.il.. He !i veil in Salisbury until th civil war opened. He volun teered in April, lSr.l,"as a meml.er of the Kowan i-Iiitle Guards, com manded by (aptain ; Frank Me Neely, nful Wijs ordered to Fort Johnston,' below Wilmington, but in Jure he was appointed Lieute nant in the Rowan Artillery, then in camp . near Weldon. and went direct from there' to Virginia. In 1802 he was appointed, Captain of an uilantry company raised in Salisbury; and joined - the lCth X. C. Troops. The regiment after- wards became a part of Walker's Brigade, afterwards Cook's -Iirigade ami. participate! in many of the severest battles jof the war. He' became by successive promotions Major, Lieutenant Coloneland Col om-1. He was twice wounded, once at the battle of -Fredericksburg, in the right cheek, again at the battle of the Wilderness, in May, 18G1, the ball entering the left corner of his mouth ami passing out at the back of his neck on the riizht side. He was married in lMil to Miss Florida Call Cotton, who died in lSo, ant I he has since remained a widower. In;iS70-72 Col. Saunders was Secretary of State And made a most -acceptable! olliecr. In Ls7 he becaineone of the editors of the Wilmington .hmrnal. Novem ber, 1 vS7I, he removed: to llaleigh und established the r. In 1871, at the advice of his phyician, he retired from journal ism". In February of the same year the death of Maj. Kngelhaid made va cant the olliee of Secretary of State, and Gov. Jarvis appointed Col. Saunders to ii!l the vacancy. Since ihen he has continued in that olliee. ( 7" V -Vi v. uons to,tne county authoHtieg which he says I he provisions in th forbier i.evenue acts ta-tinor incrimeai ta. - 0 ,V. v.v,- tnd uct iary DUSl- Vxr ave been amended by striking but :ie ehujse allowing the .dtedutaon UT TMm UT or C Put it in your pocket; then go to RAYMOND iv LOWELL'S Dry Goods Arcade, and buv what ever vou mav need hi the Dry Goods Line, '.where you will find cvervtlnu ? marKeu in riain figures, at. -the LOWEST i i PRICES. Then present this advertisement j 1 x and you will receive a suLstantial' (lis- t count on the amount you : : have purchased! f r1 r v v v v' h itt urer haf given the subject caceful consideration . and has cpnfejrned with associate, oflicers of the St:lte government. Without rbpitihg iau ic.lffUIUllg lit UpJUilOn he states as follows: "T le ; tro -d 'net' is allowed its ordinary iaea i ing of 'ree from . expenses " or "to produce as a profit," viz. jTh it which remains after the d -duftidn of all charges or outlay," es pecialy following the general c urse of legislation, and legislative'tUfini tion acted upon for mere Jthan twenty 3-ears in previous renenie statutes. The truefinterriretition of act is to allow the, taxpayfer o deduct from his gross income the ac tual necessary expenses of lis uusi ness, or of supporting his fapaily. 1 Ins construction, which -lias nqt been reached without 6ope!difll culty, calls for the exercite 'df-tlie tax-payer in listing tie I true amount ihis net income. H can deduct onby the actual expenses of I. r . v f ! . ins ousiness or oi supporim nis family, find such expense saouM be allow, him by the list taker!. THE DIRECT TAX THE CIGARETTE LAW. A Suggestion That "no Boy Be tween Two ancCEighty-five Years Old Buy father reached the s mil was losi. i.aie lark went to pieces. i'V '? l lie the the hoard were Jorge n son. t tbii.nrt "1 lost, includnrp'' ?J r. All t li 1 t pnnlil lie irathenWlNoiu . . -. . . i - , i. - r- ,i o.nue. me c-t oi nvinganui.oo ii:iifli(..ui gailors as to thi It Ce . 4 in r. . " ml- . 1 . . to th.ir s-rop-rt and rvr -v ,j of stranding was that tiioy iiuiTiQt I'uiti .n sUa!i I- fr.-.-' ,J,X; U T rv ,';",-v. J tha! I know where they were, the iftiVwt .. m!i-i -igniTv th.ir tut. m- " " ' having been seen Tor lour ua. OisJi . t.a-h ..p-M .uci, ...mli!i..t.s thee.il.irtion of any tax. Itwasthj wt.athcr hvin.r ?0 thSt pr- s,r;!.. d bv theb,,,rd lt h a v,rw t. MM-ure uniformity nj ht aIu, this raorning tlilt 1 - t hat Senator Kimr says he intro- . " , .. . , . i ...r..t ..r,. ;:.. ... . ! struck ine oreairrs " !VU, ;iv T'l.e in- , ia .i i ( I h.-r.- I t .i 1" r' ' : . - r . J !.:i..n i , i ; , . i !'.:.:' t i ir' t t - ' r it-1 u: r I -;t I.;t shall !e -.-..;.:: f '.r at b-.i-t thirty I-.- .!.:. .u. ! the ir-truct'. : i :. ... t :.- :r d-.t i- - at ' i i . , ; . .. ' j .t.'-i -- .Tl "1- e..;iri. b r ,-::-!i n-.-i:. tu-oie by t Li ft : i r e.i.-ij-re.,'l.Iar -ala. .;- i:::-ut-:t i-n. T!.e 1 i -il t !'-!;';y of t !;i- ..rti.ll ::p n th- e..:n. p: -.-rib. d e-ir-e, :;' iti-s w hi.-h -hail r- ;.. !e ie!i ii a!i "f t'.'- 'ate. s!b. , i: .1. ... ii i i .... ':;:' n inieeu m- auieoomeni. lie ..... n o j (.nja tjft vo.t .,.,)e l,f s d . it inadvertently but. to remedy i workt.(, aU ihxy witH;ut f0,lit I existing evil- and differences of j .... ... 'f ,1,,, s;1v.d is'?,, ot '. - a i. s.- ,., i.i a 1 ;, ir. tb. 1 1 ii i ! nr ivin' lec.s r ri, t -i t..i: f i.v-- i aiir. .1. .ii. ,i oi isiMiu i. that the di.eus-ion of this,,uestionStC)n, MaU, Ju,ius Anflnp, will result m the careful prepara-; Anj , n.lVTvU J(lhn Steveii;.?(.lih ti..n of a graduated income tax by' i.lttt.rfion Yelmer ( )lsen.; i'.lm the Finam e Commtttre of the next M;il, r.rlo oNc (i,r()ke;.0. Le-isl.iturc. andthat the general ; (-iare J(eph ( colored )? Ylu-di-cu-si..u upon the subfect f thei ,..t ..fit . - " - i iii.'i.iiur v s ii i mil; i" uninMiip."i: t e. rt '... I . 41. ji into m i . great city. ,'ihi't s, c a ' i , i I :I" :a v I a- ta j :. .t i r. r 1- 0- :, 1 : :i 1 ' " a I.;.-' 1 x . 1 1; i H ;i.d t l. .Ta. e rt i: as ;i( ar! . il! i nd ; -t ; e I f..r in! shall b .t t. the Mate a X it!", in at i.-n :.. 1 1 - sjjti. th- pib:-.- .;.i akeJ Lf I! '-"ta." lax will result , in good. ..... i,..v!i,.r l..n ilis ibbribv And the 1 Ai -o o- agrees with the . hurricanej! ,in(.e yIart.Ii l'2.V- J enatr in this opinion. , . - th-.f ( I ni-risliorii is tiros. 1 '.'. t . rin-and that it is dn-Mo d.- HER LUCK CHANGED. Q ; 4 . . ; ill t j v J A Deserted Wife Falls Heir tij Sxty . . Thousand Dollars. , i. 1'iTTsid no. Fa.. 3Iarch 'l8i.1 rj. TLe Italian Minister Recalled by His .;,tgar V. Hassler, whose laUy wl Government A Very War- is i? New 'ork reporter, h.i1?t like Ilovement. fallen heir to $;o.irhi by thj jaitli A f arpri-inu' as well as -erioiis of her fattier at New Fainnjt.V. turn w as vi st. rday given to our re-' Vn. Mrs. lhisrl.-r is the d tjigtr ITALY HINTS AT A WAR. be Allovred : Cigarettes. The News lias not been able to observe any , diminution of. the cigarette evil since the. passage of the law prohibiting the sale of cigarettes t boys under sixteen years obi. Troops 'of little fellow s who will not, be sixteen until two more Presidents are elected, can be seen on the streets every day puf Jing the poisonous things like little men. They don't buy .them them selves, but the. law is little, if atiy hindratice. If they can't get an aged coon to ui;ike the purchase for them,, they have to -resort toone of their many smuggling agents, and the supply ready at hand is only limited iV the size of the juvenile's pocket book.. Tlu- deal ers in Charlotte comply strictly with the law and no boy under the prescribed age can buy a package of cigarettes from then., yet a talk with some of the dealers show that there has been ho perceptible de crease in their s;,!, of cigarettes. To make the law effective. The News suggests" that the next Legis lature so amend it as to make it a misdemeanor for any dealer t(.t ll cigarettes to any boy .between till ages of '2 and o" years. .ri:,i, I.,iU Ae.v. , A GO-AS-YOU-PLEASE PRISON. script of the governments and for, the Governors, to fcettlfe thd claims I in Applications Pouring in froni tlie States for Their Share. Wasmixotox, March 3(J;-.Tre4- sury ollk-ials are considering the best method of settling tpe Utirett tax claims of individuals in thode States wjiere the tax was collected directly by- United States oUjceri;. The act provides that in such cases the : money in settlement of (irect tax clayus shall be paidjtpth? Governors of the States in jtruet for thej claims. It so happens, however, that the record; . of these collections are in ine ciasroiiy o the ''overnment. and that the -Gov ernors have no record inrformktiori on the' subiect. Several way a out : I V. f of the dilhculty have bt-en Isug gested and the one mqstj likely td be adopted is for-the Governors to anno'int nsents to make a Irann recprds, We want to know if people! are . reading : our advertisement in this paper, and are willing to'pay to find out the Ifaetk. j Our New Spring Goods Are about all in ami we are prepared to furnish tlie most desirable ..' GOODS the market affords. : "' r : I ' f " pi S ST"2TLES 3ei3STCSTOOTjrjBILy OTn : Serge DRESS GOODS at m cents per y ard.i f '-i b 50 cents, 65 dents, So cents, "W2L-te Cross Bar Txslianid at 5 eents, 6 cents, 8 cents, 9 centsrll cents, ana same gcods are Usually sold $1.00, etc 121 cents, excellent vallie nuich'-higher;- We guarantee our prices to be as low and on manyarticl4lowethah" elsewhere, quality- considered. j j 1 ! - M ! will cheer- s- . iome ana examine our complete assortment. ' We lully show you through whether -ou buypr not.j T?.a vm nn c Rr. Pnwollf AVW I I I VJU.VL m. J ff UJJ.I tf - . - T I -. I'- j NATIONAL BANK BUILDING, GREENSBORO N. C, Ge ERMAN" T A XT -4 - f Insurance Company of New York. Capital Stock, Net Surplus, Total AssetH, a, 0 1000,000.01) $2,203,735-81 j 8,171.80 Office in Sa-vings BaiiK:, GREENSBORO, rr - accordance theTewith Under this idan the States iviould be allow ed toTetain all tht portion of its allotment for which claims shall iiot be presented 4ithih.six years from; the date of. thp paisage of the act.l Applications for jtheir share have been alreadyl receivedi from three States, in wluch a por tion or'all of the tax' wasj collected by the FedeWl officers. These are West Virginia, Delaware amlNorth Caroliria.' In the last named $tate the entire tax was collected by the government uirectiy irom iiieciu zens. and the same is true flf all the Southern States. ! TIIll SOUTH WILL BE SOLID. - j s i Its Electoral Votes Will be for the Democrats. ii 6 Wasiiixotox, I). C, 3Lirch 30. Representative McMilUn says so far as he South is concerned there will b( no electorial vote cast in 1802 except for- the JJemocratic ticket. So long as therfe is danger of Federal '.control of the elections and i he building up Of a really alien party there through the in strunieintaiity of offices the South will remain solid for srood govern ment. 1 PURE , DRUGS. FOR" AND CHEMICALS, n o, jvl -i ti erai wlt;o3?s ANI Trusses and Braces Carefully i '9i "LAN DRFni'S GARDEN SEEDS; riTTED. 'I- From our Large Stock we can supply 'Physicians and -'St6ret Country at. short notice Orders and PRESCIPTIONS by lail filled arid forwarded by ll in w the -Hi-"' Mi' next train. ! lati'n- with the Italian Govern ment, win ii Ilar'Oi Fata, the Min-i-ti r at Wa-hitigtou. notified Sec retary Blaine that he had been re call. ! by his Government in nin--njuenec of its di-;at isfact ion with the -low methods of this Gov- of a Rev. Mr. Bolton. ??' k While shv was a t udeiit atNlc-iit Union (Ohio) College she j'lfi.' engaged to Ila-sler, who WijVfjp.Ji a Chicago tapaper manj ;iviei against her aged father's I"4"i. "it. When Hastier came to Pitt-Jbin: o ....... .1 1 .-.. I - . I-- 1. . .. ,1... -. i oi -i- ... j a- i .". i rnmcni m proeei-uing io com pi v ixhk oh me . t -r 1 . . - i-" k 1 ,:; h..- b.-. n" . r.-ct.-.l w itl, Italv iI.-mar.iN in connection : -he followed and wa uisot-n; lvv j night ; another was Kifhn f. ::::-!.. d a- pr .tided f-r in t i- ' w it h t he munb r of eleven Italians; her parent for doing :Ta to death by the k.eper lor ii ,.. tl..- f.mr tl. tu.I I !."") t l.v the New Orleans tao lion March ' months ago Ilas-ler desertfj; ;, " Lght at ,all. ? ; - . it . f uf. fi.r Cunty lnti- j Ilth. going to Philadelphia to w5-Kf;iiftl t i". a:--1 -ex t! :-a:i l ... . i While it is not t bought t he situ- later to New York. Mrs, !l.rtjrlSr liar- p- r a;.n:tii fr-ea t ...-' z-n- ' at i-n iumudiately portends war, ! was left penniless, and at )nH ; prison inechani' f..-.l.... - .. 1". ...... rt- I ... ... , ...... . I . . II..-. V n nu I ,.vr .1 1 ... 1 U' 1 1 tl t. Fij" T I e I III a K 111 - ... . ...-...ii.tM- ...i.ii-i.j(.i.i'iii in ine .i4i--ii ...i, ..M- - 1 1 j. m t i a . ..... .. . . v ' . .r I i 1 -.5 i T MP p "J r " -e- ITALY IS SATISFIED.; . n i j There Vill be No Trouble 'Over the , j.yncning. Loxi)ox, March 30. THe Times . ) : i correspondent at Rome says :j The Shocking Irregularities Alleged in a j t.xt.itcinent caused by the lynching Massachusetts Penitentiary. ; j y(,y Qrleans has completely Dismissed !ii jiaontli. ago as an j ,ufiii. The Government! fully officer of the Ohio State' pcnit ti-! apl,ret.jatcs the difficulties ' :under tiarv, becau-e'h" Jiad ,sohl tobacco wjjjc.j, lt. American Government that had been bought r,wit h State ., j.lllirs-ami it is not likely that any funds .for pr:-oner-, Saujm l : Titu-i prt.sgure will be brought to bear is out wiPli- a statement aching ; Ujumi tjuH . atttr it "is convinced that tho Warden was aware of thc-i (..e American Government will matter, and adding th.it under tlie prevalent plan, of favoritism nri-.ui ot'icial 'accetU nrefents from COllVK them HI oner could have a llgl.it to read or otherwi-c amuse hiniself by- all kicked almost avinr SlrotH .were -stoppeil lor Keepers I . . .1 11 Richardson Opposite Benbow House, feb. 12. : & Fariss, Successors to W. C. Porter. IT GREENSBORO, N.'C -f! f- j COVER UF r Those Soiled and Cracked Walls NICE WALL with readily'" make the." compensation which" 'Justice demands. Public oninioit goes' to show that no .sym- ts und in return granting! j,.ltj,v for the lynched Mafias is iberties. ; One favored pris-1 ,nanifc$ted . t i . t Hi- 1 hi t'.e priai. d M" .-I rj te ; i$-: .ft . ..f t: ,'fl p. t a- t ra . o. j ; .-. ' i . the old was kept busy keys for t!;c- cmvu-ts as favorites Jeft tiieir g on rites u. ..... i. r-. : . v I a..n ..i:,., ..JpM-.j f .l.:t.. .... V -.,... ... vi-.j ii ,ci:j..a IViCtlls .11 Jlii;iii "' r-- a.2 ora i :. 1 war-INew Orleans authorities have ad-'taken from there to become,u itaal I'liit r;-, .i..o !. . ..i . - i ... i .it .i i. i- ii i i ;i,'J'wi-re nut in solitary coiuine . .i . . ;;, ..; l.llli. l l i-.lll .III I III Italians WHO Hi ail MOII, ami iuilinni ' r .f i t . . .. f ' a th.-y -ImJI .b -i-. i have bteii in jail charged with be- drudgery until informed tI;?Llr fr weeks at a time tor inert n ;r.r. ! insr arces-ories f. the murder of day that her father was deiid' Mfe I to salute an otneer. j of THE DEADLY CIGARETTE. Produces Sickness.and in Desperation a Man Commits Suicide, ! i Nkw' 'York, March -'7.- John Broderlek, a letter carier, who sup ported;his three sisters, committed suicide this morning b cutting his throat, with a razor, lie was obliged to'lay off Saturday last on account of sickness caused imgreat ment I part by cigarette smokingand it is ail-1 supposed was temporarily out ui ! mind when he took his 'life. ; p-irj 1 1, iti - . I any in .oi!s li. a .Hi i.- f i i t!. !r s." on. fit v ' ! hn'. Icsu- f..r ti.t--i . ..r t! e la.iv. uiid.-r th- 1 f-i -n-..f t'o general ! -t i.n I I ii n H :; ! i. an J ill ..ie.-,.r,iau,-e tviti. -ec ii-.u .;- of i' C.b. . t.b-r and i. ll lai chcli"!! and t . the M-n-c of j i Chief uf Police IIenne--ey. Our G" i rntui tit otflcials arc in d-!i'.:, in view of the aluio-t un- preei dented state of affairs, what cour-e t.. pur-ue, but it is intima ted that no ha-ty step will be ta k. n meet tin hot-headed course of Italy, and they will calmly await further ad ices and dei lopnients. I'll il. .'. fni'il. , ilallgbt-irh" left no will, and hi t r.f re fore come in for her.:jp which she has gone to clain. U Miss Bolton was Ilas-ler 1'E.d wife. Hi- first, after beiji g serted, fell heir to .25.0((isiit1i he afterwards helped . her!?!. The present 3Irs. Hassler. iH.rf s she will not be as forgivinji.tc first. , ijp i -mi- ii? H - I? ? r Ouhtto Tecl Eetter. A Woman With a Lion Heart. PAPER " . 311 SOUTH ELM ST., G REENSBORO, -N. C, iroo innn itfii.i.s in stock and as much more hn the roaI. A4? i cornrilft line of samples, at I'rices from a cents per roll uji. We fuNiish coinptieht work men to hang our paper both in town aim country.. ! r feb. 19-Gm. , - 11 ) ' j . - :-'.'.. . :i .---.j-..-. f j"' j : j: -j New Firm and New Stock. JUST RECEIVED A BIG LOT 0V PAINTS, OILS, BRUSJLESj GtAKST A31 kinds of STOVES, SEWING MACHINES ; . - I . TIV. W A A A. 1 All Kinds of r arming Such as! Hoes, Shovels, Mattocks, Rakes, WARE, j WILL'OW-WA RF J OOLS Feed Cutters, Also Cutlery, Pistols, Guns, etc. - ' ' I , " .-I;. - '':'-.' RicivARDis wire -fence, Hi- Mr Farm-Hell s. With lower suL'ar and the Direct -I-.., r.-fniiil.-d 'for which a check "What led you' to break off' your ena cement with Misj Crai.k?" ' s . r.. ;.i ,f l-ir fine even- t(, ,he amount of ,.;.M...-uv-as u--, - - :y . n m- ran acf0S3 nib d t ov. Fow e, our peo- : ing m t.c..- tlie Hour. r?ue ucm le. but said: Uli, wnai a, prei. leniMV mai vie ofodi to feel better. sThere l mi April fool in this. KtU i:ih Oh-sti-rei'. " j . cie, 1 little creature i -i wl have just received a stock of RickartFs Galvenized Wi'r(- Ff nee, the CHEAPEST and MO.ST LASTING Wire Fence! in exbtance 2 T. S. BOWLES & 1 00 AJt H. W. DIXON'S Old Stand. The S 5 febt 2C, No. 223 South Elm l.'h iw swings lover tho- door - Y ' i ' ' 1 ""' p 1 1 -I Street, Green sborO, N. .?. I i ! i s . i V . 1 1

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