, ' . . in i in i . .. ; . i , . . .'.' . ... - - - . - i " 77" : . - - k : ? ! i : '. ; : -' : ' - - -i - . . 4 ' j j "' ! i - ' ' ' " ' " 1 ' t I ' - m (' The GREENlMRb : Patriot 7ll:l y.y j j . . i '" 'F ; 1 -,. ;. .. , . . r ," i- , ;- , ; ;- , . ... . ' T7T7'"Vr4J'T"irA,rrA "V f! rni t FTT loTx 4 -tr a -r.--.-r-- . . ! I i 1 ' i i GREENSBORO, X'iOj, THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 1891. J liy the lntriot IullMilnz Coinpany, I TKKMM .til .AO Per Yfr, in Artvi-RC. ,: M M - VJX11JL OiJWXVW, i ! Li, . Ill UIimJA 1 . A 'H i Ii I XII I ' J Ily Ibe I'ntriot PuMMiIng Company. I i i i , 1 1- DR. JL-W. GRIFFITH, ; ofii tiiiiutk. Ni lit cl loftier M'ntiuicnts than wht-n lie' i fii'fkc of th roourcts and f.ccl-i ' I. r.ci - an. I attractions of the OKI Homes Built and Pensions SOUTHERN VETERANS OURTRUATY VTITI iD.ctor v.V l.rV'MCT . ZZ lrui-an ",r -lOu ..: TIIH LOSS OF " North State. A PATRIOTIC SON. IIi patriotism ras l.roa.l enough I to t mbraci' the whole Union. lie Tho U.S. Has at Htlf-Mast-Fcderal Ivi 1 its eonstitutinn and its laws Court Adjourn-..-. tLo Ear and j ;,:I 'ver ol.edient to the spirit C;ti.s 2'Zecl r.:: i F .y Tribute which they taught. He was prii minently an orator in action, in t-nthuiaa, in wis Mom and in that deep ympathi tie f ! i f: r which never failed to excite tin- neruiis emotions of his audi ence and sway it with his lofry nt!ia-?its. K. II Vakefield, . tj II;--: lit r;. ... t: At I ' oV; In-t Wi-dn'-d.y w !. n 'ireuit 'oi:r: i f t!,- I'nited J.!t- : j;i ( ; rt ::) r . .orth ;:iroHn:i, .1ud-e h.ivid Sch. nek. . j : t 0 v Yu J. PJCHARD30N, I s ; ; i I j 1 1. N. r. i -"..id: v i' i !. vo i lutji nrif-;tkal.'f ; .. T . - t ,i f; !! .!i rift- t i.t- '.:. ; s -! . i! .it !i a !. -I i . i r.'r -r. :!iitv aJi Noble Heroes by Southern; Jiutfs (.eorgiaV confederate j:pu.sion ITALY. A BANK IN HIS NECKTIE. LA- the A Pararapa Discovered Irhat Sur-! a Guest at a Chicago Hotel Has prised Evert the Diplomats. j $20,000 in. His Four-in-Hand. systeiu, under which hfjt-lhled ora $2 tti-fl per ; t:. :Dr. Art 4 ur E. Ledballer, r a- ! :". !. i i a r d i 1 1 1 i It 'u.i:. Dr. Al R. WILSON, t ! A - I -'.I.' , N . i , " U I t r; eli- r. U'A ! i r ;. r II.-H'-r. It ri.-f lliat I uhl :i and ! . IJ o'i-!..ck .. f mir di- i .;!:! i f.intv id ;? ? i . i r duty t. ncrc .rth i . i v h had in- I.. id n :-. llv ail "f t:. to the ?jt:i.-. in : i . 1 1 1 r 1;it !. ! v. ;th in.itiy W"rt!v W' rin he.irti d. e i-ii to d- . i ri ::! !!- a: I i? ipr - d m rv l"-rii'iif v of w as a ,1 iri an a lie ... ? u-uTunv receive irom .f- iii-jv-. month, according to the di-tafiiJity is highly creditable to oiff liite; hut it should accept and ijiitain the home near t!iis-city, iir;6rr to complete the jjood work. lKt$ It will he of interest il Jliew the situation in other iuiern tate. Virifinia led in the movet':if.''and as a Jtni-e i.e was icuips nnu r!it ahlislied a eonfederativlw.e at 1 tr- vvhich'T iif letter to Thetreuty with Italy Huron I-'avji, alludes in Secretary llhiine, was n'jrftiated at Florence in 1S71. It is quite a Jengthlv document, ajid .-contain I. .. r I I ' me Kjuowing lnieresunir para graph f ! : Article XXI. If ly any fatal ity which cannot be exoected. and ie; two con be enra:ed which may. God avert, t fracting parties should in war with each othei Hot bold. His i-onsf-ience would -ubmit to tin- dictation of a mili-1 tJe Ptutt expends $ 10,0lfjjieur. tary superior, and rather than IVr.sions to the amount j'f -J.00U surrender his manhood he Mirrcn- annually are also paid. ;:: It n . d oJbce. . Alabama has no home, ;iC;m s The biographer will find in his ' i .-,,,,,,.. v,.ar ;n m.MsiOIii; i - t , , Carolina, and ' ' , , , ' - ,:" Itri-f Wini.lx.. UV are desirous of! Maryland has a lo,0i Jjiue ! ;s'-' r,;V !:" ,M.r.-,in 'iu a public manner, thenar Ibiltimore, aided by Ij.U' x.r::. i V- i,,;,'rt ipr. found sorrow felt on this ,HH.;I. to the extent of .f lu.000 aVsjly. ';,,;,n "rV':'V the members of the bar.J Louisiana has a hoVie nokr Uew , t r.s.,...t to h,N;if (1 ,.:sj, n,1.f t;iSrord countva.-iOrlvans. and the. state ppal. it V; , it t;,r;U ' I'M,.,, a year. tn ir.lv eharaetrr much t( ; admire al.d prai-e. and jtt rity will ' be m ved by his noble example. I can .iy no more; the occasion is f o .ul and my emotions ton deep for further utterance. May we all so he tli.it we may iJeserve to le horion l a- he was in life and la Hu nted as is in death. t; I I rio. Vih:i;i . We have heard of the sudden death of His Excellency, I .miel ( I'ow U , ( lovernor of orth Arkansas has a home kv tattle IJock, built by private pub-iif j 'iion, sujjported by state aid. Florida has no home, ljutTUVs l.'io.oou a year to disaljh.:'fon tede rates who have resided' tithe state ii i teen years h indigent and disabled eonf jdi ,'l;tes -viissippi pays no pensioKij yt a movement is on foot to raisljn), (0) to endow a home with6-iUrjate aid. Ii If. k uue iiiieen years. j-t;..- Mississippi is without a h;):tut as made liberal proviiorix,;'iier Hi A i Vvriylit, A ' II;- 1 : ,V J 1! t ! J; His necktie was: worth jftu.OOO. A plain, black, ordintiry lopjcin'sr, every day fo.ur-in-hanxl,butwortii t-'O.ooO. He was a traveler who had just come in on the Sante Fe route,! direct irom '.-Arizona, and he re moved his coat and vest prepara tory to cleaning his cinders-speckled face in. the lavatory of a prominent Michigan avenue hotel. , With the carelessness of a West- they have rn wan he Hung his coat and vest agreed and do agree ntUv'. for then.'j ,n a contiguous chair, but his that there sh;:ll be idlowtd t lie i t-ktie, !iis four-in-hand, he care- liniy rolled up in a small compass- term .f six' months Yi ants' on' the coast ports m eacn other, am; of one year to those who dwell in ! the mer :uid jn the 1 ti:e term and thrust deep into his trousers pocket. . This unusual exliilrition of cau- rive at the ports designated for their embarkation. and children, andxd.oi faculty, cultivators of artisaits, ml-chanics, nia designate And all w :....:. . Nt. That in the d. atli or j - - iz-riV;' '' , t. . ., , t v -, , 1 pensions ,but has appropriijjff tl. 1,- r l i ,,. "' torrt."r. the Mate of North , , , 111 , t J rs 1. !!. j v . . , . (mil fdr a home. , t ; .. . .,. ir-. mi hi- b-t a di-t ingui!i d ! ,. . jllf KM - i-l .. - . i outh ( arohua pavs alnijrt t-.--.-'ri ;e:u.-n. a faithful pub'..' r van t, . i.i ttl w ' 11 , . I , j (' in pensions, but has noii v'tie. .. j . . i :. i :.!:d a man ende;iri d to tin- Oiopie ' ... 1 , . . .v.: I . Ntth Carolina lud onrir ;V'V i: r the interiot-to arrange their busi-M'1 xcited : the- curiosity of a ness and : transport t!cir ell'ecis ' friend, and- the natural query, wherewr they please, w th the safe- Wherefore!-'! developed a most coiidurj neet -ssary to roti ct thein j i"g''-i'.ious dt .yice. ; ' and'tlilir 'property until they ar-I '"That'iiecktie is worth just .f 0,- ooo, pins tne cost price oi the arti cle itself. Saber'i - The smile of incredulity brought the valuable piece of black silk to view again. Wit!) his penknife the traveller opened the seam, and un folding the; ripped portions, dazzled-'tire eves of the .skeptic with ten crisp, 'clean .fl.OUO bills. Ten thousand dollars on thisend and tiie same ante on the other. Beats vo ;emidov- !l niomT helt all hollow. . . ..i L i.j i -i i. i , inolfstiu1 1 il! oeui up uy me .lamesanu Win ran n wf . ..i mm Put it iii your pockct theii go to ItAYMX)X'jl).' ; pVELI Dry Goods Arcade, and I my what everlyu limy! need in; the Drv Goods Line, where Ymi will imd ovrvthino i .itiArked iif Plain, Figures, at the jOWEST : PRICES. '. TLidi( present tliis advbrjistMiibut 1 v and -ou wdl reeeiye a substantial dis . ; eounton the amount yoii lfn vomirrdin!rd 3 We want to know if people' arc I reading our advertisement nv this; paped and are - willing to pay to find out tlje foctsJ Ir women, itrsof every the earth, Mil faeturers ami lisheriiien, unarinedj and In h;ijiiting the- unfortil'ed j towns, vidageis .or ; places, am in'general. all other whose occupatiotis'are to the coaiiiiohsubsisteiu4 and benelit of mankind, shall be continue their resjiei menls,b,(j4d ; shall no; ' allowed to Our New j Spring ( Goods Are about all in and we are jvrejiared to furni ; the molt - desirable; ; GOODS the market all'ords. :f ' t' - ; ,; ' ! 3 STYLE S 36 IHCS: XDOlSILII ITOTb - Serge I)IiKSSGOOI)S at ;12eents pl-r yavdlj ' ;'j ' ! HLacipLes ITeisI: Elaci Parasols, ; 0 cents, 67 cents, So cents; l.(iu. itc. : ! "WtL-te Cross Bar JVL-q-sXirrxs at o cents, 6 cents, 8 cents, ! cents, 1 1 cents, Ti cents,! excellent Valu and same goods'are usually sold much; higher u I .i i'. n . li-vas has : Iiitine estaliLxliI liv f-.r his many m -rVice- to the Mate. ! . ... . ... rV.k . saoseri jh ion. ii -om -r-,)'" a .t,!..-:y. thusf ::d. That as citizens, we a.lnnre!,..,,. aJ(l staU. ai, js . . i i .. rr: r ' 'be p r-nal qualities of the de ihortly. IJ. si great ,.T.4-e.l. I. is aiN ciionaic nature, aim Tt.n,.s,. has .-tablishetl ti Lomt at the old home of Andrcii j tVk son, the Hermitage, the .sjZit o SIc nating 17." acres of-land d'ilj'iv. k, ........ . r ' ' mg tio.ouo i f re.!-et I ISU. !!-. 1 , t l" . ... .. .. .1 .. - . . I. .. r.irni. t l:teti: r. R03ER51 Xa'DOUaLiS, j i..:i: '.N.s.ui;ut :. .. i- , i , - . 1 . . i 1 . p ! . i i x : t v't'x. . ; ... . ; . . I :.t! . - f i . ij, " - ', f : ! . i 4 1 ; f ' " I - 'i t r t ! . - I ' .ii! is -i: r.i ! v , . r i - 1 b i , i rv 1. 1 i t - ! tv. It ! . h r. d t::- i i hil:l t t UUe tll it the great ability he brought to the j discharge of t i ry duty devdveil a'up"!i him in every position to W I' wiiiidi he was called by his f I!ow t elt le:;s. rv, I . rd. That we ti nder to the fami to Iv of the deceased our sincere sy in - to M r. M :- -i. t t i i s i :ri -I a!: os t". :r.rt.i i., iu.il -im' f ye ar Tor its supi .i!. n-. issu e Uire.-j a copy m me pmcet ouigs oi r,0(M( i.r so nnu ng fio.oou for improvement in The legislature wine re cently adjourned a pproi)riiLr"l'."i,- too for a building and '" J year for its support, ami In; i4di- Ijoumed this meeting to be .transmitted t" ; ,.,v j. necessary for exjijt ii iiw -r,sjr as ! tl.em ;tt K0 irt1 re ! UOUnHltui:;::-: CHI!' r . l.l-CUSS COMPANIES : t w i I- ' " r f--r i.riiiiinllv in iensions. whith: V.il' ---i GOHMAN BACK FKOM THE SOUTH ifr,:Vl LiS? ' :s a.ii.i'uiM -I. . ;isuiougni uini ,:.." f'v-v?'a His Health i Itnproved, the Country j will cover tiie Vf"'"11 li-C ' J southern t.l.v,f-Ur: in thiir person--, j ; . . i houses' or goods be bur: wis-e . U'-t!.yed, nor wasteilby ;the armed t'o:v?e of t he belligerent iin who-e- piwer, hy tne events"'of v,;ar, they in .-iK happen to vsny that 1 aivvu i rom belligerent,' id I'oi' at a -hall : their ed r other . j i . . . Mieir i tickls tall ; I.:;t JI ;t 1 l ne aitythijtg shoji'd be them for tile us of'lhe the sa'me j shall be reaonab! price. 1,: And it is declared th pretence that wir dissolves . t t ,.i;e ;r. ..! -r I .e city. ti'.d be a !:. I i:.g : - ti.e o..ir! ''. '.. ' i pre our L . .... tr.-s - d at !i. s in j. 1 1 :i w ftil 4 our : ..- .-i .r.o t, r of t'.e liFine. and lie Won t Talk Al Of all the Politics. 'tucky alone has made no m'o' April i;. Senator'; f,,r ,u'r x-confederates. f ; No veterans were ever vOfiier ' public aid than the ipo'nvho t ; I .1 .urred. T o ..(il.HN.VS t t .in- tolling a: d f he is at h.,!!' t:. I! ! TIMo;r I 1 1 ,r m :i fi'si trill Sunt ll h.'isbccnoff . .1 !.... ; t.. l,ia I, ..-.lth The "f 1 Jii-IH I I'll l H I" - MVMIMK - - , . ,s , J lo.,k has l, ft him. Ilis " v , iUT5 . ' tney lor lour years ueienm tne . ...i ... s . .i. II ' K r ! i ttillll II Ilir.'linHI I IU' , I I l.f ll Illllll.'i .11- .r:iKs very ireeiv' -" ; ?; ..lines 01 uii- i uiioi -i.i i m i'i n i - ing I'.sriU.ono men, and y iert?:-'nb to tlu-se overwhelmi are.or;i io.k lias e s h ive regained their old-tiliu vivacity. He speak .ib.. ut what he has seen in the 1 -i:ta. . Ot coiir-e. all tile i Hator to- t rea t itfs, inir a ny ot he; shall he considered as ; su-peiding this arti the contrary, that the is precisely that for ' provhfevd, and during w visions are! to be sacn-t as tln' most acknowlet tioirs in the'Iawof natl Thf existence of tl'i not generally: known 1 mats and others t.i v, ar j shown. l.vt ii i:cu an t featy-maker'as Wm. said that h-:? Could not llow It came to 'he 1 Keprr-entat ive Met 'r. made; a study of a-11 negoriato'd; by this said that it was - the in able chv.ise. that had within his; experience. w hatever, urtnilhng or le : 'but. on stati'ot war vlile.il i it 1 ion ' ; . ; . . ." nil M .. r F-rb: s i-- ' '" - ' f ' 1 : - e ; i : , . : . - a . s. ru-i -i.. 1 a ;!! f. .r a d..v. -I had only what iniht b, nearly live t.. .nc. in ; i . J lit I ! I At tf - iii ii a m m Kl I i.. t - t III I.1U U l' H.4U i. g r 1 - W. J. V Mi-' a- r ; - r- !. Ml ; ; . t . i : c. f a j-; ':.. d. tie con d w;th ei!te:s. and s c t ",. d tie 1...U-. .! II. I. e5; i ir. h :r. .Iirdg" I lick - !:!: It i - i iiio. ; i f i i- higi i , '. r : r I"i'-.v !e. u ! v o- v do ing ' of . Th., iinfJi (.fitit do 1 1 ii V'f 1 1 1-1 1 tinned a hird s-evc view oi the - , " ii .,uthem State.. The party with lH-roe who have madhh a ul.icu I . t did :iot 'tarry long at Record. ort mutely, (.eow.ll Younger boys in Blue Clay cut one lay, and 'Jim' Youger rail his hand oyer iny body a iid felip the money be-lt, and I handed over. jiist I,200. Hut what thief, or son of a thief, would look iwiee at a Tifty-cent necktie?"' ! - ' The' might corral it if it was red or yellow, or even sky blue, but plain black ii too unobtrusive, for those chaps jrun to high color. This plan is better than the porous plaster scheme. .Sever heard of itr .. .1 : . ; 'Well; next time you travel with more ready cash than,you' care to have obtainable, sitep into u drug store and buy! two! porous-plasters. i w i i 'i f , i i h ic li i ' s pro- r ok i your wau , neatly and uar, iy db-crved ! v, :':tl) around, it a piece or oneu 'ed; obii"a-! s i 1 1 and stick a plaster over it and arti 1 I neither plasiter on your chest, "and. no one's i lo waster- Then slap the double-deck- V the di!Io- !,,.,., -m ! tiio wiser , t Mtit tin- Tikii in li'iml j-iirl.".t '1 1 I.T l .1 .1 ' . '.I. il . j T'resrott i 1 lie '.oesr, aim ine man wmi me u'lderst'ind - '.-MJOO necktie gave it a.linal twist iserted a;;d :iS 'le t ied it around hk collar, -slip- 'y ivho has ! l""d on his vest and coat, and walk he 'treaties'! "'d out, serene and secure with loveument. j tu ellty -f 1,000 bills snugly hid away ost Kn Mik- j 'u n's 'P'er safety-deposit vault. ever -ci uue ' ! . ' SAYS SHE WAS HYPNOTIZED. at-.y place. c i r -ven hour ? !. ti ji?s enough .' . . li. .f h i tn i'ii fii till' I'vllrli ;j of would sperm. ' - " ",. M v, s ben- ur a d iv ouiming a nonic. o i- a 'o built, and is tendered vU i i p a gift to the time to get a ... r .... ....;.,. .... " ; Cill.Vii .1 -Did vo hear any polictics ; H not c-t nnich to kn and. in a lew years me greatly enhanced m j'vate rite "p. ftcrtv I 1 . f ya :i( i'i will jTHE ;"ACj' WAS HEAD. A Fie Dollar Pair of Shoes Did Not . , Sell forjrifty Cents.? ; Throughi a rypographieal error Heavrnrick tV o.. t he hoe denH-.rs, have been ;b'roiig!i.t t acknowledge that their advert iement in iiu ,I,,i',li! nitist be pretty genera read.! On NN -dnestay t d A "vVealthy Man's Daughter Wtto.is , : ?. Kleptomaniac or Shoplifter. Kansas ( irv, Io., April 0. I-or some time a young woman who has been mnkinYr purchases "from a promineiii dry goods house and used the name of a well known so- . ... ..... i .i .. ,i : It i,t-. onrnoil Tik 'y , i. . . i. , !.... 4i.v (lav niaiiine wouiaiii Mun mn im.- We guarantee our prices to le as low and on niaify articrc Iower-4 lian -.' elsewhere, quality considered". ! ; :': ' j ' i Come land examine our complete assortment.,'" We- will cheer fully sh'c w you throug4t whether you bily or not. Raymonci NATIONAL BANK ULThDINO, JKI:KNSH0IU), N. C. V x ll RMAN" r V A 1 1 R I C A N InsiTrahce Company of New Capital Stocky Net Surplus, j Total Assets, ft j i 'i I i i - ! ivi OfficeinS $100p,0t)0.0( virLSlBaiiK:- (IIIEEXSTK)IIO, XII C. 1 PURE ! DRUGS AND CHEMICALS; t'.. AM) I p..'.i!i.- I. r. s; .1;:. .1 , -.i 1 il.d t t I- i :. t. W , . , . A l" J :. t !. I d t ct:. a a: I I. I A f il ! ,-;,, !.(!, ;i .. r.is d ! - prt ..t:e : , ; i -r. ! t :.- l:.c ting. T'o- .n.dge i. !it k. I'rice. W. II. I A. II. -b.. . . . :.i :.i i! ! t e a o;t. l , '.: ta I'l'- i l.e . i. l , a:.d' lion. talki d r " ..V.. . . 1. 1 Mr I 1 1 ir m 't ti t ri .!ti I if i i i , , j , i f ... . did not want to hearany. i'"'"1, ' T'V " . ' r'1 1 ad nothing in the world ' l" '- . ' ' ' .1. . ................. .. . .. .. ,i . -t l . i'.- .1... to do with my trip. So,.,.- of the, - " " ' ; -,i;':T . . i . .. ...... ,r i ..... ,.. ' iin'i - , .. , s:litaken, IJepubltcalis. but imt a ; v.i.rd of politics was'talked while 1 ! w.i un av. The trip with me HjiTtm Can See Frontward alAlrfll as uaexwara. Uf-f:-Hon. David II. Mill m&de. ten ead.i On;edne-.( ay jheys ,r,ver- .r-s((?i r ;res!ented hersl.j to iM-d;that they would sen -n, pur- . as jimmediately ar !ay any pj. ir of s a-m s ; ,j ; ,,e j M he police station she to,-.- tor s.boo. provided : :ie ; pur- ! .Iaiuu.(I yU(. w;is hv,m(,tiZed, . and chasiM- brought a copy oi vei t i-jeinenf to jiic store, in"- the form to the press 'h.i :.,- In! !i Ti the iig- . - I . . . i iii m i i or 1 1 -si. .My i-it Smith was too short by half. The wonderful growth there .ifii.icd inc. The pi ople w ho be- lo:i-' down it t Ii. the native, art ta uiift -ting an n ing their ction of . i- 1 MADE A TEN STRlfcEA. ' . -A strike in his letter declining par ticipate in the free-trailei turting xuy nauw , ,u.jf, j,, Co, t. Institute, Nvjv ork, tivity in develop- Tlur,,,;iv t.v,.ing. lH,t one Hill country 111,11 .til. rt.-iineibtlie idea that .ecu t-'-i igia oi o iiianv in ;i;- ..- ,i,,,im! t :i . i nu iiiiiiir, ! mr - - - - I lie. Xort I. ' l. r.... "Northern capital is doing a t 1(,uht!.., (.MlH.lude he was i4, .ken j ge'Ha! M.anaget r.uux "i"' ai without success. She left Mil r.at b al to be ure; but it is not,.ftrr r,.H(lin,r tjlis I(tt.r hiidi j doubV' haidiul oi c,.-..o;;s and ;M a.,, o:i account nr an incident ..ing -rv thing. Southern brains lt.aVe aiiVthing furtt?;:.. be ! H u.h n hjs l.-.na-.n:- -tint, nance ; the one 'experu.-nced-;hcr t.d .u;hi rn money arc playing i,v i.j,,, ,", the subjej r'. Vl t is was i-ndeav . ring m e ,j...-.i:i '"' j j!:,v anil i,. tlflt time has n - .; 1 indeed I can safely say li( (),;t. (lf (;oVcrmr llilfs l?eak- , mi-tif s.m.v.m.i: tiie. hgur.o;n(. Iuown t(rthe police of W u. greater part in the industrial. ,( ,i0 v.xnVra napidnk'.'Sl he iv.iUi ih.otlicr V'i" " f; K': '',7 ! cit ies as-an expert shoplifter. , . ... v..iiili.rti iii.iiil.i :irii liliol . . . . .. i V . s-T; (. . .. tli til-m that s fe-HoiS h.c 1O1' a.l ' - . ..- i ing. under free-trade cOh jril.will ! doubtless conclude he was iiblsi'ikcu jinauethe )urcJiases hy some oiner j will than her own! She said that . !. . 1 1 . 1 f I'l.iinnntlf lnf't ii. man dropp.-.l ...ut ..I the. o. , I , Mance or leaving it on-eals l.,r t he .?. siloes un(Ier his The accident was not not iced pudil , then. wbuhl .1... ... ...... a. .iiti.. it ii'Ki iu.iri!.-i;i UU (HUH i ;i uni".i OUt. Now Colip- enrich A (-'o. t he fun. I Ieav- ; a fi rin t hat'' do ex- j ; as above nake the juirchases t.i!t 1. ire a nnu inao no ex- lm, ..:,, ;l1oi. rt.Vi.:,led the actly as tljcv'agn e, and t he; .result , rn).t't,lat "Ue was ;i n;s ELIsworth. was riecessartly enibarrnsUg. I ii,.,. (..ir(.,.r .mws that she has long i . . .i :nii'i3 i i t .. 'it. rep N Mi.dg. i:.g n i - to at. a I 5 ! i b s . - - r I -.j;-. i, ft d" the III - i r ' ; of p:.-gr. . Southern people are hlled j ha. t,,(. fa(.uItv f .ing h i4't lie r .i:!i unl-Hivdedinthu-iaMU. 1 lu-y j. lon,-ue j,, sll,.n a wav as ;tbiake re. iii,-. their opportunities ami ,ljnisdf tiinroUghly uiiiKxV'l t ! . , .. il.-ii-rin i Mi.il t make use ... r. .1.1-. i i .... A reporter id t h- . '.' o";. nu-i .l()!w.fi with -I.-1ontom.nnia ed thr store at ::'.o yvsterdi.y and , shi (laui;htcr-of Ells found it crowded with i;fM'V-.lr''Vort1,Jl wealtiiy commission mef the wVt side ami South i-i;u'v'"' i ri;i!1t ol- Milwaukee. Her father, each nvith the l:it,cfcoupo.s et ,,( s;ii(K ilar, done everything pos fromithe .(.,-.;,. v.nne t:-e tv,r i j,,; tu iu.r nf her at!liction, but genia! Manager r.urry Vl " ,l ! L, , .llUt success. She left Milwatl- . ... ....4- . . iitoiiixirr L' i in i . r 1 HA x re to- be- several LAIS DRETIFS (iAiiD. Trusses and Bracks Garki-ullv II iTTEbJ From our Large Stock we can supply . Wiysiciirs and St(rj-H I. Count rv at short notice;!!. Orders and rKKSCIl'TIONS l.y Mail lillel and f.rwarded iicliardson fepFariss ie y. ijext j riiinj Succes'-ors 1o v . ( . Opposite lleidtow House, feb.; 12. -itni.; 'orter. : - .1 ' ; 1 Still it Keeps Coming- VHAT, -WHX, WALL A.i ,14 if ! ' It a i j nr. ilREESBGRO MUSIC ; r:. With tl '.--- .1 pral-c -1 " "I I ' I i '!' rt.d r !;. I .!. . Illl'l' n ;; h ;. . :uai Nio'i ' r.', r;"t.i t : t i a i-- in if :i i Z are 1 .ad I .i 'i chool, 1. .1 .i i I; J ! a v. IS f rjif. .1. L;.CCx''l5. :in::.ri!. 4 t, M . . Vi b I . fI FN. : t" t i v t !: m. 1 1 r l.i i I o I tr t ; ; " . e- -. i ' r t, -;...:id P. ' up.-:: t irlu .I. id. Th- ;:-!! n. v.. .- .r. ! ; !.c . r r- hi!:: ;v . : I ir.o ' of !it d iri ti. l i ? :. r i d -.;-!i i:..- i d ' ! : 1 w e i . ad !i V V he e' .i gr e. !; 1 - .- it a.i ; w ! i ; c h d ah. s r'.d the on. A :tnd the , ",., id i. ad a - a I .i r- il In al.d !. le laid th- y ate den rmitud to make ue . . . if ...i..;..,),!;. , ne. - t ...... . .. I ... In .. .i in, it "i'l-'o.M.iu.' io '''; ,.esary for him to speak, llecm . . . . !! .... ........ ti..I I .- 1 1 .. 1 . 1 lie ii i e mill iiioi . . i . l i, , : , ... .. , f talking to ourci s. and . , . . i ".. - co.ix- outside capital mn t r racket has Democratic party by its opj AJNOVEL SUIT. vi'ii about their re never let a j to have thought it was botji ifcthis i iiictniipn lie can ee forwsfd as nance ,, ii:w.i w:ini VA a iiv23 im , . f - -4. . - -- --- -- , W ax- outside capital into . htU t h: r territurv. Wi-.at the South needs i simply d:p to r -t t hat e..r;! i iu". hope i t"' l-.ot an ait. til ; ::. h.dl i.-.t :.f t W e.ui- i to g.c up i: i-apital and and to be let alone. The raiiroad are improving all the time." If he can sjiart. the time Senator I oirmaii inay o,n t;ike another trip through the South. He -ays In- ivant to get something no-re than a bird's-eye view of the country. The Law on Gamblinj. v The Act entitled all Act to sup- j pre- gambling jatilied Jth Janu- j ary. I"'.'!, read as follows: The (i. neral Asenibly of North ( "aroiina do enact : i ti i v, ,.ti,,rj 1. I hat It shad i.e un- fret'rade been played the p ; ients in past years, and don t ijpo-c, in the 'event the Prciitit "ial lightning should strike y time in the" near f uturh.(vf Jiave any free-trade rocks throw-fyi him. Wilhiiii'itml Sfur. 1 V. ARRESTING A SHERtT : r.:r--i A Deputy Marshal CreateiJ a Sensa tion, v t'i I lie til a n t hat's 1 t-O'U'Sil... this,'! he said a he -pi -l t iJ '"- .iW i! j . r-- . n.auc i 7jnety-rive Cents Was'the Amount store ii'-w! sued For. ' and-tho Prosecutor' Got tney saw mil nlan ; i"hc can cxp aiu h:ini'tied.i' It ' was soon i I 1 . i, . , clear -to the pi.'op.c m t. it it l'i:tm-i.n'i'il. imd tlieti ; i i , . th:it ii iliscoun't of s-l.aO on the b'igge! tiling they had fdruck anl tjiey began biiying. at:d e:i. a one when Hi'-v hd't bad a p.air of .. I ' .1 . ... . i'l..,.! 1 ;-s I III! I :ii Sixty-rive. . was regular .Ta only ;J..-)i i Mir. f lurry has rmt y i said w hetlier lie would bringsict agaiiSt the- ."Vo . his 'nervesi oi- .ivot. vinci-l that, poopa" read ' for dan.'ig. but' he : menu in the' Jf r."-. Th (he o"l." I h circulate ninoirg a ( in: KiPi.K. C.a., April- T.pes lay a United States': .fruity III tenh marshal attached the fjjir' of Fannin county bc;isc he forked down an engine belonginii; l?: the ' - .'El , L im s i;dy i t tising columf.s. . 1 rmn m. i..ini.iiii v utid ! save bv so many dollars every year y ;."" H.urrwKi.i.. Ca., April S. A novel suit has been pending in the justice court for Royston ';' district, Hart county, for two. or .three months. A. P. Iiurnett brought suit against-J. I. Teat fori uO cents, a I'd the cae was heard by R. II, jPidgeway, notary pnoiic, on uie ' ,!.:..' i .,tiir.,i'i'.: in . February. and idvertise-. " , discliarged at t he proecuioi ? v u;i, ' ..T !..... ..4 4- .. . . ni-.n I Till wliereupon iuineti ..ij'i"-"'' to a jury, and o:i last Saturday the case was heard j by 4-he ' jury, and Mr. Rurnett received judgment for .- . . 1 .4. ti. ..mount o l i.i cents -111(1 cosv ' a to Ci i!- fact is largely ; i.dver ;?i?EBi -ii. - -. m . :' I -' S ' ! "H ;! ' -I :' I ' -!-;.'! AND IT ( OMRS TO i ; 3JlS0UTH :KhI ST.;ff;iM-:ENSJJORb, nJC., CSTo7x is -t,lLG Tixae to ;fiecpate; !rid you can doit awful ehe:i. d.' u a c.-i 1 1 ia nd;we will te .' if, and slniw you a" coiijplete Uu'i "f goodsj at jiru-es rang Five Cents to Five Dolhirs cr ! I v.n all, about llg:lrnlii . C ut this out ami In insf t; Avitii joii. .' one of these advertisements will he! ' aeceptedl froii eacli perWiiihuy irig our r;fiOIS n TKN" ' LN'J'S on ev-rv! IM'ar to whifkl4lir I'Tch: i-y. qmoiaits. KIM'S A " lbCK T J", :!l I Huth: Mini St doing 'A JIucwuiup Cont'esciont v . . .; 1 1 g 1 1 -. i h -a I.r : ir t V, sn'pt t f, d 1 1 im 1. f-ri n.i t I ! ,1 " 1 1 . a F !-:oI w i, r m as ;i .ii "hi i-t and !.e body wt re hot i,.' re -ell. .! er. , d. He I i I a ii d ci n - it d -rily a ed. " i : m. lawful for any jeron to play at j Marietta and North Gcornan anv game of chance at which j way Company for the coiji-tax. money. pr,,prty or other things of J It seems as if the tdicrilf haj a!ue i bet. wiu-tlu r the uame he hauled around for siiiijv: in ;atc or not, and those who play aid tho-c who bet thereon shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. S. c. l. This act shall be in force from and after its ratification." charging hi sworn dutyf;:jverui Ross uavn .he will have t,U' f r 'rin. fr.itilv' admission made Mr. Curtis', in Harper's Weekly, .oi Governor Hill's commanding in!lu ence In the d)i inoeratie party in the Empire State i only wrung from th S Pink oi inuv. uuii- and -anient ;. admirer of (ir- iver i . . ,,l ; t i t m ti. 'ik ed. '.. ,.,f..-t l,i' rvin LlCVeian.l oecau-i y - -v . - iuiihranFmr ' yp . I indisputable truth, to gainsay togetit. lie ha. been to voilhl b, fHy. In . some get those in .charge to setkj; -r . tho U1(1?t important some time, but as yet they c re- ..J,, :th:it lui, vet-beet, given fust-,1 to pay the tax. ;;;,-f j jj,.',,., the president jal Will They Dare to Kill Him. i fns,-d to pay the tax,. i. t . b. sr. I. -I is. Mo. .pril '. A spe j il from St. .lo-ejdi. Mo.. sars i f f t! - d iii- v f I in. Win. s. Leach. .. St. .ho, ph, is, Nevada will .end the w.F rair i one of t! e American citiens held 1 a !ar of solid gold weight,'g t.0,,' in Itah bv the Italian ( b eminent. pound'. It is supposed:-!;rA its His f.uniiv received despatches . weight will be a sutlicient saf.tiard in slururdh;ip- situation. Ut is tne mugwuiup n " ,.f .Id. ooiitical heid. given lelue- Nevada will .end the w.F -'J fair taiitly and Nevada at the Fairi ii- . i . . i - . ..... unw unnun . i Right Yo:i Arc, Brother. i The Market .Was .Manipulated. Visitor "Your little boy doesn't .,h;i:i to be very ! cheerful, dsn't he well':'." . i . ' Yes. he's well' enough; but he isfeeling pretty blue just now. You see there was a great drop in leather this morning." ... - . V. -lk-ss me! You don't mean to tell" me that child -knows any thing about the market-.'- 1L-Well, perhaps not generally ' peaking, but you 'see theparticu lar leather that dropped this morn-' ing wa-his -mother's slipper. ' Money or Blood. ' - J ;NA-nvii.i:i:,Tenn;, April lts teiday ai'u rnoon. sixteen miles , southw est of -Ilun'tsville, Ala., Tay- j jor Haniey cuO)f.c Townsend in; the throat. UiMWir nnu iiisuoin . ATTEIsrTI03-iy I tvt ' ' in lNew r irm ami ? 1 I r1TT VtAA T JUST RECEIVED A RK! LOT' 01 ii 15 . a PAINTS. jJLsrRRCSllE;S, GLASS wxift:, wir- All kiniTa of STOVES, S E wi N( AC 1 1 1 N 1 1 N - y . ----- All Kinds or Farming :oh s'Troe, i Shovels, . MattoOksj Rakes, i JJiW-WARF Peed; Cutter Also Cutlery. Pistols, (funs eb ! ! - ' . i RICKARD'S WIRE I i arm- ell3. we GalvehizeibWtre Wncf, in exist a nee. t v i. oi larrelleder a debt of 5 r. I .ti i! ii.hril.iv winch was 1 even it the liOUeellian snoi?tnjaj- ... 1 ... .. i Tu-v nil it. r thebrst knowledge they lia.l 'that i len to take IiU eye o!f for'4?f?nutc j:.; Gm ns K-ro is; eii.v i 1 rt.nt; that Tsend owed Ilanley have just received a stock of Rickard's (ialvenized - CHEAPEST and MOST LASTING Wire Feijce i . ' h . . i . y - - T. S .13 (JWliMKM I ,y sw ings ; ovt'ii tho doorT At IL W feb. 2. DIXON'S Old Stand. -The jSVfv No. 223 South Elm Street j yireenshoro, N. Ci 41 rit- . -J i. Hi ofd n. it br. at h- I c ! Ill Italy. lor two. m, ; i ' ' t i i j . r j-.

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