' t f . . M - f. ; ' -.- 1 f . . ! . . . ?A : . ; j ... - r -. r , '-it- :- rt :- i i 1 - - U : ' . I'tjt ' . , I . . I r"T'"M"""",""M'MM'"M'""T"M"M,M"'M""'''' i i : ! . ! 1' HE ? IjREENSBORO. PMFMIGTK:: ; mm ! !' ' ; "1" ; -&j GREENSBORO, N.EB, THURSDAY, APRIL 2'J, 185)1. i? flly I ho Vntrioi Iultlltlilis f'ompnuy. TKRHH m.mt l'r Vi-tr, In A.lvniitf. r . " " M U. . - i -i. H -. ' . y i i . . i ' - i vi n ) ! . ' . '.' ' '.!;. i Oil. J. i II. ( i r 5 t t t i . 4 t ! D'r.lArUi ! : : tilmar c2c Wriglit ! 'n.;i;i:-:-t.UlJ. Tin nr-Dm r. r i'L. i 4 ! : l . li at 1 - f ..nil Il IIMHI 4 III! iail tfll. 1 i.i. - "i . I t . x .: I : i i I "i n r: GRSESBORO MUSIC ; t .SGfEIOO: '. ,.i:l-'..; 1 ' i p i i t t i j 1 W f : : l !.?. ti I. GRIFFITH,' liiiHAT FlilE IX ClliQCO. DKNT1ST. D:ctor.: II. Wakefield, Tur.iLLi:;o scenes in a muse- UM DURING A PANIC. F:o!s to Quell a Llob Many Tcr S5ss Seriously Hurt $1,000,000 V.'crtli t: r:cr :r-7 BcciroycJ A Er..ve C.Iccr. t M V I I ' I. ; - i c i:i n;.f-ri i- t f lh '-! l. -t rift i v- LT.itiri"4. , t JJ RICHARDSON, : h . S i ! - a ; ft 1 I I ! 1 ! . : li lt at i - - i l u : v ..f t!. A HUSBAND'S DESPERATE EAT TLE WITH THE ROBBERS. llis Wife Shot Dead The Thieves Critically Wouni Their Antagon ist and Plunder the Dwelling Lynchers Out. lr i: i: villi.. M1., April II. One f thr in-t l.i!arll3' mtirders that ' -v r .-IiiH-kt -l Marvlatnl ocrurrt tl in i ;! rotinty lit 1 lck thu morn- in'. J. Crauviii Ilichanl, ex tr.i in!, r f tli1 Marvlaml LoUla- The IMtnVUm 8 j. j I'XFOLDEl). 1 : titr.. w . u- . ft t tlfW'Ptfkr in tlif ( IHH Ultl IU. j'V ftSSV Cu;em Ho!ii at raltiunro, livc .n a farm m-ar l"rter llridiic, Although the repignatio'oen- aior i-.umurtus nai oeen in;f'ynjj nintea at lor om announceuu' the nature who are nearest to the statesman and it ran? that he has few intimatij&t-whave asserted, from time to tim if. t it would not surprisejthera, if re signed, hut a majority of-5jit-en- nul)lj. -s.i for Mime time liicj its uent last night iufiV in e f a gurprisejL?,tJiose e a; e vi on i t ill -- S-ai.l a , 7-'.- ' l"' , a::d:.i't night he and hU wife re- f..,! in.- r.run. : VtU. at.d. L.j a ,,.. (lVlock Tht. ,amp tL.. i.rn Mi.t.r Iwm.iv ;Xti,Mli.hed. and there ' :o i:. N. V r I ' nr E. Ledbclter, 1 1 . iv. - - " t !t i a a '.. a II r.d-iy ni tl.- -! .! na- ili v . r: furni- r. .! l. Si::yth. I i: l .:.:' r ;ir of !.i .: fit :i!tihfn'M ori . '.' ir 1 1 ilt. ..-I -!r t. . di f.'irs.iTii'-atJ d -ta'-l i-! m. :it. arid ( ,'! il irku i in the house. ! j r 1 1 v l'-for; o!: o-lck Mrs. I I -1. ird u:' a waker.f d ly a noi.e, a!:d in tin iltrkl.e dinoverel a n. in iu the art of opening a Imrcau ilrnui r. ui-k!v taking in tlfe s i e is t! lie . : r !':. R. WILSON, 1 her htlhand, instantly springing to hi fret on thf !!or witli a pNtoJ in I . I j 1 1 , . 1 ii ! SmIi I r 1 1 il t t. M f rritii ! !; ;,!? r t !'h, A .Mid. i.e. , . . . ... , . , loeneath hi- mIIow, he eried: si t.VK, oi: i wii.i. i:rt :g ff'tti c. ry md'.w iti , -hoot . ;!!:, v. a mehping Before he hal time, however, to ! . it. :.si. that live I.HJliUr- MiK.IvC "vv,, TllI;l:,: n -i - ,V! - I. r - i .. ate and the outside general rule, liave seoi!el & t he idea. On the UepuMiean jjfIr. hdmund loss will be irrc'i i3.uIe. At the present time the llejiiAJJean side of the Senate ran ill $1 to loj-e a man of Kdmunds iity. Look over the list of nerj !4,;n Senators and see who isjjt-yt of National reputation, tr whA'ea he ela--ed a-j above medoeritvJohti Sherman and Allison are t; .only men on the Republican sJenow who show any pretensions tfi'-iites-manship. or aro in any wa-j Lotted t cope with any of 20 DevjorAts on the other fide of the cJitJXu'er. Aldrich of Rhode Islanil;! "is true, is a very handy man" an-" the in tfie cham!er when' a ta;iill is under way or any questiv;Kat ing to the tarilf", hut outside i'"iat subject he does not amount tjt-reli. Hoar of Massachusetts is &;ijhssy o!tl person who has seen" Utif'est lavs and was not verv powj-2 Ql at Ill's lest. Iniralls, KvarF:ind EDITOP. WM. HURLBERT SWEET HEART IN COURT. 1 ;-i ' t r i t! ,. . ili-tri.-t Tv. tit it: !!." ti. . iI-.mi- r::j.itl by , tnake good his word there was the !r -hi.rt i-harp report and tiusli of a weapon t ir- - hal turio 'l ' ia the hand of an intruder, and Ii.k . j .Mr. Klizaht th Ii-hards fell lak I'l-.'-nl a- though inn the pillow with a sereatn. The :!"! I i ninl imi!, I I nil 1 'u f r :i ? t I licr liraiii 171. it i fr.'in behind tl.r ear. Snootier were retired bv t hoi Vf (- ' ik- i 'n ri hit briran. Iieharls tiring i nl last fall. Thev f urnishfil v.'ood thr-e sh"t-i and hi- a--ailants for I, bating abilty, and there t?f- no th-re H re to of them tw more. ; men on the Republican sif'-? to Thr burglars were the be-t marks- take their plaee. The h' a imi.. r.tu oi inrir suosrijueni strng man on the uernocrar: t'Hie t. uk r!:. :-t in Mr 1 V, (t. ' . 1 i:i t?:- Tin: , t r -" t ! ) i i of t! "i r th. i "s 31 ti-i-tau" ,,f thr : f I a V. ill r. ?!.r-.!:ga ir ti.r v i, r. thr arid !,- hi:r. i I ' art.. 1. Ri. r !inii:g ox oui-r part !: r of tho- Richards would not he m much felt.hthe if the ah-; Drinoerats are rieh in striiRv? inen ar. rreutii.n far a- !'ul hy;;,t the present time. TheriyvVj no niair i i jie in- oi. .!..v. afr rti-iiving his woiimls, Mr. Rir!rfrds ua- fi arfully V-aten bv :; tli- strangrrs; tlirn he h i- ki. -kill or thrown down--tairs '. i -rvrral !onrs brokt n with ii u bar. and i': hi- Jielph s -tat he -a two nu n. apparently ...111 - I- - I . 1 . : -iji-l. iin-n as t aru-ie anu.- ti.yi-K-'burn. Butler, Daniel, C.eorg i i'- An Oinnifcus (Flirtation Ends In a Breach of Promise Suit. f "Lomiox. Apl It. The sensa tional breach of promise suit : of 3Iis- Gladys j Kvelyn, the actrc?s. otherwise Mi-s Gertrude Ellis, against William Henry Hurllert, once the editor of the New York W'xrlii; whom she had only known as Wilfred Murray, an unmarried American gentleman, hut who wa really a married man while under the alleged engagement to; G-Iadv? attracted "many deeply Interested speetators to' Justice Cave's court todav. i a Tlie actress, a woman of m'edi um height and commanding . pre s ence, took tlx? witness stand, t ahd herself coolly.tos-tiiic.l in manner and substance that niu-t have been tantalizing irv the extreme to Mr. Ilurlbert, though he appeared -j as imperturbed its Prince Bismarck, whom he n sembles. THi; OMMIU 1 MUTATION. ' ; ! . She narrated her . adventure, - in which on leaving an omnibus she met Mr. Ilurlbert. alias Wilfred Murray, ami .added that she agreed lie should call on her the following day, .'which was ; Good Friday. lie called on, that da iceonUhg to tin- appointment, and he afte rward called crv i'rcouentlv. i v On May :5 he calld.to see her and asked her .to marry him, as he said he loved her; very much,' She thought she Ioi-d Itim, "and there fore eousentcd 1" many iiiml On the C,'t!i nf'tliat ino:it!i he '!ag.jjn called on. and; on thi i.'ea:fn he gave her a ring. While pulling it on hrr finger, he said : ! ! .ie our Gurm: ! "Ill - i ,..t. I.'..,, ,n 1 rM,. win aias ue a- !u;gui as ian, itra, Kent, -j le- . . Pherson. Morgan, Turplen;.i fffice, j . i 1 ,x .7 f x... V.....! - ..,,.1 u-,l.1J,,tll,llirl:i.-' this month that sf;e Hd- the Rrpublii-an sih' of the. ;-;iaiu- ! bi-r. with the possible exci"? :?r' L-5i ol Mu rman; ami Mii naan, n mitti d hiui to term? greater M!i- Wlien Mi-s Kiln. upon'di-eov Mnri'iv 'mil ili'i-f t i-il i . i . i-1 i:-., ;,. ,;ering tli.it .Murray had deemed report be eorreet, intends j:t n e , --. . , ri:... ... ii iu, . M'er, Una v went abroad, she took at the end of his pre-ent terjl lie . , , , . t. .: ; i , , ,Z"i,r t.J'i h her $m2. . nb .-.which had tu-t Democratic sile. too, h gAifrr to, ' , . .. , , . , i i 1- .? ibfen h-ft her by her father s wi . r bv ; o to l'.i Var- of age, anl u, iri..f i.ilit.i'nK.riil nii-ri-ii it ilr. 1... r.f,,ri.i.l i ti I Ii e i v t .', I J" rr part i"na"f.uggv .Iran n by a small 'by men like Rainier, Vilas mjilill. ; sl,,,t ll"r! ;-. .. i i v. :.. ..it. . .i.... .1... x... nli .win. .nm. uul i. v i;r-r. .'it. itn -o.iio- i- oi .i ir iriir iiiai inr .-r vrr ..11.1 1 ..... - . .... - - - ----- . ..... ...... ... - , - w- - i. .: 1 . 1:.: .. .... 1 ... . . . .. .. : 1 1 .. . X ;.V...t ' before this crnie.il r !! 11 1 ion. ai.n ni.i inn i--'ior 1- 1101 eiiu-mrieii a s . so i- and long : iNSUBANOE 7": -CUSS COMPAf.SSS r .1 !. t . 1 1 1 ii.- front l.r . ' r -r w isi : r .. -r ti e Wilfred Murray had ictunlly sehiMitl for her the dr ... . , 1 ... 1. . ; . -i.vif;i aciUHiiv seieiMen ior ner ine ore.- -oVi r. Ui-tual power, but lie is arc-iiron . , . 1 1 w hicli she was to . wear as hi (MlTTii. tmmakkaM.i nut. speaker and, beyond dnubtO t , . I Nrighb..rs eame in response to -rgani.er ami general ,,iijian ; ; ; ; I ';! .U-r.e,-.v,II-. when it wasdi-ei.v. 'Of e.mrse a Republican w.eut, r..L .Uin j'.AMi.l.l.u l,.-r 4.1.. 1 i. I : . 1 - - - I -. ,. . lit U i o. ; j. T S ' i. -. i . i ii.l 1 1 . i . 1 f 1 i 1 ..; St , v. . r.. 1 1 w 1 -.-Kt .ut a f l'.-! : :n u -! p.- i . ! I - - i 0 m 1 ti ir l v Will ..if-, a i ; ai . -1 r . t ; ,' TM t way e ':: i e ir;: ,1 i.er t ti -it. ' h- -ta- ; at t..- i.e id .-f th- r . ".. g Is- r l i r. V i sl to U 'l til 1 I-. I ; i - i 10 ii"' ri !'i i t in g j ' v r je,l( ., i n r d that f.'.o- and a gold watch j had I'lt M -t'! n and a second tline k o r drt.ppi il in the hallway. It had n i-urrently rep irteil that Mr. R:ci..irii- kept a lot of money in hi- h.-u-e. Mr-. Ri'-'nartl-. who wa the r.:.t her "f live -mall ehildreii. did recoi-r r.ne;ou-n ss, but ex- to Micceeil Kdniumls, bij fi I Gambling at Monte ( al io, 3Iir-s iiw. man in Vermont who till ; Kvelyn admitted, had forced "her to his plaee The Republiewill : extremities, and he ha.Meen cdiii have a numerical majority, fB' I he , p.-JK-d to pawn her jewelry, iuclud next Senate, but the Deiji i-Jrrats lVr the engagement ring given her will, b-yonl doubt, have V1 c?u'r- i by the defendjih't. ' Then when she whelming majority of braif the! r,'.'turned to London she 1'ound th:it body in ilebating cupaejjjainl tle di -U in Shie!i -Ih- hail left general intellect. Tlierejjnot: Murr.a y's ..r-et t;rs had been muidi doubt that the ill-lv.i of broken' onm !and several of the 1. . t;-ec d- ! . i r 1 - t . 1 V ' . I i - 1 I ! I ! . , . . -i f . . 1 : . ... : . . ... ... . . ' l,n,,...lf ..n.I o.rli tiT K f 'ili.I'lHi'I ', . . !.... i I , . , .. ...... ..1, f .. wn the hatitl-tiuit- .:t-ve.'ir-hl V , H- ' , I ,cl IVI " l,fl i lien IC- l! Mi I ter .d" Frank Lan-.b.n. a well fraUM" 1,1 fn TKWWul' entirely Uitib . .... . 1 . 1.1 : 1 : 4 1 ... k , .... i. ii 1 1 - 1 1 1 ' 1 Hill ins imoiir jiir 1- ioi. w ' 1 i - ; iin;iil V iie ( 1 1 -eo t ret ( mm nv mi: fill, n r.ar F.'ktoti. I i ll. I'XKTli - oi;i.MZl.I .tain. It will be long bef-y-.uch indent !ir admittr.l that' v.uis ' a uniiiu'e character, 1akin.,;hi all jiiarrii d and h'a I di-ci i 1 l her. but .M l ti J !a 11 ! d at v;irr -! ..!.! R.vn Media. Fa., in a hard- i Senate chaml and w ho i- ;t eiu-in of who is i ni-I in all, will occupy a seaV lT t he jir,,iuiM vl to g h e her fl.uno. ber. Iiui'i-A t-iJ'v H-ttU i r. i , t .V . ' r i" ti.U" I Mr. Ridianl-. -ai l t his , morning. ! fire -tartmg for hme. tliat t. - V 4 ! The Story of an EditjV' An editor died and slow-iv w ml. i: I .liui: "I 5 - " ! 'd ;:. . '-. u ' ; : : . a- "1 i.- er itUfi -. 1 1 i d. " 1 K) t i Ti I a t r a : at:d ti.' r. 1 r r - !' --. rss!n 1 !! ; e -e.ke ,!t. ri::-. :.! t?.. ire dl '"''"! - ii-g g ini.ed to pursue and tring ! many years thou ha-t brtln ""' ; 1:1. the muni-. n rs who. it i thought, t blame, for the many r ' . i th- 1 xeitriiii i.t ar uind thr immi'-; ed his way t w here lie sujrZ-Vd a ili-ite -i i;- of the munler was most , warm reception awaited hi? jj The and i-aidVy l or ihd' upn h.-r Jur lite .f,.i(i ;i Ib vond iin -ocr.i-ioMiil rem it " tance of .-1 ,in; never panl h r a 1, nt in f ul:i:hncnt ol' t h.t! promise. Mi- ! 1 To the? Citizens of Greensboro and. ; Guilford County: .r 1 he ( 'hainbor of Couimerce'has un dertaken to get up an exhibjt I of the products of (iuilford county, and todo this mut have the afd of all The good people in the county. This exhibit will be kept at some suitable room in the city, and shown Wall strangers who visit the city with a view to locating in our mitlst, either as artisans, mer chants, or farmers. From t-hfs collec tion, it is, also, designed to lit up, on a -.smaller scale, a choice exhibit to be I'laced in Raleigh and at the proper time sent to the Columbian exhibi tion at ( 'Jiicago. ! The importance "of such an exhibit cannot le estimated in dollars and cents. It' will be a considerable' un dertaking, and it is-'earnestly hoped that it will 'meet with the hearty Co operation of otirriti.ens generally. It 1.-believed that the articles desired Will, in the main, be donated; but the xpeiise of the jars bottles, boxes, itc, mght to be bourne by the city ami omit v. j : The following circular from head quarters will show what is wanted, sind the Chamber of Commerce has jectired Mr. Jas. W. Albright, to attend'tothe collecting and .arrange ment. Please correspond with him, and aid him in anyway you can to make the Guilford exhibit inferior to none, gotten up in the State. The following are among the arti les that are desirable from each sec tion of the South to place in the South ern Kxposition to beheld in the eity of Baleigh, . C. - -' - , One half bushel of each of the fol lowing :' barley, buckw heat, corn, oats, rye, wheat, rice, grass seed, cane seed, Id peas, itc. . ' - One half bushel dried apples, peach- , puiicespruncs, cherries: and culti vated bej-ries, tV.c. One to ten pounds each variety cot-J t ! j 1 in seed and lint, llaxand jute iii various stages of manipulation'.' - Sug:p, ten piiunds ea.-h variet". Mo lasses and sorghum, one 'gallon eacli Variety: huney, one quart or one to ten pounds comb. . ; Two lioimds of eaeh v:ii i' l v of t o- baceo. . ; Ten ouiii!s each variety hay and gras-s one bundle six inches in dianie- ter f .each variety grain in sheaf, Hops, live pounds: broom corn, ten to tu enty-live heads ; beans, one half bushel each variety. Garden' peas and lima beans, one gal Ion eacli variety dried. Plants and gVowing shrubs in pots, ' Spirituous liquors and wines, one quart eaeh variety - M ineriils, one to one hundred pon-nds eaeh ariet v i Kuilding stones, any sie and weight desired. ; Precious stones, any size and all va- c'n l ii s. W iiods and timbers, specimens, if in s:i(d i.nu one inch thick, any width and .length. If section is sawed from tree, to beany size desired. If split from tree, a section to be large enough to square up at least 2x1 inches; Marl and phosphate-rock, any size specimen Manufactured goods, from-cotton, woolen, ilax and silk, eaclr sample usual width, six yards long: from wood or iron, one speeimen of a. kind. Put it iii your pocket, then go to RAYMOND' Dry Goods Arcade, and the Dry Goods .Line, w marked in 1 Plain I PRICES. Then present tliis adveriti ami voir will rdceive a substantial! -i 1 count on have We want to know if advertisement in buy vhat ever von lnav iicedl in I lei-e yoa will lind imires; at the . I POWELLS be amount voir purchased. people are r paper, cvrythin emeut dis- Our willing to pay to fmd out thu facts. V Spring New Are about all in and , we i ire j eadfine and aPe Goods U I I ' nf l'iiot ": tlcp'i fa '1 repared to furnish t - GOODS tht niarkef alfards. S STYLES ! 3 6 IKOII ZDOTJTJBTilE Oxiid Serge.DRESSs GOODS at Uk cents per -vjir 1. t ! Ladies Past JflacOs: Patasols, cents, Oo cents, So cents-, $1.00, etc w Hite Cross Bar -iM:-ix3iXLS at -5 cents, 6 cents, S cents, 0 eentis, U.ents, venL;, IxcllenJ5 vain tisuallv sohl-mueh hiVrb,l- i and same goods ;ire We guarantee our prices to ho j elsewhere, quality considered fC Come and examine our c r fl'ljy show yorr throu ts low and on ninny : b m p 1 e t e a s s o r t n l e n' t J !i whether you buy ( rt isles' lowfcr than 7 e- i not. ill diecr- ; i R.a.vrnoriH Sr. Pnwftlil ! ' " N ATI ON A L 1M N M J U I LI ) I N ( JILDING, GRKkI'S SHOliO, N. C. ERMAN -American - - . j-1 ' -I- Insurance Gompany of New Taxidermy, A lynching party was be- j devil .-yaw him of each anct ! Indian relic hi nb I Vj ! and animals; one and 'other curiosities, elu? tlir nvt i -r ape. . . printers male in ine papifj .. or Th:- morning a sjn ci;d car hav-J paper has gonu alas, for J.( Hnd t hi- 1 tto has often failed 5 P come ... , in i i i . . to t l,i rd, a fid t anu-og . 4 r : i :t i-i ' t ing .aboard .lo-eph T. Kii'hards, of tl.- ! ti!i-v! vani.i Ilailroad. aiul l.rwi II. Ki. hards. Trust Ollieer ..f thr Wr-t Knl Safe Deposit ' "" t 'ompaiiv, b..t!i of whom are broth- r of tin unfortunate man, to. ' getht r v. ith a Corp- of detectives "n pi--rd (Hit thr Central diri-ion, ''' It- t ccup'ints biuit on 'aking active in The printers have devjhr.thce Saturday night for wagff? jlien lhoii hadst not one eenrjuj .thy name. Men have taken tj-iper never paving for it and eu;?ifcthee for not getting out a bettefi'j flnui hast been called dead-bcajV'; the ii:is.fti"cr ritniluetirs .whiiJhou Pliotoj-raiiliie views of "'-buildings. farms and scenery, one of a kind. The above list of articles may be ad- i jled to both in variety and quantity, j ac.-ording to what is produced, inanu ! facrrrred ordound in eachState or com- ' " t : . -r- - r t --t ' M ,on . on- !,.,.,..., .,, ,rr i.oi. I the 111 ii n le re r s i h :i k i wi 1 1 t Ii v a U n u j i i ;t.- ! y 11 - i . , . . . , , . . i. , ; . .... . .I.,-, owing I- 14 ivioua ,rro. All these tl.ha-t " '' -A ... . i; 'he Charlotte Cirhitirc, in , v i. riu.ru- - i m . r - .. ., ,' .American imiut u ! ui - tlo. .lr-itl. of Col Inlins i . ?:.. : :; or . .. I ...rm. in rnco. Thou vtzi1 not . . ,., ., , : , ..i... iii tiie de.itn o,t .01. iu.uu a. ut. " M Th h'i'hirds home, a pretty ,.,. jn u.rP.-. And he . U him 1 1 "Uui U . "W1"f , i :..t,:-..: --:'. pr.-nt.d a sadM-ene . .. 1 " t mu ii u u ,.t ,1 1. v tl ' (..,ni(i known,' small groups of ...r.. till- .-viuir.g; It was almost im- - . ": .!., r.i.SJi'.. in f'"nv ".is ,uola y K (.((llM Veen all over town i . v l :-" uX neighbors n the death of their I..r, I :, V..- Ai rl" ' . , I. ..f s nbs, liU - .-V1 V.,VI "r!:. '"gloved townsman. In one of . 1.. ... .i. t!:.-m away from their dead ' , .J " V' "V , 1.., J vtend wit 11 n in .i m ui i . ; r.He.band a laborer 'wa ". - . ... ? nr M i IS I 11 II 111 I 11 rill. ''.! " " . - ., .-t 1 . , .. .... .. I. . : I.. ..1 . " V, '-. 1 'ii il' H I'-i-. 11: .1 i'i tsoii ,: , ... 1 . .. i ,. ft ' : 1 t ). r ,. v ire i 111 ine ! i a 1 p ' r . ' r. 1 1 1 gg i t t M . i; : j : 1 1 . : t.o!U r .ir t!.r..- i i r . " '. W ! . T"c greati -t excitement prevail 1:1 thr i!!a-e ami at Ilising Sun 1 cri itte iliseoril in my ( II C' I U ("I, Kirr-idtMu. f nr.f2!0''n'M' 5V ol I f iorab!v known. v -.r. to 1..- found tlu-S -'"' f a Among the name ol wmrr'th family are ,.r , !,,. :dinnni of fherniyji-- 1 ..i.d r.ikt - Hi i i a ! Mr. I'ichard can harillv hope t j Prrsi.b-nt f the I'. rrco'irr. The terrible -hoc' of hi- president, g acting Vice Vn v$ wife, ib ath and his own physical Ul the C. S .- -T t I ice nts, Cabinet. ifil&i?the Kvi Ivti :- admiltiil tliat in ; I';ir;s. aft-r -lie had learned of! M 1 . i- r . t . i 1 ; 1 1 ri i: A Mr .1 ;i r L . I .'toil.., ...... ..-. . . . i ..,,.1 !,- Uu M'ue specimen of each kind. "Will you fUear."' said the At-! iorney-Getierai, j : pointing at M r, j Ilurlbert. "that thi- gent h -man Wiif rid M urr.-iy ':' I vi will." redied the lair plain tilf tirmlv. ' I niunitv.' AN dim l'l 1 1 1.A I '1. 1 I ' II I J iiM.( i ll'.,, i . .. On eross-exiiminatioit Miss Kj'- fJEXENSBORO'S GRIEF. Ivn said: Tin' boy alleged to her : . - mine, is my mfphew, who, although city Mourns the Loss. of 0p of lu pard under the r;am- ot u jj Its Eest Citizens. .. . , I 1 W I . . L ter LvelVIl, is y ;u jiam.d (oiiin . . , r.ri , .rn ,.;,rlc1inn,ior,f nf speak Gray, be-men sadly be- thesie, s heard to )oor man is dead,' j and this. is literally true of Col. 'Gray. lie was pre--eminently the! friend of the poor lie always bowed just as politelyd of her diary reliving t a vi- it "irginia Wat r it her.- vi i s tin try : ""Wilfred ri a i of art he railed i it'.'" ::d a woi to 'li- In roni-lu-io.nj she -aid that at Ghent Mr. Murray -poke "to her of marriage. . .. i : -1 , .. . I. 1.1 to o;;e ol nis empioes ,is oe nuuni have done to the President of the I "nited States. , ; -A beautiful incident is told of - i:!. ring- h ni-catt-i-d his nitml to ( , ,:i f-.U rate ( 'abinet, 17 I j ' j ! iiim by 1'rol. O. A . -'irr. At times : d -. and !: de s n.t sretn e-r- . 2,tors -d Kireign Mini4MiJ j M.ii-oN,N.j April I ."i. -From i uf.tiray would be very busj-, aiid tu;:: -! tie i-hntity of -the m u r- ( ; ,, i r n rs of State--, : ?X" : part it s dirr-'tly j it:ter-sted in the . 0, ,,:u.. n t.hese (ceasions l'rof. .1 r: r ' Territorirs 7l -Members .'Ii'oii- const met ion . lth- Koanoke and ( ;irr railed :it his ollice, and found ..... i . W-.j ... I . . i . . - ... . i ; ! i.i ii ff. v ( !. w . ; . f w ( ; e -t tl..- mvth r 5 , a :ir tin. hi ; .ii! of f a Vi nt i:r." .. i j..- i ;..: I :!.... . I r I a-t d i -. to AN OT ii .nr. FATAL wr.ECK. TLe Fircia.an and a Laborer Killed Uoth Conductors and Eighteen Others Seriously Injured. 100 Jinlges Slocf Southern I'aili'.a 1 1' "ress. over .lu-ticesof X. C., I of Kji.j.-i, 1 to Uoalioke. it I was learned to-dav ..r a I.. 1 ..f 'iVnii 111 i-Siate ! tb.it it 'wa niiitti trob;tble t hat the AViii-tn:. : Iji,,, harl at work, but not wishing Justices of the Supreme IN. C. Ttnn., Ala., Ark. I Lieuf., S Major, n Hrigatfi $k of j route through Franklin rounty,Va. ifutVld.: would be changed, and the r.a . .. . . , . . I o r!-. !',,r.L l would "!a I -1 I. l.l'I . Mi.O II T i I T II. 1- .-m. ii i . ., 'ii io. rryjs in the Confederate afru;anu Aiount, ijs coiuiv sv.n. w r--K itceurrid on the A-hevu!e v - . 1 1... ir i nnni-? e'lnc. I ih.,t there a rr 1 1 nm no Spartanburg Ilailroad I.-mt night thin-tver 100 alumni wf the discoveries in ; at.othcr ! by the e..',!i-ion of a freight train Ct.nFederate nrmv, J70 fj-rViom that eo;-nt .t- wnich from A"!: ii!e and a m.itcriiil i . .i,,.;. i;.nj in .lefencilliitthe max- be changed. Tht I . e 1 i ; -. .i e i i :. i the Itif.INd a:.d V .1 -.ar.iin j. nt tl'.w ii : in the ' South. Over '2o0 have heir - Cjem-1 will hdd a mi -ft jug to day and set "1 tl1'' I hereof the General Assenjlili)! if, tie the nuitter.; . TIIE ENGLISH PRESS Letter ayni A CI" '.vIlETTE V, ..n?ING. A lUn I? i in: 'I W 1 t . y. . nil i : : 1 1 -i 5 J t.. : if - !.: u ' j I.i' to . w ...- :r:ly T.: y T;:r: r: r. train mar I.audxum The t'.rrmaii and a negro mat. rial- tram wi re Kihed. lloth j l!u. variou. States Six hvej:Hsen ! i ngin. s and l ighte n of the hands .f the dignity of Hislroi'M' Over urr.- injured, uany of th. m fatally. ,(M i.... .. .tauirht either ns5r!:lar On Secretary Blaine's "I.hr colli. ;., was the result of the j proft.jisor or tutors in thrJUmu 1 pathiziag with America fr igh; r.mducti.r's di-obetlicnce of iinatt.r i; have been Prcsi-jM-i f Lom.ov, April j H'.. The Globe fniversities and Colleges, l-'des ;,hd St. .James i.aKerte agree in iu 11 thrsr she has f urn ihe9 ' 'th urlv oKin i. ii t hat I 1 a ine"- n-tc i-anb.- roatl i -j. tiro mi nen t lrofcs..rs. CjiiIv; o"f State oafer. The Times this morn. mi'IlL l.,,,,, l,f.- ii.inrht in siiidiVSritu- ! i'mr -.vs Wf j-Vmpafhie with- the il to di-tdrb him, he told him ; to go ion working until he found time to Iin cou!itv,;i.. ! pcfon to him. so the Colonel .kept or. v. l it iii- busily, when a. knock wi; : heard tn the door and an old o.-av-headed negro stepped in. The ( Lionel immediately arose from his clrair -i-poko to the old man polite- tiie route v audlgot ;i seat for him. The old directors ; . .j'j- out a large bundle of pa- pi.-r- from his beaver- hat and a-ked the Colonel's advice about -ou-.e land -ff his.: Col. Gray look ed carefully over the papers, gave him the needed advice and the old Capital Stock, Net Surplus, Total Assets, uiiice xxx ari3Xs:s t3 axxic i j V : - - i a - -f York. - i;t . (mmi,)o.;m) W I :: GllEEXSIlC)!), X. (D, ilEADdtTAKTERS .-i - . 1 ' -i ii I,. a- - "4 PURE DRUGS FOR AND CdlEMICALS. - t ' -. '1 f LAMDiurrirs A NO Trusses and Bracks Carei-uij.v From our Large Stock vye can - : Countrv Orders and PRJCSCII'TIONS bv suppy'T'h stcianf.,.-nd "d lores, ih tl e at shortrnttice. - j .Mail tilled and fWwahl.cdiy next l;rin. i-.i 1 Richardson & Fanss, :i . : i Opposite Benbow House, feb. 12. ! . Successors to W c; l'-ortei -gim;:nsborq .1 Still it Keeps Coming, WALL AND Fi EPPS & .SZLA , - - - ' " i " i Oil SOUTH ELM ST., G Ii H FN SP() R0, : : - !t : -J -1 ' OMESr TO 1 '-'..' 1J!.i - '. r," .--7.1 - .III - - l ::-:' h ;i- .. JSTo-kt s ij'lxeP.T; And you can do it awful eheap. it, and s1mw you ;i comli te 1 ' Five Cents to Fij4 Dollars iff One t)f these advert Jsements ui through Rocky It is -aid, ;ii'-fnt Lou 1 1 1 ' : ri; . .1 M Mr r This makrs the second wreck t."iat has taUeli place oil that t'iisv.cik. On the other six !o-t their lives. It th wrecks arc train, can man. ie hour war to tie vote left satislied. Thus over an taken from his 'own time to an old darkey."' I,, ':: ('(.im1 ;w; I i: I if il.i.3 Never Seen His Wife. ...... ... - - - - . -. - . - - - ... ...... - I . ; - ' . II ..1 O.'.tr . 1 ..i-,1... 1 i iteil -i-aiis in i;ie i ll.-U- fcl4 I ii te, 1 1 it i i i v i, i-t) IVu I pi'Diia in i"1 . ., siiei, I - .... ... foevi.. I '. .; - : .. .. . 'ou- , vi. e . i of -S. i . anil L niversiiy stL ..ia.. ..termtnaTi":'. iu , -ci tuai i Vandt rbilt and others c-qulv; ?ell s(.cia! ,iis( a-vS iu.e t !ie Maha to t.ie -known. : root. It i-not dniy ju-t to remi.id With such a record as tM ivt ve, , oUr kinsfolk, In-dcvcr, that tiny dis. linll inuignation t ti..: :. .! and Tim -m - II I l. ia. Annl If. this honorable . venerahhr- fcaiCillme ' t.Iaved verv ll Mr. ib.bi it Tlio.aa- Summer., and honou-d institution ts allv to ' practices iikih tie tiie Malia were t lis- -truggle along without a del:ltp- employed here by the Irish .int-ri-Th.r nronriation from the StateVi is , Iran ext rem i-ts'.' , li;i!r(t re-Carin'i. Mi- Maiti.-.d. Iit.!!man. dif p'. o e. wi re m ;rri-tl to-tlay. u'i n ! i bt , n !!::. d since 1 The Montgomery, Ala., Adver- favors the tree coinage oi but -;ivs: 'ln view oi tne - i- r :. ... . f t lie re IS a UI Vision oi sen-. ti:.: at mi the question, the Democratic-party not being committed to it bv national platform and some ,,,- tu.' ablest and most conservative, of our leaders" iu the secU6il"of the countrv wJiere we have most hopes it:, it is the .me i ... '1 " I LI I to-JDOco&i-to ve us a ealjl and we wSll.J in.' of gori.;!h, at pr--Cja-rang pi von ng i ro(i i 11.11.1 C ut tliis oat ami tiring it with you. be irrei.tc.L from ea h nerKon hnymx oiif ' - " ii- -.J (iOOIS, us TK. I L-N i on evry ioii,ir io v.inni ineir pi LP PS A.IIArKKTT, ilioi reTia-i ajFiionrftis. ::1P s.aitfi K1(h! M. ' 1 jl i S ii '" Neiw Fir - i, ; ii. 1 1 JUST RECEIVED A RIG LOT OF FAINTS, Of LS, RI All kinc s of STOVES, SEWING All Kinds of Such as Hoes Shovels, lattoeli Also Cutlery. RICKARD'S 1;akmix(; TdO.LS, - .J " i ! ;-: I!' Rakes, 'Feed C Utters. Fnrmf bell?. Pistols, G unsafe. r : j WIRI: FliNCH, Galvenizet 'ciice "VV'iLi'i. Kiii-neli' h cMistlnce. we havefjust received a stock of Rickard's Gajye - CIIEAPEST and MOSTILASTING Wire f c T. S. BOWLES .f SU' "opp .sing hi- a shame, ami burning tiing. I'll.;;, and i-o!..! oi:, U'.iv ha- I.e er i nroach uoon North il l ii the lady who is now his ife. I Stifytiiir Tf'Hi. Mi , , :,: part of wi-dom not to The tack concerns have eombtn- I ed. Th'e point Is for the consumer. 1 jiress it as At II. W . feb. 20. DIXON'S Old" -.stand MACHINE, TIN-WARE, WILLOW- US 0 III ilSH. ti- A'KK Tl ie. S;tw sAvingj No. 22.1 South Elm Street, GieenSDorQ, N. C- GO ojei hj thft oor i ! m v I V I s I .1" ! I !' I i -1 4 .