mmiimmmmmmmmmm ' - : ; -r --7 ' " ' ' ' ', - :. ' ' ' I ' ' ' ll ' l ' r . -' ' 1' !' : ; ' . ! : f -..'-- ' 'r.. ' ' -f-': - : 5 J i : i ' - ' I - '--'.. -:' " " :' - ! ' 1 ' - . I - i P A o '1-1' - j GREEKjJORO x. Coi T I L U RS D A Y, APRIL 1801. (It? (he I'alriot I'liMHliinz ( nmnniiT. M W js, Kl I .. I.I -i , ! ir.K.UH I..0 Venr, iuf Alvnurf. The GreensIoro . : : . U I , . i i . s t ; - . i r. i t I i I j U:i y. GRIFFITH, si iu.kOn dentist. r t!.- i .r : i t h.- i. :: V tr- I 1 g t : h.e j'.' w '" 1 1 , DONTBE AFRAID OFW.' The ylive Exerted a Powerful ifiu. j G rvIV ir. tho ASurs of the State. ArtvrVrVrr. t'l 'i ,..:.. I ( ;v.-ri.'r Tryoti wrn:t. ... i r Kit - Oeorge that It is .n ; tlll r.v . m ji early to wniCipiil afrni.l of an- kiuT feff as -2 vt-ars r.M and I havf-cr u"n- I -had PfiriH' Mdir-Y.;!!'j: "ut nr.t nni.-l,; I D actor V.-H. Vakelield, . ; -; i ii:n. ; I r. i ! . s:.- - r. .! Jr.--' ..(i t ! v.. ; ! H. I ; . I .: 'Mlstoril f.r. Ir" I.. ... iJi ..,Mt. i i v vari in i i,T3iu . i i . .!:. i . . I t : " , .... 1 1 '"it is uonest and uscr:.'.V l r ... t t i s- -rt -I :i r f ul and -n- :j i int'.i:i f tl:' atrairs nf ! , ?,!. fn i.i ,r.v arli st t . I ' v l ,or''i f Ai:;cri ,.' j . r!v ;..t MtM-klt nlnir, and IMtinilAM KS (U'll.TY. THE JURY VOTED ' GUILTY" ON FIRST BALLOT. v(nU . n(lt .r.ltJ,e J ,tj,i n,.t ti:;ik a .!!,",. .ar, ,.r ln;lt ':i i .t . - . ..... Prisolier Well Guarded in Jail He Will Probably Bo Eroiyrkt In- , to Court Tp-clay, and , Sentence Passed. . 'Iht- intcrostir.j,' trial of Jur.ry Ural ham that has hu-n i .;... or: I for tNvo davs, and t!;at lias 'drawn lars;o crowds iiiio th" couri- . ti'rniinatrd vi-tt rdav aCtcr !iU' t ,, i . i. 1.. ! I. . uv. W. J..iIlIGIIARDSON, V. . a I. 1 ' '- r 1 t ,.M ford it and wh., ,..,idd ,'...r;r.; i.-v f rM-imtly a IW.iK of i,. !,Mt iUM.all!it. j r? ? ' imir !.-,-.i;iri iri- .-Mipi-l th- .t-,. f .1 that it as imoortarf j..rN Mo-, i ... (' . Jit r r I I , - t J 1 1 " . , r r. . t " . : : . i , - lir.r Iff ,.i:. at IIaH u':i. . j ; a to 1. arl, h ,v owti if,fciiiir. oHork and " w I t-I m t diKrils-i'nu ,v. ,.!,! iitsr U i!- ir-d -.- or. dtdohia n,,. ,,f I1V rtdat :3iid V"ti "iruiltv." Th(- jurv n naiivd , r-.'" ,l 11 ' V 4 iii-ii j u,. soon Iimvc enof- L.-oi 10 iia -oun nous", jtjm uie crown . r ,-. .! 1 i',,.w;',r1' r jniri-: r, and !-! t Inn a rhimd, that I won'., I never, .40 I j m-rt kept la-k ).y policemen. r'n4;,, V't. l-r'ni"' r"' t.Mii,l.'rJ inarri.-d a rr.-?n"terian ; would succci-,1." I hadl,eal (5' h- lll,,-' -M cares was M-rit for and th" .1. , .. .. ' i -it; I xi..r!i::-" d with that cnn- , pow r of ap!,!vin-' nivself. 1 1 V.'rd ict was received, tho prisoner 1 's' :': 1 ,h ' -,u,.:,. ';.,uTii'r Vaii'-e lu '...ri:fd 1 Mippos,., a fair amount of l,rj:?. hov ':: ! ,,. th- I'rl.vti ri in. ai:d .vrnor j I fame to Philadelphia wk-?:!; 10 in in pocKt t. I found I.-.ard: Jnd j na lodir.4 f..r 2.:,o, and then t r? t a ; ant . r j . .. . I .... 1 !,.. .... .1 . 11 . ? . t ; J t . 1 ... 1 1 1 . . , ..... , , u.i- "tint .!.", .liin ouio le coinin,f 1 fcCk i 'I'liT.i, o 1111- i.i:;" oau ooi .1 . . r .. M.tlli.,l!.r :i.r-,ll: lii 1 i i.,- ;! i . 1 1x11 1 inane Dr. Ailirir L Ledbelter, h 1 - v - r s rt 1 v. V. 'It' Jr. -A. R. AVILaOIf , r- - - t : - -" -i r ;. . ' I J '!!." I !! - r. r. v i r! liowjinj: hut little siirnsof emotion this tine; a larire crowd had f. i!, . 1 "I m i .1 that eotdi-I nli in my pocKet. I found ,:ir J : t nil I maiel in-4 r:it el u;e -oiiruiouse ... . . .... ; ?!;! i- --. nti il'v Prest-x te-, Iodir.; f.-r .2.:,o, and th n ? Al a ! and n the street to hear the ver- iIaceiHolkce hov for:' 'ir.-i t diet, but t!ie crowd did hot: Hear . ..ia' ! ik to !::. with the lira vc me a turpius of .Vi .5,?: a the news until the prisoner had " ! . , . ..." 1 1 i-i . . 1. 1 ....... 1 i .... 1. . 1 : .f. .... .1 1 : . "lion. I'V th'- people. 01 uieir. wen. 1 UUI l.oi merely, d;t he "ccn cnimucini n uic micihi uio rr...r. - think Covernor Dud- work that I was ah-,, lately fryr- ' -: don of police thmu'i it tothe ... .. i. 1. ..rJ-.n I I.ivcrnor i d to do. hut I ilid 1 I' i-niih'-T' Ji lid i lad.. 1 he verdict was rceeiveu ' i Gihnqr Ik Vrighi, HI:: V ;vs - a V !...U it ROBERT t . I ! t ' I ? r , .; . !!. . f t : ; . : . . -: I 1 is m an "A- the - u ii.- - i.. : 1 ' v. ; . I . v 1 n k . :." t - w:i a I n"VI'.l-l'i ""i""i n j mi o,( 1 -miir t jiijo ; M .re i.i ad. the tir-f to occupy the j put my heart into it. I waii If'tity with : ::t caphol. aft! licvemr Cra- ; employer t feed thut I waJtWe ra!P Lam wt ie I.oth Preshvterians-1 u-eful to hi n than he exp-.- cUuW the j .. . 1.1 . ... : & .. .. it GENERAL) NEWS. Ir. Tainiajre has shaved off. his whiskers, and his congregation thinks he looks like Ilenrv Clav. MNsorrri is already 'hanking on a Cul crop of w heatj ap-rles,,peaehes, cherries, grapes and prohahly rye whiskey. . .- , ' TTit- (I rand Lodge Knights of Honor of North (,'arolina will meet in AVilmington on Tucsdav, Julv llt. I .''. . ' ' 1 1 1 i r 3 -Ei 1 1 i-i - I ' 1. '': j .,. j Thirty years ago Jurais A. Bai ley, the millionaire oartner of 1. T. ing thi- negro guilt v "I' the , IJa'rnum, was a hell lmv in a Cin- icr of the Italian. .John 1 a. The jury j r-ctijvd ahout cinuati hotel. Ceorge Westinore, president of th.i Xephi, Utah, National bank, haheen Juincoed out of .10,000. by gold-brick swindlers. .Since Central Fremont's death 1. - . .: . 11 1. . ... v 1: .. .1. : I... 1 . I . ... 1 . 1 , . . . . I,..., r,....l .1... Up mw SslJHl , niaoe a riiMi to iouw i:ic jiuv, uiii " h..h.jil i..i m-vn jduiiu mat i'4 -l I 1 wi.r. I !.i,' )...!.- . I.,- ii.f.mi. ti ! entitles his llfirs tn .-in iclii nil In - - - - - . . . .... ..1 San Francisco bav worth .f 10,000,- LI' nelal " sat isf; tcl:o:i. i he terl r. an w:i Il-.n. Warn h Win- 1 md swiep ar. 1 p rforni whaiht ; i1 ..., n!:o Mien di d him. and C.- ! considerel bv some ynur.3 fvn-, ' . xv r lark. wh-. succeeded (ImiT- ; th Uiell noai'S as y nialV r'k. j i ;:irio t lirif,iri '...n. -.t Ii f I,, in . ' t,,l I.I ! I lei f. r tiitieh more than !. tlf ! n-t think ir b. neath me x-vj. af.d 1 ;od. the t. .o J. !; n -'o '.,.d not ::om. If it w reif; tf-- t " " t . . llenn Watterson, seems to be seriou-lv thinking of crettinr an gry, and refusing to nominate eith er Cleveland or Hill for President in isi2. i It is reported i that Governor Holt has been called to Graham on account. of the extreme ' illness of his mother, who is at lier; daugh ter's, .Mrs. James White's. The Raleigh Chi-oiurlc iavs : The i. . ! 'l r 'i !..r a!. I took pffeaiit inn toroteet risoner in easi?. of a dill'erent j I j. think. wa a Pre-bv- ' to be. I wa. not afndd t. ! V'rdfct. : ! : : wilt of the late Col. Paul C. Came it'aoiiam oiiei.u n. luenco in i rmi is m the v aue t ountv ( lerk s , , i - j . i-e. but h'- wa- : by a;eb inge- ollice for probate. It is a great -ly defended his eounsi 1, j ilo'niuient, representing over .$1. it ( lark-on ami J.T).' Mc( all. j Ooo.Ooo. ". making -peech. . ; .piite The ' late Rev. Howard Cros Iiotirs in length. ( .' Ji j once caiitured a burrlar. had ' him rir I would sweep out m i jHye j Rrovj n, the solicitor, was at "Is j convicted, ami -then corresponded 1,1,1 naiiu.eii i:v ia.,-- o, , , . ... w , , ,niu jn prjo, obtailYed IpS ng evid. rc agin-f llrabham 1 1Kirdf),K :in( ylxea to ilim a rfs. the skill of lie; trained bar- j j)!e citizen happily married7. . .Indue M cares rev: wed the i j nee for the jury. : All. of it j ! i he Lrince of Vv ales, being' ask- eireiiiiistantial. He 'ailed 1 lie i "ww attention to: the lacL that 'verest woman he had ever met, i . i . i tf" t.;;Je -mee T !.e p "J cllo'.ec s v . . ,.i.M' i..r oernor. in : : na :iil r of that 'to-day. and I often carry lit i is. ; ' -t j-r- . !-::! .r in i !.- n hiti-n ; H it the other day a oiith ei- to vine n;'!it; I n - ! er it n e'j:;rc!i. ; no- to ask if 1 co!,;d lir.d sofp ,,'.:n- ith rt:-r Trvon was probably ploytmnt for him. II is fat :-M'4f ad , ri-l ri'kJ in hi-e: fmafes of the obdu- died, and his mother eoLt t jevid r;i : ', ' j ; : i . i . i . . i. i ......... . i. ... .. i l .. .. ; t. ...l :j , . - . . . eh ll.ieler, sl'ltlV. Ill .alioon, -ujipoii nun, ... i.e i - u eo ; w ij - . ... . 1 I e 1 I , . I ' 'X- per-:-fenee and solid port n ; la : . l loosen ra ik'.vt ni if t!e Pre-bv!erian teo- -a w t liat he aad on vi-rv ni e i i e i ; , ... I ' i. . - "t. . . . i i !.' ' . t ' o . e !i t Jt. u as r titje. i Jiond that ncti- stan WWW Put itliii your pocket, tlieni-o to KAYMOXD ,1 IHMVHLTS Dry Goods Amnio, and lmv wlVftt ever vou- naV'iiel in'''' tlio Drv Goods Line, where vou will find everVuitnir v nnarketl! in I'lain hiures,-, at tlie- L( KI t IfKH 1."" i l ien oresent this :n vorlinnipiit and vout will receive a substantial dis- . count oiv tlie a niton nt vou- have purchased. i i I' Wcfwant to know if people arc readini'- our afivPrtmp ment in fhiQ nnner hn !- . . . - . t lllbl llllkl ;.IHX 1 'if ' - .' . r" 1 .1 r i- wining-. to pay to nnd out tiie Our Are about r f faetS!. Jew Spring - all in and Ave are prepared to furnish tin i Ci(K)l)S the market all'.onlV: f Goods in; st leisirable U S STYLES Se iNCIi DOtJBL j rferge DRESS GOODS ;t 12.' cents per -vjird Ladies Fast Black: -Eaorasbis TjO cents, 6a cents, S.I cents. .fl.'Oo, etc. 4 I t V xtL-be Gross Bar IVT.-n ps"I i -ri ' , We guars at 5 cents, 6 ctm-s, S ceuits, tVcehts, i I cents, IH cents alid same gooxls arc uualiv sold much hi"- ! ,": - 5 antee our prices to be as low ami h maiiv ar j elsewhere, (jualitv considered. T Come hnd e.vanitTie our. comnlote jisso'rl incut: Xullvishow vou' t hiJough whrEli:r vou lmv or! CCt; lei, i tic W'i no es -Mi lent ValllH hver han lieer- Ejaymond & Powell, NAT IONAL. U.VNK. RUILDING, .(JRICIiNHlJi )1 '( ) fXi:'('I , i ' ! ' - i of it had been eontradicte,Undib;ro,l)tl' answered: ' "My sister, no one had attacked the cHar-!1 impress Frederick." of a single j witnes- on jthe j I The Danville and Western faik land that; the jury was, -the way! will 'he operated by'Col.A. 1J. defeiidant's selection. i D2LT f :: - i . i i r . I CUSS-CCMPAM : iitiiUnHivui:. i d i..:.. '. i i n v' !i w i i ad w '.- i';.- v !:ac b cn found lr.iiui- ! a:.d kid ul Ves. I asked t si i ! .-! i ' ire- i:t everv commercial ( he would like to wheel ay -'eel- .i:.d j :b!i- a--nibh of the States j barrow. He seemed s iel ... . - .i . : . .iv .... i 1 ....... .......1 .!,..!... 'ir- '!.;.. I ej . i ! e n. . I". t lie Cecu I I C oiwee- .i ni .i ii-i M i u,u nv -mwi v. I r -: . - i-. , - v. lt. . itl rrr.i'uentlv in the he would !ik- that. Then V.ked lUabham is securely guarde in j t he .Richmond and ,,! it.. !,..l....n ',.,.. ,',0,... him i f he would object to a ing' j'dh Fight extra p .itcem.-n were i way. The organiz; bundles. A 11. he wasn't f us n I TIIEV I'EA!; BUSINESS. , to carry lumllc-, either i i 1 1 . .i 1 - i i i . n . . ut: a . . i t : i- . u:.: . r-a; r.i'Iv ;ir. r. ?. i- . tl: r . t .. a i r - ; -: r . i mean - .' , : v . . ?. n t tl. it ti.e I' . ke !.-e."" wj Ex '.::::'.; Greensboro Might Fol U,. .v V.'itii Pi olit 310,000 to Ad vert re Charlotic. to carrv lumlle--. either, jl'was 1 lie lit' Til ;i tl Viillll.' Ii:eVf t, .''ftiilk :our at-out wan dng- work, aSiit, 3a !frl it up come- to .( point, tliev v:n..")Ol.i , Andrews as p resident,- and- not by Danville nid ation is .entirely atrol i:i the' city last night. ; separate. prisoner will be brought into; Kditor Ilanlon. of the Ouitman. t to-day, ami Sentence passed Qa v(,. ?avs J1C would rath'er bed i him. '7r"7 -' ' 'o ;,e(,. . ; , the editor of a weekly paper' 'and ; trust in the Lord for a livings than otilv kiilgio e sort of work. .'iVu-t A-ELIC OF EECONSTRIjCTION. i to lie president of u. railroad with i t'.e it: . tin' of the Chamber -;y I ' have much vj:n riMiy . . ... , an annual iiass ana .tlU,ouJ a year. ,.:' Coanui r.-e I.i-t night the matter; with that sot of feeling. 1 a, are j tncler the Law no Confederate Is-, . t1r. following advertistment-an- all lrothers. -md what is f"aA' of a.j v " rt i -i::g lue ciiv came op u t ... .o.-. iu. . ! : tr i r h r. II. I . I.atta. on be- ' one is t,ot .nworthy f ;enc. j : j S .l .1 the I C- -aid that Ji is com - The Rible -,ys that it is w h;3".in - j . ' pi; v.o::.l p-iv c-i-h out ofiethout of the tiiout h that h-th ): a land of sio.oi.o to be raised. man. It is not work, btf .jiar- ' jri.' t i is l Idlglftic to X Aliuye . . , i.eared ' in a C.erman newsnaner: resid' sit Harrisots in his spee-ii- '"Wanted by a lady of j Uality, for it the Souta in .-i-ver.u occa- adequate re.muneration, a few wcl.l s -has s: lied. v. hi n in t lie gu-h'- ' liehaved and respectably . dressed luuior: -hi:il:en to amuse a eat in uelieate "I I ,. i- !ip-tttCi . i ' . - II.- s;.id frankiv. that the I C'a.-ter. that -at. be d i-red i e. ; 7.1 .v th.;, ,hv. ( on IVderah ; hea-lt !i two or three hours aj.Iav." i:p,-.d I.. - r.l i-.' t iic -il v -x - i " " ' 7'"'', " -'.f ! '"'' J ( , j,.,-. 'eon fishing that defeat; - . . ':'.' rU r ' 4 , i . i .i " i . u..,i.t ; V ! ! ,r . . ., . A iacoma orator, tilled wi t.::-n.!y any. ,y. hut bethought . .. ' : i w,i d, ha. brought hu l)ollU.vntii. fov.rJn a ,neech ma v a, -u- . MARRIED UJ A SLEEPS A AT. M I a w,.u!d. have .e.-n , impo-sioiv ; n j i,Vhdavdikened the" :'. it '.. r- i..;j..t we. I co-operate. , S t others i-e. ha- 1 el: t aUen again m- n, A... vi.i .e:.:i.u to:, beautiful A Rcmantic Incident on a Ciattotte ' jJ,, . :, t :i( : ,:t, U(llili;i. 'i au , n a,, , v au . ... i - i T?-.Ti-l ri--n T ict Vico-Vl i . ,i in.. -pant,--because, said he, 4the-hest . , . , n irlotte ul,,,!, Bo..nd .n.n LirtM , ; Mr lion ,H:, t,,, r:,,,, nt : hat u UIiaer.)Un;i There a:d -aid ...OM., n,,!t- , he pas-e ' I- aboard t ju l-jno penalties, hnilta.lon. -r other truth eIm h tiu. .ttieism r '-.'. nian sh eper h.-.piador. in t.Lj-f-fH-h- j,;' etions re-t iip n in:,!. 1 bave j . . , - , i -i ... ... i . v i . . i -i . ' c ' to mane ir smart, i i - eontr.i-Itd llll -UUI- nioiid V DaO li'e soutll-boU4S?nilli j t;,x (., aid call (lwas take.' tuc ! i - ' -l evilh- ar.d Sp irtan-: uhich rt aclj I ( harlotte lalit. I h.,, l ot :. brave Cont'e-l. rate so!- Senator Hoar was Trported to . i ...... I i i .. . ' i .. . ... Jil. ...... i . : . , ' ..!. ....... . .".i "' Ii -i ve s:i hi f b :i t be con hi turn over ,i e ,:. ! ' I - ' , . - . , . ,..'.1 1. a:. . ! :; - of A-! e ii!e ar.d Sp irtan- ". u hich reaclj I Charlotte bht. J I,.,, 1 of :. brave Cotife.h-rate -!- Senator Hoar was : j. m ike t'.e I u n city heik h.-.d a lmv .1 -jti rtainnitnt. J:J.? :t-; di with cnaf.detj anl re-;..-M.". haye said that he coulo ; -Jii-v" - ire enougli. Wal : notiiing b-l-han the iaarriA;Vif i. I -j;,,. ('.,,:', der.-ete sohih-r. it s,, 3Iass.,chusetts to Harri i'.j.f: f i- d the aptoi:,tment , runaway co.;t.. The. con f i t:g j,.,, i r..!(!:::i:ti, by t!o- presi.h tit, to -jiarties wen Mr. Win. "ahUT-'l J r..cen -o.i freni the cili.ens f..rof lVt. rs n::. V., and "Mi''t-Ci' - i- t ' ' i ....:-.! g. ...MO the in.; jon pre- i;ie!iarl-oii oi -oiioway -J'oy,'!!.. niil - ' -,'-. ti.e pre-ident appointed Va. Mr. C Mwell is l; ai.rj Vi!' 1.'. .'I. ;d,.!. r. Jr.. I-:. M. Andrews. ; hi- bride. He is not famuli for -ilg. and the motion pre- Rie!iard-o,i oT Nottoway jOiN'Oy. inur of p.. !:altli -. iiMltal Io!i. or m-, ei ai, a lie i.i ueiai, a jie in ' !, '...:. d. The pre-ident appointed Va. Mr. C Mwell is l; anj ft i- tlie b,n an ab-ol u!.- ion and a lie in particular." P. .'I. Mi.!, r. Jr.. K. M. Andrews.; hi- bride. He is ,,..t faiiri for fn, entrance tin- l';iiteC The record of .murders !am r .'s . . M ier a- the committee. e.,,od looks, r:t his bride i- j er- States Arniy-t i:r 1 iw r. oling : cides which almost every pa ''; I ';. - ...:.d t be rai-ed will be dis- j j,vt beauty. They got on tJhcVfraii, -No person w!:o has served m til(. (v,nntry J,as had a " lm ! j i of under the direction of the j , Danvihe. and Capt.( lI'vMc- anv ,.aj,aeity. in the miliary, iiaval i,irnishingluring the last few '" " i i. ,: ib. r of Comm. rce. x . i .lone- o.n l i rn. d that' th?yrre or , -jvil s rvi'-eof!:- s.-.-all. n i on- ; ainuSt unprecedented. If "T i !.. li.nd wa- started la-t nignt i ibcing fn-ir irate pareutAj The fi-d.-ratc States, or of either o! the;a Wjiy1 0f-(.rjmc. sweeps- arot'ii ,.:." 5- ' ' :u f ir; ' -:, as f .H .w-: Pharr V t.i etigers a -i got' wind :"fthat : I. : - .V C... Ioo. K. wa, going on. :i!:d w hen th tain I. Andrew fV ". IK A. T.mipkin- plilbd up at lVluam there Jtnot much stirprit at th- eiil r'-; to taking the j,e -!reper 'f a cleric; I .yi-jng I :iST il I:;: M. ... 1 1 . i VI fi . r .Ir n iii:ik," t ,c I ,. -:rel -;--:m -.. -aid til it if there idi idual. 1! proved to ! io-v..-, Miy no u in Chariot tc : ,-.d mini-lerh d he had a nrrVage e ;. . r o . 1 - ;b..-i i!.e loo ach for liet li-e .duh f.IIed ouQ ' It ..-. i : ti e ,-ity. wc had belter happened JU-: aftV...P. 1 .; : t . X.- i u!. .i;t .eUerii-in,'. He; ham station bie engineer-byand If...-, hi t he ..".' eouhl be ral-ed ; hjs tender, al It. -t dry. and s jink r: . much troii'.,-. ''".'. ' about si mil :es to" fill is tJJthe irrisbn in lsa2. Ht;g ha, i.eiis. Mi;i r.-t--. a ouari.-r a .lie v. as questioned on uie suojeci ... -r.- v.- ir under what'-the other day, and in irrini rhetor-i . him tile mo-t'odious and gall- ie made reply : , -It isa lie in gen-; ,f.,.,e, !"t i. s lii.iital ion. or m-, cral a ne in ilctal, a lie m gross, ii entrance into i,,e i au-.o I he record of murders and sui- irt of are in few day such iround us es in in-iuTeeuon. ooi ,.,r oh now. what is likely to he the harv- reb,ilion. -hall be ;. pp. n t-d ct umjt.r ti;'e torrid heat of sum inv position i:i tlie Army of the ; ,.u.,.', , ted States. i -t :; Aii old negro woman "at Dalton, he I). mocratsh;-.e,- trieit to re- , ;., J pushril"lier sou forward to 1 tliis law. b it hi, - io-puo.ican- .j . j,.,, witi, t!u. president; Kented it. In t;:s ! m. age ' . , , ... v.-o-he,! ,-!e:.r over Ilarri-oi, -i.oc.d t :.e i e al of thi- St iglila "1 a elass he U he is alwi.ys. :..':! t I '-'' !' ham h : '' : -'. - t DIED FROM HYDROPHOBIA. i - Mo ir .m 01 J R : tank, liv the md of t tfcTtnc . " i i . i ..... . J,, preacher na-i 'iniieti uie t i - - ' ucm" given them hi- bh-ing any.ep Ttn. 1'ed oil. The treac-hcr g' ffce 3sfrcmr:eE:t,-of aMidDos. nnv j, l, ,U,,,';IV .bride that old him good HHVthe !:,;. .jo ,-; ,-day afternoon - ,V.IV p, ( harlot ..-md the tratlpto- Mr. Sua- .orri-, t (H,ded. The I, WJV u.dded d St a hit. to In 'I. pea life M r mo sa tha i - t el (l,d of thi- d':,i ' vir' ...... -- reeilco. I lie I'wiy u . uueo .-j ? -s o j nt - in - . ! -Ufy - ..: m :.r r. n of Mr. II. t li r-.i, -Ii Chat; -p- for Ug'tifuiir- i.pi,'.,r wit h ll.-.r' P-h- '! r.i-. . t!.r . di.d fr"in. by haIu. v?j -j r lnal, an a- :,:;.:" U,r ha-t January he ua- Mr. Caldwell, the gn, m, hr. Mndi, ftes, !; hand by a small bg t - J i x 1 in C!ii.-;,.:te and sU ! .. J. , : J .: : ! ... .' ... , :. .,..1 tl. tl.t . . t it'.J .-. I ""V '. . wo:--!, w;-s at lie- time not thought I:,,UI1 H tva p,-t VH a .,! I,::! u ulo I'.lAt I :iV. . .!...! ;.. I . 1 I I- IT- f. uiir'iiSBORO r. v i r I r. ft . ..r i.'Tti!i:iiiiiii(ii:i-xiti.k. .1. .1 ... 1 ...1 1. 1 i-.hiMiin.! i . . , 1 .:i o, - ....",.......:.! . . . , .:mo:i . riKY ! fat orof her Cp-nu ni w 11 .. .......op , , ... , the YOUUlr w ,-. . ,;,,.a:-' lv:" "";'u'4. 'Ii-';- -freight depot' ,.u-l.-" -vr,Vi i until Saturday. ;Then she s,nt to ,( . . ; ' ' ;!. He ..s in ,.alelj; -e r.11 ; ; i !,.! ; , .1 . ... ,'.. - ... t 1 ...ti 1 cftH'rn t,- Dtnnnt." 5- . 1 bin t hi- hot. . , . h..,,,de,l her. 100, told her Ht- ; ' a.aua -emeu , iw., , .j(J( , ktml-hearted Ud : ; r .rn-.. orders never to a .1 !... . ' . V-:;, : .. , N:xy Yo,:k. Anr.l A fKrj-f .v 'I-.. d-.rung liarru . .w.o, 1 , Aan f -r" iiim end shock hands with a white man'. Then the woman said: Come oti home, John : 'taint no use." Harrison may be a 'publican, but he. ain't got, no mo use fer a nigg.-r den a w hite nraif has. Come 'long home, en let -him go to de dehliil IV dat's jes' .. 'whar" he's er gvvyne 1 Y i ars ago a young woman .told 1 1 1 r 1V1 1.11 she had a cherry-colored e.,;. iiarnum told her to bring it and he would give her $100 for it. The next-day she -appeared at the ollice with a covered liasket. Uar ntiin lifted the. lid and found a l.' rei. car '.-. inside:'! -Where's the Mi- Koehl.-r did r.-t appri-e ber , v he. -Whv, that's oman ; arnum leave, dmit her Cx E R I A N "A A T 1 :. R i C A X Insurance Gomnanvf Mi 1 ; w . - Capital Stock 1 Net Syrpli Sj -. Total Assets1, ink Office in Sairiiis BanK. . $1 00,(i( !0 00 '; ' - "if . ,o:k7:!al .ff..:, GRIiENSJJORO, XL C. PURI r Fzxt&JCL t -Medicin-G, Minox'al LAJi Truss From our :s Orders and P ton dru(;s .wi) ciii:micals( AM) )RETirS (;AI1.:KX skeixs. .11 ! i j - . AND ! H RACKS i GaRKFULIA "ators d'i 1 Laro-e Stock .we can supply Physicians and Stote-j -: thet Covin try at short notice. -. - - ""1 - ' " JES(TPTIONS by Mail fi.ll! d ami forwardc-d - "" " C- : ' ' . '- i ' ' i i Richardson y next drain i 1 bl "rails!) Successors to Opposite Renbovt"- House, feh. 1J. 1 ' 1 J '. .Pot ler. ' I '- ! : -1 ' . -'inrKKXsR"CROi-:X-. Still it Keeps WALI J J . AND IT O.MMS TO. ; ; EEES cSc HACKETT, l; U f -(- t .1 iru LOVE IN A CAH LED TO PLIGHT. Thd Fair Suncl.vy-choo: uicrbune With; a 0;.:clv:ctor. - Ni w Yokk. April -:-2. Mi A i . . ... '. : . . . 1 . . Ko d,h'r. a t.-Ji.';r 1:1 na- . 1 oi : v. 1 ;. p. a .;:a 1 r- tor o.i I iie u, .. -! r. ets SCiEiOOIj . 1 1 ! tr: Vi.'tlN. p. -:ti..:. l:e worked without the mail of the !rai wre f on ( ... he:.-ion ..f until, the Michigan Sol;-iit.rn r..:,.J.'. ar .j lu-l the pa-t v...k when the" fouman Norwalk. O . in ich colliii-n : -u.pici ot.ed from a -ad. meh.ncholv I Saturday six mall ,lvTl -voArHbjj ; .","; h- v. ,s di--ati-t..d wit, '!. reached thijtv ,5'"',.rj(;i.v-;; not i tied Mrs. Ri-:op. in Je'-; as a trusty, at one of the camps -. ; Y.":i." Morris Attended i The majority of the n-w 3;' son sUreer il.t, that l r hu.anu : ?.v. UI:d Raleigh, commit - .-'..",.! iv hi" t but wa- taken ' were completely so,;, J wit; tl-M'l- ,. p,n. away wjith Mj-s b d:a r. outrage on .a highly respeo v'j' ' . ,"'v " ,', tt' ni'ht didn't' In the pat ten forti lHree lv w j.r . 'v.-r t m.;.-k 1 ngly ' j il(u ,; Vear- old, near the ea: -I..', ."anv"" Hi-' d.K-tor su-,..-ct.Ml mail clerks hat,. WI; k ille.l't he (1t,. i,h t he dCchh-r's j..;, t h. :r;T1.;. i,t,Iy ha- been sulT.ring te , llvd'..p!:".b:;,, 1 ut couldn't fully de- rvice nnd 47t inj-ed. , mi. fortune. '.-SI,; had bet oh- warn p- and t.o-day the citizens; met m...;.I.. M i.vhI;,,, a cn-u!- i are always pVp fr-'- L-d th.-m that Annie - had 0. ; ; p,,,,. 3I;;;. ta discus- the situati . I id ' t'-' JNTO - And you emtio il awful it, ; md .-!ow yon a " ! line of One-of Ihese ..'v-.yvl... L '.'1. i ) 1 'o, a SOUTH i'KLM ST.! OljFKNSPOdKK N. s -tlxo GTixxlo 1:o Decorate Hi!.;,! ( I i e N s Fi!p Cents lo Five Dollars jm-j- Wi). : i i.t! I ;i ltd V e w i I ');,!.-. a'ta-rici-.s nut -'in -J )'rf-,f,i o il von' all idiout Cut lliis! 011I ;iti,l Jii Hi it iJh jot,; idverti-eiiie.nts will l' hi PE-K .;!: NTS on ey-ry tudlar t I - - .'KPP.- d 4 '! -tf h.ted, !'-i..'i!j. ;yj, , perM!ji A l,;ea liittrr pare (iiyj ng our :,lr;o ll!l S. - ; A Li'ACK H'l'l, .ill south Kin, si.. I ! ' - J- iv Jr., t. 1 :-h t - rat. n w.,- h..d. "Ile -..,.k rapidly and in a coILm,,;, derlho ;: wa- con.eiou- , I. e- la-t.; are u-ually bus sorting uujtl,;'vt" v. !,.. ,,.r. r. .1 . 00.1. ,. ,;' no warning of their ::n!,endirg, I1' - until the Veli.-f ni,,- a- -t alcd Hllort s ha ve been ,n ,. p, h -j? he .-..a,-. Ib- w... a -ob. V. indu-t rhoi--alary of a clerk kit.. jn t er- ..:i. - man ar:d h oi a - 1 future vice .Mended for at :.-,. t vijar -. . .- Mfl.-r his death or to i - , .. ht f ins- Ilv ale.we.l a JM.-n-lo,.. tM;f aj ,;ei, '-( , Ib rls have failed. 5 . 1 -'f better than 'pie. ay. t.-an , ..Vrfv-. nnnviet Oatfaees an Old .l .... 1 - . . .- TT-i-i n pe oi ,:. : . .. ! Lady Uluzens xioia a iueeuug. , 1,,iU j A Fayitteville special says: A bout the same tiJM- one ; ,pV tWo ago, a convict, Known m .),i-j,- ; a t r;i st . at one oj tne camps he me d u-cted ; a in p. terri- at ition. i . . : ... . ... ..... I . ' . ii . t ... ..... ...... ....(? 'til I I I . I . Ca U ' ' ii I tv 1 - ! l'. ,i-. - - - y . .1 1 g" 11 o .. ' I .1 i i .oo -1 ...... - . ... i : . I . . . . but they did 'i -t oe . ii . i. -.c-.. . w o; ( (1t indignation, an,. n i- a- J -only his day's je.y-v.,.en i.e , j,rtv,i to-night that it is' proluible- .ed with Annie. j ;t!i- negro will be taken Irom the ' ! , ' ' authorities and . lynched.. . The. la : .: ' . :., : tlV is nigni V eonueeieo .mo i m;.- 1 , i. ;....- .. -We have Sthe aew-powerfjiV l-indcrr-, movers andjrakcof , tho famoAs Walter! Ai Wotd, the 5naino-ilittV anil ! " Wood brand of tv.-i'ne, M rcoiceAaltcr A. " odUsj 'not only In inventor, but i raio .mecuahic fv.-ith .th toorn! faculty of I putting bri-ht idcrrinto comrnbnsensci :.hap:e. . The intensely American stylo, pf lu:t !machinot;j makes V, lkv r.Tnmc'r iinil fomiClkl. HO 1: Olid O .' ; tllOSO" "rAct mU -who do not sav much: Uttdiis rachiriorf -dp. i iti '-ar vo-r'-a nnmr.hl.s o-nlaihlnf' thorn jri -plah -words, arid, would like to have thoughtful, thrifty jpencl for copies! and come and sec this finofoup cf :iqmnes. Lc;t Uii Set aud Li.-. d It mi.iv.Vuii u Minn., April 2-. Gold Found in the EiTer5l' .'f'H Jokn nglit b" t I , -''t day that here are re.w State. A-Vtarag there! were ; two year.- ago , 1. ,',." t. -.three . I . t . t wm .-.... ...... , years ago 4 iom .. - . . . ..... It was- on .pi ii oi;,. i -, ecei(ent woman. Good Crop. Om d acre's of land Mr. J. R. ..'lAN.N. M . r. r.- a. ,.;r . .. - : ..- tld riiu j. the Mllw.iukt,- ... - .r... t,:j C,.a(. .i.i .. is. !- i.i I . ( ' , I I I , 1 I I I U 1 1 .: lliir? k" IM 1 t hit t he 2 r-t Alliance was ci.iii iri - u'-". - . - 111,1 1 . . . ....... , s-1 loO north 'of tobacco. IhnoN, Maine. Aim The ed (A-npw- o: . Vi. ..V..1 i Th.. total , Vhense of the crop was 0-tate v ;i :ai: 1- 1.-i . . , .i - sjiit, i living a nei cainoii; oji luc ; acres of l:U.-Sn(tiet; John,;, - 'i T !i'H M.' .rid.- in a.hal.... f an approach- channel of Swift rher h:iT ; Tlictate Aii!al:e- wji- m f. ng train. J-h! the train oerto..k changed, gold has bee?1 di-Vjvyn ull,!' Octoa -r. - ".u urn; and he ! the b, t and hi- in the old bed. M incr arn , ar a t U a-t :1 oo,0oo men, i.ers.. if,.. I ing here in great mui,l.r,. bretary Rarnes sa s. T. S. BOWLES & CO., At II. W. DIXON'S Old Stand. The Saw wiNgs over fel. 20 No. 223 Smith Kim -Street, (.reensboi-o,T. C. v 1 tilts'- d oor 1. i ! . i;