t t t i . . P, -1 l . - V '.-I , ; -"; u - : i - . - . - ; I---.L- : f L C 1 r GREENSBORO, N. M THURSDAY, -MAY-14, 1891. -t till H. Ml. 1.1-5 f lie t- . flSk Z m r I TKiyi.! l.a l'r YeBr," iit tlvAurf. i ii x'ivvi Hiiiiiuiijf oiiiiiniiv. : i j : . ii. -FiJcL - 1 i - ! xa. x i x w ii ii ii i y ii ! . ; - .... ...... . ; - ii-'L-i Dr. Arthur iJ. Ledbeiier, f ! ! ;r. A. R. i , r . t ' ' Datafrw. ;J. Wakefield, v ; . 1 1 . ( .n , i . RICHARDSON. jr. t r: in 1 1: . 1 "Gllnjer 6: Wright, i. :!.a w 1 i ROBLR , A C ' '.''"'tlSORAIiyE u . l i r j i--ijw c i i i fc w . i . n h . Books 1 Books! jj j j r S i i i r i . i ' . i i i i l ifiihii: f il nam 1 C in i i ;ii iti. mail i i:i ! :..;.m;;i. 1 1 P Ala" ' i . 1 -1 . . t fti!!4 I m fciiH ' .fr 1 1 1 t t I i I I GR':S!j!30!lO 3IUSIC . SOI 1 IOOL, 1 1 . . io r . : - . I I.. I I i i.'.U 1 ta-l.,. II- 1. pu.in. ftc. in r M.-11 t.i:. " 1 iiMANN. I L.tilc rio'3 Lcti:r. A:-ii tit-'--. f!.n a;!t-tiri i- awakerul, it i 1 A w I Is! j: !:tty I - r 4 !, r ! ii f. !.!. witi r;- A- ! i:.:. I ir f.. .! t 1 i- t-i-.'. I i' it I..! .! , . I -r.... i ; ; . . i r : . !, i ! i i. ! I in r I I . r j v - . - 1 t ..r ; ; ii ,t i, i - t '?.; t rim. n.lv for rv n a hf-Micr to v. . i. I ti r fT rf ii!a-t l mv- " i.'. I. : . : A -l I I", in ::r ii i : .i ... T.t . 1 rj n- : i i ! . t n i. i . - . ,: i r I i ?. V i ? i i v ;..! I.n ! . .j i..r: '. ! v v. n .:. r ri.- j If at tin ir h :!. an 1 I I :uy com- ( r.'i - ! k-U fi'Salil'irv. i I Dr. ".i!iI v.a at that time a ! "mir ir in :.!.! rofumanI-4 an cs- ! ,: i f !v i:rr,i;ti 1 ravalrv t sv. i.i.-h i:hI l'r il r.T Wa-hinirtfti at th- (iith ari!i!..i line )cl;w rinrloMi-. - Va-hintc;i travt-!rl THE LY.(!IIIX(v A Scf? of eoiuk nut.. O'MALLY'S STATEMENT-A.L-LIAN CONSUL INDIGNAT.5 j) y lie Says Hi3 Evidence V. as I and That He Will Sendthafil Text to Italy, and That Sci-s ous Complaints will Arist ;- U . 1 . . i i .. I .a'i 1 , ! It ;. !,-, Ii u t.". .r :i h r. -t tt.-! A I - i'"- . rv rt A: Niav Oki.i:ans May i;.Ttj! th ! ivtl report of the Gran.tfirv i.n tii Parish prison Italiart t sx-ir wit it a .-toll ar.-l J.:lrc horses that 2 r t Marcli was j.ri-entol l.ry iis li-.i.-:i.thr a. I.i- .-.inu-nUw or j.lras. ! '-riminM curt. Thr rcportlHi ... , i t- . , .rl" a r v voluminous review'u nlic ! ' cirfumstancr-; connected wjvnne l...-tor tint-thj-.-rihes hi Jirst vit w ; ,nur,i,.r ,(f ,;j,i0f Hennosst.tjlic- : 1 1 j" Va'.iiu:ton : ; i tri.il of the prisoners, and th.iltjiir ! -I'rort t iling Hi:inl the iho.J. a: tlie pris-tn and ctnch;-J y t ;. ..f a f, -.v i.jinutt s I.rouIit u's ! purifvinir the citizens and prftits 'i:. f.:U 'u of Wa-iiii .-it'-Ji t.u th- i in indietiaenK The report i-fuH-rn- l imit of a hi!!. ea!el mi a inaif Ud 1y all the jurors. ' ! iti;if-nt lailk with charter, a pre- -Xkw Oki.kans May li. ''('- M t-. Jiim hy rr. th rick. of I'ruf-1 1-rt of the grand jury yestet;q is !!.!. : ir t!;- el',. of the IN volu- : f oi:r-c the general 'topic !ti.-:: trv .war. , The pre-t iit u as j ver.-at ion here and is approdJhy ?;e-oiup;,!iied h'y anoth.-r f rm;i the I all e!ase nf .good citizen n'!h s;,:ne rovai perv'tut-e. an ex. iiiite-! Italian Consul here, Sijjnor fJU !v h :.i-h d a:;l riddv ornai:. rtted ! is ht.wever, not cnthu?iastifii?ter ,ir. -nor. I ijwriled in ghh-n I the document." lie says thai.5 is ' ;. : r -1'rouj the ..'.. . to the j very much displeased with liee- ,-.;.'-.. Mm neral of tie age." J port. He furnished much ?ii(r. la Mt. .r. :I rio:ss works. Vol. I nation to the jury he says 1-h . , I was ignored eviilentlv as thi j;;is . ! t I ., then- is an entrv in hiss . . . ,r;. nothing in the report to iniute I'i.ry dune tlu 7th. ITH.1, m which that jt was US(.lU 3Ir Corttjils ' hr - '.y: ' r j that his oath of secrecy prets In -ont r-:i'J.:i with the rrt si.lhim from telling what lie tij-j-itt'd . .1. :: to , lav :iu stu nk:!) ' al.ont'to before the grand junvVfJie : I Fi ll Or.ilfiiid t,, ;., r.i I lift, ne, he aid that he j oii-ul says that he will infi- II; . T-- :.r i: the :r.d G. r: r .! Crcnie had always ! att ly transmit t he report in ll'r"n I;.1:. n '! ia oi.lrii":i alo;it t he man- his home government, and f 1 f : c . , , ... .? i-r ;' militia. Greta.- al-! fears that M-rmus cimiplicj!i.:s .. . -. i ,.;! ' . t ; - ;.. I fN I I ill his 1" e from Mad. ingth upon f Co eomiii Mare pui.liIi o.lo-.v -an txtra.-t; Secretary .Blaine answered Pre- i letter written ly Arcliibal.l mier i Rudini's- note to Marquis line llttontr. in lsi.",. descrih-l Ilnl,0ali antI instructs Minister char-eof Wel-.ter's Bri-ade! - u'r al'v lor 11 IeaTe of ab" khe.Pirt Marvlad . Regiment ! ' ' ; ' litmentai troops. CI. Gunhv' , 1 , ' u ' UUUUCUMl lltr !,,,, or j'"w, i.urin, dm ui a v-incinnaii HiM, at ( .uiiford ( ov;rt II. u;-e 1 ... .. i,;.., i,, ' j . : , j...-.,,; 'uiiin, lias rciurneu io i the 1. 1 7 S I . (lunl-y was! New York in triumph with her - woUn$ed kiarlv in the action and j new husband. ..; I r: ... Ii.:.. I . r. : ? " ! t "1 1 1. V. . Tl. - I';. r- i 1 t . .. r f - i , .." . ; i.;. I t ! r ri i j I;..... I if it"- ril. )! ll.w. : t - r i t'e ! ! r i'. rUf, n !... -i ! v :.!. t I : !.- 1 h. !.f:4;.' ti I. ... ." v s-.r-.? f ..'",. ST. ; r I - t !; f, '!!"' i : i . . : i i.irit.itiii'i'?.r r; - I-. : I IV. t . .i v .. It I ::' . 1 !.!!'- ' i f.i. t . i . 1 I 1 .." if iy.Tj AL WASHINGTON S ie al- fears tliat t rious ciiniplicr ifis n.nt : h twet n Italy ami the U. S. vJlh e John uml .Mary mantl of N G reei eral 1 of the in tin lSo.", It Adiv were pet iso Gunl.t play formi GENERAL NEWS. Eai-r Howard, Lieut, ('ol.j Rev. Thomas Dixon's, admirers kihsjuentiy . Governor ! (.f in X?w York will build for him a and;M;eceetIe.l to t l:e com-i Un ?tor.v huilding, containing General William R. 1 )avie. S T ,. amlitormifl' antl pix stories oi Othep : rth Carolina, the brilliant '! ftj. .:.i. ? i "aval y li-hter,wa then on General.,,, :;:.. 1Vt'0i11 county . , r 1 f-i'-, Js auegeu it) nave murtiereit e s stall as Commissary. (.en. i)th john Krooks aIul Jamcs it was always in the thickest Wakefield, who one after the other light. We found this. letter married the woman lie loved. .r , .v in;,-;, ..Mare. ; l iu- surest way of prolonged, lifej .!; , , is to become a soldier. Nearly all . . r .1... ,ii f . 1 1 i i " , hvas afthe f-i'-'U- ! . u ihj,;l . i "l leuowswno nave passeu sinniof the British Regulars i thc 'ontur.v limit were . soldiers, advancing with great im-iTho.v rt'V sometimes, but itv to 'attack! a r. -im.-nt nf i tiie same number would die the A uerie-aii Armv, umbr Col. i if th'l remained at home. Put it in Drv G you ii ods "3 ESTT23T5 n n pookot. then ro t. RAVMOXD l li);; i- - '"I ' I f ': . t! . : Arcade, and Imv what cvVr:vbu the Dry Goods Line, whore von will Jinil if lnarKCd in .nam l-inures, -a! tie L)YbST I KI( L. I hen present this ajh ei tieineut. ' -and' vou will receive a substantial lli- f ytuuu tui uie amonni vou have purchased. ' ay need ill j Vt'rytliino; . We Our Are aboui regiment war dis- V daugiiter' of Conirressman yed in lines three deep, in Con- ; Breckinridge, of -Kentucky, lmvini an y with the principie-;. of Uniduated with honors at Welles It.. .... Iww. 4 ... ... MM . military science m that .lay. Vhe ov ,evcrhl vears a!?0v-has now ta treble ramvs stood perfectly stijl kt:n up lhe ?tlKiy)f law in her it might with immoveable frtr- fatier-3 0lIice? haVini in the mean- tude-4-or, it might be, m despair- time tau-ht rootnetrV and nlwbm ing'st ipifaetion, at the approach- j in a Washington school in-' o them i ith terrible destruet ion. Not i .Miss Winnie Davis., ''Daughter ii mail could be s- i 'i to move -not a leg. it '' d :!..,-,;.;,;,., :;.h i:it:-'.-. f..r which J'.Mall v has made a long st ;it4.iit hit. ' H v.-.ts of opinion they .!. .);! I the ultimate result. . 'd i". 1 ln.de anxi" : v; p :rj l..i I,: p p.. I.i !..... ... ... , I . . . I..O..t.- Tl). Ti in THtl 1,1 . 1 L i ; . It. I , . II. U..' I 4 !.- ...- ii.... ................... ""if . I OI ) . t. 7" ..-." m." '-- o.i i his. suecess as a iletect i"-f cciUj-tl jn the! t. ,. i l, .,;;,,,-., tin- citv Uetecuves aim privaT'f i-e- j: ill the a"- teetivesi t be jealous ef hllir:3'ig ago. They wt re so bitter Vllv'!"t .t i it t i him.- . I nun tn.it w n.-n nennot-ec wlviy- -. ? 1 1 . - r"U w !.. w.t '..'; a! d n ho plained the whole "II: Central (ire nc'- front was j ing the case of the to en wiuai- h. ' .' ,1 :t fi !:.. at t be d e ot a I CI lit 1 1 t tie M ;t t ra n go, t ei .JC lilt- claiml sib'., siirj' tp refill; f , . ; r i ; ; i .i i . I ! f 31. tie.: !d. t !iri :i;'h w Jdch th o!.,:.t I t t pas to set, that seemed to menace not an arm, mt a head. The wa to ';..; gazing eyes of is spe-M at,"i"s.. in.-rt mass. st a Jul ing as it rooii 1 to the ground Davie lit a ing oi t . r i i A:i": -. f . " :-it . i: y o j 'l.S i v. T--. His ... :.d. Yi.. .i !..r a : i ; r ; . I ;. .... .t and U.V i :. 1 Vs-. t. , , ... ..,...') ii fir t riisiiiil Jifttl t li:it 1 Vt The retre.i; front that position was m . . .... ?m z t .. i .!.. .. , m ti ;i '.iii;-i uie I a-. i i:::..n.:t.l that a r- m is . , V i ' ... . : t x- i' ! ) Ma lv tirst o'ieretl his serveJ to ,,.,1 . ! . ... , .: .tic city, but they were rcj'yd, furei:i x. ..; - a ..ts ..ee.i;.;.,I by Vv it - .1 Ulg- j , j,,.,, , t. Aj a r;lI1 ( wa j, . t o W . 'I of the Confederacy," -is to unveil the Jelferson Davis monument, erected. by,the Ladies' Confederate Monument Association, of Missis sippi. June ihdi United State? a- ::e .:' il.cs,' speetato'rs. j Senator Walthall, who was a.-major Iv thf hostile tlivi-io!!. thish-1 general in the confederate service, vard, if to asu:ed vie-j is to tleliVer the address. -IIi! sitivieiy was wrougiit no ! ! .. ,..' ' . . . i.ig&esf pitcii. Turning to , , 1J,1;,u'-1i.'u"t ii' ' " inn jiiui; to. jiioiiev in Argentinia. Tin- hungerers for ohc-iip, money should- go there. Wit h a .liu j)ieee! of the coin of the i l".i..,l V. ...... t...,- i. 1.,.- si- " , nt t t the UritUh armsr" A t . F.'L ine paper legal tenaeis ot me South Anfcrican Pepubii'-.; Clo south, gentlemen, ami get iidr! xi to in, lie ex- l.-(.it :tt (.! ii ! is it pos lat ( .'!. G unby is g"ing t h r t hii i-e!i' 'and his whole ge of a ' !mdicd toe M;ttrang.s. on Mf Jne tl:c a;palling mmiu nt, wl:en he ut he ene- t'.th. and found ti.t 03faliais u.rj, xuU. fearful' interrogaterv. V nt .!!.;:.:. .1 r pas to g. I ai t:i i tie same ease, i itumf -e j t lie I j i I is i elel'a n s wel M 1 1 tl in " : vi. and :!. tt in their passage t pett tin matter ttnd t he Pro erktos j;)H. tJu.jr veiningly 'in.sensible v t.e,,urv ,'n(l! a Jr,lf a'n) Oli .r. f.M they t.H have were convicted on eyidencc.y 1 j vi.-t in U. The words had scarcely Goldsniiih wrote that -winter, 1 n I rn to pi.ee if troop- by O Mahy. I hell Henmt; -fa!!Vn fpuil his lips, when a tail J n.rin-v chills the lap of "May";'" ,r id b.n p-!.d :I:.r- who -oii!d ( cured ;i new trial and g"t tItft"o- tigurtf :! wa- Col. ( lunby, himself j jK.Tj.u lived to-day Ire' mi uzaiio iit-iiiiit-ii. iviii-u stei sst-v w.ts ;iss;ssjnatetl tb it-n i anti jt ih.! out in iront ui tne une; t stentorian voice gave the Iv! ike i' a.i i . i'ake aim ! .ra m 1 f'lU'l os. 1 If a-t oi lier Was CXC- witli drtadi'u! precision. The o-t Vt teiMtns were, m Davie s . mowed down by it : the ad- Oliver lin- and ght have elnphasized his ..illustration. With snow in New Kngland and frosts in New York, and -Pennsylvania, the old globe appears to be pursuing a most erratic course. The magazines have killed books. . a ' L 1 ' ( i i 1 nt TO k'tlOW IT norm p nre rfn. Hrr ; rktir j j r - . mm. J. s M W V V V- 111 ! V Vt t advertisement . - in this paper, and are ..l:n:l . : . r i I: i t If- ! : wing io pay 10 una out -trie facts. : New SDrina; -piMs all IM and we ate Pre na red to' ffirnish t.Iie in.4. - -. . . ..... . (U)ODS the market a:!.e-,!s: v Seige DHHSS (U)ODS at -2S taints per ylir L' J -; "j - Ladies Fab Blacfc Palols. K cents. Cut cents. cents", .fUoo-et -.' r -, j ,s te Cioss Bar iMZixdli 5 eel "W at a cents, 4 We guatiinter i ilesirablo X3.S -"n Jds,.S cents, u cents.--ll-c.ents, ; 1 1'.V.vn'ts; exfeHtlnt; value same go.uls are usually sbltl much' hi'-dierii I s ; tmr jtriees to be as I.hv ;md on ma.nv. tmI ieles Io-er than elsewhere, tjiia! it y: considered'. ihe and examine our complete assortment. show you through whet Iter vou'biiv or full . Ray V e will eheor- not . r. i innrifl PnwrilL N ATI ON A L HANK HU 1 LD1XG, GlFl' lviOliO, N. insurance ' c jKRM A N -V A 1 1 ; R 1 (TAX -; i :i fti tf HE uumpanj ui m H i. Capital St Net Su'rplld Total Ass, O ifice jol Ezi-jcl?s Ba,ofa:"K: York f looe.opeUiO T-'--'i.7:."ii.sl f $7 Jt iHIT lti ; ' i.r GllE i:SI K) 11( ). N. "C. t N . : . t r . v. . .. v, r j . !. t ! ,Jf.': ...i thi- trip. It is also s.id s engage him. He at ti rst ref ,M va tie ill g Is vS ware ? .roken : and be-i and now the tlaily newspapers are '" "It:, it lu -refit- d to allow hU ex pen- taL their fas-, I-ut having lS'I ! f,,r,. t,,.v i recover from' tlie.J killing the magazines.' Jn this , t,, . . j i,v the citi-en-- .n ; ' h-tft r from the "c'ommitte.Mjf J( he I cUdd, n aiid um xpt t-ted cheek,1 .the j rushing, "alert age, men cannot I :' ' , . 1 j -iti, s throis di i demanding that he kc.ut Voi.-e was a;iin heard in f waste- .time on j superfluous' words. ; g d " ' " ' ' ' ' ". " ' of t lie e-i-e he became a!iy n' j tones of t-umh-ri Fix Uavonets 1 I They iunst have their facts and ' , f u l'-'' 1 it. .ok the Matrangos' side v'he Chlir-'e!": The . Whi- r giment ! ctHiiments well condensed,- and the , 1 D. M'tiiM k. ca-e atul becanie satislietl nVityeir i ,.jiar.(., i.aiid U-ediarged with pro-! newspapers; oli'er them, just wdiaf l IK V Vii J 1 1 PURE . .lit v. Mav -th. t'-ij, Tr.cti Aluut Taxes. . t . . . . , ir-IUiu a i v P-'--'1- 1 Itoj.k the Matrangos side t:he ' rj, ini.oct nee. O'Mally givev &ng j review of the evidence and s'vr-V? he ! :in',i t pr-ecution w;is a baref.icJ Cn" i utes s : - -r: T' . W ... r...;,,.. ' yT.. nr.-i-nt ! M'iHraey ami a disgrace to iz- to rvI i - ", . .,- :., , .. ,;.",. r ' ation. IU- gins many in5?ii?es ; tr,ltls .- .! . ;. - - t -!:. i :j ! 1 1 -t li.g tax .;gure-. . , . . , t -4vJ ' i . . ..fi; . . ; ,. the way he has been and Tlrrl is j r,,. . .r. I - . .i i . . i t.i- t ..r t..e I.. t two ear- '"ir gov- 4 ; "o... . ee.-e.iv J..ii r r :.!:. 4 1 -p.nd 'iti'iiually iurc i ami MT-ecutcd. g ; ing n r e-.. r. !. v. :-:.d w a.-n tl..' j i:, ,n -r .V . . - j i TURNED WHITE BY Te10 1 ' 'V.V'tV ..I i- ;n. . a !..- way "p.. p.iy o .-. e-r- i x ju-n-es of ? fj. I ..i:. at il.e i.. ..d ; ,r:. n t it will take nearly rrichtened by a Face at the a&,a oi'ra' is it. G:;;,Vid i .. !.;a. d b 1 1 1 r - - I I a .!!l-. a d i - I t. r r. . .: u...v.i.g t!.. : a ..vT r f s.e !': id or" ; . i , -: i .. .;,'.;.." it ; - ..I. I -I to the V;rt' ' - : : . : !:) ' j. : . t . i v i :. hi- i-.-ar a!!. ;;d 1 I-,,; ibin, I wiaa ::!id oat crop. th Woman's Hair Turns Gr&i. 2v O-jr annual utput' of gold.: si!-' '.. h m. . ' LlL tl..-,-. a-w.J a-M ,. ad v. i.i not foot our tax I. Hi . . . , .T J. : u c- i;cA n- PN ,- . , t . .1 ; shta-makiT. turm d w lute hi--V:r.ght . V .1.. for Scientific OasorvT-tions. etl, land ive'diarged with pro ;s ure. ;i;n: tu-termination : ie t.n-i t. whieli a few min efore. ; memo-, d aiinihilat ion rything in its course, was 'ormed int.r a tlisgraceful An pi.:;:lili pri-oiu r stand - cot; . , ;,e i(, . a. of t!a ; g t" t . b - . '. r- -p---; ..lull-, w te a. U- e. io re i.i- i -. I r .im i.e. t to t;.e t . i ' ,. i . -.! ; . by fright. Nine year- agi-i.vjicn, , o-: I Nor cm we tit it with a vears, . . 7. if . ft.l,. ,...,,. .....! r,-,. 1 .rt,,v newas eleven years ,.m nc;, x;e,,- . i"1!!.! I O, t "i''H ""II I ' 1 m 1 . . . I, 1 ' ; lather committed an ns-aitv til ton ; , w p. . 1. ! ato, - and tol.aeco. . 1 , , ., K' , pu t i ' ' . i . i:,.t; ', . r ; ht r. and was ordered bv th'STirts . . I r i - - t:i . . ; 1 capitalization nl! , ,, .--:i , -r-- . j . . i ..:r n .t ; banks i- :um,,o.o,)o. ; ,:,"1I :!l zeps ,a, , ear- taxes will nearly swal-!11 e vc years. Last 'fVaHeehs -ne -nt ar ner winnow-1 m'j'i . 1 . T.. t 1 1 r fri mm w-liiklil In- ItTt. lie feilt ral tax.;. The IChicago: lliroTd gts this telegrain fromj Columbus, Ind. : -John Conrad,, conlinkl in, the Jackson county jaihat' IWrownstown,- wanted hail, and last Sunday night ar to Davie, eru-.i oitt i -jtieceedetl in cutting a hole, in- the sible that the King's troops, j rv,n uvpvr part o t'iie jal and es .ndl. .hiii this sort bv a piircel ...pj,, ,y tie roof. lie-, went on V reenilts' . i,,1,a to his homo, ten miles nwn' but on failing to. arrange for bail Jie returned to the jail and crawled back in through t no same hole by hieh he escaped."'' DEEPEST WELL ON: " ARTH. t aiir a a:?4t-as , ....Lsfiih w ill; prove of et raord.ijiarv 1-lic sat at her vinilovv-tli4'J'''.ttall i..i,.rit to the scientific world! The . ft - r -- .. . vi ..,.t , :.. it,,.i,,...,.- rc is an enterprise in -)rt.gccs 1 'f'1 uieicii.im .in numuuitsj Whet ling, under tin- joint writes to a friend! in Washington ia"C of the Cnite.I States' gov-' that it would be ah easy matter for American nouses to make large sales iiuCentrid and Smith Ameri ca j!- they wouiil send out-drum- ! mers w ho speak. and write Spanish, oi Wheel- !nnd understantV the people oftliose drummer in fll-l! t .- n. s. a lie t liter or ; a g ci; i- tif Wiieeiing. which, ir -ue- r r; r .... t... r...i. r-.l t-.v ,' l" 4" ' " m in s .iriieu eui.e.-i- ' V !, ri1 :M the interim. i,rhis! .. j ,.A e ;.a.;1, , J countries. A New York 1 V-' -' !l I 'lt- -'",nl.v! r . " :.. " , ' . ,1 " " 1 1 Uir:A'ir :.-'V T . , . .. .iwlo'hassoent ; twelve months if . i ; . 1 1 I ' re ' a ' 1 1 ,1 1 c t a Xc - . I , 4- , i:i nil- . i.i i . ft . . -. , i , , e . 1 , : ' v , V , 1 . 1 .,;,., if' Mrs. .Murby was so tern! What LndiJated the w. 11 to the ' purposes I the countries south of us took or- ' ; v vi".. v. :, . r, l'r:.t,;n;litv; ;:; :;r " ( f 1... -.,,1,1 omter w.,m 1 g,v, !, L J.-,,,;.,,' th't it fwwo worth ot go?ds. . l'.V ,-n-; '!prt e,l a card again-t tlief;! ..h M j,,r i ,1 W. Pou.ll, of the get.-, of men; with good lines ol samples ' ''V1' 'M t".U. -'''JM'j'i.i,!, was written the follg it, ! Ur; , i J,,i u it,s tha, if' lU, we may expect! a big trade with the iii ntcr ii'intiu rn ri ir - :. Gi rmanv or Great i I .. . .rated Mu and have retui l,iill. ,i . . i .i rt t ng". I hen t he figure''ii-n. , . - j . rT- !i The woman feu onthf jWi,,;;, ;..! t .. .'is ....... i n-.t vi-rv en-. ,' , , . ;! ?. c. . iM "t . r ion- - .r recovereti ciiiiir r?y lM . .-on. . e ;. . I: .: ;.!! i in-; alwavs ' , . ' f 11 i. , . . , ' . ,."it! relate wnat Ji.-d iiappi nt-- Ib r ; : . it. it . , .1 hair had t'si n become whit.u; I l-,- !i- -tern I." --itV to te-, .. i ,V '.or" .ft-;u 1 : . :. -I ! r!!i or revolution, and in t - i c ::.:r li'.c ar- -rich a -tab- of ' suicide or a I o.V-c Io- ,, ..'i bs..-.Vr'. .1 .Lev:? tint i ! it n-aclit .-s . .... ill arniferous ji: j t aJy imp"!-. :.; m ilicv." ;t!i(t I.i a :i I. ! oiit-ral i.ei- " i m i1' i r po-.-s i .a ft -. i : ( h"i.i and K nfi'-Uy. It. wi! iil'iini :i 'i o ' . Of ir , . ; - ii:;;"!i i . Spanish-American republics. f IlPa'texi.ife "!lVEeclcixi.G Jl:Lxi.03rciX Ji'Oli DRUGS A XI) ClIiCalJCALS, Trussi; From our Orders am Oppo-it feh. 12. A . I and Bracks Cakkp.ulia -r a ivTnTtrnnu. nv.-i-,rr- i ' I 1 1 i i i" : Laijgc , Stock wt"- lean Mipjiiy. Plvshdan. afid 1 'our'itry at short notie." PR:SCJP-TION bv 3Ia;i lillcl and iorw ai de j Fit i ores niCE-s XX3?irQ3Nru!rV.TtX33 lichardson Sll cc-e IJenbow Hou-c. ir itv ne. Ki: ) in the I ! . J' ! '.- V ; t rain; ' i (j. ii - i- '.XSl'OhM ),1 N Still it Keeps Comirig, 0 I'oltei-: TT." I3- I M BSIF'S &c HACKETT, atin;.u: is I. innd t. crv - ' K CnU m Throat Withiftr.zor uit. t. f e ! orii:. , t ' ' While in a Demented CoiHtn. ' " " ' " ' ' ' . ; I.om.ox. Mav. Lord -anies rr.LTTV A:."D WOr.TIl SSOO.COD. Mawanl Shalto Douglas.'-fi-V.th. r 4. t eiii.y off 1 1 belie Tile dtjp iiorM . 1 1 ; 1 ,?" "'.';'," - " "f the mar.piis of. (in. p'Try,jti ' " '''V1' A:i. Iri fli Lr."is Cjrcs Ir.tj a Cera- t.,,MIU,itu-il suiei.ie t.i.daiJ-;C; eut-l. . :- : ; 'Vp fcitaKc rortun-:.' tit g his throat with .1 razod.onl L(u, ,;: "J, Pirr-ii.i., Pa.. May 1 !y t ho . James Douglas ha. 1 been cling -at.4:', ,,.'.",''.' ,'!,! d. ;!h John Cool,. Siiperintt tid-i fioui Irehintl tfuring the i.'t, atid t) T! ,". 'J'"11 .'?;V lit of th" Zoological Gardens of j b.diaved in such a strangif scanner . 1:. 1,0 .. t D-Miu. Mi-- Mav Cook, of Pitts, i that the railroad olheials a -1 icing bar ' ccr. into an e-tate f t i ma-' t Il.it he was anparentlv i ij) viemeli- : . t s -. id 1 V 1: s 'V .' r . ' ' ... .'" t-d a- worth . r f.!oO.O(J)o. He ted condition. ortlereil.j :) the '" ' ' r'" '".'''' ul !,, r to America to vi-it her company's em loves to a('j-ipany ,' - t. -; 1: .....u: g in .. ... .. ii .... 1 1..... 1-. i."s. fft..;,...i a:.:.'. .Mr-. .l.h:i oi li ti I linore. , mm 10 i.onnon. 1 pon up i.nn.. Mi'.- Co..k is in her 2nh year.; in tiie city. Lord Jamt -j iVmglas is a tail fair-faci.tl blon.K andj put up at a hotel, and sub'sMuent--ph a.'tidiy i .iucatt d. She came to ly lutletl his attendant atidf ut his Pitt-iesrg in lss. ami has been : throat. . i 'My !ii:rr ivt r -it.ee witfi Mrs. .Mat- Lortl James Douglas wasorn in th.-n Jib -. Mr. Law was ad vi-ed , 1 "da. and married'in Jiv? Mrs. tddr 1 : i d at:- :. ;n. ;, '. w i.- ! t-t':n. t- ! !;i:.i. d a 1 v.- v. ..rd a I !. .t.i aj- w .,- t.-r: :a v .at !ii H.f r . r v - t ' li.e lay . t v. !.:.-.! i 1.1 V il. g.i in p." - - 0 : i.v. 1: !; in ni"- i.f !. r b g t'-v la-t week. Pv atl- Heniiessev. of Kensin dr. --in a note to a Pitt-burg London. n.-w -paper he found her. She will nturn t Ir. land in a few weeks. gt't-njft' court, -. -r'r !.. I. . : a- l;i 11, r lit. I faa-.-"i"d la V i. I . :i -o Mb r. A Lesson ia Spelling P. tv great attention Kev. Sam Small Steps' ddn. ' Ooi'KN. Utah. .Alay 7. P?-ident ! Samuel W. Small, of Utah niver- Whatdoe- Vitv, of the Methodist Lpv-eopal L.ke. that I a.!... -! ! -)..! d t- .1-- tl.i- spe" Ghou'hphtheightteau? Church, has resigned.. ForJeveral !. -..at n a' t : ! . id o. my according to the following ' weeks t here have been a(;tfc hos- train wi) lima I1"1 bet 11 mfj-n 1 W.s tiin natu had . T II. ct feet I a ear stra? ! Will, It. 1,. ilt IC IS- il SlOl 4lO.Mll tl l.lildlj !!t T bin!. Mrs. Ghaiber has one that is ;'.;,1'.;t- j higiily prizc.l l'r its beautiful sing- I . '" ('!'! t 1.. .!., ..r-.,.t- ..,, vl.'iritiif IJiU. .lo.liit ;Slift rtir, uuiiu a higli wind stjorm the bottom of t lu- cage dropped' out and "the - bird J-'"' . ) was gfkiie. Nothing more was seen ui:iijue for t 1. t;t tprmir.atnm juf- it j was given iip for lost, ' hiw.-o," t.;mp ";f'f:i'' change; wll(...- y,.., ,y j ni;ule its re-ap-ith th- sa-ri.-i-e d'th" , i jH-antifee iu the family circle. The deal h-Miily is one v.ltyV ;C jr the enitv' cage ' was' opeU 'arid birtlie vojunta.rilv entered and .seeking its old perch poured, foiftlr , a iiieio.lv which probahly niemit j Home, Sweet Ilome,' in bird jlangUitge. i'ii uon'I'iKi A" !! ( ! ! - i .a l oei I tap V, e. ; ot '. ' I" ' 1 - o"nt:il -t ra ? a an." 'io.-s U" of wa I. r. aid t . ar coii: 1 1. na ;as lieVt r b. r aiiK'l be ft -fe. thercftire. . ery desirous to a for -ciel.ee the best li-cotai-atble from -h-t rvati-uis ,, And you AND IT ( OMKS TO tj an.-tib il awl'ui ,eh'-;p. . . ve 11- .: 'all an-! v,a- vjiil b 1 slithwl vou :! coitii.b'te !i:iif ?!' g..).is, ;it pra-r. put.;: It Fiv i- OilO t.f til'sC HOODS, as TK :,1 1 .s )UTII KLM ST.7 iHIKLNSIiOi'O'jN.-! C, : I H'.' - . : : .. i V ! 1 V' I.1' 3gTo-w- s tiie TimO tb DocoratG Cents to - Five ik'lldl'N jx'lj !' i y.iii .;t,ll about ng I rum iO t ut tiii- out ant! la hm it, itli I y;i lntvert a - 'i 1 o f 1 1 - will In' a--..;.,ot. 'i, i rout 1 i i jj i' 'K'I'S on everV I "i!;ir to w hieh t!a ir fa:;-. d- i h Id'i'S'ftV l!-V kKTT .11! St.iitlli -liii;t j i II. tai ltn;mg our ie a ij. ; o jTi1 H. ,vei alia oayc taiJC "for tiie Dr. William Ilid.ock, a A Ivied Dog in a Church. ' r';ioir. .Mich., May .". A mad lushed into the Fourth Street d and esuerieti.-e.I physician, ; ,,,.f f vill begin hi-pr parat. i v w ork . ( -.rri gation;tl Church last night liate!y.""i ". , jus; a- Parson Davies had reached e wa;!l in .pit -ih'ii h i- alrt atdy , t,.- mid. lie ,of his prayer. With bored bvtthe Weelin'g gentle;- 1 fo;.:u dtipping from his distended Io ai depth ot 1.1 on! feet and '. ; ;i-vs tii rushed up t he centre aisle c-i-ert ; but: e i-:ing u ! ok toward rule i: -p ai- it -peilsDou you j til 'tie in " progress bet;wafi:. the 1 be ta I:, a- it i ti nb jn t-..:.;n.n. give it up: It -pell-' potato, vi.. president and the board Idffdiree- j mj.n: I p :i i - ft-r -I. :' - n ; 1 . r-. -!i -t..- :- f..r p. a- vo-i will find tors over the nianagcine'ni f f the 'wyl V . 1 r- . b r i ' , . . . : i 1 - " 1 e 1 . 1 .. ., .1 At .. ft-t ti .1 I . . .,.! ! .. I.... ;.. I" ..1. . :..l ;,..r...t ... . l r,- .t it n ' e.tnt nt Jotl-- a Ti'l or :,er (;;... 0.0 - oM-ioo o . '' ' '"-;o . iMi.ii.ioti uo....-i.o . y.-ft.ftv. a - ; . .. . , . .- ...i:. i, ,1,,. , . ...;...!.. ,.. T,.r, tl, freos wtirm-;. r ,..'.d?l-r t!.tr tlnar.-.v pi-gthe f,.r ... a- in dough - phth tin,,. The directors claiiiJat the?, atet i-t ie-. things ,.i. w-.icn ui. .tnuaoM : ...j . ,:. .;:t.::e !ro:a their ,y , s I !. ad f.,r ,. a- pht!u-is; ,igl, Uev. Small is extravagajil tin the fi: titin world lias now no expert- . anusau' .f ,',t'"n .,,..; V, n1 JX 1 . , r . - i . . . i , , ! ... i u,..,!. . .i, tru. , lii"" hail-storm in J.altimor.e anu - I . j ;-! d.. ne ft- a a-.. t la.! -igh: -r.,:.!!- tor a. a- ia i.-.-ighbor ; tte u-e of universi t v moneys f il . does i men a. 1 1 know a. o . : . .. , .1 , i t . . . - ' , , r.'WT ,r V- ! . ... i arroii- counties. .Mi. JL del i..t;-ti ta r..- a.-.., m, to lay- -t.ir.-N ;..r t, as iii gaette. ami tall not hesitate to maKe ilafAself a . ; -. , ; ..... .1Iwi i,.,!..,.,, . , '-.If. It cr.v.r.ei.;. ir- rirat th- -t-d- for ... a- it, 1,-all. Th ..s you reveler in t he lu XUries o? at t he C; n'i-b. pj.,:ibl.. ii-tUak t a- 3 r . nn ! At lh Wj -en,.- 1 L.ei ja-t I : f ,. I g !. hate po-t-a-t-o. Who! will g i ve , ex peiise of t lie f u nds. jiiUSmall Prui t Killer has gott-n his'- work .are wlipy , tn sn.on., yrop pro -j fca;2(; -; nail b. m 'i ing . ne ; ami that. , another? Y ,,,,,r;ri , " at uresent in Philatleliih jc?. agaii? L : pert- sp ent j s at present in Philadel jib t. tartyd with h avtiwed'in.teti-. to- pulpit, growling and snap if boritig unt.'i t ither "Il "'' ' ping at evjt-ry one he met.' . al b.is was found..' : if they ii (.rv (,t" '--mad dog." -and a panic t- . . .. - - . . . . inn. . iA-m -1. wii-n the janitor iirougnt it will be -jf.Vreur -i .v.n with h chair, lie i.i- I. Do XaJ ,'u'.r,rrt,l out and- shot. s.,-d to keep : Th'U' congregation' was so, "'' :!! the j trnat t was dismissed. i ' througii to ( Vria." P. ii-'! :i li: lie I ! ell it w 1 sary to sink t la- -lee per. It i- proj i .in.! ii tiitlerent anitor brought ir. lie excited Jack Frost a Nipper." . i . jt 1 y - 1 j -i -ii " 7 :"'fj-- i-. i V. t,. ' lJ,!'- ye tne new poweriui u:uu'.a, v-i. i?, -4;. nous Walter A. Wood, aKO th'3 g6nui:o i :lhrti;.'satl!. Wo ha the fir "Wo0dM:'3rSad cf ' twine, all . choice: W:iltoi-j A.noodif not only s.n "inventor, hut a ;rare .mechanic with tHenborh facultyjof putting bright ideas into comr.icn-5cnp hapa. The. inieriselv "American h.vic-; c: uu. aiacvv. ''-uf'v others . iriii t- efu!: mea-ur.-m'ent 1 ".iie t lirough by t !; I ' i and f ave; sa:u?.a- o t at- formLti'i:. AVhen the tl.tui ,t" a greater tej. has J-ver; goiiu bt fore tile temper?!-, ware s app.e crop 1 ' ..' '...." .'ii,i. ....T.I ft.-II! u..e'- . .'nwirU tlam-: tUrCfH tilt' flirill in u..i:- ji.'iiii . 1 itiivr , ....oi. -i - , i..J t.li..n:!,v a.,:.lf.re"i4:( ring .'ther- ag" to frui: and vegetables, and ice ; . 11 V.il i words, for copies 1 than one 'lleavV frosts have djimaged Delii- t'hick at Prince tovyu. Js,, i... :;i ad-' of t ile malrnetic. -Fires were 'burning in the peach 1 . 1 j : ' u-rl liii:: un n , i.;ui .ui-;h :i look clumsy and -forefgn- 11(3 i:' -y thoscj earnest mten who do not say-rnuc.n ; wvau, ;a -r---p in .the field. We have pamphleta c;-:p2airiing t hftm in plfih- and would like to h'aVe- thouzhtful,; tiirilty Uie cpd land come andasse thi:j ilno r;rcup m ichines 1 . t I 1 i kby lr.'S4- ? a a . . i - 1 1 -li i i I r S. BOW DIXON'S Old Stand.j Tiie Saw swings;. CO ' at- . r the door . l No. 22.1 South TMiii Street, Giree.i'jshorit,;.' "-'ri' ! I J !. V ..1 U Vi V! J

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