O t: ; i , f- i f j - - " . - I 1H i'' ii si c k' Lid. GREENSBORO, N. d:ifrHUUSbAY, MA.Y 2 it 1891. I !i; ! t ( I , I i . I i J IJy t Patriot I'uhlishina t'ompniiy, - TEK.11N JM..0 I.r VfHr, -1 h J - k , a r ii tis it rr v -it H H H-M D i ; i f.l;i! . ; . . :' . . !...' ; ; : - : , . , ' . - . . . , . . ' ' .T I .'.. t .,.t. :;n-:- i. H'jsu I 1 ... T r.;.rt-::nsoN. f t I i ? n ; -"1 f i ; i f . i: 1 v . - 5 1 w ' . . it . i. r I 1 t ttt . .41 J! is 1 1 11. t J tin Jt it 9 Hi t ff.t.iil, .4. m t .. w . ' f i ... ' , i - 1 r t . . s 'V v V III IVIYf I'diH'K ''"'f""1; W.ruc.ive-f,.rt:fj''lK! """" I e... .... 1 ,... tr,, .-.!..? k ii I 1 A TZAIK, .VrETCKBD AMIDST 2" olT (HTnlWIiNKI). . .4 v t . fc- fri.in .M'irli-v. A rc r.nrt fm:.i.l5'5 Lik', a !ua!! fCttlMiuiit iiortlurii p'Ttinn t!i ". 'r;. i -;jit tit. it fTni i!i: f'i i fu'.Iy l::i!f a'milt away. '-L i I i i ' I . riuuii ' . ; w "i 1 4 i-. Ami Arl'nr af:-l -'.-;' I'll "'.V. ' i i- j Mi-;i-a:i JJal. v;in-i "i ; ".i'v i t. i I;v aftertMM.n. air:i t...V'5 , i VI I W U U.ll.X. ;ilt, Ix,;,. l;rw, 1 . m h ,tn .. -i .j -... BUltTK LYXCHE1). i i- j vHitiE-c.lP' vs:; G 2 A'irc E 1CAIIED UPON A 17 EG HQ '.V TTftT-.i-, WE Fouccl ( IN 'lliis '".riv v rt ( is i ir:..l. 1-ttrwt-H was unnv :'. f.t-:rr,. A -I: : . ar.'l . .-;,!' . v ,!, al! ihv iioiti-t-s i?-; :!? ruarv. -.; cf Vorntery a t Tin- v:ii;a"rjii ii: -s - Ti.U.i if I ! . v l,ariju-r ( : ri ll' r' i, St tun; n.e ? i . ilr ti.at !iI(Vl t . ..i. 1 III' l iPiiiiaiiu. : lii.i: iri all Urf-fi''i!.;. j' , i; i;: j ; :-.atc!it from HatM.';,' v l it i : -::; tliat lon ri has t"':. -'iv s , ., t . .,ri Mill - . . f limiiu.r tt vti '-.!? r-.r-.-iit i.'ii of tin- tf-IW I-i ,;. :. j...rt- art . rv t!i! ;.tf. J-nt A !!-.. f ii .".. : : ;. -..-ill ! j urr i :it rt:tin I fr t ho faf-(. JTl f. ' -.- 1 : .: i M- " a v l "V. ii;. ' . ... '1 . , f MnijUt' It:s had iu HUH ! VV ', 'j t 1 1; i- th:tvel. Thi ;iv, ;. . . ; .1 :t r.--a:!y -: rr lt tlvlt l hy fin-,iSa"i ' ,; ' , .j . , ir r ! h-! :i i'kt ami milU r'. ,.'.,. K.jlr. ,. ! h .!' a !ursii-il. . -Jji : , : "(..:. :::it:--! w i.i.jx .t:i..i: Kl.-IIH ni:i.i ; '. ' n'.r ira.-!.j Mn.u .i i;i:V, Wi., 3Iav :j-f- i ... 1 .. i : I ....... . . f . I 1 1. ;!.. r - :.:! M,,!i j . ; -a-: fnri'y-ciht. hour.' it.-, i'.r ' I . v "'I-- ;; ; -..in.t rv ti tin -.at!iw t of Vt GENEliAL NEWS. The Treasury .Monday purchased r.rjce a shade Out of i y 1 other dav, tiiv of silver; average ess than 9S, lushels..of potatoes ::irhr firiio Marceline, Mo., the smallest tuher in the lslce; in his Cell Green's; air olio ii ilm Itlob Drain?'' Clio Uov.m ths Stciu. i .;..-!!! ; . Md.. M:.y "!:!. . j . . fi' i. .illlll til, itll OI , .. t . ". , f ! w!ion are liv;hir. ' Ui : r 1 ti T oi .--It fJ.MirV i i " .- - ; !... I .. .!: i . ; ; ' i ur Iuiuttirs inereased from oG. il' (..1- l.H INI. i l.MU 1. U . i . : t:- . Id. ui;.; 17.;,. 111 lM t.oiI,.t;l5 hr-lSl.. AVe t ..eiidjed two ponndi I A.M. Thomas, of lla.inbridge. ' a(d .'.., is said to be the fath L v ravi-h. d Mr. M t hi- l j . 1 1 ! e .!-!! :f' insane persons to every ' oi i;OT)!iia Hull. rd X"!-:i. a iis :;t 'i Two-year-o!d Annie C ochran ves- of:Kent Kv.ua. i ; pcrtlay, at 'Xvburir, N. Y., fell :i was tried and fo;iv!rted jl'U a j four-istory. window on a 3Iavil'. YestcrdavoTud'T ! i'?-v-er hejd and; was umniured. sentf'Jiei d tain ! iVn-l'A- f sr. ,1c Auditor (It;. W Sindprlin P im!:n-.nnient tuV-uvas ,ieliVr-thi- annual address of i4. d. t .'.'! . Kni::3,ts ol L'vthias in (Ireens- ;o on the ni.drht of June 1st. l "a-hier J. K. Brantlev. of the Iron Mountain li.iilroatl, . at Little lloek. Ark., was $-20,()QQ short, but !'e .w n .: ;.:uiit: : . htenity h;id vj. been t i (.) her wi-e the d-ath i i-.i- I lv w6i;Id have been imn .-f it. "I'liifj sentence s anerd the ... s ,. . . . ! restored .!., Out.) when eausrht. !.v ik-i.Ah' fi-Lrii. i-'il iivcr tlic (4,,iHt 7 A ii.m ton (K)iored club! in St and . ii-irticuiarlv W Kent Island'! i-'n is in trojuble because it can- r,.i.!,.rA fi.V ..t'i. wmiI t'inm(. 1 1 1 1 1 1 f t hire a hall in a respectable lo- protectpn-oilr homes.- ' ! '';'!ity. The -Whites object to it their :rr -t : s,n.,-rior. and nn immense nraVy ! At'l .'eh ' thi mornin- with Pi:xet r:!ilw:iL in Raleigh' this t ::;!. ri t i , miest royeu. : c i?. , , . t, , ' ' .. ."i k;.'- iM-iiiMr-uiru.,. - ra n Liriwi-; and tli- town m ? f " , , "? . ; f. r ,!.. :: m. ;. s-,,.. .r:,.r. jjuw St. I.rui. sav d My j .ii(.h i!iir;vn:,,; ,j.av v-urmed I n'tiblva lor .the eleetiuc ;ijant. 1 :i M' a 1 ::'.v hotel and the few j ...... j,,u.J d in;. w'hito caps and Hx-llhvor U. 15. Wilson, 'hi. Great . -: -ir.-..:: .a nr.-1 ;.tt.( rI:l.H-.- Five tliotisand t-! h x d.h. Mwiv.n v.run-r Ib-nd, Ivi.n., a real estate; broker, - - : ' "; : ' 'u ! v,.. d and s hues wen-:iJ-L: jc j,i( ,t a li:; " h s tji half fortred so in:;:iy deeds and abstracts ,K'"-': ' : :",! !. ntailin n h-ss of . 1 ,0( i t V ' ;l in;jt. x,-,, kH jaih ant hls. at of - title that be -ot awav with .!.d iy. i W.-.-n . i; i:r. IL I.. May rr " ! 1 1..- sri !herit!-!:d of the'tiv.-n, anil .f!'M00.. .'. J-- ' 1 " ; f : : .4 !. . " v. 1 1 a It '. i p. 1 ! -l ' - : t .-!;- .;:; i ; r :!.-, ,;: i.. : : a "...!-:'-. ! ' ir s --t - ' ...... - - - - ; ; f - in rui i'.ei. ''t.:i i i in- iji. .1, ilia r..r. -t iir.-s around this ei J .f-J r. ,ri!!t, J i,. t yU and I hn-es. i!emh td., buitic! over I0) :i N , ; j-v -...de Up the -tr et.i!4l bv 1 -!..::. d in K:wt Wi.oiwoid..; jf , , . ,,v.ula;r .aaa. -j " .... . 1 . )... 1 , 1 1. ' -:r. ,!-.'-iiiu' .e acres of t!.i- .. 1 1 1 t'-.;r:.av . f r ; 1 t . 1 i . t -1- '.. .. :.d ! I -::s '..' I !;:.' : !: n:- v ; i: . - ilh itii . h. arid ; .'. and all tilt woodlaisd. C . v ;.;!, l'i 11 ,;-i;i no. Va , May I L'.-i-J ; j.-d!-.-:-:h in Sotithsi.le, Va ( r"-jf" . '. ,; !...a-. de-tructive that t he v-t ; ul,'(li p .-ar-.r.tytni: in tln ir cli'.n-ii' jj : , ,.,t ' . , " S.-v an M.: v !it -.Nr, Mi- ;.it7 ;. lt -, Tl..- t o. ?: lire near her. i"'' ' !eri;S oi.d'-: -:!!: '.. ' f-J ;, Mriii- E!?:nes Indian ConcTu 5 1 K iut. i 'fit I fffiri t o; a .Mis. .iarie .ein- i4 .w ; (. 11 t t IV It,,.. P.u.r'i -( ' AVintlVroo -nvns ..... .--. v.v . ........ - .. i ; ' v i4j.4 4 ....1.1. j ue was norn 111 juoswhi, , rauuaieu it Harvard in tbe class rf 1S2S, V!;C a the jtaii w7is reached, two new company- ha? A cik-toTacr wbo dropped a silver dollar on .rue. floor remarked as it rolled away. "'A dollar goes a log way ia tkis tlorc." 2000 Yards Figured Lawns ?aine quality a 1 ! 1 ' 1 ' 1 . . ul Mtyie a- i.ii'ir-!;:! n'. - In Vi tu'.n: CENTS TEH jYAKI) ? H-i v.orhl nv. r. W- ii:iv- l-i at ia cl inx out price ar.d sliall u;ie our 1 u-t IiKaMKIT by d . i iTpr the case at 5 cent spe: d hrlit K I I 'I . "I r vara T I! II;'! per van v. 1. It will not cost t t 1 mi 1' 1 to o,nie a !.v e- n- goods and priej-s are !:)! snt f.ic.'r . iii are i!"t v . ; e l a 1 ia Si..;j Falls recently - V' tr; .J., .0" the Indian Fli nty lr.r'- 1 v. Ii i ! I.I ' t " ' r.ir the murder of Lieut. C:wv;j- ..'wj- ati :;:; u j:1 pr';'ri-s. a:rl she went J I ..-jitit : ia t'.'-p t .1- ,.,..;rtr,,.,. to hear tlic test iji-'r-y. , -sti r in" : r'-' ' . impressed her son.f i.v'it ..j, ;.-i..;-.ib!y ' to t!i" prisoner.: j ' ;! u.- -'" '" :"r; u:p:ithv could not remain 2'U . ..j ) j h ,', r.,1;:', d. and when the triall.i- .I.-jmiIv vi::h-.-t h.- r p;. : ;y U.nses.with his lip r. .,.jv .' fi:.,: ;:'. ft: i m .;!,:. r a the hotel. T :.;-re ?.! -:t al:e , , ;:aiKr tf peras pr-V v.,.v,.:lJj . , . I. f . . 1 .... . . 1 .. ..... . 1 1 1 ;. r and y 1 1 ' - . -; i ; . ( ''.. It- :.. in F-."'. - . w 1 1 -. . .'I.' S.'i'i'll' 'I ; 'ii. '.I- 'I 1 , ;...' " . Se'.vahl. UUd he ..laileii'-on ,: . El 1 r-u'uSev. '.blseph M :t:iies S'.'v;:ird... 44eori; tuil led h'W w iml was admit day Gould i rknd thai to- ith Daniel' 'Webster ed to the b;ir in lfS'U. t e.uf.-te'd "as telling- a niuchrattcntion has r. j.ii pine ---an-.- .o.'.t 'n;ii 1 , ,1 t tt - . . :.;.; , .1, .een iriven to the irnld exports.. He 1 1 iri nr. 1 in O ? t c J. Who I . . 1 1 -I ; i .... . ?7 , ,,.,J .savs we are ol ('II 5 !,(! II III i 41. 1,11.1. I Uy lending! Kufope will have to give it 1 1 1 .. I' i;.. r.7i .f , if , ,, .t, ,. 1. oai k, ev en oeipte tue euniti: n-n ,t l p ',1 i l t 'it t -it- ii t '- . 5ouard rhed o;.t"to sh(J sun s oig crop Ji :.r 'e i -I", iroid, lor she I V .1111.1 4:i l . 44. 4 II..I'. I. Ill have. to be-lpnid for. orch of theresidencisiwhichi'- Suiae of the Presidential party eeted 'with "the. jail, at th have been, rol bed. ' Theyj may. be a;sd ; v.nts " cotifron'tc.i-hy a j thankful , tjittt f o.eadlv eaions. ,- j j gold bricks p'i d t,' . V. estern c; :m - l :ie - Seward. ' Ml !Uu-k!' natte a-Ke l)italists claim that lav Gould skinned Senator Brice, liy . Governor Canlpbell and -others, of a;tt tna 1 . " hi in Picismond-Terminar. ee auiuu tue -We u ; haven't had any sed on thehi. vourdutv, nurr v '.-i'.-d t he " The. amount! of sker oiiered for ' to-. t lie "sub-depu:. -G, ; sa!e to the Treasury Department ! (.:,unaand vu. r-ati-j Vest-rday was; 1J I,V0U ounces, aim lVt- the jvri-ua. ' . r ,rt-d the aun.unt purchased was liV"' : , : . " :i- oV.nees" at 07, '..."(" ; ; '- 115)1 at SKVKX tliis lot - s the, - - : ! .! i I ; I'vory ( 'ustoiiii:!-. . We are aNo m1!m!-.;- a regular ' ei ni ( ii sLLje a-t We have recently received a beautiful hew assortment PEKCALES. iWIII'l'K DKESS COODS from FI ' Swisses,-.l!ack. and .White Lawns, China Silks, Not ion,-, etc.. etc. w far a Dolla-r ol rillS OFT ;i!iii l.riu j:. v ilh von. llliw til" -.inii' tli-rn",;;t "it- hist inon 7.1, .- ; i Iiespectfuily yours. 1 v- - Z e -r;ur to nits pk-r ;mli ; j 11 H f (jinxttiam, E CENTS Mh.lLtr.is. will iro. If. tile Iiiredi to buv. RAYMOND i 6S PO'ELL, , tlllll wo wi h. AT l ON A E P. A N K lil'ILDiNG, OPEEX x 1 R A L vx - A M i R I ( : A N : 7 .. Insurance Gomnanv of mi lYbrk. slHMU)', N, C. j 'i Capital Stock Net Surplus, Total A-4-t-, . Office JLrx Savings Bnic, PURE adi. - and :entk-men. Aft-r --:! -iK'.L't i.;oe a'sU-'p! ' !-: inon. Plenty " S.V" t he I. I . ! a o.-i: 10 -pea h l.J--ly th. -Id -. Mi-. P.hiine, which si.i ;,..:!- -t d gratif v. won.M rir:g , . . it. . . 1. .v . , 1 i 1 . .iel want. t ia n nii-.'i I-," hoi.- !: begird her , to gifd 'U'. rl 1 ( t . A statement ma '; a ill- lie '" f , ' 1 "-': '-' .,!:ie .-.. uing-gum., for hM:'V; ' 1 iV :'' .-:..:-i:ir-'. b;it was too pre ' -y ,' ' ' i'i f !: lre-et:cil f ;!, I ". i. t; h.-id L'JVcn hini ::u; J" f i.. r 1- .. - a ' . d lurth' r fr a e.eaa,. :,!,iS irrepared at the Pen- Uvs tlmt during the blast there: ivere is- .! for a "due ribbon such aMfe .. '. P?...tv II.,r-. P. ' '"! I- Vi ti ..(. " " ' " ' Al" ... i, .11 ;. l! i -1 " ' - ' "t . i , - :.il hi- r.--UeMs iiratiiied. aaj -1 " ,t ' ' " "V,'.'-: 1 -in-- :-.!, hi-- Indian, frb.r-r ,. ' 7"'. "' ,,:,.!, r-tar-d that the t Cu:.d k Ai r. ' '' f - . ,,t,.V-' J V . : : ; 1 V IT. 1 :-' -aen. .., f. a::v . t a . e.iu - d '-ip 1-..." - ; . , . ' . i d. : rb !- 1 ! : - - ..4' .!.; TIir.E.b TO II AUG. 5 , II!-". j 1 reati 2, -i . lope They'll H"nii Me in tl: if-t'' ' , '' a 111 Get Thme ia TxnJ.i; ' ll;;'(j fjr Dinner." said 0:fe. . luf-? I I'M 4 . ;;. f, j r ited bv a Afl VNTA, Ga., May P.. , I .turd,v aft.-r::.:..N. Ch.rk. in the Supreme -Ji v " : V : v.;i..;-" -uipt the div -nteueed three men to.Je - : ' ,-';. is aUiV:....:. ""Ch.rbs M. Oborne. for l : i ; . '.' ":r.".; , . ..,. ,-.re .i.i..s m. nradiey.-wm be i!-jli;l',..t.! ' on dune idh. . --t 1 r I. ... ; ... ... i- i .. 1 - T.-.i,- I -i :r t r I ....... 1 if in. cm u l'i . i-a.,1,... 1 . . ...... - I ! 1 . 1 1 . . 1 1 ' 1 - - , . -., : 1;.,- Co. 4-d. -aoVtn.-.f.u ( lirisi:.. 1 . ,-; 1 P . M 1 - It. ... :i. r. a!-. e.I..red. : a , -'i Il.::.d;n u.-s senti ii'-ed !o P a route - t;.l to the "baili!!' r.S?'- ('v"' II. -j Ga y'II hang me in t . . n : .. . : r . J;,. ......... 1 11 Ill 1 : I- . 1 il. i 1 1 .4' I 1 11. . ' I I ' - ----- v 1 II.- bv ' : : i S ' t ! - f v ' ilar-.-t. ' - .1:..:;' 1 .... . f.. . 1 '... ! M : ' 1 t j-.ii-na 1 aoei iit.-.o, 4". , d. : ..f Ab-x. Sayre. !a-t Maivv:r;v ' 1 . 1 1. 1 .t ;- 1 , l II) I II I. 41 1 .... . . 1 -! !! t !" ' . r. .! : 1 . M.i P.-I.. - . r. .'. 1 1....0 ! aad O-b.-rne :x Vj.,: - -.!:ite 1.0 n. highly ' 1 w a Til I: I .1. t - i " 1 ( : . .. t!:. :r eriii es were .;. ie' 1 ' ' ! ..il tli.-Ught n . M ; !.. V. - , l! i : . - .. . '. ii.tnilin are t b. I.ur.i. y';' Jb i;'-.e Iragi 1 M II tie- r M:d r ier' til SeU'.-iriL "I .it ' ve Ii- -Ion ollicc -sh vs."' i ' ' ; month. of Air ' v 7., nr., s ied V,l.:t: pension certificates of, :-d. iChid 'io:,..:diikesL:i'!!'I; thT "pt payments n madnieti and bru-h. d the ! hicii aggregate .h. y ; . atid tl '- six ..ib side. : ,hAm L. Sullivan paid j .f27 : for v u'ot i : 1 1 t he 1: ..y of t he .two umbr. Ihls in St. .Louis the "s ivs i'b - 7e -' ri'V ap- (itlii'r day. ;,nd 3Ir. Watt'ersoh s .-I- v'u- he s'i ! '-: rv.-av. - jieAsoaiier nromntlv eomnierids Mr. in ' h;'. :.d. P . -' .nms? ; Sail i van f or ljis heroic Cil'orts to ,i,'-i'.ib.-s- of the i; : -i'. : i.anji a-f-iaii from ivater in all.'forms. .; M' 'ev.,'-r .;.-. c;ly drink of bitter whisky admin- f ' I ' I .- r-u-ivd bv dames Matherky ended ?'. Pt:h ,1" 1-,uii,-i -v t he life o't de person Holiday, Sr.. .v -.i:.ed,- -,.:id uo'i r.mw ( -.ir(p,V(.uiv v., in an hour. He f.-ther at ii.e' p ... .v',i::r vurv tilt. fat lier ' of t wo povs who Je-: ! 1 hen the hiM;. . - e- , .1 - a -- '.. f riemlnf l-'ni; DRUGS AND Cl " kllf ALU. - - - I !. i '-t . I ZE?a tezp.'t 3VCecfL:koi"i c3 Mij.iisa..i.I . -id .. - AM' . . , . 11100,01)0.00 J 1 . i il 11 , ff-'.ii.i.7:h".si Ml! ' L ' " 'I .t:.i'isj7PJ v v I fc 3 ! ' I . 1 LiANmiPTiS'S (JAIIDKN SFd'IDS, at hert v. V. . li. Ilea: the hlle S ah A'est, a friemrof rs'r. the son and heir ha'tor Hearst,' is ; the A;:-: ! I -iv:l I iw : " V v" i;.3.i i ;ip.,i ;.. .1. and Mserin 1 ur.-.er re- . 1t I M-o'i!y ' ; " : t Vi ' - I. !. .!' . .- a-.d. ;;. 'i.'-.i -." ' . :. ... t . ,0 lnx, VA: . ditor and ovvber of the San .Fran- or.k tue jail K v.- in- . ;,.r, 1,; ,f.lther e:-l"' i . " I" i " i j 11"" ... - bought for iii a when he graduated tinil of which he .Iia hiss newspaper. - ro bejni- "out f. . ! i roia college l''1 , ri.ide a lir.-t-e . . . ' . .(..-. ... -- .The ('orondil ol PullaKT, xV. a., ioti. i t i.e -'' uas .--o-.n ,., . 'y - iUVestirat ng the sudden death 1 ? I II" ' ' I il . I K i l - O I ' III':; ' I -. , , . I. . , i. ... . i- i r . . ., ol a alio ,..-.....4.. t - -. e .;,vip;-7r - m,. .m oi a ; a old inaiMwhcn a clock that :" hi :;;! J' r- ' ine-f ' ; Lie', i, hi- ::cch. 7 u .: -- d ph d v4h-a i::- '., .,'.', Gie clock had stopped voluntjirih 1 been o iderdv vtn iked by the deceased i the hour -id' 10. As ," . -i i . i I . i i ; , . -ii- as u:1.-' t::' ' i ' .1..;. ' !. t lie old ia-j i- thon::h ! ' Although a ' -y i thy- j : - ' , A.hericau d i-' j 1m-.P tnc 1 o.iie ! e -t';ps. i i'i. .'..! -Il i I t ) f :is ?;.(', ! the -eoILit-m-pl. vie.' was seh .u .'i'riiiiii'i.i , eoiiij'-et liig oe in N .-w Y r ii i l.t'.'U rni; WHIP IN AN GUY HAt,'3y;' , "y - - i; the r- 't bui.. ' ' Su'icriritenitint Wi-h' It;' r; ; -.rroui i " y '" " '." t"- . . i !..,. 1 ! -..": or . a ' .". ' :';i ; ; : ,. ii-:u-.'.vht. tuibli-hese. c.y-y 1 he h' l-ap.-r i-alled tin Cuyah.-ih; 4n:.d tn i.. . Pi ,.,.. .." oi!,:i-' ftl 'I'Ut ( :-t M t Ai-.i "' i ;.-,:i::d. was h'r-e v.-h ip: ? : 1U" 1 ... ! . ... ,. ... II. .....r',- -. -.!...-- .' ... I II. - : I : '- 1 , . .. yt 4. j-. p,.r. -t jiis Daiy Ibveriv at ;ii';' 1 ' i.iti: yu.. -t unp:e- . this evening. ' Mis- v; ''mi l .. ,..t c:.t;..I . ,- h.oi hi-tronic ambition-.- .'.'hi I tie ' . i . . .... . . . i. .1,1 ...f on , . hi-. ; i . - 5 - ' . r.: i i - ' ee i . i ' . u!.r i.:i- i.n1' 111 1 "r 1 i ' a , ;!;.- h- id ..f lh- Cere ridicule in hi" papt r. :h : lSt " It...... . . I e'....,.!.,n.l (liN I'lvCii'. b' i to' i . . . .i : :. - a : i" a .t.i... . ir i.i.ni i t.-.. ."'. , i ! : i d, . ' d h a i I 'unKii . ... t . ......-.., ::- a - '.n .1 i.-... ,t;-j.-u Uilll . . ... .." i h.- dr.-.oiy ., i.l it h a Miake whip or j: -M:i i 1.1 tv :. h m I V k t'i .v. u i.l ; i .. . ... ... .? . ei- r. turn ni in .1..-- : ..... ......... I ... . .. . I ... a. . ...... r- , . . I ; ' .v.. r ... 4 j , P,l i 41 4 4 i'" ' ............ . .... '. !.: . ..o;,... lieV 1'V i ir;. i.i' - n : :o u a : n i - . i.e . ..- - .,. i .... i . . -1 :: thi-- e.ty , .. . ...i . ...l : .! . i r ', r i i o'e i.e sun i I hoi ia .in .-i i y : and, when he did, hiy'.- A i v i:e:.-c -:.i"-o-. , . . e ...'. .r.'-l !';.-: -i:.' r lu,t d the work, until a ';(V?'1 , 'ii:i 5,i:,K" "V ' !' .v W( ia..ith ..a: , .-,d and took her a vv,a - J i .Ju I -he II ait orii p '" in s ,g.r" Y.ilhy t Y" 'V V''- 1 oJ VTill ho a Dear Fourth cf Jridyfc ' py; l.j, e- , ' lo ai .:!:, X. Y.. May iV. rV P-. 'I-;-, V;: . ;. " :"-:i-p',,;'; ,:u r.-ha:.t in this city ho ' P,'T. , - r- ea-t b.emd .( . iuanv ,ri-crackers :4.v.i- I';, A', ' ' p:.:h.d, 1; hia .md :i. of Cvhi.-lj ,.,,, from.'T--!-.-,. J ' -i il i. . e ! :i ' .a- " . t . ... ...... t ,. ti.;i.. , j i " ' . I .motlv kno"cki-d linn i ' ( up": ! liiia uinle ht duuirhtiv -h-n"; r t -. -,e , : i i, i Iv o- ia O ! n . v;:-tnt u ..s t r.ny u : r.'-id, v-iiih . ! p.. I r-ad, V-1;! ' '" " ll ' . I , : . : . y , . r..;: t .7- '.i". '.'eh uht . i iy ; f,7 ; . : ma i..b t ' 1 ouieiiy (in p j;;,. . v. '. !,. 'fan- o-.J.-;... r-l n..i . I ..-t a ; wi Li l.a7:;;v. ; caught ia a s a'ud.me! a je;l t i a diameter- r .. .--i t ii-. Vails. ; Iff a I .V reversed the .i r , ".a- i -t rueiv a v,ii('! l'h . , , era! times, ar. a : i- again and "va; I. V. Pake 7c. tins -u ;i t i.e ma.H bv dru .pied by a HU: v. ;.!- -.'ti'. al -1 ..ro::. r IJ.d.et t-p-el-i- ;;,.,.-,..-(. in r ,,. .ken to tie- j A P,!t,iny,f c, 1 ..... ,1 . ....... Ill ... 1 II . . .. e.. .1 f.l- Slit, "i.-ri ct-.i a; i . o.eia. o - .w- . y ill- riUil il li'iiim .,- - - i t. i g, il .14 lot ia oVf." -A,n- retf ' re(l. I . i L!i iielll.i nv Aaop -.. a . . Tue iriw tl - t I;. -.-y ;j:i.i t a!T v.-ryj y i'j , .- d v O .--. i . . ' ' w i . .1 v i. - uhl pii.t 1 i I . ti.i '.. a" :: y .... I k : .!.'.- "- A' it' t : i i - - ,;;ill iiVt-;!i' " -I- all I.e. , ; .." . 1 1 '.-(. - tu-red b..ti;e ( f- I..,-, '.!.- -:na- and' v""-t 'ha ." -: rd. da V - - U:; the nig . a it ;i v. : : ' ! . . , j : 'r;-oi the :..-. ntaia- 7. ltr(, ,.,.,lav that the pr -1 ... J . .C; e :i 1 "irelbvan is -a n-e. y . i.--ab-f .: i'e In.e. .... .. lt 7,.,. t:l. ;i .ov sii.-.'t-J 1" ' ,.',.. a trio will average V ii.'cy-' '" ' i v i i. . mi:mi.: ..ar, m account of the lu! t ; ' Trusses From our E Orders and 1 AND R RACES CaREI'UI.I imv toeJv u e i n. --iippr. l'hy-icia!!- al ou:.; V at : !' ! t la.i ie- . KES(i M'TlONs i. i..d l'li d and foi u.m if -.. - , 1 I '" , i;ITTEI). 'I M d Store- in tM 1 i-d.f' ni't .trai'i i rr- i y Bioiiaidson i Fkiss, 0)posite itenbow Hole 7'feh. 12. - s!iee-ors Hi. A.. Cb'Et- 7 Porl.-r i 'i i ! .Vsi:oi;o. X ARCHITECT'S IHKHCE If you conic von ;iny Plans, furnislu Addn in)iate buildin.'. call rp .n u- and v. e m,.i j.e ueaeu iugi information. -.u nuiv Kouo-t. :n iv,.dI tp 1 nf mane:. Specifications and; Details il at rea-o!iair ;-.t( -. ;.,'-' s i j -e r i n '-i.ih-H LJX :;ll xiFTil EEM T.. ci;i-:E.i ;ian died the happen tfi.be rather strange. h t-.ii'riisnmaii tiai-ui- stamp, !l w;is an hue- liogarilu- who et plan of ininting ted -tamps.' yJns ue- ted;. by' t lie British iu iN.'Va from ihGUf u . . , -I .-. ,i Pigu-. lioiramus (ueu !l IMP i- on the Delaware, and Western. ' wa orm tire other day, i of lire twelve inches tuning along one of yhut oil' steam and ngi'ne. The tire ball 1, ran around' it sev Pthen took tlK-' rail Ished around ;i curve. ;, of Sea tile'.. Wadi., rge.-t ion in a note to c i f de-ired, ' j I ' ''' I ' 1 I 1 -M-- ; ' ' - i 1 ' oin'r; x. c.' i w i- . te;idily OUR X.lZl.XG'rJiJ STOCK OF j AW. 4 ! ,", M A -H'H R nert a-i:r? a iia (, ri ,f - ..a do i. ot v. i-ll i buv at'pre-Ut. We are o-l . rile - ph -1 id i , . r--.i! h - i n a i 1 - tfades j,T pa per, , j if I I . .......!.,.,. .... r.i, !.. , . t II ! ! vr Ol T ....! . . n ! 1 I V Tl 1 1 :. O - l.-l I'll ill I i, w i ; (.;-. 1 I - ' . . ' : . . - ..-......--. Look up i chance to sake nioiit-v Our a-ihlrt or inuii'-" ad t :-' m J ii ;: I hi - pip" r;i ad j o'imay Jinu a , , j ) , , , , ; 1 a fi ( : i ; " a ' - v. i , i n r o I o 4f new. .Ill So ith I ! i.i tr'et, 3P-Ayif P.loe.k, j t;iiEENPJKO, N. !,. 1 ;,.e.-;-'of tliat cyv : r of the title of poi- .j-.jts. Jh.e method friend ed' mine niany 1 whh-h I had the) .! , .-. ' t he leo-- Olli ii, V i.' i --.-5 t.,riri;i when j'consider- this harac'ter, . will v ai'-olute-v perfect. e.-ioi-ed p ipers and , e word- -poPon ;ire f,,r person's ..who can j daviyht.' but if. the -;e 'ano.-mb il to luake tliat '. .'wry. dugg'i.t .in1 ;t three cor-. he co-i ..ir, no.greitic-r ) j ill. ;viion; or ..'.yder. e an ;ib-olute o !.;. r .to 'or no not enly others 7.7,ys":-v- -V I YVe hav3 tLo imv ovorfcl bin -7 i.;. :nov--rs -nnd raker; of the sarious Tralti-r A. 'VooJ, -''' 't-:-"-' partrs ,antl brand. of tv;i:i nil cho.co. alter, ..i V, cod j,j n:Pinvc-:itcr, .;iP: a -icc'.:a:.:o v-h tho inbeyri I faculty 4f pttiu- :riL'h- icl-as i:.7o comonenho ehap; The" - intbnssiy Amorica-a ;:ty:7- 1 Iii. 5. iilclv ook clu,v.:v- and lbroi::::. Iio i-L ; ' - - ! - 1 n . 1 0nptUPn .rho do not h-'v rauc'..: Id Inachino:- dp. in the field.; Wo Lave pallet.: cr!r h, ra in phaim me . hi"- -those rtvo thon'litlul. thr words, rind voakl liP.o to h- for copies and coino ai.dT.JC' i.- - i o rroup T.u.,,y i r V v -r s f-r-.'i-:4. i itv laon send '. r.:r:chin-.s. i i i it - ,-'!- ty y. i i t of the iiofh of-May, !. . iit up iiPwhieii d a t in box. e'ontain- ; lot in DilwoFth. , ...vhv.; iv.) Tin- S"av, .iing 'i'er the'door ... .;....i,.,,ir,.t, ft,... At 11. . I'l'V.i -e , , ... ll S: BOWLES cx CO.,; feb. '2.t. , No. South Kim Street, Greensboro, N. (,V h 1 I ; -' . . .. - i ' i. i ... - - -: --.;. :. I l i , .1 Dr::.ir. Mich., May The bill. u .:.-i.'h. N. : - - . " - . - ".."'- " r '-' :. r - - . i" .. .1 - : ,1 - - - . : .Ji .11.: ' S " ' : . j - , , I 1 f - I ;f ' i J,