. ' . ' , i . :.'! ' i-i:-'r: v;4 -m-c' HS ' - ' . i i -. I-' ' . ; ; . .-I' j . !-.. - ii : l.Kf N. ;. The liTT Tl ""V TI "N -K3 v V ! 1 : ICA ! i I 1 1 GKEENSBORO,- X. C.,iTIlURSDAY; MAY 28, 1891. f By the Patriot Publishing Company. I ; TEIIMS 81.50 lr Y cxr, in AdvanreJ i i , - . - '. i ,.J -' . - .: ..: ' . . '-..!.. f. . j '.; ; - ' - r " - ' , ' : 1 : .'.''- 'j : -' : r j.';- : i Mi" ' H. VVlLbU. W A n,'l N ( ;H I I iHI r,m..1.n(r,.,wcnt1oiVaa JKKKh (kN( A 1)A lNf.'! jAACOIJvEKTIOrIATr " . . GENERAL NEWS. ... , '..niy a j.u;ir run, to wn.-it ; -U U1KCIKNATI. ; .... -' . 1 1 ' - - - . 71 ' ' V.'IIAVA Gr.EEI3DOr.O EOY SEES' i : i I r t 1 a f Lour-', .-n tii n: wa ATI") Tir A nrr ttti fn ! rj" n '"'I l"r ' atiI ilin saili r I or CHILE. Tl- 'i'liUU E. LeflUetter, iQa-irter Givm t , rr.sor, . . ! ' V.'cacn nr.d Children Killer . , : j r ; ;v,,nth ftr Ant.-if.-i'juMa. W foinul jthat lin t !iaI tnkt ii Antnfnjjus !ta with !rat Ic-ill v no !i h t i n ' AT-l Cru-itr of the Inuf.tv-nt-s ro( ;it;, t;:,t rx,.n f hiu 4 Mi,-i.4 a iiKi.ix.u ArrtAii iu , v, Over a TLci:.::.r.d P.cprcscntatives of auuiiii. Ufi-U' , Alliaaccs.r.nd Labor Oreani ; . J-.- ... zauons m uouncii--iiany I States Send Dele j gates. Every County and Town in the Kvv Should Contribute to this rw, AobIe Cause. v I'.). The- , ; ... --4.. tl uAvilwlUi r.d Maltreat-!. t vl i'l:i-. I'll! I , M.ir.- , .;.t. I I. i:i-t 1. I tl' r I Aft.r !.!:-ini: ..ir-tht in I'l.in- N.-iiyii.!.i:.! I run., May J.-,t arrivals todav f I . lo "ai -si to the iiii!iiiv.itiit u-itl'i thi- Ir.ii-tl Ststti- ! .Inliti A. I 'liildriK and l'af f ii-Jt'i N'nt ioti-.l r ;..r. ,.-.... . . 3 m ... . . i- 11 1 ? i 1 f I. f ! 'r f d . - I 'nil I ft i Ataiiu-ta Hound WaUli, of tliis fit.v, and John f'Sl,':; ou. llr-twrcit lo') .and .) -ain for C.iMi r'i. !a'.l ra i tlx - a d.n WN r, -f 1 "linrlcston, , in f roin JCansa-, U iroid 1. n- 1 -rt if tl-- it;; i.f 1 i..ia j.-. ar;l i-tu-l t day a cin-ular Itt tf '"f tlifky and jrood-i7.v lit ineir a -:.! !! uitiiJ. r--t inir ! i.-.- hsiil: 1 o;ilI. rn i--opl in w!ii'!i'jjy from Illinois. Iowa, A"i-ctni:v- and ! n:; VJj HIGHARDSON, f o ,. , !. r' ! i j ' ,V!j ! ''''' r."1 ' i l--ion of t!..- ;i nion imn-nt to .Jpl!Vr?on I)aS .Jm of vai ions Allianl-i-s um I;.!ir or- ?' 'l ; ' ii ' ' r ., 1 ' '.'"'i r!.;:r. I urfy. A railroad a.l ti r ! v- -ont rilmt inn f:; irani.at ion arc "hi-rv, rni'i virv 'r';; r .!,V v'.'- r'J!l ' -:' ':- 1 "ald'T'i with ('ojia;o and -ail r.r a j -t-ncral inovtvuyJliSj train ajdds its ijn'oti to tn tlironi " ! '" ' . '1 ' "u,aT;i." l tL- iH-!.i!i-c to tin In iter place I lirmiIioiit t ! South, lixin. 'fUi Fivo of th? .-itr!it 'representative !iV ' fV,'.', ,"r-';i ."T!j4 a'" ,ni:'-- ! da!.- at JunvUs. IMU, when; in ( s.u'-ress from, Kansas, "Mosrs. ' ' ' ! i'.i r'-' V- ,,'ff A tl.- i:n itaji of t!i- aMthori- '!c of . ovi-ry town and -ty: Qti. (. lovr, Simion. Kak r and '; " ' 'u,-1'-; !; i:' ' "I ti ? i t-- : n trt v "f its vi-itcd ;hall meet and take proper stejit- Davi's.jare here. I t y l..f;,n;,. 'V yr"U 1' f t',.pii; .... in a hje.-ial trtia furnish- ! forward the enterprise by vedunj; The! Reform 'res Asoei!ition !. I.; iii" ... t .ft 5 ; .j j; f i; u. . f I . ii.it::' i arriM'-l a! J . r.t ;- : tit 1 ; , , i- a- i it ntf a : d - w r- .i T 1 . .!:-.., ( l iv ii'i fri: riit. v -lari- 'in rnuiion. nr ouir iuuionn u a v ii! at .-fi oV; ;.!. ii t!u- iiiorni:i;r : lh-y may deem !est. Kemittanc-f and ntr.'-.'i. d at t n o'!- '-k in th- ar.to !. sent to Mr. "Welser jH :!?:! . . . . ...!. .. . . M....1. ........ i 'iSmcrlc: Wrifjht, !..-f..:e o-ti arrival r ! . "Jo ai!e t r :. the to!,. and ;'!:!) lit !r,s ' ' - Wt re t J., ti U we I , t .:, .,,! nori. hoivn everv at- . The letter savs: "Anion alljt M ten'.!..:. We w .;re t he rt;et-of t l;e noMe dead there i? none vli'VC ar::;v - r--, airl dined at their ; nan appeals with. greater pVi i If I t v , ..... .. . , i . a.ri- .... . .i- . . . l i.V ,n ine.s. i j iiev n;ivf us ii n i.i a ii eei lona ie reiiieni orain 7 ''t :! I. a n t j l if it;: .1,! ; 1 ?.0liB?a j iii. ' DOUGLAS, ' t . 1 r t. t . - t i' j 1 t I t : f- i- t. N'-;.- "l (!. tr ; tl.-. .I'll. Hste ere i p'.'.r J. a:. i t .. re- . r . t r:. e, : : )' !.''.; :i ill' . !j I:-e.rv e..u:,sr, I e.iaii"! im . an i ! -!. . :"' .sy t their - 1 - a v !. tr l . The r- ar-- - ti l t t !,;;.. . he;; !: th-y ' " !," " I. ",v ."- !. and the ::.. i ' n I .. .. i e t: !:.. ;i;..-e !i e t h .: - I.tn dintier amllaid tin la-elves out ' the Soutliertt people. The eait-"-i ti!.'..- the jit etijovahle to u-J for which he fought and sullir.a A i.-.r-- l.ak ride aroiln! the eitv Ilia's heen buried forever, but w 1- or:.- of the feature of the en- j is n sentiment of honor or patriof tet'tainment and we formed ipiite a . im. whieh requires us to bury"tli 1 : t : i r t of eavidrv. Vott niav not ! menifiry if th"se wdiose blooii. ! . ,.( e it but I am iMti-idered a ! shed for it. Southern . people vxt ry fair h r-t :r.ar., and I am sureMiave lost every honorable s. nf I ai i i-j. re pr :c-ierit than niot of j iva nt w hen they forpet himfvlf'. l:i V ;trttier ottlcer-. I lorijol to J tor ineir siiwes, w ore Miaetie ?'f'-5j . .. .. .1 .... .!... '.I i liJj M-..I1.1I litol." ' make ":relvr- ,11 r.der-tl but U'ot.1 al.rx. ry well in-Iee.l. Altogether; GENERAL SUMNER S;.;, p . ' 4 u ! " 1 ; .' . ; Remains Removed to the GuilfoiS day. i . i. . ! i ! ! . 1 :. ' I a r t 1 - j . : :. n. I . ? ' ! ' - ! j I i -i I t : v 1 t . l ' " i ; t - .1 ti i iu!i.,i'Hanis ami wa- o:.c- t !. ntef 1 .f tin silver and e. .... r laiain ! i-t riets. The pro- i GENERAL SUMNER'S - -Removed to tli Battle-Ground ; t ,1. Y 1: ia ton-. N.C., Ma v '2h 'J?'!. held a meeting at t:u Kmorvdlotel for thu purpose ot forming u tia trotial organization ami arraninir for an ;interehani:C' d .ne-ft s service. A conference was' also held be tween ; delegates from js'ew York and Boston and tho-e 'id Southern States, looking toward t-lio reach ing of an understanding that will enable the North cm and Southern winixs to work harmoniously on the lloor of the convention. Those opposed to the formation of a third party, however, demined to earry their point. ! J SOMEWHAT SURPRISED. He Went to Visit Brabham and Re mained a Prisoner. There was one surprised negro in town or rather in tail vester- l'olieeman Irvine arrested la. Alexander, alias Hill l'liarrj a- one of the leaders in the mob the tii 'ht j ?doecas !..!.. I " 1 - At !:. I w . r" 1 . K.J 1O tl t w mm l - ' 1 . . !:. : . :- luet of tie mine, 1::, yreatlv de- ! remain- (and precious littUu nnnder and t..ok h,m o jail. er.db::te..r:.:d.ra!:e.,uantitie-!that) of Cen. dethro Sumne K U m they wen n . t e p.-heeman are.tl.lo'.t .it..,!. UcvolutionarV fame wire t.!v H.an talk.n- ,0 ..ral.ham, Alth..uhia!.1er: i- situated in j from their re-tinir place, the ,n'TT " r, a b.rrin. rockxf countrv. Copiap. trv town of Hlute." some sif!1 "r "! Mnhhnux - hy that s U , : rt;!e vidlev which r ai-U ! seVcn mi!e :!,,m Warretiton, j ,,If4" ,!V4" - 'nZ ftr I5y rail ::L',(i(to,00o pounds of fruit were slapped from California' Jan uary 1 to May 1. F.mina llichenburjr, of St. Louis, lias been locked in her rom b- her parents for live venrs, because fshe kissed a painter.- According to the last census there were twenty-six 15iyear-old married women in Paris, and two of them have since been divorced. (J lie of t he most, notorious des peradoes in West -Virginia, George . Murk, has hanged, himself in jail in I'endleton. '' A reign of terror exists at AVood- side, L. I., where undetected incen diaries and burrlaries have been operated for. months'. James Gordon Uennett started the first Sunday edition of a dailv paper. The Knglish dailies still have no Sunday edition. ' bam Jones has converted a Ten' nessee . editor, and . some people think that the mission'of the great Georgia evangelist has been aCcom plished. A sensation in business circles has been caused in "Montreal be cause the Hank of Montreal paid out l,i'OU,000 in dividends and earned only .S00,000. " i The French armv budget for next year is larger by 78,000,000 francs than in, lS'Jl.' In accord with the increased amount 324 oOi eers, 7,100 men and 1,045 horses are to be added to the armv. . The only .woman on record who was t lie wife of a governor, the sis ter of a governor the niece of a governor, and the eaunt and foster mother of a governor was a South ern woman. Her name was Mrs. Richard Manning" and she came from South Carolina. i i ' T I f ; 4 f : . it '.,..- . i: t: a . i . . . : : w - i '. : ; ir le by ; . .. t : - ", . ; - i e. . . . . :.i . ... ... ... .. i- ? t , , i . w.-l. j- V.' S, ! ' ' ' ' ihii ( i iv?, . r.tiu lilt ! ice ii; il, f r;..t - a. !;e-:. r ib.e- m aliundanee. ! Jotso pring-, ve-telil.sv tue X-.- I , . T .. .. 1 , t .... i . w-... i t ..... rv-i "that s Jn. llrov.ti. A v ii at-' tu - d- rt tii'-iin. 1 he late State Legislature, t.: . .. : j i i i .i :. a . . r !., t.. .,. lhf s!ien I . Smithlit seeinc, did not taiti-. roekv j't-.i -nndvantl making the in'hn nec of Judge viu5-.z . .. , . . ., . , ,; ., , . , , a ; .: .,' . i i know Jim. JJrowh by smut, but nad i i . , i.i o i iiiai ie .1 u a 1 11 i 1 i . 1.1 1 1 '.1 1 i 1 1.. t , . . 1 , - . , 1 .. and a 1 . . 1,' .... , . . .- 1 : . ' . 1 . . .1 , 1 ii '1 I I'CCIl UI 1 : 1 or 1 . o , e c i v lo (2: 1 i,i i.-..t la:i,rni:.'ent po-e nt having the tomb and : . , , O . .. . .. .. .. .1 t.i 1.., r .w'5 i P with him. , . - 1 1 . i . a a 1 e row a oi 4 i.i- n iii.uu- 1 11.1 1 "ion 1 ".1 n s - . ; ... te a:,d ik, irtii: !-eem to be a I of Hen. Sumner removed to A t the;wise was suthc.en , , ... , , t . , . . ,, ., .,1 .-, -x so t lie sheri I walked up ar.d eol- .-, i - . 1 1, it i c 1 ."; ; H ' lari'd ins man. lirown was one -.. v;-.i erita!.!c oai- in e-tcrdav Dr. D. II. Schencj, - .1 . i..".. . ir.... !. i -nrprised mdividua!. He was al- ; l(l I I lt.ll ....... a.-... . . 1 . . . . I . ' . i- n - 1 .... . ...... , , , , 1 e ' - : . 1 , ln- 1110M ieeea' 1 .iu 11 14111. n en t i- t:... id a and -l eoiitra-t ( -k. of our town, with sc.r-.j , ,. ' , ., r . Sunday of lat week Rev Dr r, , Si 1 , . . i t :, he did, recover he said 11 ever he ' ,,,Ml,v " 111 1 vutK 1Ji' .:: i - irj.ri-.-. i: ha- more vane- 'hand-, went to the -pot ab .u- i$ ' (f j-., ,,. he wouKl tredge notjlied his hearers th tl 1 e.i:.. if. -d!. egetation and u.,ud and removed the m ..mii.fi j , ( 'j,,,,,., ,iy (desired uU clear oil the c! ral:: ra w, alth. C. in nay con.m and a Tew -..ft bone-, all that,y..; c,' ,-Tf ,,., ' "'' ' '' " " ' ' i debt of .f i'OOO, and . the who in v...-: I. There is district rlelt nmital nf thioneehonore.''raH.g "' thi-sum Atfis subscribed at i i ; t 1 too!. t nl 4 r 1 . . 1 1 1 1 . .; .. V t - ' ! ., t: .-. N. ". J. J , . . . . . - . v. j! 01 .,,. !:.. !!.' f.. - - I ; 1 -i . : t- 'i. j. .1 p I - ! . t! " n t 1 1 ... . t! in M,, ha ' ?tt a - 1 1 t tw: r iMIIiia I t I . tli SUU , - i I t ! t t 1 . . d 't ' i : T The Raleigh Observer savs-all the railroads of the State have generously agreed to transport all Confederate veterans to Raleigh free wdio are entitled to enter .the Soldiers" Home, and who wish to come to Raleigh for. that purpose This is." n verv handsome olfer on the part of the railroads, ' The proverbial liberality of New Yorkers, says the Sun, ha,s just been illustrated in the Madison Avenue. Reformed Church. On Kit s that he church .hole of flis subscribed at once, j or before ie close of that day. e ..v. 01. I !. cars and the rema in-. U 'An American Idea That Tickles.the 1 IR 'atiiiai uore xne uoay n . .- ... 1 . -i ... 1... .. ..t'.:. "ii.i Parisian r.mcv. ;Jolin Vv'ilses Booth away from .1 ;a :. ni'ii.ii i..i ,..- 1. - " i-.. .1.: I'l K. l...' Aric. t!.r-ig!i tlu-tenip.rate ,.r.v. to id r.en-bor . Gen Sumner - All Paris i-- laughin- over tin- "J"ul,,r,l, 1 UV r.",.1. . ,- r-.Fi.t .Xf,, Hill Ut converted fnto a Philadelphia coal barge. Tfie boat is ' the . monitor Saugus, atjd she has la in for sev enteen .veir.rs at the Washington x huge talwart cannon hows sev4 . jeral huge tients, its well as the pilot in the jsi.Ttk wljere it never ra:::- di-t ii.y.ii-.1; d diieftain to Waft. f ard a .ii-:i.t in tic -.mth where it ton. w i . i j-1 he imufumetit was jjf .-6$ r 1 1 1 t ! -r.f; . i 1 1- ; ciimat. ic tr"lieal he. WHISTLING CORSETS. ii.. . - t t i e;: nie id!d of Ti rra piite a di-t itigui-heil man ij; hf joke ahout an American inventor ': ! Fii'. . Within t.ec limit- it day. Gen. Suft-.li'er was !ierij!'. ' who is! aid to have; patented a cor ' ' on - j:: greater !-- ipiaiiti- th- old record in the Regi-te- ,"1 ; t that i- to Lring'about the reign . 1 . . ' . .. . . i. ; I. .. . . ,i i . e ... J I : . .. . I r . I .' il'V " VI ; kniiwn natural lice of this county -hons, Y t .. I of mor.il ity at once, 1 tie of t hese l.-odn.-t ..f th.- i-a'nh. "It i tttdv a count v of P.u(e. which then emr'M artichk i- pre-cd by a lover's arm enu-cn 'T"-IS., ll Ultl !X 11 .e..rv .-ojatri. 1 ' .d Warret,com.tvat..Uevera!..!it.ar niiee' en,it a "shriek like t Iu. 1 navy yard She bears severs We r-... ,i.l a- lahbri three :i, adjacent: ile wa- -her.V 'U ; w hi-: U- .,f a railway engine; and!U,'lts iniijrinted in her st i. . i . .i i '- - .i ! i .i . i i t sides through-the force ot ' c , i , v . .!; -art -nnt.-d -.utii o-- llute r-onietime btweeti the ,i--, t he nuentor claim- t h.-it lie ha- al-; , , . i i ". ' - " ' . , 2. t , I , , , , ., 1 balK. Her turret also - show til---. :-r Cn.it.Hii-". On the, of I ,i, and i? .; reatv inairied three ol his ilaiigli- i L ; u.. - - I. 1 r . ', a . . d t:.- wr'. :. I r t y. 1 :. ti.-- ; . . . '.' : ly , i-p t-::tii:i 0., i i ' ! ; f :s ;;:iwhejr. : :i! At i : ;.:. t. .!' . ; ' ' : p i r ; n i - i 1 1 .- .! i.-i a! ,: ti ! r i . r . I I b !; ! hereon .t ; :. r e. .: i ! - t. i !.-.; :- j th i :". w i8ri;e patn- id I . : !raj;g a'-eit t : ," ::. -re-r a::d P.-.: ; . .! r..::y i ! ! I ! !.; - house. .ovely AVomen. a.'l iii' , . j i . i (.! i.i-'iiin- .iii v i in n m-:.- alik.-.talk alik.-.thinkalike in Wa-hingtou City. The ir.j.ij mint i- in a good State of ' pn'-5- vatiou, but is -ry much di-c'Hf'.''d i . i .. a..t ,.,,,i m,.!,. ii i o llil ar trti'!v lent "ti !iootin; : ;. r. April llth, 1 s. I. from nat ur , i .... : -i . i.-i-.. i or . lino ii ii . o' m 1 1 i r labratorv. It i- : i r I- '." ... : i a '. i ii' 4' e i ;i 1 d tt;r;i a h i g . 'I-':- a ', . i h.. -a. .-r. ! -nn thing I don't ' The monuiiient oer hi- gViiie -5-' ters, owing to the'; publicity thu .v. v. iiiit. d rMid t ile Ailuiiral to ijuite a heavy ina-ive -t ruei t ii 111 -t u pon a -back v.n rd lover. j dir.-e' : a!j. irai- and thi- we whieliwa- mid- and rcctc-i ' :ts;r ', P.utthewits of Pari--, carryingi did .rri iug th ft- on the 1 : 1 1 in-t. ; cording to the plan, model. . .v. out tl:f.j:ie t its utmost, process r:" Ii thi- trip I obtained a glt.np-e of forth in the will of hi- tlatigitt to fear that -on the parlors - will The ugly temper of a pretty wo . :.. !;."n: p-tti-'ii'd I'hile and M r-. IU-tint. of Tarbr.ro. ThJ ' . becorce unbeiirable owijig to t he , man alwais shows through. 1. i r. . : 1 the Pie-jdcnt'- ji;ri- sign a- -'-t -forth in the wiliotij-? j sinndr'aiieoi.-fand cpntinin d whit-j A widow is the sandwich between di.-ie -i ! that i-f the ,e olut ini-ts u-'i a- was in that day erf f.M I Hngof all the eor-et-. ' i a dear and a smile. 1 vice vcr-.i. The-e pe.,p!c arc oer members ot i otigres o irj 1 . . n ; w lien-women s)eaiv Kinuiy 01 1 -- - , ......... ,er one wi hmv Ills horn. . Woman is the complement of a perfect kiss. Satan pevc-r could have broken arden-of Eden with a tch. omen fought battles be only wars of ex- st vomen lire ambitious ; they want to b'e men. - . 1 rj No wpnian is really beautiful no oerhao-i the onlv i n-t a n--.4 i . . . '!".... t 1 . 1 ; v. .. 1 ;.. .iw. until h 1-ohh " - -1 ti,.. !',;t. st ite ..ro fae . r . l,l ,lV . . i Th.-re would be no. religion if 1 In green 'apple 1- now seen in . 1. . 1 1. 1 1 .1. . it 1 ....:..,.,. IMC lilllll SlIMl 111!" Mliail l Il-Jli e 1 a- a strong man-toirun a rare. For he has said in hi- hc iirt, m .. . 1 .1 : . '.riirT.f:iir:iT,ii .iiiri-iii- . . i.f . ... be poluhetl, ami et up 1U .1 .1".... ,... i,,.!!.. ..M.l tl,fUt 1110 0 ' ' . . . . c.jiKoiciioiis t'rt on the Gubf'-id! . , . ... ... ' man on wa fr-'ia the nature l thing- am sil- , ' ,, , fT 1 swi etness snail maow nie an ua- f- , , , , r P.att e tJroutid to periet'. ate.. t!s t , . . 11 only w fro.i t! 1 t-ttirbed eemdition -of 1 V , . . 1 i diivs .f my iiic , . , ! : . the memorv of tins alist mgtfiIrd I j , ;. , , . r tt,..ii there would . .-. :., 1 . c.ii-itrv. ! ,. ,- 7 -'I 1 1 1 1 tj he that catcth there i . shall . - .....ii nair. ; North Cap. lliiaii. i , .1 .. . , : termination. . I re nr.- rufior- that 'lie revo- , . . x.xrJt ! ie iaen u aa u ai -. 1 . i . : lie died i:i March. I . M.l VM 1 A,- r , . !w ;.,,, . M.,-i ,,.. 1 Mo ,i:.i or r.lllier i:i-urreei innii-. , , , . , j , .1.1 i i ' .....'.... .--i ..... . ....... ....ii ... ir.... d.ii'i. .r.,fi 1 . . h ue i:,U:C,1,;uiilii.oand that they j "u " 4 V V. . ' . ' . i -V.t knowJth wdiere it Iisteth. - . . . iii:tuirei ami i ea i - imi-m- n .1 --i , , . v. ii: -.n a-tenip! the reduction ..t ; . .' I.,...' ....... .... . 11 11 orni.i o- lit- mo iii-eiin . jr.- 11 1 Iii I'C A ciKtouicr w ho dropped a silver dollar cm tae fioorreniarketl as it rolled away. : . "A-dollar goes a long way in this store." 2000 Yards Figured Lawns same quality ind style as merchants, have heretofore sold thxMbd'hli ARI) the world over.' We have bought - at a closing out price and shall give our eustonier IJhNh.I'ir by closing the ease at at SKVFN this lot ocentspe ! :- .- M r vard. r Fan Id . everv Customer. I - We are also selling a regular 0 cent, C'hallieaCu cents per yardj j We have recebtly received a beautiful irew assortment .-ofr-illX.HA'jrs 1'KRCAILKS, WHITE DRESS, GOODSTrom FIVE CEN j'S per yard up. SwissesJlUack and White Law ns, AlhatTos,' .' .' I -. w y ' China Silks, Notions, etc., etc. I I j; It will not cok much to come and see how far a Dollar will gbj j l tli goods anil prices are not satisfactory, you .are notobljged Jo buy. - I : - ." " . !-.!' t !. '. . CUT -THIS OUT and l.ring with von, aii.l we Kvil allow the sanie discount a.s last month. '' :' --. ', .-!.:'". - " , '! Respectfully yours, . ; RAYMOND & POWELL. NATIONAL BANK BUILDING, GREENSJ50RO, N.( German-American! Insurance Gompany of New ; Capital Stock, Net Surplus, Total Assets: Office in Sa-xriiigs IBai-xxl:, Yorl. f if 100(),(tK).00 i2,-293.7p5i8l e:la:o;18,174.Sfi GREENSBOKO; X, G. f I i i -. - ., I , 1 I- ! -..'. i PURE FOR .DRUGS AND CI I EMl GALS FaterLt 3VCec3-c1 m e3 LdjXLGpoE,'!,' "W"a,tp-CH 1 IiAXDHETII'8 (lAHDEX SE and Bracks Carkfully 1 RUSSKH From our I Opposite t feb. 12.- AM- irge Stock wa; can 'supply" Physicians and-Sior( (;ounitrv .-it short notice. " " ... i - - . - 1 Orders ami PRESCIPTlONSll.y Miiil -tilled anri'orwai d d 1 ! : ! ' ' ' " " -i I?riIC"ES IIlEASOIJATtTiEj -t. E I m. ITtKV. 'in the jyjiext Richardson & Fariss, Jenbow House, Suecessors-to W.. C, I'orter. . " - i ;l . ' 1 I -. n" - GREENSBORO ram ,4. ti' i ii ARCHITECT'S NOTICE; i : : -.'." " ' ! r 1 i - j..-- ! : ' ' i U ! i . ' 1 I ' r f i 1 1 . t.. da. .1 ard !l V..!r.ra,, I don't believe t hey : ' ; i , '" throughout,, 1 the day and , t " wouM be: lmi rcligion U attac Valparaiso fr i . V l . X which hadt b;$ h .t.me sna l,e c;,s - -lu.,., ,VM-C m religious women, - .. ti-'- to : n..wever, there is f 1 " onn .' f ea he slja.i be :d. y-... '.- ! Sweethearts . and ..wives ; are-en- .o.elli,, what may happen in -uch 'an i-cript ion i . r- 1 tirele dillerent women, . . ., e.-irtrv w! r- t:i. pc.p.i. aia . )f j.- t.,r,. ,,f t !i-j t 1 ' i ' A White Man Tr.rnod Elack. . A woian is seldom prosaic until ... ;u a - cntrary t.. the dictates . rt..N J4 ri;llWs: "To;t I j x ' ' ! s!ie i- s-ijue mans mother-in-law i . i r. - . i T.. t. r., sin 1. 1, ?L i x-..;.. v.. ai...- ey l.ere t- depreciating ,'..... ,.,.,., lif '7.; - f it L.r i i..U,,. Ai'.-.h.l. 1 I It ! i. ' . " . t;m 1 . 1 V 1 ( ' i . ! :.i n d" f V, !!! r - : I i'lite a 1 lie skill from white .. ... ..- ..... .i..ti.,.ii. '' . a e ie. i -. x . . . .. . ..,.., ! I i . ...11 1 fr,., . ,-,. ,, t.. f. . ,. ..- l " .""..;... - . j V ; 1 1 i:oo ii , ii ii' i,i , v. ' ' ' i ii.e ir-ti'i i : -v..- , , , i . . 1 ,. ' f 1.m. ...... ..,,.1 .,. il. , Ti-' i ! ii : .i:.l . . , 1 1 n i . ..iii. ii.-. .i.-i.,,. ....... 'once- of article- if- for Ti. ra the THE DIRECT e V i- i: 1 ? .'i iT-.o- oepn cj:it i. coii- i ; :.;; w e i-.i !i Ii e ijuit cheaply. will go i en: ;:a,! v price- Capt. A. L". Rakish With irrTnv lIStU' !,roWI!' T ,r":!,,,ro;V,, a Vvf'-f 'd- southern delegates, to the Thi KECT TAX ISxS.i ,iroWlj. ahd then to blacc e!cn (ouvention; The reaso ! " ' i was admitted to' the Presbyterian ' ir.-.,,.. nnr r..r to seek T 't& i,.-,.it,i.w,n,.,,r,., ....,. .r'ni ,IththcH..0l.hc;r.., lrll.... ..l-u. .H ?r -I :,,:, a.lllu.llm.t. , .,1,0 harmo: until Few Southerners in It. Observers in Cincinnati are triK-IC With me Sllgui aneiiitaiive Third sons The move- arm on y t in 'jibiiSBvHO LIUSIC :h: o o ! : ' . . j. 5 . . i . v t.-, s t- : -i Ta t ; .. e I ' ,,-..;:. i p - . . 'A , ' f.i"- a :r:i . . : t : ii. i ' . ' ; 1 1 i. t'. A; a 1 4 it ::.. a -id another one. t n i ti I'r.ir.ci-C"" i -aid t be on ICm.ki.ii. N. C .Alay E.-Ai and until a year ag.. .was m ; th-it nrnvails among them upon ! vital political questions, especially ss. ! in regard to Tarill'; Reform. ' They : liave experienced something of this . .... ..i. i...... ..,,1 IV It! ,OltI II l annuo mm Third ecome a iin ally South- grievance st Ihe Democratic party, and hence tlrev look with distrusts upon anything that threatens .to divide it." A divided Democratic party to at. - -io th'-ni would mean obstruction and - i a 1 - . , - ,. ... t . c r ... In t 'Ar. rrroca ii lay ot liirin ivfiniin m' y,,5'A';'' , . , . , , . ... Ii l.r.l'll. . . i .-. ; i. i u..i i . . -, ... .!:. ;. J'UM.I' f "1 '"'.' r"" pniI j,,. ,.irril.,l t,y-$;i. I.oalt.1 f: nijl.t.- .:Z'rli:V''U !..n,;.r W-'.i"-;;'"- norJTn 2,050 ivcplcllcncl. ... . . , , t with him cop:e- of tlie direr'- f . ...... ....... .xv- v.... ma. It .n Vi.pir...- ill r,,r Guilford count v. lLiP:i.g w.J... i.v i AT-,c l'.'.S . v.-e ii t ' I !:::. -tiger :::an tlie . , " , -i, jr "t ' 1 . aireau . n: v ' V." M.,Vi...l : unt of the, leviously sent to (.overno- ) i;l Ldna, of Vahmca county, r'; ; Georgia. .In tin-South a ' , ..'.,,'. .1, v';e'i t in then th'-c for tin? other forty eotrui. s ,M,rt :mbre than ihO''" pcopie n.,me-1 v.nty WOuld naturally, be :. .;-ir... , '. " j h-.'t ' He say th. Government iictj ,t.s8 jn j,;. ,.,,.,, v , :i ,... ,..,Jt bank ' rivM t,y Democrat. and ': i'"..'.'.-'--'at.. Taleabru-.no -how- that the total tax pai t h.j R h , ( i ra m;-. Their hou.c- . of. t,.(. Kepublieans. The -, li" , . ;., it to h ie been !' i. iVui- ! ,,. ii.d- m tlie.Ri-i Granue. I he . J( i n the Democratic part :: '' " '" - . l.r of crro's in the ttoverju'iifetj j rjVer I- now slawiviXalling. g. or . nf . ar ie-.v crui-er-. the . were discovert d. flU- : i D -rt i: .:n.... arrived here a few ..jjj, wt.rt. wrongly counted. ! Waats Oovcrnor Tillman Pat Out There will be no trouble jn Tv- j twining the -.Jo.nlMI yet duef "e: Oi: KM.'cT.I !;. S I V :o!,sn. f-pl- t, M A v. -tl! !i 'M t:. ' !," i :. . . t . I - ' . . . . . I II.. :' v..:., w--i.T w.ix. ii ',. -howed the Fifth Amiitor, rvie . a t n na : rarmc:- o. , ,UvrrvrVt the orderly .adminis- ,. ti.- r. : war-v.-i !- Almira! will hav oti.te a litt.e riin;i, ...unt- of th- Direct 'l'x i ttirer lb -n T. r rel i i h- -t -day. . --f th(.ir ; j.flf.af h t fairs. ,,itr..n-i-. 'id. ir-.-- i!..t b f-rc hi.g. r Cmnmis-ioner. in wluch n?.t .1u-, and in his , adv.-e- t aa.t. .; . - - . : .,, d -d i-h -.ml I ill m here one m-taiice of . v : M ;,i(Ut .lIti. ft t ! ( love-nor Tillman be turned out of , Wf1- ..Hbut .;,- nno.,1 wi. the er:n Ity .d thee people. .,1,, fou'el that a rer:ihi rer?-; r j t he Alliance on ii ' : n t J hi- op- - A Great Estate. - -r- v.,- ii.d. TI..N I.rc cmmaiebr of the Government , ',,... ,lV .,. Secretrervd M.o-it inn to t he ! -wb-t K-a-n ry p'ah. : " The Drexel e-tate now amounts ,d .r At.'Jfa- tro-.p,. Gea. R..be. wa- woundcl V,rv ri:mittin all ljKl- i ,rTi T rT rr'r aVfTTES ' "it'iabmit .f ir,,0JO,000. and is well r.:M,;u;eM.r,he and fhetreaptured.,, the IaM tight. ; KILLBDE CIGARETTE- inv0,tCi, t!mt the annual income is .hi.-!, ihey in- IL' U -.,id to ha?e ..ferd one of ; ' . promoA BqL Wli0 ouH Not EelioVc' nearly a miHion d, lar, - J he cos ' - - ..... . it throtnr i F (HM'f. r , i i 1 -v"T r"- Ud . .1- ! i f I ' i ! .i . . f V a!o t. !. I t' t - . . t ..ee 1-1 t :. , --...l ! !l,.'t.' J - . . . . , ... ........ 1 1 1 .. . 1... !:,i'V iii-i;i;iif n;;('-i r aionipieu u n iui me " !! r- g it '.'Ti d aroiiiid hi- cot ... . t -!. i - .i :. ! V. . : ..; . : " I . I- I ' - ' 1" :.:;', e;x;! r. ;u . a d . .,di. .rkel- pri to i e Iii- life. Thi- tin P.. . May o. " ,' I'.. It l" i . : ' . i--;r . ' rnxMHHM'.i ii Her rorest i ires. . yhers.-atdomnibu-. driver. : n,,i e ceded ti f ty cents a day, and , eo!.- out of "th fund, ot the or ni.nl III I V "1M'1U rrv r g iWlTi'it aiituiKi ne ' j r. ' ... 4 " ,- . II..,., r l,iir.f -i-ier li'w J" . him in ..i.nt.-.n p! .-, Wn i iam-Ihkt, Pa., .May go J;.e -J I eiuso. oicd ui a llaii -ur. , hr,t.if l,,r her - religious ! .t he!p'e.? A -r.-at many eitv wa- em .-b.t.ed in -moke ilViy ; Ho-pital la-t nlgwt "I. '."o.j 1"- ;f(. f iu.r surviving sister, Mrs. n r. u, r'e -hot atel women an'd viMerdav. At midday It i, i-j-o ; soning. : caused; .lireetly '''. , x' ' ;' ; Mi)rrt t should .lie without issue, r,! u. r. 'in many ea-i - killed dark that it wa neee-sarv tf .ijj.itj.siv eigar.-ft.' -Meting., in- i.. n(ire ,,t!lt, of over .fiO.OOO,- i( r r . -v e.td x.ill f. . I thv.f- .-!;:Idr it utr. in many ea-e- killed iiark that n wa necessary n-r - '.'";.- ,v ( " I the entire .estate oi o .,.;. . ..f ..r m ,Itr.-.,t.d. Thew..r-e people the -as in the stores and tlie.-.:.-ld ywa- gn-atiV -wo;,en a.o. v i. ' n.o would then be div i -r .': t -,t..i -hiin-. t! it R began till- kind the electric light companie-?. iv re ; He l:ad been tod i.; '''. !'(! . to tie- will ammgs V i . . .p. I. , in, i! i ..f w .tj.ue b-f in auvea it wmibl cm p.-iled to t u m on t heir ci r'c; t -. t h a t the pm-.n ir-g ajne ' ,1!l(.v- j it witiiin the pale o: In.i.. ti,i."h"U!,o- id Tara- hae he. a wort by of an American Fnrest tires are to the w.fj tad gaieties, but be .won ' . Catholic Church. ; Undian. A.S. north. . L 'themup. : . - I i1. . i ided aceord- g -jiecific char- f the Roman eased to give If you .contemplate building,; call upon us .and we will be pi -you any lnformaUim you may require, in regard to tno matter. ' - - - : a Specifications and Details ' ' . - . .-.!.- , v I ' fiirniKhell at reasonable' rates, a so Sundrintendrnce i E desired Address 31L SOUTH ELM ST., GREENSBORO, N. C rxr a t t VV 2L- paper OtTB LiBGE STOCK QF JJJ mm i is steadily increasing. , ( atiiie-Sitid examine even if you alh not w ish tj) buy at present. We are oil erjing splendid bargains in all gr;aes oi ipei and can furnjish you competent workiyen to do tJie hanging.; ; ; "1 Look un our former advertisement's in this.pa'per and ydui mafdiinb; (.nM in csivo mniipv we staii1 to on r. ;i LTeeiroj ii t s whether -old dr new viiuiir i; i" 1,1 ' u'. - - ... - J 1 - -. : Our 'addreHs is . . ' " ! :l I South Elm -Street, McAd ((.. BloJk, GREENS1K ROrN. Cj - t We have the new powerful ,mnaers, mowers anu ; aKes oi the famous Walter A. lwood, also the genuine parts and "Wood" brand of twine, all choice. Walter A. ,Wood; is not only an inventor, "h'ut a rare mechanic with th:3 inborn faculty of putting bright ideas into common-sense shape: The intensely : American . stylo of his machines' makes others look clumsy and foreign. He is one of those earnest men who do not say much -but his machines do, in the field. We have pamphlets explaining them 'in plain words, and would like to have thoughtful, thrifty men send for copies and dome and-see thisrfino group of machines. i . ; :. ; . -I - . .' T. S. BOWLES & CO., At IL W. DIXON'S Old Stand. The Saw swings joVer, tho! door feb. 2H. N.il. 223 South Elm Street, (Treentfboro. K. (' :i!:t ft!' f i. 1- ! it' C v. - ' -',-..!'' -1-