511 ft-, . c h - TIn(tiTiMilMiro ..Patriot f v i i i -ini - PU5USHE0 EVERY THURSDAY. .f. i: v. i! 1. $. "f W . ' A ! I I ' r : i i . - ! .11 Nii 4 !f I ' i .1 s . . v ' "i ' t ; . ; -; , " ..-,.!, . : - . - . : :'- -u t: -. ' I i .. i r ! i :' : I . !. - - f t , . 'i -;r I f I r i '. .! t ' i t ! IV' ! f . ; :.-.'!. 1 11 ,!)! ' f'. ' ' i ' ,r i . , i-t ' r t..T:l- . ; ; . - ,., I 'I I J- j -. - , . .--i . t--'. Pi: I. i . . . :'. - pi..'- r. - . f k-1 - r. : i : t f i '. - tv- J.. I x L . ' ' ; I ' f Pr. !'. Wn r f'-:.-;.... ;!, i ! - r . . . - : '. ' i-i.rvi P-i- . - v . 5 .. i v. ; ', t ! : V. : -i . . f ; t. !. I'r :-, i i i r . 1 i 1 a ' - r. ' ? I i.p... , t- . S U i w 1 i 4 1 in.. x ll I . j i. 1 - af ; I 4 i. '! t , j . I I P: : r i .. K Ir. i i g:' i: v . ; . Tt'' K,. N. I I' . I"! ' 1- ,.. I i. Hi., it ' " r i' 7' T 1 V "" ' . till 1 i N-.r- .. V ! : : i k I ! I! v . r v tv e t . t .. If V ti I...:. : f : -;: ! ,.v- rid. r tr i.i- i ti e v r 1 1 !. e j - o t . ,, X r t . - ,e i. a r, i I if i.e.. I i ; -r. e . l pa a ar t f.: t I.' I r.tv U . s .y i . - :Oi M. . t . v. an. ': r -i. I. ry. t t lb-crip--r.- il..ri n r.io d t:- r. " ii... Jf-M , I ! r-t ir g iv. fr tie ta-w i i.?i rpri , - Till; JioXl'MK.NT rr.rCTED TO THE MEMORY.OFi Miosissirrrs dead. ' Ur.v-'-.'ir.: Ceremonies At Jackson C-z: d Out in MacniSccnt St; "e-L.irnc Att3dancc. J . . v. Mi- . dan j. . r ' . f. i"!. l I.c re in li.i HK-rv ' , . ('.... i . nf.-.i :..? b 'l "f M--i" . ... t;!il.'l l-"i i V.'ACUINOTON WHISTLINGS. From Ye Mocking Eird. Rainy weather. Let's have a fourth of .Inly. The cotton crops in this fiction arc gettir.g along f-U ndi'lly. TUB Till II I) PARTVii MR. TILLMAN EXPLAINS y?UE POSITION OF TEE FAKM ERS" ALLIANCE, -jl It Will Not Support the Action. c.thc fieprc4 ,r,,n'a f r me i"'r fciiow oeings. vw ' . .. I .' ... , I Organizations. - A Mood the error of unintentionally mis- have often been misunder- from newspapers falling into enting us. u in'i.'i l- -t il 1 a boom. more caldtah more tu.-inc ; now 1 4 ti.- tl! Wa-iiin-.tov. .nine ... oiyc M 'ntin of whether the Fjirt'ji-rs" ' . . .. 1 : - L t ....:...... . . :-L ; i 1 lii.'" .t .. .... ........ I tt ---- 4 I Illli" "l !'' .1 .. ,.r t . . i 11:.. 1 uiininiri mi me .i.aiii- :..V" ti U -r, .r. lfi at 1r"V V: ?v 'f the National ExVfve . .:;t.- N..:i..n:,r" '?Y m I I r.l' f the Farmers' Afct-e, 1 1. 1 i ! : .t:. :.; ; Mi-- c .'i, L v. Vj ... I i ! r;i' v af.u . . ' i . I. .'!. r irri .. - , i . ... i. ..it u"'.. rriuay ui,i'ou n-ni-j... ...... ( ..jjiV1. w;i- o clok a Iitti' -.:r( u i; ini i thi- ( i:w!iin:ti : "on- 1 -li I I f 1 r.'HH U .' . I "I have heard some talk of the Citize ns Alliance;. What relation has that to the Farmers' Alliance?" "It i? a kindred organization for such ialtorjnj; men as an? ineligible tf the Fanners' Alliance by reason of tlu ir residence' w ithin city lim its. The Citizens' Alliance is to the laboring elilsrf f the cities as the l armers' Alliance; is to tlie fanners of the' country.! "Aie the1 independent organiza tions ir do they work together?' 'TI eyare independent as far as their rjanizations are concerned ; but'tl ere is a friendlv understand- Ind efuifcderation' between WOMEN ,VHIP THREE BEARS. . I t i. .f l. r rhureli '.-per. wl.i!.- pl.yiiirinaj c.ajjt.,i ,v a .Mr. Vojicrs ...It I., r. up..n. Mi- b".t. aeeid. ntly Ml w. and wa- (f w, f4 either j; hiltc nor a national l!'oer of thl rfv - of Mxs. j t-I. liam.,., ai.d ab-olutely y ith- Tl.e dr ih d. :i.!-ri '1 he r'o-inn rerci- K.,f. I..rtir. .f W. II. rail'- M-h,r,l v.as pa--ed olf j fut aul,i(ritv jr(JII, ,jje N;,nal .Mi- I....- u !.r;;e ,. v V.w i. t! !. I it:'., r : .Mi--N '' 1 r- M; r ir i ..nr.r.e I:. .". r d lit i .i.v.'way, r. i. . h Lite b r ; !.tj;:.t r: p' ..-.4:iti, ll.e 'irN and b-.ys did , Alliance 1'o:'mjc!i action. th ir bt -t and all whii attended it i;ilt the - Firrmers' AHhnee t !i t U I. j und delegates VS. An :,:..r:n of lire wa."ltti on; -Vot bv authont V or eonjiV; of Triil.iv ;!,'! wa dieterel to j jt. national otiieers. I an.oM brat .Mr. W. A. l'lttt'- r -idt nee, j ,;t hgates were sent there bfate it was i i ingui"!ied. not much j Alliance's froni only two St;4$ Van d tn:;ie. ' I doubt if they were .-ent f&n a j l th,. t ,,p!e of Wa-hinirton ibasi-i if representation. Tl;. yin- ..'orimis ..irif.:itl i of. Veil I loll a 1 r 4 a J)..: . . ..1 . r.'; i. a . r ; Mi- lll-i' i van. :s .. I. t ; yi-- . . "I A-' : ' ...il . r . .I h:.t. a . : -w!.i-..I .nt..r: -Mi- M.-.ryj ,r..t. ,.f V;!nnmon ! men on tl.el'id of Februaryrit " j- I.;''.'-:"-'.:' i'; hlUU'r;U n. ,!h,.f t!l,. ,iat..t ifl th, State. I "What, in your opinion hi be M... ..f ...v- .! ..ru:. V; p ' ,,,t h ,,,,;i-t t t tii, rt. lllUeh. and it I the outcume ot that conTerj.-.-in n .r.;..r:M. Uill never get there with such men j regard f. the subject ofrd A:.:.-..ar. Ib.n,.. .1.- . -; h nf ScIe(.t ,H.tt, r Imll. j party movement r IJ ; I... i ..u.r.. ... 1 ' f" , v ,. K ... ... .... , -I ,b. not krmV the shape-,,11- , ; ! " ' E i I : ... r . .' . ,!.:, ... r i b :.! r, i r, "I ai..l Mi-s I.. :.!.. of M i-o'tri. f-ir- , 1 . .. f .:.r. r. NAt eai..-! . , - - ii.- M-'Mu .: .:. , ti. n d:-t!.- i w-.! " If- abr. id. t 'o.m ?, v ran- in e rri.i-' r , i j -: - ..f t 'i.nf. tlerate ' ,. - . t i' ;". b rate t !.-ran. ' :1 ;. , -.,, . ; . ! t v lUlif- in 1 A Travclin.i Fraud. Sik: There is a nia;i traveling :!;roi:'4!i the coiintry elaiining to be" i . ar rel.tt ie "f the late Jude Kenneth I.'avru r.of N .rtli ( arolina. lam the olilv -on iivil:' of the eal atlairs ltiav take by tli.f, ;'inu'. ! but I am of the opinion IfVi the tv old parties w ill so end V-jfi to meet the demands of th.e ftnCrs that there will be no neces;; pr a third pir - j "Sti?i!i-e neither of them a5' v-r" Then I -believe a large luTjirity .t i. late K :i!. th ' i: avner. . This man ! of the nujnl-ers of flic Allian in claim the name of II. K. Ilayner. the outu will remain wit;: ieir ing them. - "W Kit is t! pill J iose of that enfej!eration "Fdr eo-ojerat ion anil protection alike. '.'Are thev co on federated that. the ( ttizens' Alliance is under the directJion of the Farmers'Alliance? 4iI Lave said that thev have eon federated and van co-operate. They are g owing rapidity."' ; 'II w about otlier organizations? How -bout the Knights of Labor?" "We have also agreed to a con federation with a number ff oth er organizations, including ' the Knig its of Labor." "Y ha? are they?" "Patrons of Husbandry, Citizens Allia ice. Knights 'of Labor, the Farmers Mutual Heat-fit Associa tion,, w hie Uambton one ide, and put Palmer in the Senate,' made a few Govern- everal State Legislatures, and ( 'ongressmen and Nort iiwetern Alliance, ors1, ! fortv Soutl ; ir .n t tnp re ear I., ad of i vi rv ! i v ;-:!:. i I a-. I .:..!."! from the top l-f the , ; ,; A '.. tde by side witll thtUtj ;. rarrU d t;::!sy t"Trs ahd tatf r- I i 4 '. ?.!. : n:- b,n!e v. hi h Litter Co';. i- had I I J.ere ari-oru v i men i bv the name of llivner. from I ree::-o- .l"i-.Jgli. lie t repeci i c parue. i I. a- i iv iU 4 and play d the eon- j "Will the National Alliaiiijif a t'.d. nee u'ame dm a g.od many "11 party, undertake a third:f jiHv friend' of my latht r. x , movement, in yo.ir opini(m f' jx f agr ' "Tiic National r armer A";rr.ee Thev are ; is not a political part v. J-it m of mine and live in ! aihttir" to your juetitn 5 v;uld ! sav it w ill not. .because it .f-; k'b-o- t. ..t ti.r- :.. .'iy ! th;' ' j w 1 , i ' i t ' ill "1 i re i -i w r:ed with all eon-in Tt-nnt ;-ce I will irivi- von :h description of pitelv non-parti-an. Far:?i: f of the impostor : Five bet II i1. !:-. all political parties can ).:..5.-ou:e swarthy complexion. aiMiut ."n years members of the farmers Alb.cje. ohl; weight. 1I' or l.'O pounU: ! -What is the Farmers' Ajjnce, lid of his h ft eve hangs or droop.. ! Mr. Tilliaan? IT a non mentL l b.lge vvher bv afi ward Drifts the Iron Business. They Were Hot Robust Brutes, But They Wers Tsars All Tfce Same. ; The Parkersois and Ackleys' pas ture their cows iii the Fame lot. On Saturday night th- 'e cows did not come up to the bar.;- as usual, and after waiting a re.. -unable time Mrs. Thomas-ParkerM.n and Mrs. F'lbriuge Askley started out to link! them. It was almost sundown when the women ' began their "juest. They pushed on, however, and, having climbed the hill,.'1 had entered a belt of .old growth woods on the edge of the swamp, when Mrs. Paekerson caught Mr. Ackley !y the arm. crying: "Oh, my ! look.!" pointing to the right. Mrs. Ac k ley followed her advice and did look. - ! " What ?he saw" would make an or dinary woman' faint, away, j but down-Last women are -made;,. olJ sterner stu!V, so when she Isaw Greensboroi As yiewed by Others. M r". .Tame.-! J. Mitchell, . of Al bany, N. Y., who had charge as U. S architect,' of the postoflice biiild- - . j ing at this place, has recently been in the, city,i and. here is what ho says of our town, ias giveiv- in the T" , Albaii Smith"! I'i'c.s of May 31 : r "Crossing; the river Dan, we socp j reached Greensboro, N. C. j We; were no" stranger here, having spent f J&JVTCE TO "W OMETI frorrj Painful, Profuse,; Scanty, struitioa you must use Ti - ' -J'i-Lj BRDFjlELD -S f REGULATOR H CARTIR5VII.X.B, 'Aprtl':5 jxk. ThJa vrtl certify that two memit:r Immediate family, after bavin siitTpj-1 v'. live months; during the ..winter of 'SO--7 very pleasantly HUthlS pretty year9 from Menstrual Irregularity; , . r, "i i teinz troated without benefit bv jihyslcJttri little CltV, rlhe : inhabitants are, e"eat length completel y en ref by Fuel;ul crenerous and wrm-hearted, among i ofBf TX"tX? EVfZZZZ.1. BUCt.wwyi v " i" j 'j three be.irs, an ofil female and two cubs, she said: :0h my'; too, and botlij womeix" went to a pile -of cord wocid close by and procured two stout round birch sticks about four feet; long. . "j ' ; . T!ie subsequent battle Wa - hort whom strangers and old) ac quaintancesj are; ' ever welcome. "yhen the improvements just com menced are; co-mpleteiL such as water-works drainage systemj new and well paved streets and side walks, this place vyill take rank as one of the most attractive cities jn North Carolina.' The Government building is heat, but altogether too small. An addition is expected 4u the near future, and for which an appropriation will 'be. asked! from congress. Within a' few miles of the eltv is situated the historic bat- j tie lield of Guilford Court House Boot to " W-f MA " mailed FREE, whldh cjtitinia, BRADFI ELD-REGULATOR H ATLANTA. GA. j I JTOJB BALE BY il JOUUGXilSxai lut; very exciting.. The .old bear. , l-was- hore that the American Gen. was lean, and weak. She made .ra j Xat:aniel (Greene fought the; Brit deal of noise, but when it came to I ish iGoiu. Crrnwallis, causing the ghting she "wasn't jimt.". - Two i latter't(i make a hasty retreat. The time she movedj upi and showed ! , ,f ,hn(Tilt ul' tw lath Of fightt but failing to break through ; ;tr(.h i7st. ;md was' amongst the waving wall ot clubs got- dnw:n . j t (f tiie revolutionary war, W:r;jll lf)urs a net oeai- a li.'ish lreat, followed 'by her 'two y iKistyr. re- oung ;ub i helped, kill Ingalls, set Wade One of these Iftfle beifrkts is fast as the other, so in ourse of ten or lifteen minute was the the Sut h"; Huston Iron Works, tble'MassacliUSet ts -establish- , to be remov "'Greensboro-js named after Gen. Green. Not a vestige of the-village where the battle- was fought now remains excent some wells, one Very weaiv ami couui nor run ne n f ,yhh.h is; n(nv v xt iim i con tains excellent wate-r. JJoth the onteiuling ;arniies are said to have lieen-' supplied with wafer, from these wells, ione of which is said to have been --situated jn the jail yard. A magniiicent oak tree marks the spot on the lield ! said to have been alternately V)ceupiec by both ar riiies. Tradition-'. has , it- that this I tree was" but a "mere, sijpling when CAPE FEAR HUDKtf VALLEYlTr-. i ...in ' ' i; ' ' 7 I !Vv !-' - CO.. UU....-- -t ;.i'I)KN.SEI s c In ellect STATIO ciip:dh m ami alter May;: , NOUTIIIiOUM), inulv J l;uK C - C V t Xt'f i S i ii tla v.'S u ml : Ni). 1. : NO..H. iJ : -4 i l.V. W'jiiili:-!1.' ftl'il a.'Ttt.i Ar. Kajeltei iile.42.4.4 1. tit.-' comj blc t' )ld mother bear, and the stronger cub were out of sight, leaving the jioo'r weak one t'-the tender iner- iiies of,twr wide-awak'e womenJ ji The little fellow was soon , , ' . oatched, the cows were foilnd, ,mr 'i.i... i,...... r,-..f nn r..ll.l.M..li.r..T-i.lrii l,..T.f L. - 7 J ... . ...... . I ..t ..1 it will renew .the industry up i ;,. 1 -j K , . . .. verse tarills and the disad-"' , . : di-s-and riv. '' the battle, was foil iht, and that its A e i''s. - i I . - .. ; : trvr- w:i hfr ntT Tii- :i r'unnon luill re beds an.l the coal hiines. jDame Nature is a Good Bookrkeper.' winch caused it , to: spreiUi its thing is surer than; that all! j she don't let .us stay lonir in Idebt before we settle 'for iwhatj owe her. She gives us a few. years vOIl- vantage of a location distant from the i iron pnanufacturing establishir.enti that burn 7ut heavy worlc will b ... Klleu to: get as near as iidssi the base of supply for their raw material, in order to; prevent the Cost of transportation lr.-m . . - . . . eatn g up t hen' proi.ts. As Soutli ern f"mpetition shall , make itself i felt Hie ironmake.-s . of iVunsvlvn j,?'.r ; branches, -radiating from the trunk jyve ! over '20 feet, Thi trunk . is over grace ;.t the most, but thei rec Mlig surety comes. Have you ne- ( feet in diameter -An interesting We understand th -An interesting landmark surely. h a t a c o m l ) a n y h a s 'J1-!"'?;!..', ! A',. - rit. I H r,a;n:, j , piH Xv of a man 5 -It is the great, st and g.it j nja will find more ami more iuto- ' V".i! , .'''V''1' V.'i v''., Vs ' !,v t!: ame of Janus Morehead j organization on' earth. I tatis j , th.-ta ri !' d ut ies whieli cut i(. , . Jon hi-j;i,ther s sile. j the greatest good to t he t?'; 1 t.t -t t , ,tf fr, ,, heaiier sources of , j "' ' ' 'r .'"." j '' '!T; . ti-'j.- 1 1' Now as this man i using the number, ami i- ab-olutt i ! -tr- Lupj for Jb-ssrmcr ores. ; : j t. . r... ... up to i..o ... j nanjt. t jat ,tf.t 4 ,.)t .;njr tu him mined to have exact judiv;;"V,idl. The vteady advance of the South !. d s:i w ! He iiu.i!i. w.i- . ...... . . .. r. ! .i .. .... ....... "UiiU-.. . . .. . , t f ,, ., , j j ani Hunting your paper is ia iaMr j anu sjiee., ii i;iev u p. ,oj ' ' I',' u ,"r' ,".'. "'x' 1 , "''of exposing fraud- and circulate- have, stan.ling togetlier, frf'.ui jiv. M,r; ,r, : l ,v i- llyn. d .ngliti r?t J. , takt. UU uu an, ,.f ! ... eight ndllio,.. I in co.ojil:, . r, ,,- ,,i : 'ip this s,.iirtiIr I. ; and Have more members t ij;- aMJ ' -,l,!-"-' " -,s ' " "'" ;' '. This man -win.iled M-vcral lm-n I t.rgatii.ation known to histtj'i 554ni t f ,r .I- r. f.d. r. .1 tie- -!ar p.mge o . .. , . . ... ,. ..... i i ..... i :i'.i..f... dectediai ?ough or allowed tour 'een lormeu, w un ne oojecx oi pur- .(.( clias-ing tne: place,; preserving, aim fiiig tin- warnings? lie wise in tune, maiving n a.uojyct o,. i.ayu-M t- and get the world famed Dr. PieHe's tourists. ncli- .;a r" and -livi-i ; i .. :u:!.'. r.t tt w a- t f ov m Mil- ( ; ! ! ti.ad.. bv ll-.n. r. K formally f !.. Mor i-h ifsg Hooker. It i i- ae.-. i . . 1 oa '. half of the i -t: t. r.it.- . !i r.ni t'V .1. K. .l''- I to muiV j Ve I jn jr ' tab! W any .1 in Galv -ton, W. K. McG wigan and I the order is becoming i;nuv:-;hvVr- Iit riry 1 oj-c. of t .alve-ton. ; lul every day. j - Voir- truly. J '-You hay it is ivl a iiieaf Il.vMitroN Kavmi:, (party .me sort of miioix-v -o- i eietv or Salvation Armyjf-up-; ... 3 4 t men that its I. t ry. that vicii h rk S. A. A A. P. P. II. P. . b.iv 7o. San Antonio, 'l ex. May iMth, 1.1. !.. it erator o r P. . WalthaK was the tl.. div. Ills theme wa- I ' I I,.- I ri f d r.i'v .' :i!d he gave a I- . to hi-trv -f the war fr.m II- t; pt e!l to its !..-!-. Mr-. I.u'her M iti-hio t. iteil a Closini: Exerciser of th.' Pleasant Garden ScLool. I '. rr-j...!. i a -. nf the Pn;ioi. Wi I'M -ovv. . Into- ::d. lv'.l I Hose ' 1- s? "It is missionary cnoiiglt pre- vent a few monopolists f r e.i; vejoi- trolling ererything, and iv'itya i lion enough tt save. this it;tiry. i The farming and lab.tring44oitl' by an arnest p. a r !..!... lather l.'vaa. . lit it hd T. 1 . .M.-ruIIueh. Then f.illovve.l a j ami eau eoiuroi i-'mmi.,,,,, ; Uay iU. ri;ii,.i s..!, .." " . e ! int.-r.-stiiig . program v.hieli J "S take it from the hands; ,01 he j . " to.-.. I ,x:rx d- Hv. red an addr.-s Showed exe.-lh "t raining on the.! U w "" V:u' t h:rk in tk'-; tds ; .j,,,, . . ! I it.. a: .1 ir .rr of .1, r. 1 part of the i V teacher. Mi-s i of the mrinv. W- arc rapidly-jry, I ,-t s ij. ,vi..' Anni.- .-:v. Th pri s were de- j i":: all .actional jaluu-?:jnd ; ;,.,.. ! T... fid t of the r.,o;,un..nt red in a Very happy manner by ' --ctioa!'-trilV in the in'C--v! of ,..-.ai . i I'M -lew. . in lie ;,,e fast ; coming to knon? ii.vf 'to I ter Ihe erei-.s were eotn m-f ;e. d ' v t iek t ogtf t her a ml what orVriiy.:i: jam tiofi means. I lu-y nave ti.v'num- 'i bv th- Jb-V Then fodowei lowed a ,"'r"; and eall eolitnd pol i t ie )ia t I ,1 '.making is now the most i:o feature of industrial mve Tl.e n'.'.xt great 'industry wiil shake N'it hern du.-t from eis wilj be the cot toil imlus-l It is ibir.ijuite as .'essential cotton si;. Mild be llWike ill tllC it y of the co; ton lit Id- Its that - . t . ... ironjaml stl-ei sii.jii oe nianurac- 1 when; the ore and coal and; tone may he cheap ; hut the( advantages of tl fill in ail-t hc-vear-aro.und va- luvver, cst of hamlling and la- ire Mire to maiie tliemselve? The factories sooner or vlill follow-after the foiindarie? the forges." to Dixie's land. ;e above 'is from last Satur- Philadelphia .e,'.. w there is not a more favored for the et.ileetioli of the bet in the South w ith the; coke of -vv Golden Medical. Discovery, cures as well as promises. blood-renovator, a lungjiealor. aj cure for eroi'inous taints, it -tow . ikbor is Sweet 'ts;iboye others. j;s Olyi.' overtops a mole-hill. ' To war al guarantee is syinb'il. of ho dealing. You get it with every - I J - dhig lure lime bled Soil tcr- bor felt pus ant i.est n n- hard-looking bench in City I "" -f ."0,1m m hi. !i oi.e-half w a- "' j .b- Til t d by the tate Jf gi!atiire ; : i t l.e 1 ilanee was rai-td by the I e !; tnitt. v bv tTJVaJe I - ripf j..:.-. j i.!!fert. and ia vurioii- t:,. .- v..av . The ti.in:t::i-iit isix tv it t f..ur inch. - from t !: b a-e u vi n u m a very happy manner i.y ' ' ' '"" o. .... ,u i ' . e.-.ai Prof. Klin. r, i't atres"-, lately of ! t he ehi-es w ho fe..-d and -l?L : J jth - Uect Iio, s. ( ., to Mi-. Annie P.. Kirk- i ; ;: . i man. Mr. Marion Hunt, and Mi-s "You i id before, -the h'J.(rs arrie Smitli. After the regular I Alliance is ab-olutely n,p U.it ti- l-Vefl-l -ts w re i.Ver f!:e V 1 1 1 Ii r J i 1 '. - I S.IH. Ymi smv i.ow. Miiee &rililhi had a Mttle id- it ic of t h ir n n. ! numl.ers and can eont rol w..-v1 .ic t " .1 . t, , It Ifit .1.. I'.tll til.-.tt aiei a game .z ,. lasiiioncu. .''.......... to t he !..-, ..f t h. -tat' f t he j but delight fill game of ' -teal part- j tact () hav furd r ir" ii i::g uj-o'i a It J t.vv . . ... - " I - I i .... i .. . i :.. i . i . :i i . - i i : ? i . n -i .:i r i i it : p 1 u. ..... .e e-..i:iu"i. 1 l.e 1 " - .i- i:.ia.u u n:. .v I a ia le -. i j-. - -t on ..,.. f...... .' iit.'ir the '.....! ).. ...'.. - i T1.1. .1 tli. ir ! lllll T.t'l. '.!..-.-- - I 1 v .......... As an organization, I -jic.'pi' mbers are siil'ieiently trj .--. in j 1! w ,1 ,!;..n. . 'jw.-iy homeward, with their hea rt s I t he t vv o fM pa rt ies to crngfy-jfhe 'jt i I l.e ti:r. e p:,,!f..rm -!..r,e ba-es!fidl of kitelne-s f,.r ;,!,!,. Prof. Alliance to ea;.f:re hoth, 'i?"j"!- furi;;i nr.-,.f wf.i'.-Ii:.!. -t..ne. , igltt inches rave:i. who con. lucted the s.-hool '"""1 tiu iu to re.ieve the V'tifr"1 nien h In rmmg and :ai rmg jh otk ( " v' .' t If that is the purp-;. i t he the-k. ai d th.- hwer oat ! :r ! . t e.!ig by t wenty f t wide. o .!-;.! the ba-e a granolithi " j ; i. rat ut. f,. ;r f. i w hi . extend- J .tto ;;:d the ba-e -urfaee o!i tsiet t i . . twenty-' w-h uunag the year. ' ( ' vi: i.v I I .' Stokcsdale Jottings. r.d i.-:e. :-t v ;.:;r 1 t Ve fi I i (-.:.!... ! t: '. . I- i ..!-..!, thirty-tw.. f. t : " iile. ;:ii a:el -o; t:a !!i I he Voting peojile of this p'aee t hmg bv j "ere greatly disappointed on the t -Nt!i of Mav. on account of the h dd s ,,f I heavy ram w hieh prevetite.1 them from attending the Oak Kidge com mencement - Put gov will hav man large table! iptrorj.-: "T Farmers" Alliatiee, th you ;e -li t s;iy that it is not a political -"ignn-izationr" . tif "liie 1 a-rnn-r .Mliance'j-.ing (-,,,,1 to life from the neei --.it ies ,-!:ore char thatt three-fourths of on t3jy' jle. j eet 'l'i.'e National 1 itr.'ilr.- .Al-yjice j I '.He ei Mis-i-.i There i-fro;ue talk of Dr. '. W. Tavlor making t..e-dale his f u . cannot If.-o'me a politic;j!hjr!y. ( :.i:!Jnany. They have lo I I.eeaU-e It is e.tmposetl of Uf.' o V'eT S j , u. i - v t roll geS t supports. jo! ail political parties, and?,. ye is ' uior ... i r :..g---i; r v i -.!t d ehamber is uf lure home - t in the t i aj r d ! i Gimp IJoV." r-t ne. ujm.ii j i 1 1 - . I - : I- to fft liie Ii fe.-le -f at lit e ' ;. r-.:; D.vis. which is no;! Gext: F.ne! r arm. d. The f.gure on t..j ,,f j one dollar f.-r your weekly P.vti:iot, ! r. o:. - r:' - a ('..rifetb r- s 1 a! "p trade r -t." . no party signiiica:ic in it. rjt m ; ajj ( , answer to y,.ur .ppstion, 1'- fay ' .t I.. . : i . - ... i:'.: .. . i ':,. t . (lii.il llitie I". "iilli Ml lillll' (j North Carolina Eoy Heard From, j eanc in it. but not party.' it'iieal ! .j.,.. osed I hand voti j -igi!icaBce. 'r'1 " otlu :e dollar f.-r your weekly Pvti: o-t. ! " I ion tin re are not liki 'tr'i be I (.0ss am V. rv glad to mc it ettme to ' a!l immeiliat.- developmJ: by ! 0the j I irght oii'-e more, as J have taken it .v,,!:r organization for a third irty j J!S v ? for years, sinee its publication by f movement V , 'p hernoo.l. It being mv o!t Jeuae ! -Gertainly not." "T-..,. 'we! J - :....... . i i ..-ri..... .i... ii: ., ...mi I tie of the '' Disem-erv PRESIDENT. LINDLEY. A Guilford Man Marie Presidcn the American Horticultural xissociation. AT ! V X I" Oi I T 7 .J T 1 t It T i " k clicap y assf-m-; 'l x ' -1 1 '' ' -'o..., ....... y. I r tv i i : . . . tJl vie nave nan an inieresuiig ineoi lag., A large attendance lroni oyer the Union.- '"Tiie' next meeting will be held in Atlanta. Ga. Y r la-1 y,un.vman, Mr. d. 'an Lifid,ley arie ywho was First Vice President e. the AiiR-rican Ilort icultural Assr.) ciatiotb has just 'ecn -elect etl I'res iilent. A handsome compliment to one of the leading horticulturists of the Union. There were . fi v men seated on a Park yesterday, ahd while", four 'of them were asleep (he hflh sat look ing at. Jus ;own toes. IJ y anil, by along chme'a. ma.it who halted to ask : ''Do any of you "Y!.iiit's j t lie. p: li fth, :i I ter ii. lo.'ig "Wby. .-1:11 -givRa dollar and lial f a day." .."What's the wo; "Digging'a cell "I don't vvant it, "Don't any -of too .- 'I think not H 'I.V. Sjuifeli "Ar. Urf'fii-I I.v. (ovri..- I v W film:. Ar. Mt7 Aiif.v 1 ,v. I'.rTiiiutj-i Ar. .MaM.iif, I.v. M:tf.:A., .r.-t"attl.f I.v. U.inii Ar. ' iff ii I.v. CUvfiH Ar. M;i.li .STATU , -i.l.'i r... I ."..!' re.; I', ' I "1 I. - -4 Lid : i "1 -si'f' i 11.4 ... O.'iii . s u ii (1 $ y.fs u ,j ,j a N. . St.. i. I.v. M;..ih Lv. W nhiUt A r. ii -tu.T. l.V. lilft'lli.l I.v. sanfoiM, Ar. havettli-j illt i.v. r.-ivt tt)( Ar. W U!:i!nut"iu I.v. Kayt tiAilU-. ar. .Miiviim. I.v. M.imJii Ar. lli.-niitltU 1 1 1 e Lv.lali.4i Ar. .rt't'st-I.v.iOrt'etjs r. !.im- ; .::o a. m.!; i f 7.1 7 f i I. in.'::. K i 'iA i I..; nri . .- 4 I niyi 4.."." I.K. n T i-5 . i; K !!; 4i- . V P I on ; , 1 " 1 liotitas coal (the lu-st coking e 'whole Sout ii 'l'iu-.-e are u ne in tlie wlnoe Isoutli tJian tlnsf n. 'l'he.-e are u ucnt radictt d , we lielieve. ! ir Steed niitl Iron Company capital .enough subscribed j? per eeiit. iail in) t '"build aj ice plant of loo ton. capacity. V r so good. T-make the. whole J a success we should give alljlui niteil supjiort tf that com pa-k WAKE FOr.EST GETS $23,000 'Ir. A. C. Melkc. cf Lurabertoa, j pap-., it atfords mc great pleasun Lc.itc-. L-.ir,-? Ler.ictcs to (to get it. D.rrercnt Ir.::t;:::on.-. Then the Alliance will V.'nut I to t .. A. . M Ik. . I. iir.bertoTi - I r. ;:-. in Asl.eviile. he : : tr.:- Yo'.jrs. very truly. T. V. Cviik. J out a ticket this fall:" ! .. V. ... . .. t. .. . , i ...'in" nii.iiitt i. i "A New York State ti.ui:u- r 1 1 gae;. - :::i'i :it s, vera. ;;:. ritab'e :;::.!;:." m t :. !ate ' w i . ! ' 1 1 b i " . He .. - f :;e. it t' t.-t d as b v. m. r.t fun !. . ft ..'.. r rt'..-. -t i .... ......... .. ... v - t , ...i ...v. part "..miauftti-.ited. . " Consecrated Lye." A c::-tom r w.alki d bifu ilou-n w ir -roeery a few days and ;i ;!,'! that Lieut. Gov. .font s has 1;,', up- f,, j, port arid control of the F$lx,iers' j ti,.:i :ri th unit j Alliance" in i.;s canvass I ' tovernor-hin of th.e State. v!.'fb.-it : . T f ' V I o . in 1 d .'.!:trs f. Wake Fret ! 'Iird f.-r a box of eoti-i erated kinite put it stpuarely upon its feet. all our energies turned to the ice plant and its; full develop- is not all tilings else sure? witli a division oi our energies A zmieti oy private jnieresis, w natv je the result? If you peonle not got full eontidence in they j gement of the Steel and Iron)! tally let that management be ged. The president and di- rs have siyen th-ir time' ai.nl nergies without cost to ti;e st one of miiir n in iw- f ie II - s neces-ity for ent ire unio'n ofi r forces-upon any and every that will hasten the 'success leveiopment of the-'mother ; y.i:ii that assuritl is. not all enterprises certain' of sue ami without its 'success what company in Greensboro or lcliilty can be a success.' use are solid ijuest ion.s and ope our people will take time nvestigatc. Are we hi short sighted or 'selfish as to pay no at-f I tention "to these matters'. u se remarks, arc not intended i r t any one le.it to eail attcii- to tin- main iss-ue. ; With a n il front wioild not ' success n our every eJl'ort, and that soon? With a continued di- :s 1 I ; - i iii l. Inel 'ect on' May-;'ltij ?'. i"- ; sitV it :KI'M. ' i F ' i ::' v..; iii t -.';.'. -t V- .. -.----.J . 4;...j . - L.,- nen want work i.i.:i.. .. L? ii.?N .'m! .yr-r asked the .V-- ? ! : I t ' silence. . : - ' ""''V : ; ; ,:"-'.;'!' i" : -. , i I j s . . - . .r -.j 1 J . . i a I. . "i" - 1 j i, -' -t i . j . f. " . i o. ;; . ., . i- I'.'M ' -'-'! L? ' ' ' - ?!"-i:-'4' '" '.-i ;ri ' '"i- '! (:' '"'- . I ? I' ii- i . 7 ,;il io., -:(-:,' XX. , - , A I", i. !!-,. Ill (?;, In ..hi (.r.l ;f ... ... ; ,, ; ;. x. -:.:: i - . ;- - j l. c.-'m..: i i -f- r . 'i --Sa'.tm . ; .' ' N , -I ' !' - ' - j ' .the; rest 1 wa n't a ., ' ' : I r. ',i7ZT"'i ' . ,' ;' . " ; our- . i ..--"' - i ai. -si -i. .r. .-ui-i --; i f-,'i a i. It if yftuni-'maki A,-'sTat7U-ni.." ! " : : .'alil V'url ' ,' the pay. .$2 a day ami the ".work . "' ' : j - ; H- '' ' ' 1 . , i it. .v.. lKt 71 ri:w --' p.,- .!. i'1? 1,1 j' "i -k f -.pii'king s,traw)eriies 111 take the -- 1 7 -1-.4 1 ances ot ;wak;ng theni-up. . u-.; i.a:i. in-. 1 -j piiij.;-.' ;. . ' r j y-' s-1 ;t t: i 1. 1 r, . I .' - j a ;i, ; l iji 111 j i - 1 ; ' v-r t.ii'rtw l'.lr:. ! j . .1 1." asiji ! ll Jit " ut- j -- ! ' r V .i;.u-t ., : . 1 Vi leili iji":i-M ai I ...t t . iv - t k . t . . . .... - - t ? ' -- - 1 : . . ; - - i ne Italians 01 ncvv priean'.Siire w,- . . - t-rt r- 1 ... r. ...J. , .. JrT.t- ... I.V.i lin-Ji.1tiri " - I .- - "4'i a-, ijili'-i ,ti i . - - sentung Aiayor uaKespeariy mier- A) ,,..? , - - , , j .,. j,, :in!i. !;. 'i m , ' ;'. nal maehini-s and; anonymous '--. ." '.-jup'-- - ; 'j'Hi. 'A' :'l ters. - It t!j.e I ta vi ns vverb' wise - ; . ; " i j ; j.iV- : ' ; . . they would; hardly." mae a no't her voiuiiiioi ; --i i 1 ''fi s- - dasl'i aCtheihiWJavv.; . , . - ! ! 'j," --"f ih'T . J. i - . ! :-'e,:T:;',i'.':a.- ' ' j ; -;ii ' .aj 1 1 i 2 ...p..; j, I ! i v &s$k mi ib; 1 . ,; : u'- " H MArmlimi ' :---' : ' ' . ' I ' . : mi! -.-iiirv.. " V. ! .w ..2 fiJ f'.j-M v .j - - :; ' - . - " - ; - t ii-I I.;. ' I.1, - ; -; ;' -w -ij . j ' - - i.v. sah.-.M iy,.' - j - ; a--. ' 1-1'. . - i - : Ai. l.-.rii-i.r.., - s i " -'J j -T" rf 5 ' . 1 ''i ' " : f ! H .'------ J : ! .( ' '' - ' .Ar. V:i,.-. n-salilii,-1 - li.viifi .1.1 yV; I v t.,U.i,JI.,.r... hi : '.(" ai i ' 'I I Ai-.' PilrlKt n; - ' .' M " liJ ''t'r' ' -' If ia;"i:.ti..:iJ .. : . .! : : Th 'Tv.ll I . 1 tl - e . i " 1 r f i t .i i. 1 ' w'tii C 'i mv'tnenrp :it t i t J r hrl' . M.-viVv rht"r'-. . ! J '.X. :: T ''! Vv: -1. I r . -.. -' -' - - r- . , . . iv -mi ' i - ! . -i.-ii. . ' : U f -1. I . .. I . i tL 1 1. . I W on - Lewis jiipI ' Hiitli K in Greets':" -t ho '' ulTiM-Mn.:, ;! " '"' Ail i? . . . : - -' ! j -.-! -- n I;. mm. Anna ("aljiin as ' arre-stejb.'iu Ne'w York trying to-sell . "hei1; liaby for '2"-. ' . ' ' .'" r - IX G REEXSBOdld, X. ednesdcW, June! Ktli.fQl. 1 - I : wiii Commence at ib O'clock. V;llll:ii!o Uilsiin !1V are ;i L-'wis riii'l S Tu 1 1 1 Kim ivcv, tin i ' . local cu t''!:t;ii!f;li!-ilips root'ol-i the oil v. op which Iost-oHi,''.: :b . 'i'heso lots arc ticai- t'luj I Ib-jndV, ni -tiro yo'ry hc;n-( of the lpiHiies injijiv.eiiMMMLr iiortioii nf the cilv T i n i i i i. a. ,li t- i ( )n r:'uth Klin. ir;igg. Ashyboro, s'rott. ( 1alhvll. '('unild'-iilg-o. A.. I nnd othor tM reel .-IT" 1 'o i : - J i(Hi.-o. :aiiriur; i ; s n' iiiimn tui bin i ver of le. I roVV t loll t n -o!i-e.-riittd li- t this dow n as it. Tl r i ieu ,i "iii ,iii 'Y'Oyl Lieutetiant- iov cn.'cv . ? ? t . . .j i ; c .i -,i :i i 1 1 . 1 1 c-;-b- i in iv i zih a wora ,oi ;i in visi V an-. not control the Alliance, n' jlave . . . ..... f .uiHiillU III ll'l lll II. f Av 11 V rem would lielp it on to" entire flipo .e'i! a tirst-; ' ' .ujipo-e ne Milium in .je a i com Ilnptj-f s,h.H,l in Lu;id.ert..ii.V,,,nrnh' rt ''!'. he uiikm.wti Iire, member With the fam il ia:f,J -end jliad t!. . :-ar:d deiiar- g H S p. tI.e ,.... " u:iurH'.lMiK he pays ;Ii,. fr.ift7,tt'I ! sue i -:d -ni3. -if .".f : bom,. f..r tlie aged s T h re siftlm e -bf. r-. everim-re , ; sujipo-e; he has endeared . H'lis'elf j ine? .r.d i:-.:r? d tui-ii-t. r-. ; W.-avig n ;it,..tl throa-l. ; ti t he f irmer class,' and. iT- ' our live I;:!;. ir. I 4r- wa- the I-over.d elas-j,. paintings are - i.e-irnlj might be welcome. .the' W b ut ! f for t!i- Hapti-t Female 1 fatniliar with that famous gr..iip. bosoni of t he Alliance." -4 1 1 all I : iv. r-.tv . icalletl tin- "Three .Fates." Fate : "-M r. Jones is n..t eligible tl"- 'i.-m. will lb- a!-., b ft a I.ir-'c -;m t.. i ho "' cruel wht n it deprive-women ! bership! in the Farmcrk' AlHiiici..!..,! .-Jn.1 ..-. k-M..d ' 1. 1 ts-: iirphar.ag- at Th-mri-v ill.-1 and gir.- ot ii.a.tli. Ibit in Dr. ; if he a- I am informed. 3rgei We have an unsurpassed location This pronci t.v lics-.i: 'l.i!lV'n,'nt ti'acls Vv'ijhin ;mi1 iminedintclv ailjoiniiif the corjioruto iiiuii,-. ' - ; 'AIiid)oro, in iy out4 u! t ik- ii iicst Irct'ts ni thi widened ami liiacatlaniijMl the ( I radcii '..-hool ipaU'ilTo cost S3 "J.Uijt'f.iio, will be loc;iteil bn thi jhayinif already Ijlm'ii 'iin'oha.-o(l An- that jnirjuy n of plans how long will wefstnud iis 'aUo the'niain outlet ; to the cit.v, .in. weak"? " .' j jtliaii a'nv oth(d' street, .v . ' I 1 eitv. will be . - 'I ' Tuilliirg, csjii- street, tlie jot -e. Asheboro hiivbiir iiKir- travel BETWEEN WEST P0IN -I I'-inl . .'I. in ! - ! VI.. i-., ii. 1.1. !!. I 'hi ria h.-i'i a. l.iMj ili t.t ;i .'(.. '. i: :i.r, i : 1 1 ."- n.'ia v alia Jl .i i. ta : 1 : l i. i'l a. In. llli-l ii I it ; f il- iii. an'I t.i )J. in. 'y e-1 I'' ii rit ; i a iiT uA .1 I.. i vi- $ Hi. in ith the Steel and Iron Com pa Ajj ..1. , , . .ii iuny enuorseu oy our -wnoie Mm h of the projiort y is within reaeh ol water hnuiiitv, ! every thing given it pine lignts. wnicn are iing rajmuy caioiuu;u. ess, what other enterprise, bus- property or individual in inidst would not be -benefitted rj unoutanree -j operation or ur peojile how much longer- the main enterj'rise be retard- 4roie gas ami (.'lee A! street .ear value of tins projected tlnit will athl largelyjto dhej ty. ; ; - . ;; ; ' : ; . - .- -y'. .: - " lieantil'nl residen'ec : Lot' xvill he ilTlVCU to the ltartv '.' p. 1M. i:-;-,j: VMilU'"' it-r.--iiil i.- I'.'IVO li I. e (,-t si iv i pi W a -fill..-. .luutcl-1 "1. .. ut a . 1 1 ! '. nit; ::.i.vl'. .::. I'( ma:t t.- i '. M., iiai i O.-fllllel-. -M.. l.lH'll.!jl No. lea ...HI j HI. Willi No. 4 1 1. 1.T 1 1 1 '; i V. l ' la ill- le.TX v. hl'VM I...' a. in. : aivi .-- I iii'i ':a .iatn ..I-.. n. iiai.y rir . 1 ; tr!" -a. 0 1 J i Leave 10 i-.fi-iir -ii;iiTla4, ."U n! a i ri ve Ki' I h:-..u. lr:l' 1' L. a laily m 'ii. I n..i,.f BETWEEN "EICIIMOJCD it I-1 Elkil VIA KEYSVILLE. i"ii..'. .;..")'i. ui. "j."nl '; ai riven i:l.n-. ,s.'.i. I i . rti i.i '.'.Si p. i.i., i; in.' leave- I -1 v Ii .s.l..j ii a . in .. i i . ii 'i.i-t' it' i !i, ,. !! hi ... ' i; ; XL- afi'i ...i.a.J,,.j -:., I,..:.- .!.i 1 :'.! a M-1 1 f"T 'I . i'ii"h rat- Urn li 4 hV .!... It.- ut. ! a v.it-.u i.'Hivd r..i.i i Ti 1 f ion aii'l Sitii livv.fMi-i. i:a;.."'i !.ft.vv!uL'ii Wiij-iut-v? i.-ave- W a ilii 1 1 -J,i i Mi--. ) .'L, I .iveti.-yoio ..! !' 'i't- h-aii.itc";;ii.-. CC'M..:'; . .Vi. U'-p.l'l.Siir'." lea'o )t , y.i-. i ) Y ioiio '.(.rifr.-Aij, siii-.i.i.i ); VS.'j.'. A. M.:f tljnvvj P.-rj V ;::..:.' A. MitW'u-liifW-: : -; i t-c 0M-:iv;2. i 1 ni. p i liaiiv. iuuke-4 toiiii-.-Uon 111. i, li-iivuix :tti i.-'J'W ui. W-'J f iiinlaiv l.iif Oxlorit. lleliilt'i on o...v II., e.-i !':. r . l.an'ab:.' ob-t(-t-. 1 'Tce s l avonte rrc-enption they ! manufacturer. This "not p.-Xde- as t ii- v.i.- t:...,e t nristian mati ; ' ' ' "re oi unioiti vaiue ior ner- oar- niBi irem memtiersinv. Ji but ' ro;u :..J r, .dingly p!.i!r.nthr pie. y"u, pfo-r rat i'-n, -iek headache, I places him. with all otltrlike but ' ". . - l e.ring-d. w n pains, bloating, weak ! manuf;ieturers, among thos"y:j(.ru '-et . -.omacii, antev.r-ion, retroversion, i the farmers Alliance h-.cj i.-en I Closinn Exercbc?. a id tle.-t excruciating com cause to declare its enemies.i-M ie-: surrfounded by such soil ., , ,,. , . ... . - ..... - .... v i - . ... in r. , v. 'yii'-..;H-it walnut ov,, plaint- ma'o-their lives miser- I fore, we are not supposed, pe' rec i - .. m .ti'it". ,v,i nun tr iirr.i-.. it i w. i . .. - i. nr. .. .......i,.., . .o i health, soil, climate and rail! facilities and need nothingjl imeness of nurnose. ! Let iw.l the bes-t ores nnide into thV- product, at the healthiest epot on r. Ib v . ... i i.itn t, ,v. -I .. e.ilit.un. .Il no eurt fid ingn dient- gress of ( reensboro. It we likely, to set a precedentgr- u:iXL 'n earfh, with such facilities anil ill' into ! he ranks of mi r ,Tf'f -i, 1,. "..-L... ,.1,.. ... .1 .... i ..:.. . ... -.1 . ' .. v...' ,..i. in ni.t i "il iiin. i, .nr. ut'i tin u t; . .-e, .i -i;-e. - -! t; i t er Kl .1 lira- li u ... I : e . - : e . . . . . e-. . 1 '. .... . '.I- V V ...... .o... f iti" saii-iaeii..ii ior maieriai par .overnortv-'any pn H i- s.-hoo! j- we.i ,.;uipjH.l and i r. . v ry ea -e. .. r it- pri,.,. (.-fl.ou) other '.ate oilieer." . ' " furr.;-! ed. i.r-t e.a- w.,rL ,s ,!.,, wi!I . r, funded. -'It has L, en that tle'Arm- ' m .y ry u, p.., tm;,:;t m arly ... er- Aliiat.ee i- now worhy3 for pri p -p.i- u.r.- ma!ri.-;.!..ted. 11.. re 1 enty. three pt n:;ib -( r-migrant' ;, " ' ' '2 1 i- no bttter s..;... .1 aiivwht rein the "v. T. f. Cvrxi-. . . .. .. 1. ... . I- r r r ro,a: -i;v v,hat authority'r ' .evv 1 1 1 r t Vi-Meriiay. him. "New-paper authiirity." as our t" contains, in the Ihiest cli lliil ttwep am getting irivfale clerk to i'resnunt iiarrp I. . . o . soiii savs ex-enator ingaiis wneu tallied of. as Secretary Noble's sue ee-ior piireluyiugithe largest, uuniboj" of Lots. A Lot sbleeted by the iving"r4 Daughters, will be sold' for their b5ielit, ami the-KNTinj-: pitoLidios jrivun to their Hosiiital. .' j' N Ibiy a home in a.' city. with Paved Streets, E4ertric Lights, Gas, Water, Sewerage, Electric Fire Alarm, and all modern conveniences and im provements. ) ''-.-'"...-. . . ,' i - ; ; " - f ' , . Thirjty-twd daily trains carry passenger.-: to land from the city in all directions. Work is 'how progressing oii the North Carolina Steel, aim. Iron Company's blast furnace, the cmpltion of whieli 'has! been iar anteed by the 'Company - '! . '! '''' Reduced rates on all Railroads.: Railroad fait' will lie returned to all purchasers of lots. FR EE UAlMiECUE ON THE GROUNDS. L ' The tlehiiine. Or.igm'al i'E I L AivERs. wi.l conduct Jhe sale. TERMS 1 cash.- ! .in 'six; in twelve, and; in 1.x -months. LAST . - ; ti . ti . X- -e v, -1 i j -1 v . . .. .. I ' i ,. . ... I , ! ' .... .. i . . ; l . I . . .- .. .. .1.1 ... 1... . . V 1 , V. t .l.f.l.ir .... . L ! . !.'.! . ' t . HI. Mf 1 I 1 I' . lim oui 10 ue ;n ... ........ . -. - - , - - . - -- - i i, . . , resi.lem-e within 'ix- m.urths. FREE ( ARU'A(' ES i To ( . R 0 UN D S .4 " f ,',," ' I'or furtlier inforniatii'ir;; ;o!die-s .Tut; Si ni Gia: i:sijh 1:0 1 kVkstmest Company. ... , . ... . ' l-IMi i 1VI1:. 1 Aiienonew. y miyis i'a.teiiL'i I'ointiaii'i Ij U'-i, a(nl ' . .4 U :i t v t.,t j i.ty. S " Sol. ...i ai to itii'il fioi itt sima t- Noj coi o. -e:.,"aii-l: i. .V AL (-.'.a. 'ill's l liil : tll-Mill-ll 11' ia!t'ij.'li, v la'KcjMl.i', '! um itl.i. : 1 I ; I io .coiiiuvt :.;ft l.it.lii ut an.l LallHJl'itM; .Urri 1 ti ! ..! roiii.t-. E:iil; M.:f.a.l(ii;iyiiHl W i.i.i: ' niitl fn.at lait-uevillf. . ! ; ni . trt atm-ei-SnSlxTo lor lf .; 'i vt-'iity station with ir kiii to mi'l swi.lay. ill' :" - h .KEl'LSii Ctiii: KKV1...;3. 1 s T oi f1fiti4'- aii'tju, I'liUniau. UiilJH,; tK-tMo"f -Nllautii an.l INj-vv V-(.rK. ot .Vtf4Uta, ah.1 tm.-t-nnU-1-.'l via A-h." "-;-.: , ri.-lvvnj Ttlnn. I!' i ; ' -, Oil 11 iuufl2, Pullman; ny'd; s,,-ej 'ft . - - . : . . . .. ti sou! N.-w il'ltsu..-. via .' .... W:.-lui.-'t 11 al'.'I I- Ui'LlilVflistHiH', UaU- lii-lvvft'li VV;HlMi!Ktoii tiHj Wahiuiitt amli bvtwt Klt-lllTli.l 1 x 11 ci. a ip I aii.B Piilluiiii nu.iVttsl. i nn i l. oo ton iitii'l A 'rliroiiuli on all l'oin y,;,v iatt4 l.n'al ami tl.ivia.i:h.iti:i.- if - f f i to any ajjeiit ot the coitin tie. . i" irr.i sjp.'ri War-hiH, i... ilio aii'l IM s.pi:iii- lac' fts on Uj!f lit I'l'i-iy i- ia.) 11 . !--. -, !.-nr. I'. V . . I.N. ISVU'r.. .11, 1 I u . ; 1 tIV. il' :K 1 .1 y. 1.. .t ) . j ill ; H -i- ,'T- - V 1 " - 1 1 . 14 IV air.. M ij....-''t lUlei . I .i, v 1 v Ji"- J-.-' kh, i;.'; r ' .... 7 ' -A i 1 -. -i ! i . " . . ' 1- - - ' -:--.!-!