he GreensIr llilSiilFpi GREENSBORO, N. CfTHLTliSDAY, -JUNE.iS. 1891. Illy ihf rntriot Iiillishiiis ( onipnnr, I i TKKM..S Ypw, lii AlVHnr. S I I - ; ! -; i - - i - ' . . . i ' - u. s i v. -s t .... ; . .1 Er. .A! lliur K Ledbeiter, s' r-- : - ( J . ..' ! r: j!or V. II Wakefield, V.. J. RICHARDSON,' v 1 1 . ...... . . ;. i.. i . :.. .. - ! - I 1 I t ' ii y'l ... - (- ' i i 2 ' I i lJ.,i..i.n. i S 1 1 .. , : i ". i z 1 1 ,1 . v . t . .'. , llit " , i . : s i t , , ! t:. . V V L i V ; t ! . ... : 4 . ' . 1 1 ! i ' ". A t . - - - - 1 Coot, i .. . i i w , , , ...I.). i ' l l-r vinin vi $i63,oco in gold dug oul'tyr! tTkLL.MUliU. &A1 . . the earth. l TI v, !. .SHALL WD LOSE THE GIRL'S INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL? . ..... :n;i..ii;ons ;-;r.ac to tne irusiees Vcittn'ay ly Durham. Thcnas- . .i. J ...... V . 1 4. .4 W ... of the dtfan Who Euried It. ' !.. p..,rd Trij-t.-t-s appoint-I t xri,t 1nl prevails among th&j'.gi- ! ' J..; ' v l.-t ;.iht;.I Av.cinblv, f Kershaw over the find ir.-f . ..f th-, I'. m-.!e Ir.du-lrial School iH:JM0 in g..M and fthor vVi- : :L. I :t .:i..-...i:.t inthi;,,!' trea-uro, which va- 1mrit:n . . . ... ....... : that ii i iiI"inMl '21 vpnrj tn - ' - . ,....,.Mt:.,:: a.n.l !:! . "''n S.VrmunV a nay was l.;!fi - : ;r jr.. t';.- ...a:, nl.j.-h !. -irv to m- throti-h South Carolina. Th- r .. ...;,!. A full h'-anl n as t '" r t Ih ( iijHU-n Iwink ci'Sh t- : : . . ! iro r, '!,.-, inr.an. t!"" in'TMy and jewciry'd . i ...... it l. : . . , :iroi;iii ji in near naiiL'iii : " 1 ' ,, fr,.r;: 'I homa-viilc, Kershaw ff.tihty. to hi "fct. . . ? ji;.; : I C...:. ,:n a.jH ar d In- - "I'h.-.v wen- captured hy Slur:-t:s The waird the d world foreiLi neve Sout ir f .!,! ar: I in;i ! projM.-i. freel to pile tip ,.f; .- . i 1 1 hi . 1 . .. v , i. ;.r. - n:ed hv I 'l'1"' fMi-rs in turn v ....... C W'V. -'ii i ,,f:" "f ' heir nnniher n.imed ; .I. II. -I.;;-. Mr. l...,. h at "ry it. Anion- the treaMijs appoitd led IMnis ; " !... I I !' J .- r--".":'1 "v' r..-. n:.d i!..- luUan. ' pitcher, presenti-! ..v :. .,.n :; i' ,.u:.n the I..; ird i ' hdi. of Cliarle-ton U 1- .,.1 : :. !..,.,.. i ' . ... tl.. t, .! i.ojin. On hi- tleath-lietl, af-,u r aS.m ,;,'. ;!.,: i. v.fi uhi-h were two. Ida afterwards. Rhodes saie 'i ; ..:: -t wer.- f,.I- hid hnrini the money near art?.?! vL: F,:-'. 1.. il-'iiut.- the Thni. I asi JI. for tl:e pat twenty vs .r u ..i.s.:. '..;:.- hnildin- aV;ri"M j.artie have heen clijrrijjg .r : fi;'. .1 and d -irai.h-j f'r the huried treasure, Init tJ- . i .;: '. .-ind -; acres of i:rinnd i ".(i u.i-i. i' i !"-sitd and addi ',! 1 I.t:i!til:i4 not to execed a ? ; l".'" ' : 'imiii! IniildiniT" ruplv w ith tli- j Nr thern nun.-They have mii . .. . i i-.-Hi -.iti-.n- fumi-hed ; di.ippeared. - - i . - ... . . - . ;-5 ruArnrn with vp a ttti-h - . . . . : out jsiicce. Last rndav i'. however, it was seeur-d liy-afV-l.'hode--, Jirotlier of the man wf, huried it, and a Mr. Swairf.f'iiSi 1 ' 1 3 trI f i n:-tei . no: to . . : .i . 1. 1 .o,ntin, ineiudin:: j . I , I. . - - I a:: a MX iii.it. ! u "r.t'.te. d t the -tii- ri. ; f.iuiiii" '. at freia Clement II. McCorkle Ciiraged 'jh Obtaining Money j Under Falso Pretense. - In ,r : j . VI:K, June M.CleicJit ., ... , ., II. Met orkle, fonnerlv a L-fC;- 1. ;..'!h ttinu Lath riev nn no eI Jhe over hut Inar;; Tjonthern FactJ. GENERAL NET7S. South i:::iv vet dtvelop ;t hi: t ie( loo a !ii" .r- f liirltt . iUoacyand Jewelry Euried DJc.g thinHn the e? iton (i.t n trade.) President to send 'two women to tne war in boutn uaronaa v . v ; it i aire:uiy larce, Lut It proline I Kurrine to help invcti ' Found by tte Brother ? ; t (to n r.w Into greater diineniojM. ! luiirrjitum irohlein - fouiiitrn niiiis pav Ii ii?f: -r women to ate the im- than the Northern "milN of' Ir1.1" at again on his atnekimlpaV. Xfjrroedot!a-i !u:t-;ft;uI,lW- alld hopes to improve hi the South with a white'11.'11 next few . months, er and two or three w Liu- Ji 1 " Vc 1Ji puoiisn tiig own n. ! We undtrstan.r.th:,1 if U run- fro:.; si. 7". to '.;. j, K l ; Ws.rkm. n. a;i:i i.L ' :..'. een a -?tri.- ani.fii;: a'! " ' "' j . ii 1 1 ! e cnecKs lor pensions outstanding were -presented ivnient all tlie availahle cash trr: ;.;!-!! o;l rsaiil jt lua fact that in a!I S - -;. ;: ' -'! In nd in the .. ti.n mill 'thi re i. ,- "' ''4 heeil. hut oh- t f i I. , (,;' .rtaner, nnd that oniv 'extend- i Y Treasury- woiild lie expended 1! i e re w on hi he a deficit of ,$1,- !'). . - - 1 I. j . H ! : 1 1! ML A.cu.-rbmer who dropped a silvf rilW f '.i- po, rv:::..-.rkcd as it rolled nw iv. ' "A dollar goes a long way in tAii s:,im' Mi! t i. i 1 1 !- hly through', a a few v.-ee!v-:. n'Utli has many -aovaiitages 1 ,.,fj hciXorth i;i nianv things.'' ,.,t? a-.n ! tie moneyed men and mi'1',.,.. i;ers are ;-Iov to discover them i and .jdniih the-I'a-'t. Lut i iu-y u ill ( t j HHKre am eoncei more he- ma ii v ea i t-. r e'eotto.'i mill-, tin Cotton seed eani fore Ti rdl iiiilJ-J, and the iron furnace; all (e ehea p r '. k m and of ;ood ty tlmn tlie Nortjhern .mills IliTnaces. ; This is io. and it is tt-' New York lliythl says : .."It aiways.de man dat-makes de ia.is-e in eluireh dat hez de religion, deali Tiredderh; A Km make mo racket wif his dan a do.en ioud hosses, hut i! eirpie to gittin tip'ai.r.git- '.hiiiie i'a't dar.V" rod (pial and folly Oi-ei asiti is n OH' Who Ci colle a eir vit ern de.ny faetP t hat - r 4"' - Lalior is result! 1iiiv.-, and i laLor. . U'.ii,, ,'.;)'.., M arc easily itisfaetory mueh of it . jTHE DEAD IIEROL. ciiuenoryb-itvaii bo roroeturi tc;! vi the South. i .a:i.iToN". S. .. June '.. The - oi nariesre.':. . issues Mjs. I'. S. (irant lias all the love lett(s written to her ly tlie Gen eralj then Lieutenant Grant, and sr.iil lif them recentlv that durin tin ipur years of his ahsence every ma;llnviug!it her a letter, every one of ttir-m full of sweet nothings, love and j pre ar, and now and then, some ed h aves and .lowers .1 .. . .,, h 'j.er in the orv gooijs etat. ii!;i i - r.lv i 1 i!mia l.ie a- . , vv.3. . . ... ,, Mn-'iit of A. 1. tewart, wa- no n ... ,. . d in the eoiirt l'-d:iv witli paviiii'-T nun ! ... ..ItliV eliiuate . . ? . f p, . . . .. .!,, .,. ,!' "the ve ir r"ur lri,U awn on the I .iUjV ertl ' - ...r r!WiVv hank, of Sali-hurv, ih.-, ".'' .in .i.u.iii' '- "i iinn-ii-, , :..:...! ,. . i... .iT-J . i r, et -taioe-, t te.. . ., . f:J . , , ,. . ., 'eiH-e Let wtiti the amount oiy f.js iimm! if 'irneeunrc. ! i ..j:.-- of I i ; r. foe . , r . '.:( j ,. . i L:l.. and M-ni- e.ulid fur hKlil.e I that a convent hm ;d 1 . !.;.ni;i mat' rial in 1 , r .... . ,.,-i , u . . , ., drafts. I nr u raits were rett; vrOl vei t ;i s j.nd e-.Jlei i. !t:e aoxant a'e of t!ie ..it. i i- r r, 1 , 1 -. . i . . ' . protetcl. Lati r a elieek io;vip 1 ha i m-tol), at .-uch t eat. I on a -reat 1 . ...... , ::.!: " , ,, , , ' ' . i ,i I wa- receled witli the )liun;i ' ni : i i i ' i ' i -1 o i . .uui in uu- . j . ii . i. ...-' . ' , . . r-.. 'Iii.li inai repi tr-fo it i .in . oe jis i -.; , e A i n . ! -ti -t P ir: f toe Mate. ............ I . , - . . , , i in uic nan it i .io imimi- ''ji1. an i: .. it.i v. .i n itii -euteil I'V a .... . , . . i i , , 1 , I he prisoner said that he had U')-t mad , . ,. ,, ahlv overdrawn Iih account. 'I i h tMn - f:.,;':i".r' 4 ar" ;.hni.d that he hi. I done anvtvig rept i. ... . . ...;t-. U ' V"-, rM fraudulent. He wa. held ino j;, . - .. .!; d.:u v. !i' aL. v pre-. .... t.- C 'A' m . , . , . .1 ihai tor examination. - l cnlh 1 i I.iiiii t i the , was reeeied w it!i the inform pV ! t .. . l! - .L.iiii i i the f . . proposition, was HE WILL EE LYNCHED. I '"'l . ! -JiMhmi in -ah. I . i-' . f t... I...-. .th ..-is Lt ing ' The Foople Wrought to Fever llt -e ... r-.ul.r Hill and the ' Ey a Brute. ' 'P f an m frmit of u-. v i. :. ? venti tak( fa repn-entatio:! id t!:e .n,Tihe jjght come-. 'I an jo i. Whether sueh 'delegation j P"1 j!5 the head f t ho H tart in t!a eo'-.ti -t r nn'. 'witlimy ritle. " ' , m ..n in I no; ... ;Vni.i.;..M., W. Va.. June" 1 ! v M.-rs 1 ';';;., .i.i.y of Martin s IVrrv, wai'ld . - . iv.i-:. a: ii Watt-in !.!::.. f .f ..n,, ;,. ... ., outr:,gvot! aS;l,!t ' i " 1 "-'' '!T":,-!th.. nin.-v.- ,r old daii-terof liv.5d i a!"1' --' - ' 5 'hvti.e ::titu.;i.r,M(U ;M a ,..,!H.t,.rVt whipr;,.!"' i !""'" I'-"-t'S '. I t planti.- tlower on her iVitii1. A U1 ! : ;ed.:-triuj.o. , T!u. i.ild-creams hro!.-!i:-,pU,' 11 !- !;,r 1 V:'''-Jl5 L-taaee and the l.rute ilcl ife ' ;:;,p..;:.t,;a,.,M..v...;iMt .ft,.r a' ,'lesperate st rvle V''-1' i I . v ; ; - ns'd her e;:,:m. u.,h th(. lJ.I,,.r. arn,igiXia!r(1:;r;;' r' ' the t'oiirt at Martin's j rrv to'v. j '!" ' v-'- I -. httd l v ;, w;( ,u.n,!.vt.:..ped!t!iat a& U!t i ',"H . il- ' J- -V- "P. ;tr other lii! e-irl- hiue he, :.;"-' v. Ifar.I,,. J. 'J- "i,r" ' t ini' of Craig s'h;-t. - . 4 .... V. ih Kern d.o and i ; i." ' J . . . : . Mr. !..:.; addr --- JOHN KNOX'S ' RIG OLD CLt'VK, . ':d. . . -. - . : ' . 1 f ..." 1 1 r.i '. i :m. ! t W coml -. . ;. ua- t. i! .nate ji I,. A Timepiece at, Huntingdon thjt;as ft ; r i , 'iif tl e to'VM of. Gra- Ticked lorG31 Years. two 4 i t of sev. ral lii ntinooox. Pa., June lhvA f w..t . . i. , i ..!... i . : i inf; :.-m. raiii:.' frma 1,5,, ,.i.,hf.ilav eloek that was 'Jt ilt tw. .f v. i;ieh ,(t Paisley, Scotland hy Iljv- ird b' in : t'onate ai:d I he skeoeh ill Li'.O, and was iwirf .4 ;y ' M,!" ' r:e Graham ;uu .i,.hn Knox, is now p ,4s s-ed A'. ..f the Graham CI. n y, of tliis placi-, a Jlia! W!,P .an gM'Uao- tyr one , .,nt ,,f ,,,. e;.-eat Se;:.jX-h u" ' .:!.. r I.uildinus are ; rcf,,rnM.r. j - ; w,1- ... .-'iM)oi .,f ...nd-. t W;S j,!,, owneil after tlni't.Vjl- : XOI I. .dr. l.'iig sp'ke aoiy ami j ,f Kighteent h. rent u tvLy ; . . y ' f the advantages nf j .jl(in Witherspoori. a meiiiluT vli.ae ; . - i,.-" ?.. -.'!!. IiK'.-itioti i'i th ! ;.......! i , . ...,.1 ',.r, Tl. and in th !.,. leelaratimi of I ndepei. . .-. I M Tjje St. I.',terhir papers credit a ladjv of rank with a new. inven t ion;vh:di they predict wjll Le very popular. It consists of a mirror whhfji is fastened to her coachman's gi!-!' when he is m .'fhe hox. In t h'isr!iirror she is aide to command a full view of herself, a.nd she gets nlar in whhdi it ai ;ie-clv i:i- j at tlri- same time a glimpse of the the co-operation of all South- j'penjlj." and vehicles which follow. olegs in the forming of.nu j; A- -r..,.r ' ,x ,u .I'.L.i.' t r iff the author of' ':A Fool's Kr-ran-li' ha - hcen ayarded the prize for -iiperior exeelleiife in illustra-. tioiifhy the' Thiladelphia, School tf l)esr"Jn for AVomeir.. :This rize-is '.ri-vef (in 2000) Yards Figured Lawns K:l7im riio.l it,-', in ,1 X.,.) . i .v 1 1 i . . J ! 2 A --... .iU....,( ,m ruju iiuirri'iiams nave., ncrctolore sol CENTS lEK: IlIAKD' the world-over. . We Iiave lu.ugl; - . ar a cipsing .'out .rice ami shall 'givhl our' eustome I ;.f lihAhHT Ly closing tlid casej a " i i 1 at; ISEVEN- this cit i rs" tlie j" . j " ! t i' - 5 cents per yaijfl I i I f t i - : U-X V JUJJ l W -zOr a ih'.-,. .1:tp:uso Fai i 1 i ovcrv ( 'iisiiuiuM'. We are alsoSselrj:iig a: regular (i eenf ( Mia jl ie..aX a (Lilt's per y-iM i to We have recently reeeied a Leant ifiil ne" ii'ssortiiie'nt J.f ( I JNC If A MS, ' intioii ti raise funds to Veap ji the . ereetiou of a m':iu-t- perji' tliate the fame and iy .if Jeli'er-on I-)a-, ;s, J:.L j t. iLee; Stoin-wall .liU'L-ti!!, ai.tl Ji li d- rate oead ! n ra : iL'C Sell.'.' (J-'iitilte e! edurc. if i- prop., s,d Miiniii-nr inn- ; t i 1 i es te nt;a ni ime fairing the ii -i t i . nr lau as niav in ioumi iiki-l lijetit and ei .n.v n ie;;j: . and that" ti-rstnte oratorh-'a! - : 1 1 - -1 Le a feature of th jiroposetl :myJ t ion. each u-1 it tit ion h-. ing nted hy o;,.- r ; -t a nl . ; mein nni;i:t;ii uni vc ;--:t v a nd j :i!1' 1 itl : rcl If r.-i'i lO-st eil 1 . i- I 'iiltlV S 1 1 1 1 e The: this; ..f ii; HORSES KNEW THE INF Ain Tcr.ni ' llefusos ti K-uu vor a .: , 1 hy George W. Childs, and -ts ol" a finely engraved gold ! of the value of ..j0. a Jones says : "This whiskey ion has got - to he settled. was lots of h'hx.d jil!ed in ountry to make f r ne-n out '':(.()(() slaves, and I don't see :ing wrong in a little more heing spilled, to savo'the wo- ind chihlren from the misery'. ulferings that 'resii.lt from this ahie tiatiic. J don't care when uu .willing to procession Declines the Honor. a: Moore,, or t he. Crawjonl Ciuld in It:i Baby Catri.-ke. (( ;.ii ll..i-h ' U forced to decline x 1N, i r.. .i.uue 1 ".- i'-j.i : an K lustration "f euuiae iuteiii- ; , Vi s rc porti d 1 1 1 1 i J;ek iiil'.i J ipinied Marshall was lir.vjn.! ;, r, v a, in. el ni n -y i . - a i . :, . : i . e . .' '. . : : s . Ik- . a? ate h -;. wh.ie girl-are 'JTu- f-J.M-k ;s .till a . n...d ft ije- -. r j i .! ' h.-i . r tin i.l-fi-s. i keener, and may lc sent as at pe- i t ha i . . ' . ' jr. ; : t fit was re hp.it to the U rhl s I-air. ; .-ell! - 1'.. -he :.l of I h.ral i h,n. . ; .. .,- M .t..a.oi:ering it uen. ionssireei 5 j.ook. , ; T(l. :'. 1 : a id- 1 the in-t itut i.:i t j ; 'lo ttd tier. . Gntt.-Loro lia- . Wa-ii im.ton, June J. .M.-.f.I. j jn. ! intention to make II. Slim-, of the Treasury P.'p.grt- ,., Me fe!i ! With a Iwo-her-e t am !.-aj ( a'i Iea i:itr hi's te am o go a - ;t ; ; i .. 1 J ; . .v h 1 ! ; , 1 !.':; 1 i ! ! ;a U's, !ia ! ' j -1 -' 1 d in a w 'leel.-.l o-:ggy. ! 1 r U hl ! i i.:g a lit- ; , j.r 11 a ill". Ioj)pi:",r t .1 1' ' caleh--Iy ii-L tii" ing:y in Idle of t !.e l" id, as 1 ;;- a K- lii.rileil" w agon can'.e aeing. jtnt oi ier ot the wagon v:'s,; ni t :Iv iawakeiied liy the v.ag.'ii : !,,., r t-'ia stand-till. Th" sleepy ' yonlSia-ve-to walk.' ruhheil his et s, aiai aw i i .! 1 and -en-i1'!" .h'-'l-r-cs ea.ha- eii'I d honor in the following e editor has been appointed on nmittee of tiie southern inter-, immigration bureau of North 'ina to call on President Ilnr-- j;ne tini" soo'n to a?k him to e.-i nt at a big 'to-do' in . l'ial- X. (.'. Vo' failed to lindmeiins g the papers appointing us to .ir expi n.-es to - Washington, is i: is ton far to walk and too ! to (in. without something- to lM-:i:CALi:s. WHITE DUESS COOIW from i per yard lip. fSwisM S, lilaek' and Wllil.c LawiJ j ' J i China Si!ksKot'ioHs(ie.. etc. fivi; ( Ex rs . Albitti us. dt will not Cost inueh to eohie and see how far a l)ol ar iwill go- j f tli ige't tit liny. , goods ami prices are not sat is'act.i.r . .hif i re not; o) Mr (TT THIS Ol'T anil: lu-mg iilli . v,u,," hm.l w: ;ilIov llit' i-aiiic ilitanuif ;ii.-s .'-iasi tn'oiitli. i ''.'! '!.'' i lJe-jTect fully yours. M RAYMOND & ! POWBLIi V :i i- !.- ' I:-' K J . - ill-:- I- IjL NATIONAL LANK LUILDJXG, GKE will : ' j r 1 ii ixsnoKo, xl. , ' ! I ' i - i xHRA I AN - A M I C A N "! Ml Insuraiic e . j ; 1 j Capital Stock! j OiilJB iiv oil new Torm f I olio, hoi i.0 s. Net Surplus ( ; -1 Total Assets jj -f i,ii:".t:ir.s ' a,aj;s;,L?!LMi 1:1. I i f ; 1 j - l 1 i-. .. i -j , Office iJZL -n R.-rfi l-r -; :giiee.xs.ik)R(),i X. t.v. HIE31A.ID GJTJbi-IEiTEHiS FOB PURE ID RUGS AND -EX'bG-n.t TJMCgcI. i ci n o,- Z'Cxiip k" will have fo decline to act tt honoraLle position; It is a ways to Washington, I). C-Vif 1 t lie brew Marriage "in Winston. MICALS. t i 1 i i . 1. "WMfcor.s ; . Ji:: -i J. j . LAN I ) RET M S (;A I?DEN !SEEI)$j pRUSSES 1 ANli I IiR ACIDS'. GAlKFUr'jLV 1 FiHTiiDl From our Large! Stiiek wtv can supply. Plivsjeians land SUirei- -I ; " ( ountrv at -hir; not ice. Orders and PK E SC I I'TKiX.s ).; Mail iilh-d hxh I'-i w i Richardson & Farris,! f i - ! 5 in wthe Ml ; nleil Lv, next-itifain.' , - n 1 Sni'ccR Opposite Uenbow, II,ouse. jv feb.. 12. ..; j - ... II : J -! stigating tne huggv ra::l ii-; ....... .... . ni - ...Ii -I -i - .'':".f- . . , . - . I ... : Wl it'll" tat!i. aim wnii'n aa 1 !- 1 ,j - - T; , . e ! ami. In run 1 i i n. I 11 ' " i ! e i - r 1 . 1 . i 1 . 1 t e 11 a I had bee... -trick. v t lie ! tongee, ; iip-i ttmir n a m s ! ! the ' child nieh r t ,; I '.. J ' : I"' 1 ' i -- - ' I CAKOLITIIAX'S IXVJTA-',..,;;! r ' , ;.ha4 ' " . - I 1 - i I I T.ir-Heel Delegation W ait Upon i J dent Ilarri : j-i arai U IIINo I..N. .! ;!!!! pi.L.AJ,, hundred. ,h-l"ga!e-. ; pre. N-n.N, N. C.', June 10, Mr. L :-tock, id' 1 )auviile, a' wealth' iromisiug young. Hebrew nier- t r" Danvilie, was this .after wedded to Miss Dora liose, a .beautiful Jew oss.. ;pjie. friends ie bride and groom were pres 'lie hitter's parents haying xin from Petersburg. The, ly couple. left forNorthern 1 . . . ...... 1 : . 1 11 was tne iiio-i im';iuuuii--aMiactive Hebrew .wedding in Win-ton in years. - t $2 o.OOO HOUSE FOR $1.? AECEITECT'J If youjciintemplate' b-uildiiig, call upon us aiid we-ivi:lj Iff; dofise-jrl Co you "any information you may require, tn jr-eg.-ird toil he hiate?". Plans, BTDecmcations ana furnished ;it reasonable rales, also Sin.friiii"ein!Kncf' Arldre-w ' j - 1 - ' . - ' I -4 rs'.to W.'.C. Portel-i h 1 " L ' I " 'GIJ ;!:XS1J(L!MI, IN. (L I i ' .1 -! "i NOTIGE, ! ! .'1! If ' ,1 Details if de-it I H. -.jl Ji;p pH fc; XzXn,a'ADi-Aj sultii elm .st.., G'!:ki:X:si:;iH XL : , - i d. ;. -iti'-n- h inlx tlie two' Virginia-, AL.!v- J . ;' - - ; J7 ; , : ; - ,. . V,Tif.sr Andersons Iransfer Il.s-t e-. Iv'l '.'le.;. V. I, ' ..Li. , i . . b : i It r e n t V, .... r:f in Waslnngtou, ti-d;'tL j j., id bet n '-( ied a letter fzvni '. Gen. ll-jJ nieri ; d b-.nd I o., them into -t: . . t in w hi'di h .-peaks in jVJ'L i ern. r.tth..! and fnally d-eidt d coll raging manner roiieemflSi.is : .. tl. .. u. j.iting I 'dn'.s htalth. He says in partT'nifis'ir ;sj)(, . v ... .- i..e.i: I,,.;-; aon." na- hnrticit soinet n 1 ng!i re ; . . ,. ;i ; . :. :,i a.-.-.rdini'iy h ae ' tii.in two year- Jig hiy healC'as j ,( l; 1; in ".iiit. g L.r Durham, .f. b!c, and as much of the ftf.V- ; p:u;V:: :, ti.. wi; -p. ii ! the day, and :j rial fr my book was dc-no-.. , v.. i j.,,, .-... ; to Graham and !.-. heart and wa almost ! . "J ;.. a: .-.;:;.-. l.iinftl to give up the work. vVvv ' L-id; I , .,,.,.:. ,,; the 1... ird vHio litu getting stronger and am Ti -Q.;z - :: .. -:. rd iv w.-re Dr. J. ,kd.::s to resume. work in Sepi,.'; i-!r . !. M.-Al.i-t. r. Dr. I . i . , ! . M o.w. i hatnam. C '. ;n. X.b' . Ateoek 1 a . nt! T.--is :fitr.d; ' - j , nt, at l-Let ..'he.i iiij:;. -I- ;-the - attendance at t 1 1 . 1 ; t hern . n itiotl. ' l"F.ler-a! d,i -; p' e J .we; ,v:!S. l-li!'4 S-' l-eCP i' " : 1 t 'IIoU was preve.'it.i ' g. i Svi.atT Ka i:sa;n. a n-i pn -enu ! ;-o:n --.i -r. :- 1! a - 1.. .1 the ...; , i- oy i f ea;!.' .f ins to resunie.work in .eptt;. 1 er i,et. The letter is l ittd'i; ,:t , the 1th. 1 fi ,.pa V .4.1 s. a ....-.. , STROKE AS FROM HEAY?.. .d. I ::..:er, chairman. ' - vey A. V." y ! ; , WiL- i -riue . ; . ., . . ia tl.e't ; . - . i . 1 . ..eieas :i f 1. ' rt th r : ...i rv j. t- ri' er " I i : J . - t 1 - !. -" - .- .-nph-i!:; t !a J i Brothers Die the Same Xigkt'jtA-; Cdnas-Hr...;;''' ' ;'!'" i. ' f though Ten lilies Apart i : i'ltert -. hp.- r-v-!-ai i tyr-- cty." " ; Wii.kiiiai:i:i:, Pa.; June SV-L' tin ir intention toeoa,.-. wn. ih-nrv and William Trumbafifre 'ae : display !: - :a ..: , '1 white: ' j.p.thVrs living in thi eour, n f . vojume. prepare ; rhe - are d p'n:, w '. : h in a ! o. n:;ea; : : ."e - e. re-jide:!: : gives si r.-.;:s .. rakii.n td t..e : n v: t af n -a. at.-i iini- if 1 , ; 1 e:at ttees visited a;; :- r :-'! -v la "i li! "e. i cj milt s apart. On SuihImv ht , .e w..rrv : both retiretl t their bels '(;'M;e be-t of health. The next mi?Kiig ; Red Ei. Lii; a ''d-.i,,.!)! were found deml in bf-d'y-y . ' , , their wies. ILprt-entat ives.Vi.jm if A Dr. 1 , , - ..aor.e 1 re-rin tl.. ,, ,:, m.;,. wh.n ,!it.y met K-'Ji ' Midi., t ? ..aon-ine gnarautetd M , distance bet w U eure,l v " ' .-! a 1 i i to :"k i .... ! I : !'"ers " hifd tiep tr: n. :.? .w l mo;, .nine i ii;- iV rival to d i''s" Debar case -has just.'coine ght. Mrs. Kate "Ande'rsijn, a i hv widow, lias (le.eded a brown-hou-e on West Eorty-.sixtli t. worth -f Ja.OOi', p 3Irs. Mary i.iiaias L.r .f 1. Mrs. Williamu Spirit uaii-t ic .. medium, and And";--"!!, was a regular -fre-ti.-r of Mr- W i H i a in s""c s ea n c.e s Iri:'nf hex tlt-par'ted "husband. 'hers through Medium .Wil- h-lp-hi Hall, and had; .many, ' c ui versa t ion with the W"AIiI 1 1 I'i'- steadily. ijiriH'-iPK- J 4iUU' ;tIi' xarnijioj r if ! . . - l I ' X .1 i r j -. i " ' i - v u i jAoiio Inotj !i'ius i'i all graded i,f a j-h toj Look up. .our "former adv-rti-emen:-In t h iU pf r j ami jy o"i-iu'ay ''liid a lii.riee to nave '.imonev. we ''stand lo our .;iLrv erio-iit s lw- net i'-ier 'oil oi m.'W Our address i- :J1 1 Sout h Elm iNf-r-t, jMcAdoo I! ! ;keexsloho. i . ! bW ,. .- i . . .a ; .1 iici J".' i 1 iea ; i":,,:... i o Mg'ial Si" " ' Olst '"JPfH t : i -e. - ..-..!- I A Tr.'gedy in Wilmington. .'!.:.!.! notn. N. C.Junel?,. Pen hews, of New York, was shot . . ..:.a. . 1 ... T I T-- i-sj-.'!:J -r.-.i', ;-M r iu; d. .-."at ! an-I '' mortally waVunded, 'the i'i i it. - !,:.; .', alw. fnvr. li.-nl i - - . : ,. ! iJ : i i l iv . a l.im i u i n. i v ., '' ':?: . i h h . . ,ri ia th" brain. Mitt i : . . ,i i'd .',;:;,;-'hi"i;n:i. I low manv houvs. ".-- ' . I . I . ... 4- ... I . i r w i ! d American ladle- We Sf w ;t'. h.r , a - and hagganl Telegraph Companies in the EUjf,. r .in t ur..w Ingohl before their time, h aft l!r , T' . !;au-:ing ailments' NeiuriK. Va., .Jitie K. r- in: j ,. :- ;,n., w : . tliit. : ..f. They rents hae Let n issueil againjTlif !:!v eurtd by'thi- Wo-trn Tnion ar.d I o-tal -r: - y.i , " , - : : '. s-grat. ! t ! vo- graph cm panics of Portsmou, j,r i! i Price r fuftlel. doing business without a licy-e. ve , j. :.. ::v.- -at i-iact !..n in , The ti nance eon: mitte' of the L'vjy-- th .. s.,- ..I'.reitM' iirintol mouth e,uneil in thiir repou.to ti; 1 .... , - - i . a i : ...;. ..t.d lht body t" -night rcciiiimic!yjsl j it ld( unh' s-i the Western Union eonTOiv' at j d malkets will ,aV th,.ir tax l,v the tifsl i'.I'V.y ..... ............ , . . . I . ....... I ... 4 , " . is, a ..e a :. ' o.i it i.en i.i.i -noil tlH'poiCSare to Itt i re lUove I Uf j titne. The outh has Loth. . the streets. j. V- - t I .4 5 to in . 4 i. r .ok !Ut 11. a. ei VC, :ht Mo et ENGINEER :: -TEl-iLOii LhtL Ahead of tii rhih.Jel- phia Flyer the Ciwso. i ::'l , i N i i ; I : I . X. J. ! o -: : i ... ' eri of t he' l-hil-'oh; l"l ! Me-. :ii'.a". -S I- .t.a. '-: t. J death - .i ' i-ho.l. : 1 ;i eurxe .d.oi ..f him. : he had' p-.r- -IVthe lir-rii .( ' tajiks at ; n-.i" f a mile a , j :ie -a w t ' 1 1 ' i y Were ioa.. iwi '!"!' re..r a ai.miieil a jar.-gl) i.:o'i a- ;. . h en"!?." a r. - I ; '.'. a it i d i 1 r -4-s and Trask. it- is said, .were ngers ;., each other.- Tr.asj js '..-ed to be insane, llewasar- . d arid lodged in jail. . -. I ICoavicbd cf'Oiraring a Bribe. - I ! .v - h;i.i-..N-, I-;u. J;ine" .-j i a rd iatn'ti. accused , ,f riifelr ; : ." i-1 ie-jl-e to IL-nry If. At 1. ., f iur.-.V in-'t Ire lletiriessy ii.uiid 'o-iirrv to-nigh't. t.; :.a'.:y l"r : attenitijfg . to re a p. i ii juror i-. a line nor ex-. ing .(,(, o anl -imp'risonmeiit' I,.- ;.i ';i'' !ili'irv !'nf. a peri-id npt . -irr: ) " V'-:i '-. ' '' '. ' 33 t i 11 Tt7 bn-e-A tho tipw; rij-.vnrful 1 iai:o-r.-:.. ;mpvors ana raiajs jol the famous Waiter "fc"Wcod, r.lr:o thojmiina paijtsj!ahi v Wobd"d3ranc! of -tv.-ino, all chdicb. ' WaltirA. Woocl -ife : f-i i : ' not only, an inventor, but a, raro rnochsafrjc witi -tha faculty off putting brigiit ideas irto common-sGnse The - intensely . American--' bty'Io -'pf hi jrnachines inborn" shape.1 . makeiB others 'look 'cluWf -and foreign. : ilp yiaj ;cne -oij tjhos; earnest men;, who do not say much ; arichh; machines do,' m the fieldL We hav.- pamphlets explaining th-om .in plaioj trrkrHc. n n rt 1 wraiifi like to 'hava thov.;..hi:fliI, tlkilt.yunferi isind; - for copies and cpmo and - reo this, f-:i nb ot pa(chine I A-.k'-i.-J.-1 , -. - I V Th.-; tiait; jru-hed !-.v d:'; S. 1.' t e : . V- l W i rider.- ...t train. nihan i.' ;! 'y eei.nds 'd' terror. after the jokers. I r a ' k e ;: m.; i u .4 i i'-r iKtt ( lives , lv J! . xird at Richmond. J tu !:!.-M. Va.. J une. O.-The j he ' ibac.cn fact-ories . oi l . II. j ,.o :!: ! Pro. woy.-' ' partially-de-. ,v -! b- lire t his morning. Loss va t ;r 7G,00) and -f0,000. Ful: Insured. ;'"' i-h lYtniiiiVKAi t '!- T. S: BOWLES 7 CO At II. W. DIXON'S Old Stand. feb. 26. - The Saw: ?w No. 223 .South Elm Street. : ' ; - - . F . ; -I I" iU - :. li -.. . . ' IJ T - - - . . I ' 4 . 1 i i," i- ! j.r. j in gs over me noon ( i r tJ e h s bp r, IN . C . 1. - t 111 1 i 1 "1 -x 1 '.t " i'i. S : ; 1 ...!': 1 1 ; !. .. . - -. ' ; . j j. - . ;r v ' : ! .-.. - ' ' ' - ' j j J '' j' ( ! !. j J j j J 'i i j, ' 'j -