' ' ',! . - i ' : ;- ' v. ' - i - :- .'. : ! ! S ..M : ; - - , r---: . - ' ' ' 'i -1-4) U buki J) r AW K . ' " it i M u si lilt ... .lfi jpjf" r1 -' - - ' ---! :. 1. -; -- l-rr -. , , : z. ! L-- j : ; - - 'j ' j j . ';- - J-''" ' :.? I--,' ::;v A. R. WILSON, t ! lio;.::. exploits or o uhal, t:ii; ::on7H ca?olina scour. m THURSDAY,: AUGUST 20, 1801. (Bjr the PatrlAt PablUblnc Ompaay, I ;! TEHBN VI.VO lr f -1 - r ... - I - i IjA Avliiir ii. Lcdb8iter, . i i . 1 . ' , - : At ' ' r- ' f I I. I r i i u:- IM A ; i. : 1 .-s-v r.ii. ; I-- c -:. PUSHING Foinvaiitt i:c.r ro.r.o'. a T.oad cr tLc Lay cl j OlUKITSSOUO. THE "GAT i'lTY" i'. c L.ir.d. rr.d Always Kc- ricnibcrc:! r. I'.'vce cr i r - ! " r. Voice iiu !riiii-tr.t r . t; ? v 1 ()'.: i : i' r , - ! t. ii r. ,f f f j 1 . ! r t , . : - ;!!. f ! ? :!. ' ". : .'.l cm..- r in N.'.rdi .t : . . hi-. . I I .r Kl .1!.. ... ! !.-: irt . a : i: Or THE OLD NORTH STA 2, 1 rcelius tie Elects cf tlic p frh of Iiu;rovrraeit Pervadinc olryoi 'STONEWALL" JACKSON. riois-Southland. . vv ;-.iiil ifiil fi roc r.sl(ro N(lL !..! ii.,vi ft-rliti in agnl;:ki-a'cau8,it "n lhti wron side ol a I. ::n tJio ir.-t.- .f l!..- 3k,i pf ,)rll,ge guarded Jy a l;eltl piece and :-.m !..jh;). r.i ft hi. !. ha'ta'.-ie.Jd ; tiome federal artillerymen. When Strategy Shown by Eim. at Bull Eun A Close Shave. Cilice the unveiling of Stonewall Jackson's statue this story about the confederate general j,as come to light: On one rainy day, while advancing on Hull Klin, 'he started to riconnoiter !in person, and got caught on tli ! ' I. a a vi :;ews all over tiie country. a": i n i-iirccs :unl at Uac'iis : : i ! v I , . i ! r.i ri ii mi r.i'.-.v;li rjd ; ' ' iii t . :s ti';t Ii u f 4 qnrs ..;iv t avii to a t:;rivir'u'ttiv ! !!!! of (I rvt .'i-!.r is :'.; at 14,-. ,-Aii find- r-i 1 a 1 V uiiuicr a ivrirjiit, i; :. ::v. - at - i . "' ;;!: . r. i t i i- :. t!. l 1 ! i or :i: .t .;f. l4r rii'-". - vi hu d, i.if-;:c- - tin- iirvfiis- Iiuiu'ikt cf (j'lniiirr-'i"; It tt. ... :. I "- .i r- .-i; v.i!!i i. : i ;." : i :. iisit-V li:n, !:!i!- th:M ;!' .. lu.iirli nga.nrt . i "IS. Rf! iJlHT M. DOUGLAS, in !! t"tn . !iv d ;i putty woiaali ;- v.;i t At frit ! ' . I" t l.i iicii .iiiuir o , i.. t .. .... i.-trv. iiMTfniuianu.ii;! ., ,,rK f ,j,trv ,,f (; recni.o. ?m f l... I :.i t ttioneil tin r . : Mi-- - - . ;t 1 1 i :- r-. i I l , . i i .1 . i . ; . t - i i.i . r. - . . i v t i . in iiiiiii i i i i .1 anL'L'iin . 1 1 . 1 im ! "r 1 I'll" III U:C 'HlI ."?IihS' - imn luwicuu vim jnu s i j iw..;..i i- . n. . crt ife.'A if Vt pe momcm. j aii()ing up; oeiiiiiu me men, lie snouted out-to! toe otlieer in coimuacd- "Who di re'eted you to jut that gun' on the road? -Take it away and mount it in the woods on the hill yonder. 1 never saw fuch a pjeee of fully. Here in the open grqund your men will he shot down from the-brush on the other side." -On he went as though in a terrible passion, berat ing the otlicer, w no colored, saluted, apologized, and hastily gave the order for removing the gun. Jack son, with his stall' at his h?eN', gal Inped oif to ti e Teftjas though to pass down the stream, made a sud den turn, thundered across the, bridge and escaped.' The l ofml? died ollicer in command of the'gr.n hail not gone; far, wlien he suspect ed soinetiiing wrong, but .he did not discover who; the stranger was until next day. ! , ) k ... :?-!r-i! s t ! it.iuujir lii'tiac ti-- nrr':-. of tle.li!ir:deot3eTiftsi- -. i : jii bu-inei lioieiml :.l.!ie !. '!'li:us, iii.d i-J'o-.-.Jiu-ws ' ri j ' vir:tag' ijiitlie - i r. i ' ii nu iiroutid the citv. -Tne f.t'.-r- of " U ral proniin,5it u n v. ho hae p:.-pi t;ed as t!jej;j Jwi'ped (Iri ;'or. it prosperity?, fil a jdaee initsp:ge-. lb ginis jiVith the location I of -the citv, vithirS is ,4 i .1 puny w oiii nil j t he county seat .f ;uilfor.K c..ritv, lend of C) .Wal. v. ijjf.jj J):i',,(; h bt of anvee vin- n, tli" pamphlet pio'-eis f firith brK f 'hi-torv of Creenb.o-. (torn !'r:i l tiuie- down to the ir(,s-nt. . . . . . i . .-..i i i ltii i ... ; t III i mi f i f i UU Jill -I- rip?. . t ;;.. -..' I ..' 1 l -pj,,. j.,,,!;,! J h.-althy climfjte f the I : .i I :-!' n t vh! aild th prodm-Soi of .' : .. :.l b. r.0.-I ' :t,: i It- fa i r 1M( da.ont sect ion y e jieti- I- i I ' . ! .O .N. ... W U i,. ti :. d. ami !u- ii-.iportanc, (itfthe I - - J l . i ajii railroad ('jut'? is ! rutigl,t pr"i,:i:.ei.tlv l'orMr-. It i-s!;..n that on eight itib-&uls 1 4 I I. I 1 , v i OHLt riRSI CUSS COMPANIES .M r 1 1 '" r r . v. ! . nit:: ; .. !.: : . t ! ft ? A 1 i - a; Books! -Books ! Books! i ii. r , ,r n ! f ;t I! i - .i I 1 1 l . : , l-i. ; - i v. I . ii- r t;-- I.;- f '.--! l , i V ,1 r.i; r-. M t .i ;i . t it t- t . : lit.- . rv . r r x ' L . : tr f r. - ! " .;..!-. i.- n !...-- .. i. i i it . :.. . . . i.i i . e - . . ii Mil I. :'.ii i :i ( r ( i .:. i. ! i .It ! i:" j ; ' 1! ?;:;.' i. i'd it IVdi-r.il i i . : 1 1 . 1 i . t - - t a e 1 1 1 li-'p ii''. ri at- ig! ia i . !i -h--d a l-ir a pretty woi;i:i:i a. ::. !.. O'Neal .i!v' iii:eiiti'n. ; : ji an 1 ab j. i - " t. ,t .it- a nd n.;- i;t i-.-:.t rad- . ; i-v. 1 v " ; . . :!. i pitrr d wit:. "ill m nt".- ;i. llnl tui.eral i J I - .i i v ;u i . v I I-; 1 their branches :!'. p.-i-cger ! r.:i::-i. ear: ng an a vei-.t'll'J" fieiht truing i-,irv- 1 1 j : 4 . . ' i X 1 !h i . r ";.':,.! iiii-i 1 m : ,c;i r;st arrive aluL .fH-,r : . lrty-f jr manu icjj.'ie -nvr a dhf r-it'.t-I K I I, $t f))iov ir.any laboiefs and i v I I g''d? )wof its t tl.eij- j.ropriMor?. if.rce inn fou'idtfi'.:. making ;-s5-SVe", w!ii-ls, pli.vts, ironware, tta gs, ete. ; one 1 ir'e e'tt;n f ;' 4- .11 1 - -;i. d- o4- al.d blind f.tctorvJ i ed il.. ;.iv- i:.oi; ii.iproxed i;i ntfv rv, - t;v i si!!-. planing mills aif3 l'ae- oJlg tfcC.ISOSt i . i . ' . t. 't t i . 2.o-b-rie ;ire am : 1 $ jb 1 i . i !. .. 1 .T-. 4 I . v ;u. ::i;y -li ar.. .......rtant industrial plains. S Ilie i- i :;:! : . t I.i" pa- ..r,, randhia Steel and jrCo. now b::ilding a blast ;2ii,i?ce, :.; .. ;ri .; h.i i '' " ,,. j ,ther rdaiits are .-o-M '4" be ! . t t i! tllvE BOOK CO., $TUi:M5t. f.uct c-ool-s. i . i i ; . '. .. It :.. i- i i : . i!.:..;r : ri-r:y. i ' t is y. -i v. i. : : Ii i'!. v. i.. i- :..!!.. .il.J every uili be cl. -on raged. t: : a . i r n . n r t i ng in ir l.i i i I .' I : 1.1! "I r r. -1 .... 4..- Ii TV ... i . . ri t .' st-.blihed. .Mercatitlle v?.ik.;u-S! r. i er. liii'f i - shown to 1 ft ffi?the :!;o.t healthy comlition. tfJy-sti-'.it; ?! -f t!.r resources derL''?l is new Anj trv The ;lliVof Iln HAS C-lVL.s A AY A Till - : i ensb. i will be s-ent tfo;i:ap. LTO.. -ti.:. ' t!- ( 'liatiilier ff'f r'in- thi Metric S!j-: rr.a-.y School Ur.i?::. -i. f ' r ! -' ! : ';ib r . '5 5 I:. : . ci.i Til .J-ti! y-.r.. nsr : t ' ! bv tl.- Evatselut rearson j tv Ilvangelit K. O. 'I'earsJn jrit i ig to Kev.j'i'hoinas II. lf lthrd, 1. I), of thieity. s..ys: .Vfvjjcilth i.a- iioi I et a g.od ! "" m jfrU' ne f , - if I... :ri - .S. '. I f u.,r. My p!i;, .-i.-ii ' vi-.-'.Ja ti p .nr'. .r t . t nd ... !. v.i'ii ftii'e. u ii. irifiiSber lit u: n:: i ::d herewith my , sail from Nov Yor.. : i, li?pe f. r ami ... M" ir; viu (iron, I.g pi a fid It.iiV. il.i-J'lid A NEW IDEA IN SURGERY. i i ' A Pain-Killing Pencil of Magic Prop erties. Dr Hubert Wiesendangcr, of Hamburg, has just patened a meth od f employing Icarbonic acil to produce intesej cold, for the purpose . f causing iisensibil i ty, which will prove , particularly use ful in dental uperatfons. It is us ed in the form of a pencil, and any part of the body onjjbeing rubbed with this pencil I loses sensibility, without the freezing of the skin; jiud slight surgical operations can then be performed "yithout causing any pain. ; j Dr. Krummel exporiniented in the ITarr.burg Hospital -a a boy of 13, w ho, '.vithout the slightest sign of tlinching, allowed him to- make a long and very deep rutin his leg. the doctor having ribled the plac'e with one of these pencils. ' The process has tlni advantage of great cheapness, jfon fifty or six ty operations can! be performed with it at a cost of Ji dollar or so. Tlie-Third Party. ,!..! A r. . - t . i I x . r . ! It I c i- r.i i i . . "i I . I .... in I .i !.-! i r . Mi'-r ol tt.-j w inter in l-oiixi si riu .. . , , , ,., ..; ' -;:;day l'i.ri-, the .-j ring in tlerii; ind ,h.-r lU- '-.:' of ."hrit j Ha-- SumiM-r in Switzt i Jand -Scoti.ind. returning af ierp.i r war's , .- i.- i! oi uh- ;; -e. .My address w !i afbguad . .. -r bi-r Shci.- Ulii be llfvJ It. (i. I'l'ils't.t C1$ I'f I! r ni ; . '-r ::i- i r thfirj wib be lb 11. (I. iV.aiso.s, i- of ,) ,s ... t! ;r I K. 31. J. n '.ins, i lei-n"- ( yii UIo- nimnrn I'Hli IDUj ibra r able i ' it r. , k I.. i t tr . i 1 i. i ii'lTr M M0i1K!C LYE-KEtlrU Ii. Farrar A: Snii, i i r - i - I i; i. KsM".l. K i..' : n. i o;' ( aiii , M i arid I; i- itiiin a lit- : ,u : i.. . . pi - i' i ;: w ;:!i a m.a:-ni:ba nt ( "it v ." ..i' tl.e !i:.t-t !';b!i; . - t:. ' l .'ii!i d ;at--. ii!!'i . :..;. it '.! dion! Tli . : . t:. . . -; : ai- eo-t I ; I I.I I I. , : li' ." v. i b.'l'li in 1 .".". I d , . t '; - 1 i l;e'-s l.i , ' : J"' a ir- !d. lb- ; ;!,. v. :d l'..ii " -it " in 1 -T". , ; s :, i i '. i : f 1 1 in; ' ' .;.." f, ! I i.l I . t.l- i;. I'' . fo: :a:u op n;t;g i 1 1 e.im-- Kii-t. but 1 .;. a! i'This arrix a!. .. pit -i : t. fortui n;i II. I r'i! l floiu hi -i fatlier. M . ' i -i - e t'lrc it '.'.'I 1' -' u ;,V.d '. ' r .'..:.d:i.-i i' -ri! d , r- :: wr' 'N of i:.e libra rv. !! Mr ! ri I.--: . i . t-;a! y ! i . ' .' . i ' ; : i . .i 1. . ' -: : ! :!.- i Mr. ..!,;, I n ' ? ? . : i . ; r .. ; i' I! :" ; i-j - i.l ;t l'ab-ti! : land. Tin b tti ' While ( lit! party, I.o:.'-..r r i dated AuUvl .th, Soring-, Ti n:-! :ii.3 the - under obligi l:Js to L'ev. Dr. l'ritchard for I UM-j ''ing jo la vi before its n ader and i ti.e many f iiri-lian I n fjn jfiin o .!! .-. isfu rs .-r ti e (b.dljf t nge l.t o!i:e in foriii.it ion of ;ii plaits for the ftitll.e. u 1 '" m. i y '..'-....ai- CLtains an Eacca. Li ! cense. ' . f :"1 5 igu has a waiiiian. eiEL'v'iM'cr Mrs. Lease has beenlj interviewed by a reporter of thJ Atlanta Jour nal, and made hinij the following prophecy of w -hat will 'occur in the future: ; j "Well," and Mrs. j Leae weighed her words ilelibe'ratelyj "the third jiart' candidate for President will so confuse things that the election will be thrown in the House of Rep resentatives. This will make a Democratic President; j Then the Democrats Slaving1 been admonish ed by the Alliauc ahd 'laborers' movement that the people are sov ereign will- hear ;thej cry of the people' for relief"- from iniquitous legislation. . This ttnu, jthere w ill no longer be a tljirdj VarU' for there will be no need for one.- We want relief, and if it comes through the Democracy, we be Democrats.- j j arf willing to Money Plentiful. V. t .. . . t k -fi. I. i' .C-J.l 11 I I .l i S 11 f I t S? i I J 1 1 iv' " 1. I r :' jil exaininatioti. Tlr- A uirTr woman walkia . . . . .-... I " . t . I 1 1 .t A i.i,! nf i a in in rs reseMC-tl r- ;i il Hiio i iit y 'r,-' oi i.titn in the fjtw ?iiall, er ii.;li-iiti"(4 .? i n ;:!..::!y way. deposited " t hvj Slfdal (-) bud then madefi I.tj vvay into i!.e lii e of the app'iea,i- to await her turn. Am"t?gVffher , Money is plentiful' in Kinggold, .CJa." i The A"' ' Xfi, ff that place publishes the following interesting item : T -f . ' -It is not every ay .'in the year that a country editor is called upon to write a receipt for 10U on one man's, subscription, but such was our pleasant duty on last Monday. "T. Gilford 1 1 fx, Kinggoid's clev er young assistant postmaster, on Monday, August 3, 1MI, hiinded the editor ' of the jliiiiggold Xv Smith a crisji one ' hundred-dollar bill with the following written re.-i-uest: 'Please send mi your paper for 1H consecutive years," We sincerely hope -jhat Mr. Hix may livedo enjoy the pbru-al (.f his jMiper until his sull-iript'ion ex pires. - -f J A Fight Against Tyranny". 0 0 Q t 33 - a - P5 S r. s. s. r P. C 4 i i r v i. f ' ' I -It 4 .. d t i si ":d a:i iiiscrip'.ion p ar d ' . j( j.H, a!.Keil a the r tl, ij.-. t i;y Hall. :.nd pn par, d t. if , . i,)lU-.titr rt ju irli)"i" a :: :. . :.. Ii.--;.'. It :- a- f.-llow. : '-...xi n ior---p.veT engine:'jniVhat ' -i; I ..s f i.-t; e. i:in;ai..ln; tits , , , ;, jf the vairtCltuck , . .-, ! I rol.l t 'o:-!!!i;Hl'l- ' ' ,, ; ... v ;i Ml I .I H iil 1 1 I WilS - ,m la- i'.v5i;h..Iil,cv..i.i,H.r,V .4 the t ion of a peoph; justh; in -vt.i - r - F , I.:,;. .--I- H !v;'-',,lon,vrj paper -.ieeeptiland The Mmpathy of evenr; sincere pa- ) , a"-! p:,;-.u,:thy b. fait h-, M , .; rrf is Ju,w li li.sed j triot .:. this country .s wit ii the in- . -t v "t ; " ' I JV.i,;,,1; V- , .-I.. : f ,i!v - t!. e i I. 'y !-Ipi::g t.t,am t.hl,t r..sv,, IV,-! .urgent, in hilhl Th -y ,re ,,ght- y- I - total m : .,d-T.:-t. ; t:..-. 1 o-. If th.-i.-; " ?? . jing against tyranny' and are in,bu,oou. llalmaeeda. the Chilian usurpe has n ire red "f 1,000,000 ifor t.ur cru iser IJaltimore. The iisurper has no such sum to pay for ja cruiser, and if he had the Government of the I'nited State- would hardly be tniil'y of th" criniK of. providing a w;ir ship to be used iii the subjuga The sun yiejds 8,000.000 times the light of the moon. The population of the earth dou bles itself in";200 yea'rs. - f . Fred Douglas denies that his resignation was asked for. i . Jewish paupers at Uoston were put under .f 1.000 bond before land ed. ! Editor George Jones, of the New York Times, died at 4 o'clock, this morning; : - I'lie number oi deaf mutes in North'( 'arolina is "somethinT over 500. blind 70'J. lion. James liussell Lgwell died .irfTus lioine In Cambridge,' Mass., at! 2 : 10 this mornin-'-. - A Chinese newspaper j published in San Francisco has been sued for libel by an luth'an. A railroad in the Argentine lle pulilic has one stretclf of 211 miles without a curve or br-klge. When the Japanese hitch a -horse in the street they accomplish it by tying his forelegs together. Complete census returns give Iowa ;i population of 1,911, "sOti. a gain of 27,211 since 1SS0. The steamer Orizaba arrived in New "Viork from Mexico with 490, 00o Mexican silver dollars. General Wesley Merritt has been ordered in charge, of military ahd militia matters at the World's Fair. McKinley and Campbell will lire oratorical bullets at each other at the Shenango, O.Fair on Septem ber 2. i ' : ' Senator Squire for ilinister to China and ex-Senator Blair for Russia are the latest suggestions of the silly season. " Two hundred women are employ ed by Mr. Edison in working at the more delicate ; details of- his electrical inventions. Professor Herbert 15. Adams, of Juhns Hopkins, refuses to serve as Chief of the Department of Liber al Arts at the World's Fair. Kansa's clergymen v.t Topeka re pudiated Rev. De Witt Talmage lecause lie charges 25 cents a head to hear him preach on Sunday. Dr. Cold, ;in eminent )h-sician, of Germany, s;iys that Aye should not have less than nine hours sleep while we; are under 21. 4 When fa .man becomes so good that'hc spends all his time reprov ing his neighbors, tire devil smiles and commences to lay up coals for future use. Vermont's Legislature has been called in special session to increase its .f5,oo() World's Fair appropri ation and to dispose of the Direct Tiix money. It is said that ex-Senator IJlair, in view of the resignation of Fred Dcuglas.jAvill be transformed; from a Chinese white ekphant into Hai tian black bear. - There are 1,000 Women to every 919 men fn Kngland. Yet the En glishman! wiil insist on marrying American girls and so continuing the disproportion. The lojigest hair in the! world is said to belong to a young woman in -i 'Gainesville, Tex. It trails on the ground four feet, and is a beau tiful red gold color..'.. The good crops this year in Kan sas have Ui enhanced the' value of its. real estate mortgages that the People's Savings Rank, of Atchi son, which failed last winter, will pay its depositors in full. A fanner near Amite, La., owns a horse, that will, not - drink from the watering trough if any of the mules drink first. He ' does -not seem to object to drinking after other horses, but draws the line at mules." j . Judge Rot kins, of Topeka, Kan., whose life has been threatened, savs if lie is killed his friends will jnake so "many of his . enemies, bite the dust that thtf funeral itrain will reach from -Topeka to No Man's Land. ) , - 3Iiss Huldah Arnold, of Mil ford, Mass., celebrated the 100th anni verary of her birth last Friday. She has smoked regularly every day sincei she was: fourteen. She beganbefore thejday'of cigarettes, howevi r. ! '''' A Charleston special states "that the board of public-work's reassess ment of railroad property in West ssment ,-vious over TERMH fl.oo FrTMr,ii Avm4 i j . - " 'i J"-'! ! i. 4- Gts. j i i- - . . 1 1 1 l I i! - M is the price at which we ar closing out our beautiful line of CIIALLIES and FIGURED LAWNSl Who can afford to buy these goods 'rj TL 1. - 1 J I- ! I in . . i- 1 1 i . . I ; iiy, anyuouy who nas.iu cents can wear a new aresa patternfof ten yards. . - - i ... iacK P i i " 1 mm - I. CLOSING- A new! Lot just Received at 12a cents,! 15 cents and I S ceil .if r -.. , ... ir! . ; i , -:. -l - I i, I tuese are Mhe popular sellingj goods of the season and are SELIjING faster than we can get them, j . ! - - 4 . ., t i -i - - Tl I J WHITE GOODS! .1 T I' 1 II '! 1 - , Ti i ' ' i' i i . . ' M .auied anu -unuarens nite r-murotuerett dress -patterns lure ollered at prices which will induce ahibost an voody to buy. patterns reducedas follows. 1.50 goods going at $1.00, $1.25 going at 85 cents, 75 cent g4ods: ' 'r. L .1 a. r r . .Li. i rv a. i ' ' - . . - guiug ai ou cems, uu cent gooas going as vj jcents, 40 cpnt goods going at :?0 cents, 2o cent goods going at 18 cents, i , t And.. so, ou. down ihe line, at uriees to make the - , i . ENow is goods iraove. i: your time to buy a DotLars worth org1ods oU or nj cents. 1 . i - i - i i RAYMOND & POWELL, I JnATIONAL BANK BUILDINGi aREENSBORO, K lor c SAI L L ivannnM 11VUIjUU1 Insurance;! ii ! TOTAL ASSETS: OF COMPANIES REPRESENTED; OVER TWENTY MILLION DOLLARS Office xxl. Sa-vlngs Ban.k, t ll I ,1. - ! jr.. . - . ; -1 GrREENSBOKO, N. C. PURE DRUGS AND CHEMICALS, I. T AN1 . NEW CROP TURNIP SEED jat Wholesale and KetM. Trusses and f Braces Carefully Fitted.. : , : ! . -I - --i I 1 Vroin our Large Stock; we can supply thyBicians and j Stores in the , ; ! . i fCountry at short notice, .. "v'Ml- J:! :; i ' Orders and PIlESCIPTjQNS by Mail filled and forwarded by ; next train S X'-FIIC'EJSS ZU3.JS40XQ'kJEIXX2, j ! - I JRichardson & Farris.! ', ''"' li , Successors to W. C. Porter.. ! ! Opposite Benbow House, . ;- - GKEENbHOItO, feb. 12. ARCHITECT'S NOTICE If you contemplate building, call iipon us and we will he p you any; information you mayi require, jn regard to the matter, eased U) gjiV r- ., ; 'i '" "Tc-d t p : at - no. Hi,, 'VI 1 . :: :i t. la Plain English l t'nijin-tiontbly consnjr"j'l ' N w I A f Wot.: i !. V. I- . - ' S . " i-j.VoHi ur.i-t citl.ir Cnijui-tionibly consnj rj'i oi ,-t.rr. nl v.ork or make a incalculable consequence ir- cor f .:. 1. Wliic.h Is . x.-- ; recting all contamination-j J-vDr. j ,lirM th d.mor dor4 not ir:timate. : Pierce's t. oiden Me.i.ea. i2V7; I; v.o;.Id M em appropnaic v uiaxc u uu - , r fund 1-earing t tie carel ul consiuerawon, ----- . a j i ri.i iM nl me of its author. Doubtless the its competency in all corfjriable to secure an I chronic complaints. ti i i - r Z r. V. r. tr- c . ... . ! i:,. .r,l ill i-iti i ;ior -t" . I .... .t: III i , vr, ..i.ni of Mr. nimlge - prefer- l lie -uoiuen .umiu. ,.T ' to the method of di,...sing;is the result of much rescr and I -.; '; n I in any ca-e uiil give the and wide-experience by.aical - it K-t thought. Fortu-! physician of world-ren if? it ' ,'vt! v t'nion is nvt . mbarras-ed formula embraces the .nwy patent ' ' '!' . i ' .,,.1 ibereforc sec restorat ites of t he whole able i ; i m i .. . r i .. I ! I .. ., .I V il . I S . o pn striving to wrest tlie republic from a dynasty .l o!t:cial tiyeves. .y Yurie M'linlii'i ,-l ''" t"';v i' . - i - " : - - -ir . Should Add More Ciphers. A fliicat'o man hits invented an automatic! moter starter by which all the maters at tin- "World's Fair mav be started by the President in ; Washington by simply pressing a Ki-ow V.'herellcVa:. kingdomj It is especially pom ! mended for all blood divnTrs j ivpepsu, liver and kuiiiy : yom- j plaint, scrofida, salt-rl.Vuru ca- 1 wo tarrh and consumption, ititarly . woman , Mr. Vaughan's scheme for the payment of f i00,0Ot00O. to the ex-slaves of this country .is likely to fail, because it isnoJt big enough to attract the attention of a billion dollar Congress .partj. Vaughan is an imbitious inan, but he does riot aim high enough t! shoot above the target of peanut 'politics. St. . Xcirs. j i ! Women as Collectors. or three,, years ago the lirst an collectoristarted the rounds Plans, i Specifications: and Details furnished at reasonable rates, also Superintendence if ! (jesired Address 311 SOUTH ELM ST-GREENSBORO, N oub HAiRGE stock: w ALI J i - . . ) ; i : i is steadily increasingj Come and examine even if you do not wish to"., buy at present. We are during splendid bargains in1 all grades of pajerf. and can.iurnish you competent workmen to do the' hanging. , - j f Look tin -our former ! advertisements-in this paper! and you may Grid j chance to savfc money,; we stand to our agreements whether old or: new. Our address is 311 South Elm Street, jMCAaoo kiock, GREENSBORO, N. C. T HE Massachusetts Ii HI IIRTII. I.IIE l.Sllll.lt 1851. , Springfield, Mass., 18!) i button. j' . ,' . '' The IMuladelphia Keeiiid says a Texan has plowed up -a pot idled wi;h gold. That's right. 'Mm re pots ol' gold are fou:nd at.the end of the plowshare than at the rain bow's tip.!' ' " - ;: - DuringJ an. eai iv ; morning .fire vesterdavt in Conwuv's lodging- house, itt Spokane'' Fal.ls, Wash.,;' one man was .sr.'.thered,- .another - wis'rfrb in the is missing, and hall' u doen were injured by jiimpi. -- j ! '" Gold ecu l- siiji'i-vt al.roait m JANUARY i st, 1 89 1. Assetts,$li,252,03t.5l:i Liabilities, $10,382,057.77r Surplus 87,5 j POLICIES IN ij'ORCE, 22,70-"v INSURING, 4 03, 290, 7b 9.00. The contract of this company after two years becomes nonL'orfei incontestable, unrestricted as to residence, trade or ccupp'..ion ! ... . 1 . ; .-.!, - 1 - ': .1 2. ..' i .-. I. ,. ' If you will write yrur name, dale 01 oirui, ana auuress, iu me T J " " . - . . . ,- -ii. i.-l-i.i. 1. 81 form ami send it to" the address below, we will take pleasure in showing ,77. able, I ! : lank you; not an at Vour age 1 'My i. .. .1.1 . . .... 1 . 1 : r .. . m .i. .v..m r in 1 cinsoii. .. . . .:,i :n.,nmi ,, s r!'--' V collecting idone by women, ':-"U-tt,it; 1 7 ,XliallC;i and people haVe1 learned to ask 1 , . - . ,t - - t he r- P mill, a t. t 1 -xoui ; . . I 1 1 , , 1 1 - ; I:;.;'.,.., ,! dud-daldevii.": The Government rai-nuking , them to call again to-morrow l V. Mid' right, mv , r, dear j experiments in Texas ha oved without embarrassment or .hesita- ' ! 1 ): . .. .5... ;....;i.,. , ....,.,. " Urv successful. U i.i Uion. itchou HUM. NpW more than half ; five gallon, iron m.umi. oaken Kegs. ; Each kegjhoi.is'teii -nags anu eaeii . bag contain-, .fa.000, so that the, ..,h. i.f'!:. ke-v is '."0.000; Gold1 from the other sine usually comes in boxes. : . value ESTIMATE but a STATEMENT showing the exact in dash and paid up insurance which' would appeardn a - policy issued - ! . .! 1 c -1 I in tue year. day of . ji:i me is , . - M5' addressjSi . . LAgerLts "WaxLted. WINSLOW& ROGERS, . - (ten eral Agents, N. a- j 1 n u geni-r.tion. 'A u.i r. t caini, i.icoiiic Mi.1',,"' , . iv - i , ' X :t ! 7- t - . - . ) : fi - ?' - S, f ? ' j A .., 1 " . ;. . - 1 1 ' VJ

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