! J . 1 ;: " s - . r ... .. - ' '' . : . ' A-'-'" h; vT S : : r'Ur)'-' ! -" " T'1'"''1'1'''"'"'''''" ;-'-'J--L "'I' '''rr'r'r"i i I . I I "'V L-1 "V 0. U 1 . TO f r hi. -A. JLL A a v. GREESliOROtM C, THURSDAY, AUGUST 27, 1891. . s.itll..M;l.ll . - I. -- t . I I I ify Ilio Iuril lnliisliin( rtmpiniy, j . . : . .. i l . .. r- r.iw.'i- bi.vu irr.i ear. In Ailmnrr. if:-. A. R. WiLffUN, t: Dr. Auhuv E. Lediieiier, i i t . i: 1 : 4 V, , i . ' t 1 J .x, ...V r 1 Gilnier a Vvinlii. ; ; ru!:::i:vs - .? :. 1' . H t . . f -, 1 1 - - I .-.-.... N 1 V'l . I OIY FiRSl-ClASS co!?am:s. i . - I . - r. . r . U,. rv '; f . t . - ' ' I . 1 - - r i ! " ? ; DIKE. BOOK C(j., .,: Uvl Si ATI J AHY. FAMKjCuMu i -wnlW ..."Ik X dw i. M -. ; v i.; I v, i " t l IX A: -' m - -j : .', I tl M nil V ; 1 . . i ,f N .J, f it. I). I 11 o it. I e - 0 1 ,H ri y 1 r 0 T 0 r- .11 4 c3 o Is pa A. r:LT.:.:; oj tup third tahtv v .- s . ; . I '. !' i , r : i i : ' ; . I o , v. I " ? i " V o . -. 1 f -f'p e !.! ' . ,1 ,v. . I i ! III.-; r . M. t f ; . I. MII.I.IOX DOUiiRFlRE; Ft cm a S;-ccct at Kcil Li.iias, H.C., . ; V I V.: -.ort-u in tho Cbarlc-ion ITFTY FIVE LARG& 'HOLDINGS News -Courier, f TOTALLY DECSOED. V. . ! rii : - , i I' m South L. V 7 5 f -: ' I .i L ill i , I -. - : a T -S3 -JK ' - . JT I I - I .! t i n ! ' ti'.v." t !, i' w r' "r -I i i . t ; " . i r : 1. i i. jp 'f "ih The rireiuen WorkeclIi rascally, but , I.'othir. Could Sta t cfTlamcs. .;ir i .1 i k-N ii i.r, Fl:. ' tiJrin't is. . v-r !,:. !v i .. 'A !tii .f mih.IiU t'j i lis two ..: ! !.. r . M v. iI- r . 1 i !.;' Iin;.tx- - , . . . -k ,. . , : I r iii J . y pt g p to l!'.i- .-; j . f;:r !::: M-rS'.rn-t ;ih'l niic;rli.c ori .acli '-. -. ii ! ''t i- rt-sult wf'a ro which' : . ....; t , .,, ! f- 5 : ti.!iiit;ht Jh5,t Xiht. It n , :h. v , n U. ! !::! A- (V., ... r l v .ff . ; ' -!" ! ' r-MUiiir UHj. uro llul- ;, t , j j- l';?tl li4i:iin; niul w-y short NEWS. ALL OVER THE COUNTRY 'Mif u mlr rtalar who-, f urn is hod . i i 1 1 1 . i r i ; ? . t ' i -t in:iK- u if; i . - i .diii i I-vtMiit'js-ii-ti'.Mgon thorn fl. 1 1 : . I - ? n.i hlork..:' hieh'vas i-.. -t.i-'l th.- U t llfsion toh rr.ijt i !!:.' and . f!iS a loz-n ,j ,, !:! inoli- CiuU, Sin i'iifx -lattlair's j. .-;:;:- n..-ii r.-iji.i -chpisea T. li fi McMur- li r ,'. j I; i'.i r - carri-j'v arclioust'. f- . s '. .!.- pii 4 diivi w.ihf Illtzwal- f r '.' t 1 1 -:r: !.( aiiii 'j! fj'jd ros , . , , ; v.- 'l i'.-l.'- -r-ad 111;! I sides, lc- j , u, ii:;c jjiniird !- a &f ze. The I ! ..ii:;-' ti.v I n in-' ' r" :i i'l d lu: 1 ; t hroipgh :.'.': -!.;, il.i-v war.t 'ult i!,,lt n-.thin.ir tj,yl stll3' tlic ;. ;: j,4i:. !!-u:!'- uiif i! l:au4' ftr want of r)-.riit ' tnat Tl.vy '.t-y npped on -.!; j r' .;!::;'. i' r 1 r - t o:i 1 1; iXi h, Laura ! I .r.t I.!!.. v '''t t!:-'AV(-t g (t Ocean -. v .,v .' r ,.. , ... Mr- i j -on tin- i-lai.'"ihe loss is : . ,. -' i'i.'t I at ; one j i-. ni dollars; ,; ; , , . n-:r'i!H-' a nii;ii An Inspiration to Editors. The late (Jeorjre .Iou h life as it is now related is an insniration to id) editors. JJn wa not an a!t!e and hriutant writer, but he was alfovp. price and dared to attack and expose theTweed ianir. the most corrupt political g'an in alljIrs. L'-.lk's . coiiin" performed the. Ainerican history. Here is an in- same service for lVjcsidijnt l'olk eiilent in his 1 fe that ought to "he j forty-three years .rrg...' pasted in the ljat of every . editor, j The su-pensi.M of the 15ritih .Jonen .had the docuuientory evi- j Uank of Australia is aniiouneed" dence against Tweed ami expected Tho Jialnlith s :Ue ."H,OifUI1;llf to; pubh-h it m the 77,.- next of which is , .win- to- creditors in mprning. ..Here is what tecurrt-4: : KnViatid. ". j"The eoniersation : (Lc-tweexx- 'lXn',,., ' ;": ' N 'p.. i- - . . 1 l.iii.-oii .:io,v at work on an Iweed s emissirv and Mr. Jones ) jt'.rrt. , frr. , - f, J,.,...,.,! : -yxl -T, . . 'jelertrie motor -.to replace th.e ordi. c urrcil. in if. Jones olhce in t lie iri,.( ,IW . ;. ., , l4 lawyer, wlio was a tenant ni the ! raL! avA f, e ' af The, manufacture of f;j-;c-,(-eth for horses i-; a new industry jii-f opened in Pari with a capital of ' is t he price at jwhich we; a re -hur - -H our W r.nvd ricr Whv WAV f..AA S. r Who .-an a if, a!iyl"nioy ulio-l;as ! I. ,-vn t s c.f :: ...'..'.. . ; i ., .. . .. J 51 "' "PvB" n W 1 .yJHtffc'ira OIc4dIVi- ii Mill d wi ar :r ,ovf dnH's A now Lot us! Keieivol ut 1 2 i o-'iits :uul nff HHLUXliJ !;i-lor lliaiH same huildinir, sent for Mr. Jones uj his otlice, as he Wished to see him tn an important matter. Think ing that the business pertained to the building, Mr. June's went to the lawyer's cilice, and, being ushered into a private room, was confront ed by Richard .11. Connolly, the Controller, and Tweed's partner in erime. j - "I don't want to r-ee that man," said Mr. Jones. f,and he turned t( gu out of the Iace. ; For Clod's sake!" exclaimed Connolly, - let! me say one word to you." At this appeal Mr. .Jones j stopped. Connolly then made him a proposition to forego the publi cation of the documents he bad in his possession,! and olfered him an . i t ,.-; ! -" K y S ", ' '. Jl-i tl.t T:i:.Licc:i,e Uiis' 4 :.::::r..!- Bj"Mi S 1 Nickel to Ii-' t:;:.l a ! i-k'-t f.l v gS on his enormous sumjof money to do this. I sjecimen of his work" Monuments horse power. Klla AYheeliT Wilcox . suvs the old bachelors - should be" taxed to. support the" ol'l - maids, "dint jut think how the girls would have to hu mi late 'them selves i,n order .to net 'on the pension to.1I. . "A Mr. Fo-tcr in Jersey City,' has been sulFering with a' cancer on his lower lip tw.o'yfars, :inl h a -f re fused to see a .iloet(;r, relying en tirely, .upon the fajth cure. Tire faith cure tackles a big job wlieti it strikes a cancer. ' The folhivving epitaph' is in Lanesboro, S. i '. : Here lies June' Smith, wife of - Thotuas. .-.Smith, mrble-cu;Hr. .This "j monument was erected "bv her- husband as n. CI The amount of this otl'er was ..", Ooo.dOO! As Connolly waited for his" answer, .Mr". Jones said : ; I do iv t think the devil will ever make a higher bid for me than that' . I , . Connolly then began to plead, ( ; 1 1 . . ; ; , . , , i i 1 i;..i .1 - t -1 i ,. st ' mi iii i i , , o T i : .. . ; ; n - I vi:. :t-, jjil bui!diiir ljnd drew a graphic picture of what V !V ' . i .',:,-- .' r m kit writ ;u7 '".! I'l 1" with $.1,000,000. , He .;; ;'..'"'. .,. ,: i;.,- li-oi-ts" i 1 c.-nelu'ded by saying. t ::i S:"::': If tat i and I .e sain t! :. -rk at thefi-vk'. J s; this - ..i .. . : i : . f. 3 "M r v ; ' "IV I ! ! i ! I : ; I'll- ' . I i i.j -. e.i : h sum 1 1 v. -y. - t ! a siiiowi-'if 3! Itu' -ontin--i l'i ri door I doubts t w!iaf i i -itV. ;i'ers tells a :i;i r v.i.in !. .jpj't ''got no ! :j , ; !i: .M p.e i; . i 1 ;. -i - t i V, ! . ' n - i e ' ;, - I . . - , : .... t ' i I v. . .,, j i ; t :v. d i ''' 1- V i. iT ! l. ! ! i :.' i ' ' 1 . ","..!... 'i i i : " . : ' ': . " t .. ! ' . - H . v i want a li- i'i JJe ':' asked .:-rk. - ln "V .: b. I ai.fj -vvat it for I a h;M jarful, 1 a ,'! A f r haf';Jt no right !., that ! a- bet-if iviiftin' a gal :'. . !,-... .ir 'kr i-je'Jf.rel doin'. !! . -tair thev'fi -1 -i .jr. ,:..r."' j. ' " J r:. ' t ity. 'lo- ;'! I'Juf y ain't :. t j in uir ii "'5? They a '.t e.jr. :t.i! "'i ? been r:d- vj i 1 . . i v the Mclrf::Siv bill had : ' , "v. i. jtr if all t lie - n ;. "I lite. liL-: that sy I .. I i i . ... . I ..yp Whv, with that sum'jvoii can go to I'.urope and live like a prince !" , " Yes," saidiMr. Jones, "but 1 should know hat I was." a rascal. I cannot consider your otl'er or any other olf'er not: to publish the facts in in v possession.'" - How many editors- in New Yink this morning would bear that test". - ' Imilottc ( ,'hi'nn'i'rfe. ' How to Advertise. The Humojous paper J'iuk is e idently impressed with the fact that no little art is required 'to ad vertise" in a j successful manner. The f iol isfi and inexperienced advertiser," it says, " buys so much f pace in a newspaper, and tills it to the . very et piilfs of his go with extravagant of this same -style, ."0." Ivy the death "of Mrs. Polk, M'r's. Grant and Mrs. Garfield become iho only surviving widows of Presi dents. Mrs. Tyler, t!ie second" wife of PresilU-nt Tyler, died in Ilicli mond in July, I s'.. w - A woman fell overl-oard in Jap anese water are vva:s iateii b!v a shark, i-'or three ' years her hus band has , done, nothing but. .hunt" sharks, and up .to date has landed nboutlifOO r.f them ami .is still -li sir ing. L ' - ;;.".' Ex-Senator Peagan; of Texas, a liAril-hc-aded. yract i'cal man of the world, got it -from an. old darky that it would bring liini ill" fortune to put "i his'. left shae.iirst, imd never" mce in all the years that have -sped has he failed togive!the right foot precedency.-. ; The court of Appeal-of- A'irginia has recently decided that the Slate law "forbiddi'ng-! th" runninir ireirit trains. on SundavisutK stitutionai. in the' ground"- th interferes with th.; right of srress to regulate inter-state iOSING .WHIT Lipltt's :i iivl ( 'H i 11 ti ns Wjiiio l'mbrohir ollori'il :t t : jii iro-; whicli wiH ih.iucc'-J j ' I'altoi ii i i ijitc. il ;;"' ('o!Iov-:-. :S I ' UjHl, Sl;2o gnki at So relit going ;it -oUcoiHs. ,l .gun . - ' :- ('vul.s, ' Ifbi-cift.jgou.ls g.njig ; I crnt gonl nouig-'at A lot .- ull !t liuo 1 . . td-i.-os. iu'niako tl .Xov. is "ymir t im- (; lui'v ")!) ' To C('!ts. iful 1 ne of (UFALUKS , v buy thesj ! goods?'- ! 1U ,1 f'l'tl an- ivim A awl an I: tin 18 yculs, a son . f'AW iT 1!( l)'..!!a RAYMOND c - i AT1(;?AL i;.:iK 'I !.j)T. sii. !,. TlfO GOOBS! to Imiv. it Ij M! d ihrss ii;H.!niS Ul'Cr hom an v ImiiIa ' ' )M LrlHMtS LMtHlfr 7-" l-iM'.l go4- 1 irking as lo : Wi cents. ecu . ,( .X1?C r -i..O,S ill TO TA L ASSKTS O-. ( :.i '.'MPANi I 'A DON L POWELL, mm; Nsiuiht.t. N". c. i: l : r: '- V ' - - I -F-T, ';; ! - - -I ( i ! : ' " ' ( , ! r;h .""'"! I ! .'i - ! - : ' - "-I I:' IT" V ; i , 'ooils for' - - 0 -'mm :'Pj:HSF.Nil,i): OVe,:TieK;;iJiLLli O'ffibo aztL SrL":vL'xil GiUENSnOKO Uarrs, written in su- mer-e. The c;,si was th-e -Stat. perlatives, and printed in aIm.ost nieroseopic type. Few read his advertisement, and nobody believes it., and so no .oily bTiys his goods. Then he is langry, and cries out in ij ha-n't got aijfeii here y t," j Jijs- blind w'riith' that advertising : 1 1 .-.I .! f 'm- cl-'i -k ii j . jilpes not pay 'or other idiocy to .-K. Ii- g..f f.;-!n5e her, d(d-J thai ell'ect. But"the wise aiid ex it i-.!! r. b -"I'Uii feller, periehced advertiser, buying the e -, - j ' ( 1 I , " . i ti : f -.5 egvrs nc re ! same amount oi space, oevoies ine w r:li i .". !'!.;- y I a J Iliglit ! larger portion of it to a clear!-:-- ':". !.. !. 'ifoJ. Can't ! written, chaiilv printed, modest. Norfolk A ' Western II. Ii. n a: IMPURE DRUGS AND t o;i- om- vs. PatonUt IMIoc L i e i n M. i i i v A XI xi:v ennp 'i i'r.nip i:i:i"..t Av ii.. Tri) SSl-.S AM) Hi: Ai:i;s General Custer's venerable father, now ,s years old, was at lotjroit the other d;;v. at. t he-'yrloram;i, of the -battle of Pig Horn. A he gazed upon '-.the t p-rtraya! of hisOrdi;rs- and PPIls 'IPTION-. by M-.i;!. loh-d . From o.u rvI..i rge Slok . te, eai-i' suppi ;PI - . - ' : I, r-. at. -tTojl T i1".. A -I 1 i . 1 . . . T - . at . t 7h tu r I l let me j ami reasonable statement oi me !i t - .? I: fa!i to ! :. I t . . . . I - 4 . . . I e I .,.-. I i.. ' i t n :o; I : ? .!'; .i 1 ., v ,, ., t . ; ; ; . buy (.":' r - I n-.-i M'j- striped :! !" i'.-.-. it..! :i ; i (vter come ... i : ny.'dnrul-'f 'ats.1f I '.'! : i - t .'r v. Mo- not bin'. - -l a .. :i 1 1 v, it :, . : to boot "I .. .'- !- t ). W I I i IT." prej-'sf It i n. i.-i-.i- lit-; "? went out 1 1 I .. J t .1 . - ' ' i. Oie " i ! . .:! ; " ' Ij" ? 1 . i . , if e.. . ' i . - . eh.if kling ith t!i -' us.- In the ie egs1ud been. : I-i I. ere t! W V V: ; EUITOi: r.A:,l:AY IlJTlt" VIEWED. - ... if ! im-rits of hjs goods such a state ment as he isjwilling to stand by. For that man, advertising ; pa vs. Ojic of the ch-verest advertisements we ever saw Hyas the announcement on the part of a firm of clothiers that a -certain lot of overcoats, which the house had been selling, for some months, had turned out son's death -'he wont.. -'.and iinaiiv turned h ave." h a lot o vetems of the'Civil War. v. ho ier' present, recognized - and gr- him, and an .atfeet'in scene ens Gail Haini!!on li.-is w ritten a column dofe!--f of Mrs. -Mavbr in whicli .she cl.':ir'y nr.oves that i - ' unfortunate lady's iiino.et-n'ce I f the ISritish hoiae - cretarv reaos it carefully he. s iiP'order the reUast. of the prisone r, (.ail Hamit'U has more sensv a'nd can .inake'a h-I-1er arixument than "f.rtC la-wvears. -t.-.l fed. i Ve- Opjiosite PellboW lloU-e, l ei.. I '. ' ' - ' ' ' rec( t 1 A jeweler at Akloit, ., is oti'er- tti be inferi.oHin wearing ipialin'es ing a gold wa'-tch for sale on a novel to the standarl guaranteed by the; plan. The watch is 7iil'ere.l at 'HK manufacturers.-' So every buj'er ; and the price is reduced 'l each was notified ;t hat if lie would bring da v unt il the timepiece i- pur back his ed it, he could have his j chafed. If not s.o!d at the ex'jnr- moneV hack with no reduction run ation ot tw. iity days, the watch is j Addresj account of his use of the garment. to be'ghen p the first person eiiti r- i;c morn im' 0.1 rue DOLLSARS. ;;i . I '! ciniilcALS, ! jc i?rvli "W -ale ald ll.ftad .11 'LI A' . -! hi n.s. a nd SI Richardson & Parris MlTTMl). ies . in : the y . r i t t rain. P. V. C.iP Gl.j;i'NSl olter. i OPO, N. C la I f you. cont em pia te huiidi 'li , ea ; j. -ig n n .'ps oii a n y i n foi in U ion ou ,. i v re-;u 1 fe Plans, SDecificcitienb NOTICE :i't V i .' i i fiirui.-hed ;. t V'e;; ,i I7I .-j l ,1 !j i I - I-I . 1 1 ., i--, -!.;, i:. i!o ?:iy,thc AlluacHisSnuCAiblein yml not l)po.e . th:it that ad-j in-t he store on t v i io .mand :r tne Ureasurj. vertfsement k'as worfh cidunuis and j tyvVnty-first day. ; ".;" :1 ; " :; " fe",;? ' i,,f,hi,uns foolish ' praise .f H,e ; j .j.,. hlvlllA ' i: """ ' '"' '."'' K ':,:"".V' ','"';;':-! marvellous; j;eltons-ana!bnginal!liim jn lM,lthIv '-'-'' ." '.' -if' ,Mtrr" Oxfords ami charniing (hilichillas : .- T, . ". .: 4. t f. . by : spond- t w l i-il thattlrm have had te sell s salary is pain. to : installments of .f 1. 1 o7. The w i s a n'r is broiight "JiJ C & - :;fj'.4u(TI! Pi.M ST'!. 1 I 1 1 . - 1 - . , '1 ' i - J.." 1 f I ' i.e. . t!.V ; I !. 1 ' 1 . i;. -: r:i Pi -t a.l-. It Mor' : ' ; it .. t ii.. ? n I Alliance !.;.!: .o.d v. ' ' In no .,; j. m in .- "or ;:. e't""., was there ;::.; k "J ti.e t)i A j.artv. I .i.K.. 1 : . : 1 .. .. 1 1 1 o i 1 1 I'nless a Christian's walk corre- f . j -!"v- .. -- . t.i .:- p t 1 ..f tic; j: I d.i. ;.'t it." v. - -p.,i! .:; Th-- v-. of j:.:... f.ic a: -d I.. : 1 1 - v , t . 1 . 1 . ! - ij i- v. ; y V i ! 1 - - v-. . ' v v, ; ( h J hi ... r i ; y -. : --. . . ' I 1 J i ; ' 1 . : 1 : 1 ; ; j - : t i. , i ' 1 1 . ' . . . 1 . i 1 -. J, T T - '"II V. .- ;" ; i.- t I:.t .1 Di::. . i . .. . A : !--: ;- ; 1 : : - (: e t ;.i k 1 l!i ',' i ;,,, ,.i T. ii re.i-.-i rd iAVh.'-H.hd party;.-! the unpP'"" with ;iiis talk, the less Ik .. .xi.V (:t 1 n.' lias 10 say ine nciu-i i to the; white hui-e by a - special. " ! ..' I niessenirer fr'-m t he trea.M'ry de- Blasts Fromthejlani's Horn. ji;irtlnent. and after the pi'huit Tf men were sure they cofild get j has endorsed it. as he v.hiid an to heaven bvj hard work every loafer ordinary draft. Ins- private secre- vM.uhl soon he busy. , i tary deposits it. at tne ( oiuinhia Hank. When the president is out pf town, -tli; ilra.l t is maih-d t') him'. The same -method i- pursued in (DiorjmjmtGixi sluoGltc OF ' i ' , . "i '- - - "i lr 1 1 -, e. w'l), fa'-V.i t o t 1'. O-ed togi VO natter and Details CP eiidejlp-o 1 d'l si fed PKNPOP :, j".',':..'- .J .,,.v hold' rnlessAvc walk where we .should j paying t he ,Tsi ic.-s- of t he su.prcnie.i and caii furui-h jyou c.j ' ' '!'' :, j ' C.hTp.'" j ,lo! somebo.lv else will be sure to walk 'court. J- 'j Look t; oijrriiH r, !'!-o..A?2l-Val'K:urbe found inhere tlieyhouldn't. ' : A i,;inker, well ;;know.n. inl''1" tosau-jwoney -I - t.t.- I ibif- .vt j ,., f,t,v I A long tlu-re is one sin inthe .jj,, J.c;.,.,lTv attemi-t.-d'-tojak'- j - Our -aaoress 1, ,",; .i u..v. li-i-Nrl n,enJ Ii'art it n- impossible to keep t.ie .(v;int;iv:,. ,,f ;i y-Mig .man . .- is Kie-uliic iiicreas-Tn'.'J Ui- ;i ifs ti ! buy at pr:-e.it.-;' AVi- a : e .-, ' .-; :i s;.h -:;.i:d 1 p.-i. .'!-. ::' v.. om.iic t .. i e ; i -;. . L- l'' ..; 1 1 - i 1 . I ........ - ..'..- . . . . a r rr 1 . 1- 1 . 1 . . ... 1 11 1 111 1 9.IIII1 ',1111-1 i-i in . -1 . ii..'i..i.i a , ... 1 i'i j . tj it if-iiir: i 13- " . a ; 1 t . 1 r ' . i'i .1 , ! 1 :i tri me-.. 1- ( ni- way f O snorten tlie a rm 01 ,, .iiroveO to lie t ie -sironei f.od is to -( c how nrch you. can do ,.;lVer of th" tv.. "After a . to discourage; your preacher. . dirief striijh' siie mastered th.e . If we do iP'tiet our light shijne ;. Would-be ruilin. tteo nis oands ,,e as God want- us to somebody in: have" to stay in the dark' forever 1 ! 'A 'mi " V ,. ' "" t . : ; C ' t ; i - 1. . a, i ... . " !; t:.. -C I 1,. . - - ! . .1 iv a! i a o li'ir.dri d , . 1 -' ; v, . . t . , : it;. :.:.. p d -r: .-. J.-,' tl.iit V - merely wt. ii'here is no ; . ... : ,!.. j,i.ijn-!5.f di-sati i. u wish the 1 j -.' ! politieaj In n- nc of, iU- , meetings . ! :e a word os-.j'.f jt ics. The Ahi u.ce is j:.:! i! is (b-niands f..r ti." sub-trfasyl1!-""- T'ie Ai!j in .--i lor-ed ir,j- p.t ' - :,Ji::' oic-. It ...$1 not favor p,:-;. uhi! biih-vi.Tvil-r of tho-e l-i-il-ri- the'Iu-t 'on.L'f i--. Jvill answer viirh p- r!; 1 j - Ahi ,M,"H" :;..ati.o:. 1 i ! AUiiJ' ; wa- n.-t -ei, vp !. any a::tr r:,!1,,i" ,;-.rh j' ,f ( r:"r. r :tr as Col. i'olix's .... J. I- arc" il to d. they are' lo-t wpiii. f!- .W t be a or !:..' re - 1 . ., , -1 , ,.- su rr- ii- o . i i w ;h kni. -s avl j . !.. 1 K the I. J ' .ill. Il"4 - " ; candidate. They propose f..rlhim to step' ia!vj 1 1 is . best frit!.. Is in .Vrth 'VSolina r-ither s e him wht ji f is th; Vorthf-'lViiolina had ... , .. " 6 j . .1 : .. M, ... -r- came ant political oincekl- ,j je toinow in in SS.( stick that carried it up w hen tljey ; ' -ee the beauty of the sky-rocket iy ' hind his back. '-and- fast, ning a rope around his neck led h i.m--t t he o-' 1 hi're -i.e s- , 1 . .1. .1 ... lice station ' i .nii(iiiv ,uir uiiims .III.1UI , ,. . , , liarilt o nim wnir ai-'e-.-j en -ault. Wmneli v-"hf g' "Ut aM Jie; 1 . . i 1 . 1 . - . . '.. :i 'Oil rr : Wo are-as responsible for what ,..,. ., we permit others to do in our name ,,Mt" i-"1- llillll. llil e ( !'ra I i o ,1s. ! e-n yoiu ; 1 ns in a I ligr t iir ..pi? Jn -limi, v 1 - -f-.Nb'A- s " -mr :'f'---K:-. ! :--'i : f o not wislMo 1 ! : I' 4 op s 01 .paper. 'ii la.i v ti nd a r-d!d or new. IO-' pi'iick, f '. '! 1 PO, .V. C. j; I S a' w e are for ;what we do ourseIves. r He Was 'Mlv Lasi?. 1 ' t t . People kill one another for the ; '""","" .' ' perishable thin-s of this life, and ' J-iry Simpson na- 1 nytr.Ji n- rt 1 111 in 1 a mi eternal iiu- a? -i - i- - , " .'- . i ' : ' m-,ny' filhnv t hin-.. " and amo.nirl :' i "'... -: .out s mil. , , ' r -n - S 4 1 1 . .1 1 i 1 " ! 1 f ' 1 ; ' ' - S O,- -'";.. :,,ther a-cries !-.-,.ite- th',fo,;.,w- -Assejis,.,; I !.-., t..,-..l..t.;-., ... o.,. P.lood -Will Tell. . . li, ( )n r. -iv Mr-. . "'( it.lt I KS I N i f ! 1. ".. I,:.C ISAI. Spnnd'H'ltl a : V' j.:r.R" 1 Of course i$ will that is if it ' Lease g or -u a Wii'hifa tfe'.-t ear 'ATJ.e-eo.firaet of t h i -m i i nT:a Tier t -.v. - Dr.. ka:;pi. m::. iK.vcTiP 4 ! r .V x. . . 1 ..'-? n t: I " !..'!" --. I p ,t. . k P . - . M:,:! v .-a. . 0 i i .it M ft ' . . . . . . . t!.- ..-- " ' ,(" -i'h t,in. ! .' . - J"' I. 1 a r,- r.J ... . . 1 . 1. -1 ., I -:-t : 1 ' ret or.eels ,;;t 1, I' 'f. "-' v t n . i , , - ;-.,; ji i s :'..: -irri up f ,'. I m :: v. I I is 'in lh eeuiber. an If . ill probu- '.! be airain cli'Sjl' j.fv-ident of th"-: National Alfr.lt- '",' ft Si- I ' - v j Hove the Editor T.yiJo Ink. ! '- . i s . ' is good, healthy blood. It will glow i and was recgnld-d" .-.y-aiF.t ue m.-n ; in,:,,Htf.,f .-.i,!,? u,; ivl-.- :o-"fo r'.:-iO. in the cheek, and tell the story of - who had. ats. f. :" -y K--p.'. t :.-m ... ,f yrj., vsi;-.! ii'.-yo jr ...tme. dj.-:,- o: perfect physical health. If it does; to givr he- . ; j '; ;."' ' " v' 11 form .'ami - --end i t ?o I he -iddr.c - - ; ,v. not. if the complexion is devoid of .medicim.; A- 1'"-; A", : vou. . n-.t .a -..K ST I MA TP 'A-1, v ' 1 , ;-f ei . cj. i , ; (-i:Hi-:S"si;( V rm:it-- -i: 1 1 'sifc' ;;rs. ; -. wi Hiii'hi. An- ' i '.;! I-'" J 1 'A;' ' 1"'- A bi '.i t color, the muscles weak and lLaechr", i other en'i ; " y r something is'wrong.and something; up m-m i.. j 4.. i.r. ..l..io It- at- oTirf iway and !':-! 'i oiiiil li. o r u';u.: uyiui 44, 1 . . . , 1 for in knelt 4.is.s ilelnvs are dan-' his e;- gerous. For uvrpid liver. "Pillions-( ne-xt t- hue. - -r..-..! nc," anl the' thousand ind one ; She b- "; A: 1 ; 1 1 ' o -' i:i -a -i-;rt!,e ; tu-.i's ii a i.' 1, .pa !i at v. ii r age. KaUi- i;p . r 1 i.e. v, I ; i 1 1 "-. o . 1 ; .. i t' ;iVe per- f .;.' - a :: l' v. P-.rn iN't e ' , - - r - " . . x- !-' "- .". 'y i- . v :tdp.-ss;i.- !' r t " r ' p ":;. 1 - . -I 1 ? ' . ' 4 "t i . 4 1 . I , . ' . ! !:!.... 1 i In I ! Ii taken f . 1 I.-. ,..11.. I ..11 ipj ..l t.'.'-i-ili-riuv and shaM d hiir.M It o f!.o riteo.t curt. -during his sleep. A Palii pMcl - :.: .: n.-.n g-.t up I.a.t ueekasvvel l" prt-ssji i N to wlucir tliie comtitions oi . "j1; ' "A' Ai . ' ,,.. .; r j d - " v it was discovered t'a'W were out I the system lead, there is no remedy j took A'1' ' j'41- ," " A' A.A'.ic, of! irk Put it v-hy a short! in the world equal, to Dr. -Pierce's :sae it v ber. ; - ; . of. , ,x 'A.H? ".,.. -ri.. Golden -Medical Discovery. Hoils, who p.ol aoo: - ...d;...". tltlic uniiu we oij it',"1.'. , . , ,- i , ,1 t,. -.,r:;e : -i . . - .b-vi' w is! ,d out I'm- Cilice towel pimples eruptions, scrofulous sores, j as he m ra -,tt.. ,., : lamlbXtJjwatlrtvn-we at 4alt-rheum, and all kindred diseases you don t know iae. - ' - once had ink. M. JW. are eured.by t. JLease. - ml' ' r i . ' A A " n w ' - : API ', e i i r t pa.' ' h. a a hi ,N'i !! Ao I , -S ill I'I !' NC sc;:.v i- ! .eeoHni ' .1 or ocr o :et ..vltlrii a r. i I .1 lb WINSLOAV Sc ROGERS, r .;" li"-il? . (JefipraJ A f 'S7.f,.VSl,77 ro,7',s'.ij.io. jonfor feitable," U Hill. ; -i . . -I. in the bhnlik tiri' in hhowinir tine exae-t 'value jioliVy issip'd I i'j't v-eir -A- ! ' ! I .' i ! r'' r "" f - I I ( V M ! -r ' Af " "iA. 1 ! ; !' ' .! A

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