t ? 1 r I i i i i " : p -i : . ... .' - : ; --a ' .: , i-: ;- ; - n ii ! - -'- - - : : t -f - i ,,, , """ " ' ' J'' '' C &2 i ; ; ' . . -'": V ! - -. r -;"''''.. ' '-., j i - i ; " ; i "i -pj tv r .- i ! i. :: x r"M:: i i i . I . ! ' 1 , i : GREENSlKJiRO f : 0.,1 THURSDAY, SEPTKSniER ;j, 1891. 11-1; f 11 y the 1'alriol Publishing Company, I TKU.n SI.UO IVr in 11 IfiiJCL . ........ . ... t .. -- i. , f ' : t ; -j. ... i . . y' ; ; h. ; , t --" ' .. jj- v ; jr - f . i i . . i ill 5 5 " ' l i ' T T II 11 KN -?.!:. Di. i-thur E. Lsdbstter, : . is I',!' V e I 1 i j Mi :! Gilmer & Vriffnt, ; t I ! '( t J f ". I u()Hr;K:i; hi, r i.1 2 i' i .i i t I .T 1 ,' fl'lu F!RS1-CUSS coy-i . . t f i Ecrk;; . . . t . iuL w s . J t istn: ' i V x t . t I ... 1' t - M I 11 I 1 1 nnnTr Jl . 1 f rt FA .C Y COOL'S. . t ? . r xT. t-i.. .FSI"IJlItiJiSLI: i i f 1 1 - A:: i i -i .1 i : mm 2 Eoiciai. ; - --' " ' f . , 1 -7 -L-vrgrJ : : pi..-. I. I'c 1 i.o . I I i i 1 M i ;: i r t. IL-. t:.:, 'i ,l'l Si 1 t ? . ; Y- t - 4 - . Y Z t r fc - c c i CO W K 9"- i PQ 5 V.-j r t ri n! Hp;? lit -. j: ... 'I .4 ' i - - . i i ! r.it ir: ii. v '.v . r , ; i i , 1 1 1 . m i v : ;i:'l ?. .r 1 it .m n. .:!.! !;,-- In i n ' ! IIo. J rry Shnjori' f Ivuiikhp, ,. ii '1 J i it : ! "Mr, I.. ,n-.T. l.o lj.-:.n a 1. tenl m,irlv t w , ini;iki a l.l.-ri, -,rn li.ii.!irl.!i,.ljr,,.lilu for(.,.fu, nUr-umenthe !,;r,,,,"M ,nrw rn"fc,,,r ;'V li:,f"1 tt-IN u f.U lv,.rv weil. ,:i,r' ' 1 '!-"-. l"V"ir ' Ain.ni: other t!iinP5.. afI sub- J -! t.. ii .v. !lalltia:iv: i " i v i i :. . r :" v. 1 1 1 ...r r I i 1 ' I '! :. t !! ' !.:r r.ia; .rri- i-v!" '. i ri i . i a i n a !; I i v . '!. '-r .! r. 'I !.. ; Th'- wli!i' a jir iuj pficict v has j !: ii!''I. I rt :y u iaprrs of r . I t!i tin-. I I p.irti . yiiat this new ' iii 1'ient I.-tei:ijujjtu; anil visiion at v. !ujt in fi.ii jr;? "'; j nee of it. .a r t.:.i r of .-tat stuji vre out of a ; ' a!.l a :nji.'ib r fotliers will -o:i I.e. Th liio. tnlvit l? iifriivi 1 ' ' " !-i " :u nt. ami lia m -t of the new Mi -. l; .u r rt -i'I- ue i a'l v. a- . ;ti, ,.,!,! . c. i'..... 4.- t'Ti.,--(IVHL lilt :r.'. !!!. ! . , j,t , n t r i 1 1 1 t elevjlji'-inil nerfect i ..." . tl.-t A . ! J . o k w i' !i"ti! a orl. !.!!.: .; i ; ; r r ; "!' a i .' i . 1 1 ; . i -. ii--.:. .'I r ; i I .if !?! n i - it her . r- r jt -- i ' i?M:!f from the lir-C wnj n uien lived ' la rar. .Then th.vnif nreved ::iom th- week. It"?"ir:w from this -.trie- ilnV j., t i-t'iial .Ktati-Aere the in htM th- .!- r ii.!,l!:.!riou Iend--1 t'.V-! and herds ; u a p.. . it I I. aii'l ' .. t 5 ia I !:e alleyn. TI. vicious ' ih l t'lir.Iy, h'lilt ej(':.s upon the t!i''hii!s and luath- raid ir ..n the Iloeks j and livid at the t vie d" thei ej-' and U"t uiorc imlustrious nj.ors. Aft-r c ..i; a j d a lit. lie ?JiHieJ and v.inu tin 1. .. th.. r.'a.l;Vs l..t it.l !.. ..... . . ... ... v . . u VI . I I ...... r- I i - 1 ..'. J 'l 1 t .1 . f. .1 . - 4 1 . m . 1 - ' 4 ",r " ineir rasti at ior( ijil torts ami t!'" r.tu:) - on. when 3irF. i.owsrr 1 vir: ir t r itn tt u ; : 1 1 1 : ! f t .1 tv . U h;.: -..i .d is a ii ." ti.ere if .,! I 'racks ! You e,i ft't meir r;iMit a t ioru ( iju ions ani I-l v i J: ir 'tribute uponjt!W who ear ricltlur llo-ks aiirj jjjame to the i . : . .: j. : Mr. !; r. . a I : t .. I - niarkUi Ti.is wasi :? first tarilf ti ui. "1 he produ(-i r built a wall ahiund they, but 1 1,V jobbers went is a:il : . .-iijed I tif iirev itimn I:.J b.-re ::.! her.- ! ,j,, In ,v taki'-- a.li"i;ue Tf their r us ..!! v ict jon-fl. '1 hat as eur ? with a cor rupt -l.i;r-ii isad ro. i; priesleraf t. rt Na an ae of relivfis nddiery. .lliT two hiii drid JeVVs htru!e : . i- kind of rohhrtV Tva! eheek- l.'!li:b!e.b. i s i k u'.-i!'! It t- n tro!,bb .: ii '. r ! And I.o'a an .. i ri -pi in.r r r ! :! :!. h:.:uia t, the i ' i . .Tin ilriv r, a- 1 down. The astonished rEnalish- man wanted to know what was the matter? ; ", j t4Oh," thp raart boy replied : "He is a setter. ! you see that rab bit yonder?;Vell. that's what made, him eef; lie is better than a Very goon the mule fat down again. ,f : j 'j "He sets quails too,' j the boy ex plained as he pointed tQward a covy i t the birds. , ' . . The - Englishman Ranted tiiis wonderful animal. S after some eonaiderable talking, af bargain was KNOCKED FR01V1 A TRESTLE And Dashed to Death Ion the Rocks Sixty Feet Eelow Tasenby Sur- ' Y.-uiUpoii th-,t door.fo, Mr.. SOMETHINGS UNIERRY SAID ' with oneof these Knglish fjuristv 1 ITTDr V TA V Tl f i U 1 i ! H Ih.w.rr. Why don't ym take a . r ; one of brother Polk's eyndfeators i": J-UKLLU. 1 U J )JvA III. j gj4 TH iN- psei- iTom tin- U: If vou hail In his Speech in tin5?lace on last who was in this country 'hunting I fc ML V I J ; i a .:r..i-:ht .-d-- on the other; Thurs'ia'! Gomgalongthe mule, suddenly sat A MOTHER AND TWO CHILDREN l-TT - Wfi- ' Jf V"-,"f prise by a Specia Louisvii.ij:. Ky., -Near Nicholasville yes eial ermine on the Nieholsville, Irvine an Railroad ran over am Train.' Vug'ust 2o. erday. a spe Riclnnond. 1 leattvvilie killed Mrs. Mary Richardson 'and two children She was walking aero tourist re-v le fboy .f 100 !..! t ". . : 'i p irit d i! " u.-.lid. -r ! : 1 '. a - i r i n"pp-a r. ! rd. Th n h "inspt -t - iihl ll:e .:... r- I ra- U I.; i i !d i.ir-w av i out ' I l ll. .! - i ! laattcr : V. i control of l.i I i .'. and t - 'ryl'TS are now "ti lv la'-vk eiM is re-. : aain-t tl.is'.j of robber ! T!i- pv-oplr ; u3- reaching ! forth to m il, iv making I i..'.' in. i lie nH'o.'t -.jiHs the l-'arui- r-' AliiarM-e. 1 1 i-Ui.r v' If 1! that i .1 : a. .v ai.u that an.J , , rt. ,,,, g.,in:j Y- backwards. .'-.. c:.i ks than r.ii;-.- ai;d eilect. ii -tiditionsare !! I " it u :: and !",..,:,. ,-s !.,tn,. rHuCi i ' I ; :!. ; a: I r : I- 7. d : i . i-f.-i: d t. )t t!. -l ir.i i uitita.; hi- fiii;ht r,,rtv wars a" re were no ;:,m t;..- tin..- as i. iM id it uptlicrc r i iIna"iU. PrtMiIe ?i 1 in small " 1 : t! r-s:-!i whicli a ..ntmunit i - and bo..'f'little from i:- I hac ;!o'4:i. .' t 'icir tn ighbors. Tiy -yused home- 1 t . iv it d.un. i ;? till for ,., 'products. T'i.-- one man ir I. t I .r ii: !. and n 1d.- a pair of shos.ff Now sixty : " ' I . - ' ma. , i . an 1 1 ip!o ;.'in making E M : ::. .tt- r.' ;.s,i.t.Mr- ,,f si,,,s. The chai'emands the r. . i 1 1 t h t t:n f railroad-. Tf.o fnnch power hi b. n ivt-n theni a(l it is dan- oiis. i hey taki'V-;! mu.ch tole I'l't'e ii ,;r Hh' tl I K I '. v. i! !t both tii: ey do. t ; i V I M: - . l: pan ! t o l. . ,. . . . Mi' v ,i:ni vi r 'y 'v were ricn ,n-l th. i r Wf.u.'d ; I i(V better oil. . went .'p to I hi- nat i nal banks rfe monopo :' an!;p r-pir j . r . 1 ? he. w.r.s n t .supposed to i: : d j :: f., a d. and L..ar-t !y , jnk.'rs. Ibdhuir" V:,iV tiderably 't'd: !..( :.t looking incT-.,aml we are ! -s js th,. la.t time the v. rv j ,.j,jw,s,.(l to t heni-pr-c, but the N. : tt v.-ii -.. ii.- i '! 'o , ; . j m ss th. y are ei k ifV.l in. The . :.'! ;..'.'!.; j u 1 1 i a i j, j ;, , j- h mis iff fark'r.i money at in double th llv of inter- v. a . -t i I V' ft li t- t ninlv f--r ti'"i-'is- the sub- I 1- : i: r i IV' 1 b V t.. A - tl on ?' ...r. :n:.:.d! It-a!j riuht !"' tria-urv bi.h :ati;.:i;n say it is . : I - ,;. " ' ' ti!;.v.-:;-t:tu:i? iia!. 1: .j-ri the trust-. 1 ; ! I ar.i li ' t :. r j tlx nt.try subtreas- i :. at". If wc iii to- urn - of t i- ou n.- 1VS it not nil- ..... w ' - v ! 'M i ar-."r:..'r its a t , in -t i l at n -i. a 1 for ,t, e.o vernment : a-h ::! iri l.rca(holi- in t,, l.nd money" to t h'IHion Pacific .? ' ! f.r a !:;-; r! Thi- i- rai!rad? which hasrit even paid ;. -sir. Iia d..M;.-i fr-m this th.-ir interest. t t struck by which the ceived the mule and t and the stranger's horse They proceeded together until in crossing a creek. The English man ilrev? up his long legs and twitched the mule in the Hanks and down the mule sat in the water. "What js the matter now?"' asked the dripping syndicator. "Oh, he" is just settin' j for suck i', ine ooy crieu oui as ne Jen him. i TOLD HER TO DROWN HERSELF HisjWife Plunged Into the Surf and He Did Not Stir a Finger j to Help. Her. j Si kim; IiKK, Aug. 2;. Consid erable excitement was caused here this afternoon by the; attempt o Mrs. Martha Wilkie to commit suioide by plunging into the surf on the beach opposite j the Ilote Allair. She is. the wife of John Wilkie who is engaged in the car riage business here. This afternoon they started for a wulk on the beach to I talk their dame-tic troubles over.! They did not j come' to any agreement, and when opposite the hotel they stood -till and quarrelled bitterly. Sud denly Mrs. Wilkie was heard to exclaim: "Pll kill myself." "There Is the ocean," said the husband; "go drown yourself." The words had no sooner been uttered than the woman sprang in the breakers and fell forward, dis appearing in jUie spray Mr. Wilkie calmly stood and watched her. as. she was tossed about and. washed ashore. He never moved. . The woman sprang up and rushed into the waves again. This time she succeeded in getting beyond " the breakers, and it seemed as if her wishl for death wassoon to be j gratifiea. I Several guests who stood nea'r by called to the man to go in and get his wife? but he told them that she wanted to die and he was going ,toTet her. The people then called the bathing master. He came on a run, anil I he bankers, the si.'iir men, the yh.uoss v.illcolo:t;:e. U-ti"Ii rs all have but when the have uVt,rea farmer-, vf-uits at I.-. n -iter. City in Readi- hu rnp i js untinitiona ; to Take u: irtk.in Lands. s, ,ilm. a?ll j ,v f,,Qrl cornerei ; j i 1. 1 -;. v i - ; . ; i ; 'i . i'.r-l v,i : . !..:;. w s frea-uries, money 1. d nr. ii, lkl. Ai:--:t A ? ..."" in W :nl str(-yt,T 1 lie winu is t(...t t -"lmi.v ijf that man's garuii k 'ts he pass- '!.- the Jvhiir las.di i - f r'!!i e.i-t to we- -jiough to a to ! throw n o en f coj-rupt the . ieii?,t 'f, fc of any -.tt n:i l.t. It ha- its Mute. . f'sry. fa i: ir.-- j ;,r;, !l(r ., third prrrU! I don t " -' think, a inyn ou-ht tt ;ie . I i.. ; ;. I. ii 4-t' .ofii,:- j j:,, v !,,, .rone b- fi a man to - a;.- now I.ib-.ring in ; M;r u it p:irty. I ! Jlve the day to persuade ,.(s r.nn' w lit n'tl.e I ifet of eacil to r.. -v conn- . 1 1 1 vi.il I e npii.Vtted in the a ; i : t "a ,',!..- i a I t a i.' !"a I. n.. n-'i !,!;.: a J;;.in oiL:ht t- ",i'elong to a it- i: j,-,tty. but the party?. the man. 11 t . lb::. : I i-:if t : i ; o . .! , V I . r - : - '. .:. : --. in I J 1 s! . :r i ' ! a it t t:."i I;.- -r :. a-: I. .,r br.-i.uL' !. ir-. v !i a !. i i t If s.t w w 1 A r ii": i . :.. a t - I- r v.' If . :. -Ta: :i.t." ( -I a:.t I VI n I.- i t : led. -: t. .i - ! 1. h P. rh ; i i i b' I T - 4 i 1 . : ia s r;n-j P. ri. .i - .: ;...;r: ,v : v 1 i;io p .'ty. Ii. the 'ou,th your .- "t !i r s l.jiv a.- J f.'.Mioeratic enators. tv lighting t I. i!!. '-t :i and hi . , the sub-t rea::-, b cause d f r b the colon d .j ,.v t!,!!ik it is our w point. th. '?!!!: b'T inita'; r. j'p. , botji l:e two old M i ay !::"!" arc nnu- ' pafjirs-. amfsai'I he a.djrfi few other af.d hv :h- ttn.e t i.c hi i d- ri , rs . . f c ,; ri'-s fja-il detemiin- .irr ?-:..;..:! i d open ? -? t ! n: n t io o into an - vjiucus w ith ir i- r .!;-.. 1 ti."i:-ind- of color, d ,. j. . r, 1 n t u r.uld bold L t le caucus p ; "ii i a i r i d he: . . ..f t !,. :r ov n, and he fjici-d the al " : .i-.o. in t : Son-.b-'txaiiibl each e.ir add t 1 1., i r; .hVqjber, until I b '. - - ' i , Mo. At:-.: i- t!. :vo ..: ; d ri d .iu ::. t i,. v make t h nt es felt ,; :t o .ui. r-i.ip of IJ. II. V. a The following a r Vw of his Mtn.j!:is. T . I wttirn j"ki -' jk.T.i. ...... r i Khiclf.?tlled forth fn elsewheie. , w ith a few swift strokes reached the woman and carried lier 'ashore. She was unconscious, but ; in ten minutes was restored. Her first words were : ' j "Why ilidn'X you let me die? .Iy husband wants me no longer, and I wanf to die." . diidge lClle-, a guest lit. the ho tel, talked to the woman awhile and then escorted both hus,band and I wife to their home, advising them to patch up their ditlic ilties and live peaceably, The woman linally said she would not attempt suicide again, and the husband promised to Watch her closely. "They have been married nine years. . The Billvuie JSanner. We were ' arrested yesterday on suspicion of being one of Ihe rob bers of the Central express train. This- comes j of a man walking around Rillyille with, six loose dollars in his pocket. 5 We started to'Cumbejland island last week, but the proprietor heard we were coming ' and closed the hotel. This linearis one more mouth on blind faith: Our- loss is his gain.' i ! : ; We have joined the salvation army, and we are now engaged in beating the groeerymaii and the bass drumJ jfX5Ollice hours from. o'clock a. m: to 10. o'clock p. m. Sinners saved ori short -notice. Sal vation free after tlfe first payment. Call early . ami avoid the hot weather. : ' j" Six widows from Atlanta came down on the train last night. Jf C No paper w ill be i-sued lrom this otlice next week, as we. have busi- Tiver the Kentucky rivr with ' her three little girls, aged 'Ml. r I J"' eai . i i;e : cir Si (f regular etrains had p denly the engine came She drew as far tonne sible, gathered the chi side and all erouslic-d as possible. . The ten! ing further than the ehgine, struck them and knocked tin thii larger children oi! to the rocks si!y feet baby was lying tlat on escaped. " SHOT EY HIS PR SONER. -. He Then Shoots the Prisoner and Eoth Die, in the T - '. ir JvixiiFisiiKi:,- iinmara Au."25. For several o'llicers all over the Te been on a constant loo ic the price at yhidiwe am closing out our beauti ;and FIGURED ".LAWNS. II-1' ! Black i - I N i Wh'o; can jall'ord t 1 Mil . j jj . j Ll-'i1 :J hJ-.ir,' 'h.y, anybody who has Jo centsj can we pattdrn'of ten yards. I r ; ti v -T line of Ij ALLIES .hes goods fjj new dress laid iUawAS S the bridge- Allow Lot just IJcceiWil at l'2 ttents, 1 " these tire the popular selling: tenuis ami are SKr.IiIX(f histerliian We CLOSING WHITE GOODS! S, I and 1 l ure, as all. - issed. Slid-- on to them. , ido as pos- i Idron liv i'.-r ! down as low I i-mii'S ami ( liiblfens -White Kmbmhlered ter. project-; idlciiM at nrna's which.w-ill -inilnn4 rilnmv fa.ttenis redueeil as lollows . Si,.,!! . :;l.ii(i. $i goiiur. at sA'hiis, 7 .iriiiLr at rli eentf rent tfroils ir " rents; , 10 (e.n'l; geo.tls ixoiiig;: at i rent ,troMs; tg .i ii -j lit l-l S. i And m on down, ihe line, j. I't iecs l,o niali l!ie - I l;ond- move. mother audi the bridge below; The the ties and Car. Territory, months the rritory have kout for the Dalton boys who committed the daring robbery on th ,' Santa Fe road last spring. The larg"e reward has m;ule the deputies very" watchfi 1, anil ' last Saturdaj", when C. E, "Bryant, a member of the gang, rode into Hennessy, a-small town about IS miles north of here, hi purchase supplies,. Deputy United States Marshal -Ed Short spotted his 'man, and soon had him in Ir.nbo, Dur ing tjie da and evening numerous attempts were made- by members of the gang to release the prisoner, but Short, who is a dariug fellow, was too vigilantfor them. To-day Short boarded the Rock Island passenger train "-intending to land his prisoner in the United States jail at Wichita. The prjisojier was then unarmed. On arriving 'at :Wauk'oniis, the same men who -were 'at Ileiinessy interceding for the prisoner, were at the depot. When' the train stopped they boarded and secretly gave the prisoner a. p.istoL .'Although lie was. chained to the seat he managed to piiTl ' he trigger and shot -Short. Short drew his revolver .'and. shot his prisone-r, killing him inr-tantlv. Short died a few minim's lati r. JsFNow' is y-;our time to T u v a Ipollars ' vi -)().:- 7o cents. . ; y ;' ; ' ! j RAYMOND & PO J . NATIONAL PAXK PUI LDl.NC. CP ents audi jlB eents, ,j of jtjie seafon i tie got theflcH ! i ! ! ' r :- Irp-is patterns are. ativliodv! " (Is ;goill t e n g-oot VllllTots 1 i enK a ! ;! i t;lt oil i -. v W in hii vT ir at d.: if " - - Music Preferred to the did. Man. , Some time ago'. Hamilton Gregg c.'ive aehafti-l liKirt'fjifn in. This organ is th p the Gregg household an1 special pride of 'old ni.-u fair young daughter., who to charm Mrs. Gregg into y her sweet-Operations i strument which lier fathei unmusical enough to morrgagc Two or three-days ago the mort gage matured, but the'irJ not; forthcoming. Tl:e upon. -'Gregg's failure to tjuie. sent a bail it!" for the Put the bail ill dnih t gt Gregg and daughterjsent the bailiil- about his business, '.-tellirig" him 4it sholildn't haVe the organ. lis "way quietly, but soon 'returned ami took oiu man e.reggMn t-narge for not turning over the c He was taken to jail' old! sied as he wa, a sa'ii!ici and Nliss Gregg's love tor . ! He is a carpenter by ti takes his incarceration -pH callv. He saVfr if the ".oh on an or- r ride of was tne Grecg's was wont fairyland a the in had been onev was holder, come to organ. k it. 31 rs. IT e InsHrMLlGe! BTJL, bit ds for- i ; ; T.OTA L ASS KTS ( ) F ( ).M PAN'll'S b'Fl OVER ,M I Office zrX iSCLrd GREENSBORO, N. Ii LSFNTEI DOLLARS Btix.i.Jsf, I HEAD; QTJARTEB8 PURE DRUGS AND CI IH TPo-iuoxib dVCoci i. o :i-an. o , Miiiera AND ' .! NEW! CirO P TURNIP Si: Fj at WhiiJesah Trlissks' and. Brack: lu'r gal wants the qu-gin .w-us an him they can take it a ! lateral: ;n! pal lor .Mrs. music. ride - and ihisojih i- hidy and nd go to I i - - 'I We knew that, we would :strike it o u : t' .i.ul Mr. P. .w- U i ' e 1 i !, :. i.i i : ' r .' f .- .i . .... ? ,1..:. w:::;rait th-ipening h.wuiih but "ile .b,rry" noli before we lef P.llville. After ..ftie I.dhm I.,:..U .-on to ! ht,;; v,rv wt J, : , seven years hard work we ha,e ihr-.t nto general -nlcm-nt. j , -it I. , V,. ' l!ltVl .limnivJ ,c.n 'vited o ; a barbecue e .... ' ri. fr,,,n .-.rioiis .,... y v ! he leve in justice, ami we , wiii see ,!- ., r . ; x p. ( .. - r- f n,a K"lVt T K'; that justice is done whe, we gef j .rt--; t:. !'!:. a.cl . p et y.IQ. oppression u n.br ?w h leh thc . J , ; tui.d ....:! "f tl -it -on n in ht- f f f . - . . V r today.! ..,. .. .. , ..i i.it. W i't rf-'f-l -a the agent?, are at Alter arriving h reXt I vv camped . , . li :$-." I Wl.iL. ' "'' lt or tho 'onfi-derate ' Home one night near t he r;o rf ;al. H hi.c ; u- t, -(in,.. tvntr confederate ;."t P. ri - I work m all the .., Urn S t at es so , lroaU)i ,t , , , ; - - ; y - h,:u!ign,ih, ,.nts ,o , an,3 hi, sweetheart, limited ' exhibitlon the, ,, orn:u g a,., g - express- rushed hy, thundering. ; a , cja , 10 cer -ir- - s!-A n V" uUnuU' sorting and l.ew.lderlr.if Pat was . f I'-- duinb-l.,ui.dedrsp4,:-, and lay ( . home A :u Serpent 200 Feet in Length. j.Uite suuuntii uie-iri ;,eaM' All ,.: " ' I : of hearing. . i i; . , ' i the gross , ,., vi . N. P.. Aug. -'. -i vvo -Oh. Jimmy..Jimmyi e cru-u as .-s and three oilier men while i ' he nudged his brotherfi pd s leave.; ,. .!,. -r, I tl-hing epeditivn : re- They are moving Hel!f::r- the first jWill just ther4ifor six nts admit- fdnd sutli- for fifty we ask is a third of receipts. Mllltlle, (in., iiiiinea. .vuania m . t . -: ' " 1 Here Lies!! ' Epitaph? is a' fdcmoralizj hg kind tomh- stoiie. and eulogizes the tttad U most: to tjie-very -i;r.- if e nu;i im-thod .if begiHiiing.i is : "-Here lies." 'i-rv suggestive, fohthe-Iies are frequently quite- aStonUhin a Un os t enough so to both aiiiiiscaTid am;ize the dead of whom tUicv art written. A truthful -j epi; many instances, would be : 4V - j lies one who oniitted to t Pierce's GoIdenMedhai'Dis If sick and sull'eriii.g. and H n premature death., test: t 4.4 remedy. It cures ah clironu-. liver, f blood, and lung disease!-, as ness, skin and scalp di-ea fulfills sores and swelling, salt rheum, tetter, erysipelas, afid even serofulaof the lungs ( or ( 'finsurap tion ). if taken in tiiiM-. j From our?. Large Sti)ck :we .ran su X 'oiintrv at Orders and PPESt I PTIONS 'by Ma ' O'jijiosite Uelibow Iloiisej fel. 12. ' 1 ' ' :, :ply Physichiiis a s.hort not i(v H filled and for'war Richardson & pParris, Successors -to V ---P" CPE : rf M1CALS, "W,-iLo-r?.sL - - - t - lid Peta:il. V4i'f Ar . V ITT MSt'JresI n A z i;il by next; train . -- ?'i i - i Oil contemplate building, call u you any-information youmay Plans, Specifications and C. Porte.j 'NSpOltQ,! N. 0. AEGHITECT'S NOTICE. i , Oil Mill lfs alid W- will II. h i,nre, in ri gard to pll. in Here ike Dr.. ove rv." sending ' pi .ten t i. bilious f urn i-hed at reasoithle' I'atV's, a Address ' ' !' ' . ! -Epps ; :ji i soith el our LRG-E stock: o:b so Siiperinteii(bi) M NT, . ph aM-d to give t lie niatter. ' D if d sirei i; G KEENS BOKO,: Ni.O. W A.PER c ro il ife steadily increasing. Comc" and i-xaiuiqej-veii if; y buvtit present. We are otf'erimg splendid bargains in al and k-an -birnih you competent voi Ifnien to do t'hethanging. ; . ! I Sir. . j I ? Look ijp ynir former -advert i-euiens.in-t his paper aih(iyou mjiy liiul a-' save money, we siami io ir. areeun-iu-.B yv.i ;,ress is ;; 1 PSoilth. Elm Street,, M chance t Oar a i 1 grades of, pupifr, i.!'t lit.r iilil or-to.wr L'Adoo Plock, GKEENkPOHO, ; N. G. T :! x AS.SACHUSK J -. ; 1111 11 II! i sunn r Told !.; v. hnt !" r, V A. T1J41 i-hi. - - - , - ...r. . - 4 ...... - r . ' .. ... . i . . .1 '1-1, .. ic o li-.t OUina npnn IP i .E 1 OKh. AUKUSl .u. .tiio.a Il l o.l -...-, t . .i I.. .H o , . . . i 14-; onctciin nrrivpif nt thf Karorp i i.h.-T ii ' t i ill i ii i ii k mi- ni r iiiuii ". . r !rv - !. repSi'-.L . I that on Sunday last w hen tram bad has just goeong. , oil" t lit rp. nt. tie turm d n h r. i i a!. out . .aw a -e.t . . ... 1 . 1 ...... r. ... !...... .....1 ; lirT (I'll! CMf T 4 L F.lll I I nIlllT. Vl4J.t 4 4. c I V v. , . v v - O .you i:n.,g :.. I ,ntcd . r.nght ; ,hc ; T - i ' j a o!,"' amil 1 train is ; ing with her ! tWenty-four children, top ,,, that - I - ; r " l' ' ;! , , Uluth,- tnii,.. though OUhim before Their ages range from l one to ';:t'V'f; ' : ; on.:- I :.. th-.. -f .."fr.-., tlmV m,.&il.. John .SHnai, will ; twenty.nve year,. The Ku(benstein Mr-. 1 .-- r -... 'V1 ! i ...... ,1 mi -e- be loaded un --t ! are in good circumstances and .t-d Mr. P. w-T h.:i ,. r...... up It l.s,n.-.. ! r1"'; ,'t0aiUtiUI.' : v...m bin ihUrilr. T . , ... I... tn... .-MiM.i it- h- ad -ix let-t out oi une oi our siari t,4as Ma . .4 .4.44.4... 1 8 5 1 . S ) ri n i c 1 1 1 v"AI ii ss . , ;A TARIFF LESSON.: Piiregoric l:ys.a ty-x of io per j cent ; tlannel shirts loo per. cent: buttons laO per cent ;, wi- r 05' per cent:' socks lihi p e r cent; coat lh"" ju-r cent': shoes ji.".. per cent cook stove- laj p r -cent : tin utenils ."'' p(-r e.-rit : hriip.-s ;;; . . . i .)..., i ... - ill . ft-n f ,i ,... to. fro... fif:ih!i inn Mi. iamTU,:.i-.')".'..o. j.i.uimu'-. f , . JANUARY : ist Ann some people say that 'the t a ri !' jim poses no liurden-j atr side issue. They w ere niaWnig. i.'r:oon the ed , I $(J I i'.; i do not yrish to POLP IES JN l-'OK' E, J2,7oh INSl ?K-INa,r.fi:. i ! : , : : ! 1 75 M: : iii. f - ' 'ri-! I;f'-r i ! ' i t : 1 . ' U, -11,77 s a !.? The contract of tliis con'ipany af te- twojj-.raw become i lion '? fh coil t e s t a b !'c, lull re -1 r-i c t cfl as to-'resii;lenee, jt nole tjr decuputi' jr ,,,,7' r If! von -will, write voiir liaiiic date f.f ' birtjh, and! addlrtss, l e nrettie-t u i, 1, Vm hi-".-.art v a-k-i-forml' and -nd it to the aihlre-s belojv.: we Will take phure i i Ishowl e prettie. t B.G .J;. ! J0Uj.Jl0t. au EsTIMA'IE; but a TATEMLNT, showing the eXucval Where is I -t-r' I i want! Hi cash and pai-Hip. insurance whicy woiilfl appeiini,pojiey j issu !0 ,t. i l'..i. .,4.'VJ,,r....li.o,lvr..r,,.l liU ,n I'"'"-? .ricki mom i S.III anciaaudia 3or. of h.rlMVi-, - II- ' i- !i - " pi ' " o.gii n - " -i iu . .". iii.44 resnectivev were' drowned vester- .. . ?.,.o,... .,a,al r.:..,i4- l In 41.-T Io n ,b.- ..ull lu..rl jja. ".".rL' while . . . i . . . ; i . ... . r.. I lo own 4 1:., s.i w . Han ks. y .t. . . .. . . ; tat- smp wi.rn ir-. i.nMr ap- no u o. u. " , ;iL ' bathinir at a fainilv Dicnic. him to help u-.j' U hv do- . -i. uan her friend. !!(.:! n-e." whs t Ke. si:i-W.4r. 'li'.' f such; a good -i.M.i-e.i! Detroit J't'eo '.. - ' Washii.gton M. Stee-.f St, iNiu'l, Mine has just' had yonfirn;ed;.by the ;Suprcine ('.. 1 1. 1 alter ajteti year's light, his right to .0(,bOU worth of land in that city. 1 lav .".o.7V.:U.'0. . ; o rife j table,! "h ' -.1- ::! d addrtss, in the. blank showing alue issued in the at your, age. y : T was born' in the i. ', M y name Is ;'My address I si-. . WINSLOW & ROGERS, : i - - - . (Jcucral Agents; -N.'c, j enr. . -: j j . I . 71.: ' ; ' Ik ! Qj 'O n p. . 4 -; ' 4 V. Q pci r- I ami .id : it are reiiaiiie. wuc 4.. ...4 ...v. v , , - e v A 4 AX