f f ' i . t ' 1 li'-sl - - : -;i ! ' A4y4 . i - i . i . . . i ' ' ' 1 . ; i j ! ' " ' !." : : i " . a r? a :-: " ' ! I ;- . i 1 ri'iL (orRll,ijiNfeS(UiK.O : i A I K1KJ 1 . --aaa !''';: ' - 1 . ; ; ;a A a.. a';;-a.; . ! (JREENSRORO.X. C, TUtLmSDAY, HErTEMBEli i(), 18J)i: : A -f j ' .' ' " ' - r ' - i I : ' i f !--,: j M r." I : . . J ) ! i V - JT 1 ' L i 1-1 Er. A. R. WILSON; .;. , i ! i ohm, fnri otcscvrall jAckscn's Way." ! 1 . i' r r? iitrti ! I'll n !!. i . i'i ! it. in- U-l'iur E. Ledb2tter, i -t i r (if. t - tn..-:'.r- ! rl!.' ! f ' in r if lltf 4(i( IJ (ail-. .! i.. .k r-..r.ti i.ii.t. 1 1 r - ! !i.i't!.i(i I'.rt i m!-ii, I I. r- t!..- !.;ir: i;:-.--irT; . I i f ! r . - ! r. r , t - '. " t : v :, I i .I... a. . tv -. v. JOXKS IS IX IT. I' i . - i n i i i i 1 I ' Dr.V.J, RICHARDSON, I i: s i;oi:o, N. r. IIXSTISST-DOLL!.. , -x TrcsidAt Lincoln Tells Se?ar Sew- r- ! aiij How it Was Mft4fj AN INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE . , .. hf. (.utivc lUi. UJV..U.L... , ,!...!!.! . r !.. r.- w r irc-r:'ittoa num. . . . . I . . . lr-.t lr i Every MenUr c f t!, Prcso-t Dele-pr.., p . .. .... -5 - POLK'S PARTY. ! '"'I' c .i u i.i ! r. Gilmer & Wright, ; S . . ,M. - AT - LAW, I i . .. .'. r I.i- - a : 1 i. ! . r i I r v -'..! : " :'!. - ! -'-,. i '.)', -h . . r ,s.!,..fr., . ! .-..-. -is. .f. i:tii.. r-t-i "f . . . ... I.ofl -it.- hi- -! ! U'n !"... I.:.:." - ! ., ' , 1 i. Is, i :i i . . . i jr t. L'i - ... . -- . Ly th Alliance. - : . r . N. Y.. J'. A :: f. ri ?i v - I.;.! it. I o:;-jr--- Hill t! .:- .if! :i n'ii 'i i'i rt.iit.lv !. .v.- an I .: -it-.t. ' .t;i'i M.it- j. !."" !-. I; !:.-'. i I ii; t-r . - :: i N v YrJ ;.!.'! !'";. ! wi ti ? r :.. 'I'i i'ri::"ii .! ;.- r:v." ', u - f.j-i ; iiif ui"i,'. I.ifr..:t.s:.il : -Stwanl, j tf 'never f . r i. Ii;l voti, h.v I t iiTK'. I my I.r-t .L I! .r'-" ".No." .Hl Sew i.i.I. W.-il' rej-licl vSi-l was ai-ot.t ei'itc n yt ;r t - F.i' t . C I v . .Jot '...... ...r if ft ft h. 1 f.l. l..r:i:f 'l, vcu kli'w,to what v'ho,ne' time r.!!ti 1 1 Scrul.'er.ple .,.. .!.. n t o-. ui;l. I'.tj,t) e-1ia(l . i -i Mir. rUull'V my :. -ii tit iirj.tluV-'y a "I 1 1 . r.i I l ..urt-. LI fi ! i.r. 'ii J :.r I i:: . I. .. -!r" :!-' I ! --'f....! t! ? i J AM '; f'' '. . A i i I' I f'.'.i I." - !!r -' .. t . . . i .... l I !,v r--I i . . i ...... ......... r . t . j .-r-:ta?iot:. I H"t the coi!r!'f my HE LAUGHS AT THE IDEA OF A DUEL WITH ANY EDITOR. AMOUNT AIRY NEWS. A New Railway Projected with Mt. Airy as a Terminus-Negro Sentenced to Jail, ?,? ii it..!, t- :i i- f.l :. i.iit: Si 1 1 . I:"- H .1 . I J. ir. II. t- - i I K- i!.o - f .i! in ! f . I v I ! !.! I.nr ! ; If.- :il Iji. 1 r l -i n! i! ; u ".! win Hi- a:i i . i t . t . ,11 afel !! . !. W I. . i;. . r it ...ir ...-- ir. worn? W I. 1 1 i .r i- ! . f- r rnor. I.itif v. l.at trat.--j ir. .! a t !. fi-r !,n In- l- ti .:. .! j. , it i known that : p.irt of j.'.ari of t!.- -.:n :i roii flit ion a I AHmv tf '. I .. !!'r-.I la?- r imioix f t S;a! Jo i..- I.tM !" iwh ii li.i- t a t - - t l-r th l...hIin-' of t!n He puhli-an al.l I)i niocratie State ! ..:i v nt :!:-. Thi--onvet!tiori w ill f i.!: .Iofi-4 in noiiitiialio:?. It l- t.ii!lir lo !. and eolJUi rj'ted a iittle i!a! ! nt h.r-o- e:iouh take ti .- .arr i or two of t!.inir t;at we I.al cr th rt tl. with niyi lii'an'l a Tilth- i.:.!'C!!e. down t Ne MIt-ans. A t':int - was romiuij t,"?.1 tne riv.r. AYt hae. you U;;v, nf wli ir--- ri the westerir-Wtanis ; ami tin-en-toui was, if lV-lC"11?11"9 vvtreatany of the lani jn', for them to L' out in a l.oat. V-.nMfam . f.- . !i kt.onr. :-.r a r.rt..:aty !.:. ut. I.;.y. . !:ikin , Jt,,,, on .1..:,,- ui:i tua T..r -..vraor , , 0,n.ai!,: ,v f .II or, r.n j;:.;. ,j n-h :.! t. n;iV l?ut,o:it,a,l w,,n1erin .fiether I t . 1. I he l)e:n- ,.,,u, make it Mro,,;:, im- nn-lf in T.T nniTPT A Q 1 ' i ,r. . !. . v. h in aMV ,artietll'r?.,YWhen Rfi: t'tll HI. UUUllLAb, ... r.. I, , i,r,.; an-I l-itt.-rly w., lU(.n ,,,. ij,, to,h.r,in ! : - ,,,,, v r 1 l.r. . ..,. . .." ,., !.. u: t .e t,Ive nar.ls ; ,.arri;,,,., trunksl, an,) Uin, .. . A. LAW 1 M- r ... .;,..P..f..r.:..t.;,th u;.. ..-.,.;-,.!. I n- I t lea l:J.:llt. .xi. .VI,o on'his?' . 1 ( ! I tIt: itl 1 I.I. t I. . - 1 I . '. ' I ' -r -'I'-w oi uh-.r r an:: .nt i .n atir'Ia 1! ! w.i. li i'i I ami a 1 Li;ti U0 imr, 111 l.-if'-.-. -Mirt ' ! .v .; A !. -.-orf t r .. , 1 I fi ..!.. v. 1 ! J .1 i, w 'iv. " 4 i .','.!:- i'. .. ! i' !. :'! ? t .- j ..-..,(- . r 1 J 'h' wt r !. wi'-'i T: ' r:i. v. . - v . . liiat II-' -tni:', for ! !. m i-terv" w i. on ! . . a !h fri. r N of" ( h t l.irat : r .1 II. I!. ;i' t!.- - :.f tii.K- lifi-i ir-it- i . i t !f i e; t;l 1 ; : ; : i" : i- a: t hat in Ii;.: ;. i- th. I -t of t!;. I ,.t;-w r l K.mewhat mo.i 4y, 4I .! . 'Will you, aid n(vi-5hcm, Mithr tt-i nail otir trunks fiituto the ..nu rr" ! t rtainly,' I jH,;1wa? V.rv -hnl 1 i.ae th." o.j.'initV of iarai:ii:! :;,niethinrr. I i if jilted ccj .f isveuss companies! : . ; ;, V.ll . N I I I1. i t . N ' i . , . It It . f 1 v. . . ; . . ... - tr.;t "4 tint eaeli wouhl t iir . bit-. Ti; ri e n.v t' ""' " triit.ks r,e? nut. 1 1 r ail". I t"M-; a-K- . - .' -;. :i T , ;,'i!,,-v j!h' ,,m:;Vt most ,r whom U. .":;,!;..;;. .A;!,, H"""t.Ml.,M.am,r ;M'"!,u.l,-Me.n,vthei.eore. Mils E " '""I H..i i nrt. .i l'?iy : ?n:l i;. flll of p!uck! :a,i go tasty aa-i, o thriii 01, (.r. Ihii (ir.i.i,,,,!, if l,i simple c: un::y lien. . e.:Sa. r w ..!....,! to put tmet;eam or tcV,,, as'to cotupletel kne It Will Tight AU Parties ; Who Op pose It or Decline to Accept : - its Platform. . W.-iiin;tox, Sep. 1. l'reeiilen I'lk, of the Farmers Alliance, re turne.l to Washington today with out having packed through the dan gers of a duel with the North Car olina editors. ' ; Mr. lolk said to a Star reporter today : '-"I do not think-any one is? tliitiking of fighting a duel. The whole s-tory is the invention of a very sensational repqrter. I have received dispatched and letters from all. over the country, begging me to sliow my moral courage by refusing to light a duel. . t?ome of the letters have come from Ver mont. If any one wants toj fight a duel with me I have not been in formed of it. The thing is a lot of nonsense.'' j Speaking of the Alliance, Mr. Polk said it was growing stronger all the while, and thejman who lost sight of it for three days was left away in the rear. The Alliance is getiinir no tt back. "If either of the old parties come out and take a stand s.juarely on the Alliance platform," lie says, ' that party will get the support of thej Alliance-, but,, every member ot the Alliance will light any and all parties who op pose tht-in or do not accept their platform without reservation." ' EMMA'S EUCKY OVERALLS. They Secure Her a Good Husband and Him aPretty Wife. " Miss Emma .rtf-argill is quite the prettiest girl living on Wood street 1:1 om Kansas i iiy, ivan. xier un- Ar-- to ru in cali- or sateen, as to completely1 knock plr. A ii:y, N. ( engineers ion the extension of the N railroad from Iron' Kidre, Va., stated here today had been received Kimball, saving t cured a lo?n of so; lars of English mbTicy which would allow them to pu .'. Scp.,1. Civil North Carolina orfork A; Westtrh- that a cablegram rnra President .at. J:e diad pro ven millicm dol- 4 Gts per is the price at which we are closingT.ut our -beautiful line faad FIGURED LAWUS. W'lw; cart allord Why,; anybody who has tU cents can wk-arl a new ! pattern of ten yards. tack h. to completion : 4-.v tl'r. Books ! Books ! Books! 5!. u , 1 i.t ) . t 1 i t 1 "I .-1 ' . r ..g.iM. i.h.i. I r.n.ed out '- ,h' the shine oil" of all t he res'tj of the ; . : a .tun-or a --Mt.v. ..:,-.--iMt I to p .y in- ltJ li l ,.ifU. ar..Ull,J. aIthou-hl thn latter ,;... o-;ttoh : :. ' --r o-..th' -f ' hi- l,u'"' f wl ! mav be attired in m-re costly rai, ,,.;,; Li U- hi".,!.!- i.r,.l ,..rI:.ito half do;;ar!::ndjhuw:toHtr.iloor mi,;it; j , . I . i : r "I :i-"l.' i - I r t -. t f . t: .; U.. f.it- r.. M I , . r . .; tiv.r. Y-.i r ire a -! r ! ..l-i .. LIP ... - . - f r l . r -. o.: a . . t t.Vs'k o-.ir p - ia y-ur . I.. ....It L:. l .. 1 -" ; . .. l.:a :r i t. ; - . ;r. t'-'-.-fo. N. C. or t:i... ur !. r u vt r. o-'t I - tru .it. th;.!. !; .t !.. -,:,r,.:. art IiO-.n-M, wl.-r.- - 1 Ike- the ,,-rtf - r,-vI.n..t rritiel.M ti.-ntl. men. you nt'Vmk or tin I f.tti.T. but It;., sympathetic it a very little inn.g aiilhese aA t.ri -i.t .utv!..to thev tro. s.. .d-.- it seelns to i. J.ke a rf .but in i rt 1 . i- :u- ii. r:d :' t v ri?"- v. e i it n:.- a mo?t important inri'-.e,nt in t if the I S ik n il " ! i - - " ' - " " " " " " - : ? - Dlili. hlUUiv UU., :ii.UI.'M?.t. FANCY CCOIf l;at;:te 1- t. s;U U- J ... . . 1 ... proprietor I ott': s.e-s. i innn.,! m.. ..n ,a t:i V I ould lit -earee -V s.i ;I .tt 1. ;. r buy. had "ed a i K .r. TLe worhl sfcmC'cUAieUT vo.r - frj;n,N nh(i , l fairer Wfote me, I wa, j,Juure J :!Hn'1. !; or iu.s.lrr-..,'n!!c prh-ti-n of d,n-r ; i o! a nd e-onade-nt WlCgyirom I ; . in. - I. af--erf d : ''. - n,'I , ,.i:ti... : -A. )';, -.M'.-Ve. ... v-..; H l.-ra! ,.:o er,l. e y. ! ptea-aM.. br i I'ht I 'i f.a n e J.aVe- VAi;v;E V.'-LJ!. irT EVE? ITH if,,:; -t .tred:thecra:....gi.;.::.V:..m::.:.inI,. ! Illil. ' Miss Yargill's father is dead,anel her mother recently became! an in valid. so the young lady, Jindin'g the home treasury slowly tlraining eb)wn to nerthing, resolved to refill it from the fruits of her wn in elustrv. Her resolve was backetl up en a elecideilly sensational pjain of campaign in search of riches. She would take a man's part, in the worhl and she would donj man's clothing, send elraw a uiaji's salary. Miss "Yargill came Ito these con- in cV VA) ?i '.',',,!,. tt-ffedlthe era:. .-r gi. ::.;. i:..ii btual n h.. Illil. . elusions Sunday, ami laughingly IUIk UU., ,era. . ..rl t al... - -t r ; . j , , ' i 4 , told one e.f her young male friends if FWTY CCOIS. u! "a U wUchp:T V 1 rf : t -ipeop!.. ,;,;...:,t.ct..b-? .rirrit., te :-V,,r-0 d Bj-ty ()f hrr intentiotK Thq matter pass. .I. rU Utwr i:.fc;1,, nrnn :.n.I n .ri.v ; !...-;ri i to His Accoun ."4 ,.a e.il' as a joke, Monday m-Uing, ; ;,s;l:'r.nVr',! "VV.,r . L-.7.-.1 :;.:ar. ! r... a i- -: S Wa: Widow. . h(. we ver, a handsome and decidedly j , . itn- ; .. " " - : "" r-' ' '.!....'-..- , ,- -At the la-: -essioti of ,vyrcss shapely person in. a new suifof rbi": V r La. j lruZ o J civr a'nl t ricei j l-thy ih.t U d;.p! .v,. Kv.-n 'the I pi n, d it, very low do: my -ducking" passed aloijg West Sixth .a ....!. i.i ? -u'lv an I 11 - 1 s! - ?r.!i in -;.:: : ; ; i !. caat or ancf,, (. "ij" -.treetinthe direction of Dodd s Cv k. i.r..t..: r.. l . apje.r p. r -4 . ..-.t. ! ,,..';,...,..,;. hi, ; .,:, a , d b. e. ua--. Caiolit.a." Uaid T. I. I edy, packing he'tisc. It was Mis Emma , , r:-;,r T'-1 "'' t i, ,.,-:i-:! Ca...-;;i:..n P.-ii:,- t j.-k. t a ito aian(, ,ju. was in search 'of a jef. ; i.r.VVI'If.-i'.r;': :'7t j ii- tirc.U -hapy . bk in ej-rter for the S. wfr! l'edly she wouldha e car- rFiLFl,i-tij, ja, t H i . t- II. , !.,la.ii.M. ,.f .t. pr.r.-nre. ,,.-,'. "A rai lu i' pre t y-ul, j ri,.,i out 'her eltternunation;of ap- k:.oe,..t ,..f.,r out or my m..utu l hl,.- J;(V . .il.ir.e . ., a v. ith .h.:.i I h..d a -li:-!;t A.' i n t - j j,rvitj-: for work but fir the fact of C , - "V j j . K I " t ' , . .:. 1 I: v'.i.tn M.irb l i ii. : ! I , ' i 1 r "i - v ?..':.".!--" "- o-,. . r N. . face to face with the ' ' . i .!;,..! t o- l it..' ' -- 1. 1 ! my a:.e.-. a-..ei ;. ''"...- i runiiltiir U! I r.. v. r -o n;a n a- !'.. aa , i . , . . , , . ? vT.-n., ' . r .'.n i.. - J. I . ,. .i ,r .. i ' a one lain n-i.-.-e i,- . . ;riu;iui.t. ...o ..t. .- j verv tesi ene oi -a a net u a . i eye! Idsdr: t ev.a .'irn ! : ,ht f.:,.rful , ,n ri;.,.imetiding h. r i'.-r a i-...l?' "i,.us male friends. Ilerjeroppekihair u ... ! i . . a t: e i.nr j. . i ( ;rr.,..j4,jin. .aJ.(J th.- . .l-.li-'.i i! '.'i-.a toi.i-ij :it j .t!1(i n;;,le attire did not fool; him a C.e -re..'. -! I "! -i- t .!s:- (p ( .,,,,,,1,1 When- t,. Yaaee .t:d he growled bit, ami he just stopped her then - 'rV,! !:!-v I ,,u,lj;v, ., i.rii; '. i..r-et himself aiel I !! reeotnu!e :.d i.o vM.m.-ra M-r a an.l there with the exclamation :. . pf:',ii:; 1 .-,;rl Iu j 'j,;. .el!iLh etfortsto ..et ! pla.-e . I ar-.i-tl ;.a I ;.;-:a, .iih .-Kmrna ! Well, I'll ! be 'du rned r!-,:r :,t 1 , .w,,5:: , , 'l"t'K, advantage over hi fellow.. ad- ilrnlly saying: Uu .t.T, conversation followed between the two. Miss Emma dwelling pal- Lit.vLn LUi I : yuuenuu ...... . . .. ...... .... . , th(,. wIi(::1 j;.. a very eU.erving w;n. ..v,r!.f..re.rrS:iee. ,-..n-.i..Nr- '..j.tu-iy bri-ht-n-!.. i old and ualitt.d i I jj t he Iy..t,!...i..lr.r.Iy . 7''JV,;-lMtt-j:.;.,;. .vtr,,'.. pe.,.!,'. t- him.-!'-t rule for exigence. I?e.us. U.-t -a t! ?et f-r:.; : " j bard rv.d in my c.ijanel 1 A I -"ta iked. toe nhe tiataraiiV " . i through the af, amlT.2..j. a .-uraal.it a upon the cm! yl my T;o Millions a Iilf-th. ' -r'erdid soldier. 1 fe ! :ed k . t he ; f.d. and I jn-t ihinUng " ' ' .'T; ,;V..r. are ; ::L;,i ;i;:d ' h'tt " hi- wife piaVss. ticularly upon t4ie financial eles'pair of tle family pbcketb(k)k,l atj inva lid mother, and a little brothj?r and sister not old enough to work." The young man .said something dl w , ju-t ( iiii'M'!-' "J .r; Mif. are ;;Ll.S a: I h fj hi- uife pej.f.-ss. ai,m.t wing tired of IiUng al.ne in :'.".." '- i ,...,:.' l i.-.u.-.t- of ::....r 1 .. ., - ! :ed : I.. 1 thi- f. -y old : ,jH. WorId without' object oi? . aim, : ; " : ; :' ; 'A"' ' ' ! -.L v v , L t'L : r. -t pro lu-ti-.n ; v.ld -e.-.' 'a:M-..'r- hat.! ta a. Jjwas j an j it y declared by frieneK win. r - s :. -- rv . l' r ':...", 'v, t! ri' ' !..-.:!. ! f ' eiaiaAJ 'Wy jic. the two as they ! stood-j there ... i f . . . w -i s ... -., . oil . i ".v.. ' ' ' . .. . . - :t i . If I J ... . . ...... i i..,..t- ?;i"JrU " - " :: :'"'. '' 1 , "-i;, ,. ,.ir. :- o. .... : .k.r.d of. v.o,!!:..: h.. i. -A hv ,loul(. with a tear glistening in-, her r-tv '-lviri "-v !' ! !:;''"t ' V; '",'" ';'" rv(..: th:- ;. i v uii-t-: d tl.-AW 'tCVe and a happy sensation in. her ry;":"; ' ' 1 I' --V: V--v- u:! 1 VlX ".-..a., l;.'o:,;v it,re,.;: 't..e;. f:: :n..:.li.lt:iVfr.is I. ,:t.arl. She promised to "forever ...:7i;iyf4 ; t hi-v. a :..k :: "' .on-.-:;.- j j .j ,r,..tv b,.""..v.. - i;Tl i i: ! Va nee a u am- ,i-eard t he overalls an.l blouse,and 1. tV - io?V7ey ' '7 ' V :: ' ! '" ...::. p.:'.',-, !. ..""..I. .erv.ie, u:.V, i... I - th:4hr...fn-!i, ,itilU v I,,.,,,,,, the bridejof.the ...r-.i., .a ti.- I I-' .' ... . ;.-,...,. . - ..,;:,!;,. wa- :,1 .:;fi..' j ran who interrupted her in her ii in man s tifFi? ::crr.I Vl'drr. M!,l ,: th. tii.o ly b..'.:,! r, d j yt;';'-,-'' .'; - ;'':;; 7;';, I.. --.vi!!- she h:-Vh.::g - - . ' ' , , '..A . : t.'l , , ... to ;!; . ad th- f-Hlar we en. .. . r.. a, t :ng - - . 0 - Ke Swin2S t0 a Roof " 1 wovi.r..;; o-. . ';-;. ;-; t . :i!va:,ee t proee- of piniitifae. j. .w !u t-ttef ia, . t 1 Eity Feet High. 1 i , i. i...a e.sr ....'i i . - i . .. x' . ...... ..-5 a . . xa . 'J' . .- r-1.;.' FU.v;;rrn; ..-r! ; ; : , - t-- M:-:,:rf .... ....... . ; .;s: v, ,5 Ni:w Y(,l!K;Alli:II,t :u.-Neither t -1 ! :.: f.'.. i'. ... rk--: ...:.'. i; v.-u!!,'-; '. ' ; . ' rv"V. ';'.;'t e-ithf x'oiii. per-oa'.nk j-uanl-. elouble set of imn-1 ' ' ... 4 Ul t.,re,I t.ij.A t: -ut from!--j;-M-'; .? j'. 'L dl r-lLing 'r:!..::.-:- .i-!- ; Wimlow- nor a '.ery great ZAT. I ' 1 A - l .,r. i w j.. a i.. v ra,,,.,,... ,.f jani.ufae ...wh, i-ti-r ia. - . t ; - Eighty Feet High. ... I 'ir'IiarVy' wav.. , ,.Vh a. f. i-.y. oil ja: ;,,d N.:w Yokk A u i i s t : 1 . Neither L;. M-rV b:it p.edtht x'oiii.-per-.a-..i.nk guanN. elouble set,- of ire.n-harred .V :.;V t. . ,..f -A r-lLing ui...::-- I windows nyrn '.ery great heigat ' ' , ; ii'. . A AA :V- h.-.t- -.-t.-i l:.-. ; i-r.,:a the ground, could keep Ellge-ne . '" I-' ' V I.".' '.'.. ..; ;,.'. i'f ;l; ir! e'i -.f?ai n - ( I'Hara, the desperado wlio boa?t- Ji. Tarrar A: Son, jin aa g.i.. -i i.-ai t ii r:iy thaiab and f- r .. I !;!i:.""ii 'i.'.'' ! co i . v that tul- i i' .. : . ;tj j A- j ! -aj' f -1 ' i' '"- i ..i a I tri EH r 1 b ' i: "l 0 0 t!.at r mat " ed lav hand--! fro;u ; y - : j fri. r. 1 at the.h. -r . . e I " .4 5 lae shirt a:.d ! carrying a A--h--j-pr"c!.e d a:. . Siy rd. .!:. hain't "clenri g--:. '. i : - . . . . .nfTi... i iiinri . i "U are .-p'JJ ' tiiat Hi' is ill'- ino.i """""Vi t,:' nWt Vtu;Ji Thais' An New Ye.rk, from bre-rkingthe I'i! pay VT"j""r eonlinesof .1. ii'er-on Market l,nson at -onie hour J.elore .layngni uu- Ileiwas simply missed Iter. , t I. . y. r - s Al 0 5-' "i. ei f ir.er I I ?'. c. tre hvrr. 1 ye-r p-.1 tit" p " ' frailA-a V ' a r .r I'atte r . : We 1. : " i i.. I u .. :. t M f to t . -e sa the eors. . . . . , i-: , T : - ;.? : i 1 i 1 1 , . . . . i .... ...... .. . - . .. ...- ; a -.-r. i-. !. . h : la- ; ta :.. . a ., v - .. i . ... .... ..... .-t.tii- a . A.' i ....r.-,.i .' r.-U. 1 1 i . : f I .:-i t I or. v V. a Z s.' ". , ... t , , .-". .1!... .-I'.1 ill.. ..'- I . ' I f J th- a-: A1'"' l" 4 ' " ; WA.i A I.IAI. V xjLUUo jjoyal i,v Jeeny Keeper .,Uirk about a A' ,': :':'r... '..'" , ' A:ifA A itus- o-nar..-- h-'; I.. 1... - t . ' ! . 1 . 1 ' ' . . i 1 U . 1. rr.ilir 1 (it'll 11! .:,.-Aa A ' ''n ," '. Al . ' "lt , " NAu" o.iK. .' V -W v i the' -upper bars. -Then. leaning r hi- h A ' '--t ' - - r t!:c cr.T, fr.Hv a uh.:I,. pa-rig t,e tr.-.el tAS.u ! ; I ovcr fr(,IU his higl. bal- A,..I a... : '::' "! A ' ' York and North, rn - ; W had sawed through one :.v p -. .r if ; Au'.ra, . ' p ,r:y :.t .d;.rr. i)-.. 'l11; y,,r lirA bent another in the outer vfTSU PLUCKY. -I1" r!.':;: '-na'aas wimlow, got through it, swung i.. I ura... m , t, , .. him-.e If. on a rope; made ei i-eu . . ! - ! ...it ... ! ... icae.v With a.iy.Mn . , 1 - . -.t.. .. j.uia .:.. .:! . r t,, r.d , Mer. --A Aol elotlies. six feet over to ine m.u,,- ;t v....r :t ia A ' . .. a ... U ..... t,. 1 -i what ltWer rrof of the market CiiaStxtite... I ... M ilt to; titUt tin'. ,. -.., H ..n, t -r tt e -! . : t I A -i i . ,h l.ri.U'" in- buuaing ouisiue ine , i : . " - '."" imh ...... j....... --, - .V.-ii ! wa ked to the elevatea rana mu- A.i.:.p:..aehe-dMar-a,Ul-l.a-.. M;;tern. He wa c .,i , .aera o , . j ': - ' - '. ' ' ' l ,! to know where t.ie b-nh Ht. wouhl fi;lVe fan eighty feet . ' ' ' . ral-eof -,A:y.i ilU. -arened I;- 'a had his improvised roper broken or nil ! i.ierla..; vA;A, , . v...-..i - - '..AIAh ' he missed ins looting e a -...oo M r. I a la : he at . w.-.s elca reel Up. I.1 ''" . . ,4, "r ; i.e a i M Mll'l I 1 .... 'I : t.-rv war. ui..o v.,-. -4.. . , f ,. ;.. Patrick .Mi-I.ar.gri oi -i V .!.. ait employed -a mc. The Lions Fought. CD ! pq : -. i ..- iv l'..tter DrtdgiJi-r Company :jfflar, ; :i- Dock. Wa tucked up-i'tye Me.XTKKAl", Oile. Sep. I 1. While . ... - . .....catche r of the train- .S" ' itJbinsons circus street parade ..C..:::e,h.r.,'-.il j y ft i t.d ' :" ; ' l - '' i' " I. .;!!!iAr:.aA.M:A-4m...l.r..,-lij "I - ; A ' VA ; L ;- t!. I....r l.v t! " t-.il nA A1-;'" A Y i t ' ' without ti.,- frame al "I M - '.. " !- V .. rrV' I 4 ' ''' t Vda' -'AMI. r.n . :h .'A' ' r a d to a station t wc nt y i.:;ieii-- was in .progress today several of ...?. .", i-Ai" YcriAl " 5un l' -ot nan I V.- v-ai t:t!:Ct. from tlTe place. - II i? t'Y the' lions in an open cage tegan K1 VyV'u' v..,d " 1;. u-A LI Mr. V:A.d. jln.Ay. 'jury was a Aexere scalVn-l, Kquestrian Lawler Itried t..! i eic iaia4 .... -I, rh ip- you v. r. at v.-nh at. x.jci, lusieft him in a lay'n- tA qUiet them when one of the lions .r.-.-..M.ee. niort ." the lad ret-Tt- d. j ditioii. . - -eized him with one jof hisj paws the North Carolina extension which has been surveyed to the State line. where it was to jconntct with the Cape Fearj and Y-idkin Valley. The gfaeling eif the road-has been let to contractors in sections of four miles. . i i It is also stateih n irood author ity that tlA NorfeilkjA: Western has purchased: part the .Cape Fear cV. Yaelkiu Valley 'between the State line and Mount Air- in order-to make this it he junction ef the two roads. i . j . -Suing His Sweetheart for Flirting. A St. Paul- special of the 20th uTt.. say's : i Social circles of the twin cities are on a broad smile over the rernarkal;le suit brought by John Wt TurnerAof Minneapo lis, against Miss Ella Terwilliger, a pretty brunette, -of 20 summers. The suit is for i.fo.OOO damages, ami' the- vbung -man claims tiiis amount sonj the ground that the young lady; is a common llirt. Re ferring to Ijis case Mr. Turner said to-day with: great warmth : A ''This is hot a breach of promise case, but aj case lor damages. I don't like tjirtingj and I am going to show peoplenhat this country is a very unhealthy one for that kind of business!-' I liave been fair with the girl. FAold lier that I detest etf flirting -dn.d when I commenced A ii av Lot just Kccoiyed at 12 ' ceirt.-?, 1 ';II1 r - of ciiaD.ies to buy t leec elres$ bods?! V AtMits and. .those are-. the popular selling geVoels of -the eson j ! 1 and ate SHLlilXG iiAter tliaiAwd can gettheitLU I ; ol keeping company her that rlid with the intention -and had every of marrying1 her, reason to tyelievo marry me. 4 Now with her I told she intended to s!he has gone to flirting with ' other people, and I intend topsinisli her for it. That Terrible Judge Russell, Democracy. who some time ago, seeingjthat the jig wasjall jup with the Republicans in this State, curseel out; the negroes and' wfint into his hole, ev.mes out occasion ally for an lairing. lie was in! Washington last Sat urday, and this is jt he way 'the Post reports him: '-I want you to state," he said, -that no third party ticket can win a sAlifary Southern Stijile from its ali'.-giance 'to Democracy. If (dl. Polk, himjlf a N-ujli (Ar olinian, slaiuhl be .the third patty nominee for the Presidency, I pledge you-mv word that he would nnr. cf't e-naui'h votes in his ovn State to lillj .a. cigar l)ox, -even, if they we're rJU ounjted. A "No; sir: it's on!ly -t Democra'tic fuss, and it doesn't amount to anything.-: The Alliance men are sim ply. lighting to get control of tlie Democratic- machine, "and whether thev succee-ii er not thev cling i to the ohL party. Even Cleveland could carry the South, and he is of all men the.inost distasteful to the Alliance folks;" Durham '. HORROR AT A. FUNERAL. A Runaway llorse Kicks the Lid Off ' 1 .the Coffin. . .LoNioa I Sep. 1. A shocking scene took; place t ulay at the fu neral of Mrs. la id, a wadow who lived near P.allvniena,- in the north of Ueland. The el . i ii . . f..;,..,.ij on t jie snouiuers a net 1 1 e. .i..- ... carriages. 'A one ol l lie: lauer nl!i!i v;i ca;rri''d the midst of the 01 whom were ie road" with the - - the carriage ,to Ladics and Uhildrens AVhite ICinUroiderell dress) patte erefl at pne-es. yvlueh will itidiiee almost an vliody t Patterns reelueed as t'ollpws . J?1-A0 goods Aoinii .Sr.i.ili, llAA goiug at Sa: 'ents, A - CencgoiH i geiug ut an eenis. to cent gooe is going; iii eenls. lib cent goods going a tT lid-eon ', - Aa iMMlt gOOilsr bjeJlg at 1 H ConlS; A,And i so on-ddwii the liufvAit A -J; . prices to make the i . i . goiiUs iiiov'. ; J5Kow Is your it i tin To -Mui v a J)tUar u0. rir 7a eallts. i i RAYMOND & P,OWELli, worth oi g NATIONAL PANE BUILDING, .REFNSIIOW ,Ni- i ;. 'A: . !'- . ' " i t'eiitH, A -; j; j 1 1 A I' ; i .- , " - f ., i CLOSINa WHITE &00DS! j W ;: il fi ' ! !' w-dfo !! :-:V 1 M 'uy. ;,AVI " ! - Ul !. i. fi i 1 r t-' LkA:i!t A Win! - for- AAA J Il-;uI.aI a tti ;.i ; ; i : i b : t .. e miiAAA.. .;..', aa ; ! a:- SA.I ; i . - i . , i - i I ' i I' - Mre . r 1 1, Tm DON InsiiiraiiGe ! TOTAL; ASSETS OF COMPANIES 1 i-E PI K SENT E ' OVER TWENTY MILLION DOLLARS G REENS BO RO, X. C. HEAD QUAKTliiES iiOI?. PURE DRUGS AND ClIbhMICALS. Patent Mea,cii.ol jjCLiJL'rs7ats AN1 .... .i . . . NEW CROP. TURNIP- SEEIJ at -U liolifsaie and Jet; i IrUSSES' AND liRAClAS UARHFULLY V From lour Large Stock -we.can supply l'liysiedans an.l Store; T JT Oreters ( 'ount ry at short notice and PRESCIPTIONS by Mali filled and forwarde-d Ay njxt Richardson OpiKjsite Renbow House, feb. li!. Eiif rain. feFarfis, . . il-i i-i ! - . Successors to W. ( . Porter; j ORE E N S I J O I CO j j N . V, . 'ARCHITECT'S NOTICE i . . . : , . - . 1 1 If lyou k-onteiiiplate bu.ild,ing;,' yall nj.On ,us and ve win yota any liilonnation you may impure, --in ngaiu Plans, Specifications and to the milter A- fTiriliishV-.d at l . a-.-l'i abh- fates, abu S n peri tit Aideiijee UM AUdr followed by seve horse attached io suddenly ran frito pall-bearers, somej thrown down m t Cntlin. ' Ohe .wheel- of which-the runaway horse. w:j taclied went 'over a pa!!-be.'rrer named Oa3dcr-.v..r:. Uu- other.- wheel l.assed o.yer the colIin, burst the lid open, at ah tla- e.rpse wii-" pleiirf Details :ill Si ) UT 1 1 E LM ST., (1 REENSJH) ilt. glvo ire,;d. otjs, x.Ja.irg-e stock: thrown e.ut on t ae v ill ;'oad. WALL id,- N.-!f OS 1 Paddle -His .Own CnAo. hiean to paudie end al tile Paios, S-p. L Tire Herald's Eu-roj-.ean edition- puilihed yeste-rday tlie following : : "I ii-v iwn canoe to cltapterA said Mr! the i 'aliforaia 7 .-: showed him' a r' New Yank, that A -i"ar trust.' "No. all. is stead'jly increasing. Coaa- and' eamnie: e-v-e buy at pt-e-seiif. We are alb-ring fpletalid bargai.i s lira and ean fumi-h you 'canipeN-at iorhmen to do J T.o.ilc In. oiir fArmer a ' kert i-er,nea t i it-1 hi pape-r an. el.nne.Ah save money. w.--tand to out agreeiiV'ht s whet Ouria-JdreA is ' ; A :J 1 1 Aoiit li' Elm Street, M'iAj - I'-h. - A , . . A ' ! - - ' ' jl I : .t ; (;.REENS.I ! c 1 - : - PAPBKJ : ' 4-' - I . ' 1 ' ' .j1. ! pi if you do iidt wish to radesbf; pa er i Claus Spreck!ee, j you. -m'av tu d a i era i HI fir ilevr loo J'.loek, ORO N. . 1 tr Icing, wnen i rt, cabled from had, jA;a:d t he have not joined the trust ia-r wiA I do s-; and any ; Wall Street spVc-ilj.tor ' who allows J himself to A- galileil b- the reports; that I have. -'.ofniA- know.m--;." T in-. Al ASSACHiisirns Will, Not a Miracle; Now. Fntil reeentiyj -r':i.npU!n'. v side-red inc-ara' cons pie are l-cginnir.. t b it -. o-1 , realize rhatthej disea-.i is irit ine'u -able. The cure ; of ( ".aumption s i n"t a mirjecle. ; mow.. Dr. PierceA .oaten .Medical .; :p-t- ii taken in rci in i a 31 11.111 I 1851 im v Ml i. I.l - -. n - - . - i . Springfield, M$ls:; JANUARY ist.aSyi !) .v.-r.v wm 'i'i- - .';:-.',: c cidll'-.".-' u::. t.rWtltl':. l'il:!.-J.n5J.J.. SS" ;i;';u;:':i'n'.e': ".' As. A A r. i . fN.--ri;iN'i. make ne diseased :. - ;" when jot her :a.-o Thousands '':-. e-' A Jt is the ia , ',j strength-re -' -.-'.-. blood clean--- r. .a-flesh-build"-. Ar of Rlood.'--Dvsi.epsia. unequale-d Am d. Ii.dvA : rl- Ian . . . . i . i . . U i .I.... . ilf-ril The 'Utli I getti"g 7;teav. 11. OIMI HI f li i ' I' - . I ' " . ..... ai s....io. at'.l re venue ! il; reare imirts, ? !. . .-tta I'.ii'i' in Silver bullion pureh.a vter- and lacerated his head and face in day, i;7lhO00..une-U, at anAVAagea terrible manner. It Js thought he will die. A Sjni".-.' Tiai.er v.-i!l e; A...,tAa.-t.b., a. restricted as to re-Adetn-e, trade or. occupation s A:e.. faU-ai ; t if yo'uf will i write your name, ebite-ol A,irinX,! .. 1 vtAtiAtothA..! tnrm -M semi it toithc addre!be!ovt.;we win .taAcpieaM ,? :rt 'toAa - . r! vflU n,jtj -!tIl; ESTIMATE bA a; STATEMENT bowing t .-,:-:.vie . or -n t.;;.ha,!nd paid up "insurance which would appear; m- a ;t ie. or; ;tt vouralge. I v.-fs bar i in the .lav of Mr R I Provide e Clubs (Jar!An .;. rill are inA :--t i a a - tie v. s- . at -nt,." King. of : C. .. .. . . . r I I ir. .1 .adaress i- Agents "W"ax2--tec3-. (Jencral Aqnts, r. ' i . ; ... ,.! I - : . 1 - 1 1 ' ' I . . J . : . : ' " " . r . - a r . i ; ;;-. r, , l I- ;. A AA ; : -. .i -A ;Aj; : .1", AA:,-;A ' - . .- ' Aif'-a. - 1891. r . , . ' a : ' ; i' 1 i i i : s, r.,.Ma t l,7AK.':'. i , ' . fihfoffokatie.- A .' - A A' ! ' i,,.' ri,.hl- , 111 UMt llllttia.. .-.Aa, A,-;lw ' re i iy ru ' i " .oft ie eayict value '. noli.eV issued . : 1 . r a- 1 - i . . . ii ;- . i'A ;.- "ni t?i y far. .:.v. . f s . -i ! " .,!': ' A r ! 1 ! ' WINSLOW & ROGERS, j : ; : - .1 . -: ;-;" 1 '.; A-:- ti i !A ! ' ' i . : e . ;!:- .A- A -A; t i ' price of a little over ... i,u 1 ao ae.ii r. -i i:"au'. 1 the rnittd State. Ar '''... A '-;'" -'' ' ' - . '; j ' ill "A I - ''r- ; " . - . .-.! ' - ! . . - . : -. ir :; ' f 1

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