" ;' ' " ' j - j ' -- : " ..- gi' : '. ' 1 r- '. M- V. The Gri$e ; 1 r ' - - ; ---if-- f-: 444 : - ; ' 1 1 1 JiiJ I it MIIIls.Sii. GKEEX.SIiOBO X. C, AVE jjNE SD A Y, OCTOBER 7, 1891. f By the Patriot PnMUhliiicOmpanr; I j I TEBMNjll.OO I'pr yHr I In Atlvnaee. i - 1 . i . ' i i i - cm. A. 7URNFR, l:- ) X i ! l.i: h ! i t . i . i$ . . " .-, v I . . i i Or. arlimr E. Lcdbeitet V.T. J. RICHARDSON, t v . I . : .-.-rj -. i 'INSURANCE!1:1; 31 -CLASS OjMPifilES ' i,. . f I . v j: ft .v i . r, til t.o ioImhii t :! otoie i r r-. V ' i . r i LOO CO., ii. ii.ii i r V. t'Mi COOIS, j istieEsie, ri WW i i a vm 1 . 1 i iliT.l r . Siji. 1 !.Ni s . t'AP.S Ml !:' i . t i Nit 1 r in i ai;uia(.i:.siioij l r-j .:.rii;g All Kinds of Vehicles. . . r: i of .. ...I rv- X- ! w thi: :ing. . it a,:e 1 W i,-T"m, CitJ t-C. w htre. in-.' j; Ite l. 1 n t'.- -t r .' t .-.. V irtof i:re . f ..' J... ,..-1 to 1, .4 e a ' !':', d w Iif"-. t S..- 11 i'gu Paihlii) 4 I: rf..oj-. J. H.. HARRIS. :. . i i - ... 7 -f A 'I ' t r. ! I:.i;j.r. :.':': -i ... ! , . . . t ' ! , t. ; f wmmi j: jdfc. ... In the Spring T: Tho South's Industrial growth. v. . I, !!; It JUST RULE OF A WOlAJT. Ghosts in Georgia. , ; ' ' - m ii - i , ;ri . - . j.- i i ; -m , i I iui , '!.!-. r n g ! I ' o..r idu-bh.g s r N b i f i, ,r o-. a , I ' U IJf it r,'- ... if.- . t h y I ti fi .1'. H ;!!.! -f . M, ',,, i, i, f. .v ,.; .f j How o .Feminine Superintent of a S. ptc mU r -Oth has t hj following on t!.- r . j 1 1 1 "growth of t !;t S ti t h : i p rt. H. Vakefieldfli;',;,;;,',,,rf,,,,,,i,-'-,,,- ' in A: ! I'.rn , , r- i n r ! r- it r i.iaf . tl.ii w ..y, if .ii r : I..v. i Irving r ir-tl wlii--!: ; t : - irulu-trill growth -f lheSouth i ' . i ; .11 i ' vwt t 'iirtiunit rui, aim m t!ic int rr inc that i will e ver l.:tw t ii f.;r. : . . 1 r4 i ti lt cover i i I'V t!n- !.-t hi:: .r n ir.'.n!h. It wotjM Jt i- r.nt'jral for a mp- blly ile vt !jiiiitj M-ctiHi I i k - th Si:it!i, v, !. r- ; iiou-arnl - of nnvr:i-terjiri.-t-H hi n- heiiiij ir;:inieil e-r uerc ur.n r f It ti.- !! -t n-tructjon, to f flrririci il troul- "t '. - r At ! I i. I. r j j I 1 . ; i j i . t f j I ! 1 V r -. i t ' ! t T v i , tl it. : V- . V I" 1 . i ! ! . - ! I l . ! i . I ir r- - riou-!v tl.nn ativ '!!!), l i:t Mich has n"t he n tin Coal Mine Manages Affir. j Mry. Francis Woodring-.i (the Mijerintendont of a coal iiije at jAhIat:i, la. SIic has fcspied the position binve the deatU:f her husband, several years agij4The woman is liked by'all her eiPj ef, -oiuc ij in iiuianer. ."MJi-tn? me Iirt on deck in the mornirA I Slje j remain- at the head of t lihaft until n of the employes ha'h' j;one to work. v, 'j-. Not a single accident, the Mah iriev t it r Tiilime. haRi-urr. , j ! in me ujinc hince v (oii- ririiT t(ik charge. She is Ij'are- h-.v it rn. i i . r f . :' li '--v. a w .i v r i ..; I'm r ' I """ r. . " s lv . ! - -. " r I. i - - p ' f..A- . I- r tnnsl l.li.u . .-a.-. Of couwmanv enterpri.- l" u';,l M " , ",n a ! nIua.n jt tottin- under hv wm-. the-!1" cnt.er .lU fhaft untlIJJf i , , , . i pressure is just so. i lt p inn came have In en halted, am I 1 .... J .. . -r.ri . , ii.! If there is a "had epot i 'Jt the r..iu.. hav l.t-oa abandoned, l.wtl . M . '..Vf,;-. it this i:n been uiainiv in the-iine of development and town com pan :-!' ; '!':. maEiufaetirriiii,' enterprise in jopi ratior. Jiave ov.c along ftcadily; Hanking and general lui-iness peJ ration-, tlioiili M.mcwhat retrictel in t!ie Volume, have Mood the finan cial h train rt markabl v' well. I )e- thc f treme depression iu ;sp,t,. :ro:i. uern jurnaccs nave e:- i -- l I . I I " i: . .. .. r ! run: r i i m i y i 1 1 ;.. r r v. n 1 1. 1 1 r.iHv I brn running to their full capacity arid making some profit; I cttoii mills h ac been busy, urn! in m arly every line of manufacturing t '. re Ir.i- eli a steady subtan tii! iviin t vi j. during t!;e great i.."iiilarv !-tri::'-ney. Tii" way in !.;'-h t:.e South lins Mood t!ie , trai: I. i- etirpri'td tiieltnanei.il 'world, aiid has materially strength-' i rud li i- eonri .oU'e of tlie cipilal of t!;e North in the great fn-i iv i t !ns , ion. I"i,e t.anb i-i awnv1 -tln1 .. ...... "... : ....I:... ; ' . ! rT:"- i MIIIUI ) l! t il 11 I III" HIHIIl ,t! p : of unpreccdetited jrosper , jr.y, and in all human probability must be propped up at once'hen the miners stop to "prop" lfi; lose al ittb time. One day MrV'ood ring j happened j into a jjciier's "breast" which was in baiftivindi tion.f k "Prop Jliat up at once," the vomnn superintendent's onj Tho man took hisj timcj'fCIr. Woodring then got niul anj.id: "Take your tools out of I willjhuve no man in my V'dploy carried home dead to hiti uife": women Jiave to sutrer enoub;iy ith out being made widows.' t The jnan begged oil nrjSJ,Mrg. Wojidring allowed him to:rfja'in. II'fit once ptartetlj to reif?i the roof over his head. Hepdn't start any too soon. Tin? nijtt-juin-ute aiarge piece of coal fel.'! his toe and Mnashed it. t'J, Had lie neglected the" W lfx of few minutes later hi tvutild have been killed by Jhe fall oaI. The'niiiier was ever thankfi3 lifter thatjfor the promptadvice jj')f? the wtiii..in. v : - i-. - ;. . r.et two years will be t'.o.j iT.-.: aetie in iieu:-trial advance-' j- i.j ,. r, wt V- .... lire-tiv after Mrs. tvring r.ent.u the h.Morvo, our country, L,,,,,..,,,- Uu. Inim, ,Juen la this great ,rt.vny and prosper 1 1 y in try the. ..th mil HndoubtedlyT;i,.Wom.in eaUJ J .J V' 1 . , '"'H' ' ' " lit "lo1 , I ...... Wo. . ;:!. o :tM v ti.ah s;ai!vs men and explained! to thn ithat a:-d P.. i i to t... . to J, . - t t!.. v. cM w n . t :.i I; - Ma I!. I' : i r: r, t- .-. o w. mines o;c:icj. d thro-: :h ii tr i:z ordea! of la ;. a : . a Oil. -and m,,1 wor, w,l 1; oti., nn:i;s aua thut if tll, tn't w cut ton Kin.-, established, ... .t.: i.:-: ;-n.. " i ii i nit' i ill ri'ji i'ii ii m s" lit" n;eti were obdurate, Iiowevefv fMrs Woodring then paid: i; "y. "All right; I will give -bfj. the uu rv;ip oui in mv own baiav She, never naid it a she w.'.s Sever IK r men wouoln t leave nfrnow f- r ariything. They Pay b! 'a an 1 i ieal i iuployer. I f jinv of vth;r em- i p.ove$ -or tiie mcmhers o- Jieir !.i n ii v--M t Mck. Mr. Wottrinr ... . i i . I . . I. .. Jii .1 i.' aeijians io viMt 1 uern Ml i Kiriv huh s oi r i;.:'" i.i i:n;t, arni in every orancii of i:. tra ! ui industry new ac- tiVity vol b felt. The South ha t!. t n . . e r. :,!!... "and it i kc ii s place in l!ie Up .11 wl li.'- w eoor.try is n! rir'ir. luriP: the Iat nine mont! i.oa ready t. ta a! :.:are!i f pr.-jr a tie 'ut!; ,s contini.- I to estab!iii ri".. tiianu facturing ; tuiterpri-i-t-, 1'iii.il tiin ".172 new cofici r:. i. !,u;i er.rani.e.l, which i only "o b-s than in the great " boom 'fi ;iri.rf".j j , t-oiisolat ion evervb lv wo is PO !( . i. r I; f.r ::d , tr. Cl I! a U ! J tr;.:. ri;.nt. t f uk f e. . . U -T .;!.d to t 1 . ! g i e a t w :;;iri an 'i :i' n. tli .t .;! s wh. ri a J ro fl;. . r ruin. 1 i.. nth- of I i: 4 t!u! !ir-! n:r: nt;H jifer by that ph ih Pty"fV"thi rkingman's clotfLe;" convrs wild r.iDE. roULON T WORK TIIE IDCK. r .i.i Likd a I.Ia: r. i ior.co s JJacl:. .Hi" a Ar ! d 1 r arr :v i i i i :r. a 'a ng f .'. with 'her father. 1 ir: t w u lat night from the ! of ti.e W -t an I from ti e Ib-rn biMn. .Mi-' Arled-i-with a most serious and tf- lli a X rot . t. nt a! her ! j 1 Accident to a Lock in the T53sury it ml uauses a Leiay. tu -IT A ! Wasuinotox, Sept. 30. Ait&cci I dent to the lock of the. inn$r:Moor of the vault in the cash roo'n.f the Tniied States. Treasury y'i'f.'St'd tenrporaty suspension of tltttjjpay. mi tits in that oillee this n',riin; Tl:ej vault is opened at o'clock e. i rv business day, but tJi'i,i(."'Vvas t i r.n .eeatlv. II ' hai'ii v i mercy ? ,n l i' 1 . 4 U 1 ' i- !! !.:pllO.C ' " r.iae;i on ; ;kltilT. liareil .!. . r ionic re- 1 a ranchman Viz Horn lusin and one dav 1 a- w I ere of an t co a boy rode i young horse was on a . t i-i; t '. r e.-rd t t:.; A:. I t',. -' fill!! i I e .tr- !; i : rai 1" . : S ate i of f,;!,i w .e, h. Up t. hjs that he' In a spirit of jest I'ora to ride the t wl, in, without a thought, Vaulted into the saddle, tlirow- ;i hiteli thi- morning and i t i st eal Jill the elforts' to opetjJSfJ It cont u:,eii about ! 1 s,oooA4 c'r in loos,, funds mce-siry to th5 "trans actions of the current btirrjVs.s of the department. When nrr-'f one ;.; occur i. I V sad a mi m i k v J. t r t s i ii. 1 t',.- v. ly lor.g. i ; . . . ' i i. !...,! f re are !.; U :iV,'l rt ! v I. enjoy huur had been spent in a ef- t. wnn, without a thought, fort to move the refractory door landi the creditors in the oufcf ollice ir.g !;er leg around the hrn, a nd ; w increasing in numberfyhd im !!. I. .r-- rtarted to backing and i patletu-e, a new comer tookj.'fcfId of p.ie;.i:;g .u a mrious r;ue, oui soeiU. s'.-.. k to him, q aeting htm door kno! anil bv 1 to A' a i r r . . (.' ' . t . j .:: a gre;:- - w ! . i i ; f..f.:r.e-.. I o..r v. i j : , ! h !!; ."rati r , ". i and 1 ' U i " p a - : ! - i s t , , . who' .1 r- i : . ! ! . a!.. . c 1 every, shaking accidentally ' broulitf the j ,:..p. Tlurt th.- I.orfe began to j cuijliinations iu t lieir propy-Si spaces run and ran for two straight hours j ;.:id the-trouble was at an In with Miss Ailed o t r l he har.gii g t !-. s in j;.. a ; ; ,e. the r ili t pur-u:;. a nd- tone cow - On .f them at last Mjeeccdci b d i: the meanwhile a telegram rVoj"been sent to a lock expert in Iiulel phi; to come to ' Washittn at i once, anu u.e ireasurer uw- auoui u;. ! fright Tied animal anu j concluded to resort to the jierto ' ra t ii i . .Mis. a . 1 ri"rr s-auit. matter w(jri-j was cou'.d that! the dt mauds on Treasjiit' this 1 .. . e - J i matt mortiiii'' w?re unusuallv Nrouga! :t to a standstill. ..u-n-d funds in the was to:, I to get oil, ( What made the !,-Hi t 1 1 t Ij.it she ; ? t !;eu t he horse An interesting story, with the scene laid at Montezuma, is going the rounds, sas the Atlanta Con stitution. It date9 back many years, when one Thomas Dargin kept a ferry on Flint river, near the pres ent town of Montezuma.: Dargin's daughter Mary fell in .love with Ned Vines, a dashing young stasre driver. " ' ' The- girl's father opposed; the match and an eropement was plan ned." One dark, stormy night they undertook to cross the swollen stream in the ferry-boat, which was managed by means of a, chain stretched from bank to bank. When they were a short distance from land Dargin (to- whom -their secret had been betrayed by a ne gro) rueuhed out, with rage, am; unfastened the chain. , The darkness of the night, the swift water, and the; tangiewood along the banks of the river made escape from their perilous position impossible. They could but drift whither the cruel waters carried them, and soon the stout boat was wrecked on a pointed rock. Next day the drowned lovers were found washed ashore severa miles below the ferry, lovingly- clasped in each other's' anns. The sight touched the heart? of the cruel parent, and his anger was turned to remorse. Ile.leuned oyer their bodies, beautiful ' even in death, and wept bitter tears. Then, remembering if was the deed of his own hands, lie cast himself into the angry flood. This place is haunted to the present dav-. Each midnight a phantom boat may be Been to glide -1 1 .!. across i ne niurivy waters until tne chain is loosed, . and-!qn ' stormy nights, by tjie glare of the light ning's flash, the quivering specta tor can see the forms of Mary Dar gin and her handsome lover locked inclose embrace in . the illfated boat as they are borne by the gur gling waters to the pointed rock. SKINNER IN IT ! The Present "Wind Seems to Indicate that the Alliance Drop Will Fall That Way. f A prominent member of the Al liance, one who knows what lie is talking about when he talks, was met on one of the corners yester day, and the conversation soon drifted to the color Of the Alliance clouds. His manner was very quiet and lie seemed to have perfect con fidence in his remarks. -"5ee here," said he, "do you know that Harry Skinner is going to be the next Governor of North Carolina?1'. - When he was told that the reporter did not know what way the wind was blowing, he said: "Yes, Harry Skinner will be the next governor, and his term will not expire before he will be in the United States Senate. I know what I am talking about, and I know that that is the way things now stand. r i The Alliance has hoped to get, in Harry Skinner, a man who sup ports our demands and get a man whose course will be sot straight forward and just that no man, no matter of wbat profession or parry, can find objection to him.-Charlotte Chronicle. ALLIANCE DAY A Famous Accidental Discovery. Arganij, the inventor of the fa mous lamp which bears his name, had been experimenting for some time in trying to increase the light given out by his lamp, but all to no purpose. On ! a table before him one night lay an old flask which had. aceidently gotten the bottom broken oil', leaving a long necked, funnel shaped tube. This Argand took up carelessly from the table and placed, almost without thought, as he afterward related, oyer the flame. A1 brilliant white light was the magical result. It is tippiIIps K r. n .1 .1 I. .1 . 1. 1. i .1 lu ouuHiMi ua- mm was not lost by the experimenter, who proceed ed to public discovery into practi cal use by "inventing' the common glass lamp chimney. Hundreds of discoveries which have been heralded to the world as the acme:' of human genius Jiave been the results of merest accident, the auger, calico printing, vulcan ization of rubber, etc.,belng anions the number. ve carry one ol the inosticoiniilete Childrens .Muslin Uiulenvear iu thi ahtce the prides to be as LOW l ? material, ean.be bought at re overyarnients j.erleetly njiadft Stork sistf of (U)vn: Che nisei I Shirts f: - v,tl".s, i neiinispj Miiris; Drawers, shkt skirts, lorsdt covers' Kor Ladies and -Children, Jdlso In fan ; t I f. oritur in 1 r '.V-V 1 - 2 y - 1 i ! r i i - r.!:-;j ari asortinents- of is. anl tau We ai ( rLOiWl-fl tliatysanie ati tn a small way, : i j I - 1Ut- -Mi Skirts, Slips am : A Button's. Journey. John Bowden, fifty-five years of age, ii lirakeman on , the i Baltimore and Ohio railroad, residing in -Bal-timorejv.-ent to the Presbyterian Hospital yesterday and complained of a-severe pafn in his leg. No oiitward evidence of any injury could be discovered by the physi cians, but, with Bowdeivs consent, they- cut into the centre of pain and removed a large confederate niilitaijy.button. Bowden said that he .was wounded in the army at the battle (of Gettysburg, but at the time the bullet could not be found, although the wound was probed several times by the hospital ph--siciansl The confederate button was thje missle that inflicted the wound in hisarm, and had worked its way up through his body and down to. the place where it was found and removed. I'hil. 7Vc.s'. Know in e nee y Hints to Travelers. i. J .l 5: g ! ! t he i.a?o a itni !!ol again oil its wild career. It . 5 or i.u r t wi ntv mill's and then t Go Slow, Girls. re i w a 1 At lir, a hi ;:sg t, .'I. and its daring rider ut.d :.-ei .us by its ioe. I it v. a- thought her leg was a t:, as she did I. ! aj-pear to 1. t.o li.' :. or., t re ill .. Ir ," i : :i ad : a u !.v tn Ila e t he tl- : i g 4 : i :i ! i e - I. i I e II; , . -e . a . o - -. ,.a f. h r s. of it, ! :it up u an ltt : i a s found t i i : n ro- n. out ti.e mercies i ht j.-g, 1 : r-::i tlte i'-ng and sir. .In in holding to the horn - ,M.t . had lost tl. ir power i ... i . ... i eg Jwti.gs i.i.ip aim i..-e- was t d iv stilt t' Oa;a- 3 i S.hiu-ely a day passes wi(iit Its newspaier story of some y-iii'NVO-; u.i-n; who met a man so i rit-lO1 ltlS jtiiatlshe thoi.glit she coulfn live w ithout him, so sue m.irri q r.ui in hi sit- ai,d afterward learratlf that In w'as an t.v-eoiiviet r a rrCl' or lifiUiH' I had wife or t.;Jitoni r. wliom l.e had separated witLot th 1 . . . i . . ? j lorniaot oi u . ai In s . - h eases u port tne man, i iviiri'.. ' . biaiii'-' Iaiil who VcneH.f''4 de- r t rf attr.ent. a- Wv o.. the abuse sj . , ial to I)i n t r A' Sr. M j-. v. y . ol a ; ' harp I: Ccsts Nothing. .t : g 1 e : s- and tl.er: v Iti t. j. a v. t t .m : . i . luek raiting - i us a J .y ' :r a ur-. w. :. I. w! l i: I' .ill IliUI -.,. ua- lot . . h.ti:,' timely article on alial-1 . eg d it.ti-re-tirig ineid rit : "The .rv in our r. ws e lumii is of the aan it! N. rth r.irolina who receiv l al i.iuist of for his can ti cent. i" Si e . . t S i . i: d I. courtfv t a -out uern straug-r in hi-town la ole vry pleasant : ,i . . l.er i rig. il. tje "a!e 1 1 -how s that politeness. t . is t lie I. f-T" policy. vt e i in this e l 1 world plenty of serves n.oro aousc inan t gei.-. HuV-'irls. look at the inattj-r.seri- Pusly a few minutes and sv;; tue ! ..1.'.. mi. .lit nf,f iott-o ip li ' Vvil ill - ; uiuiriv iu ir ii .i'fc .i... . . . ' led if von had not been in t .ii"Vmiclr i .viarriage means iiarineiya. i o I life:' decrees of divorce ar0;i'rely j exceptions t hat . pmv Wotild any man entt ntsst partnership with il jittle knowledge of the other tVh a9 read-J ,. i -.i,', vlu fi ni, 'you seem sausueo mui. ! lie w ere a s w et uleu ive t)'MfuIe. r int.1iv.j'usi p rf unctory courtesy f. : Mu'iifv article. iP i - lunatic ' 1 I I.!L- i- i-!i. :io. oi tne counter- , , . ..t, . f. ,w t loot .. roo At the Catawba Fair Polk and Weaver Addresses a Large Audience. Newton, N. C, Sept.. 30. The fourth annual fair of the Catawba Agricultural Association is being held here. Today was Alliance da, the speakers being .J udge Weaver, of Iowa, and Col. 1'oiK. in the morning Judge Weaver address ed a large and appreciative audi ence, treating on the Alliance prin ciples and demands. He especially referred to the banking sys?tem; he made no allusion to the Alliance going into the third party. Col. 1'olk in the afternoon spoke to an immense crowd. He repudiated all the charges tint have been reported about him and other leaders in reference to the third party. He spoke very freely. In concluding his speech he said, "If the Demo crats want Alliance votes what Hiey will have to do is to treat us fairly, squarely and honestly, and give u a clean man not connected with Wall street, and one who stands upon the principles of the Ocala demands." A vote of The audience was taken as to how many would stand upon u o.il.i ilron inils when nut to the I fire test. .Almost the entire " voting party of the audience roser This is significant. your route before -ou com our journey. Have as much money as possible, but keep little of it in sight. Head j your ticket carefully; it may be your guide". Avoid useless questions and others will usually be answered po litely, j Be on time; trains and boats wait for no one. ' Keep I your ejes and ears open. Guard against pickpockets. - 1 If you' have not your ticket ready to show at the gate doirt get.flus trated. J Slip aside and look for it calmly it saves time. I If you have several parcels put them all into one strap. They are easier to carry. Don't stand so' as to obstruct the way of others while saying good by to your j friends. New ork WorlTt, SAVANNAH'S STRIKE. 2,500 Out Unsuccessful Effort at Set- j ' tlement. Savannah, Ga.. Sept. 30. The wharf laborers strike is gradually extending to other organizations and a close estimate of the number out, at noon is twenty-live hundred. An'elfort'is in progress to efl'ect a compromise between railroad cor porations on a basis of eighteen cents an hour for regular time with an allowance for all over time, buk so far the committees arc una ble to bring about a settlement. Vessels are lying at the ; wharves unable to unload or discharge car goes and business is at a standstill. The-eottqn exchange and board of trade are using vigorous elTortfj to bring about a termination of the! strike and a number of conferences have been held; but so far without result 3VT:a,l Orders ' Solicited. $1500 ET9 n ... ! MM ' -1 - 1 orth of Dress 4 )CS. s . Gobd i : I J I 1; I . " 11. ( -I I tt . , - . . 1 . : 1.1 ; a unurcus 01 .-varus 01 "nice, ifierviceablo DKKHS GOOD 1 are fplAce.U i"ies XP rc poseu ut .Togardldssrtrf iCOST.j: I.-Fvb-ii ivaiit to uuv goous at mucji less than their value how i the trine and thU placo ar.lITT L'TiliT' i . 1 .. i I 111.. oiiiiijn. u costsa nothing pi exiimincjlie goods and! wo wouiu he glad to show you through our liie. 1 ' , ! NATJOXAI. DANK liUILIIliNKj, SI!Ei.'SIK)K', K c. Fire - Insiiraie ! TOTAL ASSETS OF OVER TWENTY COMPANIKS! l.KPIHKNTKD . t ; fc - v t I r MILLION DOLLARS. Office I ijxx. Sa-wings 33 a, ) (finoExsj'.onb. .. v. -1 laCEID QTJAETEES (ITOI' PURE DRUGS ! AND CI IliMICALS, Patent iLec3.ictxo, 3VCxxxoxa,l ANI NEW CKOl' TURNIHi SEED at 1 I. Trusses and Brack AND O RACKS . - : h . From our Large Stock we ciifji . supply '. ' . . - County at short Orders and l'IES( dl'TJONS by 31ail fill. Wholes ah; Garkfulu r. old Beta Miysleians aTi' notice, 1 and foi var d . S t on V JL'JL 1ICE X113ASOIMA.23Ij13. : : Richardson & Parris, MYSTERIOUS. TRAGEDY.: Two Charred Uouies Found in the Ashes of a 'Burned House. Box nono, N. C, Sept. 30. News of a horrible death by fire reached here today. jWilliam Dixon and his wife lived ten miles east of Koxboro. Last night about eight o'clock screams were heard by a neighbor, but as Dixon and wife were known to live unhappily it was thought they were having a fight. Shortly 'after the house was in flames aiid today the charred bodies of two people were found in ashes. Dixon's hat with a holdjn Lin, a uioouy roc-K anu a pooi 01 blood in the yard lead people-to be lieve there was murder before the led by nest 1 raim KD. the Opposite Benbow House, feb. 12. 7 1 1 SudcessOrstto W.' ( For e ' ' I GBEENBOKOj N. We 1 ave just received one t'houiaiHl BolU-of - i - 1 i- . ' ' J t - 1892; 1BW PATTERNS J -1892. WALL EAPiBl .: . . ! - ill h:r. - 'l.-'H. iii:.r;d'; Spring, but as our 1 facturersof whom FRESH from the of 1'.)2 styles, 't'liise poods are not usually s irge sales ohHged us - to re we purchase Iials sent us a Call and .see tJiem if : 5000 rolls in Stock but going fast. ROLLS. The ld t Ihf: t rad$ ti -toeki lie-fore tliHt part of our no t I iat !N inter-or i iuo th ei til an 11- y.ear onlr, pattenrs dre NKW, NEAT, and i ll you want .-. : L4 r . . . i r- A few-patterns more of the EPBS & HACKBTT t 311 SOUTH ELM S'l ' 3 - T IE jVTii I cent (Ti if.llli r 1 1 1 .1 ; left, GKHKNSliOtiOJ N. C. TT1T IV. TII ISM 1J11 in 1 1 SSA 111 11 1 u iii.li 1 in 111 1 ( WW WWW ill U t Illlltl CIIlJSETy3 111 ! I t i mi 11 11 1 in I ' : Sprinolic Inventor Edison's Fortune. The recent decision of the Uni ted States courts puts $14,000,000 into Thos. A.1 Edison's . pocket, beauty Never before has any decision bright, broil" ht such an inundation of! secure wealth. Edison sued ii company ! sable. Gallant Rulus Choate. On ajpretty girl saying to Rufus ChoateV " I am very sad-3-ou-see," he replied, " O, no ; you belong to 1 'the old Jewish sect ; you are very fair-I-see!" Notliiing adds -so much to the rirb llii-u be which had been using his inven- j blood-purifiers soul to improve made up of j o,n run psneela V when thci'TH a v i t - - j - . en tl'lTi' bounty th- '1 i I K X. . 1 luoni ti iv a: IK-:. 1. Dun: Angul .".' mi l.ows ana ins,ucere jmo-, , f insn re it two j-ur.ds of sorghum sugar tUtltled he J cent- p-r p .ui.'i ieur;i-i f- lU.ni ImUli'V ttili I.1.UI11U1 lurd at' e W. ri.s. 1 ht j ,... v. .II t li J.- I :.. 1 :. output off hi. ?. ar in Ne- ! -. I tah a:.d Caltfor- ' .7.' ' . ' 1 pound. ' t ..: : 1 1 ;. -n-. but there is very little of I..:- oil fa-liLoiiod consideration r -her- which makes life full of M.u ;nr-s and light. It is strange n do not cultivate this spirit 1 thai me the Mrdii'it C 01. put ol toe :: p.. :.iift.oy p..j; ( ( el arid -.I -k.. I i-f..i. i a nia will r .... ..f w gt .iriu.aP'i;. , t. I entitled and its ollt Wal more than th. V d ing. ma:- 1 J -.m -times ;(- .1 u well. tlie of i - ...I . f . . . 1 j 1 oe o. 1 - ....'of. ii tiiivt r- alio ui- '?ii' to the n.iti . rial bank?, is stated at f 1 2,- j 000,000. I he net IM I pTeliV jace 10 m'nc iir. . . ... . . . . 1 . -. . if & w illing ear- 10 unm- Don't fear that some ofJi? girl will get the fellow unless Viu se cure him at once. jeV, 1 - - -- ; Notable Horse Trading j s- fi; I r, A well-known jockey feaud a iinestment l;v l10wV colt ami hied himself Ml. the 1 .. , r. . .1.- 1 vi.ds 1 Uaiei 10 tee 1 ne 00 -. 'i.uiji ot came back he was ilrivIng.lS fine manift station It costs 111 th- ', happur, anl balance .1. in .sure .vistirdav. inciufive black horse, leading a gj?bay, whiltj there followed behini.;lvpair of oien, a cow, an old yiah eicht pigs. Springfield JUnitlliyn tion ; and, after eix years of litiga-, rough, tinn. he has triumphed. The .de-j drive t of -a fair girl, as a clear healthy complexion, and to this pure blood is indispen- So many of, the so-called pimply, muddy skin, only r I l" . t ie serotinous nuixiors num making enormous the surface to some internal vital fendants were profits, which they must now turn over to the fortunate electrician. Edison is the richest inventor the world ever saw. Some ingenius calculators have been trying to fig7 ure up his income, and they have reckoned the diirerent- inventions until they are tired, without touch ing bottom. It would not be sur prising if it were almost as large as Jay Gould's. Mr. Edison, by the way, has set himself to writing a novel. ' That it will be a unique 'work is to-be expected. He will have no difliculty in finding a pub lisher, i orcan, ?nd disease and death is' the inevitable result. On the contrary Dr. Pierce s Golden Medical Dis covery strikes directly at the root of theevih by dring the impurities entirel'out ff the systemand with stream of pure blood tlow ugh the veins, nothing but thesofiest and fairest of complex ions can result. a fresh - 1 ing tnr lena at Man vault c or Sherman, in his library tield, has a large lire-prfof ntaining his enormous; pri vate correspondence with promi nent mhi and women. j Assetts, .$ll,2aLV;3 POLICIES IN FORCE, 22,70;. INSURING, W, 2rThe contract of ANUAIRY iBt,t8hi. ha I. Liabiiitics, .$10,31 this company after t vv incontestable, unrestricted as to resiflencff ' If you will write your name, form and send it tkrthe address von, not an (ESTIMATE but :a in cash and paid up insurance wliich wo til at your age. I 1 . day- ofT date of bijrt4i., and addn-' hi thjdank wilt take ph .iin in showing I was born in the. . - My name is. v ... . j 31 y address i Mass., r u 2,:7.77. Surjli(--, -f iO( t lOVl i' ywis becomes' r!u?rForfeit abler ,'trade'or occupjjijti'oh. 11 below -w STATEMI ENT flowing l,hp jexjojt jvalui I "ap t )t-ia r in j a 1 pol 1 c fcj i i m u bl r 'jthiffs i- litii theJytRr.if. 1 t -j .1 Mil 1 tl WINSLOW & ROGERS, General -Ajoitf N C. ehlia-lm: . "II ' : :- !.-k:i B00E and JOB PRINTERS GEEENSBORO,;. O - j . - ' . ' - IT I .' ') I Priced Low and Ssilisfaction Ouan r - &NLY OFFICE IN i . -i : - . ! -i ' -,, 1 J ' 1 -ii 1 : 'I,-.' i:- ; i - r - . i - - s .ti.i , f 1 ! 1 1 , ; PIEDMONT PRESSES 1J NORTH CAROLINA RUNNING T i! Order! by AIad Re.ctive our Personal Atttcittioni, -Xi, j IV AT Kit POWER. 1 ill HEIR i f n ii Itount v ' ; , - -.-: i - - ;. ; -' r !,.'-; .r 1 tr . - - ::.' i j i ; x f.. ' j ! . - ; sj . ,.- .-

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