I I I' ' t , 1 LJl, I StW iLBlj.H,Ml.,l!4l GKEENSI30K0, X. C. WlSlNESDAY, OCTOl'.EI? ,1 1, f Uj lh 1'Hlriol lnMiliinS 4 omiiniiyL 111 lttiw . v r- n r- t h j-r b n a-' w ; im u i . ; ! ; ., f.tfr n ; . . : " . -In. ;. - ..; , .; u.iu .i ' ; ! I II i Dr. GHAS. Al TURNER, 1 '. .:! i.'.i.i i'.rn-. or . s. I.r..w H f:rc. Dr. W. H. .Wakefield, r i ; u i t. . i u x a l sei:vi ; us t ' ; .-. t.f ' ali"ii ; I i . .: ! .!.( Ml. I Aii o I ' ,: i i II M . : t l M. Iff- r -. a- ti '.rr !. ! " JH Dri Arthur E.jLedbelter, " . 1 1 . hi-- 4 t 1 . t -lN II. -I Ii 1 . I I r,t..t . ' ' f i f ; . , It It lf " ; Dr. W. J. RICHARDSON, r, 1: nr. n hi:oi:o, n. c 4fT'f in LIFE INSURANCE"";, ONLY fIRSVCUSS COMPANIES lUI'in.-KN'tKI). t :. - n t...i f .r i tt N- 4I I' ' .. t. 1 ntn a 1 41. : ; - .... ) . Books! Books ! Books! 1 ! r;rrrunrn'IIU More I . It.-,! M-irt. r f r MioKs.Iii !'ti N i !. I it y a"l H : v Vat - r. Mi-. Is? f I an 1 ry art. t j.ri-. l t .t - i nt ' r v ; ! r . m l - .- III .nth 1 :n tr t t. f '-r". N. i' lit II- :. 1 r. i in r. t '-It . DIKE BOOK, CO., ECOXS, STATI0XA3T. FANCY GOODS, . 1 . . w t .1. it .! ut I.-.-.nr-.. t'r.hr.1 t-r.r.ttl i"f vtrthS4 in oi.r line I r-.t i: rlr !'.:! d. '.. t,W.i(tf Ii...!i!int liihk. 1 re' r?nrK 11. r. I y. 4 I 'c It i I ruiR tS I ' Aisencan and ItiUan Marble. f l . f I in..-! .-1 i.t if . ul-. I ! - ! li." --t !- ' I tTn. , I . I -1 ;r.'t -t . -..r t'-f' - 1 SCBE s Cfli FATEST DIOPTRIC ETE-HETERS, nit.o ..:-.. i -i- ( ., .. h - -f t ... lt I 1 !! . ! jfl. rf.t "'f - t.s-l ; : HI UlT ! W II. Farrar Son, ji.n 1 t 1." .l:V n X. f 1 III I vr .Mis. .XXIH (JATOlt S. FRIDAY & SATURDAY,' OCT. 9 & 10. sij.iia Ccols! UltU hwielties ! 11 .. r- I t !';- ' -' ! Ml r.U'lWV. . .' s. y k. i , '. i..i I !' i r. I . a -,.t- I o M:-- - l li t,;;l .JU i y IIAVK Ol'KX KIi A CAltlilAGKSlIOl - For Lud ling atld -c pairing I Ml Kinds of Vehicles. if' I he Veuad the fetvice of .oaie '1 raeehanic, ndjwUl he pre- j pred ti d snjjkin l of Sniithinir or W?od Work, PA1NTIKO jind TIMMIKO. - I 1 Ifse very Utet ntjlejand ft s rea fhalle prirti a ""t work can tt dune any w hjre. I !.all enlt avr l uf l taatertal it throuv. and hve the work done e!l, o a to oMain thtt. -t reult. t wt ill ! ri rinih tine Furniture of :t Vn I. Would t '!ee I to hae a irHl fr-.m any who net? worW. My sl."P i In th lla" huil iinjt oil IAi Mrttt. : Hei ertfully, J . H. HABRIS. lUERED I'a.! : It P.j. i'j ty Hectare D : 1 ti.;c Eyj iiLt to Itcjnal Vu:oa. m 1 I i.e. . t . IM,..'II" I .-ttf ll. J ,.,.t.r v,t 1 1 .'. T tj . .1 1 1 N I -I H M. MI' i , i.j'.r 1 - !.....' l.r.- ex . r iu 1 1 It IMtlj j iiiiiiiiiurUiiiiiHi u:i ii it 1 :i li ii j iit m. t 1 1 Saviour, Have Pity. It V t . K. M. , . . . . U tnfn!.h-, faii.t, anj falter in the ! : We t ar the !3t if n.nrtii f, oto and all. Vt ti.f, lur-(l fi 5y :i-iwn' mjMIc trt ; r. tn tiar!r!, LStr. !!, in the tt nrj.! r" hji:r Leap frtsi lluir iiiu.u-N hts-rlj! Mill (IV iMtn th s!j-i .f ui !ark, awful nSIil. l, r. t h. In t!rfi-" Mi'14c-r than tht r!ouui of I.Ike L'fi'-i lul t.i.w m tn r Uucliiii 111 th. t.r..- t'. if .! n Jo 1 ar:!i hy fury uf the t.'at. U hat j.itr bt!i tl w.rl l, doar Lord. Ii'r Hirst ; 1 h, 1 in tinr. tay, in iihtcv stay I he .'i.rnf ul iiM- kiiij; and tbe taunt wliirli !ay. Iftlp u. d.ar hfit, no crutl stones to i x-l T lake th- life ! w ! ti.li d. Lit !! lin ttie oi;e t'r.k. n, irk,and ore. Our warm Mjnhin-, vin r v. ''. U t ri" Fr..:u ..nt tht- i!u-t and ruin where it AnJ I. 1 ihc falK-n titeha.-W to thy feet, I h. n. liryt lti -u ian, J.-t ll.y won! f-.rt And lei and ! n.S r. altli an.l life; rt;i.'r "Ntitlii rd.i I iii.f tun Hire, in ti. f." TEN COMMANDMENTS. n 0 jbancis and c: Or.? Snnday Tal!"t for Hu Another for Wive I I'-rr. from ' rjitfj, "jA :i-j 1 is a uiHav "trimr ot i.-w cur man Imrr.t' for hu!iir.d ,ii;.t, I on f I ...nr.-.. if iti'..f -ih nr I happv marria-e." the mihtv dollar, therefore, halt ihou make r.iu tally fati-factory arrar.enu nt with thy nife concerning her pecu- fni.iry allowance, immediately upon ntvrij; : th niatrimoni.il rank. rii'M. TI.- -; h;lt i;d ir.ake thv wifeV d:j?is I inlrn-oinu lv l.y - "I' - rn - ou.eho.d man - hT t -.ki::r: and h a n.ent to thv mother. f-T everv . r "1 .1 1 , . 1 , r trt:- wife il.tth the best that he po--ib!y can. THiia. Thou .-halt nd take thy wife to aerount for -hortcomings, but over look slight failings and bear pa tiently with faults, as thou wonhlst t 1 it th" Lord thy Cod did unto thine o a n weakne-s. lol'UJII. lit iu ruber that thy wife is as- i -1 i r; tl;.e very materially (finan cially) by bein maid of all work, houst'k eper, ea metres. nure antl cook, six days fhalt thou over look unavoidable delays antl mis- Stakes (which annoy thy good wife as much as 1 hey th thee), antl every s. entfi ti.iy thou shall allow her to r t from arduous household duties .in! ti:jy thy cheerful companion ship. ItlTII. Ilon .r thy wife with thy implicit ennlidvi.ee in nl! things, that she mav coun-.-I and advice thee, and lemi ht-r aita:iee over hanl places in time of trouble. t -IXTII. Thou fhalt ri"t kill thy wife's rt -j" e! for thee by thin4 those things which would grieve tl.ee if done hy her. -tVI.NTH. Thou halt not commit the great error of being ashamed to apojn- gic to thy wife, ami thou sjjalt al- w ivsdountn her as thtu wouhUt that ie .oUItl tin uni' nice t,, . .1 t ! II Til. NINTH. Thou .-halt not bear ill will against thy wife w ithout just cnue, but -halt at all times permit her to tlefetal her- If. ti nth. T!:'".! "halt not cover the pleas ures of the club, nor any other ni tertaiumt nt where thy wife must be ixeluiletl. but find comfort and njovmvnt in the bo mm of thine own'familv, whom it is thy duty to IbuV. cherish anl make happy. For the Wife. ni;-r. -I ..m 1 -ri.it barrier In Iierfcct matrimonial h irmonv." siy sliick .Ttmper; th'.u shall, therefore, rithef make every etfort to get me thoroughly under control, or be fciire thy husband doth not jiossess the same unfortunate trait. ( ltNt. Thou "halt not 'make unto thee any evil imaginations concerning tht- bu .band f being jealous ,) for Ih-ai canst neer ! appy witho'ut pl-.cing im- ! idence and iru-t in him. t upiciou be truly bar pi ic it confide TltlKP Tbi n .: :. ,. r tt...l ii... i.ii -titl of I ol KTH. . her phvsicians are somewnai an- ; , red. and his Id 1 ml m;. , railed Ihvushalt no! te:,l happy mo- a , ;cr C()ndition. 1 !,,;iVa- he explaihtd v.ai rnent- from thy wife l.y parting ; , t - , U.r J.uMn't from her in nr-'cr. but -forgive and ,l""u'1 1 , s 'f 1 1 ' l i ' Ind avoid the parrels, Michael I, ivitt think that x- ! t that 3 h.cl. are the greatest ddtroyer, ton or Dilhu, ill be rh.,,n leader ; :,nal.y " n-t d 'r"'1 it ?u ; of matrimonial bli.-. f of the Irish movement. Sexton ng on l. n - - - wouhl prt.bablv be the man. UutMh; the u ho.e , ci o d. 1 Kt pt wman's exi-tence, and thu re- t ro..a leadin- from the city and ver, gamming is ruu . ... . a tree-trunk an u -w, woman s exi lenct, the ro.iU tat,IP- f . thc tirgt floor, anu keptn at all ; saVg he llas wulked over the knobs, ''t1' f" .l'1 tht Hev WiO.!ti.ne,. If you are a cat&Jl player, j an;, never a ,ign of any smoke nris iTZTou -volver you ,fd eo , in ouia X .een It; there- K intere. ingtopiV; .nd en.IeUor in was found that one llg Cut winner, as the gam i Jre v- wollKl he. above his head, an.l.ng every wav to retain thy hu-band' ! rokVa above the knee, an.! 1 e ty pUyed with revolvers fl he man in a rigid coluinn. Over one hun eery way iu ict . wasurtotta ....... ,i..r . -ets out his irun tfu-'tiuickest . ,ir..,i lieiin e .saw this gnjoke last lull Biiii"i"i ' - r.PpntMi, rvinii : i . " .i- :.... :. . .... , . ,ii..... o. .... 5 . - -i .1... f..- ftrt : l""i "". . . 1 ,. . A la.rr, with at I j lltmemuer. . i. ur-...-..... wn ,w bfo' rn, and tne ntse K'-r game " 'i " The De Beers Diamond Company! (duty to p eatte -er hsb,nd S.x ,iCerat,d fearfully. Pes.je, fu 1 revolve r take t 1 . rlv reports a protit for las day shall thm, lab-r u g--J l)avi, Uve L , tAdl nearly alla .. ; ontT mlion pounds sterl jcok, tidy h'usfiie ' r t y v .. J.,. bruised and cut in !cv-: pass the time, you kn.v. India- tar oi n jful cmpanion. to t-tify thy i.u-, -. . ee SaliBburv iitrUl.l napolis i. $ i1"- 1 ; tdialt strive to inako the happiest in In existence. - HIT!!. I Honor thev htisbau.l ami tpentl in over Jits tault?, but ryunt up h i poJ iUalitif, ami tte .what blessing lu will Ihthdio to t hr.aii! what h cotiti-ntctl wife timij h.-ir 1 be. -iXTir. I i Thiii !: It not kill hnailV.-t 1 . . . ' ".' I I'V Im.-wii iiti !n-itiu;:iMr i:i trou!!t. Io-i:!:ii:. .K:rii. j Thou phult not commit the -rrr , 7 ,-. , , , 'own home. Let him tlo as he pi- I f1, and do thou t hy utmost to muki ' home tfu iut phanair)' Mint mi earth, where he will forget huMne-s entirely on the farriier, an A fur carr and worldly troubles, and nirhes one w it h a wonderf rJ fpsight where he uill find comfort, peace jn0 tie t l.aractcristicif.V the anI genuine happine. hiornev-handed tons of l'er- . 1 ...... -A T KHiiiTii. Thou. hlt tifd steal from th y r.r tl-ni. I... coming li- attentive to ilresA nml j manner than during eourtship i NINTH. Thoti i-lialt not U ar tales to 1 others concern in-; thv IniKhandV (action and family alTair. nor un veil tn ftliorteotnings to a tliinl person. TENTH. Thou slial not covet luxuries, j which may l.rinjr thy husband to tt). If it had. Waterbufyvorks tinant.ia .linieultu,,, or perhaps j aI1 u, ,,late.l ease, and wL'-?worth ! ruin; nor social p!casurcn, whidii,,!, ,,,t I could sell it t(3i Tinner j thy thv hufibnnd doth not enjoy; nor mi-ion work, which causeth thee lo neglect t!iy household duties. lor home is woman (t puere, anu In r blissful communion and happi i n , w" i ",1'l,tl ,,e itiiouiio .urn i iiuuiiii .. 1 1 . 1 i.o.i-.. hvr chief tluties and,' :..U ' . THE IRISH LEADER DEAD. Charles Stewart Parnell Died Late Tuesday Night. I.oMuN, Oct. 7. Charlc Stew art r.irntl!. the Irih leader, iicl . U h((lU(, ,a ilit:liton Tuesdav . - ,.. rm: ni ws ix 1 omm.n. ! L..M-.N, Oct. . Great Iintain an.I Ireland were startled thi morning hy the utterly unmoved- . . ... ii. riv 11 n hi . . .l. ."l..1.l that Charles Stewart 1'arnHl, the noted Irir!i 1. j t:. t it... 1.. .. t 1 .'o t..t leaner, uieti mjuuchij night, at his home in Urighton. No lor announccmeni niai ' ""(inhlii-other as he m o.ie in i.oauun appear? it. oate j , , lh lIVt. smile, "I have with known that the Irish leader was ; Ul itfortune, and;im obllgdl even slightly ill. His death is said ., j,.,;,,-, Jtt Ilo monevltv give to have been .indirectly duo to a , .,!., v- iJit. rrs,I)ted the fajnlir. chill whkh he caught last week.j j-j do not ask for charf;C;' con and which at first was not regard- ti,a,ed th' voting man. ij.jj.-ivea ed as being of a serious nature. :ltc iierewhich I pi,4'oVe to Mr. Parnell arrived at his home at n,iri... f,',r e;,sh to r'tjivc my Hrightwn from Ireland on Thurs-1 u.llV,,r:trr i iuliarrassmer".w day and complained of sutferifig I ..j) ,, wa.:r u o vifh.A -r from u chill, and was compelled to 1 .,..jt Jt.t I!M. t.Xplain. Jfgre is a take his bed. On Friday, n medical 'v !r!l wnrtj, i;,o. 1 uMlell it consultation Vas Im Id. On Sunday the physicians again came together in consultation, and it was then a-.'reeti that the tli-t inguihed pati- ent had been attack-.l by acute ' rhcumati-m. At that time Mr. : Parnell was mi tier in- great pain 1 and w.!. growing perceptibly Keak- ' tr. Several hours before his death. he became unconscious and nt re- uiained until t!;e end. Mrs. l'arncll and the physicians : were the only ones at the bedside when the dying man passed away. Mrs. l'arncll believed up to the mo ment when death came to thorough ly disabuse her. that her husband would recover. Mrs. Parnell, who j been completely devoted to heruj WorhI." "ft husband, refusing to leave his btd- j' hen the coltish " yor Af ' 1:1:111 side for even an hour's rest, is ut- terly prostrated by the shock ami party. ind words Mr. Darilt had onlv kin for Mr. Parnell. ami he and tht others interviewed hoped that ; the 1 Irish faction! would now be Uhiud. : ji tin mVaktiit intfkmi wi i. LonVon. Oct. 7. In an interview this morning Mr. Justin McCarthy expressed himself as deeply all'ec ted by the death of Mr. parnell Mr. McCarthy hoped that those who had followed the dead leader would return to the party and, so end dis-ension. The speaker's tone .....1 ..,..,, ..r wire eMires-lve anu .1 .ii. 1 . 1 ...... . .. . - indicative of sincere sorrow. All Broken Up- Mr H. F. Davis, an Ashevillej man. who is between fifty antl sixtyj years old. went out with two youn J to f.tther chestnuts. IU ..... .v - " . O ' 1 1 . i. n.t n- 11 iroceen Climoeu ine iivc " 1 ing to -hake the fruit down, when a limb broke and shook him down The scjuel is related by iboOh.-M .. '.. t i..i,i, i.nt thfr .-lie . great as tb js. Mi to OUI llll force nl I lie in.it n. ' niWt blm onccciou.. MI -iil.aa iUnt. mn &V Lnw-rallt CUt M il...r broken ne ir tlie atikb Oae (s ... .1 'l'l... ...Jl,t - . 1... !! f n :. 6. !l 11 1. 1 n i i iiu . no leader will ever be given the III- !el,f an. I t he yiq: man power that Parnell had. The rial . rirom V. ' U will have ;A rmf,,i leader-hip will be through the ex-..f s.-rr.ov to hug for a y e.,.v e.(!i,. . CCUtive council of the Federath.r, ! lie .b i'l k-.-wt l..t . ..j - rt he I 1 ,.r h IrUb t.:irli:imetarv ; ".v .rer-. h iving ht .i.Tof the I al II ' 1 v - 1 .. TTIZ DRUMMER FROM u3T0N Has aa Armtul of Sorroii' fj Hug; for Hi5 Smartness - i Among the p.wenr 1 I'hil adeljdiia train com ins; :rr!i the other day were eeral York drummers. One of the l.tliSr wag -It ii-li omi man, wlt prided .'elf on beinp: a gtudtii! ft" f hu .11 nature. Where a nwLler of dj niiiir.ers are atheredt.ether t Urv nu will hear boaiii: and i,-zin, and eaeh and tfev one a 111 j. :t f1.rw.7M his priicular fpeeu.hv t!ir- Lest joke'.ofj irick of! li e ?eaM.t:. The von m Oman's -I . i v wns iiv anu oy u.iy ex ; . ..!. Said lie : r ; "lien tit men, I have J.'y little e icme which I have n;nd the John Ilenrv scheme. It 1 f orL-frl ' n-sps you (linn t know fiit the j : Miner naturally the iiH eus- 1 fMcious T)t rson in exist en AavV.:ilh5t j "( ofV..ru t maile the-jim of M:arier!.' , Two ir three of the crolIoubt jtl olibted the truth of the &Kt':rsion, wlieh was just what thfi foltish yopni; man deireil, and ciilnnued : I propose to prove wh.i'jl have aijd. I hae made a stiuv the farmer, and I know him fplr head to iheel. You all pee thiiatchV It Is a hin;-up timepiece tJ cost f,,f fi:t art easy as rolling a Ic. ; J jt ftrai'ht fjoods ,'tl'wouhl ' M4r- a fHrmer to deatli t.3 .f'er it , htm for ten i - think he'd snnp it up iiserv- .r .1 . i rue n I Jit' Iiov I hat on an'n 1 lo re 1 - prooaoiy ar, sv;mi one ... 1 1 ?. . ! falnier in the co teh nli (T. I'll t Let you an even .f 10 li.f; I will j oiler him this u 1 1 -!i for L and ih will fa e 1 ne for a fakif :tjiid re- in ft to in v-t. t t; T- .7 After some hesitation tettakes were put up. and, followed J?v two of f d the p trfy, the yunx mirenter- t Ui a i lay coaen. ;v imosi i :jv nrs prissenger in sight was iniddle i it. t i ... - ,1 1 ilav coaen. A I III OS I l nrst ngi d fanner.- He had oir. 'Jn old st flaw -hat. was. without u-trollar. t m. f ,,,)(. lf ,; cowhide bo Crested ! otjier -at as he iufrested i. . . W ' lu n.0if jri ;l newspnptr. v V 1 .. ' .v ! t-.lv Irienil, oetran tie t OUIiil ,.!, .,s j,,. smiJ,,i a MahiaAid se- f,,f I0. Take it arid I00W i&avcr." ' t ji(. f;trl;H.r hesitated f '.-V 4 'k A w hile ear. -:t : 1 . ...h ,i., ,. ,..,, jr. i,,., jt ok i! 1. nee !" wive an (....iia ,,, h,-. .rpest , . n ia llU . Mt h:j, j , .,. , 1.. t-.L. -i for a ina-eed." t fc ..N ,.,. I;tk,.. w,u-..r fvsecd, u . li(,a, ivliow. " I siiupifer to dear fellow. I simp,- '3ihi 1 y o 1 111 y -i' 1 0 H.-iich Ci F 1 0. Oh, th.,! !: v.U1 gui take ;t ! 2 lie dropped t he I" ekt, fished up a ten -Ldi',ir bill, arid continued : 'J I "Half the wheels muybj gone icn I cony to examine i'.? but a lb-r mu-t take !ome cfaLices in w . , ,lrlM.,i rfM aid w hite aniW'jjic and j j, .. niiled and stuttered JJdl sia Ill- 1 trick anu t xp- cii.j. jt, had that f;.naer x ii- el iio he w int wo rk .... V post-" iau an nil ;our in nuvni.-e. 11 j; If did it vould break .i- miSig i.V'Pcoiihil ng heart.i M. Jt - Thev Ecat Any Hand in abWashins-1 ton Tokcr Gamt-. . - Sergt". Steele t f ) A -fy i tMl V; I State is in t'wa ..:t a fo'.-, uotith- , vacat un Mr. Site w.t" fannect- ed with the recruiting sf,.teti here during ls.sl and tSS2 H?.l''this is th.. iirt time he has beeA i5 India- ..... - - napolis sinc then. How do. the people in Washing ton tand for President t; Risked a 1 reporter. -Harrison is goml Jtsigu itr them. KverV I5epilblicsj.'-qhere is for Harrison. The Dem its.want Cleveland." - ' v -Wh.ii is the chief oejariatioii of the citi.eiis of Vancouver rf' ' "li.lU.Oill.rf teems t'0?Ke 'tie ! lead there The pcopU:;4" India- ! napolis don't know whajM in although they have ii f -w nal,Iis don't know whav;j:rahling j . . ... 1 tl .."Uougn ,u y .e 4, cami's iicre, ivmu. jr".' wins the jacK poi. hin 'i'.iip' . 1 . 4 ... s... ... ,,. ,. t!u-h or lours are uowinrgiu a i i . jt : .. .... Names of the Months Etc. t ! r roni an idol of l!:e sun enmps I Sunday ; .or, in other words, upon the day we now hold sacred ; a the the Sahbath, the arieients worship ped the sun. . ; On the second day of the -wc'k the old Saxons worshipped the moon, 'calling it .Moondav.'" V"c drop one "o" and call it MornWy. Tiiiseo, from which t i to word Tuesday is derived, wsts orn-oif the most ancient and 'popular jfotN of aucitnc uermain:-ine tniru nay of t!ie week whs dedicated to hi lay worshin. i 1 Woden from wTiom we have the name Wednesday; was a. Pritice of high standing among the Saxons. His image was prayed to for victo ry. On the third day after eaeh succeeding sun worship .the old Saxons spent hours- invoking the blessings of Woden.' ! - Thbr was god of the chase and was represented as being seated on a couch of skins with 12 stars over his head and a sceptre in his hand. Thursday or 44 Thor's day v was the day Thor was worshipped. ; Frigga, from whom Kddaj is de rived, was either a god ojr a god dess, according to time andj coun try. As a m m he was si! great hunter and warior, alwa3-s I repre sented with a drawn s'word iu one hand and a bow in the other. In the Scandinavian countries Krigga was called the ''Venus of the North, " and the sixth day of the week was consecrated to her wor ship. -- Saturday is usually said to-have taken its name from Saturn, and to literally mean " Saturn's Dav." Saturn, in mythology, is one of the oldest' and principal deities. The t-eventh day of the .week-; was re served for his worship. As a Saxon deviuity Sater occupies a similar position. He was represented as a thin-vis, iged, long-haired indivi dual whose looks bespoke one thor oughly wretched. I In looking up the peculiar names given to ea!i of the 1'2 months of the year, it becomes necessary for us to go back to the time of the old Iloman., who have imposed upon us a set ot "names for the months equally as absurd as those the Norsemen, the Scandinavians and Saxons applied to ;the days of the week. January. is from Janus, the god of doors and gates;' his ..month opened the year; some say that lie was two-faced and could look back on the past year and forward to the coming. ! February is from -'VV'o, to purify, j j March was originally the first month of the year, and jnamed for Mars, the god of war. j April is from "yfvVe, to open, and is so called beeausej it is the month t)f opening buds. May is usually said to have been so called in honor of Main, the mother of Mercury, bu: this' ap pears to b- erroneous:. Modern lexicographers concur irj the fopin- ! ,hi,t ,he r"ot l'1 1S " j c.nti action of the'Ldtin word u,.,;s, and that if simply, means Z"w or f,,e h",n'h t!''"''f'' I V" lro,n -li'"'-'. thfc patron d marriage, ami is, inejeiure, me favorite month fto" weddings. July W!is nameJ for J 4.1 1 i 11 s Ca-sar and August for Augustus Ca-sar. Originally, so the story, goes, Au gust bad but oO days and February j ". in the common yean and .10 iu i a . tine tiay limn itijiiuh ' ; !l In A il.riut ' 1. 11 1- . Jiuj,u... September, October,. November and December are hi ca lied because 'thev were .originally the seventh, .eighth, ninth and tenth' months of the yeat. 'The names are inappro priate and rank misnomers as now applied. Iiljo-I'Ik-. TFIE BLUE RIDGE SMOKES. 1 . I Pillars of Smoke P.ising From the j Mountains in Buncombe. - j Watch Knob, in Huncombe coun jtv, not far .from' Cooper's; is still i sen d i ng ; fort h its columns of smoke. Not only Watch Knob, but more j than half a dozen other Small peaks in that vicinity vie with each other fin the j amount, of smoke and the i regularity of the phenomenon.- Tin? people 01 mat iciiiu .uc interest; in these smoking peaks. Last year there were only two or" three peaks from which the smoke .... 1 : .... 1. : -. cou hi bt- seen a se v,.;ir all is ehange( cciming. inn mis fhe knobs be- gati sniOKing a coupie or moie 01 w eeks ago. . Mr. Oregg says he Mrst discov ered the phenomenon on Watch Knob. It whs shortly after the earthquake at "Charleston several years ago. Since that time the smoking has begun, in the fall each year, continuing a month or more, andean be witnessed almost any clear day, and even on cloudy days, when the fog is not too near the earth, j The smoking begins at from to 11 o'clock in the morn in , and ends about d in the after noon. :At uuics, Mr. Grtggsays, . 1 ... . . r a; maUV as eight .columns can he . . , 1- ti...... uttB anting : lareonui jwku mp", - . , II l... 1 w. 1 I ... . week', anu an woo Vna-u. ; . . it M'.i Aslieviile Ltczto. leap years. Augustus wa- je.-uou i that Julius' month had inre tlavsj than his own. Therefore he "JU,, ::2W5 ALL OVEE THE COUNTRY Uiiltimore Democrats yesterday nominated F. C. Latrot'e for a sixth term as Mayor. 1 ! iC; fond allowed to sailors in the American navy is better than that furnished in any other navy in the wo I. ( gar manufacturers have form- td a $2.",. 000.000 Tmct ,J,h -;n' erufli union workmen whenever possihle. ' j ; Fixe at Washington, Ind., de- Ktrov tit ine court-house, torether fill the records.. Loss on the buililintrLf 135000 ld dogs never bark : thev sinin- ly wiii pe land hov,. Wise men say that larking, i.- hut an effort to speak on the part of the animal. Most men are wiilincr tn m?il.- any sacrifice for their wives except to gt hp and lind an extra bed covering when it turns cold in the nigh. i Professor, II. W. S. Clevehmd, of Minneapolis has an a'utogragh let ter of IJcnjamin Franklin inform -ing tli postmaster in'Uoston that he should not exempt Governors from paying postage. . ! Mr Paul Kat, of New York, has begun suit for divorce against his wife, to whom he was married in December last, she having! refused to live with him on discovering j j v. ii4M , ;iir3 t KTt In Chili a lady's' -: board costs from .0 to .f 1,000; dress silk from f' to .20 the yard, and the modiste will charge you from .f.'iO to 50 for making it. As much as $12 a dozeiji has to be paid' for linen handkerchiefs and .f Ls for a pair of boots. . - 1 , The oil excitement at McDonald, Pa., las poured wealth into the laps )f ' several poor peojile. The luckiest so far iieard from is Mrs. Uertie McCallum, wLn frum a small piece! of land she once tried to sell for fj"0 has already received $-15,-000 in rentals. It is now claimed that a majority of thb committee (o twenty-live old friends of Jefferson Davis anroin't- 1 1 1 - ed to pass upon the Jackson statue "I of the Confederate President favor accepting, it as' a good hkcr.c. m1. Otto Kramer is suing a Phil adelphia street car company for .f2,0C0 damages, because he sat down on a tack which' had become detached from the unholsterv of i - r the ciar. What made it exception ally distressing was the fact: that his ht'st girl jvitnessed the painful il - I'll 1 - uiienia in w incn he was piaccu anu jilte(l him in conseijence of the bad v(rdk he used to express his disap- rob ition of the tack. Mri s. Jcll'erson Davis soon" after as married sought to lighten usliand's labors by acting as she her 1 his imanuensis, but her girlish writing did not please Jam, and seeing this sue resolved to imitate his okvn hand.. To do this she-got tracijng paper and put it over some of--Mr. I)avis manuscript and copied and recopied them, until by cons ant antl laborious practice-she was'ible to reproduce I them iu fac simile. This accomplishment 'de lighted him very much, and there after she was able.not onlv to serve Jam but kery acceptably as amanuensis o undertake "without - any jaid him to answer many letters from that j mun came to him. cry often corn ea t ions that were handed her fo answer were written, signature til, wholly by her, and in such tent imitation of Mr. Davis's uscripr that he was hardly able to t(f 11 whether he Wrote them or r.ot. j Con .'ersation Bet'.vsen; a Man and a $5 Bill. I Man No. what shall I do 1 he with you -.' ; , ! The Pill Kee) me.i I'm pretty neaj-lv worn out. Let me have a rest!. ' ' . ' i The Man Not ni.ucii. That's hot what I i got you for.1 I think i Fli buy. a new hat with you. H.ow does tli.at strike you?: j ,t . T!ie !ill Don't. Yo;i don't need one. Tile Man Well, how ; about a coupie of theatre tickets and a dozen rosesV i The'liill- You wouldn't only be nicking a fool of yourself. She uoesn t care a Miaw 101 u, ; ?i ittj, un 1 1 1 1 r i u nn m pn iv r self. . ':.:; -r I'he Pill Can't you enjoy keep in ;ing me." The Man Don t know -never tried it. The Ii ill Well, try it nmv. : The Man I believe I will that , I'll -keep part of you ; most.ol u. I'll justnake one drink, and The Pill fin doomed now. Dakota Wheat Spoiling. Minnk.m-oi.is, Minn.. Colonel C. A. Mortori, a: Oct. ; S. extensive irrain dealer, say.; that 10 per cent, of North Dakota's wheat is still in shock, and niucli of it i- sprouting. I'raiiC he to him, w hose w -ondrous swill lias couiuered every huiiiau ill : And now'ahm:', n- Cu-tor :;.!; i- The '(jollen' e(.ni;....ii!.! of his hatid-. so spakp a in (if lr. Tier. . Whose Mei with 1 1 1 :e.: i ..... ill;. V. -! ;il ibsi-t.yerr "' " ' : Had vaii'iuislied pain. :n 1 -et hiki fre One can but spe.-.K'UH Srat remedy so t ll c. i.;. as Dr. Piei ce's.(i'.i covery. Act;:.g thoroughly it p - cures, Consuai Stares, scroti; tlisoruers, a are within th eil success. ' ' . .- ' ' ' - -e or i - 1 linn' uiiiaiiiii-.', i i- . r.'T-iii1 1:1 i i t lit" t ii - r i fi.- ; . . ' m i i ! '! , .M.M ,'. ',- . j r ;.. l.VtT ail'l. K!U::e ; - T 31 1 ,S r. ,1.1 A . I I'M. ..... ...... I'M1 I J ' t '' :' " - i i li'll of US U.lb MM- I- ttur c. carry one 'ot t hv most cninplfMo a(rUi!i'!!l tnlorwiar it .i M0 MHU 'ht a ! ills pcl'ltr! ( J owns. . simiT sKirt - 1 Ladies aiu 1 ion, also $1500 Wbrth of II Mli lil Hundreds-of" v on large tahles .uy goods at nun ut OCR would be glad to of 1MI-2 Tstvles. Spring, but as '.yir fact urers-ot' whom FRESH from tiie the nli i - 5000 rolls in S but going fast. ; ockj A l'. '.Vi pattcrisjs EPFS 1 .S(JtJTH I-LA PURE ID Patent JsLhfi- j-G ine, NEW CJ :op i;i;m!' sEi:n - ! 1 Bracks Trusses From our Largi- Sf tJiiidi'ciis M islin I inaitM'ia can ' tv -irarmi (.'Iiih I ' . I i ' ; jl j-L '' : . ' ' . ;mls .o' um-e, servb-e: hie ' DJ-..I- SS- COOI ) 4i:in : l.hiced ' - I Jo he k- iisi'd imr n-.r- r,l!,J,i1 I t V I l" ! i. ... h less than 'their" .- Hi i imnl u th. t i im 1- iV.l 1 1... n!...... STOIJF. " VI casts nolhilib 'to Limine the i IkAd ' Anil w-ri-' : fhtnv (ui through out limt ' - . .id ; 'C ' J ' -' RAYMOND' & POWELL, NATIONAL HANk . IJUf LHINljt (HH-:KNSl ;oi()f N. - -; Fire . 'IimiMaM&y totai AssKrs "of C( m ixi r;s4 KFdMH'SK wTryi: OVER TWTILLIOfi DOliLAilS. " 1 r ; (;im:!:xsiu!;). x. c- . r.;:L - j r"" i - .f, r - - -1- . ij, ng ninri- ttii i himi wnt , r i i' iJ j' 1892. NEW PATTERNS ! r 1892. 'We have .jsjst rej-oivei! tu t In u -and-lbills 'j '; -":' : 1 I ' ! " I' - " -4 ! i ' if i " .A 1 i'lJoe go mJs :;n ji.o: ii-i:;i ! v .!,t ! ..jthet radc MliHut c jVYinter or 1 arg.j. r-:i!i's Vibli.e I u.s I n rest o.-i. In-t:ro t Iciffj hn'o t lul inaiiii- !. . . f we j-'-Ji.iM- h.-'.s sent us iLjeirt if wr nrt; yj ar order, -. x j ll(i .S. Tlie pa-Ueiirs VreK'FW, Ni IatJ and ClIFAI'. i ' (i;l!l:aliil !see the lib it" VOU V;!ht -J I j. -- I j I ' - i . ' i - - . f ' - ! . f r ' , k v.e (fan supiiilv Phy ( ouijt ry at .shx'irl .not ,"I j;Njby iaii- tilled hi Orders and Plh SCI! Assetts, .f I l.Cjp.r, POLK 'I LS IN I he contr.iJ t o t hi incontestable, u n rest r If you will , iv rite V ctel ;i to re ur liaiiic, date 1 I : . ' ' ' 1 form and seieSl it to.-tl aisin-i-ss ic( you, Dot an :'i 1.M4TK hurt, a STJ in cash and ? hid up insurance w'nh at your age. I was horn in. flu '5' of My name is. . . MvaiMr III - J i t i ii I : t II: ' li - 1 i - " ' " . ' i. i y siTef(si"rs r w . yl h-i Oiinosite He . ibw-TI .ii-.-. i ' . i - ' - - - 1 rntFtfvNB .-,.). I-. . ? M i" I Mi Uf i 1 I - J ! ! M . : : r . . . ' : .' - ; n 'f ; ; ; ! I ii k M .ss.(;in:si:i -s - jiraii life1 isiii m wjf)niAV, 1851 j Sj i'iMsfirflVillis, Vm.::: i I ' January ist$yi."fl.-.';, n -y. .j- . Liabilities, i o,;;.:' O-M ( i. h)lU F, 1,7" i.i LNSL'l i r . i . ,i I- - v - - ! J - ' 'M I I - mil Kirn an -r ivo leiT- ! ;4a7"1 WINSLOW V ICE 46 'G-SB'O HX! heee ve Our : n . ' i . i I " . ;. M ' ML ahd i k .. . : I !TI : "' !: - ' '"I ' : ' . ; ,: .-: :!:....- . . 1 .1 ' i - . - ... i . . . I'll hill I . I ; I : I I : i - , i - - 1 1 I r i" . . -i-.-.".- 1 tljsrato. n 4 1 ! ! : also .it iinr ! i 'tait-iu ;i !uall : - -" t u iflr. Stock! c wa v n- CiiiMiiisc. Slurb- i- - s. corset coy.crs. - - i - . - .i Infants Skirts. S ip f and Uolic Dress ' Goods :, if v i r ' H H-r . i t . i ii ii - inoi'if'i" frthe c-.-jit; g'jods l'tjft, & HACKETT, liFKNSliOTlO, N.H" I -:Nll! QUABTBKS lOiB K AI.S, CIVIiio - r?iiX 'mT'i hers Ml it WI obll' Jb-taalj; Cakkiul l i ITTHD. cian 1 Stores. , in the' 'bl'orv al le-.l by next train! arris; Poller. I'OIJO, NJ. V. I'b .tbi'.,.i,7i JTeeo Jii-4'non forfeitable.. -' 'iC'riilbat ion: ' ! I ' re-.-, in. t fie blank is 1 1 re, in ' ' . 1 ' - I i I deuce, t H'ide I 'l- r 1 I ill birihJ ianl aoilJ A, we tx if. i takep MfKMTlNT showifi g the t-xact value woulc pear iriMi policy IsrKued in the fin.r. -! &! ROGERS, i'lioi'ul Agijiits,i N. ('. ZffiDL. MWL, i EQ 1ST, O raclioii Giutniiittvd. iOLINA J IFNXIXO TI KIH n:u powtn. I'trst nal Atttviitien. JSCX I" c - ' i ' I I " 1 '.. M . . I 1 band, and eery oe vent n tuy uou j i - j ' m t - , ' ,' ' : ' : VV : ! ij :.'- ; . . . '. m ... ' . K y i . - -, -' -

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