The Greenporo i - ' ; itfS - lATRlOT, , . ui i ;So. 1. 1 si GREENSBORO, N. C, VENESDAY, OCTOBKH 21, IMOI. fBjr the Patriot PubllHhing-t'ampany, T l I T-EKJ1M ai.UO lr rear. In AItb. Dr. CHAS. A. TURNER. i JiiJJN Tlb l , To Doris. If. Uy I rU. I (.htadJ fin,!. j. .11 -rt m me least liirun Mer. .. t Dr.: To explore the depth ,f .Mi it. I, Or of Art, ,1 MiouM u.-!i i: n-i.' ever wake, , t'ndrr-tainl. w ituout rnltk. I'ls-ij:!i .ur Lvart (i-rhan-i inirht IV. II. U cmCUClU.l break ' 1 j s f mut part. I'd .-s x.ri j. ;r little lo.i.l houM lr lu!n!. rt-l u nith, An with Icnrnin?, lire or d-..!, A iJ with l.rair.: t li-tc r .i'lr i!, J,., V' n i! outline, I r,infY. I I. in the rliarunii n.t biiignr II contain. i --! na r. i;i:vif ks . - i , i . t; i '..).! r !. M. . . , II I.. 1 I Dr. Arthur E. Ledbetter, i x- I - Dr. V;. J. RICHARDSON, , ' i f " : I I'l.i"'. J i; n s no i:ci. N. c. HUT INSURANCES: CHIT f.PSVCUSS COMPANIES . tif-j.,. by hM-L vr crook ! ; Irv to ti.akc vii lork At .'!. tir tae crabbed !-, M in J you don't ! If llx-y vi. i tiij-M to k'now -'j !iM' r ic. r. I: fi. .! ti. or lJourau. ay "I mft I j.u think tjjf tnnti"r r Kt tr ,r ri r know Kj !ial law ho t.uvN and Mow On tlie .inn If Ilic e.-ht ftii th wall M fy sr:ivf tiofi fall, I v o-i fan y it at all , " I rt.u!.: t them? San Francisco where he died, and deposited here. A tall marble shaft marks the spot. The cas cades are fifty miles from Dalles. Here the rWer bed is filled with gigantic boulders and huge mis shapen rocks over and around which the foaming- waters dash with impetuous fury. At this point you leave the Fteamer and pap around thcee cascades by means of a V, miles ride upon a narrow guage railway. You arq scarcely under way before another surprise awuits you u you find yourself in a forest jin pome places overhanging the road with a foliage so dense as al most o idjut out QUEER IN NUMBEE H Some Interesting and Bextfc&ble Calculationa in Numbers, i: Mr. John W. Kirk, thj:hite haired veteran who was witn-,Joree when the first working t$iraph line was stretched, and wf wtood beside the great inventor Qvn the first message was transmitfvfrom Annapolis Junction to Waslugton, has made, during his life; great many interesting calculators in numbers. The two mostRoaark able numbers in the worlO;i"e 3 and 7. V - the gun'n raysi'the Arabians eot from IniUV.and while the vjt-w reaches but a short jail following have taken it ;n the ui-tance on eacli side. The deep i Arabians. It green of the pine only seems much liiblical lore, being mentioe! over more m by being mingled with the 300 times in the Scriptures; ther various tints presented by the great alone or compounded wib. 'other variety oi otner growin. All to- words. It seems a favoritejmer gether present a variety as pleasing al'with the divine mind, outride as and beautiful as that airorded by well as inside the Bible, a r Mure our own beloved forests in autumn, demonstrates, in many wayi'.d all Aius jiriKingconirasi to me Dar- other numbers bow to It. TFare is ren views of the last hundred miles also another I divine favorite, the or yesterday s journey reconciles number 3 the Trinity. Tis is you in part to the fact that much brought out by combination fig- ox tne time you are shut on from urcs that is somewhat remr? able the river view. This tide of six lit is the six Afrures 142.S57S miles past, you again enter a hteam- "Multiply this by 2, theiswer r i" iviivw uur juurney uuwn iiilo i is 230,71-1. i broad expanse of water now calmly "Multiply this by 3, theuVswer uowing lowarus tne I'acihc. lJut lis 428,571. O though the river itself is now se- "Multiply this by 4, theViCwer rene, a inougii u nau never oeen is 01,423. - -: agitated by rapids, you arc! not "Multiply this by 5, theifwer yet done with the huge boulders lis 714,285. :Tr rising out oi us waters, anu me ".Multiply this by i, theviirswer towering cliifs on its banks. Nota- is S57.153. & b!y among these are Castle Rock "Each answer contains tS fame o'li; u uiuusBim icci num ue ugures as ine original sumsiuu no water's edge, liooster Hock tower- others, and that three of th in ures ing high amid stream and Cape of the sum remain together&each high. At the foot of this last is n preserve the Trinity. , rock perhaps a hundred feet high "Thus 2S5 appears in f'ivfir6t or higher whos-e shape is like that and second numbers, 571 !ji4 the I of a Carolina hay stack. Its form second and third, 42S in tlvhird hhe vast skillful builder could make and fifth. : V. it, carrying out this symmetry till "It is also interesting 3$note it r-nPJi-4 f ii a nhnrii mil nrlfd no in t I t In. t tHlim' onf nf nr twnftf ipg at the top. TolUrwing the down- sums the group of three c?umon ward course of the river you first to both, the other three, reat the get a view oi one snowy mountain usual order from left to rigt.wiii peak and then another till at the also be in the same order t 'voth mouth of the "VVilarnette your eye sums. '.'.ii rests upon the snow "capped peaks "Take the first and seconms, of Hood, Adams, St. Helens and for example. 'The group .yi is Kanicrthe first named being west common to both. Having rea3So and the other three east of Colom- out of the second sum, reati ight bia, the last named far away in the along and bring in the firstlflure distance. As 3-011 now proceed up of the thousands last. . It wtjU-fead the Wilamttte you stand on deck 714. All the others will reatHc the and gaze at these snowy eaks same way. which seem to reach the sky, with "Again, note that thetwobups a mingled feeling of awe, admira- of three in the first suin jr the tion and delight, winch can. never same as the two croups of threes in be effaced from the memory, until the fourth, reversed in ordj; and memory itself is lost in uncon- that the same thing is truepi;the sciousness. It seems "The numeral 7," says M. Kirk THE NARROW ESCAPE. Of the Printers of the Nashville . American Office. Nashville, Tenn., Oct. 13. At O'clock tonight Haines were discov ered in the rear stairway of the Daily AiHtt icau building, corner of Church and Cherry streets. The editorial force and Associa ted Pres$ and United Tress opera tors of the third floor barely had i time to escape by the main stair- r. ! U 1 1 11. a 1 11 -r fain i ;tt. t. I tL- n Iifur are j.vnt. r;a.kti,:r rotiti-nt A a tar : I.- i-r tf'lhf f-t itL. r rriti- il n r Mue. ! j .-f t!o- j r.'M t Y'U I"LaJ you arc! Bccki !J Books ! Books! i. ,:cws Fro:a tbe Will and "Woolcy '.Vest." Jotted clown ly a "Tar HeeL" 1 . in "i .4 M r 1 ri-: I M II r. - f .: N. 1 DIKE BOOK CO., i i ? t 1 ir t .r I. 1 .-X. ITEESE, . 'v. ; , 1 . .... . , : IN j I . .r V .. t v - ' :, 1 mm, i cd . 1 t. r.MI.HAV I N. Wa1I., Sept. ::ntli, Kt'ir"'; 1ti:i- r : ll-i if;." .rnt fitice my lat coin 1 a.,irjiMti.h' mucbj that interest ,1 iiif, 1, ,aiu tetupteil to tr?spa.s '.in, this!t cncious t hat I ran. Vs t i::tp irt to o:f tithe 'of t '- : i-t r ' m !!! I tuy fit 1 f have ; J it in I- !.-! I ;:. .!."tirrse in-4 f r.!u Il-it t to Fair I ?. in v w. iv tf I'lji-ri I'.fiiic ro.ol iWl GCrr'3 I "s : ,!"- f-rmer p!.-.. j,t 7 A, ... ,l..'l ! 1 ' r.lll ill . 1 . .'4. I :r:C t" eh i::c cars at tlii llace. f r hour o;i impatiently await t!.-- ;. rrUal t.f i!u- train which is to i :: v :i - further. Ueing once i'iin :i tl.e wing you soon pass . r the American Falls on Snake (i-r. T.'ie-e are rather cascades ;'.v. f.i'.!-. A briil-e Oj't feet long j j over tht m. Ma-cs of basat T'x-'k .ire piled one upon another tor n !. irregular -urface the paters of the rier pitch in teauti- fu!cau'K at one ioint falling 'rM-t:Iiru!ar to a depth eonsider- !.Iv I't-'ow the. waters winch at t !.t :r il" r .1 vity. tin rugged irregularities ro kt giving an imlescrib- i'mt w;!il appearance to the white I irniri waters rushing and tumb- t . . ...... ..... ' I . .. . :u rv i:;av , now b, vmi tce no lt;re ti!i at th- dawn of morning j 5-'! !ind yotir-elf at the last cro-s- it. g "f n.ike Uher. You have j : rn- .,o.mI nit of Idaho and are at Ht;nri:gtt.ri, the first point reach- i in On .n. Kntering the (irand i i:: ! Vaoev vtti pas Hake r City I j-. i I'nion. w f r r. U- t ! 1 rir 1 e.iiitJftil s?i idy tree-, pre-ent -.,-h at: attrnetive appearance as ! ft. : ' froin the louri-t as he ;) .-.- ari ne the exrlamation, I'.r.'v t!.i- is u little Kden. Hut I ef t!;e mm El 1 . . ilea iyini: 111 this ex ura vallev with UN i .rrl :! tic that a e!.i-e i:s-pection of plaees woulil have revealed fa ;t that they too are V .::::n:c lyl-heteks. !.; tt.dwith-a!.J..n-. n: thickly You may well i ir.p!.r.-e a wen Known nymn :; .f,i a- parapnra-rt rriaui ly . :iey a truth though at the c.p'ij-e of it poetry and rhyme: ' ! 11 j. ti w it li Ia i-h kin'lne-s 1 1 hf iJf- t.f sre trowp, h M ;n ti.indnc-s I. i .t ? 1 to rum a i.. I II t!.i i a digression. i "lombia river at l.'ina- I up ilb ILLINER'C IK CATOII'S i. SiTUS3AT,C:T. 9& 10. j at ilia otir eti'sr-f i- down its val- than look I ; v aji During a ritle f more ir I wa this vallev vou 1! or.e single tree mllliofis of sage i ! 1 1 pjii i i li i; sum1 1 I A VinriACiH.siioL' airi t- - e eeti I or -e the ;:tri:-h w hieh c.iti:tt properly be I'.-Allrd a bu.-!i. Y.- i can see noth- t:v" but thi tliotigli your view often fir-rid- for mile into Oregon on .. ,' ide and Wa-!iingtf.n on the . i r. For ni any mile?, further you - ery lilt!'. "that deserves the ! r. I rne of tree r bu-h. but you haVe ; . -ws tv tlitrv'reht from any I hail , r befoi-f witn --eI, After wend i i way between sand banks l.;.di tin- winds lave heaped to j j t!.--r in faiita-tu forms, some t.j. 'S pi feet deep. VoU are Mir- :-t l I v the -utbo ii appearance ' of i--t of basaltic rock and you s.o..;, find voiirself pa--ing along i:r .: a It seems that this second und third. Tho lastj.-ilti- country must once have lcen the plication has its groups of?tT-ee8 mo CKrtinai scene of most terrible and inde- the, same as those of scribable convulsions, how far back number, reversed again. in the agesof the past noone knows. Their history will never be written. J. C. Wharton. ONE BY ONE The Old Veterans are Passing Over The River. esults e,;iin, in thevi'-cal- "l.xamine these res andvou will see that in th culations all the numerals hsylap peared save the 9. Now injhl.1ply the original sum by the might )'17 the divine favorite of the IlifjK tind of creation and fiehokl tl -an swer . Aii-v winiit. V:i . Opt. IL Gen Lee's deal Ii occurred at 1:30 this l,,at one onI " " I . .!. nfieriioon surrounded bv the imme- three tne lrinuy. diate family, Mrs., his two sons, Itobert and Hplling, 3Iiss Mil- ilred Lee, thu physicians and fam ily servant-, s , Doctors pronounced In illness The lastof the nuuiyls, in 142,857 7 'J'JDJO'J griij or Seasonable Suggestions and Practi cal Everyday Hints to Busy Housekeepers. Never leave vegetables in the wa ter after they are cooked. If Bassafras bark is sprinkled on dried fruit it will keep out the worms. I T Catsup keeps better and pickles also if you put a bit of horseradish in the mouth of the bottle. In boiling meat for soup uee cold V3 whiie the thirty printers on water to extract the juice but if! fourth floor had to take the the meat is wanted for itself alone. fireescaPe- - put it into boiling water "When washing fine white llannel add a tablespoonful of pulverize borax to a pailful of water. This will keep them soft and white. A pound of sulphur a tightly closed room will destroy every living thing in it, from moths and bed bugs to possible disease germs. ; If doughnuts are cut out an hour before they are fried, to allow a lit tle time for rising, they will be much lighter. Try cutting. at night and frying in the morning If the hands are Tubbed on a stick of celery after peeling onions the. smell will be entirely removed. Onions may be peeled under 'water witnout onense to ej-es or hands Aged people, invalids or those who have feeble digestion or.sulfer from dullness, as well as growing children; will be greatlv benefitted by taking sweet cream in liberal I quantities -The flavor of a voung roasted chicken is greatly improved if jou place inside tit a piece of fresh but ter the size of a walnut and with it a bouquet of parsley and a small onion. i i 1 ' - Steaming the face at night over ajbowl of very hot water, and then bathing it with 'very coll wajer, is the simple method. of giving it a Russian bath and will tend to make the skin whiter and smother and the flesh firmer." - Hot cakes, pies, etc., need not be removed from the pans in which they are baked if precaution is ta ken to set them up on small sup ports, so thatths air can circulate under them. This effectually pre vents the moisture from steam in the bottom of the pan. Few mothers ever put shoes on their babies1 feet until they are old enough to walk, and it is well. No mother should do it, as the stillness of the shoes is apt to injure the free and natural development of The dainty crocheted the proper thing for at least. "No other combination of j'm- ti rvi.ilring I All Kinds ol Vehicles. n -f ome .ii I s i:t ? j rc f kit.-! of t p.;. :hii: nr W'innl Work. fhdifu! ir walU f-ften prent- , . - ; r regular an appe.iranee a n L ..i."t lit- t.ian for a riurT'i-e. 1 1.e-e I m i .. .. 1 1 . i . i. r o.n i! i t-ii !.- r ides a.i i.4iv nun j . j ..... . facing arid running parallel with ti e road and river. Once only did I Kto them running at right singles with our ,cuurv. A we proceed they becotue ri'w oer!iang i::g"our htads at.-I of roar-e shut ting out from view aH that lies be i)nd. then low ring h that u can overlook or cuninif l" n'1 " that there is a gap I-i foff y eil It ach fituliar wuo you fee aooe a allel wall whose bae is . v,. imo.r t In nearer one. anil atother belind that get higher up . :.. . i... t.wt tlin nfi. i..' miti rui j' o aniunisiu - n.i .. --- . t i .r . :!! iiTiinut -. - ii - w r ifiici,,!),.. Hhii un io r-r.:t. Arri in: at Dalle ou t ... f . . , - 0'cK,ck . ..." -. dtpiniiT i - . ...... i .... t ' .. t nuirnin" . .i i . " : ' II Luiltlin i lirt:. rub- Twelve miles t-elow Iai hiiKM.k bUn-l - paed ! . ' . .. .. - . ri .1 .Tout.-l of tl. Chinook J tJ. J!i. H A "R.RTff V. -tor Trrv, t. the .levoti d friend I ! JCbrhXiD. ;iLcse Indians waseonveyed from a - a ".c fc ;i I a' a rca ..1 ..rk can t ' a l.i rc. . , i? . . . .t.- i . t herd will nrodure the same n st-lts. tfii i a p j i i ji n 'i n a ni r rid ni'iiri i ruin i ----- - i, - trWui! for. several Does not this show the icrpfxiai years. General Lee had been un- muiupoiyi numeral. 4 iouvsmih conscious for a day or twoJ V,nltJf '. . L . The funeral arrangements have xhe Mustard Plaster and the i)um not vet been completed. It i be- mer lieved tiiat Lexington will be se- . . 5 V; i i...i....i.:fi .1 Mr. and Mrs. YYbihen wCHon I ... . I , n 1ln Wr.,Mrva 4. I A r A i i I f;ii ; -. iiutrir i in liicihh oinuito, .i.v .Major weoerai ? . "ult'flr Piol I, IW K..,'ond nn officii. -"r- i.inirnuru i" kl i".,"1 ....... ..f, .. ..-w , - - . . , . , , i. I, r. - r A t eral Robert K. Lee, was born at Ar- roeuuia.m ... u., .... lington. Va.,the 31st of May, 1837. way a o arunarn ravc, .. . . tt i : io-.t man boardel the train and w4 ?ut lie graviuaiea ai iiannru iu . . . . Art -S and in the same year was a; . I ...t 1 I....... n r. I in im en feetixm in uuuani iu o- .-. .. . - - t . ur,- Mnl alter, ur. . woae u who ...vot iiu.iuii i, . iimn '"ii- ' , - . . . ., t:i V,- served in the Utah campaign' of .V. " ; Icneral Albert Sidney Johnston, uuuiui w,,e r . --'W"1 and afterward in California. Karly l .-.-iu,., . T - in 5'J he resigned his commission strong, extra strong, jnu.tttripUs- is farm, the win wn,e u i.c,c .--si'fi---; on the Fa- (f her ,ortL t un ner return sue puuc . u"j wrong curtain aside and ined the plaster upon the stomailof the senseless, drunken drutiffr. liiifr. Vy, ifu?tp washed her hands and returriyi her berth, getting into the fjsjit Mr. A . asj.e). and took charge of his historic White House munkey. In the spring of ISO I he raised a cavalry company for the Confederate s'ervice. was made is9 nrnm t mil- i,,,",n." , " V' ; : :r Then she went to the lav tor anil mane ihio oi v.t.j t;eneral Luring in the West Vir ginia campaign. In the winter of lM".l-o2 he was ordered to Freder icksburg and was mrfde lieutenant colonel. In the spring of 1SC2 he was made colonel and not long afterward was attached to t;he bri gade of General J. K. II. Stuart, in most of whose campaigns he parti cii.atcd. On the 3rd of October, lMi2, he was mane origauier gen era t wa severely , wouuueu out came the bed clothes froiii;Vjie afterwards 1UJ? ft T M.'s berth, and a cry of h, partv and carried to lort Monroe, th,rjm mv stomach ! -: Km a hostage, in iuc - r- inir thrown out on the aisle o(vte the muscle, booties are babies in long, clothes Washington; SMr. THE WILL TO-BE CONTESTED. ' The Grounds for Contesting the Will of the widow or iresiaent voi&. Na-hVim.e, Oct.. 13. When the will of Mrs. Folk, widow of Presi dent James K. Polk, was admitted to probate recently it was found that Mrs. Polk had left the Polk dace to Mrs, G. W. Fall, her niece, who has resided with. Mrs. Polk, at the Polk place, for many years. It was soon understood that the will would be contested, and the expected struggle to retain-posses-sion of the Polk place on the part of Mrs. Falkland the determina tion on the part of the consan guinou heirs of President! Polk, was begun today by tlie tiling of a bill in the chancery court at jNash ville i by the Polk lleirs through their attorney. ! " The bill recites at lenitn the provisions of President Pool's w ill and the will left by his widow, Mrs. Sarah Polk, and gives-the names and location of between forty and fifty heirs of the property. The bill declares Mrs. Fall re fuses Ito leave tlie premises, and the complainants ask that a receiver be appointed who shall take pos . . . i . , -ii . session ol l tie place aim eoiieei rents, pay taxes and take caro of the property on tlie ground that G, W. Full ij insolvent, and rents cannot be collected from his wife. The! bill states tlit Mrs. Fall's claim to the property is based Upon the residuary clause of the will of the dead president, by winch, in case his will does not go into oper ation-, Mrs. Polk would come into possession, and, as Mrs. Polk left everything to Mrs. tali, the de fendants claim that she is tne rightful heir to the Polk place. This will form the .basis of the and these words: "Oh, my fii- COntest in the suit which, owing to sLsrENOtn ix the aik. There they hung for fifteen min utes until a ladder was brought. : The smoke afnd flames in the meantime, were pouring out of the windows at their side, and nearly suHocating them. Finally all crawl ed down.! Ed Buchanan, the foreman, was cut, off from the lire escape and de scended from the fourth floor by a rope. At this writing the compo sition room is gutted at a loss of about ten thousand dollars. The roof is burned from the building and the rear from the basement un is ourneu out. THE FILES DESTU0YED. The"" files on the third floor of every secular paper published in Nashville for sixty years, are doubtless ruined bywater. The basement is flooded, and the press and other machinery costing $25, 000, will be badly injured. The building belongs to G. M. Fogg, and is damaged about ten thousand dollars. The fire at 10 o'clock was under control, .but very stubborn. : s Patterns Given Away. nil. inn $ 1 ii toods' 'for T?M irniflo To.. 1 .K . II. 1 .1 11 .: .. j-' v"-- iwi : i4.uwt- ui V llliurriis HirCSS, rants lor Man or ly, and we will allow: you I f select fable kiltie; i i Waal1 I ..., . 1: I. . r 1 : itoiu uui iuig,e.MO(Mv or inMiioresis iu any pattern in bur eases to cut tliV eliarjra'.' In other words we of 'a lit' hi; away with each Dress or Pants natti bought at OtTl STORK a ia',er pattern to cut it ly, j ii: v v iree 'ill i . - - - -i ' - i . LAitlon und finilint .. 1 .x . 1 rw tprvo n mar it a ItJT! Cj. 1 ach. my s-t-o m-a-c-h, oh This was followed by "I'll Arer touch another drop as longer r I live. Oh, it's burning a hofoVin me; oh-h-h!" " : t llr this time heads were peCitg .1.2, he was mauf ""BJ"" out from behind curtains anfrhe ul to date from heptember lo At on h w fo e Vy ? JL?!3 Sing man's berth. Of a sun a rraoe, r :. I for lab the In- !:! of April was promoted major general of cavalry and led . his di vision in the lights from the Rapi dan to Appomatox, where he sur rt r.tlered. lie soon went to work at the White House, rebuilding the dwiiling. . and J became a farmer. For years' he was president of the Virginia Agricultural Society. In llo he was elected to the state senate, and ih .ISStfto congress. He served in the last congress and !- tiipmber.c dev. to the the next ctmgress. (leneral Lee His tirst wif fhf late General W. C. Wiekham. Hi ftcotid wif, who iurviea him", h4 MissTabb Itolling, daughter of was married twice, was a daughter of Mr. liobert Ho ling of Petersburg. p . . . :' ctr. The porter then grabuetf -Vj'e drummer and shook him untitle awoke. During the first stagf sensibility he muttered: "Ob-m' stoaiach is gone!" St. ravltfiy neer Press. v . ; $ The Bostonian Abroad.ii . IM A homesick traveler in. KoT;?e writes home to the dearest me)2lW of the family: "You are bfer than all Kurope. You ar iny;Ak vou are my Cologne Cathtll4r!" This is a reminder, of the B4C?n woman who wrote home that-jpe would give more for the vie;tf her own back-yard than allx1 view in Florence. Boston crilt. Mrs. A. L. Sink, of - Lexington, a i ... : 1 1 ; li. cnoif. tnr-i t ip Snmhnrv lieraui sav?, is uul LCI CBlCUi n 111 a -iiii- v. . - i the prominence of the parties, m- PUNGENT HITS By Sam Jones at "Wilmington, Re ported by the Star. The difference between a dead man and. a dead church member is, j-ou can bury a dead man and plant flowers on his grave and he'll lie still; but a dead church mem ber can kick like a steer! There is not a dilliculty in this town that has lived tventj--four hours that has not been kept alive by somebody's1 talkinsr. ! How can a church member keep straight' when he is winding in and out in the church, keeping feuds alive i j "Of all the things a church was ever cursed with, one of the worst is internal feuds and dissensions, and the preacher's mouths are ocked. If he sajs anything, some body will say he "tuck sides." My experience in the! matter of baptism is, it s not hovvmuch wa ter you put on a fellow, but the kind of fellow you pCTt it oh ! I've sprinkled some that turned out a heap better than some 1 dipped clear under. I If my , watch don't keen time it! isn't worth any more than an 03s ter shell in my pocket, and ifa man don't keep time religiously he's worth no more than an oyster shell in the .church. If all the preachers in town were in the pulpit we'd get along better. There ain't a fellow down town but what is preaching. I'll tell you what I think -about it.! A black smith working on a watch. Demoralizing. . We. find the following interesting story in an exchange: j - A divorce suit of a most sensa tional nature has been .filed in the Circuit court of Fountain county, tit Covinffton, Ind. After three months of wedded life Nettie Pettit asks to be divorced from her hus band, Milton Pettit, who is one of tlie wealthiest men in the county, lie. promised , her every luxury when they wre married,, but as soon as the knot was tied took her to'u hovel, almost devoid of furni ture, to live. In the three months he expended but i'.) on the house keeping, appropriated all the bed clothes to his own use, forced her to use three milk crocks for dishes, and two rusty knives, use a dip candle, and, to crown his meanness, beat her for (throwing ; away the head of a squirrel, saying that he could not al!od to buy iamunition to kill game tp. be thrown awayj. She wants a tliird of his! large es tate as alimony. Pettit oiice serv ed a terra in "the legislature, but ahvaysvhad the reputation of be-1 ing somewhat, close. j r? T A A T J (()!): In anil SUM x'ttiest am A. full assortment of FALL an I AVIXTKU : to .l)e by those who haye exaininel them be$t value in II rccusboro ! ' ' I " O A 1 T A r. T . . . " i i . - 1 h. In Beautiful; Styles and -1.': ; - ' ! - i '! LOWEST FRICES. ETS at J5 rOMH; AXD Slyl'r nHFOliH h ()(T Br- RAYMOND & POWELL, - r , '-! ' . - 1 H 'ii. ..,': ! T NATIONAL' 15 ANKHUILI)ING, GKFENqlOKO,(N. C- . SA.r i . ! Mrel ' :L.lrrROG:l)i)NjR K TOTAL ASSETS Of COMPANIES UEPliEI Eli OVER TWENTY 1ILLI0N DOLJLARS ; Office in Sa-vings BaxiiJtc i r- ; - 'I t ' . ; I ji i PURE DRUGS AND (illliiV FOR ICALS. ANI NEW CKOP TURNIP SEED at Wholesale Trusses an,d 'Bracks CarkfuiIi-y From 011'r Lar;e Stock wv'l can supply Physiiaiis-Vnm I . j ouniry ai. snori nonce. Orders and PRESClPTIONiS by Mail-tilled anif forwardei 1 Richardson & Farr Opposite IJenbow House, feb. 12. ' Successors to Y. (' GREEN hi m: rriTKD. Stuns in the i ,H 1 1 j h by ne.vt; train: 4 i ' V. f ! . 1 I . IS, 1 1 i 1 ' ,; Piirter Sl'0RO 1892.' W N, 0. new; patterns I . !' - We have just received one thousand Molls of AMiiLP i v 1892. ii 1 . - i! fc I - i i 1 si 1 of-102 Styles. These irorwH an; not usiiajlv solil 1 .Mie traiJt? Ul lae-.VyjBte;r or': Spring, hut as our large sales obliged us to restock hefore tjliat timiiilie 1 uia.11 11- facturers of wiioin we purcli.'i.-.e has sent us a part o our next yxtfraf-$ FRESH from the ROLLS. Tho pattenrs are NEfW, NIvA'lt al CHEAP. (.'all and, see them if you Want 5000 rolls in Stock. A fe but going fast. v"'i)aterii's more of4the. 1 celit kroads! left, BPPS & HACKBTT, 31.1 SOLTTH'-KLM ST., G R VM N SR 0 R O j N. ' ' HE j .Hill1 III ii 1851. Spriiii ASSACIiUSETl nr. ft lild.LIliil lit I, b ficir. A I Ok' moo mm JANUARY 1 st, 1 S9 1 Asserts, 1 1,2.j2,(;1'..5 L--Liabilities; .f lQ,:iS2,0. Sii rpi u POLICIES IN FORCli 2:2,700. INSCRING, -$.' 20 1891 Mrs. Sbk Getting Well. face, j : i Two Smart Alecks. j There was a confusing spectacle at'the market house this morning. A little girl walked in and wanted 10 cent9 worth of pork.- Two meat dealers hurried arounll in their stalls at the same time. Two pieces of pork were whacked off " simulta neously. ; They were offered jto her immediately and forthwithlyThVre she stood, between the two ,'pieres of porks which the market men were poking at her. The delemma was in good fashion, with the girl. She got out of it, by taking both pieces, giving one the ten cents, and walking out, leaving one man with the money, and the other star ing after his departing meat. We say both sold one got the money : the other didn'tand he was worst sold. Durham Sm. Age Before Beauty. Three ladies enter a street car. Young Edelweiss rises gallantly and offers his seat, with the remark : "For the oldest of the ladies. Profound silence, no oiie moves and Edelweiss resumes his seat. c, of - Le aid says, 1 for the .first time since her serious t injury in the wreck at" Rostian bridge. While one of tlie se verely injured passengers- Mr. Sink; is improving fast, will soon be entirely well and will, not be so badfv disfigured as was feared from the nature of her wounds. Since returning to Lexington severnrplin ters from the wreck have been taken, from Mrs. Sink's face and neck. OnJof theseiis 21 inches injlength, otlrers being over an inch long. j. , ; I j! s Say ! Mister. Is it possibleiyou are suffering from catarrh, and have not used Dr. .Sage's Catarrh R-medy? All the terrible coneijuenct-s of catarrh ih the head may he averted if - you'll but make the. effort ! You know, :too well, its distressing symptoms! You possibly know, if neglected, it invariablv p.e- fr'-in bad to worse, and it is Ii'kefy to run -into con sumption and end in -the grave! Here is a way of escape: Its makers are willim: t take ail the risk, ami make a standing otter, ot .?.w ior an incurable ca-e -f this, loath. iiies rfonfo i S . ! beco or o'fcnpj 1' The "contract of this company after two yearsj incontestable, unrestricted as to residence, .tradi If t-on 'will write!voju--nnnie, date of birth; and form iiiml send it to the address, below, we. will tak-e oleasaro vou, not an ESTIMATE but. a: STATEMENT i-howijig the 111 ohilresi, in .oo. rfeftable. ,77 in cash and paid up insurance which would appear inj a at your age. . ; - : . ; : j ! " policy I was born in the My name is My :ullres-i lay ot, WlNSLOW fe ROGERS; t 1 : the blank in shewing eicact lvalue isi . 1 1 '';!" i" ' '.IV I i ; iiii;:; .in ('le year. . . (icneral Agents, ."r- t 3BBC.S) &o BLAM, BOOK alndJ(3B 1 .. : - "" A G-iv3nn;isrs330RO, nsr. Prices Low uih! Satisfadioii Guaninle ONLY OFFICE IN 1 PRESSES- ISY "WATER POWER. some a i id d a nge ! ai ; d ease. You ... can get f -'.- or better a tore. gj Orders " : 1 M' .1 " Ml. 11 i :. - i IEDMOXT NOliTII ' CAROLINA. JM?N X iS'O T UK I It ,y Va 1 Receive on r JrsonaLAtttentiop