VJ : ; : i f - ,-2j : jrry-. j ' , '1$ . I; L-A ("' ...... ! . ? . -;".- - f".",. ;. : f THE; GREENSlORO PATMOTV: v I If: ' . , , , ?tv t . n i r ; iLiiii:' " - -rr- r - - -- - , , - -- . -TT! , - GREENSBORO, X. C, WEDJ-pSDAY, XOVEMB 11, L891. e r H i By the Patriot P-aMf-thinc (niMny, I f ! J . I - i i i li i ! J i 1 A. TURNE?,. '.zisrizg In. CONVICTS SET THEE. -1 V. il Wakefield, '!iiNAl. sF.LVlCEs I t r. t v ; 1 U - :-- i- iiiur E. Ledbetter, Ih.- rbtirrh us ilim an! 1lcnl i. s - 1 jj. RICHARDSON, in ::; N. :;siJRAN0E''": T 5 SI-CLASS COMPANIES . . I'tft A t ; t , t - - I ! Books! W it!t Ihf h'iib Vtfrrr the raycr; i :! v IU" !f am trr:r.li!in j t! wier rn ?irrfi irn ir, U ith.ut. Hi.) tnret 'o ujliinc: U ilhin. tl.c lily rilm. H ht rc j-ri! nl .v'! tcl I' r thv swelUnj; c.f the f lm. Iov lr ttic r..r twiinc rj.rn, . r-l m lilt Ir IjiIt girl, I'.r-A it ct-L it li"l-rt u Imir fmllinj In n.tiT rufl, "Z" With -ft'rLi f ! t!i!.iy hi.tlf, ir jUiirrt i .ttiiusr'I threw n. u:!l ha.I t S4 .l U-f..rf hr, in lh ni;- &!'n". .A hi( r.U.he.J. L:f f riiihtrnt-l. I Ilk IiiH II wliTO t p V. L. li. i win l rrK-ke.1 t!uw r II r f.ri i t)r-l to anl fro; Ai 'l t rj.-tf.jliirolor t'.uttfr-1 In the l.tl? trtMitile.! fire. A f f m i J f i l" L" m atrrrtl , It tut fur a tnnmcnt; Whit wonif r that we tui!el l.t ih & tfaiuj;e, wttt Irture Tr.-t i h ly !tiou;ht beguiled? I'p th-n ri fme ne scJtly, An many an cy" Ct lia. A t?.r.j! Cli" tender kiSenre lie t. ...re tl !;'t!d with him. -t i 'And 1 !. i ?rt !. Icing I 1m- henindi nd the rayrr, If ul.rn !! tio I enter I t. ' ri . !3t.-i-n f"r. And : u I aVi-hed tid j!ri.ojinj In the 4.rtl' 'd J. lt Ct 1 1 ,r i end a ti an;i I j n ;;..v i:f Inr" to ! s." .f ti. f-r. Poiitenjiu that d:ia't Pay. :: ti.iil i'ltten ct!" Ler fety for 'its' rt.n :t an. I trvtnt: to gel ri ajij:i. .tu- jrirl fan j:t on a (riv Hitht-Jt !.iti:.er HHI niae I i;:t r r r f j ..I ?? .j f t ! . . II i . . r r I-i-id ; r-. Mh;- - S I .! r , r .. f -1 f 1 1 - i i BOOK! CO., : r;t X. l.e waf the latter la9 ! inn tinsel in the !.e:4',.t tf t)!e topjxMi. watched i.er nnp to inetfectu.-il attempt. l.iXt't," I ar. 1 ent n. A I'Ufinei man chuckle. 1 a he tienr'ly i"il, hut did ti-t Hop. i "!.: t' te .-!.. u;.vl f herself for t- n it M.c a ri i t-.iitirn.i fprt a:: t z I' r r n r tut: i tu iculine l.ri U .1 y. n r.il j r p'.- j .i-' 'l in piicK . r t -tpp 1. ..ti ii.i :.; i. r i'-e- in- ? :. T ..', -it ! l'far.ic 0 ;i!..rr.-;-:n; to h-r thiit !i pu-h-I I , r i i iri, ine tr.i for h ilf al!4ck I r,.4 trii-il atn. Tin a !inbbv -.ikn. tiian .en v.y. r r T re.iiealiu nt. l Jt he didn't He ;iftcl p..;it 'atJ I t :;. if i i d : i voti t:l ! . i sl be ii kind v nd I. 1 17 irl..a!::i -t tlic.uraed lor t!ii :;;,r Jl.. ho!.J the machine iv. H-"t.-':l''I it htielie jr.'d, on. Via '! I .coiuuaM. - ... i . ; t I . ' . A r- T-V. : . Hv.:,, u luitcre Dfcc - , , . ' - .- I N f i v r - . S tisi'i! K ni :rh .!'ii',vi to aitl gratefully, it a pud. I'll Y- i n't ''Tt a dime for a flit !- I .re'-. haro yoti'f U I t. I ns -. .rry. !e "but , ; i:iv p.iie at h'Ji;e." Iwti c me. he ..itl. C What !" h crif 1. The Coavict Caxaps Eroken'Up and the Stockades EtxratcL Kno.wili.e, Tenn., Oct. 31. Knoxville and Kt Tennes--ee are in a turmoil of excitement, uch ai ha not been experienced in thi section Mt.ce the war. After month- if uticertnin uiiit iZ and UM-ii M hoping for relief from the .ppreIon f fonvict la bor, the m inert of. Katern Ken tucky ami Ter.aen-t-e, aided by tuanr nninthizeri in everv avoca- tion of life have acted, and in a for cible m f tier. Since .July, thoe opposed to convict labor in coal mine hae been patiently awaiting the action of the pecial m f.i n of the Le--ilature and the decision of a num ber of t ae in court. All have thui far berft adrere to the inter est of tlse miner., and patience has ceased to be a virtue. For fmue time past the miners of F.atern Kentucky, Southern Indi ana and Tenneffee have been per fecting arrangement n for positive action. They decided that tlie eonrict had to go, peaceably if could be. but forcibly if necessary. 1 After u in jr. a they thought, cv irv honorable moans to j-ecure re lief, the miners la-t night took for cible. action and released nearly 1(h) convict. Nearly all vcterday afternoon -ai-i t,f siMfii'e men were oecu- an freek. Many of them were from Kentucky mine and were well eup pli.dwith liquor. The men who hae been knwti leader for the miners in thi- taction and listed as their aid-, were mostly in thi city lat niglit and attended a theatri cal performance. . li v a previous arrangement last niht nbut '.:30 o'clock, nearly . tl , .n.l nrmrii TM-rn find fiOVri-f went to the liriceville mines of the 'iv n ne Coal Company. They ttrrounded theuanl- and demand ed the immediate release of all the convicts. li.O in number. The j:iard were powerlesf, and la- the convicts were ' marched out sinplv and each furnished a suit of citizens clothes. Preparation wire made to burn the stockade tImi-Ii - reeentlv erected at a dilapidated! . fcP..rnl thousand dollars j i - - " - - - - - A tl.e last convict donned hi new -.uit and speed away to the hill? the stockade blaze aided him Itnten his footsteps. After re!esinir all of the con- r ii-ta nil i 1 takins ' charge of the, guard at liriceville, the miners and their relief guard went down to the inins of the Knoxtrille Iron. There were confined 110 CATCHINO CONVICTS, And Asking What Reward i3 Oiered lor 'Tncmwnoie tieraa a-; - Zebras Caugfct. . .j K " Knoxville, Tenn., Nov. 3.1' te serenity of this city has heerVr-ii-turbed" to-day by the arrival 4 f bunches of convicts who hav'ltn captured since their release, jh -cations arc that the great mafitv of those who were released V-e recaptured. What will bc'rie with them, remains to bo A Sooner or later, however, ther Sl be returned to the mines with re 1- TUl.l tlinro ? Ki S Keports from Nashville ft, nru that th envprnn L 111 L 11 I V. h ,..MW fl 1 f- . . . put a big force at the minestxf " the convicts go back. Mlt-n rore oi sirange uieu nc v u virg the secret lading-places in ml ""abo.it liriceville and ("oal it 4tit ttts miners :e Nothing Green About Ilim. ; li ne was an elderly man, proba bly fifty. His whiskers grew in a little turf like Uncle Sam's, straight ut from the point of! his chin; his linen duster was evidently the same he had purchased jto attend the State fair several years ago. lie came out of the front end of the denot. fruzed around in a be- GENERAL NEWS. -Cab. sir; cab. sir! This way "Any part of the city,!sir: nice cab r " 'j! ''i'hike yuu to a good hotel, sir, for a quarter." I hM.,vvil e the feelinn is law must be upheld while fin the books. The mit forfeited public sympathy b tvir violation of law. Governor Iluchanan 'tonight Is sued a proclamation similar ';tt i-vued at Knoxville, otlering p.)'('6 for the conviction of the leadlvj hf tlie mob that released vr Springs convicts, and member of the mob. The situation has been rubier quiet today regarding lEriky -e atrairs. The governor lias h?ll-ht a vigorous line of policy whiilrji-e will carry out. It is thought jf;?Jt of that policy is the arming js?a larger guard at each of the xi fil ing prisons. In any casefe heavy boxes were sent fro ,te state armory to the express j eviife -u.nl consigned to officials at JJvy City and Inman. Thee boxc(j ere about the size to carry front hrty to fittv stands of arm. Th?.?lli- cials at the capitol, however :id nothing to say in this conntg-vh. There should have been tiy re lease of these convicts,' saI Jjbc governor, in his most vigoroifcV;.;y. There should have been a j.Cvy guard at each of then- prison J 'iv trouble ha. been that the I and the representatives of thfe f;Me have each refused to pay f"i:9',1J guartls, and there have been 5??." 'im. n,. ..rnMr wns ljer reiii led that the board of inspectors siiad j authorized, without- fiunuu.''" the employment of all the -J JrrMs necessary. f tl Then the guards ought uve been employed," he said, atfdt.he thrmld have been ilrifr.'id- r l.'V n.-v--c rj-i f. d- Banker Eugene Kelly, who -is worth $5,000,000, earned hia pas sage to this Icountry by driving a jaunting car in his native place, County Tyrone, Ireland. i This item! from' the New York Jiccurder bhould stir up inventors: "inptv Tier .(Mit n f milrnnrl nri me iiepoi, gntu urouiiu .in u us- rw,vvu' - dents in this cbuntrv are occasion- across the street, and half a dozen ; ed by the spreading of the rails." cabmen rushed for him headlong. ' A 2-vear-old steer two drea nat- terns and .f 1,000 was'the price paid i yesterday for Sitting Bull's little ! cabin near .landan, N. D., and it j will be taken to the World's pair. The compositors of the Jfoutttnin j Jlotue Journal, of Asheville ,have j struck. There has been .trouble brewing in the otlice for a week or two, and Tuesday the foreman and compositors! walked out. There is a railroad in Kansas so dilpapidated that but one train a day can be run over it at the rate of eleven miles an hour. . This is the Kansas j Central, a branch of the Union I'acilic. '. Button-hole electric lamps, it is paid, are being ttied as?a part of the outfit of conductors .on London omnibuses, the current being fur nighed by a podcet battery. The circuit is closed and light produced Patterns Griyeii Biiv poods lor tallies or Childrens dress, liuy ooils (or Pants for MaiTo'i! 15ov, and we wilLallow-vob; to sc from our large stock of (Demorests reliable Pattr'rns, nnv imttoril in oiir eases to cut the same 1Vi of charge. - -In other words we will give away with each Dress or Pants pattern. bought a( OUH STORE a panei; pattern; to cut it by. frbe One had his grii thcjtther tlie umbrella and a third iTadjhim pin ioned by the ample ..folds of his duster. Just then a well dr.essed man who had been watching the occurrence approached, and, waiv-. ing the cabmen, said : i "Where do you want to go to, sir?" j He recovered his grip, j umbrella and -breath first, glanced .at the man.. frrinnecL a sardonic, rural. i-ll Vu, spasmodic grin, and as he gripped IJ- belongings and backed otr, re , - fVL marked sarcastically : H That's none of your darned bus iness. You'd like to know where I come from, too, wouldn't ye? An' ef my folks is all well ah" how the crops are? Maybe you know some body down in our town ;an use to play on my farm when jyer was a boy? Speak out, ain't j I right? Ain't my name Smith, sin' don't' I remember Hiram .Johnson an' his boy Dick that run otf to Califotny ? And'. don't I recognize ? Yes, I guess I do, an' ef you j don't get right oun't hyar 'tarnal quick I'll call theperlice, I will. Tknow.yer tlidos. I ain't been in Indianapo lis five times f-r nothing and' don't take the papers jest fer the crop reports. si; -You git now, quick.'; ' "But i assure you. sir, that you are mistaken. 1 don't know you, and don't want to. I only thought" ii iiiis ! r I'-.' ; ! i J -. ' A full assortment of. FALL an 1 WIT Kit CJU()1): to be by tiiose who hdve exainined thenr tin best vahie in 1 1 reeiisboro ! r,i' jcd with powder and ball. TheHj -w remaining prisons must be thfrul "" 'id vigorously, for defendii-gi Jjesc to iris..ns is not only sustaini'-tHc law, but it is defending the -.'ml citizens of the state against fl&tgj-r from the criminals at large.'?" ( ' 1 think," he continued. hat these pri ners must be gjlsp: jed and the m tter of cost SettilJJ rd b tlie courts. I hiv;h- terw v A Otii:... or d.wn .'kl:i'." l.e repeated. . Ii ir; -ir vu come l)..w n tt c . 4 tne," he slid again, i! .in the. here I LI. Tarrar i Son, ..-A r- ; p i.tc thin.;- fr pretty look. Fork v.. r a din.. . r. The i' -t desperate. llewa l"Aitvz tl:e machine wabt!c a little, t' .hoir t!:it he" meant busi- I i.aie to :uy h.me. she i-aid. H'.w far'r he aked. . Or.ly three 1 l..cks." l hen it got to be a quarter." :.-rtc!. All riiit. C.ive the machine a -'i and c n.e t.n." - i r. ,v,. it a tuifh and then here. I'm no ra It. !. I on VILLI Esli QFENiSG ! I It " i - ; i x n 1 1 cvroiVs. He r..: to t!e corner, but she v.a :... b!...-k a nay on the cr. i-trcet. "I L;t -i tt!e- me .tithe jxilite . . . . . .. . i . ..".:. of. i. ..; 1. llil liere 'auii tha: j .'I;: ;;.'- always pays is dead .- r. i "( ; ' '"'. i.. every reYiuest of the 7 i'1u lessees. On one occasion tnj'.fV-; niie-ted more arms, and th-1 ilj?i- . . . tatit general s if .inn to Bri erators tliere refused to takft-jO.m j who was waiting n out f tlie express omce V';41. rw-e siep i- IO shipped twenty? $d I ing in a ricevilie, and i j ;- I elerks c; rrnf.l to takfi- t1 'm , v ho was i.piiiini' more convicts. After battering; r.M.ud superintendent down the tdockade and tiring oil a i ac viM,ri,Uj action, canon near by. the miners release! I cv"idetice of the gov hhe prisoners and furnished them , m ,i,e .ime to prevent i . . tl r,l " " suits, and wi-lied them well. hUity of such an event as My store if Captain Crumbly, superin- j ,.i:rr't.d he has responded ptvl-'v tendent ot tne prison; entered and nearly one thousand dollar worth "f general merchan dise taken from it. This action on the part of the releasing party is rcretted by good citizens. . Kciiabie "information from Nash vi!!e i to the clled that Governor Uuchnti will send no troops to the ccene of the trouble, but will pe:id any amount needful .to arrest and convict the leaders in last night trouble.' The coal company, damaged by the loss of its working force, con sisting of convicts, are somewhat reticent, but will in all probability take lczal action against the State for damage. Most of the convict relansed are colored and of a desperate nature Thev are nearly all heading foi . i i i , .... i ta-teru lt. ntucki . It is understood that a tacit a-rccmcnt xit among the miners "Thought I'd like to cash a check, or play u lottery, or buy green goods, eh? Whar's yer pard ner? Ain't it pretty near time fer j him to show up?" ) ! ! tell vou. sir. vou are mistaken. I am in the employ of this railway and just thought I might save you some trouble with thore cabmen. Now you go on. and if ybu get bun coedwhy don't say it wasn't your own fault," and the irate young man retired up-stairs tt the com pany" otlice. j The agriculturist winked his other eye in admiration of his own shrewdness, and. calling a cabman, said ! ' Younir man, yoli take' me hnihlintr: that's whar ", V V- J-t ' thev have a one-year benefit order, ain't it? They advertise io .a crnr ue- ( 1)t.(;silt !m Lr,,in' ter jine. 'nt t KMI1 j It's better'n county lxhd.'' Chi- vtU Times. Llore Irish Yit. ... w . 1 S.ime time airo while-J was irau- villare store one of tlie ime to the junior partner, rr on me, and sam the desk. Tat ti ...... u-m.td to settle his oui, anu IV--I . .. i-t.r..inf i! it.l : 'I .e merchant was evjueuu the charges were not prepai,; Telegrams -tre arriving wnt .: . t 'I.. ii li.-c i-i ery tcciiou i.j- v . . Kentucky asking for infoiiitjt ihn noVed. to the reward, and annU'Vi hg ! " Why, what does he j want of a ............ ..r relented cei iicl s. rn,. ,.t v" belaid: "we never give . .i... tnil.i-. fJiilin i sinmlv- cross his ti..,, ' f lt..rTin. Kv.. tele''tt!tis : ! ntr the book ; that l receipt Have six convicts. Advi$ i.ieas to their disposition. All are CTirtd .James sin::, Tnene enough. So I told him, answered me but he is not satisfied, i ou l.M.ir c.f him. h . ; - , . . F.rtv-one convicts fromMliVer . So the proprietor stepped to ine desk, and, alter grcciiK ' Coml morninir. said: tt v ------ i ' USpOSlllOn. Vll ttic -kj ;,( M. Hamby, sheriir? n-1 derk. .ncs-ee, telegraphs if 4 f 'had b only when necessary to examine tickets. , In New jYork they have started an institution intended to rival the Keeley institute. The idea there is to cure intemperance through what they call "means of grace." In brief, it is tlhe gospel temperance method. How far its results will surpass the strictly Scientific methods of, Dr. Keeley remain to be seen. Both methods should have a fair trial before judgment is pronounced. The slot-jmachinc design has' just been submitted to Fostniaster General Wanamaker which through an ingenious registry- system, btamps all letters as they are drop- nedinthcibox with the name ot the place at which they are posted, number of box, date oi the montn time of day. and the ycTTf. Its in- - . ventor looks at it in the light oi a moral reformer and calls it "a -won derful check on liars." . Loyal Bis Sister. She was a tinxs little' girl, with dirt-, sun-tanned'hair, a blue cali co dress and bare feet. She car ried in her arms a baby half as lart-e as herself, and the baby was . mi heavy that it sagged down in tin. miihlle. .rivini? the infant the anoearahce of being held by the nane of the neck. There was some excitement around the. corner o thp next block at Wash street, anc the children w ere hurrying forward like mad from all directions. The' girl tried to run, but the' baby was too heavy,! and her breath gave out. Said I, in a spirit of badinage:. "Drop the baby, sis, and go see what the trouble is." She stopped and started at me. I say, put the baby down on the sidewalk and run." "Yer must take me for a fool, mister." 1 ; J"Vhyn i --Cos"; this is our baby." -J "Well, suppose it is? I'll stay here and watch it for you.-" ! "No you won't miste-r. er might carry it off." -What if I did? Ain't you tired carrying it around and making your back ache?" av I ain't. Say, mister, this C LOAKS And JACKETS - i . !' 1 ' ..- .-,f-l!.f " In Beautiful Styles and i i - - i - I prettiest and said LOWEST FRICBS. MKKOIiKiiVUK 1UV.4-.-1 E-('0.MKNAXU SKI-; RAYMOND & POWELL, NATION All BANld BUILDIN(l (iKlCKNSBOIIC) Fire Iiilsnr amM 'N. (.. TOTAL ASSETS OF COM 1'ANIKS l i li F 11 FjSH N T H 1 ) A j' OVER TWENTY! MILLION DOLLARS. Office l Sa-vings 3Ba-xii3s:3 GREEXSHOKO, X, (J. I HEAD pTXETEESlOB PURE I DRUGS AND C Patent Medioiicj, 3ynin.3irp,X Wat Trusses new CKOl ANt) f From our Large Stock TUKNIl! SEED atAVholealc a in pigtail Hi? rv ( ARKi'iJi.i.V;. rir X IVi . W -t - ' ; , i ii III GOT : we eaii A-itpplv -physTcLins; ainlt jrew Dr.lr :.ml PR ES( IPTIONS byiail filled and for warden j bv Jiekt 4 . in the are unuer nrrestM 3 .2ro- lieading for ;,all I hxuv them their. i u reward, and 1 Will I Ar.cth.3r Train Held Up .mi Bobbed. ; :- ;satur:at.:3ct. 9 & lo.r;, H.llililiSllil!1! vi:i:ia(;e saoi! ; : . I j j j ttl Kinds of Vehicles. t r ' fl : ! ill t t jtv kill me 'I I re I lentu. Ni.v. .". I'a-M-ngcr on ;.li.-i.rt l'.tcif.e train uliicli ; : t U::: i!.a at ld:: l-t night a,r treitidtoan ..Id-fah ioned - -i ..M at W. st-ide. a suburb. : a 11 oV'.u-k. Four masked men .... r!. ir- of th train when it ! -t-pp mI at -tat:. n, one cover ing the cn.rn.tir and hreman with ; i u;:. wiale the others proceeded -. . r if . train with drawn rc. .. :. Th. v appr-chtd the ,.,, !,, . ant . red tl.e paenters . , ... i, to tl.iou t!;;r daroi op. ' d or ti.- v retr. ate. I and attacked t... tuail c ir by tlire.'ttening n blow ... ,a j?.,- d t r with ilynmit.. The i -, r u.i- ir.dured l- admit I th robber -iiid '. ' ear wa plun dered. The i-IIIcer refit-e to gne nv information a t 'h. amount i, f "booty secured. I :. It i - ii Ithat large sum from Kanf. City nd St. Louis batik d" s-t cured. Oth cers went in pur--.:.t. The robber are armed but oa f'.'. to release all the convict In the prings and 1 race mine at t)l:er I 'ill. "Much excitement prevails among I II I llltlll ill V7 I i i . r Y . l j . . . , , - I . i li i I r i low inucii and-, ii-'vi- you want to seme j o.i turn them Ioot-oou. i vou y Answer quick T. K. Grillin, S Somerset, I patches: ; 'if Have tiirctecn convicts 5 5!l'r arrest here. Advise me as $Ul.ii ti,.. I .l.nrin -men of this city, and ,lisn;,siti m. '-Ur many of them have left their work j to dicu-s the situation of ai! airs. OLD LOVERS! The Grccni 121 and the Bride 7G Years of Ace. has Th e .iiieerest wedding that i .... known win iawe place ll.iiri or W'.mmI Work, cii... B..t..w t. 4 ..I It il 1 ,! ir- l iniMMINO, ' -in. I y re -i. rir. fan tc Ur. ; 4 '---Jy.iaterial tl.e Wftrik .h-U. r u!t . ? J uri tlure .f d .. h e " I wi r'. Ibi'tn .buiMinj; , i f ft fl . 1 . J." ;..'! v. i San I'i: m w ,n"'r I . . . .... . 1 .. . i. . .r.t.-.l l.r the , iT I, crew . I a piratical jun o.i i..r coast of Amboy recently. The u percargo cf the merchant vessel wan killed !bv the explosion of a bon.b thrown on the ibekofthe ess.l bv the pirutis. O ie of the uirchant man"-. ia jun,t.-.d over board. The remain hr of the crew mere tied the mast. After div.id in" the if prdl the pirtie anchored merchant t--el. dr.e tin- eer been tonight. Hiram Lester, aged 121 years, i it - . it or- !'. Moselev. aged nioi .i"-. . - . - ' If., will unite their destinies. U appears that the wedding will be for the financial benefit of the old cr.uple, and a charge of twenty five cents will be made to see the knot tied. It will be a sort of mar riage for the gate receipts But old Hiram say he loves his wrinkled bride. He first met her when he was an inmate of the poor hotie at McDonoiuh, and she was the matron. When the poor house was changed into a farm, and Mrs. Mo-eley lost her job, old man Les ter paid her regular visits, and has been paying her devoted attention for ten jf.tr. Hiram Lester is probably the . bU-t mna living in the world. A f,.w m .r.thsago the Journal pub- li-hid ; ri account oi ins me i hi nieture. The sketch : t , i 1 1 - . i . - i. a r : Richuionl Terminal Chaifj- jj i t I 'r..i-m!nnl' nlsfsl relief of its fin-tnees wasirttjd . . . i .. .. n l .n j f i.l lows : t f f yesienini i" y for l.t rpnlied in the iill'rmative. -Well," said the meirhant 'there is no need of mv giving you a receipt. See! 1 will ci;ds your ac count oil the book;" Mid suiting the action to the worfl iie drew his pencil diagonally across the ac count. "That is as good as a re ceipt, t ; - - And do ve mane that that tie it?" exclaimed t ai "That settles it, chant The lloating debt of th-v rjh- mond an,, lnsnie anu ! - And yere shure ye Central, wiuea '- aooui Tj'.-' j 0M, i to be cared for hy j-jimi-cate manag.d by H. W. Sr;iiUicrs, r i ,...J .ted within oe.ver Oi l.'.lio.oi, set- (i the incr- ; Opposite. Benhow Hoi feb. 12. I jm. - y m r w . itl1 - Richardson! & i?'arri C. Portelr sc. ;tr;t S, Successors 'to (UIEENSBOKO, NJ C. 1892. NEW RA.TTBRNS We ha've j lust' received one thousand Rollsiof 1892, 1 .' 1 I. : . .... , i i ... !.,. fill I; te AVin:tir ot inriiS L t Vsour Krlre to restock. helorn th Un thif tyHxnA spring but .oiiriarpeaai nf our next Warmer,! laCUIICOWl . M . : , f .... . TTRKSTf from the KOLI -,.,t-Jl : ... ..i-rf-VKLU' TCI-.A'!'. and tJIIJ4 I l' . I 111 LI U l l-' - - Call and Pee them if you vjiui.t 4' . "WALL AEIR , is the only "little baby we've 11 never fur it! ana in i be ..ftlior niiL-in' me We'll never ask jyou for it said the merchanf decided- again, A Co., and Kunn. Loeb it Uyl'V'1 '', others. Inm.-iM DlorC- to the front. A 1 an of f to Ge.rgia Central has betyjr'?"- .. . tl.o ra:nl Will il'w'hve .v.. oont interest for a yvt ' 'and " Faith, thin,' said Pit, .filler kanin me .money i tire from leadersh.p and yp f -t it. Prei dent l-.ckstein morion , I'll be in me iluslied . i - a ; ! t- Til rt C 'A 1 4 1 I til . n..T HTTITll Ih I p i Jlt. ..iorltisj !..,. I ?r T'KVtK.st hi receipt and i e-iei i. . , 1 Tennessee, Virginia and -f jjqiia ; ro.nnin i ri del -eiKie n t l L"i"fl Tb tiierchani s face A. II l- - j angrily as he retorted ; j "Oh, well, I can rub that out. -.Faith, now, and 1 thought that i i ... . ' i same, sam i i U is needless to add that Tat got will remain independent ri.,.m:i having taken up tl-'-.fif' floating debt of over M.UOUI'-.-A Snail Country. J5;; Leaf bv leaf the rt.ses fall: One bv oiio our dear, ones die. -. to keep them with us Mill. Loving hearts send MP t,',, cr-v' y'ifo and mother. O how dear. Fading like a mist a war. Kid her. let us keep tbem nere. got, and if ver only knowed now hue can Vrow;and laugh yer wouldn't want me to do no such thing. This baby hain't got no ma, 'cept me, hikI pa and ine couldn't do 'thout her. She sets "up. in a high chair at the table and crows and kicks while me and pa cat?, and at night I rock hei-to sleep like ma used td do When ma died th? baby didn t know no better, but just laughed and hollered, and. 1 cried so-1 couldn't keep her still. Put her down on the sidewalk!' Fool-kill-er'ill git you mister if yer stay a roil mf here long." S).-fj'"' ... 1 V I til III 1 1' 1 1 II . Tne Patrick Henry "Engine." A Ralei'dr correspondent of the Wilmington Messenger says : 1 he o'det livirar railw.-fy engineer spoke entertainki-ly today of tle oldest en i ne in use. It is now m a ma chine shop and foundry at Greens boro. In 18:55 it "began service as an inide-conhected locomotive on the Richmond and Petersburg rail way. After seven years. use it was altered to an outside connected en .rine. It was bought by the Ral eicrh Sc Gaston railway for use as a .taiionary engine,-and was so -used until 1-01. Two years later the Confederate Government bought Then! it went to ureensumv. hen first used it was named "Pat- ! rick Henry." 1 5000 rolls in Stoe but going fast. A few pattern more 'of the 1 1 4ent BPPS & HACKBTT, HjSOUTirELM ST:, G REENSB )ROj T i v I. i 1 1 X ft UK in i in 1851. SSACIi.lJ-S 1 1 i a ' ri aril I BT 1 1 L L S v I I! i iill li J -itpl)ll:WJn Springfield, Jlnss., JANUARY j st, 1 89 1 a.iic Vi .;:.. r,33.!31. J;iabiiiiiU,.$ia.SiK7T.77. Surpfu- rtC5vi,ic,Tx., , 1 - , ;! ... ...V..., J.,-l . (,n 1'0R E, -JitHh JSUIU-NO; To..4 --, .;a.o,i,n.-!nVlafter two vi-ars becomes noi tricted asv'tiresiden'eeri rade or-pcctipat on POLICTESTN The contract of t incontestable, unres If you w form and send it to vou. not an ESTIJ in cash a n d pa id up at your age. I w as born in'the - My name is. Mv aihlress is tj )ie, unresn ieie : -r , ill write Hir!immedUt.e of -Lirt 1, and addn (inii-vw, ami-: -, v. r - 1 ' if T thlloo. ":t! i forfeitable. ill-' the blahk t ' ii . 1 . ... -J- .11 i.iL-n il(-;ikiirf . . . I . i1 i .7 2 I ,1. flU V I" V 111 1 (. H I ' ' " 1 - . " " tl.. .l!iV- ' i J " " - - Li! v'l ATF.MMNT showing tin I ' . . - . 1 i. ' ., -:.J ranee .which wou.iu ap.pea-i m -! : :.: : ; ' ' -1 , , 1",U in showing vaJue jkiir(i ( And . i.l v Jiii'i file War geiilts "Wanted- it. w .Celled Votef Angry. 1 e th. Chile has 300,000 squar' -ui1e ..r innd but probably nO'wr arable land than the State -Jj?n- l.l.'An'J.f K 111 P sylvania. 1 ne popummm .4 t -U one million less than the fW' ti.m of Pennsylvaaia. In Cj5n.ri- 1 o1tV. and ro-ifrOTXeS the marriage ceremony, son . -if i"-- , ,. . . t" i, ..fiidr-' Pennsylvania 15 ii hut he declined to help the side wazed .Wen show. ! , . t . ntj chile our a dih $? Dr. I. L. Gunter, ,.f Henry coun- tho. State and C tv, ..... cons,n,el ,M-form the U o of the tlouit- ceremony, wh.ci. - 1 - , Trans.Andean Republic ri 1 Avenue theater arfuliy to ;-. ! w- j.ray t tti a lV Ir. J. t-er, mo. 1 . 1... : ... reason -lie was nerfiom the marriage lie liauvn""- 1 . . : . 1 .. 1.. it. li 1 .1 . - t follv it is, then, ior - iceir name. I . - , 1; ;.u t I.. I bl t h i. . . t.i.;i- it f 1 .1 1 1 11 v nun if w -- . .. I ... ...ni. T T. , IlllllM . V. . mm . . : ."!' h.V..,B i!"'": . , i.an..m .. b. lgh,;i.hCwer . . . . ... 1. Many.a wife a ::d r mouier, wim, seems doomed to die' because ho sutlers from' diseaees peculiar to women, which saps her I life away like a vampire, and bitllles the skill of the family physician, can be aved by employing tile proper rem edy. This remedy is- Dr. Pierce s Favorite Prescription, the greatest boon eyer conferred; by man on weak, Buffering, despairing women, r. ., ;. fnr nil nhases of le- 11 J-l U t 'COI.V iv. - 1 - . a ii n o 1 1" n 1 1 rv ill. - r. - - , Hai:i'I-J.i -i:o colored yoter angry over tion m resrular Pa. : I I; D,iti:!ii!i hominte 1 Nov. 1. The ex.-eeli:igjy ; oi' l!-e elec county. The r ' on-r dc- BOOE i L WINSLOW & ROGERS, !j. 4 -v A .. Ik 11, ; -. ' .; General AgentJ ,-N.,Q- f- 1 i ;:f ;: :U- : r v Hi r. i I .!. . I 4 I . U-ilU.tJ'VJJ PRINT Committee IL J. nes, a clined, and the ounty omd Dr. William i,..i rd. i-i:;r: of this city. COLO 1 tu J."'.' 1 in a 1 prejudice an i.n-t his defeat by v.-' trouble in the B'' The colored votes - - P olifte in the ilUurt L a i l 1 v - : column of tuasonary in Kan- 1 .-..- -,i:.r i'i 10 and t here-is ubliean camp, i v thev will $e- A, P r v5-rvi.ij---k-' - ices LowauiU to N N t ..: 1 i! r'l.iild sued Dr ur. la 10 - 'O 4 !' ) 'at -tVl 1 r Hunt for ithin-Z. ONI Y OFFICE IX PIEDMOXtIxUKTII CAROLINA Fil -OrdersUy Mailliccflve our Personal AUtentioi., lixir; 'f ' It'll !:;. . I, 'l j ! a-h-ire, a: d !.n -alo d away. H-tai in kips . . . and got 11 fhe t4'dl ot his own - ii v r -".-;.' 1 nit pd States. - - I a m ft J-t. CkTTI1 Till ltl7l . - ift'IU III l i M 111 V. .-fc. m -- w r-t A for slander H' HARRIS. crew mouth just -49 oon as Philadelphia Record. I t v hate hot. a yet been cap ilis-n- 1 Aim--,--.-. 4,, , . ; !---: ceaircoi iov v. . 1 lured. -1 ? Ti-- ; - - . - i ' , .- . - . i- I ' i . - 1 . ' - i ; i , I Hi i :