Ji . . . . . '.. r ...... . - - - - - ' . ; : - r. f-:y -'r. -yr : ; p- V- " I I - 1, ! -. REENjjsBORO lllf Mill r GREENSBORO. N. Ci EDXESDAY. NOVEMBER 1, 1891. f iiv ikn iuA- ! I'miinAiiT. ! J -F a v - i " -' - - a ; ; i i. ti:kM! ,.e0 - -r. In Atlynnff. - I- ! I I Dr. CH&S. A. TURNER 11 ZOUUHSTTIST, j l.-!r. 1HOM s ,.'! II i Dr. i .-.rf. l.Un m-f. j.-lv. W.; H. Wakefield, h:okk sIonai. i:i:vh i:s M . " I . . . t. i; -it Dr. Ariliur E. Ledbalter, i i j j - !:.!' . it'll. t : -i i: I' I - i. t'. Di; Y. J. RICHARDSON, ( k i: si:ui:o. N .? . it. t ,: i I . .arc . t 1 . .''"INSURANCE';. ONLY FiRSl-CUSS C0MPAH1IS VA WALL'S 1 5 I. ; . i - it t ' - :: - Wi rv, the link inothir .-tl In iwr nwaTitig rhalr To t c ul a moment ,f Ihoulit-tinic An. I NfiiJ i'iltt Iherc. 1 itrr tli JnvT earth, At!l from tho litiit mircry l ft!jr f ''irx! of tulrth. V, t!o : h r' j- I ron wn t !n . A- 1-Vnl.f la jut M "t ; lt trial-, t in i! t i..o. anl worries I 1 la r wi!b .!ifoyitffit. .. l it;, h hi I h" in ntit to :.ri-otn p!i-h U l.-t) -f r-M- it !i tta- slow inijMjn . I: it with una h to hin-li r anl worry II. Huh- I: I r-.illy !- ! ne. T!a ttitiit!in?-Mo-k. re many. Unit her i-sthway lay, U i? t!i Mi thr- er many n 1.mpj; ';. ?i that flf-um tray. Ur l.at.r wtr hri!.? uii'l hapj y. II. r hti!.iti'l u--l true, i , ti l na-!crtt laaltti an-1 wt.ilth v. r. iti her rf io.i too. At I vay I. till inuinj. ' j.. .. :i t . r Liti-I r--- to view. A rin .Jorm- an l -pire !, ;.. .niit tl e dis ant bin. ilv.t a ..! ruht I on, cscr I".. ic a ht rati-I, A rl ,; - t.f r "-k r. nl f otif Is .'.r at. 4 VUU A t . Books! Books '. Books! !!.'! in Iit way t -fan!. !..- -o-l.t to tin I :i fo..tho! l; I:. !,....! a ro. ky tair! An 1 !hi the i h. erin; h rnl hi ii w raen thr-: A ttn:it.!i:i-!'!" N MirmoutiU'l . r, i , :i 'i i -toiif. m I r i trr i .. ntit tl i" , -, -f.'.. ..w rN i. !-. throne." Whose Paper Was Controlled by a Board of Directors. A certain newspaper not over a thousand miles from Detroit was once owned and operated y a pjn dicate of lawjer, business men and politician. fav an exchange. About half of the hoard of tlirrc torn at firet wanted the fun and honor of running the paper. io. whenever one of them fancied he h td an idea in his head Im would run up to the oflie and interview the in-usain editor. I)ireetr No.. l' idea was that tin; editor and reporter were loaf ing tnoit of the time, becauev they wkc not in the litiildiu- every minute of the day like hi own mill hande. Do you give your whole time to the paper?" he asked" one day of the tuanninvr editor. "Oh, no," f-aiil the editor, I take t-even or eiht hours forleep, and an hour or more for meal-, a quar ter of an hour or more for dressing in I ho morninir, five minutes un dreffinj: at night. I don't shave, o there is fire or ten minutes f aved there; but I black my own boots, that take time. Then there's the time pin and coming from the ot!ice. Sometimes I lie awake an hour or two at night, thinking out t-ome hrheme for the paper. That ouirht to ollVet the time I take for mea!. It ceIn to me, though, a THE CHILDREN OF DICKEKL". GENERAL NEWS.. A Young Man Tries tTi'e His Own R. Craimiles ' Vi - locked up afe the. police fctatjS '.yesterday, charged with forger I he arrest was cy ,?u ny j. m. Friend, a merchant fTh Decatur -trfet. He charges tiiitt'raismiles attempted to pass (tift signed with the name of DryKW. Claii:, of Hrvson, N. C. 'ifa, fmcrehant, wotiM not acecpt irs a ti-l becoming convinced that it AvfcS forgery in formed the otlieer. f i v Yelerd;y f raigi'K'" was ar retted by Detective ;y!dford and MeConnell, and a Vyliar story wus unfolded. f ' The man appeared ifnd stated that the cause was Wvnt tempt to cttmmlt suicide the f."'ft beftre by taking morphine, 'i f ; 'I don't want to fvK" he said, "for the woman I 1oy f i3l not mar ry me. I can't liv. Wjthout her, and I want to die.i ;I met her in Murphy, N. antOjiought she r ciprocatcd my aarecflhs. Satur day 1 called upon li A- here , and found I was mistaken'! That night I tried to take my ljj?J' I didn't take enough morphirvjTmt I'll suc ceed next time. He stated that thJoung lady lives on Rawson fjrtt, but he wished to protect heritm embar- oL an- ex- I . II !-, ft'! . '.f . I la'.'- 'i N ..v , I " ;.! - W ;i . f..r I ; M K in j ! . I 'I t a- r I' j- r ,",u,"! ,.; V . I' m- r-. M:.--r, ' a- i. i f I - rs ! iur .r.. t Kt-ir. -I. th- !;;. t. .!!. r f . k-, :,tiU k I . . . n 4 t i: r i U ! i t S I : V r eellent family, andfi.l-idy well known and very poptCUr. connrmeu Li ttle of lautt- T! kt.k ! I..-.I f.-r rv hip I h: C" ' I' I th-'.t Intr. THE SISTEF.S WHO TOIL. if I gave all the rest of the time to i lit. I ' ... 0 . . . . .. . .. l.v I i tmilin" nf S "iiiimpn: ougni ui "mi- v. , I more for it ! Three column: a day, num. morphine, and tjfumtU kt- ,, .. I ter to the voting ladvftit.his pocket, tatlea-t. ...!.. L.t. mnn f -You ought to put a barrel oiju-isu rr.i nt 'V"p , - . ' . . I I ; 1 ifr !! f lit Are Tt ?7 Happier Than the Do- Ti!.'- .! ty DIKE BOOK CO., water into every gallon of wlij-ky vouM get more for t he money un til people found it out." I s-aw the''as burning here as late a- 12 o'clock one night. The i . 1 1 .... -i r: ..i.if., ' K, j .-: v :imo-, uu- yr;iuni Itills are t-anu unni; iridium.. ir!-. Tht-v have beautv u.aid Director No. '2 wlien he failed. t t i . . .,..t! - ii .. . .-. I!j i r oh i.ni.i .iii'iii ! i cf ; wen, mi . ,.lti:r -I -urroi-uiin.". luve gi t u j morning paper, and it gets pretty t t.. .Milt-.r .-li irt:?. '1 ! V :tre!.l..rL- l.r tn i.lni"!.t. and alotilT until .... .. - i s a c T I about well in twenty-three, Jnd stands North Carolin-a.j ' d ?!('' Nothing in Tjlieir Careers to Show the Heredity of Genius. The pecond son' of Dickens was Francis (lejifryi Dickens. Ani some of us who j have mixed the newspaper life ;of London and Chicago and Calcutta, know him well, for one mult write the ad pnt tifTiPe. Dear Frank Dickens was Ijorn in the year 1.41 he was the fourth child, i In his note book the novelist wrote: "A plump and merry litte chap, this second son of nine." ; . Poor little chap ! j He eaughtj the Fle.et ftreet ffvec and went ink maj; h ea.ught. the j Dahooley fever and Hashed and fleshed and blooded his sword in India; he fought Louis Kiel in Canada aye, and captured Big Bear; he came to Chicago and gambled away his money in a Clark street gambling house : he died one windy, sleety ! night in a grim little IllinoH town- Moline. There he is buried. Hut his'brother Henry did well; won the sec rind scholarship at Trin ity Hall at tlie age of twenty, and w as twenty-ninth wrangler in a fair year, when the wranglers were over forty." He is now a successful bar rister, with a wife and five children. And the daughters of Dickens? The oldest is unmarried ; the other is airs. "Kittie" jPerugini, a de, serx'edly well known dortrait paint er. 31 n. ) Kittie's " fame if one mut be fairly accurate is a wee, small all'air, but then she has done something: she has painted the portrait of that baronet of bac carat Sir Wilriaiu Gordon Cum mins. - ' . 1 i Mr. .T-.mior Charles Dickens has oist. l i a " . i i tt i nd l.'i! !.oW the p a per g'e to pre"- the cmn pos it,iri :ho--e arc the men thut set tl .. one von know thev. can't Ul I 11 V t 1 ' m a I 1 . l .lUli'l V , i t a v -- - He is editor and ?prprtetor ol three daughters. T wo ol th.era run fl lirrinn Thm-s. ' T:re t rouble ... t v new r it i n i establishment oil' ab.t tlie draft- w ilU piobahly be j ,vent (.arden seltl'ii to uav II, r. No Genius is not hereditary. t 'hirit jt-(i rt j)t The third, Marv, .1. , ., email ii5irt in :i Ptoek s the letter 1 jr A. t address-i p;lIlv touring the province i1 t.. vniin.' k v. TtiJs an exaci copy, except tliat thijung lady's name m left ut : y . A n ant.x, Ga., NovtAeV 7, ".1. 6 f - " t - : . T-v i r .." . ts.'i.". .. . ..:.-.! to I'. a r i i , r . r t la t z f ,. , a? i .ft I. r t- I r.J.-r ur Jim r. r i! ri! i i a ii'-. ..i.M" - when tins readies . "" .-:.r.:.--. Tl.iy !l'r trials j rfad everybody's copy in the dark; toll an)1 ti.r in deal U-'nd you, j i.li. ippo-ntint i.t u:.d work, b it !a.w':in,i tf,N uhevever they come aero . wct girl, nr'-J.the cause. ' h idv ;!a v I ear the form, r ami hi pit ce of copy that they are I lt;lt l don't Maine voig Uj.irk the latter. There i alwaysi familiar with we haVe to light the j fct uiy jCartJ(lV you, hut ! t;.. thii..' more they crave, nt.U' if ?a ffr them. I'robably when you , j ,ha. h s aj j, Jan. Not- un itt.iin.'.b, they tdu.w theiriis-, t.;in, d by the ollice.that night they j w ;thstaneling this. I (iWhk you are U :.a-i-re to. ..ft. n in f and j Kui just struck a piece of that 1 ,mrst,T tweeter J.est little U.t.!i. Few would en.f ;tli m if of copy." I oir j the world, and o doubt if I jilav kn.w them and their li s. . -Oh, of course, if its necessary, (j roujj you woUld Jetirnmy af- , !t! f mi -i-ri j; i i rni: i r n. t):i tin- otl-. r Juind, take many of cir i-t. r- in the neighboring for . inn-'.e. one like the ,-.. . .... t-i i l K As 3 ! i t Italian t ' a V - la,,V w .t. . 1 - . t j ii ridi'h I ' 1 follow in-Fory.ar -he has ; brave- jejM'J' ! Iv b. oi at her p-t. 1 here I rK j V. do at houa- and lie i- up at winter and summer to u a, . At 7 -he at hfr loom, ana th'l'. m.'al the wniri anu noi-t-.-i.r t -tati-N until hur if ibt'u -ta-rt tin e for lunch ami ret, ! In t iti'l -ta.rt. r hIioi' home duties ' . r . . f I Ir,,t,l 1 to 111 am u on, ami i .-a a-.a.lT.I IVlUlltl I I I I lllllli " " - aa. . a " ' - . . " .a. . IV.. .f .. r I . I i r It at - a - ... r i.titar - i fc i : i linn l imii ii r 11' I lilt I lJuV. ----- any more than you actually need." Director No. II remarked: -I .l.m't n't oL'ether like what you i . i . . . i ft-... i.tin-r oat ers. i inm i written It- i fn1tc to your in regard 'totg.' disposi- . : t i . I a 1 1 ' feet ion ! I have I brother HE CUT TIIEjSTITCHES. Such is' the Serious Charge Apainst a Maryland County Physician. Ci MnKKi.ANb, 31 d., Nov. '.). This morning, about a : 30 o'clock, Frank Lallln was wjal'king along the. Bal timore andjohio jUailroad tracks when he. fell iritj a cattle guard, cutting a fearful gash in his leg. Friends carried hini to the ollice of Dr. Craigen, the county physician. The doctor examined the wound, and after dressing it put several stitches in it andj then asked for his pav, which waj .f:!. . The men were PurpriHetl, : na tnougiu, -ne w- Ur the coin.tv physician, there r he a a I . . - . 1 1 1 1 ri r ; . . i ..ar.iT xrom u.m. i-M- . Farewell lorever, 'Y -i I would be no harge. The ..oct L t ii.it us verv inm'MiiiL. . , , v.... .. ' (onf tuo wihi ....... i.: - - HUM. 1 " V - U-.. , if ha- fllil iTIOt 11,1V JII-IW Now;Fve taken tl.o fo;r.r lor ; rf fatlt. )iml Mot.round my " .r untlo'hi3 worU Tli;.v insist sexeral years, ami uu re . .- -,. .ulla 1, tiely tom.Sl im wl.rt. ,linniess. and the interesting reading matter ui H,iaIl,i of death on me write this - - - thug umlo When I get through with it hadn t , n)( fnr , haVl. :ilrt.a5taken the j i ii'i t r M i l ih j' li-w - i . i .ani ! i' 1 1 1 1 fT r? i ScieucD iVili Couqccr!!-:- -.. : ( !- .. ... . . t 1 ... liri'il . . : : 1 .1.... .Ii. mt ------ - - . i ui .iim vi. -r. :. l)r tnii'Hii fain uiiii " ,l you, and you can copy things out, Ktluemi)0r lll0, dC; in yourj . ( j uf work for ofitr I have kept a I. e or ,t lor iyt.r . J0: ( .:j,;M hinfr Jiul that he cut the years, so lwouldnt .ike to' hive ( rraignijles' Ume is at etitt.,Mr;. ' It is. said the mayor will you cut it.' ... . . I Mliri,hv.:N'. C. where :rU" parents . n t!,e attention of the Oil, yes n ui"",:. ';..., . i r ;,,ir reside, bird he bears Wt ?(,;,i, in-.tti r All - V - ---- iVr IAI. it ri'-ii:i.r. 'if BF ni:r. I Fin I ivk i.m:- k.m r. i -vi:m ai. : i-n 'V. Mm- THE i tt - r ,-r. t t r t s . . . - -" - t ' ! " ;GEAT EYE nVFER V.d. wahin-U-ut anytliing out.of it." . . ! the retutation of IM a 'PT.wons who are aware of the doe- i i.i uu.-. .. . i . - ,.. no in ii r . m w r i f ..... 1 . . - .. .. !or ' done. F.duc.tion i to , ' liver. He is a h. pi.ets ; tor's action express indignation U. comileted. kindly deeds done ly '"VtiHe voue -at 1 Oaiswil. l'11. aml and disgust. . j. . . I . - -ludlv and fre.lvl.and "Ihatsahne arm le y ou vt o wcaltliv citi.n nf Clef .nd, 1 enn. ' , fraigen is the physician m I t r " ' , M r onthecditona ,Ic ia; eounect -with the ; (.,)a ,f jaiI Jahllshouse, and TeAl iiw Vh "n .aved for the ft, M'.ct- l a n.ce mess ! U I he at Murph.S. C and ; asyluiu an(, i? al,o . mem- ! J i;; N. a.l V.f no bri.htne,-. n,anV one of my LeM I .end nd .,1,, TellI,., andj at Ashe- bor f i;nitcd States pension il-,.. come m Mnall he'll lay for me. M... nrotftH. r nml has 1Bf,?) u t.harac-. 1(o;rtl of ex;ifniniri? physicians for . . ti..r;.o tl... r.-:iro -,ir' ''""'" . , ,i,rr as a bright youms i .i,: s d strict. n., .,,,. i w...... - ..Well. Jackson is a ! . 4 . .1 I ' - ! : tiiy ties' are ironen. mw -., iudgement than h!' " ?; .T,n ftte-Fla- ,, V N ' a. " " A Cnlnccat OraiiS. ' 1 Congress will be asked for an ap propriation of $a0,j000 for the General Sherman statue, the sum granted in .the cases of Sheridan, Hancock and Logan.' " Olt'icial figures iconstantly swell Buoys' plurality in Iowa, but Sa lun, j Republican candidate for Superintendent of Schools, runs so far ahead of his ticket that his election l'-oks possible. The Baltimore and Ohio railroad has jdeeiuVd to issue 115000,000 new stock, it is unuerstooa tnai il -nit live million dollars will be iiscilj in payment for a controlling interest in the Oho and .Mississip pi riiiway. " Millionaires are not so numerous in the South as in the North, so that in Dixie much interest is felt in the estate of the late General W. A. Johnson, of ShelUeld, Ala. Ho left $100,000 to! each oMns ten children. Beginning life as a deck-sweeper oh a steamboat, he left the business as commodore oi a river lleet. ! - The Lexington .! '.-says : "f he- laying of the corper stone of the iron and steel plant at Greens boro Thursday was an occasion in which not only Greensboro, but the whole State as well, had an inter est, It will develop the iron in dustry of our whole State. Greens boro is to be congratulated upon her ipush and enterprise in this matter." . j Ai new, and novel political organ ization is to be formed in Harris bur". Fa., b'v a number -of promi nent! ladies of the Democratic be lief.! characterized by sincere alfec- tionSfor IMrs. Cleveland,-great re spect for G rover Cleveland and un- bounded admiration tor liauy iviun. j The! society is still in embryo, but it ha been decided to call it "The Sisters of Ruth," and its' ob ject! will le to install that little ladv in the White House nursery which, of course, would necessitate tjie election of the baby's papa to the presidency. j i " . " Vli'at Most Men Think of Women. .... .j . That women hate three fourths of their own sex. - That women are charming in proportion to their amiability. That a woman who sneers at the it a w n frill of a Pister is not a saint herself. i ' 7 That a woman who' flirts on the street or Street cars is either silly, insahe or not rtispectable. ' J That a woman should know how to cook, whether she has any imme diate need for the accomplishment or not. That the woman who. blondines her ! hair unconsciously weaves mucli of her life history in the gol den meshes for all 'men to read. I That the ways of that woman is past! finding out who rails against the male sex for chewing 10 cent plugs of tobacce.o and expectora t in "(on the pavement, yet who goes herself and deliberately wipes up that same pavement -with a twenty live br lifty-dollar gown that her father or husband earned by the sweat of his brow. Patterns Given iHtv .coous- lor Ladie lor i luldrons die Pants jor Man oi JyT and we- will all o,V j from our large stoi-k of l)emUre?tj relia any jattern-iii our least's to eut ;tne .la I ( ol' eharge. !In 'other words ve Iv, i awav with eaeli Dress or PanTsiii houglij at 0VR STORE, a Jaier pattencto eut it iy. A iftill assortment of FA EL and W JTHR tolbe hv those wliu have" examitied the-m best value in (1 reenlioro;!1 I LLUA Iv S A ND sU luiv o-ooils (or 1 you., jo select '.:!. i.le Patteni:4 ' ;. ! -1 '1 1 i ;,'j ': : '';( nedtV lree P ' r. - i . v- t : . ! i tttr :p:: , i : .'.; :";; i 'h . .- - .-: 1 i i !. I, :. .. (l()Dk and said j M tho j i .o It i tU t atrdV I ' 'hi; 1 ' r .' L 1 i! , I . ! .i- In Beautiful Styles and! 'LOWEST FRICjESi j ts-(:o.Mi; AXD sKK'isKi'oiu-: V()( i;i y.-v.si j , I RAYMOND & POWELL, t NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. G UK KNSlijdu , N. C Q V I rn Jal Ml T f i I ''M I lUHtU. Fire Insuraiice -4 a- TOTAL ASSETS OF COM.FANIFS IIKFRKSKNiTKI) r i OVER TWENTY MILLION D Oil A RS I Office ai S cr v:i.xi-$s I3u.Xil-c ! (iiiKKNsnono. x. pi HEAD QTJABTEBS HQB , PURE DRUGS AND CI I KM ICALS, Trusses an 3 From our La r ire'' St andiRi-t :I il. I : ' l?rrTj Sluifes in aid " ;:; . i, ' " 1 VN" " - I NEW C1.0B TURNIP SEED at Wliol. -iafe U ) RACKS I iARhl'U ek 'we- can supply !Miysieiaio4 Cioiintrv a4-.sioi-t noti'-c , Orders and l'RES 'IRTIONS by Mail! U!!. d and foifwa rde.l ; Richardson & Farris, l ! . ... .11' l' t '- i - .ticcesors u . v . I I.! I-; - r i v ;t.t : t l '. - - , 1 . i - t I.VMI t.V IV all. o: im i t r ,.t it.! '- t: 5V B. FA RB A 15 A SO.N Vhere to Buy Llillinery. . 1 .. t 1 a- n l a .i-arn. io.i 11 of courage. I f. i l .1 r is " t'..i ir.t an I f r I I : til. IO -:-r,:i;- tu f- -l.v im.-k om. Turn to a st wing-r"m, and s e tlwre a girl t M--ntf-n u ir4 I. i- run tiie same machine. 'N,.ii.... h. r bri-ht talk. I.t pirient !t,. .. , . (.nu-r. her reading . .,,,1 b .ok at lunch hour h...n. We oiiirht to get. rid of him In order to appease Mr.' Direc tor, the editor, a few day after ward had another article prepared carefullv, takini: back what had been Paid, anil making a veiled ap ! gy for it. ) In came d hector No.'.i. -You've made an awful mistake; ...... 4. ,.ht to stick to what you said ! : Tl.... .....j .net rioht. It - - . . I . . i I . t k I II nil' J"" "r . o m - , ,,." I.,a: ct . . ..I." ......If' .! 4..4E-... t .! ht r. f. l.!.,i-L-i :i;iV aliotl It was conerallv taught we We clip the following from the The T case THE SUIT ENDED. University of North Carolina Gets a Big Bequast. ie Marv Smith-Morehead2will has been compromised by the . i i I l parties interested. The full; de- will not say hoped th h Miss j 1 - f. - - ... a-V. I Mill Danville .v.,( of Monday, ever! tails! of the compromise eannot now - i i . .. i....t i.,,t annmr i known to "III aaw . i w t . 1 - I j Ruth Cleveland had pt'rNrmed the j public service of putjxrrg Hr-nijiniin 3lrle ihtfi le Wick- T - a word of which we hrartily endorse: "General d'aluieri commander-in-,.!.;., 4. r tl..- i ; r.-Lti it Armv of the Mrs. Aimic Cat i ..H at b r t:b!f. Mi ' i . .... than So i t r wee 1 1 ,ii i i 'i , t f.r. -tr .it-.t and courage in : .1 tl... coot. .MIW .mi o- !'" .....I i..L.n vv.-iti-r on it. . lOU it-r "in irojie aim nm thee tl.L.g!.. Hi ju'igrueni .... . ii . uch matter is exceuem. rk, but ui'.' - I r I -r Y Mo ti .1 r i-ttnin u 4 n i i.i: I ' t...-.f ,'t, r f...: ",h- - I I.' K ' h ... a' a II i: A I . k t ll! ,lrt ..t ,i i;t r-eif u. il.p itd her week- r .. ...w .ivn . Iv har- ol i.imio x " K , ! iiv pre -t-nt, bought 1 k and Lapr-. and in liv.- years had IL; i. .nt-r.t o. ihrt.ugh ,,((-c...,rv .ittin- ! h;'J "k,' ,i,Un lu-Vl.e-V.tl. - that the doctor t-t .... r ..-i I til "' . - l..r. .1 r. t . III. 'il " r. " ' - .';'4'i-..- - . . ,! ,i ti.i!i!iiwrr: I i i ! .1 il V M.i ' It i true I cn . j . if ,.,, , ! t...... i. o. h is tn.-oit' miiii c a ion" 5 arefuUv retirC tl privacy of order to the Gnlnd Army post !, "rv, the comtfeativc .re-' agains; members wearing a badge irnt v of the school. aF-uch sue- , and uniform I part icipating; in de t.e"ion of incidents, iiding do- monstration. wherp a onlederate ,ne-tic tli'eipline and 5r .Jiining a- flair i earrn-d. . . tne-tic ui. ., - , . .,. h, if (irand Army men j t ' . . . ; 5 ...n.l.l.m of ma-MU !t lli. nL.lf- ' i . i.i..oitiinif :ih it imi iiii i I itlord FACT AGAINSH FICTION. A Striking Instance of the Mislead int: Character of Circumstan- 1:. 1 i t it I ... . . I VI 1,1 . f n . . .T . I - - . . ... !..i-tng two -ir-, .., ,... tills of the irn -s .uu out of work wh . ; , , charge of killing !La.!, ...:t. , in.-t:i: ,.u;.i i alS-rd t. Mop. and C(,uin. The dead man was 1: J .jcu:.: ml mv v.o'at.o:, and - . ;i ,t,.in.0t ahout 11 1 I ft T Vf 1 1 11) I ' p iv t! ni ui I would hketo.o.. ;tllV!nt;k in the afternoon witha I I I Si K N I i; .ro a certain ,-p and be- :liit. ,,alI iir his brain. il.J l .LlUll.lUIi UUVl ,lhif.i rounter a girl , h w'h. had an inters of t! - . !. t f ,-.. w arin-.: a pl-m dre-s. in his death, wa alone ,-. . I ...I " " ' S 4.'. . ....... r 1. I....w.rj " IP Sotltll IS F.v thi time tl;e etiitor oei;..!! 10 1 .,t ,,uhliration-Vnai ma j leutnui- ,wv - - think how hi name would look at , f " , je mt,C. i ortentous hospitable and is gjad to have he c bottom of a resignation. ! Uade for the refe of any , friends at Uu, ;.. Ar,w.r.Vr special! noon occasions and participate n Wi , '.noo;, of her celebration. But the North 7; o n lr papers i h is " city em guests must not -patronize us. " th -it'the consid-Cible part i Wo have- no ap-dogu- to make. e f 1 i? wl i? Mitral I are not ashamed of the tars and ot a l"g 1.11 i ; .? ; . ... 1 1. ..n i i.,;l tiicnii. Grant once lived is tomiverieo , ars, anu we 1 ; t - I u a. I n w l ..a.al t It-irr4at-r ll Al tl in- (ffnnll'l. IT'U lilt Hin 1 , 1.0 si ted.- but enough is known to reinier it certain that the. Univer sity of North Carolina will receive under Its terms between $ 3.,000 and 10.000. ; ' Hon. George. V. Strong and Al fredlW. Havwood, Es(1.; have been selecjte-d'bv 'counsel to prepare the deerie which will be presented io Judge Whitaker for his signature on sltturdav next, he having ad joufiied Wake Superior Court un til that time in order to, allow 'this arrangement to be perfectejj. The ;,,J:.r.i .-.rrjin "fment is that the ". . 1 . i . iaa mo or heiri?-at-law and trie u-gaieet. u..-. will all share in the luna. Opposite Benljow IIousi feh. 12.. v iiexH train. A " : . 1 ' ! ' ' 1 1 1 e j i 1 - ;Ki I'orter. (. KKKNBOBO, N. C 1 1892. NEW PATTERNS -ii-. I...;. tlw,..w..i.,lh.'.'ll 1 C-Iiae IIMH 1 VIM I' Uii;:tlHM-il,IM........ 1892. I - . - mmmt , WALL MATPER of .sty4'es; These .065 itro not usually Hjld to t !icpali ti Spring, hut as our large sales' lHir'rd i'h t" rc-to k ln l'ojrii Iji.'il facttiTers of whom we purchase has M-nt us a! part, of 01 r t:KJvt FRfJsH from the ROLLS. The pattern's an- .'EW, NKA'I 1 "Call and see tlK.m tl vouiwxiht late Winter or ui': live" uiatiii- j ar oitih r, j aiid CIIEAF. WALL PAEER, 5000 rolls in St'ek. but going. fast. A few patterns more 1 . . 1 of th- I re-nt goods loft, j 311 SOUTH ELM SI the Raleigh O'iM fccr SLICED WISDOM. Somecf Which May Hit and Some Miss. tis.1 Evidenc A recent number of the Albany t : jinto a cradle mr .uitu ! Here are the pt eiheaHe- , i-i. w. 1 .iilJ ! .01 FiT. ll'l ruiyi -ot nermiSn- of -the j sort of 04 tun- . . . - !:i - I'l? I a .1 l) . It' lllllli." I 1 ' I c; : , , K l.i' -i J a! Bit 1 age sirlor , t 1 ; f ! Fi rtu.. '.irg 1 repairing t ( Ail Kinds of Vehicles. it. . l 1 .. -ur. I the vro-.; f .n, I .. I tn,-hnic. 4r,L will U-pre- t - . . . . 1 ; . . 1 . . r , J I'XTK'l tO t..l It ) l'" - ' j 1 same 1 ithiuir or Wood Work,- 'AINTU:0 and TF.IMiIIi'0. :j 1 very lt 4T I. .'' e 1 ri ' i t t vl" and ' a rca I ni.rk cu l e ne an v here. i I ill r...l.u.r i.. "T1!.,1 . , t. 1 10. in.- 1- - , I I I x . ri . . . a . w.-ni. 1 pi. : - . 1 .. .,p. i ' ... ..- ni... IH.-I.I : la,.,r .:. ., .... ... 1 1 Kl I tl a? 4 -..'... 1 III UK - . . x I I le .":r I tt.O 000 in. his tieatn, wa- n i m 1 .. hi.., in the hou-e at t!i time. I. . 1 Willi - . rttna-l.-. yei me ., ............ (lf the real raue 01 ,nd trim. hc w , ; , the laWVt.r of the o. r.l for .et or . ; . .(M,k t,e rille from 1 . .1 41 I l U 1 - I.H : . . . hi 1 . 1 ....... 1 1. . i f - . . .r- i.ai " I il ..4- t I ' l l....- t . J I.. ..... titles,, IH.l'.t 1 .t . jr f.4.k l.i it Ia 4 - - - 1. - I ! . t ! tit 14. 19 4,"-- amusements, l-l- I' r U v..,- a. .. ; u ,.t.n j.red loan wlV brother - -upporting , ani huf r umU thr wall, and hile he i. learning hi- tra !c the lh,. ffira of a man v.Hin-er fUt-r kept at -eh - j n H !lite ,heet and placed 'he can becorre a t. .eh. r. a,,! the, M n h. unr H h e the man ,i,r- toils li-hti nid. it.. .i l..,,, fouiol. Then a heavv . f ..- , f 41 r 111 n M l v ,.1 . ti t..-iv us a visit. 4...... , We have no tob-ran-e.lor tliaX wardiv 'goo:', tate that wall the picture oi it is it. ui..-.. ,,o.h easier is it to sit by the lire and resolve to do good than , out into the com anu 00 i 1 t 1 1 1 Tin- M: inn 11. ' 1 1 1 1: 1 h.U Si.iiiiJ 1 : BPPS & HACKBTT, i .1 ! ' . i " .'Mi' I ! I. (JREENSBORO, N. C. fSSACH.Us!HTfS gheld, Mass., 1801. JANUARY. "St, 1 89;i. Surp t ' purport,.....-;- . - . ,,,1-,,.,,,.. and wt ,. 'i-i. Furniture 'l.Tiare, "n'i ironu f"'""" "v , - . :;f;.l.i I..-, t a".. A4 factor,-: :Lav.n.. U.U-r3n... tu, t .at sort ..f at- has! an ax to grind, looks upon; every other man an eve to inducing mm iu Eyery nu and with turn the handle. Truth is : mighty, but if a g(fod j,,,,, for h cradle.' Witjid fr a president of the Coh feder.b-y. of it were not choked into si- this would see.m nut a son torn N-'i' se-" .. ' ... , .- , . , .. .r ii t , Win- with a 4f!-i lilt oi i e eif u'ii nuini . .-. . . , - , , Miar b-nctf M-o!'l i ' . .. . .... I. ... 1, 4. Tiie man -who hmis ,oui ,uiu i - - i i 1 : .-..If 1 1 a has made J. .0.1, l 01 nim ' Aetir.l !.2.2.6:o..i. Liithiliti. .l.:JiJi.7 policies in for e, 22,70. j:nsi;rlnG. o;7..oo. Tht contract of this company aterj wo years becomes jlionforfeitabl i. . 1,. ..-;...t-sn-.i.Ut .'.e tr.r)VcTi'f. trolc oif ociuuji-itionl ' inconiesiaoit-, umc-n o Ifl you wilt write vour form jand send it t tht k a toresivieij'e'. trade oif ocuqka'tion T L ..... ' . I ' , . ' ate ol lorth. anl foPin-M ii.ii 1 :i ic ,v. i',i-.w)Ii,taKi T.ic;ei sTATK.MI:M -hriwing tllie exiict'f aju?e pfiliey isKiiel na ui'',-1 oiilr. ss 1 l 'f t r 'i Ii 1 . . . ,-AO "ti "it ' n ' . A L I'UL tl in cash and paid up insi ranee '4 h iir !r w.iuld iippe'a t i 0 at your age. . - ! T 11-0 ',r,rn in thp . ihtV 'ot 1 ,. .1.-3 My name is . y My address is I Agents j "Wraixtjoci- 47.sl,77- in ire n l-b!ank ; r-howing t!ii' vVar.. tSTrK" OI Till Follow many what they do. what r. il.pv have and ! meet tbrir cari -. Hluitrations ct uhlbc multiplud Lv the hundred. Lut enough has :y 1 nriiu- the as.ertion IK it r 1 tiooi. i:oom I ...... pitcher was 'ft,a 1 . . , .. tioir niiuve. a ot ti achtr- .i 'l e ,,ia,.t a tip.m u .-..v.. , ... tl.ili-it ratort- was in tne boau,. -r.:.'v tin. ; t. . iu-jvtfuny, J..H. HARRIS. I he pitcher of water acted as a sun 1 . . t . .vf tl'.. run ... ,! d the noi " " . .,...,..1. the water were re- fracu.l directly upon the c.rtridge clumiM i -of the rube. ment which will cr:.3?acre- of no j.atience with t ni m - a t " ! . a. . . I r5 .4 11. . aat i v 1 I I- I 1 cram Board, i ve ?.. ... ! . i . :': L i- t.-.ft ion a 1 1 ' TIC St. l-OU.-aaf Urillll.ie S1UC lo u i - 1 ,." "l" - . .. ... 1 " ,(,. lvj... .' ot.lv. Ltrif... We wouioisee a friendh . Lore tLaik reallv exitn IM:4.V.a":" Wd,, initio,, that (spirit exi.t'betwve,.! the p.-ple o , I' t.on lo.:Struct a ' the t,o action., but not a 1 4he ex- dormitory arrangemernj jr the old j pense of Iv.nor anu si-.i-re-peci tlormitor. are :rL,r:.K.ftlVi.u,.utl, ha not h ng to be asoam is iPiino, "ui j--".""-.- yliodv is usually a verv WINSLOW & ROGERS, (Jcncral A4'iits, N. 0. i BLAiM: 4" that nowhere ran i-v ;r," patience. uch courage. :. d fa th ndne-.Mich true n-n... a ! famivlov..a,a,nong the irrr. f bu.v workerl o frm one s d of the o-hlia-o...- : ;. .:ni, not onlv in the . t 4i4.4.rrpnr i nuite I..II.P llltr Itlll i.vvM..-. - a . .Vf .. . i ' . .. .i i. 1, ! r, ,r f i. 1,ri ;i c 1 1 a 111 fintlmiii-a couch i ft TV ni pan son rihe omn nas uoi..... -gentleman c7l -S.' .1 . ,! , ,..,, h.,ne that the time with which tne iaraoifjii i.... tI1 ,.i ...... - . nf Ware" in EnglandjUem but , will never come when m th itf crib There ia evi-feiV a i ms-1 ,ion the Confederate Hag will not rAl'L names be held in honor and reference. : V'". r .... t i.4w m.v-,i rWhat is! 1 Fiirht wit- i musi XVr ' , ' ; n' il,o room, and neis"4 oi- ; .:.,,., -.ft. r :i o clock there llllO"llv i , I t 11 ... tr M.,.l ii ii t'-'O. Struck the outl.md form it Wit- musi " , S.D t4 a few I wanted is a bit of pla4;3?nM a I '..il.. for a babv. tni; not log . he- loillUnough to fumisirtinuthcient, back of ' for platform upon wy Hie hap- ' . f.. l,al 9V ;l.t fctnlid if calieil i The Bonds Defeated. Little, But Lively. ' L'if t 'Irop- of ,n rtt'-r, I itti- 'Tain-. of rrll!'!. Make the ndirhty e-c an And the t. lea-ant land., Aid dropping into prose i i ,r that Dr. 1'ierce ant Pellets are mild, out prompt m ' i:i;4, 4-.-Tv.tii.-i.! ioiu ick ht ad- . we I J . ,1 D I ' ' ! ' " !b6oe i V ' I t - 1 u-,.,rv N(' Nov. 11. The re- irt'lc ' ' ..t(.l-. .oain in - the H j.--v--- - - " . , of- P I ftvi turns brought in toniay dinw t.iat , J of ki(lrlt,vs torpiil liver, and lllsioa in i. i. . i,,..Jt1,i- natural aC- in reftormg a uvai..., - - - . . v.,. cin!icli "iinil bowels, -o tlOIl IO l"iaa - anaJb rices Low aml Satisl J I (4 ! ' B PlOTTERSj l f i 1 1 l ! pie l ire emigration of colored peo- I... lt.iti 1 Mltlt tO I roll! 11 Wy" . . ' . t.;., ov,.Mlt Winston in i . . i . ..o.i r.f fa i-i ..vcrv io 'urn i . : . r..t iap trr r h tut, m ii - . i i i . -. i ... a.r itr.Mitn. dv iHUiri luifc' -:-rv ( . ' t ; Tt r. i v vmt p x - the .-ar. an. th- u-n - so. next ii I."'"- the countv eiecuu , . . ; ;t !M,..t.aUv..ie..r-M , . ; againsi e - 1 ' v. r.no for oent a vial, y I If It 3 t. ' . IITTTti U W . it . the Erection of a new court house - ari.stic" pills is an outrage Africa goes on steadily. trange as the imagined .ne, but becau,e the fact came after the fiction and paralleled it po closely. titer. i . i New York and Bost? .i:;apiian?i . tne ereci.o;. . - s.vJe lr:,sl,c imu will invest $1.000,G D Omaha j in Forsyth. The Alliance wu, bit-: ; hufnar l PV?tem. ...oar factories. ! ter against it.. i One pellet a dose. - The u-e ot the i ONLY' OFFICE IN FIEMMONT NOKTIi CAJiOLINA KFN - j -PliEsSTaSj BY IV iTI.H -IM- ! ! Orders by M ail Receive our -'Bersonal Af ttcntijn. J&M NT NO THEIR r I M 1- f r"

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