r,. ; ' il HE GREENSBORO BAHTRIOTo 7 : r .r- -I GIIEEXSBORO, X. C, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2. L8011 M. r.UIj,o. 1.195 f ly Iho t'ntriol luhlishltiK (mpany. l! Il . i i 1 I TEKJIS SI. 00 Pr yr, la AdfM. Dr.! CMS. A. TURNER, THE SPEAKERSHIP. ,.':. ..!!! K!in Strt, 0tr I Krv n" More. 1 i j.t. .'My. t I I S. REPRESENTATIVE BTNUM RE TIRES FROM THE RACE. The Chares That Gev. Hill Obiecttd Tlr VI TT Wnfcpfiplfl 1 t0 tae rreseice ol Confederate H A'lIIM.Ti N, Nov. 1':!. It j NOT NICE ENOUOH FOR HER. Till? TVPtVF VOI3 tf Her Husband, Howevtr, is Taking l ' j .Things Easy. THE MCDOUOALD CASE WI&RS Tl.t- little village of Heaton, Cm-. ALONG. :1-V-. lutnb'u countyome :;o miles north-1 I j:5J? - we-t of Wilki -barre, i greatly ex- Important Evidence Yesterd'SLC-For 1 cuel over tho (itrnnie l a content at a 'hur-h ftir:il. Tlio suml the Defense Interesting DeriJ opments la the Case J5l ritOKKisMONAt. KIiVICKS i - - Dr..Arthur E. Ledbetter fyoun- pc-i.:;. .f a rhritian Mi,- l-u kttkviu.e, N. V.t Nov Ir-""'- ih .r-rulM'niijr r..l. ,:n on previous UTs 'siomast v ir ? nuui i!l if c;it a !at liic-M to previous inf r;ast I 'M I t. -t ; p 1 ' i t I n - llil ' I' ki)' ! II L III 1 III i I I If I I e !' , , . -I &L u,.rrt -r. fcpjijer v. j arti--, l.'ittinv-inttia. : jn it,,. rrat MeDnMirsiIrt rvLMnIr froia tl.e !i .t fr the t4-aki-r-h n. .'-.i,: . ..i.,," : . r-r"ai .MCiJOBgaiu-ejholj - ,. , ... . 7, 7 miu- .,!.,..,.. ,(1.i,kn urti. Mr a u-r-: ilav. t ' 1 ' trcr- I Ki " V'tHti'l ' 7-?n,,ll""V V,"i,,,! -,u 7 Th,l,-MimWv of Kdgar feesM :trcr..th p.. !.i.tiii.I j.p.1.1. W,;j.ih,v-..!i:-aLHaUtve.nt.l.,Ili,,,v,1,, Mu , ,iat MrJ5,X,!.n My -im-iMi. am...,, nf th Ji h tt 1 - -xii ct voun, .-a mm ? 11 liouse April 22uiud : r" f;;fa;;,: U 71 ii,ia met, imhe Uu , re -.K-ci.-.l ,.,Ji(.:f ,7 , water .ml a toibe. ;; : ,!'' 5 71 !" r' Z I ; f- r - !'i h?,T' n "r..ii. .,, weakened, possibly by jtu. i r":l::M.,:'7f; ,:,rV;7,.,:f',:n-- Mi -Mui.rta ;,rf h.H,,. ration of bad chaVacter. aJdVhe (has established none .other than ucBi fjuaracitfr up 10 ills accusation. For ' circumstantial eridence, howeyer, Ithel State has succeeded in working up a very stroig case iadeed, and speculation is ripe as to jury's verdict, i 'The' defendant made no state ment and never! we.t on the stand, a point the State claims. ; TERMINAL TROUBLES. Dr. W. J. RICHARDSON, f 1". fr l-rn -' ! ; ui:i:nsium:o, n. c. INSURANCE!'"' QHLT FIRSl-CLASS COMPANIES ; k i'i:ir.Sn.i. t .. l . It II A . Books! Books! Books! l inis the fitrr" fn 3Ir. llh.a:i. bu! this fell thr.t:-h. Wlntiur thf rtirtinent rf Mr. ltW;!ii;j at thi tirrn-'j ui the infi ri-t f anv i,f in pirticular h i- r;-.t t bn-;i di. rl.i. Mr. Mi!!-' friend ti!i ipeak e ritldt ntly f hi- -h.iiices. lint ti.e pi.il!ir t:npre-i..n r r:i to be tha! h- m ill t.'t hate as litany Ttite- f.n tl. Tr-t b-ill.l a- he at f.rt ep .!.l Mr. Spring r I ai-l t ! fi..:ni? a litt!- in tl.i et. Mr. rip'- fri r;d- mv they ixpeei ht!:i t b- t; fainattd nit th firt r J b.illot. Thi-v mv that their eSilii lh.it h r.w hn I'7 t t a t r ei:-er atif -!aim. a:d t!.t v t r: t 1 1 tail X" !h number he mlJ ! in iaeh t;i!r with praelieal r-r !ai r. :y. !.fli: Mr. lll:.i.i f In-liitia. h,i e.n.a ':! in t?..- ep. e.rd. ttl.dra if.:.- fp in the M i akerhlp rare. he d ":'! k ri ' w ti aelu-r, ami Mr4. I imma I lantl. hue, wife i.f the' village blaek -tn ith, we re t he wt!if:i n leetcd for the C"Iitesfj v. fa a - - Iar!eJ mit breezily and " ,ret very cxWtin. The ciiuritrv r'iin J.ihout a far as acter, aedcth evidence of John Williams, h?al- ' jjes io nave occupied one rrioa in the house with Gillespie afAhat .u;e. ana mat neitiier lii;;.pie 7f i. or UU wife were at the linse; wui.e meiMien iciane itt;nea IWooiiiolibr f Hii eanviifl f-r that Gillespie told him it wiMc vote. The ;viila hore ihctort I)ou:;aM. s " '.. " name. i I rank .i.a.nsf.n, in. Another important wititju 11. h"r-c for 1 10 at.il u-ed all the 1 Devane, of Hed Springs, &yk he ir..nev in nuvin nr .11 rs. i.anteil a friht tra n on till ( . F. pe;it A Y. V. Kailroad at WalkulC nd II t!id-hut' Muv other tr... my la i -hly. When the votes rode about three or four iirUr to w. re e. -iir.tid. Mrs. Handshuc h:d IWfI Springs, on April 2l8t,'a.no 2.2 1 I ai.d Mi- Geiger 2,I0h. 31 rs. tieed only one passenger on oL'rd ; II -ind-h: l-eaun- elated at the had a t-hcrt eonTeriiion witiJiim : riii ..." h r heauty that fhr a! out the gtowth af lied flings '!! J that her hu-band w:i and how long the tra-in wbuyi Ctav :!: m.-e c j; Mi'i i-r iifr ana so slit- there, hut could not say th ris d w it !j 1 1.- h-r-e doctor, a ' , r.er at the bar was the majjr tlx h"W th Indiana i!-Si!i- w 1 1 ( ! U- if , :..fir : bHiK- f-i -"titi" -l r. I-:.r 1 -. i r N , . ., I "i :-. i-. I . - 5v I'-q- r.. r.- ; V..!e. I '.t -a he w ill v..!e f.r M i!I t.v(n : Sisu- -i J ."' a nI iirir all tf.i r irn;n .! t hi-.'! v.,i. i..ri,i.f t'wry n.lvi I ' !.,.:.i...t Mi!! r. i.r. -en? ha'iI- -)ii i r. h f ia. in. ' llir huilnd. i-l taking thing"? easy ; t !;! -r ijr rti. Wilielarre TEKRIDLE HAVOC BY ACLCLONE IN MISSISSIPPE. w C M 1 N 1: if. 3 v. 121 tari.T m St n et. 1 1 1 :.' 'r. N t em.e rtf'-ria inre i-r-'iaieativ jt!:a:t any -('tl.er r' -'n; 1:,. In 1 hi card Mr. I5 ni::n - 1 - : I r-m-xi-r tr.. il m -.rl:il ut- "lai l d licur Jre er.-!:ted House Wrecked in the Track, of the Hurricane an I PeepI KilletL Ni Oki r n. Nv. 21. A p" tip V ..f j DIKE BOOK CO., E:a8.: STAfi05.Uy. FAJiCY GOODS, ';.!. l t X Ti : 1 1I r. , .! . i ;! t.. f , JV f h .( p . !r n: r.a!.. in .-.r iiii.1 .r. e? r. ! i 1 on.v t- tJ- t: !ev n.ta. until it t. e.-.:- 1 j-u nt that t h. cintr-t w a- narr d ihjn .n btta Mt IN and I ri-p. i i. ta i-ti r hand Iil II. 1 1 i II ;. n :';: tiy rkirg in the lilt it 1- . 1 1 1 r 41 1 . v r w -hip, and il i-e idt r.t that through hi and that (.f hi fr i. nd the Givrgian will tirriw "alni -t the Iid T'-te i f New Y"rk. A !av f-r to a Gv. lit!! did r.'-l lliink Mi!! -auhe frtiu Newton. Mi-.. has: A er!i.ne from ;the - .nthw' -t -wept utr I.awrt rice, 1 il'CUt I t of li re oe.Iek i ' 1 M 1 Sw 1 "jJr ! Ai: - 1 i 1 4 M U IK l ar. Itali-ia l!arb.e. a t I ff -:'( :bli -1 . f Science Will - Conquer! n i!i i - e-t.r I iV. A!i the houses in t!u lrj-,v i.f ti.c t'.rui.. re lutea I a il- lr-.!:i the LT-'ina nna rami away, many pii e - of timber ini: , :-ra! nn!t distant. rr-idenee i f Tii itna 1 i.iii.'. in man lie saw was taller ami If.ifrno lu-.-r, but miglit have had.duvi :-e ; never saw an etra ri:if:aoQ that dav. .jrii'5. . By other witnesses the privfner preed that he was 'of a rftiJng di-p sition and nature rathe?. t-han 1 ft t -I .,-1 ' m 1 ; o.ti.i, ana 1 hut inreais u JViing h.i been eire'ulated in Ib'jhon and about I.aurinbu rg befoeind alter lie Jelt tne ctuntf ., 31 ilhtrd MoWre alleged ihfljflc I)ougaId did th killing. Cjpef in Haddock d the Carolina ("cHi-ral alh-i-d that he collected ticei as n iax- .1 u-iiai on this train between a-k.d if I. !. d a iz 1 hw f jr th - 1 j kT- "hip; whfrip-n h rtmarktd in a -igni;i.iit way. Wh.!t' th mat ter with t 'ri-p " Hi!! ha- b n h re f-r . ral 1 r! r- Ml! da?- ' arrar: iiiji for hi but it i ri'-t th'.u ht that io begin hi- term a I'nittd tatr Svriatt r until the !-t f darriary. i-nwhicli date I'l-.w r w ill -.rn in a. GoTern-.r of New Y- rk. mi 1. ii mi mi- 1 in A Ci'Tre-p i.';dt !; ining !iiin-i lf ." ri! to th Albmy. N. Y.. Jvi . '. a bitter II 1 ;:'!;'" jr. rg in. in il I in whi-'h were hi family and hiuirelf, was de-troi'd. Mr. Dennis was erdy brui-ed abait the head and had tir.r -h"u!d. r di!"Caf i d, whi.'e one i-f their children, a little girl, had her hrair; da-ht d out. bv a falling joit. a:ni dii d shortly af lerward. . n'vnber of negro ca'dn were hlo.vri a w ay. leatiiig th- i. ecu;. a. it- w itii hrui-ed bodies and hroki n limb. . The Meth di-t church wa-al.'i. -1 n : i rely dest rty 1 d. a wa a!-o the re-ideJHe of Mr. I'hiy. w !. .- family ehafieed to he :''! lit. Tile cv clone was moving ia th .l,ne direction a ti.at trav. IV-l b i..- which paM'd thro'iirh le-re -. n.I year ajo and . ton and Alma April j22 antb tf'nfced :i (-i.c witu uiacking aooujf. ijieir fat e: bv McKav McKinnr; ihat the undershirt found .t thefbr.dge isner mail railing uauiu autu fall- Th- W.I ail. sd to wear ; Jv Neil Ct that I). A. McDougald canlif father's house one day in the: 4tter p!ri of April last. witJi e-tVihes f..tn 1 at Campbell's bfidge'wich ( re stolen that night; byfpe 1 "oai.olv, McDougald's ipr ind n.:h r. that, she was at h'ot:the iiighf .l e one outside eaCViroiut tor.i.w if that was where'dohn I'his Wllk Linn .Io!i !i I. giving the nnfj.a u. when Sim Cn-Sdy '.-. "of i-h dc-tfo d th. that when Co. Ihi; i jM.i t" di !it r the irt - ,1 th' 1: r il 1 1 1 n - MPh 11 h.ir.i.K in i:K I M k- 1 tvr. kvk- : i "lit II r ! NoK.yAl." VI1. 1 -m t . 1 n; n;. n.i-r. r, ; t;i -i 1: ti--n ha I ! vt ii in td f r a .f Xl "tar aT.d bar-, r. At- a b th lit .1 p r p ira I ! U-t w ri a. f lb ri olv - -. . Mirrird. A I ! tlr. th. th- r.g ti. aTi- the !).:;:Lf:i!, pr-..f h , lb ,. -n th- ! ! a 1 - - r. b I pr. t -t. :!at!y r fn- t i-ti.y and in lild;: g- ar.i n.d 1 r 'l a b- ir.g. i! -1 ! j . r w hile U e- k liig t ;. r- of her gt at -t.! (" n-ro-s t he fo! ! !' t . I' r. hi. . 1 re ri( d. ! art:-: r t't- in t !; - 1 : 1 - f r 1 i 1 n iit;;iir f jGr.idy ur.h - t. the 1 1 m ii'i I -ti':i ib!' - . e CHUT CE3?rjlX ETE :!.i were reni nid frotu the i,"igh rn ' ..... t i- :i 4 f It K V !;l H H 1 ll. lirii rtd the proee- T the inonunient. -j in and a! ng She I r.m ro'i!-. Ti.- It !". :: :.!! r h-:.-r u'.l r.n.d n:.? hi r Sowing: i Il 11:. ! i .l.iiiv-- We slia hae lo j.ut i.d .ur marriage, moth er i iiiaking -u-'h an awful fu--a!. -n! it I d'-n't want to a bit. n'A wi .ar- ih!i-n;d. but I hac to. h- - i - i u:a'told .enough and I d .n't kn "i anything, and door; at the rei", the rlrangi r a greet! to put 11)44 in 1 1. path that led through a to Wilkes" hoiic and that tinYcTiad .been g lie but a short while5f.tore 1 !- r port of a pistol . ranyit ; ! it the mftti who gave his 11 1 ift as I.:iiii .b.hr:-on wa taller th frtjMc- f 1 0. ga .0 aioi 01 an rimrriv ; t;l !..! ( and dressed rIofhtk-. Ii: e ry i.itanee MelK",Vahl it 1- sutaima ,a rt putauon 5 !;upitted character . i-auon. t ; i A Committee Appoimted to Straight en. Out Its Taiglei Affairs. New Yohk, Nov. 25.-Iai a" meet- ing o! the directors of the Rich mond Terminal Company to-day Kckstejn Norton, ex-pj-esident of the Louisville and Nashville;1 Wm. Sojoraon, of Speyer fc Col ; Jacob II. Scinir, of Kuhn. Loeb A- Co,: Fred P. Ofcott; president of the Central Trust Company; Charles S. Fairchild, president of the New lerk Security and Tru6t Compaay and Louis Fitzgerald, presideat of the Mercantile' Trust iCompanj-, were appointed a comnittee to in quire into and examine the condi tion of the properties and to aid in perfecting the best plan for the permanent adjustment of its af fairs.-.- ; Pending the ; adoption of .this plan the present board of directors will be( re-elected at the annual meeting of December 8th, but when ever the plan iq adopted it is in tended to call a general meeting for the purpose of ratifying the plan and electing ' a permanent management. . j 1 President John II. Inman, after the meeting, made , th following statement: 'The general financial conditions of thej past year and the attacks upon our companies have depressed theirsecurities. The re- suit is the railroad companies hare been unable to sell securities based upon engagements they had made prior to the period of jdeprejsion and to pay for the necessary equip ment and improvements. A large tloating debt has been I created in this way, but each of jir railroad corporations is 6olventp and they have in their treasuries a large amount of securities The termi nal company owes no floating debt whatever. ! I i i . . "After considering the whole situation we felt it wise to invite the gentlemen who form the com mittee, to aid us in perfecting the best'plan for a permanent adjust ment of our alfairs. 1 am con vinced from a careful study of the railroads comprising the terminal system that they are;very valuable, and that under a ;wiee and conser vative' plan for paying their Moat ing debts, providing a Uuflieient fund for' equipment and better ments aad of more perfectly con solidating their operations, their earnings can be increased ana a higher range of values established for all lines of.' securities.!' f George "F. liaktr,; president of the First National Hank, has been invited t act with the committee. THE SOUTH S EXPORT BUSINESS JUDGE CRISP; WILL BE SPEAKER', DESPITE THE CLAIMS OF THE MILLS MEN. . 1 - ( w cc 'A -r 'in Cn - -ilx SO S5 utatlon f an 11 :i tl.j-"uc- :5 ' .( ' t It a t!.e "i.lijct iri i i w i' r 1 I'tM I' 1 vi iv aerr.or.-iruii'-:i ii.r i:ie ,.-i t a .-I- i" hari:taari. n: 1 1 vi ho p . - f , i A K I.jV t A "la few taturct r Ii.- .f h- r.!,!-,, f .r F.far i-f !. . -vess till (oanorrow fn- ? iVv', i :i..:;.--rri..l,i.t'.,i..-.Mi-.:.. , i.I:- g, , "-av - h, will give u- iNLral Wh.ch time .PMng j : .Kl-l-HnK... N.i. - ;v n:: u ,hi. :.td t; . J, ,. , , , ,..,.;.!t.r (",vs he commence, .tho State oKnpt,g I , ' 7T.. U-kel ,t. IL .b:..,t::.-d .;il,-7,7,.,',, he a-Uay.:,.,.dcloMng. The prineip.:! Where to Buy; Mlineryj----r--- -?-p,r;i- (.,rr;i, t..r i i --h --.Vjiiii: I 1 J cular, s...ning: ' rhe could iur hive got inarrud ' omiiu rot on 1 an una ;n;yriu ' t 7 ! ..... -I did nr'.t even htar ain t hir.g j lt.tri Sf. Nw'. J..hn. let us .tick uirl. tetimd that McDimIU .d U I a'or.t :h- 1 tr! S re n: ..f G-. v. Ilil! li-pIaV 'f r-i!;!'.tit d tl!v I . .. . ... a e ; t a t 1 o n lhr- 1 -1 ia iifh exp' n-e 1:. Now. John, ju-t think M drr' 'nly "niiie 1 t.d III V l.e .V Calf- t 1 ab .-it of i!. - L " .t !i -r W. -hafi! mar PROGRESS OF THE McDOUHALD CQNNOLY TRIAL. 1 ; - . Si vl Speaking Commences The K.ate Opening and Closing WkatSVll ' Be the Jury's Verdict? C F. KTTKVii.i.k, N. C, Nov2v With the testimony of -Aleilc-Kinnon, a character witnes-Srjvi-ihnee in the noted MeI)ovttld- 1 ftiuolv trial eh-ed here t his ser . wo iM ,io. !,e mvs vo:i ' fimoiy ma. n.-,,. , , . , ,...v f,. nntlivot, eai,kip at 5 o'eloek, whea theirt of M.or ..wr. Father i-!"" - 111 bMnorrow. Vn- l Mrs. Aiuiif aiiir !;, , J , r ir.,!..'. .. -!! nf euio ii! f 1 ; ! ISTo-voities , f ,rr 1 - :,ii.g in-re. l","e i l (.', .1' j, ,,! 1 f ttie ! line -i .h-l! ii;- wa -li will le t t.. i at 1; l;;.IN. I te 1 "! I!a"C. I i i. iiiiiiitiii: sin1" t HAVK I U K.N KI A CAHItlACJESIIOP 1 . 1 j 1 j f ol ht a t ret-airin' All Kinds ol Vehicles. ':''! 1 : 1 I '.rt.l tic lo-uoi tf .--n: i .hf it l H be prt ft ! to !- a fi y kir J of , a!ut Confi derat slags at th un teiliiig f the ' Gr.Tdy moniim. nt iintilaftrrwan!. whin the n, caiue by way of th- New Yo.rk M , 1 j ,..! i'.j I did not s;e a Cn- ; federate t!agwhtk I wa in Allan ta. and ltd'iot know that thm ; mm one in the proccsh.m. There I were ctrLinly none on the houe around, the ; monument. ',ri thou-1.7 of a Confederate 1! g fiei'rrntc-retl toy head until I saw the mean" and vindictife puldiea lion of the M'f'l "' 7.521 DEAD. 0.159 WOUNDED. Sons of the Casualties ia the Great Earthquake in Japan. Fi:m 1- . N'-v. 211 m 1 i a'.o nil! ( o: h e: r.t r. ?;t f-n ir I -Ii 1 - eight n in it h- iiiore. Now, ;: . won't you. .loiin: mitt .1 .. n on his train from J'iu r 1 n 1 u rg nut arid sun.J iv and - ' talk . - !. ! i! Willi we . 1 . and it o-r. the will gray r i'li- Good nigh?. i !: i MaUV." Where the Conventions Were Held a the morning ofi'Ajril 21-t t Maxton ami tlifetiee n, a : thai he had a coliiers'on with the defendant between -ijiix-ii and Alma. l'lii testyaorlt as .,.r ri.Korai il hv'Si train huii 'iVr- aee .lotlCf Dr. lb F. Lewis. Ca 1 ha hrtght the mam out- ;,t.es i.f a great earthquake in Japan on October 2Mb. but the condt ned rep.rtf gac n idea -f the t rrih!' fiattires of the calami t . " The earth tuake u;H the ttrorg- it in troinccs of Gifu and Aichi. wber.- the town hate ocen ur thrown, country euhinergcd and raountains arc in eruption and rail road communication interrupted. ,;.b.. r..,l U'lirL t I'll to Nowmber nth the ta:i- omUlilliirni Uooii WOIK. 7, Showed 7.321 r"- ! PA J N tlNO ai TRIMMING. It t'.- i.r? - 1 1 . 1 I il.ro 1 jr nl a a rra ! w.rk can b 1 r f , r - ; jk(r IO "iv i:J inmi aril Lfe the --ri i!nt ; rd at felt UUriHg l lie fririi C.M.'o w.-;r:.Ul. w taie;'l,oini iiou-e I t-re ! trod. I'pward of 0 "".' hock w ere .1 i - i it- "sun -I Ai i M r. - Mt I. 'Ill , ! 41 . i- n ! ! I ; v; i ... t in thi II5n Lui'. lirT. in ft. ru't . - a J i.r nit u re et ; , 'I be reatet :etruclioti occurr t.ifu. The ctore-ponaeni tiiat a quarter oi a nin- .1 to h e a : re t ' 'II wjjo c-mfiSed i !. . orotier's inqiie-t oer Si:n ("onnoiv's remains April 2ad.!ti lied that the ii.qtie-t was li.at Mr. KtJie ( ". nnolv's house.Hen ail present were in in d to telijVat I. with their they knew ami at that tima .die n, i-. ii.ci the bi-th of the Ke- didn't ajq.ear to know any(h:;ig. f :n!i r.-t : not wit hstamling- tne eviuencg .jue, I ! i X ine.' f.-r gave Hi licrc CMeioay aim iyn , Yt .tr.r..rty. U h-r he:-!. Pr- -id. -nt. i hat she Iieard the man bail tt jhe :... -i. : t ! . j i . ir.n.oio. j r .Ulj s;nv him pass tn'4n the vard, giving his name assf.Jjni Johnson, following Connoly.1 ho r he hi ri.imrrli-n hilli tin- meeting of the K-pul lie.m national i om-init'e-. a i:-t of p! n i s w ! ct e all lit : a. 1.1 i-. aii and Dei;. era! l .':!l.r!- .a.- I i fU la' mi pab::-.in p rty. -1 I- o . " ' i Iem 1'fl Iliollf. t; Inn in Chi.':-... ' I.itl.o'.ll. ( li.ir.. -M tl.V Hal 1 ..:igSa I t Ml. ( in intj.iti. 1 t- I I7J j i I 1I p. !' i'.t i :i'"fi' I -III. ill' J.'", t I . iii. w a or i. . Hi j-. Fl.'oa'.I. 1 , ia. Ha'! i i or. . . ,". o. I in. it. n! i. IN m. ?. I t ai-. II--;.. i 'hi'-iig". I m I i ii- I tun : i. in p. i io , , im. I lii :g'-. . !:. . hi. . ! . la. I,.-'o. Ii,'7;n" ' had gone to i-hor the Btrangtr ji'.-i ' : 1 1 ! a n w a v t o .John Wilkes'. j ; i ra ti t . y uaiur. ii rant. r" i( y, 11 H t -. Tii-Ien. 1 1 n r It t !. II .1 In'."' k. K : .i i u t- I -. !:l!i'h H'.rri-on. t 'u i.inJ. ;t. n p q rere made liomcle- in ; that prefecture. J. H. PT ARJRIS. II.. !ur;-tt at.d heaHt train rrr carried oer any road in this ri.nntrv conitrd It 22.looitd fi.ur.w'hcvl col car on the Lehigh i Valley Hailway. 1 i. letti r ! tltl: at t . i:; g : A f hi- I.S i Senator . ar.ee. , ,'(...' say : A . I-eeti rt rehtd by a gt li- I. ! 4 II t ' I " .1 1 , l 1 1 .ii k - from -iia?or NnVMl.l'iT 1 ' h. , n i i f r 'i- , - i-Jj.n ri 1 . ! I i ii. if .g. IL- is en I . ! ! p i ' .a .j.oni t ia ' lit ter pal I oi la t w l i l . Ihe verdict of the jury hp fn- Jered at the inquest was theii jo idu.id af.tl read out ia court, wji'ge : in it was stated that SimeomCjtn ; i;..!v came to his death by tw .s ! u 1 sin.ts in the head at the ds of Ltiiu Johrjon. . The state got in evidence b r. '. Lewis and others directly dDlkt i ir g with the. testimony oflKfie 1 Conmdv. and by J. T. McHry6f ;,,.( -oti. tlN.t. t n- prisoner spc short w hile a! his houfe on ilav before he lied the count ry-wl-ing MJJnde in response tfc'n nuirie that he could accotin, or himself on the night of April;:2H-t, hi. h slio-y however does not !ly j with hi Matement to Col.' V ! Rae hi!e returning from OrJe;n in custody of Sheriff Piitman tfy... that it would be rather dillicuj.or I him to account for his w he reacts that night. . In every particular the priir.Cer f New Steamship Lines and New Man ufacturing Enterprises. The Manufacturers' Hcan'd. of Baltimoie, of November 1 28, in re viewing the industrial progress of the South, says : j ; j ' "The development of the South's foreign trade, upon which the Man ufacturers Hecortt has eo'frequent ly Commented, and which was em phasized last week n the announce ment of the inauguration of four steamship lines frora Ntpwrt News to Europe, receives another illus tration this week in the establish ment of five steamer lines': from Norfolk to London, Liverpool, Glasgow, Havre and Antwerp. The magnitude which this business ha already attained is shown in the fact that the government! report of the value, of foreign exports ! from the United States for October puts the ;otal from all Southern j ports at $41,10o,COft. against $ .TjS.SOU.OOO from the rest 'of- the couhiry, tiie shipments from the So'.jth being over 42 per cent, of the tutal tor the month. The tendency of e:-. trn trade to seek1 foreign i out lets The Democracy Will Crown Georgia's Statesman as the Man to Fight the People's Battles. ; Waiiin;tox, Nov. 2."). Tlje con test over the organization of th house has reached its intetestins: stage, where the. rumor starters are busy, launching jtheir paper ships in t lie sea of gossip, and the vari- ! ous people in the light arelbcgin ning to show their hands. P. Judge Crisp. Mr. McMilHn and Mr. Springer hare selected!! head quarters at the'Metropolkan, ami Mr. Mills, who t bad taken' head quarters at Wil!ard's, has! been forced fo open a fort of braiich of fice at the Metropolitan, in: order to keep in the Mvim. The Mills men are making I a good dieal of noise over the withdrawal of Mr. Bynuna, but it is very , doubtful whether in going to Mr; Mill Mr. By num. will carry; any Indiana con gressmen with hiiii. ; Ir Some definite claims aref being made on behalf -of candidates for the speakership, and various esti mates as to their strength by out side parties, who are interested in guessing at the result beforehand, are indulged in. iA large ninnber of the members are still unpledged. though, for the most part, commit ted as to their preferences.! ' The friends of Messrs. Hatch, Springer and McMillin have made no claims in detail as vet, and the estimate of Mr. Mill's strength arie-! from forty notes, counted by outsiders, a general claim'; of -enough to elect him" maderby his friends. 1 Mr. Crisp s friends make a' claim of 111 votes, which thevi f.iv. is conservative, since it, does nbt in clude several votes that airje per fectly safe and leavis out all "second-choice" votes. Theyliclaim in detail : i : : t Six votes in Alabama. '' One in Arkansas. : : i i Two in California. " . i i Two fh Florida. i Nine in Georgia. , i Five' in Kentucky. S - t j! Two in Louisiana. I- ; f Six in Maryland. ; V Five in Massachusetts. Three in Michigan. : ; p ;. One in Minnesota. li t Six in Mississippi. Two in New Ilamjishire. g Four in New .Jersey, i -f Seventeen in New York, i 1 ;. Nine in North Carolina. j! Ten in Ohio. i ' 1 J Five in Pennsylvania. . ; Seven in South' Carolina Nine in Virginia West Virginia, i O: X f-I P IU3 rS . ; rr p r? 7? - - h l ZZ Si Xf. V. P - 1 .5 - - 1C i u i ' .! -i I. x" . ! 1 IZ z, J. . v: to i I i ' d1 It iz Z ' IC -o z z. J. i 'C y. f to o 1 . "7. X- j: Cr p" V U n I Tm E. r -u.- " : 1 1 - I a .id p. f 2J .-4-- . i'. 7:' -i w 1 IZ ' 5' '2J-'Z -' 1 ' . p .4- in- 10 -1 w. It - -1 r z vz Zy -hi'.i Z 1 i: z f Tf . I o CO. I SAJIlTIiO(iI)i)iX and thfee in ' ? Fire A Southerner for ithe Speakership. is being country, through Southern ports daily impressed upon the and while Newport News and Nor folk, with their regular steamer lines, are making heavy shipments of grain, tlour, provisions, et"., the more southerly lumber, Atlantic and Galveston grain; and gen ports are also advancing j rapidly, and New Orleans are handling a big ! business, the shipments of wheat from the former city for the four months ended jOctober 31 hav ing been G,2U0,000 bushejs j against 2'J 1,000 bushels for the correspond ing time last year!. .This growth of the South's foreign trade is des tined to have a: wide-reaching in fluence upon the 'prosperity and progress of the section. ( Added to the steady industrial advance ment which is going on, it; means that the manufacturing interests are to be supplemented by great eomunereial cities with their im mense traffic. Comforting Assurance. It was a sad exhibit which our esteemed contemporary the I'r .-s ' made yesterday in its comment on the probable choice J'or Speaker of the House.- That the candidates whose'' prospects! of election seem brightest should! hail from: Texas and Georgia aiid not from Illi nois, Indiana, or:some other North ern State is.' a matter full of lumin ous significance1 to our contcrnporr ary'and to all the sdperloyah peo ple who, in their iminds,' haveotily half a country, and w ho Iook;.ioubt fully upon the prospect 'of a s com plete unification. Yet the I'rs may possess its sruil in patience The Southern State are in, the Union to ttay.j And the Demo cratic party will continue to rec ognized the 1 fact that-th1 iwar -is over; that the people of. t lie South are -paying i their proportion- of taxes; that Southern talent. South ern statesmanship ;t n 1 Southern X I mannooa must si;:irni precisely 101 what ther ale wort!), no more, no 1 less, in the political control 'if the Government. - 1 i f j As (General Grant s-aid : "L'-t J ushae peace." ' There is neither' profit, prudem-e nor magnarimity 1 in the attempt t keep up scetional j "feling. It is about time that t he i narro'rir5i..- of the political !ifouth-. piece of i!ie'ci"minant party in j Philadelphia should be , abandoned for broader and nobler viCf-f politicians might tak. .... . ': from our business men, ; wtio no longer apear to know anything j about a divided .country-. -HrVo-V. TOTAL ASSKTS OF COMPANIKS KEPKKSKNTKD VER TWENTY (MILLION DOLLARS. Office 111 SaTrings BanJci, j GREENSBORO, X. C. t j n ! i A.RTjilRS EOE PURE DRliGS ;JAND CHEMICALS, f 1 IL Ii Itetalh i - ' ' 1 j Ji AND' '. - t . " - i NKW ( R(iP q'L'ICM PjsKKI) at Wholesale an Prussks and . Hka'cms Carkfully ..Rittkd ; ;j : " 41 j - HI j. - 1- rn. ..- i; 1 From our Large Stoek-i.we., en supply Physicians audi Stores in1 th ! .i.oiiniij iii snori notice.- Orders and PRKSCl'PTIjON lH''Mail filled and lolwanb O)lowite Hciibow IIoui'. feh. VI. .1 liftiy neti train 1 pRichardson & Farris, SuccesHors to W."(f. PorterJ j - ' GKKKNSBOKO,! N. C ! 1 ! A r TTT TQTr'nTQ 1 111 Hill 85 Our , it tern IT ir 1 111: isniiii: Spiiiig1'icJ(, Muss., JANUARY 1 stjr 89 1 . Kir in Hint lllJll'AiU 1891 ii I The man who Iwalks the floor nights expostulating with the baby mav find comfort )n ; the thought that he is not the only one, as there are 30,000,000 er3f,000,000 babies born every year. Wilmingt6n Stiir. i Colonel John S. Mosby, the once 1 f umnlli full federate euerrilla. now Is -1.- ...i J i..;t; free oiir. n nuornev i iur - itr --in"- eomnlaints Road ami a resident 01 ;an rrau ..U...I i in Washington, on la Ui Curil. i i ii Give Us a Lift ! ' ' l I ! fe : Do -end down something to help us!" "Those little Plea-anf Pel lets,' you cent before', were jutjwhat we wanted!" -they helped 'right where we were weakest!" "J)on"t send anything else !" 1 j? Nature, abused and negUct(d, does her best to overcome exhaus tion and ward. oil' threatening' dis ease, but sometimes calls fur help, end knows just what she's ;a,pout. The system takes kindly to the ,iuild, wholesome influence of Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, uud ;!'ien their timely aMjitaiK'e corrects ;evils which would soon kad to selrious results. With the tir-t siiriifcl of distress, nature will thank yi for remembering herj request.! 'J there fore if languid,' ea-i!y tired.; had taste in mouth, bowel? irrentar or constipated,, give . nature a lift by takirsg Dr. Pierce's Pellet-, fliest Liver Pill made.i . ; J - . - ; - I , . ! I .-Jit"- ti L-,'2. I. Li I'dlitii -. 1 1 o.:;s2.0.i7.77. Surplus, $S7'jJo81,77 I'Oi.I; IKS IN FOIirj-;. 22.701;. INSI.TUNG, .f O:h200,,78l(6o: The contract of H company after two yers becomes nonforfeitable. 1 ineontestahie, un.re. If you will wrij.e u re-i'len-e, tr.ide or occupation!. 1 t rif4 . 1 1 oi;r i:an:-. lat- of birth, ana .Annie.-..' Hi: blank form aid se-iid it toi tin- address In-low, we will. take pleasure in! showing f " . ' . ' f f 't ' I " I . . i L 'I' I 'I- 1 1 I" X'r 1 . .. i. I . . : you, not an out a 1 j r..u i. 1 snowing ine exac in ca-h ami jiaia up in-:iranee which would appear in a policy at your age. . i I was born i ti t be My name is My add re- dav ef in the year t ralut issued Agents "V7"axxTjecl.. WINSLOW & ROG-EKS iioneral Aitts. jX BOOK and JOB PEINTERS is in Washington, on law shilob's Vitaljzer, Dyspepsia and Liver Compliint. ; it co' wort Ii t lie: small 1 r s -i' To If .if every sy nipfoiji oi.tlrese if .V'l ' IH'lk rv t s.nr fctnr if. till "ft .a I it I IV 01 . GREENSBORO, Prices Low and Satisfactioi JST. C. ir 1 Guaranteed. i-rv Imt tie iii.'.- ONLY OFKK'K IN J'IKIMXT NORTH -CAROLINA KL'NNlNfc, pkkssf.s ry wiiKit rontit. . j" ! ', . i- 'i - h : h business. His hair i. snow-white, j lu "1 lI.T enit ' but his eye is as piercing ai a gim- Vou no;L.uii; Som by Rb hardvm , . . orders by MmI Kereiyc ...ir Personal AMtentio,,. let. , ' i- 1 Farist. i ' ! - i ; . I --1 . 1 HKIK 1 s V J 1 1 V.