r--" , t . 1 - r; ; r i u . i . " - ; Ui :. i : ') ';F: -4-1 - 'li ' U ; iThe - Greensboro; Patriot..;; i iii ; f; I . ? .... . I i - i - i -11 : -H , i - , . ; . , . i ri. L ,IM,ri m ' r GREENSBORO, X. C, WEDJSSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1891 f Blithe Patriot lbliihlnBrmpinj', 1 M r l-l 1 ; . j TEKJ1S f i.uQ Per Year, in, Advaace. It I I .0. - '-I i I I i t t I i. " -x I- t ) . ; ; 1 i ? A. TURNER. For Dicccracel Fnrnrs. HI M !".. I. DRY AS A BOXE. ; CHARLOTTE S CITIZENS WANT NO MORE RED LIQUOR. . Wakefield, i ; I !",! 1 1 1 u tr it.. 1 1;." r nt!" vti.r, U n J.ij ; ! .!ay ffcr it. -! . ! Scenes acd Incidflnts cf theInter- lv. m:i:vi;k: i i :. M it. - i ' I .if I an l n I In y -t r in th tr : a.'Z' r.Kl ! y t'y. I ii :i r i't', tm ..i i.-i 1 1 ( r ti- v. . t -;; ! t Abetter, UGHARDSON, - ! CLASS CQMPAKIES i i ! fr i n ir. I n u a v I t ). Lr.i i" r tt r iiti s ' ; t . rry, l.iiTs u ill. rti - Sr-. A t I i'. r tl ; v tf r aii.r. . v !n-.t.f .: -i!.t kil. I I'rt'Vt !'!;;,, Hi -it t ' ! i. ' 5.i;itr ti-l u J! :itii ..r.t tic ,'t I ! : 1 V. I ; I ;cst:ns Controversy Goiaj on Ee- tv.-ct:n Vt3 acd "Drys." ( ii.m;i . tti , N. litroinl.t r 10. The little- -T inj.!-f .Justice" cn i !ii;rch Mrtft v.i rrnmlttl yf-ter-,! ,v with an r cnmil litt-ninj; tu th? ar'.Mfiji' r.t1- ainl tt-tiui"n y in tr 1 j ro ar.l r.-n in tlse iu?s ti.n of rantin li-i';r licenses in Cl..r; .'t". ' " 1 ll l;a 1. 1 ti !i raM 'l far ami near tha! th ! ... I at thi' tin.' t' !.ltt rTT A n AND THE PRINTEkv M.. w . He Inserts a Line of Stars in tf I Old' Man's Memory One night as I "was going afc-?7J 1'earl street a man calleu to? if,- froia a dark tloorwa. anil I sWr j.cd an lofActl in to finally injjp J rjt a verrv razged chap sitting ihi: firft step of the stairs. - IT 4 "Look a-liere I want to liaw talk with vou!" he said as I aikUl what was wanted. V rv well ; come out here." ; ' ' ( an' t do it. If I should lenrv thi- i.laceVt.ine other "chap wuyM . 'jump my claim." .t ;y - "U lUi where you sleep?" Yi-S unless the police pet onf.? POLK AXD MACUXE. THE FORMER TO PREFER CHARGES AGAINST j THE LATTER. : i Prominent Members Declare That Tke Order Must be Purged of i Eoodleis or Destruction ' j "Will Easue. 'I. .-. I .n..'..t..i flir.tv nif ntit. rS O rlll.i make ( liar-i . ,. . i ,i i, A tnninitit.i:'. t.a- nt ' - 1 1 r V new .m ..mv I - ,. - s,it oii man. muiiiuiut i .. - r.. ... .,r nit ;inv Tiiiirf 111- . I, I! iu-iu; ..... - The .- Iff .'(. n it!'! ' ti .t l. i fr;- f"T the u!e -f liqt: or- i. t t- li. l J 'j li.iui.r :at -n employ.-.! council i w f l ; r, , t: -lit thrin ant! the temperance peo- n.. r tl. .u; i l 'e -wp!yt d council t .h fend the deci-ion oT the rMiimiioiier. Thi. m-p has l.t-en put otf ince In-tO.-tol.fr. It v.a called up at th- m. tin: of the commissioners ve-tt ru v. .nl th? entire town and lltati- I. a- l ern watching witll uua- 1 t Z hi h 'i'l fc ? tl- ::i I rrow . ! .-. j. i-'il.k-. li- i th : fiilur'-V I !. v. i. r ! Si' r . ti .' 1 1 - !-.. tr!' i...- ri"tn.l h r . I i-t l.k.-f It. .I.ti V v tii'. ' '.it- - i ' t r ;t!i t! ttaks leads me to guspect that ttQr art a fellow of my own craft. Aft) 1 k'rectr" . "Wliat'H your' craft?" lie--I'm an old print. Come, no:-?, hast thou ever handled stick n0 rule? Dost know a standing jc lev. froru an imposing-stone? lae' tliou ever hustled for a phat tktj rsn the cop-. hook?" 'I have." .'Shnki-! I'd have bet 4 on Vi ISK . iaol-.s 1 Books! 1. j t u r - 1ft z- .., r if !.!. r.' " """ v. 5 r ; t v. ;. tt it;:: ' . . i:'. V,!, ;! ('.:!.-. at. ! t! ili!: ! I," -".rv I 'r . i-i l.ited interest the outcome. i;....r W. Kittc 1. proprietor f rm looUing afterj; the Uuf..rd li-'Vl' "1, ,irM was saviiiir to myself not live rlr at r.liranon ch-i'ierni an-. - . that ;r an old print wCgiM turn I i"'.vri. Hii: ail. IvirkpairiCK , ..trt .ton to lsi M uiMi ! rene mm i ,ltft i ..l.i fnrcr ve the WA'ltt .1 111 i i : . .. t." ; rU" n "l i.i- - , j.;.,, ,. r. rv tl t lie m"t order- I j.I in town, an I hence his ap j j.li.-iii :. v.as ;".r-t ci.n-!Und. Its r.jeiir.n casif much rc joic- !.c ti nijK-rance y iu c a r: f..r the way it has wronged Are vou broke?" 'A Not quite." Z1hr OutMif a sit?" V: p No." J- "I.uckvdog! Say, ol.i toy,4 Vf ' anti-h nr.. -.m peop.. IV lucan-, lr;iIU V(1this country from enuS.l t. i.,Hr.- r. d aM'Iy. J,,i,V ,1. T.vc made my string in ar; tii :.r' !! ill 1 - '-:TAiA aIiJOn mvt 0Vt.rv 0nice between the u !!.,. -drt" t-next vtur, ci:,t;,lc and the Galvet i - col, i CI f ? Y ;-r. ; 1 All 1 irr-.t t.s- mu-t "? th, 1 i-t day -"f thi- iii..:ii!i. he ..-n! itne,-.t will j'l'tify th . f tl.t f.i.ilui i-:ir- and it !. a:i t .i-t. matter to buy a in M N . up on in w i tl"t drii. k i tuiha Chi-onii'lc and the Galvet X, --v. I'm on my last take l I've ir"t Mug :'.. this time for 'f l' ; ".re von ui t r ? -I'm old ami lroken and pla-'j el, ' Im out o iuals anax spacer, .a 1. .t. t,"t bail a dollar-irark irfitn ' b .v for weeks and weeks?. I vj?t i t l' 1 - Will Coiiqiier! 4 t '! t i . i r t i 1 1- ri Li v.- J ". I A i icce i . i- T: 1 1 ' : r rm i n i" . i . ' - CM' I OM: 'MAN.1 v.-; . . : f ' i.ist about a week longer to v;' 1 . h;.:...f. a " , j niic it isn't as bad as tWi :.. ... Mj. inhabitant-, and M. ckkn-, ; 1 J Capi;; li-- d,t,,f I.,!- .i,..,:., I-P--tlt'-iamr!land italics all pl ',h- ''V"1- 'r- T!.t..t- Nw rrf;'r.il(0nV.varJ. Let's reason a bi V ;! " '"I ,;V; can only-, -it! n t c; )- . u favor of you-t h.d r..,-t..: ,1!J,rp,.rate hn.it; of th- n inrf;lVlir of an old print like v. .-- t.-M.r .1 he t !. ,;, ?!, . as-.l the tow a ordinance , ,np. J;11 1 - vr ... x ' ' '.'..' ' !.N.-:.o:...-ati .n f. r thebarp...ms--- . :. f. :t.t i r..- . t. i:: ,-..v. r.on- ih:Z allowed. I l ei.ni n. . r.:n:u,v ni!,tU-' h!,- from Indc Mlimme a half and don t ask-$b 1 a: i ' iwh.it. I want to lo with it. IWft li j:.:.;.: -.'I--.;, r.s,.,,- man l-Ki.mo. Dont moralize. ! ir.-n-v. a-k.d ."..rannrard rejecting the d-uMe-lead no temperance lec .11. v a 'i jii . ij- ii ir ir i i i . i, - u ' 1 r . .r h: -v. i- t v .pmloM.phy :n italic r:. '1 he : th:.. , ,,i ,,r ,.,.U::tv contuais-: -lb re -t:r half. I - i , ',su.Ier;t 1... a-kea-'....f,,. nhi.sti "all county! -lib - v. old man: r;r.;,ru at a'.I. . : 'r'm - ,. cmj-ol o' five to have metyou live yearsfr -r.Wh and a th - r t ,Uie!v, M-r-. T. L.hcn 1 -" two ga lon r..T.i-;i. dt!,- V.,i .1. M. K irkj. itrivk. S. II. Ilil-; 1. t r at once ! Now, then I apjl The ' Washington iW, which Col. Polk says is a truthful and honest journal, published a highly sensational article yesterday to the elfect that at the Januarj" meeting of the legislative council of the National Alliance, Col. L. L. Polk . would prefer charges against Dr.! Macune. ! ; ! i .In resard to the dissensions that ar arising in the Aliance national esislative .council Mr. Allister said yesteroTav: "President Polk- is thoroughly conTinced now that the charges iroueht against Macune, from time to time, are true, and I understand rom an unquestionable source,that he declares Macune has not only got to be deposed from his present position in the Alliance, but ex pelled from the order altogether. 'resident Polk is an honest mail. and he has been slow to believe hat' Macune was guilty of the things not onlj charged, but provdcl against 'him, but ho has at last reached that conclusion, and l am told has at least seven-eights pf the-leislative council with him. The whole matter will come up when the council meets here, in .Tnnuarv. If Macune had been driven out of the order, as should have been done at Ocala last year, there never would have been all this trouble that the Alliance has had "to l'o through with. That white- wash jziven Macune at Ucala lias cost the Alliance dearly ;you might SUV four-lifths of it strength, for everybody has left it except the I I I. . 4VAn few who believe in uie tuu-uwsui heresy. Not otily in Mississippi, but throughout the South, lodge after lodge of the order has disban dd, Until in some sections there is not a corp.fral's guard left. "I think the Anti-Sub-Treasury Alliance will carry at least 10 per cent, of the present membership. I hold that the Alliance has no busi ness in politics, and that' is where it is now and seley for the personal aggrandizement of a few demago- and - .-4 t f l.ii. x i w.i- IU sr ri:;ht w f r- V ' I i . , ..... , :,. ;.::.. r i - - .id: ' i !..-.. -, t:.i- f x. .: i -m-t i " H- i - V.l h .' t, j. .. v i:t l.at.r. : bi;t !: owl.- I V I . I . 'i I . - ' . ir . ,.; j,. .... hv f.-r whi.-h. 1.. !:.: M . !n , k-.i.-.t:. d :-. i." h bt -a -lv. !. . 1 1 i i I ... . I l-t- n !t.-d - ' ! t I "I t I-i J v : . i t'- I ' i " 1 . " ....... f , r - . .. j t:i. t. ii..r " v.ri - p. -In -i I he S:i rr rlTFR M.d t-.-.n t.. l'e i-r'o .'M . ; . ;v,t :tt. : r.:s.rk :!.!:.,: .!-' r .rc pi.cj i . I , j r. :tv; t;p--:; !- -tr. ntn 1 ' j' ;" i ;-.. u-:,1; :," l.-..n-r:i:d ! t' v i ,,'', : 4 . .' M: ' . j - 1 i S!x ! t ike v.i: z. t ':-:;:.'.ti . . ' v!,. .t-:. ..:. -a. :! 'i ' I 1 ' - I. " 1 4-'t.- 1 1 t ti.ri. J. I., d' ttotj M --S-. Vail and ii.v circuii. stance, oe- ;,. ...,'. th- :r..hl.' iroin i i It. ...r.h .-...r. M.-re ar.d .It tt-.n have v.:..l f-T Ih-en-c when the appli . i.rt.il a ' d moral charac- i. r" ..t:.! -i- iii:'- '.mi t' the i '; i r v. Is t . of t h il l ':. S j iirc llilt-.n tr;.hi' but vote. I toft rc a- a matt; 'i ;.e , he h i- to a M I c i . .i .: ... p. II. Moore. ;to vour iraiernai j-i-tiiiLuci.i. .'. . . . . t .". w II Uirknatric-K i -- vii. . .4 ti r i ; .v ii.ti i -it.! oeaii miu iu . ji ii. r lie- - .ther re- 1 1 i r I - t I . NO TRIFLING WITH CRANKS. I . This Man Demanded a Million cf Dollars. Alton, 111., - Dec. S. Yesterdaj afternoon a well-dressed stranger walked into the ollice of the Illi apis Glass I Works, in '..this city, and asked for the millionaire proprie tor, William EHot Smith. He was not in, and the man was askefl what he wanted, and he re plied to Mr. Charles Levis that he wanted a million dollars. Mr. Levis said he,' had not that much change on hand, but would 1 give him all he had; and seizing the stranger by the nap of the neck and the seat of the pents he threw lim put the door. A few well-directed and juc ici- ouslv administered kicks caused the stranger to. change his mind as to wanting the money, and he Cook his painful departure in. an east- wardly direction. : m T i ; IbbiJuiJUe) -' i - - - r -,-!' " ;tT- 1 "Ik,HI On Dec. 2d weiheld one of the xaot attractive CHRISTMAS GOODSi ever before ieen in this City PLAYED and the people came in throngs body seemed tobo pleased. ' Now and to remain until sold the sanxo beautiful goods except those? A New Form of Marriage. A Missouri paper says that to Squire Boss, of Audrain countyl in that State,is attributed the append ed form of marriage ceremony. Suuire Boss has been a i. p. since Bob White srradnated" from the C7 Sundav school. Here is the Bar riage ceremony : By the authority.. vested la m as a squire in the state ot Missouri; . - i by the golden fields . of corn and wheat! that wave to and lrom tne gentle; breeze; by the great drdves of stock that are continually timd ing their way to the dilfeient markets of the" world ; by the :nor notojious song of the cat on the back vard fence: and the putap- kin I vine whose clinging tendrils shade the entrance of a summer kitchen; by whole earth and sea and all that is in them I pronounce you man an wife-, jind may Lord have .mercy on your souls, Mrs. Cleveland 111. the have on Efttobn beautiful lisplays i of and every , ! : 1 been sold) and if yoli have not COME NOW! it wall please you "HI. I -'! . x GUM is crowded wiih DRY GOODS and NOTIONS add i : "--Mi' ' guaranteed to be BARGAINS. All j prices LOWER than elsewhere. !Wo canaot begin to " this! message! what inducements wo aro. a tiering.: WE AST A thorough inspection by vou of :our entire STOCK our; goods aniJ prices and give them proper considcrl. eyery reason to beliiyc, that we may consider you een them I ing LOW tell yoiil in or ! . . il f! If tou eamino anon, wo have j our customer;, ! ! RAYMOND &! POWEUii NATIONAL BANK BU1LDINC, CKKENSBORO, N, Popular i t . I ! I P rices People have no use for prices that are not popular, neiflif r price means a J.JW I'Jiiui:.. unr low prices arc mwer lij:uu is a case-in point,, velvet tnies and honnets from $1.7." to fl ., &e.,jW.orthj Ci f2.2", 2.75 and $3.00. We have a large and well select p.Fstibc MIL3LINB i a popular: haVew p. any liotly else, haf v of gues. 'lv sed the :?.uy Millinery. i'liDr. os" :;c::or.Y. .1 II j r I; t C .'tf it . - i .. . . . . i..i-. i i i.r lictnc h.-re-r f law and duty, it a- judge, jury rt, ar.d th i led every Icp u..r ca-c .herding to Iu manner ;!. 1 thinking. 'I I., re arc nine or ten irrooms iti t !i irh. tte n .w paying into the cit tr.a-urv o many thousan.l .1 r a:i::u:.::v. Hilton granted the at,-1 nw Hilton says th-y p..-!-: :.. t;p -h-p. now ir w v- i".ti li U a.l the te-n!t of Squire . . ' .! if ii!;:si"!i. I ' 4t ' . ... ISc I-a- e. ! -I !. -rtllv rcf mr.n i - of -tar-as a tok'en of respect -x the death tf one who has stooa thoVnce ft.r over thirty long y5;i,;s It' the onlv tombstone my gVajC will have. "Wi'l you do it?" -I will." "Shake! You arc old tog i t.l ..... V.n !in4 l rimer ummcm ..m. - - . print COpV: lOU JUSUiy lotttyyvv;, 'Are you going?" "Yes. Don't tling any after me. Don't pity roe, foi to. late. The old tramp print iUjs oot Slui; P.O and it's no use kicWfnj;. So ion" olNian aim iua ju i.ui md et. t'ti? ways have a full case and phatest takes." Hied thi t: ant Hi;'. 1 And ?o I drop in the linLf stars, as I promised him, for l('is dead. I saw him no more aftwj went of in the darkness, lmtj.-O.e other ni-iht 1 happened into! . itil ilodging-houfe in which he brtfatr ! 1111 l r . . ....:!. . ;...4- ,.,1 JiiH last anti ironi which ..nd. rt.iker carried his body loiii an i .... . lie-1 pi'M r 15 ? 1 ' -T ! . i r. - oj" the the t ri r!.ira-!T. And all t. t h i: : .- p dm! They told me sb ' ' i i he wa little better than a arlcr or no moral, (.9 am, woum,s ' . - . i . . i. .i a. l,rU.., to show HOW ne nan -.k ,4' .w t rs have failed kicked about, and in i. - 1 i; rl t'r.-iii J.i:i ; . ; p". V.i I A - !tei .T"s of Ulackstotic t! e .-d i l l 1 r:.f r ! r d a ..1 1 iiii-i.iw till he couhlfi t th t t b- mu-t iir.mt lit-en-'. W I - ! :d . ri i v t 'A iK(,i:si ! I r - ; . of Vehicles. . f t i. .1 1 ; i t .. . "ti or v l. i "i - .i .1 . u.t 4 I t A 1 (i. h X i . . .-i . tl I 1 1 ft !r..iri i:. . :.c :.k tr ti. i t -tri.tiv c i: - th-" p:'ii;-ii..il - r ar . ar.d a- the . -. :. r . 1 at ::. i ard II v .! .'. t l i -ru.t r. . a . re t i-'.et :I . i :. - a :. a it ii l..pire of Br u 4-t fr.'-.n I ' Th.- p ''-" at J i,.t!.i'.t t- g tl h . i iii- .i- I h- .' -.r a-!- d and rev -h id- t he 1 1 aid a.; 1 ..:! br th tt h- v. . rd. a h re di't iVe lo.ur there was n one besideTri. tHedcft no name, no sign. li.n.or i!ii!'nhce na friends no one w'1 t Hi r-hiMren. 1 wlii'dl ( ... i.:... iivir lootv iiio no. IT to Ml'.W HUH , .... 1 A..ri i i ii a -L'otJ- ar ! h an d heil h ive hidi s his mortal remains, r o; .1.1 ,int' May all his sins I., .... f,,r-iven I New York H"Svi i ' . .- !.!.! . f St. In a rti nic 1 . .1. . .. a- Ti.lllCl Tii II li. e j ; ,..,.. J.:, int. I like tke t t . ,..t ,.. .,n.l il, fit d all .t-t x--.. V.rL- Af-iil ;intl EvtifTS r . lC S ' ' 4 4 ' ' r- III' ,tt .: ...... r'to move him. h, ., . ....nolmleil from the extr-Tf- I..' . . , J " w he rt :.- tt; -n NOTELETS. j . ! t Tomatoes were not cultivated 100 years ago. I . The cod-bank of Newfoundland is GOO miles long. ;-A Asphalt pavement costs half as much again as wood. The French President's salary. is $180,000 per annum. There are more Republics in the world than monarchies. f Constantinople has been besefged twenty-eight times. - . - There are nine per cent more men in Greece than women. The population of America dn creases by 7,000 persons a day,j Over 20,0)0 patients are treated weekly in England's hospitals. ' In England more deaths occur in . December than j any other month ! i ) A few animals are voiceless; as the giraffe, tha armadillo, and the porcupine. " Some of the ground round Lom bard street, London, is. worth $10. 000,000 an acre. i Same of theL'. and N. . (Eng ian) . railway ' engines run 2.0U0 miles 'weekegulary.- h The planet Neptuqe lias the long est year, consisting- of more than t;0,(i00 of our days. ,1 t Itjs calculated that there are 1S,000,000 girls of a school going age at present in India. Some watches now made arc guaranteed to keep time to within ten seconds of a month. : A man of average strength can lift with botJi hands. a weight of 'from 230 to 210 pounds. I i e I.; : I 'It ! ! ' ial iiilSTYLi: add llUraiH;U-tins satis- ud looM at, ou 1 hat i-ra'tt have bun Hilton a rant A I:: - ;:aco :n a I), c. 1 d ;..i-! Witt; t t! it. i j j 4 at. tl f ;Ue iiinht. ctery. li. Vi.. n S im .b:ie- was preaching an J jluiitd untruthful. v- a f, w W44 k- ag he created IltU f Southern progress y& l.v charting tl.M u.c '" htiTcar in -ucli paper as ine ivt-j'- more Manufacturers' Record, jl;it the Republican party is also vp& ing great progress in the Sujoj Tlic South is not indebted tq t it Republican party for ens dollar'? its progress and the Republii ware never fo near extincti xrj m.i-t of the States, the RepuldAm' .'rave yards do not furnish a S$(u. The Washington Post says: j If the partv to which the and Express looks for all the v$ in the world will stop treating Southern States like poor reiaxvv? ....... n.i-rf presenting even r''' 4 1 . biihe ..f $ i .".'!" t' lie. a-c aiiotlu r t ar. Tiii- charge, b-.wever. wax indig nantly dtimd br the liquor men. E irh L-t spring Rev. l ife, an evaf.-eli-l of m. me local .nation htld a meeting in n.tr- ;.tl -h irtlV after till- .iuire, tbclared hi intention U .,t;; t: ran ting any Ihine for I.ittc, : Hdtoii V.l. a c MRS. JEFFERSON DAVIS. A Home to be Provided for Her in J Richmond, Va. j Richmond Va., )ec. 10.A pro-, position wa- ,.:r.mitted to the cin council last li-iui and is now be fore the finance committee of that hotly, to allow Mrs. Jefferson Davis, the widow of the rresmeiu o. i Confederacy, a residence for t .Vtit ti ?rwlir of her life; It is to. HUJUliluv. w ---- he he be New- Yokk, DeeA. A special to the U'urf'f from Lakewood, N. J., says: It is learned that 3ts. Cleveland has itot, as was horied, derived real benelit from her stay here. She i in fact as hardly as well as when "she arrived ten days ago. A trained nurse is still on duty. Mrs. Cleveland takes mas sage daily and lives almost exclus ively on milk and wine. When she and her distinguished hueband drive out Mr-t.X'leteland is mutlted in furs ahd wraps and her hus- ht arm is! at her uaim o im."3 -'o'"- j liark for suonort. She looks like a n-lintt f n! n r 1 .is -a. blue linned.hol- low eyed and sunken cheeks. Strange Suicide. Si x.a t:v. Pa.. Dec. 0. -Olena onr.ncl.-i wlio w;H awaiting trial in jail for the theft of $9.0, com mitted suicide last night by hang ing herself to the water pipe in her cefl. The pipe was only two feet from the floor, but the woman roll ed over and over until she succeed ed in strangling herself with the rope she had secured. Defaulting Postmaster. Roanoake, Va., Dec. 9 -E. R. Simpson, postmaster at Fincastle, Routetourt county, is under arrest charged with embezzling some $500 of post office funds. Simpson ap- peared this morning oeiore unueu States. Commissioner Rhodes in this city ami waived examination. He was"held in $2,000 bail for the grand jury. L j Explosion afi Boston. Bo-ton, Deo. 9. The lire, cracker house of Masten .Wells on Sweet street was blown up at 12:L") o'clock this afternoon. One man was killed and four injured. The explosion was heard all over the, city.' Most of the. employees wero at "dinner. Three of four buildings comprising the works were burneu The Influenza in California. ; . . ; Svn I'KAN. i- o, Dec. 10. The Australian inJluenza which is simi lar to the grippe, has made its ap pearance in California, i In Oak land, Armed t and other towns hun dreds are afflicted and many deaths have resulted from the disease. Sentenced to be Hanged. T4.w,,i v. Va.: Dec. 9. In th nnrnoration court to-day Jim Lyles arid Margaret .Lashly who were convicted of the murder ef the .n'c Vm-h.md were sentenced 1J LU 11 to be hanged on January 22nd that vou wilUlntJtheBESTatul CH V. A l'KST in town andh FINISH to any. Wo deal" FA IK, Shl.L IA ami mate fif.tr.rT- X'n niitm snairod ito nlease customers, ('onto in 4.l f..r. rrAtreoXt ttltl'ia !lll w-o! si,k-. liADlF.S' K 1 1 MS II every pair warrtiiieu. - c unci .-jcjli.o imii.u.i ." v"M" .'.-;-. r Holidays. .1 r ! . , , 1 Miss LillleOrrell and -Miss Mamie l'ickard will be glad b Respectfully, i j .. i i . - I ' v I ; Mrs. Oinolmna ! Orfpositc Court House, West Market St.; OVK a spcialt!y kcrvc. their frienasi n Si Co:, i I SA3rij. TliOGDON J: Fire tiiisiiralice:! - ! ' I ! i. . i i ' 111" . I - I - ; - : i T- LSENTED '.! TOTAt ASSETS OF COMPANIES RKPR OVER TWENTY MILLION more Mecklenburg Pvt.l - t r.v -A i.i"-: u-r;o e. .: ; !. rt U.4 tery filllllV. A- the time for granting lieeu- j... ,rrr the interest increased i! for the p 4-t lew wce . . been talked of here. until Iltt.e l-c - Pat's' Great' Wonder We are suraounded by dangers 'all the way j from the cradle to the uri.n rrp:it wonder is, as in this city, and is not to cost over .- r.no 'ri.ia lvs iust been mide public to-day. Ano u r c u j -, .;. f out of to be pre.eiutv. u .... wo nv loncr'enoush to OUl ;ianv, c reach our grave." Thousands are out of health iiioroseymorbiu anu because they do no! ginia Legislature proposing to,al , our cradle i. J.ir.'.- r.-.-mbt r -f .victunt U ti..- .ii- .-?' r-4t P. it Dc La Man- a ii.vi:i loiir. they .will if.. T t d 'ai :. i Tt . -d.iV . .tct I M wi re i Ii- I ouv rcicur, are ii,.. li.i-:.ir men s.tv njht the matter in the courts and determined t whip in uie em.. -4 , r c- t V.T'... tl I'.tcttine Colery should they lose, nearly every bar r- f li mine wdM-rc thJ and y (Credi t l ee.i ro-.m in the pri ci v ' .... 1... . . State will oe 4-ioMti -ame t-tun : . and ib uie - . r . tl..r do. treat tuem ou aius' perfect e'llalit-v wit" the PT oie.mbin the idea of m jaws which apply injurious! them in short, if it will brae iiJ and take a new departure inK i direct on ot nerve anu scr.se.it nay ircare to pe;i lr.;it.. throw oil a I w hi low MrsDavis a pension of 11,00 a year during her life. I Virfrinia now Days to her inaini I soldiers $S1,005 a; year, and to Office in Sa-viiigs Ba.XL0szP 1 , ' -. r " L j " ': .-I : - - - II l DflLLARS Trusses From our Large ( Stock AND Opposite Bejnbow House,: feb. 12. Siieeessd r s 'toJVi GREP PURE iDRUGS AND CH IlParteaa-ib Mediciixe, nyLxXLOX'O; I ' - . i ASl " NEW tROP TURNIP SEED at Wholesale Braces Careful we can supply'-Physicians' did Stores in Countryj at short nojrce. - Orders and PIeSIPTIONS byMail lilled and forwaA Richardson & 1'arris, FQB f . MICALS, "Watora if I ! hd Retail. ,Y! TITTED.. : i. I the lied by next - ! 1 trsiin. C.iorter. NSBORO,! TTlIE MyteSACIIUSE FTS 1 lflTTITI I ii I 1 1 i i in u Mil 311 Hi i o mi i i I I I ! It i l,r. )UILIili;U loo u iii i. i n - : I1 v - Snriiidicld, JANUARY istSyi. IIIIII'WI 11 llnof lux t ARetts.11.2i2,039.51. jjiaUilitbK $lU,:2,057rT7. rtuf j POLICIES IN FORCE, 221X0.), INSURINCI, $0 The contract of this company ifter two years becomk incontestable. If you -will nnrptrietcitl as to resilience, trade or oc TOritf. T-onr Tin trie, dab; of birth, and. addr T A i V f . F i t t ' VI I .ill 18911 1 1 290,7.S9.00, d I - - t :- 1 , : H-nonloTieitaoif, tkpation. j d I r ; i L-ss, in the blank . .day -ofjfr Iu t!i3 year form and sen I it to the address elow, we will takepleuro in showing vouL not an ESTIMATE but a STATEMENT showing the exact TaJu Vn nnsh and rtaid ud insurance which would appear in t policy lsuea at your age I was born in the My name is My address is , . -r "! AgerLts W"axvtec3i WTTSTSLGW & ROGERS, General fents, Ni tt I lu?, f.S70,5Sj,7T 1 ; i i- T ' 4 ' k - 4 ; ei ava il themselves of " tha remedy the widows X 1 OUU a: yea l , a im iw . . , 7 i elf privates who lost within easy reue of them. Dr. 01 , ..,. Atfwiienl Discovery i;P.a in the Southern -service, Pierc s -" ll''Vulu' V nh'ner annu-. i would cure them. - i a pension of $..0 each per annj. , oralphronicit)rliilgeringcough - -- i ! Weak lungs. Spitting of - blood, ifli and DiscottHts. ! bronchitis, shortness of breath. I ' f - ' ; ' . ,1 ! asthma and kindred-ailments, it. is Ti,n i.-fn market was inactive, . ... Tt cleanses to se 1U?j a 4 v i -f 'a most poieuy ouiLu. - M.Mitv? iht and easy." Call loans on -:tce cob : invigorates the liver, im- v , , ... vites ran? nff . . i i.;ua-ni il c'esuu.a, uiiti jt.. .-- . t- ; L - : laiaMil trerp mnile h it will then nave no i a ,n Ua2 rer cent. x A T i r i ror ffii i . x - 'i -rx 1 1 .. .1 .A which it is alrwtJT 'ucincu J 'V . " -r;U,k both llesn.ana Hreu- --r illiVI X' ! . ! " rT-'- ' v -T-: BOOK anil JOB PRINTERS . ;j ' . ' j , : ' ... r -'. .! .' r l' i; " GBBENSBOBO, C- -' if J '. I ' ... ' L ! ! I'..r" ' r .' ' I ' i 4 S - - t : II. ii a : ; i hi rime d';i. HARRIS and pleasant to! talste. Large bot- Prices Low and Satisfaction Gu ONLY OFFICE IN PIEDMONT NORTH CAROLINA RUNNING PRESSES BY: WATCH l'U v i-. 4....-:. i :rt o. ...t.--. pr -t- . ; - . muicu a r . t 75 ri : between 3 per cent and 4 per ce it, .. tUah n.i strength. Dose small , . i . ' i ; .i ' ; - ..:-. in t i.c Aiar-ta . - Ii:? Pot i. right, here, n v ne , ?f ( tie., oi. .-. . 1 PRESSES BYi WATER POWER, i; . f d ;i e;,:.;.t r.:.d ih- h::'U' - .. , . . ' ulpublican party treated the S.ni; , 1o ,tl ,. nuJelll Sa-e was once, a school - 7? ! 4 , i-M i. Il, w,--i:,V:vdi-,r fuL i.ir, Mr. t;..u1-t..nc ;l;V ; i cn! people as they as they detrfft nUet,, IHVK Ji H ' J AX W 4- , j d. ; ii. :hr ' b.ti.vif in:!:.-.! a,:. - gr..w,i tw.j J' that is, letting them alone, it If,- " TJ ; bomU-thrower was one of his pu- 0rde by Hail Receive .our Personal; Atttdnhon. M , , i.,;... dh .w.:.:r. nh-.a.-.-pt. the iii'te.-ed M.c ke IU0Te progress here. E. Bauman I o t A ort. lT ;, . ' i !J , l .H . at.d pr.par.tti..n; f,.rc4, him to wear a 11111J1lar1.tr . rhrfitfr,Cm . failed. Liabilities. $197,000. pil.. . . j d; I - ! . . ! M (! j krr h.iti- made for a diieh . 1 hat. , ; - ..' i j ii . j' ' ;'' ..j..: ';-'-.. j -d'. " "r" d - (:-! H V 'i t' ji Si -1 I ranteeu. lit

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