, . - :( j - j i' r. - ,: ' r k ' - ; r. " IK-. ' ' 'M ! " ; " " - ' -? : 1- - !i : ' W T - -i - . MMMMMIMBMBl Greensboro Patriot. ;: . i . ii - - r i s i -it. GREENSBORO, N. C, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23, LS91, f By tfae Patriot Pnbllshlng t npny, . 4 o;uMHl.iiii,r frnr, in M 1 1 . . J II 'jsh Jij-;-. X v I it i-'k. -l! f'- 1 " M ' '" Top j. i I J . Advance. I; ; A. TURNER. . - . ! ii I . I, si. : ' .1 t. r I nv I. .Ml ,1 ; I LI u. I..t ' '. iv ,4 lit- .rrl : I.V-I !. "J. s-J TIST, t .1 S r. hv;, 1 II : " i- I . ValieiisUi; t s-.y !r :r if':,.' ' ii .i I.' t . 1 1 , i i 1 i: 1 i. ii ' i I -; i in t :. . r i : A- 1 J't i I r ! 1 CO FAMES i t i; 4 4 I h i -.3 t. t OK CO., A ,,v Villi 1 i . '-J t if l. . . 1 4. li I . A !: IN 1 .. ' . .2. tl I r h ill i t 1 Mllh' lllih'i I A: no i' -i t i . : in m! or i 1 J' .''-" i " -- 1 v f . Dora Marskfleld's Prize. M V ii . r I IS t r N i A!. I n t I it. r ! , . V,-: r ' "Ttmlollur. father! Junt think !f a!' nr il lur: ilarflilicld took the n w, rrii ttn-tloUur note out .f the ( ami hM it up for her father's inspection. " 1 ara real prouil of you, Dora, Some how I had an irh i you'll get the f.r-t pr:.r, thoii-!i I tlid not sy a:iv thin al.ut it to you." Th- f.tthi r was h t in potatoes in ti.e'!t, aii-1, - h hp-ke. lie Iail i n. r. i.i- ho- took otf wi,le liriinin ii h t!. and far:t.eil hiia.flf r. nil it, 1 r th- ii.iv was trv h t. t I j. . in. ,t her L m w it. chili?' No 'father, I saw you up ht r I iil I i-.isati :ict's Jots to teh ABERXATHY BY THE INFURIATED OEIIjhLEY AT SNOW HILL. ; 5i in- i ..v. ! v ili n '. y-Grt. : .1 a is. ,:x lh- At r- !i I. :i:u t I run Lack to the houe now The Eccent Greene County St &tion Results in a Street Duel-te '. Minister Wounded, Peri l ' ; -haps Fatally. . Greenville, X. C, Dec. l-r:'. K. Grimsley, near Snow U'U; eo on the iith in!, shut Kev. jj'Ab ernatliy fr kissing liis " Cf;i!n" wii", made a second ault on Aln-mathy on the t-trj; of - l ; 1 1 i 1-tii.nl'iv A liiri-. -:ith V lima "JIllCU the fart THE BABY, WHAT IS IT? j " i: : A Lens Striae of Prelt r Definitioi.s. London Thl-llif lias just award-i ed a two-guinea prize for "The Best Definition 1 of a liahy.'" The prize was won l Miss Nellie Ilraidj wood, of Girvan, Kng., who sent in thii answer : : ! ! NEWS NOTES. A tinv feather from the wiugof love,dropped into the sacred lap oi motnernoiHi , Tiie following i a selection frouj; some of, the best definitions ; suh- . I . . . r .. , I, a i' r-t -' fir v.u.;wH8 1,1 lir "rrri V" r 'Y. : ; The bkchelorV horror, the moth- I '!.- llflfl'T Ii II 1 111 llit llll i!.l :t 11 iao:her."' Mr-. Maihi.t!d In t!ie gun 'Paint me the sign, 'Attornej- at Law,' " said Lawyer S. ,W. Hutch inson, of Osceola, Ind., toj a very grt en hut artistic r local jdauber. "Eternally at Law" j it reud when painted and hung, i - 1 i i j The Governor, of Kansas hns been trying to jzet himself j on the; free .list of leading newspapers and j magazines. lie promised to ke-epj tliem in hi rtlice for tlie enter-! i . . . . . i taininont of hi visitors. - n Lemuel Jiichardsj of Mil-1 wanuee. reaii ui tne suicuio oi ms johl friend. Dr.'. Homing, of i Evans ; ton, he was so' much alfeeted that lie choked iiimself to death., lioth were over On Dec. 2d we held-onel of the imo I CHRISTMAS GOODS ever'before PLAYED and. the Jhody peppl at tract no d seen in this CI seemed tq E"ow!oii Vli . I and to remain until Voi have been sMdJ.and V TV- iii; .be pleaded. - :ll j! ! ' 'i h Exhifeitioti plays. htv. I and Mm ofi it r-'iful ht 15 AND !' fame beautiful g the was tukinir 1 . . butler out of the churn and. .,-,. AtVtithv UIHI ICIUI lirM iuv tiiv. . on the left chee"f !vith o ball, which Vsed ktsclun wm-tow. ... i.!.nL-:.i bis . Grimsl,v saw hilfnd jr 8 treasure, and the despotic ty-?, lMiiiuW :;ml j.j iced firing' at him &h afa.it of the most republican rUey years oldi . i-oiiiruence a m .1 1 istol. Auernainv urew a ftistol , , , I.I . "Ill" If I"'" !. i M.kcd up to st e her daughter k ;truck P;;nd. smiling fat-f 1 inking through j ie k-.M-iun w.ii..w. nhrougluan.l came out backi his -Ig.t it, mother, the prize ,1 , . u ffaretl the woujwiil ll- ' a-ftIn th V M,1',!4ar I,ote j, , rove fatal. Grimsley was" Juck !,r..u,'!t out to view , lk;, nml ;(IJot -Whv, Dora Marshheld, 1 cjh, ' , Iin sjt . . . ,, , , . . , , le founil. k x. hnr !iy belli , e it. How ?Sad I am . T?c . rnliinent of the comity D - ur father k:ow itr . , . , 0i,,.(;n(rJ l,. (1p. I j:. He i iit'i'hr. t i-aiuc from the pot at lot. . happy as you arc oter it, ! t W.Il. chil l, you deserved it. Walking t miie; every morning t r .cho.il, and three milts home i-tin every afternoon, and not r.i i -s n g a in -led r, or being ta rdy . . . .luring tin- w hole year and you did !;: iiia'c any fu about it i . r D r I I in I! ' I.,- I!. 1 ... .. ! i - 1 1 r t !. ;r l;..d r c i i'..iV, i ran uo-tairs to t-.ikeoil' her i i t i.. ..... 1 lire-. II liai oei u inairu . l j trt of two outgrown; . l;t i. ertht ! was neat I .... Tl . ..ll...r itirlt ll-lit! ., :ry. ii.v . ..-'Tl Warrants I . 1,.... H. . .. in.l.. i - . Oil I a a - ? f :n.d t ; t a hat'i'V in her in.it ii-ri '.r s as the v ,u Htr great regret; . . n that Iter father Jind moth- j .1 t ..! !o to har her read her ; i in which these shootings hav oc cur red is strongly on the nj.of Abernathv, who alleges that ehnly kissed Mrs. Grimsley good-lir iti a fatherly manner as he was Ifsging her. The people do not eve there was the slightest crimnjijjlity between them. Grimsley' JVf'er .-o expresses himself, and ,du,ires his belief in the entire inniince of Abernathv and Mrs. Grim;. Tf;t re is great excitement -ji-ami td S snd indiirnation if A human flower untoucned by the j Jie-ides her own daughter,- Miss finder of care. ,; j : Wjunie Davis,, the widow of Jefrer- The morning caller, no(.nVlayij soil Davis lias also an adoptexl crawler, midnight brawler. ' . ; child, now sixteen years; oi age. Father's rival in mother slove. ! ; llt-r iamiiy name was iiessie ini A stranger with unspeakable ! man. The girl formerly lived at Ul mlnrc iwiii( withnilt leauvoir, .MlsS., OUl is now in a a stitch to! his backhand is re ceived with ! epen arms by every one. The sapling of the is i'if yon have riot .GOME-NOW-J it will-pleae voil S :ihd-Spfe heL as t rin o te ll i a,r(J olVenn iJ 1 --i - i OGK.; 1 tl n-Hierat : i- - ! n r i 1 1 1 n i 1 Snow Hill over the rtair. so arn-cil nloke .'nin-t Grimsley .as to threats of lynching if he is ciiht issutai 7 or llt'Ofl Telegram Sere have I ! r i i ti v ; ;irrst. ........... v, ... .. i , . . t .. . i. .. . i . .. ; r f i ! ri i. ti i i ,u' ..... . ... i r , l,., IV io ine mii-iius ,it mi I in.r I'litintips to keel) a loo him. i surjuN'v1- k(i:: lor 14 . . .1 I .. . . I ! ihn in. t l .M1 lilill Alt til' i. ' :hir; tliat are sure to t,u th- 1 t-t d iV of ( I U Iii i i:.i -i iline ff 'the whole ...... . The father must get Ul9 Northern schr.ol. crowded with liRY U AUG A INS: Ail LOWEU Tiii i j. eli his luesS.iili (.()(I)S and NOTIONj ruaranteed tof I . I- I .'f : I w h'eie.j ' AVe ca ll not ht w hat "ihdueeme'nts jve WE ASY Dr. D. E. .Seymour, of j Calais, 1 n liii'iri :i clfnp ri-cernbianco to tree from U,' , Ma,,.n t Hp Virorinianolir which will be built the bulwarks of j tkian; 0a a .r;iin in Wegt Vir. our nation's future greatness. , . . , i.., ,,.,,1 through a A bursting bud on the tree of j -. . familv nartv were life, ft The father and i mother A bold asserter of the rights ofT , , , n,p...ntlv to Dim. the-cirls free speech, i i - A tiny, useless mortal, but with out which' the world would soon be at a standstill. The latest edition of humanity, of which every couple think , they possesses the finest copy. A native of all countries, who speaks the language of none smiled sweetly, and the small hoy swung his hat and shouted p "Hur rah for Hilly M'ahone!" I ; . j Louis Gathmann, of t'hi(Jago,has ah invention which, he says, will produce rain in the driest spot on the dobe. His -scheme is to; explode rtorts of liquefied, carbonic gas at A thorough inspeci-h.n I v 1 reasoh t I" our goods arol every y yen of our entire S'l :in.i iive tu'eiu proper c: t t that.wemav consider voji juir See XTs lo-d Triy (exriet ( hst seeji -t lie in, 1UW o'U i RAYMOND & POWEhLj N A T H ) N A LV 1 5 A N 1 v Iil'll LDING fM& An inyention for keeping people alizreat elevation. The rapid evapo- ke at njght: ration of the gas creates a current .? ,v f.imi' in tlit A TINY TRAVELER. - How Marie Peterson, Aged- 5L:ars, Came all the Way from S-wtj-jo.' A blue-evetl and fair-haire Tattle .,;ri c.vin-elv : feet in heigUtiap- , ing tb ne t be ready for haying, j.,! before the registry eJt'tlfi ;uf! ..j j j.e in i; r u m r' ' I ir::. r o d. i year for awa . a ,it.rtf a ihintr that reouires a! r,f eld air. The'1 specific gravity mighty lot' of attention. ; j of cold air being greater than warm A diminutive specimen of per-J ajr sinks to the' e;irth, sets in nio verse humanity that could scarcely ;i Hon streams of atmospheric -air, lie endured if he lielonged to( some :lHWers the temperature-at ;a great one else, but being our tiwn, is a i; a't it ude, and pi. duces rain ''in-never-failing: treasure of delight. ; gt a titer," as Mr Gathmann says. A man or woman making a start j V l J I I cl l ll Popiila :;jhat iklitig with or, -i TVii examine till;' wij- lltive- . i I : i customer.1 i UJL People have-no Use fnr:;(Tieest lett ure "net jxip-ul-ir, price means a LOW lMlfifF. e.-r l,w; prt.e. s hihjJ.ow is a case in point, velvet U jiies a mil Ikhiik-Is fr:n $. $2.2, 2.75 ami ..OO.. W'-. litTve a lirg: aivl wt-H'ssV'' t vlu iImT ;V r ' ! I: i ll UI hie it; iei ! i i- j r 'l:n ' j A - ." ! l : -l-l : u-r haveWe A pojuilnr :in if ny lioily leise'jj Iter !1k i T: -t niwer-. in life. ! The unconscious mediator be tween father and mother, and the lOC'lS Ol llltir HMiir. . . . . T..e.l..,- Tin xv;m boill in 1 1 1 lt rutt : - - Charles Godwin, 1 " . 1. . I I . w . i t TH4VI served in ine ruiuvin.ii" under Admiral Se mines, died in the Gimfederate 'Home at Austin, Tex., that von will liml tlie HKTand CII K A IM: T in towiilaii KlNislI to:uiv. Weih-il FA"IK,KLL LOW and ntiK; factory. No pai ns si;ii rtl to p !.;. ...... I lii.lirrfi.i-TnMrk-lf lli.Ht who j everr pair warrairtVtl": We oi' . r sj K; i i t i : l .. . inmiiai . i AI iss f.illie Orrell and ! i i-'s -Marine Pi :i - I - i i t.i ; i: t'. lake care of, and it was im t .-i'..!e. fr tluin to get away. Mr. at d Mr-. Mar-difield had always U t n hard-working people, .fi I had Stot had the advantage?. .l,:eitioa;i! way. wnien uiey the liargeoilicethis morning mng the passengers landing fn&uthe tealnship Havel. When askjgthe u-ual set of questions slie vwun " .. ." , y, .?- .... able to tell tlie cierw anuinju' was yp ex- trie in an e w r r e drtt rmir e I t give their chil- lr. ti to : r . j !!! I: ! , V i - A ' I ! -.y.i- ; hi- .it ditrict ? ch'. ; in the t. i-!b rh. I, and theyoung r e!.i! Iren ati. ndMl it ; but Dora; h id p.t- -t d int.. the High School,' which w.t t in t c miles away. N'ot r itS'-; raiding the di-tancc. he had he n ! d ie I to go every tl and d-.t- 1- kt d iu.re ruddy anl h-ralthy ti. ,:, ,,nv of the other girN after all. When the family were nil stated ..it. . . it t, r th- '"; i iao e. . . ""i-" , : r s t I : " What arc you g-- 1 H - b;:v willi vur ten uouar. D- cent that her name Peterson, that she was fivQars old antl that she came frot j.Jel sonberg. "Sweden, and was -ylie was He ler SmVlii .. Iir f.'itiier. unalde to answer any of thelier U)lrsetshire, England, and ..llr.iit -civtv-seven years oitl. was on the' English transport ship. The Trent in tlie Crimean war and also served on a blockade running yessel for the confederacy. He was in the tight between the Alabama aiid Keorsarge and was -.-picked up by a French -pilot-boat. He was f his honorable uis- ot a; I : x l.l..."l .. t; nuestior . aim a iook i "ii .-...51. fi- if mine over her race when sh was asked if hc h-.-an; nottit v. t-.- whether she !ia'.,-('en ..w-isfed to emigrate by any y iety ... i.ri iw fill indents. Firf.Uni! the ease to 1 tlillicillt. for h,ril liant intellect, the clerk U:rKjhe little traveler over to the irOn, . . . . . . t. i I I .... r ... I rrnlll llfT Hit r. D.I O I. ii l .ii ii .. .-. N- I .,:! hi: t' T.- .1 Pi rt plied the fistcr. ?o ;;ive it to mother ike a vi-it at Ann! an eiivthqie in htr pocket f:ain ing all infcrina:i..n in regj--Ji to A a u-rstlf. On opening ih . t t envelooe. u.i carefully' ' Cled matron found, ni- A. daylight cliarmer and a mid night ularmer. . . ;i A wee little specimen of human ity, whose winsome smile makes a ood man think of the angels. I ' The sunbeam that drivefe dull care away. i ! A thing 'everybody thinks, there lis a great deal toom..ch fuss about . . , . I l'IV I UUl The one thing heeutui toimaKe, . Cherbourg by a uome napin. . . . .i:.,i n,nrr.pi He serveu There is only ohe perfect peci-j-" a. di;imery busi- men oi a nauy in i-.iM;v.r, . ,. ,t :. I. ........ o.jcuciiitr Hess every moiner is inen.ippj r- "-' "' of it. l. A mite of. humanity that wjli cry no harder if a pin is stuck .into him thart he will if the cat; won't let him pull her'tail. j A little stranger, with a tree pass to tti heart s nei aiieeiems. Phe most--extensive employer ol female labor. - The pulp from which the ..f life's book are. made. . . , , .... i i .. ft bundle tit love ana irouiye l.'e-ipeeffully. Mrs. AIM K f :r-.w us in osr lue.-i nreneiei i r. ui lie afl to.rve im i (.nil hi Sl'YLIi mid ;lU t rjtnpii ; ipnivi.it is- i 'nml liwlv :il our -storlc slit t.i.ov ifs -i Mx-'bilty, e e.uiuHii OiiiolilniMro lM it h Captain Cohin in New Orleans. - ! FOR HUSBANDS TO .READ Don't Git 02 That Old Stale Christ mas Joke. - - 'MWti FireJlns , il.. r -i TOTAL ASS OVER Til ITS OF COMPANIES R cir f rii'iul J v; Li .. 1 . ' - n-- ii' ri i -7 III I ' i "I i - I .-il l n I - . ; J... i 1 i ir.i.osite Court IloUsf, West Market St. i i . -1 -r. J mm Office mvw ? ILL ! i 5 talk 2 4? t In Sa-vmg$ mmhm i: " " 1 ' : leave? !!. i W I A'-t r f: t b t i . i : . f i . i i i. I, .. s I i an hir. t iloanyMicu un..;., ........ ,,,, comtnur.ication au Vi-f" I , . ,. -', An without.. . . . . ---- ri '. Mv hi; i minoi ov " f t 1 y.r. yiar-h'.iei.i. i"J ... ..n uim it may concerrri ano .i order to keen Up - . " - - - - I a HI l C'.'lll " - ! , b .y yi.'i a new wi:uer , l . Mmt. ,,f t,e t-lnb rfe - Bltnnv I? itiikh readers of the ' ; , C . - I I 11". !'? ---- - - - in Sweden. It also tyfy. in- , I ; pet lpnvrs . - i . -iwf ii ii iii .-'iix.x.'-'w - I 7 Y T. r tl v-.r------- j-v, -vol are -iiij; '"'..f need. 1 be letter -.-uiui 5 v1 h th it iii -itt v.' tives M.,i!.i r." -aid D ra, ia a gentle , ..,,,,.. to 1 Hi! ;ier .iinv i I r. t.i. ,i - ..... Am.! Fileti:' I shall keep houc, i niti.. iriv mother h!Hl.;daed p '' ti,;,ltr Cod' eve i . ..iiiimf m , . ..... : .. r ,. t .. i I t t h :i t I . . 1 ana V': i:i'ii na- .m ""'n when sue was an mmm : her father who Iiatl emigr.- .vJir .!.; t make the butter,; .. t.ountrv hml recently pl i it Mi . Mr. . .1 I; , Ah i . h-Se e!id A; i i n : t - t i e Y.ei e.i-iPOt make tlie Putter, ; t.ountrv luitl recently ef'f D .r.t and ther- is a churning mw;i(.kllt ,,, i;rinf, the child i hi ,-verv otht r day." home at. Philadelphia. y ll'.i Dr.i eirried her point. Mrs.! The jjaro,P olllce authoril.eu fle er s i casn. 1, i 1 r.a. on the roail to uer i t( krop tjie little glfti?, r ' i . ' kt . ,i-tt r"f the verv next week. j her father could come ami t:y -r- '...l I ,! v. en -ach other for sixteen , she is one of the yij'igfst . . i....- .1,...- rcr ' . ... i i. ... .-..!!'. T'rit't'i .. t:o. wu ;t-ianoui t u chiPlren who nas u4- j,' .. i .,..lr...l mile aliart. fr ., ul..nc. A I elegr:lir,'v'Was , ........... . , hii " . .-a . c . - Pinilil not hi. ..... i. ..; w' f :i t lier :il rii 0 i- . i ' i '"i"" v ---- tseniio ine k"1 " ; . ; t . . t. . .. . l.nt i ti, a : .e i.iuiiiv nieitiiM deltdiia tills aiieruoipn, ""t.i, ..I .. l ' . . I .... 'I i llu. a :; ;ii j;irn'-v. ami u:n ...j j,t.t. receiveti u.,. i i .. i' ..i,. iicrv rhrtima- . - r ;,. td.. .ilic; Ik'-liLm- i, ( l I ,,. Illllll.ll'i ! - lIUl, "J I iU?lS v - , f t . - . -II I.i' ii . . f i ..... . . . ff . . it . r tiiicr ..... i i . . ... .. r :. . !. ii i ' ' - i i r.e 1 1 1 1 it 1 1 a -. t Marsh..- i r -. i ' v 1 f; ; I f.i; w ill rensi.fOr i" nade and forg'.t to give wings to. That which increases the) moth- toil, decreases tlie j latner unci serves as n al uni clock to the neighbors. ' ,- A pleasure to two. a nui-ance io every other hotly and a necessity to the world. . A key that opens the hearts o all classes, rich and poor, in a.l countries. i . Tha which-niakes home happier. b.vr. ctn-infer. -natience greater, lutniU busier, nights h.Pger. da ,l..ii. niir-i- I'i'lller. elotl.es Sinn i' i i i"- - - i : , ! ti,.-" -it foreotten. ine :i ii tin . iii ...... - " About w;it'e is V aji t nde that will at her p - Her I l-esent to you. asic is a lotm "" . weari-oi tiling you aire few. M iiidicioii be"min this time earing out ivt-r to f-ratif y ot .ear your her. -nerves; in secure something vou at Christmas hut wea risotto only wives know now v. There are so ltw hat are a ppropriaie, aim id v h ive so many of the .- . i i r nil C A oreover. sfue mui I v.". She! must secure the trift at a cost within the GREENSBORO, PURE DRUCS S 'Si) V l dl uvi-im- v rz : . - AND NEW C RO P TU RNI P SEED: at Wh im perfectly known ti ria ncia ihg ext vou can limit of your i ability, wiiiie you in ou- sometlimg lor ner muj, - extravagant as you please, because pinch the extravagance li f . r Ii nil BP hold .nit oi ner aiwiw.tii'-- t-. --- e x peli sei a f t e r w a r U s. liesid for her ey : th her tho nilsomo She K1U over-crowded V h:"r;V Drt ;.-i.-w what a j.y it would be .,.(..,r,. ,.f the matron ufcr..tbe future johter. ; ' r, i,..;.i ih si-ters, who were ; fatIr arrives. A. 1. v .... .-.... '..fi tif t!ii taniliV. In ti't - , ai . ArThfre ADY BUC" "oi . ;t .!.:'. . .i- r -" !-.-...":' he eixw out the ga. . n . . hii3 prraclK. ;;r.:;:r;;..r!;..:;:',,r,,i.,:;;;iIomo LanEh5 l,,. 'rz ..' N-n --"- .- - i .' !E,,K I ,VLi.i 3i.i. i.v. ! -n.ere i:...-,.ir:r ..f th.....-..a.-i..n: - T.rl. is ,.. .I.il.lli8 xan.jS? in .,. ,,,iilelin cir.-umftxnw : i " " " - i . i.' :nr u i ' ii iit- t tii : zi j . . t r ! i , i ! ; i t : I ii' i - ' ... !' " ,a : ..i f ;.!.. . -si.i.v's wilt. J'" T . s all this, tlie gilt VuU; gtl ,,sts vou nothing but inon :iX she makes to you costs t,t. worry and that, most .f all things,' shopping. U spend hours in study, shops; she mui s here, there -and eiery- it. n:vi-sf eo:isutt antl ' con-ttistres-in.: ii n ;e 1 1 m i :j ty a- itlsl V nrlce tut 1 w-here, : sider. i: T . 1 I II ..... I .. . httll.. I i : . I.il'.. . I ( . 1 1 I II f ' - ,sie.-il mas-ui'.ne tatt. . And 41 this she does win s for vim wnicn is in Do it;g tendk-rne iii.lV J 1 .srn-'il i- v i f t i-t - .; h- r. . ; ; :. in I . e -ihd '. U .tlni.it Mie . r pre !:i trri.ik''. 1 t I.e. but t if. SeU- i!!;-.e It i- mi rvt d in tlie w in: d i.irvf h'-u-e n t oe buttt r wii as g "d W a- r- u.I i ii in r:t ! t- .1 ii i 1 r i r i i-di. ts. n Mr-. Mur-'ilie.d came -!. Mfiie.', bright an-J mii.y isiu i, ting incidents r i urpev Hit urobbni hii.irv of the coligreff had had. !. V".l al lip.i, and her sl-ter that the hihlren were delighted to ! . ,r it A wtt k after Iier re turn she -aid to Dora ; " I nf a member woo ". ..r i,..- t. in ike elil- t i iii ii' , . . . .. 4 a -. t : .li.raetorilv. This nuiivirt mi i . ,.f "I'. vas. w L-iew .lajor .i.uri. - r-i. , '. i. the lirst night' if b ut t.. t- - . ;.r,!i-..l in Washington. I r livin.r expenses in its?N and what iJ .' . rr;ini -i,o to .fMJO tt-nn i ruiit . ' - r . If. re sol veil jut in. . , , - t . . by his neiglibo?- jiai Ma 1 when tPrust ;Miat 7 rC; e would not permiGtheetUjiya ,h'.1 ,nM iences of fashionable life tviHy into congress with him to me exie.n ...... I than .20) i excess of th. um. or no st cie iw t is his limi'r- IL 1 f. l like a new iwrsou. ami i , rPt;0iution throuL lbe .. thankful and happy inai i j of ,lis service. U pon . , . - I.A i.i t. .1 ! . - t Iff l.ltt vafit to s-v anvining ho.i.ii i...f..r.. I wt nt to Aunt Ellen s I felt that I could r.ot get on another dy. . oclQty () Mr work beg an to drag, drag: but annum wt am ... t i ; ; ; c., f..;i ,ws I.-- a'1,-L!,V,1'T ."Iltl)'' expiration-of his term -Lhef;vvar(i PO ra . ful of me ana oi my oai-r...v . ; ,i into t he otbee oi ine ser i ,..lVt. tiiuc to v.-,... -.m;; V r,,;,.,-., It, ,-i. ...! I ; nUHTm threw down a hugev:;J ol Wth ill "''r - iTi hail -1 IbilU. and asked for exclia on h, ;Hurling i 1 C i- li.rt... r s tii ii. ai x--i- 1 1 cfrnked hisx?:tee 1 - - ::1 Was Too Poor ta Buy a Drun. ' . ' K. :imi remarked t't he TFT7?. vtrst" ... ... r li.e 2.t-t I . . toii.. ...... , -.' . ! t ;....!. .tin- in. shrill U not ie pan pastor fails to do his duty, (from the creditor"-' stand point I that -l-ini reason why a ineniher "I church should fail to do hi- duty. Two wrong- do not make a right. No church member is a t Mriian who will not pay l Irt toward the support of the pastor. : . When Kill; Hie was ne.y, . t . . . . : 1 1 r it when Evangelist i.ee . there were some folks who were so. anxious to reach the contribution box that a forty-horse-power,steam rine could not have Kepi i .em out of reach of it. some oi i nes , davs a dynamite cartridge will take 6orne su'ch individual about the butt of the ' ear and knocK mm ipidly that lie won i rvl. T . 1 l, .,-. IV, "Ull, loi vi, in v lis . mouth already ;ton Jt'iirkene. COLORED PRIEST. ai. .1 ,. .. i dl p l.d. to Mr. ' r " L' d d ".ightt ' ...rr.it- i Li ring IL :.i! n r .. thi t :i If lo the real tVv 1 in the old man bj??;i'ui He Will De uradmcu - :- GibDons. ! ; . ;Mh, Dec. 14. I be to I5AI.TIM0KF. I'l.. --.in. . i. . w; I .. . . . Tw l tv-live t ars ago ine 'ca-tiler . ..... A ....mi ..- il olilv tfl -Tbev saV Methodi-t preacher, : the tra.; but I guess none "(-f k bv hi- own church . rUrV- that wear patent MUL fl.-: unconventional way t ihoCll alld drink that fizzm M31 oi , llr,t colored man to ,n i . in. I ,,..! hi wife. Now It Has an an r -'.n Hull nmt over ! . i... ffd States V.-lil . t . ' ... ... i : i .- i.( ii i . . i, l!..-rei:l-, a'l'i i- a r - Ti e w;ut (":""" Saturday morning ..vi .l in f.oir vears oiu m i'.J".-- l in tins city : :.:5w. -.l.rv of 2.t(iVal.U , :4 I "iiii" . f " - . This is wiiere ine .jo. ... tner coIrnl pro-. - n- -- yifu !l!l! r ek ::rd ve i i'1. t.f pay 1 i I' here i - "T . .:..,.il, :..,.. f ., J,i ft nriceiess oim ilisen ,t a...- l . , , , . i it well, on tlie wnoie, t rr toll, her patience and hv .ottir.'2 oil' the cheap rw.ird--about jou-r having ,r our iii-ou,;--" .-.iiV wit in tnat Trusses and; From- our Large Stock Caki- ACI'S we can supply i ny -o i Couittrv at. short in.: i;-. r..i-nr,A I'RF.SCIllllONS' by-M VItlttD tiiv j- & ; i ii 1 1..;? ... . r . ii i,i . i ' i .ii--. Richardson -m Ml r 1- r .. -ii jciaxi. ii i i - j i 1-iB .le.oi1; - ji l-a:N i'l i-jitL w; ; t c i: ,Ieta!e AdRet'ai;l. . .; ' v.lilly I'i' i:rn ,ui- irnd fi n i: "r i" IrWa nled t vt. .f'.a i t ' II r i . I Opposite Renbow House, Sueeessors i feb. 12. - H' ID .lAssAciuukit ' 1 1 Hi Hli'Hiir f E hSipijl 1851 SHi iiiitHcNi, .Mass., a . '; ' 1 ioUe i 1- Al bread ft its utte el.IlslOi 1' ; yioieo have a g dollar s h' T:-' If ,Ci P.-mpeian ov.n, is ii'i-iieinnereti 1 ,te, orutai. ver. ii isii i ,iod wife ie sp't'b'ls r vou. New loaf of It do a rn- no in- f you every whether upon U'.urht. Assetts,llo-!:n:W:5lULiahi!iti. -ri POLICIES IN KC RCiv, TJ.,. ;,i,ii-.ict f.f thii i-OUili.il ;....,..,,ci"Ui(- nnrestriicflt'd ;,f- 5!, !i iei.ii'-' -v J If you will write y form ainl seml.it to ti- a vou, not an ESTIMAI in-eash a-;o.: at your age. I was born in .'hi; yi y name i- My a.Hrer- & 'arris- I st , I .So I . itsL'Ui.iT-TTi S:1 - I. r i 5 . II ;NsL';i: . .V i '! --'f.i'" TTS . r 7 ' :!: mm, :- li J'l ; ' -'I. r : if- ' 0. i f . 1 1 U itabli She wli ban Or, if she ; ru i- Conjugal Wisdom. ne'er answers till . her 1 riiols, - , rules him, never shows hll; -he i - -...i.-i,,l t.. l d -eri-e. were no. ' i III llin i..... """. ' lllSt l"i"ll" i t- - . i nnv nsntei .u. i::,.r.'linfnl in! he I lit- vine can tote ik- v : tue .tauiniir r..-- " , . t ii. It V. i I ..If a in "h n r..t ' ei for go t .1 ..1: nri' h I Jse .til I o' i i-tbli-h. d it wa- wry rm. tbe a :;: .;o!.e defiart d l.i. i.rdainfd on in the Cat he- . i ' t by Cardinal iin- rharles IL L nc.es. . i. r-r i i ."1 milage. had hi- 1 nigh. 1: t Salvation v. 1 . 'i ri-r.i'C b. Ing t.i it it ... i i laboring for several veais , Fohm. ot t. -uoiiiv.. r lie was or-, ,r o buy a drum H i.i :gl There poured from the Min a Kcv. A. r of on. oi shining Areata last week. 013 Church, Chicago, but . .... n. .InlliTi tiaineti in nuiut,. .,f wife hlippily becoming in these di.ys when women i i f, l ,.li(.ei-f 111 tllS - .n.. i' t nvai i '. v .. - , - - - "strong nerve- arid clear . .1 ...l: t I VP 11 CP 1 Of j 111 I ! V II"Jr" . . e's Favorite rrescnoLin. " ...... Jam Mild U ei Of lie reou ia 1 1- -1 . ..1.1 .riJfl ir. e-ean:e "ii"-n ii, . ncni'us, debillitated ering with displace- nd every ' lemaie r;itiipr tnan .i tr..i-,.ritp lre- c'ipt.ot "" himM-yentobe he y wl i -h etlect;ial!yh.ek-,.ut thatdd Jr..VoT uterine di-orders, perHKh l ain,, weak back, prolapsus, in c.u pai .r, nervous ex- tlammation, ub trati -n. nir haustion and general printed guarantee on .""PP Money refunded it it doesn t give satisfaction in every case. t typt ci.nn!'n niav nave position niind-, s Dr. Pier lie tore t thi- remedy ritahic.r'-s ivi.men. ull t bvcteria. a Iilr .i . - - ll.-il'OjjTt)!!'. .(,., iv. u t t:i i - lit -e s ti'lli iA'Ti idiinc,: trade irLbup.afii3ii;j v; j h U ' " .1 i :..il... ... ,lr...j illl tlie IlllllJK li name, dale oi oi- u, ' - . I f i . ' 3 ' j ' , i - - . ' 1 :;i . il.. . . U ... '. 1 i it iultit i)Lk I ii ff ! . ri..; i.i- . -.. i we in M' i"t " i !: r . ...... ; t t n .'!' . I 1 .. ; jl . tUtf i.i- !. tit 1 iVtl'1 , nut. f vt.1!1-?,!-,; . ;...T' r ,11.11,4 ak 1 il up iji-iurance; wiu.e.i - rr' t i - i '" ' . i: -, , , "; "' T.'. in t e yeltr.. . . A,..,- ';' : 'J ioiioiii,.Ageii-7i;. N.jV ' I i ! "T" !" 1 ' i -i- iUi -rri. ii' ff i -a 1 n t; v i II I - 1 IS 7 ;: ! ! : 1 L :-:. " ! j T' i: if i i i n i ta i i i -. i e - . I i I1 -REEG.'Hl &o EI jLv va w -- j " : 1 -' i 1 c-jBElSlBORO, 1ST 1 Prices Low; and Satisfciction (lUiirante .KFtCE IN PIEDMONT NOR?' 1 1 CAKOLIN RIJNNNp TIIKiR iSf.Y Orders by Mail Receive our Personal Attention. .....,riiftti neverv ck.. , . , . . - i -j n r u- ---r-n- I iii. HARBIS. !.. -t 1 . -i!" .1.. I.... i III Mlr 'If

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