- . i : ' ; ' i: J . . ! AV ' X ( to i h '".;:! - ' i --;' i ; ! -The. GreensIor6: ; -ATi3oSj..:-; j j t- I - - .-. . :.- ; .1 it j. j i J ." '! : - ' , ' 'M ; . j i : ' f : V :"''.,', I ' " ' : T " - . - . . . :, j . , ! t I I- (I 'I : t f Hjr ibe Pntrloi Pbllihiiic C ni nanr. .mmmM -w " 11 T I I i IrtS. A. TURIIERj. ;l: jsrxxso?, J I ( II. . Wakefield; 1 n a f . i:i;vi( i: v fv .tiiliiur S. Ledbattcrj 3 RICHARDSON 1 ; ; t i:ci. i u iOUhHHUL.7 ; I -; C1CIASS COMPANIES . 4 f.ll A B: .'!! I -oaks ! Books ! in ii !ioU " 1 I i- . 4 : - i r 'V ' . '! I I . . . t r v DIkE BOOK CO., 1 ... i I:. ' ! l ft I ' - r fill I - t I 1 1 1 Science Vill Conquer! :1 ' is; i i: 'I v !. t . . . . i :.h:n nr. Vtu; S : i i . i-1 i i t t M- ai:i:ai Ml A 1. ricLv: - i ! ' to Buy Hilliiiery; I ! A ! 4 1 1 i C;iir P IN S i . K j i t t : i t M t r IV V! IM U 1 1 ii 1 11 I t 1 i Aii:iA(;i:siioP .irirg Kiiius of Vehicles.1 .1. it V t j:iLr,ri' Wnntl Work. i.i rr.iMiiiNO. . . ..... : ! ' rc.v .! w .-t Sk ."ti 1-e r. i . -. ii . . ..ill - r. -'.. I rt .: .re of . ?.. 1. 1 e ri. I. d'. II t; tf .".'i.r, RAliRIS. mi -. a 11 " 1 -V 1 . ... : V;h?n Gjov F!akc Fly. I ' ir,' V. x pi, rv r.. ru n- . . r i i u ,4 j r- ri Si 15 f'.fi If ! !o !,f.frv . if. ' -V t!.r -;;.4'!. r .' II,.. .,ti!. . r. t..,, U... r !... ir ,v I AN INDIAN NEMESIS TKAIN ROBBERS CAPTUR, I . A' A Jul.' rv : t. 1 1 a-. i.i.r r I t-. !. ft r t:r lu i-r. fi w . r ! ' :r - i. .;..,.. 4, 1 1,. v cr tin-. An ! rs. rr I-. . !, th. sir.-; " !. - i...JE';,.f x i m the iH-ftlt i i i . . w -t r : 1 1 r . ; r r. f ; 1 I .::. f I :.. f'-. I, :! !i I " .v.!J :i'.T i r," i Lr .11. !. -ir.- I i li t .i I .!:;r.. i t I r rv i . i t ' it t ...f. 1 1." t . t T. . . i . '.: ft- 'it, i I f i.l I f i .1 a ' ...... r .f . f r I . I . . Ja.n:es Sacderron's Uobounded Ven eearce for the Killing of IJis Wife and Child. There has just died at Tort Sum ner, N. 31., a mnn who for ten years atd u mt rrercikss war on the Comanche Indians r.f that recion. ; Hi r.r i r U ner, but it was one "I t'.- nnt ri -mnrkahlc evtr know n ;OUtiil i-f j ilitue nnvt l. In 1 "' L1 .TaiTii s Saiidt rori and hi wiiV an ! 4 r.o child were crrsin I'ii- n.iiMrv l..ir he Anorui lirw reldl vesierilav. J lie cnieiv w . i.W' wl;!. a ijnr, a:.d uitlit. A band ! ertif wi.rk on the caer oi-' f " :r.;iii '-he- cuine down upon ' -,,;-t win done by Hubert A H-,fi-tl.ein and killed the chill and alfo.erton, f WM.ian aft r horrible outra Ten. ' OUiriT Ilurriyan, of St. I.Cx't!, ar. r':i wat. tied 'nip. l!"d to witm They Stole $70,000 Near St. U-js , Trom Adams Express, San Francisco, Cal., Dec. Albert. Dentcn Sly, one of the et train robbers in the l.'tfyl States is under arrest and on hify Km for the robbery of a Mivri 1'acihV train, at Glendale, neaj. ,t. I.ouifj,' Xorember o0. 3Ia-;n llr iljet It, another of the rbb(' is hiding here and his wife ,r- NO PLACE LIKE HOME. CLetter fa Ions Home, Monte place. .. a i f I,...; ; rr . ! t. E,,- : r i. l.i' r. '.r b i !. U v u mi!! I . !. ! t : l.iii ' '. in t !. k , ; .. r- nr.- . I i it -t r.- ... 1 v - r r i ; '.. r J ' WlIM - : I' ' I , A, f. -1, RevrR. O. Pearson Vrites a From Burdif kera, Ifaly, to the Asaeville Citizen. Kev. II. G. Pearson writefe letter te the Abheville Cih'zch from Uurdighera, Italv, undr dhte of December J, . and ; winds quotin a few 'lines about ' Sweet Home." lie visited Carlo, the famous sauillin" xr. 1 . . . r..i . I iir. i tarwn savs: ine piiicp, a c:.ii i.-"t !. I. . r it-.iw c, iiHs ocen maue uike a garden; and it is a jdtv tha should lie a wrnent in thi4 para dise; but here he i, a hucf green monster, coiled in the msdst of n ;. . - . ... . .1 , ' .1 . .. t to a T.ttt and "tut iiijf.unatlon to L niei uro-.tfy i "" -c " s, mm orange rrovef", . . . - -1 . . i .in1 . , I . w. - TI1A . . 1 L. tli" fearriil:,, Pul onicers on iiie j ji-ca ; .l4"-; jiav toet:e-. of the' men wanted. In Mdifp-1 ateiy bunuin;, and the asi Afti-r thi' th.. Indian! bfan a'patches he stated that a trur;.. t rir i. f torturer, and his life was : signed Tor one of the crinsinstls fiilv s ti d by the tiruelr arrhal of j named Marion Hedpeth, haC)jn a th lac!. mi nt . f soldiers, who drore j shipped to Oakland, addresiif 4o :7 tin - ta;.. w, but not until they Florence A. Waterman. . f v l ad iihiI !ire to Mich an extent that ' Initnediatdy Captain Letiud th man-, f f was pea red and ' detectives beran "ghadowinjj-J 'he oarrtd in a horrible manner. j Well-, Fargo A: Co.'s olllce in?t)jli- atnft r-.ri said little aliout bi : lana to arrest liecipein, KILLED BY DYNAnTE. is a rent (em pie. large . N. :: i t t ttrrib'e aiMifti.m but rftnrncil t.i ? should call for the trunk. LA llie i women of all ages: they the f. rt with the soldiers, and re- J meantime Detectives lMnkerto3d-Ld n their money on the tu muneu mere until nt? jiatt recoT ! t rin.' l.'n health. Then betook a as ii one were entering a The vestibule . opens into assembly room for concerts and dancing-, where one of the! finest bands in Europe discourses tie nil music. In the larird roJm ad joining is the gaming place, j There are a half dozen tables, at ehch of hj?;1if ' w hich sit some twenty-live njen and 4U nut le op- 6ch the IIoss AVhittaker went to L4lSn positesorae number on rzels t( look for the other r?-r.' number is staked, and a ! tan o th t- be revt njrt d in a i named Albert Denton Sir. . r. j i r t I - 1 i - f :-v I IT it .1 s't.r s " 1 iiirMs. r that would make his name . a t rri r to th' Indians. llsiipplud hi::i-t If with a riile, ii HiVcr and ammunition and left the fort. It as a mtmth before - v wheel in t!id located Sly, who wayieVnJ tells whether ; a saloon under tlie,tlj AieH f)Utsi(ler ,ias w I ! 1 i t ! - : t i i .i i . ..; llr . i in t V I I .1 ! . .t J.i a r. I f i . Thev it lift i n f J. t II. Denton., A gold vac which'had been taken from EjiVeVs Messenger Mulriues was foiifid in he was hcarl of, and the nilair had his possession. f ;-. ; i.iiu-.-r I- .t i trom the minds ul iesicruav, uurinrr me uumjtM !' v ts ar .( men. when one day j part if the rainstorm, a' ;ft.ng, r.-n walked in-nnd threw ! well-dressed woman walkt,' I a,to !.i:d !! nmtaining twenty-j the 7mpanyi otlice, in Oa. .(., 11, !p-. Hi: had followed the and after glancing around silj".ici- t S and- d vv ri H --a ! p hung on their trail, ' ously, for a mt)ment infju-rcd the renter of the 1 "ban k" on the money ail wl turti of the table, or the Gen 1 here is. ana caused erally the -'bank" wins thousands loosc their njillh man3 are the sad suicides by their wreck in this whirlpool of -Mammon and rum. Asd h question arises, is not Wal gambling as demoralizing t4 Amer ica, as Monte .Carlo -to Eur not our Louisiana lottery a a disgrace to the state and i s this Mont Li ire tlie street detectives wl two weeks.! ' i 'i . . . .4 t :. ; : v. . u 1 ; : - v. , , f n ; ; I . !' i n.s. ' l:,o "'" i kiliir--- et rv one that left the camp w hether there was a truikMoM gnernmeni as l I-r-ii.nti' r,r... r,ff. I.rm-iin .ri I Finn nee Waterman. : ' io i-.urope." is not our the 5 ' y i s:.. tii-t i:icti'!' 1-t tween men, women1 been watching for ' i .i ,.! Jr. i Inif 1. 1 ' ? 1 miv L i n .1 ' lntred and urrp lletliivth i a handsome wvnr.U of i pauty ot .Monaco.' twonlv.!ive. She is a tall br(jKJte!aIl a strain upon the ciyiliz with a commanding ligure ami Ivrge brow n eyt s. " 'v The Gkturale bandits gottUVay 1 1 .... r t . ;th:.t he fHi!d get near to. lie Miinul endowed with ;n ' ch.irnit d life. fr the Indians could 1 f j ti . t g t i.fir noug!i to him to do m s him arm. a:.d hv became known as t!;,- -Whito Spirit." The In diar.s wire fri-ihtenel, and those lip ;nl I lottery as much a disgraet kiL('or- .state and national governi is this Monte Carlo to the Truly t let is much ational Carlo uiaiaua to the oternihent as Ths Mayor of tlcrganton. Meets Death in a Tragic Manner, j Mr. Wister Tate, mayor of Mor ganton, ; mt thi deatli in a tragic canner. He is mayor of the town, and on the day before Christmas a man who was drunk was put in the guard-house. When the man got sober on the next day he was re leased and in the afternoon while the little hoys were liring crackers, the driinken man put a dynamite cartridge under Mr. Tate's olIi-e. and when it exploded Mr. Tate was' -enou-dy injured and the front prt of the house was damaged. Mr. Tate was removed to his Tiou-e and died on the sssmc night. Mr. Tate was an attorney at law, -'.! years of age, art! was a cousin of Mr. S. Mel). Tate. The latest - information-we have is that the 'murderer is- still at lare. He had been employed on railroad work ynd brought the dy namite with him to Morganton. Every eil'ort will be made to cap ture the criminal, and we hope he will be captured and punished to the fullest extent of the law. Jt is (he ilrst use that a murderer ;in this State has made of .dynamite. Iialeiirh Ctroitirc. - r i9i!A LEA PIJBaB - May Be Yours, tYiil JMlI'so .v, (i Here. lht a i comes iasejo:) . - -1 i into v '!it;uM with t!n . . r :::d !. 1.1- with $7U,000-and they eelectta) for the sceue of robberv a spob'ihree A. t '.:.! . ! :. : ". l.v ' i .... v I.." f , i : ! , ; t ; - . .1 . ' i . : . , h. 1 ! ;e k J 1 ' '. 1.X ' .ti l -J.- .d I . . 111 sr. ..Ie i i t .d i I r, 1-. -ri 1 ,.t i. .v ! ir. lr.v -.1 ti t i t r ; . i !:. :. '" ; ,, J - I v,I,. ' . !n-a M ! I ! -t-. r: v- . I s ; f at ': ti." g ! ' . . 'It -, ; i.;, 1 i . .-!!. r.-. ' f ctiV t ! -rt' i ir. '!. i N d. p r ite I I.- . i r : t -t !i '. 1 i-u, ! I e; 1 z t t ft.rj i r-r If "" 1 : ring the : . 1 to -p. -.tally 1 t'i. Kt U v Ir.- -! -V. ( .., in .;. I ;;ar S iLi'' : f ull ; I . au-" t it u tl. it 1 had ...d ! .-...i-.- I am row t t '!.'. t" i f J ! t -.-. a:.d a:.l rc dy ,.;M a !. e, and wh-i w.re left made haste back to ! miles from St. Louis where?jse the !,!.. of the tribe, carry ing j James often operated. Sly U ijso I... k with the.. i th terrible tale of j credited with robbing the Stl ..ul th- Ntiiit-i. -n their track. San ( night train near 'Racine, Wliof Ier?oa f.Sl wid them to the moun-1 l-'fihO. The street-car robVi'ji . , . . i : .. - : i r il .: f tai::s ;i:ui wttii wnerw wnue ; o! l.eer 1 t en 1 llefor" l.i'- I Europe and America. . But now ray thought turpi home i ward, .for the cholera If still raging in Damascus, so that it is not sale to enter the Holy Land.;, and those on the ground who arp p sted in such matter.s say it would be hazardous to do so eveii nexl spring sooner lx lire ; Ui'V. n in t!; kill, d a b.v. p r ite , r u,x-. Every tin:e a '' 5 i"T -.1 after hilll thev u reenee hecame nei"hborhtd he had u Mjiiaw ii lid two war- band was nt would be sure to oun-! ?-'Ui(u. l ne street-car roLri-iyics man j in Kansas City and Omaljill ! ai-. it is claimed, be proved ainst a me I him. . d-.: -.: lie Ilad to Speak. ret ali I the Laura." said George wittj'-an r !-;..g cu l a! mei: 1-ers 'eager le.-iless yearning in hii.Vv.c, ndiar.s be.'ame afraid to?-ujv I a.-k a favor of vou de4f':'?. princi ese are ttion of and thus I am going home t!fn I otherwiae would ha How I long to see dear combe V And truly I can ... as to heautilul scenery, tie climate and a pleasant live, I have seen no place inj tr tne urient mat surtass vilk, N. C. i alont the country alone. Within ; Thev I. d satin the da t;Aied he h oi thirty-nine scalps, i parlor f-r lomrs in the tj nt ti . i. liad killed twelve other. iM.taujiinio. i of soul sound it v an J v (,'.-.. jo-ah s he- wns unable to jret. ' i.eeds no articulate At tl L.J f that ear he raised it language. the n :uil t r ! t-eveiity-nine fealp". : Hut something impel! at.d f ;;d he wti'i'.d lod return to to peuk. The longing that i!j7ed th: : t utitil he had a hundrtih . sup from his very H-at ed ;'! 'lie Ir. .li.' v. 1m". I. a cloudburst - j f x pression in word :; t red ab ve '.he vilhte f a band) hud spoken. Iteart imi0i Jjtnd -. The re f ; i4 he I 'T-' a ; -1 r v t - t v i . ! !; i i id ).-irni:ig in the d r .. .N. .. t f t !..- j - -1 1 v and ; z- ft! ::. n . I: p!t a intly niii . '. f. .,,. f !i..njfii ;i i.. r t ! (..:- ! . t n -iek ! t1 f ".ii. art 'Ut aid the people fled;. "What is it, George." she'Wjiis- iIIE ENGINEER'S He "Would Bring, tie e done. Id Bun-' iy, that lightftil lace to Europe s Ashe- YAIIN. r Train in cn Time if Neivo "Would pb It. When a railway enjjinee out or lias liad several nrrovv es capes he frequently! "loses his nerve," as railroad men put it. Jle becomes too cautious, and his Mi! a narrow gor. for safety. Ti e w afi r eatiie j-uddellly that thty v,.re i .-up. lieil to lly with what t'u e.uld ' tht r ami run for th irlix-. S siid r-on er.me upon th m a thev were Jiuddlftl in the rie and ln i.Mii tiring at them from .il. .- and rolling ftnes tlown upon j disaster fl He killed 1- and woun.letl a "lou will believe me, tte;fvt ft, gr. at number before they could get ! he kaid, with an agitation hee'uii ,w iy. ing ercry moment more uncopill- liy July. h.- had over 100 table, "when I eay that 1 am ??ten -.1. . ...!.( I .. . I ' ilU.I ,.l l..-.:tlffl t.wnc'- if .ippnmclu n...-i fr 1 1 may involve semic -u fc.fii "'e, darling. But belieye me, Laiir'it is for the best : " ; 'What is it, George?" p.l)t re j.eatetl irj a roice that tremb't-S is with a vague foreboding of caving ;'lst Jiis nerve. rer engine ami tiort Indian in l no .nil y . n '. . t '. s V " t. :. tr TV" t:. ii it: t' l 4 V'-: . tea- : . t , . ieasi ii'; tn.'K u ny circumsiancefrr er and verity ponies. He; which I have no control, and t.ve id. a of abandoning his ; pondered long over it, and afVpot - - - m styimpuiser the beuritiful q:i t for. revenge, but he was more acting from hasty b tenuii.td than ever to wipe out i 'Yes! Yes!!" .;tt:ig l;.' . r : r i . I " . ti.. hi!., t:c I w..nd. r at il. 1 it e ! ai;; pre-cd with the a !t t . y grat.u 1: . - . grj'.t r f nil v upl. - ti.t gutter. w n r ;u sia.e. ,4 ..r 1 i . He i-" i::.iw 1 o p:t i r t t if "" .it: I tll-grar l.is :i' rit.g tl.e K ! y w hole w a r. tribe, w he M After the close of the government !.. ti.a I- . e t w i t i s t l.e t ;rntd its attention to the Indians, a tuafv m iiie with the Cmnn .tin! it was j-tipulateil by the Indian- 'ha: Sa::der..n shouhl be e.tliid away from the country. . IL i.tard of it and for many i.. vfung girl exclaiineil, with qiuiver ing lips. "WJiat is it yoijj -,tfk, George? What is it?" . j "Darling," lie said, and tli H.i'd, iaiploring look in his face th led her to the inmost depths o.frrfier Ui:i '. "I wish ytu woqhLV.U on the other knee awhile." Thi.-rne on as a re train in never passen ad been get his le would lit. He nised to 4 1 timeiif i le t nick," Jie ,. t,t!i I.ept out of t!ie way of the if getting horribly tired!" oldier- and e:itinued hi work of , go Tiilmm. but at last was found ' , th -true! ion and told that he must give up the work. !! eomplit d but with great Mi- I. ti. n. 1 . i ti . -tar;' ; are i where i.4 tf " I.- r$rratt:l.! an j in "l ..' i i'.i d to t :ut a fed t . r.in i j y ! :.i . i.: i V t V . !" r. a . n t ( y. tiu i e . i . i r t a n I T. 1 t i .. pre tit tu i:i t can by r w h:k-v- Jng .to 5g. lil'.S r and U a- po..-it!e. y o-:, it. th g . . I Mi;.e h v e wiii .urtly arid . t : y w ii! re- th '.:: ivf- in an :,e t n l f ratur i- rt .U'-taLi-f. and took advantage of ev. rv Ir.dian outbreak 'si nee then to kill th ,e -a age. FIRE AT LENOIR. De- Mv p.. ia u tl Several Euildinss Entirely stroyeJ by the Flames. Li n. !-:, N. C , I). e.'r.L A defec live tove pipe eau-t d a cofillagra- . . . . i.. ii : . i w: lion ere a-i iiigiu. ini:s-"t? v . - . . i . - i i... w il barrel staves anil hoards. sin store, and the MILLIONS LOST IN FLAHM. j .i V-,:- The Oreat Standard Oil W' at Bergen Point. ; ! - tN . Bi:im;n Point, N.J, Decji ! Fire was discovered at 0 V-Vek hist evening in the barrel ' W;jFy Uf tlie Standartl Oil (aunpaii -es- tabltshrnent nf Constable H'l- At one o'clock thi morni vtlre .... . . . . s '.. I. ix .tin rak'inir over acres i-i-nan. a ooh t th nun fter I)is tl about ceiling suit geiieral.lv brings late. The engineer in tjur mind his name or the rohd had He bad ; twice jhe 1 told that if -i he couldn't train through on time 1 have to begin-hauling Treii was meek about it and; pro do better. ! II bring her in there's a house on t said the last time. He came into the office run a day or (wo later the room, glanced up and then asked : "Seen rnv of it ?" . Of what?" asked up off 'Coal," replie'l the e. "Why. no. What "I guess it hasn't yet," he said, j quietly, left a coal car on the "And you you " ollicial. . "I gt in on time." "But the coal car? get around "f ; "I didn't iret around her wide onen aliu c; There's about a half the roof f the j rear wim expecting to find here somewhere. And sav "Well?" "The smokestack is cone ; there's no et r. i coup e down "Sonne one . . . inr.ui tracK. In-si an (he Il.ivj did vou line ton! eoae khe FOUGHT FOR A GIRL'S HEART. Rival Lovers Engaged in a deadly j Combat. j ' Gai i.m oi.is O., Dec. :50th. 'Both loved Kit tie Little, and they decid ed to.; settle who should get her heart and hand by physical prowess. John Eads stud Harry ' Boyes, the rivals worked in the 'Gallipolis Furniture Factory. Eaus armed himself with a hammer and Boves used a knife. They fought , so hard that both are likely to tlie. - . M TO WRECK TRAINS. Two Attempts llido Last Weak at Statesville. " ' Sai.i-i.luv. N. C, D.ec.-.-r.O. A second attempt this week to wreck a passenger train on the Western road tvas ma tie last night at Bostian bridge, near Statesville, the" scene of the August horrr. A teh'graph pole was placed on the track, but was discovered,in time to avert danger. Tlie railroad men are muehjex cited over tiK continued attempts, A special force of detectives have heen eent-to the scene. ! CRISP TOO ILL TO PRESIDE. j He Will Have to be Absent on Tues day lliglit. AV.isiuxdTON. Dec. 15 L Speaker Crisp is now suffering with bron chitis as v.eil as la gripe. Last Iiigut he had -bad coughing spells: and thi morning he i- very weakJ His physician does not think' he can preside at the opening , session 'I iiocili 1 ; - , - They Don't Love the Stars and Bars. Sr. Lot i-. Mo., Dec. :',t).- A spetv ial committee of the Hansons 1'ot; (J. . Ikis made a vigorous kick against the u-e-of a . Confederate battle flag by the Southern 'Asso tion. Tiie vetfTans t.bject to it even as a -memory"" or a "sad re minder" o'f the lo-d cause. . j ' i Lowest in Many Years. W.v-uis.oToN, Def. :h. The -declared treasury balance to-thiy is the lowest -in ' many years, being :?L.Vl:h:nL Of this '13,73G.H7I is in subsidiary treasury coin,. Eh-' 17U,-lU in national iruik deposit ml .f;510,"2.!0 in minor coin, ,4 STARVED WITH $200000: ;i t i Jamts Murpy and His Sifter, Misers, . - Famished, j ' j , Di id. ix, Dec. 30. lames Murphy and his sister Ma?y were found . ' 'Oil ill Yalip CLOSING OUT CLOAKS AT " - y 1 4 o ' i i. i i . ( . : " ' . 12 . .' "' ! " " lu - . - I " i .. a iii-w !o:is ;iti;l INJroi Ui( V( 0J ! I! 3.40 2 ;.-) 2.10 ll.U ) I We Live S'.nie of tlm f 12.00 7 . 7 .1 jo.i.iq .-JLOiV 2.;,.1. $2 30 133 bl tji V vale in CLOAKS that i;;s ever' been our piriy n show. All newj this, 'season , and decided to ('LOSh T T - . - v H ; h t t tu se- ee e i-'g'y riilGKS, Hhat we. we It i4st it itegp styjes nave m:i not have any c a r ry over the s e ii so if: itV ff w.. I!l:il! ji!'j. i llUVi' (.id Wo now pl'ico tfrsuit li'i c; ; We 1m w cut r; i: ii...; . i i iiMiiiUMii :t tu t g')"Us ;!o s.e'Ml muss the lu'M hai-g;i!,?;s : ;vN I ettsli. no tine c-ai utnler sidl'b- t'tgot dtp i i. P! IIMPI So ' V O o:i RAYB (his i u'lf 1 )otll 1 to; w.iil nr ,'.!;, a 1 1 J t fin . Mft to 10 , ! o!s -. I M'lt i t ilu Is! i e NATIONAL PopuMr! ! llANKj lipl.Uj.NC, (iKKK.-ltOUO.jjj I0ND & POWELL; ( . trices. ' t : i t - i - i i ef.pie n:ie no iim- lor. prices til,t ire not .u-..il.ir. ir.-iffier li.ic w price iiifuns a i.uh i;i;u i;. n.n Ic a t.ii,-. ,,'witr tli:in :iii v I.. i-a ease in pmni, velv-t t6ues ar.ft im.j; :H't ..! i -om 1 Z, it, $!-(!(, $ t.J.j.t, rfs.4- a n cl -f ...00. j. e Ii i e n II, r,- i 1 I " ' v - i 1 vk en U'.-l-v.l st.M'k Of: a poim I r v ehe. hero iVi1.. worth thiat you will find ( lie HKST.wi i r ; i; FINISH to any.0 We deal FA I !:. S K f . I Factory. No pains spa i red lo'pleri-e ra .-. : o- . I . , . i iiu j unjic km oui .-fu 1 1 1 jt i sve ;i-iv eve-TT pair warranteil. We ..!i.jr'.4pcei-:ij 'Holidays. j' Miss Lillie tlrreil and M is M.ijnie p ; , , Kcpectfulh f 'Jh S.. Oo TOTAL ASS LIS ( iiE A 1 ? A II i S i 1 1 i I ' I O-i S I) Si T E I ) 'OVER. :.T WENT Office iiZL KS.T in t . V:i ;itui ii i k.. ui- ep III in S- V;i, p. a in l :-1 ielM a.t is- 1 1 oji r i' oe k look i :i a n i.v im k iPiii.OvKs m..-i:dt v. ti:i rg.ii ii- in our iine ill mnt; l.i t iie eoini tiig k.ird . 'i - i I ! I o. gi.-i ! i o si-rve t hei-r friends: te ( ou i t JIotit V st LMarket St; 1 1 T8 !. i I f I' t mm PURE DRUf 'p. A ' 3?fxteixt Ivlioci-'i c ino NEW Trusses From (dir Largi CIJOF 1 CRNir A XI) 1K.J! DOLLARS.1 wo I' If t ) . Slock wiii c;: ' ( Hj III ! Orders and lMiKSt 'I iTl'. .S o Ml at Ma . A 1 ply rhysicbui iio: ; n oi : (. and Keallj ; i uii.x I rr i h i) M'.'-H.l-; 111 I lltf ,1 II' on i i . I tiiiol ti v . 1 1 1 i ! 1 1 a iiC ; Riciidrdson cfe Farris, OppiTsite Ben bio w feb. 12. - ." II o;ise, I pulled through. of it on l. and I est of-it i i . I ... i dead in llit'.r u n.e day. i I nev were in i died f upon f starvation. Tj heaps of straw. Newrv to r's c lid liad ic h'jdit s ly They left ruoney and property to the amount of $200,000. ; . . ' thb lot a re peff, and i '. if the pro trying t o'f t they should it, :.t ie'a r pi.w- i i r ti.- .Ui-t r. i ir are r m driiokenrif r-t fio mo-t j t v . t r 1 ,4." ti,.- .'. ... f r -:ro..g or.ti -.; U l.i dl g im.i wort! :i. Jre u.ar; nafe.e to tl.f ' . i .. ... It i :. e ! at arid n'ir:i- : ii th ur.irr. Wht i. ::! m n. a:a I f ght .' n'l work to thi -M l r raur.k.. d. Witli a t' lio in ur g kir.it. ndroiji 1 .mi. v-. tr- tru.y. J. G. KiMiA. i ' .- J T. s I h.Vtl D prr:i . 3 . Thirty . . . t ; . i . . . i Lt d. i w . H I.. I o . tv ing of a d e of icoi in lining r ai e ., .j1i i i br a Ma-tt rt'di, .".w .e.;.u. t lov.L Deal A DaT ri-ibnce t.f Mrs.-Mary Harlev wire turned. The furniture and goods were mostly saved, th .agh badlv damaged. There wa sonif iouranee on Higgins furni ture arol Dea!! goods, no insurance ,,n the buildings. Fortunately thr re was no wind, or half the town would le in a-kes. Hard work and the Hro engine saved the stores and buildings -ir.) md. Some of them were hardly -.-..rchrd. The Io9 if fr in -i.v to ttn thousand dollars. A TRAIN LOAD OF CORN. FreadituiLs to be Sent Famine . Stricken Russia. Lin. Mt.N. Neb. Dec. 31. Govern- or Thayer and Labor Commifsiouer Lud h tl, are actively at work secur ing the traia load of corn to be nent to the Limine euiferers of d.us eia. and from n dozen point in the state re-pdies are coming to the proclamation of the governor. Mr. Ludddn estimates that two hundred thousand pdinda of bred stutiti will be donated by Nebraska. The Millers' organization of Min nesota have raised a million eix hundml thousand pund of tlour for the suiTerer. It wap. however, fairly umWV Hie control of a large force of m-.iMvho hd been tbo'ifedlv fichtinei-for "- --- -- r-o rr antl the cab window but, of course. I was orders. And kiv again -Well, what is it?" -Just put j down oti yo somewhere that an engn hasn't lost hisi nerve, 9 ut ii keeninfr it. reeisirned from 1 o j act isg under to look for a job on a Ravages of theGrip ..! Seymoi k. Itid., Dec that malady. LiNCotx," Ne!. Dec. 31. There uro l.oiween four andlfive hundred cages of la grippe in present time, hour-.. " ,U: Sti far as can be ascertain'?. he trememloux blaze originatetl'lhe great three-story building inrch the barrel-making machinek "W?re. It then spread to the eitgin?vue in which a maginiticent CorliienT gine was locatetl. . Sparks also set tire to theSkvrrel run-way leading to th sectio?;-df the refinery where the barrNar'e tilled and shipped. From trVi ad house the fire also spread . im mense Ptackii of barrel f.taTe'nfi.!retl Ui thirty acre yard. : Within half an hour aftrV-;the first outburst of flame the p!a, . iwa t, cnalli i n tr ecu nf fl rp. FlV" .Un- icvv....., - ----- ft.. ilred men were fighting (he fcfu-y ith forty streams of. water be J .: it wa an hour old. y ?' ,' After three hours-of hard .Vork they succeedcil in gaining trjia- tcrv. t.-' The totnl loss to. the ci;t;uiany will undo ubtedly reach 2,U.(00. t The blaze wiil probably lrr it self out this afternoon. eVrept where 'the mountain of ;Vi-ely aL-.l h irrel bendsi stantls lJfiere tbfiri mav smoulder for c 4Jeek. 1 that of ygur f riend-s. - j - ...... - engirse , Conscience, cr What? " ( nsciVnce (hdli make cowards' of us all,' ivs the ptet. j..st w iih or ken, mat: s nerve But it is the nerves W lien a are unstrung, through ai.l torpid; liver and l i rid ig 1 1011 ! i.tiioir.. ii'.iod. will! ' feels depressed and nt-rvou ;r books j t er w'ho ' stitrts at every 1 .1 t w onder tnai ,ne ! He little soum j ; is afraid of 1 .UUe.p'cte shadow T. II K II II 1851. Al, LI ft -118 la ' - f .1 II';ITM. lo W i Pllf.lff.' (il.iiL.-iH;ii(. 1(1 .Sprijigfio .1 A I, .ss.(.i!i;si:'ns lH.I.i , Mass., hi i idiii. .in : 1891 4i A etts4-?lL:2,f;3'J..7L L'iiiiiie POLICIES- IN FOB ii. 2J, Tne contra'-t of tiii. coijipitnv ; iiicontestah'e, hum sti i. ii j, If yo'u will wriie oirr .t.i u: form and send ir to the. as.' re to 1 rf S ! , T,ij 1 is the ser- and fe.-ls like a foo I r 1 1 r 1 man go to t lie bottle of Dr. Pierce 1 J.e-t suen a tore' and get i Golden Medi- vice of the roatl t-dav, ahd is go- j ( j, .(.overv tlie great IJiood puri inr to look for a job on a Farm. ' j ' ; , , ' 1 nvigomtor. This is Ifier ahd Liver I nvigorator. 1 his 1 i.r.... ,..K- .I.,od.iiirn;er .and liver i invig6r;itor truaranteed to benefit 3 1.4-In this or cure, or money will be promptly I refunded. It cures 1 . . 1 . . city, 'd jessina.aupo-.o., j . . an( fr , m1 thorp liave been a number deaths directly or indirectly-due to , 'j1'" 3 ndiirestion,; or t its wonderful Tin 1 1 1 1 P ' . p"i'ii.i..,i ,mr fi-nur orOoerties. con- ii ; n a 1 orni t .nr-.'v Salt- he city at the kindred The Stow and Sain San Francisco, D still raining in many rheum. Tetter, Eczema and ailments. Ail !j;ood-poi- eons, no matter of what name nature, yield to its remedial lhic-nces. Lacgstoa Let L&cso. 'for in- j'.i.-l'rank c -Congress-third district c. l.-It is' Bh um.m.. Va., Dec ! . . . M T :i ro'Stofl. S'dl ot parts 01 i me , -r ... -1 t- or irt'i' 1 li. ui . . 111.. ... w : iiiuu u State. . Wires are an, now u, .t.u. 1.0 ,.,,1.,1 was released 1 IJ. I -, r.Mbll'OI f mm e.ll-"1 'r-."- wor'l lit. I'cru hi n" - - reka for a iveek,. ii'o'r from Point KeVJis i-. twojduys. jlni the Sierras snow "ha beep falling f..r two davs, IdoVkaiie in tle Centrii Pa- 11 1 cific i- feared. Oregon ex pre late. j coinre roin tio peiiocntiarv ner- ?-i--''T- he ha spe.n i- '- mji fo'r murtler. There is 1. . t lot ne ei.eci The south-bound fifteen, hidirs is Don't ruin ioiir he r 1 J av, w liere live vars lor 111 lu.tever. a story alhia .I1..1 i... is stil! in Sdint l lid t " ' ' w , - - Lai. ..risoll hl! I.ouis. Booker, a pnuninf nt wealthv Kieiino .!. I' r. ."n for forth at hi Mr aiid niti.it.ng tirce c- 09 ''.-i-.0. t : . I r I ) !-. . ;..) ! ...IXM'Bi.NG,. ii.v,i:iKl hU.hu. I" i t o ears b-eeortie-: r ; -( 1 1 1 i'.jj i- i t a , ! ' . - . : ten '-, 1 1 a oj o; oceu pa ! ion : ; i t 1 1 rt 11. i mi ;id'lr;r.,' I ti l he v- v. i j (iKipieai-,jr-. in; lm.w ing yoti, not an ESTlMATEib.'.-.ra S'l.'T.M EXTt-ho- id'g jibe ex'a'ei in cash and paid up insuA.n.-e wliiib would appi-arl id a policy at your age: ' . ;; ; -was born in t he My name is M v add rev- i da o? Agents - i let. 1 h 111 tiki' Vll'lll'l -'! .nil ; in f tie year W- ROGERS, HAJLEIGH, 1ST. C, lieneral A ren ts, N ( iJ ' B i -A OOKand'JG o nil GBEENSOBO, -'ON" i i 1 Prices Low an! SaliMiiction (iiii nVT.V OFFICE IN PIEDMONT NfMitH CAROLINA KI'NMNfi Til: PRESSES BY WATCR POWER. ,i 'il: O. ' :. ;H.,:i: ' 1- lii'-'yt:-; niltltNMl. 4 . 1 ...... for f-itihczzii ti e ; til tirinsinj; . ,tpwan1 ceeds Langston as hospital steward gJtT" Orders -by Mnpl f.eeetva 'IK our Personal Atttention. Tfar f ' ' i i- t t -I -1 i. si- .0 ' ! v practical joker. t