! I . HM J llll H IMWMWMWMM''WW"MMWMW" 'I '"III I III . f ' ' hi : ! " i s . i- - : :- 1 l .-. I ; k ' GREENSlORb PATMOTt ( --Hi . i i i h i i ? Ij i - i ! '! ! t : I 1 i :: i i . 1 ;; ; r I' GKEEXSBOR6 N. G., WEDNDAY, JANUARY :, 1:802. . c .i i-.i i . i.t-J E i 1"" J By the Patriot rllltiu Company, - I i. "' If 5 1:11- '-,! ' - : . f i i ' : ..-'-- ; 11 If it ': j '. j -, & I.- t i ;U A. TURNER, -FLir.TINO. I 1 i t . r . ". r . To 1 aU! if. I little f"Iig whMi we pt.hliyli below, w ill. we truft, h t i v i rv Vfiii-.rr I j-lv orirntie- akcfield, jchT! r.ader "f the lATi:!r, an I lt ! 1 ; v that t-Tt rv one a I, f th r i'.!y- that f you will i 1 rrlTi ' -M ; f; i -I onO J ' i;T Her.e. - i . ';' nir.? a in?'.e sleeper. Of course, eral iog journals how easily , t-,c , A'DAlilAVj; t llnMrj. I toU.l the econil stq, and downlmtmjje couM be knocked outj -f ! ! taim I wont, all mixed up with the j concluded to cure im fjnfNEW y0BK REPUBLICANS ARE saddle, horn and bridk with dercd several retnedirji , ana a Ji . . cT-At: . .i. .i:i:, ml. in n rr : iirt reasinc:. they ftill rcmainei fcrtams (( fire, bur:lHr!i and rnur der roniing from every room. My wife brought a lamp, I j:ot lay thin:: together and ent out of tne Lou-? in flume and tliiru?t only :vr trv t- inrt a .n" a vmilo ;inj on rtariiin ni'.' Maine u.ai m iv . " j y i:, ...... -i.J the ncirro I had hind to sit up all Siv, up hunting came along n , j , . . ni'kt, to feed and curry kit h.r-e, powcrlej.- t i:ct rnv horse for I had ! at ti:t: wiu-n DESPERATE. 1 ,:xv E. Ledbeiter, -i, f,.r : , :.d i'. of; or.c j;ivrn him the stable ky rt end in ! t A ' '.i that ffiiinj. !; i r i. j.-i !c f.f m:i:i!iul, .i i S 'itv,! v rrr. : er t ! f -i u- i.: RICHARDSON, i 1 1 , 'i '- r . -u i wi'h iii !.. -t iow, s ..r i and low. i; llo, N. t .( -i li-.t U- ' J. i ij. : :h.r ' a l vt in r ; i '.'. ri rare. LI . 1 .'.r-.-: -4 lowt r c.rsl ClS COMPANIES " " ' W i ! i! (rn ol '.I !-ri hair. A "i r. ir." :a.l 1i onr.l lar has!, A? -'j.t i i i.r l.'T r aut hrr I .-'.. it!'l .t:ra : o n en Iht ti.l. .. " , fr-.i k. r trriajf wlmlow, A V J-iI. hac'h'y lar A ..?, ! " "..wan. I w in in the lot tlil tliC clock ut- in renin" j uj:s uariflir sencrae was r truck three and there no ne ,couhl join u:e on a hunt. 1 h"j(T.f (1 cpsed by Mr. O'Connor; who . i . i , in,i a? f(i rnii imi tiir i i i ... w. a iin - , i jeiarnunfa niu io "t- ?wi - - .ii-it ' -o- . - ureii iirtuuv "'much, t r oit-; Sipped into the back yard run an J .. Menalit Govenor M.cehau told him , aboi the utkn one-fih6uM csef. cise in walking on the ice coated pareruent. "The fellow who car ries his b tr room in .his pocket ought to be extra caution?,'' sug "eted one of the p.ut-, 4for if he j fall-." just then a pedestrian went j down in front of the ladies ec ! trance Lotlie hon l. There was a greasing, luey nm j -i. ;-(- cfi and Feveral other of our d rj They Consider the Proposition of do'had contracted the diCli!?J , d Resicning From the: New I anh beginning to get a J,Vrk?i "5Tork Genate., M ie when a'traveling man whdy Atn.v. Januarv 1 1. The re publican senators are getting des perate. In a long conference last night they were seriously Iconder. ing the proposition to. resign in a bodv. to "ive me two oi .. V don-. He said h? Uaq dip.ised of all but three; to.? n-hie'i lie w rould gire me a9 lie o 7.o3 nl-oro occasionally! ir.ij This dari-ni? sclieme I was gro yet. din I pro- Las .ieu- A TRUCE AT CHARLOTTE. The Whiskey License Cases go Over to; Next February. Mecklenburg's county: commis-1 sioners met Monday. Neither the lawyers nor the commissioners felt like going into the liquor license tight agamj h) it was j mutually agreed that the vhole matter be postponed to the next regular meet ing of the Jboard. which will be held on the first Monday in Februa ry. The .VciM says Charlotte folks now get a rest for a brief period, ! any way. ul;e town is not so dry after all. The .Vec-v states that i several parties were standing in 1891 ! Past A LEAN PURSE - ' :1: " - : i - May Be Toilrs. But a "lean purse will tale on "a hiew loaso ot life- vlie routes into onfact-Willi the jliavli'AilVS we oiler both in Value and Price. .. r Uon" I ipIfMl into me nacv i.uu i" l-it'iaiii uuiihji -i'i-ii'in turn niu- t.. ....t nn v with which to beat fhcen. I w',ta ia encourage tftat t t oncnjn2 Pe.sion that there H,wn the d..or, when lo! the vard 1 approached him for a trade nf1.J';i i wa8 no real need of republican sea- il.i- w.unced upon me like a uui-, oilier u-. ..r - .- and ef br.ick ! The servant were ; mo.t famous dog, and that f"ttfj around and came out with bro.-ms ter were .oaiun.cuiv, p ators coming back after-tlie week's adjournment. if Iftheplan prevails, the republi- ' . . . i. : -. I l a " - ar.d club:. ,rving. ;.-k him! Pick would n?er consent to ii " ans will resign in a Wlv the mo . - ... 11 ... ..If l Tin ti!ii liw i HOW tills iirt. iJ'? L-t rf I u.ir nnrtil.t-i- la lm 1.1111. li:il. 1 Ili.Hif UH n iv - r , I uitiii. wv v '"" .n.-..--. seated. -7 1ft i tun .v o. ok'Jl Books! m II c at '. ! x - -i : at !! r : ' . . ! i.f j atrs, i i - . J . .rrr. W' ifV. 1 -i :i r. f. . r. ; an 1 . r! '.n. i. r .":.. .1 4... 1 ; ! ; . r j.'ii ;.'a 'r., ' ':. f S in .' iif risTie i ' (i ! u ! r in ar"? r! Ill' fr: ::c V.ith F. u ... 9 i'cx- b-HBOOKCO.r;:,-.;; i .t f : IAS' N f a : : V ' I. I ' " ' f r ; :. . : t !.p .1 5:.,vf ..-ri.-ri ' ,; r ow rT j ri ; . a.:T"r."t f , ... v. 1 .. ! J ia; fT . ti !' and ticillv the dog was choked osr. i thirty MX hours on i io , " . ....i r..ti.iht ti, at or drink : and itf-M out the famou dog-,, and put out ion another occasion a skin liadb n i t a i ii -i . is ii a n inrii w - Y, Aft un- (4 i ii ' i ii , ii iiv 13 10 . 0 it a 3.40 2.05 2.40 ft! 00 f o:oo " i;oo it Vest it ctociYn' niTT ) PT f)AK'! AT 14.00 k We have some of ill?!' 4. i i I . " .li.rO01 value in CLOAkN thatj - : : r: i c - , . . ::. .mL.. lias ev er oeen our pn urge to sliow. All newllstvles this season and wet ihave defied to CLOSK TdJEM QITT at these exeeejlin LOW -VKIt'KS, that mav'nbt have any left I carry over the seasonl ,, blasts to awaken him, hut at; Monday afternoon, and bv JVH t we were oil", without Nelson, means thH,dog, Jim was n ho however, boon overtook us. hoint and consequently not- in ftJr two hours' ride we reached race. That, night t ere ca i i t . . ...I f .... ...1 It Ue o'clock and tiine to be out. . . nn.t f r7f. which tlid not n-f.t !olf until the following Sunday AvCq lt.. w.r,- .mm runninir high sUdd Jim got the cent and ratiMM . .i. .t,. ,,1,1 ,u.t thctrike ' wh,le race. Such ttaying km t'. niillil ...... - ---- j s-ro;.nJ U.o ,irft ri.!. r calM Ult.'lfc.n I could .un.l. I s . "jj: Nan .viral d-" r.ow joined m. to-, nave uwuog .i. v-" fcq cl,:r;1sandervbodvwa,i:,a.dud dollars, "f. 'wa, to. fejjh ivclv dilute a toVhich dog had I pried to be owned indifidually d ..... ,. :..,.i..ii.j,1 tiP t ier of us wanted tf struct. ih n au wa i uivi . , - . - ----- , , , i iv ..Wi'if.V in t . r.r.d each dog In pos.osion of ! inaLr the other feel bad by jfik !,.fn a Midden silence tits- a vo3 " .!.. .. ., .!...! ut.on the nartv. Alter oiiu-r- - - - i - r i u ; n g Will ?o lar cuiuioiii!-- TJiev will refuse to: stiaid for re-j 1 i t 1 election, and will issue k matues-1 to declaring to the people of the state that they j Iiutc leen deprived of all rights inthe senate, and nsignition is all Jthat s lett them. i The democrats ridicule: them. nrl I. cs 1 GEN. ROBERT RANSOM SUDDEN LY PASSES AWAY. thud, a smand of breaking 1 and tlie n A fortunate scramble to his feet, his overcoat pocket filled with the remains of a quart tlask and whiskey dripping .from liis clothing. "That's just what 1 was going to fr-iiiy might happen to nine men out of ten a day like this," concluded; the speaker, as the un fortunate tcoved away with a capi- j tal case efjlhe ''dry" grins. j . iv? iiayti. Hoo jhany in-till graces S-IjOO, we iiow propose tb close fhei iiriee to suit buvers ; j f. ; We have eut prices righit ami lei-t ii lislmient and goods are seliiu.itf.tastL '' .i i . i . : r liuss UK' oest oargaiu: IVomi 8- cents eat' i 'out' a ml iVave mat we j to !! K)NK HUH His Eyes Last Rested on the Line; Tlnrin the Death cf an Old Confid- 'ate Veteran of Hill's Camp) The Alliance Candidate foT Speaker New- Hkknk, N. C, Jan. 14. Gen. Robt. Ransom j died at his home in this city t h if miming of conirestien of the lungs! He was ii it n to 1 reading until 10 o clock AFTER PINKERTON'S MEN. Starts an Investigation. cash, no one can unrler sell n-von (his :H' : RAYIi our Drv Hootls e$ l.)(ii"t watt . or yoii Vi to all."-ami termfl isvsteiu. u ' NATIONAL BANK HUII.DIN( POWELL, CKKKNSHORO, N tab- will spot C. :icf, but i y ' t w r i ' t v a e x ' u n f . I 1. I .ml t l- , last nisriu. aau reuiuu ivenu- i- . I I ...... I Iho.n I ir'lti :I(MI'1III Ltl l" rwv "v A '- L I I V. I tl Ul IWV iwv . , '' iiistaiiC' i i.e.iii : " 1 0.i , ,!5.U Ti, liiiAa ,,r,n to its Methods and purposes; t had been tio?t loud a iew uio :i i . .....,.-,. ." , , , i. j a J jKcertanMhe number -ft ; : t-.;. tl... t.ntn. rnf the le?t ir.i'U" i cuum. ",vV-r the ueaui oi an ou :mum . ;. . . . t lh'SK "('. I.I l liiHiii".- "v . - I. tr.. . . . . . r. V. . mrn it 1:1 fl 1 n t ft 1 1IS. Mil 1 Ul .I-.'.- . . r ,.!i v.t. io,dirin ' in eTY train lor two ci-. i-V 1 . 1 v amp oi v.onieueiaiv in- -- - , . t he :ne for obi an. t.Ct iarin in . -v i i, 1 1 , , .-i... t... .... thiwc men are used or can be ra :: whirred torn tl.Mt Jordan's new ; c.m. at la-t ana appro.,, er.llIS,, are p.ouau u.e . 'in .. w"' I'1" . .... .... !..t. ..... .t,i...r. Imarin niV iri:f- Lr P..,l i;n. Ran-oia was v. r.. T I' I'.'l Il'ra III I IK. I f I ; r hua'.ing tic .1 ii in n frui iov ,.r.d i i;!iL isrEiosiii, ! i i. j it '. . . -1 ti r. I v ' ln'i: -u :i:- t" .it " a 4 ! a i a - a ! : it -ti A - : t i r 1 . ... I..wi . 1 h ft J:;.-r:ttic !,:!. and t-,,r ti. inii'' of Wasiun'otox, 1). C, Jap. II. Mr Wafson, if Georgia, to-day olTered a resolution instructing the Com mittee onjJudieiarv to investigate the Pinkeirton Detective Agency, i ii- ii armed terms em- the! ployed as a. militia, "and ;to report ft Fire IiaBpraaci ! TOTAL ASSETS COMl'ANJI- S IIKPIIKSKNTKI); !. - A - ; tr.ni the a i.. i ti 1 my i 1 M t'!v opp ir- a-tc the , .:n .1 i ,.ri.i w h(ii he intornifu m i,owi -crat e HTi'ii'' ui:rircui'ii'-. , ' , . . f.t. two more ,herp scrapes but n,; had just rcceircd a let T, f. x track, and then being fifteen , si.ters, informing him tha i. ix u.n. . . i , ! . l . . t i.it us Jmvwi a--w 'a mile from b-mif, tired anu r.un5r.i, ; v.vv ...... . . . wecon.-lud.d to go home. We h-d I bmely they had conclude UlV f' eiuo however, for we knew go if ho could hnd nymPK nM.". - 1-1 been Kd into the.CwuU really take the be.t tf r.Je large- I might hae hir ;l et ii w a v rco! ve t.r- -.tr:inie iioe-. ar.d we of him Sved to'l -ok around orer the prech senior ollicerof the late! Confeder ate" army in this State.:; He has been-for fifteen' years engag.d as assistant engineer or, the govern ment improvement-: of the rivers and barbers of North: Carolina. Gen. liantom was a gallant soldier, a courteous gentleman and devout eht-Utian. a zealous member of the ir..ti.r-.rh,-.r..l of St.i Andrew and : I : - i . . . i : .. .. u.. ;rclii.,lM,n h s te cgraiuiiug i "iV'r ' , : ft If Jim. ThenWxt vtrVm.lU of Chris Cljurch .:':t .l beli.vii:, we xM.uld were at the depot tv.rece , ' " i.::." , 'ek.oual to the Wild itrcav.ire. It was agreed unj , l" ' " . . . .At I.!.,, ,.nt nf t 1C lOX U1H ( I h V 11. Ill 1 WHATTHE FAMINE COSTS. whether Such' organization, either in iis charter or its operations, vio lates the Conititution of the United States. I r : . ' Tlie preamble to the (resolution recites- the allegation . that the l'inkerth Detectivs Agency em ploys an armed force of J3,0OO men. A Youthful Eridal Couple in Ohoopce. Oiiooi tt;, Ga:, Jan. 12- tuite a novel marriage took place near Ohoopce? last' Sunday,; the pride Office IrLSavif gs Baii-Ji j BICHABDSOIN b EIS 1 ! (" Successors t) W.C. j. wiiolesalp: and P ETAI DI?l: Orders from Drugls, PliyM.-ians ii lSaeessloivas:niH,u.onaf,rgi,d.1, vim Uvoi'ieriiig I'rdu.i n- d la'"k d ! ic!;tf J 1 pr.pir.-.ti, . wa a world l-aler. ori -7 - - -. . lH4,d'i 4;i vidin" the absolute necessa I lUtTlTr if ,hi.e -rand f.x- aui, lh UJlla5 lf :in addit.onat ; a T r, c; tr a.h a . be distributed amo j ,:,!. U ;W..tet p-ruon gfUt.n ,5;Ar, rc.,lIt,d in the re- , -c lj - bei . h ' j(or. A11of this .;,,,..,..: ; Uu rht tor hf- u',al f the-e treasure, to my ken-; dec,kd hat r' w , ?Tffi i l lccn expended, in addi .:-r-.n--..ud...t.-:yntt.i. , K,.a,ltie.: was the unanimous l-ndp after a ..and hat.l . j .a Ppent Ihrou 1 1 ? i t ' ... r... I' ve ! : 1 c l 1 , T, . I i 4 "I :i -t thing iti ltts was I : t 1 ; - f i i 1: !.- j J- ;:'t v . At Vi'ATLD I. ..... 1 . . M ' t '! tl re -mi". i M" Mr n u "l:iion t lit . - . ; I . .. . . tn. it; 1 1 . -. u I.--.., rl a;.d ;iT i-iic l-e-tii for a .f .r 1 ' -- ... . . 1 r .. ., .. . 1 . 1 i i . . 1 1 ! 11 1 111 11 r. ft iv lau, a eui iivj... r., . -, - .i... I'.- e . nc, ntui i e luiua oi .in ..'4.. , - - .-- . t.a-; 'T. . i;r. m .i stri ittted amonir uie money ition to irough the Committee and a er 1 v.ruiia. ......... ; ; . , t . t .i 1. . ..;,...t.. indifiduals. and .i.LK.Jv,. th. a wants of the distressed I rV. I . 1 V....i. l-iini. Ifil to I ti 1 ;a .isa n l s nan- "en - extent ial TreasUrv lias now ther Mtui 'f )5,'O0.- ! : r. . ; . . t 1 .1' ...;o 1... ,'...tp.I :.. ...n.ii. r.i.I llllil roil 1 Ca WHICH iu v-v... ,,.,:,,r. ,,.a t..,n .....v i";rT:'4?l".,. " . ',ii; , r.X5J3 t,. r.-iu r otk. Uf.rliTed. ,no,t,l.rhdabeing. .,r,, con;equenuv. ; u . tht. revu,:e and an in- . t i.nt xv.. now arranged, race entirciv. .... . w.ri , .Ai.bleH ia the i .. ! .i, f. x.iupS.t.' 1:1 the I. rf ;,.t. A? .rt. ia.t minute I 1 he doS r-n. 1. 1 -.:,t : v I ,iPtteit of 74.-t I ; ;... ...... m ,rCy .,h tained at h .me by nexpec t-; - J;. .Z,;1 uitiln.t &Or ! oo!M..o rouble, is expected. - J a Iv'MVi..;.- a n a !. roi-ine. I lie oilier- iuv,,-'- . . . 'M.Jf. . . . ..... ., r,u 4 ... ,. 1 n thr.'..kbi' red wi jumped. AMk., be l...,vcTer. King. " ; jf(x Hni, wo knew it wk1;c '1 1 t.Ti iimiinil about. l won ,ivx . ., , ' . . .. i.ii 11...... - ; Opposite P.enbow HeteJ, ORTEU )' I1STS AND SEEDS! ml (iroi-c r "liciteili 4 i i. 4 'A- . reitii?boro, Ti ie MAssuiiustrT'r of lb'-- i a tri il. In ti..' mean .i '.. ra! irii :d .-;e t'.e i'; rs f and lorn', thiin f..r . 1 ... . :r v. ;t:: aee..'-.!.t 1 now i.r.e :. ! 1. I ! d - .'ami:- J;ak , t.-. !, : : rv. and I E'lnt .1 i : a red !.. -.ad of . ' . r ... ,1 .t I w . n ixfn-rlib- culd carry u traf k : " t. 1. ..... .-.-ed of aftfr a snonstorm, miP eraiiV I-r ai. a.-....; . ' , .., ,. i . . !.. .1 i ! ,r,-nt f r anr f-x-hunting instinct .., ; ...v.n. ...... - , f- ' ,.vlPu have ,,,....,1,.,. urt 'y"tZ':n JMAo',n v .i :. i 1 I hi r h id fu'i d wn in tin : : , , . .i- Tlie estimates in the ouug.-i 01 lsi show a . decline of n,o"U,ooo I , i I i 4 v ; . V V ! I 1 ;! a ; l: U: a N. v" I :'a"i a:-.' t . ; 1 r - I i :'a.-r ! r.- 1 : v.h . 1 At: :.t 1.. I t" i .-.r.t'. : w I. .. ! v .1 mall w 1,0 c in that .-ti-'ri a'.t 1 n s -:pp"rt f t'ne-e ai.av HeosirT t' b::.r- f.-:n variot: par tie. e..:iibi:. I u uc t inl'.u- ,f the cm nine S"ver. tliev are! ma 11 and wife, '.and as tne xvitv U vi iv attentive. to her "us I :i4kir.i! liim v. hen and where he can 'o !u remarked, 'die is mv boss now." They are of good families r.d -are thought well of bv ail who kno-.v them.- They live With t ie 'atker of the bride, who will act and- advise jtheru until thev !iave more experience in life. Dr. Grisscia Net Insans. It was tated a few days ago that Dr. Eugene Grissom, formerly Su perintendent of the Insane Asylum at Raleigh, was himself the inmate of an fasvium in Colorado. -The i.- ii,- v.mh. ivastor of lifth Kt V. church, received a i letter ffom Dr. Grissom yesterday, 4 learned 'tliat tne nr. MBTBil ;i,IFBjlXSiRASCE:t I sr. 1 . Siii!iii.!.l. AlnsSi, T " i 1 I " " z ! i I) I 111 ll llii:. 1 f JANUARY is?, 1 ,sj 1 . . .i .-... it-Ki : T ; m1 , i ti t i cs. lo. 2 . t : 7 . 7 1. S-TTplu-. 7U ' POUCdES IN F()R(:E! 22,7o;. INSURING, :i.2!KN7syj. r .1.: .-...!...,:....., ,fti..- tun' i fins bi?coinH nnioHfe The contract 01 mis e.j.ni,r.fi.. ..... . ... , . . . ,1 .... iw.ti 1,. r.-wiib'ticcL ttad - :o occupation. 1 mcontestaoie, uuirau' ' : f , , ,-r ' J 11. i1. ' 111 .,, .i..t.. ,.f 'l. rt . 1. to! addre. iirilie Mank, I f VOU W 111 V.TI 1 I'll'! ;i 1 1' ; ii t . 1 . 1 1 v. . ... - ; -i . i ; II - : . . ..'.I. a..!,.. K..1 : ,v ,-: ui!l ts-kn ifU-asirre in showing form anilseiid .il U' ua' .'"'"r .-- , .i it : i J tl, '..sTIMATEIiu. a T-ATEM i'.NT showing thtx1 yalue von, , .....,L ,,'t. vv.inhi untir in a t.olicviiUec 111. lil. -till' 3 at vour age. - " i to the kennel before noon M await, their return, eager for new. I knew that l liirht and the Virginia ,!.." were doing up the pack. 1 he ,.'.l rr.l that we had 5Q:.jjru ! run before, we held a hasty efjjd and decided to go in opposn? di rectin, so as to cover the ntre r.Mmi. n rdtr that some vAitrcio Buy LlilliiiEry. i"-v. ' An nil' ( .. a ; tl:f" tO.Tie - ,rM,n tut no IlUnir c a.u. v v t . , . ,4 ;u,.r.. .. ... j .1. , ..m :u ... 1 : :- .: : r.a..y tt.ed .hat we ar4UJll lor tne dog-. Aia . n up . ,:rl.,!v -t3,v - il o1 i .....1 it A Register , ..... ; a.... "i., n(lif.,, in I)t.nvor . . L- . -umI that there is nothing whatever It is reporttd t.lat.al Hie iie.w- . , i r ii . ri 1 lie : .iuui..v". meeting ol ino uoarw v an etl'ort will be miide to pull dow n on. the whiskey prescription busi- ... 'i,o ilrn.r! wtres. As the ness .11 in". ""ri . .., .01 a t f. nt;aic ii. an ordinance rcquirini;! the j drug Tiststo keepa register ihowing the name .d every party to ; whom they sr. whisker, now muu. - r tiiat he is 110:1 enmpos! mentis. Mr..U." 11. M,n, of this cify. also received a letter ffom Dr. Grissom within the few days. " nmi.ngio.-i - the Worli of Two G iris. I was born in the 31 y name is ':. My address is day ofi A in the year. , i. -i. R. W. ROGERS, I RAJLEIG-H, XT. Q ! i, j (leneral'Agents, Sf;( W tiCi j scription called for, be wiif.t doe tin, next morning f. i.us and .... Flight show,, , 1 . n - o - . K. tor prescribed, and or - , ; . "l !..,.-..-.l .... ifi full (TV. I k tei. t,i''a I I . .. . . A ....1.1;,. in. i, . .w :-n- - .. 1 . 1 tuiv.iiii'. iii- lo.i..... . , . , iH open iv t tn !' V : ; IV .cfthefaet tl.Ht thai I should be t he l.r:i " hm tlic ta! ,e as t he "poison I V- : ;,, l! (rnk which they bad came. cm V tJv rrsoLDIER. ' . J U llil" . 1: 1 I I, ! I i- . v 1 1 - ri 'I 1 a a , : . ii - w I . ' ir, .it-..:1. r 1 . 1 .v . it ...- f '-",i:. ! w v .1 .A 1.1V i pj.tl- fr SmvJxa, Ga., Jant 12.-The Mie!Li..ic ami Nancy Keneley, nearPtthel, made andp.Min lSUl, from two cows, '.job pounds. 01; uni te r, at jan average of 25 -cnts, and :it 1 ' '. -eiu, 1 1 . - .. ... . r !... ...... mi i' aneaa 01 me 1 t "- . : ..ii . . 1 in' r n in . . . fn r a a a 1 h j; " : .!.... a l.v but thre wa-n' a .iR of Jim. It was utele? s . v-i- I . 1 '- ...wL- miles- I krc!f tiai had oai ;. . , i. .1 i . .. 1 1 1 - .w.. .in ti t caicu. ... ... - , ... en ..... . ;:: r. i. -a t- 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 iir ii.i.. . ... . . - - , lain iii'r. . . . ..t.. ,.r the reit. I'.t . i j i f .1 i 4 .1 " j. ' day. 1 I.'' :i ..l.-rn' tlie linirh":" ..v p .efct I a::-i I -n .i:!..r..:.r,f .!..--. d-gs ever After wc had lien running r... k but a fox nooi , 7- 1 ii in i : f ; i i. ... t 1 r ' " r j; -r i;ilJi.lV - I . I . 11m Ifllaf I I I II' l.l IllllJ 1 ' 1 ,... I -i!;. w;ir nil i . ..... 1 Liil.l took! one v . I ii.. " ..i.l.. V ir-' 1 rn a uo.: K 1 1 leu, 1 l,lv , . . , , ... ,,-,, if nn .m and NM'n. . . J in. and bv tIve : the, deep to.ee o a 1 . ... , ,' ' .... , '.i..tri nvrr w : en ic r1-;"- i.ot iiy i.i.t :V." ' t l,.i.l nissed'ttiat point, L; p7? 1 . . . -,..... er wc Had cen ia -i . ,.!,.! it ff,r a but him V pM'rf" yo.,r irg.nu ns f aIu A0M, ?lot thn'wiioie I---I iblv catch it. :io:j am 011 n I 1 a tuei , 700 dozen egg-, "i. i . . . . r, 1 ' I ! -i in'g to 1iI'2'..J ' 1 ao-ed "'., made last year, 11. ..r vnfi. -.raiseu a auou .- " - .t '1 A Soldier Accidently Kills a Ccn yict AEcry Mntterings. KxoxviM :, Tenn., -ian! 15. The conri.-t and state militia forces at . .1 r.'- ,.ro pe!i lielPff mcrea- ... nlmost dailv.i Whether thi . : lirlit or not means liuiii"....- on.- can teil. ; I ! ; . . U is evident to a casual obserNer Ih-t unless the guving ceases on the part of the troopi and the m.- : i,..t bl.ir.d-.hrd must follow. mm... lo'ntiil killing 01 l'' j H" nt v.uvn4" - ..red convict veterdiy by a sol- . 1 .,...l ii.mefhini ol a iiier nap ,n. v.. 1 mutinv in the convict; .-amp am. .1. 'ir'-r look at it:as an outrage on humanity and ;are discussing it in a serious manner. i It is positivelv! announced that n convicts will be returned to . Oli ver Springs. The miners will be paid Id tomorrow ami if. trouble results in the near future it will be within fifty hours. f 1 i v- a. . r. I- tmall, varied crop, ami.asi .ii,a . wlodb.-irrow .from his home to Kmvma and badf, loaded ) with supplies BO I i 1 - 1 "Procrastination. i Did yey father lick ye.r. .1 i m - mie : "Didycr put tnie jography in ycr. palit V" .' ; "Yep." . . . .. ' -Then what vercrytn lurr . . 1 1. i, J.T didn't have tune 01 aid JOB PR I G-EEliFaCpliO, JST- o ' ' - I ! ' ... Prices Low and! Satisfaction (iuarnntevMl OVLY OFFICE IN PIEDMTOiq" CAROLINA RlfNX iXf. prtl K . - - iufsfs''V.v Vi .i'M':si row Kit.- ; : .. ... I 'gg- Qr.!?r by Mt.il Irt.ive -..ir I'itsohmI Atttentioti. jyi I : ; tr, get ;t:iy pan! Ul Ibl'i- The Results are Manifest. T' . f ... . . t... -ineii . ... ,...11 .. IT l.'fl-L liUL r-..v It IS 4 Mglllll' p.. v the bars were closed there has been no mayor's, court - worth recording. Charlotte rt,wf.. i The Old Idan WouldHave His Joke! 1 : """J " ,,m".! ! Smithiiig or Wood fork Chri.-tened it -i-..cu. ..i- ; . , r ' ,,f: r., 1I.1' !iO'. .' '- - ! 1 '" .... . .......'-. r.'-xt I : i:k;A a? vlr;-::. ffi ........fc---- . 1 ..j ii'-ni air iiiiiiuiv t .. i,....,r rn.'ii umi 11 h.. u v . , . . , . . . .. 1. tfn'k: ie-- - . . . 1 ..... . ,! wnt . u . snu 111.11. 14. . 1 . . . . . ... .....ii,. sl- iiu- ivints . ' ' ' ? t . . T . .v. m.l I.e tmi.n ... ... '--... :,-,. ,,n 11 ll ana i . ' , 1 : ..-, ..ni 34' lie I rired C 0 11 V 1 C l iffiii'i"; . I" f-. ...... t I ! , 1 .... i-itertPt in !''-'" . . ,-. . ,..r " 1 u al rate 01 ppee,. u - - , .,-. 'fi(,meth nz ot a ; "t ' , . . U :;tire pa--K inio a.00 ... , yyiy ,i a.lTthii-wonderful for hpr"" .'f-- r :.'i'--';'1;;:J .;l (I J Iwa- heart-broken, but ; Vuiidrcd and thirtr-s :r-. . ti,. ; 1 . ; . . -s a rct'!uc:i. in .1 . ..i...,,,t . V,nrr .lit.;,)llf 'l'"ul1'.. , . l.iil, M..t , u: a- - . ... .r,h.iun knowing ii.-... r, ,n Tu c i!) I ie c '"'' Iu -wa rv'fi 7 ' i .I A.: - t ' U. ,re to ::.! t.p n.e p-e. t.v.ct.1. i- ,(ven j.rocnrcd from ( 1 o capu ma.took ? in i t - ' . t f t . T f .'tTIV' -. .- . 1. . - III U 111 ! l" " . t . a . I . . t 1 . . - ' " ..r,:.l a., nu." . ..... rahbll liunieis . -.' . - 1 . .! l,.,rkf-d VlC-rrs.-.i! in feno.i . .i..l 1 a 1 ..... j ,- a 'i a.. .4 .... t 1 ri iut I.revr ai ii- - , ' ........i together. g 'eiu n nium i -;- . ... :::aa4 a:aza:. dr,;'",; b"; s - .rt ,w.Uf.in. u'n" . ., . I.- '.-:-.. ! I- -',.-'''; '''.'; l.'M Ui-V.aJ uW ..Iv .pare tl.eiu. , r ,r ir. ,ncy (htol m tW . i ! .-oil "t:i. . . ,lkU a.ir'i-!- t .1 .t ? j.. 1 in. n 11 it . 1 1.;, ittr 1 H n ) I 111- t 1 . ;j r-1.i . ... -. . a c 1 r . 1 .1 ' '"" l.t,,. i t.tb-.l with When I r-eirea 7 ....li.!,. to nut 4:p; and aif v C-i' r :hwJ t. tllfl n..r. 1 or u.c . - , . j -a u. - .-.. t. . t t i ? . 1 .. 1 iiuii r --, . ..t nit'ii im 1111 ; i" 1 j 1 .-1 1 1.1 m. nti r nri u.i . , ti.T 4 r ij iuv.w - " I ' l - . . ,.l,. ..Ii 1 H f.l H . . .. ntur 1 B I VllUIIil ' . - ; . : 1 " 1 . . 1 ... I - . : - : :.e ...t.r w a r-. . , : .bowed a grcai -uio ,.onclurled that even yet 1 i i rem - - . .ted a bright future belorey.-u. ' their faudliis enjoyed the very ; ; . ' . ..J e: rvd.tail .f tU propo.ed age. "1 M.ck of b.g, ? for puppt from 1 -Thafg what', bothering me , ' ' tierce's Pleasant; ; lende . ... -.-..!. .'...,-. ..,-t..ti that 1 take my woui.i ';.":;.-,,,, nPrired King-NeIpon-..oraau m- - .IicaI1 see it - ''V'''" fnund in their , I,-iru1' " ' ' , UinvU rarth- 'ir n - t.(l!Iu?i. 1 will Mate thai a ou. l- : , CJ.,,;,.. 51'elietf "'V,-;-iiki. ; wen.s : ' ' ' " . " ". i ... . :.i. i r.-- . . ' r ..Vi" et :Jlhat nicht King.Nelson an j f. oia J i r' j j n a g blazing. ; uiedic ne,ehest me - ... , 7--- 5 r i wn a.f . ' i.m" llt:i1 1 co ' 1 .V.i.r rrmlr to receive tlie new 1 tirt n,eC-nu ',.. w, lijided " -,' J-JnrJaint.-' .rp for hilliousand iiyauache, 1 k,,d, . . '.. ...-.rd' .. -irLoiit di-Hirbtngany "t., . ... a. well as nihccnt penui ' ,j ii,K Dyspepsia -3; (,to V": tiHtion. iridigestionitr ; : : - . . k 1 'ur A ... Vi .i.rl.) that we wanted no more !a ifct worti. : ' . , .f i. ' .. .. ... ,f . ... ii , . .. i i t . ,i, i ., .. i , .. w i ii r.ui'ntfti iti inu uwn . . k . : inr utj . it t i 11 v v in 'i v - 1 - t 1 11 jiihif.r'.t'i i'i -- '!--.- . "'-AAAA,. j Pill earth. .. , N.'j;siier. A:a:aa:: 1 ,r ! -, j : ii , ! , i Mil S . ' j I mammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmme mm. jbiii m 1 mmmmmm ' ' " " if (t S ". y'- 1 111 ill 1 iii: : : I llAVE OPENED A j CARRIAGE SIIDP j j For building and repairing - - " : i All Kinds oi Vehicles. IS YOUU house 1 have scoured the services tjfsorne I f.A,i mnchanifs. ami will he !re- pared to do any kitif! o I If mvi..i can make id wfiriii by pa-pjering it with Wall Paper. PAINTING and TRIMMING, - j plaster and savxs inou (h jful ti In the very latest style, ar.d a as rea ! pa 1 the very-latent aij.v..- .1 . . .1. Unable prices as good work fan be j f, ij keeps out the e 1 J 1 1 . If stops all the crae for the papeHn one old h jin : the Reality and lin'i-rh to i"ujr i vnr to use iroou aiaici t - - . i, ,. tlA J. the work donlL-M l-'lfA- b.rge p oc ,ti n tlip lipst results. . !. Jw.. ,rw.ll in v.riee "M1"'" . I1C ' I ..iilnic 1 tinp r urniiuro 01 1 . ... ... Wolild be pleased tf bave a Ikipnice gUts at IW iu. nofil works ri-;..,t rtL-i,.l tmriur natier a ; . rti 1 1 t u m 1 1 1 uiui 1 t. ' i. i.n Davie Street. j Respectfully; Wlijitef. ji4i Adda ! the place. a.-. ' i-i-. ;. J. H. HARRIS. Ij liot2"J 5. ljon i; on hand from :lc rj;rfil, and 20C, ; f i I' . 1 j:pi's Tf;iiACifilTT, . . ' . il . . I : is. : Mieet. n i v. I ! -A : i - r4 ! ir. '2 i ;t I I: 1 I'. I i I "t i

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