. 1 H . ' ( j , t -. ; . ' '" Tii Vr; ji ! - ' 4 . . .:','' ': ' " ' v ;! IliUi- . ! 1 1 ' - : ' . . " : ;.! : . - ;- :y ! ' . - - . - - . . - - -.-ji J'-- -.1 !i - : - Li (.. : . . 1 - - ' - - ; T i (j! (i vl V r Gr I TT IT IT 12 -t- i ! i " i - . !"" i M -1 id GREENSBORO. X. C, WEDlj&DAY, JANUARY 27, 1802. f By the ratriot luIliHliltiK ompany, I TKRMl.uoirlir,lii : i I,- AdtHHif. ;. A. TURNER, 'Li. liccins and Praying. v i I ?.r... r .1. :.. 4, hi .i w hinir.g t.n T hi ;.J I mi 'hlMirllr.r Cruelty to Animals. ' Vahelield, I: H uin : r .( to r,4- i l-nitn. (i 1! bTKtKT, Hi 30th, lMtt ' FREE COINAGE Milked the Cow cni Carried the! f- r x - I ; ' i; 4i i -n.it v i I) unin'a tlm. anv vrarl i L-r u i ' 1 iILL BE TOE C01IMITTEES iii.ai: . i nave u;i swi is? Harries, the iiior ; I Mite t Slater St I'Mite l State Strn itor from Te n. f i... . .-... .. r.;..Ar 1 1, i.'f."i.n15 H RECOMMENDATION, j A ' mm. J ' a, . fa making u canvn- r.f (inference now Roinr on ariNc iAn ArraBgement Agreed Upon by t:...u.-, ,t. pr.-tt, I !,.!.- jlu c.unty af I'ranklin f-r oillce j (;ari!t n. I tuav he too late,! 'lit M Which a Bill for Free' and Ua- I.M itnh- t-hur.-h taMiit.;t Llalurc, rh qu. i.r was it ! f. impelled to write vuu fp'Uii limited Coinage Will be-! a i. t .1 mIui,,;, frr-. . (f..r O.njrn-V akn i !! Nashville ! W(,r,u in hehalf of the ArnfeaM . the Outcome. 1 A Girl's Own Rocn - -. til. I !. . 1 ' i r ' .1-. -. I -r.il r.l t i t!. : I. ,r J tin. a tl M..i-t l ; At any rate !,.- an l Humane Education Society J iiinmjtox, I). C, Jan. ! 20. i - ail-S. Leclljoltcr. t - r " " 1 1 ill 1. 1 i l tt l M n ill UUIiU "L t I iiri . ij.tiiiit . i j iia ritll i nlifil lce rIl wTJ rfi . . . , ;,r.lV'V'V ror,.r,.Cr..: j their r-r.-n , I n-la.h.n, Wi very.; M" 1rerenl al crUeltv of L ,7 1 , 1 ,"T: ' 1" . t" I MC Ptraphs of her " .y. I.1. lUu' lU I .1- not recall th, name form toward human heinir, ait C the Intle hits of brie, - - of Mr. Il.irr s worthv -.. mentor. 1 tJ.o Jnmi, ,.nimid xvh,Ji-Sih f , . . . . T .. br,c M lnc" ghc has picked up l i;,rn,r ;r,v . 1,W ,u i-,W . !t for convenience .ill call him f k" 0 v I'lS f?" . " "L. J " -hich wer3 given t . . , " . . ..lone. It win their habit in thi ..vr l o .r.i ,,f i.r.lf. "iinnlVr '" . . .. ai i nrit tuins-tnie f r on Her in i.i..v,.iti. Wlr: . . ii-i... ... v.v.. t v '-tfliorninjr, vie upon ine iiuesijon re- !,.. i,,t:i .1, ,ri,, , hwu-n rTiv.V,!-! ,..K-.,i t,iti. i,Fv:r:inV; t.. pend the ni-bt with never did. The Friends haV ,Lcft .-,., 1. ,.JU.a' Jt all these where tneVjW . !..-,.; :oiue farmer. w-4r frowned on all cruelty ; i"? -i " r , X. r V1.1 lc t their. k$t anildo nt i .... . . . . wars irm.niti un an trueii. " j tViOJ nace of silver. 1 11s 1 Ccinifin ..r. : 1 .. . ' 1 ;. t r.iVc frn.in i.rr. 1 I. -lie nr.? afteriw.on after u loii . r 1 . , 1 ; "ij iurnisinnff even 1 i .... . z ."-as reacnea narnionioi sivi and in J : : . ... - ,'rv '.-, I t.'.t t . r a!i r.o f uj . t v a r - 1 an' I il! 1 . - . . . - -. 1 . IT ' hat 1 Want to ask I- Wl-1 - ll R if,pr u nitinf from din.ile The i . I I.; i-iV ! r- i:'ki :t llttl.- t-il. j Ai-'M 1:1 urv rn ; I V 1.' I v i rk f !.i i ait ure in:n t!. !'. I f V'- v iru v : h.. d.y? ride on horM-back tluy drew r 1 fl t ... f . r. tlt.liiiinl.!o 1 au IhT nf - . v , ,Jnu " -our Prtul II,tti:,,'i V't1 n silver men realized thsit tbey Mr. .sc.tt an ;,-r d -ricultun9t of W)I?e new action on this fi-ere in the minority oriUhe com- ac-knowlvd.f imluenre in hu di- ,.rilPl,v to animals? -Vi:l n$ tjliltee all(1 the frCe ,lh,:r men, tnct anl wl.o,t. More of worldly -friend vhit .laughter Lourt-rf ai.h0Iirijcllt of their strength, were -.h,J4 wa :n.t to be cn.pared to trv to et scientific and. Iftoiat. iSi.nnsP(i tn mPi.t thetb,.riile h.-.lf that of tir,i of our iiinev kins FIRE, jltCLlSS COMPANIES i :' ',!'. T it I I i t I 0L:ki! Books! miM.iH 01 killing all the crf-auirur Vk- The Scott-: didn't eti tmploy a wIkic lives we take to f ust:Ufer hh.;t wul j ,,Vin- the mutteribefore :.. . ,- ,- ... . ..... . ' V"1 : . . !"wii? in t-ljhe Hou-e within a teasonable f X'?;: 'tt"' -'V"14 ,r -Vry n.X,OUMo Wiil Friends t tL th of timc fo that the dU.i,ion !T.-k-.; :'.r'e..V.;.:.t.-n worked in 'ke afaTorab! imprrion upn,, r,;.p!t. over and over if ned ljjj.9 to the hour of voting wasW.ni- M j.r, ty .!.-, Ht .-. ro. . t tins fan.i.v, Ivr lis heail was a that aniiuaN killel when ii'iretiuou, T,e rocetdino- -jln the , ..rr ..1 ' 1 ' . 1 iii 1 , terror or uHring are uanpToii-ommittee, indicate that itiiverv Mr. .I..IU-- wa al.. .,'utc willing to f(lli for llman being? 1 & lkelv the committee iiill report to tr Jy trouble in .rder to secure AVill not the Friend wofkje he j,OU;ie a hV for fr.e ..nil ljn Mr. ScottV good opinion, for he ; m.ty niMinst the wrongs t t-imited eoinaSe of silvir, j with a a kiwn all owr the country as, by h-.rse and mulen? I ? Vccomnu ndation that it do pa, the-b -V'of thiK particular pre- W1U thev not lift anew. lhir,; . . j kind voice ag:int the Uri.i--;AN AGRICULTURAL SHOWING. f i 1 f To. r n '. j 1 u . !UV t A: ft I -.1. I i ' c i h row t f. i- 'fr. 1 r ' . 1 . . r ? I . 1 1..- n -! . 1-. ' ..' h lii'it nd r . r kt 1 f.v .' v. . r . . i r i-.-ra . v. i 1 :! !. ' i t j ... T I ,. . i I ' . . - iV; . i ... , r - r i t A- 1 : l I. 5 BOOK CO., ' .!.-- i v. ; r ! . v , : f k ,v. " ' : " h. r -1 ! - j f -iv.' "'.. : ..i- . -i v 'i W.r 1 : be wtrcor ti.lU (If i,ird.t those dili-n-Ut 1 n i-1 Th" .' twu Candida: ili.iSIv r.'ivd. and wliile the farm-, fi-ni'.er of vegetation? ir b'i-icd Iiii..Mlf wit!; caring for Who an the h.r-e hi good n i! prepare d Fn', nd? t milk the cow-, which duty she with new '. ,-roduction of Corn, Wheat, and f'..l flas in Virginia a.nii' N.-i-th ! Carolina. ;ton, 1). 1. ., .Tail. 21. t . 1 . 1 iiivrcilul I5ut will thev n-u ctr,'t f vigor to muke r'v. I'lV'ft Wm; uJ.i..;.. performed prior t' cooking : me.-eifMl and to pet Hum a.fbtlJt The wont ! Jy pamphlet 'ju?t issued the t-veiiin meal ' ' c-tl ion in all tehmd? : !l a" i by the Agricultural Department 1 1.' . e .iu'p oioo.- in tm - t ry rep -i 1 uo , -r- . 4 J t reals ol a variety oi injui-, aim Ans a I. t.ff; fvw.V , there arc some fact ain( l:gt:; 1 s vvvD I tl a''...,t nearly everything that is pro- 'U,V ' V. ' ' ' t'4'M,hdutd by agriculturalist' in the Dfau 1i:ikm: our f..t rjjel , . . , : . " t. .1. ...! .1... :.. i T .1 . . " 1. t r r :!.! 1 ; 1 ; . i t ; . 1 t.i- f- v t ; t. '1 ,1 . 1 11 . f-r p IV 0 -:r t t-. ki. no daughter to t! itter, am it s to prai-e." and a the can late r Hid thce thing.-" over in th ir mind each d-ierm:n-d t b !;; thing that w.tM gain for l.i:n tf the la-ting g.".d will of t!ie old lady.'" . Mr. Ilarri, alway .;t;:ck to thin i and net. went o it and drove up the cov. . letting l.un t!se l-urs with iii own hand. ;.ud stanoing d nittd States. It is shown that in t - in . ! 1 1 r it it I . I.oiir w a- OlHI I'C I'lic ki ',.. :. : 1 -v-. ..!. ll.... i.-, j j irgiitta aii'i oiiw v.iumoi.i li stood as follows regardingjthe , ... It n.:,. . iich iati rt st in I n't : ... at .1 li - 1.. i ft J 11: 'i.IS 1 , 1 .1 . ii : . 5? diction of corn : ti!le we Jtel that V oil ill Vii tjj tf j Uii'iiu-i 1 1 u iu.mv iiiim . J ' ' Viriiiit pi( u Individ Jals are c tit it Icd ti; . t. 1.1.111L 1 n-u 1.1,1 1 1 m irvri-. '. tt mil v u .. ii'm.i .i.x. . .... 2." 4.: ; .V.i.!.-l-j liowev k.. It. .1 . xx- r: : i . . 1 - .- ... . . . r I I n . f ,1,1 ! tl 1 1 ' fl r ill 11 l iiiiimi i li'-i.i . v 1 . . . - - . tm T .! li I U lilllllil 11 Sinn .. .'..... ,.. ,. ,n .n her by r adv to render any further "f peace and .-00,1 will, winyb vU .er, why Virginia prodt: -ed moie i t: .1m. ni.;.- t.--:: n. hi- rvice that mi-iit Mtggt it st !f Miouw not i.e fouicEri-jp;,- crl t acreago tn an ortn :. ,-. ' V.r'. : i.H.ltii.li.d Mr-. S-.tt fetching tbe mar.hool al.nc but shot:-Wr. Carolina, and yet is givth smaller I Y -i". tt.t . ,.,... e " al-o the lower animal. rV ?g Rvalue for tin cereal, j - j , t . . . ... .1 t : hp n I ri-;i 1 1 v tiei'B en L'.nrpc. ii-, Tim m r, c in t ni v p it 111 u hi-at U . M I., !i, :l M t I..- .!!; "A It!.- .I'T.t.- tllliU I pfopoSt lO Uf It'll, ; , " ; ' 'f C' 'IT 1 ' " " " " J , ,, ' . " . . . , . . . ... tii n-ork von rail ll to a" '. yiY . -Tuf ilm twu t:iti.4 n re n's follows f i... . -... i. 1 I. re at. .1 , . Si v turn In hand- to, discovered that a V.i.!ig the v. .iter bticktt was mj it v. That - , 4 if t i. I t t i 'il !. In .V l;tVe W.iS a g.tU-t IIU. .-t-..ijri; me pin. i a i! h f ? :.- r arid ia--th-r he w as o.V like u ,"i to the spring. ,:i ni, ;;: t ;:. b;! :- I... r to taktng pain to pi- mar .Mr-'. :u r- .;iui' .z t". .:n;?..tion ( rott that frhe might - c how rt ad- i i e . .. .. i . -.t - -. t .i i. ir, .i :i' i; i - is.- -n:ii.i i- ii.id-v.i i' 1 r iutroduce.r Hand of Merl; tor I SHI Into our Sabbath ScIkkJs.J: Ifi IV. !r. : ar i d bar I - ni.il ! i! v he c-uM adapt . r . ' '. J b :rd n-s cum-Ianci . 1 wi'.! i- - It-reliant audi Mr. Harris took m the situation t-!f: t i. I will h!p him at a ulance, and nearly lost hi .. .1 i i. ... . i . ii.. t ;, youri or cm.iiri n. , nreatu w m n no m i;ic g'" '''" u !h ;:-u. l t;iA ' wife smile her acknowledgement .t .;.'.. ...... I .... .1 ..'..' .1 t r i f i . t f . i t . . , !. t i r i. . t ti. ii ins o on we ii i . n .'in i" -- i V ! t a . ;, -. !;,;.:,.: ) - :t.ue. I I... ..U..n.,-n., nt ins' ,.'! :riin i. - -':" : .., ' in-- i ii i. i n, ut"iiiii....... J N..rl 'i t -r ii.i 7.;!.. . I :'H I .i.i.i.i.ih Uinai iruously adopted by-, jikowi,e Ml juhtxplained I frene : v. X. ,1 . i ,. ... . 1. - t :.. !.: . .... . . . w a Misrrepancy in u:e aoove aijiuir.-. 1. I hat we recommend 'tUifj ya 1 - , . i, , .. , c ii s.AiiT?! The ligures on the yiebi of oat.- iMH.v, v, f..,,,..c. j i aiV 11" ii.l"nr, Vi r.'-. Hu!n'' I. V:ili f. v-irsii.i-1. h.4..i i ..":. f N.ti'i t':.r..!m:i. . j' i.'.-K. II. UK ol CUT Ton j I it l r. t al. i schols. . -; v . t. . 2. That we endeavor to-; havet h Mti.ie tan.'.: in the publttWltij with v, hi-.. we are cotihctyrd! 3 :: ih .t as citizen t llw Kefetience to the ruling price of leavor to stcure sucli ogiVatidn w ; ,.,,, lli;i,le .as follows: The . - 1 I oi',.!.--. for v ;.a- a thon-li J,,ne had tlic b.st of it. t-ntorced in Kngacdr ,,iantdtion price, vvhtelijis.the ac- clf awiijv fn-m the v.a.r.'d, . but the ' u- ar. d for :!i:r...r f.-r wa-n't the bringing of a pn! of ;r!"cwhfre to protect dum An;: j tua, rfttt, flr r.,,,tori .j, it tl,. gi. lUsU.inij ruu.t fa4.t. jt. pride, its Cn! -r llfJIl fi.n ttnttntil i,. i .. i. t ..J . fr, ii,.. wnrin-' m niurii r .T 1 l'f a void a b! j s u ti er i ng. i t ,,vpr,,r. 7.1 cents rtr pound. F! oro-i-fiit v. Mav ;.U voung .wives; 4 bill U'MllULA. - , ,v ;i ,Mri..r service Jo itivd by a : reel ion of re t?. ft vf....s prteed i r -g t he San ge was l,0 perm'aiKUtlv prosperous:, but,' ' -' . ...- tl : r? 11 , , . . . . I . - . . ' ' , , r ... J ?l from N.I to ..0, and averageti neai . JhiiiV M.fciIoi:si'i !viSj(.t.nI?i This decline! is ecluif Somebotjy once Paid, Show me a woman'sibed room and I will tell you what sbe is like." It is natural for every girl to w;mt her own lit tle nest to look as pretty as possi h!e, and I yvish 1 could encourage her in this, writes Ruth Ashmore in the January Ladies' Home Jour nal. Let her learn to have around her thy hook that are really hers, special a- here her birth- ilT be .our hed room; with too many books or pictures. Remember,' though, that it is your bed room and that you must; leave suliieient-'space to move aroind. to dress and undress, and that you must not lumber your dressing jtable. with triiles of no moment, .wlien yon want the room for your brushes and the numerous boxes and bottles that hold your toilet belonging. An overcrowded bed room ' is a horror and ah in convenience. Have one or twj big easy chairs; with a viewnot jonly of the comfort of today, but of the time when it is possible you may be a bit of an invalid and want a comfortable chair to enshrine) you. These chrjirs need not be richly up bolstered joncs, nX instead, of rat tan or wood made delightful with great bigSffft cu-hions, luxuries, by the '.ay, that when bought are rather expensive. However, the girl who j is making her room look pretty"ean bog one or two pillows not in ,use. from the household store, and covering them with ga' silk :i!u tin-! tl.reud can have tiitm to look as rich -as tiiose got ten at the- smartest upholster's. ! FOR wivsr. Gocd Advice by Kro. Blount, of the Wilson Mirror. The youiig wife should renumber that -she! has chosen l.i-r own lot in life: j-hej h.: connected it with that of ht-r husband, and if, by the de cree of an all-rt-Ise .Providence," he becomes; embarrassed, it i her du ty to aid him b,y her' kindness, not to mutter or oppress him by her ill temper.- I 'pon .the male sex thef task of i providing the means oifj subsi-tch -e is, in civilized society, exclusively in:p').-C'd : and, conse quently,! when ti;e.V become dis tiessed and have i;ot wherewithal to jirovide for tlieir partnrs tliey stiller doubly. They have not only their own privations to regret, but: yours also ; and the v. orld's frown j and the! orhi'.-- et-nsure oftimes-j iinju-t -i..M ex.-iu-ivl ly u)'n tlie nus .air. . ii:, wnecau nnte ner- 1891! Past LEAN PURSE May Be Yours Hut a Joan P!fro will I a lie on a ;!rov co in os antt 1892 Here. . i . j : i'.i.-'c oL life wIhmi it otitaob xvitli lilt ,x )wh in Value ah'd 1'ri CLOSING OFT 22 ( LOAK AT $11.00 112.00 ln.75; " 14 " j 12 " ! TO 1 " 0 " "5 i. --7 ... '. :5.40 - j 2.10 ' .i f We have someof valiM. in CLOAKS that fs.oo $.ioo ?bii !?3.00 $2.s: 2"0 it privilege. iu,w ! style we have t - l as ever oeen our t!;i sliowt A11 t his season" anil ; ifeeidedfoCLOSp THKX1' )FT aft hese exceedingly, i LOW IMiK'ES, j that wtf f juay not. have any ileft any over the season. 1 1? ! ;Wi? have tJ many in .(ill graslvs liaiin So ivn't: 11- iS4.00, we uoi' priijMisc (o c!oo tlieui owl ai'l hav )iice io suit bijvers i We have en Jishinent and g miss the best NAT prices right and ! 1'i in jmr Dry Uootls eMal oils ate se?lit!g! I'asf. Uhu't wait ur-iv( n v bargains ! j( )N K Tli ICK to al cash, no :ie can under sofl ip-. on this system. , ami ten i . - jSAMI. Fire Iii ii-.-. i " ; ii TOTAL ASSETS OH r ' - J j -j i U H la I I I II hall I I i RAYMOND! & POWELL ONAL 15ANK UUILDINC; ( il i K F. N S 1 5 O I i 6 , jX. ?J m mm DON iijraiide! COMlfANlKS RKPRIvSKNTF.D HiLLldH-'DOttAtSf it Of f icedn Ba-vtings BaxLJS! ' i I . I - I T ;reexsik)ho, n. c. to w'ic. l'oirri'.ij WHOLESALE ; Old Prices as low ptMiccessoj-.s AND RETAIL DRFI i.tilS'TS A N I ) SEE DSjl . rderj f , as lib ()ppoite ItciflMiw II' It-1', I from, I rtigi?jts, l'h i iati ami j(irn its SoLii-ited. ; hiiion.l "for good ((aalijv good-, 'J inn- unit .'reig;ti vou by orucrulg Irom u-. 4 ! I- r- T 1 1 H IViASSACIIUSHTTS 1 1 .. ( "' ' i it- ;.. : .; r til:. . v.. h i i. i , -. n .t '. lb. t - 1 1 r. r :. I5r - nd ivr;-.? t in t I- . "! e. S .1 . . .. . . l" I . .!.,.-, . g in i j i :.e ra i i:e r i.inif a.-1 hi i nu'i 'i U .t in - !--ti ,' the bars lf the cow to pass in . b.it i:i little from th t i-ture t the milking r. :.gt h "f iJfe it in ' lot : f i i - t . r.iM.r.r.u '.lone ilid i.'! dear to look M v i- I. t :t i-u'it ; II arri a walked proudly on hi t.:-. w - .MVi--t i-'p; way f the -pring. lilt Harris' f. re nee. d - 'KO !. - ; 5?' '-i l in t!:r records of 1 exportation, FLOOR OF TURi: SlgVXlg'jjwhic!! averaged in Octo'ar a value - ft ii j, f s:. ccnfr. ag.iinst lp.lf cent for I'i ti ni;oi;o. Out., I'?:J7--r11-i Octoher of ho t year a drop of 12 is or- have been long 'irl"t,g jp t per cent. T!ie State'j averages are this vicinity of a fabuioi j-af follows: Virginia, ;7, cents; T-I for th'-ir own-saki-s. and for the -m.II ui itt. r . mrght ' iui-;d wa io,t idle, and l-r ore ' .f o t, ; -' w s ,b : iittb. ihin a- J..ntwa halfway down the hill. ; "huh pure Mlv.r Mu.M.tl.oJ.- . ..... ....... i. ...!.:'! t.. tin hi ; i.nd Ib.i.r in inexhau-tibi- -ortfj m vi dv-.. I'fceni eenis pp;c. ir-?i , - ;i . p.bama, T.i! :; -Mississippi . ;thi s. eming fiction, i tj rliy !.Eoui-iana, 7.3: Tei as-7 : Arkansa;-. I .'. .m.l f .ui'-r.n'.. A.-.ir la-t v irs'er r.u " - b !! :.'', unt b icket with watt r, he a..t it l.rilti:tnt idea .b.ni- r-ached the r-pring and tl' truth. I'J. " ' - ! .:to : n - ! ... i . , ! . . . i i". r. t i . VU I V. V T:D . 11.: i i ..... Iii. Hie ii o .-ome years ago i ,1.4.1,1 Liu u.tiuii ' i ; eit. a r l I i i a i . n i t - r 1 tiii'i ins o i .m .... -j . - ... ..... . v ,i , . ..i : ... .. . .... ..f .t.'.. !.t... i.;. I .r tl.. !ui!.i. w.i heard i were arrested ior etHiic-i., n i ,1 ;x i vi i .. - i i i ,, . .ii f,.,,,;'; nf ( and on conviction weie fse-ntyOtva i--'1- 4 i , Ttin-F w..m--n w !. ;... l I... .bumming t.sc obi, laminar air oi - - .. ; !, " .;.d.- f.rthetSgo;- their min' Tbro' the Rye." lie wa, to long terms at Ki : .I' uiila:,,,, die. i.ia.M.th.rTiciiug verv comfortable at that I counter e, or, !'Vfn I : ci f..r V,. ant ..f , little ribb m. ; n-m.-nt, for he realized that his prorca o be of t he , urt ,I?r. W.i A I. i. i.. . .. , . . .... , ; ,, . it j One .f the men died in r.rioi iiwl ,,v.,.i.r . . I . n-. v :"-Z worn ni. n: akt adtt r-arv wa '.mt in it wi.enu p i;iJii OlTU'-lAr.:, . ' . .... , ; . ., ., .....l .be tiri 'e i the ther, named Merer-; I sFiipd. t . ? . ..f ..-. :vt V. I; it vc 'rame to u c:itt -l, aim Hit iri..t . i mm Vi i; ' - ,.),.. i . t . . ' - . . ., ... 1 :e e$c North Carolina, 7.1 ; :-juth Lam- j i to '1 litoi 7 1: Ceorgia. t . I ; viorma. Ih'-'i Tl ! 7.3 ; Tennessee, l.li ivhere ta Buy r-Iillincry;!;;: 1 .c ,t ', ; f i vt:- i . uiiii j ( ..fT . I o -.i i; " t' ii' i ii .1 ; i.o. ii.. W " . . . i -i .ii! tii . i! ,.. ... '. ' f . f . t .! - ::;;- r . ...r; tr A, '- - tin d i: r- !f ; hi- w.i a woman r mi:i. Ibit In complacency wa- tics j t !' u riTi-i t .p. Oil :nd apeil convict wr.:v frcy a thf Canadian border in Uif t;irii- !CV wa- lb s j " eau iui.iii i.oiv.t ... tj... t' - ' .vc'th-ow. for r ' -t, but beUre UU deathyC R Jis eontemati.-n -phvMcian, Dr. Young, tlu-JjS.ify.n The Parting p. in. honor o" wotn a-nhood, we admonish them no-; to let adversity, . induce; tliem toitk p.. rt fn.m that allj'.ction-' ate colijuct, ia v. mi ;I r eleed, which' they ov.'i- to thejr husbatids. and to; i-iiiidiieti tfiei:'.?elvt s in such a man-: ner as to di-prov lllil II 1851. lIFt; IKMIMJ Spiinu iich!, Mass., nil il JAXLARV i fc-f Assetts,$ll,2.)l0:o.ai. LiabiiiTie.s -f-lo. FOLK lb c S IN I'oRi .: 22,70'-. i INSFI; Pile contract of I iii- com iatiy aft. tl..- tiu'h of t he ! lncontestaiiic, iinrest ri.-.ieu .at old proicrb, '-When poverty comes in at the do r, love Hies out at the window; A SEF.I0US CIXAF.GE. Two wiite Beys Arrested For At'4 and Ce... t njntin-to Wrrcka Trainr j had btenj "spending j R.i.i:ju;i!, N. .. .January il f with ;sieet ' Lilian U arraijts were issued mis anei , ! noon for two white youths aliout sa'd, I - ixtt etijyeai s old, lio live, near Apex. ;this co;iniy. - Phey charged -with tiie grave : : : j" , . !f .... r- b:.- " t I ; - i. ; - i ?, t - - " : . ' "It..::, n. : 'I' -! ' -i i - . ' - 7 j .. I j - S ' I it . ' '. I '" .i ' -j ' ' : ' ) . : ". i : lli- v a " H , !..,.,. :.. t ' ' I . t'-t .r -r; i i I i .,-.. . i I I - .. ' .. .. ! - , . - - .- t .;.',) t , -- I ' . : . i - . ..... Ji-- . - f; r. t4 i L if: . i - - ; -.: . i- v. -7-- j 1 ;n -r : r , . . - t C ' i . . ! -' -. -.--. .0 g. - U e a" u i -. j 1 t.n' nir bound whe ::. arriving at j .1 ..:i.. Il...ri t o- -TW I lit' II 1 1 .1 1 . . - r -f the cave. A year later, while onjfi ito It was ."i o'cloc! Montgomery the afternoon with s-Veet Luray. 'Mlood -bwdariing f.mdlv. a thev stood in; eneil vestihle. ; 4 : -"fb.o.bby. C orge:" she murmur ml rstlinV I i -r I ' ad v. the time honored place, "dood-by." If you will write 'our n:,..ip- it to the add.! VI I M ATK lo.'l' form ami send you, not n.rrL in Cash ami p at your uge.. I .was horn in t lie ty.name is Myaililrci- .-i : i res ii;)-::i-c. 1 1 ; d a i o l' I'll 1 1 1 .-Iw-lo vi-; we wis SPATrKMLN .'Ti-. ss flNO, :0:t.2:tO;7 iie-JU!H-s noub de or o--;; liat nil ubba--, ill La lid I take p!e;: .-lire il islif.ft-big ' T rlmvylfig I hv'e.Varl-' A aNie - up.insur-a'irlce- whidi- would appe.ar 'in a jpolirtyj -iilM-tL .J (I.-IV in I he vi ftrt lie the dark- oli ence ire of , r? . i . ; i . n i .o- o 1 1 -. of- - , - . - . , . . . .... ; ra.u i . l i. ; . I...-..1 1 i f ' Ji in u:i r iii'ru, or. i if:i' ; -in . - io.hi , . . . ,: ,:ttf n.::i.-.v mUrting on a l, :ii the facts in the fcii v?:,d Ine,cr partimrbare. there, tun Mopy any . ;i,. tl:- !e.;.-b,r,-.l . i h, cv. ...I,.. ,;(. jn tun, ,ia:iUl, tim :orj-on is t he- image of d-a ! h ' whper- they v.?IV -cen .... i ll l; '-".;.:;..-: a-.v.tv f.r i. tar ilb". p t . i. i..rf.it . ' ( i Hi ! ed I'.-idir" 1 er "'cbe hlld ki?-.'ng j cutting ia v.'!:lc , ,. air:v ..jF u:, ., , I,.vi.n,j..,fJ . ,... uf :r. i. ' .M r. Ha: r: carried the .t p.- . . , .. k f i ! . .. ....;"' i and some fence i .: .. i... t 1 ,,,n-- ol arm 111 g laim i.t ar y l.? 1 't I " i.e er i.ko .. ...... ; . no in !. r ci'i"'! . 'i.'.ct ..n !"ction day. t. I.oiti- . r , . . .. fL:l ': ...r l ..,i. t- ....riit.i " M.' s:ii. . i .v hitfli teirrowl. ( i u m . i iikii !i rinirrvci itti :ajcii. "i . ttfini:.. attempting t-. wreck a a'n on ttie Kalcig'l and A p. gust a divisi'.n of the m-aboard Air-Lin day before ytsterd'-iy aftern"o'.. A-heavy w.is biiiirg. J "'' ooys. ti ni r-ie saw th'm, but to go into a deep ii I In-: e is a ou rve, out of a railway tie -rails an oestruciioii m issei't ea using it .- - i . t;.'-V :' .-mi':!, b .ft'. ni I the I . i. and mining operati.uiilt.eT,,, I clinging., him uUi rev y. XA - , The Monday f'dlo.vin..ki-H -Who know, my owf, -, hl may t n:.n 'j. ; ' lJ H. Fncof miner ran nVain.t the WiiJ ? fj..ft j,.,PP.n between, this hour and sehe- 1 d , ' : . - . in the sid.-of a rock hisl nu.g wlKii-we mett agiii j - ; 1 b ' - aVLY OFFH'? hi, war through the M ivhe - "Mixpah," he breathed, and 'r : g 1 iv r' ..V - i w V A ' mintr:tumb:tdintoa,,uH;.- threw her ain,ahout .m I- - , .. ; : ; ' t tim-j - &J I t S B. W. ROGERS, ' -I' - I ! I otieral A'gJ f . - -b :!:" 'K "'Sr - - BOOK andiJOB PRINTlSBS t svO-XvO, 1ST. ( 'j1"' ! ll.'Cr.SASES DONATION ' tpjv:ty college. a: tio- ntit TO I . . r be itt. p; ,r,.I t i.row - out i i r : : ;- -row ". g.a-ine.. s n-il oting w :,:rThe :n . Largest Acuui Given to Eiu catloa a Soatterncr ::ince . the War. 5 . it. . .i vm .I.in. 21. At a meeting J ? 1 ' ? ' ' Ii(VW : t i 1 4 ! Sili ltlH't luh T(illUl!lllVl, s.-ige, an.l fidlowitig it it sK't il is- j t.i v ly. IN PIKDmIiN'T' N It T II 'A Kx II N AK I N I X ' I it $Jt I I- rRr..si-;f ii-Y,! w:,iTi; w t-:u. i.lj ir-Ic-r by Mail! IJeceivc four Personai At Men-jr'. -ii tar.ee. eoi cave. . ... ... crued int a 'tr.C.'Xiii'il "lei, darling, oe t- it.. - I IxF ?...! i pi'ke 1 1 emu- i hers. i ', loll-! V -If i-.'r n t hat wol l as He retraced hi foofMffU. nnd II t! our shield and annoi. 'I -tV: -' .-, r . ! . M.-.k ' v. ; ' - . !..! j . i rt-".-- i , j -. a ii t- ! ' t ' . , t: i ((1 p Fi.i g i p . d t t" . i , i . b . . . . . ? . , : ' i . ..,,.: in ri i- ! -..ii .. !' .i ... ....... -- , ; 1 i caili"" t he chb-t t if li V i I i :iNIS i "AMI vou win eo.u-- ... . ,:! r,- i-,r :! f.-r ., v., ' ;.f . v-'- ! '.;" ! ,'f j !.' f llj-rj- ir- ... ,vr !U.l- Ij.tin? . . . . . ..!,.;-. , .s t ). in I. . t ni .f I rutte ot iriHl.y -, . . . , ,. -i ifi..r . . - . .i... ........ 1. until id am on'.. , , l.,li. il'.atloll in?llIUltl. UF V S. it' or. Ufmf . ;-, - I " - - - ' rject:..g,. t..b,V.ir. V tttheraiebcuy . , ave brave Georg, y-r; i.ive aiway. .-. .yo-:ng -.man' i .Her sto m-rea-e 1 r g. I f tM- tj- al, : J , vc,n?- . . t f. -v.,r i4iu-;:.gth--u:.bea,.,;tivt. thou-aiid dollars to tl.t c, u e The sides .V.rino.l -Ul.. darling,-, he aid.. ong f. it, b.,,..:v. It -. which h- hu- paid to one hund.ed r. m. r. 1 1 . , j, () jn l!;0Taith of iioml, -I do tru-t u in t hrUt that her true ; th-..md c a-h and propt rty uihied M ; t fc 4on you. How couhi I loMc you so if I ,. Vi cm,., and is made at twenty thousand do U s pr - r a . htecan did not and .he ki,l htm lond- ..nd calm. :,t.d her life mcir- i vid J the Met.iodt c hur h f f ... s-:n.:.in,. bur-ting at 1 it into . North t nrt lina ra.e an auo, - - -Aj iti.4 " .of I ' "Then I shall comi-again, .Lilian, i i . i i (. "y n nil Al-lo:i, ag;d dred ahd live years, ha pift-l.K, I Iota' for the is thi' third death of -. one Ii U tl - .bed. at tlie Ag.d. -It ritenariaa i ...n, ii..- atnro I Iv eonii iCtetl. ........... . - . i i r t .. : .. .... tii iirv umiih - ol t- in .- I . . - -t i: ...v... ...... f Midi r.-iM, n. - win thete-iuip t!. mnm oui.eun- .o m iti ti ii a. n fno i:.- .ri'" tio- old i ; t n.c -' K v a His generous otlt-r i iv.. accented with hearty expre- fion of gratitude and fullilment of j the condition pledged. Ihi I F. .t;..Fi rrt.M-i the 1 trire-hearteil !4v4--------t-t Ui of S:.rvtion-A Whole Twwn gentle-man ( in all one hundred ahd V.'xM.zZ Ijt D:sta. twenty thu.6 iiid liollars) if the ... . ' . . . . . I .' . .. I, ., . i n i f I'll I! C.'l - I i ; n .1 .i 2 i . i In' " ; i urge i maoe n mv .. - - rail il'JasiAN FAMINE. Th F' three humlrtal'feet was; foi;..j;? nn olher platform ieadingrbi Uec ond chamber. The nf'b:Vfythis v.f.6 Hliont twenty fee? ijiih r,-a-nd ... , '. ! V f - rrt cT ir. d . . , I . . . ...1..... . . . .. n .III.I. TIP Ll 11 .11 . ' , ... ' - - 1 III'. - ' - ...... Pi. ' Oiaic i:;I.abi:.iat f j war. ...... '. -.r.. !i .tin hv hun-i 't,, ..tingth.ir families ! For Tasses to Newspaper Publishers j n- t. i - it'i. TLc unburied car- -( - . f i r- and cattle lie in j rr i ;. :;.!. t.-getl.t r ith hu-, . .1,. - .'m. 1. Ii-il witli stalactites. Twenty pounds off trtlii.und coniained -f 1 1 . worthy !: jiver. Armed men are guardinX-.Uiuvet Gold in tae Treat yv .i i . -.1 When: my own 'P.ut when. George.' she asked anxiously, j i "At S thi eyeningi darling." j "Oh, George,"! h ailed, "will I it tm lnn-r'as kbit I So long, so; long?" ; He'took her in hi tenderly! j "Darling." Ik- whi- i T . "OH" i strong arms. icrtd. "make! 1 ! in ( h i;' ham county in ;i ;r. ; ! ; I - t id- .!u!i, ..le"j.'re--i!igheai-i.ichf, j 'l-ha' e "Ti't u ( :i r .-li ; I s backing and tbb- spitting. A v- t'ni ' iiacking cugh. 1 . ioi my sen-? f sn.e'iing, j An.! t:i-tt gu rig. ..'". ! I kii'i'A catarrh's what -ails n:r - ; , 1 1 ; 1 1 nn hat shitll I ho ? J Iv hacking an 1 'y liawk-ng beeps up a -t y- iin : ' ) I'm ii ..ui'iteJ 1'V. the fear h;.t : i.h.asuini'th'ii Tn tr --t, in. . ( t I fe i u-remely wretched : j- N.O Whll'ler I'ui hi ni-, 'kiw uiv health's failing, v ; liar what can I dt 'f 1 Dorl;-Fll tell you what to do, - fr.n.1. if vou'il lend me your ill 4 .- . I ear I'linmt ) j WA-HiMiToN. Januah ; 41-'-,'1'!iei And it c mis tr. 'pas ash Ars ! net "old in the Treasiiy Ftday, j ken -Detroit " 're. ' including bullion, is H-.So, i j ; - . - j l.eins a !-- of over;;vi,lV.fOU! St...ator Hawjey propose s $ ince tli" lUtn ln-iani .ni; 1":,!(ii!o for Long Islamt si ta-.ei.se ('. iov. ii to the drv'-r i-t..re an.d buy Dr, Sage s ta-. tarrh iRtmedy, and take it accorel-tot-iliiection given, and you: 11 soo-i tind that thi"miirabie heakb j , shall er, I, ivr , ; tin- oft st; ttie.ioo tliro'iffh 0IIII I !(!! : . i t ' - j . ; i ii.b; opknkji 'O ; l CARHIA!;K:SH!;t 'For biulding and r-r.airini ,4 All Kiiids oi Vehicles. 1 have seemfe.i U.k ervu- s ' of -oriw good hiecl " pare Smitliin T YOUli I COLD -f I f so. vou can maki papering it- v it !i Jii!f..anl '.vili re nr.- to do any K ; nd . Wall Paper! ' ! 1 !': f ni or d)0(lroi-k. PAINTEb'G and TRIMMINO, In the verv latest style and.-t.- r. sonable prices as good work-. cm, one anywhere. It- stops all t!: piaster and.' n'! Iav lor the :'iitr in oil It keep out the i -cr ei.Oi i ? :o.! a thli r . - v - i ,..(-., I .T-. - ii.. ' -. , ,,. . .11 Sell I ...Vii':..... , ,. ,i ..- r4,r:o-.-d an ! of over $10.00",000 emcf 1st; . j ? i ........... I , . . i i - ., r I I r . . ,t i o iii. t . t i -I--I I ii- , . i ' ' :, ri. '.i..-. x o- '"v ! v...... , com- instant. R'niloVsCataniiRerastiy a mar-, in ., - r. or',-p:,. A. i . ... at ,;.. a n.o.-..'r In-m ' .' " ... .... 1 n J.i- from v.U(J at ...a.o,. ....r.. for cafnrrh, dn.htlor, J - " - f--- : .o, .,.,t I ..rT.vany. u,t.rc."ic; ai:owinJai ran and Utada-he. . . . , r " ; : ,r.-.!if,.. i.MrtiMinent nl lor . days ol .January wt : T ... - ; f , :,.r(-; -n.,a-,-f ..! I real - . be pri-e .-. I 11 V f- 5"' : r 4l,- " ,r" ... . 77, ... .,s v,ii.. !. their' being CS1,51.T Ie trn.n ;i re-1 nf 0O11);.i:iit,s ..i-iooit ,x f "NT -T vi.tU.nlthi: a!! -i.-t.ng -.7- 7(,7and actual ei:i J ceipts ciuring the Cysf I tra chars, ioev ) -hi hy Ku i. di'?gryea;ie 10 -.-;,.i..- , ' , i 1I kind. vourVe'lf,. will i-omt: to a 11 cn-l, ana jfri.u from ! T 1 I" .. I f , r ...... it time V"U will ieei ;i yVj .My- Mi'ip a. i : , ...ov' 'i m think ot Htal "n i:Oi nl! : 7 1 tor lit'tv c -nts. which; is'i i.a-so . . u ' :l e S v a 1 m o ;;..-r cure for this St eavor to use good ninti-rj:;; ;and have the 'Jork -iero: i'ol'tain the he.-i " resa it.-.. retinish tine i nsmture ot .- Would l;e pl-a-.(-! to.havf- ;j any v. ho noeil Wfr'. is in the i II agar;-. iiirii:'- :. reef. : . Respect ful". v. beauty .rfr.d -lini-h to. v r - f - Weiha'e a large Mock on j iijli nf- ' o JflN Joe I. ;' j 1 I a to m rj(i of new. good rge fIimk on i.aiu .1 I -iLt' i ' T -in ..-prices f rf iii d ... ' ! 1 7 t.-- ', up -riice gilts at dC' .per 'oi,ja",d embosrsed narlor iiaoer-i at 2(1 1- . . 4 j 5 . T JU tut iiiln-r th " i lb I'-H "(i ' 1 terrible disease. i J. H. HARRIS., mar 26 p!ace.i EPFS. .V HACKjvfjT; - ill s. EiiiuSti; 1 add i -'!-. .1 .' HIS. J, '.: m: ' 7' ' hand et. i'U r J ij I. III -L I Ir in 1 1 i- r ? - , 1 1 r i ibva;u. The wb.oe vi:...gc ;. ok tucj period of last vcar. v-?v- ardson l arurp . f 1't Jhirktt "t..bmtii!'ori. Ufi acratuc!.t tinjether." iioj.t. "! "' !- :i ?2 I 1 -" 'r.-i -ir . 1 - i : 1 ', r v :-; -: 1 ' : ; - . j. ;hvi : - ; , - - t- . i m f - 4

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