t s H ' TP ; s , . ; - I -A IT . . i. i-i . UJTUHNBR, It-' ; , , ,:rxsT, ; 1 t i. - i.v it i: c;i:iJcdl)eUerf iUCIIARDSON, 1 : 1 - L iu cqmpamies , - it - ; T ' . . " . l;i: 1 j ..coksl Books! : . BOOK CO., t I :t V.'iil; Conquer! vi -r 1 .. it N1 !:. n. V:r.siDBuy I.Iillinery. . ' 'I ! . , i. ;v 1 i i: - I'" i j v-i.;il.ti(s . : . I . . . ' . I - k''l ? f 4 -i 4-H r. -r .. GKEENSBOKO. N. WEDEY, FEBRUARY 1 J. 1892. f By the Patriot Pblflilng 'nipny, ( TER 0 Pf; 1 enr. In AaTe. A Sea-Si:ls Flirtation. 111 II Ml Wl !iV It ( K. 1 Tko Road Q Atioa-'Taraer" Telia . A TP.AHrS KEION OF TERROR- jf Jjiie Waterloo ball. THE NORTIl STATE. H ,h mw in her rye- of hlty, H ith 'Crrro?itiC hand, be idwly j u am 1 if 1 ... ,1.:tS .rtii g' f 1 -, v: " i" K u i! frrti-hli .nak-i. Mu.t jn Uh il. ir ii. iii;htt i.f j ore An I t , ! r ! in rau.ry ra-k t. T!i r ? i.Mirv.ji srl like .la k : H t." I in hi glaii -. Mt .f!.'il n-r VJ'U- W illl stttvd waA, II :! I . I ii -! l" :! t.- r !itaal fsn- V. I u i. h ... r id "d dvtiic I, . I'ux J." Il j ! f iKv ser-. h . i ,;,-f i r. .1 K , 1 1 1 a itM'itf . AM ! r- ! at r r- R Vniiaceiices of the Famous Dance ; The Wilkesboro .Yfws announces ?UTnt Before tie Eattlel the finding of a. rich gold and; sil ver mine about two roil'1? lrom twn la T T V A F T of the- 1'atu.oT I warpladto.ee l,e IV''. k" f i hote on St.? iviFare living in a fine hotel on j Mr. Will. Ilui.tt-r, of GoUUboro, tour c-ditoritt relatife to the ifj" 6lt and Kep. d can- t- Sue de la Hlanchisere, which j is again to-have the Island Keach J. i,i f I, inolin.l for i v- an exchana ffo.oh its own grounds and had nottj at tjie Hammocks near !,rra.U. H.are felt inchned for tl( ly ar ,un,1, .a, - - iJt and flower garden r'xtend- Wrightsville, thi, year. P5'- P'M;,0n 7 ?;i e,Tri r- ThCl Mr. Gc,r,el. iv;i, editor of the n.v feeling on ihU.non through ;;u u i -f-" ;h j twi moved in all the society o M N Mis. Mary V iVn:jicK anil enitriaiucu . h1" t 1 : , , 1 . ri.ii A tl . kiiI, nrp: I nt tli.Tf are -0 " , . ... n..,.l,,n ' id ,1,-vt I M li U n,..ut,t..'u:;..,,r.1,P,e.- 11j!tVKj3 4 recall Ih.-.n ! . . . . .nt in !H?- iu:tl -M"'"" " Hut inpeT(iu!willomi- mu . i'M, fr r. 15ut the I )i:ke of elb arUctilut s. mi. ... 'fV .A ,(,I1i f.larm. requested tt. tl.iijb! of ... j t J.i.t i.. I till ! i ! ii .l l .r- I ' 'i-vau .: K . . 1 !.r if a yawn . ; . n 1. i.-l r- i i :..-iH'.rni2 -3pvr. II 1; ! r I a Utiui I tirl. 7 .1 1 ii.nn ;r. ! a ! -St a iisoiii2 : Lik tin I a jA- Ttli: 11011 AICil OF A LIFE. Dy;c z ia a Hovel at Sloix City. Io. ;. I t.'m. L.. ! -- A WW - . .1 ,ivi tb.it .'vcr:r P 1. . l' r. r. Ivani i i re .-v 1 f.nt.d ' J v i'i . t III : :i -taHcl 5!l it la ig against tb' pric to even d; ohm th tubjert hTebro'icn the ici. I will to Ion- r beitat t' roBi.t th? front ; ,,Vll.v answered the tUi niih mv view 4 upon thU imor- ;.,,r x,iV buaibty, but 1 1 1 ..!.,-. .ttr All Will Hll Uv'JH v. lain ii - - oaf will ever s dre th iueti.n ,A LEAN PURSE 1891 FaSt 1 - May Be Yotirs. oi ;l! new !;tsr 1892 Here. iltiikc . . . IV " i I i "'li-.H, l III t v. t 1 I uo uu .. . i,il , !,t take! I. uce . in v im - r- u.t .'. "- i i ! ft'iifi I hti t 1 IS. . . 1 I r : with contH , v-ittbele, .many r.uSi.5;. "I lhtwerc frightene i away lnuii What are and !Kjib!t the iaot available . ... I su tue.n. iy which thU greatly neded improvement on our public highway can beat h aiTeetel. I do not hesi ,t m rmlorKe vur statement re lative t tlie work that hna ben ,1 ne upon thec roadi by taxation, and helit-TR you toU the truth in it mildest" r. wh;nyou eaid tlit it tli 1 not amount to a hill f b,'in-. when the rainy season eU in I will go Hill farther and luivi- n con-?ientiu scruplet in ; r i.-.t it hamad.- bad worse. v '"ril' ' i- " , 1 upnoe,"of ' l?rHels, and post horses were kept 1..l.riintikr0. or firing t l!ilt- 8 l"-t , ... . furnnce or somethingof the sortrf . l.nlf niierT wa lUC furi am. - . -Your sarcann uncalled for, rked the visitor wmi. ir, re in a i tM the scene of the jeonllict MoUjd "make it advisable for his t:AiUren to be sent to Antwerp. H'ljj'e majority of the people of irifeU were violent lionapartists j..trtvere prepared to entertain Na Min in .great stvle should he ih ltritish army to retreat W'l'V - ..t i,n..et n niv searcu, mi, . I am hauntr.1 by a .tranje fear that follow- me everywhere. 1 g, .'.r" .mil the vi-uur -7-1 . . . . . i .l.iV.r-., y , J.ll f t IE r CUV HI UlUIll ). , hi.li.ul.ler furtively aim. 1 . " .c .h,t tb Duke'of Wet- 'liot em lizaiii, I"- I . ! r gestfd the man, smile. 'No; I haven fwr laanr a Un there af a eotmclou voire. . 1 ..,...- af ik iniicers n,nlf:i :lf ( UI1VI v' a .. S1..-V 1 I I - m II' I IllilLO .TA'1,6 IO Uiv iwn " ' ' v ' . DeSazo, of Spencer, Ya., will be oiarritM May lSth.-State Chru.iicle. Mr. Shadv l'errv, a lironiinent uerehant anl fnimi r of Coletrain, N. C. died last ! week leaving an estate of 5,(iOO to the Oxford Ornh m Asvlum.i M '. '"i,t,-.. Mi?s Alice Sm'all, one of Grpons- boro's most popular young laUies wlio has been on a vi!t to .Mrs. Sol. (.:. Weill, returned home - yes terday much the regret of 'her many friends. Wilmiixitou Star. A canvass is being made in Wil mington for subscriptions to a jiew bank. Subscriptions amounting to about 1000.00 have been eecureU The plan of the; new bank will be to encourage small subscriptions A "prominent! citizen of Davie eountv committed suicide last weeK by hanging himself in his barn with a trace enain. i x uc nun u. s the lint a; loiiu pvirso wj iI (: U m into M:i?nct. wiih tlutt A ViUUS ollor, ' T ,.x'W o'itt - I'lYlAKS AT 14 00 .WJlbayv 'f th. best r';:.0 "77 ;;; .i2.o? vv,.k iM-iAKsthat ? . t. ,., . S.7r, ' hiHevet hen oirr-privileiEi 1" - t 1 . r stulw 1 . . . 1 . : .. .1,. not unuersmn.i i.j . j in,.uitor-o; I atu con- luit the et Now t.f...id artiin that i : this -vstem i fK!lr not . 1 ..i.icLi vii f ilav had been attenueu 10. j ..... !,r,7n)a v r iiikikii niiftvnxvvBK .m v vMiiiiiiiiiijiritiii iiTv'iv fc . . 1 V 1 : k : 1 4 .a iimrrv i'lilin tS VVCieLl ..... . , 2 day, sir, a .: V - ".'"., ppri, lrt.sftutc '"'''.! h iiriini 'MV"-- V 1,-11; vtr. p:,nlin:. Cameron Shet) 1 ' . t , . . r 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1. 1 w 11 . v"-- k - I "ro was nauoi - - . .. , . - ? i ... . r t..i ..,,., H r., ,.f Win li. shenherd J :. 1 II. J .L.L-..M IP llllke Ol lvni.ui-"u' . nv, ... , beer?" quenn. i.m r- ' .. ,.i,t .i,(,l,tPr of ate Ion. 1. o I -II .....In rnAlll XA. IIIM I' II' 111 V II I I II I 11 11 IV i -i Aiar ft.' i a Tir VitLC iamh r ct i . ... : ine TV - t,;, ,r.,nPr;,ls Ciimeron. died at. i.denton on ranger neeueu ....i ; ,,ue' .T:,n. 5th.i Her I K l - . triiin I l III i iii. lit vj ivl - ' .... $4.00 oo $J 30 4 hov AH new c;oh and wej nave b ibL:otL()Si: TllhJI OlTtr at these exceedingly LOW THICKS, tJiat we may not have-any' left to carry oVt r me FeasoRf - w .i..., ,. i.,., ii. i-iv in' till iialcs Iriiil . S- f II L Hll ' ......... , , -i . ' : .r i. 4.00, I we .mv jn-oposo io -a o m -. 1 ' ' prii't an is.u 1 1 iiu.m'in K - We.havi? out .njrlii :ui V '-mi hi o ir 1: I ..... .,.K! . o vi! t.'- 1.11. I''.. I li.siiiiit'iu iinM ."""" v -y r- "j - , 1 )il lilir- Vi"lil. j - , i ' t:ii I 1 I: . ... . . 1.1 u 1 ,)r.intr room was ine oniy con , 1,1,,.. Iml I . -..in,.., -A.I.,1. . j. e 1 1 ..t r..om which . f fro, .,r.!.r I., -rrr ..... Ih ' r. ,,.-..lt of it. h. V j f g" .aer.io ux..i... u..! . mi,i-e!:i:: ;:.t:,i, ;k!..L.. i..!?,ui2l-.i..ri ;ri..yift " i "1 1 . . 1 ..a.r ii 1011 ai rui'imu " uld often avoid j .dance -over .J. -Jcfy , , . . , t . . . J a , .. ;r ., of the datK'rrs r i i. , ine ,r. t! I' .lt. r-..;, t:i t.u,n,e W( i.. - r ir., t - .... . rritiv.. . 1 trn 1 11 1 ..... . t. :i in 1- " - ' 11 1. ': i.er , - --"i - . . . ,, ., 1,1. ,i i ,e inii'x ; t-n t.n. f int V tranner- , . ,oiil.lr ! " - . u,vi . . i... n..-.r t hand was - . ..' .. , . .1' iir,.r ii:nn 1 , ." '"fc- - . 1 i. 1 in if aiwi. k:Lc. o'j " . . . . . ,v 1,.- . .r irin, .... - " V r L. Vw.or - ...rur which ... .0 .1.1. Ue , .U,p i.e worn c... .... .JJ.- ,u,v l ..f ",,"VV.Vl,Tn " rU h "S,'ue '..-.vm-her with f-l ' . .,n.l and soak into I VUIl for the money" -iicf -tsl'"- j j 1 . . - - . . , . . i- . ' . ... ,:...r 1 .i 5. t - . . : . . , mv I . nrulp 1111V. Mii"..v-. , a mmr W4T5flNJ I -It WMi I lie ! J ('"" v .... ..1 I....... nlurnvs kC'U ii f; ' . .;.t;.,.,1r.,l t . lil.vi (1 1 j - ' m 11 .1 1 n - ki . , 1 r . 1 r 111 o 1 1 iiti 1 v, - - - . 1 a use yof?,l K ?A WastlUgton x uu- , ..iu..!lt. and 1 H ..r uir -;,h ,ki t-... .. .:rt'.ti ulace . .. . ? ..... nire.: can sv tn pan'- w ":. ; nsliingioa 1. . -y the hride ami ;iio..i... me, ui f 1 ... . - . j. herd ( Mon death which came to -her-after a very short illness, wis caused' by'inila raation oj the lira in. Dr. T. G. Krwin, a prominent citizen -of Wilkesboro. X. C, died at his home in jhat town Saturday, January 2:ird. ! He was taken with la Griope which developed into l)r i:rsi'.i was 11n.uu1.Mi1... ... 1 . .... e T . : 1 1- ally behaved eitiisen 01 iuvr miss the .lc-t haiguu:: ,..i-i. 1,,. . 1,0 i-iii niidci" oll u- V..I-0, ll" -... . v. J ! I - . i:L RiVYSfOND.& POWELL, i : natioN'ai; iiAXK-nfrfii)iNi.,iaiKKsi).i:o. allied! H re t a jzre at SAM1. TOMf : - V ! e Xxisui 1 ' 'I f OTAi; ASSETS C)V OMl'ANIES j 11 Kl'W KKNTKI ) .R ' TWENTY MILLION OOLLMS. 1 r; l " r 1 tt 1 1 and UtH r.v tlv P ' , r,..l!,nnai.!v ex 1 : . . . ... 1 1 1 n iiu.t t' ir; V ? HI'" .......... - ;",.. ,;r with largelpoc: mud when troden t It. .: fi'flit r i t ... . r. ,1 Telliclc. In I'l'l. U'. I - t ...... " .,!ico I believe that wuere un over by the next . 1 i t. r. , 1 1 ... 1. ; -mi:ntv. and. His ueaui i loi to Wilkesboro. Uobt Graves, alia William Dil lard, who murdered a man in Ashc yille. N. C, in 11, ntul who was arrested aiiT -ent to the peniten tiary for ten years, 'but afterward 1..1 as arrtsted at Minefield, Ya., Saturday, by Detective C. ( . Gale. Graves will be taken to Ilaleigh to. serye out his term. ( 'oil'-ni-il N(f(Sv"'. nt fair f public c-Donald x 1 urnisiieu 1 Thos. Office ixf Sain (;HKKXsnon)jN.-c. FABISS, 1 I i 'I- L I ' V : i (Succtw ic ,f ; 'Mr'"'! i. L ....... iVi.'-rti 'iiiM;i:Gf.sT!" AN ll'lli IT I.' W I I, rvxii 1 t 1 J A T. A 1 I llULjnAlili i...uw,f,o, Ilriiir..rUt-i. Th 1 " 1 I S JtiiJ t hounds tue, nn fyt't cracker like work. 1- ioe -Vt halt find it. ft : ?J O was iliiiis'in mar; rfiii p,e. .... ...1 ..it !'..., '.tv l;ilIS CVITI imioc ."!p'" Wil I ., - , . ' 1 : . IV. ClI - I I :D lill-'l TIIIll III 1 .. 1 . - I ' - " ... n. I. !.;,,it a wedding. 1 ne 1 uf Cna-.. 3lc- 1 ."f if. .1 . 1 .1 .. .. ! -ece! veil - ne! e r 1 m.n 11 ...-.!.." r.f Mi m a; ii 1 nui-o.. , . ' l.Vl' .,.l..1V M orris. 01 aiiri n" IThe deceased was m ,ti nf. when ne lricesn.w a lUei'.mon.l o 1,1- vovi by i.i ili rin.i: I rc.iii iH Of,jM;.ite r.i-iihow Iltttb ; r. ) SKKPSMKN. li.nt-.l. I f'rrt-di' Save lllr-lxi , I fr.i 1: 1 am -o : 1 . r-.d bv vurfiin-.-r.a t..rpa-1-j h been tried, - then- ThU f,..ir ' ',a ! . -1 . - '; . . I. - b n "ri . ! ,,nount ofmoneyin)V ,e..V--!. for V - - -iVur. ..i... 1. no. :-,,,-.lt,B,:, lay S ". 'l 1. :tr- the d.vp'y grav.n -ign 1 , . accomp:.-!. u.c no ... r TJ((. 5,r .ate went vUm ' g;,plc attei.ded funer.iisj h.-i e i. , (.onip!c., wit! - - 1 ... 1 ..,1. 1 -en . . 1 in t ? .ctnn ui.uri 1 . . . .. .1... iititsHlc. ainp i, it- . i. 1 h.. i-ostom in ! .w...... . , :,lM 1 he I n ai tin: s;.- tif. in the wrong reason a:... t.- .. tarlcl arou - i . I'lfl' r "ll ' . i;..,1 Vws wr,s . e L.TtTJ . .... 1 ,.r to 1 ;e 11- - friwr.ii ot li.u ...v-. , iu , ;V;ry if ..... -;; thUrectio:, and man .lie- ; w,.v; and wneu - . ia-' ' 7, " be ouduMo go to! of the suddi l 1 ,it .r- is .-if- " . ; t, ,i IK,t Ui. e thfgate swimis v ,tc' x.. -I .. . M r S!i ade M " ,,!..:.: Cr.iVm 1 ,rnt of siipervi-' -IRd there was a loKer.mei-v funoral. He Uoesn c...V; 'V,. ' - ' ' V. . ui.,. the . . r.,a. is. for con lMM .r ..... .I....,, tl revtV1:. , be scn.H his empty thi- county. I t I s .1.1 ua v . - . 1 iv nu.i . . . v r 1 - , , . ,.r .,..(.! iK 1.1:; 1-ill ' . .-', .T -.:.-l t.-I I- ' " xtxia, ,1,- Ii-.vy a.l ."" f"- .i.i.-k; """" .r.-ljri-- ' , . j.L,. ri.nl !".lr..lI'.l .:-.:i- Mr. M..rrl. I-'--v.!.' iVr.r. .... .: -:"-,7 rAI 13 wniIj. ?.' - T,.,e ""T'i,'''." " - t-T't": ..: iuu . ,. titi if:iri.t'. inn .... .... . i...r ..t . i:c l Jiao- Uut an tin- i . V Si vr t t.e pr.u-v - .vt,,,,,-,i(. I deseribing l"w ":' Wthe c-iui-tery. a 'lu ; " .,, , P.1VS. .. ,inole iiis-ht fr..".u4Tj!...,..,. .....ntv carriage will be mi The y ,Vi,esv .he t iti fi ' i i ii l i - - . . ....... t -I it i th are b.iS r . .--I ; -tU;.r white, a vwU-T hV r.. ....... 1 ,,othinr inHde excejn ....... nrjd-ers ami oe-w ut your ag--. - hUH'li r ..rdav nhA0 nl, of thwj mourners. L J tils of this pla-, g Uredo , j )nv k nown iioici in. ..- - . . - . . j i f i i?ii'p - . ;,l .i i .... i- -i to! t a r leu-i i w ai no., i. i,i -l r ire4 H..ri.la.a rnrmer ..( S , ,,,ej.ome griFt 1 tver . ,., mk .W.r .na.k ( t My . v - v Ta, "re. lb. ,.r.n.ri.-...r f f-H'ft'.Un f. I,v .1.. m ' f" ' w..r'..l n-?--,; . ! i M-'--- ' i iik 1. ::is Wii-t ..... ....-!?. are- .i-j "." i... ii irr tie- ' anv oiie Si. . .i... .1-. .'..ruble condi- ,.,n-H'ie ior in- i" . .-.ir ri is .... .. .j. ..or neiple IVC iit i . ' i I ... . i I-.. i . 'f r t ,. d t! k'',tinii:t . ... .. . . ....... I? 1 n b M i' ri " '- t'.f 1 r-i Hi'"' ' u n comiaoo"--. Ion- nnd rapid stride-up tioa of n agff are rnai ! -: i;..Vi,.tn,:..n: t-it w'.tnthetl,g.wtri we f , thul it js full time r..- , t-T U 1 5 h- V;:. rltle t.ubli" mind at.d public aulh- !;;. .v!" . ..V " laV Ulv I'-'' which r. ... important to A Hotel llaa' a In describing ban i d , in black ASSACHiVJSl Springiiclti lliiss. JANUARY- is' 1 i So AetitJ,?ll,2:)2.:Mb.rt- LhibilUi.'flf POLIGIKS IN FOIMJK. Jf- The-'oontract of .this comp-m;. allei' two i .... 1.1.. .......wtrli-lid a !o7-p!.U nee, lli.de or ineuiiivio., ' , , ; ; ... t- ., . ,1 ., ,.- ...:n ii.i-jo- ii 'e ' oi rl 11, ' ..i jt you win i "- . ' form: and send it to the .:id,.r. s- i ...... n-KSTIM ATE bur a Si in cash and paid up stisuranVc w .n .ir a 1 .!( and al I,.-t r bu-bali'l. s,, -f. it b'.ltertie-s t-. f I . r inheritan Sh . . ;ad..:i.- t- r.N r-ru . --.i:' ! r!.ir-e-. '.e Ll. ;in.l otl.ir have . ,,,., v l ;tv. -ind here i j. . ! i I know ot no oilier Ihroush ami common interet rlr o''i- l': ir.t re-t ll..,i!.i'!' mfsn .. !,;..'.. th;- nrtat .1 .. ..,,1 J ,. ran I'C prolan, VI W HITWlll'i" throiijli the Id r ; v . . i . .r . . . u c v.l I r wi n )' NT ho i: Miu'.'i -appear Mil I u . i '.,. .-J'.IMJTV.I 1.0.. im.ii for fell -d !e. i: i ki t i-oli . E il ., 111 111' ' " f ' !i. ii -1 1 it- iii ."hbvfjin'p' .r I 111- I'Vill l V a' l! a poli v i-siui; - ( t. I 'irt rear , i th.'i? they -ouIi:i t "V :r.i'- ...f.-,l af.d t" .1 .... l.v .ii-.-t:--i'n ..r',.1- farmer-- Allice, and uon 1 .. .... ; .... wbi. h re.iuired atten- ii .1 e.vi- i ,;.. to o iblir inter -t. i: 'I hen let t .rir:iif eacn u .ir who was inrii . """V 3, .Tins lriei.o. ... .. . ti. rM.-iie :l. ., l.i..t a n v u.i, ; 1 1 . . t -o- h um hot . H appear ' J r.ou can . l,i"". . ..,-t n-ain o tin Treasurer was a freMue.u gu.-;, g llRe of oarr : r y- ; wa:r - fr ,,om i '.,,,1 National, an i r ..t a clieriui iroi, i(,A a . 1 , ts if bundle,, bags and- j, aml i the midst a j The ,JuI,igh coriv-poudent . l .1.. ..f which were ab,d1 j'i,f.f.1Inicd. The ilr-rrnne I . ,i:ui:d Time, v rites that ,..,,.,-... . ,r(i 7S ' ... i..r, :,s l stomi ami , d v for . time, and t.y 3 1 1 It made my .hph -'-P- .j whit.,, ii;.s b , a ,:.. o.vi.t rsaii. w . : "SvTeixxtocx- W. ROGERS, (ionrr;il Agents, Nj ("!. an uj, r wo-.ii.. lli'llV 1 oil tO ..nV IO t'l . . , - ... the b ne y 'I'M -l d. : lo latl A.ivoeai.- ' - , AUK THAT'S 1 A I n li - " ' ... .- . 1 : ... !.. ii- 1- 1. I'l l.' I .-".-;: oi.ii i.'OHs oi .vr, - i-".- . I-"- . I.-' ' V - ' . ! . '..tterii Hi. M !.l ! W 1 II SJv'1'' S(f-MA "At of !'! ELL for Dining - ... ;... ..-;.' , m ,,, rnn'fr.w.! m l t .. w-tv i-.ivum ....... c i-re-a m. : . : ..1,1:11-1 Sx ' p-i v- . " . . ,1 .t is beiiv mad- ,b.v. when in 111- "i'fc !v, though, 1 Mipp" . 1I(.,.ord.-r fd un-- i"; V ' .The Eati-t 10.. 1, i - - :.:i.v---VM--1'-r:;..;;. .1- -siv i ,. .....uiiirf,:!;-"' ,U;lJ.,,,..i..i ... '..u..u ...H.ia. ., ;:r;an,, ..n,..,. Au. ei,,..i iM::- 'Vr,.v. : v'n,-, ,,; ... ... ,:,.,r..: ,;.,,,.., ,j,,,,..ilu: ,.f .1.. 1V'- V,,;,.,,,,,' i.t.i.lln.vl.-J,! 'r ! : ... .n...... f -'? '" " ; I!liMSANT--.-. , !:. .kjli ' WT -J . .. i . ii... "U lies an-1 - . ',., ht paM-. aim - ;1 - , , ,.f ,'his clt V, w as -..,.r); ; ,r r,f t he de--ml ! -4 : !- fl . - , -1 -i v -J ..' r ... ,..... .1 1 1 r r - ' - r- . . .i i: u t . . . - . ...... i . ? on a ; ; .-j s t a i io i. , - - - . ; ..... . . . - , .. o . ri i 1 . ,, - , r --. U:'rt '"h M!''' out ..v.-r SO. r.ilin of the prosperity and ad-UafW almost Ji:ilthv resident of Halt n the t Wl, c t , nrdtrs to j . , , v ; i:'":f S SS2iS ' ;V; I- I-n r l,tr . i.., oarr:y.l on t1- ;;',.jrtv w. as if m a vision, t u r iVarit us and all tlt. ; , ,,n,r 1, I Me (H , . ....;....,...., - ':r'; ! 1', d,y I fu..u,rv, l.Jor IU, !'!".! V'..-". ,!: ;' wriing divided among about hirl-V , tU lhe .-,r.,.r. w.lh M 0 -.1 .;!'" r,rt -cut S'tf ,! Jutr comr-un-. vardsof the sacK. .,.,to.madel;KblK' .' . .i r..ri;. AU " pn-prico; iiMlhin;; fnr ;. ,;;:i,,r, J' iT. .rO.e ; , . .J - . . it.: t.. f.-.i ' I"' r ...... j More than a ,..n,u-1 WhiU-jei r , -; j-ia ' . - , , ,L,:l ...nvii-i- -;r r-m Mi, rf. shat ' -..'if v ' V.. i v,:, u a.m ! . Sif.i.h.l.-. ' . , ' -. t i.n I l . i ...iirs-'-rbieora g ' to the oihee, riv.. f A J:Pl-W . . d.,.br t. - ..,,r. our eougti. : L ..j, i.. o.-'.-.- :L- J.n. i:5.M;-. Tl" il y " V , :t f..r dome-ti- wri.,i ;i,ip f , (. r;RZ hipui-nu - ike n,v wnen , .... ,J(. ,.. .,.. o. . j .h,;,h VJ ,xf.;:iis why mere n-.:V iiVu..-... ..Vite i "-s trail H ft ir.!.?'- j.. r ! . .,.-,1 IIo;' itono-, . .... l.v the throat a - yH-j i . - iri-e - ....virr'-- " ,, ... ,vt m a iu - ff-; .: w -i" ,: ' ' , ... i - i. f.'t ',-W. ,Mficd. . . , ...! tiftv ch;iched him bv net . . o..t.i - . ..aisfa'-n--: ;;ltl Mi.U-:. . ;4tlc:. ;.;;d wl.i-; .'!. H :,7 r ,mM e .i..-,i t:4i.. ( . ..I' ..n " ' : . t ! .v.i aa.uieo . . ut r6l I"-' .-11- .1 l'. 1" I-'"- . ...... r I- r.-iieV- e... -n , .i,;Iltlna .' :V,. .v v s ,.t !,:, a n-anrm M . .!(U, $ lituU. that i . , ,,A f.Wi ? of iripat a ir - ' Io A I II AN 31. i'.-1N r . v. !'., Jan. u, an-l WitskeyBablU v ?s--aaBaaBKalt,M.'''i.ir.i,iu.iv 1 y.tiaiitA.ua. oaicei.H'aWineiiansi. if- ft Silor. : I!, : ; p. r .ut for thiir :rancc.-ChrIot- ' . ? C ; .1 . ! - ! - - . - f , J. '!lr 1'- -v . . r (f