rtA Jr.., ! ; Hi ' i 1 . ! ': -' '-."'' i. i- a."-- i ; . i ! - . I. i ' . - - TT Tf Li , ,1 1 1 M GHKENSiU)RO, N. C, WEDNESDAY. MAY ;4, 18H2. f v i Kit i.i- V I B? II.' 4ril l'hllsJfi) omM.t.y1.kt,uHn E V 1 i 1 1 1 V: I """""" " ""V " ' '"' I Hllli ! I-I. A His;; at th- Dtor. r i - 4 I g. A nt'-.Ii v.li",',- It nji-.fi my -if:ti. W I. r .'! I f. r tr. f. 1 .s . -i. li Ci.wlitAVJ, .... . . I i-i :.r tl,.- t!i..r. i . . i . .1 . ' . ir; .. lit. ir.. .. t I .. . - I ! - . I ..... i ? .j ... it-.' i . rn walli Iml l!nl from th !it. it rc-vMiii, il rivorl from our K n-fi. nn.I I. Si-Ikti k rii.-tj.l i!;vJi t-. j ullUU JLlUL'i tir Ji'-lJ, xrnl tl.nt llrt cnr w.n in I r-!i-nrl t"i. w ith u. pi n a r:il n i : r rt i i: 1 1 ; on i' I ..i-if ;;:iv, n t; : A man v. i I 1 in- 1:j licad a. I , jmr I Hi j ii -.;. r li'tx ar.l plitrl in a v.filt i X'-;iv.tttl in a fnnite tI"-k, u l.icii form- Jli brtsi f tii inonutut tit. filit of liim. . j -)i:iri , ari'l I ran-ff.r h:H tin-mruf-uriy's ffun tint i ni:ii! h: -t .I.-.-i! It. '- ,t I ',. h j ways a stranger 1 lijuisclf. j rp( ) i J j ,( li n-inaint wrrt aJ.j h ;il! in ' fn ihr fr.s-. " :iy f Ai-iH. Ivh r.i.nu .;. i -.vi.- ; 'Thefe is ofteii.morc rpliion"in a.i ; j , j ; r VC-, I . !,.. -f-ti !i I i . K-: A-'.-! t :.r c !. j t u -,i , :ir! I i 'm-1 t r ! n !." 1. 1 ; ii.u. !i t.f li 1 1', !)- . i; T iii j .ir ! .'r-, I l. .' i f J 1 . ! it,.- .f !l :l.. ; U-tt kr-- I Hit ;'ir. V.. ...... 1... ; .i.i. I ...1 1 1. I I.'.. ..;iln llil il.'t'.itl.il Irii.ii.l .. n.l' 1 ')..... I . .., I . I w rl i 1 1. t ! I n ft. nr.. J ? .. of Cirit iiUoro f-r !urj;'l i'Ti-i of -tir loinilritiv. Hi.- h-;irt w.hs in i lie j Tl:? man 1 1 wit 1 nr. ks at ' cVorv- I inp'-i'T jni: . .- . . !.. .-t.....,K?. .... i k . i i '1.:... ;!. .. i 1 Iioi iitnumrc. I lie liiiiuii; fi i in- ! i, ;i;ni i douii uciue sum .-ick. iu ! " i , i n mj: mi i:inv ntvor sf-es 1 !! "raliitf is from llir Mt. Airv !ilicns u:. fi.rmal but gent-mii In its ramt ijuatrv. ' r- -ti)t., nrt Htin over li c !:iiii(frel Mr. Jauit-f I'. Vatt kiriuly i-r- ;ilnrs; l.tit for this f:encr.ity we M-iitei thf rnjij.er iMtxt-f, ltli fr (. ! i;t havt- trt-ctfil our l.cniitlfiil fltmrai S u in .n r' (nl (.'at it a in little i.mi-hiiu. i man , g "A Word pii:tit:i:ul Iii-rrct . irt ?i to :.tt.f..l our ' fr'' far. i ! -arre Assort men S l!t autitia! iiut tin. ani this wa. i-er- 'i'iio man v!ia (Iocs all his lirav. haj.s, Iii-. J:,t t,. )c v.ork. II.- : Iv.g o:: his !;n ?ts dorsn't nrav i ''ITK.COI i e to : ':irc il to ttrv to.,kll.!fr !.v hi- fr.onJh l.v .. ri n;. his lil ir:I spirit atu Take a mountain to pieces and i Jl,st rff,('l -for tiie; '!'? r':iain. tiu: .icasit: not mi:k. marking tin- M-rne of the lat r-n Tlie aihlri'--, h-liv.rtl hy the lion, i mim.1 w ir,!..iu in -oun-t'l. I'cvr of (:. ; you vill find that it is made out of I Kttup I. liattti-, I.. I.. I., on the life an-1 .-cr h-eof Iiriadier (Jeneral Jethro 1 , il . ... ... ; t .s ". ."- i !ict. as presenUrd hv the M UA irv ' S,,,,,,K r-wa" ,Me of ,,,e ,u-st superior i.u-morj-. . ; Iranito Com mm v ami r reeled on '"H-.ttlons ina.Ic to North Carolina, He w.iS aohh- :iml Soo-.l mail, tIu, .J7lli dliv (lf Apri!, 1S1H. It Is 'i'"-y f' "'any M It H.dieUed j uer..l in alV hi, relations of lif,- to his ' 'i''r,,i:l1'' ,n larr'lsraWri ; feet ,i.l, -t Inhoriou, rescareh, in.l was fellow men,-. ; , . . r ti.r.fr!.i. p.w.r.- aml t.t lir(1 al itH i,asc ni!elli-hc J v ith incident ami anecdote i H theiMth day of April, at a meet- " ,! ,l ; ww "..Qjinemlv appropriate ' that 5:1 I,1C m"st l'1,'il,l!lll,m'r- lln "f fir"etors of this .om'pany, '; """r . . itluI.aft should come from Sun V.i " ocmpatiy is to he eotratulate.1 j appropriate resolution, in regard to his (ray's a iiaintanc s heard of hi.-, i at( :ns. r " dt-ath without a tear to em'-i:!iii his! 'ier you jr i .a g iant dow n ft is ! never safe to stop until you cut otT i iid iif- head. .nvvv ln- . ;:i ' ; i ! !. h ' - ii. i" hi r life . - ,, . - "i i - Mf limri' t ! ! ! . :'.' '. t'"i' t .'rnit:. ! . . . i.'--. I i: at th d".r. . . . . .i . . .l . ... I.i t' t--. i i !!, i, ri.i . in Miiirin" o ahh- and iramed a i t ii- in tm r i .1 e fc.il ! ra n k 1 1 n a n I Ii i . " ! i I ; f I ,i ; -p .ik r, and so oti d a N'ort h t'aro- J roni rade JaMaierro, h' ui-re tuo' 1 i . . .i . ... . .t r , i : l . . linian. as it- -rator on this occasion. i Ia-t ti cr.iM' tlo -triimlc ir liher- . . i i ; Mi aMr. s at onee takos rank as hi-- iv n i ii i in i i. Tali ifernt wa cut down ly Tar torv, death were piset!, and th(lo,;A and inontiiiients on the P. at tie (Jro.itol were draptd in luouroin. i Who will he next of the fotimfers of this coiittianv to fall 'oc:iniii.r fore e.. And Then Forgot it Forever. When a friend is in trouble, don't annoy him hv asking him - if Stimwefltrade. We - ; have the reputation of carrying the L argesi Ass-ort-tnent of x leton',. cavalrv. and ai "in all i e have ha 1 it, as well as (Jovcrnor hut I hope tjiat all the n unes shall r?- Hi- 'Avliinr H. LriflhnltErJ" uu.: - " ...... - - , ... . :i,..Ati.i .l.au-nM.i ii ti .... .i. . . .. t i . , l . n prolr.liilitv, lite la-l man kil!eI iai;-" -.7: ti' - ,m. a-,....m.,m.i,...a.o,1.JM1! ' f V..n,;.,r. ,nm,v.!,:t, l!.M! ! he little: Franklin l.arely cscap j W-nnH-.I n. d.stnbutcd tothe separate us iAMulo,,!!.. .:,.! h,nri, .-.ml ' t.t similar fate.: The present f5 f"tl l;brare, of the country. Irt n- tig divide us hut the j ham 1 , v t "" ' ' ' i 1 1 .. - .1 . "", r t - l'km; of our work to procure the mo-t emi ' l.-n!v !:.t. ti. t.-r. . irando' n of rranklin, wrote t . ... ... ..... : .; .;.,. ,.f tl.n ;n. nent of our eitiens every year to tie ri ' T J . i , , f I I I ' -.-... ........ - . 4 .11. lli.lH-ll.l,, ii.iii.i.i.v lJl. ll.U. l. UiU ... JUi. , . ....... 11 ,. .1 it. .! -. r. ; hand Ju.l-c". .h".c Franklin Craves, a should make it u leadir,i,,R feature, of (;od,and let our -.od work ron as iuu; as ne spares us on earth. The Indent trea.-urer of the' emr.. pany. .1, V-. Ser.-tt, Ktj.. will report t it. r . 1: r. 1 ' .. li ill lil.al k.'.. ! . i 1 ; t 1 1 . I i v . 1 1 . ! ,1 -:. i!i - 1 f r- -t i;;-:iJ.t i. ; !. I r; n ::".!... ; i-t th -un- A - " 11 rt u 1.1 it u t w 1 r- l : I". it ; f i ,!t ; !.,: t .-r. . ' t -. ' - - t-. !i - :; !!i t.- ' r. , I ' I I it ., Lt .v h-n I t-,t ft I.er. I --r '."' i-- tit-.- r! 1 1 !.;. I i : .iont's F.epjrt., " ; ., . , f . : ier these historical orations, so that a i.f .. n ff - n 1 Id MHil In I .1 rll I II I'll ot M nt 11 ---- - 1 It . w., . , r v- ,,t, 1:,,.. ;wemsvle puhli-hers, as well as the 1 r Jskotehe of .North Carolina,' - 1 ' ., n ttie pre-crvers, 01 Aonn isnmiii ins- Serif ntimher you the eouditloii ot our treasury. I a 1:1 gratified to report again that. . ...t.t..i.. : 1 1... ...1 .t.,1 1. ' .... .r i i. ........I . 1. . 11;.; ... tl . iicrncihAiii lorv. aiM 1 uertiiv rev . e 1 ne p.n 1 o-i i-m . e .m- iul 01 uein iioiw it 11-1 ami 1 g - . , . ., . In n.ri.Mon l tht "h - . , ,iol,s. Ue have al- oar great improvement, in th, ; twenty do a r gohl pteee, a marvel !,;'!r?n'Tlv tie iiher?iitvo rca.lv done a, much, it not more, in this year.- and I hope the company will on- I ?he 71 in t ho o re M heVe of duty, than any other organi-! tinutokeepo,t of deh,' A d!,r gard 'f G 8 lndiworks ,s a Its fru mi- in ( .n enshfiro. to erect 1 - , f , handsome wom-ir if in the- hloom .... .1... n.l. I -it ion in the State. . j of this n:oral duty :S.tUe, rock , upon ! l u? " 'n there is anythin- iyou can do ; "Wlxlte GoodS "!1 "' think up t met h in:,' appropriate. 1 uw vjt?juu. . ? ami. do it. .!.,).,:-;,. in (iuilfti'rd County, am? seil at t j.e j '''".IT'-y w.nrli -i A Political Paradox. Candidate! gave you ."i to vote for me. ; . 1 Voter 1 know it; hut the other fellow saw that and went if 10 het ter. Candidate Oh, the corrupting power of money ! The HandEoniest of Allqins, This proud distinction is gener ally conceded to the United States' Jon t grounu ! ;. . lni.wl, . Mi'inr i.i.n.nr.iii..iu orm. .....! ! 11 iieaitii; 11 tne is iiot,-ir x icrcu s -v MlstlM. ' " on;i:ii..vai. Ani.nKi.wi.... .............. - ....v.,- Favorit3lret;cri tinn wilI restore . s. ..... , ... . -d. In mv opinion we should mt un- . , . 1 , . . , It 1 an artistic little gem. pun- prepnred a hill verv cirefuMv, ask- i her. Lndtes wlio ti?e this peerless 1 '. . . " . uertako any. work until we ca? have , . . i;n hv Mr. ()rl- LppJ. arclntrct. tt.r an spprot-riai ton of f .o,o; o irom! , . ' remedy are unanimous in its praise .. , x- w...:.i. " '.' V .... I the iiie.ins m siht to pay for it:i ....... and Iti lit tV .ir. .lonn 1. Miillli. Conre-s for the erection ol a iiionu . , It va complcteil only a day or :,.nt t ejeiural greene on our grounds. tv. 1. fore our last celehr;tit. 11, tin- -,,,.j,.s ,,f thi-I ili vtre intr'dueetl ''''' Ith of .liiiv, 1 atal, on that day ,.arv j 1 ho t ion hv Senator Vance ;i -.n : I: iv. - 111 .. th. r- wore over person admit- ar Keproetital'no .Viliiams, ot Ui--1 j.!. 1-.r.- t r p rt t.. V". t'.- ;,d t it at t!u- !w price of tin rt.iivnssioii.il di-tri. t. The. Library ,. p, .- r :.- 1 ir of .. tr "in- , ,..nt-euh. making for tl.c conipl r.iauiiittee ot 'the Iloii-c of I.'eprceitt - I Very respectfully, 1. Seni...fK, Pre-idetit or theduilford I!attk (Jromd Company. (; itllord little ;ro:ind. March I!h. 1-ij. i for it cures those countless ill? that : are the bane of their e-ex irregu- j larities, drjagging ditwn pains, in-jj ! ilamation, 'iiysteria.' sleeplessness, J and the all-gone sensations which burde-n their'daily lives. A tonic and nervine,. without alcohol. in ii ,: - i ii' i r-i '.; : 1 : -ltAl S3- it ' i , . ,fii!li.;-it'ii: 1 J v''. ' .' I 1 ,.. ... i.i . ' . i 1. r i - I f "i a i 1 1 m 1 X- ; :-hv SUMME8 ME:SS;.-'H' . ; 1 TtlI-'1Iil 111 t l IJI'NI t lt,'.Ihe'; itail :.!t' " ': . ' T ' li its' t I-i i i o-iirse. ! . vThere-th.jv :nv to t.tF h-J.tj alid hui ' ' 1 froni in. t.hants w h-'.tf.- .re! iahle, J t e.... ...;h ;: :! ;L. i , 'T1' i - j. .., ',.! j" hi in ei pa f . -too ioa;r ;.., j . - lor tlie ' hist ' C i, . u r r-'ii voh- hiiS' : ! J . !. -! : t onse t... tjiwnl iur drivi- yes.',.' Sto!! aifP()Vrlji j " r - ' - i j- I r oi n i,..;t . j! : . JLiAJ UXJJL& :.! : r:' I.OWKST IMilCKS. We have f ' ' - creased our stock t hi -- season .tifid are muelH.etter prepaietl to -meet the demands of a piireiiashig. phh. lie than ever lie fore. Wc don't nay Kdilot Wharioo for tbic io.w... j. J ..a- i ... . '."'1-ulies Itloit't Wait . . ...... v.pi Ill; j : l , .1 1 1 o 1 1 1 : 1 S .. i;,,i ' i - - ? . . L ! h ind-; to a little .pleasure in saying nice: . " things to; our patrons Hut we oj. v ,".:r for it, to' In form 'the- piTlflie of what ! jWIfAIM'o.N;- we have., to sell, described just as ; - f III V lli X I s: NOTKI ;.. ;,. : ..i 1- ' 1 . '- ; i :! I - ,Yulil,.1 pjit.euiat. i ne. cam w.i:e:e o hr 'm.rsewjil li.M-arftli fo .. .. I'" t . 1 . I ? . ! 5 I. i. not aiu'ui in -tieeeiv r mo pvope. w i ' ' i f i g 1 ! r i 'owe ivhii.ini ;v; rwoii . i ; . i j j 1 XATJOXALjliANK jii.;n,I)l N(i;,l; (III KT--N SHv Mip,L . ( I tlt'Ct wniu: toi" au I ' itl i 3i :-.-z - li- ; z :t:i ' '" -IV nv tHT ..... - atives riluced tie appropriation to ; " - rP ,,;!. 1 7. A gentleman ofjwide culture- -.Vr.n, and reported the bill favorably llarper .vJSrother. announce the ft.l- j -' ; Feutherstone I ;. brought back L ii p t!i.iil n. iv i'ir.1 -nrd fr,.m a northersi city, who exam-J and uuan:inoui.v in that idiape. The ,,n'',s a n;'rI-v ready I','--j t lie dresssn i t I borrowed (f you t lie i :::,.; t?t.f I f.-t 1 .. nnf.1v ii.rd tj. ctdlection ill ibis mus-inn' simile bill is stiil in l he cumii.it tee' ,"'at .:( fu ',U'r'.Vf :UnU.cl 'thn- ().jJcr (I;JX o!tj man, and I am much -i !. it. .tri-fl-ang lin.' ft.tt- month ago. ri-marketl llit S h.md. I feel more tiicourag. l to h..j c s"':'' l!t1 1,y ,,-'-,v,rkl',',k 11 11 ; A i obliged. " I hope Vou didn't ri:?ed , - :r- v. ::!. . I m-.:.-. it .)U;.l , I., credit to anv city, anil fr at. appropriation Jrom this On- oyage of .1 i,.-.-overy, a novel of Amer- ; . t . n" ; J t . .-:.. : i-? r-mmi- ,IXpr,..s..l hi astonishment that grefs than from anv i rcvious ne. lean rfoiety, by Hamilton Aidt The; I 1 J i ro ifAPmt You At And have e are Fe!!.i .L4J i; t;.-ta:.- in, we hae bun aMe to collect .v Colom-I William has the most cor-! t-nm-pieo, x.e-i, ny Anna r i.ra.-kett. .Uti, wliat Uougii.- v in you i.eeu r - r t m . , n, m-u . : ; . p I i ..i ito l The llerev of Mo'ietibd Clark by : tile warning. 1 he signal pclniapsof the . I. - : ; .. . i i ! r p ;-r.. -r-. many ten.- ..f t lie U'tt tic I l ear. sympathy with our work, ami ij ; . ' pure approach of that more 'terrible dis- H-000 INils .in Stuck tlo select tioii:." N-o. 1 1. Soiiit.i It I'm -Strvei. W. i .iv re i...n to feel n - ; a f f tr I! v. a f ou g ii t . j 1 1., roug h ly i ti t r tu .-t i n hi s e A ort s t o " iru.A.uiii Mosson : ami Hying e:lf consumption. ' 'Ask yfu selves if . i ; i - I. t ; j ,:.d gr.tttt:..!. a:;,! 1 car- In addition I., the rtlics of war, P,.,.lirt. .....g,. of the hill. Ho j "ill t arm, story tor youn- people Ity . y, can flrtord for t&e sake of saving . f ? O I 4V 1 5 I VPb''PT : i 1 .!v . v.- ,...y r. new o.ir!e have various articles, ill ust ra , ritl , . ili!v ,.r , ,.ros- s"P!,i'' Srt nnnource a 5i c, to rujj the risk and donothing for I i I !'jjO ' X. 1 VVylV 1 .i I. , ih , . ' . ..." t, - r. :, . i ' . 1 .. . new and revi-e.l ..dition of Wlnhnii . -H U e know fron experience tnaf s -r- j-t- r i T ' , iiii ti.- . . . . p. .1. aini I n:;ve -reai lau.i iii oi-ni- . ; Snikdi s ( lire Avi II etire vourcougli. it I "J OOsij 1 V DPT Vf 1 I . i . . . . t ! .. . i .. 1 . r . i ... u -lw..t . . . . . - , J.lach. s In .sill. A tt ire. . :... ..... .... . .;..,.". I nlfZJ I ' V. All ' . un" " ' -..- . tin i li u ii . i r Miiuiiii, ... , .. .. ,rH , i. iii ri- h nnrii " I fitt ver I a t is. l n i s e . ii i w ii more - - - -i t, - - - - - : : .' in i .., ., .,rv nmi ii ha f ii ; : himut .i- i ,. ........ - 1 man a .Minion iioiues were soiu me . - i i . - i i ig liiautil'ii!! '.I I iiiri-:.s a I iibT.rAi it LEI) '.1 at lie V A I HI. per l.lt. l Ice 1 Without ! 1 lit 4c jr- I-: If I b if ul ;. i-t..ri a m !c-i i?ijrv nnd a iialf o. I : copper i.i- i n,.,. .,,.,. i, , .... .. .. ; ill .. . ... J idle in wi.tHi to cat pewter spoons ( Iv i rt. I Party: What are you crying past year. It relievesernup and whoops Holi. . " , . ' mi: MAiai ,1M V.os i m INT. : th-if wic for' 'ittie l'v- lift!., fo i "g cough at once. M ot hers, do lot he ; J. : lor w..: , .: very year in-, :UI l p,.,,-i .:.! in tLem : a l.Bi - .lo.ir w.i.i..i, .ittn n..y . l.ittl, I.e.. w-hfj-.f j. ,,r pi;n0 or c.e-t ! ' -.-. if j. t ir. th,. p,.f. by :an,l ,,,Mir;!uK a nntt:rv olds a Me V ' " t d ISt-t ri. al Society, ot ! Cau-v .t th- only way I know how- to shi,(hs .on;,.s riastVrs. Sold by ; 4 growing pr're. piteiifork, vv ith w Iiicii a VI;:guo. K-: i i u.. t-. nve ! ruiinid to erect a j cry .... . i; ! liichanTsou & Kariss'i - i t i . .i i. r ..I it" tn. .re l!,.- ,., lilt..!-. ......v ir.ile Torv who ne -n u u-. t : '-ti the P...tt!c t i round in ... lit..; .: t'.-b-auty ar.-l ua- tn it:g to force hi wny iato '"' "' 1 ' ( !i" grdlaot soldiers i fee? UtS MrfeHa U " II . &H Pi fei U l4 Br4 imw&m Wzxwm Mumm 1 1 the p. her b g cabin in st arch of !:.-r ht:- p' 'h it : . . v. ho f. u it. thi- to. -no r- . v i . t Schnce I! Vf i: ... . . i . Is , A ? . r I -' ns 1 1: . g w had in Jjatid, a t.d man V ot her ar "tc,i s of lat!!e. ? . ;, -.v !,, .;, ;tp'i-!;::cn! ..f three IjUc tc i a 1 . ' : --' ' ,;i:hatu I.tes. Pmj , lornu rly of '- :; ... 1 1 ; - o-.r t-:r ' We !i.vc the t:tu f cf.'ltctioi, '. v. I.ati. N. C . now of p. ii more, i : l.'i: n;.t. .graph I evert saw in tbe u uriniti of the .c.niiuittec in !iarg , ,. i.r- Ii r . :!) ! of the iv South, includiti' tliose of Wah- .f t h vv ork, and I ha .e had eon-idi ra- ! :.- t d in' nut: n; ot - !rigalier ington. .IttTerMin, (icncral (lrccic, ' hu- orrcspoi.deticc ith him uptm the j Will CnfiClUSr' !-"'r,S irT,ir" 'i,",r,'r i,r .(Icner.iI . Sumni-t. CJencral Dav'ic." ut.j,ci. 'He inform.. ia- that Hie re- l . t , i.jtv . Xr; iri-!ir.. In our I.Tifacttc. i.iid l.i!Tiirg t'.c .jiii-i!.- an ount ol m.niey has been j '' ; t ; . . gre.it torv chieftain, ( !ov'orn-r- r .ise-!, !ut that the committee iiave not 'Tlv ' - it . '!'.. t t-o-v..: .it; ! rein IPirk'1 .nrcl Martin, and numerous . t .-.gf-d upon design for the monu- i " , "T" ':. i ' ;r U. .. to.- r. - t-r-. iiuitt. It is vt-ry pr.-t.able that, thi-j .- I 1 .i': -I it, , - I I :;,,.. ;,!-. temporarily plait d ';;i t... .ett:ed -bortly. ami the innt i;- i r : 1 1 lli '. : n !. i:. the ir.usi urn, my colUeti-'n .f tu. ot erected. Tl.. y hope to have it j ,. , i ' . . - - .-. . i' :i iv .;m:i;: e.;rinus Indian relic-, and to t h-e d I in pli.-c by the Ith of j j -kin...-! - f :;'. and the t lVl. J,.M aibbd a ntuiihir f ,li;1v. i ::; .-, ,s:- iu .:!!. at to j,r. .,-n! s ..; t he iimc en t tin, t ;.u, -:ii . n i tie said of .loh -i -.at r t : ' 't iuti!-eui!l. i 1 1 , . ; a rd. w ho com in a tided these bravo 1 f ; I J", p!i"it.go at.csgh iaVe pictures n!-o of a mi h- yj ,rv! ti.ters. Ihathf, DeVerv e a Hot Shot Mo 2 Mi ink IS; FASTS 119 f!W TIT HUT li Ml Ml! j Now Spijiiitr bioil IMakes. I I f you vv.nj i ,' NEW ! ' 1 vou , r i i i ! THE Kill Mil EWE M BEEPER. ; ciiyccl ist an ihjpniij J .II I'!. ST-VtS an 3 t,t;WKS I S I'OCK andiii-at-:,1 eiif- Sp: ; h:r t -i - c.'j.n save v I ii't:r V to: bjiy 111 oil r '.TV I-. . . -. -? ! .iiy, if : I PRICES Ilia! Will Startle You! C. M. VASTORY & CO.'. I'fes T .STV'LlbK prices- h. jon yoil als. ii money i li on e ei v Leading 0ii-'-Price 'a'h ( o h-inu-and 1 1 a i ' ei4-'. KeK l in ...'..'r: grafi'c, Jrim ssirry j,.r Ilrvolntionary r . -o ..,,ll(,m.t;t of Cohl." The tirt Mitrv it.'.Ir - t . . i N .i -v. to n. t! e . wl.t re th- .J,,,. Wr ,n,,y -tc Ktth'our eye what p.-.d regimeet bore to iJet-eral Creene " l" ' : ' tb. . .J!b-to ,k p!.o-. u..,nn,r nf.m. n th v were. 1 1 rt et. . f -..t,II(. rt int i'.it t l.at t he- "Oil i uard' f ho. S'vicr, Shelby. Mel) .a. I!, .,or,.., ,;,, a,.:irtl.. i - . ive . suoi. ii- i ; ou ii t . t . ra i a m. 1 ?, v ie. a mi ouir s g . v ;.ft r (i- :n r.P. (Ire ne ;,,prn our wall. '. r ?r UV tit-it liae a i collect it:i of, 'I ..: . : the ttme. -teti ingraMtig portrait of all the !".!! ir'- t.'.rk. i ;. ,igb. tu -..tl CliK KX hoe ho e I t oi.om i. .io-i;; ii w in-ion. I have recently discovered that the bi Iv of this chivalrous hi ro lie iutt r- red in a private cemetery m ar tlerman- "i . : i Y Ir-.t i ;.. t ' t V 1 I i tl I , I . . f .1... I mo ,1 f . f . : 4 ll'-HH .11- "I lie .; j , , , . . . . , I ... ,. . 1 Oil, I 'I . , OKC oil II I V, I IH1 I .1 HI I ll ' "I - -? ant ie;p it.itt'in. and friirn Washington tt (.rant, la- .' ,, .. ,-. , ' . . . , . . . , .... re-phlcfic. with .fudge A . P. livntiTU, . e. :ut... .v arc. in- . u-tve t!:c glti of (.!. 1 no, b. , , i . ." -,i,. i . , . , . .. , . - ( h ano'te. N. I . pn who'e lano the May. ; li- Keg h, St cret.try i f t tie Company. f ' . . ... ... . ,. . j cftieterv t located, about the retcal '' ' '" ' v.i;:.;i l It itii. , im-i:..m:i.t. ,. r; main to the P.atlJe 5r.,un.l. ' ' ,: 5 r- (If the 7 ncri. composing tla' i h-.- t v. ry r.-as.-n to I e:b v.- that . !i.:"-. N.Tt.'; '.ir.-; p-irk, ni-arly one-hal wa in sedge th,. .'. -.-et.dnts of the ol i 1 t ro will :t-..4 - - .. v.ttl gra v.I.C-ti v. !ait met. an! wa ....n-i ,f that 1 e l-e retr.ovt-1 ne;.r to the i i f. r tl.t t.,.. poor to cultivate j in any crop. ,,.,( -. h. i e loi.-ht s- s nhN.rnly m d HOS: ' ' ! r 'GENERAL. shout;, d b. x. :.-: "A i Ladies Kubber Overshoes. '2n cts. Infants' Dongola Huttoii Shoe, 2.3 cts.S Ladles 1 )ri s-s Shvi g. - lij sty le . o, k.? onty o.ti. La. lies' !id Hutti.t. Shoes, good style -No. I s only .I.;i ; L-idii's I'lress Shoes. 1,'ce. solid, T.H. ' j. -r jl Ladies' iiress Shoe, lace, .--.did, !."t cts. i . i . V I , !j Ladle- Kid Op r i an i '.otitmon-Settle. ry sty I'sh; solid, at if' 1.20' j The inost ciimeple'v 1 1 n - - ..1.20, -if !..". 2.0", .2..tifMl :?.:0 Lnd:e' 1. id' lltltoii Hoots ee'r shown in the city. y ; ' i . ; 'iij Mc-i' I'. Calf Hro-ait. solid. ct-. . ' i 1 ih 'a M l !:- . - ! - .... ' mi A'T iii 4 1 i ' Assets leprgsenloil Or .' fei . e v j f vn 1 i m ... Celitlenlt it's Hu:!' ('.t::n-- and 'Lace, goo. I, .s s.dld .- Oliice 1 1 I f . i . r.o Now ab it 1 S at re of it i 'cnu-r S.i"'-'t ! I v for Alio ricrin ' in! t u n nee. i m " ': : ' e'. with a thriltfy -trop.g cr.p o j, :. , t ... u ,r!v apj.ropriate th.-.t he t i; W A. .. tteat nd ta t a ml cl" t r. Kvery ,M1(!.j ,,., j,i this hallowed ground A"t:.. War- : . 4 r . Coini'iiiv in the State, in .... it.... ... t ....ri,.- ,,r i.i. . ll M-l in t l no im.iih ii " . X.' i . .ip..:.- at -rang - Wiimingtot;, Durlimi. Haltdgh ami f.,,.. to prrp.t u.te bis met. ore forever n-i. , t- f-.r t;..-r t:.oval. ( ;,,l(,tte.andtheSt:tr Hrat.d Com- j , M. pi:irJ, ,.f hi-fellow cit'ie.. to '"ip.nyof irgtr.ia. ii.a.:.- us pre- M j,'.... he g ne sm h a 7rl.ss het ,f:ge J-e ent-of frt lii .irif-ltaS!" t't a ton ol ,,, j;;,. ffv An elf'unt Hull' C.mjt.s- ,;.i.d -Lai-c, sohd leather inm r sons, outer". March 2 . "l.H.'eounters ami tap-, !i;c hist li; t he w'-rlil Ln' the tno-:.-y . price '""" Set. our. 2. ot i, .2 "ei and ?.! tai n.;od-i'ur gen lb rat r.: Thty are beautief. Mis-es t irain Huttt ii Siio'd Sl.ys 12-2. N."ct. . ; - ' Mi-scs t;rain P.utton ScIitm.1 S!. S I I. i ct-s. Child's (Jrain Hotton S' i ool sjo- s. ."-7v ,": cts. ; . j . s ! .... ! ft' o Mil!) Kiit! -Street. Next ib l'o.-t Ofiice, IS-.I2 Iv. fxoKLN : '. .,r i Ait I.'nc. the : I I i t: V I to". a l. I t ! .x .; Y.i ,i '.ioe. I'.-isJ- their g-.iaio.. The s.-dge was plow :..;-. 1 1 .? rt. ! the ...J on,h r. ami t!i-ti s-nvt d in in n !:oi: i X. Ir I 1 1 11 iV I ASJSACH USK'i TS f iira-ii, life isi:jm lain NO TIOKS! MOTIONS! u m , -.SimliaiAl ;-M ss I A K V. IX -l lMMi V.VI.K. I s'igge-t to the stockholders that v e . ! a . . . ..f I.t't.t (.r.cinl -,i k i tf.. e ft rtuiers. In O -tober , ,. loot) papers of lacks at. let. a p-ipM. . . . i . i u -e a data to be thrown acro.-: the I . ' . ' - - : - th" p. a were turned titi-ur ri:il ...... , ., I'iri- a . d Net dies. let. a paj. r. :! . . ., . i tV cmpinv' wheat.... t. and cb.vi r seed sown f''"'1 "' pi'itig V .n jn-t a'.ovcthe Match'-, 2''() in a box, let, t box "f iOjc!-. dozen !iiix'.is; i - - tit-.... Iiirtct-'ridown. and again f, rt ili.e,!. The U "-'",n ,rJ"-' :U"1 :i ''' c "j Ladic sojid Hiack Hose :.t o ct,. hotter g 1- at Io ami P cents ... .i..,. t.nbd n .;. j, :i ,;.. pr.,-r fr acre,, pure clear w nter, tr..... 1-feit '-I' j (;t nv h,,,,-.!!, at a, 10 afd i:,ccnts.jl JANpAkjV y,y A. s-tts,.i;iB.2:2. ciks is . '!:. ii; :er 1 '1 .t.-p rt :.- , ,,f t I t t .. i r. t 3 . I I i.i i . . . i . . , ..... ....... -t .... , i . ii i .t . l l- oai;i in i ici'i -i i.s upi.oii..". ..-- cere.il which will be worth at 1 ' . , if,t f! , , .1 i ... i treliiltV. I OW II, til IV l:lU:.li V. liiosi oi '.ul-d o.'t.i ami ,..-,-t .2'M. to the yonli.anv. . I . .- v . r,. v i; i ill .w.'tJe and v licit Ul" lake vvill cover. . ' '.ri Seven acrt . which we did not ', ... . . i ' - have fertilizer, to reclaim, wa1'1 -- a,,d otter to donate tt to !),-.' .: U 'fi '.' "f.turne.t ..or .hiring ilio winter afli , the company lor the purpose.- "l'.I. t!.- r.-witn wen j, ,l i. H.w waiting f..r similar! Ibis lake w iii be mo-t p.ctures.pie :. a r -pper b .. with ppn- treatnu-nt this year. We owe much a,,'l beauiiful, add. ng largely to the . , inf-; 'itifb-r r.Lttir.g : to tlo indu-trv'of Mr. .lame 'Y. i attraetivene-s of our grounds. I (;, r rs .,!. i service a::-C W ebb, who !ia tlolie : .utr farrniug; .-' puooc part, i realty co.i,,.,eie . . . ...... i i-i a v . ..t mid. r l!,"!w.,rk si faithfully and well. Wm. j itlimjt a h.ke .-r ...itic kind appnrti- :i ' ... i. . ; r.'. v hi. It w..- ag .in t r- ct- Cai.i tell, the keeper at the ILittlc-; ''.'nt to it. x i . . . tl to. ; ('muni, has a!o be.-n dutiful tf)' I n stinsn.rr, boats u.ay be piaenl upon ... ,.r M..M,xr. 'the company ami p dite to all visj- it lor tt-e .ei.t.nr of v i-itor.,, an 1, t .,.f in -I.ti.ic- t,,r-- Hf d'es, rve tobc cntinued in w inter, it w ill n"ord .hii'htftil -kat- i '."111 ' r'odm ir'xVw (J.rder,. ; in hispl.ee. - , ,, j ' tr-" .;. i.n of the oldSil.sbu- ..i ,: t i-r ni n.i: ati..x r pav iib-m with refr. shmeitf. ami j it UNew i. ird. n ro oi-. 1 . u i. tkiii'i. at. I lot.ipbte su. --cs. other attractions, ii.tiul to such place.! i .' " ' ' ibe r.tvi , (Thire vv a-i... dtmlnut..ti In the ntit;i- hi m r opinion the young gentlemen .... i f i". r v ed ' 1 i . . .e". -I. ' . h.r-.-.ttiTi lit..', at. I the CP. .v V. V. K. .uidlndits oi tiieit-l oro will sH'l're- f -n- -" trt: !'ut ' ' t: iof.....i.v -o! 1 1 .:. more ticket to ,i.nt. tbi- .-t t-.-r! utii: v for oh a-ure. ami , . ... . i ... .. : . . i - . ;i;s:.r :. 4ir. t..vner. ... r- tM h; greui.. a f. . f the j.-n-. tlt l(1 , anv pr I . . I from an ft.terettr:g ; , , ., ' ' ......... - r,.4,,lllo fr, , that s,..,re.. m. r- tlin t r-... t i i- i.. a .- - I n. i.ia-, i". .t - . . . i sample Corset at ..0. bo iitid ,. cts., worm ! . 1 " ; Shirts ana Ladies ( orsets, 2"t ct nts One l"t of Ladie double. Hargajti it: NMpkins, Towels ( ilnndkerchiefi.. Suspcmters jirawets. i i .1 loo Vilrd Jeans Pints Cloth at lo ccnt Vart. . .! , l Everything Sl'IC, SPAC, HIJANI) XkHv. and wc intend "to im-.ke every article that goes out ofjour stoni an advertisement lor us. I!ringhis advert i-jment with. you andjwe will otiyince v.u that . very- tliit-g is positively :J :o:v ttied. I - . ' lHMneini)erOiirRulosJ-OiiclTico,Cas!i. DON'T FOGHT THE PLACE e'upai;y aii.;r Ino.v.a: POI. The eo!; I incontestti . - i . , , i . i . . . Jf-vnu villi vviile vt.ur i.aii.e. nap oi nirt-Hi anil .mmr end it-to itic .-.H!ress n, w.ijl jai.e p,. ;. r-acf o: ile, U n I e-i I i ; ! eo km., i .j-h I-. i i am I 90 l ; i 1 1 .fb. or i .; . KSTIMATI'I J'tit a sj't'A'l KMLNTifjhowiiii I form and vou, not- in iti.c.i-h anl paid up jin-i-ratiee wlleh WOubl a at your a: I was horn a n t lie Mr name i. V My a a I Hi idr-s is" . !.. :.;; .' .. -. . i! I ;: ll VlW.i ROGERS, f a; 18!) 0-. -- i .'I o 1 1 . '.'o 7-i.(,h 1 j I : . -1 1 f'brfcittible'j ! . I J I I'.- t'lTTh. Ni.r-t h r-o re i,n the rXa po!S-v " -1 r , i i !l I . -L JDxqi:3 . G.J ! !' ( . K p iter tl- bittiv, thi- .J by a v. o. ' n from i;r. t c.-elributc lib. rally to this desir.tbb' edittg y..ir. "o;.j rovi i!i :if. . I ..rt f tlo i' o.i: . Tl to -hnif. t'i i ll lilro o t.i. o ..iir -t:':ii. !t ati I ii1" rri (r.-.i ! .-i .'i J think o;.. hudr-.l a toi liilv tbd- I :.t. i ..ircoiv as-nrtdof t .'e::erou aid j ;' i r- e ii . in v i r t b' com ; ii l v j t i.. !. t; n.'i rt :.k t u g. I i tl f" -YS : .. II ' ii " feW fca mm d.tl i - - 1 BOOK i i" do - . - A- "TxT CJJ?0I!l3lSTS3r3OTTiO, O-i .x . - - V. . I' -'- blal,l4 lowing t. valuif i-su 1 V 1 w ' .!; . i I Y. If 0 v t t . ,!; -r,' 4i-, i y . ..tr,.,, jr..,,, th.' time .four .Tgi:.-;- !.r.-. . r , .r;::.; - -s. wiii pav !.r tie- t,,., nr J'j Jolf ()W. (bio' .! Ll P I V ! r"- . . - . t:..n the oro-ctit time ni. lie no t .o-.nt.- -e--arv-:.. tio.ketbc hti.c.. i j i . ' -ir r '. ; : . t in I tc - r.-. tt iv t from , , , . y i . , , . .h cr. :tci it iretierou-:d I toourerit...-. ,,, :K , j; , . , .,, hi s v. ..i;..., . j ---A.--M' cl-( . ... A'tt. -' - bisii.ittvc' , - . lxX tf t-Ilb U( . , , co ..tv. He t,i. iH 1U I g, ' 1 r;.1'' t. ., .. rr - OolI.e oil, d'.v ot Mai"'. I " iu one . I j j ;, ,.;'V . ; .vtto the etttriiV. He ur-i n . . n ..r-i.tmn. 4.i.it thk. ,:irir!, ..f,. i;i.ai.,,.y II.-.usc,in p.-CK-ly. .' ' ! ( - 1 i,: jr:!!" ' - ; . r., .1 t! c h 'ttle only a few .layf. I ! u-" : ... nhv ot.- i;r,.,J,Hl,r.. .11 hi A . ' J r ti-J c. I b W. - s sljoro' I Prices Ji(v ainl S:rtkfad!H. (?ij;ir;inl(vU. 1 ONLY ut'liCr IN'. 'PtKDMONT X-OJiTlI riMihfXA JUNXT V. r TO j; ! J, pi.-i ssK.s.hY n'ATuu roT orders - v Mai' lieceive our IV.-e tut ftl lent ion. i euz ' - 1 .-ml i't'

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