"ROB fa ' "P A "TW i f?fv : : te! !': K"i GrREENS GREENSBORO, X. C, WEDNESDAY.1 MAY 11 j 18013. is f ISy the I'nlriot Pnblihiiis Comiianr. In Ail-.'tn-; i" .V- Dr. !Jiii. A. TUPJvER, Dr. t. rr ,;.tt 1 1 I . : f E, .- .i ti t.) 1- 1 1 i i i Mi r ! t nil.; i.i CO., f - j jr r. f t t r- - t - i : f 1 Vill CoiHiuer! :i , t ' s t , - - ' it i.' T H ..Coleman, V:iiFfi.0r' S)HTH ill . : ; 1 . Lij:;, OPTICAL i'0'S v- T : CS 1 - f .'"TAP f J t r t - v. Administrators Notice. . t ii" f ml 1 1 i I i. i . i.irl.r.l . A Ji I Si.nl I i. !.,.-. ' ti. I c I L- - 1 -:.. of V. Li:: u . . i r g . t i I It. sh" wt.rkt tie re harder than . r, w rit tig for the yiidi.at r. well ! U I, Hi. .'"in ha jUT fnvt, j,,inra?ion, and dres-ing in t!. light f j .pulng and playing my Lady le au . wrif!n r.tiiyj t i f 1. 1 thr-ugh it all. she is a r:.rj in---. d :. v ay, r. tol tHflt... .f vo'untirv oneT.! i..n to :'' ". 1 1 v : work. hr In money -uugt to !? j lazy but l:i r t iii-iy in. nt of lift- !t -n't .i. igm r :r. f .-..me in that war. ! r 1. J ii v I iit mo .,, in !: v. r. t i i ri. ! IlnW 111'. bi ilni'i- !f ;il r. ! de'i-iw mind, th 'r !y :. h.-bl t - . m . V I x . I r ri VulK r,i ill' inn" u; I iii 1, ill'- '.. t . r I .n : glimj r it ; g niti. tin! . energy ami tin pen c- r .-, r.- v..f. t.una ng my j t;, ,.f ,d, v-i.pic. Tic bill Mirt.m mm, ,r :, yut.l !-,.. j llt,Ti:tle r'uUi,H. rail.-.-n-:itir-. STATS NEWS. Why he Quite Smoking .Cigarettes. Mrs. J. W. Crawford and little s'. f( George, of G reenshoro, are vis iting relatives' Jure. Graham A bloody light (-ccurrcd in Win ston la-t Saturday, between Will 15M)o and George Set h, in which the former was badly cut with a knife. The altercation grew . out of silly horse play. lijhs Ye.". oigar who ha? let It bu t be- ; tur v w urn r ! r- - I t III i I r a .-rv?.- IIiii.i...t ti.- in the Fr n-h i'iartt r 'f New orkaru -. The ..'r;., h.- .lltl I'rjitk I..-!ie-rrat,k hy '. ,: .! i! h-tumr .f t r'-i r t ,llf 1 ,H,,l ' f ' ..niHK.il 1 li j MiI.iTit iii- : t hat f liana' iniht hi' rrst rved in ; ,.. j. r-. :! . ;,u w ill n in1 iury i-.tii perfi r- ln.ri r !iyical ' iojun m. !iO -v. in iIuiuMh U like ftn Ama ' n. he , r ! l i!!., I. . w ; m .!, t,.!, .1 l athlii;'. nml ri-?. s like tv . . ry t.r.ath J the l:i...ri-4 .f Ai.-tria. Uvthexcr- . ;.rti ;.tfl lit" tk'lit t , . ,, , . , . ,' . , ," f fi,,,. t -i ' r l.;.''i!lii j.liy- :! ftiM ; o . t t.I, -!t(. In k- j.t her wIh-U- rial i.r- . , I in i crfft 'in'ili! r'nnii. II. r hamhvri; jin is ( har:. "tt rit:-, th rlira tr I'm to unit i ettes," saM a youn man more than o:h- (icrman. cause it's a ilo habit tliat i r I n t carry me down to .in e:trly grnrc, or anj-lhin of that .rt. ne lilac-c! me; or ratlu r a yr.mii; Ia.lv, in a vi ry im bsrrassin po.ltion. 1 h re if a ioertain cLr.riiHP yoiui holy on! Sr. Atithonv Hill whom I yhf.iihl lik make mv wife, so I know - i ii . a - .ti.'. ' r . t :. rn r I r-t ; in r ! i . : '. .r tl. t . .. i.i r j htr. t!i'. trk - I'.rmwilha m.tal 'i.ouar l imi.iil-i', r 'ilar, ronnci til '":"r" ainl t'.iw in. An.l hc ha Hover lost j i ." ,.. ,( j .), ,rf, ,- an in!c;i.-. tua!nj.j.rtui.it-. "tie .-jcak . , ! i -. ii; ; 'ji: t i I, ! T.t: li-h, I rt ro ll. .anili r.n l Italian . - --!. i ,'..' :.!! I i:r .-. i with i'iu :it r-crf' i ?!on. l.--t.lc un.l;r- i'!.);:! x I. ilin. lie lia read luiicli ti itnre. and wd.k'l into Ikt a arid i Ittf'li I ! f l f ! . "I 1 t ",..;.'. r ! 1 1 - v ii I. iouu r:i;ifiidity Ikt tii.lic an I rvUcii- ..t i ; i" all. " ti..n an I e i eri m-c J lire- Iii:i. Mif-- KUa ( Vd.Ie, il.ui-h-ter of .1. II. and Mary F. ("ol.Ie, at Sydney at :! o'tdoek, Monday afterneri.n last, of pneumonia, ageil ahotii IS ear.. SIjc wa huried at Cane ('reek on' Tuesday the .'?rd funeral ly Uevs. Ishaui (.'ox anil 1 IJ. I"Ie minr. Deceased was a mi inl.er of Frovidence Sunday ScIiojI, a:i exemplary Christian pirl, and held in high e-eteeiudiy nil I who knew her. The bereaved fam ily lias the sympathy of the com tn u n i ty. " t .. Senator Vance has reached hisi mountain ! The Maid, and' thG Bosps. Innnn 'i I' - i h il ir t -V . !' i . J M ....... . "www uuuu - m-'' wnrn in w - . . I. .iic- nure uui roses, a re.l arul a white i - Thehreast of her sactjue adornincr, ' wUTL.Tm Ji'X ! . t- l! J '.'!'' As she passed fjn her way with footsteps ALL NY lit) ''Sr - "o ri -W"iT " !; o' r Tci ehureh on Smufay morning ... . . - . ( J .. 'i i- ' 0 r2-! ; h 'I' i ' i J Will insrfift rti,r. - -i1 i -SiaXJ. . J i- " : $ ' - Large Assortment Wl.'; " ofWIIITEGOoDS .-V) ' f Vl r C 1 T S 1 ' ; lust onenpil fnrttiA ' l! . . I , ; A 'I. 1 . i 1 i..r . i. Summer t ride. We , " H - ' - L U . i " 7 "J;'-' ' 'vl. v ! .. Uv; i win jUMM .soiuo i y -: ' cimurn o n v o o i . : - t j j . " - T : kiuui ni iiu v ii u i) p , , . i ' : !. oi : ams ino prriiiesi .th.in?f o:i'the . Uwrket t, iv fiad at ,. ! the j'inVt v.hijrr hiiUi t.T,eii pur " T ' i ' !' ' f 1 : , :id, a nd lluy- : ! I 'I"., P- ' very much to she feels as I j ur i in i 'i u i ' : v lu.ini rajio. j.iis. i aui ion auu y support a 'It hi leaked out that there were . wife, so I have never said a word to the at It.ist half a dozen Ilepuhlicans je.uti lady's parents. Vjell, the-other as delegate?! to the lat cunty- Al-'( cifening she and I took a it roll. It was liar.ee iM-ding at Lir.eolnton, who ; ::botit half-j.ast nine wlu'n we returned wen- als i delegates to the Ilepubli-1 to the hoioe, so I did rot soin.i Ve an convention, held sometime ago. tood chatting a f,-w 'monu'nts,1 and I And the-c voted to keep out of lighted a ei'-nrett.' when sbo i.o?,t - . s - 1 - - - - - - ...... i-i.!!Vf nt ions. ; I intn t'ln. Imiu-'. I ,r i i i. i - -- " . - - i " . i , J , . I 1 1 1 1 1 - x l l - -1 U 1 1 C I h, fresh were the roses and fair to see . In. tlie eyes of those that love them. I'.dt they werejnot a fresli and as fair to me j As'the beautiful fare above them. lint each of tiie roses symbol eJ a part Of; herself a-th'ev bloomed together: The red of hc 'warm," iisinulsive heartrl i i:e iyn-oi jier soui nie otlier. Thus often in beautiful ihinffsone sees i 1 he symonls of something human,, idiave the reputatior As U;e;e ro-.; s .were types of the excel- lenries giiod-night. 'Wdl, without giving it a thought. sh? went in, bade her jnothcr good-night, and kisscdJtW also. The old lady immediately detected tlieotb-r of the cigarette on her daughter's'lips. and (portioned her about ir. The poor girl liad either to acknowledge that I kissed hi r, or that she smoked a cigar ette. When the young lady told me about it, I had not the courage to ask hr what course he chose. Xou jyou know why cigarettes ami I - will be strangers in the future' '".. . Th'-ii dwell iu a b.sely w oman. i '. iii '-' ?..?r I li s, rr. r. They Vrrcre in Clover. Mrs. Telltale f. e been to !-eo Mrs '1 ittletattle, and the way she ran Jon alien! y.u1 wiis perfectly scandalous, j . Mrs. Homebody- So she has been talking about me, has he? Mrs. Telltale Yes, indeed - she has.! 31 rs. Homebody What, a, nice time you two jnust have had.- V- I'ui 7 'rn relic r ; ' '.' Hev. Thos. Dixon Denies, lie?. Ti'hs. Dixon, of New York. rr..:;".. Lo.i-. 1 1 i m i il! n f !i i ri hnriw ( orr.broim. Illlitni ncin.r riiYrm c i -.. Iniinii'inn . iiiiM m -re to l.tr-!.. . . a . . . T 1 -uur to K - l.uncoinbe county, aim nas impr)- concerning lo ., v... - t iv, r t ti if is re. Mlf. 1 h pub:!c;itit:' f .Ir-. Frank ; .o.r.r-..i..,..,,:tr .M..s., ... travelled with the Senator sav I'm a-Hi! M-''jr-, I l;e r.to!g I, III- . I- Ui I!-. i lui I lie I !m! III:'. l.i.i'K. I lit iir-i ii. ii in. ni l' r iirr. o r inr i , - , i d greatly since his attack of fa cial paralysis. Gentlemen who he i i i ri good spirit and that the phy- r wici.iTis who evnniincd hii.i nronoun- t!..-- ha nab r wl.i-r. -r thf j , , , ...... iiiil ' l l'l illllj MUJl'l 111 l l'W,. 9 . 1 .tigb;i 1 tiigiing'- i - poki ii. It i-ii..vf 1 remain at Gombroon iihtil the I St II it iNt,,t,ty.f...irtli semiannual -HHLen IC v.iU to Charlotte lobe l W .1 , . .. 1 ' I. ! . I . . ! f I i I 1 , ' !. Mil iUlIt Ii 41-'- ........ v, . . n ti ll ; r .- . I !. It !! it p -it at i. l.. -i. i ;n! ii in a n f a I.MH Id'h c !:- nil arrived in New York from the South. lie states that he was ;JV present at. the -t lebration of Meek- asked by the interviewer to i write b nburg Declaration of Didejica ! out liis notes, but eiid not have time Carry the news to Mary, i . And pray be not oo long, i For she is fast decl&vtng, i And surelj' 'twould be wrong not to tell her of Dr.. Pierce's Fav orite Prescription. We do want T . . . l jiarv ro Know in some wnv nrnrti- the South, recently pr th.-it thi -ivorbl ifn,,,P.i r,i (juote.i in me ew lor.; t r.H ana ! wi1 .urc Jler beyoncbany eloubt ! It i-oiiiii.enieu on oy unmy paper. , j3 just 1 medieine for VOUng WO- Mr. Dixon's friends will be glad to man.P0(1. alK thousands has it learn that he repudiates tho inter- i bridged over that perilous sea. m. j. t i i v v. i. r i ii 1 1 ii'ou of carrying the t- . ij a r ; e s t A--ti ! nient of "Wiuxtje G-oocl s in (Juilfoni Co.untyT and sell at the LOWi:sT I'lHCK-S. We iiae in creased ou stock thix season and are much lietter prepared", to meet the demands of a purchasing pub lie than eveir before. - We -don't p,ay Editor Wii.uton for tiiis epijee to s'impiy all'ord us a little pleasure in eaj-ing nice thirrgs to oiir patrons but we p;iy for it to inform-' the. public of wliat we have, to isell, described just as if is in every.jpart-icular.- We could not ali'ord t deceivcrthe peope. w lioie tijry aVe to bt lj from merchants w ho ;tre relia then von will nevernaiv lor vle.-ir ! for the 'i Whistle." ' i i.auies iioii t: wait lof vo'ir '. bands to come to t-iv, a but i in yourjy 1 ves;.; Stop; a t WHARTON'S i tIhY (.()() where your lwr.se will lie caiVd . v. illi.-sIy Fi.'ti: t ij , . : !H drive '(1W1I1 L i iio' He throws the blame on a voting "space writer' who recently i t ;.i ii...' l m,:.i,n., '"""" ,!....,, (-..,;, ..,', ,.' !;,. ".h. t,. en.-ire lie now rpnripf i tlilit he h,d by 11. contrihutioi. of ; ... '. ... ... ! .15.1 .nt t:.k-o ti.no . t ii.ii.. nt uril. r,..! staiesMne n,i its nrsi unci ' : r . i . .1.. t". .. .. II .... . ..,,1. . . Ii illu.tr.i'ioi. ;.r.. alwav. .Monuay niuui. i Ho-ganaui oua" !i i th , i ar:i-::. :.:.v I ! r nige fdra i i i d an. i ccut j ( of- -:i!. jSmen. Mr. W'n Finkins and Milton iMcCoiklt, attt-nded by their m-c- Dath Tor a Kiss. i 1- T ; .. i i ; .rr I;.. t. i -. . 1 .. - " V It. " ' i r : r: i i- I '1'he p'd.li-hing li.?i at the 1 il!!i .. iii.-- an I : : :! a ,;,niVf onus, met in the rear of, the end- .r r, "j eeineti ry at tint place, byappoint- ! " '"Ji. .;. ,.f the tu.it-t hive, in thU eitrj mc-nr, and engaged in a two-round Ii r 1 . - i ! , -. i I tt.- ll..l. '11... ..b,,i,.1j inlltrfArAl . -...tr In it -il. t!i,;1f-haT...-il:i1d.l!icrbu.. , V?t i I , V . J porcli. : Dovle coolivl walked up I nomination of its own. News r' I . ... .,. ( hi. .i... ...-.,. ;. - 1 at the eiul of the sccoiul round and 1 , , . , , , ;. , 1 . A.m:i:-ox, Ind., M'av 4. W.hen Georire Dovle went to the residence city,; from nearly every neighbor borhood in this broud land, comes the j gr itei'ul acknowledgment of what it has dnne and is eloing for our daughters. The only medicine for the distressing; and painful" irregularities: an'd vreaknesses of- woman, sold with a positive guar-1 1 antee to give satisfaction in everv'.' ; case, or money refunded. Jn other ! words, sold on trial. owell Wiiarton; i i i - - ili-oe.-' is (o 1 Ja viu.ond A M NATIONAL iiANlv JililFDFXG, ..r.lIKNSK4 Hii), g iuvl!: "i i . of Karl Dudding, a farmer ' near i Anderson, he found Mrs. Dudley I Money is not altogether a relig and her husband sitting on the ! ious .article, but still it has a. de- WHIFF V()' ARK CLFAXIXG HOI SF. W i - - i: - ': . i .:. -vJ.. : i U- I TO PAPER YOUR SOILED AViARI I m . ; i r !. i!i r h - ,;l..a!,d t. I. . r It ;.:r. 1 r : ! .log i ' f..rwari Willi !. iri i.f ;... k w rk i. n ! r Mr. I. '.lie'. u ttri'oo, wl'.n or a''u what .'ennio .Ii.!..- " .Mr, i "....ley i or. c tyUd "th.' li-t. i.H'-l hiiiri"t;- and m.'-t arti--. to- ..r;,.,,- in .iirn hnd kissed 3Irs Dudding, whereup- ! on tne niisMMii crew a revolver . ; . r il. r Ii 5 ' . . h.i-'mi.i iti New V.ik." I'.rfct l-i-t.' an I uiio'.t n.i e ri. hm .- are the .,' . , i i -h ;ra -: t ri-;ie of t . apart uu nt. '1 ht re u . . i f f .i.-e . .. . , . . i j ii-l it li.in n oi lite pra'-u-ai ew ry j where t ;.ot.!g.:.':e the iiupr. -i. a '!... ...... ... prevented anv 'I'lw. i-iiiiiiT .nr. n bail iii)ir-rdnil unit II' n'uti- null ii.i.i . uui.iii.i ...... j , , , . ..T...M, mi.ni a nil hred three times', inn.' nit- i iiiiiiini . niiii vi.iiiii.ii- . , . . . . . .. , . .. , i Doyle through the right elbow, ants are about tnr same age and ! , , , . , r , .,, , : . . .ii , thigh and right lung. Dov-ie will weight, but Pinkm, being t he tall- ,. " l4 , .r . , ' . - . , , , ..ii . die. Duddmg takes the all.air cr and longer-armed, got the best! .. . 4 . . , - , . , , .', i ,coolly and came to this city; and ii hi .i ii i .i , . 1 1 -1 . iiin i uu. iiui shooting r .or ' - i . II gate himself up.. His conduct; is regarded a justifiable. to -te: a a pa v- : . " . I.f t . . r I 1 lll..:f ' 1 I of bo-lite- ilin e, but the Irir- I i a :l d bull r- ifi di - iiridi-turbt d and U pi- they shook hand- and -smoked cig arettes together, showing that the dillcrenet had been Satisfactorily i .. ,..,.,. ,r;li .i;.,j l..-,. . i i?i!i.ii .1 in i i n : ii i iu.-v.imi i I . mill rut. i i rut ?uu .ii'-! iit.1 l;.ui !'.i!, May There is to- j greatest charm. Fx. j ! ' On, who.t a Cough. Will you hoed the w arning. The signal perhaps of ihc sure approach of that more terrible dis ease Consumption. Ask yourselves if you can rll'ord for the sake of saving ."o c, to run thqrisk and do nothing for It. re know from experience that Shi Soli's Tare will cure your cough. It never fails. TLis explains' why more than a Million iHottles were sohl the p.ast year. 1 1 relieves croup and w hoop ing cough a' once. .Mothers, do i.ot be withojit if. J'or lame iiack, side or chest ue Shiloh's Porous Plasters.- Sold by Kiehardson it Fariss. -, . 'liiarly pb i-i:ig t. the arti!ie m-ic.".. day a li r t-' !.ics political t-t nsaiion. j :t'f ac- ii t ! in. .r -i'.Ic ' or- b i 1 a r i d to .f In t!i- -an. turn Mr. I.eIie i hh.ilv fffi-i !f o'clock a. lil , to I o bi;v (trimcrla!: i Alliance, of Pitt coun-i .-hck' tv.'h.t a.b pted resolutions deedar- - . p. in , d.iriog hhh time ?he tlip"t v i tl that t'le Ocala demands, are bu-ine Mlilieif Jit 1-r the Alliance and that I of all aii.'.iiiil atid arittv (that wt.iild wearv the inaiorit v of n:t n. the State Alliance has -.!.-; - f Sliot not adopt- i i . -;-! rn . i ing caih r, holding cn-s . d t he St. Louis demands, and de-j I.. ' , A?. ; .. . f ...r'. 1 , u p Miltation with two hu-eties inatiugi t- Iiouiiced the arbitrary and dicta Tc v i.'lt 1 ! th nuiiN rou hca.N of depart-, .torial tantl taken by President t n . !:i-. !, iff nil v i h a i in . r adv 1 ituiicr in maKinginose demands a facts m mm w mm - J.Jtbe, 'b. i-i.-o at. 1 a 1 idy like' g ntbiu .flu 't of good standing in the Alli J 'r.'.l '. ! r tl.:.: are 'he a.lr.iiratb.u anee, by proscribing all such asj i't i r. .- fri. nd an 1 of traog. r-. ; will not stand to them in the Kal No. 2 ! I! 11 H! We are seli'ing Fe.Tut il'iT! : i FT I 'A FF l a t ; I Or per And have Over 100 Patterns at -thfit ! nrico. Willuiul Gilt T ! Foil,4 lie er 1 FINE EMBOSSED PARLOR PAPER AT 13, 20 ANO 25 CENTS. 10.000 Polls in Stock to select fjom.' No. ':tll, Soutir EPRS '& iaCK E TT. 111! S m '" oli.' t i JiO!. r . ' 1 t !.";' IT i w i :) r fu! t ! a T t hi tl night er of I.o il-ia i, i r -. 11 I and Miid in lux ory, h tiilo h.e ri- n Miptrb.rlo the ti i -i.i! on n t - and tradition f lu r ;ri. r'.. o d. ! youh at-l J . : cii- a p.w r iti the bui- kii'.u?. . r;e f j 'e world, without hating lot r. par- kt'i ' it a Iti'df of l. r " ial pre-tige or of her r. .. tn : I .. t! w it.N-r i - i rt i... r f i ! r-. I i-'tt ' wo'fiaiiiy Inrai. t. I- o . ,ui it I i :. ' New Y'.rk. April .'o;ii. . . ... o in-:, r'un . r .,-tat . , -I, ; . . -.v i 1 1 -1 ! . r. Cav.:rht ca the Home-Stretch. -ii I ti..- j r.. i 1 eigh e-.ntt rence 31 a v li : declaring hi action olliciou and culpable in ' the Iat extreme, as well a pre ju- , dieia! to-the best interests of thej order, and juestioning his author j ity in his pesi;mptious and over- j U-aring course, and commending1 , the action of Pitt County Alliance in demanding representation in this convention and in opposition to the St. Loui demand-. 'hn THE K1FE GOES DEEPEB MD DEEPER. PRICES That 181)2. SPRING-. 18n& . . . - I r ' ' J:j ! 1 : Spring Hals audi Spring piarats. - -. ' M I ' '!-'' r ' ' New Spring Goods just Keceived Makes. F If 3'ou want correct STYJJS and NEW SFPING STOC'IC and lefarn eur' prices heforle ioii Iu(v your Spring (ioods. v carj sav ( thing voti bif-;in our line. Very respect fuily, hoes, .i. -mi ii'ihl bavo auorti he.wan't i .1-1. t'l r 1 r t ;. r Are. I h. . f :i- Ir'iiik. "i n lie ure, the keylode wa a , fri:'. b ird t.. lind. but that part i.-ular Chit-Chat. Ladies llubher Overshoes, rts i Infants Dotp'ola iluttou Shoes, -'."i ct J i.ight-iaf.-h nlway ua rath.r agile "There was a negro down i in one j j .vylc j)rf shoes .good style . Fs only 7.' along toward i.ddtii s:!it. Vbeii h" got fttf the counties of mv district, i I - -. r ! i i Will J Stable You! SlioesJ i ' i . - ; ; ; i i ! " ? G. M. Fe ding One Price ('ash ("Uothing atdj If .-litters, - Feb. lT-ibii. all th LOW !e LATFST STYLES ami !F ST PRICKS (;e voti money on every b(7st i ...... our hA Im i'i t VAfJSTORY & CO., i .GIIFRNSIHI(1, ;NL THOS. N. WINSLOW; ' - t i -'i - GENERyUJ !N8liE0XCEr ACiJENri- ! Ladies" Kid P.uttot; Shoe, tiood style Noj Fs'only.f !.(. Assets Represented Over "rn.';.' "i i.i i e n ! the door open he hung'hi coat on the ""id Congressman .bdm M. Allen.) L.l(jks' 1)rc shoes, hrl-e. s'oli-l, $1.00 It i .i h:i!ri k and renewed hi -!on d, '... Ct! np ; .-, a i in- I n! Th i ri r; r... w! ;. 1. ; ,s .. i ? . f a r gh '.. t I .iit v i.f for- !:!! a ki'.g Ihem in Iu4 hand ' '" '. -j .i' tly up -tair o a4 imt to awaken : Mr- .fob.f'll. ! . d in I 0 lighted t began .ml r b rlv a in iniii r a any I.r r man ui.nM. Tln n he knelt do u i : aiidi"f Miiippi, "who wan elected j , ...lies' I ress Shoe s. hii-e. soli. walkulf1" t,:' i-.-'if tnre during the re- j jjSl,l0!.- ;;!ltton Opera and Common Sene, very Mylish, solid, at $1.20 rontruetio!, times and served ouc T)(j comeplete line $1.20, FoO, $2.0o, $2.50, and $:?.00 Ladies' Kid lerm. lie wa- uue.uie.u.-.. om ;utton Foots e er sho.vn "m t Ik- city. Kt-.ew enougii to vote wun m par ( . ,, f i;rf ,,F.1Il!S . ,lid, !5 K-ts J ty e cry time and, beside, picked t.ntit.,n'CI1's Hinl" Congress anil Lace, good style, slid, $1.2e I'-.e!.- tb- !.,-! ind had j.i-t c.i.,h;.-iicc.I j "P a X:t'w nattering of par j v u ,.u)l -tJ)n :Ilt) L;i(.e, 'eol'ie1 leather inner soles, outer wluna rit id-t.: Hi. -.,tor;l,:rniar 1 w,,,,ir "4l": soles counters aid taps, the host m the world tor tne money, price .71.0 ufl.0$.ii oe wa ura w.i on im- jm.. o )lr -o ,M( jt.-yo and $:;.0n go;.ds lor gentlemen. l ney are oca lines'. - pr.i ' r si. rru j ! him. I!. gl.ine iij. t : r r . . 1 i ti . r i"ti. - w hi w if.- it I i tig i.p in b. d laughing har:ily. lie r. !-.:n. I hi p.-iti.ei and ! , 1 1 1 1 . n itMo-t rate vi it li hi hi !a riou the t in-tut ( inrt. . 1 lie docker;... r. .... s.-hoo! Sl-.o: was crowd, i! and the curt held j M , . rim ,.',lt t)n Schotl Shoes, tintil :t latf hour. It was hi- tirst i,.,..,., f:rH; i;,,ttn School Shl.e- 12-2. scts. S II, 70 cts. . r-7. ".o cts. V, Next tA Po:-'t Ollce' . ' Office. IU South F!m Stree March 2, I'.'2-ly. GUFFXSFOUO 'N 11 I urt. t ci.ti-frt. It! 1 1 1 -1 r - 1 ' v .1 - t . . . ' -.i .ti- .-. .h ; j I hapj you tliiok Fm full. d"ii l y-iur ' 'i. n . : ii"tat all." " J h 11 what ou Mii.-kt ring 'I.ou;:-! :-i:it!.e fron! bnr mil I hung ! WOTIOrf S! HOTilOlfS! . i 1 i Mr. r ' '' . r , . . ' . I service on" a jury. One afternoon! late, just a; lamps were being lit, ; !; was calb-d oil to sit m a Hew case. The ex-b -gi.-lator was tired. and hungry and did not relish the propect id being kept away from J ! j hi iitti.iir So aft.T the reiiuir.il ! 1 1 11 11 1 ,. .).. re of T:. cks at let. a oauer. ' I ! i. at.d I'd lirt.l it on th.-ib.oratid stum. . . , .' '. 1 1 , ..w ' I to hi had lii-. fi Hceeofed and Coun- l nc -ind i.fi let. a 1 1 1 1 H T 1 1 let. a box or K cts.; dozen noxps. mini. KM. up tu V i hi" coat. Now , if I a nto- Hose at Cts. 10 and -t cents. ... par: .'.-rtg i : .1. i !. ..-.tn -..!!! . ( 1 . i .... 1 .... ti I'.t .Il"!! ..111. ,1111 111, III '1 I'll. I 111 II ' . . . . ... . . . . , ,r.v. ;. ' . . . r-.T for t he tuaintiM was aitout 10 Matches. 2"d in a hox is- f.-."p- i V-ir,'i"!',"i ,. l" ,!,; ,:,,-"itV,,,S'Mate his ,,,se the mro-statesma n- Ladies' ,olid Iliac! I Ft.,... I ludlheiuonthe, h:ur: and anyj fir a,t(ini,iu.(, .v,.rvl,ody by ris- G,nt"? Halt'-IIose i t .stmi k 111: 11 w ihi iii 1 run 1 u.-mi in 1 ne 1 . . 1 : r . 1 ... .1.. ... .. 1 , . . - . .- , , , . 4 I'rat.k ., , . ng to his feet and exclaiming in a Ladies' Corsets, cent-. io.rntr: and hi re I w a saing 1 hie 1 , , . . f T , . . ,irt r;L..(s. ., ;...i I.. - . bud voice : . - fine lot of Lad rs s sample ( o, sets at ' i mv praV'T an. I voii Mt tin re and hit!, i ... . , , . - . , ...... . , , , , ; i luio.t.' . ', , , . . . ""Miiv it please do cont, I moe double. f ' . ...i Kie.w your-c!f tliaf 110 :doie.itcd . , - .... .. .1:.. . r .1 . ; 1 l...U-Ar.b ii-f . yi 1, sa ii, 11 a l 11 is imu ii'i Him " 1 J '. J ;i r g;l 1 U S 1 U . .1 Jll-. 1 n r, ' o -;. ,; uui" - ' - - A T iYl ASSACIIUSKTTS LIFE .'LpjM lllllll'IVl iSpiiiigiiclii. )lass.. JANt'ARV 1.-.!, 1. Sot 181)1 better good ;it P and F" cents. -IT ). 1, W i.'l I tl I So what" 0, 00 and 7cts., worth .Suspenders,-. Shirts and Assetts, $1 F22.G:;:.o F Liabilities. tl0v.:!2-Oa7.77. Surplu. POLK IKS IN Ful!. F, 22.7".i IN.sfTIMNG. Y'-1,21mi. The contrtict of tjiis eonipaiiy afhjrlhvo years bi-eomes niiii stable, unrestricted as to n-sikbicc,' trade or otwupu'tii' - I h r 1.; at vour age. 1 -. j . - i ru I ., ,. .. tontil tomorrcr mawrun . Drawer ..'..te. ; , . . '-The Jtidge was amazed and in-1 1, hi yards Jeans Pant, Cloth at 10 cents art ' . Hanri 'hY- but I n,;,t . ln.,cr saw : f or,Iit ll the sable juror that courts Kvervtllin. SPIC, sPAC, FPAND NEW, and weintend to iakcevery , jori : , I 1 . bin. If. .. ., r h I,, ... ;,, . hi,' i,r ivi r w ! il.t ,;evcr adjourned except on uieir, article that goes out of ;our store an adveriemeni.ioi,u? f7!)..'sl .00. or feital 1 ii t he bl.-i1 in !suov. x.-yt v;i in cash and jpaid up in,'!ra;i'-e whi'jf w.-oi.ibj appe ar in a p-ojify--; isstifj HK.-onte 11 vo.u Wl wr-ite your name, date re. ! form ;tnd setid it to the ;ibires b' lojw. ve vtiiFt!ike-j''-:i-2i'e l r..'.I.A. 'lt 1.M' :'!' -,ft1A''l I . . . . . 1 . . you, not amivsii.iiAi roui a i a i n.i u.m t-nowrngii.' of: birtiJi, and ' ;nidri ..i r ith Mr. II. ; s : . . 1 5:.. r -Ud hi frit lid. l.f.Ht' ; !. o!t!ii- ! ,ii i.'i !j-b i tin- f a '.; r hi in a itig hi prayers while i Iwraritig a ilk h-tt U fore. I :"'' I-A . own ui'dion. Tennessee White Caps. ""."j 'Dat's all right.' responded the f parliamentary iuror, 'but, sah, yo' i " - . !llrinMhis advertisement with you and we will coihince y-u that every- My mime i- thing is positively ;ts advertised. v.- J til l... ,1 I .1. i- il V. i r in w ; r-" iti-..M:i!. nt r.dung the operations of the White Cap i ' r !-:. -h" p iid the . H .M 2ir ii.-iiil to have ' a tri county r w r. -t on the It-! f.rga n i.at ion with fupreme and I kaint deny dat a motion to adju'n i is alius in ohdah ! " .V. o.v t in- ..f V 1 1 if. nk iii) g ue i n I '"nt- v:ar .' Mr I i .. I t. .1 ... ..: 1 . - , . ... i .i:ii-i-iiii. ftiiT. :iiin rvmix 1111111. . ft,..! '.- ""''''. " !' n'1 tties. I . nne see. are in a panic overi ' - . . . . A Bottleful of Fire. I 1 ill) .111 Wll I I IIP K II N llUIIlUlUUUl VIU inn-jo ' One Tico, Gash i . : r - t t .-: t!; , ', : . i...: . . "I. .. f tl tt. , I a . .1 ' "'r- r; ! ; a ! t ! ir ! in t'.x i ..ubordinate oilicers und lodges.. ... rf-.l . .' i ... . , I I llllll " I 1 HI -I'IU Illll, illllUtil r-:. f t tie ! i4.-; I he active leader, -w ho is employ-" ; .. n . ,,t. . . . . . , , picked up a small bottli ! ed on a salary, l said to have been . . . . 1 . .. , . .-'i. . . . . ... street which he thought ' i ' f 1 l. -l t I i M I - i. : . ; I . i .'.- ., 'O n a LiTTi.i: IJ k. Ark., May 2. A nine-vear-old lad, named doe Foley e on the itiintalliiil . . , . . ,. i.,.l.ll.S,V,lWUII. v'ti.i.i.i' I brought by contract-from nd.ar.a,i(.amU. the : w in re i;e was i.iuiiuar w uu wmie . ..1 . . . ... . . . i 3 uoiue oi'CHiuc uneorKeii tun fiiii-i rr . t i..:-. 1 , . , . . itv.li t in 1 iin in riv tiiTtii. t 1 1 11 ? -i . mi. .-i. - .1 11. 1 j. rsnri nave oei n wiuppeii.' ivmong ... . . . , .i,..-1! . . . ...:..:. .. to be on hre. A bvstand.-r threw ; :-'..-. ai j 1. . r i.f w.i a minii(-r. tne ney. Mr. ., , . ., . , :,. .... . . thebov into theriter. HiTuiiinir in inr i.l.n O: I.-,,li,. l.i.l.t 1, mi.i.ii I: ,1.. I....... - l c- . - ill liBII'- l.lil, 11 i.ll.l l llil 1 I I'll II r.s t in- ehiti-t 1 .v:thira few da and DON'T FOGET THE PLACE. I Oill Ol " - b. v m ..to' d , c.,p methods. So far about lift v mm M. r- 'r..i:i t ' . r 1 1 r -ii 1 i irdiieu ' '.'.:.: .1 1 -.-g n --i-j -f. ! !.. 1 u I i. t:i K in.-, . r .0. la 'J dr. !. h" i i .. iro-iei. i N "..rk rit o;ue of th 'Ji.uling citi.i-n warn- I. -er.il o thoe whipped :ti a after him. The boys clothes were burned oil his body. He was taken j..n ij llie- Ii: I" Mv address is . Agents-Wanted R. W. ROGERS, - 4 ! i 1 ! . I i - , I - I .ciicral Agents. X. T. r. 1 .- r 1 t ci. lull! mti. . to his home where medical aid was ,r summoned. His body was found ..t.r.-I' Iii:pp(..I uijI Iii i eris'i m When one iamos to a eoncln.ion , s.me places. The bottle was found; the i;.r.i!:e nrrlr reach. if. Dallas New. -!r" "'ntaine.l phosphorus. Feb. 17-ly. Oiloll Hanluaro ('. ' j G-nree-TLSibonro, ISTj C. (Melition Ihi paper.; ' j BOOK and JOBS PR: I C3-Jf?,TTi31ST3330RO., 1ST. O. Prices Low and Satisfaction (VranuitrsMl. ONLY OFFKiE IN PIEDMONT XOIitll C A 1 1 1 ) L I N' A 1 1 U N N 1 SO TU Kl li . 1 PJtESSErf BY W.tTESi I0i"JCn. Orders bv Mail lieeeive ourl rcrrciial Atttention. i . - . "H i . i 1 . tn, -;"w Y. 7 0 -JLP tn I'-' I 1 i