' . i n 7 m iw r' ' "j " HB' ' .. 'y i ;i f . The , Greensboro f:PatMiot - - ; 1 - l s i f f -r , - . . i i ! I Drt C:IAS. (A. TURNER, h: tairu;xsvr7 i r . . 111 ;1. VakelfcId, I t K fl 1 I I i. i ! l in! U ; t t - i ';;! ! ..it : I uri, , 1 1 . f ! I . 1 J 1 1 i i ij i i , t v . u .". i ' , ,ut il, ( 'M::!p;ni; . P 1. ; I . -. . . r r J OCA. t ,'vh.). , i i 1 i V , r v, . x, . ft. ' 1. 1 r- I : A I".-.-. f k t 1 ; i i it tli,': ' ; I ! . i T ' :t IP ... X i ! S j f I ' . 1 i ::.N ; rr A. r.l . . rf. J..: I i To- ' . ' V "To - :.. :'! GKI-'EX.SISOItO. X. C, AVEDNESDAXj JUNK s'; 181 Ti. ! that Never C.Mnc. I THE SIAMESE TYTINS. luicrcstin Account cf lue JJcnes- h,g ns ih.,M-which Ihey then oncl tic Lif? cf Chang :.r.d En-.' h.e.:. he built on the hirire estate ., r .-, - i , 7i i. t , . . ah'itit one mile from the exbtiiighome- out .f Iho i:i.tu-7 t.wncil l.y the twins Jim suh-eqiiont ! arri al at t h.- h,.u-e oi ! :i -iimUr' mansion and iike out-bui.J- ! Knr, he arranged w h li tho 1 ii,i:it s f the (loccn-o.!, s.) that l y .utvin he.-iv.v "ru1P,.,r,.Mi;rr,1,ill l: ".kin l.H0 jvr Vw, i A Kodk. THK Ili:KTiI IM .;.) I! ;r i,,.,.!.-!''-"'"- S.tlli Hut. ". r . i t 1 t u ...... ,r, ... j ' - ; '. r j. . ' V n iMi v ; r ' . .. : r ? 1 "... ' . i s ! r t in 1 " ' ! i.'.i .1 tu t uii ii t h? l-rntlK-r.' t.v n com- r.: .r.. of t!n- ' . ... ... ,),... ,r ., .f Ktu' Hunk- ....-'.) , . . . . 1 c ' . r V' ,:V:-,,.:::';f 1 " 1 ,,,,i:t ' rrii:. !i-un ., the two hr..tl.vr,: ti" hi,l ",UA" n" 11 .,t!J t;, the frtn.Uv ;f Than- uuuMive t!,,ir f.n.i!.,.. .:;t .-..n.j :.r:itn. y j,, .... ,:,,;Nt j,,:.t f,f Kn.houhl u!t:.-..f r!.M-h !., tx.r tt- ,,s..r, wLlM theuhe, way K:t . 1,-if.?. hJ-n . ,,.,, . , , , , . . , . 'r'iii.i:.!';'li:.. fur n.'.T-y u ir t lic- ...... , . . , , . i.t.'ir. i. . ..; i J n.f. r- naii ': vi?it?. , , . , , . r ' t.f.iiRh tli-'-v t:u-t st hurt !i, in tlio r ,f - I.ii: . Ii ;a;:i :,Un art. 'I that Kn ' m ' 'i-.. " ' i" ":M ll.ro .!-iy.s an 1 three GOOD LUCK TO A!,I.'Vllil i " r j v .ir I S J. in :!. I -v. ; tr. i- f f Si.in;. Willi his f..iki an.l I li it (li::: u!. (,f r-i-ir"', f. i.I l n.t hvin t r :it v'.f, (luring (h it th.ie, iv- - ! . .: i ,.r f . ,'., ! i .! v'!-h "c stairs f I.n; then hondi for thf ir,?:ife return he wa- per- j 'rim?on cnrtains cloe out the-li-ht lt ted to t:iU.jtlio bodiei to Phi1a!e!- ! Th:U Kn&rj laH on the brow rif night. thia in I he intt re.t i.f .i-i?,w ti,-.. ! - n.i r.nir .?i . ... . , .... ........ , uu'.ai n-iiis i.jie room . t were then tiuh.-ilmci!. an.l v.onM hao ffUsm and :iv,- in th? heart of the ! 1 lnppiU-.t our remained therci for m.iu lime ht it 'r ' ' ' not teen t!.:.f V. rbri-.topher Hunker, Only .the li relight wh:it- Uw ihimc'rilaro Ha r ire As.- one tf the ? ii-j. nLj a.-;; in th Wot ' " ir s'rl v' h" 4lrc:'l:'i o.i t!io hearth- I !' ' . .4 f I - I T II r t It I l-, . .i-i at the hi of fatl.er".- dentl:, re- ! J ' i i 1 of WHITKf ;0I turned honi.j and ' L tip" t the i 'J',n low " the silverr lieoee J dies U luz IV ila.iel,,.. et i " eet :d,,nd,n to l,,,.,,,.,,,, oaSe; ju,t opon,a rr t jic there at orce, Mid Ik,,! them hrouht ... "V.' 'H'v-s ;it, lrom t;e arms uplift j ' ! ..... ,, r , - ; - 1 " pilliiw the liead from the idumv drift ij 'it to the fariii.'.liere tin v wtrethen - 1 "r,It. ! iMrnnstT trade: Wo hurud in k irrnU- ial front of Mr de- i j? iin-l soft desire. -j laide linked I,,i4-ju,d a Lrav v I T 'hinP U a" ;U:re- j IvHhe remttati.n .s y0M reams of her lover, ahd.dream- - i nirpralnieo:, herlips aM and a tear! f arrf rtl in hf-r eyes. ; , - ; :J.r?: I . ... y. L i r r c s t ' Assr:'r; . ; A Valued TeHtimouial." "A Word in . t-. i'J.-; si-:aox gr:ini;e ti..nui:-,ent was tly reupon eree t. 1 to tlitir ticiiiory.-i-l"-h,.t;, , "HAD HIS 07W t'AY." u i.icii t! v i. - ! t '.irrv r r r , f ('-.j.' :I ..S i-::t Ids own l..!l-e, Hng liing - ,, 1,. i dtirin : that time :.s mindful f attend- t- ! im; M:.r!:. t.;.. r MiM ii.-.- ,van ! 1 ?I ' 'r !'i hr-ther. :.s ( h:,r--4nd . " j J I-:.!ifi;;: tl..r ti..v rMi.ain.d :S! . 1 " n' 1 ,!r" !.':""s " areej-tcd I r-!.!-,;.. .....j a, ,,, i , " . ... j ,'..A :, ,. "'i ri :i-i..!.-!y oocrtrd Ly the In-otli- r . . f "a I. t!: if::.ka r..;M wa.Mle ; ' r' untn ' tluy a!U mri'ln- every r lU tl. I-at. . rawl a!r,..nl Mil 1 ,lirie ,!;4-Vil in ''(ir i,its to their fami- :.r..;7. -vt v fth-a tio' tn.- i.:t.l.Ue ttWi'ii1 ll!'if''" I tieulr were they in S I,,!,;- VI, o !!.,. l,..v- u.r,. r.l.'J1"! Inuin- Lusinos trinket ion with !v I.' . r 1.: v. ..rs ,f an if:;-- :tHl , thi r tJ,ut if. for Intanre, ling i.-:! tra. ;! r m:;...1 linker I.ap- ,!' ' 'U ,l '"ri! for r;'t,K' r,,iinS i . r.,.1 :!...! v.:,v, :.r:d. afttr vi.r it f-r -a!.-, Kn- never ..nee I.iuti d in-:!.:.. n;!h am iei.iir.t. f..r"a 'l "ivin-ir.oa ins !r..! ::-r. .n.i again. - ; ; t .i 1 1 :.! ti.t-r. '. d !!.. E:S Lif j IVas 1i Droara,- r.Ji'd Soe Sail Hid Was lis pry- hen Mr. VouLgv. u'e' eanie Louie that ni-lit he silie.l uisuially, then hoisted his feet to the mantle shell" nftcr tin- fa io-f a dreaming :uu:i. i : : : " A !i;'!;t ham! iwsis laid on hi? shoulder ami u t-iiiery voire chir ruped: j ; ' "My dear, you Jiiu-tti't ih that ; ii, is such Irmi j foriu. If you r.ant to rest vcur . tired fe'ct u-e this lively httle stool that f majlo, all covered w ith roes' i.:iU'r dn hejthreiv hwn his .pa. laent of A- is kin.wu to Vc !.ir, ex-1'res.i- "W'llite Qoods 1 v u MHI I I III;' nOIirC U ! l I' ( ':.' .' . -..l Kvlu-f hittlv, a kind ol tli SUMMER D RE h KverV ladv wants. U thji.ng'onTtl.c'iHavIiet to tl.o .leaMu U.jucathed iunkd' to uUfy. and .ell ,t ihJ j l f ( VU Whartusi .1. . Green, of ur ; LUWKST VRK KS. We ha ve- in-, j xloolL ?PX.l Stae. as a lestimonkd of h.i' rii ! ojta.seiVt.u'r stoek t-his Veason and! 1 ' 1 gard, out owing to Mrs. Davis j are'mueh t.ter prepared - to uu et ; J'01'1' ' ' :'r'- tSt ( sequent lou- absence from home, v , J ' if lim,!,-.,-,,,-...!,-!,, i , He than ever he I we. - . .... . v i . , . lllllHUi e j iliHt t ioKt 1 le ! .a I .at. suits .tludr. pdrso. 1, iiiid .hiiv ,v too d.'ar- ; t!;; a you v ; I i m- -r r .i .... ., .! .... ... . 1 11'.. I.. .... . iJ tl.--ll! j''.. ; it is sale t-iT-iv lie could nt have " c "'J1 r r :V ij.uitor .U hajton ; ' : l...tT.i . . .. .! . ... . f '! . 1 ieucaii!eu tue priceless lieirlooin ! tor tuts ?paee . siiiio , l.ai!ie,i tU.,?.- ! Waif ',4: oi a i - ' to any. one who would have appro-i a little plccts'ure. -.in ' -avin- nh-i '' "-'- t, crated it mo-e liihly tlirm Col. ! ti,jns .,." ,. . , : . " iu uri . .- s: (ireen.f,.rno .,jV.e -ever l,eU thai '.f' " ' !t u-e J'l wm vp, -reat donor in hihfr esteem.. To i fr ,,s onii f 'VM-' ! fl.H Col.;Gi-eea the e.v-l'resid. rit was I v,c h:' -0 s" '1- uesrrihe d-j;; a- it yuur ints..; ijiil !'jn e iu:)W)-;i.rij; ji;v (;o()!snuTKi. d for d i ori-ih -.its'oa v.i;h ll.'-fr". "'!t'r--f I'-l-eiud. if one hroilur I tr anti yawrAul. j i "the personation of the hest eie- in every: .; n ind.i r. V. enuhl'l wh; :e uu;r hoe- willlJ. enn ! Jin ' .i i":-d an im;ta!i.. to dinner or tea, "Mv dear, u niutn't do - that, i !:i0'ltf f1 A nnr lea n ; g ta tesnia iisliij'i, 1 m t .all or d t.!.,h retv - tl. oeope 1 v ii.j.v.'if 'j:--,., . - ( ... lj- f. :h r r..h',..f r..ar-o, -o.hut upon It is sucij hadh'orni. If vou want wa t!'e reju--entative ' (Hf- ' . ; . r ' ' t . 'f,J : v I. ulng no,.:d r. i-nrk to t!: ho.t, I to put vour paier aside. u-etii;it Solitliern -chivalry and iaan!io,,d. : j r"Prt-rTTAN CU' "H 1 J "V r l-.v ,ldt to ,,. , ...future hovely little Aivor tn the wall TheMnkstaud, in itself, is of littH' . rOWfilJ ? lA fTfl M.OTl rthe,.... ri.,:;!y aft-r. Iin;.. t!...rc that I . mhroiderr d 5n vi..?,t, intrinsic value, hut is su-'estivc : . . V j f ilClJL UUXX. H:.:.ki j-r. r m ;t.il irs t; . in mi: turi. i i.m... and parities-." I i I of '"'tude and activity, f' . ; r ' , s ,, ir.dt!..- tnir.i:, ury H.otf,r, A1:i;.,n !l( , n lKa,lc , 5,u tr. Later still hi aruek uiatch on Frori) it was supplied the inaterial j ' rW'i to lauyimnnl iVJ vll S ,:t . . I.:.- v.,.r,. . tr-.,t:n.,' t ,lU:lU.tl ,f tl:e ,uill.. TIu.v his (rotifers til light his ;pipe. ' itli whic. he wrote down those ' ' . VTIOY.V J. imvi; lint hiv.rtvoiwJjv e iia :!.: jv :t ;:.- a:. t in iwrg m i re lively r. i . I rv l'oii ! a i-.keJ "My (lea r, u mustn't do that NATIONAL HANK. IH'IL i niaster-thou'';t s wine:, ,v: ' ' r '"'j 7ai ' .,,.d .:.;!d her.Iaii Idld Hi- !..:! form,- If.y.m want t;, re last ng ,n tneir ei,ect than j aR n .! - p ... a Ttto viM,uW n n, . e-1 r.ke i.tirhuse that iovelv little! lrV"'' 'A t?: ! fef hiM M- & i fei T ! A f) !j r ,,,, ,:th.,.r,r frVdom;,i;!, perm,:. ;;1 a they c to, jj;-;oed: It A Ph.o.o Oion. ()f CtiinpeiiUOli ill 111, iiaCC lOP UusluVssJ - - '.a'i'v ra.:,!;.V d; nJ,--,.--''-'''-N'' r;f;f':"a';fi;1 k alElr,- ""l Vatairesaidtoaheautifunadv ' :OBDKCXJSIlj " . j . -i h- ., -. ,., .... . , I itl...'jt .i ,-r-it h It t ' . ii h.tM.i.. p'd ome eollee e.cr a) piece of ... , . ,. . ... - I ?e. u.'y .:, Lf.-. "1 m haj n- i ;; ' ' ; " " C hread. : ' ! 1 vith whom he as dnnng, Vou;- v - i-'..' iia; e Hi-- oti- iTx'rnrlK'K.SIH'lv r r,.. "-i in L..: , N.C.ar.d th-y, '. :,r 1 r ,"t ,,,J"r"1. lo fl v. ,l(.tr v;, ln.etn-!. . 0-t:,,, i rlv:i s 'V Predion of., art. Hoi ;!; I:r ir..en.J,oro,ivi. ,,7M muYiuXdl 'm. tl :!. th,v ,..d - their t o, . i !' 'T;l e( k. aiid, of r.e, w. f-:" lMr " . naL Vu hre the ierfeetion of na-ure.- i- ' ffVkV . t.tte: i :0a.. .. '7 '."-! j, I ,. ifrsvr.i.tTs' 1 - - j : . .,. ( r-;- 1 ; I, r i ' 1 rd-i v . t ..; t,r t h ' i, ' , . . mi i f . t .. hi I .? hf r li id t o do like u i-i , i I.! iin .. :.i. . . ..1 .f i' gtoa lrv i:.l v. !.. railed to m e them . ;.i t. . . . 1 ,f i' gtoa Irk n.l v. 1... ealKd to m e th"t, i . il'i a f r o 1.0 v pirtii:g .i loth. , , , . f r ,.. 7 ... th.'he .vi! Ihi re t. lo,.k :.fterh; ., t i.i'V ;tr;d fill to i:iac , ,. : 1 ro. 1:.. r ai: 1 . p oa ineiiit r - t!je;r ;iv a. . aru t t ' ". t..". 1: I ....... 1 ,. ! art 'd t...' State, aa i v. i.hmg . T ' .. 1: l o tll. 1 I. iris such lad Vo Thif-coul 1 ne-ver hae been aid ii my way is exactiv tlie same as t;:at of dear luamnia. ' 1 ... i . . . . .. 1 ! 1 ' . 1 . IV.U f ., ,. , - ,, , j in me Miiee ear ne .iiiougniu f s- , r , . , . Ilo-ofl.ir ..,( 1 ii'iirri'l ..:i a trip 1 V tiOSsvi i.i 1.. 1 ir:g to I found in ti r njo-.nifa.no.i- ,, ... ......... " ..t,- .!..... - i, .,. i. .1 !. in-oi m . ii - iioim ip Hamuli, j . -iv.., r on- n iii.-i.m 1;, f..r C.. i.M li. til'it h,.Iii I.', ... .'... 1. . I . , Hie v o;u:g i.-ti.v .was r ncr ?' ir III ! wish to eat toast watch n:e; i- . , . . f . . ' ?: ; i". . 'ii:n j .ii.i o.;u Ml iu on the features. Women, who want ' to ku p he-autiful. viud he the j - r irtiii-- I ?-,' t.nr.-i.-... ii ,. 1 1 .1 no (i,i t 1:1 : ir jj me- 1 h it - 1 1 lit th.it hefor . ::'.!.! - , . r,.r.- Parting ling. j.ure?,:.-.d ot.e ' no: , , . s , .... ,1 ., t , , a iitt..- ieTi.tt u t" rv j 'urr.e v. d . f,ir, v.. 1 - !..:.!.'.? - J ... ti. i- r : ti. v ! 1 n hoardi I lh. train,- Ifvti. l , ., , ; , - . . " o tii:d ..It. r a-.vhih Hie .-..adaetor eame 1 I:,,ve u"ru' i.avi ii. i:.oifr...i V'i. '.lav i.!i;.!iv t ...ktiii ttiitr r. - .!:i.-c j , , .. , . , , , , , hw r rh.,1 u,.,(!ir.v!;' 1 , ... . .... . r ' .-a!,! 1. r ti.-k.ls. l.i.g l.-ui led hi- I'l.rniil. , at t . !,oue 1,; a v. t.i-t'-di laria- ... -., .... ... ; -o -1 t.. . r , . . ,. . - a;, out 1 ntth a i:ierr- twinkle' 1,1 I.'- r n i:. 0 i at iivu.g r.i ti.e at ... . . ; . r . - - . I, f .,, .. . r . ., - ;'t:i ! -. r-: inrkc d : "I n.ie no --1. . ' .. r-.. 1'. .t I lv of A s, kif : ai 1 at the fo-t , . , , .. .... v..t , . j -if. . ' .:!. 'i?ie ro I:. 1,11, v. il.t n t.Xlt ! ,,, ...... . . r ".!.. 11I! 1 !-i ti r thr.ate. , d to put paper 1 t 1 imiijo-en ,ici i'U'1 iinii 1 '! i. . - Mti M M ,t . fectioi! of nature, should use Fa-.'. voritoPrc.seisption ton--it nature j when needed, to correct irregularis ! . j ties,ai,.i circulation -and digestion' ur.d .thereby clear un the- skinT; - i ... I i IMI'. ..it i i ..'ii - iv ...ill i Ui, It j some t iiiiiir mamma i T . . .. . ,. . ! . , ,i T , i'.. :erce s 1 a v.. rite -s'Tiiiion a iii.'iii o.: jii'ii i imai ft I roin. A KJ1S ! I a t -1 amr- - .-.' ll.-ll! S evening . t urev.-, his sha- . . tt'.i !.n' - r :'..!.. i r mg paper into tl; it ond . .t he dene, as h-.j' Kn.i lia'd l :s f-U0'' gin i.p ! ii-M . At thi-the i .- n- l.l Mi 1 i- , p.. i, .it .,. ;1ji.; cl L". risnc: ' : : . . : - t hat r.d. I s.if h a l oigh il.e.t c.,n- i in the t". re ' j is il.:e (nly Jaedlt-M , peculiar ii!s, cold t;iret.g!i druggists ! ;i r. , I r r 1 1 . r . I 1. 1 , 1 1 , . ,ri.-,. .- i 1 i f , . t inn I - , , . , iu cwrv eae or inonev-ref undeu. u la ustn t: no t hat. --' l'oi :.i. Minima al- ! - hi i. W ,rr . STOCK t'i -.!: We .-iirrv ;-,,!,, , the6 I'.Kirl i ii t hp vo -j-:;., ry. - . - o i' I'.'i. i .i.' ,i I... - i V l.lf.S :i iii I". e inr, i : i f ol oi; r ! o nl ; rotii 1 i i .r.r v !lo! lag (o you tin- midl'l.lL mati's pi-rlif If. iet' .' III li t ,4;t-. .in.;.! as Ot ' li i IJ!! 11 a- .-it hem,., .find s:iv - .d j'-.r !.':! and f ort h. .j a. iipi are iirt Jm in; on an u neiirl at ol v a w).' i I A .' V N'lH-lM m.l a ! i n l'l".-o)!:, ',!, i'V . !, ' .'.1: 1 -a :i e veatll, IMlr'tULi: 'A" 11- I'iMl iTS . .' 'i- A 'iiil-i 'an iaj :e 4 !ie :.'; : lei i. .. i. .e.. t .i-;..i J I'I'I.V Ir. 11 tea it. lyfal' 'il.le'oj- I '- 4-4 S h lalil S 'it-: VKK ;:'n and .'-,.-; rrt.' a Inarotied; -hJes,- anil ill s"'i at r rv-rrr-y .. )ro;n .'1 t r '-,i- ie xraac. t: I iro-.v his ivu.t r e that' ri;velv little ! 1)t!:iler '"n ) : Jr?eph, just j things to t ruvf i,. ride jtliis iiiorse arou nd .or the gen- tlonien. : : say they are i-heap at more m..n .v. . ! : . ; . ! 11th. We intend to. I N "UK ASM our il.-ndjl his seasT.n hy an im-rea: piease alio gr:.l ity o :r .i;Toao-rs. j.nd il Vigor, ara'-nTg. and vd lies' ; -1 a 1 ' l',t:ii it V, : - i o:.i Living in g...l o!d-f..!4, , i:-;.-:or . -'ad, d to rhang. w ho,c j ho!l1, r 'iVA 1 v' Z !i ". Iitt!t white. -: 4.-. v. a ..e:i: v oi negro s i -e w n..w i s,r, s"on :...er imp- i - i'fi'1 "" , .,... n ,. . , F ..i.i " ...:.:.. . "h. , ..7 ...! L-,. .. .. . ' I embroidered ilii .fore- -me-nots. ! .lo.-cph: Il-n-. .must I nuc, for; I!-.,!: v'!rriia::,liil Kr n i r -1 . , r i , t 1 1- !. ,n. .r-. 1 .V h. f-'.r - --. I.,. I a piatmed Otlt .for! f tfa.lv. ! to.k li'e easy arid tlm h .iri. d Ih- 'r lies a! Sh. ir h. -!ies were -V"U- ! :...-.:.: for tl..- twins who imp:. .'..-..!-!.: the-.- w, re virtuous, 'Ull;li;i i..j..era.. . nv. i i r ... c . .. .: .. . ... ... , , , . . la t ( r. sio- V. IS av ill' as . 'i w i; ii . . i ::i i o r :i 'i. - joe; .i . i i i , r.i. e. -'r'ipiii.iii a- ;:, 'in ri. M.t i.i- i j i all m v i a 'd; - ' Vi.i!.. there Kvg Uu::- M . !:.,ri.:.!.h-. .-nd v hi"l.-t io. .er!.Tin ! tlv l'iiirk !:Cr m-.-:;- : sj.;. pro.t ;tinir . ; mi; o, - I'i !t. . d e rV,n I al'herl Ladies on vi lort t. .1 f;dii . i . 1 months i buying or selliii-fr A Diilicnlt Cass. Mav 1-. -:'-l e. ' Darden & Gay,; AViiideshie ei.d KetaH.Shl. liealcrs. 1802. t. i v e..: ; . gn a : . v attae! d t. ,i rc igioa they .j t-:. att ndtd a :a i m imed to eo:;- ,. (. n ' fri'-nds V 1 ,lIi-sSi!s" Viift. and I l:ia li ' Ho a." . 'h i. r.-'ii : !'!. ;r m itniers ::t.d .In . u en kr I-' his hi art to Mi-- Ad-laid.-. ith f g. -dlemm. though fheircdu- " ! h T,,!,! ."!'' 1-1 !IU'rr k:ieiv . 1. ....... i.'-. .. .. . ...o.... i.. ....... :.. i.i . . .. , j w hat kiheu hitli. lie Was s,. o ,o:. lie : Will you !(. e me if I give up , iiii mv habit.-': ( prole -ting) : Hut, George,, hov; rouid-voa expect me t lov- a j t a-r feet stra v ger V : fi.e ;:::!.- i;on i an I enio.ii ie: i !..- u L'.:fKl .Mne-l entirety ! - i.- .. l. iu.. .e I'.rnian. ; i . ' ' "' 1 : a d-uhh- ir.arriag- to -k pho-e hv trax-h Ti ,v v i e i:a! r ,d . It i- u' V;t re i-r',Wi:;'' n!,:c ' iSlli'lDO' '. V-' -: tl- r. ib ,,f r.,t!.er-ia-L.iw' t;-a:, i r-guh-rlv v..t.d ih- !. ...- ' 5u'rr ---'-'b"t''" '-v v day. . X.? .,.; h Cared inu. -convention ! M MJ 11. ,,' --:-. and tl.e twins comnnv-id'er..::. :1 k,:. tV ;iUl f,r -','-V,n , 'vcr jdid a b.-.-tu ; liing than - tliej. . t .. V-";J" ' !. ir :ii..rti d life n u farm whi-h f a nrjun.u .-.oi s, !.. , patlH'tlca.iy. j ; ; act if the late convention .iu. p!ac-j . j "' ; di-'a-e, - t! i -r v. i i ,i . . ., , . " ! "IU had li!J;i'V.u way la ecry- . jug on the exceuiivv-ticket i.orni. I .,.; PT , . . - . .. . .. 7 : l-u tiie war nded it found them I,,.;. , iTl. ,,..L t ..,.,,. 7 , , ,. .. ., . .Nn' "" t p m pip ; m iTiiPitet IS!,g. llals nihf ISnnnir ()i'.h)'i ;. . V.'' I. i. IP re t!..y liv.l ;u gi, ;,,r;v .r tllty -h;i and. though w - - 1 1 . V.. a !.:.pp..y, farming part of t !: ! ,i , . , I a: int. r-.-! o i;. ' on tl. f iour-e wire liherati.l, thev . i i '. : i. .. ... . r t i .. . r ... .. ; '"' r"'-:,'r :d ui'h Hu-iur, a-d other- re '" 7 V . .V' 7, T o-i ' Ucrt' a ,ln:'!M ' 1:e Ju r UI !-ivd. a, f..r vear, he has bcen; f,":"-'' i- ! j:, , vs?ihe rTl m,;r i- ad.- 4obbcdMrs McG .:. lhp profession he about to! ! - , ; . v : f;v:; ..";vt,;;;. tb.igi. that tiv... fr;cn(1 ua.eo i.iie-1 . 7 ;! ' . V; di' , ' n,r"P!'l these things, put on ir.v. kitVhi" ;i.Oi:.iataCoi:.wmwt;,.;.d - - 'iT:-:;;1;;.,1:-, i;";.. r -r' - iri h'.u. Dear ton-mv was such a ,:;::..mu;ao:i:,u A-k vour-e.ves ir- i ' r""! V.; . ;-tt. ';.rVj.. "l --:f- 1 I""1 a i'-"Kdi:.te refo-.aJ rlfl1l)Ur llf Urder,be eoubl not ,-:eep v.,;! if-..::; .ortl- -.ke i saving j ': . '-I t- :' ." ;! " ' : !Lt t"-1 t li.reat.-i.ed I.. of. whereupon lhevL.,.1! L : ' " ra u t ' .. ;: -k :.u.i d . ;: a.ngTor e ;.:.::; of llobt. M. j Makes. thing, lie w.af g,.( d about tl'.c n. ,;.'. bv it tl; houc. . o n vi r !iad a eross n.u.i i'ur;:;a!.. lb- v. iil ) an . ornament : f V;,rw;i and then, whea l thought our Lvis . t -1 p!;sition to wh-leh he v. ill i e; 1 Oiod- Ut Jb'C ! ve t;:i th- I. 'i ! i s'l VLKS m , ..it. . i sH !. ,;.,,! ! i W i I'lli' In -.' a ! i- p raj - l"-i ' fvoii h, oil- . leoji e y . i , ii l yii id i.iir i,i;i'. hesf r I, AUG K :i:v Fi:iNii .vro; i -4 ii : fL',r V"U 1 1 ., ''.m7'";' . M-t, :.7f.i V". ; K ' I""1 a" 5"!,,'i:' r"-S !riovcr f order,!he could not .-Tep y r . . L M "l i.r-:.a,ed ,.. s!...,, whereupon !heyWi.n in ruj, if h,f!,i;!oo. ;tr.;. ; '".",' r.- from the ehairsou w hi. !, they jint ,.n t ,,, l!(..r Afier "ihat I , ;,; .- 'i- -v :b.iM.d-:i.--y...-.;u;;! ,i(MVJ! ,;;t;. al- phnt. i: . " V' ' :!-: tl- !! ,,:-si'-1 tlw ' i"'vlgtapli and let Ui v- ihtoT e; u'ief l' t uil l .i.ii . ii ' ''i " t I - '. '..'. . ; ii. ;e w i i a.i n iry i utT.t.a.Jin-.-. m.d ma.b .... . . . - ....... .-. . . i , . . ( . . . i . .. . . i , . . ! - rL.!. hi-, :!v 'i -,- i'i; ;.-: : . i : ..v i i . :. ; i :. k. I o.rli :; 1 1: ir ir.v.eis th twin - aeeii-! ., . . i 1 t;.. -I. ii...:.ey, a.d in ti, r :d- , r to hi I'ro-n- :: , :. . t fiat . ; .'. .. . .. . -1 . ! , ! ,.(.-. " : 1 1 , - v "in 1 ' ' i ii v '.(!; il-. i'! e! ,..!i- v. il v i "ii'; j lea ji Mill;..! i;.-.;il. - . ,v - -Ui the j pa-; x - r. 1 ; . v. : an-, v. !io,.o- ; e; ,- ! . . r . . ,s:;.., i,,.. - : Ives il ! ' : -1 V, , rc-p .--t r ii . ' C. M. WS-KfORY & CO.; G!i-K'KNSH(Kp, N ' !: air.: eb. 17 ;. V" ..... ' ai .r w ivi - m .i.. r . rre . rf v i -i an i -c lh t t i i e.'.r. ; THOS. - ' " 1 '" :ir.g cough a: on-e. : oo i.oi he ! r r t r j i ,i oviTi.oai if. r.).-b1,!ei..-:,d,!i .r.-iust ifxIlJiV f.!r A I A man wilh lh - Pig h .ad h a!w..: - a .'u.-e .-iiil.-iiV i,u-i J la-it oh.i !-y j U JLit 1 Ult , 5- . lll-l ! ti i : !! --on p. : pi... .... IP i . , . s . . ... . 5 . . . . i ' o r f rre . rf v i -i an i : c lo f t ! i : c r. ; u -a x3 "a ( . i - ' -' ' " P, .;..: ;. ;i ! wvV' u: as ; ' ' : ii- ' " " " ' e 1 1 . , t : i : j v . r- n- ,r ( ,..;, r, ,,r r.1(. ,.;.!;, .liiv , f; - , .i j - ' .." f-r !.v -.-r...-. -..-:o.: -n-.1 f r-m . . . ( . r ...... Ap the is, 'JT . p W Tj ?p W H"? T, a .I.',:. .--u-dUhiilr i,. -,v, .h f a-.d dumb 1 I M R V ...-.vns ;. -ub....4;f.-:ly I'lir.g antl F.n.r. iriv. ,.,;.,.;,! ilU, , (.UIit,,, v j li A A iX 4 f'- '. f i-n I V f I ? . J J I ta . N. WSLOW,! - ' s . ! ' '.--. fc' , i llanrebeofeil a,1 ; s r ..7 ' v- ! b. g j.o-u of ! I III- e : : t r a . e. h - w P. at! . r. i ; . - a a i v ere ah .' i, i t,.r w!.i a :i.e r.i:-, -icing .M. I i. ?v ,! b. e, i I.I i'l dc-i' -f 1 l. si i ;!?. MS .f that sC'tloll of: f he .-!: I il :.-fitel a hoot o.y-M S- ft '.v lie ir falli. r-. ' j 1 I.,- i i-t -.a : ,- iii II. e hi-forv of the ! liver Oruviiric!; iu iGivccnshbio.. i". -' . . e-i Ut : i'Jlli Mre-:. A ( t lo. -mi. -'. ... Mareii 1. I j ' - M Oflice- U ! i 1 in-; Ai AsHAcnvsii'TS S;:'77rsi;i:rs'- m iVSnliifP-flHilHlh v.'..:. Airy ..r .:..-!r f n." .,. lr.K ,.,-. !! -lie 3 I .!t, Si-.. 14 i.o.in.i.ieij O). ail.iHij 185!. Sjtniigiiclu; Muss., Mf ; " ; . . . , . . ......... ' -."7 ... ." ''-'-" tratment and rc-.r. lu.llr, WVAll'ttl T.ttST - ",ii a i'j ;i in:i,,,,.. .... , . . i.i -. ' iijyi44,F.j - , ;r ,l 1 ''-r ,!" re cow, d. n n 1 ( hr.-tiaa- wopI:-- iu t .n t r d .-, r io-:- .1! r lol- ! I. :1 H i " a- . ei! .re .... , 1 " par n;iv n .--.v .r.. d. r.u 1 hr:-ti.:i- , , . , -.p , .: i:.v,ss;;:,:' '". - ,'ltu! ,urg. ,,. V!M rr;h. if , omi. ttIo, next iv.o uooL- untiJ ie n,e,Is an- arm' w j'.n oi - ,n ,-t r ru-nts, , ," Ja1;ir j ;,-, tf t u ; ; . -!.,! '':-' alt-, r be.ng P-! 1 what n.nP . .-. , , f -fTT . TV :Z;-r--7: M0S1 .-Hl.. ... ;. , , . , l l': thev r.tired in s- -laing go .1 . W w!....-Mi: :;.v. !;r.tha. I ...-uc ti.e ties:, ; Uky :irii, rsI,: ,lf ;r..,:-(1 hltf mm!s .-P'sH'(pI :""-.' r .or . - . . -1 , n. r t o n-eert a . i; w li at ailed I'liang. as : " . . . ,t, Ti n- i ' d- I - x i. produce mu.-ii : . , , . , ,. ,,. 7 , , ab at Go -,m.Mis ttl.e.,;her.-! 7 T Mr" i:Il'7 . '" I' ; rV 'I --'.i- T..I.::;! the twins t tJ,,. ! 111 tl.M U.a.:- T; 7 '1 tl ti.-, gr.- ,: :;,rge:.ns in Lomhui, ' ' ,,: " yiH '" lhr ir.t .f v ...ra was , 7 ... .. . . d -t ant P r I r. 1 Pdli ngsworf h. Afier - "". i ." " a l wa . ..... t . t m o .-..... ii, ,.. 1....1 i- osieryUnderwear.L.,,..,,; I ANUARY1 j'lsi, f..s, : . ;7Te-. -iVKV' .:'!n!t'-s. ;,U,. k . . - i , - , , .mi,, i 1.7 ' i LI i I KS I.. I'dil'i:. -J;7' ;. LN'SI.rL'i7:-''i''hh:!'.!0 7 T : "' I ... - - . . . . , -- i -i. L ! ' i'j-.--. 1 1 ;l IP i'.'l'C'i to!-, in. u .. . ia. The e.,n:r.ict oi t hi-ei.;-. p.any a! ter, t v- ' ;- r;fW'i-;in s m.!i pi: ; eii a'.j.-, j Do-pt luis thi. tliP trranUv-Si ;;:, m tuuiiy id- n' llle. incontest-ible. unre-tn.ncl a. hon-u.. m-, . trad,.., r.c..--cup:t'.ii.i;. ; : i ! ' ' ' If vou v, i:l wr;iov.UT n.m.c. dai- of 'drib, and addre-J. j.p the r. , li T AT J i . I win n I ! I , 11 A ; , 1, V I i f.vou. not KTIMA J l: "il a M AILMLN , howing MU-arrth L L L u u u a .1 . i . ! v. - w . ;. Pi MeAd o W ho get Ti.- .': The f ir : oi .'. I'll t:,,':eh;o' i . ;:. M -Ad . p. -. , IP r 1 i ;, -! r '. t .. : "it ' i .... i M 4- .11 t!. it it wouM de.i:., t. separate T '.". I,!"'.,,i:""r. n,s"- ",m" ; J list (lilt oi tfp -'acorc. I'iAtllP ilrt' i". !!! HiV P dn .b,r j r xv.ts hr.rninf fL.m. i p ; . ei . i . i i n g n u m' and e el in ,..,,, J , ,,osion (l ruoir .'iViMi ;, i 'U t .Mi iii' 1 P . . . x - . , hi- . tn.-;:t:. . and hN famlle did ail I , th.y. eii,; :. re-t.r.- II.,- .iretih.tion. I'rvi.oetfulUV ... l-- r ! by gr. w ei.J.Lr. an d w.Miin an . ?np 3 3 p .i F.Q fa u..M.,- p"!..-r.....,.or ,i,n-,vv:;i. r;rKv jr s'" W-t-a i3 4ffcu ta 'tw'r'X i..'V7..APo -!.v.' T;-;:-"-- Ib::i:g,wi'.ria.l.!.grafh- :.!;:i.0f j,- J-g . i.lf i )hj. Od-'M i;l u - u : - ; fori.i :i nd ; i.'T if -f o t i-i- aiid.is pjd'.W. We w iii-iak-.- f 1 . . ;i -! i ; i i !i sh vou, not' a:; KTIMA'J K hil a N'l "A 'P L M L N i i . o u i a ':.rrt in cash ;iud fiaid Up in -in anec wh'ii U would :. f.-jiea r in " :r 'p;,i''y at :.'. a'- . ' . - ' i -. r . in tjhM year. My n.ii:..' is - - ;- - - -:.;('. 31 y addre- ? i- . 1 . p . -. . . . - f- p. Audits "W7ax31:oc5-- R. W. ROGERS, fi-r th ir lull. i-. ilr.w iint !,," ceiiir..;- . : nr. Par, oa-t, of Pad- wl ,. i . i . -e . . . . ... ... .. .. il"....i. i i:is g.at.enian ia- lose prim ii al pru ii..n v t re th.it'. . . , ' net Irani from tire-t n-horo, and unpo G-reensTooro, XnT. C: (leiix'iu! -Agents.-. i ilankf ;i he --i.e.; .Hi I: l K 1 P r . I; ,14: y ar JKSI . ' Yi V '0! rn JC o' I I.Di 'J . f it'1 tl I ir

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